0 | Bez akcije |
No action |
1 | Ponovno pokretanje servisa |
Restart the service |
2 | Ponovno pokretanje stroja |
Reboot the machine |
3 | Pokretanje konfiguriranog programa za oporavak |
Run the configured recovery program |
4 | Ponovno pokreni servis u zasebnom procesu |
Restart the service in a separate process |
10 | Windows se sada mora ponovno pokrenuti jer je servis %ws neočekivano prekinut |
Windows must now restart because the %ws service terminated unexpectedly |
20 | početak |
start |
21 | prekid |
stop |
22 | stanka |
pause |
23 | nastavak |
continue |
35 | predisključenje |
preshutdown |
51 | Zaustavljeno |
stopped |
54 | izvodi se |
running |
57 | zaustavljeno |
paused |
65 | pokretanje sustava s odabirom pogonskog uređaja |
boot start |
66 | sistemsko pokretanje |
system start |
67 | automatski početak |
auto start |
68 | pokretanje na zahtjev |
demand start |
69 | onemogućeno |
disabled |
80 | vrsta servisa |
service type |
81 | početna vrsta |
start type |
82 | kontrola pogreške |
error control |
83 | zaslonski naziv |
display name |
84 | binarni put |
binary path |
85 | ovisnosti |
dependencies |
86 | grupa servisa |
service group |
87 | oznaka |
tag |
88 | naziv računa |
account name |
89 | opis |
description |
101 | Neplanirano |
Unplanned |
102 | Prilagođeno |
Custom |
104 | Planirano |
Planned |
110 | Prilagođena definicija |
Custom Defined |
120 | Nema |
None |
131 | Ostalo |
Other |
132 | Hardver |
Hardware |
133 | Operacijski sustav |
Operating System |
134 | Softver |
Software |
135 | Aplikacija |
Application |
162 | Održavanje |
Maintenance |
163 | Instalacija |
Installation |
164 | Nadogradi |
Upgrade |
165 | Ponovna konfiguracija |
Reconfiguration |
166 | Blokirano |
Hung |
167 | Nestabilno |
Unstable |
168 | Disk |
Disk |
169 | Mrežna kartica |
Network Card |
170 | Okruženje |
Environment |
171 | Upravljački program hardvera |
Hardware Driver |
172 | Drugi upravljački program |
Other Driver |
173 | Servisni paket |
Service Pack |
174 | Ažuriranje softvera |
Software Update |
175 | Sigurnosni popravak |
Security Fix |
176 | Sigurnost |
Security |
177 | Mrežna povezivost |
Network Connectivity |
178 | WMI |
179 | Deinstalacija servisnog paketa |
Service Pack Uninstall |
180 | Deinstalacija softverskog ažuriranja |
Software Update Uninstall |
181 | Deinstalacija sigurnosnog popravka |
Security Fix Uninstall |
182 | MMC |
300 | Zatvaranje servisa %ws. |
Shutting down service: %ws. |
301 | Servis %ws blokirao se pri pokretanju. |
Service %ws hung on starting. |
302 | Naziv servisa |
Service Name |
303 | Naziv slike |
Image Name |
304 | Verzija slike |
Image Version |
305 | Vrsta servisa |
Service Type |
306 | Početna vrsta |
Start Type |
307 | Izvješće o padu servisa |
Service Hang Report |
308 | upravljački program jezgrenog načina rada |
kernel mode driver |
309 | servis korisničkog načina rada |
user mode service |
0x10000031 | Vrijeme odziva |
Response Time |
0x12000038 | Klasično |
Classic |
0x30000001 | Pokreni |
Start |
0x30000002 | Prekini |
Stop |
0x40001B7B | Servisu %1 uspješno je poslana naredba %2. |
The %1 service was successfully sent a %2 control. |
0x40001B7C | Servis %1 ušao je u stanje %2. |
The %1 service entered the %2 state. |
0x40001B80 | Vrsta pokretanja servisa %1 promijenjena je iz %2 u %3. |
The start type of the %1 service was changed from %2 to %3. |
0x40001B82 | Servisu %1 uspješno je poslana naredba %2.%n%n Navedeni je razlog bio: %3 [%4]%n%n Komentar: %5 |
The %1 service was successfully sent a %2 control.%n%n The reason specified was: %3 [%4]%n%n Comment: %5 |
0x40001B85 | U sustav je instaliran servis.%n%nNaziv servisa: %1%nNaziv datoteke servisa: %2%nVrsta servisa: %3%nVrsta pokretanja servisa: %4%nRačun za servis: %5 |
A service was installed in the system.%n%nService Name: %1%nService File Name: %2%nService Type: %3%nService Start Type: %4%nService Account: %5 |
0x50000004 | Informacije |
Information |
