File name: | fde.dll.mui |
Size: | 17408 byte |
MD5: | aa818bedd4381aed2da45156c779af79 |
SHA1: | fe5de3280f79d8eb8ea6409c9263660f7814e45a |
SHA256: | f7587b8da5ed4aec8cc27893e4df4fd5c1fc7ac1d70e61abf0f66d04ce7607e9 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
1 | Urejevalnik za preusmerjanje map | Folder Redirection Editor |
2 | Datoteke | Files |
3 | Ime | Name |
4 | Vrsta | Type |
6 | Urejevalnik za preusmerjanje map (uporabniki) | Folder Redirection Editor (Users) |
10 | Mapa z datotekami | File Folder |
20 | Prednost | Precedence |
21 | Pot preusmeritve | Redirected Path |
22 | Skupina | Group |
23 | Predmet pravilnika skupine | GPO |
24 | Nastavitev | Setting |
25 | Izključno | Exclusive |
26 | Premakni | Move |
27 | Odstranjevanje pravilnika | Policy Removal |
28 | Uporabi za operacijske sisteme Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP in Windows Server 2003 | Apply to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 |
100 | Preusmeritev mape | Folder Redirection |
109 | Izberite mapo, ki jo želite uporabiti kot ciljno mesto | Select the folder which you want to use as the redirect destination |
112 | Potrditev premikanja | Confirm move |
113 | Ali želite premakniti tudi vsebino %s? | Do you also want to move the contents of %s? |
118 | Navedete lahko mesto mape %s. | You can specify the location of the %s folder. |
119 | &Mesto ciljne mape | &Target folder location |
120 | Članstvo v &varnostni skupini | Security &Group Membership |
122 | Pot | Path |
123 | Trenutno ni mogoče prikazati pogovornega okna za izbiranje skupin. Poskusite vnesti ime skupine neposredno v polje za urejanje. |
Unable to display the group selection dialog at this time. Try entering the name of the group directly into the edit box. |
200 | Prišlo je do neznane napake. | An unknown error has occurred. |
201 | Napaka | Error |
202 | Opozorilo | Warning |
203 | Varnostnih informacij o izbrani skupini ni mogoče dobiti. | Security information could not be obtained for the selected group. |
204 | Posredovane informacije o skupini in/ali poti so neveljavne. Vnesti morate veljavne vrednosti za skupino in pot. |
The provided group and/or path information is invalid. You must provide valid values for both the group and the path. |
205 | Vnos, v katerem je navedena pot do skupine %s, že obstaja. | Another entry specifying the path for the group %s already exists. |
206 | Informacij o preusmerjanju ni bilo mogoče shraniti v konfiguracijsko datoteko. Prišlo je do napake: |
Unable to save the redirection information to the configuration file. The following error occurred: |
207 | Navedeno ciljno mesto ni veljavno. | The specified target location is not valid. |
208 | Informacij o preusmerjanju za %s ni bilo mogoče dobiti. | Unable to obtain the redirection information for %s. |
209 | Izbrana pot je predolga za uporabo pri preusmerjanju map. Poti ne smejo biti daljše od %d znakov. |
The selected path is too long to use with Folder Redirection. Paths cannot exceed %d characters. |
210 | Ciljna pot ni vrste UNC. Če to ni veljavna lokalna pot v odjemalcu, preusmerjanje map ne bo uspelo. Ali ste prepričani, da želite uporabiti to mapo za ciljno mesto? |
The target path is not a UNC path. If this is not a valid local path at the client, folder redirection will fail. Are you sure you want to use this path as the target? |
211 | Če za mapo »Dokumenti« uveljavite nastavitev za preusmerjanje v sistemih Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP ali Windows Server 2003, bodo tudi mape »Slike«, »Glasba« in »Videoposnetki« preusmerjeni na isto mesto kot mapa »Dokumenti«, če trenutno niso konfigurirane. Če so te mape že konfigurirane za preusmeritev in želite, da sledijo mapi »Dokumenti«, posodobite njihove nastavitve. Ali želite nadaljevati? |
Applying the Documents Folder Redirection setting to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 will also redirect the Pictures, Music, and Videos folders to the same location as the Documents folder if they are currently not configured. If these folders are already configured for redirection and you want them to follow the Documents folder, you will need to update their settings. Do you want to continue? |
212 | Če za mapo »AppData(Roaming)« uveljavite nastavitve v sistemu Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP ali Windows Server 2003, te mape ne bodo preusmerjene. Cookies, Bližnjice omrežja, Bližnjice tiskalnika, Recent, SendTo, Meni »Start« in Predloge. Ali želite nadaljevati? |
Applying the AppData(Roaming) folder settings to to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 will not redirect the following folders: Cookies, Network Shortcuts, Printer Shortcuts, Recent, SendTo, Start Menu, Templates. Do you want to continue? |
213 | Če za mapo »Meni Start« uveljavite nastavitve preusmerjanja v sistemu Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP ali Windows Server 2003, boste onemogočili te nastavitve: Za vsakega uporabnika ustvari mapo pod korensko potjo. Dodeli uporabniku izključne pravice. Premakni vsebino na novo mesto. Ali želite nadaljevati? |
Applying the Start Menu Folder Redirection settings to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 disables the following settings: Create a folder for each user under the root path. Grant the user exclusive rights. Move the contents to the new location. Do you want to continue? |
214 | Če mapo »Glasba« ali »Videi« preusmerite izven mape »Dokumenti«, to ni združljivo s sistemom Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP ali Windows Server 2003. Ali želite nadaljevati? |
Redirecting the Music or Videos folders outside the Documents folder is not compatible with Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Do you want to continue? |
215 | Informacije | Information |
217 | Če obstajajo nastavitve pravilnika skupine, ki so povezane s preusmerjanjem map, vendar ne veljajo za sistem Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP ali Windows Server 2003, ne boste mogli spremeniti nobenih nastavitev preusmerjanja map v tem predmetu pravilnika skupine (GPO) iz navedenih operacijskih sistemov. Ali želite nadaljevati? |
If there are Group Policy settings related to Folder Redirection that do not apply to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, you will not be able to change any Folder Redirection settings in this Group Policy Object (GPO) from those operating systems. Do you want to continue? |
302 | Sledi mapi %s | Follow the %s folder |
303 | Osnovna - preusmeri mape vseh uporabnikov na isto mesto | Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same location |
304 | Napredna - navedite mesta za razne skupine uporabnikov | Advanced - Specify locations for various user groups |
305 | Ni konfigurirano | Not configured |
307 | Če izberete to možnost, bo ta mapa postala podmapa mape »Dokumenti«. | Choosing this option will make this folder a subfolder of the Documents folder. |
308 | Ta mapa bo preusmerjena na navedeno mesto. | This folder will be redirected to the specified location. |
309 | Ta mapa bo preusmerjena na različna mesta, določena s članstvom uporabnikov v varnostni skupini. | This folder will be redirected to different locations based on the security group membership of the users. |
310 | Ta predmet pravilnika skupine ne bo vplival na mesto te mape. Obstoječe preusmeritve bodo veljale tudi v primeru, da odstranite ta predmet pravilnika skupine. Če želite zagotoviti, da bo mapa preusmerjena nazaj na privzeto lokacijo, izberite možnost »Preusmeri na lokacijo krajevnega uporabniškega profila«. | This Group Policy Object will have no effect on the location of this folder. Any existing redirection will continue to apply even when this Group Policy object is removed. To ensure that the folder is redirected back to the default location, select the "Redirect to the local userprofile location" option. |
602 | AppData(Roaming) | AppData(Roaming) |
603 | Namizje | Desktop |
604 | Meni »Start« | Start Menu |
605 | Dokumenti | Documents |
606 | Slike | Pictures |
607 | Glasba | Music |
608 | Videoposnetki | Videos |
609 | Priljubljene | Favorites |
610 | Stiki | Contacts |
611 | Prenosi | Downloads |
612 | Povezave | Links |
613 | Iskanja | Searches |
614 | Shranjene igre | Saved Games |
700 | Izberite nastavitve preusmerjanja za %s. | Select the redirection settings for %s. |
701 | &Dodeli uporabniku izključne pravice za %s. | &Grant the user exclusive rights to %s. |
702 | Pre&makni vsebino mape %s na novo mesto. | &Move the contents of %s to the new location. |
801 | Preusmeri v uporabnikov domači imenik | Redirect to the user's home directory |
802 | Ustvarite mapo za vsakega uporabnika pod korensko potjo | Create a folder for each user under the root path |
803 | Preusmeri na to mesto | Redirect to the following location |
804 | Preusmeri v mesto krajevnega uporabniškega profila | Redirect to the local userprofile location |
901 | Osnovna | Basic |
902 | Napredna | Advanced |
903 | Ne | No |
904 | Da | Yes |
905 | Pusti na obstoječem mestu | Leave in Existing Location |
906 | Preusmeri v krajevni profil | Redirect to Local Profile |
907 | Clair | Clair |
908 | Za uporabnika %s bo ta mapa preusmerjena v: %s |
For user %s, this folder will be redirected to: %s |
909 | Opomba: Ta nastavitev ne upošteva možnosti »Dodeli uporabniku izključne pravice do mape Dokumenti« na strani »Nastavitve«. | Note: This setting ignores the value of the 'Grant the user exclusive rights to Documents' option on the Settings page. |
2000 | My Pictures | My Pictures |
2001 | My Music | My Music |
2002 | My Videos | My Videos |
2003 | My Documents | My Documents |
2004 | Desktop | Desktop |
2005 | Application Data | Application Data |
2006 | Start Menu | Start Menu |
File Description: | Razširitev snap-in za preusmerjanje map |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | Folder Redirection Snapin |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | fde.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |