IpsmSnap.dll.mui IP 安全性監視器嵌入式管理單元 98b20524ad4e67dc75a5c5e2a313f2eb

File info

File name: IpsmSnap.dll.mui
Size: 40448 byte
MD5: 98b20524ad4e67dc75a5c5e2a313f2eb
SHA1: 025b5a5d01ee3855f73982875f49aebd6529e707
SHA256: 81e36047d2567f413a6ecb63d01fbc69affbf35706592fd64bf8b2ad0042c3cc
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1IP 安全性監視器 IP Security Monitor
3大小 Size
4類型 Type
6電腦名稱 Computer Name
7類別 Category
9名稱 Name
10一般篩選器 Generic Filters
11來源通道端點 Source Tunnel Endpoint
12目的地通道端點 Destination Tunnel Endpoint
13安全性關聯 Security Associations
15來源 Source
16目的地 Destination
17快速模式 Quick Mode
18特定篩選器 Specific Filters
19來源連接埠 Source Port
20目的地連接埠 Destination Port
21通訊協定 Protocol
22方向 Direction
23主要模式 Main Mode
25安全性方法的數目 Number of Security Methods
26IKE 原則 IKE Policies
29交涉規則 Negotiation Policies
31IP 安全性監視器延伸 IP Security Monitor Extension
34權數 Weight
35主要模式安全性方法內容 Main Mode Security Method Properties
36動作 Action
38驗證方法 Authentication Methods
39驗證方法包含 Authentication method bundles
41%1 - IP 安全性統計 %1 - IP Security Statistics
42參數 Parameters
43統計資料 Statistics
44交涉原則 Negotiation Policy
48 Me
49同儕節點 Peer
50驗證 Authentication
51加密 Encryption
52完整性 Integrity
53Diffie-Hellman Diffie-Hellman
54連線類型 Connection Type
55輸出動作 Outbound Action
56輸入動作 Inbound Action
57使用中的原則 Active Policy
58項目 Item
59描述 Description
60原則名稱 Policy Name
61原則描述 Policy Description
62最近修改的原則 Policy Last Modified
63原則存放區 Policy Store
64組織單位 Organizational Unit
65本區郵件檔 Local Store
66網域存放區 Domain Store
67未指派原則 Policy Not Assigned
68不適用 Not Applicable
69原則路徑 Policy Path
70群組原則物件名稱 Group Policy Object Name
71無法使用 Not Available
72摘要 Summary
73詳細資料 Detail
74無法抓取網際網路金鑰交換 (IKE) 設定。 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration could not be retrieved.
75網際網路金鑰交換 (IKE) 設定無法寫入安全性原則資料庫 (SPD)。 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration could not be written to the Security Policy Database (SPD).
76網域存放區 (快取) Domain Store (cached)
100IP 安全性監視器嵌入式管理單元是用來監視 IP 安全性的狀態。 The IP Security Monitor snap-in is used to monitor the status of IP Security
101Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
1021.1 1.1
465AH 完整性 AH Integrity
467ESP 機密性 ESP Confidentiality
468ESP 完整性 ESP Integrity
472我的連接埠 My Port
473同儕節點連接埠 Peer Port
474我的通道端點 My Tunnel Endpoint
475同儕節點通道端點 Peer Tunnel Endpoint
476%1 (預設回應) %1 (Default Response)
477%1 個項目 %1 Items
478%1 (預設) %1 (Default)
&Add Computer...
Adds a computer to the list.
Reconnects the selected computer.
顯示這個電腦的 IP 安全統計資訊。
Displays IP Security statistical information for this computer.
View the taskpad for this item.
1017工作階段 Sessions
1018IKE 驗證 IKE Authentication
1020MD5 MD5
1021SHA1 SHA1
10243DES 3DES
1025預先共用金鑰 Preshared Key
1026憑證 (DSS 簽章) Certificate (DSS Signature)
1027憑證 (RSA 簽章) Certificate (RSA Signature)
1028憑證 (RSA 加密) Certificate (RSA Encryption)
1029Kerberos Kerberos
1035金鑰存留期 (KB/秒) Key Lifetimes (KB/Sec)
1036已啟用 PFS PFS Enabled
1037PFS DH 群組 PFS DH Group
1038低 (1) Low (1)
1039媒體 (2) Medium (2)
1040高 (2048) High (2048)
1041金鑰存留期 (秒) Key Lifetimes (secs)
Find &Matching Filters...
Finds matching specific quick mode filters.
1043方法 Method
1046任一 Any
Find &Matching Filters...
Finds matching specific main mode filters.
1050從主要模式取得 Derived from Main Mode
1051未經指派 Unassigned
1500允許 Permit
1501封鎖 Block
1502交涉安全性 Negotiate Security
