srchadmin.dll.mui Možnosti priprave kazala a5645d576ecbecb631287b45e8d0a521

File info

File name: srchadmin.dll.mui
Size: 17920 byte
MD5: a5645d576ecbecb631287b45e8d0a521
SHA1: b533210bdbc99fd7d4476912cee9a8fd2a232fb3
SHA256: 5386d6512433948556639467467fa0e953041edf7ce1840e51472909a9aadf1c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
501Indeksiranje se ne izvaja. Indexing is not running.
502Čakam na stanje indeksiranja ... Waiting to receive indexing status...
503Priprava kazala je končana. Indexing complete.
504Indeksiranje se izvaja. Rezultati iskanja bodo medtem mogoče nepopolni. Indexing in progress. Search results might not be complete during this time.
505Indeksiranje se začenja. Indexing is starting up.
506Indeksiranje se zaustavlja. Indexing is shutting down.
507Indeks izvaja vzdrževanja. Počakajte. Index is performing maintenance. Please wait.
508Zunanji program je ustavil indeksiranje. Indexing is paused by an external application.
509Indeksiranje čaka, da računalnik postane nedejaven. Indexing is waiting for computer to become idle.
510Hitrost indeksiranja je zmanjšana zaradi uporabniške dejavnosti. Indexing speed is reduced due to user activity.
511Indeksiranje je ustavljeno zaradi varčevanja z akumulatorjem. Indexing is paused to conserve battery power.
512Indeksiranja ni mogoče nadaljevati zaradi nezadostne količine pomnilnika. Rezultati iskanja morda ne bodo popolni. Insufficient memory to continue indexing. Search results might not be complete.
513Indeksiranja ni mogoče nadaljevati zaradi nezadostnega prostora na disku. Rezultati iskanja morda ne bodo popolni. Insufficient disk space to continue indexing. Search results might not be complete.
515Indeksiranje je začasno ustavljeno. Indexing is paused.
516Pravilnik skupine je nastavljen tako, da med napajanjem iz akumulatorja ustavi indeksiranje. Your group policy is set to pause indexing while on battery power.
601Možnosti priprave kazala Indexing Options
602Spremeni, kako Windows pripravi kazalo za hitrejše iskanje Change how Windows indexes to search faster
603mshelp://Windows/?id=%s mshelp://Windows/?id=%s
605Št. predmetov v kazalu: %s %s items indexed
606Obnovi Rebuild
607Izberite novo lokacijo za datoteke z indeksiranimi podatki Choose new location for the index data files
608Ta operacija lahko traja precej časa in bo vplivala na vse uporabnike. Želite začeti zdaj ali počakati do naslednjega vnovičnega zagona sistema? This operation may take a long time and will affect all users. Do you want to start the move now, or wait until the next system restart?
609Pravilnik je vključen Policy is in effect
611Pravilnik je onemogočil spreminjanje indeksiranih mest. Modifying index location is disabled by a policy.
613Indeksiranje vsebine datoteke je bilo onemogočeno. Če želite spremeniti to nastavitev, izberite »Poleg lastnosti datotek omogoči tudi indeksiranje vsebine datotek v tej mapi« v pogovornem oknu lastnosti te mape. Indexing of file contents for this folder has been disabled. To change this setting, select "Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" in the properties dialog box for this folder.
614To mesto trenutno ni na voljo. Če želite ustaviti iskanje elementov, ki so nekoč bili tu, prekličite potrditev tega mesta. This location is currently unavailable. Uncheck it to stop finding items that used to be here.
615Nastavitve za to mesto lahko spreminjajo le skrbniki, ker nastavitve vplivajo na vse uporabnike. Only administrators can change this location's settings, because it would affect all users.
616Skrbnik sistema je onemogočil zmogljivost za spreminjanje nastavitev tega mesta. The ability to modify settings for this location has been disabled by the system administrator.
617Dodatne možnosti priprave kazala Advanced Indexing Options
618Nastavitve pogosto indeksiranih mest Common Indexed Locations Settings
620Dodatne možnosti Advanced Options
621Spreminjanje nastavitev diakritičnih znakov Diacritics Settings Change
622Spreminjanje nastavitev diakritičnih znakov takoj obnovi indeks. Ta operacija lahko traja tudi več ur, odvisno od števila datotek. Med tem časom iskanja morda ne bodo popolna.

Kliknite V redu, da obnovite indeks.
Changing the diacritic settings will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, click OK.
623S to operacijo boste izbrisali indeks (vključno z mesti indeksa po meri in izključenimi mesti) in v celoti znova zgradili indeksna mesta s privzetimi nastavitvami. To lahko dolgo traja. This operation will delete your index (including custom index locations and excluded locations) and completely re-build the indexed locations using default settings. This might take a long time.
624Obnovi privzete nastavitve Restore Default Settings
625Začasno ustavi indeksiranje Pause Indexing
626Začasno ustavi indeksiranje za 15 minut Pause indexing for 15 minutes
627Indeksiranje vsebine datotek na tem pogonu je onemogočeno. Če želite spremeniti to nastavitev,
izberite »Poleg lastnosti datotek omogoči tudi indeksiranje vsebine datotek na tem pogonu« v pogovornem oknu lastnosti tega pogona.
Indexing of file contents for this drive has been disabled. To change this setting,
select "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" in the properties dialog box for this drive.
628(ni na voljo) (Unavailable)
629Izmenljivi disk Removable Disk
630Lokalni disk Local Disk
640Obnovi indeks Rebuild Index
641Obnavljanje indeksa lahko traja dalj časa. Nekateri pogledi in rezultati iskanja morda ne bodo popolni, dokler obnavljanje ne bo dokončano. Rebuilding the index might take a long time to complete. Some views and search results might be incomplete until rebuilding is finished.
643Indeks izvaja vzdrževanje. Index is performing maintenance.
648Za nadaljevanje indeksiranja ni dovolj pomnilnika. Insufficient memory to continue indexing.
649Za nadaljevanje indeksiranja ni dovolj prostora na disku. Insufficient disk space to continue indexing.
651Indeksiranje je ustavljeno. Indexing is paused.
701Vključena mesta Included Locations
702Izključi Exclude
801Razširitev Extension
802Opis filtra Filter Description
810Filter za lastnosti datoteke File Properties filter
811Indeksiraj lastnosti in vsebino datotek kot besedilo Index file properties and content as text
812Uporabi %s Use %s
813Indeksiraj le lastnosti datoteke Index file properties only
814Nimate dovoljenj za spreminjanje nastavitev te razširitve. You do not have permission to change settings for this extension.
815Registriranega IFiltra ni bilo mogoče najti Registered IFilter is not found
913Nastavitve indeksiranja šifriranih datotek upravlja skrbnik sistema. Encrypted file indexing setting is managed by your system administrator.
914Nastavitve podpore za diakritične znake upravlja skrbnik sistema. Diacritics support setting is managed by your system administrator.
1301Pripone ni mogoče dodati Can not add this extension
1302Vnesena pripona je predolga. Extension you have entered is too long.
1501Windows Search Windows Search
1601Vključi šifrirane datoteke v kazalo Index Encrypted Files
1602Varnosti podatkov ni mogoče preveriti Cannot verify data security
1603Ne nadaljujte, dokler ne preverite, ali je za mesto kazala uporabljeno šifriranje celotnega nosilca (na primer šifriranje pogona BitLocker ali rešitev, ki ni Microsoftova). Zakaj? Don't continue until you verify that full volume encryption (such as BitLocker Drive Encryption or a non-Microsoft solution) is being used for the location of the index. Why?
1604Če za dostop do šifriranih datotek uporabljate pametno kartico, jo vstavite zdaj.

Ta operacija takoj obnovi indeks. Lahko traja tudi več ur, odvisno od števila datotek. Med tem časom iskanja morda ne bodo popolna.
If you use a smart card to access encrypted files, please insert it now.

This operation will immediately rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as long as several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete during this time.
1607&Naprej Co&ntinue
1608Prekliči Cancel
1609Po&drobnosti &Details
1610Ta operacija takoj obnovi indeks. Lahko traja tudi več ur, odvisno od števila datotek. Med tem časom iskanja morda ne bodo popolna. This operation will immediately rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as long as several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete during this time.
1702Ce potrdite ali počistite polje »Vključi šifrirane datoteke v kazalo«, takoj obnovite indeks. Ta operacija lahko traja tudi več ur, odvisno od števila datotek. Med obnovitvijo indeksa iskanja morda ne bodo popolna.

Ce za dostop do šifriranih datotek uporabljate pametno kartico, jo vstavite zdaj.

Ce želite obnoviti indeks, kliknite »V redu«.
Selecting or clearing the "Index encrypted files" check box will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

If you use a smart card to access encrypted files, please insert it now.

To rebuild the index, click OK.
1703Ce potrdite ali počistite polje »Vključi šifrirane datoteke v kazalo«, takoj obnovite indeks. Ta operacija lahko traja tudi več ur, odvisno od števila datotek. Med obnovitvijo indeksa iskanja morda ne bodo popolna.

Ce želite obnoviti indeks, kliknite »V redu«.
Selecting or clearing the "Index encrypted files" check box will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, click OK.
1801%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
1802Koledar Calendar
1803Sestanki na koledarju Calendar Appointments
1804Stiki Contacts
1806E-pošta E-mail
1807E-poštna sporočila E-mail Messages
1808E-poštne priloge E-mail Attachments
1810Druge komunikacije Other Communications
1901Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
1902Ohrani posodobljeno kazalo iskanja Keeps the search index up to date


File Name:srchadmin.dll.mui
File Size:18 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:17408
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:7.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:7.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Možnosti priprave kazala
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:srchadmin
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:srchadmin.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0

What is srchadmin.dll.mui?

srchadmin.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file srchadmin.dll (Možnosti priprave kazala).

File version info

File Description:Možnosti priprave kazala
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:srchadmin
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:srchadmin.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200