136 | Air adhart |
Next |
137 | Sguir dheth |
Cancel |
138 | Ath-shuidhich |
Reset |
139 | Dùin |
Close |
140 | Tòisich |
Start |
142 | Dìreach an draibh far a bheil Windows stàlaichte |
Only the drive where Windows is installed |
143 | A h-uile draibh |
All drives |
144 | Seall dhomh liosta nan draibhean air an toir e buaidh |
Show me the list of drives that will be affected |
145 | A bheil thu airson a h-uile faidhle a thoirt air falbh on a h-uile draibh? |
Do you want to remove all files from all drives? |
147 | Tha tuilleadh àite air an diosg a dhìth |
Additional disk space needed |
148 | Gus àite air an diosg a shaoradh, faodaidh tu: |
To free up disk space, you can: |
149 | Ruith gleus sgioblachadh an diosga |
Run Disk Cleanup |
150 | Cuir lethbhreac dhe na faidhlichean agad air draibh air an taobh a-muigh is sguab iad às a’ PC seo. |
Copy your files to an external device and delete them from this PC |
151 | Dì-stàlaich prògraman |
Uninstall programs |
153 | Cha toir seo fada. |
This won’t take long |
155 | Tagh roghainn |
Choose an option |
156 | Cum am PC seo ullaichte airson d’ àite-obrach |
Keep this PC set up for your workplace |
157 | Cumaidh |
Yes |
158 | Sàbhailidh seo pacaidean solarachaidh a leigeas leis a’ PC agad goireasan an àite-obrach agad a chleachdadh. |
Saves provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources. |
159 | Cha chum |
No |
160 | Bheir seo air falbh pacaidean solarachaidh a leigeas leis a’ PC agad goireasan an àite-obrach agad a chleachdadh. |
Removes provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources. |
161 | Rabhadh! |
Warning! |
162 | Chaidh am PC seo àrdachadh gu Windows 10 o chionn goirid. Ma dh'ath-shuidhicheas tu am PC seo, chan urrainn dhut an t-àrdachadh a neo-dhèanamh is tilleadh gu tionndadh nas sine de Windows tuilleadh. |
This PC was recently upgraded to Windows 10. If you Reset this PC, you won’t be able to undo the upgrade and go back to the previous version of Windows. |
163 | Deiseil gus am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh |
Ready to reset this PC |
165 | Deiseil gus aiseag |
Ready to restore |
166 | Toiseach ùr |
Fresh start |
167 | Tòisicheamaid |
Let's get started |
169 | Ag ullachadh rudan |
Getting things ready |
171 | Bidh sinn greis agus thèid am PC agad ath-thòiseachadh an uairsin. |
This will take a while and your PC will restart. |
173 | Tha %1!ws! a dh'àite a bharrachd a dhìth air an diosga (%2!ws!). |
An additional %1!ws! of free disk space is needed on (%2!ws!). |
179 | An aire: Bidh crioptachadh dhraibhean le BitLocker à comas greiseag gus am bi seo deiseil. |
Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be temporarily suspended until the process is done. |
180 | Cudromach: Ceangail a' PC agad ri bun-dealain mus tòisich thu |
Important: Plug in your PC before you start |
181 | Tha daoine eile clàraichte a-staigh air a' PC seo |
Other people are logged on to this PC |
182 | A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart? Caillidh iad dàta sam bith nach deach a shàbhaladh. |
Do you want to continue? This will cause them to lose unsaved data. |
183 | Aisig |
Restore |
189 | Bheir seo air falbh na faidhlichean pearsanta 's aplacaidean agad on PC is nì e aiseag air a h-uile bun-roghainn. Ma chleachdas tu eachdraidh fhaidhlichean, dèan cinnteach gur iad na tionndaidhean às ùire dhiubh a chaidh a chur dhan draibh aig eachdraidh fhaidhlichean mus lean thu air adhart. Bheir seo beagan mhionaidean agus thèid am PC agad ath-thòiseachadh. |
This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. This will take a few minutes and your PC will restart. |
190 | An aire: Thèid crioptachadh draibhean le BitLocker a chur dheth. |
Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be turned off. |
191 | Tha barrachd is aon draibh aig a' PC agad |
Your PC has more than one drive |
192 | Ma chuireas tu romhad faidhlichean a thoirt air falbh o gach draibh, bheir seo buaidh air na draibhean a leanas: |
If you choose to remove files from all drives, these drives will be affected: |
193 | Draibhean air an toir seo buaidh |
Drives that will be affected |
194 | Draibh gun ainm |
Unnamed drive |
195 | Chan urrainn dhuinn am PC agad ath-shuidheachadh fhad 's a tha e air bataraidh. |
We can’t reset your PC while it’s running on battery power. |
196 | Plugaich a-steach am PC agad |
Plug in your PC |
197 | Cha deach atharrachadh sam bith a dhèanamh. |
No changes were made. |
198 | Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am PC agad ath-shuidheachadh |
There was a problem resetting your PC |
201 | Cha ghabh am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh gun a bhith a’ cur às dha na faidhlichean agad |
Cannot reset this PC and keep your files |
202 | Gus am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh is na faidhlichean agad a chumail, feumaidh na pasganan “Cleachdaichean”, “Faidhlichean phrògraman” agus Windows a bhith air an aon draibh. ’S urrainn dhut am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh is gach rud a thoirt air falbh cuideachd ach bu chòir dhut lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhe na faidhlichean pearsanta agad an toiseach. |
To reset this PC and keep your files, the Users, Program Files, and Windows directories need to be on the same drive. You can choose to reset this PC and remove everything instead, but you should back up your personal files first. |
203 | A bheil thu airson na draibhean a sgioblachadh cuideachd? |
Do you want to clean the drives, too? |
204 | Thoir air falbh na faidhlichean is sgioblaich an draibh |
Remove files and clean the drive |
205 | Dh’fhaoidte gun toir seo beagan uairean a thìde ach bidh e nas dorra do dhaoine eile na thug thu air falbh aiseag. Cleachd seo ma tha thu a’ dol a thoirt a’ PC do chuideigin eile. |
This might take a few hours, but will make it harder for someone to recover your removed files. Use this if you’re recycling the PC. |
206 | Na toir air falbh ach na faidhlichean agam |
Just remove my files |
207 | Tha seo nas luaithe ach chan eil e cho tèarainte. Cleachd seo ma tha thu a’ dol a cumail a’ PC thu fhèin. |
This is quicker, but less secure. Use this if you’re keeping the PC. |
211 | Bheir seo air falbh na faidhlichean pearsanta 's aplacaidean uile agad on PC is cuiridh e na roghainnean uile air ais dha na bun-roghainnean. Ma chleachdas tu eachdraidh nam faidhlichean, dèan cinnteach gun deach lethbhreacan dhe na tionndaidhean as ùire dhe na faidhlichean a chur air draibh eachdraidh nam faidhlichean mus tèid thu air adhart. Ath-thòisichidh am PC agad. |
This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. Your PC will restart. |
214 | Cha ghabh am PC agad ath-shuidheachadh a chionn ’s gu bheil e air Windows To Go. |
Your PC can’t be reset because it’s running Windows To Go. |
215 | Cha ghabh am PC agad ath-shuidheachadh a chionn 's gu bheil e a' ruith Windows To Go. |
Your PC can’t be reset because it’s running Windows To Go. |
216 | Cha ghabh am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh |
We can’t reset this PC |
218 | 11;normal;none;Segoe UI |
11;normal;none;Segoe UI |
219 | Nuair a bheir thu air falbh na faidhlichean agad, 's urrainn dhut cuideachd an draibh agad a sgioblachadh los nach bi e furasta na faidhlichean agad aiseag. Tha seo nas tèarainte ach bheir e torr nas fhaide. |
When you remove your files, you can also clean the drive so that the files can’t be recovered easily. This is more secure, but it takes much longer. |
247 | Cha deach an àrainneachd aiseig a lorg |
Could not find the recovery environment |
248 | Cuir a-steach am meadhan stàlaidh no aiseig Windows agad is ath-thòisich am PC agad leis a' mheadhan. |
Insert your Windows installation or recovery media, and restart your PC with the media. |
253 | Bidh na h-aplacaidean seo feumach air ath-stàladh |
These apps will need to be reinstalled |
254 | Sgrùd liosta nan aplacaidean. Bidh feum agad air na faidhlichean no diosgan gus an ath-stàladh an uairsin. |
Reveiw the list of apps. You’ll need the discs or files to reinstall them later. |
255 | Air ais |
Go back |
256 | Ma bhios tu ag ionndrainn gleusan nas fhearr airson lorg, tèarainteachd is tòiseachadh, ’s urrainn dhut tilleadh gu Windows 10 uair sam bith. |
If you end up missing improved search, security, and startup, come back to Windows 10 anytime. |
260 | Tapadh leat airson Windows 10 fheuchainn |
Thanks for trying Windows 10 |
261 | Ath-bhuannaich àite air an diosg |
Reclaim disk space |
262 | Tillidh seo dhut an t-àite air an diosg far an robh Windows 7. Saoraidh seo àite air an diosg ach chan urrainn dhut tilleadh gu Windows 7 às a dhèidh sin. |
This will recover the disk space used to store Windows 7. It will free up that disk space, but you will no longer be able to restore Windows 7 after this. |
263 | A bheil thu airson Windows 7 a thoirt air falbh? |
Remove Windows 7? |
264 | Saoraidh seo àite air a’ PC agad ach chan urrainn dhut tilleadh gu Windows 7 às a dhèidh sin. |
This will free up space on your PC, but you won’t be able to go back to Windows 7. |
265 | Thoir air falbh cunntasan ùra |
Remove new accounts |
266 | Mus urrainn dhut tilleadh gu seann-tionndadh de Windows, feumaidh tu cunntas cleachdaiche sam bith a chuir thu ris an dèidh an àrdachaidh mu dheireadh a thoirt air falbh. Feumaidh sinn na cunntasan seo a thoirt air falbh gu tur, a’ gabhail a-steach nam pròifilean aca. |
Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to remove any user accounts you added after your most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles. |
267 | Chruthaich thu aon chunntas (%2!ws!) |
You created one account (%2!ws!) |
268 | Chruthaich thu %1!ws! cunntas(an) (%2!ws!) |
You created %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!) |
269 | Rach gu “Roghainnean” “Cunntasan” “Daoine eile” gus na cunntasan seo a thoirt air falbh is feuch ris a-rithist an uairsin. |
Go to Settings Accounts Other people to remove these accounts, and then try again. |
270 | Till na cunntasan |
Move accounts back |
271 | Mus urrainn dhut tilleadh gu seann-tionndadh de Windows, feumaidh tu cunntas cleachdaiche sam bith a ghluais thu an dèidh an àrdachaidh mu dheireadh dhan àite tùsail aca. |
Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to put any user accounts you moved after your most recent upgrade back in their original location. |
272 | Gluais thu aon chunntas (%2!ws!) |
You moved one account (%2!ws!) |
273 | Gluais thu %1!ws! cunntas(an) (%2!ws!) |
You moved %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!) |
274 | Tha sinn duilich ach chan urrainn dhut tilleadh |
We’re sorry, but you can’t go back |
275 | Tha feum againn air faidhlichean àraidh mus urrainn dhuinn seann-tionndadh de Windows a thilleadh ach chaidh an toirt air falbh on PC seo. |
The files we need to take you back to a previous version of Windows were removed from this PC. |
277 | Chan urrainn dhuinn do thilleadh gu seann-tionndadh de Windows a chionn ’s gu bheil an draibh flash USB no draibh so-ghiùlain eile a chleachd thu rè an àrdachaidh mu dheireadh a dhìth. Cuir a-steach an diosg is feuch ris a-rithist. |
We can’t take you back to a previous version of Windows because the USB flash drive or other external drive that was used during your most recent upgrade is missing. Please insert the disk and try again. |
279 | Chan urrainn dhuinn do thilleadh gun tionndadh roimhe de Windows a chionn ’s gu bheil an t-àrdachadh barrachd air mìos air ais. |
We can’t take you back to the previous version of Windows because it’s been more than a month since the upgrade. |
280 | Chan eil na h-aplacaidean no uidheaman agam ag obair air Windows 10 |
My apps or devices don’t work on Windows 10 |
281 | Ar leam gun robh na builds roimhe seo na b’ fhasa ri chleachdadh |
Earlier builds seemed easier to use |
282 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 7 na b’ fhasa ri chleachdadh |
Windows 7 seemed easier to use |
283 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8 na b’ fhasa ri chleachdadh |
Windows 8 seemed easier to use |
284 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8.1 na b’ fhasa ri chleachdadh |
Windows 8.1 seemed easier to use |
285 | Ar leam gun robh na builds roimhe seo na bu luaithe |
Earlier builds seemed faster |
286 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 7 na bu luaithe |
Windows 7 seemed faster |
287 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8 na bu luaithe |
Windows 8 seemed faster |
289 | Ar leam gun robh na builds roimhe seo na bu seasmhaiche |
