getuname.dll.mui Biblioteka DLL nazw Unicode dla UCE 94342a49a9c09db888f377d6116ae5e1

File info

File name: getuname.dll.mui
Size: 902144 byte
MD5: 94342a49a9c09db888f377d6116ae5e1
SHA1: ca747580831f7a69450ea2059b7927f9833b4749
SHA256: 79c5ae66579f8ed12acd7c2e09e1ed6713ad602f21a903beb6d2cac77aba15e4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Polish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Polish English
0Pusty Null
1Początek nagłówka Start Of Heading
2Początek tekstu Start Of Text
3Koniec tekstu End Of Text
4Koniec transmisji End Of Transmission
5Zapytanie Enquiry
6Potwierdzenie Acknowledge
7Dzwonek Bell
8Backspace Backspace
9Tabulacja znaku Character Tabulation
10Znak nowego wiersza (LF) Line Feed (LF)
11Tabulacja w wierszu Line Tabulation
12Wysuw strony (FF) Form Feed (FF)
13Powrót karetki (CR) Carriage Return (CR)
14Shift zwolniony Shift Out
15Shift wciśnięty Shift In
16Escape linku danych Data Link Escape
17Sterownik urządzenia jeden Device Control One
18Sterownik urządzenia dwa Device Control Two
19Sterownik urządzenia trzy Device Control Three
20Sterownik urządzenia cztery Device Control Four
21Potwierdzenie negatywne Negative Acknowledge
22Synchroniczny bezczynny Synchronous Idle
23Koniec bloku transmisji End Of Transmission Block
24Anuluj Cancel
25Koniec nośnika End Of Medium
26Podstawianie Substitute
27Escape Escape
28Information Separator Four Information Separator Four
29Information Separator Three Information Separator Three
30Information Separator Two Information Separator Two
31Information Separator One Information Separator One
32Spacja Space
33Wykrzyknik Exclamation Mark
34Cudzysłów Quotation Mark
35Znak numeru Number Sign
36Znak dolara Dollar Sign
37Znak procentu Percent Sign
38Handlowe „i” Ampersand
39Apostrof Apostrophe
40Lewy nawias okrągły Left Parenthesis
41Prawy nawias okrągły Right Parenthesis
42Gwiazdka Asterisk
43Plus Plus Sign
44Przecinek Comma
45Łącznik. Minus Hyphen-Minus
46Kropka Full Stop
47Kreska ułamkowa Solidus
48Cyfra zero Digit Zero
49Cyfra jeden Digit One
50Cyfra dwa Digit Two
51Cyfra trzy Digit Three
52Cyfra cztery Digit Four
53Cyfra pięć Digit Five
54Cyfra sześć Digit Six
55Cyfra siedem Digit Seven
56Cyfra osiem Digit Eight
57Cyfra dziewięć Digit Nine
58Dwukropek Colon
59Średnik Semicolon
60Mniejszy od Less-Than Sign
61Znak równości Equals Sign
62Większy od Greater-Than Sign
63Znak zapytania Question Mark
64Handlowe „przy” Commercial At
65Wielka litera A Latin Capital Letter A
66Wielka litera B Latin Capital Letter B
67Wielka litera C Latin Capital Letter C
68Wielka litera D Latin Capital Letter D
69Wielka litera E Latin Capital Letter E
70Wielka litera F Latin Capital Letter F
71Wielka litera G Latin Capital Letter G
72Wielka litera H Latin Capital Letter H
73Wielka litera I Latin Capital Letter I
74Wielka litera J Latin Capital Letter J
75Wielka litera K Latin Capital Letter K
76Wielka litera L Latin Capital Letter L
77Wielka litera M Latin Capital Letter M
78Wielka litera N Latin Capital Letter N
79Wielka litera O Latin Capital Letter O
80Wielka litera P Latin Capital Letter P
81Wielka litera Q Latin Capital Letter Q
82Wielka litera R Latin Capital Letter R
83Wielka litera S Latin Capital Letter S
84Wielka litera T Latin Capital Letter T
85Wielka litera U Latin Capital Letter U
86Wielka litera V Latin Capital Letter V
87Wielka litera W Latin Capital Letter W
88Wielka litera X Latin Capital Letter X
89Wielka litera Y Latin Capital Letter Y
90Wielka litera Z Latin Capital Letter Z
91Lewy nawias kwadratowy Left Square Bracket
92Kreska ułamkowa odwrócona Reverse Solidus
93Prawy nawias kwadratowy Right Square Bracket
94Znak akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Circumflex Accent
95Podkreślenie Low Line
96Akcent słaby Grave Accent
97Mała litera A Latin Small Letter A
98Mała litera B Latin Small Letter B
99Mała litera C Latin Small Letter C
100Mała litera D Latin Small Letter D
101Mała litera E Latin Small Letter E
102Mała litera F Latin Small Letter F
103Mała litera G Latin Small Letter G
104Mała litera H Latin Small Letter H
105Mała litera I Latin Small Letter I
106Mała litera J Latin Small Letter J
107Mała litera K Latin Small Letter K
108Mała litera L Latin Small Letter L
109Mała litera M Latin Small Letter M
110Mała litera N Latin Small Letter N
111Mała litera O Latin Small Letter O
112Mała litera P Latin Small Letter P
113Mała litera Q Latin Small Letter Q
114Mała litera R Latin Small Letter R
115Mała litera S Latin Small Letter S
116Mała litera T Latin Small Letter T
117Mała litera U Latin Small Letter U
118Mała litera V Latin Small Letter V
119Mała litera W Latin Small Letter W
120Mała litera X Latin Small Letter X
121Mała litera Y Latin Small Letter Y
122Mała litera Z Latin Small Letter Z
123Lewy nawias klamrowy Left Curly Bracket
124Kreska pionowa Vertical Line
125Prawy nawias klamrowy Right Curly Bracket
126Tylda Tilde
127Usuń Delete
130Break Permitted Here Break Permitted Here
131No Break Here No Break Here
133Next Line (NEL) Next Line (NEL)
134Start Of Selected Area Start Of Selected Area
135End Of Selected Area End Of Selected Area
136Character Tabulation Set Character Tabulation Set
137Character Tabulation With Justification Character Tabulation With Justification
138Line Tabulation Set Line Tabulation Set
139Partial Line Forward Partial Line Forward
140Partial Line Backward Partial Line Backward
141Reverse Line Feed Reverse Line Feed
142Single Shift Two Single Shift Two
143Single Shift Three Single Shift Three
144Device Control String Device Control String
145Private Use One Private Use One
146Private Use Two Private Use Two
147Set Transmit State Set Transmit State
148Cancel Character Cancel Character
149Komunikat oczekujący Message Waiting
150Start Of Guarded Area Start Of Guarded Area
151End Of Guarded Area End Of Guarded Area
152Start Of String Start Of String
154Single Character Introducer Single Character Introducer
155Control Sequence Introducer Control Sequence Introducer
156String Terminator String Terminator
157Operating System Command Operating System Command
158Privacy Message Privacy Message
159Application Program Command Application Program Command
160Spacja nierozdzielająca No-Break Space
161Wykrzyknik odwrócony Inverted Exclamation Mark
162Znak centa Cent Sign
163Znak funta Pound Sign
164Znak jednostki monetarnej Currency Sign
165Znak jena Yen Sign
166Broken Bar Broken Bar
167Znak paragrafu Section Sign
168Diaereza Diaeresis
169Znak copyright Copyright Sign
170Feminine Ordinal Indicator Feminine Ordinal Indicator
171Lewy podwójny cudzysłów kątowy Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
172Not Sign Not Sign
173Łącznik nietrwały Soft Hyphen
174Zastrzeżony znak towarowy Registered Sign
175Macron Macron
176Znak stopnia Degree Sign
177Znak plus-minus Plus-Minus Sign
178Superscript Two Superscript Two
179Superscript Three Superscript Three
180Znak akcentu silnego Acute Accent
181Micro Sign Micro Sign
182Pilcrow Sign Pilcrow Sign
183Middle Dot Middle Dot
184Cedilla Cedilla
185Superscript One Superscript One
186Masculine Ordinal Indicator Masculine Ordinal Indicator
187Prawy podwójny cudzysłów kątowy Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
188Vulgar Fraction One Quarter Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
189Vulgar Fraction One Half Vulgar Fraction One Half
190Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
191Znak zapytania odwrócony Inverted Question Mark
192Wielka litera A ze znakiem akcentu słabego Latin Capital Letter A With Grave
193Wielka litera A ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter A With Acute
194Wielka litera A ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
195Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
196Wielka litera A z diaerezą Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
197Wielka litera A z kółkiem Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
198Latin Capital Letter Ae Latin Capital Letter Ae
199Wielka litera C z cedillą Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
200Wielka litera E ze znakiem akcentu słabego Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
201Wielka litera E ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
202Wielka litera E ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
203Wielka litera E z diaerezą Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
204Latin Capital Letter I With Grave Latin Capital Letter I With Grave
205Wielka litera I ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter I With Acute
206Wielka litera I ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
207Wielka litera I z dierezą Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
208Latin Capital Letter Eth Latin Capital Letter Eth
209Wielka litera N z tyldą Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde
210Latin Capital Letter O With Grave Latin Capital Letter O With Grave
211Wielka litera O ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera Ó) Latin Capital Letter O With Acute
212Wielka litera O ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex
213Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde
214Wielka litera O z diaerezą Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
215Znak mnożenia Multiplication Sign
216Wielka przekreślona litera O Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke
217Wielka litera U ze znakiem akcentu słabego Latin Capital Letter U With Grave
218Wielka litera U ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter U With Acute
219Wielka litera U ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
220Wielka litera U z diaerezą Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
221Wielka litera Y ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute
222Latin Capital Letter Thorn Latin Capital Letter Thorn
223Podwójna niemiecka litera S Latin Small Letter Sharp S
224Latin Small Letter A With Grave Latin Small Letter A With Grave
225Mała litera A ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter A With Acute
226Mała litera A ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
227Latin Small Letter A With Tilde Latin Small Letter A With Tilde
228Mała litera A z diaerezą Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
229Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
230Latin Small Letter Ae Latin Small Letter Ae
231Mała litera C z cedillą Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
232Latin Small Letter E With Grave Latin Small Letter E With Grave
233Mała litera E ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter E With Acute
234Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
235Mała litera E z diaerezą Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
236Latin Small Letter I With Grave Latin Small Letter I With Grave
237Mała litera I ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter I With Acute
238Mała litera I ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
239Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
240Latin Small Letter Eth Latin Small Letter Eth
241Latin Small Letter N With Tilde Latin Small Letter N With Tilde
242Latin Small Letter O With Grave Latin Small Letter O With Grave
243Mała litera O ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera ó) Latin Small Letter O With Acute
244Mała litera O ze znakiem akcentu cyrkumfleksowego Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
245Latin Small Letter O With Tilde Latin Small Letter O With Tilde
246Mała litera O z diaerezą Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
247Znak dzielenia Division Sign
248Latin Small Letter O With Stroke Latin Small Letter O With Stroke
249Latin Small Letter U With Grave Latin Small Letter U With Grave
250Mała litera U ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter U With Acute
251Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
252Mała litera U z diaerezą Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
253Mała litera Y ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter Y With Acute
254Latin Small Letter Thorn Latin Small Letter Thorn
255Latin Small Letter Y z diaerezą Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis
256Latin Capital Letter A With Macron Latin Capital Letter A With Macron
257Latin Small Letter A With Macron Latin Small Letter A With Macron
258Latin Capital Letter A With Breve Latin Capital Letter A With Breve
259Mała litera A ze znakiem krótkotrwałości Latin Small Letter A With Breve
260Wielka litera A z ogonkiem (polska litera Ą) Latin Capital Letter A With Ogonek
261Mała litera A z ogonkiem (polska litera ą) Latin Small Letter A With Ogonek
262Wielka litera C ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera Ć) Latin Capital Letter C With Acute
263Mała litera C ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera ć) Latin Small Letter C With Acute
264Latin Capital Letter C With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter C With Circumflex
265Latin Small Letter C With Circumflex Latin Small Letter C With Circumflex
266Latin Capital Letter C With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter C With Dot Above
267Latin Small Letter C With Dot Above Latin Small Letter C With Dot Above
268Wielka litera C z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter C With Caron
269Mała litera C z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter C With Caron
270Wielka litera D z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter D With Caron
271Mała litera D z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter D With Caron
272Wielka litera D z kreską Latin Capital Letter D With Stroke
273Mała litera D z kreską Latin Small Letter D With Stroke
274Latin Capital Letter E With Macron Latin Capital Letter E With Macron
275Latin Small Letter E With Macron Latin Small Letter E With Macron
276Latin Capital Letter E With Breve Latin Capital Letter E With Breve
277Latin Small Letter E With Breve Latin Small Letter E With Breve
278Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Above
279Latin Small Letter E With Dot Above Latin Small Letter E With Dot Above
280Wielka litera E z ogonkiem (polska litera Ę) Latin Capital Letter E With Ogonek
281Mała litera E z ogonkiem (polska litera ę) Latin Small Letter E With Ogonek
282Wielka litera E z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter E With Caron
283Mała litera E z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter E With Caron
284Latin Capital Letter G With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter G With Circumflex
285Latin Small Letter G With Circumflex Latin Small Letter G With Circumflex
286Latin Capital Letter G With Breve Latin Capital Letter G With Breve
287Latin Small Letter G With Breve Latin Small Letter G With Breve
288Latin Capital Letter G With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter G With Dot Above
289Latin Small Letter G With Dot Above Latin Small Letter G With Dot Above
290Latin Capital Letter G With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter G With Cedilla
291Latin Small Letter G With Cedilla Latin Small Letter G With Cedilla
292Latin Capital Letter H With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter H With Circumflex
293Latin Small Letter H With Circumflex Latin Small Letter H With Circumflex
294Latin Capital Letter H With Stroke Latin Capital Letter H With Stroke
295Latin Small Letter H With Stroke Latin Small Letter H With Stroke
296Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde
297Latin Small Letter I With Tilde Latin Small Letter I With Tilde
298Latin Capital Letter I With Macron Latin Capital Letter I With Macron
299Latin Small Letter I With Macron Latin Small Letter I With Macron
300Latin Capital Letter I With Breve Latin Capital Letter I With Breve
301Latin Small Letter I With Breve Latin Small Letter I With Breve
302Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek
303Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek
304Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above
305Latin Small Letter Dotless I Latin Small Letter Dotless I
306Latin Capital Ligature Ij Latin Capital Ligature Ij
307Latin Small Ligature Ij Latin Small Ligature Ij
308Latin Capital Letter J With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter J With Circumflex
309Latin Small Letter J With Circumflex Latin Small Letter J With Circumflex
310Latin Capital Letter K With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter K With Cedilla
311Latin Small Letter K With Cedilla Latin Small Letter K With Cedilla
312Latin Small Letter Kra Latin Small Letter Kra
313Wielka litera L ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter L With Acute
314Mała litera L ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter L With Acute
315Latin Capital Letter L With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter L With Cedilla
316Latin Small Letter L With Cedilla Latin Small Letter L With Cedilla
317Wielka litera L z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter L With Caron
318Mała litera L z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter L With Caron
319Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Dot Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Dot
320Latin Small Letter L With Middle Dot Latin Small Letter L With Middle Dot
321Wielka litera L z kreską (polska litera Ł) Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke
322Mała litera L z kreską (polska litera ł) Latin Small Letter L With Stroke
323Wielka litera N ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera Ń) Latin Capital Letter N With Acute
324Mała litera N ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera ń) Latin Small Letter N With Acute
325Latin Capital Letter N With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter N With Cedilla
326Latin Small Letter N With Cedilla Latin Small Letter N With Cedilla
327Wielka litera N z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter N With Caron
328Mała litera N z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter N With Caron
329Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe
330Latin Capital Letter Eng Latin Capital Letter Eng
331Latin Small Letter Eng Latin Small Letter Eng
332Latin Capital Letter O With Macron Latin Capital Letter O With Macron
333Latin Small Letter O With Macron Latin Small Letter O With Macron
334Latin Capital Letter O With Breve Latin Capital Letter O With Breve
335Latin Small Letter O With Breve Latin Small Letter O With Breve
336Wielka litera O z podwójnym znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter O With Double Acute
337Mała litera O z podwójnym znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter O With Double Acute
338Latin Capital Ligature Oe Latin Capital Ligature Oe
339Latin Small Ligature Oe Latin Small Ligature Oe
340Wielka litera R ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter R With Acute
341Mała litera R ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter R With Acute
342Latin Capital Letter R With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter R With Cedilla
343Latin Small Letter R With Cedilla Latin Small Letter R With Cedilla
344Wielka litera R z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter R With Caron
345Mała litera R z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter R With Caron
346Wielka litera S ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera Ś) Latin Capital Letter S With Acute
347Mała litera S ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter S With Acute
348Latin Capital Letter S With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter S With Circumflex
349Latin Small Letter S With Circumflex Latin Small Letter S With Circumflex
350Wielka litera S z cedillą Latin Capital Letter S With Cedilla
351Mała litera S z cedillą Latin Small Letter S With Cedilla
352Wielka litera S z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter S With Caron
353Mała litera S z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter S With Caron
354Wielka litera T z cedillą Latin Capital Letter T With Cedilla
355Mała litera T z cedillą Latin Small Letter T With Cedilla
356Wielka litera T z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter T With Caron
357Mała litera T z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter T With Caron
358Latin Capital Letter T With Stroke Latin Capital Letter T With Stroke
359Latin Small Letter T With Stroke Latin Small Letter T With Stroke
360Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde
361Latin Small Letter U With Tilde Latin Small Letter U With Tilde
362Latin Capital Letter U With Macron Latin Capital Letter U With Macron
363Latin Small Letter U With Macron Latin Small Letter U With Macron
364Latin Capital Letter U With Breve Latin Capital Letter U With Breve
365Latin Small Letter U With Breve Latin Small Letter U With Breve
366Wielka litera U z kółeczkiem u góry Latin Capital Letter U With Ring Above
367Mała litera U z kółeczkiem u góry Latin Small Letter U With Ring Above
368Wielka litera U z podwójnym znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter U With Double Acute
369Mała litera U z podwójnym znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter U With Double Acute
370Latin Capital Letter U With Ogonek Latin Capital Letter U With Ogonek
371Latin Small Letter U With Ogonek Latin Small Letter U With Ogonek
372Latin Capital Letter W With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter W With Circumflex
373Latin Small Letter W With Circumflex Latin Small Letter W With Circumflex
374Latin Capital Letter Y With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter Y With Circumflex
375Latin Small Letter Y With Circumflex Latin Small Letter Y With Circumflex
376Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
377Latin Capital Letter Z ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera Ź) Latin Capital Letter Z With Acute
378Mała litera Z ze znakiem akcentu silnego (polska litera ź) Latin Small Letter Z With Acute
379Wielka litera Z z kropką u góry (polska litera Ż) Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Above
380Mała litera Z z kropką u góry (polska litera ż) Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Above
381Wielka litera Z z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron
382Mała litera Z z odwróconym daszkiem Latin Small Letter Z With Caron
383Latin Small Letter Long S Latin Small Letter Long S
384Latin Small Letter B With Stroke Latin Small Letter B With Stroke
385Latin Capital Letter B With Hook Latin Capital Letter B With Hook
386Latin Capital Letter B With Topbar Latin Capital Letter B With Topbar
387Latin Small Letter B With Topbar Latin Small Letter B With Topbar
388Latin Capital Letter Tone Six Latin Capital Letter Tone Six
389Latin Small Letter Tone Six Latin Small Letter Tone Six
390Latin Capital Letter Open O Latin Capital Letter Open O
391Latin Capital Letter C With Hook Latin Capital Letter C With Hook
392Latin Small Letter C With Hook Latin Small Letter C With Hook
393Latin Capital Letter African D Latin Capital Letter African D
394Latin Capital Letter D With Hook Latin Capital Letter D With Hook
395Latin Capital Letter D With Topbar Latin Capital Letter D With Topbar
396Latin Small Letter D With Topbar Latin Small Letter D With Topbar
397Latin Small Letter Turned Delta Latin Small Letter Turned Delta
398Latin Capital Letter Reversed E Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
399Latin Capital Letter Schwa Latin Capital Letter Schwa
400Latin Capital Letter Open E Latin Capital Letter Open E
401Latin Capital Letter F With Hook Latin Capital Letter F With Hook
402Latin Small Letter F With Hook Latin Small Letter F With Hook
403Latin Capital Letter G With Hook Latin Capital Letter G With Hook
404Latin Capital Letter Gamma Latin Capital Letter Gamma
405Latin Small Letter Hv Latin Small Letter Hv
406Latin Capital Letter Iota Latin Capital Letter Iota
407Latin Capital Letter I With Stroke Latin Capital Letter I With Stroke
408Latin Capital Letter K With Hook Latin Capital Letter K With Hook
409Latin Small Letter K With Hook Latin Small Letter K With Hook
410Latin Small Letter L With Bar Latin Small Letter L With Bar
411Latin Small Letter Lambda With Stroke Latin Small Letter Lambda With Stroke
412Latin Capital Letter Turned M Latin Capital Letter Turned M
413Latin Capital Letter N With Left Hook Latin Capital Letter N With Left Hook
414Latin Small Letter N With Long Right Leg Latin Small Letter N With Long Right Leg
415Latin Capital Letter O With Middle Tilde Latin Capital Letter O With Middle Tilde
416Latin Capital Letter O With Horn Latin Capital Letter O With Horn
417Latin Small Letter O With Horn Latin Small Letter O With Horn
418Latin Capital Letter Oi Latin Capital Letter Oi
419Latin Small Letter Oi Latin Small Letter Oi
420Latin Capital Letter P With Hook Latin Capital Letter P With Hook
421Latin Small Letter P With Hook Latin Small Letter P With Hook
422Latin Letter Yr Latin Letter Yr
423Latin Capital Letter Tone Two Latin Capital Letter Tone Two
424Latin Small Letter Tone Two Latin Small Letter Tone Two
425Latin Capital Letter Esh Latin Capital Letter Esh
426Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop
427Latin Small Letter T With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter T With Palatal Hook
428Latin Capital Letter T With Hook Latin Capital Letter T With Hook
429Latin Small Letter T With Hook Latin Small Letter T With Hook
430Latin Capital Letter T With Retroflex Hook Latin Capital Letter T With Retroflex Hook
431Latin Capital Letter U With Horn Latin Capital Letter U With Horn
432Latin Small Letter U With Horn Latin Small Letter U With Horn
433Latin Capital Letter Upsilon Latin Capital Letter Upsilon
434Latin Capital Letter V With Hook Latin Capital Letter V With Hook
435Latin Capital Letter Y With Hook Latin Capital Letter Y With Hook
436Latin Small Letter Y With Hook Latin Small Letter Y With Hook
437Latin Capital Letter Z With Stroke Latin Capital Letter Z With Stroke
438Latin Small Letter Z With Stroke Latin Small Letter Z With Stroke
439Latin Capital Letter Ezh Latin Capital Letter Ezh
440Latin Capital Letter Ezh Reversed Latin Capital Letter Ezh Reversed
441Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed
442Latin Small Letter Ezh With Tail Latin Small Letter Ezh With Tail
443Latin Letter Two With Stroke Latin Letter Two With Stroke
444Latin Capital Letter Tone Five Latin Capital Letter Tone Five
445Latin Small Letter Tone Five Latin Small Letter Tone Five
446Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop With Stroke Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop With Stroke
447Latin Letter Wynn Latin Letter Wynn
448Latin Letter Dental Click Latin Letter Dental Click
449Latin Letter Lateral Click Latin Letter Lateral Click
450Latin Letter Alveolar Click Latin Letter Alveolar Click
451Latin Letter Retroflex Click Latin Letter Retroflex Click
452Latin Capital Letter Dz With Caron Latin Capital Letter Dz With Caron
453Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z With Caron Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z With Caron
454Latin Small Letter Dz With Caron Latin Small Letter Dz With Caron
455Latin Capital Letter Lj Latin Capital Letter Lj
456Latin Capital Letter L With Small Letter J Latin Capital Letter L With Small Letter J
457Latin Small Letter Lj Latin Small Letter Lj
458Latin Capital Letter Nj Latin Capital Letter Nj
