wpdshext.dll.mui Проширење љуске преносних уређаја 94bccccb09b82b3b8eded433fbca9264

File info

File name: wpdshext.dll.mui
Size: 34304 byte
MD5: 94bccccb09b82b3b8eded433fbca9264
SHA1: dc6806a8ed5200c72c9b40bab545e10515693d19
SHA256: f7bf3249af5773b5922eeb0412d4d28246d0cdd7a3cea8ed19727fa3a463c7d3
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbian (Cyrillic) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbian (Cyrillic) English
110Копирање... Copying...
111Брисање... Deleting...
112Премјештање... Moving...
113Креирање списка нумера... Creating Playlist...
123Compressing File: Compressing File:
124Waiting: %s is busy. Waiting: %s is busy.
125Waiting: The device is busy. Waiting: The device is busy.
126Preparing to create Playlist. Preparing to create Playlist.
127Креирање списка нумера на уређају. Creating Playlist on device.
128Searching: %s Searching: %s
129Added %s Added %s
130Adding media to Playlist Adding media to Playlist
180You do not have permission to access this device. You do not have permission to access this device.
190Уређај је тренутно заузет и могуће је да његов садржај неће бити приказан у потпуности. Ако нека друга апликација копира податке са уређаја или на њега, сачекајте да се процес заврши и покушајте поново. The device is currently busy and its contents may not be fully displayed. If another application is copying data to or from the device, please wait for it to finish and then retry.
191Device Busy Device Busy
195Име уређаја је предугачко или садржи неважеће знакове. The device name is either too long, or contains invalid characters.
196Неважеће име уређаја Invalid Device Name
200Cannot Open File Cannot Open File
201Није могуће отворити "%1": име фајла је предугачко да би се отворило директно са уређаја. Можете скратити име фајла и покушати поново или копирати фајл на рачунар и покренути је одатле. Cannot open %1: The filename is too long to open directly from the device. You may shorten the filename and retry, or copy the file to the PC and launch it from there.
222Премјештање фајла Move File
223Move Folder Move Folder
224Није могуће премјестити %1 Cannot move %1
225Није могуће премјјестити ставку Cannot move item
226Уређај је престао да се одазива или је прекинута веза са њим. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
227Move Item Move Item
228У "%s" To '%s'
229Немате дозволу за креирање ове ставке. You do not have permission to create this item.
230The device does not allow files to be placed in this location. The device does not allow files to be placed in this location.
231Its file size is larger than the device limit. Its file size is larger than the device limit.
238Није могуће копирати %1 Cannot copy %1
239Није могуће копирати ставку Cannot copy item
240Грешка при брисању фајла Error Deleting File
241Грешка при брисању фасцикле Error Deleting Folder
242Није било могуће избрисати %1. Уређај је престао да се одазива или је прекинута веза с њим. %1 could not be deleted. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
243Операција брисања није успјела. Уређај је престао да се одазива или је прекинута веза с њим. The delete operation has failed. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
244The folder %1 could not be deleted. The folder is not empty. The folder %1 could not be deleted. The folder is not empty.
245Није било могуће избрисати %1. Немате дозволу да избришете ову ставку. %1 could not be deleted. You do not have permission to delete this item.
246Није могуће избрисати %1: похрана је заштићена од уписивања.

Уклоните заштиту од уписивања и покушајте поново.
Cannot delete %1: The storage is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection and try again.
247Похрана је заштићена од уписивања.

Уклоните заштиту од уписивања и покушајте поново.
The storage is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection and try again.
248Destination path too long. Destination path too long.
249Копирање фајла Copy File
250Копирање фасцикле Copy Folder
251The file is protected with a digital license. This license does not grant you rights to copy the file. The file is protected with a digital license. This license does not grant you rights to copy the file.
252There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
254Copy Item Copy Item
256На уређају већ постоји фајл или фасцикла са истим именом. A file or folder with the same name already exists on the device.
257УПОЗОРЕНЈЕ: форматирањем ће бити избрисани СВИ подаци са овог уређаја. То може укључити све поставке похрањене на уређају.
Кликните У реду да бисте форматирали уређај. Кликните Откажи да бисте одустали.
WARNING: Formatting will erase ALL data on this device. This may include any settings stored on the device.
To format the device, click OK. To quit, click Cancel.
258Formatting your %s. Formatting your %s.
259Обликовање завршено. Format Complete.
260The device was unable to complete the format. The device was unable to complete the format.
262Its file size is larger than the device limit of %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes). Its file size is larger than the device limit of %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes).
263Није било могуће копирати фајл %1. Нема довољно слободног простора на уређају. The file %1 could not be copied. There is not enough free space on the device.
264Није било могуће копирати изабране фајлове. Нема довољно слободног простора на уређају. The selected files could not be copied. There is not enough free space on the device.
265Фајл је заштићен дигиталном лиценцом. Кључ за отварање ове лиценце можда није на овом рачунару или лиценца може захтијевати да се пријавите на свој рачун да бисте копирали фајл. Кључ за лиценцу који недостаје можете добити тако што ћете репродуковати фајл у апликацији која подржава Windows Media управљање дигиталним правима. The file is protected with a digital license. The key to open this license may not reside on this computer or the license may require that you log into your account to copy the file. A missing license key may be obtained by playing the file in an application that supports Windows Media Digital Rights Management.
266The license for this content does not allow copying it to a portable device. The license for this content does not allow copying it to a portable device.
267Rename Rename
268Ако промијените ознаку типа фајла, фајл може да постане неупотребљив.

Желите ли заиста да га промијените?
If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable.

Are you sure you want to change it?
269%d X %d %d X %d
270Create Playlist Create Playlist
271Нису пронађени медијски фајлови који би се могли употријебити за креирање списка нумера. No media files were found which could be used to create a playlist.
272Move up Move up
273Move to top Move to top
274Move down Move down
275Move to bottom Move to bottom
276Delete Delete
277Грешка при креирању фасцикле Error Creating Folder
278Није било могуће креирати нову фасциклу на овој локацији.
Уређај је престао да се одазива или је прекинута веза с њим.
The new folder could not be created in this location.
The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
279Error Creating Playlist Error Creating Playlist
286The new playlist could not be created in this location.
The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
The new playlist could not be created in this location.
The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.
322%1!ls! (%2!ls! бајтова). %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes)
323%1!ls! %1!ls!
324%s Properties %s Properties
325Више типова Multiple Types
326Све у %1 All in %1
327Све типа %1 All of type %1
328Various Folders Various Folders
329%1!ls! фајлова, %2!ls! фасцикли %1!ls! Files, %2!ls! Folders
330%s %s
331%s, ... %s, ...
345Преносни уређај Portable Device
346Дигитална камера Digital Camera
347Преносни плејер медија Portable Media Player
348Мобилни телефон Mobile Phone
349Отвори као преносни уређај Open as Portable Device
350Отвара диск јединицу као преносни уређај Opens the drive as a portable device
351The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder. The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder.
352Наведена одредишна фасцикла је иста као изворна. The destination folder is the same as the source folder.
355The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support copying files from your computer. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support copying files from your computer.
356The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support moving files from your computer. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. The camera may not support moving files from your computer.
364Потврдите брисање фајла Confirm File Delete
365Потврда брисања фасцикле Confirm Folder Delete
366Потврда брисања већег броја фајлова Confirm Multiple File Delete
367Желите ли заиста да трајно избришете "%1"? Are you sure you want to permanently delete '%1'?
368Желите ли заиста да трајно уклоните фасциклу "%1" са њеним цјелокупним садржајем? Are you sure you want to permanently remove the folder '%1' and all of its contents?
369Желите ли заиста да трајно избришете сљедећи број ставки: %1!d!? Are you sure you want to permanently delete these %1!d! items?
388The file requires special content protection support to be transferred to portable devices. You may attempt transfer with an application that supports Windows Media Digital Rights Management. The file requires special content protection support to be transferred to portable devices. You may attempt transfer with an application that supports Windows Media Digital Rights Management.
389The file is protected by a digital license that has become inaccessible. Please see http://www.microsoft.com for information on how to recover and copy this file. The file is protected by a digital license that has become inaccessible. Please see http://www.microsoft.com for information on how to recover and copy this file.
390A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.
391Дошло је до проблема приликом прибављања сертификата уређаја. Провјерите је ли уређај заузет и покушајте поново. A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate. Make sure the device is not busy and try again.
396Већ постоји фајл која се овако зове. Наведите друго име фајла. A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.
397Није могуће преименовати %2!ls!: %1!ls! Cannot rename %2!ls!: %1!ls!
398Грешка при преименовању фајла или фасцикле Error Renaming File or Folder
403Фајл %1 је фајл само за читање. Желите ли заиста да га трајно избришете? The file %1 is a read-only file. Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?
404Confirm File Delete Confirm File Delete
405Фасцикла %1 је фасцикла само за читање. Желите ли заиста да је трајно избришете? The folder %1 is a read-only folder. Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?
440Ова фасцикла већ садржи фајл под именом "%1". This folder already contains a file named '%1'.
441This folder already contains a read-only file named '%1'. This folder already contains a read-only file named '%1'.
444Ова фасцикла већ садржи фасциклу под именом '%1'.

Ако фајлови у постојећој фасцикли имају исто име као и фајлови у фасцикли коју премјештате или копирате, оне ће бити замијењене. Желите ли ипак да премјестите или копирате ову фасциклу?
This folder already contains a folder named '%1'.

If the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy the folder?
445modified: %1 modified: %1
470Фајл није подржан на овом уређају. The file is not supported on this device.
471The file cannot be copied to this folder. The file cannot be copied to this folder.
472The file is not supported on this device. The file is not supported on this device.
477Фајл можда не постоји или га није могуће пренијети. The file may not exist or cannot be transferred.
500Отвори уређај за приказ фајлова Open device to view files
501Прегледник фајлова File Explorer
502Конфигурисање уређаја за приступ мрежи Configure device for network access
503Чаробњак за конфигурацију мреже Network Configuration Wizard
509using %s using %s
510Преносни уређаји Portable Devices
511Мени преносних уређаја Portable Devices Menu
512Прегледајте садржај преносних уређаја повезаних са рачунаром. View the content on portable devices connected to your computer.
550folder folder
551image image
552document document
553contact contact
554audio audio
555видео video
556playlist playlist
557mixed content album mixed content album
558audio album audio album
559image album image album
560video album video album
561memo memo
562email email
563appointment appointment
564task task
565program program
566generic generic
567unspecified unspecified
850Да Yes
851Не No
852(multiple values) (multiple values)
853Својство Property
854Вриједност Value
855Опште General
8561 (mono) 1 (mono)
8572 (стерео) 2 (stereo)
858%s бајтова %s bytes
859Батерија Battery
860Прикључен на утичницу Plugged in
925Contact Photo Contact Photo
926Сличица Thumbnail
927Album Art Album Art
928Audio Annotation Audio Annotation
929%lu dpi %lu dpi
1000Прихваћени учесници Accepted Attendees
1001Location Location
1002Optional Attendees Optional Attendees
1003Потребни учесници Required Attendees
1004Ресурси Resources
1006Type Type
1007Дубина боја Bit Depth
1008Брзина протока Bit Rate
1009Block Alignment Block Alignment
1010Канали Channels
1011Format Code Format Code
1012Главна верзија Major Version
1013Помоћна верзија Minor Version
1014Client Name Client Name
1015Revision Revision
1016Birth Date Birth Date
1017Business Email Business Email
1018Business Email 2 Business Email 2
1019Business Fax Business Fax
1020Business Postal Address Business Postal Address
1021Business Phone Business Phone
1022Business Phone 2 Business Phone 2
1023Business Postal City Business Postal City
1024Business Postal Country/Region Business Postal Country/Region
1025Business Address Line 1 Business Address Line 1
1026Business Address Line 2 Business Address Line 2
1027Business Postal Code Business Postal Code
1028Business Postal Region Business Postal Region
1029Business Web Address Business Web Address
1030Company Name Company Name
1031Display Name Display Name
1032First Name First Name
1033Instant Messenger Instant Messenger
1034Instant Messenger 2 Instant Messenger 2
1035Instant Messenger 3 Instant Messenger 3
1036Last Name Last Name
1037Middle Name Middle Name
1038Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
1039Mobile Phone 2 Mobile Phone 2
1040Other Email Addresses Other Email Addresses
1041Other Postal Address Other Postal Address
1042Other Phones Other Phones
1043Other Postal City Other Postal City
1044Other Address Line 1 Other Address Line 1
1045Other Address Line 2 Other Address Line 2
1046Other Postal Code Other Postal Code
1047Other Postal Country/Region Other Postal Country/Region
1048Other Postal Region Other Postal Region
1049Pager Pager
1050Personal Email Personal Email
1051Personal Email 2 Personal Email 2
1052Personal Fax Personal Fax
1053Personal Postal Address Personal Postal Address
1054Personal Phone Personal Phone
1055Personal Phone 2 Personal Phone 2
