iisres.dll.mui IIS 资源 DLL a3f194d30d3b8de297b7936dafcb3794

File info

File name: iisres.dll.mui
Size: 242176 byte
MD5: a3f194d30d3b8de297b7936dafcb3794
SHA1: aa3ed3e0117e1de9506f0443890ee257ba6a2e87
SHA256: 96abd13084a829fed582a067a999a3a42cec81266dcfd9e5efbc50fcd65c891b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100007~ASP 0100~内存不足~无法分配所需的内存。 007~ASP 0100~Out of memory~Unable to allocate required memory.
101007~ASP 0101~意外错误~函数返回 |。 007~ASP 0101~Unexpected error~The function returned |.
102007~ASP 0102~需要字符串输入~函数需要字符串输入。 007~ASP 0102~Expecting string input~The function expects a string as input.
103007~ASP 0103~需要数字输入~函数需要数字输入。 007~ASP 0103~Expecting numeric input~The function expects a number as input.
104007~ASP 0104~不允许操作~ 007~ASP 0104~Operation not Allowed~
105007~ASP 0105~下标越界~ 数组下标越界。 007~ASP 0105~Index out of range~An array index is out of range.
106007~ASP 0106~类型不匹配~遇到未处理的数据类型。 007~ASP 0106~Type Mismatch~An unhandled data type was encountered.
107007~ASP 0107~数据太大~请求中发送的数据大小超过了允许的限制。 007~ASP 0107~Data size too large~Size of data being sent in the request is over the allowed limit.
108某个活动的服务器控件或组件执行了非法的 OLE CoUninitialize 调用。Active Server Pages 使用的组件不能进行这样的操作。正尝试进行恢复。 An active server control or component performed an illegal OLE CoUninitialize call. Components used by Active Server Pages must not do this. Attempting to recover.
109True True
110False False
111006~ASP 0211~对象越界~引用了不再有效的内置 ASP 对象。 006~ASP 0211~Object out of scope~A built-in ASP object has been referenced, which is no longer valid.
112006~ASP 0226~无法修改 StaticObjects~无法在运行时修改 StaticObjects 集合。 006~ASP 0226~Cannot modify StaticObjects~StaticObjects collection cannot be modified at run time.
113没有更详细的信息。(错误描述过长;请检查是否缺少结束分隔符,如“%”。) No further information is available. (Error description is too long; please check for missing end delimiters, such as '%'.)
114针对应用程序池“%s”的模板永久性缓存初始化失败,这是由以下错误导致的: %s。数据可能包含其他错误代码。 The Template Persistent Cache initialization failed for Application Pool '%s' because of the following error: %s. The data may have additional error codes.
115ASP 不正常,因为所执行请求的 %d%% 被挂起,而且请求队列的 %d%% 已满。 ASP unhealthy because %d%% of executing requests are hung and %d%% of the request queue is full.
116ASP 不会响应请求,因为它未能执行第一个请求的初始化。 ASP will not serve requests because it could not perform the first request initialization.
117ASP 不正常,因为内存溢出。 ASP unhealthy due to an out of memory condition.
118006~ASP 0251~超过响应缓冲区限制~此 ASP 页的执行造成响应缓冲区超过其配置限制。 006~ASP 0251~Response Buffer Limit Exceeded~Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit.
119磁盘缓存目录名太长 The Disk Cache Directory Name is too long
120无法为应用程序池创建磁盘缓存子目录 Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool
121应用程序池的磁盘缓存子目录缺失或不能访问 The Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool is missing or cannot be accessed
122为磁盘缓存清理事件生成的名称太长 The generated name for the Disk Cache Cleanup Event is too long
123无法创建用于磁盘缓存目录清理的事件 The Event for the Disk Cache Directory Cleanup could not be created
201错误: 拒绝访问。 Error: Access is Denied.
202处理 URL 时服务器出错。请与系统管理员联系。 An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
203服务器负载过大,请稍后再试。 The server is under heavy load, please try again later.
204VBScript VBScript
205尚未安装 Internet Information Services,Active Server Pages 要求先安装 IIS。 Internet Information Services is not installed, Active Server Pages requires IIS installed first.
206%SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\ASP Compiled Templates %SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\ASP Compiled Templates
303错误 ' error '
304' '

309,行 , line

315401 Microsoft Active Server Pages 401 Microsoft Active Server Pages
402IIS 日志写入失败, IIS log failed to write entry,
403Active Server Pages 编译器 Active Server Pages Compiler
404Active Server Pages Active Server Pages
405文件 File
406 Line
407元数据库键 %d 超出范围。使用 %d 作为默认值。 Metabase key %d is out of range. Using %d as default.
408|ASP |ASP
409读取默认设置时出错。请执行 regsvr32 asp.dll。 Error while reading default settings. please do regsvr32 asp.dll.
410ASP 脚本错误 ASP Script Error
413- 已禁用应用程序调试 - Application Debugging is Disabled
501204 无内容 204 No Content
502403 禁止访问 403 Forbidden
503404 未找到 404 Not Found
504500 服务器错误 500 Server Error
505401 拒绝访问 401 Access Denied
601***加密的 ASP 文件***

*** Encrypted ASP File ***

1000006~ASP 0108~创建对象失败~创建对象“%s”时出错。 006~ASP 0108~Create object failed~An error occurred while creating object '%s'.
1004006~ASP 0109~找不到成员~ 006~ASP 0109~Member not found~
1005006~ASP 0110~未知名称~ 006~ASP 0110~Unknown name~
1006006~ASP 0111~未知接口~ 006~ASP 0111~Unknown interface~
1007006~ASP 0112~缺少参数~ 006~ASP 0112~Missing parameter~
1008006~ASP 0113~脚本超时~超过了脚本运行的最长时间。可以通过为 Server.ScriptTimeOut 属性指定新值或在 IIS 管理工具中更改相应值来更改此限制。 006~ASP 0113~Script timed out~The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.
1009006~ASP 0114~非自由线程对象~应用程序对象只接受自由线程对象;“%s”不是自由线程对象。 006~ASP 0114~Object not free threaded~The application object accepts only free threaded objects; object '%s' is not free threaded.
1010007~ASP 0115~意外错误~外部对象中发生了可捕获的错误(%X)。脚本无法继续执行。 007~ASP 0115~Unexpected error~A trappable error (%X) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
1011外部对象产生错误。没有可用的错误描述。 An external object raised an error. No Error Description Available.
1012007~ASP 0240~脚本引擎异常~ScriptEngine 引发了异常“%X”(位于“%s”中,来自“%s”)。 007~ASP 0240~Script Engine Exception~A ScriptEngine threw exception '%X' in '%s' from '%s'.
1013007~ASP 0241~CreateObject 异常~“%s”的 CreateObject 导致了异常 %X。 007~ASP 0241~CreateObject Exception~The CreateObject of '%s' caused exception %X.
1014007~ASP 0242~查询 OnStartPage 接口异常~查询对象“%s”的 OnStartPage 或 OnEndPage 方法导致了异常 %X。 007~ASP 0242~Query OnStartPage Interface Exception~Querying Object '%s''s OnStartPage or OnEndPage methods caused exception %X.
2000ASP 预处理器错误 ASP Preprocessor Error
2001错误发生在脚本文件“|”的行 | 上: Error in script file '|' on line |:
2002006~ASP 0116~缺少脚本关闭分隔符~Script 块缺少脚本关闭标记(%)。 006~ASP 0116~Missing close of script delimiter~The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%).
2003006~ASP 0117~缺少脚本关闭标记~Script 块缺少脚本关闭标记()或标记关闭符号()。 006~ASP 0117~Missing close of script tag~The Script block lacks the close of script tag () or close of tag symbol ().
2004006~ASP 0118~缺少对象关闭标记~Object 块缺少对象关闭标记()或标记关闭符号()。 006~ASP 0118~Missing close of object tag~The Object block lacks the close of object tag () or close of tag symbol ().
2005006~ASP 0119~缺少 Classid 或 Progid 特性~对象实例“|”要求对象标记中包含有效的 Classid 或 Progid。 006~ASP 0119~Missing Classid or Progid attribute~The object instance '|' requires a valid Classid or Progid in the object tag.
2006006~ASP 0120~无效的 Runat 特性~Script 标记或 Object 标记的 Runat 特性的值只能为“Server”。 006~ASP 0120~Invalid Runat attribute~The Runat attribute of the Script tag or Object tag can only have the value 'Server'.
2007006~ASP 0121~对象标记中包含无效作用域~对象实例“|”不能具有 Application 或 Session 作用域。要创建具有 Session 或 Application 作用域的对象实例,请将 Object 标记放在 Global.asa 文件中。 006~ASP 0121~Invalid Scope in object tag~The object instance '|' cannot have Application or Session scope. To create the object instance with Session or Application scope, place the Object tag in the Global.asa file.
2008006~ASP 0122~对象标记中包含无效作用域~对象实例“|”必须具有 Application 或 Session 作用域。这适用于在 Global.asa 文件内创建的所有对象。 006~ASP 0122~Invalid Scope in object tag~The object instance '|' must have Application or Session scope. This applies to all objects created in a Global.asa file.
2009006~ASP 0123~缺少 Id 特性~缺少必需的 Object 标记的 Id 特性。 006~ASP 0123~Missing Id attribute~The required Id attribute of the Object tag is missing.
2010006~ASP 0124~缺少 Language 特性~缺少必需的 Script 标记的 Language 特性。 006~ASP 0124~Missing Language attribute~The required Language attribute of the Script tag is missing.
2011006~ASP 0125~缺少特性关闭~“|”特性的值没有关闭分隔符。 006~ASP 0125~Missing close of attribute~The value of the '|' attribute has no closing delimiter.
2012006~ASP 0126~找不到包含文件~ 找不到包含文件“|”。 006~ASP 0126~Include file not found~The include file '|' was not found.
2013006~ASP 0127~缺少 HTML 注释关闭~HTML 注释或服务器端包含缺少关闭标记(--)。 006~ASP 0127~Missing close of HTML comment~The HTML comment or server-side include lacks the close tag (--).
2014006~ASP 0128~缺少 File 或 Virtual 特性~必须使用 File 或 Virtual 特性指定包含文件名。 006~ASP 0128~Missing File or Virtual attribute~The Include file name must be specified using either the File or Virtual attribute.
2015006~ASP 0129~未知的脚本语言~在服务器上找不到脚本语言“|”。 006~ASP 0129~Unknown scripting language~The scripting language '|' is not found on the server.
2016006~ASP 0130~无效的 File 特性~File 特性“|”不能以斜杠或反斜杠开始。 006~ASP 0130~Invalid File attribute~File attribute '|' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.
2017006~ASP 0131~不允许的父路径~包含文件“|”不能用“..”表示父目录。 006~ASP 0131~Disallowed Parent Path~The Include file '|' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
2018006~ASP 0132~编译错误~无法处理 Active Server Page“|”。 006~ASP 0132~Compilation Error~The Active Server Page '|' could not be processed.
2019006~ASP 0133~无效的 ClassID 特性~对象标记具有值为“|”的无效 ClassID。 006~ASP 0133~Invalid ClassID attribute~The object tag has an invalid ClassID of '|'.
2020006~ASP 0134~无效的 ProgID 特性~对象标记具有值为“|”的无效 ProgID。 006~ASP 0134~Invalid ProgID attribute~The object has an invalid ProgID of '|'.
2021006~ASP 0135~循环包含~文件“|”包含在自身中(可能是间接包含)。请检查包含文件中的其他 Include 语句。 006~ASP 0135~Cyclic Include~The file '|' is included by itself (perhaps indirectly). Please check include files for other Include statements.
2022006~ASP 0136~无效的对象实例名称~对象实例“|”正试图使用保留名称,此保留名称由 Active Server Pages 的内部对象使用。 006~ASP 0136~Invalid object instance name~The object instance '|' is attempting to use a reserved name. This name is used by Active Server Pages intrinsic objects.
2023006~ASP 0137~无效的全局脚本~脚本块必须是允许的 Global.asa 过程之一。 中的脚本指令不允许出现在 Global.asa 文件中。允许的过程名称是 Application_OnStart、Application_OnEnd、Session_OnStart 或 Session_OnEnd。 006~ASP 0137~Invalid Global Script~Script blocks must be one of the allowed Global.asa procedures. Script directives within are not allowed within the Global.asa file. The allowed procedure names are Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, or Session_OnEnd.
2024006~ASP 0138~嵌套的脚本块~一个脚本块不能位于另一个脚本块内。 006~ASP 0138~Nested Script Block~A script block cannot be placed inside another script block.
2025006~ASP 0139~嵌套的对象~一个对象标记不能位于另一个对象标记内。 006~ASP 0139~Nested Object~An object tag cannot be placed inside another object tag.
2026006~ASP 0140~页面命令顺序错误~@ 命令必须是 Active Server Page 中的第一个命令。 006~ASP 0140~Page Command Out Of Order~The @ command must be the first command within the Active Server Page.
2027006~ASP 0141~页面命令重复~@ 命令只能在 Active Server Page 中使用一次。 006~ASP 0141~Page Command Repeated~The @ command can only be used once within the Active Server Page.
2028006~ASP 0201~无效的默认脚本语言~为此应用程序指定的默认脚本语言无效。 006~ASP 0201~Invalid Default Script Language~The default script language specified for this application is invalid.
2029006~ASP 0202~缺少代码页~缺少代码页特性。 006~ASP 0202~Missing Code Page~The code page attribute is missing.
2030006~ASP 0203~无效的代码页~指定的代码页特性无效。 006~ASP 0203~Invalid Code Page~The specified code page attribute is invalid.
2032006~ASP 0215~ENABLESESSIONSTATE 属性值非法~ENABLESESSIONSTATE 属性的值只能是 TRUE 或 FALSE。 006~ASP 0215~Illegal value for ENABLESESSIONSTATE property~The ENABLESESSIONSTATE property can only be TRUE or FALSE.
2033006~ASP 0217~对象标记的作用域无效~对象的作用域必须是 Page、Session 或 Application。 006~ASP 0217~Invalid Scope in object tag~Object scope must be Page, Session or Application.
2034006~ASP 0218~缺少 LCID~缺少 LCID 特性。 006~ASP 0218~Missing LCID~The LCID attribute is missing.
2035006~ASP 0219~无效的 LCID~指定的 LCID 不可用。 006~ASP 0219~Invalid LCID~The specified LCID is not available.
2036006~ASP 0221~无效的 @ 命令指令~指定的“|”选项未知或无效。 006~ASP 0221~Invalid @ Command directive~The specified '|' option is unknown or invalid.
2037006~ASP 0222~无效的 TypeLib 规格~METADATA 标记包含无效的类型库规格。 006~ASP 0222~Invalid TypeLib Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid Type Library specification.
2038006~ASP 0223~未找到 TypeLib~METADATA 标记包含的类型库规格与所有注册表项都不匹配。 006~ASP 0223~TypeLib Not Found~METADATA tag contains a Type Library specification that does not match any Registry entry.
2039006~ASP 0224~无法加载 TypeLib~无法加载 METADATA 标记中指定的类型库。 006~ASP 0224~Cannot load TypeLib~Cannot load Type Library specified in the METADATA tag.
2040006~ASP 0225~无法包装 TypeLib~无法通过 METADATA 标记中指定的类型库创建类型库包装对象。 006~ASP 0225~Cannot wrap TypeLibs~Cannot create a Type Library Wrapper object from the Type Libraries specified in METADATA tags.
2041006~ASP 0232~无效的 Cookie 规范~METADATA 标记中包含无效的 Cookie 规范。 006~ASP 0232~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid cookie specification.
2042006~ASP 0233~无法加载 Cookie 脚本源文件~ 无法加载在 METADATA 标记中指定的 Cookie 脚本源文件。 006~ASP 0233~Cannot load cookie script source~Cannot load cookie script source file specified in the METADATA tag.
2043006~ASP 0234~无效的包含指令~脚本块中不能出现服务器端包含指令。请使用 标记的“SRC=”特性。 006~ASP 0234~Invalid include directive~Server side include directives may not be present in script blocks. Please use the SRC= attribute of the tag.
2044006~ASP 0236~无效的 Cookie 规范~METADATA 标记包含无效的 SRC 参数或缺少此参数。 006~ASP 0236~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing SRC parameter.
2045006~ASP 0237~无效的 Cookie 规范~METADATA 标记包含无效的 NAME 参数或缺少此参数。 006~ASP 0237~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing NAME parameter.
2046006~ASP 0238~缺少特性值~没有为“|”特性指定值。 006~ASP 0238~Missing attribute value~No value was specified for the '|' attribute.
2047006~ASP 0239~无法处理文件~不支持 UNICODE ASP 文件。 006~ASP 0239~Cannot process file~UNICODE ASP files are not supported.
2048006~ASP 0243~Global.asa 中包含无效的 METADATA 标记~在 Global.asa 中只能使用 METADATA TYPE="TypeLib"。 006~ASP 0243~Invalid METADATA tag in Global.asa~Only METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" may be used in Global.asa.
2049006~ASP 0244~无法启用会话状态~当在应用程序中禁用会话状态后,无法启用会话状态。 006~ASP 0244~Cannot Enable Session State~Session state cannot be enabled when it has been disabled in the application.
2050006~ASP 0245~代码页值混用~指定的 @CODEPAGE 值与包含文件的 CODEPAGE 或文件的保存格式的值不一致。 006~ASP 0245~Mixed usage of Code Page values~The @CODEPAGE value specified differs from that of the including file's CODEPAGE or the file's saved format.
3001518~0~204 无内容~ 518~0~204 No Content~
3002518~0~404 未找到~ 518~0~404 Not Found~
3003006~ASP 0216~MSDTC 服务未运行~如果未在运行 MSDTC 服务,则无法运行事务处理网页。 006~ASP 0216~MSDTC Service not running~Transactional web pages cannot be run if the MSDTC service is not running.
3004518~0~401 错误: 拒绝访问。~ 518~0~401 Error: Access is Denied.~
4000未找到对象 Object Not Found
4001错误,在服务器上找不到脚本文件“%s”。 Error, Script file '%s' was not found on the server.
4002错误,脚本文件“%s”为空。 Error, Script file '%s' is empty.
4003006~ASP 0142~线程令牌错误~未能打开线程令牌。 006~ASP 0142~Thread token error~A thread token failed to open.
4004006~ASP 0143~无效的应用程序名~找不到有效的应用程序名。 006~ASP 0143~Invalid Application Name~A valid application name was not found.
4005006~ASP 0144~初始化错误~初始化期间页级对象列表失败。 006~ASP 0144~Initialization Error~The page level objects list failed during initialization.
4006006~ASP 0145~新建应用程序失败~无法添加新应用程序。 006~ASP 0145~New Application Failed~The new Application could not be added.
4007006~ASP 0146~新建会话失败~无法添加新会话。 006~ASP 0146~New Session Failed~The new Session could not be added
4008006~ASP 0150~应用程序目录错误~无法打开应用程序目录。 006~ASP 0150~Application Directory Error~The Application directory could not be opened.
4009006~ASP 0151~更改通知错误~无法创建更改通知事件。 006~ASP 0151~Change Notification Error~The change notification event could not be created.
4010006~ASP 0152~安全性错误~处理用户的安全凭据时发生错误。 006~ASP 0152~Security Error~An error occurred while processing a user's security credentials.
4011006~ASP 0147~500 服务器错误~ 006~ASP 0147~500 Server Error~
4012006~ASP 0148~服务器太忙~ 006~ASP 0148~Server Too Busy~
4013006~ASP 0198~服务器正在关闭~无法处理请求 006~ASP 0198~Server shutting down~Cannot process request
4014006~ASP 0149~应用程序正在重新启动~在应用程序重新启动的过程中无法处理请求。 006~ASP 0149~Application Restarting~The request cannot be processed while the application is being restarted.
4015006~ASP 0220~不允许针对 GLOBAL.ASA 的请求~不允许包含指向 GLOBAL.ASA 的 URL 的请求。 006~ASP 0220~Requests for GLOBAL.ASA Not Allowed~Requests with the URL pointing to GLOBAL.ASA are not allowed.
4016006~ASP 0246~并发用户数量太多。请稍后再试。~ 006~ASP 0246~Too many concurrent users. Please try again later.~
4017006~ASP 0250~默认代码页无效~为该应用程序指定的默认代码页无效。 006~ASP 0250~Invalid Default Code Page~The default code page specified for this application is invalid.
5000006~ASP 0153~线程错误~新线程请求失败。 006~ASP 0153~Thread Error~A new thread request failed.
6000Response 对象 Response object
6001006~ASP 0154~写入 HTTP 头错误~无法将 HTTP 头写入到客户端浏览器。 006~ASP 0154~Write HTTP Header Error~The HTTP headers could not be written to the client browser.
6002006~ASP 0155~写入页内容错误~无法将页内容写入到客户端浏览器。 006~ASP 0155~Write Page Content Error~The page content could not be written to the client browser.
6003006~ASP 0156~HTTP 头错误~已将 HTTP 头写入到客户端浏览器。对 HTTP 头的任何修改都必须在写入页内容之前进行。 006~ASP 0156~Header Error~The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.
6004006~ASP 0157~缓冲功能已打开~一旦打开缓冲功能,就不能将其关闭。 006~ASP 0157~Buffering On~Buffering cannot be turned off once it is already turned on.
6005006~ASP 0158~缺少 URL~URL 是必需的。 006~ASP 0158~Missing URL~A URL is required.
6006006~ASP 0159~缓冲功能已关闭~必须打开缓冲功能。 006~ASP 0159~Buffering Off~Buffering must be on.
6007006~ASP 0160~日志记录失败~未能将日志项写入日志。 006~ASP 0160~Logging Failure~Failure to write entry to log.
Object moved
Object MovedThis object may be found
6010006~ASP 0161~数据类型错误~从 Variant 变量到 String 变量的转换失败。 006~ASP 0161~Data Type Error~The conversion of a Variant to a String variable failed.
6011006~ASP 0162~不能修改 Cookie~不能修改名为“ASPSessionID”的 Cookie,它是一个保留的 Cookie 名称。 006~ASP 0162~Cannot Modify Cookie~The cookie 'ASPSessionID' cannot be modified. It is a reserved cookie name.
6012006~ASP 0163~逗号的使用不正确~日志项中不能使用逗号。请选择其他分隔符。 006~ASP 0163~Invalid Comma Use~Commas cannot be used within a log entry. Please select another delimiter.
6013006~ASP 0212~不能清除缓冲区~在启用客户端调试的情况下,在执行 Response.Flush 之后不允许执行 Response.Clear。 006~ASP 0212~Cannot Clear Buffer~Response.Clear is not allowed after a Response.Flush while Client Debugging is Enabled.
6014006~ASP 0210~方法未实现~此方法尚未实现。 006~ASP 0210~Method not implemented~This method has not yet been implemented.
6100Session 对象 Session object
6101会话 ID SessionID
6102006~ASP 0164~超时值无效~指定的超时值无效。 006~ASP 0164~Invalid TimeOut Value~An invalid TimeOut value was specified.
6103006~ASP 0165~SessionID 错误~无法创建 SessionID 字符串。 006~ASP 0165~SessionID Error~A SessionID string cannot be created.
6104006~ASP 0166~未初始化的对象~试图访问未初始化的对象。 006~ASP 0166~Uninitialized Object~An attempt was made to access an uninitialized object.
6105006~ASP 0167~会话初始化错误~初始化 Session 对象时出错。 006~ASP 0167~Session Initialization Error~An error occurred while initializing the Session object.
6107006~ASP 0168~不允许的对象使用方式~不能在 Session 对象中存储内部对象。 006~ASP 0168~Disallowed object use~An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Session object.
6108006~ASP 0169~缺少对象信息~不能在 Session 对象中存储缺少信息的对象。对象的线程模型信息是必需的。 006~ASP 0169~Missing object information~An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Session object. The threading model information for an object is required.
6109006~ASP 0170~删除会话错误~未正确删除会话。 006~ASP 0170~Delete Session Error~The Session did not delete properly.
6110006~ASP 0188~不允许的对象使用方式~不能将使用对象标记创建的对象添加到固有会话中。 006~ASP 0188~Disallowed object use~Cannot add objects created using object tags to the session intrinsic.
6111006~ASP 0199~不允许的对象使用方式~不能将 JScript 对象添加到会话中。 006~ASP 0199~Disallowed object use~Cannot add JScript objects to the session.
6112006~ASP 0204~无效 CodePage 值~指定的 CodePage 值无效。 006~ASP 0204~Invalid CodePage Value~An invalid CodePage value was specified.
6200Server 对象 Server object
6201Server.MapPath() Server.MapPath()
6202006~ASP 0171~缺少路径~必须为 MapPath 方法指定 Path 参数。 006~ASP 0171~Missing Path~The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method.
6203006~ASP 0172~无效路径~MapPath 方法的 Path 参数必须是一个虚拟路径。使用了一个物理路径。 006~ASP 0172~Invalid Path~The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.
6204006~ASP 0173~无效路径字符~为 MapPath 方法指定的 Path 参数中包含无效字符。 006~ASP 0173~Invalid Path Character~An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
6205006~ASP 0174~无效路径字符~在 MapPath 的 Path 参数中发现了无效的“/”或“\”。 006~ASP 0174~Invalid Path Character(s)~An invalid '/' or '\' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
6206006~ASP 0175~不允许的路径字符~在 MapPath 的 Path 参数中不允许出现“..”字符。 006~ASP 0175~Disallowed Path Characters~The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
6207006~ASP 0176~路径没有找到~MapPath 的 Path 参数没有对应于一个已知路径。 006~ASP 0176~Path Not Found~The Path parameter for the MapPath method did not correspond to a known path.
6208006~ASP 0195~无效服务器方法调用~在 Session_OnEnd 及 Application_OnEnd 期间不能调用该 Server 对象的此方法。 006~ASP 0195~Invalid Server Method Call~This method of the Server object cannot be called during Session_OnEnd and Application_OnEnd.
6209006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject 失败~%s 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~%s
6210006~ASP 0178~Server.CreateObject 访问错误~检查权限时,对 Server.CreateObject 的调用失败。对此对象的访问被拒绝。 006~ASP 0178~Server.CreateObject Access Error~The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.
6211006~ASP 0196~不能启动进程外组件~只应使用 InProc 服务器组件。如果要使用 LocalServer 组件,则必须设置 AspAllowOutOfProcComponents 元数据库设置。有关重要事项,请参阅帮助文件。 006~ASP 0196~Cannot launch out of process component~Only InProc server components should be used. If you want to use LocalServer components, you must set the AspAllowOutOfProcComponents metabase setting. Please consult the help file for important considerations.
6213006~ASP 0214~无效路径参数~路径参数超过了最大允许长度。 006~ASP 0214~Invalid Path parameter~The Path parameter excedes the maximum length allowed.
6214006~ASP 0227~Server.Execute 失败~对 Server.Execute 的调用失败 006~ASP 0227~Server.Execute Failed~The call to Server.Execute failed
6215006~ASP 0228~Server.Execute 错误~加载页时,对 Server.Execute 的调用失败。 006~ASP 0228~Server.Execute Error~The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.
6216006~ASP 0231~Server.Execute 错误~URL 格式无效或使用了完全限定的绝对 URL。请使用相对 URL。 006~ASP 0231~Server.Execute Error~Invalid URL form or fully-qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs.
6217006~ASP 0229~Server.Transfer 失败~对 Server.Transfer 的调用失败 006~ASP 0229~Server.Transfer Failed~The call to Server.Transfer failed
6218006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer 错误~加载页时,对 Server.Transfer 的调用失败。 006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer Error~The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page.
6219006~ASP 0235~Server.Transfer 错误~URL 格式无效或使用了完全限定的绝对 URL。请使用相对 URL。 006~ASP 0235~Server.Transfer Error~Invalid URL form or fully-qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs.
6300Application 对象 Application object
6301006~ASP 0179~应用程序初始化错误~初始化 Application 对象时出错。 006~ASP 0179~Application Initialization Error~An error occurred while initializing the Application object.
6302006~ASP 0180~不允许的对象使用方式~不能在 Application 对象中存储内部对象。 006~ASP 0180~Disallowed object use~An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Application object.
6303006~ASP 0181~无效线程模型~不能在 Application 对象中存储使用单元线程模型的对象。 006~ASP 0181~Invalid threading model~An object using the apartment threading model cannot be stored within the Application object.
6304006~ASP 0182~缺少对象信息~不能在 Application 对象中存储缺少信息的对象。需要此对象的线程模型信息。 006~ASP 0182~Missing object information~An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Application object. The threading model information for the object is required.
6305006~ASP 0189~不允许的对象使用方式~不能将使用对象标记创建的对象添加到固有应用程序中。 006~ASP 0189~Disallowed object use~Cannot add objects created using object tags to the application intrinsic.
6307006~ASP 0187~对象添加冲突~不能将对象添加到应用程序中。应用程序被另一添加对象请求锁定。 006~ASP 0187~Object addition conflict~Could not add object to application. Application was locked down by another request for adding an object.
6308006~ASP 0197~不允许的对象使用方式~不能将具有单元模型行为的对象添加到应用程序的内部对象中。 006~ASP 0197~Disallowed object use~Cannot add object with apartment model behavior to the application intrinsic object.
6309006~ASP 0205~更改通知~未能为更改通知创建事件。 006~ASP 0205~Change Notification~Failed to create event for change notification.
6400Cookies 对象 Cookies object
6401006~ASP 0183~空的 Cookie 键~不能存储具有空键的 Cookie。 006~ASP 0183~Empty Cookie Key~A cookie with an empty key cannot be stored.
6402006~ASP 0184~缺少 Cookie 名称~必须为 Cookie 指定一个名称。 006~ASP 0184~Missing Cookie Name~A name must be specified for a cookie.
6403006~ASP 0200~“Expires”特性超出范围~为“Expires”指定的日期早于 1980 年 1 月 1 日,或晚于 2038 年 1 月19 日,3:14:07 GMT。 006~ASP 0200~Out of Range 'Expires' attribute~The date and time given for 'Expires' precedes Jan 1, 1980 or excedes Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07 GMT.
6500Request 对象 Request object
6501006~ASP 0206~不能调用 BinaryRead~使用 Request.Form 集合之后,不能调用 BinaryRead。 006~ASP 0206~Cannot call BinaryRead~Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection.
6502006~ASP 0207~不能使用 Request.Form~调用 BinaryRead 之后,不能使用 Request.Form 集合。 006~ASP 0207~Cannot use Request.Form~Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.
6503006~ASP 0208~不能使用泛型 Request 集合~调用 BinaryRead 之后,不能使用泛型 Request 集合。 006~ASP 0208~Cannot use generic Request collection~Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead.
6504006~ASP 0249~不能在 Request 上使用 IStream~使用 Request.Form 集合或 Request.BinaryRead 后不能在 Request 对象上使用 IStream。 006~ASP 0249~Cannot use IStream on Request~Cannot use IStream on Request object after using Request.Form collection or Request.BinaryRead.
6505006~ASP 0247~错误的 BinaryRead 参数~BinaryRead 参数必须是非负数。 006~ASP 0247~Bad Argument to BinaryRead~The argument to BinaryRead must be non-negative.
6701007~ASP 0190~意外错误~释放外部对象时发生可捕获错误。 007~ASP 0190~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred while releasing an external object.
6702007~ASP 0191~意外错误~外部对象的 OnStartPage 方法中发生可捕获错误。 007~ASP 0191~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.
6703007~ASP 0192~意外错误~外部对象的 OnEndPage 方法中发生可捕获错误。 007~ASP 0192~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.
6704007~ASP 0193~OnStartPage 失败~外部对象的 OnStartPage 方法中发生错误。 007~ASP 0193~OnStartPage Failed~An error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.
6705007~ASP 0194~OnEndPage 失败~外部对象的 OnEndPage 方法中发生错误。 007~ASP 0194~OnEndPage Failed~An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.
6800Certificate 对象 Certificate object
6801006~ASP 0186~解析证书时出错 006~ASP 0186~Error parsing certificate
6850ObjectContext 对象 ObjectContext object
6851006~ASP 0248~脚本未经事务处理~此 ASP 文件必须经过事务处理以使用 ObjectContext 对象。 006~ASP 0248~Script isn't transacted~This ASP file must be transacted in order to use the ObjectContext object.
9000006~ASP 0185~缺少默认属性~找不到对象的默认属性。 006~ASP 0185~Missing Default Property~A default property was not found for the object.
12000[转到父目录] [To Parent Directory]
12001dir dir
Document Moved
Object MovedThis document may be found here
Site Access Denied
Access DeniedYour site has been denied access to this server.
12122用户过多连接的用户过多。请稍后再试。 Too Many UsersThere are too many connected users. Please try again later.
12123所有可用许可证都被占用。请与系统管理员联系以增加此服务器上的可用许可证数。 All of the available licenses are in use. Talk to the system administrator to increase the number of available licenses on this server.
12124此虚拟目录不允许读取对象。 This Virtual Directory does not allow objects to be read.
12125此虚拟目录不允许执行对象。 This Virtual Directory does not allow objects to be executed.
12126此虚拟目录要求有一个支持已配置加密选项的浏览器。 This Virtual Directory requires a browser that supports the configured encryption options.
12127此虚拟目录不允许写入对象。 This Virtual Directory does not allow objects to be written.
12130禁止从客户端访问此服务器 Access to this server is forbidden from your client
12132服务器配置无效 The server configuration is invalid
12134使用此客户证书的访问被拒绝 Access denied using this Client Certificate
12135错误: 无法读取页脚文件。

Error: Unable to read footer file.

12138Content-Type 不受支持
请求的 Content-Type 不受此服务器支持。
Unsupported Content-Type
The Content-Type of the request is not supported by this server.
12139没有可用的许可证来访问此计算机 No license available to access this computer
12141不支持指定的方法 The specified method is not supported
12142客户证书已被吊销 The client certificate has been revoked
12143客户证书不受信任或已损坏。 The client certificate is untrusted or corrupt.
12144客户证书已过期或尚未生效。 The client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
12145此虚拟目录不允许列出内容。 This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
Server Application Error
Server Application ErrorThe server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during the processing of your request. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.
Server Application Error
Server Application ErrorThe server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.
12148无法从当前应用程序池执行指定的请求 The specified request cannot be executed from current Application Pool
12149为当前应用程序池配置的用户没有足够的权限来运行 CGI The configured user for the current Application Pool does not have enough privileges to run CGIs
12150服务器收到的身份验证凭据不正确或不完整 Authentication credentials received by the server are bad or incomplete
12151此虚拟目录不允许使用指定的身份验证方法 This Virtual Directory does not allow the specified authentication method
12152此资源的 ACL 拒绝了对已通过身份验证的用户的访问 The ACL on this resource denied access to the authenticated user
12153为此请求提供服务的 ISAPI 筛选器拒绝了请求 An ISAPI filter serving this request denied it
12154为此请求提供服务的应用程序拒绝了请求 The application serving this request denied it
12155不允许执行为此请求配置的 ISAPI/CGI The ISAPI/CGI configured for this request is not allowed to execute
12156此静态请求的文件扩展名不在 MIME 映射列表中 The file-extension for this static request is not present in the mime-map list
12157找不到此请求的处理程序 No handler could be found for this request
12158指定的 URL 序列被拒绝 The specified URL sequence is denied
12159指定的谓词被拒绝 The specified verb is denied
12160指定的文件扩展名被拒绝 The specified file extension is denied
12161此 URL 的命名空间根据配置被隐藏 The namespace for this URL is hidden by configuration
12162此文件具有一个隐藏特性,使得无法对它进行处理 This file has a hidden attribute which prevents it from being served
12163其中一个请求标头长于指定的限制 One of the request header is longer than the specified limit
12164此 URL 被拒绝,因为它容易发生双重转义攻击 This URL is denied because it is susceptible to double-escaping attacks
12165此 URL 被拒绝,因为它具有高位字符 This URL is denied because it has high-bit characters
12166Content-Length 超过配置所允许的长度 The Content-Length is longer than allowed by configuration
12167URL 超过配置所允许的长度 The URL is longer than allowed by configuration
12168QueryString 超过配置所允许的长度 The QueryString is longer than allowed by configuration

IIS 10.0 详细错误 - %u.%u - %S

HTTP 错误 %u.%u - %S



模块   %s
通知   %s
处理程序   %s
错误代码   0x%08x

请求的 URL   %s
物理路径   %s
登录方法   %s
登录用户   %s


查看详细信息 »

IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - %u.%u - %S

HTTP Error %u.%u - %S


Detailed Error Information:

Module   %s
Notification   %s
Handler   %s
Error Code   0x%08x

Requested URL   %s
Physical Path   %s
Logon Method   %s
Logon User   %s


More Information:
View more information »

12170配置错误   %s
配置文件   %s
Config Error   %s
Config File   %s
12171%s %s
12172匿名 Anonymous
12173尚未确定 Not yet determined
12174Microsoft 知识库文章:
Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:


Most likely causes:

Things you can try:

12176请求跟踪目录   %s Request Tracing Directory   %s
12177服务器错误 Server Error
12178应用程序“%s”中的服务器错误 Server Error in Application "%s"
12179未知 Unknown



Config Source:

12182不可用(配置隔离) Unavailable (Config Isolation)
Request started: "%s" %s
12184请求已结束: %s,且 HTTP 状态为 %d.%d
Request ended: %s with HTTP status %d.%d
12185子请求已启动:“%s” Child request started: "%s"
12186子请求已结束:“%s”(针对站点“%s”的应用程序“%s”) Child request ended: "%s" for site "%s" application "%s"
12187已成功注册 URL“%s”(针对站点“%s”的应用程序“%s”) Successfully registered URL "%s" for site "%s" application "%s"
12188未能注册 URL“%s”(针对站点“%s”) Failed to register URL "%s" for site "%s"
12196自定义错误模块不能识别此错误。 The custom error module does not recognize this error.
12197 模块设置了一个不经常使用的状态代码。 A module set an infrequently used status code.
12198调查模块设置该状态代码的原因。 Investigate why the module set the status code.
12199任何模块都可以使用状态、子状态或 HRESULT 来调用 SetStatus。自定义错误模块仅显示已知错误的特定于状态的错误消息。 Any module can call SetStatus with the status, substatus or HRESULT. The custom error module only displays status specific error messages for well known errors.
1220012202 您无权查看此目录或页面。 12202 You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
12203 通过身份验证的用户无权访问处理请求所需的资源。 The authenticated user does not have access to a resource needed to process the request.
12204 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12205这是 IIS 返回的一般拒绝访问错误。通常,有一个子状态代码与此错误相关联,它描述了服务器为何拒绝请求。请检查 IIS 日志文件以确定是否有子状态代码与此错误相关联。 This is the generic Access Denied error returned by IIS. Typically, there is a substatus code associated with this error that describes why the server denied the request. Check the IIS Log file to determine whether a substatus code is associated with this failure.
12206907273 907273
12208您无权使用所提供的凭据查看此目录或页面。 You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
12209 提供给 IIS 的用户名无效。 提供给 IIS 的密码键入不正确。 浏览器缓存的凭据不正确。 IIS 无法验证所提供的用户名和密码的标识。 资源被配置为匿名身份验证,但配置的匿名帐户具有无效密码或被禁用。 服务器被配置为拒绝正在进行身份验证的用户或该用户所属于的组的登录权限。 如果满足了以下所有条件,则可能是由于无效的 Kerberos 配置所致: 使用了集成身份验证; 应用程序池标识是一个自定义帐户; 服务器是域的成员。 The username supplied to IIS is invalid. The password supplied to IIS was not typed correctly. Incorrect credentials were cached by the browser. IIS could not verify the identity of the username and password provided. The resource is configured for Anonymous authentication, but the configured anonymous account either has an invalid password or was disabled. The server is configured to deny login privileges to the authenticating user or the group in which the user is a member. Invalid Kerberos configuration may be the cause if all of the following are true: Integrated authentication was used. the application pool identity is a custom account. the server is a member of a domain.
12210 确认用户名和密码正确,并且没有被浏览器缓存。 使用不同的用户名和密码。 如果使用自定义匿名帐户,请确认密码未过期。 确认正在进行身份验证的用户或该用户所在的组对服务器的登录访问没有被拒绝。 确认帐户没有因多次登录尝试失败而被锁定。 如果您使用身份验证,而服务器是域的成员,请确认您已经使用实用程序 SETSPN.exe 配置了应用程序池标识,或者更改了配置以使 NTLM 成为首选的身份验证类型。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the username and password are correct, and are not cached by the browser. Use a different username and password. If you are using a custom anonymous account, verify that the password has not expired. Verify that the authenticating user or the user's group, has not been denied login access to the server. Verify that the account was not locked out due to numerous failed login attempts. If you are using authentication and the server is a member of a domain, verify that you have configured the application pool identity using the utility SETSPN.exe, or changed the configuration so that NTLM is the favored authentication type. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12211当提供给 IIS 的用户名或密码无效,或者 IIS 无法使用用户名和密码对用户的身份进行验证时,就会出现此错误。 This error occurs when either the username or password supplied to IIS is invalid, or when IIS cannot use the username and password to authenticate the user.
12212907273871179896861 907273871179896861
12214由于身份验证头无效,您无权查看此页。 You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers.
12215 未在 IIS 中选择任何身份验证协议(包括匿名)。 只启用了集成身份验证,而使用的客户端浏览器不支持集成身份验证。 启用了集成身份验证,并且请求通过代理发出,但代理在请求到达 Web 服务器之前更改了身份验证头。 Web 服务器未配置为匿名访问,并且没有收到所需的授权标头。 "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" 配置节可能明确拒绝了用户访问。 No authentication protocol (including anonymous) is selected in IIS. Only integrated authentication is enabled, and a client browser was used that does not support integrated authentication. Integrated authentication is enabled and the request was sent through a proxy that changed the authentication headers before they reach the Web server. The Web server is not configured for anonymous access and a required authorization header was not received. The "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" configuration section may be explicitly denying the user access.
12216 确认资源的身份验证设置,然后尝试使用该身份验证方法请求此资源。 确认客户端浏览器支持集成身份验证。 确认在使用集成身份验证时,请求不是通过代理发送的。 确认未在“configuration/system.webServer/authorization”配置节中明确拒绝该用户的访问。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the authentication setting for the resource and then try requesting the resource using that authentication method. Verify that the client browser supports Integrated authentication. Verify that the request is not going through a proxy when Integrated authentication is used. Verify that the user is not explicitly denied access in the "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" configuration section. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12217当服务器配置不支持发送到 Web 服务器的 WWW-Authenticate 头时,就会出现此错误。请检查资源的身份验证方法,并确认客户端使用的是哪种身份验证方法。当身份验证方法不同时就会出现错误。要确定客户端使用的身份验证类型,请检查客户端的身份验证设置。 This error occurs when the WWW-Authenticate header sent to the Web server is not supported by the server configuration. Check the authentication method for the resource, and verify which authentication method the client used. The error occurs when the authentication methods are different. To determine which type of authentication the client is using, check the authentication settings for the client.
12218907273253667 907273253667
12220由于 Web 服务器上此资源的访问控制列表(ACL)配置或加密设置,您无权查看此目录或页面。 You do not have permission to view this directory or page because of the access control list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource on the Web server.
12221 通过 Web 服务器的身份验证的用户无权打开文件系统上的文件。 如果资源位于通用命名约定(UNC)共享内,则通过身份验证的用户可能没有足够的共享或 NTFS 权限,或者共享权限与物理路径权限不匹配。 文件被加密。 The user authenticated by the Web server does not have permission to open the file on the file system. If the resource is located on a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share, the authenticated user may not have sufficient share and NTFS permissions, or the permissions on the share may not match the permissions on the physical path. The file is encrypted.
12222 打开文件资源管理器并检查所请求的文件的 ACL。确保访问网站的用户没有被明确拒绝访问并且有权打开文件。 打开文件资源管理器并检查共享和物理路径的 ACL。确保这两个 ACL 都允许用户访问该资源。 打开文件资源管理器并检查所请求的文件的加密属性。(此设置位于“高级特性”属性对话框中。) 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Open File Explorer and check the ACLs for the file that is being requested. Make sure that the user accessing the Web site is not being explicitly denied access, and that they do have permission to open the file. Open File Explorer and check the ACLs for the share and the physical path. Ensure that both ACLs allow the user to access the resource. Open File Explorer and check the encryption properties for the file that is being requested. (This setting is located in the Advanced attribute properties dialog.) Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12223尝试访问页面的用户已成功登录,但该用户无权访问资源。这意味着资源的访问控制列表(ACL)未包含该用户,或者明确拒绝了该用户。请检查资源的 ACL 并将该用户添加到 ACL 中。如果内容位于共享中,请确保 NTFS 和共享权限都允许该用户访问。此外,该用户也可能是被拒绝访问的组的成员。 The user trying to access the page was successfully logged on, but the user does not have permission to access the resource. This means the access control list (ACL) for the resource either does not include the user or explicitly denies the user. Check the ACL for the resource and add the user to the ACL. If the content is located on a share, ensure both NTFS and share permissions allow the user access. It is also possible that the user is part of a group that is denied access.
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12226您可能无权使用您提供的凭据查看此目录或页面。Web 服务器安装了一个筛选器来验证连接到服务器的用户,您的凭据未能通过身份验证。 You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. The Web server has a filter installed to verify users connecting to the server and it failed to authenticate your credentials.
12227 在 Web 服务器上运行的 ISAPI 筛选器验证身份过程失败或拒绝了该请求。 An ISAPI filter running on the Web server has failed the authentication process or denied the request.
12228 要测试此错误,请删除为请求访问的网站安装的任何筛选器。如果删除筛选器后错误消失,则表明是其中一个筛选器返回了该错误。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 To test this error, remove any filters that are installed for the Web site where access was requested. If the error does not occur after the filters are removed, one of the filters was returning the error. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12229当 Web 服务器上运行的 ISAPI 筛选器验证身份过程失败时,就会出现此错误。IIS 未附带任何可返回此错误的 ISAPI 筛选器,因此该错误是由服务器上安装的第三方筛选器造成的。 This error occurs when an ISAPI filter running on the Web server fails the authentication process. IIS does not ship with any ISAPI filters that would return this error, so the error is caused by a third-party filter installed on the server.
12232您试图访问的 URL 安装的 ISAPI 或 CGI 应用程序在继续之前需要首先验证用户凭据。此应用程序无法验证您的凭据。 The URL you tried to reach has an ISAPI or CGI application installed that verifies user credentials before proceeding. This application cannot verify your credentials.
12233 一个自定义的 ISAPI 扩展、CGI 应用程序、ASP 页或处理程序的请求失败,发生“拒绝访问”错误。 A custom ISAPI extension, CGI application, ASP page, or handler failed the request with an Access Denied error.
12234 请与请求失败的 ISAPI 扩展、CGI 应用程序、ASP 页或处理程序的供应商联系。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Contact the vendor of the ISAPI extension, CGI application, ASP page, or handler that is failing the request. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12235您试图访问的 URL 是一个 ASP 页,或者映射到某个 ISAPI 扩展、CGI 应用程序或自定义处理程序。该 ISAPI 扩展、CGI 应用程序、ASP 页或处理程序拒绝了请求,并返回“拒绝访问”错误。 The URL you tried to reach is an ASP page or is mapped to an ISAPI extension, CGI application, or custom handler. The ISAPI extension, CGI application, ASP page, or handler refused the request by returning an "Access Denied" error.
12238您无权查看此目录或页面。 You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
12239 这是一个一般性 403 错误,表明通过身份验证的用户无权查看该页面。 This is a generic 403 error and means the authenticated user is not authorized to view the page.
12241此一般性 403 错误表明通过身份验证的用户无权使用请求的资源。IIS 日志文件中的子状态代码应指明 403 错误的原因。如果不存在子状态代码,请使用上述步骤获取有关错误原因的更多信息。 This generic 403 error means that the authenticated user is not authorized to use the requested resource. A substatus code in the IIS log files should indicate the reason for the 403 error. If a substatus code does not exist, use the steps above to gather more information about the source of the error.
1224212244 您尝试从某个目录运行 CGI、ISAPI 或其他可执行程序,但该目录不允许运行可执行文件。 12244 You have attempted to run a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow executables to run.
12245 未在服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上的“权限”中配置“脚本”或“脚本和可执行文件”标志。 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 特性未配置“脚本”或“执行”。 当您尝试运行 CGI 文件或其他可执行文件时,“执行”访问被拒绝。 当您尝试访问 ASP、ASP.NET 或其他动态脚本文件时,“脚本”访问被拒绝。 没有为您尝试运行的文件配置脚本映射,以便识别所使用的 HTTP 谓词(如 GET 或 POST)。 脚本映射的 HTTP 谓词区分大小写,并使用大写字母。HTTP 谓词“POST”是正确的,但“post”不正确并会拒绝执行。 The "Scripts" or "Scripts and Executables" flag is not configured in Rights and Permissions at the server, site, application, or page level. The configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy attribute does not have Script or Execute configured. Execute access is denied when you try to run a CGI file or other executable. Script access is denied when you try to access an ASP, ASP.NET or other dynamic scripting file. The script mapping for the file you are trying to run is not configured to recognize the HTTP verb you are using (such as GET or POST). The HTTP verb for the script mapping is case sensitive, and use upper case. The HTTP verb "POST" is correct, while "post" is incorrect and execution is denied.
12246 启用要为请求的资源运行的脚本。 打开 IIS 管理器并导航到要管理的级别。 在“功能”页上,双击“处理程序映射”功能。 在“处理程序映射”页上,在“操作”窗格中单击“编辑处理程序权限”。 在“编辑处理程序映射”对话框中,选择“脚本”以启用需要脚本权限的处理程序。 验证服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 设置。 验证是否配置了脚本映射以识别所使用的 HTTP 谓词,并且谓词为大写。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable scripts to run for the requested resource. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the level you want to manage. On the Features page, double-click the Handler Mappings feature. On the Handler Mappings page, in the Actions pane, click Edit Handler Permissions. In the Edit Handler Mappings dialog box, select Scripts to enable handlers that require script rights. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. Verify that the script mapping is configured to recognize the HTTP verb you are using, and that the verb is in uppercase. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12247当所请求资源的“执行权限”设置不允许运行脚本时,就会出现此错误。在服务器、站点、应用程序和文件级别设置资源的“执行权限”属性。要解决此问题,请验证每个级别上的执行权限设置,并在所需的级别设置适当的执行权限。 This error occurs when the Execute Rights setting for the requested resource does not allow scripts to run. Set the Execute Rights property for the resource at the server, site, application, and file level. To resolve this problem, verify the Execute Rights setting at each of these levels, and set the appropriate Execute Right at the desired level.
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12250您试图查看不具有“读”访问权限的资源。 You have attempted to view a resource that does not have Read access.
12251 所请求资源的“权限”设置不允许读访问。 为网站指定的默认文档不存在。例如,您指定了 Default.htm,但此文件不存在。 未启用目录浏览。 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 特性没有在服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上为请求的资源配置“读”。 The Rights and Permissions setting for the requested resource does not allow Read access. The default document specified for the Web site does not exist. For example, you specified Default.htm but this file does not exist. Directory browsing is not enabled. The configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy attribute does not have "Read" configured for the requested resource at the server, site, application, or page level.
12252 为请求的资源启用“读”访问。 打开 IIS 管理器并导航到要管理的级别。 在“功能”页上,双击“处理程序映射”功能。 在“处理程序映射”页上,在“操作”窗格中单击“编辑处理程序权限”。 在“编辑处理程序映射”对话框中,选择“读”以启用需要读权限的处理程序。 确认默认文档确实存在,并且与在网站属性中指定的内容相匹配。 确认启用了目录浏览。如果希望网站列出目录(列出所访问的文件夹中的所有文件),则需要启用目录浏览。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers/accessPolicy 设置。如果指定了此设置,请确保“读”已作为标志之一列出。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable Read access for the requested resource. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the level you want to manage. On the Features page, double-click the Handler Mappings feature. On the Handler Mappings page, in the Actions pane, click Edit Handler Permissions. In the Edit Handler Mappings dialog box, select Read to enable handlers that require read access. Verify the default document does exist and matches what is specified in the Web site properties. Verify that directory browsing is enabled. Directory browsing needs to be enabled if you want a Web site to show a directory listing (all files in the folder you are accessing). Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers/accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. If this setting is specified, make sure "Read" is listed as one of the flags. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12253当所请求资源的访问权限未启用“读”访问时就会出现此问题。在服务器、站点、应用程序或文件级别更改此设置。要解决此问题,请确认上述每个级别上的“读”访问权限设置,并在所需级别设置适当的访问权限。 This problem occurs when the access permission for the requested resource does not have Read access enabled. Change this setting at the server, site, application, or file level. To resolve this problem, verify the Read access permissions setting at each of these levels, and set the appropriate access permissions at the desired level.
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12256您尝试写入不具有“写”权限的文件夹。 You have attempted to write to a folder that does not have Write access.
12257 所请求资源的“权限”设置不允许“写”访问。 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 特性没有在服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上为请求的资源配置“写”权限。 The Rights and Permissions setting for the requested resource does not allow Write access. The configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy attribute does not have "Write" configured for the requested resource at the server, site, application, or page level.
12258 为所请求资源启用“写”权限。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 设置。如果指定了此设置,请确保“写”作为其中一个标志列出。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable Write access for the requested resource. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. If this setting is specified, make sure "Write" is listed as one of the flags. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12259当所请求资源的访问权限设置未启用“写”访问时就会出现此问题。在服务器、站点、应用程序或文件级别更改此设置。要解决此问题,请确认上述每个级别上的“写”访问权限设置,并在所需级别设置适当的访问权限。 This problem occurs when the access permissions setting for the requested resource does not have Write access enabled. Change this setting at the server, site, application, or file level. To resolve this problem, verify the Write access permissions setting at each of these levels, and set the appropriate access permissions at the desired level.
12260248072 248072
12262您尝试访问的页面受到安全套接字层(SSL)的保护。 The page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
12263 为请求的 URL 启用了安全套接字层(SSL)。 页面请求通过 HTTP 发出,但服务器要求请求来自使用 HTTPS 的安全通道。 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled for the URL requested. The page request was made over HTTP, but the server requires the request from a secure channel that uses HTTPS.
12264 使用“https:”前缀代替“http:”以便通过安全通道浏览 URL。 如果网站没有 SSL 证书或者不应要求使用 HTTPS,请禁用该设置。 通过连接到服务器、站点、应用程序或页面并打开“SSL 设置”功能,验证 IIS 管理器中的 SSL 设置。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上的 configuration/system.webserver/security/access@sslFlags 特性。 Browse to the URL over a secure channel by using the "https:" prefix instead of "http:". If the Web site does not have an SSL certificate or should not require HTTPS, disable the setting. Verify the SSL Settings in IIS Manager by connecting to the server, site, application or page and opening the SSL Settings feature. Verify the configuration/system.webserver/security/access@sslFlags attribute at the server, site, application, or page level.
12265此错误表明所请求网页要求 SSL。请尝试使用“https:”代替“http:”来浏览同一 URL。 This error means that the requested Web page requires SSL. Try to browse to the same URL, but use "https:" instead of "http:".
1226612268 您尝试访问的资源受到 128 位的安全套接字层(SSL)的保护。要查看此资源,您需要支持此 SSL 版本的 Web 浏览器。 12268 The resource you are trying to access is secured with a 128-bit version of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). To view this resource, you need a Web browser that supports this version of SSL.
12269 Web 服务器要求为所请求资源使用 128 位的 SSL 连接,但浏览器使用是小于 128 位的加密方法。 The Web server requires a 128-bit SSL connection for the requested resource, but the browser is using something less than 128-bit encryption.
12270 将您的 Web 浏览器配置为使用 128 位 SSL。请参阅浏览器文档以了解有关配置说明。 通过连接到服务器、站点、应用程序或页面并打开“SSL 设置”功能在 IIS 管理器中验证 SSL 设置。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/security/access@sslFlags 特性。 Configure your Web browser to use 128 bit SSL. Consult your browser documentation for configuration instructions. Verify the SSL Settings in IIS Manager by connecting to the server, site, application, or page and opening the SSL Settings feature. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/access@sslFlags attribute at the server, site, application or page level.
12271此错误表明,Web 服务器要求 128 位 SSL 加密,但浏览器在请求过程中指定了小于 128 位的 SSL 加密方法。请确保浏览器支持并且配置为使用 128 位加密。 This error means that the Web server requires 128-bit SSL encryption, but the browser specified something less than 128-bit SSL encryption during the request. Make sure the browser both supports 128-bit encryption and is configured to use it.
1227212274 您在浏览时使用的 IP 地址不允许访问所请求的网站。 12274 The IP address from which you are browsing is not permitted to access the requested Web site.
12275 所请求的服务器、站点、应用程序或页面明确拒绝客户端计算机的 IP 地址。 The server, site, application, or page requested has explicitly denied the IP address of the client computer.
12276 在 IIS 管理器中确认 IP 和域限制。 从服务器、站点、应用程序或页面的配置文件的 configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity 节中删除 IP 限制。 Verify the IP and domain restrictions in IIS Manager. Remove the IP restrictions from the configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity section of the configuration file for the server, site, application, or page.
12277在服务器、站点、应用程序或文件级别上设置 IP 限制。验证或更改站点级别的 IP 限制。 Set IP restrictions at the server, site, application, or file level. Verify or change the IP restrictions at the site level.
1227812280 您尝试访问的页面要求您的浏览器具有该 Web 服务器可识别的安全套接字层(SSL)客户证书。 12280 The page you are attempting to access requires your browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the Web server recognizes.
12281 您尝试访问的页面要求 SSL 客户证书。 您正使用 HTTP 浏览到该页面。 客户证书已过期或尚未到达生效时间。 客户证书颁发服务器的根证书(证书颁发机构证书)未安装在 Web 服务器上。 The page you are attempting to access requires an SSL client certificate. You are browsing to the page using HTTP. The client certificate has expired or the effective time has not been reached. The root certificate (the Certificate Authority certificate) of the client certificate issuing server is not installed on the Web server.
12282 请与网站管理员联系以获得该网站的有效客户证书。 尝试使用 HTTPS 浏览到该页面。 如果已安装客户证书,请检查它是否已过期或尚未到达生效时间。 验证 Web 服务器上是否安装了根证书。 Contact the site administrator to obtain a valid client certificate for the Web site. Try browsing to the page using HTTPS. If you have a client certificate installed, check if it has expired or if the effective time has not been reached. Verify that the root certificate is installed on the Web server.
12283此错误表明所请求的 URL 要求提供客户证书。客户证书用于将您标识为资源的有效用户。请向网站管理员了解如何获得用于网站的正确证书。 This error means that the requested URL requires client certificates. The client certificate is used for identifying you as a valid user of the resource. Contact the site administrator for information about how to acquire the correct certificate to use for the Web site.
1228412286 您在浏览时使用的计算机 DNS 名称无权访问所请求的网站。 12286 The DNS name of the computer from which you are browsing is not permitted to access the Web site you requested.
12287 所请求的服务器、站点、应用程序或页面明确拒绝了客户机的 DNS 名称。 The server, site, application, or page requested has explicitly denied the DNS name of the client machine.
12288 验证或更改所请求的资源的 DNS 限制。 从服务器、站点、应用程序或页面的配置文件的 configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity 节中删除 DNS 限制。 Verify or change the DNS restrictions for the requested resource. Remove the DNS restrictions from the configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity section of the configuration file for the applicable server, site, application or page.
12289当为请求的资源设置了 DNS 限制时便会出现此错误。在服务器、站点、应用程序或文件级别设置 DNS 限制。 This error occurs when a DNS restriction is set for the requested resource. Set DNS restrictions at the server, site, application, or file level.
12290248032 248032
12292您的客户证书在 Web 服务器上所映射到的帐户已被拒绝访问此网站。 The account to which your client certificate is mapped on the Web server has been denied access to this Web site.
12293 所请求的文件或目录不允许客户证书映射到的用户访问该资源。 The requested file or directory does not allow the user to whom the client certificate is mapped to access to the resource.
12294 验证所请求文件或目录的访问控制列表(ACL),并确保客户证书所映射到的用户具有访问权限。 检查客户证书的生效日期以确保证书有效。 检查客户证书的过期日期以确保证书未过期。 向提供该证书的证书颁发机构核查其是否过期。 确认该证书未被明确拒绝访问。 确保在浏览器中正确安装了客户证书。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the access control lists (ACLs) on the requested file or directory and make sure that the user to whom the client certificate is mapped has access. Check the effective date on the client certificate and ensure that the certificate is valid. Check the expiration date and ensure that the certificate has not expired. Check with the Certificate Authority that provided the certificate to see if your certificate has expired. Verify that the certificate was not explicitly denied access. Ensure that the client certificate is installed properly in the browser. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12295客户证书用来访问网站的用户帐户被拒绝访问该资源。 The user account that the client certificate used to access the Web site was denied access to the resource.
12296248075 248075
12298您的客户证书已被吊销,或者无法确定吊销状态。 Your client certificate was revoked, or the revocation status could not be determined.
12299 客户证书被吊销,或者无法联系吊销服务器。 The client certificate was revoked or the revocation server could not be contacted.
12300 客户端可能为此网站的客户端身份验证选择了一个旧证书。请关闭所有打开的客户端窗口,打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后为客户端身份验证选择一个有效证书。 通过联系客户证书的颁发者验证客户证书的有效性。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 The client may have an old certificate selected for client authentication to this Web site. Close all open client windows, open a new browser window, and then select a valid certificate for client authentication. Verify the client certificate's validity by contacting the issuer of the client certificate. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12301当用户尝试访问的资源要求有效的客户端安全套接字层(SSL)证书时,便会返回此错误。客户端证书用于将您标识为资源的有效用户,并且必须安装在 Web 浏览器中。如果 IIS 无法联系到存储证书吊销列表(CRL)的服务器以检查吊销的证书,也会出现此错误消息。如果无法访问 CRL 服务器,证书将假定为被吊销。 This error is returned when a resource that the user is attempting to access requires a valid client Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. A client certificate is used for identifying you as a valid user of the resource and must be installed in the Web browser. The error message can also occur if IIS is unable to contact the server that stores the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to check for revoked certificates. If a CRL server is unreachable, the certificates are presumed to be revoked.
12302248058294305 248058294305
12304Web 服务器被配置为不列出此目录的内容。 The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
12305 没有为请求的 URL 配置默认文档,并且没有在服务器上启用目录浏览。 A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server.
12306 如果不希望启用目录浏览,请确保配置了默认文档并且该文件存在。 使用 IIS 管理器启用目录浏览。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“功能”视图中,双击“目录浏览”。 在“目录浏览”页上,在“操作”窗格中单击“启用”。 确认站点或应用程序配置文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/directoryBrowse@enabled 特性被设置为 True。 If you do not want to enable directory browsing, ensure that a default document is configured and that the file exists. Enable directory browsing using IIS Manager. Open IIS Manager. In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing. On the Directory Browsing page, in the Actions pane, click Enable. Verify that the configuration/system.webServer/directoryBrowse@enabled attribute is set to true in the site or application configuration file.
12307当没有在 URL 中指定文档,没有为网站或应用程序指定默认文档,或者没有为网站或应用程序启用目录列表时,便会出现此错误。此设置可能是有意禁用的,以保护服务器内容的安全。 This error occurs when a document is not specified in the URL, no default document is specified for the Web site or application, and directory listing is not enabled for the Web site or application. This setting may be disabled on purpose to secure the contents of the server.
1230812310 您的客户证书不受信任或无效。 12310 Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.
12311 为此请求使用的客户证书不受 Web 服务器信任。 The client certificate used for this request is not trusted by the Web server.
12312 客户端可能为此网站的客户端身份验证选择了一个旧证书。请关闭所有打开的客户端窗口,打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后为客户端身份验证选择一个有效证书。 确认 Web 服务器信任该客户证书。 确认在 Web 服务器上正确安装了根证书并受到信任。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 The client may have an old certificate selected for client authentication to this Web site. Close all open client windows, open a new browser window, and then select a valid certificate for client authentication. Verify that the client certificate is trusted by the Web server. Verify that the root certificate is properly installed and trusted on the Web server. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12313安全套接字层(SSL)客户证书将您标识为资源的有效用户。如果您选择的客户证书是由不受 Web 服务器信任的证书颁发机构(CA)创建的,便会出现此错误。 A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate identifies you as a valid user of the resource. This error can occur if you choose a client certificate created by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is not trusted by the Web server.
1231412316 您的客户证书已过期或尚未生效。 12316 Your client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
12317 用于访问 Web 服务器的客户证书已过期或尚未生效。 The client certificate used to access the Web server has expired or is not yet valid.
12318 确认客户端证书未过期。 确认客户机的日期设置正确。 获取新的客户证书。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the client certificate has not expired. Verify that the client machine's date is set correctly. Obtain a new client certificate. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12319安全套接字层(SSL)客户证书将您标识为资源的有效用户。客户端可能为此网站的客户端身份验证选择了一个旧证书。请关闭所有打开的客户端窗口,打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后为客户端身份验证选择一个有效证书。 A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate identifies you as a valid user of the resource. The client may have an old certificate selected for client authentication to this Web site. Close all open client windows, open a new browser window, and then select a valid certificate for client authentication.
1232012322 无法在 Web 服务器上为此资源配置的应用程序池中处理指定的请求。 12322 The specified request cannot be processed in the application pool that is configured for this resource on the Web server.
12323 一个 ISAPI 筛选器或自定义模块将 URL 更改为在与原始 URL 不同的应用程序池中运行。 ISAPI 扩展(或自定义模块)使用 ExecuteURL(或 ExecuteRequest)在与原始 URL 不同的应用程序池中运行。 您有一个位于某个应用程序池中的自定义错误页,但某个网站在另一个应用程序池中引用了它。在处理 URL 时,IIS 认为应当在第一个应用程序池中处理它,而不是另一个池。 网站配置了多个应用程序。此请求被配置为在其中一个应用程序中运行,但该应用程序被设置为在一个并不存在的应用程序池中运行。 An ISAPI filter or custom module changed the URL to run in a different application pool than the original URL. An ISAPI extension (or custom module) used ExecuteURL (or ExecuteRequest) to run in a different application pool than the original URL. You have a custom error page that is located in one application pool but is referenced by a Web site in another application pool. When the URL is processed, it is determined by IIS that that it should have been processed in the first application pool, not the other pool. The Web site has multiple applications configured. The application this request is configured to run in is set to run in an application pool that does not exist.
12324 如果您有一个应用程序尝试处理另一个应用程序池中的 URL(例如尝试处理自定义错误),请确保它们在相同的应用程序池中运行(如果适用)。 如果尝试处理位于另一个应用程序池中的自定义错误 URL,请启用自定义错误的“重定向”功能。 确认该应用程序的应用程序池存在。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求并查看是否调用了 ExecuteURL。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 If you have an application that is trying to process a URL in another application pool (such as trying to process a custom error), ensure that they both run in the same application pool if appropriate. If you are trying to process a custom error URL that is located in another application pool, enable the custom errors Redirect feature. Verify that the application pool for the application exists. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code and see if ExecuteURL is being called. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12325如果该请求的应用程序池不存在,或者如果某个 ISAPI 筛选器、ISAPI 扩展或 HTTP 模块使用了一个在其他应用程序池中配置的 URL 来调用 ExecuteURL 服务器支持功能(或 ExecuteRequest),就会出现此错误。出于安全原因,一个应用程序池中的网站不能对另一个应用程序池中的 URL 发出 ExecuteURL 请求。如果您的一个应用程序要尝试处理另一个应用程序池中的 URL,请确保它们在相同的应用程序池中运行(如果适用)。 This error occurs if the application pool for the request does not exist, or if an ISAPI filter, ISAPI extension or HTTP module calls the ExecuteURL server support function (or ExecuteRequest) with a URL that is configured in a different application pool. Due to security reasons, a Web site in one application pool cannot make ExecuteURL requests against a URL in another application pool. If you have an application that is trying to process a URL in another application pool, ensure that they both run in the same application pool if appropriate.
1232612328 为此应用程序池配置的用户没有足够的权限来运行 CGI 应用程序。 12328 The configured user for this application pool does not have sufficient privileges to run CGI applications.
12329 以通过身份验证的用户身份启动 CGI 应用程序,如果站点配置了匿名身份验证,可以匿名用户帐户启动应用程序。 如果 CreateProcessAsUser 为 true,则将以通过身份验证的用户身份启动 CGI 应用程序。 如果 CreateProcessAsUser 为 false,将以进程标识启动 CGI 应用程序。 应用程序池被配置为在其下运行的用户帐户不具有以下权限: 替换进程级令牌 - SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME。 调整进程的内存配额 - SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME。 CGI applications are launched as the authenticated user, if the site has anonymous authentication configured, the application may be launched as the anonymous user account. If CreateProcessAsUser is true, then CGI applications are launched as the authenticated user. If CreateProcessAsUser is false, then CGI applications are launched as the process identity. The user account under which the application pool is configured to run does not have the following privileges: Replace a process level token - SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME. Adjust memory quotas for a process - SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME.
12330 如果以匿名用户身份启动 CGI 应用程序,您可以将名为 CreateProcessAsUser 的 IIS 配置属性设置为 False。此设置将以应用程序池标识启动 CGI 应用程序。 通过完成以下步骤向用户帐户(以其身份运行应用程序池)添加必要的权限: 打开“本地安全策略”设置 MMC。启动 %windir%\System32\Secpol.msc。 展开“本地策略”节点,然后单击“用户权限分配”。 在右侧窗格中,双击“调整进程内存配额”。 向此用户权限添加应用程序池标识,然后单击“确定”。 在右侧窗格中,双击“替换进程令牌”。 向此用户权限添加应用程序池标识,然后单击“确定”。 重新启动 IIS 以使更改生效。 If the CGI application is launched as the anonymous user, you can set the IIS configuration property, called CreateProcessAsUser, to False. This setting launches the CGI application as the application pool identity. Add the necessary privileges to the user account the application pool is running as by completing the following: Open the Local Security Policy settings MMC. Start %windir%\System32\Secpol.msc. Expand the Local Policies node and then click User Rights Assignment. In the right-hand pane, double-click Adjust memory quotas for a process. Add the application pool identity to this user right and then click OK. In the-right hand pane, double-click Replace a process token. Add the application pool identity to this user right and then click OK. Restart IIS for the changes to take effect.
12331此错误表明应用程序池的进程标识没有足够的权限来创建 CGI 应用程序。如果应用程序池标识没有足够的权限,或者 CGI 应用程序作为匿名用户启动,就会出现这种情况。 This error means that the process identity for the application pool does not have sufficient privileges to create the CGI Application. This can occur if the application pool identity does not have sufficient privileges, or when the CGI application is launched as the anonymous user.
1233212334 您要找的资源已被删除、已更名或暂时不可用。 12334 The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
12335 指定的目录或文件在 Web 服务器上不存在。 URL 拼写错误。 某个自定义筛选器或模块(如 URLScan)限制了对该文件的访问。 The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server. The URL contains a typographical error. A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.
12336 在 Web 服务器上创建内容。 检查浏览器 URL。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求,并查看是哪个模块在调用 SetStatus。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Create the content on the Web server. Review the browser URL. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12337此错误表明文件或目录在服务器上不存在。请创建文件或目录并重新尝试请求。 This error means that the file or directory does not exist on the server. Create the file or directory and try the request again.
1233812340 由于 Web 服务器上的“ISAPI 和 CGI 限制”列表设置,无法提供您请求的页面。 12340 The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.
12341 找不到此请求的处理程序映射。可能要安装某个功能。 服务器上未启用请求的资源的 Web 服务扩展。 扩展的映射指向的位置不正确。 扩展在浏览器或 Web 服务器中拼写错误。 No handler mapping for this request was found. A feature may have to be installed. The Web service extension for the requested resource is not enabled on the server. The mapping for the extension points to the incorrect location. The extension was misspelled in the browser or the Web server.
12342 请安装处理此请求的功能。例如,如果您收到 .ASPX 页的这一错误,则可能需要通过 IIS 安装程序来安装 ASP.NET。 确认服务器上启用了请求的 Web 服务扩展。 打开 IIS 管理器并定位到服务器级别。 在“功能”视图中,双击“ISAPI 和 CGI 限制”以确认 Web 服务扩展被设置为“允许”。 如果该扩展不在列表中,请在“操作”窗格中单击“添加”。 在“添加 ISAPI 和 CGI 限制”对话框中,在“ISAPI”或“CGI 路径”框中键入 .dll 或 .exe 文件的路径,或者单击“浏览”导航到相应文件的位置。 在“描述”框中,键入该限制的简要说明。 (可选)选中“允许执行扩展路径”以使限制可以自动运行。如果不选中此选项,则限制状态将为“不允许”,这是默认状态。您可以在以后选中此选项并单击“操作”窗格中的“允许”来允许该限制。 单击“确定”。 注意: 请在确认您的 Web 服务器需要此 Web 服务扩展或 CGI 之后再将其添加到列表中。 确认扩展的位置正确。 确认扩展的 URL 在浏览器和 Web 服务器中均拼写正确。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败的请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Install the feature that handles this request. For example, if you get this error for an .ASPX page, you may have to install ASP.NET via IIS setup. Verify that the Web service extension requested is enabled on the server. Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the server level. In the Features view, double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions to verify that the Web service extension is set to Allowed. If the extension is not in the list, click Add in the Actions pane. In the Add ISAPI and CGI Restrictions dialog box, type the path of the .dll or .exe file in the ISAPI or CGI Path box, or click Browse to navigate to the location of the file. In the Description box, type a brief description of the restriction. (Optional) Check "Allow extension path to execute" to allow the restriction to run automatically. If you do not check this option, the restriction status is Not Allowed, which is the default. You can allow the restriction later by selecting it and clicking Allow on the Actions pane. Click OK. NOTE: Make sure that this Web service extension or CGI is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list. Verify that the location of the extension is correct. Verify that the URL for the extension is spelled correctly both in the browser and the Web server. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12343当必要的 Web 服务扩展未启用、扩展的位置或名称拼写错误或输入不正确时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the necessary Web service extension is not enabled, the location or the name of the extension are misspelled or incorrectly entered.
1234412346 由于扩展配置问题而无法提供您请求的页面。如果该页面是脚本,请添加处理程序。如果应下载文件,请添加 MIME 映射。 12346 The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.
12347 可能是缺少处理程序映射。默认情况下,静态文件处理程序将处理所有内容。 您要使用的功能可能尚未安装。 没有为网站或应用程序启用相应的 MIME 映射。(警告: 请不要为用户不应下载的 .ASPX 页或 .config 文件等内容创建 MIME 映射。) 如果未安装 ASP.NET。 It is possible that a handler mapping is missing. By default, the static file handler processes all content. The feature you are trying to use may not be installed. The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.) If ASP.NET is not installed.
12348 在 system.webServer/handlers 中: 确保映射了当前页所需的处理程序。 请特别注意前提(例如,runtimeVersion、pipelineMode、bitness)并将这些前提与应用程序池的设置进行比较。 请特别注意所需处理程序行中的书写错误。 请确认要使用的功能已经安装。 确认启用了 MIME 映射,或使用命令行工具 appcmd.exe 为网站添加 MIME 映射。 要设置 MIME 类型,请使用以下语法: %SystemRoot%\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string'] 变量 fileExtension 字符串是文件扩展名,变量 mimeType 字符串是文件类型说明。 例如,要为扩展名为“.xyz”的文件添加 MIME 映射: appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='.xyz',mimeType='text/plain'] 警告: 请在确认您的 Web 服务器需要此 MIME 映射之后再将其添加到列表中。配置文件(如 .CONFIG)或动态脚本页(如 .ASP 或 .ASPX)不应直接下载,应始终通过处理程序来处理。有时会使用其他文件(如数据库文件或 .XML 或 .MDF 等用于存储配置的文件)来存储配置信息。请先确认客户端能否下载这些类型的文件,然后再启用这些文件。 安装 ASP.NET。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败的请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 In system.webServer/handlers: Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is mapped. Pay extra attention to preconditions (for example, runtimeVersion, pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your application pool. Pay extra attention to typographical errors in the expected handler line. Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is installed. Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the Web site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe. To set a MIME type, use the following syntax: %SystemRoot%\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string'] The variable fileExtension string is the file name extension and the variable mimeType string is the file type description. For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the extension ".xyz": appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='.xyz',mimeType='text/plain'] Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG or dynamic scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be downloaded directly and should always be processed through a handler. Other files such as database files or those used to store configuration, like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store configuration information. Determine if clients can download these file types before enabling them. Install ASP.NET. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12349当所请求 URL 的文件扩展名是针对未在服务器上配置的 MIME 类型时,便会发生此错误。您可以为动态脚本页、数据库或配置文件以外的文件的文件扩展名添加 MIME 类型。这些文件类型使用一个处理程序来处理。您不应允许直接下载动态脚本页、数据库或配置文件。 This error occurs when the file extension of the requested URL is for a MIME type that is not configured on the server. You can add a MIME type for the file extension for files that are not dynamic scripting pages, database, or configuration files. Process those file types using a handler. You should not allows direct downloads of dynamic scripting pages, database or configuration files.
1235012352 您要查找的资源没有与之关联的处理程序。 12352 The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it.
12353 所请求 URL 的文件扩展名没有配置处理程序来处理 Web 服务器上的请求。 The file extension for the requested URL does not have a handler configured to process the request on the Web server.
12354 如果文件扩展名没有与之关联的处理程序,请为该扩展名添加一个处理程序映射。 确认已正确安装和配置了与文件扩展名相关联的处理程序。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 If the file extension does not have a handler associated with it, add a handler mapping for the extension. Verify that the handler associated with the file extension is properly installed and configured. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12355此错误表明,Web 服务器未能识别所请求资源的文件扩展名。在 Web 服务器上没有为此扩展名配置一个模块处理程序。如果 Web 服务器需要被拒绝的文件扩展名,请为该文件扩展名添加适当的处理程序。 This error means that the Web server does not recognize the file extension of the requested resource. A module handler is not configured on the Web server for this extension. If the file extension being denied is required by the Web server, add the appropriate handler for the file extension.
1235612358 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝该 URL 序列。 12358 The request filtering module is configured to deny the URL sequence.
12359 为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,该 URL 序列被拒绝。 Request filtering is configured for the Web server and the URL sequence is being denied.
12360 确认 applicationHost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/denyUrlSequences 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/denyUrlSequences settings in the applicationHost.config or web.config file.
12361这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。要允许请求的 URL 序列,请从 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/denyUrlSequences 中删除被拒绝的 URL。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. To allow the URL sequence for the request, remove the denied URL from configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/denyUrlSequences.
1236212364 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝该 HTTP 谓词。 12364 The request filtering module is configured to deny the HTTP verb.
12365 为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,此请求的 HTTP 谓词被明确拒绝。 Request filtering is configured for the Web server and the HTTP verb for this request is explicitly denied.
12366 确认 applicationHost.config 和 web.config 中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/verbs 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/verbs settings in applicationHost.config and web.config.
12367applicationhost.config 文件或 web.config 文件的请求筛选部分包含的一项拒绝了用于该请求的 HTTP 谓词。这是一项安全功能,不应更改,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。如果需要允许该 HTTP 谓词,请从 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/verbs 中删除被拒绝的 HTTP 谓词。 The request filtering section of the applicationhost.config file or a web.config file contains an entry to deny the HTTP verb used for the request. This is a security feature and should not be changed unless the scope of the change is fully understood. If the HTTP Verb should be allowed then remove the HTTP verb being denied from configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/verbs.
1236812370 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝该文件扩展名。 12370 The request filtering module is configured to deny the file extension.
12371 为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,此请求的文件扩展名被明确拒绝。 Request filtering is configured for the Web server and the file extension for this request is explicitly denied.
12372 确认 applicationhost.config 和 web.config 中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/fileExtensions 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/fileExtensions settings in applicationhost.config and web.config.
12373这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。如果需要允许请求的文件扩展名,请从 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/fileExtensions 中删除被拒绝的文件扩展名。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. If the file extension for the request should be allowed, remove the denied file extension from configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/fileExtensions.
1237412376 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝包含 hiddenSegment 节的 URL 中的路径。 12376 The request filtering module is configured to deny a path in the URL that contains a hiddenSegment section.
12377 为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,它包含 hiddenSegments 节,允许服务器管理员拒绝对特定目录的访问。 Request filtering is configured for the Web server and it contains a hiddenSegments section that allows the server administrator to deny access to specific directories.
12378 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments 设置。 Verify configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments settings in the applicationhost.config or the web.config file.
12379这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。如果需要从被此设置拒绝的某个特定目录提供内容,请从 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments 中删除被拒绝的目录。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. If content should be served from a specific directory being denied by this setting, remove the denied directory from configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments.
1238012382 当所请求文件在文件系统上标记为隐藏时,便会出现此错误。 12382 This error occurs when the requested file is marked as hidden on the file system.
12383 请求的文件在文件系统上标记为隐藏。 The requested file is marked as hidden on the file system.
12384 如果 IIS 需要处理该文件,请删除隐藏文件特性。 If IIS should serve the file, remove the hidden file attribute.
12385这是一项禁止显示隐藏文件的安全功能。请在删除隐藏特性之前确认应处理该文件。 This is a security feature that prevents displaying hidden files. Make sure the file should be served before removing the hidden file attribute.
1238612388 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝过大的请求标头。 12388 The request filtering module is configured to deny a request header that is too large.
12389 为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,它拒绝了请求,因为请求标头过大。 Request filtering is configured for the Web server and it is denying the request because the request header was too large.
12390 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/headerLimits 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/headerLimits settings in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.
12391这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。如果该请求标头大小是合理的,请在 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/headerLimits 节中增加标头的大小限制。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. If the request header size is legitimate, increase the size limit for the header in the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/headerLimits section.
1239212394 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝包含双重转义序列的请求。 12394 The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence.
12395 该请求包含双重转义序列,而 Web 服务器上配置的请求筛选拒绝双重转义序列。 The request contained a double escape sequence and request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny double escape sequences.
12396 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.confg 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping setting in the applicationhost.config or web.confg file.
12397这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。在更改此值之前,应进行网络跟踪以确认请求不是恶意的。如果服务器允许使用双重转义序列,请修改 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping 设置。这可能是由恶意用户发送至服务器的格式错误的 URL 导致的。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. You should take a network trace before changing this value to confirm that the request is not malicious. If double escape sequences are allowed by the server, modify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping setting. This could be caused by a malformed URL sent to the server by a malicious user.
1239812400 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝包含高位字符的请求 URL。 12400 The request filtering module is configured to deny a request URL that contains high-bit characters.
12401 请求包含高位字符,而 Web 服务器上配置的请求筛选拒绝高位字符。 The request contained high-bit characters and request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny high-bit characters.
12402 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowHighBitCharacters 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowHighBitCharacters setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.
12403这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。当 allowHighBitCharacters 设置为 False 时(如果未出现,则该值为 True),IIS 将拒绝包含高位字符的请求。如果服务器需要允许高位字符,请修改 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowHighBitCharacters 设置。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. When allowHighBitCharacters is set to false (the value is true if not present), IIS rejects a request if it contains high-bit characters. If high-bit characters should be allowed by the server, modify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowHighBitCharacters setting.
1240412406 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝超过请求内容长度的请求。 12406 The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that exceeds the request content length.
12407 Web 服务器上的请求筛选被配置为拒绝该请求,因为内容长度超过配置的值。 Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request because the content length exceeds the configured value.
12408 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxAllowedContentLength 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxAllowedContentLength setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.
12409这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。您可以配置 IIS 服务器以拒绝内容长度大于指定值的请求。如果请求的内容长度大于所配置的长度,便会返回此错误。如果需要增加内容长度,请修改 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxAllowedContentLength 设置。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. You can configure the IIS server to reject requests whose content length is greater than a specified value. If the request's content length is greater than the configured length, this error is returned. If the content length requires an increase, modify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxAllowedContentLength setting.
1241012412 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝过长的 URL。 12412 The request filtering module is configured to deny a URL that is too long.
12413 Web 服务器上的请求筛选被配置为在 URL 过长时拒绝请求。 Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request when the URL is too long.
12414 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxUrl 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxUrl setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.
12415这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。您可以配置 IIS 服务器以拒绝 URL 长度大于指定值的请求。如果 URL 长度大于所配置的长度,便会返回此错误。如果需要增加 URL 长度,请修改 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxUrl 设置。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. You can configure the IIS server to reject requests whose URL length is greater than a specified value. If the URL length is greater than the configured length, this error is returned. If the URL length requires an increase, modify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxUrl setting.
1241612418 请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝包含的查询字符串过长的请求。 12418 The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long.
12419 Web 服务器上的请求筛选被配置为拒绝该请求,因为查询字符串过长。 Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request because the query string is too long.
12420 确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString 设置。 Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.
12421这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。您可以配置 IIS 服务器以拒绝查询字符串长度大于指定值的请求。如果请求的查询字符串大于所配置的值,便会返回此错误。如果需要增加查询字符串的允许长度,请修改 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString 设置。 This is a security feature. Do not change this feature unless the scope of the change is fully understood. You can configure the IIS server to reject requests whose query string is greater than a specified value. If the request's query string is greater than the configured value, this error is returned. If the allowed length of the query string needs to be increased, modify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString setting.
1242212424 无法显示您正在查找的页面,因为使用了无效方法(HTTP 谓词)。 12424 The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used.
12425 发送至 Web 服务器的请求使用了为处理该请求而配置的模块所不允许的 HTTP 谓词。 发送至服务器的请求包含无效的 HTTP 谓词。 该请求是针对静态内容的,但包含 GET 或 HEAD 以外的 HTTP 谓词。 使用 HTTP 谓词 POST 向虚拟目录发送了一个请求,而默认文档是不支持 GET 或 HEAD 以外的 HTTP 谓词的静态文件。 The request sent to the Web server used an HTTP verb that is not allowed by the module configured to handle the request. A request was sent to the server that contained an invalid HTTP verb. The request is for static content and contains an HTTP verb other than GET or HEAD. A request was sent to a virtual directory using the HTTP verb POST and the default document is a static file that does not support HTTP verbs other than GET or HEAD.
12426 验证为此请求所发送到的模块处理程序启用的谓词列表,确保该网站允许使用此谓词。 检查 IIS 日志文件以查看不允许该请求使用的谓词。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the list of verbs enabled for the module handler this request was sent to, and ensure that this verb should be allowed for the Web site. Check the IIS log file to see which verb is not allowed for the request. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12427此错误表明发送至 Web 服务器的请求包含为该请求配置的模块处理程序所不允许的 HTTP 谓词。 This error means that the request sent to the Web server contained an HTTP verb that is not allowed by the configured module handler for the request.
1242812430 无法显示资源,因为您的浏览器不接受该文件扩展名。 12430 The resource cannot be displayed because the file extension is not being accepted by your browser.
12431 请求被拒绝,因为它包含了某个 MIME 类型的 Accept 标头,但并不支持为所请求的文件扩展名使用该标头。 The request was rejected because it contained an Accept header for a MIME type that is not supported for the requested file extension.
12432 确认所请求文件扩展名的 MIME 设置,以确保此 MIME 类型是可接受的。 Verify the MIME settings for the file extension that was requested to make sure this MIME type is acceptable.
12433当客户端请求一个具有特定文件扩展名的文件,然后用与服务器上为此文件扩展名配置的 MIME 类型不同 MIME 类型来指定 Accept 标头时,便会出现此错误。例如,请求一个带有 .doc 扩展名的文件,然后指定 Accept 标头为 text/xml,而不是 application/msword。通常,客户端会为 Accept 标头指定 */*,这样请求便可以处理任何 MIME 类型。 This error occurs when the client requests a file with a certain file extension and then specifies the Accept header with a MIME type that is different from the configuration of this file extension on the server. An example is requesting a file with the .doc extension and specifying an Accept header with text/xml instead of application/msword. Usually the client specifies */* for the Accept header, which allows the request to serve any MIME type.
1243412436 由于请求标头中设置的前提条件,请求未完成。 12436 The request was not completed due to preconditions that are set in the request header.
12437 发送至 Web 服务器的请求包含 If-Match 或 If-Unmodified-Since 标头。IIS 检查此标头值并拒绝了请求。 The request sent to the Web server contained the If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since header. IIS checked this header value and failed the request.
12438 获取一个网路跟踪并确认这些标头在发送至 Web 服务器时是正确的。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Get a network trace and verify that these headers are correct when sending to the Web server. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12439前提条件禁止将所请求方法应用到目标资源以外的其他资源。例如,对客户端页面缓存中的过期内容的测试就是这样一个前提条件的例子。当发送至 Web 服务器的请求中包含 If-Match 或 If-Unmodified-Since 标头时,IIS 将基于这些标头值确认请求能否继续处理。对于 If-Match 标头,IIS 将根据所存储的当前 E-Tags 列表来检查其值。对于 If-Unmodified-Since 标头,IIS 将根据文件的上次修改时间来检查其值。 Preconditions prevent the requested method from applying to a resource other than the one intended. An example of a precondition is to test for expired content in the page cache of the client. When the If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since header is part of the request to the Web server, IIS verifies that the request can continue processing based on these header values. In the case of the If-Match header, IIS checks its value against the current list of E-Tags it has stored. In the case of the If-Unmodified-Since header IIS checks the value against the last modified time of the file.
1244012442 无法显示页面,因为发生内部服务器错误。 12442 The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
12443 IIS 收到了请求;但在处理请求过程中出现内部错误。此错误的根本原因取决于处理该请求的是哪一个模块以及出现此错误时工作进程中出现了何种情况。 IIS 无法访问网站或应用程序的 web.config 文件。如果 NTFS 权限设置不正确,便会出现这种情况。 IIS 无法处理网站或应用程序的配置。 已经过身份验证的用户没有使用此 DLL 的权限。 该请求将被映射到托管处理程序,但不会安装 .NET 可扩展功能。 IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application. The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL. The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.
12444 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 如果请求被映射到托管处理程序,则安装 .NET 可扩展功能。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败的请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12445此错误表明在处理请求时出现问题。Web 服务器收到了请求,但在处理过程中出现错误,导致 500 错误。 This error means that there was a problem while processing the request. The request was received by the Web server, but during processing a fatal error occurred, causing the 500 error.
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12448请求未被处理,因为网站正在关闭。 The request was not processed because the Web site is shutting down.
12449 在所配置的承载站点的工作进程正在关闭时,向 Web 服务器发送了一个请求。 工作进程尝试关闭,但在关闭过程中出现挂起。 工作进程意外关闭。 应用程序池回收过于频繁。 A request was sent to the Web server while the worker process configured to host the Web site was shutting down. The worker process tried to shut down but experienced a hang during the shutdown process. The worker process is shutting down unexpectedly. The application pool is recycling too often.
12450 等待工作进程完成关闭过程,然后重新尝试请求。 验证应用程序池设置以确保回收选项没有导致应用程序池频繁重新启动。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“连接”窗格中,展开服务器节点并单击“应用程序池”。 在“应用程序池”页上,选择频繁回收的应用程序池。 在“操作”窗格中的“编辑应用程序池”下,单击“回收”。 检查回收设置以确保这些设置不会导致应用程序池频繁回收。 手动重新启动该工作进程。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“连接”窗格中,展开服务器节点并单击“应用程序池”。 在“应用程序池”页上,选择频繁回收的应用程序池。 在“操作”窗格中的“应用程序池任务”下,单击“停止”。 在“操作”窗格中的“应用程序池任务”下,单击“启动”。 查看事件日志以确定工作进程是否关闭以及关闭的原因。 Wait for the worker process to finish shutting down and then try the request again. Verify the application pool settings to make sure the recycling options are not causing the application pool to restart frequently. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click Application Pools. On the Application Pools page, select the Application Pool that is recycling frequently. In the Actions pane, under Edit Application Pool, click Recycling. Review the recycling settings to ensure that the settings are not making the application pool recycle too often. Manually restart the worker process. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click Application Pools. On the Application Pools page, select the Application Pool that is recycling frequently. In the Actions pane, under Application Pool Tasks, click Stop. In the Actions pane, under Application Pool Tasks, click Start. Look in the event logs to determine whether the worker process is shutting down and to see the reason for the shutdown.
12451当网站正在关闭过程中而不能接受任何新请求时,便会出现此错误。如果此错误持续出现,则网站的正常关闭可能出现问题,或者回收过于频繁。请查询事件日志了解有关关闭原因的更多信息。 This error occurs because the Web site is currently in the process of shutting down and therefore is not accepting any new requests. If this error persists, the Web site could experience problems shutting down gracefully or recycling too often. Consult the event logs for more information on the cause of the shutdown.
1245212454 网站重新启动时无法处理请求。 12454 The request cannot process while the Web site is restarting.
12455 所请求的 ASP 应用程序的 global.asa 文件被修改。这导致该应用程序重新启动。 防病毒软件被配置为扫描 ASP 应用程序的 global.asa 文件。 The global.asa file for the ASP application requested was modified. This caused the application to restart. Antivirus software is configured to scan the global.asa file for the ASP application.
12456 禁止防病毒软件扫描 global.asa 文件。 等待 Web 应用程序重新启动,然后再次尝试请求。 查询事件日志中与应用程序重新启动有关的信息。 Prevent antivirus software from scanning the global.asa file. Wait until the Web application has restarted and try the request again. Look in the event logs for messages related to application restart.
12457当修改了应用程序的 global.asa 文件而导致 Web 应用程序重新启动时就会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the global.asa file for an application was modified and caused the Web application to restart.
12458248013 248013
12460无法处理请求,因为通信流量超出了网站配置的能力。 The request cannot be processed because the amount of traffic exceeds the Web site's configured capacity.
12461 Web 服务器正满负荷运行,无法接受更多请求。 服务器变得不稳定,ASP 应用程序无法为新请求分配足够的内存。 ASP 队列已满(达到了 ASPRequestQueueMax)。 The Web server is running at capacity and cannot accept any more requests. The server has become unstable and the ASP application cannot allocate enough memory for a new request. The ASP queue is full (ASPRequestQueueMax was reached).
12462 确定正在为该应用程序运行哪些请求,以及它们的运行时间是否不正常。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“连接”窗格中,选择树中的服务器节点。 在“功能”视图中,双击“工作进程”查看当前运行的请求。 使用 IIS 调试工具排查挂起的问题。 Determine which requests are running for the application and whether they are running for an abnormal amount of time. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, select the server node in the tree. In the Features view, double-click Worker Processes to view the currently running requests. Use the IIS Debugging Tools to troubleshoot the issue as a hang.
12463当 ASP 应用程序不能为新请求分配足够的内存,或者请求在请求队列中等待的时间过长时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the ASP application cannot allocate enough memory for a new request, or the request was sitting in the request queue for too long.
1246412466 global.asax 是一个特殊文件,不能从浏览器直接访问它。 12466 The global.asax is a special file that you cannot access directly from your browser.
12467 直接请求 global.asax 文件。 A request was made for the global.asax file directly.
12468 出于安全考虑,服务器不允许这样做。 This is not allowed by the server for security purposes.
12469当 URL 包含针对 Web 应用程序的 global.asax 文件的请求时,便会返回此错误。仅当为 .asax 文件设置了处理程序时才会返回此错误;否则,将返回 404.3 错误。 This error is returned when a URL contains a request for the global.asax file for a Web application. This error is returned only if a handler is set up for the .asax file; otherwise, a 404.3 error is returned.
1247012472 您不能访问所请求的页,因为 Web 服务器上的 UNC 授权设置配置不正确。 12472 You cannot access the page you are requesting because the UNC authorization settings are configured incorrectly on the Web server.
12473 请求的内容位于远程文件服务器上,为连接到远程文件共享指定的 UNC 凭据不正确。 请求的内容位于远程文件共享上,文件共享的权限不允许 IIS 中配置的用户访问文件共享。 The content for the request is located on a remote file server, and the UNC credentials specified to connect to the remote file share are incorrect. The content for the request is located on a remote file share, and the permissions on the file share do not allow the user configured in IIS to access the file share.
12474 确认为访问远程文件共享设置的凭据。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“连接”窗格中,单击出现问题的站点。 在“操作”窗格的“编辑站点”下,选择“高级设置”。 验证用户名和密码是否正确。 检查承载内容的远程 UNC 共享的安全性设置和共享权限。 如果用于连接到内容的帐户是本地帐户,则确认密码在 Web 服务器上和远程文件服务器上是否同步。 Verify the credentials set for accessing the remote file share. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, click the site that is having the problem. In the Actions pane, under Edit Site, choose Advanced Settings. Verify that the username and password are correct. Check the security settings and sharing permissions for the remote UNC share hosting the content. If the account used to connect to the content is a local account. Verify that the password is synced on the Web server and the remote file server.
12475当请求的内容驻留在远程文件共享上,并且用于连接到远程文件共享的凭据无效时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the requested content is hosted on a remote file share and the credentials used to connect to the remote file share are invalid.
1247612478 无法访问请求的页面,因为该页的相关配置数据无效。 12478 The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
12479 工作进程无法读取 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件。 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中存在格式错误的 XML。 由于 NTFS 权限不正确,服务器无法访问 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件。 The worker process is unable to read the applicationhost.config or web.config file. There is malformed XML in the applicationhost.config or web.config file. The server cannot access the applicationhost.config or web.config file because of incorrect NTFS permissions.
12480 查询事件日志中有关配置文件不可读的原因的信息。 确保为应用程序池指定的用户标识或通过身份验证的用户具有访问 web.config 文件的必需权限。 Look in the event logs for information about why the configuration files are not readable. Make sure the user identity specified for the application pool, or the authenticated user, has the required permissions to access the web.config file.
12481当读取 Web 服务器或 Web 应用程序的配置文件出现问题时,就会发生此错误。在某些情况下,事件日志会包含有关导致此错误的原因的更多信息。 This error occurs when there is a problem reading the configuration file for the Web server or Web application. In some cases, the event logs may contain more information about what caused this error.
1248212484 由于 ASP 错误,无法显示该页。 12484 The page cannot be displayed due to an error with ASP.
12485 这是一个一般性 ASP 错误,表明在处理请求的页面时出现问题。 关闭浏览器中的“显示友好 HTTP 错误信息”以查看有关错误的更多信息。 This is a generic ASP error that means there was a problem while processing the requested page. Turn off Show Friendly HTTP Errors in the browser to see more information about the failure.
12486 查询 IIS 日志文件中有关该错误的更多信息。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Look in the IIS log file for additional information on the failure. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12487当请求的 URL 是针对一个 ASP 应用程序,并且在处理请求时服务器上出现问题时,就会发生此错误。 This error occurs when the URL requested is for an ASP application and a problem occurred on the server while processing the request.
1248812490 无法显示您正在寻找的页面,因为请求中的一个标头值与配置设置不匹配。 12490 The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because a header value in the request does not match configuration settings.
12491 请求包含 HTTP 谓词“TRACE”,但在服务器上未配置启用此方法的注册表值。 The request contains the HTTP verb "TRACE" and the registry value to enable this method is not configured on the server.
12492 如果服务器应允许“TRACE”方法,请在注册表中的以下位置创建一个新的名为“EnableTraceMethod”的 DWORD 注册表参数,并将其值设为 1。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 If the server should allow the "TRACE" method, create a new DWORD registry parameter named "EnableTraceMethod" and set its value to 1 at the following location in the registry.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12493仅当 HTTP 谓词为 Trace 并且 EnableTraceMethod 注册表值未设为 1 时才会返回此错误。如果是由其他原因导致此错误,则可能是因为由第三方应用程序设置了该注册表值。 This error is returned only when the HTTP verb is Trace and the EnableTraceMethod registry value is not set to 1. If this error is occurring for another reason, the registry value is probably set by a third-party application.
1249412496 指定的 CGI 应用程序遇到错误,服务器终止了该进程。 12496 The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process.
12497 CGI 应用程序没有返回一组有效的 HTTP 错误。 由于父网关中出现错误,充当代理或网关的服务器无法处理该请求。 The CGI application did not return a valid set of HTTP errors. A server acting as a proxy or gateway was unable to process the request due to an error in a parent gateway.
12498 使用 DebugDiag 排查 CGI 应用程序。 确定此错误是否由代理或网关引起。 Use DebugDiag to troubleshoot the CGI application. Determine if a proxy or gateway is responsible for this error.
12499当 CGI 应用程序未返回一组有效的 HTTP 头,或者代理或网关无法将请求发送至父网关时,便会出现此错误。您可能需要获取一个网络跟踪,或者与代理服务器管理员联系(如果不是 CGI 的问题)。 This error occurs when a CGI application does not return a valid set of HTTP headers, or when a proxy or gateway was unable to send the request to a parent gateway. You may need to get a network trace or contact the proxy server administrator, if it is not a CGI problem.
1250012502 CGI 应用程序超过了允许的处理时间,进程被关闭。 12502 The CGI application exceeded the time allowed for processing and the process was shut down.
12503 处理该请求的 CGI 应用程序在处理请求时超出了配置的 CGI 超时值。 CGI 应用程序在处理请求时用时过长。 The CGI application handling the request took longer than the configured CGI timeout to process the request. The CGI application is taking too long to process the request.
12504 验证为 CGI 应用程序配置的超时设置。 打开 IIS 管理器。 在“连接”窗格中,单击出现问题的站点或应用程序。 在“功能”窗格中,双击“CGI”。 在“CGI”页上,确认在“行为”下为“超时”属性设置了一个值。 更改该超时值(如有必要),然后在“操作”窗格中单击“应用”。 使用 DebugDiag 排查 CGI 应用程序的问题并确定其处理请求的时间过长的原因。 Verify the configured timeout for the CGI application. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, click the site or application where the problem is occurring. In the Features pane, double-click CGI. In the CGI page, under Behavior, verify that a value is set for the Timeout property. Change the timeout value, if necessary, and then in the Actions pane click Apply. Use DebugDiag to troubleshoot the CGI application and determine why it is taking so long to process the request.
12505如果请求被配置为由 CGI 应用程序处理,而 CGI 应用程序在处理请求时所用的时间超过了配置的超时值,便会出现此错误。如果请求的运行时间普遍长于配置的超时值,请增加超时值。否则,请排查 CGI 应用程序以确定产生延迟的原因。 This error occurs when the request is configured to handle by a CGI application and the CGI application takes longer than the configured timeout to handle the request. If the request usually takes longer than the configured timeout to run, increase the timeout value. Otherwise, troubleshoot the CGI application to determine the delay.
1250612508 指定的 CGI 应用程序没有返回一组完整的 HTTP 头。 12508 The specified CGI application did not return a complete set of HTTP headers.
12509 CGI 进程在完成请求的处理之前被关闭或意外终止。 CGI 进程存在缺陷,没有返回一组完整的 HTTP 头。 The CGI process was shut down or terminated unexpectedly before it finished processing the request. The CGI process has a flaw and does not return a complete set of HTTP headers.
12510 检查系统上的事件日志,查看 CGI 进程是否意外关闭。 排查 CGI 应用程序以确定它没有发送一组完整的 HTTP 头的原因。 Check the event logs on the system to see whether the CGI process is shutting down unexpectedly. Troubleshoot the CGI application to determine why it is not sending a complete set of HTTP headers.
12511当处理该请求的 CGI 进程在完成向 IIS 发送响应之前退出时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the CGI process handling the request exits before it finishes sending the response to IIS.
1251212514 您尝试从不允许运行程序的目录中运行 CGI、ISAPI 或其他可执行程序。 12514 You have attempted to run a CGI, ISAPI or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be run.
12515 目录未启用“执行”权限。 The directory does not have Execute permission enabled.
12516 如果适当,为此目录添加“执行”访问权限。 If appropriate, add Execute access to this directory.
12517您试图从中启动可执行程序的目录没有启用“执行”访问。在启用“执行”访问之前,请确定这样做是否合适。 Execute access is not enabled for the directory where you are attempting to launch an executable program. Before enabling Execute access, determined if this is appropriate.
1251812520 您必须通过代理的身份验证,然后 Web 服务器才能处理您的请求。 12520 You must be authenticated by a proxy before the Web server can process your request.
12521 客户端和 Web 服务器之间的代理要求某种形式的身份验证。 A proxy between the client and the Web server requires some form of authentication.
12522 此错误的排查取决于代理。您可能需要获取一个网络跟踪以解决此问题。 To troubleshoot this error depends on the proxy. You may need to get a network trace to resolve this problem.
12523当客户端与 Web 服务器之间的代理要求身份验证时便会出现此错误。您可能需要获取网络跟踪或与代理服务器管理员联系。 This error occurs when a proxy between the client and the Web server requires authentication. You may need to get a network trace or contact the proxy server administrator.
1252412526 无法显示页面,因为客户端完成请求所用时间过长,服务器已将连接关闭。 12526 The page cannot be displayed because the client took too long to complete its request and the server closed the connection.
12527 客户端完成请求所用时间过长,连接被关闭。 The client took too long to complete its request and the connection was closed.
12528 此错误的排查需要客户端。您可能需要网络跟踪以确定客户端未完成请求的原因。 Troubleshooting this error requires the client. You may need a network trace to determine why the request was not completed by the client.
12529当客户端完成请求所用时间过长时便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when a client takes too long to complete its request.
1253012532 未显示页面,因为出现冲突。 12532 The page was not displayed because there was a conflict.
12533 由于与资源的当前状态存在冲突,无法完成请求。 The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
12534 此错误的排查取决于客户端。 To troubleshoot this error depends upon the client.
12535当与资源的当前状态存在冲突时便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when there is a conflict with the current state of the resource.
1253612538 您请求的页面已被删除。 12538 The page you requested was removed.
12539 文件已被删除。 The file has been removed.
12540 如果文件或资源已被删除,或资源永久不可用且没有转发地址,便会出现此状态代码。 This status code occurs when a file or resource has been removed, or when the resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
12541当资源已被删除以及资源不可用且没有重定向地址时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when a resource has been removed and the resource is not available or has no redirect address.
1254212544 无法显示页面,因为服务器要求在请求中有一个 Content-Length 标头。 12544 The page cannot be displayed because the server requires a Content-Length header in the request.
12547当资源已被删除时便会出现此错误。另外,在许多情况下,当资源不可用或没有重定向地址时也会出现此错误。 This error occurs when a resource has been removed and in many cases is used when the resource is not available or has no redirect address.
1254812550 未显示页面,因为请求 URI 过长。 12550 The page was not displayed because the Request URI is too long.
12551 服务器拒绝为请求提供服务,因为所请求的 URL 过长。 客户端遇到重定向问题(例如,重定向的 URL 前缀指向自身的后缀)。 客户端错误地将 POST 请求转换为带有较长查询信息的 GET 请求。 Web 服务器受到客户端的攻击。 The server is refusing to service the request because the requested URL is too long. The client has encountered a redirection problem (for example, a redirected URL prefix that points to a suffix of itself). The client has improperly converted a POST request to a GET request with long query information. The Web server is under attack by the client.
12552 验证请求 URI 是否过长,或在不使用它的情况下尝试请求。 Verify that the Request URI is not too long or try the request without it.
12553当请求 URI 过长且服务器拒绝为请求提供服务时,便会出现此错误。这可能是由于客户端错误或客户端对 Web 服务器的攻击造成的。 This error occurs when the Request URI is too long and the server is refusing to service the request. It could occur due to a client error or a client attack against the Web server.
1255412556 服务器无法为请求提供服务,因为不支持该媒体类型。 12556 The server cannot service the request because the media type is unsupported.
12557 所请求文件的格式已由服务器配置为不可进行下载。 The requested file is in a format that the server is configured not to download.
12558 确认所请求文件的格式有效。 Verify that the requested file is in a valid format.
12559如果服务器因不支持该文件类型而无法为请求提供服务,就会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the server cannot service the request because the file type is unsupported.
1256012562 无法显示页面,因为无法满足请求范围。 12562 The page cannot be displayed because the request range was not satisfiable.
12563 资源的请求范围无效。 The requested range of a resource was invalid.
12564 验证所请求的范围是否有效。 Verify that the requested range is valid.
12565当请求的范围无效或服务器无法满足该范围时,便会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the requested range is invalid or could not be met by the server.
1256612568 无法显示页面,因为预期失败。 12568 The page cannot be displayed because the expectation failed.
12569 客户端在 HTTP 头中发送了一个 Expect 说明符,Web 服务器或其他服务器(如代理服务器)无法对其进行处理。 The client sent an Expect specifier in the HTTP header that the Web server or another server, such as a proxy server, could not process.
12570 某些代理服务器可能不支持“100 继续”预期。请删除此预期或在不使用代理服务器的情况下尝试请求。 获取网络跟踪并确认客户端在向 Web 服务器发送请求时没有在 HTTP 头中发送无效的预期。 Some proxy servers may not support the "100 continue" expectation. Remove this expectation or try the request without the proxy. Get a network trace and verify that the client is not sending an invalid expectation in the HTTP header when sending to the Web server.
12571当服务器无法达到在客户端请求中指定的预期时就会产生此状态代码。某些代理服务器可能不支持“100 继续”预期,或者客户端可能指定了无效的预期。您可能需要获取网络跟踪或与代理服务器管理员联系。 This status code occurs when a server could not meet the expectation specified in the client's request. Some proxy servers may not support the "100 continue" expectation or the client may specify an invalid expectation. You may need to get a network trace or contact the proxy server administrator.
1257212574 服务不可用。 12574 The service is unavailable.
12575 应用程序池中的无效标识可能导致了此错误。 由于配置原因或达到了应用程序失败限制,应用程序池不再运行。 达到了并发应用程序请求限制。 An invalid identity in the application pool could cause this error. The application pool is no longer running because of configuration or reaching application failure limits. The concurrent application request limit was reached.
12576 检查事件日志和 HTTP 错误日志以获取更多信息。 Check the event logs and the HTTP error logs for more information.
12577当工作进程无法启动时便会出现此错误。原因可能是无效的标识或配置,或者是达到了并发请求限制。 This error occurs when the worker process was unable to start. This could be due to an invalid identity or configuration, or because the concurrent request limit was reached.
1257812580 由于网关超时,无法显示页面。 12580 The page cannot be displayed due to a gateway timeout.
12581 代理或网关在等待响应时超时。 A proxy or gateway has timed out waiting for a response.
12582 确认此错误不是由代理或网关引起的。您可能需要获取网络跟踪。 Verify that a proxy or gateway is not responsible for this error. You may need to get a network trace.
12583当代理或网关因等待来自其他服务器的响应而超时时,便会出现此错误。可能需要获取网络跟踪来排查此问题。 This error occurs when a proxy or gateway has timed out waiting for a response from another server. It may be necessary to get a network trace to troubleshoot this issue.
1258412586 无法显示页面,因为不支持该 HTTP 版本。 12586 The page cannot be displayed because the HTTP version is not supported.
12587 服务器不支持客户端请求的 HTTP 版本。 The server does not support the HTTP version requested by the client.
12588 确认客户端请求的是无效的或不支持的 HTTP 版本。 Verify that the client is requesting an invalid or unsupported HTTP version.
12589当客户端请求无效的 HTTP 版本时便会出现此错误。如果客户端请求某个较早的、不受支持的 HTTP 版本,便会出现这种情况。您可以创建网络跟踪来排查此问题。 This error occurs when a client is requesting an invalid HTTP version. This can occur if the client is requesting an older, unsupported HTTP version. You can create a network trace to troubleshoot this issue.
1259012592 您查找的资源存在问题,因而无法显示。 12592 There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, so it cannot be displayed.
12593 ISAPI 筛选器的路径不正确。 IIS 收到了请求;但在处理请求过程中出现内部错误。产生此错误的根本原因取决于处理该请求的模块以及在错误发生时工作进程中所发生的事情。 IIS 无法访问网站或应用程序的 web.config 文件。如果 NTFS 权限设置不正确,便会出现这种情况。 IIS 无法处理网站或应用程序的配置。 通过身份验证的用户没有使用此 DLL 的权限。 The path to the ISAPI Filter is incorrect. IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application. The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
12594 确保该 ISAPI DLL 的路径正确。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何额外信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Ensure that the path to the ISAPI DLL is correct. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12598您查找的资源存在问题,因而无法显示。 There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, so it cannot be displayed.
12599 ISAPI 筛选器具有在 Web 服务器上不可用的相关项。 IIS 收到了请求;但在处理请求过程中出现内部错误。此错误的根本原因取决于处理该请求的模块以及在错误发生时工作进程中所发生的事情。 IIS 无法访问网站或应用程序的 web.config 文件。如果 NTFS 权限设置不正确,便会出现这种情况。 IIS 无法处理网站或应用程序的配置。 通过身份验证的用户没有使用此 DLL 的权限。 The ISAPI Filter has dependencies that are not available on the Web server. IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application. The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
12600 尝试对 ISAPI DLL 运行 Reskit 工具“depends”。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何额外信息。 确认该 DLL 的权限。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Try running Reskit tool "depends" on the ISAPI DLL. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12604未显示页面,因为请求实体过大。 The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large.
