csvde.exe NT5DS a50990369cad947abf0b9048506e1900

File info

File name: csvde.exe.mui
Size: 9216 byte
MD5: a50990369cad947abf0b9048506e1900
SHA1: f53e7881fc66ec49045c141abf94c3fd30cf0da0
SHA256: c1ba3421453faa9db536a43e0305f354855a262942fd074a8d45b452029a6169
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: csvde.exe NT5DS (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
0x1连接到“%1” Connecting to \"%1\"
0x2无法建立连接 The connection cannot be established
0x3用简单绑定作为“%1”登录 Logging in as \"%1\" using simple bind
0x4简单绑定返回“%1” Simple bind returned '%1'
0x5使用 SSPI 作为“%1”在域“%2”中登录 Logging in as \"%1\" in domain \"%2\" using SSPI
0x6SSPI“用提供的 creds 绑定”返回“%1” SSPI \"bind with supplied creds\" returned '%1'
0x7用 SSPI 作为当前用户登录 Logging in as current user using SSPI
0x8SSPI“作为当前用户绑定”返回“%1” SSPI \"bind as current user\" returned '%1'
0x9命令已成功完成 The command has completed successfully
0xA在程序中出现内存错误 A memory error has occurred in the program
0xB无效参数: 错误参数“%1” Invalid Parameter: Bad argument '%1'
0xC无效参数: 文件名称必须跟着 -f Invalid Parameter: filename must follow -f
0xD无效参数: 服务器名称必须跟着 -s Invalid Parameter: server name must follow -s
0xE无效参数: szRootDN 必须跟着 -d Invalid Parameter: szRootDN must follow -d
0xF无效参数: szFilter 必须跟着 -r Invalid Parameter: szFilter must follow -r
0x10无效参数: scope 必须跟着 -p Invalid Parameter: scope must follow -p
0x11无效参数: 无效作用域 Invalid Parameter: Invalid Scope
0x12无效参数: 要求‘从 DN’和‘到 DN’ Invalid Parameter: Requires 'From DN' and 'To DN'
0x13无效参数: 属性必须跟着 -l Invalid Parameter: attributes must follow -l
0x14无效参数: 重复的凭据定义 Invalid Parameter: Duplicate Credentials Definition
0x15无效参数: 要求用户名和密码 Invalid Parameter: Requires username and password
0x16无效参数: 要求用户名、域名称和密码 Invalid Parameter: Requires username, domainname and password
0x17在程序中出现一个错误 An error has occurred in the program
0x18无效参数: 要求输入文件名称 Invalid Parameter: Input file name required
0x19无效参数: 要求服务器名称 Invalid Parameter: Server name required
0x1A无效参数: 导入不要求 RootDn Invalid Parameter: RootDn not required for import
0x1B无效参数: 导入不要求筛选器 Invalid Parameter: Filter not required for import
0x1C无效参数: 导入不要求作用域 Invalid Parameter: Scope not required for import
0x1D无效参数: 属性必须跟着 -o Invalid Parameter: attributes must follow -o
0x1E无效参数: 不能打开 SAM 逻辑进行导入 Invalid Parameter: SAM Logic cannot be turned on for import
0x1F无效参数: 导入不需要“忽略表” Invalid Parameter: Omit List not required for import
0x20无效参数: 导入不需要属性表 Invalid Parameter: Attribute List not required for import
0x21无效参数: 忽略二进位设置不适用于导入 Invalid Parameters: Ignore binary setting not applicable for import
0x22无效参数: Span 多线路不适用于导入 Invalid Parameters: Span Multiple Lines not applicable for import
0x23无效参数: 导出要求 RootDn Invalid Parameters: RootDn required for export
0x24无效参数: 导出要求筛选器 Invalid Parameters: Filter required for export
0x25无效参数: 跳过现存设置不适用于导出 Invalid Parameters: Skip Exist setting not applicable for export
