accessibilitycpl.dll.mui Paneli dhibiti ya urahisi wa ufikiaji 9ad28b65918ce6785aa4b9d4ab8a5168

File info

File name: accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
Size: 38912 byte
MD5: 9ad28b65918ce6785aa4b9d4ab8a5168
SHA1: f538df448a22a90a4dd4ce359082015a01a16a33
SHA256: 3b632f539a6d7453acce2ee053693cd99ce968e25330aec9ec8120d3d439ac95
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Swahili language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Swahili English
2Sekunde %d%s%d %d%s%d seconds
3Jifunze mtandaoni kuhusu teknolojia za ziada za usaidizi Learn about additional assistive technologies online
4Majibu yako yanatumiwa kubainisha mipangilio iliyopendekezwa tu. Iwapo programu au Tovuti nyingine inataka kutumia maelezo haya ili kutosheleza mahitaji yako bora, utaombwa kibali dhahiri na programu hiyo. Taarifa ya Faragha Your answers are used to determine recommended settings only. If another program or Web site wants to use this information to better suit your needs, you will be explicitly asked for permission by that program. Privacy Statement
5dakika %d %d minutes
6dakika 1 1 minute
7sekunde %d %d seconds
10Kituo cha Urahisi wa Ufikivu Ease of Access Center
45Fanya kompyuta yako iwe rahisi zaidi kutumia. Make your computer easier to use.
46Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia (kuona) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight)
47Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia (kwa mikono) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (dexterity)
48Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia (kusikia) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (hearing)
49Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia (uneni) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (speech)
50Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia (utambuzi) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive)
56Tumia kompyuta bila skrini Use the computer without a display
57Fanya kompyuta rahisi zaidi kuona Make the computer easier to see
58Fanya kipanya rahisi zaidi kutumia Make the mouse easier to use
59Fanya kibodi rahisi zaidi kutumia Make the keyboard easier to use
60Tumia kompyuta bila kipanya au kibodi Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
61Tumia mibadala ya matini au ya kuonekana badala ya sauti Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
62Fanya iwe rahisi zaidi kulenga kazi Make it easier to focus on tasks
63Sanidi Vibonye vya Kipanya Set up Mouse Keys
64Sanidi Vibonye vya Kuchujia Set up Filter Keys
65Sanidi Rudia na Vibonye Polepole Set up Repeat and Slow Keys
66Vipimo Vinavyopendekezwa Recommended settings
67Badilisha mipangilio ya kuingia Change sign-in settings
68Sanidi Vibonye Nata Set up Sticky Keys
70Chagua mandhari y&enye Ulinganuzi Mkuu Choose a High Cont&rast theme
72%s baada ya kuingia %s after sign-in
73%s kwa kuingia %s at sign-in
74Sikia matini kwenye skrini yakisomwa kwa sauti kubwa (Kisimulizi) Hear text on screen read aloud (Narrator)
75Fanya vipengee kwenye skrini kuwa kubwa zaidi (Kikuzi) Make items on the screen larger (Magnifier)
76Chapa bila kibodi (Kibodi Kwenye Skrini) Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard)
78Bofya njia za mkato za kibodi kibonye kimoja kwa wakati mmoja (Vibonye Nata) Press keyboard shortcuts one key at a time (Sticky Keys)
79Nikibofya vibonye tena na tena, puuza ubofyaji wa ziada (Vibonye Vichujio) If I press keys repeatedly, ignore extra presses (Filter Keys)
80Tumia kibao namba ili kusongeza kipanya kwenye skrini (Kibonye cha Kipanya) Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen (Mouse Keys)
81Sikia sauti wakati unabofya CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, au SCROLL LOCK (Kibonye Guro) Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK (Toggle Keys)
