File name: | changepk.exe.mui |
Size: | 16896 byte |
MD5: | a5ede90fa91b34643e93924b7d5dc889 |
SHA1: | 854a4a8996ed394707abcf53362f584def8cda3b |
SHA256: | 4f67d68275a109c3797e422eefa14cbfdd25bcf2fa9b75809b9a07f0edc49bef |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | changepk.exe Windows Activation (32-bitov) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
1 | Zapri | Close |
2 | Vnesite ključ izdelka | Enter a product key |
3 | Naprej | Next |
4 | Prekliči | Cancel |
5 | Če želite več informacij, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. | Contact your system administrator for more information. |
6 | Preberite našo izjavo o zasebnosti | Read our privacy statement |
7 | Windows se je zagnal v varnem načinu. Če želite aktivirati Windows, znova zaženite napravo v navadnem načinu. | Windows started in safe mode. Restart your device normally to activate Windows. |
8 | V nastavitvah vnesite ključ izdelka in poskusite znova. | Enter a product key in Settings and try again. |
10 | Nekateri od teh znakov niso dovoljeni v ključu izdelka. | Some of these characters can’t appear in the product key. |
11 | Sistema Windows nismo mogli aktivirati | We couldn't activate Windows |
12 | Sistem Windows je aktiviran | Windows is activated |
14 | 11;normal;None;Segoe UI | 11;normal;None;Segoe UI |
17 | Windows se je zagnal v varnem načinu. Znova zaženite napravo v navadnem načinu in nato vnesite ključ izdelka ter aktivirajte Windows. | Windows started in safe mode. Restart your device normally to enter a product key and activate Windows. |
18 | Ključ izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, ni bil pravi. Preverite ključ izdelka in poskusite znova ali vnesite drug ključ izdelka. | The product key you entered didn't work. Check the product key and try again, or enter a different one. |
19 | Ključ izdelka bi moral biti v e-poštnem sporočilu, ki vam ga je poslal prodajalec ali distributer sistema Windows, ali na škatlici, v kateri ste dobili DVD ali ključek USB s sistemom Windows. | Your product key should be in an email from whoever sold or distributed Windows to you, or on the box the Windows DVD or USB came in. |
20 | Ključ izdelka je podoben temu: | The product key looks similar to this: |
22 | Ključ izdelka | Product key |
23 | Pomišljaji bodo dodani samodejno | Dashes will be added automatically |
24 | Uporabljate %WINDOWS_LONG%. Ključa izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, ni mogoče uporabiti za aktivacijo te izdaje. | You are running %WINDOWS_LONG%. The product key you entered cannot be used to activate this edition. |
25 | Ključa izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, ni mogoče uporabiti za aktiviranje sistema Windows v tem računalniku – lahko ga uporabite le za nastavitev storitve za upravljanje ključev. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema ali vnesite drug ključ. | The product key you entered can’t be used to activate Windows on this PC, it can only be used to set up a key management service. Contact your system administrator or enter a different key. |
26 | Ključ izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, je privzeti ključ izdelka, ki ga ne morete uporabiti za aktiviranje. | The product key you entered appears to be a default product key and can't be used for activation. |
27 | Sistema Windows ne morete aktivirati s tem ključem izdelka. Če želite več informacij, odprite nastavitve. | Windows can’t activate with this product key. Go to Settings for more information. |
28 | Elementa ni mogoče skriti | Hide element failed |
29 | Napaka pri zagonu privzetega brskalnika | Error launching default browser |
30 | Napaka pri nameščanju ključa izdelka | Error installing product key |
31 | Elementa ni mogoče naložiti | Element load failed |
32 | Sistema Windows ne moremo aktivirati, ker naši strežniki za aktiviranje trenutno niso na voljo. Preverite, ali imate vzpostavljeno povezavo z internetom, in sistem Windows bomo poskušali samodejno aktivirati takoj, ko bo storitev na voljo. | We can’t activate Windows as our activation servers aren’t available right now. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and we’ll automatically try to activate Windows when the service becomes available. |
33 | Nadgradite svojo izdajo sistema Windows | Upgrade your edition of Windows |
34 | Preberite licenčne pogoje za Microsoftovo programsko opremo | Read the Microsoft Software License Terms |
35 | Strinjam se s pogoji. | I agree to the terms. |
36 | Shranite svoje delo in zaprite aplikacije – med dodajanjem funkcij ne boste mogli uporabljati sistema. Sistem se bo najmanj enkrat znova zagnal. | Save your work and close your apps - you won't be able to use your system while features are being added. Your System will restart at least once. |
37 | Pred nadaljevanjem potrdite potrditveno polje | Please select the checkbox before proceeding |
38 | Začni nadgradnjo | Start upgrade |
43 | To lahko traja nekaj časa. Računalnika ne izklapljajte. | This might take a while. Don't turn off your PC. |
44 | Nadgradnja sistema Windows ni uspela | Windows upgrade failed |
45 | Pripravljanje nadgradnje | Preparing for upgrade |
46 | Računalnik ni aktiviran. Preverjanje veljavnosti ključa izdelka za nadgradnjo ni uspelo. | The machine is not activated. Product key validation for upgrade failed. |
48 | dokončano | complete |
50 | Koda napake: |
Error Code: |
51 | Ne izklopite sistema | Don't turn off your system |
52 | Nadgradnja izdaje je dokončana | Edition upgrade completed |
53 | Vaše izdaje nismo mogli nadgraditi | We couldn't upgrade your edition |
54 | Vse je dokončano in vaša naprava je pripravljena za uporabo. | You're all done and your device is ready to go. |
55 | Poskusite znova nadgraditi svojo izdajo sistema Windows ali pa se obrnite na Microsoftovo podporo in se sklicujte na navedeno kodo napake. | Try upgrading your edition of Windows again or contact Microsoft support and reference the error code. |
56 | Te izdaje ni mogoče nadgraditi. | This edition cannot be upgraded. |
57 | Pravilnik skupine preprečuje nadgradnjo tega računalnika. | The Group Policy prevents this machine from upgrading. |
58 | Z nadgradnjo vaše izdaje boste sistemu Windows dodali nove funkcije. Preden začnete, shranite svoje delo in zaprite vse aplikacije. | Upgrading your edition will add new features to Windows. Before you start, make sure to save your work and close any apps. |
59 | Nadgradnja lahko traja nekaj časa in naprava se bo znova zagnala. Dokler nadgradnja ne bo dokončana, naprave ne boste mogli uporabljati. | This upgrade might take a while and your device will restart. You won't be able to use your device until it's done. |
60 | Če aktivirate Windows, si zagotovite najboljšo izkušnjo brez prekinitev. | By activating Windows, you get the best experience, free from interruptions. |
61 | Aktivirajte Windows | Activate Windows |
62 | Aktiviraj | Activate |
64 | Aktivirali smo ta izvod sistema Windows. | We've activated this copy of Windows. |
65 | Aktiviranje sistema Windows | Windows Activation |
67 | Sistema Windows v tej napravi ne moremo aktivirati, ker ključ izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, ni več veljaven. Vnesite drug ključ izdelka. | We can’t activate Windows on this device as the product key you entered is no longer valid. Enter a different product key. |
68 | Več o tem | Learn more |
69 | Tole je pa malce nerodno. Naša storitev za aktivacijo ni dosegljiva. Težavo se trudimo odpraviti. | This is very embarrassing. Our activation service is down. We’re working to fix the problem. |
70 | Sistema Windows v tej napravi ne moremo aktivirati, ker je ključ izdelka, ki ste ga vnesli, že bil uporabljen v drugi napravi. Vnesite drug ključ izdelka. | We can’t activate Windows on this device as the product key you entered has already been used on a different device. Enter a different product key. |
71 | Stik s podporo | Contact support |
72 | Sistema Windows ni mogoče aktivirati s tem ključem izdelka. Poskusite z drugim ključem izdelka. | Windows can’t activate with this product key. Please try a different key. |
73 | Če želite aktiviranje izvesti s tem ključem izdelka, se bo ta naprava morala povezati s storitvijo aktiviranja v vašo organizaciji. | To activate with this product key, this device will need to connect to your organization’s activation service. |
74 | Če želite aktiviranje po nadgradnji vaše izdaje sistema Windows izvesti s tem ključem izdelka, se bo ta naprava morala povezati s storitvijo aktiviranja v vaši organizaciji. | To activate with this product key after upgrading your edition of Windows, this device will need to connect to your organization’s activation service. |
75 | S tem ključem izdelka ne moremo aktivirati vaše izdaje sistema Windows. Uporabite ključ izdelka, ki se ujema z vašo izdajo: %1, ali odprite Trgovino in kupite originalen Windows. | We can’t activate your edition of Windows with this product key. Use a product key that matches your edition: %1 or go to the Store to buy genuine Windows. |
80 | Nadgradnja izdaje sistema Windows | Upgrade Windows Edition |
81 | Na voljo je nova izdaja sistema Windows. | A new edition of Windows is available. |
82 | Poskusite znova aktivirati sistem Windows ali pa se obrnite na Microsoftovo podporo in se sklicujte na navedeno kodo napake. Več informacij najdete v nastavitvah. | Try activating Windows again or contact Microsoft support and reference the error code. You can go to Settings for more information. |
83 | Poskusite znova aktivirati sistem Windows ali pa se za več informacij obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Več informacij lahko najdete tudi v nastavitvah. | Try activating Windows again or contact your system administrator for more information. You can also go to Settings for more information. |
84 | Poskusite znova nadgraditi svojo izdajo sistem Windows ali pa se za več informacij obrnite na skrbnika sistema. | Try upgrading your edition of Windows again or contact your system administrator for more information. |
85 | Na voljo je nova izdaja sistema Windows. Če želite dokončati nadgradnjo, znova zaženite napravo. Naprava se bo samodejno znova zagnala čez 2 uri. | A new edition of Windows is available. Restart your device to complete the upgrade. Your device will restart automatically in 2 hours. |
86 | Preklop ni mogoč | Unable to switch |
87 | Priprava za preklop | Preparing to switch |
88 | Vaš računalnik preklaplja na %1. Če želite dokončati preklapljanje, ga znova zaženite. Računalnik se bo samodejno znova zagnal čez 2 uri. | Your PC is switching to %1. Restart it now to finish switching. It will restart automatically in 2 hours. |
301 | Odpravljanje težav je končano | Troubleshooting has completed |
302 | Sistema Windows ni mogoče aktivirati | Unable to activate Windows |
308 | Odprite Trgovino | Go to Store |
309 | Aktiviraj Windows | Activate Windows |
310 | Našli smo digitalno licenco za %1 za to napravo, v kateri se izvaja %2. Če želite napravo aktivirati s to digitalno licenco, izberite nadgradnjo svoje izdaje sistema Windows. | We found a %1 digital license for this device running %2. To activate using this digital license, select upgrade your edition of Windows. |
311 | Našli smo digitalno licenco za %1 za to napravo, v kateri se izvaja %2. Če želite napravo aktivirati s to digitalno licenco, morate namestiti %1. | We found a %1 digital license for this device running %2. To activate using this digital license, you need to install %1. |
312 | Našli smo digitalno licenco za %1. Če želite aktivirati to napravo, izberite »Aktiviraj Windows«. | We found a digital license for %1. To activate this device, select Activate Windows. |
313 | Sistema Windows v tej napravi nismo mogli aktivirati. | We weren't able to activate Windows on this device. |
314 | To napravo lahko aktivirate tako, da odprete Trgovino in kupite originalni izvod sistema Windows. | You can activate this device by going to the Store and purchasing a genuine copy of Windows. |
315 | To napravo lahko aktivirate tudi tako, da odprete Trgovino in kupite originalni izvod sistema Windows. | You can also activate this device by going to the Store and purchasing a genuine copy of Windows. |
317 | Vašega izvoda sistema Windows ne moremo aktivirati. Preverite, ali ste povezani z internetom, nato pa poskusite znova. Če ste povezani z internetom in se ta težava ponavlja, se za več informacij obrnite na svojega skrbnika sistema. | We can't activate your copy of Windows. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again. If you're connected to the Internet and continue seeing this problem, contact your system administrator for more information. |
318 | Vašega izvoda sistema Windows ne moremo aktivirati. Preverite, ali ste povezani z internetom, nato pa poskusite znova. | We can't activate your copy of Windows. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again. |
319 | Strojna oprema te naprave je bila pred kratkim spremenjena | I changed hardware on this device recently |
321 | Odkrivanje težav z aktiviranjem ... | Detecting activation problems... |
322 | Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake, zato ne moremo nadaljevati odpravljanja težav. Preverite, ali ste povezani z internetom, in poskusite znova. (0x%1!08x!) | We can't continue troubleshooting as an unexpected error has occurred. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again. (0x%1!08x!) |
323 | Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake, zato ne moremo nadaljevati odpravljanja težav. Poskusite znova ali se za več informacij obrnite na svojega skrbnika sistema. (0x%1!08x!) | We can't continue troubleshooting as an unexpected error has occurred. Try again later or contact your system administrator for more information. (0x%1!08x!) |
325 | | |
327 | | |
330 | 16pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets | 16pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets |
331 | 16pt;Normal;None;Lock MDL2 Assets | 16pt;Normal;None;Lock MDL2 Assets |
3100 | Pridobite licenco za Windows | Get your Windows license |
File Description: | Windows Activation |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | changepk |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | changepk.exe.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |