msoobedui.dll.mui MSOOBE DUI BIBLIOTEKA a5a3b07fb65a12720ac2c4d9ae6f0101

File info

File name: msoobedui.dll.mui
Size: 31744 byte
MD5: a5a3b07fb65a12720ac2c4d9ae6f0101
SHA1: 8dbc0bfd804454a82d04482261db87d8137e8a56
SHA256: 2fed24bc84a0a1e72bebcb180abeb0e9a8dcc5a07ed6617fb1ba93dfd916b8b2
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
402privacy.rtf privacy.rtf
403OOBE_HELP_Opt_in_Details.rtf OOBE_HELP_Opt_in_Details.rtf
404OOBE_HELP_Cortana_Learn_More.rtf OOBE_HELP_Cortana_Learn_More.rtf
481Idi na mrežu Let’s get connected
482Prilagodi postavke Customize settings
483Vaš nalog Your account
484Dovršavanje podešavanja Finishing setup
49026;light;none;Segoe UI 26;light;none;Segoe UI
49117;semilight;none;Segoe UI 17;semilight;none;Segoe UI
49211;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
49311;semibold;none;Segoe UI 11;semibold;none;Segoe UI
4959;normal;none;Segoe UI 9;normal;none;Segoe UI
503Podešavanje operativnog sistema Windows Set up Windows
504Pres&koči S&kip
505&Dalje &Next
506&Završi &Finish
508Odaberite lokaciju Choose your location
509Dodajte drugi jezik Add another language
511Korisničko ime ne može da sadrži ove znakove:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
The user name can’t contain these characters:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
523Korisničko ime ne može da sadrži simbol @.
Želite li da se prijavljujete pomoću adrese e-pošte? Napravite nalog pomoću Microsoft naloga.
The user name can’t contain the @ symbol.
Want to sign in with an email address instead? Create an account using a Microsoft account.
524To korisničko ime je već zauzeto. Odaberite neko drugo. That user name is already taken. Choose another one.
525Otkucajte drugo korisničko ime. Please type a different user name.
527Možete da koristite bilo koje ime koje želite… Samo nemojte koristiti nijednu od sledećih reči: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, i LPT You can use any name you want… as long as you don’t use any of these words: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT
531Ove lozinke se ne podudaraju. These passwords don’t match.
533Lozinka koju ste otkucali ne ispunjava zahteve za složenost lozinke koje je postavio administrator vaše mreže ili grupe. Zatražite ove zahteve od administratora, a zatim otkucajte novu lozinku. The password you typed doesn’t meet the password complexity requirements set by the administrator for your network or group. Get the requirements from your administrator, and then type a new password.
536Ova šifra proizvoda ne funkcioniše. Proverite je i pokušajte ponovo ili preskočite ovo. This product key didn’t work. Please check it and try again or skip this.
537Ova šifra proizvoda neće funkcionisati sa ovim izdanjem operativnog sistema Windows, pa isprobajte neku drugu šifru. This key won’t work with this edition of Windows, so try a different key.
538Ponovo unesite šifru proizvoda. Please reenter the product key.
539Provera šifre proizvoda Checking the product key
540Potražite je na kutiji u kojoj ste dobili Windows DVD, u e-poruci koja dokazuje da ste kupili Windows ili na nalepnici certifikata o autentičnosti koju ćete pronaći na računaru, adapteru za napajanje ili na unutrašnjoj strani ležišta baterije laptopa. (Bateriju možete da uklonite ako je laptop priključen.) Look for it on the box that your Windows DVD came in, in an email that shows that you bought Windows, or on the Certificate of Authenticity sticker, which you’ll find on your PC, power adapter, or inside the battery compartment of your laptop. (It’s okay to remove the battery, so long as your laptop is plugged in.)
541Otkucajte šifru proizvoda u nastavku. Kad se povežete sa Internetom, šifra proizvoda će biti poslata korporaciji Microsoft radi aktivacije operativnog sistema Windows. Type your product key below. When you connect to the Internet, the product key will be sent to Microsoft to activate Windows.
542Obavite ovo &kasnije Do this &later
543Vreme je da unesete šifru proizvoda It’s time to enter the product key
544Unesite šifru proizvoda Enter the product key
556Pomoć i podrška Help and Support
557Ikona oznake potvrde Check icon
562Ona izgleda slično ovome: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX It looks similar to this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
566Odaberite drugo korisničko ime (ne može da bude isto kao ime računara). Choose a different user name (it can’t be the same as the PC name).
567&Odbijam &Decline
568Ne, hvala, ne želim da iskoristim besplatnu nadogradnju na Windows 10 No thanks, I’ll pass on my free upgrade to Windows 10
569Korisničko ime mora da sadrži vidljive znakove. The user name must contain visible characters.
570Znak nije važeći.
Proverite šifru proizvoda i pokušajte ponovo.
Character is invalid.
Please check your product key and try again.
571Pročitajte ovo kako biste znali na šta pristajete Here’s the legal stuff
572&Prihvati &Accept
573Uslovi licenciranja License terms
574Lakši pristup Ease of Access
575&Nazad &Back
577%1_pageroot %1_pageroot
579Zatvori Close
580Ako odbijete, znači da ne želite da iskoristite besplatnu nadogradnju na Windows 10. Ponovo ćemo instalirati vašu prethodnu verziju operativnog sistema Windows, ali to može da potraje.

