pdh.dll.mui Windows 性能数据助手 DLL 9bc5096f296b39b575fcaf9a11e2c1f3

File info

File name: pdh.dll.mui
Size: 7680 byte
MD5: 9bc5096f296b39b575fcaf9a11e2c1f3
SHA1: 9615468105f111714701f14c6e8fc316bf80e83d
SHA256: 729a986eac57ab07d5a7a3f5e33c1bdc1e561ac7c7b2060c52e7877d3f5f63fb
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
10023性能监视器文件 Performance Monitor File
0x0返回的数据有效。 The returned data is valid.
0x1返回数据值有效,且与上个示例不同。 The returned data value is valid and different from the last sample.
0x10000038经典 Classic
0x800007D0无法连接到指定的计算机或该计算机已处于脱机状态。 Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline.
0x800007D1指定的实例不存在。 The specified instance is not present.
0x800007D2存在其他不符合缓冲区支持的数据返回。请分配较大的缓冲区并重新调用函数。 There is more data to return than will fit in the supplied buffer. Allocate a larger buffer and call the function again.
0x800007D3数据项目已经加入查询中,但尚未被验证或被访问。此数据项目没有其他可用的状态信息。 The data item has been added to the query, but has not been validated or accessed. No other status information about this data item is available.
0x800007D4重试选定的操作。 Retry the selected operation.
0x800007D5没有要返回的数据。 No data to return.
0x800007D6检测出一个含有负分母值的计数器。 A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.
0x800007D7检测出一个含有负时间基数数值的计数器。 A counter with a negative timebase value was detected.
0x800007D8检测出一个含有负值的计数器。 A counter with a negative value was detected.
0x800007D9用户取消对话框。 The user canceled the dialog box.
0x800007DA已到达日志文件结尾。 The end of the log file was reached.
0x800007DB等待异步计数器收集线程结束时超时。 Time-out while waiting for the asynchronous counter collection thread to end.
0x800007DC无法更改默认实时数据源。存在收集计数器数据的实时查询会话。 Cannot change the default real time data source. There are real time query sessions collecting counter data.
0x80000BD5无法映射到性能计数器名称数据文件。将从注册表读取数据,并将数据保存到本地上。 Unable to map to the performance counter name data files. The data will be read from the registry and stored locally.
0x80000BF3传递的信息无效。 The information passed is not valid.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-PDH Microsoft-Windows-PDH
0xC0000BB8在计算机上找不到指定的对象。 The specified object was not found on the computer.
0xC0000BB9找不到指定的计数器。 The specified counter could not be found.
0xC0000BBA返回数据不正确。 The returned data is not valid.
0xC0000BBBPDH 功能无法分置足够的临时内存以完成操作。请关闭一些应用程序或扩展页面文件,并重试这项功能。 A PDH function could not allocate enough temporary memory to complete the operation. Close some applications or extend the pagefile and retry the function.
0xC0000BBC句柄不是正确的 PDH 对象。 The handle is not a valid PDH object.
0xC0000BBD必需的参数丢失或错误。 A required argument is missing or not correct.
0xC0000BBE找不到指定的函数。 Unable to find the specified function.
0xC0000BBF并未指定计数器。 No counter was specified.
0xC0000BC0无法标记计数器路径。请检查指定路径的格式及语法。 Unable to parse the counter path. Check the format and syntax of the specified path.
0xC0000BC1调用程序发送的缓冲区无效。 The buffer passed by the caller is not valid.
0xC0000BC2请求的数据大于给定缓冲区的范围。无法返回请求的数据。 The requested data is larger than the given buffer. Unable to return the requested data.
0xC0000BC3无法连接到所请求的计算机。 Unable to connect to the requested computer.
0xC0000BC4无法转换指定的计数器路径。 The specified counter path could not be interpreted.
0xC0000BC5无法从指定的计数器路径读取实例名。 The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path.
0xC0000BC6数据无效。 The data is not valid.
0xC0000BC7对话框数据块不存在或无效。 The data block of the dialog box was missing or not valid.
0xC0000BC8无法从指定的计算机读取计数器和/或说明文本。 Unable to read the counter and/or explain text from the specified computer.
0xC0000BC9无法创建指定的日志文件。 Unable to create the specified log file.
0xC0000BCA无法打开指定的日志文件。 Unable to open the specified log file.
0xC0000BCB该计算机上尚未安装指定的日志文件类型。 The specified log file type has not been installed on this computer.
0xC0000BCC没有可用的数据了。 No more data is available.
0xC0000BCD在日志文件中找不到指定的记录。 The specified record was not found in the log file.
0xC0000BCE指定的数据源是一个日志文件。 The specified data source is a log file.
0xC0000BCF指定的数据源目前在使用中。 The specified data source is the current activity.
0xC0000BD0无法读取日志文件标头。 The log file header could not be read.
0xC0000BD1找不到指定的文件。 Unable to find the specified file.
0xC0000BD2带有指定文件名的文件已存在。 There is already a file with the specified file name.
0xC0000BD3未使用引用的函数。 The referenced function is not implemented.
0xC0000BD4在性能名称列表和说明文字字符串中找不到指定的字符串。 Unable to find the specified string in the list of performance name and explain text strings.
0xC0000BD6PDH DLL 无法识别指定的日志文件格式。 The format of the specified log file is not recognized by the PDH DLL.
0xC0000BD7不可识别指定的日志文件服务命令数值。 The specified Log Service command value is not recognized.
0xC0000BD8无法打开或找到日志服务中指定的查询。 Unable to open or find the specified Query from the Log Service.
0xC0000BD9无法打开性能数据日志服务密钥。这可能是由于权限不足,或者还未安装该服务。 Unable to open the Performance Data Log Service key. This may be due to insufficient privilege or because the service has not been installed.
0xC0000BDA在访问 WBEM 数据存储时发生错误。 An error occurred while accessing the WBEM data store.
