If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Croato-Serbian (Latin) |
English |
0x80FF0001 | Lozinka je prazna |
Password is empty |
0x80FF0002 | Naziv domene prazan je |
Domain name is empty |
0x80FF0003 | Korisničko je ime prazno |
User name is empty |
0x80FF0004 | Korisničko je ime (UPN) prazno |
User Principal Name (UPN) is empty |
0x80FF0005 | Korisničko ime (UPN) nije u valjanom obliku. Očekivani oblik: [email protected] |
User Principal Name (UPN) has invalid format. Expected format: [email protected] |
0x80FF0006 | Navedenog računa nema na servisu Azure Active Directory. Provjerite je li korisničko ime točno ili korisnika navedite u obliku domena\\korisnik |
Unable to find the provided account in Azure Active Directory. Make sure the username is correct, or try specifying the user in the domain\\user format instead |
0x80FF0007 | Račun za vaš uređaj nismo pronašli ni na internetu ni lokalno. Ako se račun hostira lokalno, unesite informacije o servisu Active Directory. Ako se račun hostira na internetu, provjerite je li uređaj povezan s internetom pa pokušajte ponovno |
We couldn't find your device account either online, or on-premises. If the account is hosted on-premises, enter the Active Directory info. If the account is hosted online, make sure the device can connect to the Internet, and try again |
0x80FF0008 | Korisnik nije pronađen na servisu Active Directory |
User not found in Active Directory |
0x80FF0009 | Informacije o računu za uređaj ne mogu se pronaći. Provjerite je li račun za uređaj postavljen. |
Device account info can't be found. Make sure the device account is set up. |
0x80FF000A | Korisničko ime za račun za uređaj koji ste naveli nije definirano ili je prazno na servisu Active Directory. |
Device account you provided has no UserPrincipalName defined or it's empty in Active Directory. |
0x80FF000B | Adresa e-pošte za račun za uređaj koji ste naveli nije definirana ili je prazna na servisu Active Directory. |
Device account you provided has no Email defined or it's empty in Active Directory. |