Taskmgr.exe የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ 9aca913ba76e16df53168b0bd01f527f

File info

File name: Taskmgr.exe.mui
Size: 47616 byte
MD5: 9aca913ba76e16df53168b0bd01f527f
SHA1: ed2a71d8cccf77f0037714972b2e0ab5ddd20c55
SHA256: 1d496120d02856f379e43b8ccff6d1d59031ca9887a8773175fd298659bf457b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: Taskmgr.exe የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ (32-ቢት)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Amharic language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Amharic English
30040Ebrima Segoe UI
31501res`res`*`Resmon res`res`*`Resmon
31503load`load`config`Configuration file to load load`load`config`Configuration file to load
31504open`open`file`Data file to load open`open`file`Data file to load
31505Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator. Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator.
32000File File
32001Read (B/sec) Read (B/sec)
32002Write (B/sec) Write (B/sec)
32003ስም Name
32004PID PID
32005የተጠቃሚ ስም User name
32006የክፍለ ጊዜ አይ ዲ Session ID
32007CPU CPU
32008CPU ጊዜ CPU time
32009ተዟዟሪ Cycle
32010የስራ ስብስብ (ማኅደረ ትውስታ) Working set (memory)
32011ከፍተኛ የስራ ስብስብ (ማኅደረ ትውስታ) Peak working set (memory)
32012የስራ ስብስብ ዴልታ (ማኅደረ ትውስታ) Working set delta (memory)
32013ማኅደረ ትውስታ (የግል የስራ ስብስብ) Memory (private working set)
32014ማኅደረ ትውስታ (የተጋራ የስራ ስብስብ) Memory (shared working set)
32015መጠን ቀይር Commit size
32016ገጽ የተደረገ ፑል Paged pool
32017NP ፑል NP pool
32018የገጽ እንከኖች Page faults
32019PF ዴልታ PF Delta
32020የመሰረት ቀደሚነት Base priority
32021እጀታዎች Handles
32022ክሮች Threads
32023የተጠቃሚ ነገሮች User objects
32024GDI ነገሮች GDI objects
32025I/O ያነባል I/O reads
32026I/O ይጽፋል I/O writes
32027I/O ሌላ I/O other
32028I/O ባይቶችን አንብብ I/O read bytes
32029I/O ባይቶችን ፃፍ I/O write bytes
32030I/O ሌላ ባይቶች I/O other bytes
32031የምስል ዱካ ስም Image path name
32032የስርዓተ ክወና አገባብ Operating system context
32033መድረክ Platform
32034አቋም Status
32035ከፍተኛ Elevated
32036UAC ምናባዊነት UAC virtualization
32037ገለጻ Description
32038የውሂብ ሂደት ገደብ Data Execution Prevention
32039Disk total (B/sec) Disk total (B/sec)
32040Total (B/sec) Total (B/sec)
32041Send (B/sec) Send (B/sec)
32042Receive (B/sec) Receive (B/sec)
32044Response time (ms) Response time (ms)
32046ቡድን Group
32047አመክኒያዊ ዲስክ Logical disk
32048I/O ቀዳሚነት I/O priority
32049የስራ ነገር መታወቂያ Job Object ID
32050የጥቅል ስም Package name
32051የኢንተርፕራይዝ ነገረ አገባብ Enterprise Context
32200በማስኬድ ላይ Running
32201በመጀመር ላይ Starting
32202በመቀጠል ላይ Continuing
32203ላፍታ በማቆም ላይ Pausing
32204ላፍታ አቁሟል Paused
32205በመቆም ላይ Stopping
32206አቁሟል Stopped
32210ምላሽ አይሰጥም Not responding
32211ታግዷል Suspended
32213ትሮትልድ Throttled
32250Background Background
32251Low Low
32252Normal Normal
32253High High
32254Critical Critical
32256ከተለመደው በታች Below normal
32257መደበኛ Normal
32258Above normal Above normal
32260Realtime Realtime
32261አይተገበሬ N/A
32264Windows XP Windows XP
32265Windows Vista Windows Vista
32266Windows 7 Windows 7
32267Windows 8 Windows 8
32268Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1
32270%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
3227116 ቢት 16 bit
3227232 ቢት 32 bit
3227364 bit 64 bit
32280አዎ Yes
32281አይ No
32286Disabled Disabled
32287የነቃ Enabled
32350ስርዓት ይቋረጣል System interrupts
32351የተላለፉ የአካሄድ ጥሪዎች እና የአገልግሎት ዕለታዊ ተግባሮች መቋረጥ Deferred procedure calls and interrupt service routines
32352የስርዐተ ያለገለገለ ሂደት System Idle Process
32353ፕሮሰሰሩ ሳያገለግል የቆየበት መቶኛ ጊዜ Percentage of time the processor is idle
32360IPv4 loopback IPv4 loopback
32361IPv6 loopback IPv6 loopback
32362IPv4 unspecified IPv4 unspecified
32363IPv6 unspecified IPv6 unspecified
32365ተገናኝቷል Connected
32366ግንኙነቱ የተቋረጠ Disconnected
32367Connecting Connecting
32368Unknown Unknown
32369Non operational Non operational
32371Any Any
32372Infrared baseband Infrared baseband
32373Vendor specific Vendor specific
32381None None
32388LTE LTE
323891xRTT 1xRTT
323901xEVDO 1xEVDO
323911xEVDO RevA 1xEVDO RevA
323921xEVDV 1xEVDV
323933xRTT 3xRTT
323941xEVDO RevB 1xEVDO RevB
32395UMB UMB
32398Bluetooth PAN Bluetooth PAN
32399ኢተርኔት Ethernet
32400ዝርዝሮች Details
32401አገልግሎቶች Services
32402አፈጻጸም Performance
32403ሂደቶች Processes
32404መጀመር Startup
32405ተጠቃሚዎች Users
32406የመተግበሪያ ታሪክ App history
32420የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ Task Manager
32421%s መጨረስ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to end %s?
