PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui Sediriswa sa DLL sa Tirelo ya Founo 9c25b528aebe1cd09872d7c048983618

File info

File name: PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Size: 16896 byte
MD5: 9c25b528aebe1cd09872d7c048983618
SHA1: b1d0e66ed9815d2086f6bcd7289a2c34211beccc
SHA256: 56db808dbc223a3c1f449efd89bf2a16b24b9a8722af1bfecf3b0dbe6a412cd4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Tswana language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Tswana English
10000Phone Service Phone Service
10001E laola seemo sa go letsa mogala mo sedirisweng Manages the telephony state on the device
10002Dikhunololamoraba tse o di tlantseng ga di nyalane. The passwords you typed don't match.
10003Khunololamoraba e fetotswe Password changed
10004Khunololamoraba ga e amogelesege. Tsenya khunololamoraba e e siameng mme o leke gape. The password isn't valid. Enter the correct password and try again.
10005Ga e kgone go fitlhelela neteweke. Leka gape. Can't access the network. Try again.
10007Khoutu eno ga e tshegediwe. This code isn't supported.
10008Dipharamitara ga di amogelesege. The parameters are invalid.
10010Go ne go na le bothata ka khoutu eno. There was a problem with this code.
10012Nakotiriso e tswetswe Session closed
10014Karata ya SIM ga e yo. The SIM card is missing.
10015PUK e a tlhokega PUK required
10017Karata ya SIM ga e amogelesege. The SIM card is invalid.
10018Mogala o ka se wediwe ka gonne seemo sa Nomoro e e Tsepameng sa go Daela se kgontshitswe mo karateng ya gago ya SIM. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM card.
10019Khoutu e rometswe Code sent
10020E atlegile Succeeded
10021Founo e lotlolotswe Phone unblocked
10022Tirelo e kgontshitswe Service enabled
10023Tirelo e kgontsheditswe %1 Service enabled for %1
10024Tirelo ga ya kgontshiwa Service disabled
10025Tirelo ga ya kgontshediwa %1 Service disabled for %1
10026Seemo sa tirelo ga se itsiwe Service state unknown
10027Phetisopele %1 ke %2 go %3 ya %4 Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4
10028Phetisopele %1 ke %2 ya %4 Forward %1 is %2 for %4
10029Phetisopele %1 ke %2 go %3 ya %4 morago ga metsotswana e le %5 Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4 after %5 seconds
10030Phetisopele %1 ke %2 ya %4 morago ga metsotswana e le %5 Forward %1 is %2 for %4 after %5 seconds
10031Phetisopele %1 ke %2 go %3 Forward %1 is %2 to %3
10032Phetisopele %1 ke %2 Forward %1 is %2
10033Phetisopele %1 ke %2 go %3 morago ga metsotswana e le %5 Forward %1 is %2 to %3 after %5 seconds
10034Phetisopele %1 ke %2 morago ga metsotswana e le %5 Forward %1 is %2 after %5 seconds
10035Kgontshitswe Enabled
10036Ga ya kgontshiwa Disabled
10037Ga e na maemo Unconditionally
10038Megala ya tshwarego Busy calls
10039Fa go se na karabo If no reply
10040Fa founo e sa fitlhelege If phone isn't reachable
10041Megala yotlhe All calls
10042Megala yotlhe ka maemo All calls conditionally
10043%1 %1
10044%1 le %2 %1 and %2
10045%1, %2 le %3 %1, %2, and %3
10046%1, %2, %3 le %4 %1, %2, %3, and %4
10047%1, %2, %3, %4, le %5 %1, %2, %3, %4, and %5
10048%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, le %6 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, and %6
10049%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, le %7 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, and %7
10050%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, le %8 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, and %8
10051Lentswe Voice
10052Tshedimosetso Data
10053Fekese Fax
10054SMS SMS
10055Tsamaisanyo ya sekete ya tshedimosetso Data circuit sync
10056Nakoitaolo ya sekete ya tshedimosetso Data circuit async
10057Phitlhelelo ya pakete Packet access
10058Phitlhelelo ya PAD PAD Access
10059Mogala wa tshoganyetso Emergency call
10060Molaetsa wa lentswe Voicemail
10062Go dirisa tlhabaganyetso %1# go daela %3 ka %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya SIM, tlhopha Letsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10063Go dirisa tlhabaganyetso %1# go daela %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya SIM, tlhopha Letsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10064Founo Phone
10067Letsa Call
