prnntfy.dll.mui DLL za prnntfy af30e746aca7842bd9c5e2904d0e227c

File info

File name: prnntfy.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: af30e746aca7842bd9c5e2904d0e227c
SHA1: df0b3e3981f762c1e5f45c5c382606c9484ae4b8
SHA256: 53c4c3982ea414bc162f3c7a2dfa7b2cdeb5ada11c9ba24b542827ced52dddc5
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
101Dokument je poslan na pisač This document was sent to the printer
102Dokument: %1
Pisač: %2
Vrijeme: %3
Ukupno stranica: %4
Document: %1
Printer: %2
Time: %3
Total pages: %4
103U pisaču nema papira Printer out of paper
104U pisaču ‘%1’ nema papira. Printer ‘%1’ is out of paper.
105Dokument se nije ispisao This document failed to print
107Vratašca na pisaču su otvorena Printer door open
108Na pisaču ‘%1’ otvorena su vratašca. The door on ‘%1’ is open.
109Pogreška na pisaču Printer in an error state
110Pogreška pisača ‘%1’. ‘%1’ is in an error state.
111U pisaču nema tonera/tinte Printer out of toner/ink
112U pisaču ‘%1’ nema tonera/tinte. ‘%1’ is out of toner/ink.
113Pisač nije dostupan Printer not available
114‘%1’ nije dostupan za ispis. ‘%1’ is not available for printing.
115Pisač nije povezan s mrežom Printer offline
116‘%1’ nije povezan s mrežom. ‘%1’ is offline.
117Pisač nema dovoljno memorije Printer out of memory
118‘%1’ nema dovoljno memorije. ‘%1’ has run out of memory.
119Izlazna ladica pisača je puna Printer output bin full
120Izlazna ladica pisača ‘%1’ je puna. The output bin on ‘%1’ is full.
121Zastoj papira u pisaču Printer paper jam
122Došlo je do zastoja papira u pisaču ‘%1’. Paper is jammed in ‘%1’.
125Problem s papirom u pisaču Printer paper problem
126Došlo je do problema s papirom kod pisača ‘%1’. ‘%1’ has a paper problem.
127Pisač je zaustavljen Printer paused
128‘%1’ je zaustavljen. ‘%1’ is paused.
129Korisnik mora nešto poduzeti s pisačem Printer needs user intervention
130Pojavio se problem s pisačem ‘%1’ koji biste trebali riješiti. ‘%1’ has a problem that requires your intervention.
131Pisač je pri kraju s tonerom/tintom Printer is low on toner/ink
132U pisaču ‘%1’ ponestaje tonera/tinte. ‘%1’ is low on toner/ink.
133Pisač se briše Printer is being deleted
134%1 se briše. %1 is being deleted.
135%1 na %2 %1 on %2
136Pisač ne može ispisati %1 The printer couldn’t print %1
137Ispisano Printed
138Nema papira Paper out
139Pogreška ispisa Error printing
140Obavijest o ispisu Print Notification
141Datoteka je spremljena u mapu Dokumenti File saved to the Documents folder
142Pogledajte %1. View %1.
600U redu OK
601Odustani Cancel
1000Dokument: %1
Document: %1
1001Pisač: %1
Printer: %1
1002Veličina papira: %1
Paper size: %1
1003Tinta: %1
Ink: %1
1004Uložak: %1
Cartridge: %1
1005Područje zastoja papira: %1
Paper jam area: %1
1006Problem s pisačem A printer problem occurred
1007Provjerite postoji li problem na pisaču. Please check the printer for any problems.
1008Provjerite status i postavke pisača. Please check the printer status and settings.
1009Provjerite je li pisač dostupan i spreman za ispis. Check if the printer is online and ready to print.
1100Pisač je spreman za ispis na drugoj strani papira. The printer is ready to print on the other side of the paper.
1101Da biste dovršili obostrani ispis, izvadite papir iz izlazne ladice. Stavite ga ponovno u ulaznu ladicu licem prema gore. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing up.
1102Da biste dovršili obostrani ispis, izvadite papir iz izlazne ladice. Stavite ga ponovno u ulaznu ladicu licem prema dolje. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing down.
1200Nakon toga na pisaču pritisnite gumb za nastavak. Press the Resume button on the printer when done.
1201Nakon toga na pisaču pritisnite gumb za otkazivanje. Press the Cancel button on the printer when done.
1202Nakon toga na pisaču pritisnite gumb za potvrdu. Press the OK button on the printer when done.
1203Nakon toga na pisaču pritisnite gumb za povezivanje s mrežom. Press the Online button on the printer when done.
1204Nakon toga na pisaču pritisnite gumb za vraćanje izvornih postavki. Press the Reset button on the printer when done.
1300Pisač nije povezan s mrežom. The printer is offline.
1301Windows se nije povezao s pisačem. Provjerite vezu između računala i pisača. Windows could not connect to your printer. Please check the connection between the computer and the printer.
1302Pisač ne reagira. Provjerite vezu između računala i pisača. The printer is not responding. Please check the connection between your computer and the printer.
1400Zastoj papira Paper Jam
1401Došlo je do zastoja papira u pisaču. Your printer has a paper jam.
1402Pregledajte pisač i uklonite zastoj papira. Pisač ne može ispisivati dok se zastoj papira ne ukloni. Please check the printer and clear the paper jam. The printer cannot print until the paper jam is cleared.
1403Uklonite zastoj papira u pisaču. Please clear the paper jam on the printer.
1500U pisaču nema papira. Your printer is out of paper.
