MsMpRes.dll.mui Кулланучы интерфейсы ресурслары модуле aa7c5bab0e9fbc905df4e237c1249de8

File info

File name: MsMpRes.dll.mui
Size: 91648 byte
MD5: aa7c5bab0e9fbc905df4e237c1249de8
SHA1: ce31b622c19fe797227e3ef9a84c8e091dde646f
SHA256: 7442b5953e46e0a6c37ce345ea643798ae97e067d5359ecc59788197b9ee245f
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Tatar language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Tatar English
5The updates on the server couldn't be accessed because the authentication failed or the authentication method isn't supported. The updates on the server couldn't be accessed because the authentication failed or the authentication method isn't supported.
22Definitions can't be updated while another installation is in progress or while the system is waiting for a required restart. Definitions can't be updated while another installation is in progress or while the system is waiting for a required restart.
27The definition updates couldn't be installed because the drive where the updates were saved couldn't be found. The definition updates couldn't be installed because the drive where the updates were saved couldn't be found.
34The definition updates couldn't be downloaded. This might be caused by a missing system file, an incorrect system setting, or a problem with a registry file. The definition updates couldn't be downloaded. This might be caused by a missing system file, an incorrect system setting, or a problem with a registry file.
103@(BrandName) @(BrandName)
105Тулысынча сканерлау Full scan
106Тиз сканерлау Quick scan
107Бүген Today
108Applying actions... Applying actions...
109Бу санактагы Windows тикшерелә... Validating Windows running on this PC...
111This copy of this app will expire in %1 days.
To continue using this app to help protect your PC, contact your security administrator.
This copy of this app will expire in %1 days.
To continue using this app to help protect your PC, contact your security administrator.
112This copy of this app has expired.
Your PC might be vulnerable to malware.
To continue using this app, contact your security administrator.
This copy of this app has expired.
Your PC might be vulnerable to malware.
To continue using this app, contact your security administrator.
113Custom Custom
114Мөмкин түгел Not available
116Some of the actions you selected can't be applied while other programs are running. Save your work, close your programs (including web browsers), and then click OK. Some of the actions you selected can't be applied while other programs are running. Save your work, close your programs (including web browsers), and then click OK.
117Actions in progress. Please wait... Actions in progress. Please wait...
119К&арантиндагы элементлар &Quarantined items
123Категория: Category:
124Өстәмә Advanced
126Changed: Changed:
128To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC. To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC.
129&Restart now &Restart now
130Өй битенә Home
131To complete the cleanup, you'll need to run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat. To complete the cleanup, you'll need to run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat.
132%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
133Санакны зарарлы программалар барлыгына тикшерегез, шул исәптән, вируслар, шымчы программалар һәм кирәкмәгән программалар. Scan your PC for malware, including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software.
134Кулланыласы гамәлне &сайлагыз: &Select an action to apply:
135Бу кушымта яңартыла, бу вакытта аны ябарга мөмкин. This application is being updated and may close during this time.
136Исем Name
137Кисәтү дәрәҗәсе Alert level
138Киңәш ителгән гамәл Recommended action
140Configuration change Configuration change
141Allow this configuration change only if you trust its origin. If you don't agree to this change, you should run a quick scan on your PC. Allow this configuration change only if you trust its origin. If you don't agree to this change, you should run a quick scan on your PC.
144&Программаларга билгеләнгән гамәлләр: Actions taken on &programs:
147To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC. Do you want to restart now? To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC. Do you want to restart now?
148Select an action Select an action
149To continue, select an action for each detected item. To continue, select an action for each detected item.
150High High
151Medium Medium
152Low Low
153: :
155Elevated Elevated
158Түбәндәге хата чыкты: The following error occurred:
160Scanning... Scanning...
161Validating Windows running on this PC... Validating Windows running on this PC...
166Do you want to save the settings you changed? Do you want to save the settings you changed?
167Recommended action Recommended action
168Бетерү Remove
169Барлык &йөкләүләрне тикшерү Scan all &downloads
170Scan files and attachments that you download from the Internet. Scan files and attachments that you download from the Internet.
171Үзгәрешләрне &саклау &Save changes
172Ба&ш тарту &Cancel
173Җәдвәл буенча тикшерү Scheduled scan
174Минем санакта &планлаштырылган тикшерүне башкару (киңәш ителә) &Run a scheduled scan on my PC (recommended)
175К&айчан: &When:
176&Якынча: &Around:
177Көн саен Daily
180Хата коды 0x%1!0x!. Error code 0x%1!0x!.
184&Ябу &Close
185Катгый Severe
186Unknown Unknown
187Реаль вакытта саклау Real-time protection
188Реаль вакытта саклау&ны кабызу (киңәш ителә) Turn on real-time protectio&n (recommended)
189&Turn on &Turn on
190Реаль вакытта саклау сүндерелгән. Аны кабызырга кирәк. Real-time protection is turned off. You should turn it on.
191Исем өстәмәсе Extension
192Файл тибы File type
193Real-time protection isn't available in safe mode. Real-time protection isn't available in safe mode.
201Зарарлы һәм башка формадагы потенциаль теләнмәгән программалар турында Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) хезмәтенә җибәрү өчен Майкрософт актив сак хезмәте Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) кулланылганда, санак яхшырак саклана.

Табылган программалар турында төп яки өстәмә мәгълүмат җибәрергә була. Өстәмә мәгълүмат Майкрософт ширкәтенә яңа билгеләмәләр төзергә ярдәм итә һәм Майкрософт иминлек программаларын кулланган һәркемгә яхшырак саклау бирә. MAPS хисабы (төп яки өстәмә) кушымта бетерә алган потенциаль теләнмәгән программалар турында мәгълүматны үз эченә алса, MAPS аңа керү өчен иң соңгы имзаны йөкләячәк.
If you use the Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) to automatically report malware and other forms of potentially unwanted software to Microsoft, MAPS can provide better protection for your PC.

You can choose to send basic or additional information about detected software. Additional information helps Microsoft create new definitions and helps better protect everyone who uses Microsoft security programs. If a MAPS report (either Basic or Advanced) includes details about potentially unwanted software that this app may be able to remove, MAPS will download the latest signature to address it.
202Югары хәбәр итү дәрәҗәсе: Вируслар яки суалчаннар кебек, санак хосусыйлыгын һәм иминлеген боза һәм хәтта санакка зыян китерә алган киң таралган яки аеруча зарарлы хәтәрләрне күрсәтә.

Киңәш ителгән гамәл:
Хәзер үк бетерү.
Severe alert level: Indicates a widespread or exceptionally malicious threat, similar to viruses or worms, which can compromise your privacy and the security of your PC and could even damage your PC.

Recommended action:
Remove immediately.
203High alert level: Indicates an item that might collect your personal info, compromise your privacy, or damage your PC.

Recommended action:
Remove immediately.
High alert level: Indicates an item that might collect your personal info, compromise your privacy, or damage your PC.

Recommended action:
Remove immediately.
204Medium alert level: Indicates an item that might affect your privacy or make changes to your PC.

Recommended action:
Review the alert details to see why the software was detected. If you don't like what the software does or if you don't recognize and trust the publisher, consider blocking or removing the software.
Medium alert level: Indicates an item that might affect your privacy or make changes to your PC.

Recommended action:
Review the alert details to see why the software was detected. If you don't like what the software does or if you don't recognize and trust the publisher, consider blocking or removing the software.
205Low level alert: Indicates potentially unwanted software that might collect info about you or your PC or change how your PC works, but is operating according to the licensing agreement terms displayed when you installed the software.

Recommended action:
This software is typically benign when it runs on your PC, unless it was installed without your knowledge. If you're not sure whether to allow it, review the alert details or check to see if you recognize and trust the publisher of the software.
Low level alert: Indicates potentially unwanted software that might collect info about you or your PC or change how your PC works, but is operating according to the licensing agreement terms displayed when you installed the software.

Recommended action:
This software is typically benign when it runs on your PC, unless it was installed without your knowledge. If you're not sure whether to allow it, review the alert details or check to see if you recognize and trust the publisher of the software.
209Тикшерү параметрлары: Scan options:
218Not defined Not defined
220Бу программа турында Интернетта өстәмә мәгълүмат карау View more information about this program online
221View license agreement View license agreement
222Allow %1!d!%% Allow %1!d!%%
224Аерым файлларны һәм урыннарны чыгарма итеп алу тикшерүне тизрәк итә ала, ләкин санакның саклану дәрәҗәсен киметергә мөмкин.
Берничә файл яки урынны өстәү өчен, текст кырындагы язмаларны аеру өчен нокталы өтерне кулланыгыз.

Файл урыннары:
Excluding certain files and locations can help speed up a scan, but may leave your computer less protected.
To add multiple files or locations, use a semicolon to separate the entries in the text box.

File locations:
225&Өстәү &Add
226&Бетерү &Remove
228&Күзәтү &Browse
232Файлга юл File path
233$(URL_TrheatInfo)&name=%1!s!&threatid=%2!I32u!&enterprise=%3!I32u! $(URL_TrheatInfo)&name=%1!s!&threatid=%2!I32u!&enterprise=%3!I32u!
234Get more information about this item online. Get more information about this item online.
236Бар&ысын да бетерү Remove &all
241Потенциаль хәтәрләргә каршы иң соңгы вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре яңартуларын куллана. The latest virus and spyware definition updates are being used against potential threats.
242Update was canceled. Update was canceled.
249%1!s! сәгать %2!s! %1!s! at %2!s!
251MAPS &хезмәтенә кушыласым килми &I don't want to join MAPS
252Т&өп катнашу дәрәҗәсе &Basic membership
255Башкарылган гамәл Action taken
274Журналны &бетерү Delete &history
275Дата Date
277&Тергезү R&estore
278Retrieving Microsoft Active Protection Service Rating... Retrieving Microsoft Active Protection Service Rating...
279To help protect your PC, you'll need to restart it. To help protect your PC, you'll need to restart it.
280Restoring items that have been quarantined might put your privacy, PC security, or PC performance at risk. Are you sure you want to restore the selected items? Restoring items that have been quarantined might put your privacy, PC security, or PC performance at risk. Are you sure you want to restore the selected items?
281Тикшерү ти&бы: Scan ty&pe:
282Тикшерү вакытында үзәк процессор &кулланышын чикләү: &Limit CPU usage during scan to:
283Планлаштырылган &тикшерү алдыннан соңгы вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре барлыгын тикшерү Chec&k for the latest virus and spyware definitions before running a scheduled scan
284Килешенгән гамәлләр Default actions
285Түбәндәге кисәтү дәрәҗәләренә ия булган потенциаль хәтәрләр тапканда килешенгәнчә күрсәтеләсе яки кулланыласы гамәлне сайлагыз.
Нәрсә ул кисәтү дәрәҗәләре, һәм нәрсә эшләргә?
Choose the action to display or apply by default when potential threats with the following alert levels are detected.
What are alert levels, and what should I do?
286&Югары кисәтү дәрәҗәсе: &High alert level:
287Санак тикшерелә Your PC is being scanned
288To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC manually. To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC manually.
289Вирус һәм шымчы программа тасвирламалары яңартылган. Virus and spyware definitions are up to date.
290Бу кушымта сүндерелгән һәм сезнең санакны күзәтми. This app has been turned off and isn't monitoring your computer.
292Өстәмә ярдәм параметрлары Additional help options
293Хәзер с&канерлау &Scan now
294&Параметрлар S&ettings
296%1!s! bytes %1!s! bytes
301Рөх&сәт ителгән элементлар Allo&wed items
302Remove items from this list to enable this app to continue monitoring them. Remove items from this list to enable this app to continue monitoring them.
303&Уртача кисәтү дәрәҗәсе: &Medium alert level:
304&Low alert level: &Low alert level:
306Реаль вакыттагы саклау зарарлы яки потенциаль теләнмәгән программа санакта үзен урнаштырырга яки эшләтеп җибәрергә омтылыш ясаганда хәбәр бирә. Real-time protection alerts you whenever malicious or potentially unwanted software attempts to install itself or run on your PC.
309Башлану вакыты: Start time:
310Үткән вакыт: Time elapsed:
311Digitally signed by: Digitally signed by:
312Программаны кулланасыгыз килсә, эшләтеп җибәрү өчен монда чирттерегез. If you would like to use this program, click here to turn it on.
313Ар&хив файлларын сканерлау Scan &archive files
314&Киңәйтелгән катнашу дәрәҗәсе &Advanced membership
315Майкрософт ширкәтенә санакта табылган зарарлы һәм потенциаль теләнмәгән программалар турында мәгълүмат җибәрү (шул исәптән, программаның чыганагы - мәсәлән, URL адреслары һәм өлешчә юллар, хәтәрдән котылу өчен башкарылган гамәлләр, һәм башкарылган гамәлләрнең уңышлы булу-булмавы). Send information to Microsoft about malware and potentially unwanted software that has been detected on your PC, including information about where the software came from (like URLs and partial paths), the actions taken to resolve the threat, and whether the actions were successful.
316Майкрософт ширкәтенә бернинди мәгълүмат җибәрелмәячәк. Сезнең санакта бәяләнмәгән программалар табылса, кисәтүләр килмәячәк. No information will be sent to Microsoft. You won't be alerted if unclassified software is detected running on your PC.
317Төп мәгълүматка өстәмә рәвештә, Майкрософт ширкәтенә зарарлы һәм потенциаль теләнмәгән программалар турында тулырак мәгълүмат җибәрелә (шул исәптән, программага тулы юл һәм программаның санакка ясаган тәэсире турында тулы мәгълүмат). In addition to basic information, more detailed information is sent to Microsoft about malware and potentially unwanted software, including the full path to the software, and detailed information about how the software has impacted your PC.
319&Көндәлек тиз тикшерүнең якынча вакыты: &Daily quick scan time around:
321Хосусыйлык аңлатмасы. Privacy statement.
323Checkpoint: Checkpoint:
330The app window couldn't be opened The app window couldn't be opened
333Системаны &тергезү ноктасын төзү Create a system &restore point
335For your protection, some settings are managed by your security administrator. For your protection, some settings are managed by your security administrator.
336Зарарлы яки теләнмәгән программалар барлыгын тикшерә торган башка программа кулланылган очракта, аның халәтен Иминлек һәм Хезмәт күрсәтүдә ачыклап була.

If you're using another app to check for malicious or unwanted software, use Security and Maintenance to check that app's status.

338To allow this app to run, contact your security administrator to enable the program via group policy. To allow this app to run, contact your security administrator to enable the program via group policy.
339Актив Active
340You haven't run a scan on your PC for a while. This could put your PC at risk. You haven't run a scan on your PC for a while. This could put your PC at risk.
341You haven't scanned your PC in %1!d! days. You haven't scanned your PC in %1!d! days.
343Вирус һәм шымчы программа тасвирламалары яңартылмаган. Virus and spyware definitions are out of date.
349&Start now &Start now
354Журнал History
356Параметрлар Settings
360Are you sure you want to exit? Are you sure you want to exit?
363Чистарту Clean
367Җ&итди кисәтү дәрәҗәсе: Se&vere alert level:
389Microsoft Active Protection Service Rating: %1!s! Microsoft Active Protection Service Rating: %1!s!
390&Resolve now &Resolve now
391&Close &Close
400Кулланучы эшен җиңеләйтү программасы Customer Experience Improvement Program
401Программа тәэминаты сыйфатын яхшырту программасына кушылыгыз Join our Customer Experience Improvement Program
402To help Microsoft improve this app, we would like to collect information about how you use this product without interrupting you for your feedback. To help Microsoft improve this app, we would like to collect information about how you use this product without interrupting you for your feedback.
403Безнең клиентлар эшчәнлеген җиңеләйтү программасына кушылып, сез бу продукт сыйфатын яхшыртуга ярдәм итә аласыз.

Сезне тану яки сезнең белән элемтәгә керү өчен бернинди мәгълүмат тупланмый.
By joining our Customer Experience Improvement Program, you can help make this a better product.

No information is collected to identify or contact you.
404Tell me more about the program Tell me more about the program
405Мин программа тәэминаты сыйфатын яхшырту программасына &кушылырга телим I &want to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program
406Мин программа тәэминаты сыйфатын яхшырту программасына &кушылырга теләмим I &don't want to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program
439Яңарту Update
440Санакта потенциаль хәтәрләрдән саклану өчен иң соңгы яңартулар кулланылганын тикшерегез. Make sure that your PC is using the latest updates to help protect against potential threats.
451Киңәш ителгән гамәл: Recommended action:
452Тасвирлама: Description:
453Items: Items:
454Detected changes: Detected changes:
455Detected by: Detected by:
456Product name: Product name:
457Description: Description:
458Path: Path:
459Publisher: Publisher:
460Size: Size:
461Version: Version:
462Type: Type:
463Creation date: Creation date:
464Original name: Original name:
466Original: Original:
467New: New:
468Definition file Definition file
469Heuristics Heuristics
470Summary: Summary:
471Added: Added:
472(New) (New)
473(Changed) (Changed)
474(Deleted) (Deleted)
475Removed: Removed:
480file type unknown file type unknown
481application application
482dynamic link library (DLL) dynamic link library (DLL)
483drive drive
484font font
485device driver (VXD) device driver (VXD)
486static library (LIB) static library (LIB)
487Модуль версиясе: %1!s!
Engine Version: %1!s!
488Антизарарлы программа клиенты версиясе: %1!s!
Antimalware Client Version: %1!s!
489&Планлаштырылган тикшерүне санак кабызылган, ләкин кулланылмаган вакытта гына башлау S&tart the scheduled scan only when my PC is on but not in use
527Тиз тикшерү вакытында зарарлы программалар (вируслар шымчы һәм теләнмәгән программалар) иң еш боза торган өлкәләр тикшерелә.

Тулы тикшерү вакытында каты дисктагы барлык файллар һәм барлык башкарылучы программалар тикшерелә. Системага карап, мондый тикшерү бер сәгатьтән артык булырга мөмкин.

Көйләүле тикшерү вакытында сайланган урыннар һәм файллар гына тикшерелә.
Quick scan checks the areas that malicious software, including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software, are most likely to infect.

Full scan checks all the files on your hard disk and checks all running programs. Depending on your system, this scan can take more than one hour.

Custom scan checks only the locations and files that you select.
530Санакны зарарлы программалар барлыгына тикшерегез,
шул исәптән, вируслар, шымчы программалар һәм кирәкмәгән программалар.
Scan your PC for malware,
including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software.
531Параметрларны ачу. Open Settings.
533Save changes. Save changes.
534Cancel and close settings. Cancel and close settings.
535Remove all quarantined items from your PC. Remove all quarantined items from your PC.
536Remove this quarantined item from your PC. Remove this quarantined item from your PC.
537Allow this item to run on your computer. Allow this item to run on your computer.
538Delete all previously detected items from the history. Delete all previously detected items from the history.
539Add to the excluded list. Add to the excluded list.
540Remove from the excluded list. Remove from the excluded list.
541Don't show details about the selected item. Don't show details about the selected item.
542Remove will delete the threat from your PC permanently.

Quarantine will disable the item and leave it in this state until you decide what to do with it.

Allow will enable the detected item and allow you to use it.
Remove will delete the threat from your PC permanently.

Quarantine will disable the item and leave it in this state until you decide what to do with it.

Allow will enable the detected item and allow you to use it.
543Show me more details about the selected item. Show me more details about the selected item.
544Apply the actions you selected to the detected items. Apply the actions you selected to the detected items.
545Don't take any action at this point. Don't take any action at this point.
546Cancel the scan. Cancel the scan.
547Show me more information about these detected items. Show me more information about these detected items.
548Block potential threat detected in an opened webpage. Block potential threat detected in an opened webpage.
549Clean my PC and remove potential threats. Clean my PC and remove potential threats.
550Restart my PC to complete the cleanup. Restart my PC to complete the cleanup.
551Реаль вакытта саклау функциясе санакны һәрвакыт күзәтеп, вриуслар һәм шымчы программалар кебек потенциаль хәтәрләр санакта үзләрен урнаштырырга яки эшләтеп җибәрергә омтылыш ясасалар, шуның турында хәбәр итә. Санакны саклау өчен реаль вакытта саклау һәрвакыт кабызылган булганын тикшерегез. Real-time protection monitors your PC all of the time and alerts you when potential threats, such as viruses and spyware, try to install themselves or run on your PC. To help protect your PC, make sure real-time protection is always on.
552Virus and spyware definitions contain info about potential threats that could harm your PC. To help protect your PC, make sure that the virus and spyware definitions are always up to date. Virus and spyware definitions contain info about potential threats that could harm your PC. To help protect your PC, make sure that the virus and spyware definitions are always up to date.
553Табылган элемент Detected item
555Программа исеме Program name
556Remove all allowed items from the Allowed items list. Remove all allowed items from the Allowed items list.
557Remove this item from the Allowed items list. Remove this item from the Allowed items list.
558Turn on this app to help protect your PC. Turn on this app to help protect your PC.
559Реаль вакыт режимындагы сакны кабызып санагымны күзәтү. Turn on real-time protection and monitor my PC.
560Browse for an item to exclude. Browse for an item to exclude.
562Select the processes you wish to exclude: Select the processes you wish to exclude:
563Select the files or locations you want to exclude: Select the files or locations you want to exclude:
564Тикшерергә теләгән дискларны һәм папкаларны тикшерегез: Select the drives and folders you want to scan:
565Learn how to get genuine Windows. Learn how to get genuine Windows.
566Санакны саклау өчен, бу кушымта көн саен вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләрен автоматик яңартырга тырыша. Шулай да, билгеләмәләр соңгы вакытта яңартылмаганга күрә, аларны, "Яңарту" салынмасына чирттереп, кулдан яңартырга кирәк. To help protect your PC, this app automatically tries to update virus and spyware definitions daily. However, because the definitions haven't been updated lately, you should update your definitions manually by clicking the Update tab.
567&Элементны рөхсәт итү Allow &item
568Allowing detected items to run might put your privacy, PC security, or PC performance at risk. Are you sure you want to do this? Allowing detected items to run might put your privacy, PC security, or PC performance at risk. Are you sure you want to do this?
569Ачыклау ысулы Detection method
570Автоном Offline
571Гадәти Standard
572Тиз сканерлау вакытында зарарлы программалар (шул исәптән, вируслар, шымчы программалар һәм кирәксез программалар) иң еш боза торган өлкәләр тикшерелә. Quick scan checks the areas that malicious software, including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software, are most likely to infect.
573Тулы сканерлау вакытында каты дисктагы барлык файллар һәм барлык эшләүче программалар тикшерелә. Системагызга карап, бу сканерлау бер сәгатьтән озаграк барырга мөмкин. Full scan checks all the files on your hard disk and checks all running programs. Depending on your system, this scan can take more than one hour.
574Көйләүле сканерлау вакытында сез сайлаган урыннар һәм файллар гына тикшерелә. Custom scan checks only the locations and files that you select.
800@(BrandName) хәзер Болыт сагы һәм Автоматик үрнәк җибәрү параметрлары ярдәмендә яңа хәтәрләрне яхшырак анализлый һәм алар белән тизрәк эшли ала. Бу параметрлар инде кабызылган булырга мөмкин, ләкин без аны тикшерербез. Кабызу төймәсенә басыгыз, һәм без бу параметрларны сезнең өчен кабызачакбыз, яисә, гамәлдәге параметрларны калдыру өчен, бу диалогны ябыгыз. @(BrandName) can now better analyze new threats and deal with them more quickly by using the Cloud Protection and Automatic Sample Submission options. These options may already be on, but we'll make sure. Select Turn On, and we'll turn on these settings for you, or close this dialog to keep your current settings.
801Хосусыйлык аңлатмасы Privacy Statement
802Тулырак Learn more
803@(BrandName) яңалыклары What's new in @(BrandName)
804Сак яңартуларын кабызып булмый. Бу параметрлар белән ИТ администраторыгыз идарә итә. Can't turn on protection updates. Your IT administrator manages these settings.
805Сак яңартуларын кабызып булмый. Бу яңартуларны администраторлар гына кабыза ала. Can't turn on protection updates. Only administrators can turn on these updates.
850Әле кабызылмаган булса, Болыт сагын һәм Автоматик үрнәк җибәрүне кабызу. Turn on Cloud Protection and Automatic Sample Submission, if they're not already on.
1007Игътибар: Бу программа автор хокуклары һәм халык ара килешенүләр нигезендә яклана. Бу программаны, яки аның берәр өлешен хокуксыз таратучылар штрафка тартылачак һәм судка биреләчәк. Warning: This software program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it may result in severe civil or criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
1008Policy Name: %1!s!
Policy Name: %1!s!
1009Policy Applied: %1!s! at %2!s!
Policy Applied: %1!s! at %2!s!
1058The update service can't be started because it's been turned off by the security administrator or because of a problem in the registry data. The update service can't be started because it's been turned off by the security administrator or because of a problem in the registry data.
1166Actions completed. Actions completed.
1167Restart required. Restart required.
1170This app is turned off by group policy This app is turned off by group policy
1173&Кушымтаны кабызу T&urn on this app
1174Бу тамга куелган вакытта, шымчы яки башка потенциаль теләнмәгән программа санакта үзен урнаштырырга яки эшләтеп җибәрергә теләсә, бу кушымта барлык кулланучыларга хәбәр итәчәк. When this check box is selected, this app will alert all users if spyware or other potentially unwanted software attempts to run or install itself on this PC.
1176Вируслар, шымчы һәм башка потенциаль теләнмәгән программалардан сакланырга ярдәм итә Helps protect against viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software
1177Бу санактагы барлык кулланучыларга табылган элементларны "Журнал" салынмасында карарга рөхсәт итү. (Нәтиҗәдә гадәттә кулланучы хосусыйлыгын саклау өчен яшерелә торган элементлар күрсәтелә). Allow all users of this PC to see all detected items on the History tab. (This shows the items that are usually hidden to protect user privacy.)
1180Protect my system from &viruses and other malicious software (recommended) Protect my system from &viruses and other malicious software (recommended)
1181Protect my system from s&pyware and potentially unwanted software (recommended) Protect my system from s&pyware and potentially unwanted software (recommended)
1182Администратор Administrator
1603The definition updates couldn't be installed. Please try again later. The definition updates couldn't be installed. Please try again later.
1618Another installation is already in progress. Please complete that installation before you try to install the definition updates. Another installation is already in progress. Please complete that installation before you try to install the definition updates.
2001Scan your PC Scan your PC
2002View scan results View scan results
2003Remove unwanted programs Remove unwanted programs
2004Review unknown programs Review unknown programs
2006View or change settings View or change settings
2007Manage quarantined items Manage quarantined items
2008View action history View action history
2009Home Home
2010Алдан карау нәтиҗәләре системагызда зыянлы яки теләнмәгән программалар булырга мөмкин диеп күрсәтә. Сканерлау тәмамлангач, сез табылган элементларны карый аласыз. Preliminary scan results show that malicious or potentially unwanted software might exist on your system. You can review detected items when the scan has completed.
2011WDO тарихын карау View WDO history
2012ShowDefaultBranding (Do not localize) ShowDefaultBranding (Do not localize)
2150None None
2152Block Block
2154Revert Revert
2155Карантин Quarantine
2157Билгесез Don't know
2158Рөхсәт итү Allow
2159Билгеләнмәгән Unspecified
2160Рөхсәт ителгән Allowed
2161Тыелган Denied
2162Тергезелгән Reverted
2163Карантинда Quarantined
2164Бетерелгән Removed
2165Чистартылган Cleaned
2166Updating... Updating...
2167Cleaning... Cleaning...
3001&Open &Open
3003&Тикшерүдән баш тарту &Cancel scan
3009Бу кушымта сезнең санакта потенциаль хәтәр тапкан. This app detected a potential threat on your PC.
3011Сезнең санак күзтелә һәм сакланыла. Your PC is being monitored and protected.
3012Тикшерү тәмам: %1!I64d! элемент. Scan completed on %1!I64d! items.
3013This app detected %1!d! potential threats on your PC. This app detected %1!d! potential threats on your PC.
3014Бу кушымта сезнең санакта %1!d! потенциаль куркыныч тапкан. This app detected %1!d! potential threats on your PC.
3015Scan completed on 1 item. Scan completed on 1 item.
3016Бу тикшерү барышында сезнең санакта куркынычлар табылмады. No threats were detected on your PC during this scan.
3020Review item that hasn't been classified Review item that hasn't been classified
3021Review items that haven't been classified: %1!d! total Review items that haven't been classified: %1!d! total
3022This app detected 1 potential threat on an opened webpage and suspended your access to it.

