File name: | ngckeyenum.dll.mui |
Size: | 14848 byte |
MD5: | ad7a628dd7e32c4dfd0d6b26a2183e5b |
SHA1: | 45bdc13325196ff57a55e06327cc9e9d420ca97c |
SHA256: | cba8313b3e5846b0ba6ec62550a8186277c46bfbace8a11c807eb39e70bc9db4 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | turkmence (Turkmenistan) | English |
200 | Şahsyýet maglumatlaryňyzy tassyklap bolmady. | Your credentials could not be verified. |
201 | Berlen PIN belgileri biri-birine gabat gelenok. | The provided PINs do not match. |
202 | PIN belgisini beriň. | Provide a PIN. |
203 | Üsti nokatsyz harplardan (A-Z, a-z), sanlardan (0-9), boşlukdan we şu aýratyn nyşanlardan ybarat PIN belgisini beriň: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ | Provide a PIN that contains characters limited to unaccented letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, and the following special characters: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ |
204 | Çylşyrymlylyk şertlerine gabat gelýän PIN belgisini beriň. | Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements. |
205 | Çylşyrymlylyk şertlerine gabat gelýän PIN belgisini beriň. %1!s!. | Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements. %1!s!. |
206 | PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda %1!u! nyşan bolmaly | Your PIN must be at least %1!u! characters long |
207 | PIN-iňizde %1!u! nyşandan köp bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t be more than %1!u! characters long |
208 | PIN-iňizde nädogry nyşan bar | Your PIN contains an invalid character |
209 | PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany baş harp bolmaly | Your PIN must include at least one uppercase letter |
210 | PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany setir harp bolmaly | Your PIN must include least one lowercase letter |
211 | PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany san bolmaly | Your PIN must include at least one number |
212 | PIN-iňizde iň bolmanda bir sany ýörite nyşan bolmaly | Your PIN must include at least one special character |
213 | PIN-iňizde baş harp bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t include uppercase letters |
214 | PIN-iňizde setir harp bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t include lowercase letters |
215 | PIN-iňizde sanlar bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t include numbers |
216 | PIN-iňizde ýörite nyşan bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t include special characters |
218 | PIN nädogry. Täzeden synanyşyň. | The PIN is incorrect. Try again. |
219 | Enjam bilen aragatnaşykda säwlik ýüze çykdy. | A communication error occurred with the device. |
220 | Tapmaçany beriň. | Provide the challenge phrase. |
221 | Berlen tapmaça nädogry. | The provided challenge phrase is incorrect. |
222 | Öň ulanylmadyk PIN beriň. | Provide a PIN that you haven’t used before. |
223 | PIN-iňiz adaty san şablony bolmaly däl | Your PIN can’t be a common number pattern |
224 | Parolyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir, ony üýtgetmeli. Ony üýtgetmek üçin, PIN-iňiz bilen hasaba giriň. | Your password has expired and must be changed. Sign in with your PIN in order to change it. |
225 | Bir administrator hasaba girişi çäklendirdi. Hasaba girmek üçin, enjamyňyzy internete birikdiriň we ilki bilen, administratoryňyzy hasaba giriziň. | An administrator has restricted sign in. To sign in, make sure your device is connected to the Internet, and have your administrator sign in first. |
250 | Enjamyňyz arabaglanyşykda däl. Şu enjamda soňky ulanylan parol bilen hasabyňyza giriň. | Your device is offline. Sign in with the last password you used on this device. |
251 | Bu hasaby ulanyp bolmaýar, sebäbi ol bir gurama degişli. Başga bir hasap bilen synanyşyň. | This account can’t be used because it belongs to an organization. Try a different account. |
252 | Edil häzir enjamyňyzda hasabyňyza girip bilmersiňiz. Şu enjamda soňky ulanylan parol bilen hasabyňyza giriň. | You can’t sign in to your device right now. Try the last password you used on this device. |
302 | Bu hasap bilen girip bilmersiňiz. Başga bir hasap bilen synanyşyň. | You can’t sign in with this account. Try a different account. |
350 | Hasabyňyzda çäklendirmeler bar we olar siziň hasabyňyza girmegiňize päsgel berýär. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. | Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from signing in right now. Try again later. |
351 | Hasabyňyz işlemeýän edilipdir. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. | Your account has been disabled. Contact your system administrator. |
352 | Siz Windows Hello ulanmak üçin, edaraňyzyň toruna wagtlaýynça birikmeli. Ýöne, siz şu enjamda soňky ulanylan hasaba giriş opsiýasy arkaly hasaba girip bilersiňiz. | You need to temporarily connect to your organization’s network to use Windows Hello. You can still sign in with the last sign-in option used on this device. |
353 | Ulanjak bolýan hasaba giriş usulyňyza bu enjamda rugsat berilmeýär. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. | The sign-in method you're trying to use isn't allowed on this device. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
354 | Hasabyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. | Your account has expired. Contact your system administrator. |
355 | Hasabyňyz gulplanypdyr. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. | Your account has been locked out. Contact your system administrator. |
356 | Soralan açary saklaýjy enjamda ýok. | The requested key container does not exist on the device. |
357 | Soralan kepilnama enjamda ýok. | The requested certificate does not exist on the device. |
358 | Soralan açar toplumy enjamda ýok. | The requested keyset does not exist on the device. |
359 | Bu enjamy ulanyp bolmady. Goşmaça maglumatlary ulgamyň gündelik žurnalynda tapyp bilersiňiz. Bu säwligi ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna habar beriň. | This device could not be used. Additional details may be available in the system event log. Report this error to your system administrator. |
360 | Tanaýyş üçin ulanylan kepilnamanyň möhleti geçipdir. | The certificate used for authentication has expired. |
361 | Tanaýyş üçin ulanylan kepilnama ýatyrylypdyr. | The certificate used for authentication has been revoked. |
362 | Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnama amal edilýärkä ygtybarsyz kepillendiriji edara ýüze çykaryldy. | An untrusted certification authority was detected while processing the certificate used for authentication. |
363 | Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnamanyň ýatyrylmagynyň ýagdaýyny anyklap bolmady. | The revocation status of the certificate used for authentication could not be determined. |
364 | Tanaýyş üçin ulanylýan kepilnama ynamdar däl. | The certificate used for authentication is not trusted. |
365 | Parolyňyzyň möhleti geçipdir, ony üýtgetmek gerek. Ony üýtgetmek üçin parolyňyz bilen hasabyňyza girmeli. | Your password has expired and must be changed. You must sign in with your password in order to change it. |
366 | Hasabyňyz, bu enjamyňyzy ulanmagyňyza päsgel berer ýaly düzülen. Başga bir enjama synanyşyň. | Your account is configured to prevent you from using this device. Try another device. |
367 | Hasaba giriş şowsuz. Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň we KDC kepilnamasyny barlap bolmandygyny aýdyň. Goşmaça maglumatlary ulgamyň gündelik žurnalyndan tapyp bilersiňiz. | Sign-in failed. Contact your system administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate could not be validated. Additional information may be available in the system event log. |
368 | Bu enjam bilen hasabyňyza girmek siziň hasabyňyzda goldanmaýar. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň. | Signing in with this device isn't supported for your account. Contact your system administrator for more information. |
369 | Ol opsiýa wagtlaýynça elýeterli däl. Häzirlikçe, hasaba girmek üçin başga bir usul ulanyň. | That option is temporarily unavailable. For now, please use a different method to sign in. |
400 | Parolyňyz gutardy. Siz parolyňyz bilen hasaba girip, ony üýtgetmeli. Parolyňyzy üýtgedeniňizden oň, Windows Hello bilen hasaba girip bilersiňiz. | Your password has expired. You must sign in with your password and change it. After you change your password, you can sign in with Windows Hello. |
401 | Parolyňyz başga bir enjamda üýtgedildi. Siz bu enjamda öz täze parolyňyz bilen bir gezek hasaba girmeli, soňra Windows Hello bilen hasaba girip bilersiňiz. | Your password was changed on a different device. You must sign in to this device once with your new password, and then you can sign in with Windows Hello. |
