Microsoft WinRT API саклагычы aeb8cbede6b57600ca5b2e54e90593cc

File info

File name:
Size: 35328 byte
MD5: aeb8cbede6b57600ca5b2e54e90593cc
SHA1: 91439b18e6c884a31d089cf1c3309348e4e2aa15
SHA256: eb434ee86be9771a5a9fb14941add00ee075409f52a9d1ceb05a5a9a47870a63
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Tatar language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Tatar English
1175Махсус библиотекага (%1) керү өчен манифестта беркетелгән мөмкинлекнең булуы кирәк. Access to the specified library (%1) requires a capability to be declared in the manifest.
1176Күрсәтелгән KnownLibraryId кыйммәте хаталы. The specified KnownLibraryId value is invalid.
4098Урыны: %s Location: %s
4130Файл File
4131Папка Folder
4144Гамәл Operation
4145Күчерү Move
4146Күчереп алу Copy
4147Бетерү Delete
4148Исем алыштыру Rename
4149Сылтама Link
4150Үзлекләрне куллану Apply Properties
4151Төзү New
4154%s - Ярлык ().lnk %s - Shortcut ().lnk
4157Бу папканы кулланып булмый. This folder is unavailable.
4161Идарә аслыгы Control Panel
4163%s гамәленнән баш тарту Undo %s
4164%s гамәленнән &баш тарту Ctrl+Z &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
4178%s - күчермә %s - Copy
4185%s %s
4188%s объектын кайтару Redo %s
4191%s &гамәлен кайтару Ctrl+Y &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
4192'%1!ls!' белән гамәл Operation on '%1!ls!'
4193'%1!ls!' объектын күчерү Move of '%1!ls!'
4194"%1!ls!" күчермәсе Copy of '%1!ls!'
4195’%1!ls!’ бетерү Delete of '%1!ls!'
4196'%1!ls!' исемен '%2!ls!' дип үзгәртү Rename of '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!'
4198'%1!ls!' өчен барлык үзлекләрне куллану Apply Properties to '%1!ls!'
4199'%2!ls!' төзү Creation of '%2!ls!'
4213һәм and
4214, ,
4257%2!ls! (%1!ls!) %2!ls! (%1!ls!)
4262Интернет The Internet
4263Локаль челтәр Local Network
4321(%d) (%d)
5394Macintosh кушымтасы турында мәгълүмат Macintosh Application Info
5395Macintosh мультимедиа ресурслары Macintosh Multimedia Resources
5396Үзлекләр турында танылмаган мәгълүмат Unidentified Property Information
8496Ач&у &Open
8497Баст&ыру &Print
8498&Уйнату P&lay
8499Кара&п алу P&review
8502Кү&зәткеч E&xplore
8503&Эзләү... S&earch...
8505Адми&нистратор исеменнән эшләтү Run as &administrator
8516Т&өзәтү &Edit
8517Я&ңа тәрәздә ачу Op&en in new window
8730"%2!ls!" папкасын төзеп булмады.

Unable to create the folder '%2!ls!'

8768Укымалы гына Read-only
8769Яшерен Hidden
8770Система System
8771Тыгызланган Compressed
8772Шифрланган Encrypted
8773Автоном Offline
8964Кәрзин Recycle Bin
8972Доменның барлык кулланучылары All domain users
8974Өй төркеме Homegroup
8976Исем Name
8979Тибы Type
8995Аңлатмалар Comments
8996Төп сүзләр Keywords
9012Санак Computer
9045Папкалар Folders
9216Бу санак This PC
9217Челтәр Network
9219Сыгылмалы диск йөрткече Floppy Disk Drive
9221%1!ls! - Тамгаланмаган том %2!d! %1!ls! - Unlabeled Volume %2!d!
9222Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
9224%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:)
9227Документлар My Documents
9228(%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls!
9229%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls! %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls!
9230(%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls!
9231%1!ls! - %2!ls! %1!ls! - %2!ls!