82Fanya mguso na kompyuta ndogo rahisi kutumia Make touch and tablets easier to use
83Kisimulizi Narrator
84Kikuzi Magnifier
85Kwenye Skrini ya Kibodi On-Screen Keyboard
86Hakuna None
1101Fanya kipanya rahisi kutumia Make the mouse easier to use
1102Vioneshi vya kipanya Mouse pointers
1103Dhibiti kipanya na kibodi Control the mouse with the keyboard
1105Other programs installed Other programs installed
1106Uweupe Kawai&da &Regular White
1107&Uweusi Kawaida Reg&ular Black
1108Upinduzi K&awaida Re&gular Inverting
1109Uweupe &Mkubwa &Large White
1110Uw&eusi Mkubwa Large &Black
1111Upinduaji Mku&bwa Large &Inverting
1112U&weupe Mkubwa Zaidi E&xtra Large White
1113&Uweusi Mkubwa Zaidi Extra Large Blac&k
1114Upindua&ji Mkubwa Zaidi Extra Large I&nverting
1115Amilis&hia dirisha kwa kugandisha juu yake na kipanya Activate a &window by hovering over it with the mouse
1116Fanya kompyuta rahisi kuona Make the computer easier to see
1117Sikia matini na ufafanuzi ukisomwa kwa sauti Hear text and descriptions read aloud
1118Fanya vitu kwenye kiwamba kuwa vikubwa zaidi Make things on the screen larger
1119Fanya vitu kwenye kiwamba rahisi kuona Make things on the screen easier to see
1121Washa &Kikuzi Turn on Mag&nifier
1123Tumia matini au angazishe badala ya sauti Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
1124Tumia ishara angazishe badala ya sauti Use visual cues instead of sounds
1127Fanya iwe rahisi kulenga kazi Make it easier to focus on tasks
1129Rahisisha chapa Make it easier to type
1138Fanya kompyuta yako iwe rahisi zaidi kutumia Make your computer easier to use
1139Ufikivu haraka kwenye zana za kawaida Quick access to common tools
1141Kila wakati soma se&hemu hii kwa sauti Al&ways read this section aloud
1142Kila wakati tambaza sehem&u hii Always scan this secti&on
1143An&zisha Kikuzi Start Ma&gnifier
1144Anzisha &Kisimulizi Start &Narrator
1145Washa ki&bodi Kwenye Skrini Start On-Screen &Keyboard
1148Sanidi Ulinganuzi M&kali Set &up High Contrast
1153Chunguza mipangilio yote Explore all settings
1155Boresha kwa ajili ya upofu Optimize for blindness
1157Boresha uonekanaji wa uonyesho Optimize visual display
1158Tumia tarakilishi bila kipanya au kibodi Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
1159Sanidi vifaa ingizo badala Set up alternative input devices
1161Rekebisha mipangilio ya kipanya au vifaa vielekezi vingine Adjust settings for the mouse or other pointing devices
1163Rekebisha mipangilio ya kibodi Adjust settings for the keyboard
1165Sanidi mibadala badala ya sauti Set up alternatives for sounds
1167Rekebisha vipimo vya kusoma na kuchapa Adjust settings for reading and typing
1168Rekebisha upeo wa saa na angazishe mwako Adjust time limits and flashing visuals
1169Tumia nywila hii kuongezea tarakilishi nyingine kwenye kikundimaskani chako. Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen.
1171Sanidi Vib&onye vya Kipanya Set up Mouse Ke&ys
1172Bofya njiamkato za kibodi (kama vile CTRL+ALT+DEL) kibonye kimoja kwa wakati mmoja. Press keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+ALT+DEL) one key at a time.
1174Sanidi Vit&ufe Nata Set up Sti&cky Keys
1175Sikiliza toni unapobofya CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, AU SCROLL LOCK. Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK.
1176Washa Vibo&nye Guro Turn on Toggle &Keys
1177Washa Vibonye Guro kwa kushikilia chini kibonye cha FUN&GA NA kwa sekunde 5 Turn on Toggle Keys by holding down the NUM LOCK key for &5 seconds
1178Puuza au punguza kasi ya muda au mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye na urekebishe uradidi wa kibodi. Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates.
