UIRibbon.dll.mui Windows 功能区框架 979e144f640d2279681978373b7a2c02

File info

File name: UIRibbon.dll.mui
Size: 11264 byte
MD5: 979e144f640d2279681978373b7a2c02
SHA1: aef09f153cf1fba2fa31261e6f52e9ae7018d4d2
SHA256: 3ac7ace258329a0b03841b2fc1bf488857c10fbe41b623d6bc272297ee9a5b99
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
10确定 OK
11取消 Cancel
12关闭 Close
13应用(&A) &Apply
14该项必须包含一个数字 The entry must contain a number
15该项必须包含一个长度 The entry must contain a length
16该项不得超过 |0 个数字 The entry cannot exceed |0 digits
17该项必须是一个正数 The entry must be a positive number
18该项不得包含任何非数字字符 The entry cannot contain any characters that are not numeric
19该项必须大于或等于 |0 The entry must be greater than or equal to |0
20该项必须小于或等于 |0 The entry must be less than or equal to |0
21该项必须包含一个时间段(MM:SS) The entry must contain a time duration (MM:SS)
22该项必须包含一个时间段(HH:MM:SS) The entry must contain a time duration (HH:MM:SS)
23该项必须能够被 |0 整除 The entry must be evenly divisible by |0
24该项必须至少包含 |0 个字符 The entry must contain at least |0 characters
25该项可以包含的字符不得超过 |0 个 The entry may contain no more than |0 characters
26负号不得出现在数字开头之外的任何位置 The negative sign cannot appear anywhere but the start of the number
27输入一个从 |0 到 |1 之间的整数 Enter a whole number from |0 to |1
28输入一个从 |0 到 |1 之间的数字 Enter a number from |0 to |1
29输入一个从 |0 到 |1 之间的值 Enter a value from |0 to |1
30|0|1 |0|1
31% %
34详细信息 More
35“展开库”按钮 Expand gallery button
36库筛选器 Gallery filter
37插入表 Insert table
38上移一行 Row up
39下移一行 Row down
40将库向上滚动一行 Scrolls the gallery up one row
41将库向下滚动一行 Scrolls the gallery down one row
42最多可取消 999 次操作 Undo 999 actions
43自动 Auto
44` `
45 Press
46执行 Execute
47单击 Click
48双击 Double click
49打开 Open
51选择 Select
52展开 Expand
53折叠 Collapse
54切换 Switch
55选中 Check
56取消选中 Uncheck
58Alt+ Alt+
59Alt+向下键 Alt+down arrow
60输入 Enter
61空格 Space
65小于 Less
66最小化 Minimize
67最大化 Maximize
68向下还原 Restore down
70管理窗口 Manage windows
71调整框大小 Size box
72分隔符 Separator
73移动框 Move box
74将窗口移开 Moves the window out of the way
75使窗口全屏显示 Makes the window full screen
76将缩小的或放大的窗口还原 Puts a minimized or maximized window back to normal
77关闭窗口 Closes the window
78可用来重调窗口宽度及高度 Can be used to resize a window's width and height
79左移一列 Column left
80右移一列 Column right
81上一行 Line up
82下一行 Line down
83向左翻页 Page left
84向右翻页 Page right
85向上翻页 Page up
86向下翻页 Page down
87将水平位置向左移动一列 Moves the horizontal position left one column
88将水平位置向右移动一列 Moves the horizontal position right one column
89将垂直位置向上移动一行 Moves the vertical position up one line
90将垂直位置向下移动一行 Moves the vertical position down one line
91将水平位置向左移动数列 Moves the horizontal position left a couple of columns
92将水平位置向右移动数列 Moves the horizontal position right a couple of columns
93将垂直位置向上移动数行 Moves the vertical position up a couple of lines
94将垂直位置向下移动数行 Moves the vertical position down a couple of lines
95位置 Position
96垂直 Vertical
97水平 Horizontal
98指明当前的垂直位置,并可以通过拖动直接进行更改 Indicates the current vertical position, and can be dragged to change it directly
99指明当前的水平位置,并可以通过拖动直接进行更改 Indicates the current horizontal position, and can be dragged to change it directly
100用来更改垂直方向查看区域 Used to change the vertical viewing area
101用来更改水平方向查看区域 Used to change the horizontal viewing area
102功能区选项卡 Ribbon tabs
103自定义快速访问工具栏 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
104下层功能区 Lower Ribbon
105快速访问工具栏 Quick Access Toolbar
106下拉按钮 Drop button
107缩放滑块 Zoom slider
108缩小 Zoom out
109放大 Zoom in
110类别 Categories
111浮动工具栏 MiniBar
112Ribbon Ribbon
113Quick Access Toolbar Quick Access Toolbar
114Ribbon tabs list Ribbon tabs list
115Lower Ribbon Lower Ribbon
116Ribbon tab Ribbon tab
117Group Group
118Status bar Status bar
119Microsoft YaHei UI;p9 Segoe UI;p8
120abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789& - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789& -
12288888888 88888888
124其他颜色... More colors...
125无填充 No fill
126无颜色 No color
127 None
128无线条 No line
129无阴影 No shadow
130无三维效果 No 3-D
131其他线条颜色... More line colors...
132其他填充颜色... More fill colors...
133其他下划线... More underlines...
134|0,|1 |0, |1
135RGB(|0,|1,|2) RGB(|0, |1, |2)
136|0,较浅 |1% |0, Lighter |1%
137|0,较深 |1% |0, Darker |1%
138自动(&A) &Automatic
139无线条(&N) &No line
140无轮廓线(&N) &No outline
141无填充(&N) &No fill
142无颜色(&N) &No color
143使用默认值 Use default
144匹配图形填充 Match shape fill
145最近使用的颜色 Recent colors
146主题颜色 Theme colors
147自定义颜色 Custom colors
148淡色/底纹颜色 Tint/Shade colors
149菜单命令 Menu commands
150工具栏命令 Toolbar commands
151加载项 Add-Ins
152颜色 Colors
153标准颜色 Standard colors
154深红色 Dark red
155红色 Red
156橙色 Orange
157黄色 Yellow
158浅绿色 Light green
159绿色 Green
160浅蓝色 Light blue
161蓝色 Blue
162深蓝 Dark blue
163紫色 Purple
164背景 1 Background 1
165文本 1 Text 1
166背景 2 Background 2
167文本 2 Text 2
168辅色 1 Accent 1
169辅色 2 Accent 2
170辅色 3 Accent 3
171辅色 4 Accent 4
172辅色 5 Accent 5
173辅色 6 Accent 6
174超链接 Hyperlink
175已访问过的链接 Followed link
176其他颜色(&M)... &More colors...
177黑色 Black
178褐色 Brown
179橄榄绿 Olive green
180深绿色 Dark green
181深青 Dark teal
183靛青 Indigo
184灰色-80% Gray-80%
187深黄色 Dark yellow
189绿蓝 Teal
191蓝灰色 Blue-gray
192灰色-50% Gray-50%
194浅橙色 Light orange
195酸橙色 Lime
196海绿 Sea green
197浅绿 Aqua
199紫罗兰色 Violet
200灰色-40% Gray-40%
201粉红色 Pink
202金色 Gold
205青绿 Turquoise
206天蓝 Sky blue
207深紫色 Plum
208灰色-25% Gray-25%
209玫瑰色 Rose
210棕褐色 Tan
211浅黄色 Light yellow
213淡青绿色 Light turquoise
214淡蓝 Pale blue
215淡紫色 Lavender
216白色 White
217海螺 Periwinkle
218象牙色 Ivory
220珊瑚色 Coral
221海蓝 Ocean blue
222冰蓝 Ice blue
224O O
2250123456789 0123456789
226Y Y
227Z Z
228Microsoft YaHei UI MS Shell Dlg
229200 200
230245 245
231120 120
244Styles Styles
247此命令当前被禁用。 This command is currently disabled.