You should block this page unless you trust the website.
This app detected 1 potential threat on an opened webpage and suspended your access to it.

You should block this page unless you trust the website.
3023This app detected %1!d! potential threats on an opened webpage and suspended your access to it.

You should block this page unless you trust the website.
This app detected %1!d! potential threats on an opened webpage and suspended your access to it.

You should block this page unless you trust the website.
3024&Block &Block
3028Тулырак мәгълүмат Show details
3029Not found Not found
3030Уңышлы Succeeded
3031Error encountered Error encountered
3036%2!s! тирәсендә %1!s! (%3!s!) %1!s! around %2!s! (%3!s!)
3037Реаль вакытта саклау: Real-time protection:
3038Ялганган On
3039Сүндерелгән Off
3040Өзелгән Disabled
3042Табылган элементлар Detected items
3043Халәт Status
3051Башкарылган өлеше: Percent complete:
3052Тикшерелгән элементлар: Items scanned:
3053Объект: Item:
3059%1!02u!:%2!02u!:%3!02u! %1!02u!:%2!02u!:%3!02u!
3060Ярдәм Help
3062Санак параметрлары/Windows сакчысы бүлегенә күчегез. Go to Settings/Windows Defender.
3063Санак халәтен тикшерү, тикшерүне эшләтеп җибәрү һ.б. Check your computer's status, run a scan, and more.
3065Моннан алдагы тикшерүләр вакытында табылган элементлар һәм башкарылган гамәлләр турында гомумиләштерелгән күрсәтелеш. Summarized view of the items detected in previous scans and the actions that were taken.
3066Санакта бу кушымтаның башкарылу рәвешен хәл итү. Decide how you want this app to run on your PC.
3067Бу кушымта өчен ярдәм алу. Get help and support for this app.
3076Хата табылды: 0x%1!0x!. Error found: 0x%1!0x!.
3081Кушымта хезмәте туктатылган булганга, санак күзәтелми. Аны яңадан эшләтеп җибәрегез. Your PC isn't being monitored because the app's service stopped. You should restart it now.
3084Get genuine now Get genuine now
3085$(URL_ValidateGenuine) $(URL_ValidateGenuine)
3086Do you want to see the error details? Do you want to see the error details?
3087$(PrivacyLink) $(PrivacyLink)
3088Сканлау төре: Scan type:
3089Сайланган тикшерү тибына карап, бу бераз вакыт алырга мөмкин. This might take some time, depending on the type of scan selected.
3090Бу бераз вакыт алырга мөмкин. Әзер булгач, санак сүндерелеп кабызылачак. This might take a while. When it’s done, your PC will restart.
3091Тулыра&к мәгълүматны карау &View details
3092$(URL_SampleSubmission) $(URL_SampleSubmission)
3093$(URL_Community) $(URL_Community)
3094$(URL_WhatsNew) $(URL_WhatsNew)
3095Another scan is in progress. Wait for the first scan to finish or cancel it before starting a new scan. Another scan is in progress. Wait for the first scan to finish or cancel it before starting a new scan.
3096Show the list of detected items.
You must be the security administrator on this PC to be able to view items.
Show the list of detected items.
You must be the security administrator on this PC to be able to view items.
3097Беренче тапкыр тикшерү башкарылсын өчен берничә минут кирәк булырга мөмкин. Көтегез. This first-time scan can take several minutes to complete. Please wait.
3098Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working if you do not resolve this issue.
To continue using this app, click Resolve now and get genuine Windows.

If you have already resolved this issue, click Run a validation check.
Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working if you do not resolve this issue.
To continue using this app, click Resolve now and get genuine Windows.

If you have already resolved this issue, click Run a validation check.
3099Run a validation check Run a validation check
3100Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app has been turned off.
To continue using this app, click Resolve now and get genuine Windows.

You can run another validation check after this issue has been resolved.
Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app has been turned off.
To continue using this app, click Resolve now and get genuine Windows.