10068Dithulaganyo tsa gago tsa thibelo mogala ga di letle gore o leletse nomoro eno. Koafatsa thibelo mogala mme o leke go letsa mogala gape. Your call barring settings don't allow a call to this number. Disable call barring and try calling again.
10069Seemo sa gago sa Nomoro e e Tsepameng ya go Daela (FDN) ga se letle gore o leletse nomoro eno. Koafatsa seemo sa FDN o bo o leka go letsa mogala gape. Your Fixed Dialing Number (FDN) mode doesn't allow a call to this number. Disable FDN mode and try calling again.
10070Molaetsa wa lentswe ga wa rulaganngwa. Tsenya nomoro ya gago ya maolaetsa wa lentswe o bo o leka gape. Voicemail isn't set up. Enter your voicemail number and try again.
10071E letetse... Waiting...
10072Ga e kgone go letsa mogala ono. Tsweetswee khutlisa mogala wa gago wa ga jaana pele ga o letsa mogala o mongwe gape. Can't place the call. Please end your current call before placing an additional call.
10073Ga e kgone go golagana Can't connect
10074O ka tswa o na le lekhubu le le bokoa lo e seng lwa mogala, kgotsa nomoro e e sa nepagalang. You may have a weak wireless signal, or the wrong number.
10076Motho yo o lekang go mo leletsa mogala o kganetswe go amogela megala e e tsenang. The person you're trying to call is restricted from receiving incoming calls.
10077Ga e kgone go golagana. Tlhomamisa gore o na le phitlhelelo ya neteweke, o bo o leka gape. Can't connect. Make sure you have network coverage, and try again.
10078Mogala ono ga o kgone go wediwa. The call can't be completed.
10080Karata ya SIM e tshwaregile, tsweetswee leka gape. The SIM card is busy, please try again.
10081Tirelo ya neteweke ga e yo. Tsweetswee leka gape moragonyana. The network service is unavailable. Please try again later.
10082O ka dirisa founo eno go leletsa megala ya tshoganyetso fela. You can use this phone for emergency calls only.
10083Ga e kgone go leletsa molaetsa wa lentswe ka gonne mogala o mongwe ga o yo. Can't call voicemail because another line isn't available.
10084Ga e kgone go fetisa mogala. Can't transfer call.
10085Tsenya dikhoutu tsa tirelo ka tlhamalalo go tswa mo pheteng ya go daela ya founo. Enter service codes directly from the phone's dial pad.
10089Seemo sa sefofane se timilwe jaanong Airplane mode is now off
10092Khansela Cancel
10093Ga e kgone go boloka nomoro ya molaetsa wa lentswe. Can't save voicemail number.
10094E mo Seemong sa Teletsomorago ya Tshoganyetso In Emergency Callback Mode
10095Khansela seemo seno go dirisa founo ya gago jaaka gale. Cancel this mode to use your phone as you normally would.
10096Khansela seemo Cancel mode
10097Leletsa mogala wa tshoganyetso Dial emergency call
10108Tshuba kgolagano ya selula? Turn on cellular connection?
10109Founo ya gago e mo seemong sa sefofane. Go letsa mogala, tshuba kgolagano ya gago ya selula. Your phone is in airplane mode. To make a call, turn on your cellular connection.
10110Tshuba Turn on
10115Romela Send
10116Tswala Close
10117Nakotiriso e fedile. The session timed out.
10118Sengwe se diragetse mme ga re a kgona go wetsa tiro eno. Something happened and we couldn't complete this action.
10128Tswelela ka mogala wa vidio? Continue with video call?
10129Seno se tla khutlisa mogala o o tshwerweng. Tswelela? This will end the call that's on hold. Continue?
10130Tswelela Continue
10132E ka se kgone go simola mogala wa vidio Can't start video call
10133%1 ga jaana ga ya saenela go tsena mo %2. %1 is currently not signed into %2.
10140Rulaganya Set
10142A o rulaganya sediriso sa thulaganyetsoruri? Set default app?
10143A o batla go rulaganya %1!s! gore e nne sediriso sa gago sa thulaganyetsoruri sa ID ya moletsamogala? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default caller ID app?
10144A o batla go rulaganya %1!s! gore e nne sediriso sa gago sa thulaganyetsoruri sa setlhotlhi sa sepeme? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default spam filter app?
50001Karata ya SIM/UIM ga e yo. The SIM/UIM card is missing.
50002Karata ya SIM/UIM ga e amogelesege. The SIM/UIM card is invalid.
50003Mogala ga o kgone go wediwa ka gonne seemo sa Nomoro se se Tsepameng sa go Daela se kgontshitswe mo karateng ya gago ya SIM/UIM. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM/UIM card.