248更多控件 More controls
249添加到快速访问工具栏(&A) &Add to Quick Access Toolbar
251从快速访问工具栏删除(&R) &Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
253自定义快速访问工具栏(&C)... &Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
254自定义快速访问工具栏... Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
255切换快速访问工具栏(最大宽度或小图标)(&T) &Toggle Quick Access Toolbar (full-width or small)
257快速访问工具栏下拉项 Quick Access Toolbar dropdown item
259快速访问工具栏小组件`更多控件 Quick Access Toolbar widget `more controls
263更多命令(&M)... &More commands...
267最小化功能区(&N) Mi&nimize the Ribbon
269在功能区上方显示快速访问工具栏(&S) &Show Quick Access Toolbar above the Ribbon
270在功能区下方显示快速访问工具栏(&S) &Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon
271在功能区上方显示(&S) &Show above the Ribbon
272在功能区下方显示(&S) &Show below the Ribbon
273快速访问工具栏(&K): Quic&k Access Toolbar:
274将照片库添加到快速访问工具栏(&A) &Add gallery to Quick Access Toolbar
275添加到快速访问工具栏 Add to Quick Access Toolbar
276从快速访问工具栏删除 Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
277所选命令已经在快速访问工具栏上。 The selected command is already on the Quick Access Toolbar.
278将菜单添加到快速访问工具栏(&A) &Add menu to Quick Access Toolbar
279将组添加到快速访问工具栏(&A) &Add group to Quick Access Toolbar
280应用程序菜单 Application menu
282单色模式 Monochrome pattern
400“文件”选项卡 File tab
401F F
410文件​​ File
501浅绿,较深 25% Aqua, darker 25%
502浅绿,较深 50% Aqua, darker 50%
503浅绿,较浅 40% Aqua, lighter 40%
504浅绿,较浅 60% Aqua, lighter 60%
505浅绿,较浅 80% Aqua, lighter 80%
507黑色,较浅 15% Black, lighter 15%
508黑色,较浅 25% Black, lighter 25%
509黑色,较浅 35% Black, lighter 35%
510黑色,较浅 5% Black, lighter 5%
511黑色,较浅 50% Black, lighter 50%
513蓝色,较深 25% Blue, darker 25%
514蓝色,较深 50% Blue, darker 50%
515蓝色,较浅 40% Blue, lighter 40%
516蓝色,较浅 60% Blue, lighter 60%
517蓝色,较浅 80% Blue, lighter 80%
519炭色 Charcoal
521深蓝,较深 25% Dark blue, darker 25%
522深蓝,较深 50% Dark blue, darker 50%
523深蓝,较浅 40% Dark blue, lighter 40%
524深蓝,较浅 60% Dark blue, lighter 60%
525深蓝,较浅 80% Dark blue, lighter 80%
526深灰 Dark gray
529土蓝 Earthy blue
530土褐 Earthy brown
531土绿 Earthy green
532土橙 Earthy orange
533土红 Earthy red
534土黄 Earthy yellow
535灰色 25% Gray 25%
536灰色 50% Gray 50%
539浅灰 Light gray
541中灰 Medium gray
542橄榄色 Olive
544橄榄绿,较深 25% Olive green, darker 25%
545橄榄绿,较深 50% Olive green, darker 50%
546橄榄绿,较浅 40% Olive green, lighter 40%
547橄榄绿,较浅 60% Olive green, lighter 60%
548橄榄绿,较浅 80% Olive green, lighter 80%
550橙色,较深 25% Orange, darker 25%
551橙色,较深 50% Orange, darker 50%
552橙色,较浅 40% Orange, lighter 40%
553橙色,较浅 60% Orange, lighter 60%
554橙色,较浅 80% Orange, lighter 80%
555蜡笔蓝 Pastel blue
556蜡笔绿 Pastel green
557蜡笔橙 Pastel orange
558蜡笔紫 Pastel purple
559蜡笔红 Pastel red
560蜡笔黄 Pastel yellow
562职业浅绿 Professional aqua
563职业蓝 Professional blue
564职业绿 Professional green
565职业橙 Professional orange
566职业紫 Professional purple
567职业红 Professional red
569紫色,较深 25% Purple, darker 25%
570紫色,较深 50% Purple, darker 50%
571紫色,较浅 40% Purple, lighter 40%
572紫色,较浅 60% Purple, lighter 60%
573紫色,较浅 80% Purple, lighter 80%
575红色,较深 25% Red, darker 25%