32422ክፍት የሆነ ፕሮግራም ከዚህ ሂደት ጋር የሚያያዝ ከሆነ ይዘጋል እና ያልተቀመጠ ማንኛውንም ውሂብ ያጣሉ። የስርዓት ሂደትን ከጨረሱ፣ የስርዓት አለመረጋጋትን ያመጣል። ለመቀጠል ስለመፈለጎ እርግጠኛ ኖት? If an open program is associated with this process, it will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?
32423ሂደት ጨርስ End process
32424የ%s የሂደት ዛፍ መጨረስ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to end the process tree of %s?
32425ክፍት ፕሮግራሞች ወይም ሂደቶች ከዚህ ሂደት ዛፍ ጋር የሚያያዙ ከሆነ፣ ይዘጉና ማንኛውንም ያልተቀመጠ ውሂብ ያጣሉ። የስርዓት ሂደትን ከጨረሱ፣የስርዓት አለመረጋጋት ሊያመጣ ይችላል። ለመቀጠል ስለመፈለጎ እርግጠኛ ኖት? If open programs or processes are associated with this process tree, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?
32426የሂደት ዛፍን ጨርስ End process tree
32427Do you want to end the selected processes? Do you want to end the selected processes?
32428If open programs are associated with the selected processes, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue? If open programs are associated with the selected processes, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?
32429Do you want to end the selected process trees? Do you want to end the selected process trees?
32430If open programs or processes are associated with the selected process trees, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue? If open programs or processes are associated with the selected process trees, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?
32431ዓምዶችን ምረጥ Select columns
32432በሰንጠረዡ ላይ የሚታዩትን ዓምዶች ምረጥ። Select the columns that will appear in the table.
32443የስርዓት ሂደት %s' መጨረስ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to end the system process '%s'?
32444ይሄንን ሂደት መጨረስ Windows ን እንዳይረጋጋ ወይም እንዲዘጋ ያደርጋል፣ ያልተቀመጠ ማንኛውንም ውሂብ እንዲያጡ ያደርጎታል። ለመቀጠል ስለመፈለጎ እርግጠኛ ኖት? Ending this process will cause Windows to become unusable or shut down, causing you to lose any data hasn't been saved. Are you sure you want to continue?
32445ዝጋ Shut down
32446ያልተቀመጠ ውሂብ ተው እና ዝጋ። Abandon unsaved data and shut down.
32447የ'%s' ቀደምትነት መለወጥ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to change the priority of '%s'?
32448የአንዳንድ ሂደቶችን ቅድሚያ መለወጥ የስርዓት አለመረጋጋት ሊያመጣ ይችላል። Changing the priority of certain processes could cause system instability.
32449ቀደምትነት ለውጥ Change priority
32450Unable to change priority Unable to change priority
32451Unable to set priority to Realtime. The priority was set to High instead. Unable to set priority to Realtime. The priority was set to High instead.
32532ትእዛዝ ለመፈጸም በመሞከር ጊዜ፣ የሚከተለው የስርዓት ስሕተት ተከስቷል፥ When attempting to execute the command, the following system error occurred:
328001 B/sec 1 B/sec
328011 KB/sec 1 KB/sec
3280210 KB/sec 10 KB/sec
32803100 KB/sec 100 KB/sec
328041 MB/sec 1 MB/sec
3280510 MB/sec 10 MB/sec
32806100 MB/sec 100 MB/sec
328071 GB/sec 1 GB/sec
328081 bps 1 bps
3280910 Kbps 10 Kbps
328101 Mbps 1 Mbps
3281110 Mbps 10 Mbps
32812100 Mbps 100 Mbps
328131 Gbps 1 Gbps
3281410 Gbps 10 Gbps
32815100 Gbps 100 Gbps
32816100 Kbps 100 Kbps
32820100 ኪባበሰ 100 Kbps
32821500 ኪባበሰ 500 Kbps
328221 ሜባበሰ 1 Mbps
3282311 ሜባበሰ 11 Mbps
3282454 Mbps 54 Mbps
32826500 Mbps 500 Mbps
32830450 ኪባበሰ 450 Kbps
32831800 ኪባበሰ 800 Kbps
328327.7 ሜባበሰ 7.7 Mbps
3283332 Mbps 32 Mbps
3283450 Mbps 50 Mbps
32835200 Mbps 200 Mbps
32836300 Mbps 300 Mbps
328372 Gbps 2 Gbps
32840100 ኪባ/ሰ 100 KB/s
32841500 ኪባ/ሰ 500 KB/s
328421 ሜባ/ሰ 1 MB/s
3284310 ሜባ/ሰ 10 MB/s
32844100 ሜባ/ሰ 100 MB/s
32845250 ሜባ/ሰ 250 MB/s
32846500 MB/s 500 MB/s
328471 GB/s 1 GB/s
3284810 GB/s 10 GB/s
32849100 GB/s 100 GB/s
32850450 ኪባ/ሰ 450 KB/s
32851800 ኪባ/ሰ 800 KB/s
328527 ሜባ/ሰ 7 MB/s
3285360 ሜባ/ሰ 60 MB/s
32854125 ሜባ/ሰ 125 MB/s
32855200 MB/s 200 MB/s
32856300 ሜባ/ሰ 300 MB/s
328572 ጊባ/ሰ 2 GB/s
3285810 ጊባ/ሰ 10 GB/s
32875ቢበሰ bps
32876ኪ ቢፒኤስ Kbps
32877ሜቢበሰ Mbps
32878ጊቢበሰ Gbps
32879ቢ/ሰከ B/sec
32880ኪባ/ሰ KB/s
32881ሜባ/ሰ MB/s
32882ጊባ/ሰ GB/s
32883 K
33000%I64d B/sec disk I/O %I64d B/sec disk I/O
33001%I64d KB/sec disk I/O %I64d KB/sec disk I/O
33002%I64d MB/sec disk I/O %I64d MB/sec disk I/O
33003%I64d GB/sec disk I/O %I64d GB/sec disk I/O
33004%I64d bps network I/O %I64d bps network I/O
33005%I64d Kbps network I/O %I64d Kbps network I/O
33006%I64d Mbps network I/O %I64d Mbps network I/O
33007%I64d Gbps network I/O %I64d Gbps network I/O
33020%I64d%% CPU usage %I64d%% CPU usage
33021%I64d%% Used physical memory %I64d%% Used physical memory
33022%I64d Hard faults/sec %I64d Hard faults/sec
33023%I64d%% Maximum frequency %I64d%% Maximum frequency
33024%I64d%% network utilization %I64d%% network utilization
33025%I64d%% Highest active time %I64d%% Highest active time
33026%I64d MB in use %I64d MB in use
33027%I64d MB available %I64d MB available
33028%d MB %d MB
33040Disk %s (%s) queue length Disk %s (%s) queue length
33080%s (PID: %d) ክር፦%s %s (PID: %d) Thread: %s
33081የ %s አንድ ወይም ከዛ በላይ ክሮች በመጠባበቅ አቋም ውስጥ ናቸው። One or more threads of %s are in waiting status.
33082%s ለሌላ ሂደት (%s) በመጠባበቅ ላይ ነው። %s is waiting for another process (%s).
33083%s is waiting for a process in deadlock (%s). You can end the deadlocked process to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself. %s is waiting for a process in deadlock (%s). You can end the deadlocked process to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.
33084%s is waiting for multiple processes in deadlock. You can end the deadlocked processes to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself. %s is waiting for multiple processes in deadlock. You can end the deadlocked processes to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.
33085%s is in deadlock. You can end the process to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself. %s is in deadlock. You can end the process to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.
33086%s is in deadlock with one or more processes. You can end the processes to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself. %s is in deadlock with one or more processes. You can end the processes to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.
33093%s ምላሽ አይሰጥም። %s is not responding.
33094አንድ ወይም ከዛ በላይ የ %s ምልልሶች አውታረ መረብ I/O እስኪጠናቀቅ እየጠበቁ ነው። One or more threads of %s are waiting to finish network I/O.
33095%s is waiting for another process (%s) to finish network I/O. %s is waiting for another process (%s) to finish network I/O.
33098%s እንደተለመደው እየሄደ ነው። %s is running normally.
33099%s is suspended. %s is suspended.
33200- -
33201(Page file) (Page file)
33202%s (%s) %s (%s)
33203(NTFS volume log) (NTFS volume log)
33204(NTFS master file table) (NTFS master file table)
33205(NTFS free space map) (NTFS free space map)
33206%s *32 %s *32
33207%1%2 %1%2
33402ሂደት አይ ዲ Process ID
33405በሁሉም ኮሮች መካከል ጠቅላላ የፕሮሰሰር የአጠቃቀም Total processor utilization across all cores
33406ጠቅላላ የፕሮሰሰር ጊዜ፣ በሰከንዶች፣ ከመጀመሩ ጀምሮ በሂደት ውስጥ ያገለገለ Total processor time, in seconds, used by a process since it started
33407በሂደት የአሁን የCPU መቶኛ የተዟዟሪ ጊዜ አጠቃቀም Current percent of CPU cycle time consumption by the process
33408በሂደቱ ውስጥ የሚያገለግል የውጫዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን በአሁኑ ጊዜ Amount of physical memory currently in use by the process
33409ለሂደት ያገለገለ የውጫዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ የመጨረሻ መጠን Maximum amount of physical memory used by the process
33410በሂደቱ የስራ ስብስብ አጠቃቀም ውስጥ ለውጥ Change in working set usage by the process
33411በሌሎች ሂደቶች ሊያገለግል የማይችል በሂደቱ ውስጥ የሚያገለግል የውጫዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን Amount of physical memory in use by the process that cannot be used by other processes
33412በሌሎች ሂደቶች ሊጋራ የሚችል በሂደቱ ውስጥ የሚያገለግል የውጫዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን Amount of physical memory in use by the process that can be shared with other processes
33413ለሂደቱ በስርዓት ክወናው የተዘጋጀ ምናባዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን Amount of virtual memory reserved by the operating system for the process
33414በሂደቱ ምትክ በዓንኳር ወይም አንፃፊዎች የሚመደብ ገጽ ተደራጊ የዓንኳር ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን Amount of pageable kernel memory allocated by the kernel or drivers on behalf of the process
33415በሂደቱ ምትክ በዓንኳር ወይም አንፃፊዎች የሚመደብ ገጽ የማይደረግ የዓንኳር ማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን Amount of non-pageable kernel memory allocated by the kernel or drivers on behalf of the process
33416ከጅምሩ ጀምሮ በሂደቱ የተመረቱ የገጽ እንከኖች ቁጥር Number of page faults generated by the process since it was started
33417ከአዘምኑ ጀምሮ በሂደቱ ውስጥ የገጽ እንከኖች ቁጥር ለውጥ Change in the number of page faults in the process since the last update
33418የሂደት ክሮች የጊዜ ሰሌዳ መያዝን ተርታ የሚወስን ደረጃ አሰጣጥ Ranking that determines the order in which threads of a process are scheduled
33419በሂደቱ የተከፈቱ የእጀታዎች የአሁን ቁጥር Current number of handles open by the process
33420የነቁ ክሮች ቁጥር Number of active threads
33421በሂደቱ ያገለገሉ የመስኮት አስተዳዳሪ (መስኮቶች፣ ምናሌዎች፣ ጠቋሚዎች፣ የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ አቀማመጦች፣ ማሳያዎች ወዘተ) ቁጥር Number of window manager objects (windows, menus, cursors, keyboard layouts, monitors, etc.) used by the process
33422በሂደቱ የሚያገለግሉ የGDI ነገሮች ቁጥር Number of GDI objects used by the process
33423ከመጀመሩ ጀምሮ በሂደቱ የተፈጠሩ የተነበቡ የI/O ክወናዎች ቁጥር Number of read I/O operations generated by the process since it was started
33424ከመጀመሩ ጀምሮ በሂደቱ የተፈጠሩ የተፃፉ የI/O ክወናዎች ቁጥር Number of write I/O operations generated by the process since it was started
33425ከመጀመሩ ጀምሮ በሂደቱ የተፈጠሩ የማይነበቡ/ የማይፃፉ የI/O ክወናዎች (ለአብነት፣ የቁጥጥር ተግባሮች) ቁጥር Number of non-read/non-write I/O operations (for instance, control functions) generated by the process since it was started
33426በI/O ክወናዎች ውስጥ በሂደቱ የሚነበቡ ጠቅላላ ባይቶች ቁጥር Total number of bytes read by the process in I/O operations
33427በI/O ክወናዎች ውስጥ በሂደቱ የሚፃፉ ጠቅላላ ባይቶች ቁጥር Total number of bytes written by the process in I/O operations
33428በI/O ክወናዎች ውስጥ በሂደቱ የሚነበቡ ጠቅላላ ባይቶች ቁጥር ከአንብብ/ፃፍ ይልቅ (ለአብነት፣የቁጥጥር ተግባሮች) Total number of bytes read by the process in I/O operations other than read/write (for instance, control functions)
33429በስራ ላይ የሚውል ፋይል ዱካ Path of the executable file
33430ሂደቱን ለመፍጠር የተወሰነ መሉ የትዕዛዝ መስመር Full command line specified to create the process
33431ሂደቱ የሚሄድበት የስርዐተ ክወናው አገባብ Operating system context in which the process is running
33432ሂደቱ የሚሄድበት መድረክ (16 ቢት ወይም 32 ቢት) Platform (16 bit or 32 bit) on which the process is running
33433ሂደቱ የሚሄድበት መድረክ (32 ቢት ወይም 64 ቢት) Platform (32 bit or 64 bit) on which the process is running
33434በስራ ላይ የሚውል አቋም አስኪድ Process execution status
33435ሂደቱ በከፍተኛ እየሄደ እንደሆነ ወይም እንዳልሆነ ይወስናል Specifies whether the process is running elevated or not
33438ለሂደቱ የነቃ ወይም የተሰናከለ የውሂብ ሂደት ገደብን (የመድህን ባህሪ) ይወስናል Specifies whether Data Execution Prevention (a security feature) enabled or disabled for the process
33439የስራ ነገር የስራ ሂደቱ የሚሄድበት Job object in which the process is running
33440File: Name of the file in use by the process File: Name of the file in use by the process
33441Read (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from the file in the last minute Read (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from the file in the last minute
33442Write (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second written to the file in the last minute Write (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second written to the file in the last minute
33443IO priority: Priority of I/O transfers IO priority: Priority of I/O transfers
33444Response time (ms): Disk response time in milliseconds Response time (ms): Disk response time in milliseconds
33445Send (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second sent in the last minute Send (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second sent in the last minute
33446Receive (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second received in the last minute Receive (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second received in the last minute
33447Total (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second transferred in the last minute Total (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second transferred in the last minute
33448የአገልግሎት ስም Service name
33449የአገልግሎት ሂደት አይ ዲ Service process ID
33450የአገልግሎቱ ማብረሪያ Description of the service
33451የአገልግሎት አቋም Service status
33452የአገልግለት ቡድን Service group
33453CPU፦በዚህ ሂደት ውስጥ በአገልግሎቶች የCPU አጠቃቀም የአሁን መቶኛ CPU: Current percent of CPU consumption by services within this process
33455Logical drive: Logical drive letter Logical drive: Logical drive letter
33456Total (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from and written to the file in the last minute Total (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from and written to the file in the last minute
33457በCPU ማስፈጸሚያ መመሪያዎች ያለፈው ጊዜ መጠን Amount of time spent by the CPU executing instructions
33458የአውታረ መረብ ድርጊት፣ አውርዶችን እና ስቀሎችን ጨምሮ Amount of network activity, including downloads and uploads
33459የተለካ አውታረ መረብ ግንኙነት ላይ የአውታረ መረብ ድርጊት Network activity over a metered network connection
33460ጠቅላላ የአውታረ መረብ አጠቃቀም ለከፊል መልኮች አዘምኖች እና ማሳወቂያዎች Total network usage for tile updates and notifications
33461ባለልተለካ ግንኙነት ላይ የአውታረ መረብ ድርጊት መጠን Amount of network activity over a non-metered connection
33462በመተግበሪያው ድርጊት አውርድ Download activity by the application
33463በመተግበሪያው ድርጊት ስቀል Upload activity by the application
33536በሂደቱ ውስጥ የተጠቃሚ መለያ ቁጥጥር (UAC) ምናባዊነት እንደነቃ፣ እንደተሰናከለ ወይም እንዳልተፈቀደ ይወስናል Specifies whether User Account Control (UAC) virtualization is enabled, disabled, or not allowed in the process
33551Manage running apps and view system performance Manage running apps and view system performance
33555Default System Session Default System Session
33556Service Host: ActiveX Installer Service Host: ActiveX Installer
33557የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ Bluetooth ድጋፍ Service Host: Bluetooth Support
33558የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ DCOM የአገልጋይ ሂደት Service Host: DCOM Server Process Launcher
33559የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ ዲስክ አደራጅ Service Host: Disk Defragmenter
33560የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፥ Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Service Host: Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
33561የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ አገልግሎት Service Host: Local Service
33562የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ አገልግሎት (ምንም ማስመሰል) Service Host: Local Service (No Impersonation)
33563የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ አገልግሎት (አውታረ መረብ የታገደ) Service Host: Local Service (Network Restricted)
33564የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ አገልግሎት (ምንም አውታረ መረብ) Service Host: Local Service (No Network)
33565የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ አገልግሎት (የአቻ አውታረ መረብ ግንኙነት) Service Host: Local Service (Peer Networking)
33566የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ ስርዓት (አውታረ መረብ የታገደ) Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted)
33567የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአካባቢ ስርዓት Service Host: Local System
33568የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአውታረ መረብ አገልግሎት Service Host: Network Service
33569የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፥ የአውታረ መረብ አገልግሎት (ምንም ማስመሰል የለም) Service Host: Network Service (No Impersonation)
33570የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ የአውታረ መረብ አገልግሎት (አውታረ መረብ የታገደ) Service Host: Network Service (Network Restricted)
33571የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ BranchCache Service Host: BranchCache
33572የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦የሩቅ መመዝገቢያ Service Host: Remote Registry
33573የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦የሩቅ አካሄድ ጥሪ Service Host: Remote Procedure Call
33574Service Host: Windows Backup Service Host: Windows Backup
33575Service Host: Windows Defender Service Host: Windows Defender
33576የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ Microsoft ሶፍትዌር ጥላ ቅጂ ሰጪ Service Host: Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
33577Service Host: Windows Biometric Service Host: Windows Biometric
33578Service Host: Windows Color System Service Host: Windows Color System
33579የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦Windows ስሕተት ማሳወቂያ Service Host: Windows Error Reporting
33580የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ምናባዊ የማሽን የልብ ትርታ Service Host: Virtual Machine Heartbeat
33581የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፥ IIS መተግበሪ አስተናጋጅ አጋዥ አገልግሎት Service Host: IIS Application Host Helper Service
33582የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦የበየነመረብ መረጃ አገልግሎት Service Host: Internet Information Service
33583Service Host: Printer Services Service Host: Printer Services
33584Service Host: File Server Resource Manager Service Host: File Server Resource Manager
33585Service Host: Group Policy Service Host: Group Policy
33586አገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ Unistack Service Group Service Host: Unistack Service Group
33587የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ: UtcSvc Service Host: UtcSvc
33588የአገልግሎት አስተናጋጅ፦ Service Host:
33610የተከማቸ ሃርድዌር (%1!s! MB)
ለሌሎች ተጓዳኞች ጥቅም ሲባል ለBIOS እና ለአንዳንድ አንጻፊዎች ተለይቶ የተቀመጠ ማኅደረ ትውስታ
Hardware reserved (%1!s! MB)
Memory that is reserved for use by the BIOS and some drivers for other peripherals
33611በአገልግሎት ላይ (%1!s! ሜባ)
በሂደቶች፣ በአንጻፊዎች፣ ወይም በስርዓተ ክወናው ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ ማኅደረ ትውስታ

በአገልግሎት ላይ የዋለ የታጨቀ (%2!s! ሜባ)
የማኅደረ ትውስታ እጨቃ አልነቃም
In use (%1!s! MB)
Memory used by processes, drivers, or the operating system

In use compressed (%2!s! MB)
Memory compression is not enabled
33612የተሻሻለ (%1!s! ሜባ)
ለሌላ ዓላማ ከመዋሉ በፊት ይዘቶቹ ወደ ዲስክ መፃፍ ያለባቸው ማኅደረ ትውስታ
Modified (%1!s! MB)
Memory whose contents must be written to disk before it can be used for another purpose
33613ተጠባበቂ (%1!s! ሜባ)
በንቃት አገልግሎት ላይ ያልዋለ የተሸጎጠ ውሂብ እና ኮድ የሚያካትት ማኅደረ ትውስታ
Standby (%1!s! MB)
Memory that contains cached data and code that is not actively in use
33614ነጻ (%1!s! ሜባ)
ማኅደረ ትውስታ በአሁኑ ሰዓት በማገልገል ላይ ያልሆነ፣ እና ሂደቶች፣ አንጻፊዎች፣ ወይም የስርዓተ ክወናው ተጨማሪ ማኅደረ ትውስታ ሲያስፈልገው በመጀመሪያ ዳግመኛ ዓላማ እንዲኖረው የሚደረግ
Free (%1!s! MB)
Memory that is not currently in use, and that will be repurposed first when processes, drivers, or the operating system need more memory
33615የተሸጎጠ(%1!s! ሜባ)
በሂደቶች፣ አንጻፊዎች፣ ወይም በስርዓት ክወናው በፍጥነት ለመድረስ የተሸጎጠ ውሂብን እና ኮድን የያዘ የማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን (የተጠባባቂ እና የተሻሻለ ማኅደረ ትውስታን ጨምሮ)
Cached (%1!s! MB)
Amount of memory (including standby and modified memory) containing cached data and code for rapid access by processes, drivers, and the operating system
33616የሚገኝ (%1!s! ሜባ)
በሂደቶች፣ አንጻፊዎች፣ ወይም በስርዓት ክወናው ወዲያውኑ ለመጠቀም የሚገኝ የማኅደረ ትውስታ መጠን (የተጠባባቂ እና ነጻ ማኅደረ ትውስታን ጨምሮ)
Available (%1!s! MB)
Amount of memory (including Standby and Free memory) that is immediately available for use by processes, drivers, or the operating system
33617በጥቅም ላይ የዋለው (%1!s! ሜባ)
በሂደቶች፣ በአንጻፊዎች ወይም በስርዓተ ክወና ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ ማኅደረ ትውስታ

በጥቅም ላይ የዋለ የታጨቀ (%2!s! ሜባ)
የታጨቀ ማኅደረ ትውስታ ከውሂብ በግምት %3!s! ሜባ ያከማቻል፣ ለስርዓቱ ከማኅደረ ትውስታ %4!s! ሜባ ይቆጥብለታል
In use (%1!s! MB)
Memory used by processes, drivers, or the operating system

In use compressed (%2!s! MB)
Compressed memory stores an estimated %3!s! MB of data, saving the system %4!s! MB of memory
33803Memory composition chart Memory composition chart
338150 0
338250% 0%
33836100% 100%
338384 minutes 4 minutes
3383960 ሰኮንድ 60 seconds
3384030 seconds 30 seconds
33841የተሻሻለው Modified
33847ዲስክ Disk
33852በአገልግሎት ላይ In Use
33853በተጠባበቅ Standby
33854ነጻ Free
33855ማኅደረ ትውስታ Memory
33859አውታረ መረብ Network
34222የትር ቁጥጥር Tab control
34223Charts Charts
34224ሰንጠረዦች Tables
34225Process details Process details
34250የመጨረሻ ፍጥነት፥ Maximum speed:
34251ሶኬቶች፥ Sockets:
34252አመክንዮታዊ ፕሮሰሰሮች፥ Logical processors:
34254አመክኒዮያዊ ፕሮሰሰሮች አስተናጋጅ፥ Host logical processors:
34255ምናባዊነት፥ Virtualization:
34256ምናባዊ ማሽን፥ Virtual machine:
34257L1 መሸጎጫ፥ L1 cache:
34258L2 መሸጎጫ፥ L2 cache:
34259L3 መሸጎጫ፥ L3 cache:
34262የተሰናከለ Disabled
34263አቅም የለውም Not capable
34264ኮሮች፥ Cores:
34265ምናባዊ ፕሮሰሰሮች፥ Virtual processors:
34266Hyper-V ድጋፍ፥ Hyper-V support:
34270አጠቃቀም Utilization
34271ፍጥነት Speed
34272ከፍተኛ ጊዜ Up time
34276% Utilization over 4 minutes % Utilization over 4 minutes
34277% Utilization over 30 seconds % Utilization over 30 seconds
34278Logical processors Logical processors
34279% ከ60 ሰከንዶች በላይ አጠቃቀም % Utilization over 60 seconds
34280% አጠቃቀም % Utilization
34281%s ጊሃርዝ %s GHz
34282% Utilization (Paused) % Utilization (Paused)
34283የክፍት ሃብት ማሳያ Open Resource Monitor
34285%1!d!%2!s! %1!d!%2!s!
34286CPU %d CPU %d
34287CPU %1!d! (Node %2!d!) CPU %1!d! (Node %2!d!)
34288NUMA node %d NUMA node %d
34289%s - ዘግቷል %s - Parked
34291%1!d!%2!s! (%3!d!%4!s!) %1!d!%2!s! (%3!d!%4!s!)
34292የክፍት ሃብት ማሳያ አዶ Open Resource Monitor icon
34293ክፍት አገልግሎቶች አዶ Open Services icon
34349ፍጥነት፥ Speed:
34350ያገለገሉ ቦታዎች፥ Slots used:
34351%1!u! ከ %2!u! %1!u! of %2!u!
34352የሚገኝ Available
34353የተሸጎጠ Cached
34354የቆረጠ Committed
34358ገጽ-አልባ ፑል Non-paged pool
34360የማኅደረ ትውስታ አጠቃቀም Memory usage
34361የማኅደረ ትውስታ አወቃቀር Memory composition
34362%0.1f MB %s %0.1f MB %s
34363%0.1f ጊባ %s %0.1f GB %s
34364%1.0f ሜባ %s %1.0f MB %s
34365%1.0f ጊባ %s %1.0f GB %s
34366%u ሜሀዝ %u MHz
34367%s ኪባ %s KB
34376%1!s!/%2!s! ሜባ %1!s!/%2!s! MB
34377%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
34378%1!s!/%2!s! ጊባ %1!s!/%2!s! GB
34380የቅጽ አባል፥ Form factor:
34381የተከማቸ ሃርድዌር፥ Hardware reserved:
34382ከፍተኛ ማኅደረ ትውስታ፥ Maximum memory:
34384(%.0f%%) (%.0f%%)
34385ቦታ %1!u!: %2!s!, %3!hu! ሜሀዝ Slot %1!u!: %2!s!, %3!hu! MHz
34386ቦታ %1!u!: ባዶ Slot %1!u!: empty
34387%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
34389... ...
34390%1!s!/%2!s! TB %1!s!/%2!s! TB
34391%s ሜባ %s MB
34392%s ጊባ %s GB
34393%s TB %s TB
34394%s PB %s PB
34395%s %s
34399በአገልግሎት ላይ የዋለ (የታጨቀ) In use (Compressed)
34448R፥ R:
34449W፥ W:
34450ዲስክ %1!d! (%2!s!) Disk %1!d! (%2!s!)
34451ዓይነት፥ Type:
34453አቅም፥ Capacity:
34454የተቀረጸ፥ Formatted:
34455የስርዓት ዲስክ፥ System disk:
34456የገጽ ፋይል፥ Page file:
34457የአንብብ ፍጥነት Read speed
34458የፃፍ ፍጥነት Write speed
34459መካከለኛ የምላሽ ጊዜ Average response time
34460የዲስክ ማስተላለፊያ መጠን Disk transfer rate
34461የነቃ ጊዜ Active time
34463ዲስክ %d Disk %d
34466%s ሜስ %s ms
34468%.0f%% %.0f%%
34474ያልታወቀ Unknown
34479Total installed memory Total installed memory
34480Memory usage in percentage Memory usage in percentage
34481Overall CPU chart pane Overall CPU chart pane
34482Logical CPU chart pane Logical CPU chart pane
34483Numa node CPU chart pane Numa node CPU chart pane
34484Available range Available range
34485Cached range Cached range
34486Separator bar Separator bar
34487CPU Icon CPU Icon
34488Memory Icon Memory Icon
34489Disk Icon Disk Icon
34490Network Icon Network Icon
34491Disconnected network graph Disconnected network graph
34492Dynamic Resource Information Dynamic Resource Information
34493Static Resource Information Static Resource Information
34494Resource Chart View Resource Chart View
34495Disconnected network icon Disconnected network icon
34549የአስማሚ ስም፥ Adapter name:
34550የአገልግለሎት አቅራቢ፥ Service provider:
34551የግንኙነት አይነት፥ Connection type:
34552IPv4 አድራሻ፥ IPv4 address:
34553IPv6 አድራሻ፥ IPv6 address:
34554DNS ስም፥ DNS name:
34555የጎራ ስም፥ Domain name:
34557Device name: Device name:
34558SSID፥ SSID:
34560ውስጣዊ ፍሰት Throughput
34561ተቀበል Receive
34562ላክ Send
34564የሲግናል ጥን፥ካሬ፥ Signal strength:
34566%1!s! %1!s!
34568አልተገናኘም Not connected
34569S፥ S:
34650CPU ድርጊት CPU activity
34651የግል የስራ ስብስብ Private working set
34652በዲስኩ ላይ የአንብብ እና የፃፍ ድርጊት Read and write activity on this disk
34653ዲስኩ የአንብብ ወይም የጻፍ ጥያቄዎችን የሚያስኬድበት ጌዜ በመቶኛ Percentage of time the disk is processing read or write requests
34654በአውታረ መረቡ ላይ የላክ እና ተቀበል ድርጊት Send and receive activity on this network
34667ባህርይ Property
34668አውታረ መረብ አጠቃቀም Network utilization
34669የአገናኝ ፍጥነት Link speed
34670ዞን State
34671በውስጣዊ ፍሰት የተላኩ ባይቶች Bytes sent throughput
34672በውስጣዊ ፍሰት የተቀበሏቸው ባይቶች Bytes received throughput
34673ውስጣዊ ፍሰት ባይቶች Bytes throughput
34674የተላኩ ባይቶች Bytes sent
34675የተቀበሏው ባይቶች Bytes received
34676ባይቶች Bytes
34677በመሸጋገሪያ የተላኩ ባይቶች Bytes sent per interval
34678በመሸጋገሪያ የተቀበሏቸው ባይቶች Bytes received per interval
34679በመሸጋገሪያ ባይቶች Bytes per interval
34680ዩኒካስቶች የተላኩ Unicasts sent
34681ዩኒካስቶች የተቀበሏቸው Unicasts received
34682ዩኒካስቶች Unicasts
34683በመሸጋጋሪያ የተላኩ ዩኒካስቶች Unicasts sent per interval
34684በመሸጋገሪያ የተቀበሏቸው ዩኒካስቶች Unicasts received per interval
34685ዩኒካስቶች በመሸጋገሪያ Unicasts per interval
34686የተላኩ ዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts sent
34687የተቀበሏቸው ዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts received
34688ዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts
34689በመሸጋገሪያ የተላኩ ዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts sent per interval
34690በመሸጋገሪያ የተቀበሏቸውዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts received per interval
34691በመሸጋገሪያ ዩኒካስቶች ያልሆኑ Nonunicasts per interval
34692Generic Bluetooth Adapter Generic Bluetooth Adapter
34694Wi-Fi Wi-Fi
34695Bluetooth Bluetooth
34696ተንቀሳቃሽ Mobile
34705CPU %1!u! CPU %1!u!
34706CPU %2!u! (Node %1!d!) CPU %2!u! (Node %1!d!)
34708Group %1!u! Group %1!u!
36002Busy Busy
36003ተጠቃሚን በመጠባበቅ ላይ Waiting for user
36007Shadowing Shadowing
36009Local Local
36010የሩቅ Remote
36050ተጠቃሚ User
36051ሂደት Process
36052መስኮት Window
36053አገልግሎት Service
36054የመጀመሪያ ንጥል ነገር Startup item
36055የመጀመሪያ ሂደት Startup process
36101Tray icon Tray icon
36102%1፥ %2 %1: %2
36103App App
36104መተግበሪያዎች Apps
37003ዓይነት Type
37005አታሚ Publisher
37006የሂደት ስም Process name
37007የትዕዛዝ መስመር Command line
37012የመጀመሪያ ተጽእኖ Startup impact
37013የመጀመሪያ ዓይነት Startup type
37014ዲስክ I/O በመጀመሪያ ላይ Disk I/O at startup
37015CPU በመጀመሪያ ላይ CPU at startup
37016አሁን በመሄድ ላይ Running now
37017የተሰናከለ ጊዜ Disabled time
37019አይ ዲ ID
37020የተገልጋይ ስም Client name
37021ክፍለ ጊዜ Session
37024%1 (%2!d!) %1 (%2!d!)
37025%s MB %s MB
37027%s ms %s ms
37033%s ሜባ/ሰ %s MB/s
37034%s ሜባበሰ %s Mbps
37035%s%% %s%%
37043ንጣፍ አዘምኖች Tile updates
37044የተለካ አውታረ መረብ Metered network
37045ያልተለካ አውታረ መረብ Non-metered network
37046የወረዱ Downloads
37047የተሰቀሉ Uploads
37150Sorted (ascending) Sorted (ascending)
37151Sorted (descending) Sorted (descending)
37154የበስተጀርባ ሂደቶች Background processes
37155Windows ሂደቶች Windows processes
37157&የሃብት እሴቶች Resource &values
37161አልተፈቀደም Not allowed
37165መተግበሪያ App
37166የበስተጀርባ ሂደት Background process
37167Windows ሂደት Windows process
37199ተጨማሪ ዝርዝሮች More details
37200Fewer details Fewer details
37201የረድፍ ዝርዝሮች Row details
37208የንጥሎች ዝርዝር List of items
37210&ተጨማሪ ዝርዝሮች More &details
37211አ&ናሳ ዝርዝሮች Fewer &details
37212አዲስ ተግባር ፍጠር Create new task
37213የፕሮግራሙን፣ የዓቃፊውን፣ የሰነዱን ወይም የአውታረመረብ ሃብትን ስም ተይብና Windows ይከፍትልሃል። Type the name of a program, folder, document, or Internet resource, and Windows will open it for you.
37214User %s (SessionId=%d) could not be disconnected.
User %s (SessionId=%d) could not be disconnected.
37215አንድን ተጠቃሚ በመለያ እንዲወጣ ካደረጉ፣ የተጠቃሚው ያልተቀመጠ ውሂብ ሊጠፋበት ይችላል። If you sign out a user, the user's unsaved data might be lost.
37216መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to continue?
37217ተጠቃሚ በመለያ አስወጣ Sign out user
37218የተመረጠውን ተጠቃሚ(ዎች) ለመሰረዝ ስለመፈለጎት እርግጠኛ ኖት? Are you sure you want to disconnect the selected user(s)?
37219ተጠቃሚን ግንኙነት አቋርጥ Disconnect user
37220Message from %1 - %2 Message from %1 - %2
37221Your message to user with SessionId=%d could not be sent. Your message to user with SessionId=%d could not be sent.
37222እየው View
37223የዓምድ ርዕስ Column header
37224የሚሄድ መተግበሪያዎች የሉም There are no running apps
37225ክወናው ሊጠናቀቅ አልቻለም። The operation could not be completed.
37226ለዚህ ሂደት ክወናው ልክ ያልሆነ ነው። The operation is not valid for this process.
37227ሂደትን ለማቋረጥ አልተቻለም Unable to terminate process
37228Unable to terminate process tree Unable to terminate process tree
37229Unable to attach debugger Unable to attach debugger
37230ቅድሚያን ለመለወጥ አልተቻለም Unable to change priority
37231የቅድሚያ መመሳሰልን ለመድረስ ወይም ለማቀናበር አልተቻለም Unable to access or set process affinity
37232Dump process Dump process
37233የትዕዛዝ አሞሌ Command Bar
37234Icon Icon
37235አገልግሎትን ለመጀመር አልተቻለም Unable to start service
37236አገልግሎትን ለማቆም አልተቻለም Unable to stop service
37237Unable to restart service Unable to restart service
37238Unable to set virtualization Unable to set virtualization
37239ለ'%s' ምናባዊነትን ለመለወጥ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to change virtualization for '%s'?
37240ለሂደት ምናባዊነትን መለወጥ የውሂብ ማጣትን ጨምሮ ያልተፈለጉ ውጤቶችን ሊያስከትል ይችላል። ይሄንን ለማረም ብቻ ማድረግ ይኖርብዎታል። Changing virtualization for a process may lead to undesired results including loss of data. You should do this only for debugging.
37241ምናባዊነትን ለውጥ Change virtualization
37242Unhandled error occurred while connecting.

#%u %s
Unhandled error occurred while connecting.

#%u %s
37243Enter the selected user's password Enter the selected user's password
37244ይሄንን ተግባር ለማጠናቀቅ የአስተዳዳሪ መብቶች ያስፈልጎታል።የተግባር አስተዳዳሪን ይዝጉ፣ ከዛም እንደ አስተዳዳሪ ያሂዱት እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። You need administrator privileges to complete this task. Close Task Manager, then run it as an administrator and try again.
37245መድረስ አልተፈቀደም። Access denied.
37498ምንም None
37499አልተለካም Not measured
37500ዝቅተኛ Low
37501መካከለኛ Medium
37503መመዝገብያ Registry
37504ዓቃፊ Folder
37505%1 %2 %1 %2
37600አ&ንቃ E&nable
37601&አሰናክል Dis&able
37604የመጨረሻው የBIOS ጊዜ፥ Last BIOS time:
37605%1 ሰከንዶች %1 seconds
38001ተ&ግባር ጨርስ &End task
38002እንደገና &ጀምር R&estart
38003&ተጠቃሚ ቀይር &Switch user
38004&በመለያ ውጣ Si&gn out
38005ግንኙ&ነትን አቋርጥ Dis&connect
38006አገልግሎቶችን ክፈት Open Services
38501&ወደ ለውጥ Switch &to
38502የሃብት አጠቃቀም ጽሑፍ Resource usage text
38504የአጠቃቀም ታሪክ ሰርዝ Delete usage history
38506ምንም ውሂብ አይገኝም No data available
38508ከ%1!s! ጀምሮ የውሂብ አጠቃቀም ለአሁን ተጠቃሚ እና ለስርዓት መለያዎች። Resource usage since %1!s! for current user and system accounts.
38510የተራገፉ ሂደቶች Uninstalled processes
38511የሩቅ ሂደቶች Remote processes
38512ስርዓት System
38513ከ%1!s! ጀምሮ የሃብት አጠቃቀም ለአሁን የተጠቃሚ መለያ። Resource usage since %1!s! for current user account.
38514Duration : Duration :
38612CPU %1!d!%2!s!
ማኅደረ ትውስታ %3!d!%4!s!
ዲስክ %5!d!%6!s!
አውታረ መረብ %7!d!%8!s!
CPU %1!d!%2!s!
Memory %3!d!%4!s!
Disk %5!d!%6!s!
Network %7!d!%8!s!
38613CPU %1!d!%2!s!
Memory %3!d!%4!s!
CPU %1!d!%2!s!
Memory %3!d!%4!s!
39000ለማሳየት ምንም የመጀመሪያ ንጥሎች የሉም There are no startup items to display
39002በነጠላ ሂደቶች የተከማቹ ጠቅላላ ውጫዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታ Total physical memory reserved by individual processes
39003ጠቅላላ አጠቃቀም በሁሉም ውጫዊ ማህደረ ትውስታ አንፃፊዎች መካከል Total utilization across all physical drives
39004በአሁኑ ቀዳሚ አውታረ መረብ ላይ የአውታረ መረብ አጠቃቀም Network utilization on the current primary network
39005ከCPU እና ዲስክ ድርጊት የተጽእኖ ደረጃ፣ በእያንዳንዱ ጅማሬ ላይ ይለከሉ እንዲሁም ከእያንዳንዱ ጅማሬ ጋር አብረው ይዘምናሉ Degree of impact from CPU and disk activity, measured during startup and updated with each restart
39006የዲስክ ድርጊት፣ በመጀመር ጊዜ የተለካ እና ከእያንዳንዱ እንደገና ጀምር ጋር የዘመነ Disk activity, measured during startup and updated with each restart
39007የCPU ድርጊት, በመጀመር ጊዜ የተለካ እና ከእያንዳንዱ እንደገና ጀምር ጋር የዘመነ CPU activity, measured during startup and updated with each restart
39008ተጽእኖ እስካሁን እንደገና አልጀመረም። የጀምር ተጽእኖን ለመለካት ፒሲዎን እንደገና ያስጀምሩ። Impact hasn't been measured yet. Restart your PC to measure startup impact.
39101Windows ስርዓት የስራ ሂደት ለማህደረ ትውስታ ጨመቃ Windows system process for memory compression
40001የግል Personal
40002ይለፍ Exempt
40003( (
40004ያልረቀቀ Unenlightened
40005የረቀቀ Enlightened
40006የሚያሳልፍ Permissive
40007የፋይል ቅጂ ይለፈኝ File copy exempt
40008) )
40009 ,
40010N/A N/A
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-AdvancedTaskManager Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-AdvancedTaskManager


File Name:Taskmgr.exe.mui
File Size:46 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:47104
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (045E)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Task Manager
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. ሁሉም መብቶቹ በህግ የተጠበቁ ናቸው።
Original File Name:Taskmgr.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Taskmgr.exe.mui?

Taskmgr.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Amharic language for file Taskmgr.exe (የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ).

File version info

File Description:የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Task Manager
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. ሁሉም መብቶቹ በህግ የተጠበቁ ናቸው።
Original Filename:Taskmgr.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x45E, 1200