1 | Chaguo za Nishati |
Power Options |
2 | Hifadhi nishati au ongeza utendaji kwa kuchagua jinsi kompyuta yako inavyosimamia nishati. |
Conserve energy or maximize performance by choosing how your computer manages power. |
3 | Kwa betri |
On battery |
4 | Imechomekwa |
Plugged in |
5 | Hifadhi Mabadiliko |
Save changes |
6 | Katisha |
Cancel |
9 | Chini ya dakika 1 |
Less than 1 minute |
10 | sekunde 1 |
1 minute |
11 | Dakika %2!u! |
%2!u! minutes |
12 | Saa 1 |
1 hour |
13 | Saa %1!u! |
%1!u! hours |
14 | Saa %1!u! Dakika %2!u! |
%1!u! hours %2!u! minutes |
15 | Kamwe |
Never |
16 | %1!u! %2 |
%1!u! %2 |
17 | saa 1 dakika 1 |
1 hour 1 minute |
18 | Saa %1!u! dakika 1 |
%1!u! hours 1 minute |
19 | saa 1 dakika %2!u! |
1 hour %2!u! minutes |
20 | Baadhi ya mipangilio inadhibitiwa na msimamizi wa mfumo wako. Kwa nini siwezi kubadilisha baadhi ya mipangilio? |
Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change some settings? |
25 | Windows haiwezi kuhifadhi baadhi ya mabadiliko yako kwa vipimo nishati vya mpango huu. |
Windows can't save some of your changes to this plan's power settings. |
26 | Windows haiwezi kufanya mpango wa nishati ambao umeuteua amilifu. Chagua mpango mwingine. |
Windows can't make the power plan that you selected active. Choose a different plan. |
27 | Windows haiwezi kuanzisha programu ifuatayo: %1!s! %2!s! |
Windows can't start the following program: %1!s! %2!s! |
28 | %s (%s) |
%s (%s) |
30 | Badilisha vipimo ambavyo havipatikani kwa sasa |
Change settings that are currently unavailable |
31 | Vipimo hivi haviwezi kubadilishwa |
These settings can't be changed |
35 | Sinzia |
Sleep |
50 | Simamia Mpango wa Nishati |
Manage Power Plans |
51 | Unda Mpango wa Nishati |
Create a Power Plan |
52 | Hariri Mipangilio ya Mpango |
Edit Plan Settings |
54 | Mipangilio ya Mfumo |
System Settings |
70 | Paneli Dhibiti ya Chaguo za Nishati |
Power Options Control Panel |
100 | Chagua au geuza kukufaa mpango wa nishati |
Choose or customize a power plan |
101 | Mpango wa nishati ni mkusanyiko wa maunzi na mipangilio ya mifumo (kama mwangaza wa uonyesho, kulala, na kadhalika.) ambayo inadhibiti jinsi kompyuta yako inatumia nishati.Nieleze zaidi kuhusu mipango ya nishati |
A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings (like display brightness, sleep, etc.) that manages how your computer uses power. Tell me more about power plans |
102 | Mpango wa nishati ni mkusanyiko wa maunzi na mipangilio ya mifumo (kama mwangaza wa uonyesho, kulala, na kadhalika.) ambayo inadhibiti jinsi kompyuta yako inatumia nishati. Niambie zaidi kuhusu mipango ya nishati |
A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings (like display brightness, sleep, etc.) that manages how your computer uses power. Tell me more about power plans |
104 | Mpango ulioteuliwa |
Selected plan |
105 | Msaada |
Help |
106 | %s |
%s |
110 | Chagua kitu gani vitufe vya nishati vinafanya |
Choose what the power buttons do |
111 | Chagua kitu gani kitufe cha nishati kinafanya |
Choose what the power button does |
112 | Chagua kitu gani ufungaji wa lidi unafanya |
Choose what closing the lid does |
120 | Chagua wakati wa kuzima kiwambo |
Choose when to turn off the display |
121 | Badili wakati wa kompyuta kulala |
Change when the computer sleeps |
123 | Ung'aavu wa Skrini: |
Screen brightness: |
124 | Change screen brightness |
Change screen brightness |
131 | Kituo Ujongevu cha Windows |
Windows Mobility Center |
132 | Ubinafsishaji |
Personalization |
133 | Akaunti za Mtumiaji |
User Accounts |
150 | Mipango pendelewa |
Preferred plans |
151 | Mipango iliyooneshwa kwenye mita ya betr |
Plans shown on the battery meter |
152 | Onyesha mipango ya ziada |
Show additional plans |
153 | Ficha mipanga ya ziada |
Hide additional plans |
155 | Maisha ya betri: |
Battery life: |
156 | Uhifadhishaji Nishati: |
Energy savings: |
157 | Utendaji: |
Performance: |
160 | Inapendelea utendaji kuliko maisha ya betri |
Favors performance over battery life |
161 | Battery life and performance are on par |
Battery life and performance are on par |
162 | Favors battery life over performance |
Favors battery life over performance |
165 | Badili vipimo vya mpango |
Change plan settings |
166 | Badili vipimo vya mpango kwa ajili ya mpango %s |
Change plan settings for the %s plan |
170 | %s (Pendekezo) |
%s (recommended) |
180 | Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
181 | Mpango wako wa nishati haupatikani. %s Kwa nini Windows haiwezi kutoa taarifa hii? |
Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
200 | Badili vipimo kwa ajili ya mpango: %s |
Change settings for the plan: %s |
201 | Chagua vipimo vya kulala na kiwambo ambayo unataka kompyuta itumie. |
Choose the sleep and display settings that you want your computer to use. |
210 | Zima kiwambo: |
Turn off the display: |
211 | Iweke kompyuta ilale: |
Put the computer to sleep: |
212 | Hibernate the computer: |
Hibernate the computer: |
213 | Rekebisha ung'avu wa mpango: |
Adjust plan brightness: |
220 | &Badilisha vipimo vya nishati pevu |
&Change advanced power settings |
221 | Fu&ta mpango huu |
De&lete this plan |
222 | Je, una hakika unataka kufuta mpango huu? |
Are you sure you want to delete this plan? |
223 | Mpango huu hauwezi kurejeshwa baada ya kuufuta. |
This plan can't be restored after you delete it. |
224 | &Rejesha vipimo chaguo-msingi kwa ajili ya mpango huu |
&Restore default settings for this plan |
225 | Je, una hakika unataka kurejesha mipangilio ya chaguo-msingi ya mpango huu? |
Are you sure you want to restore this plan's default settings? |
226 | Kubofya 'Ndiyo' papo hapo hurejesha mipangilio ya chaguo-msingi zote za mpango. |
Clicking 'Yes' immediately restores all of the plan's default settings. |
227 | Badili vipimo vya nishati pevu |
Change advanced power settings |
228 | Delete this plan |
Delete this plan |
229 | Rejesha vipimo chaguo-msingi kwa ajili ya mpango huu |
Restore default settings for this plan |
230 | Unda |
Create |
300 | Fasili kitufe cha nishati na washa ulindaji nenotambulishi |
Define power buttons and turn on password protection |
301 | Chagua vipimo vya nishati ambavyo unataka kwa ajili ya kompyuta yako. Mabadiliko unayofanya kwenye vipimo katika ukurasa huu yanatekelezwa kwa mipango nguvu yako yote. |
Choose the power settings that you want for your computer. The changes you make to the settings on this page apply to all of your power plans. |
310 | Vitufe vya nishati na lala na vipimo vya lidi |
Power and sleep buttons and lid settings |
311 | Vipimo vya vitufe vya nishati na lala |
Power and sleep button settings |
312 | Vipimo vya kitufe cha nishati |
Power button settings |
313 | Kitufe cha nishati na vipimo vya lidi |
Power button and lid settings |
320 | Ninapobonyeza kitufe cha nishati: |
When I press the power button: |
321 | Ninapobonyeza kitufe lala: |
When I press the sleep button: |
322 | Ninapofunga lidi: |
When I close the lid: |
349 | Mipangilio ya kuzima |
Shutdown settings |
350 | Shutdown settings |
Shutdown settings |
351 | Washa uwashaji wa haraka (inapendekezwa) |
Turn on fast startup (recommended) |
353 | Hii inasaidia kuanzisha kompyuta yako haraka baada ya kuzima. Kuanzisha upya hakuathiri. Jifunze zaidi |
This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More |
354 | Hii inasaidia kuanzisha kompyuta yako haraka baada ya kuzima. Kuwasha upya hakuathiri. Jifunze zaidi. |
This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More. |
357 | Onyesha katika menyu ya Nishati. |
Show in Power menu. |
358 | Sinzia fofofo |
Hibernate |
360 | Funga |
Lock |
361 | Onyesha katika menyu ya picha ya aakunti. |
Show in account picture menu. |
400 | Unda mpango wa nishati |
Create a power plan |
401 | Anza na mpango uliopo na uupatie jina. |
Start with an existing plan and give it a name. |
425 | Jina la mpango: |
Plan name: |
430 | Plan description (optional): |
Plan description (optional): |
440 | The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan. |
The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan. |
441 | Wakati unaunda mpango wa nishati, lazima uupe jina. Chapa jina kwenye kikasha. |
When you create a power plan, you must name it. Type a name in the box. |
450 | MpangoTanafsi Wangu %1!u! |
My Custom Plan %1!u! |
452 | Mpango Tanafsi Wangu %1!u! |
My Custom Plan %1!u! |
460 | Inayofuata |
Next |
0x10000031 | Response Time |
Response Time |
0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl |
Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl |