700 | Kan ikkje laste inn . Ein app kan ikkje laste inn eksternt nettinnhald i den lokale konteksten. |
Can’t load . An app can’t load remote web content in the local context. |
701 | 'javascript:' is an invalid attribute value and will be ignored. Don’t use 'javascript:' URIs in the local context. |
'javascript:' is an invalid attribute value and will be ignored. Don’t use 'javascript:' URIs in the local context. |
702 | Can’t load the ActiveX plug-in that has the class ID '%1!s!'. Apps can't load ActiveX controls. |
Can’t load the ActiveX plug-in that has the class ID '%1!s!'. Apps can't load ActiveX controls. |
703 | Can’t navigate to because it uses an invalid character encoding. An app can navigate only to UTF8-encoded files. |
Can’t navigate to because it uses an invalid character encoding. An app can navigate only to UTF8-encoded files. |
704 | Can’t navigate to from because the destination URI is in a higher security zone. You can’t navigate from a zone with lower security to a zone with higher security unless you’re navigating to a local context URI from a web context URI and you’ve registered the local context URI with the MSApp.addPublicLocalApplicationUri method. |
Can’t navigate to from because the destination URI is in a higher security zone. You can’t navigate from a zone with lower security to a zone with higher security unless you’re navigating to a local context URI from a web context URI and you’ve registered the local context URI with the MSApp.addPublicLocalApplicationUri method. |
705 | Can’t load because it uses an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t need a secure connection, remove the meta element. |
Can’t load because it uses an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t need a secure connection, remove the meta element. |
706 | Invalid doc mode. A document within an iframe requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The iframe will use the doc mode. |
Invalid doc mode. A document within an iframe requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The iframe will use the doc mode. |
707 | The app can't launch the URI at %1!s! because of this error: %2!d!. |
The app can't launch the URI at %1!s! because of this error: %2!d!. |
708 | The app couldn’t navigate to the about:blank page because of this error: %1!d!. |
The app couldn’t navigate to the about:blank page because of this error: %1!d!. |
710 | The app found an error while preparing to navigate to a custom error page: %1!d!. |
The app found an error while preparing to navigate to a custom error page: %1!d!. |
711 | The app couldn’t navigate to a custom error page because of this error: %1!d!. |
The app couldn’t navigate to a custom error page because of this error: %1!d!. |
713 | The app couldn’t navigate to %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!. |
The app couldn’t navigate to %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!. |
714 | The top level document requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The app will use the doc mode to display the document. |
The top level document requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The app will use the doc mode to display the document. |
715 | This URI can’t use geolocation APIs. Geolocation APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
This URI can’t use geolocation APIs. Geolocation APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
716 | This URI can’t use clipboard APIs. The clipboard APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
This URI can’t use clipboard APIs. The clipboard APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
717 | This URI can’t use window.close. The window.close method can be invoked only from packaged content that was loaded with an ms-appx URI scheme. |
This URI can’t use window.close. The window.close method can be invoked only from packaged content that was loaded with an ms-appx URI scheme. |
718 | The app can’t download the file at because it was invoked programmatically outside of the local context. |
The app can’t download the file at because it was invoked programmatically outside of the local context. |
719 | The app can't navigate to %1!s! because a page in the web context can't be the app's top level document. Load the page in an iframe instead. |
The app can't navigate to %1!s! because a page in the web context can't be the app's top level document. Load the page in an iframe instead. |
720 | This app was closed because it used an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t require a secure connection, remove the meta element. |
This app was closed because it used an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t require a secure connection, remove the meta element. |
721 | The app couldn’t resolve %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!. |
The app couldn’t resolve %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!. |
722 | App unhandled script exception |
App unhandled script exception |
723 | The app can’t use script to load the %1!s! url because the url launches another app. Only direct user interaction can launch another app. |
The app can’t use script to load the %1!s! url because the url launches another app. Only direct user interaction can launch another app. |
724 | The app used the window.close method to terminate. In general, let the user terminate the app. When you need to terminate the app because of a critical error, use MSApp.terminateApp. |
The app used the window.close method to terminate. In general, let the user terminate the app. When you need to terminate the app because of a critical error, use MSApp.terminateApp. |
725 | The app was unable to navigate the top-level document to %s because of the following error: %s. |
The app was unable to navigate the top-level document to %s because of the following error: %s. |
726 | The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s. To handle navigation errors, we recommend including a file named msapp-error.html in the root of the package. When a navigation error occurs in an iframe, the app navigates to the msapp-error.html page and passes the error details as query string parameters. |
The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s. To handle navigation errors, we recommend including a file named msapp-error.html in the root of the package. When a navigation error occurs in an iframe, the app navigates to the msapp-error.html page and passes the error details as query string parameters. |
727 | Kan ikkje navigere til: '%1!s!'. Ei iframe prøvde å navigere til ein URI som ikkje er teke med i ApplicationContentUriRules for denne appen. Bruk eit x-ms-webview-element i staden for å vise URIen, eller legg til URIen i ApplicationContentUriRules-delen av pakkemanifestet slik at iframe kan navigere til det. (I Visual Studio legg du til URIen i fanen for innhalds-URIar i Manifest Designer.) |
Unable to navigate to: '%1!s!'. An iframe attempted to navigate to a URI that is not included in the ApplicationContentUriRules for this app. Use a x-ms-webview element to view the URI instead, or add the URI to the ApplicationContentUriRules section of the package manifest so that the iframe can navigate to it. (In Visual Studio, add this URI to the Content URIs tab of the Manifest Designer.) |
728 | The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s. |
The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s. |
729 | A direct reference to resource file %1!s! was detected. This reference causes failures when used outside of the debugging environment. |
A direct reference to resource file %1!s! was detected. This reference causes failures when used outside of the debugging environment. |
730 | Appen navigerte til , som inneheld ein ugyldig metakode: %2!s! |
The app navigated to which contains a malformed authentication meta tag: %2!s! |
731 | Denne URI-en kan ikkje bruke peikarlås-API-ar. Peikarlås-API-ar kan berre aktiverast frå ein URI som er ein del av pakken eller er inkludert i elementet ApplicationContentUris i manifestet. |
This URI can’t use pointerlock APIs. Pointerlock APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
732 | Denne URI-en kan ikkje bruke medieinnspelings-API-ar. Medieinnspelings-API-ar kan berre aktiverast frå ein URI som er ein del av pakken eller er inkludert i elementet ApplicationContentUris i manifestet. |
This URI can’t use media capture APIs. Media Capture APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
733 | URI-en %1!s! kan ikkje lukke det øvste nivåvindauget i programmet. Vindauge på øvste nivå som er ein del av ein pakke eller er inkludert i elementet ApplicationContentUris i manifestet, kan berre lukkast frå URI-ar som også er ein del av ein pakke eller er inkludert i ApplicationContentUris i manifestet. |
The URI %1!s! can’t close the application top level window. Top level windows that are part of package or are included in ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest can only be closed from URIs that are also either part of package or are included in ApplicationContentUris of manifest. |
734 | Denne URI-en kan ikkje bruke nettvarsel-API-ar. Nettvarsel-API-ar kan berre aktiverast frå ein URI som er ein del av pakken eller er inkludert i elementet ApplicationContentUris i manifestet. |
This URI can’t use Web Notification APIs. Web Notification APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest. |
1701 | Kopier |
Copy |
1702 | Klipp ut |
Cut |
1703 | Angre |
Undo |
1704 | Lim inn |
Paste |
1705 | Merk alt |
Select all |
0x10000001 | AppHost |
AppHost |
0x10000002 | AppHostApplication |
AppHostApplication |
0x10000003 | AppHostDiagnostic |
AppHostDiagnostic |
0x10000031 | Response Time |
Response Time |
0x30000000 | Info |
Info |
0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x3000000B | AppHost Operation Succeeded |
AppHost Operation Succeeded |
0x3000000C | AppHost Operation Failed |
AppHost Operation Failed |
0x3000000D | AppHost Warning |
AppHost Warning |
0x3000000E | AppHost Information |
AppHost Information |
0x3000000F | AppHost Application Error |
AppHost Application Error |
0x30000010 | AppHost Application Warning |
AppHost Application Warning |
0x30000011 | AppHost Application Information |
AppHost Application Information |
0x50000002 | Error |
Error |
0x50000003 | Warning |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-AppHost |
Microsoft-Windows-AppHost |
0x90000002 | Admin |
Admin |
0x90000003 | AppTracing |
AppTracing |
0xB0000066 | The App Host has encountered an unexpected error and will terminate. The error is %1. |
The App Host has encountered an unexpected error and will terminate. The error is %1. |
0xB0000070 | WWAJSE report submitted with parameters 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: . (PID: . Process Creation Time: . App Binary Path: .) Report Id: |
WWAJSE report submitted with parameters 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: . (PID: . Process Creation Time: . App Binary Path: .) Report Id: |
0xB0000079 | The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to an issue with a winmd file. If you have third party winmd files ensure they are not corrupt and that their filenames match their corresponding namespace names. |
The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to an issue with a winmd file. If you have third party winmd files ensure they are not corrupt and that their filenames match their corresponding namespace names. |
0xB000007A | The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to unknown error. (%1) |
The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to unknown error. (%1) |
0xB000007E | App crashed with an unhandled Javascript exception. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The details of the JavaScript exception are as follows Exception Name:, Description:, HTML Document Path:, Source File Name:, Source Line Number:, Source Column Number:, and Stack Trace: %12. |
App crashed with an unhandled Javascript exception. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The details of the JavaScript exception are as follows Exception Name:, Description:, HTML Document Path:, Source File Name:, Source Line Number:, Source Column Number:, and Stack Trace: %12. |
0xB000007F | App terminated itself by calling terminateApp API. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: . Error object passed to terminateApp carried the following details Description:, and Stack Trace:- %8. |
App terminated itself by calling terminateApp API. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: . Error object passed to terminateApp carried the following details Description:, and Stack Trace:- %8. |
0xB0000080 | This app was closed because of a critical infrastructure failure. |
This app was closed because of a critical infrastructure failure. |
0xB0000081 | This app was closed because one or more packages were modified. Please reinstall the app. |
This app was closed because one or more packages were modified. Please reinstall the app. |
0xB0000083 | App terminated itself by window.close() API, which is not recommended. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: |
App terminated itself by window.close() API, which is not recommended. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: |
0xB0000084 | App was terminated due to a navigation error with target url and error code . App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The Navigation was initiated from the context of the following HTML document: |
App was terminated due to a navigation error with target url and error code . App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The Navigation was initiated from the context of the following HTML document: |
0xB0000085 | The App Host could not start because the host module %2::%1 failed with %3. |
The App Host could not start because the host module %2::%1 failed with %3. |
0xB0000086 | The App Host could not start because the web module %3::%2::%1 failed with %4. |
The App Host could not start because the web module %3::%2::%1 failed with %4. |
0xB0000087 | The App Host could not start because the platform (%1) failed with %2. |
The App Host could not start because the platform (%1) failed with %2. |
0xB0000088 | The App Host could not start because WinRT failed to initialize with %1. |
The App Host could not start because WinRT failed to initialize with %1. |
0xB0000089 | Pending resume event was signaled to the Host. |
Pending resume event was signaled to the Host. |
0xB0000203 | The App has subdownloads remaining to complete during suspension. Host has requested the system for more time. |
The App has subdownloads remaining to complete during suspension. Host has requested the system for more time. |
0xB0002710 | %6%10 : %11 |
%6%10 : %11 |
0xB0002713 | Suspending Deferral Increment. |
Suspending Deferral Increment. |
0xB0002714 | Suspending Deferral Decrement. |
Suspending Deferral Decrement. |