MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe a8cce947ea40032b423f2c4ee8957ccc

File info

File name: MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: a8cce947ea40032b423f2c4ee8957ccc
SHA1: 8932ec24f45d38fa1f1b6ea12f96029a5ca55e79
SHA256: 9fa4a909b1472f01768dceb2e0c42ccbe0f381ddb2c2bd35455fb70cf7137280
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe (32 bis)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Afrikaans language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Afrikaans English
100Windows Update Windows Update
101Maak reg Heads up
102Ons moet ’n vereiste bywerking aflaai. Kies hierdie boodskap om te herstel. We need to download a required update. Select this message to fix.
103Herbegin is om %1 geskeduleer. Restart scheduled at %1.
104Ons kon nie op die oomblik herbegin nie. We couldn't restart right now.
105Ons kan nie jou toestel opdateer nie, want ons het ’n paar probleme gevind. Ons sal jou wys hoe om dit te herstel. We can't update your device because we found some issues. We'll show you how to fix them.
106Ons kan nie jou opdatering klaar aflaai nie. We can't finish downloading your update.
107Jy benodig ’n paar bywerkings. You need some updates.
108Beter elke keer Better every time
109Ons kon nie bywerkings klaar installeer nie. We couldn't finish installing updates.
110Ons het ’n paar bywerkings geïnstalleer en ’n paar probleme herstel. We installed some updates and fixed a few issues.
111Sommige bywerkings het nie korrek geïnstalleer nie. Some updates didn't install correctly.
112Kies hierdie boodskap om meer te wete te kom. Select this message to learn more.
113Ons gaan Windows beter maak deur dit binnekort by te werk. Ons sal ’n onthounota wys wanneer ons gaan herbegin. We're going to make Windows better by updating soon. We'll show a reminder when we're going to restart.
114Kies hierdie boodskap om te verander. Select this message to change.
115Kies hierdie boodskap om te herstel. Select this message to fix.
116Kies hierdie boodskap om te installeer. Select this message to install.
117Kan nie bywerkings installeer nie. Can't install updates.
118Ons kon nie jou toestel opdateer nie. We couldn't update your device.
119Kom meer te wete en skeduleer ’n nuwe tyd om jou toestel te herbegin. Learn more and schedule a new time to restart your device.
120Vereiste bywerkings moet geïnstalleer word. Required updates need to be installed.
121Installeer Install
123Ons kry tans jou rekenaar op datum. We're getting your PC up to date.
124Herbegin nou Restart now
126Belangrike bywerkings is beskikbaar. Los asseblief jou masjien aan sodat ons dit kan aflaai en prosesseer terwyl jy nie jou rekenaar gebruik nie. Important updates are available. Please leave your machine on so we can download and process them while you aren't using your computer.
127Gaan na Instellings Go To Settings
128Bekyk instellings View settings
129Sien wat's nuut of het verander in Windows See what's new or changed in Windows
401Skeduleer Schedule
402Laaste kans! Last chance!
403’n Herbegin is geskeduleer om bywerkings om %1 te installeer. Stel uit as dit nie ’n goeie tyd is nie. A restart is scheduled to install updates at %1. Postpone if this isn't a good time.
404Ons is gereed om ’n paar bywerkings te installeer. We're ready to install some updates.
405Herbegin om bywerkings nou te installeer of skeduleer vir later. Restart to install updates now, or schedule for later.
406Bywerkings is beskikbaar Updates are available
407Vereiste bywerkings moet afgelaai word. Required updates need to be downloaded.
408Bekyk bywerkings View updates
409Kan nie bywerkings aflaai nie Can't download updates
410Ons kon sommige bywerkings nie aflaai nie. We couldn't download some updates.
411Meer inligting More info
413Skeduleer ’n nuwe tyd om te herbegin. Schedule a new time to restart.
415Sluit Close
416Outomatiese herbegin is geskeduleer Automatic restart scheduled
417Jou toestel sal om %1 herbegin om bywerkings klaar te installeer. Kies Sluit om jou werk te stoor of Herbegin nou om dadelik te herbegin. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Restart now to restart right away.
418Kan nie bywerkings installeer nie Can't install updates
419Ons kon nie bywerkings installeer nie. We weren't able to install updates.
422Ons sal om %1 herbegin om bywerkings klaar te installeer. Kies Sluit om jou werk te stoor of Stel uit om môre weer te probeer. We'll restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Postpone to try again tomorrow.
424Stel uit Postpone
425Herskeduleer Reschedule
430Bywerking voltooi Update complete
431Jou bywerking is voltooi, maar daar was ’n paar probleme. Indien dinge nie reg werk nie, probeer jou data rugsteun en dan Stel my foon terug te gebruik. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset My Phone.
433Weier Dismiss
435Gereed om bywerkings te installeer Ready to install updates
436Herbegin om nou bywerkings te installeer Restart to install updates now
437Kon nie toestel bywerk nie Couldn’t update device
439Jou bywerking is voltooi, maar daar was ’n paar probleme. Indien dinge nie reg werk nie, probeer jou data rugsteun en dan Stel my toestel terug te gebruik. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset device.
440Dis amper tyd om jou toestel te herbegin It's almost time to restart your device
441Jou toestel sal om %1 herbegin om klaar bywerkings te installeer. As hierdie tyd vir jou werk, kies Bevestig. As jy wil, kan jy nou herbegin of vir 'n ander tyd herskeduleer. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. If this time works for you, select Confirm. If you want, you can restart now or reschedule for a different time.
444Bevestig Confirm
445Ons het ’n bywerking vir jou We've got an update for you
446Windows is ’n diens, en bywerkings is ’n normale deel daarvan om dinge vlot te laat verloop. Jou bywerking is geskeduleer vir %1. Of kies Herbegin nou indien jy reg is om dit nou te doen. Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. Your update is scheduled for %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
448’n Ander keer Another time
449Goed OK
450Amper tyd vir jou herbegin Almost time for your restart
451Jou toestel sal om %1 herbegin om bywerkings te installeer. As hierdie tyd werk, kies Bevestig of jy kan Instellings  Bywerking en Sekuriteit Foonbywerking besoek om te herskeduleer. Your device will restart at %1 to install updates. If this time works, select Confirm or you can visit Settings Update & Security Phone Update to reschedule.
544Jy kry ’n bywerking You’re getting an update
545Jou organisasie gaan jou toestel om %1 herbegin om Windows klaar by te werk. Maak seker jy stoor jou werk voor dan. Of herbegin nou indien jy reg is. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Make sure you save your work before then. Or, restart now if you're ready.
566Windows is ’n diens, en bywerkings is ’n normale deel daarvan om dinge vlot te laat verloop. Ons benodig jou hulp met die installering van hierdie een.
Gereed? Herbegin nou. Nie reg nie? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
567Kom ons raak saam beter Let's get better together
568Moenie sluimer met hierdie bywerking nie – ons wil hê jy moet die nuutste verbeterings hê sodat Windows glad en veiliger kan loop.
Gereed? Herbegin nou. Nie reg nie? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
569Aftelling na goeie dinge... Countdown to goodness...
570Ons gaan die bywerking doen wat jy om %1geskeduleer het. Of kies nou Herbegin indien jy reg is om dit nou te doen. We're going to do the update you scheduled at %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
571Herinner my later Remind me later
572Kom ons wikkel Let's get our groove back
573Ons kon nie Windows bywerk nie want jou toestel het nie om %1 op %2 vir ons afspraak opgedaag nie. Dalk was dit afgeskakel of die battery was amper pap? Kies Herbegin om weer aan die gang te kom. We couldn't update Windows because your device didn't show up for our date at %1 on %2. Maybe it was turned off or the battery was low? Select Restart now to get going again.
574Wag ’n uur Wait an hour
575Kom ons merk hierdie een op jou lysie af Let's cross this one off your list
576Om op datum te wees, beteken Windows sal beter loop en veiliger wees. Ons benodig jou hulp met die installering van hierdie bywerking.
Gereed? Herbegin nou. Nie gereed nie? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
577Windows is ’n diens, en bywerkings is ’n normale deel daarvan om dinge vlot te laat verloop. Ons benodig jou hulp met die installering van hierdie een.
Gereed? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
578Moenie sluimer met hierdie bywerking nie – ons wil hê jy moet die nuutste verbeterings hê sodat Windows glad en veiliger kan loop.
Gereed? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
579Om op datum te wees, beteken Windows sal beter loop en veiliger wees. Ons benodig jou hulp met die installering van hierdie bywerking.
Gereed? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
580Ons gaan die bywerking doen wat jy om %1 op %2 geskeduleer het. Nie reg nie? Kies ’n tyd wat jou pas. We’re going to do the update you scheduled at %1 on %2. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
582Kies ’n tyd Pick a time
583Sluimer Snooze
584Hou aan sluimer Keep snoozing
585Hou aan karring Keep bugging me


File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15360
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Afrikaans
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Alle regte voorbehou.
Original File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusNotificationUx.exe.mui?

MusNotificationUx.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Afrikaans language for file MusNotificationUx.exe (MusNotificationUx.exe).

File version info

File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Alle regte voorbehou.
Original Filename:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x436, 1200