459Latin Capital Letter N With Small Letter J Latin Capital Letter N With Small Letter J
460Latin Small Letter Nj Latin Small Letter Nj
461Latin Capital Letter A With Caron Latin Capital Letter A With Caron
462Latin Small Letter A With Caron Latin Small Letter A With Caron
463Latin Capital Letter I With Caron Latin Capital Letter I With Caron
464Latin Small Letter I With Caron Latin Small Letter I With Caron
465Latin Capital Letter O With Caron Latin Capital Letter O With Caron
466Latin Small Letter O With Caron Latin Small Letter O With Caron
467Latin Capital Letter U With Caron Latin Capital Letter U With Caron
468Latin Small Letter U With Caron Latin Small Letter U With Caron
469Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron
470Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Macron
471Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute
472Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Acute
473Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron
474Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Caron
475Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave
476Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis And Grave
477Latin Small Letter Turned E Latin Small Letter Turned E
478Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron
479Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis And Macron
480Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Above And Macron Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Above And Macron
481Latin Small Letter A With Dot Above And Macron Latin Small Letter A With Dot Above And Macron
482Latin Capital Letter Ae With Macron Latin Capital Letter Ae With Macron
483Latin Small Letter Ae With Macron Latin Small Letter Ae With Macron
484Latin Capital Letter G With Stroke Latin Capital Letter G With Stroke
485Latin Small Letter G With Stroke Latin Small Letter G With Stroke
486Latin Capital Letter G With Caron Latin Capital Letter G With Caron
487Latin Small Letter G With Caron Latin Small Letter G With Caron
488Latin Capital Letter K With Caron Latin Capital Letter K With Caron
489Latin Small Letter K With Caron Latin Small Letter K With Caron
490Latin Capital Letter O z ogonkiem Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek
491Latin Small Letter O z ogonkiem Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek
492Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek And Macron Latin Capital Letter O With Ogonek And Macron
493Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek And Macron Latin Small Letter O With Ogonek And Macron
494Latin Capital Letter Ezh With Caron Latin Capital Letter Ezh With Caron
495Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron
496Latin Small Letter J With Caron Latin Small Letter J With Caron
497Latin Capital Letter Dz Latin Capital Letter Dz
498Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z
499Latin Small Letter Dz Latin Small Letter Dz
500Latin Capital Letter G ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Capital Letter G With Acute
501Latin Small Letter G ze znakiem akcentu silnego Latin Small Letter G With Acute
502Latin Capital Letter Hwair Latin Capital Letter Hwair
503Latin Capital Letter Wynn Latin Capital Letter Wynn
504Latin Capital Letter N With Grave Latin Capital Letter N With Grave
505Latin Small Letter N With Grave Latin Small Letter N With Grave
506Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above And Acute Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above And Acute
507Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above And Acute Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above And Acute
508Latin Capital Letter Ae With Acute Latin Capital Letter Ae With Acute
509Latin Small Letter Ae With Acute Latin Small Letter Ae With Acute
510Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke And Acute Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke And Acute
511Latin Small Letter O With Stroke And Acute Latin Small Letter O With Stroke And Acute
512Latin Capital Letter A With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter A With Double Grave
513Latin Small Letter A With Double Grave Latin Small Letter A With Double Grave
514Latin Capital Letter A With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter A With Inverted Breve
515Latin Small Letter A With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter A With Inverted Breve
516Latin Capital Letter E With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter E With Double Grave
517Latin Small Letter E With Double Grave Latin Small Letter E With Double Grave
518Latin Capital Letter E With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter E With Inverted Breve
519Latin Small Letter E With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter E With Inverted Breve
520Latin Capital Letter I With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter I With Double Grave
521Latin Small Letter I With Double Grave Latin Small Letter I With Double Grave
522Latin Capital Letter I With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter I With Inverted Breve
523Latin Small Letter I With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter I With Inverted Breve
524Latin Capital Letter O With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter O With Double Grave
525Latin Small Letter O With Double Grave Latin Small Letter O With Double Grave
526Latin Capital Letter O With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter O With Inverted Breve
527Latin Small Letter O With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter O With Inverted Breve
528Latin Capital Letter R With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter R With Double Grave
529Latin Small Letter R With Double Grave Latin Small Letter R With Double Grave
530Latin Capital Letter R With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter R With Inverted Breve
531Latin Small Letter R With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter R With Inverted Breve
532Latin Capital Letter U With Double Grave Latin Capital Letter U With Double Grave
533Latin Small Letter U With Double Grave Latin Small Letter U With Double Grave
534Latin Capital Letter U With Inverted Breve Latin Capital Letter U With Inverted Breve
535Latin Small Letter U With Inverted Breve Latin Small Letter U With Inverted Breve
536Latin Capital Letter S With Comma Below Latin Capital Letter S With Comma Below
537Latin Small Letter S With Comma Below Latin Small Letter S With Comma Below
538Latin Capital Letter T With Comma Below Latin Capital Letter T With Comma Below
539Latin Small Letter T With Comma Below Latin Small Letter T With Comma Below
540Latin Capital Letter Yogh Latin Capital Letter Yogh
541Latin Small Letter Yogh Latin Small Letter Yogh
542Latin Capital Letter H With Caron Latin Capital Letter H With Caron
543Latin Small Letter H With Caron Latin Small Letter H With Caron
544Latin Capital Letter N With Long Right Leg Latin Capital Letter N With Long Right Leg
545Latin Small Letter D With Curl Latin Small Letter D With Curl
546Latin Capital Letter Ou Latin Capital Letter Ou
547Latin Small Letter Ou Latin Small Letter Ou
548Latin Capital Letter Z With Hook Latin Capital Letter Z With Hook
549Latin Small Letter Z With Hook Latin Small Letter Z With Hook
550Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Above
551Latin Small Letter A With Dot Above Latin Small Letter A With Dot Above
552Latin Capital Letter E With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter E With Cedilla
553Latin Small Letter E With Cedilla Latin Small Letter E With Cedilla
554Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis And Macron
555Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis And Macron Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis And Macron
556Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Macron Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Macron
557Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Macron Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Macron
558Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Above
559Latin Small Letter O With Dot Above Latin Small Letter O With Dot Above
560Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Above And Macron Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Above And Macron
561Latin Small Letter O With Dot Above And Macron Latin Small Letter O With Dot Above And Macron
562Latin Capital Letter Y With Macron Latin Capital Letter Y With Macron
563Latin Small Letter Y With Macron Latin Small Letter Y With Macron
564Latin Small Letter L With Curl Latin Small Letter L With Curl
565Latin Small Letter N With Curl Latin Small Letter N With Curl
566Latin Small Letter T With Curl Latin Small Letter T With Curl
567Latin Small Letter Dotless J Latin Small Letter Dotless J
568Latin Small Letter Db Digraph Latin Small Letter Db Digraph
569Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph
570Latin Capital Letter A With Stroke Latin Capital Letter A With Stroke
571Latin Capital Letter C With Stroke Latin Capital Letter C With Stroke
572Latin Small Letter C With Stroke Latin Small Letter C With Stroke
573Latin Capital Letter L With Bar Latin Capital Letter L With Bar
574Latin Capital Letter T With Diagonal Stroke Latin Capital Letter T With Diagonal Stroke
575Latin Small Letter S With Swash Tail Latin Small Letter S With Swash Tail
576Latin Small Letter Z With Swash Tail Latin Small Letter Z With Swash Tail
577Latin Capital Letter Glottal Stop Latin Capital Letter Glottal Stop
578Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop
579Latin Capital Letter B With Stroke Latin Capital Letter B With Stroke
580Latin Capital Letter U Bar Latin Capital Letter U Bar
581Latin Capital Letter Turned V Latin Capital Letter Turned V
582Latin Capital Letter E With Stroke Latin Capital Letter E With Stroke
583Latin Small Letter E With Stroke Latin Small Letter E With Stroke
584Latin Capital Letter J With Stroke Latin Capital Letter J With Stroke
585Latin Small Letter J With Stroke Latin Small Letter J With Stroke
586Latin Capital Letter Small Q With Hook Tail Latin Capital Letter Small Q With Hook Tail
587Latin Small Letter Q With Hook Tail Latin Small Letter Q With Hook Tail
588Latin Capital Letter R With Stroke Latin Capital Letter R With Stroke
589Latin Small Letter R With Stroke Latin Small Letter R With Stroke
590Latin Capital Letter Y With Stroke Latin Capital Letter Y With Stroke
591Latin Small Letter Y With Stroke Latin Small Letter Y With Stroke
592Latin Small Letter Turned A Latin Small Letter Turned A
593Latin Small Letter Alpha Latin Small Letter Alpha
594Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha
595Latin Small Letter B With Hook Latin Small Letter B With Hook
596Latin Small Letter Open O Latin Small Letter Open O
597Latin Small Letter C With Curl Latin Small Letter C With Curl
598Latin Small Letter D With Tail Latin Small Letter D With Tail
599Latin Small Letter D With Hook Latin Small Letter D With Hook
600Latin Small Letter Reversed E Latin Small Letter Reversed E
601Latin Small Letter Schwa Latin Small Letter Schwa
602Latin Small Letter Schwa With Hook Latin Small Letter Schwa With Hook
603Latin Small Letter Open E Latin Small Letter Open E
604Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E
605Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E With Hook Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E With Hook
606Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open E Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open E
607Latin Small Letter Dotless J With Stroke Latin Small Letter Dotless J With Stroke
608Latin Small Letter G With Hook Latin Small Letter G With Hook
609Latin Small Letter Script G Latin Small Letter Script G
610Latin Letter Small Capital G Latin Letter Small Capital G
611Latin Small Letter Gamma Latin Small Letter Gamma
612Latin Small Letter Rams Horn Latin Small Letter Rams Horn
613Latin Small Letter Turned H Latin Small Letter Turned H
614Latin Small Letter H With Hook Latin Small Letter H With Hook
615Latin Small Letter Heng With Hook Latin Small Letter Heng With Hook
616Latin Small Letter I With Stroke Latin Small Letter I With Stroke
617Latin Small Letter Iota Latin Small Letter Iota
618Latin Letter Small Capital I Latin Letter Small Capital I
619Latin Small Letter L With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter L With Middle Tilde
620Latin Small Letter L With Belt Latin Small Letter L With Belt
621Latin Small Letter L With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter L With Retroflex Hook
622Latin Small Letter Lezh Latin Small Letter Lezh
623Latin Small Letter Turned M Latin Small Letter Turned M
624Latin Small Letter Turned M With Long Leg Latin Small Letter Turned M With Long Leg
625Latin Small Letter M With Hook Latin Small Letter M With Hook
626Latin Small Letter N With Left Hook Latin Small Letter N With Left Hook
627Latin Small Letter N With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter N With Retroflex Hook
628Latin Letter Small Capital N Latin Letter Small Capital N
629Latin Small Letter Barred O Latin Small Letter Barred O
630Latin Letter Small Capital Oe Latin Letter Small Capital Oe
631Latin Small Letter Closed Omega Latin Small Letter Closed Omega
632Latin Small Letter Phi Latin Small Letter Phi
633Latin Small Letter Turned R Latin Small Letter Turned R
634Latin Small Letter Turned R With Long Leg Latin Small Letter Turned R With Long Leg
635Latin Small Letter Turned R With Hook Latin Small Letter Turned R With Hook
636Latin Small Letter R With Long Leg Latin Small Letter R With Long Leg
637Latin Small Letter R With Tail Latin Small Letter R With Tail