1514所有連線 All connections
1515區域網路 (LAN) Local Area Network (LAN)
1516遠端存取 Remote Access
1517未知 Unknown
1518 Yes
1519 No
1520輸入 Inbound
1521輸出 Outbound
1522%d/%d %d/%d
1524驗證方法的內容 Properties of Authentication Methods
1526使用中安全關聯 Active Security Associations
1527擱置金鑰操作 Pending Key Operations
1528新增金鑰 Key Additions
1529金鑰刪除 Key Deletions
1530重設金鑰 Rekeys
1531使用中通道 Active Tunnels
1532損壞的 SPI 封包 Bad SPI Packets
1533封包未解密 Packets Not Decrypted
1534封包未驗證 Packets Not Authenticated
1535封包的重新偵測 Packets With Replay Detection
1536卸載的安全性關聯 Offloaded Security Associations
1537已傳送的機密位元組 Confidential Bytes Sent
1538收到機密位元組 Confidential Bytes Received
1539已傳送的驗證位元組 Authenticated Bytes Sent
1540收到驗證位元組 Authenticated Bytes Received
1541在通道傳送的位元組 Bytes Sent In Tunnels
1542在通道接收的位元組 Bytes Received In Tunnels
1543送出的卸載位元組 Offloaded Bytes Sent
1544接收的卸載位元組 Offloaded Bytes Received
1549送出的傳輸位元組 Transport Bytes Sent
1558總共取得 Total Acquire
1567IKE 主要模式 IKE Main Mode
1568IKE 快速模式 IKE Quick Mode
1569接收的傳輸位元組 Transport Bytes Received
1570其他 - %u Other - %u
All &Filters
Displays both transport and tunnel filters.
&Transport Filters Only
Displays only transport filters.
Tu&nnel Filters Only
Displays only tunnel filters.
1578其他 Other
1579接收到不正確的封包 Invalid Packets Received
2000您要從電腦清單上移除 %1 嗎? Remove %1 from the list of computers?
3000IP 安全性監視器工作 IP Security Monitor Tasks
3002開始使用 Getting started
3003關於開始使用 IP 安全性監視器的入門資訊 Helpful information on getting started with the IP Security Monitor
3006新增伺服器 Add a server
3007將電腦加入清單 Add a computer to the list
3008DNS 伺服器 DNS Server(s)
3009WINS 伺服器 WINS Server(s)
3010DHCP 伺服器 DHCP Server
3011預設閘道 Default Gateway
3012網際網路 Proxy Internet Proxy
3013HTTP Proxy HTTP Proxy
3014我的位址 My Address
3015同儕節點位址 Peer Address
3016元件 Component
3018日期/時間 Date/Time
3019訊息 Message
3020記錄資訊 Logging Information
3021第一個事件 First Event
3022最後事件 Last Event
3023事件時間 Events On
3024在 [檢視事件起始日] 中的日期/時間比 [檢視事件結束日] 中的日期/時間還要晚。 The date/time in View Events From is later than the date/time in View Events To.
3025資訊 Information
3026警告 Warning
3027錯誤 - %1 Error - %1
3028詳細偵錯 Verbose Debug
3029已傳送的 IKE 裝載 Sent IKE payload
3030已接收的 IKE 裝載 Received IKE payload
3031最近的 IKE 裝載 Resent IKE payload
&Clear Log...
Clears the log
3033Cookie 雙對 Cookie Pair
3037錯誤 Error
3040全部 All
3042我的 IP 位址 My IP Address
3043任何 IP 位址 Any IP Address
3044特定 IP 位址 A specific IP Address
3045特定 IP 子網路 A specific IP Subnet
3046訊息識別碼 Message ID
3047篩選器檢視(&F) &Filter View
3048篩選器檢視 Filter View
3049特定 DNS 名稱 A specific DNS Name
3050您想要清除記錄嗎? Do you want to clear the log?
3051無法清除記錄。 Unable to clear the log.
3052產生交涉失敗。 A negotiation failure occurred.
3053產生驗證失敗。無效的憑證簽署。 An authentication failure occurred. The certificate signature is not valid.
3054產生驗證失敗。 無效的 Kerberos 票證。 An authentication failure occurred. The Kerberos ticket is not valid.
3055產生驗證失敗。無效的預先共用金鑰。 An authentication failure occurred. The preshared key is not valid.
3056產生驗證失敗。憑證信任無法生效。 An authentication failure occurred. The certificate trust could not be validated.
3057產生交涉失敗。建議的計畫安全性方法無效。 A negotiation failure occurred. The proposed security methods are not valid
3058發生未知的錯誤。 An unknown error occurred.
3059產生資料載入錯誤。 A data load error occurred.
3060若要記錄 IPsec 資料,您必須選擇至少一個記錄類別。 For IPsec data to be logged, you must select at least one logging category.
