2000 | Infrared monitor service |
Infrared monitor service |
2001 | 在範圍內偵測到其他紅外線裝置,並且已啟動檔案傳輸應用程式。停止該服務將會導致檔案傳輸無法運作 |
Detects other Infrared devices that are in range and launches the file transfer application. Stopping the service will prevent file transfer from working |
0x10000038 | 傳統 |
Classic |
0x40FF1000 | 已啟動紅外線照相機服務 (IrTran-P)。 |
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) started. |
0x40FF1001 | 紅外線照相機服務 (IrTran-P) 已啟動 IrCOMM 上的接聽。 |
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) has started listening on IrCOMM. |
0x40FF1002 | 紅外線照相機服務 (IrTran-P) 已停止 IrCOMM 上的接聽。 |
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) has stopped listening on IrCOMM. |
0x70000001 | IrTran-P |
IrTran-P |
0x70000002 | Irftp |
Irftp |
0xC0FF1003 | 紅外線照相機支援 (IrTran-P) 無法啟動 IrCOMM 連接埠上的接聽。可能是因為其他的應用程式已在使用 IrCOMM 連接埠。嘗試使用 IrCOMM 的錯誤報告為: %1 |
Infrared Camera Support (IrTran-P) failed to start listening on the IrCOMM port. This is probably because another application is already using the IrCOMM port. The error reported on the attempt to use IrCOMM was: %1 |
0xC0FF1004 | 紅外線照相機服務 (IrTran-P) 與某台照相機通訊時發生 IO 錯誤。報告的錯誤為: %1 |
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) got and IO error when communicating with a camera. The error reported was: %1 |
0xC0FF1005 | 紅外線照相機服務 (IrTran-P) 在來自照相機的傳輸結束前,只接收到部分的圖片檔,因此在檔案 %1 中該圖片的電腦副本被刪除。 |
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) received only part of a picture file before the transmission from the camera ended. The computer's copy of the picture, in file %1, was deleted. |
0xC0FF2001 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務無連線到另一部電腦上。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service was unable to connect to the other machine. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2002 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務在傳送檔案 \"%1\" 時發生錯誤。發生的錯誤為 %2。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while sending the file \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF2004 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務無法儲存檔案資料,因為磁碟已滿。 |
The infrared file transfer service is unable to save file data because the disk is full. |
0xC0FF2005 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務剛開始時發生錯誤。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while getting starting. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2006 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務在接聽下一個連線時,發生錯誤。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while listening for the next connection. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2007 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務接收資料時發生錯誤。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while receiving data. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2008 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務再準備要傳送的檔案時發生安全性錯誤。服務無法模擬目前的使用者。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered a security error while preparing files to be sent. The service could not impersonate the current user. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2009 | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務無法開啟檔案 \"%1\"。發生的錯誤為 %2。 |
The infrared file transfer service could not open the file \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF200A | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務接收到檔案 \"%1\",但無法將它移到接收檔案資料夾。 發生的錯誤為 %2。請確定接收檔案資料夾已經存在,並且有足夠可用空間。 |
The infrared file transfer service received file \"%1\" but could not move it to the received files folder. The error reported was %2. Make sure the received file folder exists and has enough free space. |
0xC0FF200B | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務無法建立資料夾 \"%1\"。發生的錯誤為 %2。 |
The infrared file transfer service could not create the folder \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF200C | 當使用者登入時,紅外線檔案傳輸服務發生錯誤。紅外線檔案和照片傳輸在這個登入被停用。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while a user was logging on. Infrared file and picture transfers are disabled for this logon. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF200D | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務在檢查設定變更時發生錯誤。無線連結控制台的變更要到下次登入工作階段時才會生效。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while checking for configuration changes. Changes made from the Wireless Link control panel will not take effect until the next logon session. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF200E | 紅外線檔案傳輸服務無法啟動無線連結視窗。發生的錯誤為 %1。 |
The infrared file transfer service is unable to start the Wireless Link window. The error reported was %1. |