Evo šta ćete propustiti:
• Brzinu i bolju zaštitu operativnog sistema Windows 10
• Na hiljade besplatnih aplikacija u Windows prodavnici
• …i još mnogo toga

Želite li zaista da odbijete nadogradnju?
Declining here means you’re saying no to the free upgrade to Windows 10. We’ll reinstall your previous version of Windows, but it might take a while.

Here’s what you’ll miss out on :
• The speed and better security of Windows 10
• Thousands of free apps in the Windows Store
• …and much more

Are you sure you want to decline?
582&Zadrži Windows 10 &Keep Windows 10
587Proveravanje da li postoje ispravke Checking for updates
589Primena postavki Applying these settings
590Dovršavanje postavki Finalizing your settings
591Ponovno pokretanje za koji trenutak Restarting in a moment
592Ne može se uspostaviti veza, pa pokušajte ponovo (%1!u! od %2!u! pokušaja). Can’t connect, so try again (%1!u! of %2!u! tries).
593Ne možemo da podesimo uređaj. We couldn’t set up your device.
594Traženje Bluetooth uređaja Searching for a Bluetooth device
595Windows uparuje uređaj Windows is pairing your device
596Unesite PIN za ovu tastaturu Enter the PIN for this keyboard
597Pritisnite taster ENTER da biste završili povezivanje tastature Press ENTER to finish connecting your keyboard
598Podešavanje uređaja Setting up your device
599Spreman je za korišćenje! It’s ready to use!
600Priključite miša da biste mogli da počnete To get going, you’ll need to connect your mouse
601Priključite tastaturu da biste mogli da počnete To get going, you’ll need to connect your keyboard
602Dugme „Dalje“ Next Button
603Dugme „Preskoči“ Skip Button
604Miš se nije povezao. Ponovo pokrenite računar da biste probali ponovo ili povežite žični miš da biste nastavili. Ako to ne pomogne, obratite se proizvođaču računara. Your mouse didn’t connect. Restart your PC to try again or connect a wired mouse to continue. If that doesn’t work, contact your PC manufacturer.
605Tastatura se nije povezala. Ponovo pokrenite računar da biste probali ponovo ili povežite žičnu tastaturu da biste nastavili. Ako to ne pomogne, obratite se proizvođaču računara. Your keyboard didn’t connect. Restart your PC to try again or connect a wired keyboard to continue. If that doesn’t work, contact your PC manufacturer.
606Pritisnite taster na uređaju da biste završili povezivanje. Press the button on the device to finish connecting it.
607Slika OEM uputstva OEM instruction image
616&Saznajte više &Learn more
640U kojoj vremenskoj &zoni se nalazite? What time &zone are you in?
641U kojoj vremenskoj zoni se nalazite? What time zone are you in?
645Podešavanje naloga Setting up your account
647&Otkaži &Cancel
648Promeni &tastaturu Change &keyboard
649Sada ćete podesiti svoj nalog Next you’ll set up your account
650Zdravo Hi there
651Hajde da podesimo nešto od onoga što je osnovno. Let’s get a few basic things out of the way.
652Hajde da podesimo nešto od onoga što je osnovno. Jezik ne možete da promenite kasnije, zato birajte pažljivo. Let’s get a few basic things out of the way. You can’t change your language later, so choose carefully.
653Odaberite jezik. Choose a language.
654Jezici prikaza Display languages
655Spremate se da uključite maloprodajnu demonstraciju You’re about to turn on the retail demo experience
656Ovo je namenjeno samo za upotrebu u maloprodaji. Ukoliko ne nameravate da koristite ovaj računar za demonstraciju u prodavnici, otkažite i vratite se na normalnu instalaciju. This is meant for retail use only. If you’re not trying to use this PC for a store demo, cancel and return to normal setup.
657Potvrdite Confirm
658Otkaži Cancel
659Uključili ste maloprodajnu demonstraciju You’ve turned on the retail demo experience
660Nastavite proces konfigurisanja. Mi ćemo vam pomoći da preuzmete najnoviji sadržaj i aplikacije za demonstraciju. Continue to go through setup. We’ll help you get the latest demo content and apps.
661Nastavi Continue
664Lozinka nije tačna. Probajte ponovo. The password is incorrect. Try again.
665Proveravanje internet veze Checking connection
668Odaberite postavke privatnosti za uređaj Choose privacy settings for your device
669Microsoft vam pruža mogućnost da upravljate svojom privatnošću. Odaberite postavke, a zatim kliknite na dugme „Prihvati“ da biste ih sačuvali. Možete u bilo kom trenutku da promenite ove postavke. Listajte da biste videli sve postavke. Microsoft puts you in control of your privacy. Choose your settings, then select ‘Accept’ to save them. You can change these settings at any time. Scroll to view all of the settings.
670Izaberite dugme „Saznajte više“ da biste saznali više informacijama o navedenim postavkama, o funkcionisanju SmartScreen filtera Windows zaštitnika i povezanim prenosima podataka i njihovom korišćenju. Select ‘Learn more’ for info on the above settings, how Windows Defender SmartScreen works, and the related data transfers and uses.
676Selfhost Only: Velocity OOBE Portal Selfhost Only: Velocity OOBE Portal
677Here, you can opt into features controlled by Velocity. Please select your feature choices below, where defaults in this build have been preset. Here, you can opt into features controlled by Velocity. Please select your feature choices below, where defaults in this build have been preset.
678Note: This page will not ship externally; it is for internal Microsoft use only. It is NOT localized. Note: This page will not ship externally; it is for internal Microsoft use only. It is NOT localized.
679Enabled Enabled
680Disabled Disabled
681Zašto se moj računar ponovo pokrenuo? Why did my PC restart?
682Došlo je do problema koji nas sprečava da pripremimo vaš računar, ali mislimo da će nakon instalacije ispravke sve krenuti po planu. Evo kako da preuzmete ispravku:
1. Uverite se da je računar priključen na izvor napajanja.
2. Ako računar koristi Wi-Fi, izaberite dugme „Dalje“ i sledite uputstva kako biste se povezali na Wi-Fi mrežu.
3. Ako računar ne koristi Wi-Fi, priključite mrežni kabl da biste se povezali preko ožičene mreže, a zatim izaberite dugme „Dalje“.
4. Kada se povežete, izaberite dugme „Dalje“ i ispravka će se instalirati.
There’s a problem that’s keeping us from getting your PC ready to use, but we think an update will help get things working again. Here’s how to get the update:
1. Make sure your PC is plugged in.
2. If this PC uses Wi-Fi, select Next to follow instructions to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
3. If this PC does not use Wi-Fi, insert a network cable to connect to a wired network, and select Next.
4. Once you’re connected, select Next, and the update will install.
704Povezivanje sa neobezbeđenom mrežom %1. Connecting to the unsecured network %1.
705Unesite bezbednosni ključ za %1. Ako niste sigurni koja je lozinka, možete se povezati sa bežičnom mrežom kasnije. Enter the password for %1.
706Unesite bezbednosni ključ za %1 ili pritisnite dugme na ruteru. Ako niste sigurni koja je lozinka, možete se povezati sa bežičnom mrežom kasnije. Enter the password for %1.
707Unesite PIN kôd sa nalepnice na ruteru (obično ima 8 cifara) da biste se povezali sa mrežom %1. Ako niste sigurni koja je lozinka, možete se povezati sa bežičnom mrežom kasnije. Enter the PIN from the router label (usually 8 digits) to connect to %1.
708Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku za %1. Ako niste sigurni koja je lozinka, možete se povezati sa bežičnom mrežom kasnije. Enter your user name and password for %1.
709Odaberite tip akreditiva za %1. Ako niste sigurni koji treba da koristite, možete se povezati sa bežičnom mrežom kasnije. Please choose the type of sign-in info for %1.
710Ako želite lozinku, izaberite neku koju ćete vi lako zapamtiti, a druge osobe teško pogoditi. If you want a password, choose something that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.
711Otkucajte lozinku za ugrađeni administratorski nalog koju možete da koristite za prijavljivanje na ovaj računar. Type a password for the built-in administrator account that you can use to sign in to this computer.
712Windows ima problema pri povezivanju sa internetom.

Za sada možete da kreirate lokalni nalog. Pomoći ćemo vam da podesite svoj Microsoft nalog kasnije.
Windows is having trouble connecting to the Internet.

For now you can create a local account. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account later.
713Došlo je do greške i nismo uspeli da podesimo vaš Microsoft nalog.

Za sada možete da kreirate lokalni nalog. Pomoći ćemo vam da podesite svoj Microsoft nalog kasnije.
Something went wrong and we couldn’t set up your Microsoft account.

For now you can create a local account. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account later.
714Primer: Jovan Example: John
715Unesite korisničko ime. Enter your user name.
716Podsetnik je obavezan. Pobrinite se da bude takav da vam pomogne da se setite lozinke. A hint is required. Make sure it helps you remember your password.
717Podsetnik za lozinku ne može da sadrži lozinku. Your password hint can’t contain your password.
719Korisničko ime User name
720Lozinka Password
721Ponovo unesite lozinku Reenter password
722Podsetnik za lozinku Password hint
723Došlo je do greške i nismo uspeli da podesimo vaš Microsoft nalog.

Za sada možete nastaviti da koristite postojeći nalog. Pomoći ćemo vam da podesite svoj Microsoft nalog kasnije.
Something went wrong and we couldn’t set up your Microsoft account.

For now you can continue using your existing account. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account later.
724Windows ima problema pri povezivanju sa internetom.

Za sada možete nastaviti da koristite postojeći nalog. Pomoći ćemo vam da podesite svoj Microsoft nalog kasnije.
Windows is having trouble connecting to the Internet.

For now you can continue using your existing account. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account later.
726Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku za administratorski nalog. Enter a user name and password for the administrator account.
741Neko već koristi taj Microsoft nalog za prijavljivanje na ovaj računar. Probajte da koristite drugu adresu e-pošte za prijavljivanje. Someone’s already using that Microsoft account to sign in to this PC. Try using a different email address to sign in.
742Taster Caps Lock je uključen Caps Lock is on
765&Pokušaj ponovo &Try again
766&Napravite lokalni nalog Create a &local account
767Koristite &postojeći nalog Use &existing account
768Priključite pribor da biste mogli da počnete To get going, you’ll need to connect your accessory
769Vaš uređaj je povezan. Your device is connected.
770Vaš uređaj je povezan. Sledeće dugme. Your device is connected. Next button.
785Stanje veze: %1 %1 is using a proxy server and needs more sign-in info.
786Preskoči ovaj korak Skip this step
787Unesi &proxy postavke Enter &proxy settings
788Povežite se sa mrežom da biste mogli da završite podešavanje uređaja na mreži. Pick a network and go online to finish setting up this device.
789Povezivanje sa %1 Connecting to %1
791&Ja nisam %1 &I’m not %1
792Dobro došli u Windows 10! Welcome to Windows 10!
800Indikator unosa Input Indicator
80112pt;Bold;none;Segoe UI 12pt;Bold;none;Segoe UI
80211;semilight;none;Segoe UI 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI
810Unesite šifru proizvoda (crte će biti dodate automatski) Enter the product key (dashes will be added automatically)
830Koja je vaša matična zemlja/region? What’s your home country/region?
831Koji je vaš željeni jezik aplikacija? What’s your preferred app language?
832Koji raspored tastera na tastaturi želite da koristite? What keyboard layout would you like to use?
833Koja je va&ša matična zemlja/region? What’s your home &country/region?
834Koji je vaš že&ljeni jezik aplikacija? What’s your preferred app &language?
835&Koji raspored tastera na tastaturi želite da koristite? What &keyboard layout would you like to use?
842Unesite postavke proxy servera za lokaciju skripte za automatsku konfiguraciju ili za adresu statičkog proxy servera. Enter the proxy server settings for either the automatic configuration script location or the static proxy server address.
843Nije moguće povezati se sa internetom. Proverite postavke i probajte ponovo. Unable to connect to the Internet. Please check your settings and try again.
844Skripta za automatsku konfiguraciju Automatic configuration script
845Statički proxy server Static proxy server
846Port Port
847Povezivanje sa internetom Connecting to the Internet
861Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku za %1. Enter the user name and password for %1.
864Korisničko ime ili lozinka nisu ispravni. Pokušajte ponovo. The user name or password was incorrect. Please try again.
866Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku Enter the user name and password
867Proxy server: %1 Proxy server: %1
880Želite li da konfigurišete uređaj? Set up device?
881Pomoći ćemo vam da instalirate paket za radno mesto da biste konfigurisali uređaj za pristup resursima u svojoj organizaciji. To set up your device to access your organization’s resources, we’ll help you install a workplace package.
882Podesi Set up
884This is a placeholder page for enterprise provisioning. This is a placeholder page for enterprise provisioning.
885Obezbeđivanje ovog uređaja Provision this device
886Odaberite paket Choose a package
887Ne možemo da pronađemo nijedan paket za primenu We couldn’t find any provisioning packages
888Primena pomaže da se uređaj podesi za posao ili školu. Ako se primena vrši sa prenosivog medijuma, obavezno proverite da li je on povezan. Provisioning helps set up your device for work or school. If you're provisioning from removable media, make sure it's connected.
889Kasnije možete još da dodate u postavkama. You can add more later in Settings.
891Vratite se i pokušajte ponovo da povežete prenosivi medijum. Ako ne uspete, obratite se podršci. Go back and try reconnecting your removable media. If that doesn’t work, talk to your support person.
892Primena sa Provision from
893Odaberite jedan Choose one
895Prenosivi medijum Removable Media
904Nove aplikacije za novi Windows New apps for the new Windows
905Ne samo da se dobijaju uz Windows 10, ove aplikacije su napravljene za ovu verziju. Osim toga, one neće besprekorno funkcionisati samo na računaru, već i na telefonu i tablet uređaju. Kliknite na dugme „Dalje“ da biste ih koristili za otvaranje datoteka i veb lokacija. These apps don't just come with Windows 10, they were built for it. Better yet, they'll work as beautifully on your phone and tablet as they will on your PC. Click Next to use them to open files and websites.
906Izbor podrazumevanih aplikacija Choose your default apps
907Postavićemo izabrane aplikacije kao podrazumevane. Niste spremni za promenu? Obrišite izbor u poljima za potvrdu da biste nastavili da koristite trenutno podrazumevane aplikacije. We'll set the selected apps as your defaults. Not ready for a change? Clear the check boxes to keep using your current defaults.
908Dozvoli da izaberem podrazumevane aplikacije Let me choose my default apps
909Fotografije Photos
910Ikona aplikacije „Fotografije“ Photos icon
911Fotografije i video zapisi sa svih vaših uređaja automatski se organizuju u albume, poboljšavaju se do maksimuma i spremni su za deljenje. Photos and videos from all your devices are automatically organized into albums, enhanced to look their best, and ready to share.
912Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge
913Ikona za Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge icon
914Novi pregledač korporacije Microsoft vam omogućava da brže pronalazite ono što tražite, beležite napomene na samim veb stranicama i čitate bez ometanja. I ne samo to – ujedno je i čitač PDF dokumenata i e-knjiga. Find things faster, take notes directly on web pages, and read distraction-free with Microsoft’s new browser. What’s more, it’s a PDF and e-book reader.
915Groove muzika Groove Music
916Ikona aplikacije „Groove muzika“ Groove Music icon
917Reprodukujte i upravljajte kolekcijom muzike na računaru, telefonu i Xbox konzoli. Želite više? Pretplatite se i neograničeno slušajte milione numera (gde je dostupno). Play and manage your music collection on your PC, phone, and Xbox. Want more? Subscribe and get unlimited listening to millions of tracks (where available).
918Filmovi i TV Movies & TV
919Ikona aplikacije „Filmovi i TV“ Movies & TV icon
920Iznajmljujte i kupujte najnovije filmove i TV emisije i gledajte ih u visokoj definiciji (gde je dostupno). Takođe, možete da reprodukujete lične video zapise. Rent and buy the latest movies & TV shows and watch them in high definition (where available). It plays all your personal videos, too.
925Meet Cortana Meet Cortana
926Cortana is your sidekick, ready to help with anything that keeps you super, heroic, or just on time.

To let Cortana provide personalized experiences and relevant suggestions, Microsoft collects and uses information including your location and location history, contacts, voice input, speech and handwriting patterns, typing history, searching history, calendar details, content and communication history from messages and apps, and other information on your device. In Microsoft Edge, Cortana uses your browsing history. You can always tinker with what Cortana remembers in the Notebook and disable Cortana in Microsoft Edge.
Cortana is your sidekick, ready to help with anything that keeps you super, heroic, or just on time.

To let Cortana provide personalized experiences and relevant suggestions, Microsoft collects and uses information including your location and location history, contacts, voice input, speech and handwriting patterns, typing history, searching history, calendar details, content and communication history from messages and apps, and other information on your device. In Microsoft Edge, Cortana uses your browsing history. You can always tinker with what Cortana remembers in the Notebook and disable Cortana in Microsoft Edge.
927Hi, I'm Cortana.
I'm here to help you get things done.
Hi, I'm Cortana.
I'm here to help you get things done.
928&Learn more &Learn more
929N&ot now N&ot now
930Use Corta&na Use Corta&na
970Muzika Music
971Ikona aplikacije „Muzika“ Music icon
972Reprodukujte kolekciju muzike na računaru i upravljajte njome. Želite više? Pretplatite se i neograničeno slušajte milione numera (gde je dostupno). Play and manage your music collection on your PC. Want more? Subscribe and get unlimited listening to millions of tracks (where available).
973Video Video
974Ikona za video Video icon
975Iznajmljujte i kupujte najnovije filmove i TV emisije i gledajte ih u visokoj definiciji (gde je dostupno). Takođe, gledajte sve svoje lične video zapise. Rent and buy the latest movies & TV shows and watch them in high definition (where available). Watch all your personal videos, too.
1132&Korisničko ime &User name
1133&Lozinka &Password
1134&Ponovo unesite lozinku &Reenter password
1135P&odsetnik za lozinku Password &hint
1157&Izjava o privatnosti &Privacy statement
1290112pt;Bold;;Segoe UI 12pt;Bold;;Segoe UI

Da biste menjali metode unosa, pritisnite
Windows taster i razmaknicu.

To switch input methods, press
Windows key+Space.
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x30000001Pokreni Start
0x30000002Zaustavi Stop
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-OOBE-Machine-DUI Microsoft-Windows-OOBE-Machine-DUI
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-OOBE-Machine-DUI/Operational Microsoft-Windows-OOBE-Machine-DUI/Operational


File Name:msoobedui.dll.mui
File Size:31 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:31232
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (241A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:msoobedui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:msoobedui.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is msoobedui.dll.mui?

msoobedui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file msoobedui.dll (MSOOBE DUI BIBLIOTEKA).

File version info

File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:msoobedui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:msoobedui.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200