Earlier builds seemed more reliable |
290 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 7 na bu seasmhaiche |
Windows 7 seemed more reliable |
291 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8 na bu seasmhaiche |
Windows 8 seemed more reliable |
293 | Adhbhar eile |
For another reason |
294 | Carson a tha thu a’ tilleadh? |
Why are you going back? |
296 | Innis dhuinn barrachd |
Tell us more |
298 | Ma tha thu deònach na duilgheadasan seo fhuasgladh, |
If you’re up for troubleshooting, |
299 | cuir fios gun sgioba taice. |
contact support. |
300 | Fiosrachadh feumail |
What you need to know |
301 | Dh'fhaoidte gun toir seo greis agus chan urrainn dhut am PC agad a chleachdadh gus am bi e deiseil leis. cum am PC agad air is ceangailte ri bun-dealain. |
This might take a while and you won’t be able to use your PC until it’s done. Leave your PC plugged in and turned on. |
302 | An dèidh dhut tilleadh: |
After going back: |
303 | • Bidh agad ri cuid a phrògraman is aplacaidean a stàladh às ùr. |
• You’ll have to reinstall some apps and programs. |
304 | • Bidh agad ri cuid a phrògraman a stàladh às ùr. |
• You’ll have to reinstall some programs. |
306 | Na glais thu fhèin às |
Don’t get locked out |
307 | Ma chleachd thu facal-faire airson clàradh a-steach air Windows 7, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cuimhne agad. |
If you used a password to sign in to Windows 7, make sure you know it. |
308 | Ma chleachd thu facal-faire airson clàradh a-steach air Windows 8, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cuimhne agad. |
If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8, make sure you know it. |
309 | Ma chleachd thu facal-faire airson clàradh a-steach air a’ build roimhe sin, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cuimhne agad. |
If you used a password to sign in to your previous build, make sure you know it. |
310 | Till gu Windows 7 |
Go back to Windows 7 |
311 | Till gu Windows 8 |
Go back to Windows 8 |
312 | Till gu build roimhe seo |
Go back to earlier build |
315 | Ceangail am PC agad ri bun-dealain |
Plug in your PC |
316 | Chan urrainn dhut tilleadh air cumhachd bataraidh a-mhàin. Ceangail am PC agad ri bun-dealain is feuch ris a-rithist. |
You can’t go back on battery power alone. Plug in your PC and then try again. |
323 | • |
• |
324 | A bheil lethbhreac dhe na faidhlichean agad? Cha bu chòir buaidh a bhith orra ach ’s fhearr a bhith cinnteach. |
Are your files backed up? This shouldn’t affect them, but it’s best to be prepared. |
325 | Chan urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach as aonais. |
You won’t be able to sign in without it. |
326 | Chan eil na h-aplacaidean no uidheaman agam ag obair air a’ build seo |
My apps or devices don’t work on this build |
327 | • Caillidh tu atharrachadh sam bith a rinn thu sna roghainnean an dèidh dhut àrdachadh gu Windows 10. |
• You’ll lose any changes made to settings after the upgrade to Windows 10. |
328 | • Caillidh tu atharrachadh sam bith a rinn thu sna roghainnean an dèidh dhut am build as ùire a stàladh. |
• You’ll lose any changes made to settings after installing the latest build. |
329 | Tapadh leat airson am build seo fheuchainn |
Thanks for trying out this build |
330 | Stàilichidh sinn an ath build dhut nuair a bhios e ri fhaighinn. |
We’ll install the next preview build when it’s available. |
331 | Ar leam gun robh an seann-tionndadh de Windows agam ag obair na b’ fhearr |
The old version of Windows seemed easier to use |
332 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8.1 na bu luaithe |
Windows 8.1 seemed faster |
333 | Ar leam gun robh an seann-tionndadh de Windows na bu luaithe |
The old version of Windows seemed faster |
334 | Ar leam gun robh Windows 8.1 na bu seasmhaiche |
Windows 8.1 seemed more reliable |
335 | Ma chleachd thu facal-faire airson clàradh a-steach air Windows 8.1, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cuimhne agad. |
If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8.1, make sure you know it. |
336 | Ma chleachd thu facal-faire air an t-seann-tionndadh de Windows agad, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cuimhne agad. |