1179Washa Vibonye &Vichujio Turn on F&ilter Keys
1180Sanidi Vibonye Vi&chujio Set up Fi<er Keys
1181&Pigia mstari njiamkato ya kibodi na vibonye fikishi U&nderline keyboard shortcuts and access keys
1182Fanya kibodi rahisi kutumia Make the keyboard easier to use
1184Fanya iwe rahisi kutumia njiamkato za kibodi Make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts
1185Sanidi Vibonye Vichujio Set up Filter Keys
1187Washa Vibo&nye Vichujio wakati SHIFT kulia imebonyezwa kwa sekunde 8 Turn on Filter &Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds
1188Chaguo za chujio Filter options
1189Washa Vi&bonye Duta Turn on &Bounce Keys
1190Ukiduta vidole vyako kwenye vibonye kimakosa, Vibonye Duta vitapuuza mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye hadi muda fulani upite. If you unintentionally bounce your fingers on a key, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes for a specific amount of time.
1191Ni muda upi kompyuta yako itasubiri kabla ya kukubali mapigo ya vibonye? How long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes?
1193Washa Vibonye Rudia na Vibonye &Polepole Turn on &Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1194kompyuta itapuuza mapigo mafupi ya vibonye kulingana na upeo wa muda uliopangiza. The computer will ignore brief keystrokes according to the time limits you set.
1195Sanidi Vibonye R&udia na Vibonye Polepole Set &up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1196Chapa matini hapa ili ujaribu &vipimo: Type text here to test setti&ngs:
1197Vipimo vingine Other settings
1198Bipu &wakati vibonye vinapobonyezwa au kukubaliwa Beep &when keys are pressed or accepted
1200Kisimulizi husoma kwa sauti matini yoyote kwenye kiwamba. Utahitaji spika. Narrator reads aloud any text on the screen. You will need speakers.
1201Washa Kisimuli&zi T&urn on Narrator
1203&Pangiza unene wa kielelezi mwako: Set the thickness of the &blinking cursor:
1204Mwoneko awali: Preview:
1205Zima uhuishaji wot&e usiohitajika (ikiwezekana) Turn off all unnecessary animations (&when possible)
1206Ondoa taswira za &mandharinyuma (inapopatikana) Remove back&ground images (where available)
1207Sikia ufafanuzi wa kinachofanyika kwenye video (inapopatikana). Hear descriptions of what's happening in videos (when available).
1208Was&ha Ufafanuzi Sikizi Turn on Aud&io Description
1209Ni muda gani taarifa za vikasha &ongezi vya Windows vinabaki vikiwa vimefunguliwa? How long should Windows notification dialog bo&xes stay open?
1214Epuka kutumia kipanya na kibodi Avoid using the mouse and keyboard
1215Ongea kwenye maikrofoni ili udhibiti kompyuta, ufungue programu, na uandikishe matini. Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text.
1216T&umia Utambuzi Usemaji &Use Speech Recognition
1217Chapa kwa kutumia kipanya au kifaa kingine oneshi kama vile kifimbocheza kwa kuteua vibonye toka kwenye picha ya kibodi. Type using the mouse or another pointing device such as a joystick by selecting keys from a picture of a keyboard.
1218Tumia &kibodi Kwenye Kiwamba Use On-Screen &Keyboard
1221Washa Vi&bonye vya Kipanya na ALT ya kushoto + SHIFT ya kushoto + NUM LOCK Turn on Mouse &Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK
1222Kasi ya kioneshi Pointer speed
1223Kasi ya juu: Top speed:
1224Chini Low
1225Juu High
1226Uchapuzi: Acceleration:
1227Polepole Slow
1228Haraka Fast
1229S&hikilia CTRL kuongeza kasi na SHIFT kupunguza kasi Hold do&wn CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down
1230Vipimo vinginevyo Other settings
1231Tumia Vibonye vya Kipanya wakati NUM LOCK iko: Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is:
1232&Washwa O&n
1233Zima Off
1234Onysha ikoni ya &Vibonye Kipanya kwenye mwambaakazi Display the Mouse Ke&ys icon on the taskbar
1235Tumia kompyuta bila kiwamba Use the computer without a display
1236Sikia matini yakisomwa kwa sauti Hear text read aloud
1237Sanidi Matini &kwa Uneni &Set up Text to Speech
1239Sanidi Vibonye Rudia na Vibonye Polepole Set up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1240Epuka mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye wakati unaposhikilia kibonye Avoid repeated keystrokes when you hold down a key
1242P&uuza mapigo yote yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye Ig&nore all repeated keystrokes
1244Punguza kasi ya uradidi wa ki&bodi Slow down keyboard repeat &rates
1246&Muda gani kompyuta hii inapaswa kusubiri kabla ya kukubali mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye? How &long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1247Muda gani kompyuta hii inapaswa kusubiri kabla ya kukubali pigo la kwanza lililorudiwa la kibonye? How long should the computer wait before accepting the first repeated keystroke?