You can run another validation check after this issue has been resolved.
3101Show the list of quarantined items.
You must be the security administrator on this PC to be able to view items.
Show the list of quarantined items.
You must be the security administrator on this PC to be able to view items.
3102Show the list of allowed items.
Only the security administrator on this PC can view items.
Show the list of allowed items.
Only the security administrator on this PC can view items.
3208$(URL_GetGenuine)&PartnerId=258 $(URL_GetGenuine)&PartnerId=258
5000Вирус билгеләмәләре версиясе: Virus definition version:
5001Шымчы программа билгеләмәләре версиясе: Spyware definition version:
5002Челтәр тикшерү системасы модуленың версиясе: %1!s!
Network Inspection System Engine Version: %1!s!
5003Антивирус билгеләмәсе: %1!s!
Antivirus definition: %1!s!
5004Антишымчы программа билгеләмәсе: %1!s!
Antispyware definition: %1!s!
5005Аерым файл типлары өчен тикшерү вакытында чыгармалар ясарга була. Бу тикшерүне тизрәк итә ала, ләкин санак иң соңгы зарарлы программалардан азрак сакланган булырга мөмкин.
Берничә файл исеме өстәмәсен чыгарма итеп алу өчен, элементларны нокталы өтер (;) белән аерыгыз.

Файл исеме өстәмәләре:
You can exclude specific file types from a scan. Excluding items can make scans faster, but your PC might be less protected against the latest malware.
To exclude multiple file extensions, separate the items with a semicolon (;).

File extensions:
5006Челтәр тикшерү системасы тасвирламасының версиясе: %1!s!
Network Inspection System Definition Version: %1!s!
5007&Челтәр тикшерү системасын ялгау &Enable Network Inspection System
5008Барлык файлларны күзәтү Monitor all files
5009Monitor only incoming files Monitor only incoming files
5010Monitor only outgoing files Monitor only outgoing files
5011Санакта файллар һәм программалар &эшчәнлеген күзәтү &Monitor file and program activity on your computer
5012The selected actions were successfully applied and your PC is being monitored for threats.

Refresh the webpage that was blocked to see content.
The selected actions were successfully applied and your PC is being monitored for threats.

Refresh the webpage that was blocked to see content.
5013Increase your protection against network-based exploits. Increase your protection against network-based exploits.
5014Гамәлләрегез кулланыла...
Бу берничә секунд алырга мөмкин.
Applying your actions...
This might take a few seconds.
5015Гамәлләрегез уңышлы кулланды һәм санак алга таба да күзәтеләчәк. Your actions were successfully applied and your PC will continue to be monitored for threats.
5016One or more errors were encountered while applying your actions. For more info, see the Status column below. One or more errors were encountered while applying your actions. For more info, see the Status column below.
5017Cl&ean PC Cl&ean PC
5018To help protect your PC, these potential threats were automatically removed. To help protect your PC, these potential threats were automatically removed.
5019&Show details &Show details
5020T&ake recommended actions T&ake recommended actions
5021Туктатып торылган Suspended
5022Тикшерү вакытында санакта башкарылган аерым процесслар өчен чыгарма ясарга мөмкин. Чыгармалар ясау тикшерүне тизрәк итә ала, ләкин санак иң соңгы зарарлы программалардан азрак сакланган булырга мөмкин.
Берничә процессны чыгарма итеп алу өчен, элементларны нокталы өтер (;) белән аерыгыз. Исем өстәмәсе .exe, .com яки .scr булган файлларга гына чыгарма ясарга кирәк.

Процесс исемнәре:
When you add a process, any file that the process reads from or writes to will be excluded from a scan. This can make a scan faster, but your PC might be less protected against the latest malware.
To add multiple processes, separate items with a semicolon (;). You should only add processes with the extension .exe, .com, or .scr.

Process names:
5023This app detected %1!d! potential threats on a website currently open in Internet Explorer. Your access to this site might be partially suspended until you take action.
If you trust this webpage, select Allow in the Recommendation column, and then click the Apply actions button. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
This app detected %1!d! potential threats on a website currently open in Internet Explorer. Your access to this site might be partially suspended until you take action.
If you trust this webpage, select Allow in the Recommendation column, and then click the Apply actions button. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
5024This app detected a potential threat on a website currently open in Internet Explorer. Your access to this site might be partially suspended until you take an action.
If you trust this webpage, select Allow in the Recommendation column and click the Apply actions button. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
This app detected a potential threat on a website currently open in Internet Explorer. Your access to this site might be partially suspended until you take an action.
If you trust this webpage, select Allow in the Recommendation column and click the Apply actions button. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
5025Бу кушымта сезнең хосусыйлыкны боза яки санакка зыян китерә алган потенциаль хәтәрне тапты. Сез гамәлне башкарганчы, бу элементка керү мөмкинлеге туктатылган булырга мөмкин.
Күбрәк мәгълүмат алу өчен "Күбрәк мәгълүмат" дигәнгә чирттерегез. Нәрсә ул кисәтү дәрәҗәләре, һәм нәрсә эшләргә?
This app detected a potential threat that might compromise your privacy or damage your PC. Your access to this item might be suspended until you take action.
Click Show details to learn more. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
5026&Киңәш ителгән гамәлләрне кулланыгыз: потенциаль хәтәрләр табылгач бу гамәлләрне куллану санакны сакларга ярдәм итә. &Apply recommended actions: Help protect your PC by applying these actions when potential threats are detected.
5027Файл исеме өстәмәсендә түбәндәге символлар була алмый: \ /:"|?* A file extension cannot contain these characters: \ /:"|?*
5028Чыгармада түбәндәге символлар була алмый: /"| An exclusion cannot contain these characters: /"|
5029Чыгарма итеп алынган файллар һәм урыннар Excluded files and locations
5030Чыгарылган файл төрләре Excluded file types
5031Чыгарма итеп алынган процесслар Excluded processes
5032A process exclusion should have one of the following extensions: .exe, .com or .scr A process exclusion should have one of the following extensions: .exe, .com or .scr
5033Although the Exclusion text box can contain multiple items, each individual item cannot exceed %1!d! characters Although the Exclusion text box can contain multiple items, each individual item cannot exceed %1!d! characters
5034This app detected %1!d! potential threats that might compromise your privacy or damage your PC. Your access to these items might be suspended until you take action.
Click Show details to learn more. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
This app detected %1!d! potential threats that might compromise your privacy or damage your PC. Your access to these items might be suspended until you take action.
Click Show details to learn more. What are alert levels, and what should I do?
5040Тотыш &күзәтүне ялгау Enable &behavior monitoring
5042Шикле гамәлләрнең аерым үрнәкләре барлыгын тикшерү. Check for certain patterns of suspicious activity.
5100Кулланучы хосусыйлыгын саклау өчен бу объектлар яшерелгән.
Аларны күрү өчен "Тулырак карау" дигәнгә чирттерегез.
To help protect user privacy, these items are hidden.
Click View details to see the items.
5101&Барлык кулланучыларга нәтиҗәләрнең тулысынча журналын карарга рөхсәт итү Allow all users to view the full &History results
5103To help protect user privacy, these items are hidden.
To view these items, you'll need to sign in to this PC as a security administrator.
To help protect user privacy, these items are hidden.
To view these items, you'll need to sign in to this PC as a security administrator.
5110Болыт сагы Cloud protection
5111&Болыт сагын кабызу (киңәш ителә) Turn on cloud protectio&n (recommended)
5112Санакны яхшырак саклау өчен, табылган барлык проблемаларны Майкрософтка җибәрергә телибез. Бу мәгълүматны үзебезнең болыт туплагычында анализлап, сезгә һәм башка кулланучыларга кагылган проблемаларны өйрәнербез. Соңыннан иң яхшы чараны җавап итеп сезгә җибәрербез. To best protect your PC, we'd like to send information to Microsoft about any problems we find. We'll analyze that information in our cloud, and learn more about problems affecting you and other customers. Then we'll respond with the best possible fix.
6002Бу кушымта яңартылган вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләрен таләп итә. Санакны тикшергәнче соңгы билгеләмәләрне урнаштырыга кирәк. This app requires up-to-date virus and spyware definitions. You'll need to install the latest definition updates before scanning your PC.
6003Бу кушымта иң соңгы вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләрен йөкли. Санакны тикшергәнче шул йөкләүне тәмамларга кирәк.

Бу яңарту барышында кушымта тәрәзен ябып яки җыеп була.
This app is downloading the latest virus and spyware definitions. You'll need to complete this download before scanning your PC.