638Latin Small Letter R With Fishhook Latin Small Letter R With Fishhook
639Latin Small Letter Reversed R With Fishhook Latin Small Letter Reversed R With Fishhook
640Latin Letter Small Capital R Latin Letter Small Capital R
641Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R
642Latin Small Letter S With Hook Latin Small Letter S With Hook
643Latin Small Letter Esh Latin Small Letter Esh
644Latin Small Letter Dotless J With Stroke And Hook Latin Small Letter Dotless J With Stroke And Hook
645Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh
646Latin Small Letter Esh With Curl Latin Small Letter Esh With Curl
647Latin Small Letter Turned T Latin Small Letter Turned T
648Latin Small Letter T With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter T With Retroflex Hook
649Latin Small Letter U Bar Latin Small Letter U Bar
650Latin Small Letter Upsilon Latin Small Letter Upsilon
651Latin Small Letter V With Hook Latin Small Letter V With Hook
652Latin Small Letter Turned V Latin Small Letter Turned V
653Latin Small Letter Turned W Latin Small Letter Turned W
654Latin Small Letter Turned Y Latin Small Letter Turned Y
655Latin Letter Small Capital Y Latin Letter Small Capital Y
656Latin Small Letter Z With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Z With Retroflex Hook
657Latin Small Letter Z With Curl Latin Small Letter Z With Curl
658Latin Small Letter Ezh Latin Small Letter Ezh
659Latin Small Letter Ezh With Curl Latin Small Letter Ezh With Curl
660Latin Letter Glottal Stop Latin Letter Glottal Stop
661Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative
662Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop
663Latin Letter Stretched C Latin Letter Stretched C
664Latin Letter Bilabial Click Latin Letter Bilabial Click
665Latin Letter Small Capital B Latin Letter Small Capital B
666Latin Small Letter Closed Open E Latin Small Letter Closed Open E
667Latin Letter Small Capital G With Hook Latin Letter Small Capital G With Hook
668Latin Letter Small Capital H Latin Letter Small Capital H
669Latin Small Letter J With Crossed-Tail Latin Small Letter J With Crossed-Tail
670Latin Small Letter Turned K Latin Small Letter Turned K
671Latin Letter Small Capital L Latin Letter Small Capital L
672Latin Small Letter Q With Hook Latin Small Letter Q With Hook
673Latin Letter Glottal Stop With Stroke Latin Letter Glottal Stop With Stroke
674Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop With Stroke Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop With Stroke
675Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph
676Latin Small Letter Dezh Digraph Latin Small Letter Dezh Digraph
677Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph With Curl Latin Small Letter Dz Digraph With Curl
678Latin Small Letter Ts Digraph Latin Small Letter Ts Digraph
679Latin Small Letter Tesh Digraph Latin Small Letter Tesh Digraph
680Latin Small Letter Tc Digraph With Curl Latin Small Letter Tc Digraph With Curl
681Latin Small Letter Feng Digraph Latin Small Letter Feng Digraph
682Latin Small Letter Ls Digraph Latin Small Letter Ls Digraph
683Latin Small Letter Lz Digraph Latin Small Letter Lz Digraph
684Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive
685Latin Letter Bidental Percussive Latin Letter Bidental Percussive
686Latin Small Letter Turned H With Fishhook Latin Small Letter Turned H With Fishhook
687Latin Small Letter Turned H With Fishhook And Tail Latin Small Letter Turned H With Fishhook And Tail
688Modifier Letter Small H Modifier Letter Small H
689Modifier Letter Small H With Hook Modifier Letter Small H With Hook
690Modifier Letter Small J Modifier Letter Small J
691Modifier Letter Small R Modifier Letter Small R
692Modifier Letter Small Turned R Modifier Letter Small Turned R
693Modifier Letter Small Turned R With Hook Modifier Letter Small Turned R With Hook
694Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted R Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted R
695Modifier Letter Small W Modifier Letter Small W
696Modifier Letter Small Y Modifier Letter Small Y
697Modifier Letter Prime Modifier Letter Prime
698Modifier Letter Double Prime Modifier Letter Double Prime
699Modifier Letter Turned Comma Modifier Letter Turned Comma
700Modifier Letter Apostrophe Modifier Letter Apostrophe
701Modifier Letter Reversed Comma Modifier Letter Reversed Comma
702Modifier Letter Right Half Ring Modifier Letter Right Half Ring
703Modifier Letter Left Half Ring Modifier Letter Left Half Ring
704Modifier Letter Glottal Stop Modifier Letter Glottal Stop
705Modifier Letter Reversed Glottal Stop Modifier Letter Reversed Glottal Stop
706Modifier Letter Left Arrowhead Modifier Letter Left Arrowhead
707Modifier Letter Right Arrowhead Modifier Letter Right Arrowhead
708Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead
709Modifier Letter Down Arrowhead Modifier Letter Down Arrowhead
710Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
711Daszek odwrócony Caron
712Modifier Letter Vertical Line Modifier Letter Vertical Line
713Modifier Letter Macron Modifier Letter Macron
714Modifier Letter Acute Accent Modifier Letter Acute Accent
715Modifier Letter Grave Accent Modifier Letter Grave Accent
716Modifier Letter Low Vertical Line Modifier Letter Low Vertical Line
717Modifier Letter Low Macron Modifier Letter Low Macron
718Modifier Letter Low Grave Accent Modifier Letter Low Grave Accent
719Modifier Letter Low Acute Accent Modifier Letter Low Acute Accent
720Modifier Letter Triangular Colon Modifier Letter Triangular Colon
721Modifier Letter Half Triangular Colon Modifier Letter Half Triangular Colon
722Modifier Letter Centred Right Half Ring Modifier Letter Centred Right Half Ring
723Modifier Letter Centred Left Half Ring Modifier Letter Centred Left Half Ring
724Modifier Letter Up Tack Modifier Letter Up Tack
725Modifier Letter Down Tack Modifier Letter Down Tack
726Modifier Letter Plus Sign Modifier Letter Plus Sign
727Modifier Letter Minus Sign Modifier Letter Minus Sign
728Znak krótkotrwałości Breve
729Kropka u góry Dot Above
730Kółeczko u góry Ring Above
731Ogonek Ogonek
732Small Tilde Small Tilde
733Podwójny znak akcentu silnego Double Acute Accent
734Modifier Letter Rhotic Hook Modifier Letter Rhotic Hook
735Modifier Letter Cross Accent Modifier Letter Cross Accent
736Modifier Letter Small Gamma Modifier Letter Small Gamma
737Modifier Letter Small L Modifier Letter Small L
738Modifier Letter Small S Modifier Letter Small S
739Modifier Letter Small X Modifier Letter Small X
740Modifier Letter Small Reversed Glottal Stop Modifier Letter Small Reversed Glottal Stop
741Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar
742Modifier Letter High Tone Bar Modifier Letter High Tone Bar
743Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar
744Modifier Letter Low Tone Bar Modifier Letter Low Tone Bar
745Modifier Letter Extra-Low Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-Low Tone Bar
746Modifier Letter Yin Departing Tone Mark Modifier Letter Yin Departing Tone Mark
747Modifier Letter Yang Departing Tone Mark Modifier Letter Yang Departing Tone Mark
748Modifier Letter Voicing Modifier Letter Voicing
749Modifier Letter Unaspirated Modifier Letter Unaspirated
750Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe
751Modifier Letter Low Down Arrowhead Modifier Letter Low Down Arrowhead
752Modifier Letter Low Up Arrowhead Modifier Letter Low Up Arrowhead
753Modifier Letter Low Left Arrowhead Modifier Letter Low Left Arrowhead
754Modifier Letter Low Right Arrowhead Modifier Letter Low Right Arrowhead
755Modifier Letter Low Ring Modifier Letter Low Ring
756Modifier Letter Middle Grave Accent Modifier Letter Middle Grave Accent
757Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent
758Modifier Letter Middle Double Acute Accent Modifier Letter Middle Double Acute Accent
759Modifier Letter Low Tilde Modifier Letter Low Tilde
760Modifier Letter Raised Colon Modifier Letter Raised Colon
761Modifier Letter Begin High Tone Modifier Letter Begin High Tone
762Modifier Letter End High Tone Modifier Letter End High Tone
763Modifier Letter Begin Low Tone Modifier Letter Begin Low Tone
764Modifier Letter End Low Tone Modifier Letter End Low Tone
765Modifier Letter Shelf Modifier Letter Shelf
766Modifier Letter Open Shelf Modifier Letter Open Shelf
767Modifier Letter Low Left Arrow Modifier Letter Low Left Arrow
768Combining Grave Accent Combining Grave Accent
769Combining Acute Accent Combining Acute Accent
770Combining Circumflex Accent Combining Circumflex Accent
771Combining Tilde Combining Tilde
772Combining Macron Combining Macron
773Combining Overline Combining Overline
774Combining Breve Combining Breve
775Combining Dot Above Combining Dot Above
776Combining Diaeresis Combining Diaeresis
777Combining Hook Above Combining Hook Above
778Combining Ring Above Combining Ring Above
779Combining Double Acute Accent Combining Double Acute Accent
780Combining Caron Combining Caron
781Combining Vertical Line Above Combining Vertical Line Above
782Combining Double Vertical Line Above Combining Double Vertical Line Above
783Combining Double Grave Accent Combining Double Grave Accent
784Combining Candrabindu Combining Candrabindu
785Combining Inverted Breve Combining Inverted Breve
786Combining Turned Comma Above Combining Turned Comma Above
787Combining Comma Above Combining Comma Above
788Combining Reversed Comma Above Combining Reversed Comma Above
789Combining Comma Above Right Combining Comma Above Right
790Combining Grave Accent Below Combining Grave Accent Below
791Combining Acute Accent Below Combining Acute Accent Below
792Combining Left Tack Below Combining Left Tack Below
793Combining Right Tack Below Combining Right Tack Below
794Combining Left Angle Above Combining Left Angle Above
795Combining Horn Combining Horn
796Combining Left Half Ring Below Combining Left Half Ring Below
797Combining Up Tack Below Combining Up Tack Below
798Combining Down Tack Below Combining Down Tack Below
799Combining Plus Sign Below Combining Plus Sign Below
800Combining Minus Sign Below Combining Minus Sign Below
801Combining Palatalized Hook Below Combining Palatalized Hook Below
802Combining Retroflex Hook Below Combining Retroflex Hook Below
803Combining Dot Below Combining Dot Below
804Combining Diaeresis Below Combining Diaeresis Below
805Combining Ring Below Combining Ring Below
806Combining Comma Below Combining Comma Below
807Combining Cedilla Combining Cedilla
808Combining Ogonek Combining Ogonek
809Combining Vertical Line Below Combining Vertical Line Below
810Combining Bridge Below Combining Bridge Below
811Combining Inverted Double Arch Below Combining Inverted Double Arch Below
812Combining Caron Below Combining Caron Below
813Combining Circumflex Accent Below Combining Circumflex Accent Below
814Combining Breve Below Combining Breve Below
815Combining Inverted Breve Below Combining Inverted Breve Below
816Combining Tilde Below Combining Tilde Below
817Combining Macron Below Combining Macron Below
818Combining Low Line Combining Low Line
819Combining Double Low Line Combining Double Low Line
820Combining Tilde Overlay Combining Tilde Overlay
821Combining Short Stroke Overlay Combining Short Stroke Overlay
822Combining Long Stroke Overlay Combining Long Stroke Overlay
823Combining Short Solidus Overlay Combining Short Solidus Overlay
824Combining Long Solidus Overlay Combining Long Solidus Overlay
825Combining Right Half Ring Below Combining Right Half Ring Below
826Combining Inverted Bridge Below Combining Inverted Bridge Below
827Combining Square Below Combining Square Below
828Combining Seagull Below Combining Seagull Below
829Combining X Above Combining X Above
830Combining Vertical Tilde Combining Vertical Tilde
831Combining Double Overline Combining Double Overline
832Combining Grave Tone Mark Combining Grave Tone Mark
833Combining Acute Tone Mark Combining Acute Tone Mark
834Combining Greek Perispomeni Combining Greek Perispomeni
835Combining Greek Koronis Combining Greek Koronis
836Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos
837Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni
838Combining Bridge Above Combining Bridge Above
839Combining Equals Sign Below Combining Equals Sign Below
840Combining Double Vertical Line Below Combining Double Vertical Line Below
841Combining Left Angle Below Combining Left Angle Below
842Combining Not Tilde Above Combining Not Tilde Above
843Combining Homothetic Above Combining Homothetic Above
844Combining Almost Equal To Above Combining Almost Equal To Above
845Combining Left Right Arrow Below Combining Left Right Arrow Below
846Combining Upwards Arrow Below Combining Upwards Arrow Below
847Combining Grapheme Joiner Combining Grapheme Joiner
848Combining Right Arrowhead Above Combining Right Arrowhead Above
849Combining Left Half Ring Above Combining Left Half Ring Above
850Combining Fermata Combining Fermata
851Combining X Below Combining X Below
852Combining Left Arrowhead Below Combining Left Arrowhead Below
853Combining Right Arrowhead Below Combining Right Arrowhead Below
854Combining Right Arrowhead And Up Arrowhead Below Combining Right Arrowhead And Up Arrowhead Below
855Combining Right Half Ring Above Combining Right Half Ring Above
856Combining Dot Above Right Combining Dot Above Right
857Combining Asterisk Below Combining Asterisk Below
858Combining Double Ring Below Combining Double Ring Below
859Combining Zigzag Above Combining Zigzag Above
860Combining Double Breve Below Combining Double Breve Below
861Combining Double Breve Combining Double Breve
862Combining Double Macron Combining Double Macron
863Combining Double Macron Below Combining Double Macron Below