576红色,较深 50% Red, darker 50%
577红色,较浅 40% Red, lighter 40%
578红色,较浅 60% Red, lighter 60%
579红色,较浅 80% Red, lighter 80%
581棕褐色,较深 25% Tan, darker 25%
582棕褐色,较深 5% Tan, darker 5%
583棕褐色,较深 50% Tan, darker 50%
584棕褐色,较深 75% Tan, darker 75%
585棕褐色,较深 90% Tan, darker 90%
586青色 Teal
588鲜蓝 Vibrant blue
589鲜绿 Vibrant green
590鲜橙 Vibrant orange
591鲜紫 Vibrant purple
592鲜红 Vibrant red
593鲜黄 Vibrant yellow
596白色,较深 15% White, darker 15%
597白色,较深 25% White, darker 25%
598白色,较深 35% White, darker 35%
599白色,较深 5% White, darker 5%
600白色,较深 50% White, darker 50%
1182加粗 Bold
1183倾斜 Italic
1184下划线 Underline
1185删除线 Strikethrough
1186字体系列 Font family
1187字体大小 Font size
1189上标 Superscript
1190下标 Subscript
1191增大字体 Grow font
1192缩小字体 Shrink font
1193文本颜色 Text color
1194文本突出显示颜色 Text highlight color
1197显示更多字体 Show more fonts
1199M M
1242加粗倾斜 Bold italic
1243常规 Regular
1244打开字体控制面板 Open the fonts control panel
1269S S
1270G G
1271K K
1272B B
1273I I
1274U U
1275X X
1277A A
1278C C
1279H H
1304改为较粗的字体。 Change to a heavier font.
1305改为斜体。 Change to an italic font.
1306在文本下面画一条线。 Draw a line below the text.
1307在文本上画一条线。 Draw a line through the text.
1308更改字体系列。 Change the font family.
1309更改字体大小。 Change the font size.
1310绘制比常规文本小但比常规文本高的文本。 Draw the text smaller and higher than regular text.
1311绘制比常规文本小且比常规文本低的文本。 Draw the text smaller and lower than regular text.
1312增加字体大小。 Increase the font size.
1313减小字体大小。 Reduce the font size.
1314更改文本颜色。 Change the text color.
1315使文字看上去像是用荧光笔作了标记一样。 Make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
1318通过在字体控制面板中显示、隐藏、安装或卸载字体来自定义字体列表。 Show, hide, install or uninstall fonts in the fonts control panel to customize the font list.
15011(&1) &1
15022(&2) &2
15033(&3) &3
15044(&4) &4
15055(&5) &5
15066(&6) &6
15077(&7) &7
15088(&8) &8
15099(&9) &9
6100最小化功能区(Ctrl+F1) Minimize the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
6101展开功能区(Ctrl+F1) Expand the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
6102仅在功能区上显示选项卡名称 Show only the tab names on the Ribbon.
6103显示功能区,这样即使在单击某个命令后,功能区也会始终展开。 Show the Ribbon so that it is always expanded even after you click a command.
6104最小化功能区 Minimize the Ribbon
0x30000000信息 Info
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-UIRibbon Microsoft-Windows-UIRibbon


File Name:UIRibbon.dll.mui
File Size:11 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:10752
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows 功能区框架
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:UIRibbon
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:UIRibbon.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is UIRibbon.dll.mui?

UIRibbon.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file UIRibbon.dll (Windows 功能区框架).

File version info

File Description:Windows 功能区框架
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:UIRibbon
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:UIRibbon.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200