You can close or minimize the app window during this update.
6012Эзләү... Searching...
6013Йөкләү... Downloading...
6014Урнаштырыла... Installing...
6031Retrieving data from your system to prepare for your scan... Retrieving data from your system to prepare for your scan...
6032Архив файлларын кертү, мәсәлән, .zip яки .cab files. Include any archive files, such as .zip or .cab files.
6035&Алынмалы туплагычларны сканерлау Scan re&movable drives
6036Тулысынча тикшерүне башкарганда USB-фләш дисклары кебек алынма туплагычларны кертү. Include removable drives, such as USB flash drives, when running a full scan.
6038Табылган элементларга карата гамәлләрне кулланганчы системаны тергезү ноктасын төзү. Create a system restore point before removing, running, or quarantining detected items.
6039&Карантиндагы файлларны бетерелгәнче тоту вакыты: Remove &quarantined files after:
6040Карантиндагы файллар сез аларны рөхсәт иткәнче яки бетергәнче өзелгән булып тора. Quarantined files remain disabled until you allow them or remove them.
60411 көн 1 day
60422 көн 2 days
60433 көн 3 days
60444 көн 4 days
60451 атна 1 week
60462 атна 2 weeks
60471 ай 1 month
60483 ай 3 months
6049Алдагы анализ ясау таләп ителсә, &файл үрнәкләрен автоматик җибәрү Send &file samples automatically when further analysis is required
6050Майкрософтка аерым табылган элементларның зарарлы булу-булмавын билгеләргә ярдәм итү өчен, үрнәкләрне автомат рәвештә җибәрү. Файлда шәхси мәгълүмат була алса, аны җибәргәнче сезгә сорау биреләчәк. Automatically send samples to help Microsoft determine whether certain detected items are malicious. If a file is likely to contain personal information, you will be prompted before it is sent.
6101Вирус һәм шымчы программа тасвирламалары: Virus and spyware definitions:
6102Яңартылган Up to date
6103Вакыты чыккан Out of date
6104Сезнең санакны саклау өчен вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре автоматик яңартыла. Your virus and spyware definitions are automatically updated to help protect your PC.
6105Сезнең санакта потенциаль хәтәрләргә каршы соңгы яңартулар кулланылмый һәм аңа куркыныч янарга мөмкин. Your PC isn't using the latest updates against potential threats and could be at risk.
6106Билгеләмәләрне &яңарту &Update definitions
6107&Яңартудан баш тарту &Cancel update
6108Яңартулар барлыгы тикшерелә... Checking for updates...
6109Вирус, шымчы һәм башка зарарлы программаларның билгеләмәләре - санакта зарарлы яки потенциаль теләнмәгән программалар табу өчен кулланыла торган файллар. Бу билгеләмәләр автоматик яңартыла, ләкин, "Яңарту" дигәнгә чирттереп, теләсә кайсы вакытта иң соңгы версияләрен дә алырга була. Virus, spyware, and other malware definitions are files that are used to identify malicious or potentially unwanted software on your PC. These definitions are updated automatically, but you can also click Update to get the latest versions whenever you want.
6110Майкрософт ширкәтеннән алынган соңгы вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре урнаштырыла. The latest virus and spyware definitions from Microsoft are being installed.
6111Яңартыла Updating
6112Check for the latest updates on malicious software,
including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software.
Check for the latest updates on malicious software,
including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software.
6113Don't check for the latest updates. Don't check for the latest updates.
6114Connection failed Connection failed
6115The virus and spyware definitions didn't update on %1!s! because of an Internet or network connectivity problem. The virus and spyware definitions didn't update on %1!s! because of an Internet or network connectivity problem.
6116Моны белә идегезме? Did you know?
6117%1!d! көн элек төзелгән Created %1!d! days ago
6118Сезнең вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре соңгы вакытта яңартылмаган. Санакны саклау өчен аларны хәзер яңартырга кирәк. Your virus and spyware definitions haven't been updated lately. You should update them now to help protect your PC.
6119Сезнең санакны саклау өчен, вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләре даими яңартыла. Сезнең йөкләү исәпләнүче тоташу аша бара, һәм өстәмә түләүләр алынырга мөмкин. We update your virus and spyware definitions regularly to help protect your PC. You’re downloading over a metered connection, and may be charged extra.
6120Сезнең санакны потенциаль хәтәрләрдән саклау өчен, аны яңартырга кирәк. Сезнең йөкләү исәпләнүче тоташу аша бара, һәм өстәмә түләүләр алынырга мөмкин. Your PC needs an update to help it protect against potential threats. You’re downloading over a metered connection, and may be charged extra.
6121Сезнең вирус һәм шымчы программа билгеләмәләренең вакыты чыккан. Санакны саклау өчен аларны хәзер яңартыгыз. Сезнең йөкләү исәпләнүче тоташу аша бара, һәм өстәмә түләүләр алынырга мөмкин. Your virus and spyware definitions are out of date. Update them now to help protect your PC. You’re downloading over a metered connection, and may be charged extra.
6201Тулырак мәгълүмат&ны күрсәтү Show &details
6202Hide &details Hide &details
6352Бу яңарту барышында кушымта тәрәзен ябарга яки җыярга була. You can close or minimize the app window during this update.
6360Потенциаль хәтәр турында мәгълүмат Potential threat details
6361Гамәлләрегез уңышлы кулланылды. Your actions were applied successfully.
6362Detected items were automatically removed. Detected items were automatically removed.
7051A scan is in progress, are you sure you want to exit?
If you exit, the scan will be cancelled.
A scan is in progress, are you sure you want to exit?
If you exit, the scan will be cancelled.
7070Санак халәте: PC status:
7075Virus and spyware definitions are up to date Virus and spyware definitions are up to date
7079Т&из &Quick
7080&Тулы &Full
7081К&өйләүле &Custom
7090Тикшерү нечкәлекләре Scan details
7091Тикшерү җәдвәлемне үзгәртү Change my scan schedule
7092Җәдвәл буенча тикшерү: Scheduled scan:
7093Соңгы тикшерү: Last scan:
7094Җәдвәл буенча тикшерүләр башкарылмаган No scheduled scan performed
7113Wd&o ачыклаган элементлар Wd&o detected items
7114Автоном Windows сакчысы тарафыннан санакта ачыкланган элементлар. Items that were detected on your PC by Windows Defender Offline.
7115Потенциаль зыянлы дип тапкан элементларны һәм аларга карата башкарылган гамәлләрне карау: View the items that were detected as potentially harmful and the actions that you took on them:
7116View History: View History:
7117Бар&лык табылган элементлар All &detected items
7118Эшләтүдән тыелган, ләкин санактан бетерелмәгән элементлар. Items that were prevented from running but not removed from your PC.
7119Сез санакта эшләтергә рөхсәт иткән элементлар. Items that you've allowed to run on your PC.
7120Сезнең санакта табылган элементлар. Items that were detected on your PC.
7122Webpage blocked Webpage blocked
7124Attention Attention
7125This app detected and suspended a potential threat. This app detected and suspended a potential threat.
7126This app detected %1!d! potential threats and suspended them. This app detected %1!d! potential threats and suspended them.
7127This app detected a potential threat on your PC. This app detected a potential threat on your PC.
7129Access was blocked to an open webpage because a potential threat was detected on the page. Access was blocked to an open webpage because a potential threat was detected on the page.
7130&Clean computer &Clean computer
7131Access was blocked to an open webpage because %1!d! potential threats were detected on the page. Access was blocked to an open webpage because %1!d! potential threats were detected on the page.
7132Your PC was cleaned. Your PC was cleaned.
7133Your PC was successfully cleaned. Your PC was successfully cleaned.
7134Your PC is being scanned for potential threats. Your PC is being scanned for potential threats.
7135%4!s! %4!s!
7137Show details Show details
7138%1!s! %1!s!
7139Click Clean PC to remove this threat. Click Clean PC to remove this threat.
7140This app isn't monitoring your PC because the app's service stopped. You should restart it now. This app isn't monitoring your PC because the app's service stopped. You should restart it now.
7141Click Start now to start the service. Click Start now to start the service.
7142Click Clean PC to remove these threats. Click Clean PC to remove these threats.
7143Scheduled scan Scheduled scan
7145&Ярдәм &Help
7146Бу проблема турында күбрәк мәгълүмат алу өчен, "Ярдәм"не карагыз. Click Help for more information about this problem.
7147Error code: 0x%1!0x! Error code: 0x%1!0x!
7148Error description: Error description:
7149The actions you selected couldn't be applied. The actions you selected couldn't be applied.
7150View items View items
7151Бу хезмәтне эшләтеп җибәреп булмады. The service couldn't be started.
7152The scan couldn't be started. The scan couldn't be started.
7153The current scan couldn't be cancelled. The current scan couldn't be cancelled.
7154Your PC couldn't be scanned. Your PC couldn't be scanned.
7155Cleaning couldn't be completed on your PC. Cleaning couldn't be completed on your PC.
7156Help couldn't be displayed. Help couldn't be displayed.
7157Some of the detected threats couldn't be removed. Some of the detected threats couldn't be removed.
7158The update couldn't be cancelled. The update couldn't be cancelled.
7160Virus and spyware definitions couldn't be updated. Virus and spyware definitions couldn't be updated.
7163Real-time protection couldn't be turned on. Real-time protection couldn't be turned on.
7176To complete this upgrade, you'll need to restart your PC.
Because you're not the security administrator on this PC, you'll need to restart it manually.
To complete this upgrade, you'll need to restart your PC.
Because you're not the security administrator on this PC, you'll need to restart it manually.
7180Сезнең санакта зарарлы программа табылды. Өстәмә мәгълүмат өчен Майкрософт зарарлы программадан саклау үзәгенә керә аласыз. Malware was found on your PC. You can visit the Microsoft Malware Protection Center for more information.
7181Майкрософт зарарлы программадан саклау үзәге Microsoft Malware Protection Center
7184Ярдәм турында мәгълүмат Support information
7185Restart required Restart required
7187Important: Before restarting, close any open programs to prevent data loss. Important: Before restarting, close any open programs to prevent data loss.
7190An error has occurred. To fix this problem, try the following:
1. Restart the app.
2. Restart your PC.
3. Reinstall the app.
An error has occurred. To fix this problem, try the following:
1. Restart the app.
2. Restart your PC.
3. Reinstall the app.
7191Full scan required Full scan required
7192Click Scan now to run a full scan. Click Scan now to run a full scan.
7193You should run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat.

Until you run a full scan, your PC might be at risk.
You should run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat.

Until you run a full scan, your PC might be at risk.
7195If you trust this webpage, click Show details to unblock this site.
If you don't trust this webpage, click Block.
If you trust this webpage, click Show details to unblock this site.
If you don't trust this webpage, click Block.
7198Detected threats are being cleaned. Detected threats are being cleaned.
7199No action needed. No action needed.
7208The threat is being handled by the security administrator. The threat is being handled by the security administrator.
7209Тасвирламаларны соңгы тапкыр яңарту: Definitions last updated:
7300Тасвирламалар төзелгән: Definitions created on:
7301This app couldn't check for virus and spyware definition updates. Check your Internet or network connection and try again. This app couldn't check for virus and spyware definition updates. Check your Internet or network connection and try again.
7303Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working in 1 day or less if you do not resolve this issue.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working in 1 day or less if you do not resolve this issue.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
7304Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working in %1 days if you do not resolve this issue.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app will stop working in %1 days if you do not resolve this issue.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
7305Go online and resolve now Go online and resolve now
7307Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app has been turned off.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
Windows did not pass genuine validation.
This app has been turned off.

To continue using this app, click Go online and resolve now and get genuine Windows.
7308Антивирус сагы сүндерелгән. Хәзер аны кабызырга кирәк. Antivirus protection has been turned off. You should turn it on now.
7309Антишымчы программа сагы сүндерелгән. Хәзер аны кабызырга кирәк. Antispyware protection has been turned off. You should turn it on now.
7310&Enable &Enable
7312Turn on protection and monitor my PC. Turn on protection and monitor my PC.
7314Evaluation period warning Evaluation period warning
7317Evaluation period expired Evaluation period expired
7319This copy of this app will expire within a day.
To continue using this app to help protect your PC, contact your security administrator.
This copy of this app will expire within a day.
To continue using this app to help protect your PC, contact your security administrator.
7401Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Would you like to download it now?
Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Would you like to download it now?
7402$(URL_Callisto_Download) $(URL_Callisto_Download)
7403Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
7404&Download now &Download now
7405Download Windows Defender Offline Download Windows Defender Offline
7406Download required Download required
7407Additional cleaning required. Additional cleaning required.
7408Download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
7409Өстәмә чистарту сорала.
Чистартуны тәмамлау өчен, автоном Windows сакчысын санагыгызга йөкләгез һәм эшләтегез. Моны хәзер башкарыргамы?
Additional cleaning required.
To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Would you like to download and automatically run it now?
7410Өстәмә чистарту сорала.
Чистартуны тәмамлау өчен, автоном Windows сакчысын санагыгызга йөкләгез һәм эшләтегез. Санак яңабаштан йөкләнеләчәк, һәм Windows сакчысы тикшерүне автоматик башлаячак.
Additional cleaning required.
To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Your machine will reboot and automatically run a scan from Windows Defender Offline during this process.
7411&Йөкләү һәм җибәрү &Download and Run
7412Автоном Windows сакчысын йөкләү һәм эшләтү Download and run Windows Defender Offline
7413Автоном Windows сакчысы йөкләнелә. Санакны яңабаштан йөкләү вакытында ул автоматик тикшерүне башкарачак. Бер гамәл дә таләп ителми. Windows Defender Offline is being downloaded and will automatically run a scan on the next reboot. No action required.
7414Чистартуны тәмамлау өчен санакны сүндереп кабызырга кирәк.
Автоном Windows сакчысы санакны сүндереп кабызганда тикшерүне автоматик башкарачак.
To complete the cleanup, you'll need to restart your PC.
Windows Defender Offline will automatically run a scan after you reboot your PC.
7415Өстәмә чистарту таләп ителә.
Табылган куркынычларны чистартып булмый. Чистарту гамәлен тәмамлау өчен, санакка Автоном Windows сакчысын йөкләргә һәм эшләтергә кирәк. Аны хәзер йөкләргә телисезме?
Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Would you like to download it now?
7416Өстәмә чистарту таләп ителә.
Табылган куркынычларны чистартып булмый. Чистарту гамәлен тәмамлау өчен, санакка Автоном Windows сакчысын йөкләргә һәм эшләтергә кирәк.
Additional cleaning required.
Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
7417&Хәзер йөкләү &Download now
7418Автоном Windows сакчысын йөкләү Download Windows Defender Offline
7419Өстәмә чистарту сорала.
Чистартуны тәмамлау өчен, санакны яңадан башлатып, Автоном Windows сакчысы белән чистартырга кирәк. Бу якынча 15 минут алачак. Барлык файлларны саклагач кына "Әйе" төймәсенә басыгыз. Автоном Windows сакчысын йөкләп, автоматик эшләтүне хәзер башкарырга телисезме?
Additional cleaning required.
To complete the cleaning process your PC needs to be rebooted and cleaned with Windows Defender Offline. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Please save all your files before clicking on Yes. Would you like to download and automatically run Windows Defender Offline now?
7420Өстәмә чистарту сорала.
Чистартуны тәмамлау өчен, санакны яңадан башлатып, Автоном Windows сакчысы белән чистартырга кирәк. Бу якынча 15 минут алачак. Төймәгә басканчы, барлык файлларыгызны саклагыз.
Additional cleaning required.
To complete the cleaning process your PC needs to be rebooted and cleaned with Windows Defender Offline. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Please save all your files before clicking on the button.
7421&Йөкләү һәм эшләтү &Download and Run
7500$(URL_OnlineHelp) $(URL_OnlineHelp)
7501$(URL_OnlineHelp_Error) $(URL_OnlineHelp_Error)
7502$(URL_OnlineHelp_RTP) $(URL_OnlineHelp_RTP)
7503$(URL_OnlineHelp_AlertLevel) $(URL_OnlineHelp_AlertLevel)
7507$(URL_UpgradeProduct) $(URL_UpgradeProduct)
7508$(URL_OpenWebPageOnClose) $(URL_OpenWebPageOnClose)
7509Система администраторыгыз бу кушымтага керү мөмкинлеген чикләгән. Your system administrator has restricted access to this app.
7600Әлеге операцион системалы клиентларга ярдәм вакыты бетеп бара. Моннан башлап, сезнең санактагы @(BrandName) ярдәмнән һәм сакланудан читтә калачак. Санагыгыз сакланусыз калмасын дисәгез, клиентларга ярдәмсез калган операцион системалар өчен өйрәтмә белән танышыгыз. Support for this operating system is ending. When this occurs @(BrandName) will no longer be supported and your PC might be unprotected. To make sure your PC stays protected, click the link below to see our end-of-support guidance for operating systems.
7601Клиентларга ярдәмсез калган операцион системалар өчен өйрәтмә End-of-support guidance for operating systems
7602Әлеге операцион системалы клиентларга ярдәм вакыты бетте. Ягъни сезнең санактагы @(BrandName) ярдәмсез калды һәм куркыныч астында. Санагыгыз сакланусыз калмасын дисәгез, астагы сылтама аша клиентларга ярдәмсез калган операцион системалар өчен өйрәтмә белән танышыгыз. Support for this operating system has ended, which means @(BrandName) is no longer supported and your PC is at risk. To make sure your PC stays protected, click the link below to see our end-of-support guidance for operating systems.
7604Әлеге операцион системалы клиентларга ярдәм вакыты бетте һәм @(BrandName) сезнең санакны сакламый. Санакның саклануын теләсәгез, астагы сылтама аша клиентларга ярдәмсез калган операцион системалар өчен өйрәтмә белән танышыгыз. Support for this operating system has ended and @(BrandName) is no longer protecting your PC. To make sure your PC is protected, click the link below to see our end-of-support guidance for operating systems.
7606Кабызылган, бу операцион системалы клиентларга ярдәм вакыты бетте On, operating system support has ended
7607Яңартылган, бу операцион системалы клиентларга ярдәм вакыты бетте Up to date, operating system support has ended
7608Сезнең игътибарны таләп итә Requires your attention
7631Сездә антивирус программасы булганга, @(BrandName) сүндерелгән. @(BrandName) кабызу өчен, булган антивирус программасын бетерегез. @(BrandName) is off because you have an existing AV program. Uninstall your existing AV program to turn on @(BrandName).
7632Башка антивирус программасы белән эшкәртелә Handled by another AV program
7633Йөкләү өчен кабызыгыз Turn on to download
7634&Кабызу &Turn On
7635Булган антивирус программасын табу һәм бетерү өчен Кабызуны тамгалагыз. Хәзерге Антивирус программасын бетергәч, @(BrandName) кабызылачак. Select Turn On to find and uninstall your existing AV program. Uninstalling your existing AV program will turn on @(BrandName).
7641@(BrandName) вакыт-вакыт санагыгызны куркынычлардан саклау өчен сканерлый.