864Combining Double Tilde Combining Double Tilde
865Combining Double Inverted Breve Combining Double Inverted Breve
866Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below
867Combining Latin Small Letter A Combining Latin Small Letter A
868Combining Latin Small Letter E Combining Latin Small Letter E
869Combining Latin Small Letter I Combining Latin Small Letter I
870Combining Latin Small Letter O Combining Latin Small Letter O
871Combining Latin Small Letter U Combining Latin Small Letter U
872Combining Latin Small Letter C Combining Latin Small Letter C
873Combining Latin Small Letter D Combining Latin Small Letter D
874Combining Latin Small Letter H Combining Latin Small Letter H
875Combining Latin Small Letter M Combining Latin Small Letter M
876Combining Latin Small Letter R Combining Latin Small Letter R
877Combining Latin Small Letter T Combining Latin Small Letter T
878Combining Latin Small Letter V Combining Latin Small Letter V
879Combining Latin Small Letter X Combining Latin Small Letter X
880Greek Capital Letter Heta Greek Capital Letter Heta
881Greek Small Letter Heta Greek Small Letter Heta
882Greek Capital Letter Archaic Sampi Greek Capital Letter Archaic Sampi
883Greek Small Letter Archaic Sampi Greek Small Letter Archaic Sampi
884Greek Numeral Sign Greek Numeral Sign
885Greek Lower Numeral Sign Greek Lower Numeral Sign
886Greek Capital Letter Pamphylian Digamma Greek Capital Letter Pamphylian Digamma
887Greek Small Letter Pamphylian Digamma Greek Small Letter Pamphylian Digamma
890Greek Ypogegrammeni Greek Ypogegrammeni
891Greek Small Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Small Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol
892Greek Small Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Small Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
893Greek Small Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Small Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
894Greek Question Mark Greek Question Mark
900Greek Tonos Greek Tonos
901Greek Dialytika Tonos Greek Dialytika Tonos
902Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Tonos
903Greek Ano Teleia Greek Ano Teleia
904Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Tonos
905Greek Capital Letter Eta With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Eta With Tonos
906Greek Capital Letter Iota With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Iota With Tonos
908Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Tonos
910Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Tonos
911Greek Capital Letter Omega With Tonos Greek Capital Letter Omega With Tonos
912Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Tonos Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Tonos
913Wielka grecka litera alfa Greek Capital Letter Alpha
914Wielka grecka litera beta Greek Capital Letter Beta
915Wielka grecka litera gamma Greek Capital Letter Gamma
916Wielka grecka litera delta Greek Capital Letter Delta
917Wielka grecka litera epsilon Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
918Wielka grecka litera dzeta Greek Capital Letter Zeta
919Wielka grecka litera eta Greek Capital Letter Eta
920Wielka grecka litera theta Greek Capital Letter Theta
921Wielka grecka litera iota Greek Capital Letter Iota
922Wielka grecka litera kappa Greek Capital Letter Kappa
923Wielka grecka litera lambda Greek Capital Letter Lamda
924Wielka grecka litera mu Greek Capital Letter Mu
925Wielka grecka litera ni Greek Capital Letter Nu
926Wielka grecka litera ksi Greek Capital Letter Xi
927Wielka grecka litera omikron Greek Capital Letter Omicron
928Wielka grecka litera pi Greek Capital Letter Pi
929Wielka grecka litera rho Greek Capital Letter Rho
931Wielka grecka litera sigma Greek Capital Letter Sigma
932Wielka grecka litera tau Greek Capital Letter Tau
933Wielka grecka litera ypsilon Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
934Wielka grecka litera fi Greek Capital Letter Phi
935Wielka grecka litera chi Greek Capital Letter Chi
936Wielka grecka litera psi Greek Capital Letter Psi
937Wielka grecka litera omega Greek Capital Letter Omega
938Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dialytika Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dialytika
939Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dialytika Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dialytika
940Greek Small Letter Alpha With Tonos Greek Small Letter Alpha With Tonos
941Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Tonos Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Tonos
942Greek Small Letter Eta With Tonos Greek Small Letter Eta With Tonos
943Greek Small Letter Iota With Tonos Greek Small Letter Iota With Tonos
944Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Tonos Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Tonos
945Mała grecka litera alfa Greek Small Letter Alpha
946Mała grecka litera beta Greek Small Letter Beta
947Mała grecka litera gamma Greek Small Letter Gamma
948Mała grecka litera delta Greek Small Letter Delta
949Mała grecka litera epsilon Greek Small Letter Epsilon
950Mała grecka litera dzeta Greek Small Letter Zeta
951Mała grecka litera eta Greek Small Letter Eta
952Mała grecka litera theta Greek Small Letter Theta
953Mała grecka litera iota Greek Small Letter Iota
954Mała grecka litera kappa Greek Small Letter Kappa
955Mała grecka litera lambda Greek Small Letter Lamda
956Mała grecka litera mu Greek Small Letter Mu
957Mała grecka litera ni Greek Small Letter Nu
958Mała grecka litera ksi Greek Small Letter Xi
959Mała grecka litera omikron Greek Small Letter Omicron
960Mała grecka litera pi Greek Small Letter Pi
961Mała grecka litera rho Greek Small Letter Rho
962Mała grecka litera sigma (na końcu wyrazu) Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
963Mała grecka litera sigma Greek Small Letter Sigma
964Mała grecka litera tau Greek Small Letter Tau
965Mała grecka litera ipsylon Greek Small Letter Upsilon
966Mała grecka litera fi Greek Small Letter Phi
967Mała grecka litera chi Greek Small Letter Chi
968Mała grecka litera psi Greek Small Letter Psi
969Mała grecka litera omega Greek Small Letter Omega
970Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika
971Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika
972Greek Small Letter Omicron With Tonos Greek Small Letter Omicron With Tonos
973Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Tonos Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Tonos
974Greek Small Letter Omega With Tonos Greek Small Letter Omega With Tonos
975Greek Capital Kai Symbol Greek Capital Kai Symbol
976Greek Beta Symbol Greek Beta Symbol
977Greek Theta Symbol Greek Theta Symbol
978Greek Upsilon With Hook Symbol Greek Upsilon With Hook Symbol
979Greek Upsilon With Acute And Hook Symbol Greek Upsilon With Acute And Hook Symbol
980Greek Upsilon With Diaeresis And Hook Symbol Greek Upsilon With Diaeresis And Hook Symbol
981Greek Phi Symbol Greek Phi Symbol
982Greek Pi Symbol Greek Pi Symbol
983Greek Kai Symbol Greek Kai Symbol
984Greek Letter Archaic Koppa Greek Letter Archaic Koppa
985Greek Small Letter Archaic Koppa Greek Small Letter Archaic Koppa
986Greek Letter Stigma Greek Letter Stigma
987Greek Small Letter Stigma Greek Small Letter Stigma
988Greek Letter Digamma Greek Letter Digamma
989Greek Small Letter Digamma Greek Small Letter Digamma
990Greek Letter Koppa Greek Letter Koppa
991Greek Small Letter Koppa Greek Small Letter Koppa
992Greek Letter Sampi Greek Letter Sampi
993Greek Small Letter Sampi Greek Small Letter Sampi
994Coptic Capital Letter Shei Coptic Capital Letter Shei
995Coptic Small Letter Shei Coptic Small Letter Shei
996Coptic Capital Letter Fei Coptic Capital Letter Fei
997Coptic Small Letter Fei Coptic Small Letter Fei
998Coptic Capital Letter Khei Coptic Capital Letter Khei
999Coptic Small Letter Khei Coptic Small Letter Khei
1000Coptic Capital Letter Hori Coptic Capital Letter Hori
1001Coptic Small Letter Hori Coptic Small Letter Hori
1002Coptic Capital Letter Gangia Coptic Capital Letter Gangia
1003Coptic Small Letter Gangia Coptic Small Letter Gangia
1004Coptic Capital Letter Shima Coptic Capital Letter Shima
1005Coptic Small Letter Shima Coptic Small Letter Shima
1006Coptic Capital Letter Dei Coptic Capital Letter Dei
1007Coptic Small Letter Dei Coptic Small Letter Dei
1008Greek Kappa Symbol Greek Kappa Symbol
1009Greek Rho Symbol Greek Rho Symbol
1010Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol
1011Greek Letter Yot Greek Letter Yot
1012Greek Capital Theta Symbol Greek Capital Theta Symbol
1013Grecka litera epsilon (zaokrąglona) Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol
1014Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol
1015Greek Capital Letter Sho Greek Capital Letter Sho
1016Greek Small Letter Sho Greek Small Letter Sho
1017Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol
1018Greek Capital Letter San Greek Capital Letter San
1019Greek Small Letter San Greek Small Letter San
1020Greek Rho With Stroke Symbol Greek Rho With Stroke Symbol
1021Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol
1022Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
1023Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
1024Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie With Grave Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie With Grave
1025Cyrillic Capital Letter Io Cyrillic Capital Letter Io
1026Cyrillic Capital Letter Dje Cyrillic Capital Letter Dje
1027Cyrillic Capital Letter Gje Cyrillic Capital Letter Gje
1028Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie
1029Cyrillic Capital Letter Dze Cyrillic Capital Letter Dze
1030Cyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I Cyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I
1031Cyrillic Capital Letter Yi Cyrillic Capital Letter Yi
1032Cyrillic Capital Letter Je Cyrillic Capital Letter Je
1033Cyrillic Capital Letter Lje Cyrillic Capital Letter Lje
1034Cyrillic Capital Letter Nje Cyrillic Capital Letter Nje
1035Cyrillic Capital Letter Tshe Cyrillic Capital Letter Tshe
1036Cyrillic Capital Letter Kje Cyrillic Capital Letter Kje
1037Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Grave Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Grave
1038Cyrillic Capital Letter Short U Cyrillic Capital Letter Short U
1039Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe
1040Cyrillic Capital Letter A Cyrillic Capital Letter A
1041Cyrillic Capital Letter Be Cyrillic Capital Letter Be
1042Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve
1043Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe
1044Cyrillic Capital Letter De Cyrillic Capital Letter De
1045Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie
1046Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe
1047Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze
1048Cyrillic Capital Letter I Cyrillic Capital Letter I
1049Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I
1050Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka
1051Cyrillic Capital Letter El Cyrillic Capital Letter El
1052Cyrillic Capital Letter Em Cyrillic Capital Letter Em
1053Cyrillic Capital Letter En Cyrillic Capital Letter En
1054Cyrillic Capital Letter O Cyrillic Capital Letter O
1055Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe
1056Cyrillic Capital Letter Er Cyrillic Capital Letter Er
1057Cyrillic Capital Letter Es Cyrillic Capital Letter Es
1058Cyrillic Capital Letter Te Cyrillic Capital Letter Te
1059Cyrillic Capital Letter U Cyrillic Capital Letter U
1060Cyrillic Capital Letter Ef Cyrillic Capital Letter Ef
1061Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha
1062Cyrillic Capital Letter Tse Cyrillic Capital Letter Tse
1063Cyrillic Capital Letter Che Cyrillic Capital Letter Che
1064Cyrillic Capital Letter Sha Cyrillic Capital Letter Sha
1065Cyrillic Capital Letter Shcha Cyrillic Capital Letter Shcha
1066Cyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign Cyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign
1067Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru
1068Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign
1069Cyrillic Capital Letter E Cyrillic Capital Letter E
1070Cyrillic Capital Letter Yu Cyrillic Capital Letter Yu
1071Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya
1072Cyrillic Small Letter A Cyrillic Small Letter A
1073Cyrillic Small Letter Be Cyrillic Small Letter Be
1074Cyrillic Small Letter Ve Cyrillic Small Letter Ve
1075Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe
1076Cyrillic Small Letter De Cyrillic Small Letter De
1077Cyrillic Small Letter Ie Cyrillic Small Letter Ie
1078Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe
1079Cyrillic Small Letter Ze Cyrillic Small Letter Ze
1080Cyrillic Small Letter I Cyrillic Small Letter I
1081Cyrillic Small Letter Short I Cyrillic Small Letter Short I
1082Cyrillic Small Letter Ka Cyrillic Small Letter Ka
1083Cyrillic Small Letter El Cyrillic Small Letter El
1084Cyrillic Small Letter Em Cyrillic Small Letter Em
1085Cyrillic Small Letter En Cyrillic Small Letter En
1086Cyrillic Small Letter O Cyrillic Small Letter O
1087Cyrillic Small Letter Pe Cyrillic Small Letter Pe
1088Cyrillic Small Letter Er Cyrillic Small Letter Er
1089Cyrillic Small Letter Es Cyrillic Small Letter Es
1090Cyrillic Small Letter Te Cyrillic Small Letter Te
1091Cyrillic Small Letter U Cyrillic Small Letter U
1092Cyrillic Small Letter Ef Cyrillic Small Letter Ef
1093Cyrillic Small Letter Ha Cyrillic Small Letter Ha
1094Cyrillic Small Letter Tse Cyrillic Small Letter Tse
1095Cyrillic Small Letter Che Cyrillic Small Letter Che
1096Cyrillic Small Letter Sha Cyrillic Small Letter Sha
1097Cyrillic Small Letter Shcha Cyrillic Small Letter Shcha
1098Cyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign Cyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign
1099Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru
1100Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign
1101Cyrillic Small Letter E Cyrillic Small Letter E
1102Cyrillic Small Letter Yu Cyrillic Small Letter Yu
1103Cyrillic Small Letter Ya Cyrillic Small Letter Ya
1104Cyrillic Small Letter Ie With Grave Cyrillic Small Letter Ie With Grave
1105Cyrillic Small Letter Io Cyrillic Small Letter Io
1106Cyrillic Small Letter Dje Cyrillic Small Letter Dje
1107Cyrillic Small Letter Gje Cyrillic Small Letter Gje
1108Cyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie Cyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie
1109Cyrillic Small Letter Dze Cyrillic Small Letter Dze
1110Cyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I Cyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I
1111Cyrillic Small Letter Yi Cyrillic Small Letter Yi
1112Cyrillic Small Letter Je Cyrillic Small Letter Je
1113Cyrillic Small Letter Lje Cyrillic Small Letter Lje
1114Cyrillic Small Letter Nje Cyrillic Small Letter Nje
1115Cyrillic Small Letter Tshe Cyrillic Small Letter Tshe
1116Cyrillic Small Letter Kje Cyrillic Small Letter Kje
1117Cyrillic Small Letter I With Grave Cyrillic Small Letter I With Grave
1118Cyrillic Small Letter Short U Cyrillic Small Letter Short U
1119Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe
1120Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega
1121Cyrillic Small Letter Omega Cyrillic Small Letter Omega
1122Cyrillic Capital Letter Yat Cyrillic Capital Letter Yat
1123Cyrillic Small Letter Yat Cyrillic Small Letter Yat
1124Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified E Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified E
1125Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified E Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified E
1126Cyrillic Capital Letter Little Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Little Yus
1127Cyrillic Small Letter Little Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Little Yus
1128Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Little Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Little Yus
1129Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Little Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Little Yus
1130Cyrillic Capital Letter Big Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Big Yus
1131Cyrillic Small Letter Big Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Big Yus
1132Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Big Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Big Yus
1133Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Big Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Big Yus
1134Cyrillic Capital Letter Ksi Cyrillic Capital Letter Ksi
1135Cyrillic Small Letter Ksi Cyrillic Small Letter Ksi
1136Cyrillic Capital Letter Psi Cyrillic Capital Letter Psi
1137Cyrillic Small Letter Psi Cyrillic Small Letter Psi
1138Cyrillic Capital Letter Fita Cyrillic Capital Letter Fita
1139Cyrillic Small Letter Fita Cyrillic Small Letter Fita
1140Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa
1141Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa
1142Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa With Double Grave Accent Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa With Double Grave Accent
1143Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa With Double Grave Accent Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa With Double Grave Accent
1144Cyrillic Capital Letter Uk Cyrillic Capital Letter Uk
1145Cyrillic Small Letter Uk Cyrillic Small Letter Uk
1146Cyrillic Capital Letter Round Omega Cyrillic Capital Letter Round Omega
1147Cyrillic Small Letter Round Omega Cyrillic Small Letter Round Omega
1148Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega With Titlo Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega With Titlo
1149Cyrillic Small Letter Omega With Titlo Cyrillic Small Letter Omega With Titlo
1150Cyrillic Capital Letter Ot Cyrillic Capital Letter Ot
1151Cyrillic Small Letter Ot Cyrillic Small Letter Ot
1152Cyrillic Capital Letter Koppa Cyrillic Capital Letter Koppa
1153Cyrillic Small Letter Koppa Cyrillic Small Letter Koppa
1154Cyrillic Thousands Sign Cyrillic Thousands Sign
1155Combining Cyrillic Titlo Combining Cyrillic Titlo
1156Combining Cyrillic Palatalization Combining Cyrillic Palatalization
1157Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata
1158Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata
1159Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie
1160Combining Cyrillic Hundred Thousands Sign Combining Cyrillic Hundred Thousands Sign
1161Combining Cyrillic Millions Sign Combining Cyrillic Millions Sign
1162Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I With Tail Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I With Tail
1163Cyrillic Small Letter Short I With Tail Cyrillic Small Letter Short I With Tail
1164Cyrillic Capital Letter Semisoft Sign Cyrillic Capital Letter Semisoft Sign
1165Cyrillic Small Letter Semisoft Sign Cyrillic Small Letter Semisoft Sign
1166Cyrillic Capital Letter Er With Tick Cyrillic Capital Letter Er With Tick
1167Cyrillic Small Letter Er With Tick Cyrillic Small Letter Er With Tick
1168Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Upturn Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Upturn
1169Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Upturn Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Upturn
1170Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Stroke
1171Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Stroke
1172Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Middle Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Middle Hook
1173Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Middle Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Middle Hook
1174Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Descender
1175Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Descender
1176Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze With Descender
1177Cyrillic Small Letter Ze With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Ze With Descender
1178Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Descender
1179Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Descender
1180Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Vertical Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Vertical Stroke
1181Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Vertical Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Vertical Stroke
1182Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Stroke
1183Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Stroke
1184Cyrillic Capital Letter Bashkir Ka Cyrillic Capital Letter Bashkir Ka
1185Cyrillic Small Letter Bashkir Ka Cyrillic Small Letter Bashkir Ka
1186Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Descender
1187Cyrillic Small Letter En With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter En With Descender
1188Cyrillic Capital Ligature En Ghe Cyrillic Capital Ligature En Ghe
1189Cyrillic Small Ligature En Ghe Cyrillic Small Ligature En Ghe
1190Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe With Middle Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe With Middle Hook
1191Cyrillic Small Letter Pe With Middle Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Pe With Middle Hook
1192Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Ha Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Ha
1193Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Ha Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Ha
1194Cyrillic Capital Letter Es With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Es With Descender
1195Cyrillic Small Letter Es With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Es With Descender
1196Cyrillic Capital Letter Te With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Te With Descender
1197Cyrillic Small Letter Te With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Te With Descender
1198Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U
1199Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U
1200Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U With Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U With Stroke
1201Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U With Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U With Stroke
1202Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Descender
1203Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Descender
1204Cyrillic Capital Ligature Te Tse Cyrillic Capital Ligature Te Tse
1205Cyrillic Small Ligature Te Tse Cyrillic Small Ligature Te Tse
1206Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Descender
1207Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Descender
1208Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Vertical Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Vertical Stroke
1209Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Vertical Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Vertical Stroke
1210Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha
1211Cyrillic Small Letter Shha Cyrillic Small Letter Shha
1212Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che
1213Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che
1214Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Che With Descender
1215Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Che With Descender
1216Cyrillic Letter Palochka Cyrillic Letter Palochka
1217Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Breve Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Breve
1218Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Breve Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Breve
1219Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka With Hook
1220Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Ka With Hook
1221Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Tail Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Tail
1222Cyrillic Small Letter El With Tail Cyrillic Small Letter El With Tail
1223Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Hook
1224Cyrillic Small Letter En With Hook Cyrillic Small Letter En With Hook
1225Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Tail Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Tail
1226Cyrillic Small Letter En With Tail Cyrillic Small Letter En With Tail
1227Cyrillic Capital Letter Khakassian Che Cyrillic Capital Letter Khakassian Che
1228Cyrillic Small Letter Khakassian Che Cyrillic Small Letter Khakassian Che
1229Cyrillic Capital Letter Em With Tail Cyrillic Capital Letter Em With Tail
1230Cyrillic Small Letter Em With Tail Cyrillic Small Letter Em With Tail
1231Cyrillic Small Letter Palochka Cyrillic Small Letter Palochka
1232Cyrillic Capital Letter A With Breve Cyrillic Capital Letter A With Breve
1233Cyrillic Small Letter A With Breve Cyrillic Small Letter A With Breve
1234Cyrillic Capital Letter A With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
1235Cyrillic Small Letter A With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter A With Diaeresis
1236Cyrillic Capital Ligature A Ie Cyrillic Capital Ligature A Ie
1237Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie
1238Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie With Breve Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie With Breve
1239Cyrillic Small Letter Ie With Breve Cyrillic Small Letter Ie With Breve
1240Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa
1241Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa
1242Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa With Diaeresis
1243Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa With Diaeresis
1244Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe With Diaeresis
1245Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe With Diaeresis
1246Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze With Diaeresis
1247Cyrillic Small Letter Ze With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Ze With Diaeresis
1248Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Dze Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhasian Dze
1249Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Dze Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhasian Dze
1250Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Macron Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Macron
1251Cyrillic Small Letter I With Macron Cyrillic Small Letter I With Macron
1252Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
1253Cyrillic Small Letter I With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter I With Diaeresis
1254Cyrillic Capital Letter O With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
1255Cyrillic Small Letter O With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter O With Diaeresis
1256Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O
1257Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O
1258Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O With Diaeresis
1259Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O With Diaeresis
1260Cyrillic Capital Letter E With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
1261Cyrillic Small Letter E With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter E With Diaeresis
1262Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Macron Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Macron
1263Cyrillic Small Letter U With Macron Cyrillic Small Letter U With Macron