1056Personal Postal City Personal Postal City
1057Personal Postal Country/Region Personal Postal Country/Region
1058Personal Address Line 1 Personal Address Line 1
1059Personal Address Line 2 Personal Address Line 2
1060Personal Postal Code Personal Postal Code
1061Personal Postal Region Personal Postal Region
1062Personal Web Address Personal Web Address
1063Phonetic Company Name Phonetic Company Name
1064Phonetic First Name Phonetic First Name
1065Phonetic Last Name Phonetic Last Name
1066Prefix Prefix
1067Primary Email Address Primary Email Address
1068Primary Phone Primary Phone
1069Primary Web Address Primary Web Address
1070Role Role
1071Suffix Suffix
1072Device Date Device Date
1073Firmware Version Firmware Version
1074Friendly Name Friendly Name
1075Manufacturer Manufacturer
1076Model Model
1077Power Level Power Level
1078Power Source Power Source
1079Protocol Protocol
1080Serial Number Serial Number
1081Supports Non-consumable Supports Non-consumable
1082Sync Partner Sync Partner
1083BCC Line BCC Line
1084CC Line CC Line
1085Has Attachments Has Attachments
1086Has Been Read Has Been Read
1088Received Time Received Time
1089Sender Address Sender Address
1090To Line To Line
1091Content Types Allowed Content Types Allowed
1092Functional Category Functional Category
1093Bit Depth Bit Depth
1094Color Corrected Color Corrected
1095No No
1096Yes Yes
1097Should Not Be Corrected Should Not Be Corrected
1098Cropped Cropped
1101Should Not Be Cropped Should Not Be Cropped
1102Тип брзине протока Bit Rate Type
1103Специфично Discrete
1104Free Free
1105Неискоришћено Unused
1106Variable Variable
1107Buy Now Buy Now
1108Composer Composer
1109Copyright Copyright
1110Duration Duration
1111Ефективно оцјењивање Effective Rating
1112Encoding Profile Encoding Profile
1113Висина Height
1114Вријеме посљедњег приступа Last Accessed Time
1115Meta Genre Meta Genre
1116Unused Unused
1117Music Music
1118Audio Audio
1119Audiobook Audiobook
1120Spoken Spoken
1121News News
1122Talk Show Talk Show
1123Video Video
1125Music Video Music Video
1126Home Video Home Video
1127Movie Movie
1128Television Television
1129Educational Educational
1130Photo Montage Photo Montage
1131Other Other
1132Artist Artist
1133Parental Rating Parental Rating
1134Датум издавања Release Date
1135Густина узорка Sample Rate
1136Прескочи бројање Skip Count
1137Star Rating Star Rating
1138Sub Title Sub Title
1139Subscription Content ID Subscription Content ID
1140Наслов Title
1141Total Bit Rate Total Bit Rate
1142Број употреба Use Count
1143Корисничко оцјењивање User Rating
1144Ширина Width
1145Наслов албума Album Title
1146Description Description
1147Genre Genre
1148Lyrics Lyrics
1149Mood Mood
1150Track Number Track Number
1151Content Type Content Type
1152Date Authored Date Authored
1153Датум креирања Date Created
1154Датум измјене Date Modified
1155Format Format
1156ID ID
1157Protected Protected
1158Hidden Hidden
1159Само за читање Read-only
1160Систем System
1161Keywords Keywords
1162Name Name
1163Non-consumable Non-consumable
1164Оригинални назив фајла Original Filename
1165References References
1166Величина Size
1167SMS Encoding SMS Encoding
1168SMS Max Payload SMS Max Payload
1169SMS Provider SMS Provider
1170SMS Timeout SMS Timeout
1172Burst Interval Burst Interval
1173Burst Number Burst Number
1174Capture Delay Capture Delay
1175Capture Format Capture Format
1176Capture Mode Capture Mode
1177Undefined Undefined
1178Normal Normal
1179Burst Burst
1180Time-lapse Time-lapse
1181Capture Resolution Capture Resolution
1182Compression Setting Compression Setting
1183Contrast Contrast
1184Digital Zoom Digital Zoom
1185Effect Mode Effect Mode
1187Color Color
1188Black and White Black and White
1189Sepia Sepia
1190Exposure Bias Compensation Exposure Bias Compensation
1191Exposure Index Exposure Index
1192Exposure Metering Mode Exposure Metering Mode
1194Average Average
1195Center Weighted Center Weighted
1196Multi-spot Multi-spot
1197Center-spot Center-spot
1198Exposure Program Mode Exposure Program Mode
1200Manual Manual
1201Automatic Automatic
1202Aperture Priority Aperture Priority
1203Shutter Priority Shutter Priority
1204Creative Creative
1205Action Action
1206Portrait Portrait
1207Exposure Time Exposure Time
1208Flash Mode Flash Mode
1211Off Off
1212Fill Fill
1213Automatic Red Eye Reduction Automatic Red Eye Reduction
1214Fill Red Eye Fill Red Eye
1215External External
1216F-Number F-Number
1217Focal Length Focal Length
1218Focus Distance Focus Distance
1219Focus Metering Mode Focus Metering Mode
1223Focus Mode Focus Mode
1227Automatic Macro Automatic Macro
1228RGB Gain RGB Gain
1229Sharpness Sharpness
1230Time-lapse Interval Time-lapse Interval
1231Time-lapse Number Time-lapse Number
1232Upload URL Upload URL
1233White Balance White Balance
1237One Push Automatic One Push Automatic
1238Daylight Daylight
1239Fluorescent Fluorescent
1240Tungsten Tungsten
1241Flash Flash
1242Capacity Capacity
1244File System Type File System Type
1245Free Space Free Space
1246Free Object Space Free Object Space
1249Has Reminder Has Reminder
1250Owner Owner
1251Percent Complete Percent Complete
1252Reminder Date Reminder Date
1253Status Status
1255Author Author
1257Buffer Size Buffer Size
1258Credits Credits
1259FourCC Code FourCC Code
1260Frame Rate Frame Rate
1261Key Frame Interval Key Frame Interval
1262Quality Setting Quality Setting
1263Channel Channel
1264Repeat Repeat
1265Station Station
1266Тип скенирања Scan Type
1268Progressive Progressive
1269Interleaved Interleaved
1271Single Single
1273Mixed Interlaced Mixed Interlaced
1274Mixed Interlaced and Progressive Mixed Interlaced and Progressive
1275Subject Subject
1276Priority Priority
1277Message Body Message Body
1278Start Date/Time Start Date/Time
1279End Date/Time End Date/Time
1280Camera Model Camera Model
1281Camera Maker Camera Maker
1282Horizontal Resolution Horizontal Resolution
1283Vertical Resolution Vertical Resolution
1284Move to %1 Move to %1
1285Copy to %1 Copy to %1
1286похрана на уређају device storage
1287основна похрана root of storage
1288Анализирање фајлова... Analyzing files...
8976Назив Name
8979Тип Type
8980Креирано Created
8981Измијењено Modified
8983Укупна величина Total Size
8984Слободни простор Free Space
8985Процената попуњено Percent Full
8986Available Space Available Space
9050Број нумере Track Number
9218Непознато Unknown
9219New Folder New Folder
9220New Folder (%d) New Folder (%d)
9223%1!s! - Копија%2!s! %1!s! - Copy%2!s!
9224%1!s! - Копија (%2!d!)%3!s! %1!s! - Copy (%2!d!)%3!s!
9225Нови списак нумера.pla New Playlist.pla
9226New Playlist (%d).pla New Playlist (%d).pla
12289Извођач Artist
12290Албум Album
12291Година Year
12292Жанр Genre
12544Трајање Duration
12545Bitrate Bitrate
12546Sample Size Sample Size
12547Sample Rate Sample Rate
12548Channel Count Channel Count
12801Подржано Supported
12803Play Count Play Count
12804Play Starts Play Starts
12805Play Expires Play Expires
12806Датум израде Date Authored
12807Датум фотографисања Date Picture Taken
12808Димензије Dimensions


File Name:wpdshext.dll.mui
File Size:34 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:33792
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (1C1A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Проширење љуске преносних уређаја
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WpdShExt.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Сва права задржана.
Original File Name:WpdShExt.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wpdshext.dll.mui?

wpdshext.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbian (Cyrillic) language for file wpdshext.dll (Проширење љуске преносних уређаја).

File version info

File Description:Проширење љуске преносних уређаја
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WpdShExt.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Сва права задржана.
Original Filename:WpdShExt.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x1C1A, 1200