cdosys.dll.mui Microsoft CDO for Windows Library a4031f2b3ae2bd42286c077f91435fb6

File info

File name: cdosys.dll.mui
Size: 48640 byte
MD5: a4031f2b3ae2bd42286c077f91435fb6
SHA1: 84171c461f3da7967ac3a36c87547251a62f95d2
SHA256: 8ef0629bb0010169089d60206db04b2c090da716539d2aa234252a2001c5b2d7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Russian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Russian English
0x1Header Header
0x2None None
0x3General General
0x00011000-----Исходное сообщение-----%0 -----Original Message-----%0
0x00011001От:%0 From:%0
0x00011002Отправлено:%0 Sent:%0
0x00011003Помещено:%0 Posted At:%0
0x00011004Кому:%0 To:%0
0x00011005Копия:%0 Cc:%0
0x00011006Помещено в:%0 Posted To:%0
0x00011007Предмет:%0 Conversation:%0
0x00011008Тема:%0 Subject:%0
0x00011009Важность:%0 Importance:%0
0x0001100Aот имени%0 on behalf of%0
0x0001100BFW:%0 FW:%0
0x0001100CRE:%0 RE:%0
0x0001100D1252%0 1252%0
0x0001100EКалендарь%0 Calendar%0
0x0001100FКонтакты%0 Contacts%0
0x00011010Черновики%0 Drafts%0
0x00011011Дневник%0 Journal%0
0x00011012Заметки%0 Notes%0
0x00011013Задачи%0 Tasks%0
0x00011014Новая папка%0 New Folder%0
0x00011015Местоположение:%0 Location:%0
0x00011016Начало:%0 Start Time:%0
0x00011017Конец:%0 End Time:%0
0x00011018Часовой пояс:%0 Time Zone:%0
0x00011019Местное время%0 Local time%0
0x0001101AОрганизатор:%0 Organizer:%0
0x0001101BТип:%0 Type:%0
0x0001101CОдиночная встреча%0 Single Appointment%0
0x0001101DОдиночное собрание%0 Single Meeting%0
0x0001101EПовторяющаяся встреча%0 Recurring Appointment%0
0x0001101FПовторяющееся собрание%0 Recurring Meeting%0
0x00011100Универсальное время (по Гринвичу)%0 Universal Coordinated Time%0
0x00011101(GMT) Время по Гринвичу: Дублин, Эдинбург, Лиссабон, Лондон%0 (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London%0
0x00011102(GMT+01:00) Сараево, Скопье, София, Вильнюс, Варшава, Загреб%0 (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb%0
0x00011103(GMT+01:00) Брюссель, Копенгаген, Мадрид, Париж%0 (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris%0
0x00011104(GMT+01:00) Амстердам, Берлин, Берн, Рим, Стокгольм, Вена%0 (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna%0
0x00011105(GMT+02:00) Бухарест%0 (GMT+02:00) Bucharest%0
0x00011106(GMT+01:00) Белград, Братислава, Будапешт, Любляна, Прага%0 (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague%0
0x00011107(GMT+02:00) Афины, Стамбул, Минск%0 (GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk%0
0x00011108(GMT-03:00) Бразилия%0 (GMT-03:00) Brasilia%0
0x00011109(GMT-04:00) Атлантическое время (Канада)%0 (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)%0
0x0001110A(GMT-05:00) Восточное время (США и Канада)%0 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)%0
0x0001110B(GMT-06:00) Центральное время (США и Канада)%0 (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)%0
0x0001110C(GMT-07:00) Горное время (США и Канада)%0 (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)%0
0x0001110D(GMT-08:00) Тихоокеанское время (США и Канада)%0 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)%0
0x0001110E(GMT-09:00) Аляска%0 (GMT-09:00) Alaska%0
0x0001110F(GMT-10:00) Гавайи%0 (GMT-10:00) Hawaii%0
0x00011110(GMT-11:00) о. Мидуэй, Самоа%0 (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa%0
0x00011111(GMT+12:00) Окленд, Веллингтон%0 (GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington%0
0x00011112(GMT+10:00) Брисбейн%0 (GMT+10:00) Brisbane%0
0x00011113(GMT+09:30) Аделаида%0 (GMT+09:30) Adelaide%0
0x00011114(GMT+09:00) Осака, Саппоро, Токио%0 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo%0
0x00011115(GMT+08:00) Куала-Лумпур, Сингапур%0 (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore%0
0x00011116(GMT+07:00) Бангкок, Ханой, Джакарта%0 (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta%0
0x00011117(GMT+05:30) Колката, Ченнай, Мумбай, Нью-Дели%0 (GMT+05:30) Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi%0
0x00011118(GMT+04:00) Абу-Даби, Мускат%0 (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat%0
0x00011119(GMT+03:30) Тегеран%0 (GMT+03:30) Tehran%0
0x0001111A(GMT+03:00) Багдад%0 (GMT+03:00) Baghdad%0
0x0001111B(GMT+02:00) Иерусалим%0 (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem%0
0x0001111C(GMT-03:30) Ньюфаундленд%0 (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland%0
0x0001111D(GMT-01:00) Азорские о-ва%0 (GMT-01:00) Azores%0
0x0001111E(GMT-02:00) Средняя Атлантика%0 (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic%0
0x0001111F(GMT) Касабланка, Монровия%0 (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia%0
0x00011120(GMT-03:00) Буэнос-Айрес, Джорджтаун%0 (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown%0
0x00011121(GMT-04:00) Каракас, Ла Пас%0 (GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz%0
0x00011122(GMT-05:00) Индиана (восток)%0 (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)%0
0x00011123(GMT-05:00) Богота, Лима, Кито%0 (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito%0