450 | Enjamyňyz açylyp ýapyldy. PIN-iňizi giriziň. | Your device restarted. Enter your PIN. |
451 | PIN-iňizi giriziň. | Enter your PIN. |
500 | Edaraňyz şu PIN talaplaryny belledi: Iň bolmanda %1!u! nyşan bolmaly %2!u! nyşandan köp bolmaly däl %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! %6!s! %7!s! |
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements: Must be at least %1!u! characters long Can’t be longer than %2!u! characters %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! %6!s! %7!s! |
501 | Içinde baş harplar bolup biler | May include uppercase letters |
502 | Içinde setir harplar bolup biler | May include lowercase letters |
503 | Içinde sifrler bolup biler | May include digits |
504 | Içinde ýörite nyşanlar bolup biler | May include special characters |
505 | Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany baş harp bolmaly | Must include at least one uppercase letter |
506 | Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany setir harp bolmaly | Must include at least one lowercase letter |
507 | Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany san bolmaly | Must include at least one number |
508 | Içinde iň bolmanda bir sany ýörite nyşan bolmaly | Must include at least one special character |
509 | Içinde baş harp bolmaly däl | Can’t include uppercase letters |
510 | Içinde setir harp bolmaly däl | Can’t include lowercase letters |
511 | Içinde sifr bolmaly däl | Can’t include digits |
512 | Içinde ýörite nyşan bolmaly däl | Can’t include special characters |
513 | Nädogry PIN belgisini aşa köp gezek girizdiňiz. Täzeden synanyşmak üçin enjamyňyzy täzeden işlediň. |
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN too many times. To try again, restart your device. |
514 | Nädogry PIN belgisini birnäçe gezek girizdiňiz. %1!s! Täzeden synanyşmak üçin aşaga %2!s! giriziň. |
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN several times. %1!s! To try again, enter %2!s! below. |
515 | A1B2C3 | A1B2C3 |
516 | Guramaňyz PIN belgiňizi hökman üýtgetmeli diýýär. | Your organization requires that you change your PIN. |
517 | Hasaba girmek üçin, telefonyňyzda Microsoft Tanaýjy programmasyny ulanyň. Bu kompýuteriň şahsyýetini anyklamak üçin, enjamyň adyny gözläň. | Use the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone to sign in. Look for the device name above to identify this PC. |
518 | Uzakdaky enjam birikdirildi. Uzakdaky enjamyňyzda PIN belgiňizi giriziň. |
The remote device is connected. Enter your PIN on your remote device. |
519 | Uzakdaky enjam birikdirilmedi. Enjamyňyzyň anten çägindedigine we onuň radio signallaryny iberýändigine göz ýetiriň. Gaýtadan birikmäge synanyşmak üçin aşakdaky baglanyşyga basyň. |
The remote device is not connected. Ensure that your device is in range and that its radio is transmitting. Click the link below to try to connect again. |
520 | Edaraňyz şu PIN talaplaryny belledi: Iň bolmanda %1!u! sifrli bolmaly %2!s! %3!s! |
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements: Must be at least %1!u! digits long %2!s! %3!s! |
521 | %1!u! sifrden köp bolmaly däl | Can’t be longer than %1!u! digits |
522 | San şablony bolmaly däl (mes. 123456 ýa-da 11111) | Can’t be a number pattern (such as 123456 or 11111) |
523 | Bu enjam howpsuzlyk sebäpli gulplandy. Enjamyňyzy azyndan iki sagat tok çeşmesine dakyň, soňra täzeden synanyşmak üçin, ony täzeden işlediň. | This device has been locked for security reasons. Connect your device to a power source for at least two hours, and then restart it to try again. |
524 | Bu hasaba giriş opsiýasy howpsuzlyk sebäpli gulplandy. Başga bir hasaba giriş opsiýasyny ulanyň ýa-da enjamyňyzy azyndan iki sagat tok çeşmesine dakyň, soňra täzeden synanyşmak üçin, ony täzeden işlediň. | This sign-in option has been locked for security reasons. Use a different sign-in option or connect your device to a power source for at least two hours, and then restart it to try again. |
File Description: | Microsoft parol açaryny belgileýiş dolandyryjysy |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | ngckeyenum |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar. |
Original Filename: | ngckeyenum.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x442, 1200 |