9306Гомуми күләм Total Size
9307Буш урын Free Space
9308Аерылган челтәр җайланмасы Disconnected Network Drive
9309Алынма диск Removable Disk
9314¼½ ¼½
9315Локаль диск Local Disk
9316DVD дискйөрткече DVD Drive
9317CD йөрткече CD Drive
9318Тиз хәтер дискы RAM Disk
9319Челтәр дискы Network Drive
9320Система папкасы System Folder
9339Җайланмалар һәм дисклар Devices and drives
9345DVD RAM дискйөрткече DVD RAM Drive
9346DVD R дискйөрткече DVD R Drive
9347DVD RW дискйөрткече DVD RW Drive
9348DVD/CD-RW дискйөрткече DVD/CD-RW Drive
9349DVD/CD-R дискйөрткече DVD/CD-R Drive
9350CD-RW йөрткече CD-RW Drive
9351CD-R дискйөрткече CD-R Drive
9352Файл системасы File System
9354Тулу дәрәҗәсе Percent Full
9373BD-ROM дискйөрткече BD-ROM Drive
9374BD-R дискйөрткече BD-R Drive
9375BD-RE дискйөрткече BD-RE Drive
9376Кластерлы диск Clustered Disk
9730Челтәрегездәге барлык санакларны, принтерларны, файлларны һәм папкаларны, кешеләрне күрсәтү. Displays all computers, printers, files and folders, and people on your network.
10027Челтәр урыны Network Location
10112%s файлы %s File
10152Файл папкасы File folder
123200 Кб 0 KB
123210 - 10 Кб 0 - 10 KB
1232210 - 100 Кб 10 - 100 KB
12323100 Кб - 1 Мб 100 KB - 1 MB
123241 - 16 Мб 1 - 16 MB
1232516 - 128 Мб 16 - 128 MB
12326128 Мб 128 MB
12327Билгеләнмәгән Unspecified
123290 - 16 Гб 0 - 16 GB
1233016 Гб - 80 Гб 16 GB - 80 GB
1233180 Гб - 250 Гб 80 GB - 250 GB
12332250 Гб - 500 Гб 250 GB - 500 GB
12334500 Гб - 1 Тб 500 GB - 1 TB
123351 Тб 1 TB
12336%d%% буш %d%% free
12337%d%% - %d%% буш %d%% - %d%% free
12338%d%% %d%%
12339%d%% - %d%% %d%% - %d%%
12345Атна %d Week %d
12549Тип Type
12551Билгесез Unknown
12694Файл, папка, программа ярлыклары һәм эш өстәлендәге башка объектларны чагылдыра. Shows the files, folders, program shortcuts, and other items on the desktop.
12864Папкаларны күчерү мөмкинлекләрен алып булмады. Failed to get Folder Redirection capabilities.
12865Папка күчерелә алмый. The folder is not redirectable.
12866Папкаларны күчерү Төркем политикасы тарафыннан өзелгән. Folder Redirection is disabled by Group Policy.
12867Папка Төркем политикасы аша күчерелә. Folder is redirected via Group Policy.
12868Папканың урынын яңартып булмый. Can't update the folder location.
12869Папкаларны күчерү тыелган. Folder Redirection is denied.
12870Папканың юлын алып булмады. Failed to get the folder's path.
12871Ата-ананы балага җибәреп булмый. Can't redirect a parent into a child.
12872Баланы ата-анага җибәреп булмый. Can't redirect a child into a parent.
12873PerformRedirection'нан көтелмәгән хата Unexpected error from PerformRedirection
12874"%s" папкасын төзеп булмый Can't create folder "%s"
12875"%s" папкасын беркетеп булмады, hr = %08X Failed to pin folder "%s", hr = %08X
12876Билгеле директорийлар исемлеген төзеп булмады. Failed to build the list of known subdirectories.
12877Күчерелми торган папкаларны тамгалап булмады. Failed to mark non redirectable folders.
12878Папканы күчереп булмый, чөнки шул ук урында күчерелми торган папка бар. Can't move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that can't be redirected.
12879Билгеле папкаларга юлларны яңартып булмады. Failed to update the paths for known folders.
12880"%s" астында даими эчке директорийлар исемлеген төзеп булмады. Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories under "%s".
12881Файлларны "%s" папкасыннан "%s" эченә күчереп алып булмады. Моның сәбәбе чыганак яки максат ителгән папкада тулы исеме 256 символдан озынрак булган бер яки берничә файл булырга мөмкин. Failed to copy files from "%s" to "%s". This may be due to one or more files under the source or target folders with a fully qualified file name longer than 256 characters.
12882Чыганак "%s" папкасы автоном булганга, папканы күчереп булмады. Failed to redirect the folder because the source folder "%s" is offline.
12883Максат ителгән "%s" папкасы автоном булганга, папканы күчереп булмады. Failed to redirect the folder because the destination folder "%s" is offline.
12884Максат ителгән "%s" папкасында буш урын җитмәү сәбәпле, күчереп булмады. Failed to redirect because there is not enough disk space on the target folder "%s".
12885Автоном кәштә папканың исемен "%s" урынына "%s" итеп үзгәртеп булмады, hr = %08X Can't rename folder from "%s" to "%s" in offline cache, hr = %08X
12886Автоном файлларны эшләтеп җибәреп булмады, hr = %08X Failed to start Offline Files, hr = %08X
16957Шәхси Personal
21769Эш өстәле Desktop
21779Рәсемнәр Pictures
21790Көйләр Music
21791Видеоязмалар Videos
21798Йөкләүләр Downloads
21818Уйнату исемлекләре Playlists
21823Экран сурәтләре Screenshots
21824Камера галереясе Camera Roll
218253D-объектлар 3D Objects
21826Сурәтләр Captures
21827Яздырылган шалтыратулар Recorded Calls
21828Шалтырату тавышлары Ringtones
21829Кушымта режимнары Application Mods
31154%s (%s) %s (%s)
31155%s (бу санак - %s) %s (this PC - %s)
31156%s (бу санак) %s (this PC)
34132%s эчендәге эзләү нәтиҗәләре Search Results in %s
34583Сакланган рәсемнәр Saved Pictures
34649Кушымта эчтәлеге Application Content
37218Еш кулланылган папкалар Frequent folders
38306SD картасы SD Card
38307USB дискы USB Drive
50432Файл гамәле башкарыла. A file operation is in progress.
50433Файлны күчерү гамәле башкарыла. A file move operation is in progress.
50434Файлны күчереп алу гамәле башкарыла. A file copy operation is in progress.
50435Файлны бетерү гамәле башкарыла. A file delete operation is in progress.
50436Файлның исемен үзгәртү гамәле башкарыла. A file rename operation is in progress.
50437Файл үзлекләрен куллану гамәле башкарыла. A file property apply operation is in progress.
50438Файлны төзү гамәле башкарыла. A file creation operation is in progress.
50439Дискка яздыру гамәле башкарыла. A disc burn operation is in progress.
50691Библиотекалар Libraries
50720The maximum number (%1!d!) of items in the access list has been reached. An item must be removed before another item is added. The maximum number (%1!d!) of items in the access list has been reached. An item must be removed before another item is added.
50721The file or folder associated with the specified token (%1) cannot be found. The file or folder may have been moved or deleted. The file or folder associated with the specified token (%1) cannot be found. The file or folder may have been moved or deleted.
50723The specified token (%1) is not associated with an item in the access list. The specified token (%1) is not associated with an item in the access list.
50724The specified token (%1) is too long. It exceeds the maximum token length of %2!d!. The specified token (%1) is too long. It exceeds the maximum token length of %2!d!.
50725The specified metadata is too long. It exceeds the maximum metadata length of %1!d!. The specified metadata is too long. It exceeds the maximum metadata length of %1!d!.
50726The specified token is too short. It must have at least 1 character. The specified token is too short. It must have at least 1 character.
50727The specified token (%1) contains one or more invalid characters. The specified token (%1) contains one or more invalid characters.
50728The specified path (%1) is not an absolute path, and relative paths are not permitted. The specified path (%1) is not an absolute path, and relative paths are not permitted.
50729The specified path is too short. It must have at least 1 character. The specified path is too short. It must have at least 1 character.