0x00011124(GMT-06:00) Саскачеван%0 (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan%0
0x00011125(GMT-06:00) Мехико%0 (GMT-06:00) Mexico City%0
0x00011126(GMT-07:00) Аризона%0 (GMT-07:00) Arizona%0
0x00011127(GMT-12:00) Эневеток, Кваджалейн%0 (GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein%0
0x00011128(GMT+12:00) Фиджи, Камчатка, Маршалловы Острова%0 (GMT+12:00) Fiji Is., Kamchatka, Marshall Is.%0
0x00011129(GMT+11:00) Магадан, Соломоновы о-ва, Нов. Каледония%0 (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia%0
0x0001112A(GMT+10:00) Хобарт%0 (GMT+10:00) Hobart%0
0x0001112B(GMT+10:00) Гуам, Порт Моресби%0 (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby%0
0x0001112C(GMT+09:30) Дарвин%0 (GMT+09:30) Darwin%0
0x0001112D(GMT+08:00) Пекин, Чунцин, Гонконг, Урумчи%0 (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR, Urumqi%0
0x0001112E(GMT+06:00) Алматы, Новосибирск%0 (GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk%0
0x0001112F(GMT+05:00) Исламабад, Карачи, Ташкент%0 (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent%0
0x00011130(GMT+04:30) Кабул%0 (GMT+04:30) Kabul%0
0x00011131(GMT+02:00) Каир%0 (GMT+02:00) Cairo%0
0x00011132(GMT+02:00) Хараре, Претория%0 (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria%0
0x00011133(GMT+03:00) Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Волгоград%0 (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd%0
0x00011134(GMT-01:00) о-ва Зеленого мыса%0 (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.%0
0x00011135(GMT+04:00) Баку, Тбилиси, Ереван%0 (GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan%0
0x00011136(GMT-06:00) Центральная Америка%0 (GMT-06:00) Central America%0
0x00011137(GMT+03:00) Найроби%0 (GMT+03:00) Nairobi%0
0x00011138(GMT+10:00) Канберра, Мельбурн, Сидней%0 (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney%0
0x00011139(GMT+05:00) Екатеринбург%0 (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg%0
0x0001113A(GMT+02:00) Хельсинки, Рига, Таллин%0 (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn%0
0x0001113B(GMT-03:00) Гренландия%0 (GMT-03:00) Greenland%0
0x0001113C(GMT+06:30) Янгон%0 (GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangun)%0
0x0001113D(GMT+05:45) Катманду%0 (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu%0
0x0001113E(GMT+08:00) Иркутск, Улан-Батор%0 (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar%0
0x0001113F(GMT+07:00) Красноярск%0 (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk%0
0x00011140(GMT-04:00) Сантьяго%0 (GMT-04:00) Santiago%0
0x00011141(GMT+06:00) Коломбо%0 (GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura%0
0x00011142(GMT+13:00) Нуку-алофа%0 (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa%0
0x00011143(GMT+10:00) Владивосток%0 (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok%0
0x00011144(GMT+01:00) Западная Центральная Африка%0 (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa%0
0x00011145(GMT+09:00) Якутск%0 (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk%0
0x00011146(GMT+06:00) Астана, Дхака%0 (GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka%0
0x00011147(GMT+09:00) Сеул%0 (GMT+09:00) Seoul%0
0x00011148(GMT+08:00) Перт%0 (GMT+08:00) Perth%0
0x00011149(GMT+03:00) Кувейт, Эр-Рияд%0 (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh%0
0x0001114A(GMT+08:00) Тайпей%0 (GMT+08:00) Taipei%0
0x0001114B(GMT+10:00) Канберра, Мельбурн, Сидней (только 2000 год)%0 (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (Year 2000 only)%0
0x0001114C(GMT-07:00) Чихуахуа, Ла Пас, Мазатлан%0 (GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan%0
0x0001114D(GMT+10:00) Канберра, Мельбурн, Сидней (Игры Содружества)%0 (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (Commonwealth Games)%0
0x0001114E(GMT+09:30) Аделаида (Игры Содружества)%0 (GMT+09:30) Adelaide (Commonwealth Games)%0
0x0001114F(GMT+10:00) Хобарт (Игры Содружества)%0 (GMT+10:00) Hobart (Commonwealth Games)%0
0x00011150(GMT-08:00) Тихуана, Нижняя Калифорния%0 (GMT-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California%0
0x00032000%1 Event on %2 called with Flags %3%n%nFor more information, click %1 Event on %2 called with Flags %3%n%nFor more information, click
0x00032001%1 Event Method is returning with HRESULT %2%n%nFor more information, click %1 Event Method is returning with HRESULT %2%n%nFor more information, click
0x00032003Calendaring agent is initialized successfully.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent is initialized successfully.%n%nFor more information, click
0x00032004Calendaring agent is stopping successfully.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent is stopping successfully.%n%nFor more information, click
0x4003202EThe calendaring data message for %1: %2 has been sent to %3.%n%nFor more information, click The calendaring data message for %1: %2 has been sent to %3.%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032035The EXCDO logging level has been reloaded from the registry and is now set to 0x%1.%n%nFor more information, click The EXCDO logging level has been reloaded from the registry and is now set to 0x%1.%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032036Calendaring agent has successfully started the background thread.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent has successfully started the background thread.%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032038Background calendaring agent is processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3).%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3).%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032039Background calendaring agent did not find any more calendars to process.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent did not find any more calendars to process.%n%nFor more information, click
0x4003203ABackground calendaring agent has finished processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). The return code is %4.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent has finished processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). The return code is %4.%n%nFor more information, click
0x4003203BBackground calendaring agent is awakened due to shutdown.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is awakened due to shutdown.%n%nFor more information, click
0x4003203CBackground calendaring agent is awakened due to calendars needing expansion.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is awakened due to calendars needing expansion.%n%nFor more information, click
0x4003203DBackground calendaring agent is terminating with return code %1.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is terminating with return code %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032041Background calendaring agent is sleeping until shutdown or a calendar is queued.%n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is sleeping until shutdown or a calendar is queued.%n%nFor more information, click
0x40032042The calendar (%1) in mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3) has been queued for background expansion.%n%nFor more information, click The calendar (%1) in mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3) has been queued for background expansion.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003200ACalendaring agent truncated expansion after %1 instances per day.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent truncated expansion after %1 instances per day.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003201CExpiry of an instance for the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in the folder \"%2\" was detected. The master for that should be expired before this instance. This instance will no longer appear in the web clients until the master is updated manually or through replication.%n%nFor more information, click Expiry of an instance for the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in the folder \"%2\" was detected. The master for that should be expired before this instance. This instance will no longer appear in the web clients until the master is updated manually or through replication.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032026An inconsistency was detected in %2: %3. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the calendar or the containing mailbox.%n%nFor more information, click An inconsistency was detected in %2: %3. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the calendar or the containing mailbox.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032027Calendar agent failed to determine the primary calendar for mailbox: %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendar agent failed to determine the primary calendar for mailbox: %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003202AAn inconsistency was detected in %1. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the public folder calendar.%n%nFor more information, click An inconsistency was detected in %1. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the public folder calendar.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003202BClearing the calendar instances before a move failed for mailbox %1 with error %2.%n%nFor more information, click Clearing the calendar instances before a move failed for mailbox %1 with error %2.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003202CCalendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to retrieve the message class for a recurring appointment. The message class for the instancewhen viewed with the Web Client will not be the same as the one in the series if it is not IPM.Appointment.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to retrieve the message class for a recurring appointment. The message class for the instancewhen viewed with the Web Client will not be the same as the one in the series if it is not IPM.Appointment.%n%nFor more information, click