1248Epuka mapigo ya vibonye kwa bahati mbaya Avoid accidental keystrokes
1249Muda gani unataka kushikilia &kibonye kabla kompyuta yako ikubalia pigo la kibonye? How long do you want to hold down a &key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1251Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kutumia Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1252Jibu maswali yafuatayo ili upate mapendekezo ya Vipimo ambavyo vinaweza kukusaidia kufanya kompyuta yako rahisi kuona, kusikia, na kutumia. Answer the following questions to get recommendations for settings that can make your computer easier to see, hear, and use.
1253Katika kila swali, teua taarifa zote ambazo zinatumika kwako. Ukimaliza, unaweza kubainisha ni Vipimo gani vya kuwasha. For each question, select all statements that apply to you. When you're done, you can decide which settings to turn on.
1255Kuona (1 kati ya 5) Eyesight (1 of 5)
1256Taswira na &matini kwenye runinga ni ngumu kuona (hata wakati nimevaa macho nne). Images and te&xt on TV are difficult to see (even when I'm wearing glasses).
1257Hali ya mwangaza inafanya iwe vigumu &kuona taswira kwenye kiwaa changu. Lighting conditions make it difficult to &see images on my monitor.
1258Mimi ni kip&ofu. I am b&lind.
1259Nina aina nyingine ya &ulemavu wa kuona (hata kama machonne inairekebisha). I have another type of vision &impairment (even if glasses correct it).
1263Inayofua&ta &Next
1264Kati&sha &Cancel
1265Dexterity (2 kati ya 5) Dexterity (2 of 5)
1266Kalamu na p&enseli ni ngumu kutumia. &Pens and pencils are difficult to use.
1267Hali ya kimwili huathiri utumiaji wa &vilimbili, viwiko, au vidole vyangu. A physical condition affects the &use of my arms, wrists, hands, or fingers.
1268Situmii &kibodi. I do not use a &keyboard.
1269Kusikia (3 kati ya 5) Hearing (3 of 5)
1270Maz&ungumzo yanaweza kuwa magumu kusikia (hata na visaidia kusikia). C&onversations can be difficult to hear (even with a hearing aid).
1271&Kelele ya mandharinyuma hufanya vigumu kusikia kompyuta. &Background noise makes the computer difficult to hear.
1272&Nina ugumu wa kusikia. I a&m hard of hearing.
1273&Mimi ni kiziwi. &I am deaf.
1274Ufahamu (5 kati ya 5) Reasoning (5 of 5)
1275Mara kwa mara ni &vigumu kwangu kuzingatia. It is often d&ifficult for me to concentrate.
1276Nina &ulemavu wa kusoma, kama vile kutoweza kusoma vizuri. I have a &learning disability, such as dyslexia.
1277Mara kwa mara ni vigumu kwangu kukumbuka &mambo. It is often difficult for me to remember thin&gs.