1264Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
1265Cyrillic Small Letter U With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter U With Diaeresis
1266Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Double Acute Cyrillic Capital Letter U With Double Acute
1267Cyrillic Small Letter U With Double Acute Cyrillic Small Letter U With Double Acute
1268Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Che With Diaeresis
1269Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Che With Diaeresis
1270Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Descender
1271Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Descender
1272Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru With Diaeresis Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru With Diaeresis
1273Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru With Diaeresis Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru With Diaeresis
1274Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Stroke And Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe With Stroke And Hook
1275Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Stroke And Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Stroke And Hook
1276Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Hook
1277Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Hook
1278Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Stroke Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha With Stroke
1279Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Stroke Cyrillic Small Letter Ha With Stroke
1280Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi De Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi De
1281Cyrillic Small Letter Komi De Cyrillic Small Letter Komi De
1282Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dje
1283Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dje
1284Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Zje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Zje
1285Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Zje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Zje
1286Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dzje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Dzje
1287Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dzje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Dzje
1288Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Lje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Lje
1289Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Lje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Lje
1290Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Nje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Nje
1291Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Nje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Nje
1292Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Sje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Sje
1293Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Sje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Sje
1294Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Tje Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Tje
1295Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Tje Cyrillic Small Letter Komi Tje
1296Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Ze Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Ze
1297Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Ze Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Ze
1298Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Hook
1299Cyrillic Small Letter El With Hook Cyrillic Small Letter El With Hook
1300Cyrillic Capital Letter Lha Cyrillic Capital Letter Lha
1301Cyrillic Small Letter Lha Cyrillic Small Letter Lha
1302Cyrillic Capital Letter Rha Cyrillic Capital Letter Rha
1303Cyrillic Small Letter Rha Cyrillic Small Letter Rha
1304Cyrillic Capital Letter Yae Cyrillic Capital Letter Yae
1305Cyrillic Small Letter Yae Cyrillic Small Letter Yae
1306Cyrillic Capital Letter Qa Cyrillic Capital Letter Qa
1307Cyrillic Small Letter Qa Cyrillic Small Letter Qa
1308Cyrillic Capital Letter We Cyrillic Capital Letter We
1309Cyrillic Small Letter We Cyrillic Small Letter We
1310Cyrillic Capital Letter Aleut Ka Cyrillic Capital Letter Aleut Ka
1311Cyrillic Small Letter Aleut Ka Cyrillic Small Letter Aleut Ka
1312Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Middle Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter El With Middle Hook
1313Cyrillic Small Letter El With Middle Hook Cyrillic Small Letter El With Middle Hook
1314Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Middle Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter En With Middle Hook
1315Cyrillic Small Letter En With Middle Hook Cyrillic Small Letter En With Middle Hook
1316Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe With Descender
1317Cyrillic Small Letter Pe With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Pe With Descender
1318Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha With Descender Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha With Descender
1319Cyrillic Small Letter Shha With Descender Cyrillic Small Letter Shha With Descender
1329Armenian Capital Letter Ayb Armenian Capital Letter Ayb
1330Armenian Capital Letter Ben Armenian Capital Letter Ben
1331Armenian Capital Letter Gim Armenian Capital Letter Gim
1332Armenian Capital Letter Da Armenian Capital Letter Da
1333Armenian Capital Letter Ech Armenian Capital Letter Ech
1334Armenian Capital Letter Za Armenian Capital Letter Za
1335Armenian Capital Letter Eh Armenian Capital Letter Eh
1336Armenian Capital Letter Et Armenian Capital Letter Et
1337Armenian Capital Letter To Armenian Capital Letter To
1338Armenian Capital Letter Zhe Armenian Capital Letter Zhe
1339Armenian Capital Letter Ini Armenian Capital Letter Ini
1340Armenian Capital Letter Liwn Armenian Capital Letter Liwn
1341Armenian Capital Letter Xeh Armenian Capital Letter Xeh
1342Armenian Capital Letter Ca Armenian Capital Letter Ca
1343Armenian Capital Letter Ken Armenian Capital Letter Ken
1344Armenian Capital Letter Ho Armenian Capital Letter Ho
1345Armenian Capital Letter Ja Armenian Capital Letter Ja
1346Armenian Capital Letter Ghad Armenian Capital Letter Ghad
1347Armenian Capital Letter Cheh Armenian Capital Letter Cheh
1348Armenian Capital Letter Men Armenian Capital Letter Men
1349Armenian Capital Letter Yi Armenian Capital Letter Yi
1350Armenian Capital Letter Now Armenian Capital Letter Now
1351Armenian Capital Letter Sha Armenian Capital Letter Sha
1352Armenian Capital Letter Vo Armenian Capital Letter Vo
1353Armenian Capital Letter Cha Armenian Capital Letter Cha
1354Armenian Capital Letter Peh Armenian Capital Letter Peh
1355Armenian Capital Letter Jheh Armenian Capital Letter Jheh
1356Armenian Capital Letter Ra Armenian Capital Letter Ra
1357Armenian Capital Letter Seh Armenian Capital Letter Seh
1358Armenian Capital Letter Vew Armenian Capital Letter Vew
1359Armenian Capital Letter Tiwn Armenian Capital Letter Tiwn
1360Armenian Capital Letter Reh Armenian Capital Letter Reh
1361Armenian Capital Letter Co Armenian Capital Letter Co
1362Armenian Capital Letter Yiwn Armenian Capital Letter Yiwn
1363Armenian Capital Letter Piwr Armenian Capital Letter Piwr
1364Armenian Capital Letter Keh Armenian Capital Letter Keh
1365Armenian Capital Letter Oh Armenian Capital Letter Oh
1366Armenian Capital Letter Feh Armenian Capital Letter Feh
1369Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half Ring Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half Ring
1370Armenian Apostrophe Armenian Apostrophe
1371Armenian Emphasis Mark Armenian Emphasis Mark
1372Armenian Exclamation Mark Armenian Exclamation Mark
1373Armenian Comma Armenian Comma
1374Armenian Question Mark Armenian Question Mark
1375Armenian Abbreviation Mark Armenian Abbreviation Mark
1377Armenian Small Letter Ayb Armenian Small Letter Ayb
1378Armenian Small Letter Ben Armenian Small Letter Ben
1379Armenian Small Letter Gim Armenian Small Letter Gim
1380Armenian Small Letter Da Armenian Small Letter Da
1381Armenian Small Letter Ech Armenian Small Letter Ech
1382Armenian Small Letter Za Armenian Small Letter Za
1383Armenian Small Letter Eh Armenian Small Letter Eh
1384Armenian Small Letter Et Armenian Small Letter Et
1385Armenian Small Letter To Armenian Small Letter To
1386Armenian Small Letter Zhe Armenian Small Letter Zhe
1387Armenian Small Letter Ini Armenian Small Letter Ini
1388Armenian Small Letter Liwn Armenian Small Letter Liwn
1389Armenian Small Letter Xeh Armenian Small Letter Xeh
1390Armenian Small Letter Ca Armenian Small Letter Ca
1391Armenian Small Letter Ken Armenian Small Letter Ken
1392Armenian Small Letter Ho Armenian Small Letter Ho
1393Armenian Small Letter Ja Armenian Small Letter Ja
1394Armenian Small Letter Ghad Armenian Small Letter Ghad
1395Armenian Small Letter Cheh Armenian Small Letter Cheh
1396Armenian Small Letter Men Armenian Small Letter Men
1397Armenian Small Letter Yi Armenian Small Letter Yi
1398Armenian Small Letter Now Armenian Small Letter Now
1399Armenian Small Letter Sha Armenian Small Letter Sha
1400Armenian Small Letter Vo Armenian Small Letter Vo
1401Armenian Small Letter Cha Armenian Small Letter Cha
1402Armenian Small Letter Peh Armenian Small Letter Peh
1403Armenian Small Letter Jheh Armenian Small Letter Jheh
1404Armenian Small Letter Ra Armenian Small Letter Ra
1405Armenian Small Letter Seh Armenian Small Letter Seh
1406Armenian Small Letter Vew Armenian Small Letter Vew
1407Armenian Small Letter Tiwn Armenian Small Letter Tiwn
1408Armenian Small Letter Reh Armenian Small Letter Reh
1409Armenian Small Letter Co Armenian Small Letter Co
1410Armenian Small Letter Yiwn Armenian Small Letter Yiwn
1411Armenian Small Letter Piwr Armenian Small Letter Piwr
1412Armenian Small Letter Keh Armenian Small Letter Keh
1413Armenian Small Letter Oh Armenian Small Letter Oh
1414Armenian Small Letter Feh Armenian Small Letter Feh
1415Armenian Small Ligature Ech Yiwn Armenian Small Ligature Ech Yiwn
1417Armenian Full Stop Armenian Full Stop
1418Armenian Hyphen Armenian Hyphen
1425Hebrew Accent Etnahta Hebrew Accent Etnahta
1426Hebrew Accent Segol Hebrew Accent Segol
1427Hebrew Accent Shalshelet Hebrew Accent Shalshelet
1428Hebrew Accent Zaqef Qatan Hebrew Accent Zaqef Qatan
1429Hebrew Accent Zaqef Gadol Hebrew Accent Zaqef Gadol
1430Hebrew Accent Tipeha Hebrew Accent Tipeha
1431Hebrew Accent Revia Hebrew Accent Revia
1432Hebrew Accent Zarqa Hebrew Accent Zarqa
1433Hebrew Accent Pashta Hebrew Accent Pashta
1434Hebrew Accent Yetiv Hebrew Accent Yetiv
1435Hebrew Accent Tevir Hebrew Accent Tevir
1436Hebrew Accent Geresh Hebrew Accent Geresh
1437Hebrew Accent Geresh Muqdam Hebrew Accent Geresh Muqdam
1438Hebrew Accent Gershayim Hebrew Accent Gershayim
1439Hebrew Accent Qarney Para Hebrew Accent Qarney Para
1440Hebrew Accent Telisha Gedola Hebrew Accent Telisha Gedola
1441Hebrew Accent Pazer Hebrew Accent Pazer
1442Hebrew Accent Atnah Hafukh Hebrew Accent Atnah Hafukh
1443Hebrew Accent Munah Hebrew Accent Munah
1444Hebrew Accent Mahapakh Hebrew Accent Mahapakh
1445Hebrew Accent Merkha Hebrew Accent Merkha
1446Hebrew Accent Merkha Kefula Hebrew Accent Merkha Kefula
1447Hebrew Accent Darga Hebrew Accent Darga
1448Hebrew Accent Qadma Hebrew Accent Qadma
1449Hebrew Accent Telisha Qetana Hebrew Accent Telisha Qetana
1450Hebrew Accent Yerah Ben Yomo Hebrew Accent Yerah Ben Yomo
1451Hebrew Accent Ole Hebrew Accent Ole
1452Hebrew Accent Iluy Hebrew Accent Iluy
1453Hebrew Accent Dehi Hebrew Accent Dehi
1454Hebrew Accent Zinor Hebrew Accent Zinor
1455Hebrew Mark Masora Circle Hebrew Mark Masora Circle
1456Hebrew Point Sheva Hebrew Point Sheva
1457Hebrew Point Hataf Segol Hebrew Point Hataf Segol
1458Hebrew Point Hataf Patah Hebrew Point Hataf Patah
1459Hebrew Point Hataf Qamats Hebrew Point Hataf Qamats
1460Hebrew Point Hiriq Hebrew Point Hiriq
1461Hebrew Point Tsere Hebrew Point Tsere
1462Hebrew Point Segol Hebrew Point Segol
1463Hebrew Point Patah Hebrew Point Patah
1464Hebrew Point Qamats Hebrew Point Qamats
1465Hebrew Point Holam Hebrew Point Holam
1466Hebrew Point Holam Haser For Vav Hebrew Point Holam Haser For Vav
1467Hebrew Point Qubuts Hebrew Point Qubuts
1468Hebrew Point Dagesh Or Mapiq Hebrew Point Dagesh Or Mapiq
1469Hebrew Point Meteg Hebrew Point Meteg
1470Hebrew Punctuation Maqaf Hebrew Punctuation Maqaf
1471Hebrew Point Rafe Hebrew Point Rafe
1472Hebrew Punctuation Paseq Hebrew Punctuation Paseq
1473Hebrew Point Shin Dot Hebrew Point Shin Dot
1474Hebrew Point Sin Dot Hebrew Point Sin Dot
1475Hebrew Punctuation Sof Pasuq Hebrew Punctuation Sof Pasuq
1476Hebrew Mark Upper Dot Hebrew Mark Upper Dot
1477Hebrew Mark Lower Dot Hebrew Mark Lower Dot
1478Hebrew Punctuation Nun Hafukha Hebrew Punctuation Nun Hafukha
1479Hebrew Point Qamats Qatan Hebrew Point Qamats Qatan
1488Hebrew Letter Alef Hebrew Letter Alef
1489Hebrew Letter Bet Hebrew Letter Bet
1490Hebrew Letter Gimel Hebrew Letter Gimel
1491Hebrew Letter Dalet Hebrew Letter Dalet
1492Hebrew Letter He Hebrew Letter He
1493Hebrew Letter Vav Hebrew Letter Vav
1494Hebrew Letter Zayin Hebrew Letter Zayin
1495Hebrew Letter Het Hebrew Letter Het
1496Hebrew Letter Tet Hebrew Letter Tet
1497Hebrew Letter Yod Hebrew Letter Yod
1498Hebrew Letter Final Kaf Hebrew Letter Final Kaf
1499Hebrew Letter Kaf Hebrew Letter Kaf
1500Hebrew Letter Lamed Hebrew Letter Lamed
1501Hebrew Letter Final Mem Hebrew Letter Final Mem
1502Hebrew Letter Mem Hebrew Letter Mem
1503Hebrew Letter Final Nun Hebrew Letter Final Nun
1504Hebrew Letter Nun Hebrew Letter Nun
1505Hebrew Letter Samekh Hebrew Letter Samekh
1506Hebrew Letter Ayin Hebrew Letter Ayin