1501Provjerite pisač i dodajte još papira. Please check the printer and add more paper.
1502Provjerite pisač i dodajte još papira u ladicu %1. Please check the printer and add more paper in tray %1.
1503Provjerite pisač i dodajte još papira %1 u ladicu %2. Please check the printer and add more %1 paper in tray %2.
1600Izlazna je ladica pisača puna. The output tray on your printer is full.
1601Ispraznite izlaznu ladicu pisača. Please empty the output tray on the printer.
1700Došlo je do problema s papirom u pisaču Your printer has a paper problem
1701Provjerite ima li kakvih problema s papirom u pisaču. Please check your printer for paper problems.
1800U pisaču više nema tinte Your printer is out of ink
1801Tintni je uložak u pisaču prazan. The ink cartridge in your printer is empty.
1802U pisaču više nema tonera. Your printer is out of toner.
1803Provjerite pisač i dodajte još tinte. Please check the printer and add more ink.
1804Provjerite pisač i zamijenite tintni uložak. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge.
1805Provjerite pisač i dodajte toner. Please check the printer and add toner.
1900%1 %1
1901Morate poduzeti nešto u vezi s pisačem. Prijeđite na radnu površinu da biste to sredili. The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.
1902Pisač Printer
2000Cijan Cyan
2001Magenta Magenta
2002Žuta Yellow
2003Crna Black
2004Svijetli cijan Light Cyan
2005Svijetla magenta Light Magenta
2006Crvena Red
2007Zelena Green
2008Plava Blue
2009Optimizator sjaja Gloss optimizer
2010Crna za fotografije Photo Black
2011Mat crna Matte Black
2012Cijan za fotografije Photo Cyan
2013Magenta za fotografije Photo Magenta
2014Svijetlocrna Light Black
2015Optimizator tinte Ink optimizer
2016Plava fotografija Blue photo
2017Siva fotografija Gray photo
2018Trobojna fotografija Tricolor photo
2100Cijan uložak Cyan cartridge
2101Magenta uložak Magenta cartridge
2102Crni uložak Black cartridge
2103CMYK uložak CMYK cartridge
2104Sivi uložak Gray cartridge
2105Uložak u boji Color cartridge
2106Uložak s bojom za fotografije Photo cartridge
2200Vratašca pisača su otvorena. A door on your printer is open.
2201Poklopac pisača je otvoren. A cover on your printer is open.
2202Provjerite pisač i zatvorite otvorena vratašca. Pisač ne može ispisivati dok su vratašca otvorena. Please check the printer and close any open doors. The printer cannot print while a door is open.
2203Provjerite pisač i zatvorite otvoreni poklopac. Pisač ne može ispisivati dok je poklopac otvoren. Please check the printer and close any open covers. The printer cannot print while a cover is open.
2300Pisač ne ispisuje Your printer is not printing
2301Provjerite pisač Please check your printer
2302Pisaču je ponestalo memorije Your printer is out of memory
2303Dokument se možda neće ispisati kako bi trebao. Potražite informacije u mrežnoj pomoći. Your document might not print correctly. Please see online help.
2400Pisaču ponestaje tinte Your printer is low on ink
2401Tintni uložak u pisaču gotovo je prazan. The ink cartridge in your printer is almost empty.
2402Pisaču ponestaje tonera Your printer is low on toner
2403Provjerite pisač i po potrebi dodajte još tinte. Please check the printer and add more ink when needed.
2404Provjerite pisač i po potrebi zamijenite tintni uložak. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge when needed.
2405Provjerite pisač i po potrebi dodajte toner. Please check the printer and add toner when needed.
2500Tintni sustav u pisaču ne funkcionira The ink system in your printer is not working
2501Tintni uložak u pisaču ne funkcionira The ink cartridge in your printer is not working
2502Sustav tonera u pisaču ne funkcionira The toner system in your printer is not working
2503Provjerite tintni sustav u pisaču. Please check the ink system in your printer.
2504Provjerite tintni uložak u pisaču. Please check the ink cartridge in your printer.
2505Provjerite sustav tonera u pisaču. Please check the toner system in your printer.
2506Provjerite je li tintni uložak pravilno umetnut u pisač. Please check that the ink cartridge was installed correctly in the printer.
2601‘%1’ ne može ispisivati jer ispis pauziran na samom uređaju. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into a paused state at the device.
2602‘%1’ ne može ispisivati jer je prebačen u izvanmrežni način rada na samom uređaju. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into an offline state at the device.
2700Dokument je ispisan. Your document has been printed.
2701Dokument je u izlaznoj ladici. Your document is in the output tray.
2702Broj dokumenata koji čekaju %2: %1!d! %1!d! document(s) pending for %2


File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DLL za prnntfy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is prnntfy.dll.mui?

prnntfy.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file prnntfy.dll (DLL za prnntfy).

File version info

File Description:DLL za prnntfy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200