3061您必須指定最大數的記錄以登入範圍 %d 到 %d。 You must specify a maximum number of records to log in the range of %d to %d.
3062無法更新記錄內容。 The logging properties could not be updated.
3063若要解析 DNS 名稱到 IP 位址,請按 [解析],然後選擇您要使用的 IP 位址。 To resolve the DNS name to an IP address, click Resolve, and then select the IP address that you want to use.
3065無法解析 DNS 名稱。 The DNS name could not be resolved.
3068%1 內容 %1 Properties
3069我的位址: %1 %2 My address: %1 %2
3070同儕節點位址: %1 %2 Peer address: %1 %2
3071Cookie 雙對: %1 %2 Cookie pair: %1 %2
3072訊息識別碼: %1 %2 Message ID: %1 %2
3073類別: %1 %2 Category: %1 %2
3074時間: %1 %2 Time: %1 %2
3075詳情: %1 Details: %1
3076沒有模式: No mode:
3077基礎模式: Base mode:
3078主要模式: Main mode:
3079只是驗證模式: Authentication only mode:
3080加強模式: Aggressive mode:
3081ISAKMP 資訊: ISAKMP info:
3082快速模式: Quick mode:
3083新群組模式: New group mode:
3084ISAKMP 不明: ISAKMP Unknown:
3085雜湊, Hash,
3086KE, KE,
3087暫時, Nonce,
3088SA, SA,
3089計畫, Proposal,
3090轉換, Transform,
3091識別碼, ID,
3092憑證, Cert,
3093CertReq, CertReq,
3094通知, Notify,
3095刪除, Delete,
3096廠商識別碼, VendorID,
3098NAT 探索, NAT discovery,
3099NAT 原有位址, NAT original address,
3100簽章, Signature,
3101裝載 payload
3102裝載鏈結 payload chains
3103沒有發現符合的篩選器 No matching filters found
3104驗證失敗 Authentication Failures
3105我的識別碼 My ID
3106同儕節點識別碼 Peer ID
3107開始記錄(&T) S&tart Logging
3108停止記錄(&P) Sto&p Logging
3109另存記錄檔(&S)... &Save Log File As...
3110記憶體不足 Out of memory
3111沒有檢視過的記錄可儲存。 There are no viewed records to save.
3112若要檢視 IPsec 資料,您必須選擇至少一個記錄類別。 For IPsec data to be viewed, you must select at least one logging category.
5001發生一個原因不明的錯誤。%d An unknown error occurred. %d
5002您必須輸入一個從 %d 到 %u 的數目。 You must enter a number from %d through %u.
5003您必須為自動重新整理間隔輸入一個大於零的數目。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero for the auto refresh interval.
5004電腦已經在清單中。 The computer is already in the list.
5005這個主控台檔案是用上一個IP 安全性監視器版本的嵌入式管理單元所儲存的,而且跟目前的版本不相容。無法還原設定值。 This console file was saved with a previous version of the IP Security Monitor snap-in that is not compatible with the current version. The settings could not be restored.
5006沒有可用狀態。 No status available.
5007聯絡伺服器 %1 時發生下列錯誤: The following error occurred while contacting the server %1:
5008您必須輸入一個介於 0 和 %u 之間的通訊協定數目。 You must enter a protocol number in the range of 0 to %u.
5009來源連接埠號碼不正確。 The source port number is invalid.
5010目的地連接埠號碼不正確。 The destination port number is invalid.
5011LocalSystem LocalSystem
5012指定的使用者帳戶沒有電腦 %1 的系統管理權限。請確定使用者帳戶的使用者名稱和密碼正確,並且使用者帳戶有電腦 %1 的系統管理權限。 The specified user account does not have administrative permissions on the computer %1. Verify that the user name and password for the user account are correct, and that the user account has administrative permissions on computer %1.
5013使用者 %1 已經有這台電腦的系統管理員權限。 The user %1 already has administrative permissions on this computer.
5014使用者 %1 已經有這個裝置的授權了。 The user %1 is already authorized for this device.
5015帳戶變更將會在下次 [IPSEC 服務] 啟動後才生效。您現在想要啟動 [IPSEC 服務] 嗎? Account changes will take effect the next time the 'IPSEC Services' service is started. Do you want to start the 'IPSEC Services' service now?
5016沒有選擇輸入篩選器也沒有選擇輸出篩選器。您必須最少選擇一個方向。 Neither inbound filters nor outbound filters are selected. You must select at least one direction.
