prnntfy.dll.mui prnntfy DLL a2d0f9634582bcae1638e96a6cdd116d

File info

File name: prnntfy.dll.mui
Size: 14336 byte
MD5: a2d0f9634582bcae1638e96a6cdd116d
SHA1: 9d0ed842c0313494046780f2882b24468781558a
SHA256: 3e94d6911c63d5b5b895661dea5100b443bb2989dc34469757ea24656a5c8f19
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
101Hujjat printerga yuborildi This document was sent to the printer
102Hujjat: %1
Printer: %2
Vaqt: %3
Jami sahifalar: %4
Document: %1
Printer: %2
Time: %3
Total pages: %4
103Printer qog‘oz qolmadi Printer out of paper
104“%1” printerida qog‘oz qolmadi. Printer ‘%1’ is out of paper.
105Ushbu hujjatni chop etib bo‘lmadi This document failed to print
107Printer qopqog‘i ochiq Printer door open
108“%1” printeri qopqog‘i ochiq. The door on ‘%1’ is open.
109Printer xato holatida Printer in an error state
110“%1” xato holatida. ‘%1’ is in an error state.
111Printerda toner/siyoh qolmadi Printer out of toner/ink
112“%1” da toner/siyoh qolmadi. ‘%1’ is out of toner/ink.
113Printerdan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi Printer not available
114“%1” dan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. ‘%1’ is not available for printing.
115Printer oflayn rejimda Printer offline
116“%1” oflayn rejimda. ‘%1’ is offline.
117Printer xotirasi to‘la Printer out of memory
118“%1” xotirasi to‘la. ‘%1’ has run out of memory.
119Printer chiqish savati to‘la Printer output bin full
120“%1” chiqish savati to‘la. The output bin on ‘%1’ is full.
121Printerda qog‘oz tiqildi Printer paper jam
122“%1” da qog‘oz tiqildi. Paper is jammed in ‘%1’.
124“%1” da qog‘oz qolmadi. ‘%1’ is out of paper.
125Printerda qog‘oz muammosi Printer paper problem
126“%1” da qog‘oz muammosi. ‘%1’ has a paper problem.
127Printer to‘xtatib qo‘yildi Printer paused
128“%1” to‘xtatib qo‘yildi. ‘%1’ is paused.
129Printer foydalanuvchi aralashuvini talab qiladi Printer needs user intervention
130“%1” da aralashuvingizni talab qiluvchi muammo mavjud. ‘%1’ has a problem that requires your intervention.
131Printerda toner/siyoh kam Printer is low on toner/ink
132“%1” da toner/siyoh kam. ‘%1’ is low on toner/ink.
133Printer o‘chirib tashlanmoqda Printer is being deleted
134%1 o‘chirib tashlanmoqda. %1 is being deleted.
135%1 %2 da %1 on %2
136Printer %1 ni chop eta olmadi The printer couldn’t print %1
137Chop etildi Printed
138Qog‘oz qolmadi Paper out
139Chop etish xatosi Error printing
140Chop etish xabarnomasi Print Notification
141Fayl Hujjatlar jildiga saqlandi File saved to the Documents folder
142%1 ni ko‘ring. View %1.
600OK OK
601Bekor qilish Cancel
1000Hujjat: %1
Document: %1
1001Printer: %1
Printer: %1
1002Qog‘oz o‘lchami: %1
Paper size: %1
1003Siyoh: %1
Ink: %1
1004Katridj: %1
Cartridge: %1
1005Qog‘oz tiqilgan joy: %1
Paper jam area: %1
1006Printer bilan bog‘liq muammo yuzaga keldi A printer problem occurred
1007Printerdagi mavjud muammolarni tekshiring. Please check the printer for any problems.
1008Printer holari va sozlamalarini tekshiring. Please check the printer status and settings.
1009Printer onlayn rejimda va chop etishga tayyor ekanligini tekshiring. Check if the printer is online and ready to print.
1100Printer qog‘ozning boshqa tomoniga chop etishga tayyor. The printer is ready to print on the other side of the paper.
1101Ikki tomonlama chop etishni yakunlash uchun qog‘ozni chiqish treyidan olib tashlang. Qog‘ozni chop etiladigan tomoni yuqoriga qaragan holda kirish treyiga kiriting. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing up.
1102Ikki tomonlama chop etishni yakunlash uchun qog‘ozni chiqish treyidan olib tashlang. Qog‘ozni chop etiladigan tomoni pastga qaragan holda kirish treyiga kiriting. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing down.
1200Chop etish yakunlangandan so‘ng printerda Davom etish tugmasini bosing. Press the Resume button on the printer when done.
1201Chop etish yakunlangandan so‘ng printerda Bekor qilish tugmasini bosing. Press the Cancel button on the printer when done.
1202Chop etish yakunlangandan so‘ng printerda OK tugmasini bosing. Press the OK button on the printer when done.
1203Chop etish yakunlangandan so‘ng printerda Onlayn tugmasini bosing. Press the Online button on the printer when done.
1204Chop etish yakunlangandan so‘ng printerda Tashlash tugmasini bosing. Press the Reset button on the printer when done.
1300Printer oflayn. The printer is offline.
1301Windows printeringizga ulana olmadi. Kompyuter va printer o‘rtasidagi ulanishni tekshiring. Windows could not connect to your printer. Please check the connection between the computer and the printer.
1302Printer javob bermayapti. Kompyuter va printer o‘rtasidagi ulanishni tekshiring. The printer is not responding. Please check the connection between your computer and the printer.
1400Qog‘oz tiqilib qoldi Paper Jam
1401Printeringizga qog‘oz tiqildi. Your printer has a paper jam.
1402Printerni tekshiring va qog‘oz treyini tozalang. Printer qog‘oz treyi tozalanmaguniga qadar chop eta olmaydi. Please check the printer and clear the paper jam. The printer cannot print until the paper jam is cleared.
1403Printerda qog‘oz treyini tozalang. Please clear the paper jam on the printer.
1500Printeringizda qog‘oz qolmadi. Your printer is out of paper.
1501Printerni tekshiring va ko‘proq qog‘oz qo‘ying. Please check the printer and add more paper.
1502Printerni tekshiring va%1 treyiga ko‘proq qog‘oz qo‘ying. Please check the printer and add more paper in tray %1.
1503Printerni tekshiring va%2 treyiga %1ko‘proq qog‘oz qo‘ying. Please check the printer and add more %1 paper in tray %2.
1600Printeringizdagi chiqish treyi to‘la. The output tray on your printer is full.
1601Printerdagi chiqish treyini bo‘shating. Please empty the output tray on the printer.
1700Printeringizda qog‘oz muammosi mavjud Your printer has a paper problem
1701Printeringizdagi qog‘oz muammolarini tekshiring. Please check your printer for paper problems.
1800Printeringizda siyoh qolmadi Your printer is out of ink
1801Printeringizdagi siyoh katridji bo‘sh. The ink cartridge in your printer is empty.
1802Printeringizda toner qolmadi. Your printer is out of toner.
1803Printerni tekshiring va ko‘proq siyoh qo‘shing. Please check the printer and add more ink.
1804Printerni tekshiring va siyoh katridjini almashtiring. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge.
1805Printerni tekshiring va toner qo‘shing. Please check the printer and add toner.
1900%1 %1
1901Printer aralashuvingizni talab qiladi. Uni tekshirish uchun ishchi stolga o‘ting. The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.
1902Printer Printer
2000Moviy Cyan
2001Olov rang Magenta
2002Sariq Yellow
2003Qora Black
2004Och moviy Light Cyan
2005Och olov rang Light Magenta
2006Qizil Red
2007Yashil Green
2008Ko‘k Blue
2009Yaltiratish optimallashtiruvchisi Gloss optimizer
2010Qora fotosurat Photo Black
2011Qora vinyetka Matte Black
2012Moviy fotosurat Photo Cyan
2013Olov rang fotosurat Photo Magenta
2014Och qora Light Black
2015Siyoh optimallashtiruvchisi Ink optimizer
2016Ko‘k fotosurat Blue photo
2017Kulrang fotosurat Gray photo
2018Uch rangli fotosurat Tricolor photo
2100Moviy katridj Cyan cartridge
2101Olov rang katridj Magenta cartridge
2102Qora katridj Black cartridge
2103CMYK katridj CMYK cartridge
2104Kulrang katridj Gray cartridge
2105Rang katridji Color cartridge
2106Fotosurat katridji Photo cartridge
2200Printeringiz old qopqog‘i ochiq. A door on your printer is open.
2201Printeringiz qopqog‘i ochiq. A cover on your printer is open.
2202Printerni tekshiring va ochiq old qopqoqlarni yoping. Old qopqoq ochiqligida printer cho eta olmaydi. Please check the printer and close any open doors. The printer cannot print while a door is open.
2203Printerni tekshiring va ochiq qopqoqlarni yoping. Qopqoq ochiqligida printer cho eta olmaydi. Please check the printer and close any open covers. The printer cannot print while a cover is open.
2300Printer chop etmayapti Your printer is not printing
2301Printeringizni tekshiring Please check your printer
2302Printeringizda bo‘sh joy qolmadi Your printer is out of memory
2303Hujjatingiz to‘g‘ri chop etilmasligi mumkin. Onlayn yordamni ko‘ring. Your document might not print correctly. Please see online help.
2400Printeringizda siyoh kam qoldi Your printer is low on ink
2401Printeringizdagi siyoh katridji deyarli bo‘sh. The ink cartridge in your printer is almost empty.
2402Printeringizda toner kam qoldi Your printer is low on toner
2403Printerni tekshiring va kerakli vaqtda ko‘proq siyoh qo‘shing. Please check the printer and add more ink when needed.
2404Printerni tekshiring va kerakli vaqtda siyoh katridjini almashtiring. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge when needed.
2405Printerni tekshiring va kerakli vaqtda toner qo‘shing. Please check the printer and add toner when needed.
2500Printeringizda siyoh tizimi ishlamayapti The ink system in your printer is not working
2501Printeringizdagi siyoh katridji ishlamayapti The ink cartridge in your printer is not working
2502Printeringizda toner tizimi ishlamayapti The toner system in your printer is not working
2503Printeringizdagi siyoh tizimini tekshiring. Please check the ink system in your printer.
2504Printeringizdagi siyoh katridjini tekshiring. Please check the ink cartridge in your printer.
2505Printeringizdagi toner tizimini tekshiring. Please check the toner system in your printer.
2506Printerda siyoh katridji to‘g‘ri o‘rnatilganligini tekshiring. Please check that the ink cartridge was installed correctly in the printer.
2600Printer ishi to‘xtatib qo‘yildi Printer has been paused
2601“%1” chop eta olmayapti, chunki u qurilmada to‘xtatib qo‘yilgan. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into a paused state at the device.
2602“%1” chop eta olmayapti, chunki u qurilmada oflayn holatga qo‘yilgan. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into an offline state at the device.
2700Hujjatingiz chop etildi. Your document has been printed.
2701Hujjatingiz chiqish treyida. Your document is in the output tray.
2702%2 da %1!d! ta hujjat kutmoqda %1!d! document(s) pending for %2


File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13824
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:prnntfy DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is prnntfy.dll.mui?

prnntfy.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file prnntfy.dll (prnntfy DLL).

File version info

File Description:prnntfy DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200