0x26CSV 目录交换常规参数==================-i 启用导入模式(默认为导出)-f filename 输入或输出文件名-s servername 要绑定到的服务器(默认为计算机域的域控制器)-v 启用详细模式-c FromDN ToDN 将目前使用的所有 FromDN 替换为 ToDN-j path 日志文件的位置-t port 端口号(默认为 389)-u 使用 Unicode 格式-h 启用 SASL 层签名和加密-? 帮助与导出操作相关的参数===============-d RootDN LDAP 搜索的根(默认为命名上下文)-r Filter LDAP 搜索筛选器(默认为 \"(objectClass=*)\")-p SearchScope 搜索作用域(Base/OneLevel/Subtree)-l list 在 LDAP 搜索中查找的属性列表(以逗号分隔)-o list 要从输入中忽略的属性列表(以逗号分隔)。-g 禁用分页搜索。-m 导出时启用 SAM 逻辑。-n 不导出二进制值。导入======-k 忽略“约束冲突”和“对象已存在”错误 而继续导入。凭据确立=========================注意,如果没有指定凭据,CSVDE 将绑定为当前使用 SSPI 登录的用户。-a UserDN [Password | *] 简单身份验证-b UserName Domain [Password | *] SSPI 绑定方法示例: 简单导入当前域 csvde -i -f INPUT.CSV示例: 简单导出当前域 csvde -f OUTPUT.CSV示例: 用凭据导出特定域 csvde -m -f OUTPUT.CSV -b USERNAME DOMAINNAME * -s SERVERNAME -d \"cn=users,DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com\" -r \"(objectClass=user)\" CSV Directory ExchangeGeneral Parameters==================-i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export)-f filename Input or Output filename-s servername The server to bind to (Default to DC of computer's domain)-v Turn on Verbose Mode-c FromDN ToDN Replace occurences of FromDN to ToDN-j path Log File Location-t port Port Number (default = 389)-u Use Unicode format-h Enable SASL layer signing and encryption-? HelpExport Specific===============-d RootDN The root of the LDAP search (Default to Naming Context)-r Filter LDAP search filter (Default to \"(objectClass=*)\")-p SearchScope Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree)-l list List of attributes (comma separated) to look for in an LDAP search-o list List of attributes (comma separated) to omit from input.-g Disable Paged Search.-m Enable the SAM logic on export.-n Do not export binary valuesImport ======-k The import will go on ignoring 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errorsCredentials Establishment=========================Note that if no credentials is specified, CSVDE will bind as the currentlylogged on user, using SSPI.-a UserDN [Password | *] Simple authentication-b UserName Domain [Password | *] SSPI bind methodExample: Simple import of current domain csvde -i -f INPUT.CSV Example: Simple export of current domain csvde -f OUTPUT.CSV Example: Export of specific domain with credentials csvde -m -f OUTPUT.CSV -b USERNAME DOMAINNAME * -s SERVERNAME -d \"cn=users,DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com\" -r \"(objectClass=user)\"
0x27无法打开错误文件。 Unable to open error file.
0x28将目录导出到文件 %1 Exporting directory to file %1
0x29搜索项目... Searching for entries...
0x2A创建临时文件出错 Error creating temporary file
0x2B打开临时文件出错 Error opening temporary file
0x2C搜索失败 Search Failed
0x2D写出项目 Writing out entries
0x2Eldap_search_s 错误: ‘%1’ ldap_search_s error: '%1'
0x2F读取临时文件出错 Error reading temporary file
0x30导出完毕。后续处理正在进行... Export Completed. Post-processing in progress...
0x31导出了 %1!d! 个项目 %1!d! entries exported
0x32写导出文件出错。这可能由于磁盘空间不足。 Error writing to output file. This can be caused by insufficientdisk space.
0x33无效文件格式。获取 DN 项目出错 Invalid file format. Error getting DN of entry
0x34写到文件出错。档项目无法写入时就会出现这个错误,这可能由于将一个 Unicode 值写到一个非 unicode 文件中引起的。 Error writing to file. This error happens when the entry cannot be written, itcan be caused by writing a Unicode value to a non-unicode file.
0x35导出项目: %1 Exporting entry: %1
0x36打开输出文件出错。 Error opening output file.
0x37组织输出文件%0 Organizing Output file%0
0x39写UNPRINTABLE BINARY(%1!d!) 文件出错%0 Error writing to fileUNPRINTABLE BINARY(%1!d!)%0
0x3A输入文件语法错误 Syntax error in input file.
0x3B在输入文件中有几个无效属性。 Invalid number of attributes in input file.
0x3C从“%1”文件导入目录 Importing directory from file \"%1\"
0x3D项目已经存在,忽略项目。 Entry already exists, entry skipped.
0x3E属性或值已存在,忽略项目。 Attribute or value exists, entry skipped.
0x3F限制冲突,忽略项目。 Constraint Violoation, entry skipped.
0x40未知选项 Unknown Option
0x41在 %1!d!: %2 行添加出错 Add error on line %1!d!: %2
0x42项目修改成功。 Entry modified successfully.
0x43无法修改成员属性。 Member attribute cannot be modified.
0x44成功地修改了 %1!d! 个条目。 %1!d! entries modified successfully.
0x451 个条目修改成功。 1 entry modified successfully.
0x46未找到条目 No Entries found
0x47读取属性表出错 Error reading attribute list
0x48无效文件格式。没有定义 DN 属性 Invalid file format. DN Attribute not defined
0x49没有定义 objectClass 属性 objectClass Attribute not defined
0x4A无效 HEX 字符串 Invalid HEX String
0x4B打开附加文件出错 Error opening append file
0x4C解析错误: 在列 %1!d! 中的值不一致。读的最后一个字符是 %2!d! Parsing error: Inconsistent values at column %1!d!. Last read character is %2!d!
0x4D打开输入文件出错 Error opening input file
0x4E加载条目%0 Loading entries%0
0x4F行串连后跟随着非零字符 Line Concatenation trailed by non null characters
0x50无法打开日志文件 Unable to open log file
0x51无法打开错误文件 Unable to open error file
0x52无效参数: 端口号必须跟着 -t Invalid Parameter: Port number must follow -t
0x53一个参数定义了不止一次 A parameter has been defined more than once
0x54无效参数: 日志文件位置必须跟着 -j Invalid Parameter: Log File Location must follow -j
0x55无效参数: 没有 Active Directory 域控制器可用 Invalid Parameter: No Active Directory Domain Controller available
0x56无效参数: 在导入时,-g 选项不可用 Invalid Parameter: -g option not available under import
0x57服务器边的错误为 \"%1\" The server side error is \"%1\"
0x58服务器不支持页面调度,页面调度将被禁用。 Paging support not available from the server, paging will be disabled.
0x59键入 %1 的密码: %0 Type the password for %1:%0
0x5A输入的密码太长;最大密码长度为 256 个字符。 The input password is too long; the maximum password length is 256.
0x5B找不到默认的名称上下文。使用 NULL 作为搜索基准。 The default naming context cannot be found. Using NULL as the search base.
0x5C不能为指定的服务器启用 SAM 逻辑导出,将执行普通导出。 Export with SAM logic cannot be enabled for the specified server, a normal export will be performed.
0x5D语法错误,在行 %1!d! Syntax error on line %1!d!
0x5E解析错误: 在列 %1!d! 后面需要逗号。读的最后一个字符是 %2!d! Parsing error: expect comma after column %1!d!. Last read character is %2!d!
0x5F解析错误: 在列 %1!d! 中需要值。读的最后一个字符是 %2!d! Parsing error: expecting value at column %1!d!. Last read character is %2!d!
0x60解析错误。读的最后一个字符是 %1!d! Parsing error. Last read character is %1!d!
0x61没有写入日志文件。要生成日志文件,请通过 -j 选项来指定日志文件路径。 No log files were written. In order to generate a log file, pleasespecify the log file path via the -j option.
0x62无法启用 SASL 层加密: %1。 Unable to enable SASL layer encryption: %1.
0x63无法启用 SASL 层签名: %1。 Unable to enable SASL layer signing: %1.


File Name:csvde.exe.mui
File Size:9.0 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8704
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:NT5DS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:csvde.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:csvde.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is csvde.exe.mui?

csvde.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file csvde.exe (NT5DS).

File version info

File Description:NT5DS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:csvde.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:csvde.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200