5017系統服務管理員無法判定帳戶 %1 是否擁有 [以服務方式登入] 的權利。這個服務在 %1 帳戶下可能無法正確執行。 The System Service Manager could not determine whether the account %1 has the 'Log On As A Service' right. This service may not run correctly under the %1 account.
5018無法將 [以服務方式登入] 權利授與帳戶 %1。[IPSEC 服務] 在帳戶 %1 下可能無法正確執行。 The account %1 could not be granted the 'Log On As A Service' right. The 'IPSEC services' service may not run correctly under the %1 account.
5019帳戶 %1 已獲得 [以服務方式登入] 的權利。 The account %1 has been granted the 'Log On As A Service' right.
5020您必須指定一個電腦名稱。 You must specify a computer name.
5021多點傳送的位址不是正確的目的和來源位址。 A multicast address is not a valid destination or source address.
5022您在 IP 位址或是子網路的第一個 8 個位元的輸入必須大於零。 You must enter that is greater than zero in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
5023您必須輸入大於零的數字到這個 IP 位址的網路部分。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the network portion of this IP address.
5024您必須輸入大於零的數字到這個 IP 位址的主機部分。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the host portion of this IP address.
5025已經依照指定的子網路遮罩調整來源位址。 The source address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
5026已經依照指定的子網路遮罩調整目的地位址。 The destination address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
5027您在 IP 位址或是子網路的第一個 8 個位元的輸入數目必須小於 224。 You must enter a number that is less than 224 in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
5028這對指定的 IP 位址來說不是正確的遮罩。 This is an invalid mask for the specified IP address.
5029因為子網路遮罩無法指定子網路,來源的 IP 子網路的描述已經變更為 "%1"。 The description for the source IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
5030因為子網路遮罩無法指定子網路,目的地的 IP 子網路的描述已經變更為 "%1"。 The description for the destination IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
5031來源和目的地位址不能相同。 The source and destination address cannot be the same.
5032無效的字元 Invalid character
5033請輸入有效的 IPv4 或 IPv6 位址或子網路。 Enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or subnet.
6612發生錯誤。 An error occurred.
6613沒有足夠可用的記憶體來開啟這個對話方塊。請關閉一些應用程式,然後再試一次。 There is not enough memory available to open this dialog box. Close some applications, and then try again.
63000Dummy error message corresponding to the first error message stored in our DLL. Dummy error message corresponding to the first error message stored in our DLL.
63001IPsec 服務並未執行。 The IPsec service is not running.
63002IPsec 服務的安全性原則資料庫元件無法使用或是和 IP 安全性監視器不相容。 The Security Policy Database component of the IPsec service is unavailable or incompatible with the IP Security Monitor.
63003%1 %2 %1 %2


63005發生錯誤: %1!d! An error has occurred: %1!d!
65000這是最不可能的訊息編號 +1 This is the last possible message number +1


File Name:IpsmSnap.dll.mui
File Size:40 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:39936
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:IP 安全性監視器嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ipsmsnap.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ipsmsnap.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is IpsmSnap.dll.mui?

IpsmSnap.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file IpsmSnap.dll (IP 安全性監視器嵌入式管理單元).

File version info

File Description:IP 安全性監視器嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ipsmsnap.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ipsmsnap.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200