50730The specified path (%1) is too long. It exceeds the maximum length of %2!d!. The specified path (%1) is too long. It exceeds the maximum length of %2!d!.
50731The specified path (%1) contains one or more invalid characters. The specified path (%1) contains one or more invalid characters.
50732An item cannot be found at the specified path (%1). An item cannot be found at the specified path (%1).
50733The specified name is too short. It must be at least 1 character. The specified name is too short. It must be at least 1 character.
50734The specified name (%1) is too long. The specified name (%1) is too long.
50735The specified name (%1) contains one or more invalid characters. The specified name (%1) contains one or more invalid characters.
50736An item cannot be found with the specified name (%1). An item cannot be found with the specified name (%1).
50737Access to the specified location (%1) requires a capability to be declared in the manifest. Access to the specified location (%1) requires a capability to be declared in the manifest.
50738Access to the specified location (%1) requires a file type association to be declared in the application manifest. Access to the specified location (%1) requires a file type association to be declared in the application manifest.
50739Cannot access the specified file (%1). Verify that there is a file type association declared in the manifest for this type of file and that the file is not marked with the system or hidden file attributes. Cannot access the specified file (%1). Verify that there is a file type association declared in the manifest for this type of file and that the file is not marked with the system or hidden file attributes.
50740Cannot access the specified file (%1). Verify that this kind of file has the corresponding capability specified in the manifest and that the file is not marked with the system or hidden file attributes. Cannot access the specified file (%1). Verify that this kind of file has the corresponding capability specified in the manifest and that the file is not marked with the system or hidden file attributes.
50741Cannot access the specified file or folder (%1). Verify that the item is not marked with system or hidden file attributes. Cannot access the specified file or folder (%1). Verify that the item is not marked with system or hidden file attributes.
50742Cannot access the specified file or folder (%1). The item is not in a location that the application has access to (including application data folders, folders that are accessible via capabilities, and persisted items in the StorageApplicationPermissions lists). Verify that the file is not marked with system or hidden file attributes. Cannot access the specified file or folder (%1). The item is not in a location that the application has access to (including application data folders, folders that are accessible via capabilities, and persisted items in the StorageApplicationPermissions lists). Verify that the file is not marked with system or hidden file attributes.
50743Cannot delete or rename the specified folder (%1). If the folder was acquired using the File Picker or the KnownFolders API, it cannot be deleted or renamed. Additionally, the folder cannot be deleted if it resides in a filtered location, such as the Documents library or removable devices. Cannot delete or rename the specified folder (%1). If the folder was acquired using the File Picker or the KnownFolders API, it cannot be deleted or renamed. Additionally, the folder cannot be deleted if it resides in a filtered location, such as the Documents library or removable devices.
50744The specified query options are not available for this folder because it is not within a library or Homegroup. Only folders within a library or a Homegroup support all options. The specified query options are not available for this folder because it is not within a library or Homegroup. Only folders within a library or a Homegroup support all options.
50745Cannot access Homegroup. Verify that the Homegroup has been setup. Cannot access Homegroup. Verify that the Homegroup has been setup.
50746Cannot write to the specified property (%1). The property is read-only. Cannot write to the specified property (%1). The property is read-only.
50747The specified property name (%1) is invalid. The property may not be registered on the system. The specified property name (%1) is invalid. The property may not be registered on the system.
50748The specified property name (%1) is invalid for this item. The property may not be supported by the property handler for the this item. The specified property name (%1) is invalid for this item. The property may not be supported by the property handler for the this item.
50749The value specified for the property (%1) cannot be converted to the expected type. The value specified for the property (%1) cannot be converted to the expected type.
50750Cannot call the requested method (%1). A previous call to this method is pending and must return before the method can be called again. Cannot call the requested method (%1). A previous call to this method is pending and must return before the method can be called again.
50751The file is in use. Please close the file before continuing. The file is in use. Please close the file before continuing.
50752The specified file name extension is not properly formatted. It must begin with a '.' and cannot contain any wildcards. The specified file name extension is not properly formatted. It must begin with a '.' and cannot contain any wildcards.
50753The specified item is a folder, and cannot be returned as a StorageFile. The specified item is a folder, and cannot be returned as a StorageFile.
50754The specified item is a file, and cannot be returned as a StorageFolder. The specified item is a file, and cannot be returned as a StorageFolder.
50755The operation has no effect because the object is no longer available. The operation has no effect because the object is no longer available.
50756There is an existing folder with the specified name (%1). This folder cannot be replaced because it is not empty and it is in a restricted location. Try creating the folder using a different name or using a different collision option. There is an existing folder with the specified name (%1). This folder cannot be replaced because it is not empty and it is in a restricted location. Try creating the folder using a different name or using a different collision option.
50757Cannot create items within this StorageFolder. This could be encountered if the folder was obtained by creating a query using grouping options. Cannot create items within this StorageFolder. This could be encountered if the folder was obtained by creating a query using grouping options.
50758Only http, https, ms-appx and ms-appdata URI schemes are supported by this API. Only http, https, ms-appx and ms-appdata URI schemes are supported by this API.
50759This folder only supports a limited set of CreationCollisionOption values, including FailIfExists and GenerateUniqueName. This folder only supports a limited set of CreationCollisionOption values, including FailIfExists and GenerateUniqueName.
50760Cannot call the requested method (%1) on a Neighboring Files Query. Cannot call the requested method (%1) on a Neighboring Files Query.
50761Subfolders cannot be created in this folder. Subfolders cannot be created in this folder.
50762The value specified to FindStartIndexAsync must be a StorageFile when the query object is a Neighboring Files Query. The value specified to FindStartIndexAsync must be a StorageFile when the query object is a Neighboring Files Query.
50763QueryOptions.UserSearchFilter and/or QueryOptions.ApplicationSearchFilter must be set. QueryOptions.UserSearchFilter and/or QueryOptions.ApplicationSearchFilter must be set.
50764requestedSize must be between (%1!d!) and (%2!d!). requestedSize must be between (%1!d!) and (%2!d!).
50765Invalid flags specified for options. Invalid flags specified for options.
50766Invalid options flag combination: cannot specify both ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail and ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale. Invalid options flag combination: cannot specify both ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail and ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale.
50767The file cannot be opened. Check your Internet connection and try again. To make this file available offline, open the %1 app, select the file, and choose 'Make available offline'. The file cannot be opened. Check your Internet connection and try again. To make this file available offline, open the %1 app, select the file, and choose 'Make available offline'.
50768The file cannot be opened because its provider couldn't be reached. Please try again in a few minutes. The file cannot be opened because its provider couldn't be reached. Please try again in a few minutes.
50769The file cannot be opened because its provider has blocked access to it. The file cannot be opened because its provider has blocked access to it.
50778The provided file is not writeable. Files with update information and an UpdateActivationMode that is not ReadOnly must be writeable. The provided file is not writeable. Files with update information and an UpdateActivationMode that is not ReadOnly must be writeable.
50779The contentId is missing or invalid. The contentId is missing or invalid.
50780SetUpdateInformation requires that you specify a WriteActivationMode or ReadActivationMode. These modes determine when the app is invoked to perform updates SetUpdateInformation requires that you specify a WriteActivationMode or ReadActivationMode. These modes determine when the app is invoked to perform updates
50781The file cannot be accessed while offline. The file cannot be accessed while offline.
50782This file is restricted to read access and may not be modified or deleted. This file is restricted to read access and may not be modified or deleted.
50783The file is currently not available. The file is currently not available.
50784This operation required user input to complete, but UI couldn’t be displayed. This operation required user input to complete, but UI couldn’t be displayed.
50785The file already has update information from another providing app. The file already has update information from another providing app.
50976Чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән "FileGroupDescriptorW" форматында StorageItem объекты рәвешендә күрсәтеп булмый торган виртуаль папка элементы бар The "FileGroupDescriptorW" format provided by the source app contains a virtual folder item, which cannot be represented as a StorageItem object
50977DataPackage FileContents форматы өчен чыганак кушымта күрсәткән саклагыч тибын тәэмин итми. DataPackage does not support the type of storage medium provided by the source app for the "FileContents" format.