1278Imetendek&a D&one
1281&Washa Vibonye vya Kipanya Turn on &Mouse Keys
1282Was&ha Vibonye Nata Tu&rn on Sticky Keys
1283Rahisisha kuchapa Make it easier to type
1284Chapa kwa kutumia kifaa oneshi Type using a pointing device
1286&Onyesha ikoni ya Vibonye Kichujio kwenye mwambaakazi Displa&y the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar
1288Unda pointi rejeshi ya kucheleza Create a restore point for backup
1289Chagua onyo angazishe Choose visual warning
1290&Hakuna &None
1291Muli&ka pau amilifu ya ufupisho Flash active caption &bar
1292M&ulika kidirisha amilifu Flash active &window
1293&Mulika eneokazi Flash des&ktop
1294Sanidi Vitufe Nata Set up Sticky Keys
1295Washa &Vitufe Nata wakati SHIFT imebonyezwa mara tano Turn on Sticky &Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times
1296Chaguo Options
1297&Funga vibonye vya kikuzi wakati imebonyezwa mara mbili mfululizo &Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row
1298Zima Vi&bonye Nata wakati vibonye viwili vimebonyezwa kwa wakati mmoja T&urn off Sticky Keys when two keys are pressed at once
1299Mwitikio Feedback
1300&Chezesha sauti wakati vibonye rekebishi vimebonyezwa Pla&y a sound when modifier keys are pressed
1301&onyesha ikoni ya Vitufe Nata kwenye paukazi D&isplay the Sticky Keys icon on the task bar
1302Kikuzi hukuza zaidi mahali popote kwenye kiwamba, na hufanya kila kitu kwenye eneo hilo kuwa kubwa zaidi. Unaweza kuhamisha Kikuzi, kukifunga mahali pamoja, au kukibadilisha ukubwa. Magnifier zooms in anywhere on the screen, and makes everything in that area larger. You can move Magnifier around, lock it in one place, or resize it.
1304&Sawa &OK
1305Katisha Cancel
1306&Tekeleza A&pply
1307Watu w&engine wana ugumu wa kunielewa katika gumzo (lakini sio kwa sababu ya lafudhi). Other &people have difficulty understanding me in a conversation (but not due to an accent).
1308Nina ulemavu wa &uneni. I have a &speech impairment.
1309Wakati unatumia njiamkato za kibodi kuwasha vipimo vya Urahisi wa Ufikio: When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on:
1312Uneni (4 kati ya 5) Speech (4 of 5)
1314Pata mapendekezo ya kufanya kompyuta yako rahi&si zaidi kutumia Get &recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1319Ona pia See also
1320Kikuzi kinaweza kuongeza ukubwa wa sehemu ya kiwamba. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1321Kisimulizi husoma matini kwa sauti kwenye kiwamba. Narrator reads aloud text on the screen.
1322kibodi kwenye Kiwamba hufanya iwe rahisi kuchapa kwa kutumia kipanya au kifaa kingine cha kielekezi kwa kubofya vibonye kwenye picha ya kibodi. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1325&Badilisha ukubwa wa matini na ikoni Change the si&ze of text and icons
1326Rekebisha rangi na uwazi wa mipaka &ya dirisha Ad&just the color and transparency of the window borders
1327Fanya mraba lengwa kuwa &nene Make the focus rectangle thic&ker
1328&Vipimo vya kipanya Mouse &settings
1329Vipimo vya &kibodi Key&board settings
1330&Vifaa Sikizi na Dhima za Sauti Aud&io Devices and Sound Themes
1331Kipimo hiki kinaweza kukusaidia kusanidi kompyuta yako ili ifikie mahitaji yako. Pitia vipimo viliyopendekezwa hapa chini na uteue chaguo ambazo unataka kutumia. These settings can help you set up your computer to meet your needs. Review the recommended settings below and select the options that you want to use.
1332Hakuna mapendekezo kulingana na teuzi zako. There are no recommendations based on your selections.
1333Unaweza kujaribu moja kati ya mambo mawili: You can try one of two things:
1334inakamilisha hojaji tena. Completing the questionnaire again.
1335Rudi katika ukurasa wa nyumbani wa Urahisi wa Ufikiaji. Return to the Ease of Access home page.
1342Unaweza kuwa na teknolojia saidizi ianze kiotomatiki wakati unaingia, baada ya kuingia, au zote. Teua visanduku tiki katika kila chaguo ambalo ungependa kutumia. You can have assistive technologies start automatically when you sign in, after you sign in, or both. Select the check boxes for each option you'd like to use.