If you used a password to sign in to your previous version of Windows, make sure you know it. |
337 | Ar leam gun robh an seann-tionndadh de Windows na bu seasmhaiche |
The old version of Windows seemed more reliable |
338 | Till gu Windows 8.1 |
Go back to Windows 8.1 |
339 | Till gun tionndadh roimhe de Windows |
Go back to previous Windows |
340 | Saoraich rum is feuch ris a-rithist. |
Free up some space and try again. |
341 | Airson tilleadh, feumaidh tu %1!ws! MB a rum saor air an draibh far a bheil Windows stàlaichte. |
To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! MB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed. |
342 | Airson tilleadh, feumaidh tu %1!ws! GB a rum saor air an draibh far a bheil Windows stàlaichte. |
To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! GB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed. |
344 | Cha cheadaich poileasaidh a' bhuidhinn agad seo. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, bruidhinn ris an neach taic no an roinn ICT agad. |
Your organization’s policy doesn’t allow it. For more info, talk to your support person or IT department. |
345 | Cha deach leinn fiosrachadh air ùrachaidhean fhaighinn |
Couldn’t get info on updates |
346 | Airson ùrachaidhean fhaighinn, rach gu "Roghainnean" "Ùrachadh ⁊ tèarainteachd" "Windows Update" is tagh "Thoir sùil airson ùrachaidhean". |
To check for updates, go to Settings Update & Security Windows Update and select Check for updates. |
347 | A bheil thu airson sùil a thoirt airson ùrachaidhean? |
Check for updates? |
348 | Mus till thu, feuch gun stàlaich thu na h-ùrachaidhean as ùire. dh'fhaoidte gun càraich seo na duilgheadasan a th' agad le Windows 10. |
Before you go back, try installing the latest updates. This might fix the problems you’re having with Windows 10. |
349 | Thoir sùil airson ùrachaidhean |
Check for updates |
350 | Chan eil, mòran taing |
No, thanks |
351 | Ag ath-shuidheachadh am PC seo |
Resetting this PC |
352 | Ag ullachadh rud no dhà %1!d!%% |
Getting a few things ready %1!d!%% |
353 | Chan eil an gleus seo ri làimh sa mhodh sàbhailte. |
This feature is not available in Safe Mode |
354 | Airson am PC seo ath-shuidheachadh, tòisich Windows mar is àbhaist is feuch ris no dèan tòiseachadh adhartach is tagh “Fuasgail duilgheadasan”. |
To reset this PC, start Windows normally and try again, or go to Advanced startup and select Troubleshoot. |
355 | Bheir seo air falbh gach aplacaid is prògram seach an fheadhainn a thig an cois Windows gu h-àbhaisteach. Thèid gach aplacaid bùtha a stàlaich an saothraiche agad a chumail cuideachd. Thèid an tionndadh as ùire de Windows a chur air an uidheam agad cuideachd. Thèid na faidhlichean pearsanta agad is cuid a roghainnean Windows a ghlèidheadh. |
This will remove all apps and programs, except those that come standard with Windows. Any store apps installed by your manufacturer will also be kept. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept. |
357 | Sàbhail d’ obair agus fàg an t-uidheam agad ceangailte ri bun-dealain is na cuir dheth e. |
Save your work and leave your device plugged in and turned on |
358 | Bidh sinn greis agus thèid an t-uidheam agad ath-thòiseachadh grunn thursan an uairsin. |
This will take a while and your device will restart several times |
359 | Chan urrainn dhut an t-uidheam agad a chleachdadh fhad ’s a nì e ath-nuadhachadh Windows ach innsidh sinn dhut cho luath ’s a bhios e deiseil |
You won't be able to use your device while refreshing Windows, but we will let you know once it's ready |
360 | Dh’fhaoidte gun toir seo 20 mionaidean no nas fhaide a-rèir dè an t-uidheam a tha agad. |
This process could take 20 minutes or longer depending on your device. |
361 | Ag ath-nuadhachadh am PC agad |
Refreshing your PC |
362 | Bheir seo air falbh gach aplacaid is prògram a stàlaich thu. Thèid an tionndadh as ùire de Windows a chur air an uidheam agad cuideachd. Thèid na faidhlichean pearsanta agad is cuid a roghainnean Windows a ghlèidheadh. |
This will remove all apps and programs you installed. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept. |