50004Go dirisa tlhabaganyetso %1# go daela %3 ka %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya SIM/UIM, tlhopha Leletsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50005Go dirisa tlhabaganyetso %1# go daela %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya SIM/UIM, tlhopha Letsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50006Karata ya SIM/UIM e tshwaregile, tsweetswee leka gape. The SIM/UIM card is busy, please try again.
50008Ga e kgone go letsa Can't call
50009O tlhoka go tobetsa gore go rouma ga lentswe go dire go leletsa mongwe mogala ka gonne o mo lefelong la go rouma. O ka dira seno mo go Diseting Neteweke & e seng ya mogala Selula & SIM. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM.
50010Dithulaganyo Settings
50020Go dirisa tlhabanyetso %1# go daela %3 ka %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya UIM, tlhopha Leletsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50021Go dirisa tlhabanyetso %1# go daela %2 go tswa mo karateng ya gago ya UIM, tlhopha Leletsa. Go daela nomoro e nngwe, tlhopha Khansela o bo o tswelela o daela. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50023Karata ya UIM e tshwaregile, tsweetswee leka gape. The UIM card is busy, please try again.
50024O tlhoka go tobetsa go rouma ga lentswe gore go dire go leletsa mongwe mogala ka gonne o mo lefelong la go rouma. O dira seno mo go Diseting Neteweke & e seng ya mogala Selula & SIM/UIM. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM/UIM.
50025Ditiriso tsa megala ya lentswe Apps for voice calls
50026Phuruphutsha sediriso mo Lebentleleng? Search for an app in the Store?
50027O tlhoka go tsenya sediriso se se go letlang go dira megala ya lentswe, mme re ka go thusa go bona sengwe mo Lebentleleng. You need to install an app that lets you make voice calls, and we can help you find one in the Store.
50028Ee Yes
50029Nnyaa No
50030Tshuba megala ya vidio ya LTE? Turn on LTE video calling?
50031Megala ya vidio ya LTE e timilwe. Go dira mogala wa vidio, tshuba mogala wa vidio wa LTE. LTE video calling is turned off. To make a video call, turn on LTE video calling.
50034Mogala wa vidio wa LTE LTE video calling
50035Go dira ditekanyo tse di tlwaelegileng tsa tshedimosetso le lentswe ka nako ya megala ya vidio. Batho ba bangwe ba ka nna ba fitlhela gore o ka dira megala le go amogela megala ya vidio. Standard data and voice rates apply during video calls. Other people may discover that you can make and receive video calls.
50036Se bontshe molaetsa ono gape Don't show this message again
50038Vidio Video
50039A o founa o dirisa Wi-Fi? Call over Wi-Fi?
50040Ga e kgone go wetsa go founa ka neteweke ya selula. Tshuba go founa o dirisa Wi-Fi mo diseting tsa SIM, o bo o leka go founa gape. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on Wi-Fi calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50041Diseting Settings
50043O se ka wa bontsha molaetsa ono gape Don't show this message again
50044O batla go letsa mogala ka WLAN? Call over WLAN?
50045Ga e kgone go feleletsa mogala ka neteweke ya selula. Tshuba go letsa ka WLAN mo diseting tsa SIM, o bo o leka go letsa gape. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on WLAN calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50100%1 %2 %1 %2
50101%1 - khonferense %2 %1 - conference %2
50102Ga e Itsiwe Unknown
50200End the current call, then try to make the priority call again. End the current call, then try to make the priority call again.


File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16384
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Tswana
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Sediriswa sa DLL sa Tirelo ya Founo
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ditshwanelo tsotlhe di sireleditswe.
Original File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui?

PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Tswana language for file PhoneServiceRes.dll (Sediriswa sa DLL sa Tirelo ya Founo).

File version info

File Description:Sediriswa sa DLL sa Tirelo ya Founo
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ditshwanelo tsotlhe di sireleditswe.
Original Filename:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x432, 1200