notepad.exe Beležnica a65e391120585505eec93a9d7394ca07

File info

File name: notepad.exe.mui
Size: 12288 byte
MD5: a65e391120585505eec93a9d7394ca07
SHA1: afbd13231fad23dac6565034b9a7a45e4071dc03
SHA256: 7ca0244bcbcf978454c013c11c70ea0e67ab7f48ffcfd530c6f66dcd63329108
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: notepad.exe Beležnica (32-bitov)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
1Datoteke %% ni mogoče odpreti.

Poskrbite, da bo disk v navedenem pogonu.
Cannot open the %% file.

Make sure a disk is in the drive you specified.
2Datoteke %% ni mogoče najti.

Ali želite ustvariti novo datoteko?
Cannot find the %% file.

Do you want to create a new file?
3Vsebina datoteke %% je bila spremenjena.

Ali želite shraniti spremembe?
The text in the %% file has changed.

Do you want to save the changes?
4Brez naslova Untitled
5%1 – Beležnica %1 - Notepad
6Ni mogoče najti »%%« Cannot find "%%"
7Za dokončanje te operacije ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Če ga želite sprostiti, končajte enega ali več programov in poskusite znova. Not enough memory available to complete this operation. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again.
8Datoteka %% je prevelika za Beležnico.

Za urejanje uporabite drug urejevalnik.
The %% file is too large for Notepad.

Use another editor to edit the file.
9Beležnica Notepad
10Inicializacija pogovornih oken datoteke ni uspela. Spremenite ime datoteke in poskusite znova. Failed to initialize file dialogs. Change the file name and try again.
11Inicializacija pogovornih oken za tiskanje ni uspela. Poskrbite, da bo tiskalnik pravilno povezan, na nadzorni plošči pa preverite, ali je tiskalnik pravilno konfiguriran. Failed to initialize print dialogs. Make sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly.
12Datoteke %% ni mogoče natisniti. Preverite, ali je tiskalnik pravilno priključen, in na nadzorni plošči preverite, ali je pravilno konfiguriran. Cannot print the %% file. Be sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly.
13Ime datoteke ni veljavno. Not a valid file name.
14Datoteke %% ni mogoče ustvariti.

Preverite, ali sta ime datoteke in pot do nje pravilna.
Cannot create the %% file.

Make sure that the path and file name are correct.
15Preloma vrstice ni mogoče izvesti, ker je datoteka prevelika. Cannot carry out the Word Wrap command because there is too much text in the file.
16%% %%
17notepad.hlp notepad.hlp
18&f &f
19Stran &p Page &p
20Besedilni dokumenti (*.txt) Text Documents (*.txt)
21Vse datoteke All Files
22Odpiranje Open
23Shranjevanje kot Save As
24Ker je v Beležnici odprto pogovorno okno »Shrani kot«
ne morete zaustaviti sistema Windows ali se iz njega odjaviti. Preklopite v
Beležnico, zaprite pogovorno okno in zatem poskusite znova
zaustaviti sistem Windows ali se iz njega odjaviti.
You cannot shut down or log off Windows because
the Save As dialog box in Notepad is open. Switch to
Notepad, close this dialog box, and then try shutting
down or logging off Windows again.
25Dostop do tiskalnika ni mogoč.
Preverite, ali je tiskalnik pravilno povezan ter na nadzorni plošči preverite, ali je tiskalnik pravilno konfiguriran.
Cannot access your printer.
Be sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly.
Za odpiranje te datoteke nimate dovoljenja. Priskrbite si dovoljenje lastnika datoteke ali skrbnika sistema.
You do not have permission to open this file. See the owner of the file or an administrator to obtain permission.
Ta datoteka vsebuje znake v obliki zapisa Unicode, ki bodo izgubljeni, če datoteko shranite kot ANSI kodirano besedilno datoteko. Če želite obdržati podatke za Unicode, spodaj kliknite »Prekliči« in nato na spustnem seznamu »Kodiranje« izberite možnosti za Unicode. Ali želite nadaljevati?
This file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost if you save this file as an ANSI encoded text file. To keep the Unicode information, click Cancel below and then select one of the Unicode options from the Encoding drop down list. Continue?
28Stran je premajhna za tiskanje ene vrstice.
Poskusite uporabiti manjšo velikost pisave.
Page too small to print one line.
Try printing using smaller font.
29Napaka skupnih pogovornih oken (0x%04x) Common Dialog error (0x%04x)
30Beležnica - Pojdi v vrstico Notepad - Goto Line
31Številka vrstice presega skupno število vrstic The line number is beyond the total number of lines
33Unicode Unicode
34Unicode big endian Unicode big endian
35UTF-8 UTF-8
36Stran %d Page %d
37Vrstica %d, Stolpec %d Ln %d, Col %d
38Stisnjeno, Compressed,
39Šifrirano, Encrypted,
40Skrito, Hidden,
41Brez povezave, Offline,
42Samo za branje, ReadOnly,
43Sistemski, System,
44Datoteka File
45fFpPtTdDcCrRlL fFpPtTdDcCrRlL
46&Kodiranje: &Encoding:
47Beležka se je izvajala v transakciji, ki se je dokončala.

Ali želite datoteko %% shraniti netransakcijsko?
Notepad was running in a transaction which has completed.

Would you like to save the %% file non-transactionally?
48Te datoteke ne moremo odpreti We can’t open this file
49Morda tega ne dovoli vaša organizacija ali pa je nekaj narobe s šifriranjem datoteke. Either your organization doesn’t allow it, or there’s a problem with the file’s encryption.
50Urejevalnik besedila Text Editor
469Besedilni dokument Text Document
470Nov dokument z besedilom New Text Document
3001Ali želite shraniti spremembe v %%? Do you want to save changes to %%?
3002&Shrani &Save
3003&Ne shrani Do&n't Save


File Name:notepad.exe.mui
File Size:12 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:11776
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Beležnica
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Notepad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:NOTEPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is notepad.exe.mui?

notepad.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file notepad.exe (Beležnica).

File version info

File Description:Beležnica
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Notepad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:NOTEPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200