12605 Web 服务器拒绝为请求提供服务,因为该请求实体过大。 Web 服务器无法为请求提供服务,因为它正尝试与客户证书进行协商,但请求实体过大。 请求 URL 或者到 URL 的物理映射(即,到 URL 的内容的物理文件系统路径)过长。 The Web server is refusing to service the request because the request entity is too large. The Web server cannot service the request because it is trying to negotiate a client certificate but the request entity is too large. The request URL or the physical mapping to the URL (i.e., the physical file system path to the URL's content) is too long.
12606 确认请求有效。 如果使用客户证书,请尝试: 增加 system.webServer/serverRuntime@uploadReadAheadSize 配置 SSL 终结点以与客户证书进行协商,作为初始 SSL 握手的一部分。(netsh http add sslcert ... clientcertnegotiation=enable) Verify that the request is valid. If using client certificates, try: Increasing system.webServer/serverRuntime@uploadReadAheadSize Configure your SSL endpoint to negotiate client certificates as part of the initial SSL handshake. (netsh http add sslcert ... clientcertnegotiation=enable)
12607当 Web 服务器从客户端接收到大量数据时便会出现此错误。如果在接收较大请求时发生客户证书协商,也会出现此错误。 This error occurs when the Web server receives a large amount of data from the client. It also occurs if client certificate negotiation occurs while receiving a large request.
1260812610 您查找的资源存在问题,因而无法显示。 12610 There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, so it cannot be displayed.
12611 配置中引用了模块,但是该模块尚未安装或者模块的名称拼写错误。 IIS 收到了请求;但在处理该请求过程中出现内部错误。此错误的根本原因取决于处理该请求的是哪一个模块以及出现此错误时工作进程中出现了何种情况。 IIS 无法访问网站或应用程序的 web.config 文件。如果 NTFS 权限设置不正确,便会出现这种情况。 IIS 无法处理网站或应用程序的配置。 已经过身份验证的用户没有使用此 DLL 的权限。 A module is referenced in configuration, but the module has not been installed or the name of the module is misspelled. IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application. The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
12612 确认已经安装了该模块。错误描述中可能包含一些附加信息,有助于确定该错误是由哪一个模块引起的。 如果该模块已经安装,请确认 configuration/system.webServer/handlers 配置节中的模块名称没有拼写错误。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败的请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the module is installed. The error description may contain additional information to help you determine which module is causing the error. If the module is installed, verify that the module name is not misspelled in the configuration/system.webServer/handlers config section. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12617 找不到该模块。 IIS 收到了请求;但在处理请求过程中出现内部错误。此错误的根本原因取决于处理该请求的是哪一个模块以及出现此错误时工作进程中出现了何种情况。 IIS 无法访问网站或应用程序的 web.config 文件。如果 NTFS 权限设置不正确,便会出现这种情况。 IIS 无法处理网站或应用程序的配置。 已经过身份验证的用户没有使用此 DLL 的权限。 The module could not be found. IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred. IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly. IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application. The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
12618 确认 configuration/system.webServer/globalModules 配置节中的模块名称没有拼写错误。错误描述中可能包含一些附加信息,有助于确定该错误是由哪一个模块引起的。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 创建跟踪规则以跟踪此 HTTP 状态代码的失败的请求。有关为失败的请求创建跟踪规则的详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the module name is not misspelled in the configuration/system.webServer/globalModules config section. The error description may contain additional information to help you determine which module is causing the error. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
12622DAV 请求转给了静态文件处理程序。 A DAV request went to the static file handler.
12623 安装 DAV 但缺少 <handler> 项。 模块设置 DAV 服务器变量。 DAV is installed and the <handler> entry is missing. A module set the DAV server-variable.
12624 重新安装 DAV。 尝试删除所有最近安装的模块。 Re-install DAV. Try removing any recently installed modules.
12625DAV 用特殊的服务器变量来标记其请求。如果静态文件处理程序看到此特殊的服务器变量,它就知道错误地收到了请求。 DAV marks it's requests with a special server variable. If the static file handler sees the special server variable, it knows it received the request in error.
1262612628 请求的内容似乎是脚本,因而将无法由静态文件处理程序来处理。 12628 The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
12629 请求与通配符 mime 映射相匹配。请求映射到静态文件处理程序。如果有不同的前提条件,请求将映射到另一个处理程序。 The request matched a wildcard mime map. The request is mapped to the static file handler. If there were different pre-conditions, the request will map to a different handler.
12630 如果要将此内容作为静态文件提供,请添加显式 MIME 映射。 If you want to serve this content as a static file, add an explicit MIME map.
12631有时候,前提条件和通配符 MIME 映射可能会意外导致提供脚本源。 Sometimes preconditions and a wildcard MIME map can unintentionally cause serving script source.
1263212634 指定的处理程序映射不正确。 12634 The specified handler mapping is incorrect.
12635 使用了托管处理程序,但是未安装或未完整安装 ASP.NET。 处理程序模块列表的配置中存在书写错误。 在应用程序初始化期间,要么应用程序初始化功能已将 skipManagedModules 设置为 True,要么重写规则设置了映射到托管处理程序的 URL 并且还设置了 SKIP_MANAGED_MODULES=1。 Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not installed or is not installed completely. There is a typographical error in the configuration for the handler module list. During application initialization, either the application initialization feature has set skipManagedModules to true, or a rewrite rule is setting a URL that maps to a managed handler and is also setting SKIP_MANAGED_MODULES=1.
12636 如果要使用托管处理程序,请安装 ASP.NET。 请确保正确指定处理程序模块的名称。模块名称区分大小写,并使用 modules="StaticFileModule,DefaultDocumentModule,DirectoryListingModule" 格式。 设置映射到托管处理程序的 URL (例如 .aspx)时,请确保所有应用程序初始化重写规则都设置 SKIP_MANAGED_MODULE=0 作为替代方法,请确保应用程序初始化重写规则将请求映射到非托管处理程序(例如,映射到 .htm 文件,该文件映射到 StaticFileHandler。) Install ASP.NET if you are using managed handler. Ensure that the handler module's name is specified correctly. Module names are case-sensitive and use the format modules="StaticFileModule,DefaultDocumentModule,DirectoryListingModule". Ensure that any application initialization rewrite rules set SKIP_MANAGED_MODULE=0 when setting a URL that maps to a managed handler (such as .aspx, for example.) As an alternative, ensure that application initialization rewrite rules map the request to an unmanaged handler (for example, to an .htm file, which is mapped to the StaticFileHandler.)
12637IIS 内核不能识别此模块。 IIS core does not recognize the module.
1263812640 检测到在集成的托管管道模式下不适用的 ASP.NET 设置。 12640 An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
12641 此应用程序在 system.web/httpModules 节中定义配置。 This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpModules section.
12642 将配置迁移到 system.webServer/modules 节。也可以手动这样做,或通过在命令行中使用 AppCmd 来这样做 - 例如,%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/"。使用 AppCmd 迁移应用程序将使它能够在集成模式下工作,并能继续在经典模式下和以前版本的 IIS 上工作。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 false 来禁用它。 也可以将应用程序切换到经典模式应用程序池 - 例如,%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool"。只有在无法迁移应用程序时才这样做。 (将“Default Web Site”和“Classic .NET AppPool”设置为您的应用程序路径及应用程序池名称) Migrate the configuration to the system.webServer/modules section. You can do so manually or by using AppCmd from the command line - for example, %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/". Using AppCmd to migrate your application will enable it to work in Integrated mode, and continue to work in Classic mode and on previous versions of IIS. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false. Alternatively, switch the application to a Classic mode application pool - for example, %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool". Only do this if you are unable to migrate your application. (Set "Default Web Site" and "Classic .NET AppPool" to your application path and application pool name)
12643集成模式是在 IIS 7.0 及更高版本上运行 ASP.NET 应用程序的首选模式。 Integrated mode is the preferred mode for running ASP.NET applications on IIS 7.0 and above.
1264412646 检测到在集成的托管管道模式下不适用的 ASP.NET 设置。 12646 An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
12647 此应用程序在 system.web/httpHandlers 节中定义配置。 This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpHandlers section.
12648 将配置迁移到 system.webServer/handlers 节。也可以手动这样做,或通过在命令行中使用 AppCmd 来这样做 - 例如,%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/"。使用 appCmd 迁移应用程序将使它能够在集成模式下工作,并能继续在经典模式下和以前版本的 IIS 上工作。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 false 来禁用它。 也可以将应用程序切换到经典模式应用程序池 - 例如,appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool"。只有在无法迁移应用程序时才这样做。 (将“Default Web Site”和“Classic .NET AppPool”设置为您的应用程序路径及应用程序池名称) Migrate the configuration to the system.webServer/handlers section. You can do so manually or by using AppCmd from the command line - for example, %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/". Using appcmd to migrate your application will enable it to work in Integrated mode, and continue to work in Classic mode and on previous versions of IIS. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false. Alternatively, switch the application to a Classic mode application pool - for example, appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool". Only do this if you are unable to migrate your application. (Set "Default Web Site" and "Classic .NET AppPool" to your application path and application pool name)
1265012652 检测到在集成的托管管道模式下不适用的 ASP.NET 设置。 12652 An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
12653 system.web/identity@impersonate 设置为 true。 system.web/identity@impersonate is set to true.
12654 如果应用程序支持它,则禁用客户端模拟。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 false 来禁用它。 使用经典 .NET 模式将此应用程序移到应用程序池 - 例如,%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool" (可以将“Classic .NET AppPool”设置为在经典托管管道模式下运行的其他应用程序池的名称) If the application supports it, disable client impersonation. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false. Move this application to an application pool using Classic .NET mode - for example, %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Classic .NET AppPool" (You can set "Classic .NET AppPool" to the name of another application pool running in Classic managed pipeline mode)
12655如果您不清楚或无法使用前两个选项,则首选的做法是将此应用程序切换到经典模式。 If you are not sure or unable to use the first two options, then it is preferred that you move this application to Classic mode.
1265612658 正在超过 serverRuntime@appConcurrentRequestLimit 设置的值。 12658 The serverRuntime@appConcurrentRequestLimit setting is being exceeded.
12659 设置过低。 应用程序对于当前的负载花费太长时间。 Setting is too low. The application is taking too long for the current load.
12660 尝试增大此设置的值。 检查外部资源(例如磁盘、数据库等)的性能是否达到预期的水平。 检查应用程序未被死锁。 Try increasing the value of the setting. Check that external resources (for example, disk, database, etc..) are performing at expected levels. Check that the application has not deadlocked.
12661IIS 将不允许对应用程序的并发请求数超过 serverRuntime@appConcurrentRequestLimit 设置所允许的数量。 IIS will not allow more concurrent requests to an application than the serverRuntime@appConcurrentRequestLimit setting permits.
1266212664 错误的请求 12664 Bad Request
12667由于语法错误,服务器无法理解此请求。 The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
12670ASP.NET 拒绝了此请求,因为已超过队列限制。 ASP.NET rejected this request because the queue limit was exceeded.
12671 已超过 ASP.NET 的队列限制(machine.config system.web/processModel@requestQueueLimit)。 The queue limit for ASP.NET has been exceeded. (machine.config system.web/processModel@requestQueueLimit)
1267312674 12674
12676已超出 FastCGI 队列 The FastCGI queue has been exceeded
12677 已超过 system.webServer/fastCgi/application@queueLength 设置的值 The system.webServer/fastCgi/application@queueLength setting has been exceeded
1267912680 12680
12682无默认文档。 No default document.
12683 没有为此站点配置默认文档。 URL 包含书写错误。 未启用目录浏览。 A default document is not configured for the site. The URL contains a typographical error. Directory browsing is not enabled.
12684 为此站点配置默认文档。ASP.NET 的默认文档通常为 default.aspx,PHP 的默认文档通常为 index.php。 检查浏览器 URL。 启用目录浏览可允许列出目录内容。 Configure a default document for this site. This is commonly default.aspx for ASP.NET and index.php for PHP. Review the browser URL. Enable directory browsing to allow listing the contents of the directory.
12685没有为此站点配置默认文档。 A default document is not configured for the site.
1268612688 无法加载此页。 12688 The page could not be loaded.
12689 未安装 PHP。 没有为此网站启用 PHP。 PHP is not installed. PHP is not enabled for this web site.
12690 安装 PHP 并正确配置处理程序。 为此网站安装并启用 PHP。 如果使用的是 WebMatrix,请按照以下步骤启用 PHP: 在 WebMatrix 中打开此网站。 选择“网站”工作区并单击“设置”。 选中“启用 PHP”复选框以安装和启用 PHP。 Install PHP and configure handlers correctly. Install and enable PHP for this web site. If you are using WebMatrix, follow these steps to enable PHP: Open the web site in WebMatrix. Select the Site workspace and click on Settings. Check the "Enable PHP" checkbox to install and enable PHP.
12691如果没有配置处理程序以向 URL 中指定的文档提供服务,则会发生此错误。 This error occurs when there is no handler configured to serve the document specified in the URL.
1269212694 无法加载此页。 12694 The page could not be loaded.
12695 未安装 ASP.NET。 ASP.NET 配置不正确。 ASP.NET is not installed. ASP.NET is not configured correctly.
12696 安装 ASP.NET。 如果已安装 ASP.NET,请确保处理程序配置正确。 Install ASP.NET. If ASP.NET is already installed, make sure that handlers are configured correctly.
1269812700 无法加载此页。 12700 The page could not be loaded.
12701 未安装 ASP.NET 网页。 ASP.NET 网页配置不正确。 ASP.NET Web Pages is not installed. ASP.NET Web Pages is not configured correctly.
12702 安装 ASP.NET 网页。 如果已安装 ASP.NET 网页,请确保处理程序配置正确。 Install ASP.NET Web Pages. If ASP.NET Web Pages is already installed, make sure that handlers are configured correctly.
1270412795 找不到模块“%s” 12795 Module "%s" could not be found
12796通常,如果在 configuration/system.webServer/access@sslFlags 设置了 SslRequireCert,则需要 SslNegotiateCert Often, if SslRequireCert is set at configuration/system.webServer/access@sslFlags, then SslNegotiateCert is intended
12797模块“%s”有一个错误前提“%s” Module "%s" has a bad precondition "%s"
12798处理程序“%s”有一个错误前提“%s” Handler "%s" has a bad precondition "%s"
12799处理程序“%s”在其模块列表中有一个错误模块“%.*s” Handler "%s" has a bad module "%.*s" in its module list
12810调用 LoadLibraryEx 失败,在 ISAPI 筛选器 "%s" 上 Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "%s" failed
12811调用 GetProcAddress 失败,在 ISAPI 筛选器 "%s" 上 Calling GetProcAddress on ISAPI filter "%s" failed
12812调用 GetFilterVersion 失败,在 ISAPI 筛选器 "%s" 上 Calling GetFilterVersion on ISAPI filter "%s" failed
12813ISAPI 筛选器“%s”尝试注册 SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA 通知 ISAPI filter "%s" tried to register for SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA notification
12814ISAPI 筛选器“%s”的配置具有无法识别的前提 The config for ISAPI filter "%s" has an unrecognized precondition
12815加载 ISAPI 筛选器“%s”时出错 Error loading ISAPI filter "%s"
12834无法识别跟踪区域“%s” Tracing area "%s" is not recognized
12835无法识别跟踪提供程序“%s” Tracing provider "%s" is not recognized
12836无法识别跟踪状态“%s” Tracing status "%s" is not recognized
12850隐藏段不能包含字符“/”或“\” Hidden Segments may not contain a '/' or '\' character
12851httpExpires 值“%s”未被识别为有效日期 The httpExpires value '%s' is not recognized as a valid date
12852CGI 应用程序超过了允许的处理时间,因此进程已终止。CGI 的输出是“%S”。 The CGI application exceeded the time allowed for processing and the process was terminated. The output from the CGI was "%S".
12853指定的 CGI 应用程序由于未返回完整的一组 HTTP 头而产生错误行为。它实际返回的头是“%S”。 The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are "%S".
12854web.config 文件的 system.webServer/httpErrors 节中不允许绝对物理路径“%s”。请改用相对路径。 Absolute physical path "%s" is not allowed in system.webServer/httpErrors section in web.config file. Use relative path instead.
12902 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12906 确认用户名和密码正确,并且没有被浏览器缓存。 使用不同的用户名和密码。 如果使用自定义匿名帐户,请确认密码未过期。 确认正在进行身份验证的用户或该用户所在的组对服务器的登录访问没有被拒绝。 确认帐户没有因多次登录尝试失败而被锁定。 如果您使用身份验证,而服务器是域的成员,请确认您已经使用实用程序 SETSPN.exe 配置了应用程序池标识,或者更改了配置以使 NTLM 成为首选的身份验证类型。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the username and password are correct, and are not cached by the browser. Use a different username and password. If you are using a custom anonymous account, verify that the password has not expired. Verify that the authenticating user or the user's group, has not been denied login access to the server. Verify that the account was not locked out due to numerous failed login attempts. If you are using authentication and the server is a member of a domain, verify that you have configured the application pool identity using the utility SETSPN.exe, or changed the configuration so that NTLM is the favored authentication type. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12908 确认资源的身份验证设置,然后尝试使用该身份验证方法请求该资源。 确认客户端浏览器支持集成身份验证。 如果使用集成身份验证,请确认请求不是通过代理发送的。 确认未在“configuration/system.webServer/authorization”配置节中明确拒绝该用户的访问。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the authentication setting for the resource and then try requesting the resource using that authentication method. Verify that the client browser supports Integrated authentication. Verify that the request is not going through a proxy when Integrated authentication is used. Verify that the user is not explicitly denied access in the "configuration/system.webServer/authorization" configuration section. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12910 打开文件资源管理器并检查所请求的文件的 ACL。确保访问网站的用户没有被明确拒绝访问并且有权打开文件。 打开文件资源管理器并检查共享和物理路径的 ACL。确保这两个 ACL 都允许用户访问该资源。 打开文件资源管理器并检查所请求的文件的加密属性。(此设置位于“高级特性”属性对话框中。) 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Open File Explorer and check the ACLs for the file that is being requested. Make sure that the user accessing the Web site is not being explicitly denied access, and that they do have permission to open the file. Open File Explorer and check the ACLs for the share and the physical path. Ensure that both ACLs allow the user to access the resource. Open File Explorer and check the encryption properties for the file that is being requested. (This setting is located in the Advanced attribute properties dialog.) Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12912 要测试此错误,请删除为请求访问的网站安装的任何筛选器。如果删除筛选器后错误消失,则表明是其中一个筛选器返回了此错误。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 To test this error, remove any filters that are installed for the Web site where access was requested. If the error does not occur after the filters are removed, one of the filters was returning the error. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12914 请与导致请求失败的 ISAPI 扩展、CGI 应用程序、ASP 页或处理程序的供应商联系。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Contact the vendor of the ISAPI extension, CGI application, ASP page, or handler that is failing the request. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12918 启用针对请求的资源运行的脚本。 转到 IIS Express 安装目录。 运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /[name='HANDLER_NAME'].requireAccess:Script 注意: 因为“requireAccess”属性是一个标志属性,您可能必须设置多个条目,以便让处理程序正常工作。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 设置。 确认将脚本映射配置为识别您使用的 HTTP 谓词以及该谓词采用大写形式。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable scripts to run for the requested resource. Go to the IIS Express install directory. Run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /[name='HANDLER_NAME'].requireAccess:Script Note: Because the 'requireAccess' property is a flag property, you may have to set multiple entries in order for the handler to work properly. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. Verify that the script mapping is configured to recognize the HTTP verb you are using, and that the verb is in uppercase. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12920 为请求的资源启用“读”访问。 转到 IIS Express 安装目录。 运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /[name='HANDLER_NAME'].requireAccess:Read 注意: 因为“requireAccess”属性是一个标志属性,您可能必须设置多个条目,以便让处理程序正常工作。 确认默认文档存在并与网站属性中指定的内容匹配。 确认启用了目录浏览。如果希望网站显示目录列表(所访问的文件夹中的所有文件),则需要启用目录浏览。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers/accessPolicy 设置。如果指定了此设置,请确保“读”作为其中一个标志列出。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable Read access for the requested resource. Go to the IIS Express install directory. Run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /[name='HANDLER_NAME'].requireAccess:Read Note: Because the 'requireAccess' property is a flag property, you may have to set multiple entries in order for the handler to work properly. Verify the default document does exist and matches what is specified in the Web site properties. Verify that directory browsing is enabled. Directory browsing needs to be enabled if you want a Web site to show a directory listing (all files in the folder you are accessing). Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers/accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. If this setting is specified, make sure "Read" is listed as one of the flags. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12922 为请求的资源启用“写”访问。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序和页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy 设置。如果指定了此设置,请确保“写”作为其中一个标志列出。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Enable Write access for the requested resource. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/handlers@accessPolicy setting at the server, site, application and page level. If this setting is specified, make sure "Write" is listed as one of the flags. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12924 使用 "https:" 前缀代替 "http:" 以便通过安全通道浏览 URL。 如果网站没有 SSL 证书或者不应要求使用 HTTPS,请禁用该设置。 如果使用的是 WebMatrix,请转到网站“设置”位置并确保 SSL 设置正确来确认 SSL 设置。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上的 configuration/system.webserver/security/access@sslFlags 特性。 Browse to the URL over a secure channel by using the "https:" prefix instead of "http:". If the Web site does not have an SSL certificate or should not require HTTPS, disable the setting. If you are using WebMatrix, verify the SSL settings by going to the site "Settings" location and ensuring the SSL settings are correct. Verify the configuration/system.webserver/security/access@sslFlags attribute at the server, site, application, or page level.
12926 将您的 Web 浏览器配置为使用 128 位 SSL。请参阅浏览器文档以了解有关配置说明。 如果使用的是 WebMatrix,请转到网站“设置”位置并确保 SSL 设置正确来确认 SSL 设置。 确认服务器、站点、应用程序或页级别上的 configuration/system.webServer/security/access@sslFlags 特性。 Configure your Web browser to use 128 bit SSL. Consult your browser documentation for configuration instructions. If you are using WebMatrix, verify the SSL settings by going to the site "Settings" location and ensuring the SSL settings are correct. Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/access@sslFlags attribute at the server, site, application or page level.
12928 确认服务器、站点、应用程序或页的配置文件的 configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity 节中的 IP 和域限制配置正确。 从服务器、站点、应用程序或页的配置文件的 configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity 节中删除 IP 限制。 Verify the IP and domain restrictions are configured correctly in the configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity section of the configuration file for the server, site, application, or page. Remove the IP restrictions from the configuration/system.webServer/security/ipSecurity section of the configuration file for the server, site, application, or page.
12933 验证所请求文件或目录的访问控制列表(ACL),并确保客户端证书所映射到的用户具有访问权限。 检查客户端证书的生效日期并确保证书有效。 检查客户端证书的过期日期并确保证书未过期。 向提供该证书的证书颁发机构核查证书是否过期。 确认该证书未被明确拒绝访问。 确保在浏览器中正确安装了客户端证书。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the access control lists (ACLs) on the requested file or directory and make sure that the user to whom the client certificate is mapped has access. Check the effective date on the client certificate and ensure that the certificate is valid. Check the expiration date and ensure that the certificate has not expired. Check with the Certificate Authority that provided the certificate to see if your certificate has expired. Verify that the certificate was not explicitly denied access. Ensure that the client certificate is installed properly in the browser. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12935 客户端可能为此网站的客户端身份验证选择了一个旧证书。请关闭所有打开的客户端窗口,打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后为客户端身份验证选择一个有效证书。 通过联系客户端证书的颁发者验证客户端证书的有效性。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 The client may have an old certificate selected for client authentication to this Web site. Close all open client windows, open a new browser window, and then select a valid certificate for client authentication. Verify the client certificate's validity by contacting the issuer of the client certificate. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12937 如果不希望启用目录浏览,请确保配置了默认文档并且该文件存在。 启用目录浏览。 转到 IIS Express 安装目录。 运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true 以在服务器级别启用目录浏览。 运行 appcmd set config ["SITE_NAME"] /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true 以在站点级别启用目录浏览。 确认站点或应用程序配置文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/directoryBrowse@enabled 特性设置为 True。 If you do not want to enable directory browsing, ensure that a default document is configured and that the file exists. Enable directory browsing. Go to the IIS Express install directory. Run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true to enable directory browsing at the server level. Run appcmd set config ["SITE_NAME"] /section:system.webServer/directoryBrowse /enabled:true to enable directory browsing at the site level. Verify that the configuration/system.webServer/directoryBrowse@enabled attribute is set to true in the site or application configuration file.
12939 客户端可能为此网站的客户端身份验证选择了一个旧证书。请关闭所有打开的客户端窗口,打开一个新的浏览器窗口,然后为客户端身份验证选择一个有效证书。 确认 Web 服务器信任该客户端证书。 确认在 Web 服务器上正确安装了根证书并受到信任。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 The client may have an old certificate selected for client authentication to this Web site. Close all open client windows, open a new browser window, and then select a valid certificate for client authentication. Verify that the client certificate is trusted by the Web server. Verify that the root certificate is properly installed and trusted on the Web server. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12941 确认客户端证书未过期。 确认客户端计算机的日期设置正确。 获取新的客户端证书。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the client certificate has not expired. Verify that the client machine's date is set correctly. Obtain a new client certificate. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12943 如果您有一个应用程序尝试处理另一个应用程序池中的 URL (例如尝试处理自定义错误),请确保它们在同一应用程序池中运行(如果适用)。 如果尝试处理位于另一个应用程序池中的自定义错误 URL,请启用自定义错误的“重定向”功能。 确认该应用程序的应用程序池存在。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志,检查是否正在调用 ExecuteURL。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 If you have an application that is trying to process a URL in another application pool (such as trying to process a custom error), ensure that they both run in the same application pool if appropriate. If you are trying to process a custom error URL that is located in another application pool, enable the custom errors Redirect feature. Verify that the application pool for the application exists. Check the failed request tracing log and see if ExecuteURL is being called. For more information, click here.
12946 在 Web 服务器上创建内容。 检查浏览器 URL。 检查失败请求的跟踪日志,查看哪个模块正在调用 SetStatus。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Create the content on the Web server. Review the browser URL. Check the failed request tracing log and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information, click here.
12948 确认服务器上启用了请求的 Web 服务扩展。 若要列出处理程序,请转到 IIS Express 安装目录,并运行 appcmd list config /section:system.webServer/handlers。确保所需处理程序的配置正确。运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /parameters 以配置该处理程序。 检查 ISAPI 和 CGI 限制列表。在 IIS Express 安装目录中,运行 appcmd list config /section:system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction。若要更改属性,请运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction /parameters。 注意: 请先确认您的 Web 服务器需要此 Web 服务扩展或 CGI,然后再将其添加到列表中。 确认扩展的位置正确。 确认在浏览器和 Web 服务器中均正确拼写了扩展的 URL。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the Web service extension requested is enabled on the server. To list handlers, go to the IIS Express install directory, and run appcmd list config /section:system.webServer/handlers. Ensure that the configuration for the desired handler is correct. Run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /parameters to configure the handler. Check the ISAPI and CGI restriction list. In the IIS Express install directory, run appcmd list config /section:system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction. To change the properties, run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction /parameters. NOTE: Make sure that this Web service extension or CGI is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list. Verify that the location of the extension is correct. Verify that the URL for the extension is spelled correctly both in the browser and the Web server. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12950 在 system.webServer/handlers 中: 确保映射了当前页所需的处理程序。 请特别注意前提(例如,runtimeVersion、pipelineMode、bitness)并将这些前提与应用程序池的设置进行比较。 请特别注意所需处理程序行中的书写错误。 请确认要尝试使用的功能已经安装。 确认启用了 MIME 映射,或使用命令行工具 appcmd.exe 为网站添加 MIME 映射。 若要设置 MIME 类型,请在 IIS Express 安装目录中运行以下命令: appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string'] 变量 fileExtension 字符串是文件扩展名,变量 mimeType 字符串是文件类型说明。 例如,若要为扩展名为 ".xyz" 的文件添加 MIME 映射: appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='.xyz',mimeType='text/plain'] 警告: 请在确认您的 Web 服务器需要此 MIME 映射之后再将其添加到列表中。配置文件(如 .CONFIG)或动态脚本页(如 .ASP 或 .ASPX)不应直接下载,应始终通过处理程序来处理。有时会使用其他文件(如数据库文件或 .XML 或 .MDF 等用于存储配置的文件)来存储配置信息。请先确认客户端能否下载这些类型的文件,然后再启用这些文件。 安装 ASP.NET。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 In system.webServer/handlers: Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is mapped. Pay extra attention to preconditions (for example, runtimeVersion, pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your application pool. Pay extra attention to typographical errors in the expected handler line. Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is installed. Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the Web site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe. To set a MIME type, run the following command in the IIS Express install directory: appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string'] The variable fileExtension string is the file name extension and the variable mimeType string is the file type description. For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the extension ".xyz": appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='.xyz',mimeType='text/plain'] Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG or dynamic scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be downloaded directly and should always be processed through a handler. Other files such as database files or those used to store configuration, like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store configuration information. Determine if clients can download these file types before enabling them. Install ASP.NET. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12952 如果文件扩展名没有与之关联的处理程序,请为该扩展名添加一个处理程序映射。 确认已正确安装和配置了与文件扩展名相关联的处理程序。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 If the file extension does not have a handler associated with it, add a handler mapping for the extension. Verify that the handler associated with the file extension is properly installed and configured. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12971 验证为此请求所发送到的模块处理程序启用的谓词列表,确保该网站允许使用此谓词。 检查 IIS 日志文件以查看不允许此请求使用的谓词。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify the list of verbs enabled for the module handler this request was sent to, and ensure that this verb should be allowed for the Web site. Check the IIS log file to see which verb is not allowed for the request. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12979 获取一个网路跟踪并确认这些标头在发送至 Web 服务器时是正确的。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Get a network trace and verify that these headers are correct when sending to the Web server. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12986 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 如果请求被映射到托管处理程序,则安装 .NET 可扩展功能。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12988 确保该 ISAPI DLL 的路径正确。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Ensure that the path to the ISAPI DLL is correct. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12990 尝试对 ISAPI DLL 运行 Reskit 工具 "depends"。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Try running Reskit tool "depends" on the ISAPI DLL. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12992 确认已经安装了该模块。错误说明中可能包含一些附加信息,有助于确定该错误是由哪一个模块引起的。 如果该模块已经安装,请确认 configuration/system.webServer/handlers 配置节中的模块名称没有拼写错误。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the module is installed. The error description may contain additional information to help you determine which module is causing the error. If the module is installed, verify that the module name is not misspelled in the configuration/system.webServer/handlers config section. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12994 确认 configuration/system.webServer/globalModules 配置节中的模块名称没有拼写错误。错误说明中可能包含一些附加信息,有助于确定该错误是由哪一个模块引起的。 确保 web.config 文件的 NTFS 权限正确,并允许访问 Web 服务器的计算机帐户。 检查事件日志中是否记录了任何附加信息。 确认 DLL 的权限。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Verify that the module name is not misspelled in the configuration/system.webServer/globalModules config section. The error description may contain additional information to help you determine which module is causing the error. Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account. Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
12996 等待工作进程完成关闭过程,然后重新尝试请求。 手动重新启动该工作进程。 如果使用的是 WebMatrix,请打开网站,并在功能区中单击“启动”。 查看事件日志以确定工作进程是否正在关闭并查看导致关闭的原因。 Wait for the worker process to finish shutting down and then try the request again. Manually restart the worker process. If you are using WebMatrix, open the site, and in the ribbon, click "Start". Look in the event logs to determine whether the worker process is shutting down and to see the reason for the shutdown.
12999 确定正在为该应用程序运行哪些请求,以及它们的运行时间是否不正常。 如果使用的是 WebMatrix,请打开网站。选择“网站”工作区,并在功能区中单击“请求”。 使用 IIS 调试工具解决挂起的问题。 Determine which requests are running for the application and whether they are running for an abnormal amount of time. If you are using WebMatrix, open the site. Select the Site workspace, and in the ribbon, click "Requests". Use the IIS Debugging Tools to troubleshoot the issue as a hang.
13002 确认为访问远程文件共享设置的凭据。 转到 IIS Express 安装目录。 运行 appcmd list config /section:system.applicationHost/sites。 确认应用程序的用户名和密码正确。 检查承载内容的远程 UNC 共享的安全设置和共享权限。 如果用于连接到内容的帐户是本地帐户,请确认密码已在 Web 服务器和远程文件服务器上同步。 Verify the credentials set for accessing the remote file share. Go to the IIS Express install directory. Run appcmd list config /section:system.applicationHost/sites. Verify that the username and password are correct for the application. Check the security settings and sharing permissions for the remote UNC share hosting the content. If the account used to connect to the content is a local account. Verify that the password is synced on the Web server and the remote file server.
13004当读取 Web 服务器或 Web 应用程序的配置文件出现问题时,就会发生此错误。在某些情况下,事件日志会包含有关导致此错误的原因的更多信息。如果您看到文本“定义了重复的 "system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler" 节”,则此错误是由于您正在 .NET Framework 4 中运行基于 .NET Framework 3.5 的应用程序导致的。如果运行的是 WebMatrix,则若要解决此问题,请转到“设置”节点以将 .NET Framework 版本设置为 ".NET 2"。您也可以从 web.config 文件中删除多余的节。 This error occurs when there is a problem reading the configuration file for the Web server or Web application. In some cases, the event logs may contain more information about what caused this error.If you see the text "There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined", this error is because you are running a .NET Framework 3.5-based application in .NET Framework 4. If you are running WebMatrix, to resolve this problem, go to the Settings node to set the .NET Framework version to ".NET 2". You can also remove the extra sections from the web.config file.
13007 将配置迁移到 system.webServer/modules 节。您可以手动执行此操作,也可以在命令行中使用 AppCmd 来执行此操作。例如,从 IIS Express 安装目录运行 appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/"。使用 AppCmd 迁移应用程序将使它能够在集成模式下工作,并能继续在经典模式下和以前版本的 IIS 上工作。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 false 来禁用它。 也可以将应用程序切换到经典模式应用程序池。例如,从 IIS Express 安装目录运行 appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Clr4ClassicAppPool"。只有在无法迁移应用程序时才这样做。 Migrate the configuration to the system.webServer/modules section. You can do so manually or by using AppCmd from the command line. For example, from the IIS Express install directory, run appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/". Using AppCmd to migrate your application will enable it to work in Integrated mode. It will continue to work in Classic mode and on previous versions of IIS. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false. Alternatively, switch the application to a Classic mode application pool. For example, from the IIS Express install directory, run appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Clr4ClassicAppPool". Only do this if you are unable to migrate your application.
13009 将配置迁移到 system.webServer/handlers 节。您可以手动执行此操作,也可以在命令行中使用 AppCmd 来执行此操作。例如,从 IIS Express 安装目录运行 appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/"。使用 AppCmd 迁移应用程序将使它能够在集成模式下工作,并能继续在经典模式下和以前版本的 IIS 上工作。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 false 来禁用它。 也可以将应用程序切换到经典模式应用程序池。例如,从 IIS Express 安装目录运行 appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Clr4ClassicAppPool"。只有在无法迁移应用程序时才这样做。 Migrate the configuration to the system.webServer/handlers section. You can do so manually or by using AppCmd from the command line. For example, from the IIS Express install directory, run appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/". Using AppCmd to migrate your application will enable it to work in Integrated mode. It will continue to work in Classic mode and on previous versions of IIS. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false. Alternatively, switch the application to a Classic mode application pool. For example, from the IIS Express install directory, run appcmd set app "Default Web Site/" /applicationPool:"Clr4ClassicAppPool". Only do this if you are unable to migrate your application.
13011 如果应用程序支持它,则禁用客户端模拟。 如果您确信可以忽略此错误,则可以通过将 system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration 设置为 False 来禁用它。 If the application supports it, disable client impersonation. If you are certain that it is OK to ignore this error, it can be disabled by setting system.webServer/validation@validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false.
13013 在 IIS 日志文件中查找有关失败的其他信息。 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 Look in the IIS log file for additional information on the failure. Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
13015 如果服务器应允许 "TRACE" 方法,请在注册表中的以下位置创建一个新的名为 "EnableTraceMethod" 的 DWORD 注册表参数,并将其值设为 1。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters 查看失败请求的跟踪日志以获取有关此错误的其他信息。有关详细信息,请单击此处。 If the server should allow the "TRACE" method, create a new DWORD registry parameter named "EnableTraceMethod" and set its value to 1 at the following location in the registry.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters Check the failed request tracing logs for additional information about this error. For more information, click here.
13018 验证为 CGI 应用程序配置的超时设置。 转到 IIS Express 安装目录。 运行 appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/cgi /timeout:time "time" 属性的格式应为 hh:mm:ss。 使用 DebugDiag 对 CGI 应用程序进行故障排除,并确定该应用程序处理请求所花费的时间如此长的原因。 Verify the configured timeout for the CGI application. Go to the IIS Express install directory. Run appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/cgi /timeout:time The 'time' property should be in the format hh:mm:ss. Use DebugDiag to troubleshoot the CGI application and determine why it is taking so long to process the request.
20001Web Management Service Web Management Service
20002Web 管理服务为管理员管理此计算机上存在的 Web 服务器、站点和应用程序提供了远程和委派管理能力。 The Web Management Service enables remote and delegated management capabilities for administrators to manage for the Web server, sites and applications present on this machine.
20100Internet Information Services (IIS)管理器 Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
20101IIS 管理器允许您管理 Web 应用程序服务器。 The IIS Manager allows you to manage the Web Application Server.
25001用法: %ws -s | -h [应用程序主机文件]

站点 ID 1。

可选参数,用于使用来自所提供站点 ID 的


-h [应用程序主机配置文件名]


要使用的可选根 Web 配置文件。
Usage: %ws -s | -h [application host file]

This option launches a worker process using the default
application host config file. By default, it will use
site id 1.

Optional parameter to use a siteinformation from the provided
site id.


-h [Application host config filename]
Launches a worker process using the specified application host
config file.

Optional instance name to use. Defaults to 'HWC-'

Optional root web config file to use.
25002按“Q”关闭进程: Press 'Q' to shutdown the process:

Shutting down the process.
25004错误: 指定的站点具有映射到多个应用程序池的应用程序。请将所有应用程序配置到一个应用程序池中,或者从此站点中删除那些应用程序。 ERROR: The specified site has applications mapped to more than one application pool. Please configure all applications to a single application pool or delete those applications from this site.
25005错误: 读取配置时出现错误。请检查该配置文件是否存在、是否可访问以及是否包含有效配置。 ERROR: There was an error reading the configuration. Please check that the configuration file is exists, is accessible and contains valid configuration.
25006错误: 找不到指定的站点,或没有配置站点。请检查该配置文件是否至少包含一个站点并且/或者指定的站点 ID 是否正确。 ERROR: The specified site could not be found or there are no sites configured. Please check that that configuration file contains at least one site and/or the specified site id is correct.
25007错误: 给定配置文件中定义了过多应用程序池。请确保配置文件仅包含一个应用程序池配置。 ERROR: There are too many application pools defined in the given configuration file. Please ensure that the configuration file contains only one application pool configuration.
25008错误: 处理其中一个参数时出错。请确保所有参数均正确和有效。 ERROR: There was an error processing one of the parameters. Please ensure that all parameters are correct and valid.
25009错误: 此命令的处理过程中出现错误。请检查事件日志是否记录了任何错误或警告。 ERROR: There has been an error during processing of this command. Please check the event log and see if any errors or warnings have been logged.
30001Windows Process Activation Service Windows Process Activation Service
30002Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)为通过消息激活的应用程序提供进程激活、资源管理和运行状况管理服务。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) provides process activation, resource management and health management services for message-activated applications.
30003World Wide Web 发布服务 World Wide Web Publishing Service
30004通过 Internet Information Services 管理器提供 Web 连接和管理 Provides Web connectivity and administration through the Internet Information Services Manager
30005FTP 发布服务 FTP Publishing Service
30006允许此服务器作为一个文件传输协议(FTP)服务器。如果停止此服务,服务器将不能作为 FTP 服务器运行。如果禁用此服务,则任何明确依赖于它的服务都将无法启动。 Enables this server to be a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. If this service is stopped, the server cannot function as an FTP server. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
30007IIS 管理服务 IIS Admin Service
30008允许此服务器管理 IIS 元数据库。IIS 元数据库存储 SMTP 和 FTP 服务的配置。如果停止此服务,服务器将无法配置 SMTP 或 FTP。如果禁用此服务,则任何明确依赖于它的服务都将无法启动。 Enables this server to administer the IIS metabase. The IIS metabase stores configuration for the SMTP and FTP services. If this service is stopped, the server will be unable to configure SMTP or FTP. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
30009ASP.NET State Service ASP.NET State Service
30010为 ASP.NET 提供进程外会话状态支持。如果停止此服务,将不会处理进程外请求。如果禁用此服务,则任何明确依赖于它的服务都将无法启动。 Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will not be processed. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
30011Application Host Helper Service Application Host Helper Service
30012为 IIS 提供管理服务,例如配置历史记录和应用程序池帐户映射。如果停止此服务,则配置历史记录将无法工作,也无法用特定于应用程序池的访问控制项锁定文件或目录。 Provides administrative services for IIS, for example configuration history and Application Pool account mapping. If this service is stopped, configuration history and locking down files or directories with Application Pool specific Access Control Entries will not work.
30013Web 宿主 Web Hosting
30014W3C 日志记录服务 W3C Logging Service
30015为 Internet Information Services (IIS)提供 W3C 日志记录。如果此服务停止,则由 IIS 配置的 W3C 日志记录将无法正常工作。 Provides W3C logging for Internet Information Services (IIS). If this service is stopped, W3C logging configured by IIS will not work.
30500万维网服务(HTTP 流入量) World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)
30501万维网服务(HTTP) World Wide Web Services (HTTP)
30502万维网服务(HTTPS 流入量) World Wide Web Services (HTTPS Traffic-In)
30503安全万维网服务(HTTPS) Secure World Wide Web Services (HTTPS)
30504FTP 服务器(FTP 流入量) FTP Server (FTP Traffic-In)
30505FTP 服务器 FTP Server
30506Web 管理服务(HTTP 流入量) Web Management Service (HTTP Traffic-In)
30507Web 管理服务(HTTP) Web Management Service (HTTP)
30510对于 Internet Information Services (IIS)允许 HTTP 通信的入站规则[TCP 80] An inbound rule to allow HTTP traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 80]
30512对于 Internet Information Services (IIS)允许 HTTPS 通信的入站规则[TCP 443] An inbound rule to allow HTTPS traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 443]
30514对于 Internet Information Services (IIS)允许 FTP 通信的入站规则[TCP 21] An inbound rule to allow FTP traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 21]
30516对于 Internet Information Services (IIS)允许 Web 管理服务通信的入站规则[TCP 8172] An inbound rule to allow Web Management Service traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 8172]
30517FTP 服务器安全(FTP SSL 流入量) FTP Server Secure (FTP SSL Traffic-In)
30518允许 Internet Information Services (IIS)的 FTP over SSL 通信的入站规则 [TCP 990] An inbound rule to allow FTP over SSL traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 990]
30519FTP 服务器安全(FTP SSL 流出量) FTP Server Secure (FTP SSL Traffic-Out)
30520允许 Internet Information Services (IIS)的 FTP over SSL 通信的出站规则 [TCP 989] An outbound rule to allow FTP over SSL traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 989]
30521FTP 服务器(FTP 流出量) FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out)
30522允许 Internet Information Services (IIS)的 FTP 通信的出站规则 [TCP 20] An outbound rule to allow FTP traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 20]
30523FTP 服务器被动(FTP 被动流入量) FTP Server Passive (FTP Passive Traffic-In)
30524允许 Internet Information Services (IIS)的被动 FTP 通信的入站规则 [TCP 1023] An inbound rule to allow Passive FTP traffic for Internet Information Services (IIS) [TCP 1023]
40001未能初始化配置系统。 Failed to initialize configuration system.
40002未能创建配置系统。 Failed to create configuration system.
40003在类 %s 上找不到工厂限定符。 Cannot find factory qualifier on class %s.
40004无法为类 %s 共建工厂。 Cannot cocreate factory for class %s.
40005无法访问进程运行时数据。 Cannot get access to the process runtime data.
40006未能模拟客户端。 Failed to impersonate client.
40007缺少必需的输入参数: %s。 Mandatory input parameter is missing: %s.
40008无法获得必需的输入参数: %s。 Cannot obtain mandatory input parameter: %s.
40009不支持的输入参数格式: %s。 Unsupported input parameter format: %s.
40010未加载对象实例属性: %s。 Object instance properties are not loaded: %s.
40011%s: 未能加载属性 %s。 %s: failed to load property %s.
40012HTTP 请求运行时数据不可用。 HTTP request runtime data is not available.
40013未能枚举 Appdomain。 Failed to enumerate appdomains.
40014未能卸载 Appdomain %s。 Failed to unload appdomain %s.
40016未能枚举服务器 SSL 证书信息。 Failed to enumerate server SSL certificate information.
40017未能转换参数 %s。 Failed to convert parameter %s.
40018未能存储 SSL 证书信息。 Failed to store SSL certificate information.
40019未能删除 SSL 证书信息。 Failed to delete SSL certificate information.
40020找不到类 %s 上的节路径限定符。 Cannot find section path qualifier on class %s.
40021未能为路径 %s 创建配置。 Failed to create configuration for path %s.
40022未能获取节 %s(用于路径 %s)。 Failed to get section %s for path %s.
40023无法获取节 %s 的默认集合。 Cannot get default collection for section %s.
40024无法获取集合计数。 Cannot get collection count.
40025无法获取集合元素。 Cannot get collection element.
40026无法获取配置元素 %s 的架构。 Cannot get schema for configuration element %s.
40027无法获取属性 %s(用于配置元素 %s)。 Cannot get property %s for configuration element %s.
40028无法获取元素名称。 Cannot get element name.
40029对象 %s 已存在。 Object %s already exists.
40030无法创建集合元素。 Failed to create collection element.
40031无法从元素 %s 获取默认集合。 Cannot get default collection from element %s.
40032未能添加集合元素。 Failed to add collection element.
40033找不到对象 %s。 Object %s cannot be found.
40034无法访问站点运行时数据。 Cannot get access to the site runtime data.
40035未能获得站点运行时状态。 Failed to get site runtime status.
40036未能启动站点。 Failed to start site.
40037未能停止站点。 Failed to stop site.
40038未能删除 %s。 Failed to delete %s.
40039无法访问应用程序池运行时数据。 Cannot get access to the application pool runtime data.
40040未能获得应用程序池运行时状态。 Failed to get application pool runtime status.
40041未能启动应用程序池。 Failed to start application pool.
40042未能停止应用程序池。 Failed to stop application pool.
40043未能回收应用程序池。 Failed to recycle application pool.
40044无法在抽象的 CIM 类上调用方法。 Cannot call method on abstract CIM class.
40045无法在对 BeginUpdateBatch 和 EndUpdateBatch 的调用之间更改配置路径。 Cannot change configuration path between calls to BeginUpdateBatch and EndUpdateBatch.
40501此功能提供将处理 HTTP 通信的 web 服务器。 This feature provides a web server that will handle HTTP traffic.
40503此功能提供将处理 HTTPS 通信的 web 服务器。 This feature provides a web server that will handle HTTPS traffic.
40505此功能提供通过 FTP 协议传送文件的 FTP 服务器。 This feature provides an FTP server for file transfers via the FTP protocol.
40507此功能提供 web 管理服务,以便为远程 Internet Information Services (IIS)管理处理 HTTP 通信。 This feature provides a web management service that will handle HTTP traffic for remote Internet Information Services (IIS) management.
50002此计数器集为工作进程列出与 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)相关的计数器。 This counter set exposes Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) related counters for the worker process.
50004服务的总请求数 Total Requests Served
50005Total Requests Served Total Requests Served
50006工作进程服务的总请求数。只有在为应用程序池启用了基于请求的回收时,此计数器才有意义。 Total number of requests served by the worker process. This counter is only meaningful when request based recycling is enabled for the application pool.
50008运行状况 Ping 总数。 Total Health Pings.
50009Total Health Pings. Total Health Pings.
50010进程收到的运行状况 ping 总数。 Total number of health pings received by the process.
50012运行时状态查询总数 Total Runtime Status Queries
50013Total Runtime Status Queries Total Runtime Status Queries
50014进程收到的运行时状态查询总数。 Total number of Runtime Status queries received by the process.
50016活动的侦听器通道数 Active Listener Channels
50017Active Listener Channels Active Listener Channels
50018工作进程中当前活动的侦听器通道数。 Number of currently active listener channels in the worker process.
50020活动的协议处理程序数 Active Protocol Handlers
50021Active Protocol Handlers Active Protocol Handlers
50022工作进程中当前活动的协议处理程序数。 Number of currently active protocol handlers in the worker process.
50024收到的 WAS 消息总数 Total WAS Messages Received
50025Total WAS Messages Received Total WAS Messages Received
50026工作进程从 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)收到的消息总数。 Total number of messages received by the worker process from Windows Process Activation Service (WAS).
50028发送给 WAS 的消息总数 Total Messages Sent to WAS
50029Total Messages Sent to WAS Total Messages Sent to WAS
50030工作进程发送给 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)的消息总数。 Total number of messages sent to Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) by the worker process.
50032运行状况 Ping 的答复延迟 Health Ping Reply Latency
50033Health Ping Reply Latency Health Ping Reply Latency
50034工作进程答复上一个运行状况 ping 所用的时间(以 100 纳秒为增量)。 Time, in 100 nanosecond increments, taken by worker process to reply to last health ping.
50502此计数器集为工作进程列出与 HTTP 请求处理相关的计数器。 This counter set exposes HTTP request processing related counters for the worker process.
50504服务的 HTTP 请求总数 Total HTTP Requests Served
50505Total HTTP Requests Served Total HTTP Requests Served
50506工作进程服务的 HTTP 请求总数。 Total number of HTTP requests served by the worker process.
50508每秒请求数 Requests / Sec
50509Requests / Sec Requests / Sec
50510工作进程每秒处理的 HTTP 请求数。 HTTP requests/sec being processed by the worker process.
50512活动的请求数 Active Requests
50513Active Requests Active Requests
50514工作进程处理的当前请求数。 Current number of requests being processed by the worker process.
50516线程总数 Total Threads
50517Total Threads Total Threads
50518在工作进程中可用于处理请求的线程总数。 Total number of threads available to process requests in the worker process.
50520活动线程计数 Active Threads Count
50521Active Threads Count Active Threads Count
50522在工作进程中正用于处理请求的线程数。 Number of threads actively processing requests in the worker process.
50524最大线程计数 Maximum Threads Count
50525Maximum Threads Count Maximum Threads Count
50526线程池中的线程数可根据需要增加到的最大数量。 Maximum number of threads to which the thread pool can grow as needed.
50528当前文件缓存的内存使用情况 Current File Cache Memory Usage
50529Current File Cache Memory Usage Current File Cache Memory Usage
50530用户模式文件缓存使用的当前字节数。 Current number of bytes used by user-mode file cache.
50532最大文件缓存的内存使用情况 Maximum File Cache Memory Usage
50533Maximum File Cache Memory Usage Maximum File Cache Memory Usage
50534用户模式文件缓存使用的最大字节数。 Maximum number of bytes used by user-mode file cache.
50536输出缓存的当前内存使用情况 Output Cache Current Memory Usage
50537Output Cache Current Memory Usage Output Cache Current Memory Usage
50538输出缓存使用的当前字节数。 Current number of bytes used by output cache.
50540当前缓存的文件数 Current Files Cached
50541Current Files Cached Current Files Cached
50542其内容出现在用户模式缓存中的文件的当前数量。 Current number of files whose contents are present in user-mode cache.
50544缓存的文件总数 Total Files Cached
50545Total Files Cached Total Files Cached
50546其内容曾被添加到用户模式缓存中的文件的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of files whose contents were ever added to the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50548文件缓存命中数 File Cache Hits
50549File Cache Hits File Cache Hits
50550在用户模式文件缓存中成功查找的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of successful lookups in the user-mode file cache (since service startup).
50552文件缓存未命中数 File Cache Misses
50553File Cache Misses File Cache Misses
50554在用户模式文件缓存中查找失败的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of unsuccessful lookups in the user-mode file cache (since service startup).
50556文件缓存刷新数 File Cache Flushes
50557File Cache Flushes File Cache Flushes
50558从用户模式缓存中删除的文件的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of files removed from the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50560活动的刷新项数 Active Flushed Entries
50561Active Flushed Entries Active Flushed Entries
50562在用户模式中缓存并将在所有当前传送完成时关闭的文件句柄的数量。 Number of file handles cached in user-mode that will be closed when all current transfers complete.
50564刷新文件总数 Total Flushed Files
50565Total Flushed Files Total Flushed Files
50566从用户模式缓存中删除的文件句柄的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of file handles that have been removed from the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50568当前缓存的 URI 数 Current URIs Cached
50569Current URIs Cached Current URIs Cached
50570当前用户模式缓存中的 URI 信息块。 URI information blocks currently in the user-mode cache.
50572缓存的 URI 总数 Total URIs Cached
50573Total URIs Cached Total URIs Cached
50574添加到用户模式缓存的 URI 信息块的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of URI information blocks added to the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50576URI 缓存命中数 URI Cache Hits
50577URI Cache Hits URI Cache Hits
50578在用户模式 URI 缓存中成功查找的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of successful lookups in the user-mode URI cache (since service startup).
50580URI 缓存未命中数 URI Cache Misses
50581URI Cache Misses URI Cache Misses
50582在用户模式 URI 缓存中查找失败的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of unsuccessful lookups in the user-mode URI cache (since service startup).
50584URI 缓存刷新数 URI Cache Flushes
50585URI Cache Flushes URI Cache Flushes
50586URI 缓存刷新的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of URI cache flushes (since service startup).
50588刷新的 URI 总数 Total Flushed URIs
50589Total Flushed URIs Total Flushed URIs
50590已经从用户模式缓存删除的 URI 信息块数(自服务启动后)。 The number of URI information blocks that have been removed from the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50592当前缓存的元数据数 Current Metadata Cached
50593Current Metadata Cached Current Metadata Cached
50594当前出现在用户模式缓存中的元数据信息块的数量。 Number of metadata information blocks currently present in user-mode cache.
50596缓存的元数据总数 Total Metadata Cached
50597Total Metadata Cached Total Metadata Cached
50598添加到用户模式缓存的元数据信息块的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of metadata information blocks added to the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50600元数据缓存命中数 Metadata Cache Hits
50601Metadata Cache Hits Metadata Cache Hits
50602在用户模式元数据缓存中成功查找的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of successful lookups in the user-mode metadata cache (since service startup).
50604元数据缓存未命中数 Metadata Cache Misses
50605Metadata Cache Misses Metadata Cache Misses
50606在用户模式元数据缓存中查找失败的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of unsuccessful lookups in the user-mode metadata cache (since service startup).
50608元数据缓存刷新数 Metadata Cache Flushes
50609Metadata Cache Flushes Metadata Cache Flushes
50610用户模式元数据缓存刷新的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of user-mode metadata cache flushes (since service startup).
50612刷新的元数据总数 Total Flushed Metadata
50613Total Flushed Metadata Total Flushed Metadata
50614从用户模式缓存中删除的元数据信息块的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of metadata information blocks removed from the user-mode cache (since service startup).
50616输出缓存的当前项目数 Output Cache Current Items
50617Output Cache Current Items Output Cache Current Items
50618输出缓存中当前存在的项目数。 Number of items current present in output cache.
50620输出缓存命中总数 Output Cache Total Hits
50621Output Cache Total Hits Output Cache Total Hits
50622在输出缓存中成功查找的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of successful lookups in output cache (since service startup).
50624输出缓存未命中总数 Output Cache Total Misses
50625Output Cache Total Misses Output Cache Total Misses
50626在输出缓存中查找失败的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of unsuccessful lookups in output cache (since service startup).
50628输出缓存刷新总数 Output Cache Total Flushes
50629Output Cache Total Flushes Output Cache Total Flushes
50630输出缓存刷新的总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of flushes of output cache (since service startup).
50632输出缓存的当前刷新项目数 Output Cache Current Flushed Items
50633Output Cache Current Flushed Items Output Cache Current Flushed Items
50634已从输出缓存中刷新但仍由传出的响应使用并因而占用内存的项目数。 Number of items that have been flushed from output cache but are still being used by outgoing responses so are still taking up memory.
50636输出缓存的刷新项目总数 Output Cache Total Flushed Items
50637Output Cache Total Flushed Items Output Cache Total Flushed Items
50638从输出缓存中刷新的项目总数(自服务启动后)。 Total number of items flushed from output cache (since service startup).
50640每秒文件缓存命中数 File Cache Hits / sec
50641File Cache Hits / sec File Cache Hits / sec
50642在上一个采样间隔中,在文件缓存中成功查找的比率。 Rate of successful lookups in file cache during last sample interval.
50644每秒元数据缓存命中数 Metadata Cache Hits / sec
50645Metadata Cache Hits / sec Metadata Cache Hits / sec
50646在上一个采样间隔中,在元数据缓存中成功查找的比率。 Rate of successful lookups in metadata cache during last sample interval.
50648每秒输出缓存命中数 Output Cache Hits / sec
50649Output Cache Hits / sec Output Cache Hits / sec
50650在上一个采样间隔中,在输出缓存中成功查找的比率。 Rate of successful lookups in output cache during last sample interval.
50652每秒 URI 缓存命中数 Uri Cache Hits / sec
50653Uri Cache Hits / sec Uri Cache Hits / sec
50654在上一个采样间隔中,在 URI 缓存中成功查找的比率。 Rate of successful lookups in URI cache during last sample interval.
50656每秒文件缓存未命中数 File Cache Misses / sec
50657File Cache Misses / sec File Cache Misses / sec
50658在上一个采样间隔中,在文件缓存中查找失败的比率。 Rate of unsuccessful lookups in file cache during last sample interval.
50660每秒元数据缓存未命中数 Metadata Cache Misses / sec
50661Metadata Cache Misses / sec Metadata Cache Misses / sec
50662在上一个采样间隔中,在元数据缓存中查找失败的比率。 Rate of unsuccessful lookups in metadata cache during last sample interval.
50664每秒输出缓存未命中数 Output Cache Misses / sec
50665Output Cache Misses / sec Output Cache Misses / sec
50666在上一个采样间隔中,在输出缓存中查找失败的比率。 Rate of unsuccessful lookups in output cache during last sample interval.
50668每秒 URI 缓存未命中数 Uri Cache Misses / sec
50669Uri Cache Misses / sec Uri Cache Misses / sec
50670在上一个采样间隔中,在 URI 缓存中查找失败的比率。 Rate of unsuccessful lookups in URI cache during last sample interval.
50672已发送 % 401 HTTP 响应 % 401 HTTP Response Sent
50673% 401 HTTP Response Sent % 401 HTTP Response Sent
50674由该工作进程发送的 401 HTTP 响应的百分比。 Percentage of 401 HTTP response sent by the worker process.
50676已发送 % 403 HTTP 响应 % 403 HTTP Response Sent
50677% 403 HTTP Response Sent % 403 HTTP Response Sent
50678由该工作进程发送的 403 HTTP 响应的百分比。 Percentage of 403 HTTP response sent by the worker process.
50680已发送 % 404 HTTP 响应 % 404 HTTP Response Sent
50681% 404 HTTP Response Sent % 404 HTTP Response Sent
50682由该工作进程发送的 404 HTTP 响应的百分比。 Percentage of 404 HTTP response sent by the worker process.
50684已发送 % 500 HTTP 响应 % 500 HTTP Response Sent
50685% 500 HTTP Response Sent % 500 HTTP Response Sent
50686由该工作进程发送的 500 HTTP 响应的百分比。 Percentage of 500 HTTP response sent by the worker process.
50688WebSocket 活动请求数 WebSocket Active Requests
50689WebSocket Active Requests WebSocket Active Requests
50690该工作进程当前正在处理的 WebSocket 请求数。 WebSocket requests currently being processed by the worker process.
50692WebSocket 连接尝试次数/秒 WebSocket Connection Attempts / Sec
50693WebSocket Connection Attempts / Sec WebSocket Connection Attempts / Sec
50694该工作进程每秒处理的 WebSocket 连接尝试次数。 WebSocket connection attempts/sec being processed by the worker process.
50696拒绝的 WebSocket 连接数/秒 WebSocket Connections Rejected / Sec
50697WebSocket Connections Rejected / Sec WebSocket Connections Rejected / Sec
50698该工作进程每秒拒绝的 WebSocket 连接数。 WebSocket connections rejected/sec by the worker process.
50700接受的 WebSocket 连接数/秒 WebSocket Connections Accepted / Sec
50701WebSocket Connections Accepted / Sec WebSocket Connections Accepted / Sec
50702该工作进程每秒接受的 WebSocket 连接数。 WebSocket connections accepted/sec by the worker process.
51002此计数器集公开了 IIS 应用程序池的 WAS 相关计数器。 This counter set exposes WAS related counters for IIS Application Pools.
51004当前工作进程数 Current Worker Processes
51005Current Worker Processes Current Worker Processes
51006当前正在应用程序池中运行的工作进程数。 The current number of worker processes that are running in the application pool.
51008最大工作进程数 Maximum Worker Processes
51009Maximum Worker Processes Maximum Worker Processes
51010自从启动 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)以来已为应用程序池创建的工作进程的最大数目。 The maximum number of worker processes that have been created for the application pool since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started.
51012应用程序池的总回收次数 Total Application Pool Recycles
51013Total Application Pool Recycles Total Application Pool Recycles
51014自从启动 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)以来已回收应用程序池的次数。 The number of times that the application pool has been recycled since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started.
51016应用程序池的当前运行时间 Current Application Pool Uptime
51017Current Application Pool Uptime Current Application Pool Uptime
51018应用程序池自启动以来一直运行的时间(秒)。 The length of time, in seconds, that the application pool has been running since it was started.
51020应用程序池的总运行时间 Total Application Pool Uptime
51021Total Application Pool Uptime Total Application Pool Uptime
51022自从启动 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)以来应用程序池一直运行的总时间(秒)。 The length of time, in seconds, that the application pool has been running since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started.
51024最近工作进程失败次数 Recent Worker Process Failures
51025Recent Worker Process Failures Recent Worker Process Failures
51026快速故障防护间隔期间应用程序池的工作进程失败的次数。 The number of times that worker processes for the application pool failed during the rapid-fail protection interval.
51028工作进程失败总次数 Total Worker Process Failures
51029Total Worker Process Failures Total Worker Process Failures
51030自从启动应用程序池以来工作进程崩溃的次数。 The number of times that worker processes have crashed since the application pool was started.
51032当前应用程序池状态 Current Application Pool State
51033Current Application Pool State Current Application Pool State
51034应用程序池的当前状态。(1 表示“未初始化”,2 表示“已初始化”,3 表示“正在运行”,4 表示“正在禁用”,5 表示“已禁用”,6 表示“等待关闭”,7 表示“等待删除”)。 The current status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending).
51036工作进程启动失败总次数 Total Worker Process Startup Failures
51037Total Worker Process Startup Failures Total Worker Process Startup Failures
51038Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法启动工作进程的次数。 The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to start a worker process.
51040工作进程关闭失败总次数 Total Worker Process Shutdown Failures
51041Total Worker Process Shutdown Failures Total Worker Process Shutdown Failures
51042Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法关闭工作进程的次数。 The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to shut down a worker process.
51044工作进程 Ping 操作失败总次数 Total Worker Process Ping Failures
51045Total Worker Process Ping Failures Total Worker Process Ping Failures
51046Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)未收到对发送到工作进程的 ping 消息的响应的次数。 The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not receive a response to ping messages sent to a worker process.
51048自从上次工作进程失败以来经历的时间 Time Since Last Worker Process Failure
51049Time Since Last Worker Process Failure Time Since Last Worker Process Failure
51050自从此应用程序池上次发生工作进程失败以来经历的时间(秒)。 The length of time, in seconds, since the last worker process failure occurred for the application pool.
51052已创建的工作进程总数 Total Worker Processes Created
51053Total Worker Processes Created Total Worker Processes Created
51054自从 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)启动以来为应用程序池创建的工作进程数。 The number of worker processes created for the application pool since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started.
0xC1DIISRESET.EXE (c) Microsoft Corp. 1998-2005%n%n用法:%niisreset [计算机名]%n /RESTART 停止并重新启动所有 Internet 服务。 /START 启动所有 Internet 服务。 /STOP 停止所有 Internet 服务。 /REBOOT 重新启动计算机。 /REBOOTONERROR 如果启动、停止或重新启动 Internet 服务时 发生错误,则重新启动计算机。 /NOFORCE 尝试正常停止 Internet 服务失败时 不进行强制终止。 /TIMEOUT:val 指定等待成功停止 Internet 服务的超时值(秒)。 如果指定了 /REBOOTONERROR 参数, 则超过超时期限后会重新启动计算机。 重新启动服务、停止服务和重新启动计算机的默认值 分别是 20 秒、60 秒和 0 秒。 /STATUS 显示所有 Internet 服务的状态。 /ENABLE 启用本地系统上 Internet 服务 的重新启动。 /DISABLE 禁用本地系统上 Internet 服务 的重新启动。 IISRESET.EXE (c) Microsoft Corp. 1998-2005%n%nUsage:%niisreset [computername]%n /RESTART Stop and then restart all Internet services. /START Start all Internet services. /STOP Stop all Internet services. /REBOOT Reboot the computer. /REBOOTONERROR Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting, stopping, or restarting Internet services. /NOFORCE Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if attempting to stop them gracefully fails. /TIMEOUT:val Specify the timeout value ( in seconds ) to wait for a successful stop of Internet services. On expiration of this timeout the computer can be rebooted if the /REBOOTONERROR parameter is specified. The default value is 20s for restart, 60s for stop, and 0s for reboot. /STATUS Display the status of all Internet services. /ENABLE Enable restarting of Internet Services on the local system. /DISABLE Disable restarting of Internet Services on the local system.
0xC1E%1 ( %2 )的状态: %3 Status for %1 ( %2 ) : %3
0xC1F已停止 Stopped
0xC20等待停止 Stop pending
0xC21正在运行 Running
0xC22等待继续 Continue pending
0xC23等待暂停 Pause pending
0xC26等待启动 Start pending
0xC27Internet 服务已成功启动 Internet services successfully started
0xC28Internet 服务已成功停止 Internet services successfully stopped
0xC29正在重新启动计算机 ! Rebooting !
0xC2B处理命令时出错。正在尝试重新启动服务器。 Error processing command, attempting to reboot the server.
0xC2C已禁用此计算机对 IIS 重新启动 API 的访问权限 Access to IIS restart API disabled to this computer
0xC2DInternet 服务的重新启动已启用。 Restarting of Internet Services has been enabled.
0xC2EInternet 服务的重新启动已禁用。 Restarting of Internet Services has been disabled.
0xC2FInternet 服务已成功终止 Internet services successfully killed
0xC30正在尝试终止... Attempting kill...
0xC31访问被拒绝,必须是该远程计算机的管理员才能使用此命令。请将您的用户名添加到该远程计算机的管理员本地组或者域管理员全局组中。 Access denied, you must be an administrator of the remote computer to use thiscommand. Either have your account added to the administrator local group ofthe remote computer or to the domain administrator global group.
0xC32尝试启动失败。 Start attempt failed.
0xC33尝试停止失败。 Stop attempt failed.
0xC34尝试重新启动失败。 Restart attempt failed.
0xC35尝试重新启动计算机失败。 Reboot attempt failed.
0xC36尝试终止失败。 Kill attempt failed.
0xC37正在尝试启动... Attempting start...
0xC38正在尝试停止... Attempting stop...
0xC39正在尝试重新启动计算机... Attempting reboot...
0xC3AIIS 服务或万维网发布服务,或者依赖这两种服务的某个服务未能启动。该服务或所依赖的服务可能在启动期间发生错误或者已禁用。 The IIS Admin Service or the World Wide Web Publishing Service, or a service dependent on them failed to start. The service, or dependent services, may had an error during its startup or may be disabled.
0xFA0通用 IIS 命令行管理工具。APPCMD (命令) (对象类型) 支持的对象类型: General purpose IIS command line administration tool.APPCMD (command) (object-type) Supported object types:
0xFA1(要列出每个对象支持的命令,请使用 /?,例如“appcmd.exe site /?”)常用参数:/? 显示上下文相关帮助消息。/text 以文本格式(默认)生成输出。 /text:* 在详细信息视图中显示所有对象属性。 /text: 显示每个对象的 指定特性的值。/xml 以 XML 格式生成输出。 使用此参数生成的输出可发送至 以 /in 模式运行的其他命令。/in or - 自标准输入读取和操作 XML 输入。 使用此参数可操作运行于 /xml 模式的 其他命令生成的输入。/config 显示所显示对象的配置。 /config:* 还包括继承的配置。/metadata 在显示配置时显示配置元数据。/commit 设置用于保存配置更改的配置路径。 可以指定具体的配置路径、“site”、 “app”、“parent”或“url”以保存到该命令正在编辑的 路径的适当部分,也可以设置为对应的配置级别 的“apphost”、“webroot”或“machine”。/apphostconfig 指定要编辑的替代 applicationHost.config 文件。/debug 显示命令执行的调试信息。-使用“!”以转义与常用参数同名的参数,例如“/!debug:value”设置一个名为“debug”的配置属性。 (To list commands supported by each object use /?, e.g. 'appcmd.exe site /?')General parameters:/? Display context-sensitive help message./text Generate output in text format (default). /text:* shows all object properties in detail view. /text: shows the value of the specified attribute for each object./xml Generate output in XML format. Use this to produce output that can be sent to another command running in /in mode./in or - Read and operate on XML input from standard input. Use this to operate on input produced by another command running in /xml mode./config Show configuration for displayed objects. /config:* also includes inherited configuration./metadata Show configuration metadata when displaying configuration./commit Set config path where configuration changes are saved. Can specify either a specific configuration path, \"site\", \"app\", \"parent\", or \"url\" to save to the appropriate portion of the path being edited by the command, \"apphost\", \"webroot\", or \"machine\" for the corresponding configuration level./apphostconfig Specify an alternate applicationHost.config file to edit./debug Show debugging information for command execution.Use \"!\" to escape parameters that have same names as the general parameters,like \"/!debug:value\" to set a config property named \"debug\".
0xFA2%wsAPPCMD %ws [标识符] [-参数1:值1 ...]支持的命令: %wsAPPCMD (command) %ws Supported commands:
0xFA3(要获取每个命令的帮助,请使用 /?,例如“appcmd.exe add site /?”。) (To get help for each command use /?, e.g. 'appcmd.exe add site /?'.)
0xFA4APPCMD %ws %ws [标识符] [-参数1:值1 ...] APPCMD %ws %ws
0xFA5支持的参数: Supported parameters:
0xFA6示例: Examples:
0x1194元数据库添加键。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Add Key.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x1195元数据库删除键。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Delete Key.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x1196元数据库删除子键。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Delete Child Keys.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x1197元数据库复制键。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 源路径: %4%n 目标路径: %5%n 调用方 PID: %6%n 调用方映像路径: %7%n 结果: %8%n Metabase Copy Key.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Source Path: %4%n Destination Path: %5%n Caller PID: %6%n Caller Image Path: %7%n Result: %8%n
0x1198元数据库重命名键。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 源路径: %4%n 新键名称: %5%n 调用方 PID: %6%n 调用方映像路径: %7%n 结果: %8%n Metabase Rename Key.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Source Path: %4%n New Key Name: %5%n Caller PID: %6%n Caller Image Path: %7%n Result: %8%n
0x1199元数据库设置数据。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 属性 ID: %5%n 属性名: %6%n 旧值: %7%n 新值: %8%n 调用方 PID: %9%n 调用方映像路径: %10%n 结果: %11%n Metabase Set Data.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Property ID: %5%n Property Name: %6%n Old Value: %7%n New Value: %8%n Caller PID: %9%n Caller Image Path: %10%n Result: %11%n
0x119A元数据库删除数据。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 属性 ID: %5%n 属性名: %6%n 旧值: %7%n 调用方 PID: %8%n 调用方映像路径: %9%n 结果: %10%n Metabase Delete Data.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Property ID: %5%n Property Name: %6%n Old Value: %7%n Caller PID: %8%n Caller Image Path: %9%n Result: %10%n
0x119B元数据库删除所有数据。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Delete All Data.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x119C元数据库复制数据。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 源路径: %4%n 目标路径: %5%n 调用方 PID: %6%n 调用方映像路径: %7%n 结果: %8%n Metabase Copy Data.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Source Path: %4%n Destination Path: %5%n Caller PID: %6%n Caller Image Path: %7%n Result: %8%n
0x119D元数据库设置上一次更改时间。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 路径: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Set Last Change Time.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Path: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x119E元数据库还原。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 备份的名称: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Restore.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Name of Backup: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x119F元数据库删除备份。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 备份的名称: %4%n 调用方 PID: %5%n 调用方映像路径: %6%n 结果: %7%n Metabase Delete Backup.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Name of Backup: %4%n Caller PID: %5%n Caller Image Path: %6%n Result: %7%n
0x11A0元数据库导入。%n %n 主要用户名: %1%n 主要用户域: %2%n 主要登录 ID: %3%n 源路径: %4%n 目标路径: %5%n 文件名: %6%n 调用方 PID: %7%n 调用方映像路径: %8%n 结果: %9%n Metabase Import.%n %n Primary User Name: %1%n Primary User Domain: %2%n Primary Logon ID: %3%n Source Path: %4%n Destination Path: %5%n Filename: %6%n Caller PID: %7%n Caller Image Path: %8%n Result: %9%n
0x11000038经典 Classic
0x40000075%1 服务已启动。 %1 Service started.
0x40000076%1 服务已停止。 %1 Service stopped.
0x40000077%1 服务已暂停。 %1 Service paused.
0x40000078%1 服务已恢复。 %1 Service resumed.
0x40000432Not used. Not used.
0x400008AF为了与以前版本的 IIS 兼容,从注册表将筛选器“%1”加载为全局筛选器。若要使用 Internet 服务管理器控制该筛选器,请将其从注册表中删除,然后使用 Internet 服务管理器将其作为全局筛选器添加到注册表中。在注册表中,筛选器存储在“HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3Svc\\Parameters\\Filter DLLs”下。 For compatibility with previous versions of IIS, the filter '%1' was loaded as a global filter from the registry. To control the filter with the Internet Service Manager, remove the filter from the registry and add it as a global filter with Internet Service Manager. Filters in the registry are stored at \"HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3Svc\\Parameters\\Filter DLLs\".
0x40000906为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程因不活动而被调出。应用程序池超时操作配置被设置为 %3 分钟。需要时将恢复工作进程。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' paged out due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout-action configuration was set to %3 minutes. A worker process will resume when needed.
0x40000C81从用户 %1 收到 IIS 启动命令。记录的数据为状态代码。 IIS start command received from user %1. The logged data is the status code.
0x40000C82从用户 %1 收到 IIS 停止命令。记录的数据为状态代码。 IIS stop command received from user %1. The logged data is the status code.
0x40000C83从用户 %1 收到 IIS 重新启动命令。记录的数据为状态代码。 IIS reboot command received from user %1. The logged data is the status code.
0x40000C84从用户 %1 收到 IIS 终止命令。记录的数据为状态代码。 IIS kill command received from user %1. The logged data is the status code.
0x40000C85您的计算机正被 %1 关闭。请保存任何可能丢失的工作! Your computer is being shut down by %1. Save any work that may be lost!
0x40000C86IIS 重置在停止服务时遇到一个错误,请求者为 %1。记录的数据为状态代码。由于启用了强制选项,IIS 重置将终止该服务的进程。这可能会导致 SCM 报告关于服务退出的错误。 IIS Reset encountered an error while stopping services, which was requested by %1. The logged data is the status code. Since the force option is on, IIS Reset will now terminate the services' processes. This may cause SCM to report errors about the services exiting.
0x40000FB2忽略元数据标记。 Ignoring metadata tag.
0x40000FB3输入包含错误元素,这可能表明生成输入的操作已失败。 The input contained an error element, which may indicate that the operationproducing the input has failed.
0x40000FB4已执行命令。 Executed command.
0x400013D2为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程请求了一个回收,因为该工作进程已达到其允许的处理时间限制。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit.
0x400013D3为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程请求了一个回收,因为该工作进程已达到其允许的请求限制。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' has requested a recycle because it reached its allowed request limit.
0x400013D4为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程请求了一个回收,因为该工作进程已达到其计划的回收时间。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' has requested a recycle because it reached its scheduled recycle time.
0x400013D5为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程请求了一个回收,因为该工作进程已达到其虚拟内存限制。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.
0x400013D6ISAPI 向其工作进程报告了一个不正常状态。因此,为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程请求了一个回收。 An ISAPI reported an unhealthy condition to its worker process. Therefore, the worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' has requested a recycle.
0x400013D7管理员已经请求回收应用程序池“%1”中的所有工作进程。 An administrator has requested a recycle of all worker processes in application pool '%1'.
0x400013D8由于应用程序池属性中发生了需要重新启动进程的一个或多个配置更改,为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程正在被回收。 The worker processes serving application pool '%1' are being recycled due to 1 or more configuration changes in the application pool properties which necessitate a restart of the processes.
0x400013D9由于检测到 IIS 配置存储存在可能使当前缓存的元数据无效的问题,为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程正在被回收。 The worker processes serving application pool '%1' are being recycled due to detected problems with the IIS configuration store that may make current cached metadata invalid.
0x400013DA为应用程序池“%1”提供服务并且 PID 为“%2”的工作进程被确定为处于不正常状态(参见前面的事件日志消息),但因为它附加了调试程序,Windows Process Activation Service 将忽略该错误。 A worker process with pid '%2' that serves application pool '%1' has been determined to be unhealthy (see previous event log message), but because a debugger is attached to it, the Windows Process Activation Service will ignore the error.
0x400013FD为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程请求了回收,因为该工作进程已达到其专有字节内存限制。 A worker process serving application pool '%1' has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit.
0x40001440Windows Process Activation Service 已从前面创建应用程序池“%1”时的错误中恢复。请参见先前记录的事件。 The Windows Process Activation Service recovered from a previous error creating app pool '%1'. See previously logged event(s).
0x40001441Windows Process Activation Service 已从前面创建站点“%1”时的错误中恢复。请参见先前记录的事件。 The Windows Process Activation Service recovered from a previous error creating site '%1'. See previously logged event(s).
0x40001442为应用程序池“%2”提供服务并且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程因不活动而被关闭。应用程序池超时配置被设置为 %3 分钟。需要时将启动一个新工作进程。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration was set to %3 minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
0x40001448动态闲置负载是动态闲置阈值的百分之“%1”。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)将开始减少工作进程的闲置超时。工作进程的当前数量:“%2”,当前调配总数:“%3”MB,物理内存总数:“%4”MB,当前可用物理内存:“%5”MB。 The dynamic idle load is '%1' percent of the dynamic idle threshold. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will start to reduce worker process idle timeouts. Current number of worker processes: '%2', current total commit: '%3' MB, total physical memory: '%4' MB, current physical memory free: '%5' MB.
0x4000144A动态闲置负载是动态闲置阈值的百分之“%1”。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)将工作进程的闲置超时返回给它们的配置设置。工作进程的当前数量:“%2”,当前调配总数:“%3”MB,物理内存总数:“%4”MB,当前可用物理内存:“%5”MB。 The dynamic idle load is '%1' percent of the dynamic idle threshold. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will return worker process idle timeouts to their configured settings. Current number of worker processes: '%2', current total commit: '%3' MB, total physical memory: '%4' MB, current physical memory free: '%5' MB.
0x4000144B为应用程序池“%2”提供服务且进程 ID 为“%1”的工作进程由于不活动而被关闭。系统的负载很高,因此将此工作进程的闲置超时从其原来的“%3”分钟减少到“%4”分钟。在需要时将启动新的工作进程。 A worker process with process id of '%1' serving application pool '%2' was shutdown due to inactivity. The system is under high load and has decreased the idle timeout of this worker process to '%4' minutes from its original '%3' minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
0x4000144D已在配置中禁用动态闲置。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)会将工作进程的闲置超时返回给它们的配置设置。 The dynamic idle has been disabled in configuration. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will return worker process idle timeouts to their configured settings.
0x40001455Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)已能从配置读取错误情况中恢复,并且已经成功读取了配置文件。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was able to recover from the configuration read error condition and successfully read the configuration file.
0x4000145B已使用“%2”在“%1”模式下启动 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started with '%1' mode using '%2'
0x40001B5A侦听器适配器协议“%1”正等待连接到 Windows Process Activation Service。此事件只会被记录一次。原因: 这可能是由于未启动 Windows Process Activation Service、未在 节中配置该协议或其他进程已作为侦听器适配器连接到该协议。修复: 确保 Windows Process Activation Service 正在运行,在 节中配置了该协议,并且其他进程没有作为侦听器适配器连接到该协议。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' is waiting to connect to Windows Process Activation Service. This event will only be logged once. Cause: This could be caused by either Windows Process Activation Service not being started, the protocol not being configured in section, or another process already connected as Listener Adapter for that protocol. Fix: Ensure that Windows Process Activation Service is running, the protocol is configured in the section, and that another process has not already connected as the Listener Adapter for that protocol.
0x40001B5B侦听器适配器协议“%1”已成功连接到 Windows Process Activation Service。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' successfully connected to Windows Process Activation Service.
0x4004000B收到主机 %2 上来自 %1 的匿名登录请求。 Anonymous logon request received from %1 at host %2.
0x4004000C收到主机 %2 上来自 %1 的用户登录请求。 User logon request received from %1 at host %2.
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004信息 Information
0x50000005详细 Verbose
0x80000009警告: %1。 Warning: %1.
0x80000010警告: %1,%2。 Warning: %1, %2.
0x80000011警告: %1,%2,%3。 Warning: %1, %2, %3.
0x80000012警告: %1,%2,%3,%4。 Warning: %1, %2, %3, %4.
0x80000017没有指定应用程序 %s 的默认脚本语言。使用默认设置: %s。 No Default Script Language specified for Application %s. Using default: %s.
0x80000064由于错误 %2,服务器无法登录 Windows NT 帐户“%1”。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account '%1' due to the following error: %2 The data is the error code.
0x80000065由于错误 %3,服务器无法为目录“%2”添加虚拟根目录“%1”。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to add the virtual root '%1' for the directory '%2' due to the following error: %3 The data is the error code.
0x80000071实例 %1 包含无效的绑定描述符 %2。 Instance %1 has invalid binding descriptor %2.
0x80000072实例 %1 包含无效的安全绑定描述符 %2(主机名被忽略)。 Instance %1 has invalid secure binding descriptor %2 (host name ignored).
0x800003E9未使用。 Not used.
0x800003F8万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未配置站点 %1 的日志。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure logging for site %1. The data field contains the error number.
0x800003FB万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法正确初始化性能计数器。性能计数器仍会运行,但计数器数据可能不准确。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to intialize performance counters properly. The performance counters will run, but counter data may be inaccurate. The data field contains the error number.
0x80000411“%1”“%2”未能通过属性“%3”的值域验证。配置的值“%4”在值域“%5”到“%6”之外。此值将默认为“%7”。 The '%1' '%2' failed range validation for property '%3'. The configured value '%4' is outside of the range '%5' to '%6'. The value will default to '%7'.
0x80000412在应用程序池“%1”上设置的 AppPoolCommand 属性不是有效值。该值为“%2”。它必须是 MD_APPPOOL_COMMAND_START = 1 或 MD_APPPOOL_COMMAND_STOP = 2。 The AppPoolCommand property set for application pool '%1' is not a valid value. The value is '%2'. It must be either MD_APPPOOL_COMMAND_START = 1 or MD_APPPOOL_COMMAND_STOP = 2.
0x80000413虚拟站点 %1 无效,因为万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法配置有效的站点绑定,或者不存在针对该站点的任何站点绑定。 The virtual site %1 is invalid because the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) could not configure valid site bindings or no site bindings exist for the site.
0x80000414虚拟站点 %1 无效,因为该站点的应用程序池 ID 为空。 The virtual site %1 is invalid because the application pool ID for the site is null.
0x8000042F万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法启用全局带宽限制,因为没有安装 QoS 数据包计划程序。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to enable global bandwidth throttling because QoS Packet Scheduler is not installed.
0x80000430万维网发布服务未启用站点“%1”上的带宽限制。数据字段包括错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to enable bandwidth throttling on site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0x80000431万维网发布服务未能启用全局带宽限制,因为没有安装 QoS 数据包计划程序,或者该程序未运行。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to enable global bandwidth throttling because QoS Packet Scheduler is not installed or it's not running.
0x8000046D万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)同时启用了集中二进制日志和集中 W3C 日志。由于一次只能启用一种日志,因而系统默认为采用集中 W3C 日志。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) has both centralized binary logging and centralized W3C logging enabled. Only one type of logging can be enabled at a time, so the system will default to central W3C logging.
0x80000494World Wide Web 发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为虚拟站点 %1 构造有效的 URL。因此,虚拟站点 %1 将停止。这可能是由于站点绑定中的无效字符造成的。站点绑定中不允许以下字符:“\\”、“/”、“\\\\”、“[”、“]”、“:”、“|”、“”、“+”、“=”、“;”、“,”、“?”、“*”、“%”、“#”、“@”、“{”、“}”、“^”、“`”。要修正此问题,请从站点绑定中删除无效字符。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not construct valid URLs for virtual site %1. Therefore, the virtual site %1 will be stopped. This can be caused by invalid characters in the site bindings. The following characters are not allowed in a site binding: \"\\\"\" \"/\" \"\\\\\" \"[\" \"]\" \":\" \
0x800008B2由于没有访问权限,服务器无法读取文件 %1。 The server was unable to read the file %1 due to a lack of access permissions.
0x800008B4由于进程外组件的崩溃次数超过了限制,服务器停止为应用程序“%1”的请求提供服务。 The server stop serving requests for application '%1' because the number of Out of Process component crashes exceed a limit.
0x800008B5服务器未能关闭应用程序“%1”。错误是“%2”。 The server failed to shut down application '%1'. The error was '%2'.
0x800008B6服务器无法读取文件 %1。此文件不存在。 The server was unable to read the file %1. The file does not exist.
0x800008B7服务器无法读取文件 %1。此操作返回的 Windows 32 错误是 %2。 The server was unable to read the file %1. The Windows 32 error returned from the attempt is %2.
0x800008B8服务器无法读取文件 %1。此文件的大小超过了允许的最大值 %2。 The server was unable to read the file %1. The file exceeds the maximum allowable size of %2.
0x800008B9服务器无法分配缓冲区以读取文件 %1。 The server was unable to allocate a buffer to read the file %1.
0x800008BC服务器未能加载应用程序“%1”。错误是“%2”。 The server failed to load application '%1'. The error was '%2'.
0x800008BD进程外应用程序“%1”意外终止。 Out of process application '%1' terminated unexpectedly.
0x800008C1站点“%1”达到了其 CPU 限制。未采取任何操作。 Site '%1' hit its CPU Limit. No action was taken.
0x800008C2站点“%1”达到了其 CPU 限制。此站点上所有进程的优先级都已降低为空闲级。 Site '%1' hit its CPU Limit. The priority of all process on that site has been lowered to idle class.
0x800008C3站点“%1”达到了其 CPU 限制。此站点上的所有进程都已被终止。 Site '%1' hit its CPU Limit. All processes on that site have been terminated.
0x800008C4站点“%1”达到了其 CPU 限制。此站点已暂停。 Site '%1' hit its CPU Limit. The site has been paused.
0x800008C5实例“%1”的服务器证书已过期或尚未生效。 The server certificate for instance '%1' has expired or is not yet valid.
0x800008C6实例“%1”的服务器证书已被吊销。 The server certificate for instance '%1' has been revoked.
0x800008C7服务器证书链不包括受信任的根证书。 The server certificate chain does not include a trusted root certificate.
0x800008C8服务器证书链中的某个证书包含无效签名。 A certificate in the server certificate chain has an invalid signature.
0x800008C9CPU 限制/计帐无法将工作项目排队。返回的数据为错误信息。 CPU Limits/Accounting failed to queue work item. The data is the error.
0x800008CAWorld Wide Web 发布服务(WWW 服务)无法检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书,因为关联的 IIS 配置存储数据无效。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) could not retrieve the server certificate for instance '%1' because the associated IIS configuration store data is invalid. The error is '%2'.
0x800008CB万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书,因为发生了 CryptoAPI 错误。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not retrieve the server certificate for instance '%1' because of a CryptoAPI error. The error is '%2'.
0x800008CC万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书,因为在证书存储中找不到该证书。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not retrieve the server certificate for instance '%1' because the certificate could not be found in a certificate store. The error is '%2'.
0x800008CD由于内部错误,万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not retrieve the server certificate for instance '%1' because of an internal error. The error is '%2'.
0x800008CE实例“%1”的服务器证书信任列表所关联的 IIS 配置存储数据无效,无法对其进行检索;遇到的错误是“%2”。 The server Certificate Trust List for instance '%1' had invalid IIS configuration store data associated with it and could not be retrieved; the error encountered was '%2'.
0x800008CF由于 CryptoAPI 错误,万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书信任列表。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to retrieve the server Certificate Trust List for instance '%1' because of a CryptoAPI error. The error is '%2'.
0x800008D0万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书信任列表,因为在证书存储中找不到该列表。错误为“%2”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not retrieve the server Certificate Trust List for instance '%1' because it could not be found in the certificate store. The error is '%2'.
0x800008D1由于内部错误,万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未检索到实例“%1”的服务器证书。错误为 %2。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not retrieve the server certificate for instance '%1' because of an internal error. The error is %2.
0x800008D2关机期间,服务器无法关闭与下列 URL 的客户端连接:“%1”。 The server failed to close client connections to the following URLs during shutdown: '%1'.
0x800008D6ISAPI“%1”报告它自身存在问题,原因如下:“%2”。 ISAPI '%1' reported itself as unhealthy for the following reason: '%2'.
0x800008D7ISAPI“%1”报告它自身存在问题。ISAPI 没有给出原因。 ISAPI '%1' reported itself as unhealthy. No reason was given by the ISAPI.
0x800008D8指定用于缓存所压缩内容 %1 的目录无效。将禁用静态压缩。 The directory specified for caching compressed content %1 is invalid. Static compression is being disabled.
0x800008D9IIS 子验证程序的注册表键没有在本地计算机上正确配置,将禁用匿名密码同步功能。 The registry key for IIS subauthenticator is not configured correctly on local machine, the anonymous password sync feature is disabled.