0xC0000BDB无法访问所需的计算机或服务。用计算机上或被监视的服务上的同类信息检查日志服务或交互用户会话的权限和身份验证。 Unable to access the desired computer or service. Check the permissions and authentication of the log service or the interactive user session against those on the computer or service being monitored.
0xC0000BDC指定的日志文件最大值太小,无法记录所选计数器。这个日志文件中不会记录任何数据。指定一个较小集的计数器或较大的日志大小,重试这个调用。 The maximum log file size specified is too small to log the selected counters. No data will be recorded in this log file. Specify a smaller set of counters to log or a larger file size and retry this call.
0xC0000BDD无法连接到 ODBC DataSource 名。 Cannot connect to ODBC DataSource Name.
0xC0000BDESQL 数据库不包含一套有效的性能监视器表;需要使用 PdhCreateSQLTables。使用 ODBC 数据源管理器创建 SQL Server 系统数据源名称以使性能监视器正确地创建计数器日志记录的数据库。 The SQL database does not contain a valid set of tables for Performance Monitor; you need to use PdhCreateSQLTables. Use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a SQL Server system data source name to let Performance Monitor correctly create a database for counter logging.
0xC0000BDF没有找到此性能监视器 SQL 日志集的计数器。 No counters were found for this Performance Monitor SQL Log Set.
0xC0000BE0调用 SQLAllocStmt 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLAllocStmt failed with %1.
0xC0000BE1调用 SQLAllocConnect 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLAllocConnect failed with %1.
0xC0000BE2调用 SQLExecDirect 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLExecDirect failed with %1.
0xC0000BE3调用 SQLFetch 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLFetch failed with %1.
0xC0000BE4调用 SQLRowCount 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLRowCount failed with %1.
0xC0000BE5调用 SQLMoreResults 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLMoreResults failed with %1.
0xC0000BE6调用 SQLConnect 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLConnect failed with %1.
0xC0000BE7调用 SQLBindCol 失败,原因为 %1。 Call to SQLBindCol failed with %1.
0xC0000BE8无法连接到所要求计算机上的 WMI 服务器。 Unable to connect to the WMI server on the requested computer.
0xC0000BE9集合已在运行。 Collection is already running.
0xC0000BEA指定的起始时间在结束时间之后。 The specified start time is after the end time.
0xC0000BEB集合不存在。 Collection does not exist.
0xC0000BEC已超过指定的结束时间。 The specified end time has already passed.
0xC0000BED集合没有启动。请检查应用程序事件日志,看是否有错误。 Collection did not start. Check the application event log for any errors.
0xC0000BEE集合已存在。 Collection already exists.
0xC0000BEF设置类型中有不相配之处。 There is a mismatch in the settings type.
0xC0000BF0指定的信息没有解析为有效的路径名。 The information specified does not resolve to a valid path name.
0xC0000BF1性能日志和警报服务没有响应。 The Performance Logs & Alerts service did not respond.
0xC0000BF4提供的名称太长。 The name supplied is too long.
0xC0000BF5SQL 日志格式错误。正确的格式为 \"SQL:!\"。 SQL log format is not correct. Correct format is \"SQL:!\".
0xC0000BF6PdhAddCounter() 调用中指定的性能计数器已被添加到性能查询中。此计数器被忽略。 The performance counter specified in the PdhAddCounter() call has already been added to the performance query. This counter is ignored.
0xC0000BF7无法从输入二进制日志文件读取计数器信息和数据。 Unable to read counter information and data from input binary log files.
0xC0000BF8至少有一个输入二进制日志文件含有两个以下的数据范例。 At least one of the input binary log files contain fewer than two data samples.
0xC0000BF9名为 %1 的计算机上的操作系统版本比本地计算机上的新。无法从本地计算机执行这个操作。 The version of the operating system on the computer named %1 is more recent than that on the local computer. This operation is not available from the local computer.
0xC0000BFA%1 支持 %2 或更新版本。请检查名为 %3 的计算机上的操作系统版本。 %1 supports %2 or more recent versions. Check the operating system version on the computer named %3.
0xC0000BFB要附加到此文件中的文件中包含的数据必须比该文件中的数据早。 The file that you want to append to this file must contain data that is older than the data in this file.
0xC0000BFC两个文件必须具有相同的计数器以将一个文件附加到另一个文件中。 Both files must have identical counters to append one file to the other.
0xC0000BFD无法更改 SQL 数据库中的 CounterDetail 表格布局。 Cannot alter CounterDetail table layout in SQL database.
0xC0000BFE收集计数器数据超时。请稍后重试,或在 HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVerison\\PDH\\CollectTimeout 增加 \"CollectTime\" 注册表值的值。该值的单位为秒。默认值为 300 秒。 A timeout occurred when collecting counter data. Retry later, or increase the value of the \"CollectTime\" registry value at HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVerison\\PDH\\CollectTimeout. Its unit is in seconds. The default value is 300 seconds.


File Name:pdh.dll.mui
File Size:7.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:7168
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows 性能数据助手 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PDH.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:PDH.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is pdh.dll.mui?

pdh.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file pdh.dll (Windows 性能数据助手 DLL).

File version info

File Description:Windows 性能数据助手 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PDH.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:PDH.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200