F12Script.dll.mui F12 开发人员工具 a605d93a255837b066328ecbf4b43ebe

File info

File name: F12Script.dll.mui
Size: 39424 byte
MD5: a605d93a255837b066328ecbf4b43ebe
SHA1: fe3dc3207dbf727006d9d9a071d60165932c276f
SHA256: 71f1438d96bfaa42909e5b12955710312737b55414aac5256c82ec8e8147b8a1
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
101{0} - {1} {0} - {1}
102{0} 个控制台错误 {0} Console errors
103分析会话处于活动状态 Profiling session active
104仿真处于活动状态 Emulation active
1051 个控制台错误 1 Console error
117脚本执行已暂停 Script execution paused
118更多工具 More tools
119关闭 Close
120最大化 Maximize
121向下还原 Restore Down
122最小化 Minimize
124固定(Ctrl+P) Pin (Ctrl+P)
125取消固定(Ctrl+P) Unpin (Ctrl+P)
126将应用程序置于前景(F12) Bring application to foreground (F12)
127帮助(F1) Help (F1)
128显示控制台(Ctrl+`) Show Console (Ctrl+`)
129隐藏控制台(Ctrl+`) Hide Console (Ctrl+`)
130文档模式 - {0} Document mode - {0}
131模仿的文档模式 - {0} Document mode emulated - {0}
132{0} - F12 开发人员工具 {0} - F12 Developer Tools
201调试程序 {0} Debugger {0}
202断点 Breakpoints
203调用堆栈 Call stack
204监视 Watches
206中断(Ctrl+Shift+B) Break (Ctrl+Shift+B)
207出现新工作进程时中断(Ctrl+Shift+W) Break on new worker (Ctrl+Shift+W)
208步进(F10) Step over (F10)
209步出(Shift + F11) Step out (Shift+F11)
210步入(F11) Step into (F11)
211在出现任何异常时中断 Break on all exceptions
212出现异常时从不中断 Never break on exceptions
213出现未处理的异常时中断 Break on unhandled exceptions
214更改异常行为(Ctrl+Shift+E) Change exception behavior (Ctrl+Shift+E)
217优质打印(Ctrl+Shift+P) Pretty print (Ctrl+Shift+P)
218全部刷新 Refresh all
219名称 Name
220 Value
221图标 Icon
225刷新 Refresh
226删除 Delete
227关闭标签页 Close tab
228打开文档(Ctrl+O) Open document (Ctrl+O)
229全部删除 Delete all
233转至源 Go to source
234启用 Enable
235禁用 Disable
240关闭所有标签页 Close all tabs
241关闭其他标签页 Close other tabs
242禁用断点 Disable breakpoint
243启用断点 Enable breakpoint
244插入断点 Insert breakpoint
245删除断点 Remove breakpoint
246设置下一条语句 Set next statement
247运行到光标 Run to cursor
248堆栈帧 Stack frames
250位置 Location
256活动框架 Active frame
258查找... (Ctrl+F) Find... (Ctrl+F)
259在文件中查找(Ctrl+F) Find in files (Ctrl+F)
260无法将下一条语句设置到此位置 Unable to set next statement to this location
262复制 Copy
263全部复制 Copy all
264行、列 Line, column
267行: {0},列: {1} Line: {0}, Col: {1}
268禁用所有断点 Disable all breakpoints
269启用所有断点 Enable all breakpoints
270删除所有断点 Remove all breakpoints
271动态脚本 Dynamic scripts
272调试程序 Debugger
273[局部变量] [locals]
277全部启用 Enable all
278全部禁用 Disable all
279条件... Condition...
281条件断点 Conditional breakpoint
282条件 Condition
283在输入框中,输入每次遇到断点时要计算的表达式。如果表达式的计算结果为 "true",调试器将会中断。表达式将在断点位置的上下文中计算,并且对本地变量具有访问权限。 In the input box, enter the expression to evaluate every time the breakpoint is encountered. If the expression evaluates to 'true' then the debugger will break. The expression is evaluated in the context of the breakpoint location and has access to local variables.
284要跟踪的消息 Message to trace
285跟踪 Trace
286在输入框中,输入每次遇到断点时应跟踪的表达式或用引号引起来的字符串。例如,'The date is ' + new Date() In the input box, enter the expression or quoted strings that should be traced every time the tracepoint is encountered. E.g., 'The date is ' + new Date()
287确定 OK
288取消 Cancel
289详细信息 More info
290将条件添加到此断点(Alt+F9) Add a condition to this breakpoint (Alt+F9)
291删除此断点(F9) Delete this breakpoint (F9)
296插入跟踪点 Insert tracepoint
297添加监视 Add watch
298跟踪消息... Trace message...
299暂停此 Web 工作进程 Pause this web worker
303局部变量 Locals
350{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5} {0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}
351{0}:{1}:{2} {0}:{1}:{2}
352more than {0} days ago more than {0} days ago
353more than one day ago more than one day ago
354{0} hours ago {0} hours ago
355one hour ago one hour ago
356{0} minutes ago {0} minutes ago
357one minute ago one minute ago
358a couple of seconds ago a couple of seconds ago
359{0} 秒 {0}s
360{0} 分钟 {0}m
361{0} 小时 {0}h
362{0} 天 {0}d
363{0}: {1} {0}: {1}
371出现未知错误。有关详细信息,请参阅日志。 An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.
374无法从一个已停止的计时器启动一个新的计时器。 Cannot start a new timer from a stopped one.
376编辑器内容 Editor content
378标记输入时模式失败。 The mode has failed while tokenizing the input.

380混合的制表符和空格 Mixed tabs and spaces
381在 "=" 之前必须留有空格 You must leave a space before '='
382在 "=" 之后必须留有空格 You must leave a space after '='
383字符串需要本地化 String needs localization
384未使用的导入“{0}” Unused import '{0}'
385分析时调试处于禁用状态。必须停止所有活动分析会话才能恢复调试。 Debugging is disabled when profiling. You must stop all active profiling sessions to resume debugging.
387全部显示... Show all...
391添加监视(Ctrl+W) Add watch (Ctrl+W)
394编辑值 Edit value
399无法打开 {0} Failed to open {0}
400无法打开 {0}: {1} Failed to open {0} : {1}
401正在打开 {0} Opening {0}
402在脚本执行恢复之前,命令不可用。 Command is not available until script execution resumes.
403在脚本执行停止之前,命令不可用。 Command is not available until script execution stops.
404正在等待脚本执行停止。 Waiting for script execution to stop.
405正在等待下一个脚本运行。 Waiting for the next script to run.
409选择要调试的目标 Select target to debug
411启用自动换行(Alt+W) Turn word wrap on (Alt+W)
412禁用自动换行(Alt+W) Turn word wrap off (Alt+W)
422显示下一语句 Show next statement
423复制 URL Copy URL
424在浏览器中打开 Open in browser
425复制源位置 Copy source location
427要筛选的类型 Type to filter
428[未加载] [Not loaded]
429脚本调试程序无法连接到目标进程。{0} The script debugger failed to connect to the target process. {0}
430已附加调试程序。 A debugger is already attached.
433库框架已隐藏。单击以显示库代码中的框架。(Ctrl+Shift+J) Library frames hidden. Click to show frames from library code. (Ctrl+Shift+J)
434库框架可见。单击以隐藏库代码中的框架。(Ctrl+Shift+J) Library frames visible. Click to hide frames from library code. (Ctrl+Shift+J)
435[库代码] [Library code]
438从磁盘加载“仅我的代码”设置时出现问题。设置将还原为默认值。{0} There was a problem loading Just My Code settings from disk. Settings will revert to default. {0}
439将“仅我的代码”设置保存到磁盘时出现问题。{0} There was a problem saving the current Just My Code settings to disk. {0}
440从 MyCode.json 文件分析“仅我的代码”设置时出现问题。设置将还原为默认值,并且将不会保存进行的任何更改。 There was a problem parsing the Just My Code settings from the MyCode.json file. Settings will revert to default and any changes made will not be saved.
444无法切换源映射,因为此文件没有可用的映射 Cannot toggle source maps because this file does not have a map available
445当前文档的源映射已过期。映射的文件可能与 IE 中加载的文件不匹配。 The source map for the current document is out of date. The mapped file may not match the file loaded in IE.
446无法找到在源映射 {1} 中指定的 {0}。 Could not locate {0} specified in source map {1}.
447在 {1} 处未找到 {0} 的源映射。 Source map for {0} was not found at {1}.
448{0} 处的源映射不符合源映射版本 3 规范。 Source map at {0} does not conform to the Source Map v3 specification.
449源映射版本不受支持。{0} 使用了版本 {1},但只有版本 3 才受支持。 Unsupported source map version. {0} uses version {1} and only version 3 is supported.
450跟踪点 Tracepoint
451未绑定 Unbound
452仅调试我的代码(Ctrl+J) Debug just my code (Ctrl+J)
453禁用所有断点(Ctrl+Shift+F11) Disable all breakpoints (Ctrl+Shift+F11)
454启用所有断点(Ctrl+Shift+F11) Enable all breakpoints (Ctrl+Shift+F11)
465事件断点 Event breakpoint
466条件事件断点 Conditional event breakpoint
467事件跟踪点 Event tracepoint
468“{0}”事件 '{0}' event
470添加事件断点 Add event breakpoint
471添加事件跟踪点 Add event tracepoint
474添加 Add
475事件 Event
476在“条件”框中,你可以输入可选表达式,以便在每次触发该事件时进行评估。如果表达式的计算结果为 "true",则调试程序将中断。该表达式将在中断位置的上下文中进行计算,并可以访问本地变量。 In the condition box, you can enter an optional expression to evaluate every time the event is triggered. If the expression evaluates to 'true' then the debugger will break. The expression is evaluated in the context of the break location and has access to local variables.
477在“跟踪”框中,输入应在每次触发该事件时跟踪的表达式或带引号的字符串。例如,'日期是 ' + new Date() In the trace box, enter the expression or quoted strings that should be traced every time the event is triggered. E.g., 'The date is ' + new Date()
478事件断点和条件事件断点的联机帮助 Online help for event breakpoints and conditional event breakpoints
479事件跟踪点的联机帮助 Online help for event tracepoints
481标记为我的代码(Ctrl+L) Mark as my code (Ctrl+L)
482库代码(Ctrl+L) Library code (Ctrl+L)
484已在调试程序中暂停 Paused in debugger
485选择源映射 Choose source map
486只在文档模式 9 或更高版本中支持 Only supported on Document Mode 9 or higher
487异步帧已隐藏。单击可显示异步堆栈信息。 Async frames hidden. Click to show asynchronous stack information.
488异步帧可见。单击可隐藏异步堆栈信息。 Async frames visible. Click to hide asynchronous stack information.
489(异步帧) (Async frames)
490[异步调用] [Async Call]
491继续(F5 或 F8)快速继续(按住 F5 或 F8)继续并刷新(Ctrl+Shift+F5) Continue (F5 or F8)Fast continue (Hold F5 or F8)Continue and refresh (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
492(未知的位置) (unknown location)
493[“{0}”触发了事件断点] ['{0}' triggered an event breakpoint]
494典型事件 Typical Events
495鼠标事件 Mouse Events
496键盘事件 Keyboard Events
497指针事件 Pointer Events
498计时器 Timer
499鼠标 Mouse
500键盘 Keyboard
501指针 Pointer
502焦点 Focus
503其他 Misc
504窗口 Window
505控件 Control
506设备 Device
507媒体 Media
512游戏板 Gamepad
513只禁用了我的代码 Just my code is disabled
514Go to definition Go to definition
515Find references Find references
520转到上一位置 Go to previous location
521转到下一位置 Go to next location
522全部清除 Clear all
523匹配项数:{0} 匹配的文档数: {1} Matches: {0} Matching documents: {1}
525Pin Pin
526Unpin Unpin
528转至行... Go to line...
529复制位置 Copy location
531[本机代码] [Native code]
532{0}。{1} {0}. {1}
533 Key
535编写的名称: {0}。生成的名称: {1} Authored name: {0}. Generated name: {1}
536本地存储 Local Storage
537会话存储 Session Storage
540 Domain
541路径 Path
542过期时间 Expires
544安全 Secure
545Cookie Cookies
549当属性发生更改时中断 Break when properties change
550当值发生更改时中断 Break when the value changes
551保存更改时出错。 An error occurred while saving changes.
552无法应用编辑。 Failed to apply edits.
553按 Ctrl 键并单击可打开链接 Ctrl + click to open link
554打开链接 Open link
555加载映射到此生成文件的源(Ctrl+Shift+M) Load the sources mapped to this generated file (Ctrl+Shift+M)
556自动换行(Alt+W) Word wrap (Alt+W)
557XMLHttpRequest 响应事件 XMLHttpRequest response event
558XMLHttpRequest 响应 XMLHttpRequest response
559添加 XMLHttpRequest 断点 Add XMLHttpRequest breakpoint
560监视(Alt+Shift+W) Watches (Alt+Shift+W)
561调用堆栈(Alt+Shift+C) Call stack (Alt+Shift+C)
562断点(Alt+Shift+B) Breakpoints (Alt+Shift+B)
571已应用更改,但这些更改可能不会立即可用。可能需要刷新页面,才能使更改实际生效。 The changes were applied but may not be available immediately. You may need to refresh the page for the changes to reliably take affect.
572已应用更改,但这些更改可能不会立即可用: {0}。可能需要刷新页面,才能使更改实际生效。 The changes were applied but may not be available immediately: {0}. You may need to refresh the page for the changes to reliably take affect.
573已成功应用更改。 The changes were applied successfully.
574已成功应用更改,并且已为此 URL 启用 URL 重定向。 The changes were applied successfully, and URL redirection has been enabled for this URL.
576[主线程] [Main Thread]
577保存(Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
579出现错误: {0} An error has occurred: {0}
580删除所有 Cookie Delete all cookies
581删除所有会话 Cookie Delete all session cookies
582删除 Cookie Delete cookie
583调试程序已断开连接。单击进行连接 Debugger disconnected. Click to connect
584调试程序已连接。单击可断开连接 Debugger connected. Click to disconnect
585仅 HTTP HTTP Only
586会话 Session
587只读 Read-only
588文档有挂起的编辑时,不能更改中断点。 Cannot change breakpoints while the document has pending edits.
589不能更改预览文档的中断点。 Cannot change breakpoints of preview documents.
590暂停执行时,无法保存文档。 Cannot save document while execution is paused.
591优质打印切换为开时,无法保存文档。 Cannot save document while pretty print is toggled on.
592无法保存预览文档。 Cannot save a preview document.
593模拟达到存储限制 Simulate reaching the storage limit
594隐藏结果 Hide results
595显示结果 Show results
596引用 References
597已禁用此文档的源映射。 Source mapping for this document has been disabled.
598标记为库代码(Ctrl+L) Mark as library code (Ctrl+L)
599asm.js 已被禁用,因为脚本调试程序已连接。请断开调试程序的连接,以启用 asm.js。 asm.js has been disabled as the script debugger is connected. Disconnect the debugger to enable asm.js.
600asm.js 编译失败。{0} asm.js compilation failed. {0}
601属性 Attributes
602边框 Border
607复制项 Copy item
610文本 - 空文本节点 Text - Empty text node
611全部显示 Display all
612错误 Errors
613筛选 Filter
614消息 Messages
615警告 Warnings
617布局 Layout
618边距 Margin
619{0} 个错误 {0} Errors
620{0} 条消息 {0} Messages
621{0} 条警告 {0} Warnings
622你当前未连接到受支持的页或应用。 You are not currently attached to a supported page or app.
623偏移量 Offset
624填充 Padding
625运行脚本(Enter) Run script (Enter)
629样式 Styles
632JavaScript 控制台已连接,正在接受命令。 JavaScript Console is attached and accepting commands.
633JavaScript 控制台已分离。 JavaScript Console is detached.
634当前元素的 DOM 属性 DOM attributes of the current element
635当前元素的方框模型的尺寸 Dimensions of the current element's box model
636选择元素(Ctrl+B) Select element (Ctrl+B)
638按样式表组织的当前已应用样式 Currently applied styles organized by stylesheet
639按 CSS 属性组织的当前已应用样式 Currently applied styles organized by CSS properties
640附加页未在兼容的 Internet Explorer 文档模式下运行。 The attached page is not running in a compatible Internet Explorer document mode.
655选择元素 Select element
656颜色选取器 Color picker
657色调 Hue
658饱和度 Saturation
659亮度 Lightness
660暗度 Opacity
661添加属性 Add attribute
662将新属性添加到当前元素 Add a new attribute to the current element
663当前元素 Current element
664当前选择的元素 Currently selected element
665删除属性 Remove attribute
666删除当前选择的属性 Remove the currently selected attribute
668删除元素 Delete element
669(文本) (Text)
670(全部显示) (Show all)
672(注释) (Comment)
675Refresh DOM Explorer Refresh DOM Explorer
676刷新 DOM 树 Refresh DOM tree
677当前窗口: {0} Current window: {0}
678正在加载... Loading...
679清除属性 Clear attribute
680清除当前选择的属性的值 Clear the value of the currently selected attribute
681脚本诊断窗口不支持已安装的 Internet Explorer 版本。 The script diagnostics windows do not support the installed version of Internet Explorer.
682剪切 Cut
683粘贴 Paste
684粘贴为子级 Paste as child
685在以下对象前粘贴: Paste before
690应用程序当前未连接到支持脚本诊断的脚本调试目标。 Application is not currently attached to a script debug target that supports script diagnostics.
694若要使用最新的文档模式,请将以下元标记添加到 HTML 页: To use the latest document mode, add the following meta tag to the HTML page:
695JavaScript 控制台中出现错误。功能可能会受到影响。 An error has occurred in the JavaScript Console. Functionality might be affected.
696DOM 资源管理器中出现错误。功能可能会受到影响。 An error has occurred in the DOM Explorer. Functionality might be affected.
697JavaScript 调试器中出现错误。功能可能会受到影响。 An error has occurred in the JavaScript Debugger. Functionality might be affected.
698列: {0} Column: {0}
699文件: {0} File: {0}
700行: {0} Line: {0}
701消息: {0} Message: {0}
706日志 Log
707区分大小写 Match case
708内容 Content
709搜索方向 Search direction
710查找... Find...
711查找下一个(F3) Find next (F3)
712搜索选项 Search options
713查找上一个(Shift+F3) Find previous (Shift+F3)
714CSS 选择器 CSS selector
715搜索类型 Search type
716切换以选择要搜索的文本类型 Toggle to select the type of text to search for
718函数名称: {0} Function name: {0}
719行: {0},列 {1} Line: {0}, Column {1}
721事件处理程序已在当前元素上注册 Event handlers registered on the current element
722打开源文件 Open source file
723单击以显示所有{0} Click to show all {0}
724正在显示第 {0} 页(共 {1} 页) Showing {0} of {1}
725设置断点 Set breakpoint
726以 HTML 形式评估 Evaluate as HTML
727以对象形式评估 Evaluate as Object
728JavaScript 控制台窗口未加载 The JavaScript Console window is not loaded
729DOM 资源管理器窗口未加载 The DOM Explorer window is not loaded
730参数不是 HTMLElement Argument is not an HTMLElement
731({0} 次) ({0} occurrences)
732删除项 Delete item
733事件: {0}
UseCapture: {1}
文件: {2}
行: {3}
列: {4}
Event: {0}
UseCapture: {1}
File: {2}
Line: {3}
Column: {4}
736事件: {0}
UseCapture: {1}
Event: {0}
UseCapture: {1}
No source information available. (Might be an external listener)
738已通过要添加到页的动态创建脚本元素创建此事件处理程序 This event handler was created by a dynamically created script element being added to the page
739已在由 eval 函数执行的代码中声明此事件处理程序 This event handler was declared in code executed by the eval function
740已使用 Function 构造函数创建此事件处理程序 This event handler was created using the function constructor
746找不到对象,需要对其进行重新评估。 Object not found and needs to be reevaluated.
751附加页包含已修改的 eval 函数。脚本诊断窗口可能无法正常工作。 The attached page has a modified eval function. The script diagnostics windows might not work correctly.
752附加页包含已修改的 execScript 函数。脚本诊断窗口可能无法正常工作。 The attached page has a modified execScript function. The script diagnostics windows might not work correctly.
753查找(Ctrl+F) Find (Ctrl+F)
754使用查询选择器或简单文本在 DOM 中搜索 Search in DOM using query selector or simple text
755下一个(F3) Next (F3)
756上一个(Shift+F3) Previous (Shift+F3)
757计时器“{0}”已存在。 Timer "{0}" already exists.
758{0}: {1} 毫秒 {0}: {1}ms
759计时器“{0}”不存在。 Timer "{0}" does not exist.
779[CSS 跟踪样式] [CSS Trace Styles]
790未找到结果。 No results found.
791所有样式 All styles
792内联样式 Inline style
793触摸模式 Touch mode
794捏合模式 Pinch mode
795向左旋转 Rotate left
796向右旋转 Rotate right
797地理位置 Geolocation
798窗口大小 Window size
799默认模式 Default mode
800兼容模式 Compat mode
802Windows Phone Windows Phone
803自定义模式 Custom mode
805清除输入(Esc) Clear input (Esc)
806console.css() 所需的 HTMLElement 类型的参数。 Argument of HTMLElement type expected by console.css().
807console.select() 所需的 HTMLElement 类型的参数。 Argument of HTMLElement type expected by console.select().
808已计算 Computed
810启动 DOM 资源管理器可启用 console.select()。 Start DOM Explorer to enable console.select().
811附加页针对的是文档模式 {0}。部分控制台 API 和功能可能无法使用。 The attached page targets document mode {0}. Some console APIs and features may not be available.
812附加页对应文档模式 {0},该模式不支持 {1}。 The attached page targets document mode {0} which does not support {1}.
813控制台 {0} Console {0}
814DOM 资源管理器 {0} DOM Explorer {0}
815继承自 Inherited from
816控制台 Console
817DOM 资源管理器 DOM Explorer
818仿真 {0} Emulation {0}
819模式 Mode
820文档模式 Document mode
821浏览器配置文件 Browser profile
822用户代理字符串 User agent string
823显示 Display
824方向 Orientation
825字体缩放比例 Font scale factor
826分辨率 Resolution
828模拟 GPS Simulate GPS
831启用,但没有信号 On but no signal
832纬度 Latitude
833经度 Longitude
834刷新样式 Refresh styles
835边缘 Edge
836桌面 Desktop
837出现错误。已对此文档禁用整齐打印。 An error has occurred. Pretty printing for this document has been disabled.
838出现错误。已对某些嵌入式 JavaScript 禁用整齐打印。 An error has occurred. Pretty printing for some embedded JavaScript has been disabled.
840编辑为 HTML Edit as HTML
841输入自定义用户代理字符串 Enter a custom user agent string
842自定义字符串 Custom string
843自定义 Custom
844默认值 Default
845文件: {0}
行: {1}
列: {2}
File: {0}
Line: {1}
Column: {2}
846... ...
847添加到监视 Add to watches
848横向 Landscape
849纵向 Portrait
850请输入自定义宽度或高度。 Please enter a custom width or height.
851请输入数字(例如,"4" 或 "4.3")。 Please enter a number (for example, '4' or '4.3').
852纬度必须介于 -90 和 90 之间。 Latitude must be between -90 and 90.
853经度必须介于 -180 和 180 之间。 Longitude must be between -180 and 180.
854英寸 inches
855像素 pixels
856输入自定义分辨率 Enter a custom resolution
857显示大小 Display size
858宽度 Width
859高度 Height
860请输入大于零的分辨率或屏幕大小。 Please enter a resolution or screen size that is greater than zero.
861显示 DOM 树中所选元素的网页突出显示框 Display web page highlight boxes for the selected element in the DOM tree
862查看源 View source
863复制带样式的元素 Copy element with styles
864显示 DOM 树中所选元素的网页突出显示框(Ctrl+Shift+I) Display web page highlight boxes for the selected element in the DOM tree (Ctrl+Shift+I)
865刷新 DOM 树(F5) Refresh DOM tree (F5)
866打开: 显示所有样式 ON: Display all styles
867关闭: 仅显示用户样式 OFF: Display only user styles
870Ctrl+X Ctrl+X
871Ctrl+C Ctrl+C
872Ctrl+V Ctrl+V
873Del Del
874已重写 Overridden
875运行脚本(Ctrl+Enter) Run script (Ctrl+Enter)
876Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+Enter
880Ctrl+F9 Ctrl+F9
881Ctrl+Shift+F10 Ctrl+Shift+F10
882Ctrl+F10 Ctrl+F10
883Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
884Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F4
885Alt+Num * Alt+Num *
886“悬停”伪类状态 Hover pseudo class state
887悬停 Hover
888“已访问”伪类状态 Visited pseudo class state
889已访问 Visited
890单击以显示伪状态面板 Click to display pseudo states panel
891单击以隐藏伪状态面板 Click to hide pseudo states panel
892在断点处暂停 Paused at a breakpoint
896还原项 Revert item
897更改 Changes
898诊断会话期间做出的 CSS 更改 CSS changes made during diagnostic session
899未知源 Unknown source
900新建规则 New rules
903企业 Enterprise
904你做出的 CSS 更改将显示在此处。 CSS changes you make will appear here.
905帮助 Help
907特性名称 attribute name
908特性值 attribute value
909是否要在控制台打开之前启用控制器消息记录? 在工具未打开的情况下,这可能会对 IE 和使用 HTML/JS 的 Windows 应用商店应用的浏览性能稍有负面影响。 Would you like to enable console message recording before the console is opened? This may have a small negative impact on the browsing performance of IE and Windows Store Apps with HTML/JS when the tools are not open.
910是,始终在打开控制台之前记录 Yes, always record before opening the console
911否,从不在打开控制台之前记录 No, never record before opening the console
912已删除: Deleted:
913已添加: Added:
914已修改: Modified:
915已禁用 Disabled
916Alt+F9 Alt+F9
917F9 F9
918筛选器属性 Filter properties
920添加规则 Add rule
921复制属性 Copy property
922复制规则 Copy rule
928显示大小不能大于 {0}。 Display size cannot be larger than {0}.
929宽度不能大于 {0}。 Width cannot be larger than {0}.
930高度不能大于 {0}。 Height cannot be larger than {0}.
933仿真 Emulation
936重置仿真设置(Ctrl+Shift+L) Reset Emulation settings (Ctrl+Shift+L)
937过时: Stale:
940导航事件分隔条 Navigation Event Separator
941请输入数字(例如,"1080")。 Please enter a number (for example, '1080').
942清除(Ctrl+L) Clear (Ctrl+L)
943清除控制台(Ctrl+L) Clear Console (Ctrl+L)
944显示/隐藏颜色选取器 Show/hide color picker
946Enable ink dropper mode Enable ink dropper mode
948下一个 Next
949上一个 Previous
950常用颜色的调色板 Palette of commonly used colors
954Alpha Alpha
960目标 Target
961Ctrl+D Ctrl+D
962Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D
963Ctrl+G Ctrl+G
964在 DOM 资源管理器中显示 Show in DOM Explorer
965切换到单行模式(Ctrl+Shift+M) Switch to single-line mode (Ctrl+Shift+M)
966切换到多行模式(Ctrl+Shift+M) Switch to multiline mode (Ctrl+Shift+M)
970颜色选取器(Ctrl+K) Color picker (Ctrl+K)
972DOM 元素突出显示(Ctrl+Shift+I) DOM element highlighting (Ctrl+Shift+I)
973仅显示用户样式 Display user styles only
974清除浏览项 Clear on navigate
975保留仿真设置 Persist Emulation settings
976缩放 {0}% Zoom {0}%
977按 Ctrl+0 可重置 Ctrl+0 to reset
978控制台输入单行模式(Enter) Console input single-line mode (Enter)
979控制台输入多行模式(Ctrl+Enter) Console input multiline mode (Ctrl+Enter)
980记录的消息超过了控制台可以显示的消息数。每秒仅显示前 1000 条消息。 More messages are being logged than the console can display. Only the first 1000 messages per second are shown.
983B B
984GB GB
985KB KB
986MB MB
992已启用 Enabled
995Ctrl+Shift+Del Ctrl+Shift+Del
996Ctrl+Del Ctrl+Del
997Ctrl+F5 Ctrl+F5
998所请求的元素不再附加到 DOM The requested element is no longer attached to the DOM
999复制选定的项目 Copy selected items
1000全选 Select all
1001Ctrl+A Ctrl+A
1002Windows 10 移动版 Windows 10 Mobile
2001处理快照时出错: An error occurred while processing the snapshot:
2002拍摄堆快照 Take heap snapshot
2004正在处理快照... Processing snapshot...
2005对象引用 Object references
2006摘要 Summary
2009进程专用字节: process private bytes:
2010JavaScript 堆大小: JavaScript heap size:
2011对象总大小: total object size:
2012对象数目: number of objects:
2013类型数目: number of types:
2014JavaScript 对象: JavaScript objects:
2017外部对象: external objects:
2018查看堆大小的详细信息 View details of the heap size
2019查看对象计数的详细信息 View details of the object count
2020查看与前一快照比较的堆大小的详细信息 View details of the heap size compared to the previous snapshot
2021查看与上一快照比较的对象的详细信息 View details of objects compared to the previous snapshot
2022比较对象 Compare to
2023堆快照 Heap snapshot
2024正在生成比较视图... Generating comparison view...
2025标识符 Identifier(s)
2026保留的大小 Retained size
2027计数 Count
2029大小差异 Size diff.
2030保留的大小差异 Retained size diff.
2031类型 Type
2033大小 Size
2034Snapshot #{0} Snapshot #{0}
2035Snapshot #{0} - Snapshot #{1} Snapshot #{0} - Snapshot #{1}
2036支配者 Dominators
2038 Roots
2040WinRT WinRT
2043将此快照与另一个快照进行比较 Compare this snapshot to another
2044此类型对象的总数 The total number of objects of this type
2047查看文档对象模型(DOM)元素 View the Document Object Model (DOM) elements
2049对象的标识符 The identifier(s) of the object
2050两个快照之间的保留大小更改 The change in retained size between the two snapshots
2051通过删除对象回收的内存量 The amount of memory reclaimed by deleting the object
2053两个快照之间的大小更改 The change in size between the two snapshots
2054对象的内存大小 The memory size of the object
2055查看 {0} 的详细信息 View the details for {0}
2057捕获当前应用程序的堆快照 Take a heap snapshot of the current application
2060查看 WinRT 对象 View the WinRT objects
2061{0}(大小是一个近似值) {0} (size is approximate)
2062无法检索堆大小,因为未加载 ETW 接收器 The heap size could not be retrieved as the ETW sink was not loaded
2063此快照中的外部对象总数 The total number of external objects in this snapshot
2064创建此快照时 JavaScript 堆的大小 The size of the JavaScript heap when this snapshot was created
2065此快照中的 JavaScript 对象总数 The total number of JavaScript objects in this snapshot
2066此快照中的标记元素总数 The total number of markup elements in this snapshot
2067快照中的对象总数 The total number of objects in the snapshot
2068快照中的类型总数 The total number of types in the snapshot
2069创建此快照时进程专用字节的大小 The size of the private bytes for the process when this snapshot was created
2071此快照堆中所有对象的总大小 The combined size of all the objects in the heap for this snapshot
2072此快照中的 WinRT 对象总数 The total number of WinRT objects in this snapshot
2073此工具仅支持在 Windows 8.1 上运行的 (1) Windows 应用商店 8.1 应用、在 Windows 8.1 上运行的 (2) Windows 应用商店 8.0 应用以及在文档模式 10 或更高版本下运行的 (3) Internet Explorer 11 或更高版本。 This tool only supports (1) Windows Store 8.1 apps running on Windows 8.1, (2) Windows Store 8.0 apps running on Windows 8.1, and (3) Internet Explorer 11 or higher running in document modes 10 or higher.
2074当前未附加到支持浏览器诊断的脚本调试目标。 Not currently attached to a script debug target that supports browser diagnostics.
2086{0} 个对象 {0} objects
2087基线 Baseline
2088未增加 No increase
2089进程内存使用情况(专用字节) Process memory usage (private bytes)
2091快照 Snapshot
2092用户标记 User mark
2093显示 JavaScript 和 DOM 元素内存 Shows JavaScript and DOM element memory
2094总内存 Total memory
2095调查 JavaScript 堆以帮助查找问题(例如,内存泄漏) Investigate the JavaScript heap to help find issues such as memory leaks
2096JavaScript 内存 JavaScript Memory
2097将此快照与当前会话中的另一个快照进行比较 Compare this snapshot with another from the current session
2098创建快照失败。{0} Snapshot creation failed. {0}
2099{0} 堆 {0} heap
2100显示对象 ID Display object IDs
2101显示内置项 Show built-ins
2102屏幕截图 Screenshot
2108内存 Memory
2113在 {0} at {0}
2114标尺的最小值为 {0},最大值为 {1} Ruler has minimum value of {0} and maximum value of {1}
2115左滑块 Left slider
2116右滑块 Right slider
2117当前值为 {0}。最小值为 {1}。最大值为 {2}。 Current value is {0}. Minimum value is {1}. Maximum value is {2}.
2118应用生命周期标记 App lifecycle mark
2120指示发生了以下事件的标尺标记: {0} A ruler mark indicating the occurrence of the following events: {0}
2121诊断会话 Diagnostic session
2122毫秒 milliseconds
2123分钟 minutes
2124 seconds
2128按 Enter 可折叠图表。 Press enter to collapse graph.
2129按 Enter 可展开图表。 Press enter to expand graph.
2130放大 Zoom in
2137在根视图中显示 Show in roots view
2138所选节点未连接到 DOM 并且正在占用内存。 The selected node is not attached to the DOM and is consuming memory.
2139所选节点未连接到 DOM 并且正在占用内存。是否忘记了释放此对象? The selected node is not attached to the DOM and is consuming memory. Did you forget to dispose this object?
2140此节点未连接到 DOM This node is not attached to the DOM
2141此节点未连接到 DOM。是否忘记了释放此对象? This node is not attached to the DOM. Did you forget to dispose this object?
2142上面显示了 {0} 个(共 {1} 个)对象。更改筛选器可更新结果集。 {0} out of {1} objects are displayed above. Change the filter to update the result set.
2143加载 {0} 个以上的对象 Load {0} more objects
2146内存不足 Out of memory
2147需要十六进制数字 Expected hexadecimal digit
2148无效数字 Invalid number
2149无效字符 Invalid character
2150需要 ":" Expected ':'
2151需要 "]" Expected ']'
2152需要 "}" Expected '}'
2153未结束的字符串常量 Unterminated string constant
2154语法错误 Syntax error
2155缺少对象 ID Missing object ID
2156对象 ID 无效 Invalid object ID
2157错误: {0} Error: {0}
2158内存 {0} Memory {0}
2159在断点处暂停时已禁用分析。你必须停止调试,才能启用分析。 Profiling is disabled when paused at a breakpoint. You must stop debugging to enable profiling.
2160已添加 Added
2161已修改 Modified
2162未更改 Unchanged
2163操作 Operation
2164显示循环引用 Display circular references
2176触发器垃圾回收 Trigger GC
2177时间 Time
2179更改显示的对象的组(根据这些对象参与两个快照的情况) Change the group of objects that are displayed based on their involvement with the two snapshots
2180范围: Scope:
2181在快照 #{0} 和 #{1} 之间添加的对象({2}) Objects added between Snapshot #{0} and #{1} ({2})
2182从快照 #{0} 中留下的对象({1}) Objects left over from Snapshot #{0} ({1})
2183快照 #{0} 中的所有对象({1}) All objects in Snapshot #{0} ({1})
2184(Ctrl+Shift+T) (Ctrl+Shift+T)
2185已合并的标记 Merged mark
2186此类型的对象未附加到 DOM An object of this type is not attached to the DOM
2187在控制器视图中显示 Show in dominators view
2188对象在两个快照间的参与情况 The object's involvement between the two snapshots
2189开始分析会话(Ctrl+E) Start profiling session (Ctrl+E)
2190停止分析会话(Ctrl+E) Stop profiling session (Ctrl+E)
2191拍摄堆快照(Ctrl+Shift+T) Take heap snapshot (Ctrl+Shift+T)
2192开始分析以开始性能会话(Ctrl+E) Start profiling to begin a performance session (Ctrl+E)
2193更改对象详细视图的显示设置 Change the display settings for the object detail views
2194标识符: Identifier:
2195文件: File:
2196行: Line:
2197列: Column:
2198查看所有快照的内存趋势和摘要 View the memory trend and summary of all snapshots
2199查看按其构造函数分组的所有对象 View all objects grouped by their constructor
2200对象的构造函数的名称 The name of the object's constructor
2201查看整个对象引用关系图的自顶向下层次结构 View the top-down hierarchy of the entire object reference graph
2202按标识符或类型筛选顶级项 Filter the top-level items by identifier or type
2203查看所有对象及其保留的对象 View all objects along with the objects they are retaining
2204无法在快照中找到对象 ID“%d” Couldn't find object ID "%d" in snapshot
2205输入 Enter
2206由于找不到所请求的文件、行号和/或列号,源导航失败。 Source navigation failed because the requested file, line and/or column number could not be found.
2208显示不匹配的引用 Show non-matching references
2209由支配者折叠对象 Fold objects by dominator
2210此对象正在保留分离的 DOM 节点 This object is retaining a detached DOM node
2211此类型的对象保留了未附加到 DOM 的对象 An object of this type retains an object which is not attached to the DOM
2212* *
2213(该引用是循环引用) (reference is circular)
2214由支配者在对象中折叠 Fold in objects by dominator
2215查看 {0} 个潜在问题的详细信息 View details of {0} potential issues
2216导入分析会话(Ctrl+O) Import profiling session (Ctrl+O)
2217导出分析会话(Ctrl+S) Export profiling session (Ctrl+S)
2218导入的会话不包含任何有效的 JavaScript 内存快照。请尝试另一个文件。 The imported session doesn't contain any valid JavaScript memory snapshots. Please try another file.
2219导出分析会话时出错。请重试。 An error occurred while exporting the profiling session. Please try again.
2220标识符筛选器 Identifier filter
2221快照处理已完成 Snapshot processing completed
2225查看快照详细信息 View snapshot details
2226比较对象... Compare to...
2227指示调用 performance.mark() 或 console.timeStamp() 方法 Indicates calls to the performance.mark() or console.timeStamp() methods
2228正在创建堆快照... Heap snapshot in progress...
2229此工具仅支持文档模式 10 或以上。请将文档模式更改为“边缘”模式以启用此工具。 This tool only supports document modes 10 or higher. Change your document mode to Edge mode to enable this tool.
3001每秒帧数 Frames per second
3002可视吞吐量 Visual throughput
3004正在分析收集的数据: Analyzing the collected data:
3005CPU 利用率(%) CPU utilization (%)
3006类别 Category
3007利用率 Utilization
3008持续时间(含): {0} Duration (inclusive): {0}
3009GC GC
3010指示收集不再使用的对象的内存所用的时间 Indicates time spent collecting memory for objects that are no longer in use
3011处理收集的数据时出错。错误代码为: {0}。 An error occurred while processing the collected data. The error code is: {0}.
3013显示 HTML/JavaScript CPU 细目 Shows HTML/JavaScript CPU breakdown
3014HTML/JavaScript CPU 图表 HTML/JavaScript CPU graph
3015检查网站或应用程序将时间用在何处 Examine where time is spent in your website or application
3016HTML UI 响应 HTML UI Responsiveness
3017图像解码 Image decoding
3018指示解压缩和解码图像所用的时间 Indicates time spent decompressing and decoding images
3021正在加载 Loading
3022指示检索应用资源以及分析 HTML 和 CSS 所用的时间。这可能包括网络请求 Indicates time spent retrieving app resources and parsing HTML and CSS. This can include network requests
3024呈现 Rendering
3025指示绘制屏幕所用的时间 Indicates time spent in painting the screen
3026应用生命周期事件 App lifecycle event
3029脚本 Scripting
3030指示分析和执行 JavaScript 所用的时间。这包括 DOM 事件、计时器、脚本计算和动画帧回调 Indicates time spent parsing and executing JavaScript. This includes DOM events, timers, script evaluation, and animation frame callbacks
3032开始时间: {0} Start time: {0}
3034指示计算元素图示和布局所用的时间 Indicates time spent calculating element presentation and layout
3035时间线详细信息 Timeline details
3036持续时间(含) Duration (inclusive)
3037排序方式: Sort by:
3038开始时间 Start time
3041指示已知线程上未分类的工作 Indicates uncategorized work on known threads
3043清除选定内容 Clear selection
3044重置缩放 Reset zoom
3046地址名称 Address name
3047在目标处 At target
3048浮升 Bubbling
3049捕获 Capturing
3050默认值已阻止 Default prevented
3051事件名 Event name
3052事件阶段 Event phase
3053图像已解码 Image decoded
3056侦听器使用捕获 Listener uses capture
3057 No
3058传播已停止 Propagation stopped
3059脚本 URL Script URL
3060状态代码 Status code
3062 Yes
3063计时器类型 Timer type
3064遇到需要分析的新 CSS 内容。 New CSS content was encountered that needed to be parsed.
3065在 DOM 中遇到新的 元素,需要加以分析并执行。 A new element was encountered in the DOM and needed to be parsed and executed.
3066在 DOM 中遇到远程资源或创建了需要发出 HTTP 请求的 XMLHttpRequest。 A remote resource was encountered in the DOM or an XMLHttpRequest was created that required an HTTP request to be made.
3067DOM 中包含一幅图像,需要将该图像从其原始格式解压缩为位图。 An image was included into the DOM and needed be to decompressed from its original format into a bitmap.
3068对 DOM 进行了可视更改,这要求重新绘制所有受影响的页部分。 Visual changes were made to the DOM that required all affected portions of the page to be redrawn.
3069计划的计时器时间已过,这导致了执行其关联的回调。 A scheduled timer elapsed which resulted in the execution of its associated callback.
3070样式计算 Style calculation
3071CSS 分析 CSS parsing
3072DOM 事件 DOM event
3073脚本计算 Script evaluation
3074事件侦听器 Event listener
3075垃圾收集 Garbage collection
3076HTML 分析 HTML parsing
3077HTTP 请求 HTTP request
3080画图 Paint
3087 Frame
3088动画帧回调 Animation frame callback
3089推理下载 Speculative downloading
3090Windows 运行时事件 Windows Runtime event
3091Windows 运行时异步回调 Windows Runtime async callback
3094线程: {0} Thread: {0}
3095UI 线程 UI thread
3096呈现层 Render layer
3097{0} 在 {2} 使用了 {1}% 的 CPU 时间 {0} utilized {1}% of CPU time at {2}
3098表示应用程序的 CPU 利用率的条形图。按向右键和向左键可导航。 A bar graph representing the CPU utilization of the application. Press the right and left arrows to navigate.
3099表示应用程序的可视吞吐量(以每秒帧数为单位报告)的梯线图。按向右键和向左键可导航。 A step line graph representing the visual throughput, reported in frames per second, of the application. Press the right and left arrows to navigate.
3100{0} FPS(在 {1}) {0} FPS at {1}
3101显示在当前时间选择范围内发生的事件顺序的可滚动甘特图。按向上键和向下键可导航。 A scrollable Gantt chart displaying the sequence of events that occurred within the current time selection. Press the up and down arrows to navigate.
3102开始时间为 {1} 且持续时间为 {2} 的 {0} 事件 {0} event with start time at {1} and duration {2}
3107图像 URL Image URL
3108持续时间(不含): {0} Duration (exclusive): {0}
3109已处理对 DOM 所做的挂起可视更改,以便可以更新应用的显示。 Pending visual changes that were made to the DOM were processed so that the app's display could be updated.
3110在准备新帧时,触发了已注册的回调,以便于其可以参与可视更改。 While a new frame was being prepared a registered callback was triggered so that it could contribute visual changes.
3111对 DOM 做出了更改或添加了新的 CSS 内容,需要重新计算所有受影响元素的样式属性。 Changes were made to the DOM or new CSS content was added, requiring the style properties of all affected elements to be recalculated.
3112在 DOM 对象上触发了事件。 An event was fired on a DOM object.
3113为响应所触发的 DOM 事件,触发了已注册的事件侦听器。 A registered event listener was triggered in response to a DOM event being fired.
3114JavaScript 运行时审计了应用的当前内存使用量,以确定不再引用哪些对象并因此可以收集这些对象。 The JavaScript runtime audited the app's current memory usage in order to determine which objects aren't being referenced anymore and could therefore be collected.
3115遇到需要分析到节点中以及插入 DOM 中的新 HTML 内容。 New HTML content was encountered that needed to be parsed into nodes and inserted into the DOM.
3116正在此页的 HTML 内容中搜索所需资源,以便尽快计划这些资源的 HTTP 请求。 The page's HTML content was being searched for required resources so that the HTTP requests for them could be scheduled as quickly as possible.
3117已对 DOM 做出更改,需要计算所有受影响元素的大小和/或位置。 Changes were made to the DOM that required the size and/or position of all affected elements to be computed.
3118在触发了已注册的侦听器的 Windows 运行时对象上触发了一个事件。 An event was fired on a Windows Runtime object which triggered a registered listener.
3119触发了 Promise 回调的 Windows 运行时对象完成了一个异步操作。 An async operation was completed by a Windows Runtime object which triggered a Promise callback.
3122来源 Origin
3123尺寸 Dimensions
3124内联 Inline
3125内容预览 Content preview
3126对 DOM 的独立呈现片段(称为层)做出了可视更改,这需要重新绘制其在页中的相应部分。 Visual changes were made to an independently rendered fragment of the DOM (called a layer) which required its respective portion of the page to be redrawn.
3132(强制布局) (force layout)
3133(插入元素) (insert element)
3134设置 {0} set {0}
3135(检测到样式更改) (style change detected)
3136(样式计算) (style computation)
3137(未知任务) (unknown task)
3138已为 display:table 生成父级 generated parent for display:table
3139已为 SVG 内容生成根容器 generated root container for SVG content
3140已分页流的页 page of paginated flow
3141调整文档大小 document resize
3142文本块 text block
3143文本行 text line
3144未知 unknown
3145已更新影响此元素的 CSS 样式,这需要为此元素重新计算层叠。 The CSS styles affecting this element were updated, requiring a cascade recalculation for this element.
3146对 DOM 做出了更改或添加了新的 CSS 内容,这需要重新计算受影响元素的样式属性。 Changes were made to the DOM or new CSS content was added, requiring the style properties of an affected element to be recalculated.
3147调用了脚本,访问或设置了 DOM 属性或方法,因而触发了布局引擎中的工作。 Script invoked, accessed or set a DOM property or method, thereby triggering work in the layout engine.
3148显示树中的更改要求计算此元素的大小和/或位置。 Changes in the display tree required the size and/or position for this element to be computed.
3149元素样式计算 Element style calculation
3150元素样式更新 Element style update
3151DOM 访问 - {0} DOM access - {0}
3152元素布局 Element layout
3153元素 Element
3154包含时间摘要: Inclusive time summary:
3156未知计时器 Unknown timer
3157动画帧计时器 Animation frame timer
3159源位置 Source location
3160即时传播已停止 Immediate propagation stopped
3161事件目标 Event target
3162{0} ({1},{2}) {0} ({1},{2})
3163一个环状图表,显示哪些事件类型占用了 UI 线程上最大百分比的 CPU 时间。 A donut chart that displays which event types consumed the highest percentage of CPU time on the UI thread.
3164{0} 事件占用了 {1}% 的总 CPU 时间并且执行持续时间为 {2}。 {0} event took {1} percent of total CPU time and executed for {2}.
3165DOM 访问 DOM access
3166访问类型 Access type
3167目标元素 Target element
3168由于目标计算机在收集数据时过载,某些性能数据丢失。信息可能不完整、不准确或次序有误。 Due to the target machine being overloaded at the time of collection, some performance data was lost. Information may be incomplete, inaccurate, or out of order.
3169样式表 URL Stylesheet URL
3171{0}% {0}%
3172延迟 Delay
3174DOM 访问({0}) DOM access ({0})
3175持续时间 Duration
3178此工具仅支持在 Windows 8.1 上运行的 (1) Windows 应用商店 8.1 应用、在 Windows 8.1 上运行的 (2) Windows 应用商店 8.0 应用以及在文档模式 10 或更高版本下运行的 (3) Internet Explorer 11 或更高版本。收集的数据中可能缺少信息。 This tool only supports (1) Windows Store 8.1 apps running on Windows 8.1, (2) Windows Store 8.0 apps running on Windows 8.1, and (3) Internet Explorer 11 or higher running in document modes 10 or higher. Information may be missing from the data collected.
3179导航({0}) Navigation ({0})
3181布局模式 Layout mode
3183指示应用生命周期期间的基本事件 Indicates fundamental events during app lifetime
3184在某个断点暂停分析后将禁止分析。必须停止调试才能启用分析。 Profiling is disabled when paused at a breakpoint. You must stop debugging to enable profiling.
3186按 Enter 折叠关系图。 Press enter to collapse graph.
3187按 Enter 展开关系图。 Press enter to expand graph.
3188清除筛选器 Clear filter
3189筛选到事件 Filter to event
3190样式。{0} = "{1}" style.{0} = "{1}"
3196事件: Event:
3197配置时间线上显示的事件 Configure the events displayed on the timeline
3198后台活动 Background activity
3199网络流量 Network traffic
3200回调函数 Callback function
3201仅分析我的代码(Ctrl+J) Profile just my code (Ctrl+J)
3202分析所有代码(Ctrl+J) Profile all code (Ctrl+J)
3203呈现线程 Render thread
3204下载线程 Download thread
3205可忽略的 UI 活动( Negligible UI activity (
3206格式设置 Formatting
3207元素格式设置 Element formatting
3213停止分析以生成报告(Ctrl+E) Stop profiling to generate a report (Ctrl+E)
3214即时 Immediate
3215时间间隔 Interval
3216按持续时间或开始时间对事件进行排序 Sort events either by duration or start time
3217超时 Timeout
3232用户度量 User measures
3234使用 performance.measure() 方法度量了特定于应用的方案。 An app-specific scenario was measured using the performance.measure() method.
3236开始标记 Start mark
3237结束标记 End mark
3240选定的毫秒数 milliseconds selected
3241选定的秒数 seconds selected
3242选定的分钟数 minutes selected
3243事件名称筛选器 Event name filter
3244按名称或类型筛选顶级事件 Filter the top-level events by name or type
3245媒体查询侦听器 Media query listener
3246注册的媒体查询已无效,从而导致执行其关联的侦听器。 A registered media query was invalidated which resulted in the execution of its associated listener(s).
3247媒体查询 Media query
3248Mutation Observer Mutation observer
3249一个或多个受观察的 DOM 元素已修改,从而导致执行 MutationObserver 的关联回调。 One or more observed DOM elements were modified which resulted in the execution of a MutationObserver's associated callback.
3250筛选事件 Filter events
3251按帧为顶级事件分组 Group top level events by frames
3254导入的会话不包含任何有效的性能数据。请尝试另一个文件。 The imported session doesn't include any valid performance data. Please try another file.
3256UI 活动 UI activity
3257基础数据的格式不正确 The underlying data is not in the proper format
3258事件持续时间: 全部 Event duration: All
3259事件持续时间: {0} Event duration: {0}
3260按非独占持续时间筛选顶级事件 Filters top-level events by their inclusive duration
3261显示在后台线程(例如图像解码、GC)上发生的事件 Show events which occurred on a background thread (e.g. Image decoding, GC)
3262显示网络绑定的 HTTP 请求 Show HTTP requests which were network-bound
3263显示在 UI 线程和/或呈现线程(如 DOM 事件处理程序、布局)上发生的事件 Show events which occurred on the UI thread and/or render thread (e.g. DOM event handlers, Layout)
3264显示指示调用 performance.measure() 方法的自定义事件 Show custom events which indicate calls to the performance.measure() method
3266{0}: {1}% ({2}) {0}: {1}% ({2})
3267空闲 Idle
3268选择持续时间: {0} Selection duration: {0}
3269UI 线程摘要: UI thread summary:
3270图像预览({0}x{1}): Image preview ({0}x{1}):
3284此工具仅支持文档模式 10 或以上; 因此,会话中可能缺少信息。为了提高准确性,请将你的文档模式更改为“边缘”,然后启动新会话。 This tool only supports document modes 10 or higher; therefore, information may be missing from the session. To improve accuracy, change your document mode to Edge and start a new session.
3285图像解码线程 Image decoding thread
3286调度调用堆栈: Scheduling call stack:
3288时间线 Timeline
3289查看在当前选择的时间范围内发生的活动的整体序列 View the holistic sequence of activities that occurred within the current time selection
3290JavaScript 调用堆栈 JavaScript call stacks
3291查看在当前选择的时间范围内采样的 JavaScript 调用堆栈 View the JavaScript call stacks that were sampled within the current time selection
3294函数名称 Function name
3297出现堆栈帧的 URL URL(s) where stack frame occurred
3298所选 CPU 活动({1} 个样本,共 {2} 个样本)的 {0} {0} of selected CPU activity ({1} sample(s) out of {2})
3299{0} 毫秒 CPU 时间({1} 个样本,1 样本/毫秒) {0} ms of CPU time ({1} sample(s) at 1 sample/ms)
3300独占 CPU 时间(毫秒) Exclusive CPU (ms)
3301执行此函数中的代码所用的 CPU 时间,不包括此函数所调用函数占用的时间 CPU time spent executing code in this function, excluding time in functions called by this function
3302独占 CPU (%) Exclusive CPU (%)
3303此函数中所选 CPU 活动的百分比,不包括此函数所调用函数中的活动 Percentage of selected CPU activity in this function, excluding activity in functions called by this function
3304非独占 CPU 时间(毫秒) Inclusive CPU (ms)
3305执行此函数及此函数所调用函数中的代码所用的 CPU 时间 CPU time spent executing code in this function and in functions called by this function
3306非独占 CPU (%) Inclusive CPU (%)
3307此函数及此函数所调用函数中所选 CPU 活动的百分比 Percentage of selected CPU activity in this function and in functions called by this function
3308所提供的用于搜索的正则表达式无效。 The supplied regular expression for searching is invalid.
3309正在分析... Analyzing...
3310找不到任何匹配项。 Could not find any matches.
3311已到达文档末尾。是否要从头开始重新搜索? Reached the end of the document. Do you want to restart the search from the beginning?
3312{0} 个模块 {0} modules
3313样本计数: Sample count:
3314进程的样本百分比: Sample % of process:
3315正在搜索... Searching...
3316[系统代码] [System code]
3317性能 Performance
3318性能 {0} Performance {0}
6001网络 {0} Network {0}
6002启用网络流量捕获(F5) Enable network traffic capturing (F5)
6003禁用网络流量捕获(F5) Disable network traffic capturing (F5)
6004读入 HAR 文件 Read in a HAR file
6006启动分析以开始性能会话(Ctrl+E) Start profiling to begin a performance session (Ctrl+E)
6008清除缓存 Clear cache
6009Clear cookies Clear cookies
6010网络 Network
6011清除会话 Clear session
6012始终从服务器中刷新 Always refresh from server
6013标头 Headers
6014参数 Parameters
6016正文 Body
6025{0} x {1} {0} x {1}
6027(来自缓存) (from cache)
6028已停止 Stalled
6029代理 Proxy
6030正在解析(DNS) Resolving (DNS)
6031正在连接(TCP) Connecting (TCP)
6033正在发送 Sending
6034正在等待(TTFB) Waiting (TTFB)
6035正在下载 Downloading
6036此资源是从缓存加载的,并没有受到网络延迟的影响 This resource was loaded from the cache and it was not affected by network latency
6037此资源已嵌入到文档中,并没有直接受到网络延迟的影响 This resource was embedded in a document and it was not directly affected by network latency
6038重定向后请求的资源是从缓存加载的,并没有受到网络延迟的影响 The resource requested after redirection was loaded from cache and it was not affected by network latency
6039重定向自 Redirected from
6040重定向到 Redirected to
6041计时 Timings
6042此资源没有头数据 This resource has no header data
6043此资源没有有效负载数据 This resource has no payload data
6044此资源没有 Cookie This resource has no cookies
6045此资源没有查询字符串参数 This resource has no query string parameters
6046此资源没有计时数据 This resource has no timing data
6047未选中任何资源 No resource is selected
6050资源的文件名和 URL 路径 File name and URL path of resource
6051方法 Method
6052用于请求的 HTTP 方法 HTTP method used for the request
6053结果 Result
6054描述 Description
6055HTTP 状态代码 HTTP status code
6056请求类型 Request type
6058服务器传递的标头和有效负载的总大小 Total size of the headers and payloads as delivered by the server
6061发起程序 Initiator
6063负责发起请求的子系统 Subsystem responsible for initiating the request
6064全部 All
6066文档 Documents
6068样式表 Style sheets
6070图像 Images
6076字体 Fonts
6080内容类型 Content type
6081内容类型筛选器 Content type filter
6082流量筛选器 Traffic filter
6086WebSocket WebSockets
6088TextTrack TextTracks
6091清除域缓存 Clear domain cache
6092清除域 Cookie Clear domain cookies
6095在新标签页中打开 Open in new tab
6097复制请求标头 Copy request headers
6098复制响应标头 Copy response headers
6099复制请求负载 Copy request payload
6100复制响应负载 Copy response payload
6101重播 XHR Replay XHR
6102复制为 cURL Copy as cURL
6103复制为 PowerShell Copy as PowerShell
6104全部复制为 HAR Copy all as HAR
6105请求 request
6109等待套接字变为可用以便发送请求所用的时间 Time spent waiting for a socket to become available so that the request could be sent
6110协商与代理服务器进行连接所用的时间 Time spent negotiating the connection with a proxy server
6111解析此请求的域的 IP 地址所用的时间 Time spent resolving the IP address for this request's domain
6112完成 TCP 握手和协商 SSL (如果需要)所用的时间 Time spent completing the TCP handshake and negotiating SSL if required
6113完成 SSL 握手所用的时间 Time spent completing the SSL handshake
6114向服务器发出请求所用的时间 Time spent issuing the request to the server
6115等待来自服务器的初始响应所用的时间 Time spent waiting for the initial response from the server
6116从服务器下载响应所用的时间 Time spent downloading the response from the server
6117{0} 事件标记 {0} event marker
6118{0}, {1} 发生 {0} at {1}
6119分析程序 Parser
6120重定向 Redirect
6122请求和响应标头 Request and response headers
6123请求和响应内容有效负载 Request and response content payload
6124查询字符串参数 Query string parameters
6125请求和响应 Cookie Request and response cookies
6126请求和响应计时 Request and response timings
6127由于所应用的内容类型筛选器的缘故,无法访问请求。若要导航到请求,你必须清除筛选器。 The request can't be accessed because of the applied content type filter. You must clear the filter in order to navigate to the request.
6128网络事件的时间线 Timeline of network events
6129加载响应所需的总时间 Total time taken to load the response
6130已接收 Received
6133请求的名称和 URL 路径 Name and URL path of the request
6146导入的会话不包含有效的网络数据。请尝试另一个文件。 The imported session doesn't include valid network data. Please try another file.
6149(挂起) (Pending)
6150{0}/ {0} out of
6151{0} 已传输 {0} transferred
6152已耗时 {0} {0} taken
6153{0} 个请求 {0} request
6157响应正文 Response body
6158请求正文 Request body
6159自动换行 Word wrap
6160优质打印 Pretty print
6162协议 Protocol
6163请求的协议类型 Type of protocol for the request
6164导出为 HAR Export as HAR
6165导出为 HAR (Ctrl+S) Export as HAR (Ctrl+S)
6166此资源没有响应负载数据 This resource has no response payload data
6167此资源没有请求负载数据 This resource has no request payload data
6168(DOMContentLoaded: {0},加载: {1}) (DOMContentLoaded: {0}, load: {1})
6169复制(Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
6170复制值 Copy value
6171请求 Cookie Request Cookies
6172响应 Cookie Response Cookies
6173服务器传递的响应的总大小 Total size of the response as delivered by the server
6175网络集合代理无法启动。 The network collection agent failed to start.
6178请求标头 Request Headers
6179响应标头 Response Headers
6180请求 URL Request URL
6181请求方法 Request Method
6182状态码 Status Code
8048Type a column between 1 and {0} to navigate to Type a column between 1 and {0} to navigate to
8049Type a line number between 1 and {0} to navigate to Type a line number between 1 and {0} to navigate to
8052calls ({0}) calls ({0})
8053constructors ({0}) constructors ({0})
8054variables ({0}) variables ({0})
8056properties ({0}) properties ({0})
8057functions ({0}) functions ({0})
8058methods ({0}) methods ({0})
8059interfaces ({0}) interfaces ({0})
8060classes ({0}) classes ({0})
8061modules ({0}) modules ({0})
8062symbols ({0}) symbols ({0})
8094Editor content Editor content
8149Type a line number, followed by an optional colon and a column number to navigate to Type a line number, followed by an optional colon and a column number to navigate to
8150Type the name of an identifier you wish to navigate to Type the name of an identifier you wish to navigate to
8151Go to line {0} Go to line {0}
8152Go to line {0} and column {1} Go to line {0} and column {1}
9008指示已使用 LoggingChannel API 记录了消息 Indicates messages logged using the LoggingChannel API
9023单击可清除选定内容。 Click to clear selection.
9025单击可重置视图。 Click to reset view.
9026重置视图 Reset View
9027单击可放大。 Click to zoom in.
9028单击可重置缩放。 Click to reset zoom.
9032停止收集 Stop Collection
9033单击可停止收集。 Click to stop collection.
9034停止收集(Ctrl+Alt+F2) Stop Collection (Ctrl+Alt+F2)
9035已合并标记 Merged mark
9037指示存在两种或更多种类型的标记 Indicates there are marks of two or more types
9038使用左箭头和右箭头键可浏览各个标记。 Use left and right arrow keys to navigate through marks.
9039应用 Apply
9041选择工具 Select Tools
9042值: {0} Value: {0}
9043缩放到所选区域 Zoom To Selection
9044缩小 Zoom Out
9045单击以缩放到当前所选区域。 Click to zoom to the current selection.
9046单击以缩小。 Click to zoom out.
9047重新启动调试可在此窗口中启用内存工具。对于 .NET 桌面项目,还需要在“调试”选项卡下的“项目属性”中禁用 Visual Studio 托管进程。 Restart debugging to enable the Memory tool in this window. For a .NET desktop project, you also need to disable the Visual Studio hosting process in the Project Properties under the Debug tab.
9050此内容需要新版本的 Internet Explorer。 The content requires a new version of Internet Explorer.
9051单击此处可下载更新版本的 Internet Explorer Click here to download newer version of Internet Explorer
9052正在处理字符串 Processing string
9054{0} 个诊断事件被丢弃,此报告中的某些信息可能缺失或不准确。 {0} diagnostic events dropped, some information in the report may be missing or inaccurate.
9055更多信息... More information...
9056正在调试多个进程,但此窗口仅显示 {0} 的字符串(PID: {1})。 Multiple processes are being debugged, but this window is only showing string for {0} (PID: {1}).
9059已选择 {0} {1} {0} {1} selected
9060{0}{1} {0}{1}
9061{0} {0}
9072诊断会话: {0} ({1}) Diagnostics session: {0} ({1})
9073时间: {0} Time: {0}
9074最接近的数据 Nearest data
9075对所选工具的更改将应用于下一个调试会话 Changes to the selected tools will be applied to the next debugging session
9076配置工具设置 Configure tool settings
9077设置... Settings...
10016试验 Experiments
10017试验 {0} Experiments {0}
10018编辑 CSS Edit CSS
10019编辑 Cookie Edit Cookies
10020编辑 Web 存储 Edit Web Storage
10021若要应用这些设置,你需要重新启动浏览器。 To apply these settings, you will need to restart your browser.
10022编辑 JavaScript Edit JavaScript
11008asm.js 编译成功。{0} asm.js compilation succeeded. {0}
11009此文档已修改 This document has been modified
11010将所有文档与其原始文档进行比较 Compare all documents to their original
11011将更改导出到其他文件 Export changes to a diff file
11012将所有更改导出到其他文件 Export all changes to a diff file
11013保存并应用对此文件的更改(Ctrl+S)。 Save and apply changes to this file (Ctrl+S)
11014保存更改并将以后的请求重定向到此 URL (Ctrl+S) Save changes and redirect future requests to this URL (Ctrl+S)
11015将以后的请求重定向到此 URL Redirect future requests to this URL
11016关闭此 URL 的 URL 重定向 Turn off URL redirection for this URL
11017将文档与原件进行比较 Compare document to original
11018仅查看当前文档 View current document only


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File Type:Win32 DLL
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File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:F12 开发人员工具
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Internal Name:F12Script.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:F12Script.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0

What is F12Script.dll.mui?

F12Script.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file F12Script.dll (F12 开发人员工具).

File version info

File Description:F12 开发人员工具
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:F12Script.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:F12Script.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200