ngckeyenum.dll.mui Microsoft parol açaryny belgileýiş dolandyryjysy ad7a628dd7e32c4dfd0d6b26a2183e5b

File info

File name: ngckeyenum.dll.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: ad7a628dd7e32c4dfd0d6b26a2183e5b
SHA1: 45bdc13325196ff57a55e06327cc9e9d420ca97c
SHA256: cba8313b3e5846b0ba6ec62550a8186277c46bfbace8a11c807eb39e70bc9db4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
200Şahsyýet maglumatlaryňyzy tassyklap bolmady. Your credentials could not be verified.
201Berlen PIN belgileri biri-birine gabat gelenok. The provided PINs do not match.
202PIN belgisini beriň. Provide a PIN.
203Üsti nokatsyz harplardan (A-Z, a-z), sanlardan (0-9), boşlukdan we şu aýratyn nyşanlardan ybarat PIN belgisini beriň: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ Provide a PIN that contains characters limited to unaccented letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, and the following special characters: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
204Çylşyrymlylyk şertlerine gabat gelýän PIN belgisini beriň. Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements.
205Çylşyrymlylyk şertlerine gabat gelýän PIN belgisini beriň. %1!s!. Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements. %1!s!.
206PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda %1!u! nyşan bolmaly Your PIN must be at least %1!u! characters long
207PIN-iňizde %1!u! nyşandan köp bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t be more than %1!u! characters long
208PIN-iňizde nädogry nyşan bar Your PIN contains an invalid character
209PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany baş harp bolmaly Your PIN must include at least one uppercase letter
210PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany setir harp bolmaly Your PIN must include least one lowercase letter
211PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany san bolmaly Your PIN must include at least one number
212PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany ýörite nyşan bolmaly Your PIN must include at least one special character
213PIN-iňizde baş harp bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t include uppercase letters
214PIN-iňizde setir harp bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t include lowercase letters
215PIN-iňizde sanlar bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t include numbers
216PIN-iňizde ýörite nyşan bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t include special characters
218PIN nädogry. Täzeden synanyşyň. The PIN is incorrect. Try again.
219Enjam bilen aragatnaşykda säwlik ýüze çykdy. A communication error occurred with the device.
220Tapmaçany beriň. Provide the challenge phrase.
221Berlen tapmaça nädogry. The provided challenge phrase is incorrect.
222Öň ulanylmadyk PIN beriň. Provide a PIN that you haven’t used before.
223PIN-iňiz adaty san şablony bolmaly däl Your PIN can’t be a common number pattern
224Parolyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir, ony üýtgetmeli. Ony üýtgetmek üçin, PIN-iňiz bilen hasaba giriň. Your password has expired and must be changed. Sign in with your PIN in order to change it.
225Bir administrator hasaba girişi çäklendirdi. Hasaba girmek üçin, enjamyňyzy internete birikdiriň we ilki bilen, administratoryňyzy hasaba giriziň. An administrator has restricted sign in. To sign in, make sure your device is connected to the Internet, and have your administrator sign in first.
250Enjamyňyz arabaglanyşykda däl. Şu enjamda soňky ulanylan parol bilen hasabyňyza giriň. Your device is offline. Sign in with the last password you used on this device.
251Bu hasaby ulanyp bolmaýar, sebäbi ol bir gurama degişli. Başga bir hasap bilen synanyşyň. This account can’t be used because it belongs to an organization. Try a different account.
252Edil häzir enjamyňyzda hasabyňyza girip bilmersiňiz. Şu enjamda soňky ulanylan parol bilen hasabyňyza giriň. You can’t sign in to your device right now. Try the last password you used on this device.
302Bu hasap bilen girip bilmersiňiz. Başga bir hasap bilen synanyşyň. You can’t sign in with this account. Try a different account.
350Hasabyňyzda çäklendirmeler bar we olar siziň hasabyňyza girmegiňize päsgel berýär. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from signing in right now. Try again later.
351Hasabyňyz işlemeýän edilipdir. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. Your account has been disabled. Contact your system administrator.
352Siz Windows Hello ulanmak üçin, edaraňyzyň toruna wagtlaýynça birikmeli. Ýöne, siz şu enjamda soňky ulanylan hasaba giriş opsiýasy arkaly hasaba girip bilersiňiz. You need to temporarily connect to your organization’s network to use Windows Hello. You can still sign in with the last sign-in option used on this device.
353Ulanjak bolýan hasaba giriş usulyňyza bu enjamda rugsat berilmeýär. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. The sign-in method you're trying to use isn't allowed on this device. For more information, contact your system administrator.
354Hasabyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. Your account has expired. Contact your system administrator.
355Hasabyňyz gulplanypdyr. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. Your account has been locked out. Contact your system administrator.
356Soralan açary saklaýjy enjamda ýok. The requested key container does not exist on the device.
357Soralan kepilnama enjamda ýok. The requested certificate does not exist on the device.
358Soralan açar toplumy enjamda ýok. The requested keyset does not exist on the device.
359Bu enjamy ulanyp bolmady. Goşmaça maglumatlary ulgamyň gündelik žurnalynda tapyp bilersiňiz. Bu säwligi ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna habar beriň. This device could not be used. Additional details may be available in the system event log. Report this error to your system administrator.
360Tanaýyş üçin ulanylan kepilnamanyň möhleti geçipdir. The certificate used for authentication has expired.
361Tanaýyş üçin ulanylan kepilnama ýatyrylypdyr. The certificate used for authentication has been revoked.
362Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnama amal edilýärkä ygtybarsyz kepillendiriji edara ýüze çykaryldy. An untrusted certification authority was detected while processing the certificate used for authentication.
363Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnamanyň ýatyrylmagynyň ýagdaýyny anyklap bolmady. The revocation status of the certificate used for authentication could not be determined.
364Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnama ynamdar däl. The certificate used for authentication is not trusted.
365Parolyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir, ony üýtgetmek gerek. Ony üýtgetmek üçin parolyňyz bilen hasabyňyza girmeli. Your password has expired and must be changed. You must sign in with your password in order to change it.
366Hasabyňyz, bu enjamyňyzy ulanmagyňyza päsgel berer ýaly düzülen. Başga bir enjama synanyşyň. Your account is configured to prevent you from using this device. Try another device.
367Hasaba giriş şowsuz. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň we KDC kepilnamasyny barlap bolmandygyny aýdyň. Goşmaça maglumatlary ulgamyň gündelik žurnalyndan tapyp bilersiňiz. Sign-in failed. Contact your system administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate could not be validated. Additional information may be available in the system event log.
368Bu enjam bilen hasabyňyza girmek siziň hasabyňyzda goldanmaýar. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. Signing in with this device isn't supported for your account. Contact your system administrator for more information.
369Ol opsiýa wagtlaýynça elýeterli däl. Häzirlikçe, hasaba girmek üçin başga bir usul ulanyň. That option is temporarily unavailable. For now, please use a different method to sign in.
400Parolyňyz gutardy. Siz parolyňyz bilen hasaba girip, ony üýtgetmeli. Parolyňyzy üýtgedeniňizden oň, Windows Hello bilen hasaba girip bilersiňiz. Your password has expired. You must sign in with your password and change it. After you change your password, you can sign in with Windows Hello.
401Parolyňyz başga bir enjamda üýtgedildi. Siz bu enjamda öz täze parolyňyz bilen bir gezek hasaba girmeli, soňra Windows Hello bilen hasaba girip bilersiňiz. Your password was changed on a different device. You must sign in to this device once with your new password, and then you can sign in with Windows Hello.
450Enjamyňyz açylyp ýapyldy. PIN-iňizi giriziň. Your device restarted. Enter your PIN.
451PIN-iňizi giriziň. Enter your PIN.
500Edaraňyz şu PIN talaplaryny belledi:
Iň bolmanda %1!u! nyşan bolmaly
%2!u! nyşandan köp bolmaly däl
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements:
Must be at least %1!u! characters long
Can’t be longer than %2!u! characters
501Içinde baş harplar bolup biler May include uppercase letters
502Içinde setir harplar bolup biler May include lowercase letters
503Içinde sifrler bolup biler May include digits
504Içinde ýörite nyşanlar bolup biler May include special characters
505Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany baş harp bolmaly Must include at least one uppercase letter
506Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany setir harp bolmaly Must include at least one lowercase letter
507Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany san bolmaly Must include at least one number
508Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany ýörite nyşan bolmaly Must include at least one special character
509Içinde baş harp bolmaly däl Can’t include uppercase letters
510Içinde setir harp bolmaly däl Can’t include lowercase letters
511Içinde sifr bolmaly däl Can’t include digits
512Içinde ýörite nyşan bolmaly däl Can’t include special characters
513Nädogry PIN belgisini aşa köp gezek girizdiňiz.