1343Wakati unatumia njia mkato za kibodi kuwasha mipangilio ya Urahisi wa Ufikiaji: When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on:
1346Teua taarifa zote ambazo zinatumika kwako: Select all statements that apply to you:
1347&Washa taarifa angazishe ya sauti (Kilinda Sauti) Tu&rn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry)
1348Washa maelezo mafupi ya mati&ni ya maandiko yaliyonenwa (ikipatikana) T&urn on text captions for spoken dialog (when available)
1349Washa au zima Iliyokozwa Sana wakati ALT ya kushoto + SHIFT ya kushoto + PRINT S&CREEN kinapobonyezwa Turn on or off High Contrast when &left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN is pressed
1357Onyesha ujumbe wa &onyo wakati unawasha vipimo Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1358Toa sauti wakati unawasha au kuzima&vipimo &Make a sound when turning a setting on or off
1360Toa sauti wakati unawasha au kuzi&ma vipimo Make a sound when t&urning a setting on or off
1361Onyesha ujumbe wa onyo wa&kati unawasha vipimo Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1363Onyesha uju&mbe wa onyo wakati unawasha vipimo Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1364Toa sauti wa&kati unawasha au kuzima vipimo &Make a sound when turning a setting on or off
1365Tumia kibaonamba kuhamisha kipanya kwenye kiwamba. Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen.
1366Washa Vibonye vya &Kipanya Turn on &Mouse Keys
1367Puuza au punguza kasi ya muda au mapigo ya vibonye yaliyorudiwa na urekebishe uradidi wa kibodi. Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates.
1368Washa Vibonye Vi&chujio Turn on F&ilter Keys
1369&Washa Vibonye Nata Tu&rn on Sticky Keys
1370Vifaa Sikizi na Dhima za Sa&uti &Audio Devices and Sound Themes
1372Ulinganuzi wa Juu High Contrast
1373Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1374On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1376Ulinganuzi wa Juu huongeza koza kwenye rangi ili kupunguza ukakamavu wa macho na kufanya vitu kuwa rahisi kusoma. Kuiwasha, bofya Shift ya Kushoto+Alt ya Kushoto+Print Screen. High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen.
1379Use the computer without a display Use the computer without a display
1381Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
1383Make the keyboard easier to use Make the keyboard easier to use
1384Use text or visual alternatives for sounds Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
1385Make it easier to focus on tasks Make it easier to focus on tasks
1386Hauna uhakika wapi pa kuanzia? Not sure where to start?
1387Get Help Get Help
1388Msaada Help
1389Unapoteua mipangilio hii, itaanza kiotomatiki kila wakati unapoingia. When you select these settings, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1390Unapoteua zana hizi, zitaanza kiotomatiki kila wakati unapoingia. When you select these tools, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1391Na&fsisha Mwonekano na athari za sauti Pe&rsonalize appearance and sound effects
1392&Rekebisha vizuri athari za kiwamba Fine tune display effe&cts
1393Ongeza kibodi cha Dvorak na ubadilishe vipi&mo vingine vya ingizo kibodi Add a Dvorak keyboard and chan&ge other keyboard input settings
1394kompyuta yako inaweza kupuuza mapigo yote yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye au inaweza kupangiza nafasi ya muda kabla ikubali mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye. Your computer can ignore all repeated keystrokes or you can set the time interval before it accepts repeated keystrokes.
1395Unaweza kutumia zana katika sehemu hii ili kukusaidia kuanza. You can use the tools in this section to help you get started.
1396Windows inaweza kusoma na kutambaza orodha hii kiotomatiki. Bofya Upau Nafasi ili uteue zana iliyoangazwa. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted tool.
1397Badilisha rangi na ukubwa wa vioneshi kipanya. Change the color and size of mouse pointers.
1398Ulinganuzi wa juu huongeza koza kwenye rangi ili kupunguza ukakamavu wa macho na kufanya vitu kuwa rahisi kusoma. Kuiwasha, bofya Shift ya Kushoto+Alt ya Kushoto+Print Screen. High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen.
1399Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use.
1400These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts.
1401Chagua mpango wa rangi ya Ulinga&nuzi wa Juu Choose a High Cont&rast color scheme
1402Njiamkato ya kibodi Keyboard shortcut
1403Inasoma Reading
1406Seti unene wa kielekezi kinachopepesa Set the thickness of the blinking cursor
1407Ni muda gani utaarifu wa vikasha ongezi vya Windows vinabaki vikiwa vimefunguliwa? How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open?
1409Muda gani unataka kushikilia kibonye kabla kompyuta yako ikubali pigo la kibonye? How long do you want to hold down a key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1410test test
1412Muda gani kompyuta hii inapaswa kusubiri kabla ya kukubali mapigo yaliyorudiwa ya vibonye? How long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1413Kasi ya juu Top speed
1414Uchapuzi Acceleration
1415Ongea kwenye maikrofoni ili udhibiti kompyuta, ufungue programu, na uandikishe matini. Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text.
1416Tumia Utam&buzi Usemaji Use Speech Recog&nition
1417Rahisisha kusimamia windows Make it easier to manage windows
1419Zuia windows dhidi ya kupangiliwa kwa njia fanyizi wakati inasongeshwa katika pembezo za skrini Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen
1422Teknolojia Saidizi Assistive Technology
14241429 1429
1431Punguza mipangilio ya mguso na kompyuta kibao Adjust settings for touch and tablets
1432Make touch and tablets easier to use Make touch and tablets easier to use
1433Kubonyeza kitufe cha Windows na kitufe cha kuongeza Sauti pamoja kwenye kompyuta kibao yako inaweza kuanzisha zana yaufikiaji. Je, ni zana gani cha ufikiaji ungependa kizunduliwe? Pressing the Windows button and Volume up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. Which accessibility tool would you like to be launched?
1435Inazindua zana za kawaida Launching common tools
1436Fanya mguso rahisi kutumia Make touch easier to use
1437Zana za ufikiaji Accessibility tools
1438Zindua zana hii kutoka kwenye skrini ya kuingia Launch this tool from the sign-in screen
1439Mguso na kompyuta kibao Touch and tablets
1440Baada ya kuingia After sign-in
1441Wakati wa kuingia At sign-in
1442Kubonyeza kitufe cha Windows na kitufe cha kuongeza Sauti pamoja kwenye kompyuta yako ndogo inaweza kuanzisha zana ya ufikiaji. Ili kubadilisha ni zana gani inayozinduliwa wakati unabofya vitufe hivi baada ya kuingia, nenda kwa Fanya mguso na kompyuta ndogo rahisi kutumia. Pressing the Windows button and Volume Up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. To change which tool launches when you press these buttons after you've signed in, go to the Make touch and tablets easier to use page.
5002Windows Kawaida (kubwa) Windows Standard (large)
5003Windows Standard (extra large) Windows Standard (extra large)
5004Windows Black Windows Black
5005Windows Black (large) Windows Black (large)
5006Windows Black (extra large) Windows Black (extra large)
5007Windows Inverted Windows Inverted
5008Windows Inverted (large) Windows Inverted (large)
5009Windows Inverted (extra large) Windows Inverted (extra large)
6000Ease of Access Sign-in Settings Ease of Access Sign-in Settings
6001The System Restore Wizard failed to start. The System Restore Wizard failed to start.
6002You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings.
6003An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL)
6004Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool.
6005An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL)
6006An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL)
6007An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6008An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6009An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6010An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6011An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6012An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6013An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6014An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6015An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL)
6016Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar
6019An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6020An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL)
6021An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL)


File Name:accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
File Size:38 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:38400
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Swahili
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Paneli dhibiti ya urahisi wa ufikiaji
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.
Original File Name:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is accessibilitycpl.dll.mui?

accessibilitycpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Swahili language for file accessibilitycpl.dll (Paneli dhibiti ya urahisi wa ufikiaji).

File version info

File Description:Paneli dhibiti ya urahisi wa ufikiaji
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.
Original Filename:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x441, 1200