0x80001B7F | Servisni proces koji nije pokrenuo povezani Upravitelj kontrole servisa pri pokretanju servisa %1. Upravitelj kontrole servisa pokrenuo je umjesto toga povezano proces %2 i proces %3.%n%n Uzmite u obzir da ako je servis konfiguriran za pokretanje pod programom za ispravljanje pogrešaka, takvo je ponašanje očekivano. |
A service process other than the one launched by the Service Control Manager connected when starting the %1 service. The Service Control Manager launched process %2 and process %3 connected instead.%n%n Note that if this service is configured to start under a debugger, this behavior is expected. |
0x80001B84 | Ovom je servisu potrebno je više od %2 min za pokretanje i možda je prestao reagirati: %1%n%nOd administratora sustava ili dobavljača servisa možete dobiti procjenu vremena pokretanja tog servisa.%n%nAko smatrate da servis možda usporava rad sustava ili vrijeme prijave, predložite administratoru sustava onemogućivanje servisa dok ne identificirate problem.%n%nMožda ćete morati ponovno pokrenuti računalo u sigurnom načinu rada da biste mogli onemogućiti servis. |
The following service is taking more than %2 minutes to start and may have stopped responding: %1%n%nContact your system administrator or service vendor for approximate startup times for this service.%n%nIf you think this service might be slowing system response or logon time, talk to your system administrator about whether the service should be disabled until the problem is identified.%n%nYou may have to restart the computer in safe mode before you can disable the service. |
0x80001B86 | Sljedeći servis uzastopno je prestao odgovarati na zahtjeve servisne kontrole: %1%n%nOd dobavljača servisa ili administratora sustava zatražite informaciju je li potrebno servis onemogućiti dok se ne otkrije problem.%n%nRačunalo ćete možda morati ponovno pokrenuti u sigurnom načinu da biste mogli onemogućiti servis. |
The following service has repeatedly stopped responding to service control requests: %1%n%nContact the service vendor or the system administrator about whether to disable this service until the problem is identified.%n%nYou may have to restart the computer in safe mode before you can disable the service. |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager Performance Diagnostic Provider |
Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager Performance Diagnostic Provider |
0x91000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Svchost Performance Diagnostic Provider |
Microsoft-Windows-Svchost Performance Diagnostic Provider |
0x92000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager |
Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager |
0x92000002 | System |
System |
0xC0001B58 | Pokretanje servisa %1 nije uspjelo zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%2 |
The %1 service failed to start due to the following error: %n%2 |
0xC0001B59 | Servis %1 ovisi o servisu %2, čije pokretanje nije uspjelo zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%3 |
The %1 service depends on the %2 service which failed to start because of the following error: %n%3 |
0xC0001B5A | Servis %1 ovisi o grupi %2, a nijedan član te grupe nije pokrenut. |
The %1 service depends on the %2 group and no member of this group started. |
0xC0001B5B | Servis %1 ovisi o servisu %2. Taj servis možda nije instaliran. |
The %1 service depends on the following service: %2. This service might not be installed. |
0xC0001B5D | Poziv servisa %1 nije uspio zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%2 |
The %1 call failed with the following error: %n%2 |
0xC0001B5E | Poziv servisa %1 nije uspio za %2 zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%3 |
The %1 call failed for %2 with the following error: %n%3 |
0xC0001B5F | Sustav se vratio na zadnju dobru konfiguraciju. Ponovno se pokreće.... |
The system reverted to its last known good configuration. The system is restarting.... |
0xC0001B60 | U nazivu računa nema obrnute kose crte. Naziv računa mora biti u obliku: domena\\korisnik. |
No backslash is in the account name. The account name must be in the form: domain\\user. |
0xC0001B61 | Isteklo je vrijeme čekanja (%1 ms) tijekom povezivanja sa servisom %2. |
A timeout was reached (%1 milliseconds) while waiting for the %2 service to connect. |
0xC0001B62 | Isteklo je vrijeme čekanja (%1 ms) funkcije ČitajDatoteku. |
A timeout (%1 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for ReadFile. |
0xC0001B63 | Isteklo je vrijeme čekanja (%1 ms) odgovora transakcije iz servisa %2. |
A timeout (%1 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the %2 service. |
0xC0001B64 | Poruka vraćena u transakciji nije ispravne veličine. |
The message returned in the transaction has incorrect size. |
0xC0001B65 | Pokušaj prijave s trenutnom lozinkom nije uspio zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%1 |
Logon attempt with current password failed with the following error: %n%1 |
0xC0001B66 | Drugi pokušaj prijave sa starom lozinkom također nije uspio zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%1 |
Second logon attempt with old password also failed with the following error: %n%1 |
0xC0001B68 | Servis %1 prijavio je nevaljano trenutno stanje %2. |
The %1 service has reported an invalid current state %2. |
0xC0001B69 | Otkrivene kružne ovisnosti zahtijevaju pokretanje servisa %1. Provjerite stablo ovisnosti servisa. |
Detected circular dependencies demand starting %1. Check the service dependency tree. |
0xC0001B6A | Otkrivene kružne ovisnosti automatski pokreću servise. Provjerite stablo ovisnosti servisa. |
Detected circular dependencies auto-starting services. Check the service dependency tree. |
0xC0001B6B | Servis %1 ovisi o servisu u grupi koja se pokreće kasnije. Promijenite redoslijed u stablu ovisnosti servisa da biste osigurali pokretanje svih potrebnih servisa prije pokretanja ovog servisa. |
The %1 service depends on a service in a group which starts later. Change the order in the service dependency tree to ensure that all services required to start this service are starting before this service is started. |
0xC0001B6C | Servis %1 ovisi o grupi koja se pokreće kasnije. Promijenite redoslijed u stablu ovisnosti servisa da biste osigurali pokretanje svih potrebnih servisa prije pokretanja ovog servisa. |
The %1 service depends on a group which starts later. Change the order in the service dependency tree to ensure that all services required to start this service are starting before this service is started. |
0xC0001B6D | Uskoro će doći do povratka na zadnju dobru konfiguraciju jer pokretanje servisa %1 nije uspjelo. |
About to revert to the last known good configuration because the %1 service failed to start. |
0xC0001B6E | Servis %1 blokiran je pri pokretanju. |
The %1 service hung on starting. |
0xC0001B6F | Servis %1 prekinut je zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%2 |
The %1 service terminated with the following error: %n%2 |
0xC0001B70 | Servis %1 prekinut je zbog sljedeće pogreške specifične za servis %n%2 |
The %1 service terminated with the following service-specific error: %n%2 |
0xC0001B72 | Nisu učitani sljedeći upravljački programi za pokretanje s odabirom pogonskog uređaja ili sistemsko pokretanje: %1 |
The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) did not load: %1 |
0xC0001B73 | Pokretanje sustava Windows sa sadašnjom konfiguracijom nije uspjelo. Windows se pokreće pomoću prethodne funkcionalne konfiguracije. |
Windows could not be started as configured. Starting Windows using a previous working configuration. |
0xC0001B74 | Ključ registra %1 odbio je pristup programima SISTEMSKIH računa pa je Upravitelj kontrole servisa preuzeo vlasništvo nad ključem registra. |
The %1 Registry key denied access to SYSTEM account programs so the Service Control Manager took ownership of the Registry key. |
0xC0001B75 | Upravitelj kontrole servisa %0 |
Service Control Manager %0 |
0xC0001B76 | Servis %1 označen je kao interaktivni servis. Međutim, sustav je konfiguriran tako da ne dozvoljava interaktivne servise. Servis možda neće ispravno funkcionirati. |
The %1 service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly. |
0xC0001B77 | Servis %1 neočekivano je prekinut. To se dogodilo %2 puta. Za %3 ms bit će poduzeta sljedeća akcija ispravljanja: %5. |
The %1 service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this %2 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in %3 milliseconds: %5. |
0xC0001B78 | Upravitelj kontrole servisa pokušao je poduzeti akciju ispravljanja (%2) nakon neočekivanog prekida servisa %3, ali akcija nije uspjela zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%4 |
The Service Control Manager tried to take a corrective action (%2) after the unexpected termination of the %3 service, but this action failed with the following error: %n%4 |
0xC0001B7A | Servis %1 neočekivano je prekinut. To se dogodilo %2 puta. |
The %1 service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this %2 time(s). |
0xC0001B7D | Upravitelj kontrole servisa naišao je na pogrešku koja je poništila promjenu u konfiguraciji servisa %1. Svojstvo servisa %2 trenutno je u nepredvidljivu stanju. Ako ne ispravite tu konfiguraciju, možda nećete moći ponovno pokrenuti servis %1 ili možete naići na druge pogreške. Da biste provjerili je li servis ispravno konfiguriran, upotrijebite dodatni alat Servisi u konzoli Microsoft Management Console (MMC). |
The Service Control Manager encountered an error undoing a configuration change to the %1 service. The service's %2 is currently in an unpredictable state. If you do not correct this configuration, you may not be able to restart the %1 service or may encounter other errors. To ensure that the service is configured properly, use the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). |
0xC0001B7E | Servis %1 nije se uspio prijaviti kao %2 s trenutno konfiguriranom lozinkom zbog sljedeće pogreške: %n%3%n%nDa biste provjerili je li servis ispravno konfiguriran, upotrijebite dodatni alat Servisi u konzoli Microsoft Management Console (MMC). |
The %1 service was unable to log on as %2 with the currently configured password due to the following error: %n%3%n%nTo ensure that the service is configured properly, use the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). |
0xC0001B81 | Servis %1 nije se uspio prijaviti kao %2 s trenutno konfiguriranom lozinkom zbog sljedeće pogreške: %nNeuspjela prijava: korisniku nije odobrena tražena vrsta prijave na ovom računalu.%n %nServis: %1 %nDomena i račun: %2%n %nOvaj račun servisa nema potrebno korisničko pravo \"Prijavi se kao servis\".%n %nKorisnička akcija%n %nRačunu servisa na ovom računalu dodijelite \"Prijavi se kao servis\". To možete učiniti pomoću lokalnih sigurnosnih postavki (Secpol.msc). Ako je ovo računalo čvor klastera, provjerite je li to korisničko pravo dodijeljeno računu klasterskog servisa na svim čvorovima klastera.%n %nAko ste već dodijelili to korisničko pravo računu servisa, a čini se da je ono uklonjeno, provjerite s administratorom domene uklanja li možda objekt pravilnika grupe povezan s ovim čvorom to pravo. |
The %1 service was unable to log on as %2 with the currently configured password due to the following error: %nLogon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.%n %nService: %1 %nDomain and account: %2%n %nThis service account does not have the required user right \"Log on as a service.\"%n %nUser Action%n %nAssign \"Log on as a service\" to the service account on this computer. You can use Local Security Settings (Secpol.msc) to do this. If this computer is a node in a cluster, check that this user right is assigned to the Cluster service account on all nodes in the cluster.%n %nIf you have already assigned this user right to the service account, and the user right appears to be removed, check with your domain administrator to find out if a Group Policy object associated with this node might be removing the right. |
0xC0001B83 | Servis %1 nije se ispravno zatvorio nakon primitka naredbe predisključenja. |
The %1 service did not shut down properly after receiving a preshutdown control. |