0x8003202DCalendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to open the status message. If the user is a delegate, the access rights to the mailbox mightnot be set up correctly. Otherwise, the calendar for this mailbox could be corrupted. This could be fixedby moving the mailbox to another Exchange server, or exporting the calendar to a Personal Folder File (.PST), and re-importing this into a new calendar.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to open the status message. If the user is a delegate, the access rights to the mailbox mightnot be set up correctly. Otherwise, the calendar for this mailbox could be corrupted. This could be fixedby moving the mailbox to another Exchange server, or exporting the calendar to a Personal Folder File (.PST), and re-importing this into a new calendar.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032030An appointment with the subject \"%1\" was saved to mailbox %2. The end time and duration are missing. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click An appointment with the subject \"%1\" was saved to mailbox %2. The end time and duration are missing. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032031An existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was modified. The start time, or both the duration and end time of the existing appointment were missing.%n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was modified. The start time, or both the duration and end time of the existing appointment were missing.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032032The existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The start time, or both the duration and end time were missing.%n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The start time, or both the duration and end time were missing.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032034The calendaring agent did bind to the appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2, but the appointment is missing an end time and duration. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent did bind to the appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2, but the appointment is missing an end time and duration. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032037Calendaring agent has failed to start the background thread due to %1. Rendering of large calendars with the Web client will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent has failed to start the background thread due to %1. Rendering of large calendars with the Web client will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032044An attempt was made to save an appointment with the subject \"%1\" to mailbox %2. The duration of the appointment was too large, so it was not saved.%n%nFor more information, click An attempt was made to save an appointment with the subject \"%1\" to mailbox %2. The duration of the appointment was too large, so it was not saved.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032045An existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was modified. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate.%n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was modified. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032046The existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate.%n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032047Расширение повторяющейся встречи в почтовом ящике %1 заняло слишком много времени. Некоторые случаи повторяющейся встречи сейчас могут быть не видны. Чтобы убедиться, что в календаре все отображено верно, обновите вид календаря в программе Microsoft Outlook Web Access.%n%nЧтобы получить дополнительные сведения, перейдите на страницу The recurring appointment expansion in mailbox %1 has taken too long. Some recurring appointment instances may not be visible at this time. To ensure that the calendar view is correct, please refresh the calendar view in Microsoft Outlook Web Access.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80032048Расширение повторяющейся встречи в почтовом ящике %1 заняло слишком много времени. Сведения о доступности в этом календаре могут быть неточными. Это может быть вызвано большим количеством очень старых повторяющихся встреч. Чтобы исправить это, удалите их или измените дату их начала на более близкую.%n%nЧтобы получить дополнительные сведения, перейдите на страницу The recurring appointment expansion in mailbox %1 has taken too long. The free/busy information for this calendar may be inaccurate. This may be the result of many very old recurring appointments. To correct this, please remove them or change their start date to a more recent date.%n%nFor more information, click
0x80040201Исключение %1 вызвано с адреса %2 Exception %1 was generated at address %2
0x80040202Не был открыт источник данных для объекта. No data source has been opened for the object.