Täzeden synanyşmak üçin enjamyňyzy täzeden işlediň.
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN too many times.

To try again, restart your device.
514Nädogry PIN belgisini birnäçe gezek girizdiňiz.
Täzeden synanyşmak üçin aşaga %2!s! giriziň.
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN several times.
To try again, enter %2!s! below.
515A1B2C3 A1B2C3
516Guramaňyz PIN belgiňizi hökman üýtgetmeli diýýär. Your organization requires that you change your PIN.
517Hasaba girmek üçin, telefonyňyzda Microsoft Tanaýjy programmasyny ulanyň. Bu kompýuteriň şahsyýetini anyklamak üçin, enjamyň adyny gözläň. Use the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone to sign in. Look for the device name above to identify this PC.
518Uzakdaky enjam birikdirildi.

Uzakdaky enjamyňyzda PIN belgiňizi giriziň.
The remote device is connected.

Enter your PIN on your remote device.
519Uzakdaky enjam birikdirilmedi.
Enjamyňyzyň anten çägindedigine we onuň radio signallaryny iberýändigine göz ýetiriň.
Gaýtadan birikmäge synanyşmak üçin aşakdaky baglanyşyga basyň.
The remote device is not connected.
Ensure that your device is in range and that its radio is transmitting.
Click the link below to try to connect again.
520Edaraňyz şu PIN talaplaryny belledi:
Iň bolmanda %1!u! sifrli bolmaly
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements:
Must be at least %1!u! digits long
521%1!u! sifrden köp bolmaly däl Can’t be longer than %1!u! digits
522San şablony bolmaly däl (mes. 123456 ýa-da 11111) Can’t be a number pattern (such as 123456 or 11111)
523Bu enjam howpsuzlyk sebäpli gulplandy. Enjamyňyzy azyndan iki sagat tok çeşmesine dakyň, soňra täzeden synanyşmak üçin, ony täzeden işlediň. This device has been locked for security reasons. Connect your device to a power source for at least two hours, and then restart it to try again.
524Bu hasaba giriş opsiýasy howpsuzlyk sebäpli gulplandy. Başga bir hasaba giriş opsiýasyny ulanyň ýa-da enjamyňyzy azyndan iki sagat tok çeşmesine dakyň, soňra täzeden synanyşmak üçin, ony täzeden işlediň. This sign-in option has been locked for security reasons. Use a different sign-in option or connect your device to a power source for at least two hours, and then restart it to try again.


File Name:ngckeyenum.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:14336
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft parol açaryny belgileýiş dolandyryjysy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ngckeyenum
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:ngckeyenum.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ngckeyenum.dll.mui?

ngckeyenum.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file ngckeyenum.dll (Microsoft parol açaryny belgileýiş dolandyryjysy).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft parol açaryny belgileýiş dolandyryjysy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ngckeyenum
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:ngckeyenum.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200