100 | Tá an méarlorg sin cumraithe cheana féin ar an gcuntas seo. Triail méar eile. |
That fingerprint has already been set up on this account. Try a different finger. |
101 | Tá an méarlorg sin cumraithe cheana féin ar chuntas eile. Triail méar eile. |
That fingerprint has already been set up on another account. Try a different finger. |
102 | Tá an méarlorg sin cumraithe cheana féin. Triail méar eile. |
That fingerprint has already been set up. Try a different finger. |
103 | Tá an méarlorg sin róchosúil le méarlorg atá cumraithe cheana féin. Triail méar eile. |
That fingerprint is too similar to one that's already set up. Try a different finger. |
104 | Tá uaslíon na 10 méarlorg a cheadaítear don chuntas seo sroichte agat. |
You’ve reached the 10 fingerprint max for this account. |
105 | Ní féidir linn do mhéarlorg a scanadh. Féach chuige go bhfuil an braiteoir glan agus tirim. Má leanann an fhadhb ar aghaidh, triail méar eile. |
Your fingerprint couldn't be scanned. Make sure the sensor is clean and dry, and if the problem continues, try a different finger. |
111 | Níl léitheoir oiriúnach méarloirg ag an PC seo. |
This PC doesn’t have a suitable fingerprint reader. |
112 | Tá an léitheoir méarloirg dínasctha. Athnasc é agus triail arís é. |
The fingerprint reader is disconnected. Reconnect it and try again. |
113 | Ní foláir dúinn do mhéarlorg a scanadh cúpla uair chun Windows Hello a chumrú. |
We’ll need to scan your fingerprint a few times to set up Windows Hello. |
114 | Díreach cúpla scan eile le cinntiú gur féidir do mhéarlorg a aithint. |
Just a few more scans to make sure your fingerprint is recognizable. |
116 | Ár leithscéal, bhí rud éigin cearr. |
Sorry, something went wrong. |
117 | Tá sínigh isteach le méarlorg díchumasaithe ag do riarthóir faoi láthair. |
Fingerprint sign in is currently disabled by your administrator. |
119 | Chun Windows Hello a úsáid, cosain do ghléas ar dtús le BitLocker nó le bogearraí criptiúcháin den chineál sin. |
To use Windows Hello, first protect your device using BitLocker or similar encryption software. |
120 | Scan do mhéar ar an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Scan your finger on the fingerprint reader. |
121 | Scan an méar céanna ar an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Scan the same finger on the fingerprint reader. |
122 | Svaidhpeáil do mhéar ar an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Swipe your finger on the fingerprint reader. |
124 | Svaidhpeáil an méar céanna ar an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Swipe the same finger on the fingerprint reader. |
125 | Brúigh do mhéar in aghaidh an bhraiteora méarloirg, ansin ardaigh é. |
Press your finger against the fingerprint sensor, and then lift it. |
129 | Bog do mhéar beagán níos ísle. |
Move your finger slightly lower. |
130 | Bog do mhéar beagán níos airde. |
Move your finger slightly higher. |
131 | Bog do mhéar beagán faoi dheis. |
Move your finger slightly to the right. |
132 | Bog do mhéar beagán faoi chlé. |
Move your finger slightly to the left. |
133 | Bog do mhéar níos moille trasna an léitheora. |
Move your finger more slowly across the reader. |
134 | Bog do mhéar níos tapa trasna an léitheora. |
Move your finger more quickly across the reader. |
135 | Ní féidir le do ghléas tú a aithint. Déan cinnte go bhfuil an braiteoir glan. |
Your device is having trouble recognizing you. Make sure your sensor is clean. |
136 | Bíodh do mhéar leibhéal agus díreach nuair a úsáideann tú an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Try holding your finger flat and straight when using the fingerprint reader. |
137 | Bain triail as buille níos faide a úsáid ar an léitheoir méarloirg. |
Try using a longer stroke across the fingerprint reader. |
138 | Níl do ghléas in ann tú a aithint. Bain triail eile as, le do thoil. |
Your device is having trouble recognizing you. Please try again. |
139 | Lean ort ag brú agus ag ardú do mhéir go dtí go mbeidh an scan críochnaithe. |
Continue to press and lift your finger until the scan is complete. |
174 | Cumraíocht Windows Hello |
Windows Hello setup |
175 | Tá Windows Hello díchumasaithe ag do riarthóir faoi láthair. |
Windows Hello is currently disabled by your administrator. |
176 | Dún Windows Hello, agus ansin triail dul tríd an gcumraíocht arís. |
Close Windows Hello, and then try going through the setup again. |
177 | Bhí rud éigin cearr. Is féidir gur beag cuimhne córais atá ar fáil duit faoi láthair. Cuir spás ar fáil agus triail arís é. |
Something went wrong. Your available system memory might be running low. Clear up some space and try again. |
178 | Ní oibríonn cumraíocht Windows Hello ar nasc cianda deisce. |
The Windows Hello setup doesn't work over a remote desktop connection. |
200 | Ní féidir do shúile a bhrath. |
Couldn't detect your eyes. |
201 | Ró-gheal! Cas soilse as nó téigh laistigh. |
Too bright! Turn off some lights or go inside. |
202 | Oscail do shúile beagán níos mó. |
Open your eyes a little wider. |
203 | Coinnigh an gléas díreach os comhair do shúile. |
Hold your device straight in front of your eyes. |
204 | Bog amach. |
Move farther away. |
205 | Bog isteach. |
Move closer. |
206 | Ag bogadh beagán chun frithchaitheamh ó do shúile a sheachaint. |
Moving slightly to avoid reflection off your eyes. |
207 | Ní féidir le do ghléas tú a bhrath. Déan cinnte go bhfuil lionsa do cheamara glan. |
Your device is having trouble detecting you. Make sure your camera lens is clean. |
209 | Ródhorcha! Cas soilse air nó téigh chuig áit níos gile. |
Too dark! Turn on some lights or move somewhere brighter. |
220 | Ag foghlaim an chuma atá ort... |
Learning what you look like... |
275 | Ní féidir do chuntas a fhíorú. |
Your account couldn’t be verified. |
276 | Cuir do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir méarloirg |
Touch the fingerprint sensor |
277 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir ar aghaidh do ghléis, ansin ardaigh é - déan arís is arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor on the front of your device until setup is complete. |
278 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir ar chúl do ghléis, ansin ardaigh é - déan arís is arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor on the back of your device until setup is complete. |
279 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir ar an taobh deas den ghléas, ansin ardaigh é - déan arís is arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor on the right side of your device until setup is complete. |
280 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir ar an taobh clé den ghléas, ansin ardaigh é - déan arís is arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor on the left side of your device until setup is complete. |
281 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir ar bharr do ghléis, ansin ardaigh é - déan arís is arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor on the top of your device until setup is complete. |
282 | Cuir do mhéar ar an gcnaipe cumhachta |
Touch the power button |
283 | Fág do mhéar ar an gcnaipe cumhachta, ansin ardaigh í - déan arís agus arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the power button until setup is complete. |
284 | Fág do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir, ansin ardaigh í - déan arís agus arís é go dtí go bhfuil an tsuiteáil críochnaithe. |
Repeatedly lift and rest your finger on the sensor until setup is complete. |
285 | Svaidhpeáil do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir méarloirg |
Swipe your finger on the fingerprint sensor |
286 | Lean ort ag svaidhpeáil go dtí go mbíonn Windows Hello cumraithe. |
Continue swiping until Windows Hello setup is complete. |
287 | Triail uillinn eile anois |
Now try another angle |
288 | Déan do mhéar a ardú agus a chur síos ag uillinneacha difriúla chun imill do phrionta a ghabháil. |
Rest and lift your finger at different angles to capture the edges of your print. |
289 | Anois svaidhpeáil le taobhanna do mhéir |
Now swipe with the sides of your finger |
290 | Lean ort ag svaidhpeáil chun imill do phrionta a ghabháil. |
Continue swiping to capture the edges of your print. |
291 | Go maith, cuir do mhéar ar an mbraiteoir arís |
Great, touch sensor again |
292 | Lean ort ag ardú do mhéir agus á cur síos |
Keep resting and lifting your finger |
293 | Ardaigh agus cuir síos arís é |
Lift and touch again |
294 | Ardaigh do mhéar agus cuir anuas ar an mbraiteoir arís é |
Lift your finger and touch the sensor again |
295 | Go maith, bain triail as uillinn eile |
Great, try a different angle |
296 | Lean ort ag ardú do mhéir agus á cur ar ais |
Keep resting and lifting your finger |
297 | Bog do mhéar gach uair |
Move your finger with each touch |
298 | Svaidhpeáil arís |
Swipe again |
299 | Sin é, lean ort ag svaidhpeáil |
Great, keep swiping |
300 | Svaidhpeáil do mhéar |
Swipe your finger |