0x80040203Объект не поддерживает данный тип источника данных. The object does not support this type of data source.
0x80040204Объект не поддерживает имя или пространство имен требуемого свойства. The object does not support the requested property name or namespace.
0x80040205Объект не поддерживает требуемое свойство. The object does not support the requested property.
0x80040206Объект не является активным. Он был удален или не был открыт. The object is not active. It may have been deleted or it may not have been opened.
0x80040207Объект не поддерживает сохранение сведений о постоянном состоянии для объектов. The object does not support storing persistent state information for objects.
0x80040208Запрошенное свойство или средство поддерживается, но в данное время или в данном контексте недоступно. The requested property or feature, while supported, is not available at this time or in this context.
0x80040209Папка для доставки по умолчанию не была настроена для данного сервера. No default drop directory has been configured for this server.
0x8004020AВ файле конфигурации не найдено требуемое имя SMTP-сервера. The SMTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source.
0x8004020BВ файле конфигурации не найдено требуемое имя NNTP-сервера. The NNTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source.
0x8004020CТребуется задать хотя бы одного получателя, но не найден ни один. At least one recipient is required, but none were found.
0x8004020DТребуется заполнить хотя бы одно из полей \"От\" и \"Отправитель\", но ни одно из них не было заполнено. At least one of the From or Sender fields is required, and neither was found.
0x8004020EСервер отклонил адрес отправителя. Отклик сервера: %1 The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: %1
0x8004020FСервер отклонил один или несколько адресов получателей. Отклик сервера: %1 The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: %1
0x80040210Не удалось отправить сообщение на NNTP-сервер. Код ошибки транспорта: %2. Отклик сервера: %1 The message could not be posted to the NNTP server. The transport error code was %2. The server response was %1
0x80040211Не удалось отправить сообщение на SMTP-сервер. Код ошибки транспорта: %2. Отклик сервера: %1 The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was %2. The server response was %1
0x80040212Транспорт потерял связь с сервером. The transport lost its connection to the server.
0x80040213Транспорту не удалось подключиться к серверу. The transport failed to connect to the server.
0x80040214Необходимо заполнить поля \"Тема\", \"От\" и \"Группа новостей\", но одно или несколько из них не были заполнены. The Subject, From, and Newsgroup fields are all required, and one or more was not found.
0x80040215Сервер отклонил попытку входа из-за ошибки при проверке подлинности. Отклик сервера: %1 The server rejected the logon attempt due to authentication failure. The server response was: %1
0x80040216Недопустимый тип содержания в данном контексте. Например, корнем сообщения MHTML должен быть документ HTML. The content type was not valid in this context. For example, the root of an MHTML message must be an HTML document.
0x80040217Транспорту не удалось выполнить вход на сервер. The transport was unable to log on to the server.
0x80040218Не удалось найти запрошенный ресурс. Отклик сервера: %1. The requested resource could not be found. The server response was: %1.
0x80040219Отказано в доступе к запрошенному ресурсу. Отклик сервера: %1. Access to the requested resource is denied. The server response was: %1.
0x8004021AСбой запроса HTTP. Отклик сервера: %1. The HTTP request failed. The server response was: %1.
0x8004021BЭто составной раздел. Он не содержит никаких сведений, помимо составляющих его разделов. This is a multipart body part. It has no content other than the body parts contained within it.