0x800008DA运行当前工作进程的帐户没有 SeTcbPrivilege 权限,将禁用匿名密码同步功能和摘要式身份验证功能。 The account that the current worker process is running under does not have SeTcbPrivilege privilege, the anonymous password sync feature and the Digest authentication feature are disabled.
0x800008E0IIS 子认证程序的注册表键没有在域控制器上正确配置,将禁用摘要功能。 The registry key for IIS subauthenticator is not configured correctly on domain controller, the Digest feature is disabled.
0x800008E1由于连接断开错误,工作进程不能访问 IIS 配置存储。正在将进程标记为运行不正常。 Worker process could not access IIS configuration store due to disconnection error. Marking process as unhealthy.
0x800008E3ETW 跟踪支持未能初始化。虽然 ETW 跟踪支持(或其中的部分)将不可用,IIS 的执行仍将继续。返回的数据为错误信息。 ETW Tracing support failed to intialize. Execution of IIS will continue although ETW Tracing support (or parts of it) will not be available. The data is the error.
0x800008EBFailedRequestTracing 模块未能创建目录“%3”。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module failed to create directory '%3'. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008EC对于与失败定义相匹配的请求,FailedRequestTracing 模块无法将其缓冲的事件写入日志文件。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log file for the request that matched failure definition. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008EDFailedRequestTracing 模块在路径“%4”上检测到无效配置。无法识别跟踪提供程序或跟踪区域名称“%3”。请在 节中检查当前受支持的列表或提供程序和区域。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module detected invalid configuration on path '%4'. Trace provider or tracing area name '%3' is not recognized. Check the section for currently supported list or providers and areas. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008EEFailedRequestTracing 模块在路径“%4”上检测到无效配置。特性“statusCode”包含无效值“%3”。有效状态的例子包括“404”或“403.1”。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module detected invalid configuration on path '%4'. Attribute \"statusCode\" contains invalid value '%3'. Examples of valid status are '404' or '403.1'. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008EFFailedRequestTracing 模型在读取配置时遇到问题。配置系统在文件 %4 中的第 %5 行上返回异常“%3”。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module encountered problem while reading configuration. Configuration system returned exception '%3' in file %4 on line %5. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008F0FailedRequestTracing 模型在读取配置时遇到问题。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module encountered problem while reading configuration. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008F1FailedRequestTracing 模块未能从目录“%3”中至少删除一个日志文件。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing Module failed to delete at least one log file from the directory '%3'. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008F2FailedRequestTracing 模块遇到运行时错误。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module encountered runtime error. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008F3FailedRequestTracing 模块在路径“%4”上检测到无效配置。 节中的特性“guid”包含无效值“%3”。在此情况得到纠正之前,不会生成任何日志。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module detected invalid configuration on path '%4'. Attribute \"guid\" in section contains invalid value '%3'. No logs will be generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008F4FailedRequestTracing 模块无法创建 XSL 文件“%3”。将不能以友好方式显示日志文件。该问题在过去 %2 分钟内至少出现 %1 次。返回的数据为错误信息。 FailedRequestTracing module failed to create XSL file '%3. Friendly rendering of log files will not be available. The problem happened at least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
0x800008FAglobalModules 列表为空。无法成功为任何请求提供服务。 The globalModules list is empty. No requests can be served successfully.
0x800008FC工作进程无法访问“%1”处的 CLR 配置文件。请验证该文件是否存在以及工作进程是否具有文件读取权限。 The worker process cannot access the CLR configuration file at '%1'. Verify that the file exists and that the worker process has read access to the file.
0x800008FD处理 HTTP 应用程序预加载事件过程中出错。依赖此事件的模块和/或应用程序可能未正确初始化。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an error during processing of the HTTP Application Preload event. Modules and/or applications relying upon this event may not have been initialized properly. The data field contains the error code.
0x800008FF在执行应用程序池“%1”的托管应用程序服务自动启动的过程中出错。可能未正确处理某些应用程序服务。请针对分配给此应用程序池的应用程序检查应用程序服务自动启动的配置。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an error during processing of the managed application service auto-start for application pool: '%1'. Some application services may not have been processed correctly. Please check the configuration for application service auto-start for the application(s) assigned to this application pool. The data field contains the error code.
0x80000901在执行应用程序池“%1”的托管应用程序服务自动启动的过程中出错。针对此应用程序池配置的 .Net Framework 不支持托管应用程序服务。因此,尚未完成任何托管应用程序服务的自动启动。若要解决此问题,请将针对此应用程序池配置的 .Net Framework 版本更改为支持托管应用程序服务的版本。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an error during processing of the managed application service auto-start for application pool: '%1'. The configured .Net Framework for this application pool doesn't support managed application services. As a result, no managed application service auto-start has been completed. To resolve this issue, please change the .Net Framework version configured for this application pool to one that supports managed application service. The data field contains the error code.
0x80000902在执行应用程序池“%1”的托管应用程序服务自动启动的过程中出错。如果将管道模式设置为“经典”模式,则不支持加载应用程序服务提供程序对象。因此,尚未完成任何托管应用程序服务的自动启动。若要解决此问题,请将此应用程序池的管道模式更改为“集成”模式。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an error during processing of the managed application service auto-start for application pool: '%1'. The loading of application service provider objects is not supported if the pipeline mode is set to 'Classic' mode. As a result, no managed application service auto-start has been completed. To resolve this issue, please change the pipeline mode for this application pool to 'Integrated' mode. The data field contains the error code.
0x80001391为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程意外终止。进程 ID 是“%2”。进程退出代码是“0x%3”。 A process serving application pool '%1' terminated unexpectedly. The process id was '%2'. The process exit code was '0x%3'.
0x80001392为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程未能响应 Ping。进程 ID 是“%2”。 A process serving application pool '%1' failed to respond to a ping. The process id was '%2'.
0x80001393为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在与 Windows Process Activation Service 通信时出现严重错误。该进程 ID 为“%2”。数据字段包含错误号。 A process serving application pool '%1' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The process id was '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001394为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在启动时超出了时间限制。该进程 ID 为“%2”。 A process serving application pool '%1' exceeded time limits during start up. The process id was '%2'.
0x80001395为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在关闭过程中超出时间限制。该进程 ID 为“%2”。 A process serving application pool '%1' exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id was '%2'.
0x80001396Windows Process Activation Service 在为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”的进程管理过程中遇到内部错误。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an internal error in its process management of worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001398万维网发布服务使用的事件 ID。 Event id used by World Wide Web Publishing Service.
0x8000139D应用程序池 %1 的标识无效。可能是为标识指定的用户名或密码不正确,或者用户不具有批登录权限。如果不更正标识,则当应用程序池接收到它的第一个请求时,应用程序池将被禁用。如果是批登录权限导致的此问题,则必须在授予权限之后更改 IIS 配置存储中的标识,然后 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)才可以重试登录。如果在处理对应用程序池的第一个请求之后标识仍然无效,应用程序池将被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The identity of application pool %1 is invalid. The user name or password that is specified for the identity may be incorrect, or the user may not have batch logon rights. If the identity is not corrected, the application pool will be disabled when the application pool receives its first request. If batch logon rights are causing the problem, the identity in the IIS configuration store must be changed after rights have been granted before Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) can retry the logon. If the identity remains invalid after the first request for the application pool is processed, the application pool will be disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0x8000139EWindows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”创建工作进程。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to create a worker process for the application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0x800013A1应用程序池“%1”超出其作业限制设置。 Application pool '%1' exceeded its job limit settings.
0x800013AF为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程报告了一个错误。进程 ID 是“%2”。数据字段包含错误号。 A process serving application pool '%1' reported a failure. The process id was '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0x800013B3虚拟站点 %1 无效,因为无法配置有效的站点绑定,或者不存在针对该站点的站点绑定。 The virtual site %1 is invalid because valid site bindings could not be configured or no site bindings exist for the site.
0x800013B6虚拟站点“%1”的服务器命令属性是无效值。该属性被设置为“%2”。它必须是下列值之一: MD_SERVER_COMMAND_START = 1 或 MD_SERVER_COMMAND_STOP = 2 或 MD_SERVER_COMMAND_PAUSE = 3 或 MD_SERVER_COMMAND_CONTINUE = 4。 The server command property for virtual site '%1' is not a valid value. It is set to '%2'. It must be one of the following: MD_SERVER_COMMAND_START = 1 or MD_SERVER_COMMAND_STOP = 2 or MD_SERVER_COMMAND_PAUSE = 3 or MD_SERVER_COMMAND_CONTINUE = 4.
0x800013B7属于站点“%1”的应用程序“%2”设置了 AppPoolId,但该属性是空的,因此该应用程序将被忽略。 The application '%2' belonging to site '%1' has an AppPoolId set, but the property is empty. Therefore, the application will be ignored.
0x800013B8属于站点“%1”的应用程序“%2”设置了无效的 AppPoolId“%3”,因此该应用程序将被忽略。 The application '%2' belonging to site '%1' has an invalid AppPoolId '%3' set. Therefore, the application will be ignored.
0x800013B9在 IIS 7 中已经弃用此消息。 This message has become deprecated in IIS 7.
0x800013BA应用程序池 ID“%1”超过长度限制,它有“%2”个字符。其字符数不能多于“%3”,因此该应用程序池将被忽略。 The application pool id '%1' exceeds length limits. It is '%2' characters and can not be more than '%3' characters. The application pool will therefore be ignored.
0x800013BB应用程序池 ID 被定义为零长度字符串。应用程序池 ID 不得是零长度字符串,因此该应用程序池将被忽略。 An application pool id was defined as a zero length string. An application pool id must not be a zero length string. The application pool will therefore be ignored.
0x800013BC应用程序“%2”属于无效站点“%1”,因此该应用程序将被忽略。 The application '%2' belongs to an invalid site '%1'. Therefore, the application will be ignored.
0x800013BF站点 %1 已被禁用,因为为站点 %2 定义的应用程序池不是有效的应用程序池。 Site %1 was disabled because the application pool defined for site %2 is not a valid application pool.
0x800013C0站点 %1 已被禁用,因为为站点定义的根应用程序无效。请参见前面的事件日志消息,了解有关根应用程序无效的原因的信息。 Site %1 was disabled because the root application defined for the site is invalid. See the previous event log message for information about why the root application is invalid.
0x800013C1应用程序池 %1 已被禁用。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) 未创建工作进程来为应用程序池提供服务,因为该应用程序池标识无效。 Application pool %1 has been disabled. Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not create a worker process to serve the application pool because the application pool identity is invalid.
0x800013C2Windows Process Activation Service 在设置应用程序池“%1”的关联性掩码时遇到问题。可能的原因: 掩码未包含此计算机上任何可用的处理器。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered a failure while setting the affinity mask of application pool '%1'. Probable cause: The mask does not contain any processors available on this machine. The data field contains the error number.
0x800013C9集中日志记录被配置为每隔“%1”字节截断其日志。由于此值必须至少为 1048576 字节(1 MB),因而将使用 1048576 字节。 Centralized logging is configured to truncate its log every '%1' bytes. Since this value must be at least 1048576 bytes ( 1 megabyte ), 1048576 bytes will be used.
0x800013CB万维网发布服务属性“%1”未能通过值域验证。配置的值“%2”在值域“%3”到“%4”之外。将使用默认值“%5”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service property '%1' failed range validation. The configured value, '%2' is outside of the range '%3' to '%4'. The default value, '%5', will be used.
0x800013CEWindows Process Activation Service 未能向应用程序池“%1”的所有工作进程发出回收请求。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to issue recycle requests to all worker processes of application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001407由于为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”向 Windows Process Activation Service 发送的数据的格式不正确,该服务已不再信任此工作进程。数据字段包含错误号。 A worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1' is no longer trusted by the Windows Process Activation Service, based on ill-formed data the worker process sent to the service. The data field contains the error number.
0x8000140CEnable32bitAppOnWin64 设置将被忽略,因为 IIS 当前正在 IIS5 兼容模式下运行。 Enable32bitAppOnWin64 setting will be ignored because IIS is currently running in IIS5 Compatibility mode.
0x80001411为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”未能在分配的时间内启动协议“%4”的侦听器通道。数据字段包含错误号。 A worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1' failed to start a listener channel for protocol '%4' in the allotted time. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001412为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”未能在分配的时间内停止协议“%4”的侦听器通道。数据字段包含错误号。 A worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1' failed to stop a listener channel for protocol '%4' in the allotted time. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001413在为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”中,协议“%4”的侦听器通道报告了侦听器通道错误。数据字段包含错误号。 A listener channel for protocol '%4' in worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1' reported a listener channel failure. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001414Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)禁用了协议 %1,因为 WAS 收到有关该协议的无效数据。要重新启用该协议,请解决问题并回收 WAS。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) disabled protocol %1 because WAS received bad data about the protocol. To re-enable the protocol, resolve the issue and recycle WAS.
0x8000141CWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)正在禁用协议 %1,因为该协议无法确认应用程序池标识中的变更。要重新启用该协议,请解决问题并回收 WAS。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is disabling protocol %1 because the protocol was unable to acknowledge a change in an application pool identity. To re-enable the protocol, resolve the issue and recycle the WAS.
0x8000141D万维网发布服务的属性“%1”的值域验证失败。配置的值“%2”无效。将使用默认值“%3”。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service property '%1' failed range validation. The configured value, '%2' is invalid. The default value, '%3', will be used.
0x80001420应用程序池“%1”具有等于或大于“%3”的 PeriodicRestart 时间值的 IdleTimeout“%2”。这意味着工作进程绝不会出现闲置超时,因为它将在达到闲置超时之前重新启动。请确认这是所要的行为,并且如果是这样,考虑通过将闲置超时设置为“0”来禁用闲置超时。 The application pool '%1' has an IdleTimeout '%2' equal to or greater than the PeriodicRestart time value of '%3'. This means that the worker process will never idle timeout, since it will restart before the idle timeout is reached. Please confirm that this is the desired behavior and if so, consider disabling the idle timeout by setting it to '0'.
0x80001421尝试查找内置 IIS_IUSRS 组时 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) 遇到错误。查看和设置 IIS_IUSRS 组的安全权限时可能存在问题。如果将旧的域中的计算机加入并提升为域控制器,则可能发生此问题。有关此问题的详细信息和解决方案,可参阅联机帮助。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered an error attempting to look up the built in IIS_IUSRS group. There may be problems in viewing and setting security permissions with the IIS_IUSRS group. This happens if the machine has been joined and promoted to be a Domain Controller in a legacy domain. Please see the online help for more information and solutions to this problem. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001422可用。 Available.
0x80001426为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的工作进程“%2”中的支持某个侦听器通道的协议“%4”的侦听器适配器无法工作。数据字段包含错误号。 A listener adapter for protocol '%4' supporting a listener channel in worker process '%2' serving application pool '%1' failed. The data field contains the error number.
0x8000142A属于站点“%1”的应用程序“%2”设置了无效的 AppRoot。它应当为“%4”,但实际为“%3”。因此,将忽略该应用程序。 The application '%2' belonging to site '%1' has an invalid AppRoot set. It should be '%4' but instead is '%3'. Therefore, the application will be ignored.
0x80001449动态闲置负载是动态闲置阈值的百分之“%1”。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)将开始大幅减少工作进程的闲置超时。工作进程的当前数量:“%2”,当前调配总数:“%3”MB,物理内存总数:“%4”MB,当前可用物理内存:“%5”MB。 The dynamic idle load is '%1' percent of the dynamic idle threshold. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will start to aggressively reduce worker process idle timeouts. Current number of worker processes: '%2', current total commit: '%3' MB, total physical memory: '%4' MB, current physical memory free: '%5' MB.
0x8000144C收到了创建新的工作进程的请求。已达到“%1”设置。在这种状况减弱之前,Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)将不会启动任何工作进程。 A request to create a new worker process has arrived. The '%1' setting has been reached. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will not start any worker processes until this drops.
0x80001451为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在预加载应用程序或加载服务的过程中报告故障。该进程 ID 为“%2”。请确保正确配置了该应用程序池中的所有应用程序预加载或服务设置。数据字段包含错误号。 A process serving application pool '%1' reported a failure during application preloading or service loading. The process id was '%2'. Please ensure that all application preload or service settings in the application pool are configured properly. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001454Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)在尝试读取配置文件时遇到错误条件。它将一直重试读取该配置,直到继续按照当前配置运行为止。文件“%3”的配置路径“%2”的特定错误为“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered an error condition attempting to read the configuration file. It will keep retrying to read the configuration. Until then, it will continue to run on the current configuration. The specific error was '%1' for configuration path '%2' for file '%3'. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001457在查询与应用程序池“%1”相关联的作业对象的信息时,该作业对象遇到错误。CPU 监视功能可能未按照预期正常工作。数据字段包含错误号。 The job object associated with application pool '%1' encountered an error during qeurying information about job object. CPU monitoring may not function as expected. The data field contains the error number.
0x80001458Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”创建调试器进程。数据字段包含错误号。请在 HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WAS\\%1 处检查注册表项 \"Debugger\" The Windows Process Activation Service failed to create a debugger process for the application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number. Check registry 'Debugger' at HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WAS\\%1
0x80001459为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在启动过程中超过时间限制。该进程的 ID 为“%2”。工作进程已配置为在调试器下启动。请在 HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WAS\\%1 处检查注册表项 \"Debugger\",查看调试器命令参数是否设置正确。 A process serving application pool '%1' exceeded time limits during start up. The process id was '%2'. The worker process was configured to start under debugger. Check registry 'Debugger' at HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WAS\\%1 to see whether debugger command arguments are set properly.
0x8000145A应用程序池“%1”占用的 CPU 时间已达到限制。 CPU time for application pool '%1' has been throttled.
0x8000145CWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法插入注册站点“%1”的数据。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to insert data for registration site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0x8000145D动态模式不支持绑定信息“%1”。需要重新启动 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)才能注册该绑定。 Binding information '%1' is unsupported with dynamic mode. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) restart is required to register that binding.
0x80001B59由于标识权限不匹配,侦听器适配器协议“%1”未能连接到 Windows Process Activation Service。原因是: 在 applicationHost.config 中为协议“%1”配置的标识与承载侦听器适配器的进程“%2”的标识不匹配。修复: 确保在 applicationHost.config 中正确配置了协议“%1”的标识。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' failed to connect to Windows Process Activation Service due to identity permissions mismatch. Cause: Configured Identity for protocol '%1' in applicationHost.config does not match identity of process '%2' hosting Listener Adapter. Fix: Ensure that the identity for protocol '%1' is configured correctly in applicationHost.config.
0x80001F41Web 管理服务由于未响应而被停止。 The Web Management Service was stopped because it did not respond.
0x80002331Application Host Helper Service 在尝试删除历史目录“%1”时遇到错误。将跳过并忽略此目录。请注意,如果该服务重新启动,此目录在将来仍可能会被删除。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to delete the history directory '%1'. The directory will be skipped and ignored. Note that the directory may still get deleted in the future if the service restarts. The data field contains the error number.
0x8004000A主机 %2 上的用户 %1 由于在 %3 秒内不活动而超时。 User %1 at host %2 has timed-out after %3 seconds of inactivity.
0x8004000D用户 %1 未能登录,无法访问主目录 %2。 User %1 failed to log on, could not access the home directory %2.
0x8004000E由于安全性发生变化,拒绝用户 %1 访问当前目录 %2。 User %1 denied access to the current directory %2 due to a security change.
0x800401F3无效的 ProgID。 Invalid ProgID.
0x80043841服务器未能在本地接口 %1 上创建至客户端的数据通道连接。FTP 数据端口 %2 可能正由其他服务或应用程序使用。 The server failed to create a data channel connection to a client on local interface: %1. The FTP data port %2 may be in use by another service or application.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Administrative Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Administrative
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Operational Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Operational
0x90000004Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Analytic
0x90000005Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Debug Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Configuration/Debug
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-FTP Microsoft-Windows-IIS-FTP
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-IisMetabaseAudit Microsoft-Windows-IIS-IisMetabaseAudit
0x93000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-IISReset Microsoft-Windows-IIS-IISReset
0x94000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-WP Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-WP
0x95000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-PerfCounters Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-PerfCounters
0x96000001Microsoft-Windows-WAS-ListenerAdapter Microsoft-Windows-WAS-ListenerAdapter
0x97000001Microsoft-Windows-WAS Microsoft-Windows-WAS
0x98000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC
0x99000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-WMSVC Microsoft-Windows-IIS-WMSVC
0x9A000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-APPHOSTSVC Microsoft-Windows-IIS-APPHOSTSVC
0x9B000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3LOGSVC Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3LOGSVC
0x9C000001Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Logging Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Logging
0x9C000002Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Logging/Logs Microsoft-Windows-IIS-Logging/Logs
0xB0000003“%3”的高速缓存节点已添加到高速缓存中。 A cache node for '%3' has been added to cache.
0xB0000007配置高速缓存正在处理“%1”的更改通知。 Configuration cache is handling change notification for '%1'.
0xB0000008配置高速缓存正在轮询“%1”处的更改。 Configuration cache is polling for changes at '%1'.
0xB0000009配置高速缓存正在丢弃配置路径为“%1”或其子路径的所有配置文件。 Configuration cache is discarding all config files whose configuration path is equal to or a subpath of '%1'.
0xB000000A发生错误: %4 An error has occurred: %4
0xB000000C找不到配置节“%4”的架构。将忽略此节。 Unable to find schema for config section '%4'. This section will be ignored.
0xB000000D正在分析配置文件“%2”。 Parsing config file '%2'.
0xB000000EMACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST 配置重定向已启用。重定向的物理路径为“%1”。 MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST configuration redirection has been enabled. The redirected physical path is '%1'.
0xB000000F正在尝试打开文件或目录“%2”。 Attempting to open file or directory '%2'.
0xB0000010已创建模拟令牌(其中含有“%1\\%2”的凭据的句柄“%4”)。 An impersonation token with handle '%4' for the credentials of '%1\\%2' has been created.
0xB0000011已创建用于监视“%3”中的更改的文件更改通知监视器。 File change notification monitor that watches for changes in '%3' has been created.
0xB0000012用于监视“%3”中的更改的文件更改通知监视器已经阻止等待文件更改。 File change notification monitor that watches for changes in '%3' has blocked waiting for file changes.
0xB0000013用于监视“%3”中的更改的文件更改通知监视器收到了更改通知。 File change notification monitor that watches for changes in '%3' received a change notification.
0xB0000014用于监视“%3”中的更改的文件更改通知监视器正在处理通知的更改。 File change notification monitor that watches for changes in '%3' is processing notified changes.
0xB0000015用于监视“%3”中的更改的文件更改通知监视器已损坏。 File change notification monitor that watches for changes in '%3' has been destroyed.
0xB0000017正在向“%2”类型的更改侦听器通知“%3”处的配置更改。 A change listener of type '%2' is being informed about a configuration change at '%3'.
0xB0000018枚举架构文件时,在架构目录中检测到文件“%1”。 During schema file enumeration, the file '%1' was detected in the schema directory.
0xB0000019虚拟路径“%1”已映射到物理路径“%2”。 The virtual path '%1' has been mapped to the physical path '%2'.
0xB000001B配置系统对象的“%6”元数据已设置为“%7”。 The '%6' metadata of a configuration system object was set to '%7'.
0xB000001C线程正在模拟句柄“%2”的存取令牌。 Thread is impersonating an access token belonging to handle '%2'.
0xB000001D已成功执行对“%2”处的“%4”所做的更改。 Changes to '%4' at '%2' have successfully been committed.
0xB000001E未能执行对“%2”处的“%4”所做的更改。 Failed to commit changes to '%4' at '%2'.
0xB0000021无法在“%1”中找到 IIS_Schema.xml。 Unable to locate IIS_Schema.xml in '%1'.
0xB0000024句柄“%2”已复制到“%3” Handle '%2' duplicated to '%3'
0xB0000025无法找到 SiteName 为“%1”的站点。 Unable to locate a site with SiteName '%1'.
0xB0000026无法找到 SiteId 为“%1”的站点。 Unable to locate a site with SiteId '%1'.
0xB0000027SiteId“%1”已分配给多个站点。请更改配置,使分配给每个站点的 SiteId 保持唯一。 The SiteId '%1' has been assigned to more than one site. Please change your configuration such that each site is assigned a unique SiteId.
0xB0000028SiteName“%1”已分配给多个站点。请更改配置,使分配给每个站点的 SiteName 保持唯一。 The SiteName '%1' has been assigned to more than one site. Please change your configuration such that each site is assigned a unique SiteName.
0xB0000029尝试写入“%1”的动态配置时,未能实例化“%3”。可能未注册此 COM 组件。 Failed to instantiate '%3' when attempting to populate dynamic configuration for '%1'. This COM component may not be registered.
0xB000002A未能初始化“%1”中的“%3”加密提供程序。请检查您的配置。 Failed to initialize the '%3' encryption provider in '%1'. Please check your configuration.
0xB000002B未能对属性“%4”进行加密。 Failed to encrypt attribute '%4'.
0xB000002C未能对属性“%4”进行解密。 Failed to decrypt attribute '%4'.
0xB000002D无法将“%1”映射到任何已知虚拟目录的子路径。 Unable to map '%1' to the subpath of any known virtual directory.
0xB000002E已创建从“%4”至“%5”的虚拟目录映射。 Virtual directory mapping from '%4' to '%5' created.
0xB000002F配置路径为“%1”的配置文件的位置已映射到“%2”。 The location of the configuration file whose config path is '%1' was mapped to '%2'.
0xB0000031将要加载在“%2”中指定的配置“%6”的配置/子源文件。 Config/child source file for configuration '%6' specified in '%2' is being loaded.
0xB0000032已成功将更改提交到“%1”。 Changes have successfully been committed to '%1'.
0xB0000033未能对“%2”进行更改,因为磁盘上的文件已更改。 Failed to commit changes to '%2' because file on the disk has been changed.
0xB0000034在检查磁盘上的文件“%2”是否已更改时返回了“%9”。 Checking whether file '%2' has changed on the disk returned '%9'.
0xB0000035无法为虚拟目录 /system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='%1']/application[@path='%2']/virtualDirectory[@path='%3'] 创建路径映射,因为已为另一个虚拟目录创建了相对虚拟路径映射“%5”。 Unable to create a path mapping for the virtual directory, /system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='%1']/application[@path='%2']/virtualDirectory[@path='%3'] because the mapping with the relative virtual path, '%5' was already created for another virtual directory.
0xB0000036已初始化提交操作。 A commit operation has been initiated.
0xB0000037提交操作已完成。状态代码为“%1”。 A commit operation has completed. The status code is: '%1'.
0xB0000038已创建提交操作的内核事务。 A kernel transaction for a commit operation has been created.
0xB0000039无法创建该提交操作的内核事务。提交操作将在没有内核事务的情况下进行。 Failed to create a kernel transaction for the commit operation. The commit operation will proceed without a kernel transaction.
0xB000003A已通过内核事务成功地进行了更改。 Changes have successfully been committed with a kernel transaction.
0xB000003B无法通过内核事务进行更改。将恢复这些更改。 Failed to commit the changes with a kernel transaction. The changes will be reverted.
0xB000003C已初始化提交操作中的文件写入操作。 A file write operation in a commit operation has been initiated.
0xB000003D无法清除文件“%2”的内容。将再尝试进行“%4”次该操作。 The contents of the file '%2' could not be erased. The operation will be tried '%4' more time(s).
0xB000003E已成功清除文件“%2”的内容。文件大小现在为零。 The contents of the file '%2' have successfully been erased. The size of the file is now zero.
0xB000003F无法写入文件“%2”的新内容。 The new contents of the file '%2' could not be written to.
0xB0000040提交操作中的文件写入操作已完成。状态代码为“%1”。 A file write operation in a commit operation has completed. The status code is: '%1'.
0xB0000041已向“%2”类型的更改侦听器通知“%3”处的配置更改。 A change listener of type '%2' has been informed about a configuration change at '%3'.
0xBC001838date %2 time %3 s-sitename %6 s-computername %7 s-ip %8 cs-method %9 cs-uri-stem %10 cs-uri-query %11 s-port %17 cs-username %5 c-ip %4 cs-version %21 cs(User-Agent) %18 cs(Cookie) %19 cs(Referer) %20 cs-host %22 sc-status %12 sc-substatus %23 sc-win32-status %13 sc-bytes %14 cs-bytes %15 time-taken %16 %24 date %2 time %3 s-sitename %6 s-computername %7 s-ip %8 cs-method %9 cs-uri-stem %10 cs-uri-query %11 s-port %17 cs-username %5 c-ip %4 cs-version %21 cs(User-Agent) %18 cs(Cookie) %19 cs(Referer) %20 cs-host %22 sc-status %12 sc-substatus %23 sc-win32-status %13 sc-bytes %14 cs-bytes %15 time-taken %16 %24
0xC0000005错误: %1。 Error: %1.
0xC0000006错误: %1,%2。 Error: %1, %2.
0xC0000007错误: %1,%2,%3。 Error: %1, %2, %3.
0xC0000008错误: %1,%2,%3,%4。 Error: %1, %2, %3, %4.
0xC0000013未能创建 ASP 会话,因为激活 COM+ 分区 %1 时访问被拒绝。 Failed to create an ASP Session due to Access Denied when activating COM+ Partition %1.
0xC0000014未能创建 ASP 应用程序 %1,因为 COM+ 分区 ID 无效或缺失。 Failed to create ASP Application %1 due to invalid or missing COM+ Partition ID.
0xC0000015未能检索 ASP 应用程序 %1 的匿名用户令牌。将不执行 Global.ASA OnEnd 例程。 Failed to retrieve the Anonymous User Token for ASP Application %1. Global.ASA OnEnd routines will not be executed.
0xC0000016未能模拟 ASP 应用程序 %1 的匿名用户。将不执行 Global.ASA OnEnd 例程。 Failed to impersonate the Anonymous User for ASP Application %1. Global.ASA OnEnd routines will not be executed.
0xC0000066由于错误 %1,服务器无法加载用于 SQL 日志纪录的 ODBC32.DLL。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to load ODBC32.DLL for sql logging due to the following error: %1 The data is the error code.
0xC0000067服务器无法使用用户名 %3 打开 ODBC 数据源 %1,表: %2。ODBC 错误是: %4。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error code.
0xC0000068为日志指定的参数太长。字段: %1;提供的数据: %2。 The parameters specified for logging are too long. Field: %1; Data Given: %2.
0xC0000069服务器无法注册管理工具发现信息。管理工具可能找不到此服务器。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to register the administration tool discovery information. The administration tool may not be able to see this server. The data is the error code.
0xC000006A未能创建 InetLog 上下文。返回的数据是错误代码。 The Creation of InetLog Context failed. The data is the error code.
0xC000006B未能记录日志信息。可能由于配置不正确而从未创建日志对象。 Logging information failed. The log object was never created possibly due to wrong configuration.
0xC000006C服务器找不到日志文件目录 %1。返回的数据是错误代码。 The server was unable to find the log file directory %1. The data is the error code.
0xC000006D由于写入日志记录时出错,服务器已挂起日志请求。返回的数据是错误代码。错误代码文本是: %1。 The server has suspended request logging because an error occurred writing a log record. The data is the error code. The error code text is: %1.
0xC000006E服务器已恢复日志请求。 The server has resumed request logging.
0xC000006F服务无法初始化套接字库。返回的数据是错误代码。 The service could not initialize the socket library. The data is the error code.
0xC0000070服务找不到模块 %1。返回的数据是错误代码。 The service could not find module %1. The data is the error code.
0xC0000073服务无法绑定实例 %1。返回的数据是错误代码。 The service could not bind instance %1. The data is the error code.
0xC0000074无法打开服务元数据库路径“%1”。返回的数据是错误代码。 The service metabase path '%1' could not be opened. The data is the error code.
0xC00001F4文件 %s 的 UNC 访问失败,错误 = %d UNC Access failed for file - %s with the error = %d
0xC00003EB万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。URL 可能无效。该站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. The URL may be invalid. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003EC万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。该站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003ED由于遇到错误,万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)正在停止。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) is stopping because it encountered an error. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003EF万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。所需的网络绑定可能已被使用。该站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. The necessary network binding may already be in use. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003FA万维网发布服务无法初始化性能计数器。此服务将在没有性能计数器的情况下运行。请重新启动万维网发布服务以重新初始化性能计数器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service was not able to initialize performance counters. The service will run without the performance counters. Please restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service to reinitialize the performance counters. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003FC万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法正确配置 HTTP.SYS 控制通道属性“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to configure the HTTP.SYS control channel property '%1' properly. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00003FFNot Used. Not Used.
0xC0000402万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)在尝试保护 HTTP.sys 中的应用程序池 %1 的句柄时遇到错误。请编辑应用程序池的标识信息,以便 WWW 服务能够重新保护应用程序池的句柄。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) encountered an error when it tried to secure the handle of application pool %1 from HTTP.sys. Edit the identification information for the application pool so that the WWW Service can secure the handle of the application pool again. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000403应用程序池 %1 已被禁用。启用应用程序池的 HTTP.SYS 请求失败。数据包含错误号。 Application pool %1 has been disabled. The HTTP.sys request to enable the application pool failed. The data contains the error number.
0xC0000405万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %1 中的应用程序配置绑定。该站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure bindings for an application in site %1. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000408万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %1 配置日志属性。站点日志文件目录路径可能是映射的网络路径。IIS 不支持使用映射的网络路径作为站点的日志文件目录。请改用 UNC 路径。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure logging properties for site %1. The site's log file directory path may be a mapped network path. Using a mapped network path as the site's log file directory is not supported by IIS. Use a UNC path instead.
0xC0000409万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %1 配置日志属性。该站点的日志文件目录可能包含无效的计算机名或共享名。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure the logging properties for site %1. The site's log file directory may contain an invalid computer or share name.
0xC000040A万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %1 配置日志属性。服务器可能无权访问该站点的日志文件目录。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure the logging properties for site %1. The server does not have permission to access the site's log file directory.
0xC000040B万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %1 配置日志属性。该站点的日志文件目录不是完全限定目录,可能是因为缺少驱动器号或其他重要信息。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure the logging properties for site %1. The site's log file directory is not fully qualified, which may be because it is missing the drive letter or other important information.
0xC000040D万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)的 HTTP 控制通道未打开。数据字段包含错误号。 The HTTP control channel for the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not open. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000426万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能配置 HTTP 控制通道的日志属性。“启用日志”为“%1”。“日志文件目录”为“%2”。“日志间隔”为“%3”。“日志截断大小”为“%4”。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to configure the logging properties for the HTTP control channel. Logging Enabled is '%1'. Log File Directory is '%2'. Log Period is '%3'. Log Truncate Size is '%4'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000043BHTTP.SYS 向万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)提供了不一致的站点性能计数器数据。因此,WWW 服务将忽略这些数据。 HTTP.SYS provided inconsistent site performance counter data to the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service), so the WWW Service will ignore the data.
0xC000043C应用程序池 %1 未被禁用。禁用应用程序池的 HTTP.SYS 请求失败。数据包含错误号。 Application pool %1 was not disabled. The HTTP.sys request to disable the application pool failed. The data contains the error number.
0xC000043E万维网发布服务未能正确配置应用程序池“%1”上的负载平衡器能力。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to properly configure the load balancer capabilities on application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000043F万维网发布服务未能正确配置应用程序池“%1”上的应用程序池队列长度。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to properly configure the application pool queue length on app pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000441万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有针对应用程序池 %1 向 HTTP.SYS 发出启动要求。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not issue a demand start to HTTP.sys for application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000447万维网发布服务未能删除站点“%2”中应用程序“%1”的配置组。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to delete the config group for the application '%1' in site '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000448万维网发布服务未能移除虚拟站点“%2”中的应用程序“%1”的 URL。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to remove the urls for the application '%1' in virtual site '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000449万维网发布服务未能为站点“%2”中应用程序 “%1”设置应用程序池。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to set the application pool for the application '%1' in site '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000044A万维网发布服务未能设置虚拟站点“%1”的最大连接数。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to set the max connections for the virtual site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000044B万维网发布服务未能设置虚拟站点“%1”的连接超时。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service failed to set the connection timeout for the virtual site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000455万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能设置控制通道的筛选器配置。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to set the filter configuration for the control channel. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000460万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能从 HTTP.SYS 获得缓存计数器。对于此次数据收集,报告的性能计数器不包括来自 HTTP.SYS 的性能计数器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to obtain cache counters from HTTP.SYS. The performance counters that were reported do not include performance counters for this gathering from HTTP.SYS. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000461万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能从 HTTP.SYS 获得站点性能计数器。对于此次数据收集,报告的性能计数器不包括来自 HTTP.SYS 的性能计数器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to obtain site performance counters from HTTP.SYS. The performance counters that were reported do not include counters for this gathering from HTTP.SYS. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000462万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能发布它从 HTTP.SYS 收集的性能计数器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to publish the performance counters that it gathered from HTTP.SYS. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000463万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能取消用于收集性能计数器的计时器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to cancel the timer for gathering performance counters. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000464万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能取消性能计数器计时器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to cancel the timer for the performance counter. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000465万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能启动用于收集性能计数器的计时器。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to start the timer for gathering performance counters. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000466World Wide Web 发布服务(WWW 服务)未能复制更改通知来进行处理。因此,此服务可能与 IIS 配置存储中的当前数据不同步。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to copy a change notification for processing, so the service may not be in sync with data currently in the IIS configuration store. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000468万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能初始化 ASP 性能计数器。此服务将在没有 ASP 性能计数器的情况下运行。请重新启动 WWW 服务以启动 ASP 性能计数器收集。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to initialize ASP performance counters. The service will run without ASP performance counters. Restart the WWW Service to start ASP performance counter gathering. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000469万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。未能创建此站点的 IP 地址的网络终结点,或者 HTTP.sys 的 IP 侦听列表不包含任何可用的 IP 地址。该站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. Either the network endpoint for the site's IP address could not be created or the IP listen list for HTTP.sys did not have any usable IP addresses. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000046A万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。此站点的 IP 地址不在 HTTP.sys 的 IP 侦听列表中。此站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. The IP address for the site is not in the HTTP.sys IP listen list. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000046B万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有为站点 %2 注册 URL 前缀 %1。HTTP.sys 需要侦听的端口过多。此站点已被禁用。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix %1 for site %2. HTTP.sys has been configured to listen to too many ports. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000046E万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能正确配置集中 W3C 日志。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to configure centralized W3C logging properly. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000046F万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)未能配置 HTTP 控制通道上的集中 W3C 日志属性。“启用日志”为“%1”。“日志文件目录”为“%2”。“日志间隔”为“%3”。“日志截断大小”为“%4”。“日志扩展文件标志”为“%5”。“本地时间滚动更新”为“%6”。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to configure the centralized W3C logging properties on the HTTP control channel. Logging Enabled is '%1'. Log File Directory is '%2'. Log Period is '%3'. Log Truncate Size is '%4'. Log Ext File Flags is '%5'. Local Time Rollover is '%6'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000490万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有在 %1 与站点 %3 中的应用程序 %2 之间建立联系。由于 WWW 服务无法通知 HTTP.sys 有关此应用程序的信息,该站点将被停止。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not create a relationship between %1 and application %2 in site %3. The site will be stopped because the WWW Service cannot notify HTTP.sys about the application. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000495万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)没有初始化 HTTP 驱动程序,因此无法启动。请确认 HTTP 服务处于可执行状态。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not initialize the HTTP driver, and was unable start. Please verify that the HTTP service is in an executable state. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000496World Wide Web 发布服务(WWW 服务)未能为站点 %1 创建绑定字符串。请验证站点绑定(%2)的格式是否正确,并且未包含任何无效字符。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to create binding string for site %1. Please verify that site binding (%2) is in correct format and do not contain any invalid characters.
0xC0000497World Wide Web 发布服务(WWW 服务)未能为 HTTP 控制通道启用端点共享。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to enable end point sharing for the HTTP control channel. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000498万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法启动动态站点注册处理程序。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to start dynamic site registration handler. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0000499万维网发布服务(WWW 服务)无法从配置更改更新动态站点注册处理程序。数据字段包含错误号。 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) failed to update dynamic site registration handler from configuration change. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00007D0无法查询 W3SVC (HTTP)服务性能数据。服务返回的错误代码是数据 DWORD 0。 Unable to query the W3SVC (HTTP) service performance data. The error code returned by the service is data DWORD 0.
0xC00007D1刷新 W3SVC 计数器耗时太长,将改用旧的计数器。 It has taken too long to refresh the W3SVC counters, the stale counters are being used instead.
0xC00007D2设置 Web 服务计数器失败,请确保 Web Service 计数器已正确注册。 Setting up Web Service counters failed, please make sure your Web Service counters are registered correctly.
0xC00007D3刷新 W3SVC 计数器的时间过长,改用旧计数器。这是过去 %1(小时、分钟、秒)内的第二条消息。在时间限制到期之前,不会为此客户端会话记录更多旧计数器消息。%n有关此消息的其他特定信息,请访问 Microsoft 联机支持网站 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=538。 It has taken too long to refresh the W3SVC counters, the stale counters are being used instead. This is the second message within the past %1 (hours, minutes, seconds). No more stale counter messages will be logged for this client session until the time limit expires. %nFor additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=538.
0xC0000899HTTP 服务器无法初始化其安全性设置。返回的数据为错误信息。 HTTP Server could not initialize its security. The data is the error.
0xC000089BHTTP 服务器无法初始化套接字库。返回的数据为错误信息。 HTTP Server could not initialize the socket library. The data is the error.
0xC000089C由于可用内存不足,HTTP 服务器无法初始化。返回的数据为错误信息。 HTTP Server was unable to initialize due to a shortage of available memory. The data is the error.
0xC000089EHTTP 服务器无法创建主连接套接字。返回的数据为错误信息。 HTTP Server could not create the main connection socket. The data is the error.
0xC00008A0HTTP 服务器无法为主机 %1 上的用户创建客户端连接对象。与此用户的连接已终止。返回的数据为错误信息。 HTTP Server could not create a client connection object for user at host %1. The connection to this user is terminated. The data is the error.
0xC00008A6HTTP 筛选器 DLL %1 加载失败。返回的数据为错误信息。 The HTTP Filter DLL %1 failed to load. The data is the error.
0xC00008A8在配置的超时期限内,从 URL“%1”启动的脚本没有响应。HTTP 服务器正在终止此脚本。 The script started from the URL '%1' has not responded within the configured timeout period. The HTTP server is terminating the script.
0xC00008AAHTTP 服务器在处理服务器端的包含文件“%1”时出错。错误是“%2”。 The HTTP server encountered an error processing the server side include file '%1'.The error was '%2'.
0xC00008ABHTTP 服务器在处理 ISAPI 应用程序“%1”时遇到未经处理的异常。 The HTTP server encountered an unhandled exception while processing the ISAPI Application '%1'.
0xC00008ACHTTP 服务器无法加载 ISAPI 应用程序“%1”。返回的数据为错误信息。 The HTTP server was unable to load the ISAPI Application '%1'. The data is the error.
0xC00008AD服务器端包含文件包含其自身或者超出了服务器端包含所允许的最大深度。 A server side include file has included itself or the maximum depth of server side includes has been exceeded.
0xC00008B3服务器无法获得用于 SSL 连接的许可证。 The server was unable to acquire a license for a SSL connection.
0xC00008BE作业对象查询失败。返回的数据为错误信息。 Job object query failed. The data is the error.
0xC00008BF作业对象限制设置失败。返回的数据为错误信息。 Job object set limit failed. The data is the error.
0xC00008C0为 CPU 记帐或限制计划工作项时失败。返回的数据为错误信息。 Schedule a work item for CPU Accounting or Limits failed. The data is the error.
0xC00008D3位于“%2”的 COM 应用程序“%1”未能在进程外激活。 The COM Application '%1' at '%2' failed to activate out of process.
0xC00008D5试图加载筛选器“%1”,但需要 SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA 筛选器通知,而此 IIS 版本不支持该通知。 An attempt was made to load filter '%1' but it requires the SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA filter notification and this notification is not supported in this IIS version.
0xC00008DC无法加载站点“%1”的所有 ISAPI 筛选器,因此站点的启动被中止。 Could not load all ISAPI filters for site '%1'. Therefore site startup aborted.
0xC00008DD在要求开始处理 http 请求时,应用程序池“%1”的工作进程(PID=“%2”)未能初始化 http.sys 通信,因此 W3SVC 将其视为错误并终止。数据字段包含错误号。 The worker process for app pool '%1', PID='%2', failed to initialize the http.sys communication when asked to start processing http requests and therefore will be considered ill by W3SVC and terminated. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00008DE未能加载站点 %1 的 IIS 客户端证书映射配置。数据字段包含错误号。 IIS Client certificate mapping configuration for site %1 failed to be loaded. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00008DF不能为站点 %1 初始化日志纪录模块。因此,此站点将不能正常运行。 Could not initialize the logging module for site %1. The site will therefore be non-functional.
0xC00008E2由于配置问题,无法加载 ISAPI 筛选器“%1”。当前配置仅支持加载为 %2 处理器架构构建的映像。数据字段包含错误号。要了解有关此问题的更多信息,包括如何解决这类处理器架构不匹配错误,请参见 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=29349。 ISAPI Filter '%1' could not be loaded due to a configuration problem. The current configuration only supports loading images built for a %2 processor architecture. The data field contains the error number. To learn more about this issue, including how to troubleshooting this kind of processor architecture mismatch error, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=29349.
0xC00008E4工作进程未能正确初始化,因而无法启动。返回的数据为错误信息。 The worker process failed to initialize correctly and therefore could not be started. The data is the error.
0xC00008E8模块 DLL %1 未能加载。返回的数据为错误信息。 The Module DLL %1 failed to load. The data is the error.
0xC00008E9工作进程未能初始化与 W3SVC 的通信,因而无法启动。返回的数据为错误信息。 The worker process failed to initialize communication with the W3SVC and therefore could not be started. The data is the error.
0xC00008EA由于配置问题,无法加载模块 DLL“%1”。当前配置仅支持加载为 %2 处理器架构构建的映像。数据字段包含错误号。要了解有关此问题的更多信息,包括如何解决这类处理器架构不匹配错误,请参见 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=29349。 The Module DLL '%1' could not be loaded due to a configuration problem. The current configuration only supports loading images built for a %2 processor architecture. The data field contains the error number. To learn more about this issue, including how to troubleshooting this kind of processor architecture mismatch error, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=29349.
0xC00008F5模块名 %1(路径 %2)在注册过程中返回一个错误。返回的数据为错误信息。 The Module name %1 path %2 returned an error from registration. The data is the error.
0xC00008F6工作进程未能预加载 .Net 运行时版本 %1。 The worker process failed to pre-load .Net Runtime version %1.
0xC00008F7未能在模块 DLL %1 中找到 RegisterModule 入口点。返回的数据为错误信息。 Failed to find the RegisterModule entrypoint in the module DLL %1. The data is the error.
0xC00008F8模块名“%1”(路径“%2”)具有无效的前提条件“%3”。 The Module name '%1' path '%2' has an invalid precondition '%3'.
0xC00008F9应用程序池“%1”的工作进程在尝试从文件“%3”的第“%4”行读取全局模块配置数据时出现错误“%2”。工作进程的启动被中止。 The worker process for application pool '%1' encountered an error '%2' trying to read global module configuration data from file '%3', line number '%4'. Worker process startup aborted.
0xC00008FB应用程序报告它运行不正常。工作进程现在将请求回收。给出的原因: %1。数据出错。 An application has reported as being unhealthy. The worker process will now request a recycle. Reason given: %1. The data is the error.
0xC00008FE在针对配置路径“%1”执行托管应用程序服务自动启动的过程中出错。返回的错误消息为:“%2”。工作进程将标记为非正常状态,并且将会关闭。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an error during processing of the managed application service auto-start for configuration path: '%1'. The error message returned is: '%2'. The worker process will be marked unhealthy and be shutdown. The data field contains the error code.
0xC0000900在加载托管的运行时版本“%1”过程中出错。托管的运行时加载器“%2”无法加载托管的运行时。数据字段包含错误代码。 There was an unexpected error during the loading of managed runtime version: '%1'. The managed runtime loader '%2' was unable to load the managed runtime. The data field contains the error code.
0xC0000903应用程序池“%1”的工作进程在尝试从文件“%3”的第“%4”行读取配置数据时遇到错误“%2”。数据字段包含错误代码。 The worker process for application pool '%1' encountered an error '%2' trying to read configuration data from file '%3', line number '%4'. The data field contains the error code.
0xC0000904ID 为“%2”的工作进程中的 loghttp 模块无法获取 ID 为“%1”的请求的自定义日志数据。数据字段包含错误代码。 The loghttp module in the worker process with id '%2' could not obtain custom log data for '%1' requests. The data field contains the error code.
0xC0000905ID 为“%2”的工作进程中的 loghttp 模块删除了 W3C 日志记录服务未声明的“%1”请求的自定义日志数据。 The loghttp module in the worker process with id '%2' removed custom log data for '%1' request(s) which was not claimed by the W3C Logging Service.
0xC00009C5处理 SSI 文件时出错 Error processing SSI file
0xC00009C6无效的 SSI 标记 Invalid SSI Tag
0xC00009C7不能执行 flastmod(): Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Cannot perform flastmod(): Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009C8不能执行 fsize(): Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Cannot perform fsize(): Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009C9无法找到变量“%1!.40s!” Variable '%1!.40s!' cannot be found
0xC00009CA无法计算变量“%1!.40s!” Variable '%1!.40s!' cannot be evaluated
0xC00009CB不支持 SSI 功能 SSI feature not supported
0xC00009CC处理 SSI 文件时出错: Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Error handling SSI File : Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009CD未能处理 SSI 文件 Failed to process SSI file
0xC00009CE未能执行 CMD: Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Failed to execute CMD : Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009CF未能执行 CGI: Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009D0未能执行 ISAPI 扩展: Win32 错误代码 = %2!.20s! Failed to execute ISAPI extension : Win32 Error Code = %2!.20s!
0xC00009D1无法对文件执行 #EXEC 操作,因为没有“执行”权限 Cannot #EXEC file due to lack of EXECUTE permission
0xC00009D2不能处理文件,因为访问被拒绝 Cannot process file due to access denied
0xC00009D4没有为 #EXEC 调用启用 CMD 选项 The CMD option is not enabled for #EXEC calls
0xC00009D5已为此虚拟路径禁用了 #EXEC 调用 #EXEC calls have been disabled for this virtual path
0xC00009D6存在一个递归的 #INCLUDE 链 There is a recursive #INCLUDE chain
0xC00009D7未能执行脚本: Http 状态代码 = %2!.20s! Failed to execute script: Http Status Code = %2!.20s!
0xC0000A2A刚填写的表格需要填写 %1 项。请填写该项后再提交表格。 The form you just filled in requires the %1 entry to be filled in. Please fill in that entry in the form and resubmit the form.
0xC0000A2B不能打开查询文件。文件可能不存在,或者您没有足够权限打开文件。 The query file could not be opened. The file may not exist or you may have insufficient permission to open the file.
0xC0000A2D模板文件包含 else 标记,此标记没有与其匹配的 if 标记。 The template file contains an else tag without a matching if tag.
0xC0000A2E模板文件包含 endif 标记,此标记没有与其匹配的 if 标记。 The template file contains an endif tag without a matching if tag.
0xC0000A2F模板文件包含使用不同类型参数的表达式。例如,如果 if 标记将数字与字符串进行比较,便会导致此错误。 The template file contains an expression with parameters that are of different type. For example, an if tag comparing a string with a number would cause this error.
0xC0000A30模板文件包含了使用 CONTAINS 运算符的一个表达式,此表达式的两个参数中有一个参数或全部两个参数不是字符串。CONTAINS 仅对字符串值有效。 The template file contains an expression using the CONTAINS operator where one or both parameters are not strings. CONTAINS is only valid with string values.
0xC0000A31模板文件包含一个使用带引号字符串的表达式,但该字符串缺少右引号。 The template file contains an expression that uses a quoted string but the close quote is missing.
0xC0000A32模板文件包含一个使用了不可识别的运算符的表达式。有效运算符是 GT、LT、EQ 和 CONTAINS。 The template file contains an expression with an unrecognized operator. Valid operators are GT, LT, EQ and CONTAINS.
0xC0000A33查询文件包含不可识别的字段 %1。 The query file contains an unrecognized field %1.
0xC0000A34查询文件必须包含一个有效且非空的 Datasource: 字段和 SQLStatement: 字段。 The query file must contain a valid, non-empty Datasource: field and SQLStatement: field.
0xC0000A35Content-type: text/html不能显示此页无法加载库 odbc32.dll 以执行查询。 请确认 ODBC 已在服务器上正确安装。 Content-type: text/htmlThe page cannot be displayedThe library odbc32.dll could not be loaded to perform the query. Make sure ODBC has been properly installed on the server.
0xC0000A37Content-type: text/html不能显示此页执行查询时出现错误。%1 Content-type: text/htmlThe page cannot be displayedError performing query.%1
0xC0000A38超出了 IDC 文件中 SQLStatement 字段的最大数目。 The maximum number of SQLStatement fields in the IDC file has been exceeded.
0xC0000A8C配置文件“%1”不包含根 标记 Configuration file '%1' does not contain a root tag
0xC0000A8D配置文件的 XML 格式不正确 Configuration file is not well-formed XML
0xC0000A8E只允许一个 元素。它必须是根 元素的第一个子元素 Only one element allowed. It must be the first child element of the root element
0xC0000A8F无法识别的元素“%1” Unrecognized element '%1'
0xC0000A90无法识别的特性“%1” Unrecognized attribute '%1'
0xC0000A91“%1”特性必须是以下值之一: %2 The '%1' attribute must be one of the following values: %2
0xC0000A92必须在“%2”标记上指定“%1”特性 The '%1' attribute must be specfied on the '%2' tag
0xC0000A93定义了重复的“%1”节 There is a duplicate '%1' section defined
0xC0000A94定义了重复的“%1”节组 There is a duplicate '%1' section group defined
0xC0000A95无法读取配置节“%1”,因为它缺少节声明 The configuration section '%1' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration
0xC0000A96分析架构文件时出错: %1 Error parsing the schema file: %1
0xC0000A97缺少必需的特性“%1” Missing required attribute '%1'
0xC0000A98无法添加重复的集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry
0xC0000A99已经设置了特性“%1” Attribute '%1' has already been set
0xC0000A9A已经定义了配置元素“%1” Configuration element '%1' already defined
0xC0000A9B不能在此路径中使用此配置节。如果在父级别上锁定了该节,便会出现这种情况。锁定是默认设置的(overrideModeDefault=\"Deny\"),或者是通过包含 overrideMode=\"Deny\" 或旧有的 allowOverride=\"false\" 的位置标记明确设置的。 This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault=\"Deny\"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode=\"Deny\" or the legacy allowOverride=\"false\".
0xC0000A9C已经定义了配置节“%1”。节在每个配置文件中只能出现一次。请参见帮助主题 以了解异常情况 Config section '%1' already defined. Sections must only appear once per config file. See the help topic for exceptions
0xC0000A9D字符串值不能是空字符串 String value must not be empty string
0xC0000A9E时间跨度值必须在 %1 和 %2 秒之间。其粒度必须是 %3 秒 Timespan value must be between %1 and %2 seconds. Its granularity must be %3 seconds
0xC0000A9F整数值必须在 %1 和 %2 之间 Integer value must be between %1 and %2
0xC0000AA0每个配置文件的 节路径特性必须是唯一的 section path attributes must be unique per config file
0xC0000AA1lockAttributes 包含未知特性“%1” lockAttributes contains unknown attribute '%1'
0xC0000AA2只能指定“lockAttributes”/“lockAllAttributesExcept”中的一个 Only one of 'lockAttributes'/'lockAllAttributesExcept' must be specified
0xC0000AA3lockAllAttributesExcept 未包含任何已知特性 lockAllAttributesExcept contains no known attributes
0xC0000AA4lockElements 包含未知元素“%1” lockElements contains unknown element '%1'
0xC0000AA5只能指定“lockElements”/“lockAllElementsExcept”中的一个 Only one of 'lockElements'/'lockAllElementsExcept' must be specified
0xC0000AA6锁定冲突 Lock violation
0xC0000AA7lockItem 必须为 true 或 false lockItem must be either true/false
0xC0000AA9 元素只能包含 element can only contain
0xC0000AAA不能有重复的提供程序名 Can not have duplicate provider names
0xC0000AAB加密提供程序必须指定“name”特性 Encryption provider must specify 'name' attribute
0xC0000AAC加密提供程序必须指定“type”特性 Encryption provider must specify 'type' attribute
0xC0000AAD未能解密特性“%1” Failed to decrypt attribute '%1'
0xC0000AAE位置路径包含无效字符 Location path contains invalid characters
0xC0000AAF找不到匹配的虚拟目录 Can not find matching virtual directory
0xC0000AB0无法使用虚拟目录密码作为用户 %2 在本地登录到 %1 Can not log on locally to %1 as user %2 with virtual directory password
0xC0000AB1 标记中不允许有配置节 Configuration section not allowed in a tag
0xC0000AB2不允许在应用程序之下设置配置节 Configuration section not allowed to be set below application
0xC0000AB3只能在 ApplicationHost.config 中设置配置节 Configuration section can only be set in ApplicationHost.config
0xC0000AB4无法识别的配置路径“%1” Unrecognized configuration path '%1'
0xC0000AB5时间跨度的格式必须是 [-][d.]hh:mm:ss[.ff] Timespan must be of form [-][d.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]
0xC0000AB6不是有效的整数 Not a valid integer
0xC0000AB7布尔值必须是“true”或“false” Boolean must be either 'true' or 'false'
0xC0000AB8“%1”特性无效。%2 The '%1' attribute is invalid. %2
0xC0000AB9枚举值必须是 %1 中的一个 Enum must be one of %1
0xC0000ABA标志必须是 %1 的某种组合 Flags must be some combination of %1
0xC0000ABB时间跨度值必须在 %1 和 %2 秒之间(含),粒度为 %3 秒 Timespan value must be between %1 and %2 seconds inclusive, with a granularity of %3 seconds
0xC0000ABC整数值必须在 %1 和 %2 之间(含) Integer value must be between %1 and %2 inclusive
0xC0000ABD字符串不能为空 String must not be empty
0xC0000ABEconfigSource 必须单独存在于某个元素中 configSource must exist alone in an element
0xC0000ABF元素中不允许有 configSource configSource not allowed in element
0xC0000AC0无法分析指定的 configSource Specified configSource cannot be parsed
0xC0000AC1只能在空元素中指定 configSource configSource must only be specified at an empty element
0xC0000AC2元素缺少所需的特性 %1 Element is missing required attributes %1
0xC0000AC3只能指定一个锁定指令(allowOverride 或 overrideMode) Must specify only one lockdown directive ('allowOverride' or 'overrideMode')
0xC0000AC4位置路径以无效字符结束 Location path ends with an invalid character
0xC0000AC5无法读取配置文件 Cannot read configuration file
0xC0000AC6字符串值不能以空格开始或结束 String value must not start or end with white space
0xC0000AC7不能覆盖 defaultProvider Cannot overwrite defaultProvider
0xC0000AC8无效的应用程序池名称 Invalid application pool name
0xC0000AC9无效的站点名称 Invalid site name
0xC0000ACA缺少必需的元素“%1” Missing required element '%1'
0xC0000ACB无效的节名称“%1” Invalid section name '%1'
0xC0000ACClockAllElementsExcept 不包含任何已知元素 lockAllElementsExcept contains no known elements
0xC0000ACD文件名: %1行号: %2错误: %3 Filename: %1Line number: %2Error: %3
0xC0000ACE特性“%1”是必需的,不能被锁定。 The attribute '%1' is required and cannot be locked.
0xC0000ACF整数值不能在 %1 和 %2 之间(含) Integer value must not be between %1 and %2 inclusive
0xC0000AD0时间跨度值不能在 %1 和 %2 秒之间(含),粒度为 %3 秒 Timespan value must not be between %1 and %2 seconds inclusive, with a granularity of %3 seconds
0xC0000AD1无效的应用程序路径 Invalid application path
0xC0000AD2无效的虚拟目录路径 Invalid virtual directory path
0xC0000AD3需要元素“%1” Expected element '%1'
0xC0000AD4无法在具有多元素架构的集合中覆盖 %1 行为 Cannot overwrite %1 behavior in collections with multiple element schemas
0xC0000AD5此集合不允许使用集合默认值 Collection defaults not allowed for this collection
0xC0000AD6已经为此集合指定了添加/移除/清除元素“%1” Add/remove/clear element '%1' already specified for this collection
0xC0000AD7找不到集合的 defaultElement Could not find collection's defaultElement
0xC0000AD8验证参数“%1”无效 Validation parameter '%1' is invalid
0xC0000AD9无法指定“%1”和“%2” Both '%1' and '%2' can not be specified
0xC0000ADA“%1”的架构已存在 Schema for '%1' already exists
0xC0000ADB未能打开架构文件“%1” Failed to open schema file '%1'
0xC0000ADC只能在 machine.config 中设置配置节 Configuration section can only be set in machine.config
0xC0000ADD只能在 machine.config 或根 web.config 中设置配置节 Configuration section can only be set in machine.config or root web.config
0xC0000ADE不是有效的无符号整数 Not a valid unsigned integer
0xC0000ADF由于权限不足而无法读取配置文件 Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
0xC0000AE0未定义宏“%1” Macro '%1' is not defined
0xC0000AE1只能指定一个“%1”元素 Only one '%1' element must be specified
0xC0000AE2给定的属性没有合适的默认值 No suitable default for given attribute
0xC0000AE3不能在此路径修改此配置节,因为在父虚拟目录上设置了 allowSubDirConfig=\"false\" This configuration section cannot be modified at this path because allowSubDirConfig=\"false\" is set on the parent virtual directory
0xC0000AE4无法读取配置文件,因为它超过了最大文件大小 Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size
0xC0000AE5未能解密属性“%1”,因为密钥集不存在 Failed to decrypt attribute '%1' because the keyset does not exist
0xC0000AE6在唯一密钥属性“%2”设置为“%3”时,无法添加类型为“%1”的重复集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type '%1' with unique key attribute '%2' set to '%3'
0xC0000AE7在唯一密钥属性“%2”分别设置为“%3”时,无法添加类型为“%1”的重复集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type '%1' with unique key attributes '%2' respectively set to '%3'
0xC0000AE8在组合的密钥属性“%2”分别设置为“%3”时,无法添加类型为“%1”的重复集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type '%1' with combined key attributes '%2' respectively set to '%3'
0xC0000AE9在唯一密钥属性“%2”设置为“%3”,并且组合的密钥属性“%4”分别设置为“%5”时,无法添加类型为“%1”的重复集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type '%1' with unique key attribute '%2' set to '%3' and combined key attributes '%4' respectively set to '%5'
0xC0000AEA在唯一密钥属性“%2”分别设置为“%3”,并且组合的密钥属性“%4”分别设置为“%5”时,无法添加类型为“%1”的重复集合项 Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type '%1' with unique key attributes '%2' respectively set to '%3' and combined key attributes '%4' respectively set to '%5'
0xC0000AEBchildSource 配置文件的根元素不能有任何属性 The root element of a childSource configuration file cannot have any attributes
0xC0000AEC定义了重复的标志名称“%1” There is a duplicate flag name '%1' defined
0xC0000AED定义了重复的枚举名称“%1” There is a duplicate enumeration name '%1' defined
0xC0000AEE属性“%1”不是集合元素的一部分。因此,“%2”不能是“true” Attribute '%1' is not part of a collection element. Therefore '%2' cannot be 'true'
0xC0000AEF不支持配置节的加密 Configuration section encryption is not supported
0xC0000AF0无法读取配置节“%1”,因为它缺少架构 The configuration section '%1' cannot be read because it is missing schema
0xC0000AF1无法用 redirection.config 密码作为用户 %2 在本地登录到 %1 Can not log on locally to %1 as user %2 with redirection.config password
0xC0000AF2无法读取配置文件,因为找不到网络路径 Cannot read configuration file because the network path is not found
0xC0000AF3无法提交配置更改,因为文件已在磁盘上更改 Cannot commit configuration changes because the file has changed on disk
0xC0000AF4无法修改此配置节,因为它已经以只读访问方式打开 This configuration section cannot be modified because it has been opened for read only access
0xC0000AF5由于权限不足而无法写入配置文件 Cannot write configuration file due to insufficient permissions
0xC0000AF6文件名: %1错误: %2 Filename: %1Error: %2
0xC0000AF7无法写入配置文件 Cannot write configuration file
0xC0000AF8validationType“%1”无效 Invalid validationType '%1'
0xC0000FA8未能处理输入。 Failed to process input.
0xC0000FA9未能初始化 COM 子系统(HRESULT=%%08x)。 Failed to initialize the COM subsystem (HRESULT=%%08x).
0xC0000FAA未能获得可执行文件句柄(HRESULT=%%08x)。 Failed to obtain the executable handle (HRESULT=%%08x).
0xC0000FAB未能初始化命令处理器: %%ws (HRESULT=%%08x)。 Failed to initialize command processor: %%ws (HRESULT=%%08x).
0xC0000FAC请指定一个对象。运行“appcmd.exe”可显示受支持的对象。 Please specify an object. Run 'appcmd.exe' to display supported objects.
0xC0000FAD不支持对象“%ws”。运行“appcmd.exe /?”可显示受支持的对象。 Object '%ws' is not supported. Run 'appcmd.exe /?' to display supported objects.
0xC0000FAE命令“%ws”在对象“%ws”上不受支持。请运行“appcmd.exe %ws /?”显示支持的命令。 Command '%ws' is not supported on object '%ws'. Run 'appcmd.exe %ws /?'to display supported commands.
0xC0000FAF未能设置命令处理器(HRESULT=%%08x)。 Failed to setup command processor (HRESULT=%%08x).
0xC0000FB0未能获得输出筛选器。 Failed to obtain output filters.
0xC0000FB1未能获得命令的输入: %0 Failed to obtain input for command: %0
0xC0000FB5命令执行失败。 Command execution failed.
0xC0000FB6未能生成项目输出。 Failed to generate item output.
0xC0000FB7未能提交配置更改。 Failed to commit configuration changes.
0xC0000FB8未能处理输入: %%ws (HRESULT=%%08x)。 Failed to process input: %%ws (HRESULT=%%08x).
0xC0000FB9参数“%1”必须以 / 或 - 开头%0 The parameter '%1' must begin with a / or -%0
0xC0000FBA使用 /xml 或 /config 时不允许使用 /text 参数%0 The /text parameter is not allowed when using /xml or /config%0
0xC0000FBB参数过多,无法显示%0 Too many parameters to display%0
0xC0000FBC未知的工具参数“%1”%0 Unknown tool parameter '%1'%0
0xC0000FBD无效的 XML 输入 - 请确保 XML 格式正确,并遵循所需的格式%0 Invalid XML input - please make sure that your XML is well-formed and follows the required format%0
0xC0000FBE(必需)%0 (required)%0
0xC0000FBF已传递重复的参数: %1 Duplicate parameters passed: %1
0xC000138A应用程序池“%1”将被自动禁用,原因是为此应用程序池提供服务的进程中出现一系列错误。 Application pool '%1' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.
0xC000138DWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)因为遇到错误而正在停止。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) is stopping because it encountered an error. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000138EWAS_NOT_USED_5006 WAS_NOT_USED_5006
0xC0001397为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程是孤立的,但无法执行指定的孤立操作 %2。数据字段包含错误号。 A process serving application pool '%1' was orphaned but the specified orphan action %2 could not be executed. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013A0虚拟站点“%1”被配置为每隔“%2”字节截断其日志。由于此值必须至少为 1048576 字节(1 MB),因而将使用 1048576 字节。 Virtual site '%1' is configured to truncate its log every '%2' bytes. Since this value must be at least 1048576 bytes ( 1 megabyte ), 1048576 bytes will be used.
0xC00013A4Windows Process Activation Service 未能将工作进程“%1”添加到表示应用程序池“%2”的作业对象。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to add the worker process '%1' to the job object representing application pool '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013A6Windows Process Activation Service 意外终止,并且系统未配置为重新启动。Windows Process Activation Service 已关闭。 Windows Process Activation Service terminated unexpectedly and the system was not configured to restart it. The Windows Process Activation Service has shut down.
0xC00013ACWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)的配置管理器未初始化。数据字段包含错误号。 The configuration manager for Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not initialize. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013BDWindows Process Activation Service 收到一个更改通知,但无法正确处理它。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service received a change notification, but was unable to process it correctly. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013BEWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有针对应用程序池 %1 运行自动关闭可执行文件 %2。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not run the automatic shutdown executable %2 for application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013C3应用程序池 %1 已被禁用。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)在启动为该应用程序池提供服务的工作进程时失败。 Application pool %1 has been disabled. Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered a failure when it started a worker process to serve the application pool.
0xC00013C4配置过程中,与应用程序池“%1”相关联的作业对象遇到一个错误。CPU 监视功能可能未按照预期正常工作。数据字段包含错误号。 The job object associated with application pool '%1' encountered an error during configuration. CPU monitoring may not function as expected. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013C5附加到应用程序池“%1”的作业对象未能启动其计时器。应用程序池的 CPU 使用情况将受到监视,并且最终将达到限制并报告错误。数据字段包含错误号。 The job object attached to application pool '%1' failed to start its timer. The application pool's CPU usage is being monitored and will eventually reach the limit and report a failure. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013C7Windows Process Activation Service 在请求 IIS 配置存储更改通知时遇到问题。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered a failure requesting IIS configuration store change notifications. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013C8在从意外终止的 inetinfo 进行恢复的过程中,Windows Process Activation Service 在请求 IIS 配置存储更改通知时遇到问题。虽然 Windows Process Activation Service 将继续运行,但很有可能它不再使用当前的元数据库数据。请重新启动 Windows Process Activation Service 以纠正这种情况。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered a failure requesting IIS configuration store change notifications during recovery from inetinfo terminating unexpectedly. While the Windows Process Activation Service will continue to run, it is highly probable that it is no longer using current metabase data. Please restart the Windows Process Activation Service to correct this condition. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013CAWindows Process Activation Service 在尝试配置集中日志记录时出现错误。未能按预期方式进行配置。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error attempting to configure centralized logging. It is not configured as expected. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013DDWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有将配置更改应用到应用程序池 %1。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not apply configuration changes to application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013E0Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”正确配置作业对象。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to properly configure the job object for application pool '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013E3Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有针对应用程序池 %1 运行自动关闭可执行文件。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not run the automatic shutdown executable for application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013E4Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”的工作进程“%2”发出请求以提供其性能计数器。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to issue a request for the worker process '%2' of application pool '%1' to supply its performance counters. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013E5Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”的工作进程“%2”重叠回收。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to overlap recycle for application pool '%1' worker process '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013E6Windows Process Activation Service 未能取消应用程序“%1”与虚拟站点“%2”之间的关联。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to disassociate the application '%1' from the virtual site '%2'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013ECWindows Process Activation Service 未能在站点“%1”中创建应用程序“%2”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to create the application '%2' in site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013EDWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有创建应用程序池 %1。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not create application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013EEWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有创建站点 %1。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not create site %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013EFWindows Process Activation Service 未能删除站点“%1”中的应用程序“%2”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to delete the application '%2' in site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013F0Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有删除应用程序池 %1。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not delete application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013F1Windows Process Activation Service 未能删除站点“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to delete site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013F2Windows Process Activation Service 未能修改站点“%1”中的应用程序“%2”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to modify the application '%2' in site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013F3Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有修改应用程序池 %1。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not modify application pool %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013F4Windows Process Activation Service 未能修改站点“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to modify site '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC00013FE从 inetinfo 进程的意外终止恢复后,Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有标识需要从元数据缓存中删除的记录。数据字段包含错误号。 After recovering from an unexpected termination of the inetinfo process, Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not identify records that require deletion from the metadata cache. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001410Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法注册协议 %1。协议 %1 的侦听器适配器可能未接收到有关该协议的所有应用程序池和应用程序的信息。要解决此问题,请重新启动侦听器适配器。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was unable to register protocol %1. The listener adapter for protocol %1 may not have received information about all application pools and applications for this protocol. To resolve this issue, restart the listener adapter. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001416Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)在尝试确定协议 %1 的侦听器适配器标识的正确安全识别符(SID)时遇到错误。由于此错误,该服务将无法允许侦听器适配器进行连接。要解决此问题,请在配置文件中检查和/或修改此协议的标识值。WAS 无法确定协议 %1 的侦听器适配器标识的 SID。此错误将使侦听器适配器无法连接。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) encountered an error trying to determine the correct security identifier (SID) for the listener adapter identity for protocol %1. Because of this error, the service will not be able to allow the listener adapter to connect. To fix this, check and/or modify the identity value for this protocol in the configuration file. WAS was unable to determine the SID for the listener adapter identity for protocol %1. This error will prevent the listener adapter from connecting.
0xC0001417Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)未处理影响站点 %1 的受支持协议的更改。由于系统无法保证发往此站点的所有消息都得到处理,因此该站点将被停止。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not process changes that affect supported protocols for site %1. The site will be stopped because the system is unable to guarantee that all messages intended for the site will be processed. The data field contains the error number
0xC0001418应用程序池 %1 已被禁用。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法启用应用程序池 %1,因为 WAS 发送到协议 %2 的请求失败。数据字段包含错误号。 Application pool %1 has been disabled. Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was unable to enable application pool %1, because the request that WAS sent to protocol %2 failed. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001419应用程序池 %1 未被禁用。来自协议 %2 的禁用应用程序池的请求失败。请重新启动该应用程序池,以便 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)能够确定该协议的正确状态。数据字段包含错误号。 Application pool %1 was not be disabled. The request from protocol %2 to disable the application pool failed. Restart the application pool so that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) can determine the correct state of the protocol. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000141A应用程序池 %1 已被禁用。来自协议 %2 的创建应用程序池的请求失败。请重新启动该应用程序池,以便 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)能够确定该协议的正确状态。数据字段包含错误号。 Application pool %1 has been disabled. The request from protocol %2 to create the application pool failed. Restart the application pool so that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) can determine the correct state of the protocol. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000141BWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)禁用了协议 %1,因为该协议无法确认应用程序池标识中的变更。要重新启用该协议,请解决问题并回收 WAS。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) disabled protocol %1 because the protocol was unable to acknowledge a change in an application pool identity. To re-enable the protocol, resolve the issue and recycle WAS.
0xC000141E针对协议 %1 的配置虚拟站点 %2 中的应用程序 %3 的请求失败。该虚拟站点将被禁用,因为该协议无法配置该应用程序。数据字段包含错误号。 The request for protocol %1 to configure application %3 in virtual site %2 failed. The virtual site will be disabled because the protocol cannot configure the application. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000141FWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)未向协议 %1 发送删除虚拟站点 %2 中的应用程序 %3 的配置的请求。WAS 将假定该协议已被禁用。为保证状态,请启动并停止虚拟站点。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not send a request to protocol %1 to remove configuration for application %3 in virtual site %2. WAS will assume that the protocol is disabled. To guarantee the state, start and stop the virtual site. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001427Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有注册协议 %1,因为当存在来自该协议的上一侦听器适配器连接的侦听器通道时,WAS 无法注册协议。这可能是由于具有在调试程序下运行的工作进程并且未开启孤立功能造成的。在此情况下,WAS 能够检测到侦听器适配器的停止,但不能终止包含侦听器通道的进程。由于该原因,WAS 必须等待管理员终止这些进程,然后才能连接新的适配器。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not register protocol %1, because WAS cannot register a protocol when there are listener channels from a previous listener adapter connection for the protocol. This may occur because you have worker processes running under debuggers and because orphaning may not be turned on. In this condition, WAS can detect the stop of a listener adapter, but it cannot kill the processes that contain listener channels. For this reason, WAS must wait for an admin to end these processes before a new listener adapter can connect. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001428Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”和协议“%2”创建内部协议应用程序池对象。需要此应用程序池协议组合的应用程序的虚拟站点将被禁用(参见下一条消息)。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service failed to create the internal protocol app pool object for app pool '%1' and protocol '%2'. The virtual site of the application needing this app pool protocol combination will be disabled (see next message). The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001429站点 %1 未定义根应用程序,因此该站点将被忽略。 Site %1 has no root application defined, so the site will be ignored.
0xC000142BWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法确定应用程序池 %1 中工作进程标识的安全标识符(SID)。WAS 将无法向侦听器适配器提供正确的标识,这可能会阻止应用程序池中的工作进程处理针对此协议的请求。要解决此问题,请将工作进程标识更改为一个新标识,然后再将其改回先前的标识。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was unable to determine the security identifier (SID) for the worker process identity in application pool %1. WAS will be unable to provide the correct identity to listener adapters, which may prevent the worker process or processes in the application pool from processing requests for this protocol. To resolve this issue, change the worker process identity to a new identity and then change it back to the previous identity. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000142CWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法通知协议 %2 有关应用程序池 %1 的标识更改。这可能会阻止应用程序池中的工作进程处理针对此协议的请求。要解决此问题,请将工作进程标识更改为一个新标识,然后再将其改回先前的标识。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was unable to notify protocol %2 about an identity change for application pool %1. This may prevent the worker process or processes in the application pool from processing requests for this protocol. To resolve this issue, change the worker process identity to a new identity and then change it back to the previous identity. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000142DWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有通知协议 %1 启用请求处理。对此协议的请求可能会被拒绝。如果在 WAS 启动过程中发生此错误,该服务将无法启动。要解决此问题,请重新启动 WAS。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not notify protocol %1 to enable request processing. Requests made to this protocol may be rejected. If this error occurred when WAS was starting, the service will not start. To resolve this issue, restart WAS. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000142FWindows Process Activation Service 在尝试跟踪属于应用程序池“%2”的工作进程“%1”时出错。这将导致此工作进程不会显示在枚举所有工作进程的全局查询中。它还会禁止客户端直接创建 WORKER_PROCESS 对象以监视此工作进程。客户端可以通过查询此进程所属的应用程序池中的所有工作进程来找到此工作进程。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to track worker process '%1' that belongs to app pool '%2'. This will result in this worker process not showing up in global queries enumerating all worker processes. It will also disable clients from being able to directly create a WORKER_PROCESS object to monitor this worker process. A client can see find this worker process by querying all worker processes in the app pool that this process belongs to. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001431Windows Process Activation Service 无法处理侦听器适配器“%1”的配置信息。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service couldn't process configuration information for listener adapter '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001432Windows Process Activation Service 未能处理配置信息以删除侦听器适配器“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to process configuration information to delete listener adapter '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001433Windows Process Activation Service 在为侦听器适配器“%1”设置标识时出现错误。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service had an error setting the identity for listener adapter '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001434Windows Process Activation Service 在尝试从文件“%1”中的第“%2”行读取配置数据时出现错误。错误信息为:“%3”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data from file '%1', line number '%2'. The error message is: '%3'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001435Windows Process Activation Service 在从文件“%2”中的第“%3”行为配置节“%1”读取配置数据时出现错误。错误信息为:“%4”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data for config section '%1' from file '%2', line number '%3'. The error message is: '%4'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001436“%1”“%2”的属性“%3”的值无效。配置值“%4”无效。此值将默认为“%5”。 The '%1' '%2' has an invalid value for property '%3'. The configured value '%4' is invalid. The value will default to '%5'.
0xC0001437为“%1”协议提供服务的侦听器适配器意外断开。 The listener adapter serving the '%1' protocol disconnected unexpectedly.
0xC0001439Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)没有在协议 %1 与属于站点 %3 的应用程序 %2 之间建立联系。因此,此协议的侦听器适配器将不会被告知有关此应用程序的信息。要解决此问题,请重新启动 WAS。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not create a relationship between protocol %1 and application %2, which belongs to site %3. The listener adapter for this protocol will not be notified about this application. To resolve this issue, restart WAS. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000143A尝试注册协议“%1”,但协议“%1”正由其他侦听器适配器处理,因此注册被拒绝。数据字段包含错误号。 An attempt was made to register protocol '%1', however protocol '%1' is all ready being handled by another listener adapter. Therefore the registration was rejected. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000143B配置节点“%1”的属性“%2”的值无效。配置值“%3”无效。此值将默认为“%4”。 The config node '%1' has an invalid value for property '%2'. The configured value '%3' is invalid. The value will default to '%4'.
0xC000143C配置节点“%1”的属性“%2”的值无效。配置值“%3”无效。此值将默认为“%4”。有效值为:“%5”。 The config node '%1' has an invalid value for property '%2'. The configured value '%3' is invalid. The value will default to '%4'. Valid values are: '%5'.
0xC000143D属性“enabledProtocols”中不允许使用“HTTPS”协议。如果希望启用 HTTPS,必须将 HTTP 指定为协议。数据字段包含错误号。 The protocol 'HTTPS' is not allowed in the property \"enabledProtocols\". If you wish to enable HTTPS, you must specify HTTP as the protocol. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000143E没有为可承载的 Web 核心实例配置任何虚拟站点。数据字段包含错误号。 No virtual sites have been configured for the hostable web core instance. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000143F可承载的 Web 核心实例只允许一个应用程序池。数据字段包含错误号。 Only one application pool is allowed for the hostable web core instance. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001443Windows Process Activation Service 无法使用空白名称“%1”创建侦听器适配器。请为您的侦听器适配器协议提供一个名称。数据字段包含错误号。 Windows Process Activation Service was unable to create a listener adapter with a blank name '%1'. Please provide a name for your listener adapter protocol. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001444为临时应用程序池配置文件指定的目录丢失,或无法由 Windows Process Activation Service 访问。请指定现有的目录,和/或确保它有正确的访问标志。数据字段包含错误号。 The directory specified for the temporary application pool config files is either missing or is not accessible by the Windows Process Activation Service. Please specify an existing directory and/or ensure that it has proper access flags. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001445Windows Process Activation Service 未能为应用程序池“%1”生成应用程序池配置文件。错误类型为“%2”。要解决此问题,请确保 applicationhost.config 文件正确,并重新提交上次所做的配置更改。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file for application pool '%1'. The error type is '%2'. To resolve this issue, please ensure that the applicationhost.config file is correct and recommit the last configuration changes made. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001446Windows Process Activation Service 在为应用程序池“%1”进行 SID 映射的过程中遇到了错误。此应用程序池将被禁用。如果有多个应用程序池名称映射到同一 SID,通常会发生此问题。要解决此问题,请更改应用程序池的名称,然后重新提交配置更改。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service has encountered an error during the SID mapping for the application pool '%1'. The application pool will be disabled. This typically happens if there are more than one application pool name that maps to the same SID. To resolve this issue, please change the name of the app pool and recommit the configuration changes. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001447为临时应用程序池配置文件指定的目录是 UNC 路径,这是不允许的。请改为指定现有的本地目录。数据字段包含错误号。 The directory specified for the temporary application pool config files is a UNC path, which is not allowed. Please specify an existing local directory instead. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000144E应用程序池“%1”已启用 32 位工作进程,但未找到 SysWOW64 支持。Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)将禁用此应用程序池。要解决此问题,请禁用以 32 位工作进程运行,或者请安装 SysWOW64 支持。数据字段包含错误号。 The application pool '%1' has enabled 32-bit worker processes, but no SysWOW64 support has been found. The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will disable the application pool. To resolve this issue, either disable running as 32-bit worker processes or install the SysWOW64 support. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000144F应用程序池“%1”的标识类型是管理员所不允许的。请与系统管理员联系,以便允许应用程序池以当前标识运行,或者将此应用程序池的标识更改为其他类型。 Application pool '%1' has identity type which is not allowed by the administrator. Contact system administrator to allow application pool to run as current identity or change the identity of the application pool to something else.
0xC0001450系统不允许应用程序池以 LocalSystem 运行。WAS 尝试以应用程序池标识对应用程序池“%2”运行孤立操作“%1”,但却失败。请与系统管理员联系,以允许应用程序池以 LocalSystem 运行,或验证此应用程序池的标识有权运行孤立操作。 System doesn't allow application pools to run as LocalSystem. WAS tried to run orphan action '%1' for application pool '%2' as application pool identity and failed. Contact system administrator to allow application pool to run as LocalSystem or verify identity of this application pool has permissions to run orphan action.
0xC0001452Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法添加“IIS APPPOOL”命名空间映射,因此无法创建或使用应用程序池标识。操作错误代码为“%1”。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) was not able to add the mapping to the 'IIS APPPOOL' namespace and thus is unable to create or use application pool identities. The operation error code is '%1'. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001453为应用程序池“%1”提供服务的进程在启动过程中尝试读取配置时报告故障。该进程 ID 为“%2”。请在应用程序事件日志中检查工作进程记录的有关特定错误的详细事件消息。 A process serving application pool '%1' reported a failure trying to read configuration during startup. The process id was '%2'. Please check the Application Event Log for further event messages logged by the worker process on the specific error. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000145EWindows Process Activation Service 尝试使用 AppHostProvider 读取配置数据时遇到错误。错误消息为: %1。数据字段包含错误号。 The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data with AppHostProvider. The error message is: %1. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000145FWindows Process Activation Service (WAS)无法执行脱机安装程序初始化。数据字段包括错误编号。 The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to execute initialization for offline setup. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001771W3C 日志记录服务无法启动。 W3C Logging Service failed to start.
0xC0001772W3C 日志记录服务无法为 ID 为“%1”的站点创建日志文件目录“%2”。 W3C Logging Service failed to create the log file directory '%2' for site id '%1'.
0xC0001773W3C 日志记录服务无法为 ID 为“%1”的站点创建日志文件“%2”。 W3C Logging Service failed to create log file '%2' for site id '%1'.
0xC0001774W3C 日志记录服务无法写入到 ID 为“%1”的站点的日志文件“%2”。 W3C Logging Service failed to write to the log file '%2' for site id '%1'.
0xC0001775W3C 日志记录服务无法连接到管道名称为“%1”的工作进程中的管道服务器。 W3C Logging Service failed to connect to the pipe server in the worker process with pipe name '%1'.
0xC0001776W3C 日志服务无法将消息写入到 ID 为“%1”的工作进程中的管道服务器。 W3C Logging Service failed to write message to the pipe server in the worker process with id '%1'.
0xC0001777W3C 日志记录服务无法停止。 W3C Logging Service failed to stop.
0xC0001778由于遇到错误,W3C 日志记录服务正在停止。数据字段包含错误号。 W3C Logging Service is stopping because it encountered an error. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0001779对于 ID 为“%1”的站点,其日志文件或目录“%2”的所有者无效。 Owner of log file or directory '%2' for site id '%1' is invalid.
0xC000177AW3C 日志记录服务无法读取 ID 为“%1”的站点的配置。 W3C Logging Service failed to read config for site id '%1'.
0xC000177BW3C 日志记录服务的“%1”ETW 会话事件已丢弃。你将不会在日志文件中找到某些条目。 '%1' ETW session events to W3C Logging Service were dropped. You will not find some entries in the log file.
0xC0001B5C侦听器适配器协议“%1”无法连接到 Windows Process Activation Service,因为它已被禁用。原因: 由于出现严重问题,侦听器适配器协议“%1”已被 Windows Process Activation Service 标记为禁用。修复: 要修复此问题,请停止侦听器适配器,然后停止 Windows Process Activation Service,再重新启动 Windows Process Activation Service,最后重新启动侦听器适配器。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' is unable to connect to Windows Process Activation Service because it has been disabled. Cause: Listener Adapter protocol '%1' has been marked as disabled by Windows Process Activation Service due catastrophic failure. Fix: To fix this condition, stop Listener Adapter then Windows Process Activation Service, restart Windows Process Activation Service, and finally restart Listener Adapter.
0xC0001B5D侦听器适配器协议“%1”尝试与 Windows Process Activation Service 通信但失败。侦听器适配器现在处于错误状态。原因: 这是由于内存用尽问题或 Windows Process Activation Service 与侦听器适配器之间的错误所致。修复: 要修复此问题,请停止侦听器适配器,然后停止 Windows Process Activation Service,再重新启动 Windows Process Activation Service,最后重新启动侦听器适配器。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' attempted to communicate to Windows Process Activation Service and failed. The Listener Adapter is now in a bad state. Cause: This is caused by Out of Memory issues or failures between Windows Process Activation Service and Listener Adapter. Fix: To fix this condition, stop Listener Adapter then Windows Process Activation Service, restart Windows Process Activation Service, and finally restart Listener Adapter.
0xC0001B5E侦听器适配器协议“%1”从 Windows Process Activation Service 接收到错误数据,并将自己关闭。原因: 侦听器适配器从 Windows Process Activation Service 接收到错误数据。修复: 要修复此问题,请停止侦听器适配器,然后停止 Windows Process Activation Service,再重新启动 Windows Process Activation Service,最后重新启动侦听器适配器。 Listener Adapter protocol '%1' received bad data from Windows Process Activation Service and is shutting itself down. Cause: Listener Adapter received bad data from Windows Process Activation Service. Fix: To fix this condition, stop Listener Adapter then Windows Process Activation Service, restart Windows Process Activation Service, and finally restart Listener Adapter.
0xC0002328Application Host Helper Service 在读取 SID 映射的数据时遇到错误。请确保配置文件中的应用程序池名称数据正确。要解决此问题,请重新提交更改或重新启动此服务。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while reading the data for SID mapping. Please ensure that the application pool name data is correct in the configuration file. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes or restart this service. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0002329Application Host Helper Service 在添加应用程序池名称“%1”到其 SID 的映射时遇到错误。该特定的 SID 已映射到另一个应用程序池名称,从而导致冲突。要解决此问题,请更改此应用程序池的名称。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while adding the mapping for the application pool name '%1' to its SID. That particular SID is already mapped to another application pool name, causing a conflict. To resolve this issue, please change the name of this application pool. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232AApplication Host Helper Service 在将应用程序池名称映射到各自的 SID 时遇到错误。一些应用程序池 SID 在“IIS APPPOOL”命名空间下将被错误解析。要解决此问题,请重新提交更改或重新启动此服务。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while mapping the application pool names to their respective SIDs. Some app pool SIDs will not be resolved properly under the 'IIS APPPOOL' namespace. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes or restart the service. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232BApplication Host Helper Service 在删除应用程序池名称“%1”到其 SID 的映射时遇到错误。要解决此问题,请重新提交更改或重新启动此服务。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while removing the mapping for the application pool name '%1' to its SID. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes or restart the service. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232CApplication Host Helper Service 在添加应用程序池名称到其 SID 的多个映射时遇到错误。要解决此问题,请重新提交更改或重新启动此服务。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while adding multiple mappings for application pool names to their SIDs. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes and restart the service. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232DApplication Host Helper Service 在添加应用程序池名称“%1”到其 SID 的映射时遇到错误。要解决此问题,请重新提交更改或重新启动此服务。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while adding the mapping for the application pool name '%1' to its SID. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes or restart the service. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232EApplication Host Helper Service 在尝试为配置历史记录处理配置数据时遇到错误。此功能将被禁用。要解决此问题,请确认配置文件正确,具有正确的配置历史记录属性值,并重新提交更改。如果配置正确,此功能将重新启用。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to process the configuration data for config history. The feature will be disabled. To resolve this issue, please confirm that the configuration file is correct, has correct attribute values for config history and recommit the changes. The feature will be enabled again if the configuration is correct. The data field contains the error number.
0xC000232FApplication Host Helper Service 在尝试从文件“%1”、行号“%2”读取配置数据时遇到错误。错误消息为:“%3”。此功能将被禁用。要解决此问题,请修正配置文件,然后重新提交更改。如果配置正确,此功能将重新启用。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data from file '%1', line number '%2'. The error message is: '%3'. The feature will be disabled. To resolve this issue, please fix the configuration file and recommit the changes. The feature will be enabled again if the configuration is correct. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0002330Application Host Helper Service 在尝试从文件“%2”、行号“%3”读取配置数据中的属性“%1”时遇到错误。此功能将被禁用。要解决此问题,请修正文件中的属性,然后重新提交更改。如果配置正确,此功能将重新启用。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to read the property '%1' from configuration data from file '%2', line number '%3'. The feature will be disabled. To resolve this issue, please fix the property in the file and recommit the changes. The feature will be enabled again if the configuration is correct. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0002332Application Host Helper Service 在尝试访问根历史目录“%1”时遇到错误。此目录不存在,或者其上的权限不允许历史记录服务访问它。配置历史记录功能暂时被禁用,并将在问题得以解决后重新启用。要解决此问题,请确保此目录存在,并且管理员组具有读取和写入它的访问权。数据字段包含错误号。 The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to access the root history directory '%1'. The directory either doesn't exist or the permissions on it don't allow the history service to access it. The config history feature is disabled for now and will be re-enabled after the issue is resolved. To resolve this issue, please ensure that the directory exists and that the Administrators group have read and write access to it. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0002333为根历史目录指定的目录是 UNC 路径,这是不允许的。此功能将被禁用。要解决此问题,请将其设置为本地目录。如果配置正确,此功能将重新启用。数据字段包含错误号。 The directory specified for the root history directory is a UNC path, which is not allowed. The feature will be disabled. To resolve this issue, please set it to a local directory. The feature will be enabled again if the configuration is correct. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0002334Application Host Helper Service 已检测到 %1 文件不包含有效的配置。配置历史记录备份功能已被禁用。在修正了配置文件后,此功能将自动重新启用。 The Application Host Helper Service has detected that %1 file doesn't contain valid configuration. Config history backup feature has been disabled. It will be re-enabled automatically once the configuration file is fixed.
0xC0040001FTP 服务器无法初始化其安全设置。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not initialize its security. The data is the error.
0xC0040003FTP 服务器无法初始化套接字库。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not initialize the socket library. The data is the error.
0xC0040004FTP 服务器由于可用内存不足而无法初始化。返回数据是错误。 FTP Server was unable to initialize because of a shortage of available memory. The data is the error.
0xC0040005FTP 服务器无法定位 FTP/TCP 服务。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not locate the FTP/TCP service. The data is the error.
0xC0040006FTP 服务器无法创建主连接套接字。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not create the main connection socket. The data is the error.
0xC0040007FTP 服务器无法创建主连接线程。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not create the main connection thread. The data is the error.
0xC0040008FTP 服务器无法为主机 %1 上的用户创建客户端工作线程。与此用户的连接被终止。返回的数据为错误信息。 FTP Server could not create a client worker thread for user at host %1. The connection to this user is terminated. The data is the error.
0xC0040009对系统服务的调用意外失败。返回的数据为错误信息。 A call to a system service failed unexpectedly. The data is the error.
0xC004000F未能读取 FTP 服务节点 %1 下的元数据库属性 PassivePortRange。 Failed to read metabase property PassivePortRange under the FTP Service node %1.
0xC0040010FTP 服务的配置属性 PassivePortRange 的值无效: %1。 The FTP Service configuration property PassivePortRange has invalid value: %1.
0xD0000001标准 Standard
0xD0000002应用程序隔离 Application Isolation
0xD0000003AppHostChangeHandler AppHostChangeHandler
0xD0000004添加 Add
0xD0000005删除 Delete
0xD0000006修改 Modify
0xD0000007ConfigurationReadFailure ConfigurationReadFailure
0xD0000008UuencodeApiFailure UuencodeApiFailure
0xD0000009UudecodeApiFailure UudecodeApiFailure
0xD000000ACryptAcquireContextApiFailure CryptAcquireContextApiFailure
0xD000000BCryptGetUserKeyApiFailure CryptGetUserKeyApiFailure
0xD000000CCryptExportKeyApiFailure CryptExportKeyApiFailure
0xD000000DCryptImportKeyApiFailure CryptImportKeyApiFailure
0xD000000ECryptGetKeyParamApiFailure CryptGetKeyParamApiFailure
0xD000000FThreadImpersonationFailure ThreadImpersonationFailure
0xD0000010InvalidKeyAlgorithmForAesProviderr InvalidKeyAlgorithmForAesProviderr
0xD0000011CryptProtectDataApiFailure CryptProtectDataApiFailure
0xD0000012CryptUnprotectDataApiFailure CryptUnprotectDataApiFailure
0xD0000013CryptEncryptApiFailure CryptEncryptApiFailure
0xD0000014CryptDecryptApiFailure CryptDecryptApiFailure
0xD0000015CryptGenKeyApiFailure CryptGenKeyApiFailure
0xD0000016CryptGenRandomApiFailure CryptGenRandomApiFailure
0xD0000018Xml Xml
0xD0000019配置 Config
0xD000001A其他 Other


File Name:iisres.dll.mui
File Size:236 kB
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File Type:Win32 DLL
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:IIS 资源 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:iisres.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:iisres.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Information Services
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is iisres.dll.mui?

iisres.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file iisres.dll (IIS 资源 DLL).

File version info

File Description:IIS 资源 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:iisres.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:iisres.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Information Services
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200