50978Коллекциядә NULL кыйммәте булган элемент бар, ләкин бу тыела. The collection contains a null item, which is not allowed.
50979Юлны UTF8 форматына күчереп булмый. Ярашсыз символарның булуын тикшерегез. String cannot be converted to UTF8. Check for invalid characters.
50980Windows кибете кушымталары фон режимында булганда алмашу буферына керә алмый. Кушымта алгы планда булганда алмашу буферына керү мөмкинлеген тикшерегез. Windows Store apps cannot access the Clipboard while in the background. Make sure the Clipboard is accessed when the app is in the foreground.
50981HGLOBAL нигезендә RandomAccessStream төзелә алмады. Unable to create RandomAccessStream from HGLOBAL.
50982PropertyValue серияләнә алмады. Unable to serialize PropertyValue.
50983Чыганак кушымта тарафыннан тәэмин ителгән UniformResourceLocatorW форматын URI объекты итеп үзгәртеп булмады. The "UniformResourceLocatorW" format provided by the source app cannot be converted into a Uri object.
50985Чыганак кушымта үлчәмен билгеләп булмый торган агымны тәкъдим итте. 2^32 байтка кадәр булган агымнар гына кулланыла ала. The source app provided a stream whose size cannot be determined. Only streams up to 2^32 bytes in size are supported.
50986Чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән CF_BITMAP форматын агым объекты итеп үзгәртеп булмады. The CF_BITMAP format provided by the source app cannot be converted into a stream object.
50987Нокталы рәсем агымы нигезендә HBITMAP төзелә алмады. Unable to create HBITMAP from the bitmap stream.
50988Чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән CF_ENHMETAFILE форматын RandomAccessStream объекты итеп үзгәртеп булмый. The CF_ENHMETAFILE format provided by the source app cannot be converted into a RandomAccessStream object.
50989DataPackage кыйммәтнең мәгълүмат тибын тәэмин итми. DataPackage does not support the data type of the value.
50990The source app’s delegate did not provide the data for the requested format within the allotted time. The source app’s delegate did not provide the data for the requested format within the allotted time.
50991The source app’s delegate did not provide the data for the requested format. The source app’s delegate did not provide the data for the requested format.
50992Ресурслар карталары язмаларын файллар рәвешендә саклап булмады. Unable to save resource map entries as files.
50993Чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән соралган формат эчтәлеген (тәэмин ителми торган символлар сәбәпле булырга мөмкин) юл итеп үзгәртеп булмады. The content of the requested format provided by the source app cannot be converted to a string, most likely due to unsupported characters.
50995Коллекциядә укымалы итеп үзгәртеп булмый торган элемент(лар) бар. The collection contains item(s) that can't be converted to read-only form.
50996Саклагыч элементлары нигезендә CF_HDROP төзелә алмады. Unable to create CF_HDROP from storage items.
50997Тапшырылган оъектлар нигезендә StorageItems төзелә алмады. Unable to create StorageItems from the passed in object.
50998Чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән "FileContents" форматындагы элементларның берсен StorageItem объекты итеп үзгәртеп булмады. One of the items in the "FileContents" format provided by the source app cannot be converted to a StorageItem object.
50999DataPackage күрсәтелгән форматны үз эченә алмый. DataPackageView ярдәмендә аның барлыгын тикшерегез. Contains яки DataPackageView.AvailableFormats. DataPackage does not contain the specified format. Verify its presence using DataPackageView.Contains or DataPackageView.AvailableFormats.
51000DataPackage чыганак кушымта тәкъдим иткән туплагычны тәэмин итми. DataPackage does not support the type of storage medium provided by the source app.
51002Коллекция буш. Кимендә бер StorageItem объектын өстәгез. The collection is empty. Add at least one StorageItem object.
51005Чыганак кушымта DataPackage тәкъдим итә торган конфигурациядә (FORMATETC) соралган формат өчен мәгълүматларны тәэмин итми. The source app does not provide data for the requested format in a configuration (FORMATETC) supported by DataPackage.
51007URI чыганагында ярамаган символларны үзгәртеп булмады. Unable to convert escaped characters in source URI.
51008Чыганак кушымта HTML форматында күрсәтелгән файлга керә алмый. The source application does not have access to the file referenced in the HTML Format.
51009Файлга юл нигезендә StorageItem төзелә алмады. Unable to create StorageItem from the file path.
51013Агымга сылтамадан фактик файлны алып булмады. Unable to obtain actual file from stream reference.
51014Агым эчтәлекләрен вакытлыча файлда саклап булмады Unable to save stream contents to a temporary file
51016Саклагыч элементыннан FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR төзелә алмады. Unable to create FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR from storage items.
51017Папкалар күрсәткән саклагыч элементлары өчен FILECONTENTS төзелә алмый. Cannot generate FILECONTENTS for storage items that represent folders.
51024Кыйммәтнең мәгълүмат тибы күрсәтелгән формат өчен көтелгән мәгълүмат тибына туры килми. Data type of the value does not match expected data type for the specified format.
51025DataProviderDeferral чакыртудан соң DataProviderRequest.SetData() чакыртыла алмый. DataProviderRequest.SetData() cannot be called after DataProviderDeferral.Complete() has been called.
51026DataProviderHandler делегаты кичектерү объектын алмыйча кайтарылганнан соң, DataProviderRequest.SetData() мөмкин түгел. DataProviderRequest.GetDeferral() методын делегатта асинхрон методларны чакыртканчы куланыгыз. Кичектерү объекты өчен Complete() методын соңгы SetData() чакыртылганнан соң чакыртыгыз. DataProviderRequest.SetData() cannot be called after DataProviderHandler delegate returned without acquiring deferral object. Use DataProviderRequest.GetDeferral() method before calling any asynchronous methods inside the delegate. Call Complete() method on the deferral object after the final call to SetData().
51027Күп кулланучы белән эшли торган Манифестланган кушымта %1 API’ны куллана алмый. Multi-User Manifested Application can't use %1 API.
51216Элементка юлны алып булмады. Failed to retrieve the path for an item.
51217Элемент өчен метамәгълүмат алып булмады. Failed to retrieve the metadata for an item.
51218Яңа форматны яздыру өчен уйнату исемлеген яңадан ачып булмады. Failed to reopen the playlist for writing the new format.
51219Уйнату исемлеген саклап булмады. Failed to save the playlist.
51220Исемнәр конфликты өчен ярашсыз параметр кертелгән. Invalid name collision option provided.
51378Тиз керү аслыгы Quick access
51386Соңгы Recent
51387Сез кайбер файлларны ачкач, монда иң соңгылары күрсәтеләчәк. After you’ve opened some files, we’ll show the most recent ones here.
51409Әлеге җайланма This Device
51473Кире алынган Revoked
0x50000003Warning Warning
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Known Folders Microsoft-Windows-Known Folders
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-Known Folders/Operational Microsoft-Windows-Known Folders/Operational
0xB00003E8Error %1 occurred while creating known folder %2 with path '%3'. Error %1 occurred while creating known folder %2 with path '%3'.
0xB00003E9Error %1 occurred while initializing known folder %2 with ini file path '%3'. Error %1 occurred while initializing known folder %2 with ini file path '%3'.
0xB00003EAError %1 occurred while verifying known folder %2 with path '%3'. Error %1 occurred while verifying known folder %2 with path '%3'.
0xB00003EBError %1 occurred while initializing known folder %2 with path '%3'. Error %1 occurred while initializing known folder %2 with path '%3'.


File Size:34 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:34816
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Tatar
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft WinRT API саклагычы
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Windows.Storage
Legal Copyright:© Майкрософт ширкәте. Барлык хокуклар сакланган.
Original File Name:Windows.Storage.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Tatar language for file (Microsoft WinRT API саклагычы).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft WinRT API саклагычы
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Windows.Storage
Legal Copyright:© Майкрософт ширкәте. Барлык хокуклар сакланган.
Original Filename:Windows.Storage.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x444, 1200