0x8004021CЧасти составного раздела должны иметь 7-битовую, 8-битовую или двоичную кодировку. Multipart body parts must be encoded as 7bit, 8bit, or binary.
0x8004021DЗапрошенная операция запрещена в безопасном режиме. The requested operation is not allowed in secure mode.
0x8004021EЗапрошенное свойство не найдено. The requested property was not found.
0x80040220Недопустимое значение конфигурации \"SendUsing\". The \"SendUsing\" configuration value is invalid.
0x80040221Недопустимое значение конфигурации \"PostUsing\". The \"PostUsing\" configuration value is invalid.
0x80040222Необходимый путь к папке раскладки не был указан. The pickup directory path is required and was not specified.
0x80040223Не удалось удалить одно или несколько сообщений. One or more messages could not be deleted.
0x80040224Запрошенная операция недоступна для данного объекта. The requested operation is not available on the underlying object.
0x80040227Свойство доступно только для чтения. The property is read-only.
0x80040228Не удается удалить свойство. The property cannot be deleted.
0x80040229В объект были записаны несовместимые или недопустимые данные. Data written to the object are inconsistent or invalid.
0x8004022AЗапрошенное свойство не входит в пространство имен для заголовков почтовых сообщений. The requested property is not in the mail header namespace.
0x8004022BЗапрошенный набор знаков не установлен на компьютер. The requested character set is not installed on the computer.
0x8004022CПоток ADO не был открыт. The ADO stream has not been opened.
0x8004022DСвойства содержания отсутствуют. The content properties are missing.
0x8004022EСвойства содержания XML должны быть закодированы с помощью UTF-8. Content properties XML must be encoded using UTF-8.
0x8004022FСбой анализа свойств содержания XML. Failed to parse content properties XML.
0x80040230Не удалось преобразовать свойство из формата XML к запрошенному типу. Failed to convert a property from XML to a requested type.
0x80040231Не были заданы каталоги для определения. No directories were specified for resolution.
0x80040232Не удалось определить один или несколько из указанных каталогов. Failed to resolve against one or more of the specified directories.
0x80040233Не удалось найти почтовый ящик отправителя. Could not find the Sender's mailbox.
0x80040234Рекурсивное связывание не допускается. Binding to self is not allowed.
0x80040235Несовместимые или недопустимые данные об участниках в объекте. Data of the Attendees in the object are inconsistent or invalid.
0x80040236Больше нет доступных ролей желаемого типа. No more roles of the desired type are available - maxed out.
0x80040237Данная задача относится к текущему типу задач и не допускает вызова функции \"Назначить\" (Assign). Используйте вместо нее функцию \"CreateUnassignedCopy\". The task with its current task type does not permit a call on Assign. Please call CreateUnassignedCopy instead.
0x80040238Эта задача не назначена текущему пользователю. The task is not assigned to the current user.
0x80040239Элемент, к которому выполняется попытка доступа или управления, устарел. The item being accessed or manipulated is out of date.
0x80044000Недопустимый первый аргумент The first argument is invalid
0x80044001Недопустимый второй аргумент The second argument is invalid
0x80044002Недопустимый третий аргумент The third argument is invalid
0x80044003Недопустимый четвертый аргумент The fourth argument is invalid
0x80044004Недопустимый пятый аргумент The fifth argument is invalid
0x800CCE05Запрошенный раздел не найден в данном сообщении. The requested body part was not found in this message.
0x800CCE1DНедопустимый тип кодировки содержания. The content encoding type is invalid.