@(BrandName) Реаль вакытта саклавы сүндерелгән, чөнки сез башка антивирус программасын кулланасыз. @(BrandName) кабызу өчен, булган антивирус программасын бетерегез.
@(BrandName) is periodically scanning your PC for threats.

@(BrandName) Real-time protection is off because you are using another AV program. Uninstall your existing AV program to turn on @(BrandName).
8000Саклы Protected
8001Куркыныч яный At risk
8002Саксыз булырга мөмкин Potentially unprotected
8003@(BrandName) СҮНДЕРЕЛГӘН @(BrandName) is OFF
8004@(BrandName) даими сканерлау КАБЫЗЫЛГАН @(BrandName) Periodic Scanning is ON
12002Your Internet connection has timed out. Please reconnect to the Internet, and then try again. Your Internet connection has timed out. Please reconnect to the Internet, and then try again.
12029An Internet connection couldn't be detected. Check your Internet connection, and then try again. An Internet connection couldn't be detected. Check your Internet connection, and then try again.
12152A connection to the update server couldn't be established. Please try to install the definitions update again. A connection to the update server couldn't be established. Please try to install the definitions update again.
16386The definition updates couldn't be downloaded because your PC is using an older version of Windows Update, or because Windows couldn't start the service that transfers data. The definition updates couldn't be downloaded because your PC is using an older version of Windows Update, or because Windows couldn't start the service that transfers data.
16398The update server can't process your request at the moment. Please try again later. The update server can't process your request at the moment. Please try again later.
16428The definition updates couldn't be installed because the proxy server or target server names can't be resolved. The definition updates couldn't be installed because the proxy server or target server names can't be resolved.
16431The definition updates couldn't be installed because of a problem with the update file. The definition updates couldn't be installed because of a problem with the update file.
20000Failed to open the local machine Group Policy Failed to open the local machine Group Policy
20001Failed to save the local machine Group Policy Failed to save the local machine Group Policy
20002Failed to create registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy Failed to create registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy
20003Failed to delete registry key "%1" from the local machine Group Policy Failed to delete registry key "%1" from the local machine Group Policy
20004Failed to open registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy Failed to open registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy
20005Failed to convert value "%1" to 32-bit DWORD Failed to convert value "%1" to 32-bit DWORD
20006Failed to convert value "%1" to 64-bit DWORD Failed to convert value "%1" to 64-bit DWORD
20007Failed to set registry value "%1" under registry key "%2" in the local machine Group Policy Failed to set registry value "%1" under registry key "%2" in the local machine Group Policy
20008Failed to connect to WMI namespace "%1" Failed to connect to WMI namespace "%1"
20009Failed to load WMI singleton instance of WMI class "%1" Failed to load WMI singleton instance of WMI class "%1"
20010Failed to load WMI instance "%1" of WMI class "%2" Failed to load WMI instance "%1" of WMI class "%2"
20011Failed to save WMI instance "%1" Failed to save WMI instance "%1"
20012Failed to get current value for WMI property "%1" Failed to get current value for WMI property "%1"
20013Failed to convert the value of WMI property "%1" to type "%2" Failed to convert the value of WMI property "%1" to type "%2"
20014Failed to set WMI property "%1" to "%2" Failed to set WMI property "%1" to "%2"
20015Failed to load policy XML. Verify the file exists and is a valid XML file Failed to load policy XML. Verify the file exists and is a valid XML file
20016Policy XML schema validation failed. Verify that the policy XML file was exported from the FEP console and was not manually modified Policy XML schema validation failed. Verify that the policy XML file was exported from the FEP console and was not manually modified
0x3E8%1 successfully applied security policy: \"%2\".%0 %1 successfully applied security policy: \"%2\".%0
0x3E9%1 failed to apply security policy: \"%2\". Error: %3. Error Code: %4.%0 %1 failed to apply security policy: \"%2\". Error: %3. Error Code: %4.%0
0x7D0The number of detection instances exceeds the limit of %1. Additional instances were discarded.%0 The number of detection instances exceeds the limit of %1. Additional instances were discarded.%0
0x7D1The size of the generated detection instance was more than %1KB, which exceeds the limit of %2KB. The detection instance was discarded.%0 The size of the generated detection instance was more than %1KB, which exceeds the limit of %2KB. The detection instance was discarded.%0
0x7D2There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Infection State WMI instance.%0 There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Infection State WMI instance.%0
0x7D3There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Health State WMI instance.%0 There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Health State WMI instance.%0
0xBBAThere was an error %1 in generating the detection instance.%0 There was an error %1 in generating the detection instance.%0
0xFA0There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider initialization.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider initialization.%0
0xFA1There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider AccessCheck method.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider AccessCheck method.%0
0xFA2There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ProvideEvents method.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ProvideEvents method.%0
0xFA3There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider FireEvent method.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider FireEvent method.%0
0xFA4There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider instance retrieval methods.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider instance retrieval methods.%0
0xFA5There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ExecMethodAsync method.%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ExecMethodAsync method.%0


File Name:MsMpRes.dll.mui
File Size:90 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:91136
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:4.11.15063.0
Product Version Number:4.11.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Tatar
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Кулланучы интерфейсы ресурслары модуле
File Version:4.11.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MsMpRes
Legal Copyright:© Майкрософт ширкәте. Барлык хокуклар сакланган.
Original File Name:MsMpRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:4.11.15063.0

What is MsMpRes.dll.mui?

MsMpRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Tatar language for file MsMpRes.dll (Кулланучы интерфейсы ресурслары модуле).

File version info

File Description:Кулланучы интерфейсы ресурслары модуле
File Version:4.11.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MsMpRes
Legal Copyright:© Майкрософт ширкәте. Барлык хокуклар сакланган.
Original Filename:MsMpRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:4.11.15063.0
Translation:0x444, 1200