0xC0032002%1 Event Method is halting, HRESULT %2%n%nFor more information, click %1 Event Method is halting, HRESULT %2%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032005Calendaring agent failed to initialize with error %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to initialize with error %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032006Calendaring recurring item expansion failed to register for notifications for MDB %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring recurring item expansion failed to register for notifications for MDB %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032007Calendaring agent failed in message save notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed in message save notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032008Calendaring agent failed in message delete notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed in message delete notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032009Calendaring agent failed in folder save notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed in folder save notification with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003200BThe mailbox creation callback failed to create any folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click The mailbox creation callback failed to create any folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003200CThe mailbox creation callback failed to create one or more folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click The mailbox creation callback failed to create one or more folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003200DCalendaring agent failed to uninitialize implied restriction with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to uninitialize implied restriction with error %1 on %2: %3.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003200ECalendaring agent failed with error code %1 while saving appointment.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while saving appointment.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003200FCalendaring agent failed with error code %1 while deleting appointment.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while deleting appointment.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032010Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while expanding recurring appointments.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while expanding recurring appointments.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032011Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while cleaning up the calendar.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while cleaning up the calendar.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032012Calendaring agent failed to open registry with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to open registry with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032013Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code: %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code: %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032014Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032015Calendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache during an appointment save or delete operation.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache during an appointment save or delete operation.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032016Calendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache and internal data while processing a query.%n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache and internal data while processing a query.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032017The mailbox creation callback failed to rename any folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click The mailbox creation callback failed to rename any folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032018The mailbox creation callback failed to rename one or more folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click The mailbox creation callback failed to rename one or more folders in mailbox %1.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032019The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client.%n%nFor more information, click The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003201AA transaction failed during initialization.%n%nFor more information, click A transaction failed during initialization.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003201BThe calendaring agent could not publish the free/busy information for \"%1\" because it failed reading the registry with error: %2. The save/delete calendar operation for \"%3\" will not be completed.Please ensure that MSExchangeFBPublish agent is started.%n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent could not publish the free/busy information for \"%1\" because it failed reading the registry with error: %2. The save/delete calendar operation for \"%3\" will not be completed.Please ensure that MSExchangeFBPublish agent is started.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003201DUnhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003201EUnhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003201FUnhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents while an MDB is mounted.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents while an MDB is mounted.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032020Unhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents while an MDB is unmounted.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents while an MDB is unmounted.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032021Unhandled exception %1 caught during message save changes notification.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during message save changes notification.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032022Unhandled exception %1 caught during deletion notification.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during deletion notification.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032023Unhandled exception %1 caught during query processing.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during query processing.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032024Unhandled exception %1 caught during folder save changes notification.%n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during folder save changes notification.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032025The calendar for the mailbox %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated.%n%nFor more information, click The calendar for the mailbox %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032028The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in public folder: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client.%n%nFor more information, click The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject \"%1\" in public folder: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032029The public folder %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated.%n%nFor more information, click The public folder %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003202FAn appointment with the subject \"%1\" was saved to mailbox %2. The start time is missing, so the calendaring agent cannot publish the free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click An appointment with the subject \"%1\" was saved to mailbox %2. The start time is missing, so the calendaring agent cannot publish the free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032033The calendaring agent cannot bind to the appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 because the appointment is missing a start time. The calendaring agent will not publish free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent cannot bind to the appointment with the subject \"%1\" in mailbox %2 because the appointment is missing a start time. The calendaring agent will not publish free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003203EThe background calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while registering task. The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while registering task. The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC003203FThe background calendaring agent failed to logon to the MDB, or create a session object on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2.The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer for the mailbox %3 with GUID:%4 will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed to logon to the MDB, or create a session object on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2.The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer for the mailbox %3 with GUID:%4 will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032040The background calendaring agent failed to retrieve the token required for logon on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2.The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer on this MDB will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed to retrieve the token required for logon on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2.The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer on this MDB will be slower.%n%nFor more information, click
0xC0032043The background calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1.%n%nFor more information, click


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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft CDO for Windows Library
File Version:6.6.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CDOSYS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:CDOSYS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:6.6.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is cdosys.dll.mui?

cdosys.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Russian language for file cdosys.dll (Microsoft CDO for Windows Library).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft CDO for Windows Library
File Version:6.6.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CDOSYS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:CDOSYS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:6.6.15063.0
Translation:0x419, 1200