1507Hebrew Letter Final Pe Hebrew Letter Final Pe
1508Hebrew Letter Pe Hebrew Letter Pe
1509Hebrew Letter Final Tsadi Hebrew Letter Final Tsadi
1510Hebrew Letter Tsadi Hebrew Letter Tsadi
1511Hebrew Letter Qof Hebrew Letter Qof
1512Hebrew Letter Resh Hebrew Letter Resh
1513Hebrew Letter Shin Hebrew Letter Shin
1514Hebrew Letter Tav Hebrew Letter Tav
1520Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Vav Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Vav
1521Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Vav Yod Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Vav Yod
1522Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Yod Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Double Yod
1523Hebrew Punctuation Geresh Hebrew Punctuation Geresh
1524Hebrew Punctuation Gershayim Hebrew Punctuation Gershayim
1536Arabic Number Sign Arabic Number Sign
1537Arabic Sign Sanah Arabic Sign Sanah
1538Arabic Footnote Marker Arabic Footnote Marker
1539Arabic Sign Safha Arabic Sign Safha
1542Arabic-Indic Cube Root Arabic-Indic Cube Root
1543Arabic-Indic Fourth Root Arabic-Indic Fourth Root
1544Arabic Ray Arabic Ray
1545Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign
1546Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign
1547Afghani Sign Afghani Sign
1548Arabic Comma Arabic Comma
1549Arabic Date Separator Arabic Date Separator
1550Arabic Poetic Verse Sign Arabic Poetic Verse Sign
1551Arabic Sign Misra Arabic Sign Misra
1552Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam
1553Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam
1554Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe
1555Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu
1556Arabic Sign Takhallus Arabic Sign Takhallus
1557Arabic Small High Tah Arabic Small High Tah
1558Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh
1559Arabic Small High Zain Arabic Small High Zain
1560Arabic Small Fatha Arabic Small Fatha
1561Arabic Small Damma Arabic Small Damma
1562Arabic Small Kasra Arabic Small Kasra
1563Arabic Semicolon Arabic Semicolon
1566Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark
1567Arabic Question Mark Arabic Question Mark
1568Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh
1569Arabic Letter Hamza Arabic Letter Hamza
1570Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above
1571Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above
1572Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above
1573Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below
1574Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above
1575Arabic Letter Alef Arabic Letter Alef
1576Arabic Letter Beh Arabic Letter Beh
1577Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta
1578Arabic Letter Teh Arabic Letter Teh
1579Arabic Letter Theh Arabic Letter Theh
1580Arabic Letter Jeem Arabic Letter Jeem
1581Arabic Letter Hah Arabic Letter Hah
1582Arabic Letter Khah Arabic Letter Khah
1583Arabic Letter Dal Arabic Letter Dal
1584Arabic Letter Thal Arabic Letter Thal
1585Arabic Letter Reh Arabic Letter Reh
1586Arabic Letter Zain Arabic Letter Zain
1587Arabic Letter Seen Arabic Letter Seen
1588Arabic Letter Sheen Arabic Letter Sheen
1589Arabic Letter Sad Arabic Letter Sad
1590Arabic Letter Dad Arabic Letter Dad
1591Arabic Letter Tah Arabic Letter Tah
1592Arabic Letter Zah Arabic Letter Zah
1593Arabic Letter Ain Arabic Letter Ain
1594Arabic Letter Ghain Arabic Letter Ghain
1595Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Above
1596Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Below
1597Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Inverted V Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Inverted V
1598Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Two Dots Above
1599Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Three Dots Above
1600Arabic Tatweel Arabic Tatweel
1601Arabic Letter Feh Arabic Letter Feh
1602Arabic Letter Qaf Arabic Letter Qaf
1603Arabic Letter Kaf Arabic Letter Kaf
1604Arabic Letter Lam Arabic Letter Lam
1605Arabic Letter Meem Arabic Letter Meem
1606Arabic Letter Noon Arabic Letter Noon
1607Arabic Letter Heh Arabic Letter Heh
1608Arabic Letter Waw Arabic Letter Waw
1609Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Arabic Letter Alef Maksura
1610Arabic Letter Yeh Arabic Letter Yeh
1611Arabic Fathatan Arabic Fathatan
1612Arabic Dammatan Arabic Dammatan
1613Arabic Kasratan Arabic Kasratan
1614Arabic Fatha Arabic Fatha
1615Arabic Damma Arabic Damma
1616Arabic Kasra Arabic Kasra
1617Arabic Shadda Arabic Shadda
1618Arabic Sukun Arabic Sukun
1619Arabic Maddah Above Arabic Maddah Above
1620Arabic Hamza Above Arabic Hamza Above
1621Arabic Hamza Below Arabic Hamza Below
1622Arabic Subscript Alef Arabic Subscript Alef
1623Arabic Inverted Damma Arabic Inverted Damma
1624Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna
1625Arabic Zwarakay Arabic Zwarakay
1626Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above
1627Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above
1628Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below
1629Arabic Reversed Damma Arabic Reversed Damma
1630Arabic Fatha With Two Dots Arabic Fatha With Two Dots
1631Arabic Wavy Hamza Below Arabic Wavy Hamza Below
1632Arabic-Indic Digit Zero Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
1633Arabic-Indic Digit One Arabic-Indic Digit One
1634Arabic-Indic Digit Two Arabic-Indic Digit Two
1635Arabic-Indic Digit Three Arabic-Indic Digit Three
1636Arabic-Indic Digit Four Arabic-Indic Digit Four
1637Arabic-Indic Digit Five Arabic-Indic Digit Five
1638Arabic-Indic Digit Six Arabic-Indic Digit Six
1639Arabic-Indic Digit Seven Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
1640Arabic-Indic Digit Eight Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
1641Arabic-Indic Digit Nine Arabic-Indic Digit Nine
1642Arabic Percent Sign Arabic Percent Sign
1643Arabic Decimal Separator Arabic Decimal Separator
1644Arabic Thousands Separator Arabic Thousands Separator
1645Arabic Five Pointed Star Arabic Five Pointed Star
1646Arabic Letter Dotless Beh Arabic Letter Dotless Beh
1647Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf
1648Arabic Letter Superscript Alef Arabic Letter Superscript Alef
1649Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Arabic Letter Alef Wasla
1650Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Above Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Above
1651Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Below Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Below
1652Arabic Letter High Hamza Arabic Letter High Hamza
1653Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef
1654Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw
1655Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above
1656Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh
1657Arabic Letter Tteh Arabic Letter Tteh
1658Arabic Letter Tteheh Arabic Letter Tteheh
1659Arabic Letter Beeh Arabic Letter Beeh
1660Arabic Letter Teh With Ring Arabic Letter Teh With Ring
1661Arabic Letter Teh With Three Dots Above Downwards Arabic Letter Teh With Three Dots Above Downwards
1662Arabic Letter Peh Arabic Letter Peh
1663Arabic Letter Teheh Arabic Letter Teheh
1664Arabic Letter Beheh Arabic Letter Beheh
1665Arabic Letter Hah With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Hah With Hamza Above
1666Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Vertical Above Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Vertical Above
1667Arabic Letter Nyeh Arabic Letter Nyeh
1668Arabic Letter Dyeh Arabic Letter Dyeh
1669Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Above
1670Arabic Letter Tcheh Arabic Letter Tcheh
1671Arabic Letter Tcheheh Arabic Letter Tcheheh
1672Arabic Letter Ddal Arabic Letter Ddal
1673Arabic Letter Dal With Ring Arabic Letter Dal With Ring
1674Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below
1675Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below And Small Tah Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below And Small Tah
1676Arabic Letter Dahal Arabic Letter Dahal
1677Arabic Letter Ddahal Arabic Letter Ddahal
1678Arabic Letter Dul Arabic Letter Dul
1679Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Above Downwards Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Above Downwards
1680Arabic Letter Dal With Four Dots Above Arabic Letter Dal With Four Dots Above
1681Arabic Letter Rreh Arabic Letter Rreh
1682Arabic Letter Reh With Small V Arabic Letter Reh With Small V
1683Arabic Letter Reh With Ring Arabic Letter Reh With Ring
1684Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below
1685Arabic Letter Reh With Small V Below Arabic Letter Reh With Small V Below
1686Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below And Dot Above Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below And Dot Above
1687Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Above
1688Arabic Letter Jeh Arabic Letter Jeh
1689Arabic Letter Reh With Four Dots Above Arabic Letter Reh With Four Dots Above
1690Arabic Letter Seen With Dot Below And Dot Above Arabic Letter Seen With Dot Below And Dot Above
1691Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below
1692Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below And Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below And Three Dots Above
1693Arabic Letter Sad With Two Dots Below Arabic Letter Sad With Two Dots Below
1694Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Above
1695Arabic Letter Tah With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Tah With Three Dots Above
1696Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Above
1697Arabic Letter Dotless Feh Arabic Letter Dotless Feh
1698Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Moved Below Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Moved Below
1699Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below
1700Arabic Letter Veh Arabic Letter Veh
1701Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Below
1702Arabic Letter Peheh Arabic Letter Peheh
1703Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Above Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Above
1704Arabic Letter Qaf With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Qaf With Three Dots Above
1705Arabic Letter Keheh Arabic Letter Keheh
1706Arabic Letter Swash Kaf Arabic Letter Swash Kaf
1707Arabic Letter Kaf With Ring Arabic Letter Kaf With Ring
1708Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Above Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Above
1709Arabic Letter Ng Arabic Letter Ng
1710Arabic Letter Kaf With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Kaf With Three Dots Below
1711Arabic Letter Gaf Arabic Letter Gaf
1712Arabic Letter Gaf With Ring Arabic Letter Gaf With Ring
1713Arabic Letter Ngoeh Arabic Letter Ngoeh
1714Arabic Letter Gaf With Two Dots Below Arabic Letter Gaf With Two Dots Below
1715Arabic Letter Gueh Arabic Letter Gueh
1716Arabic Letter Gaf With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Gaf With Three Dots Above
1717Arabic Letter Lam With Small V Arabic Letter Lam With Small V
1718Arabic Letter Lam With Dot Above Arabic Letter Lam With Dot Above
1719Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Above
1720Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Below
1721Arabic Letter Noon With Dot Below Arabic Letter Noon With Dot Below
1722Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna
1723Arabic Letter Rnoon Arabic Letter Rnoon
1724Arabic Letter Noon With Ring Arabic Letter Noon With Ring
1725Arabic Letter Noon With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Noon With Three Dots Above
1726Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee
1727Arabic Letter Tcheh With Dot Above Arabic Letter Tcheh With Dot Above
1728Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above
1729Arabic Letter Heh Goal Arabic Letter Heh Goal
1730Arabic Letter Heh Goal With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Heh Goal With Hamza Above
1731Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Goal Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Goal
1732Arabic Letter Waw With Ring Arabic Letter Waw With Ring
1733Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe
1734Arabic Letter Oe Arabic Letter Oe
1735Arabic Letter U Arabic Letter U
1736Arabic Letter Yu Arabic Letter Yu
1737Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu
1738Arabic Letter Waw With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Waw With Two Dots Above
1739Arabic Letter Ve Arabic Letter Ve
1740Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh
1741Arabic Letter Yeh With Tail Arabic Letter Yeh With Tail
1742Arabic Letter Yeh With Small V Arabic Letter Yeh With Small V
1743Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Above Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Above
1744Arabic Letter E Arabic Letter E
1745Arabic Letter Yeh With Three Dots Below Arabic Letter Yeh With Three Dots Below
1746Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Arabic Letter Yeh Barree
1747Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above
1748Arabic Full Stop Arabic Full Stop
1749Arabic Letter Ae Arabic Letter Ae
1750Arabic Small High Ligature Sad With Lam With Alef Maksura Arabic Small High Ligature Sad With Lam With Alef Maksura
1751Arabic Small High Ligature Qaf With Lam With Alef Maksura Arabic Small High Ligature Qaf With Lam With Alef Maksura
1752Arabic Small High Meem Initial Form Arabic Small High Meem Initial Form
1753Arabic Small High Lam Alef Arabic Small High Lam Alef
1754Arabic Small High Jeem Arabic Small High Jeem
1755Arabic Small High Three Dots Arabic Small High Three Dots
1756Arabic Small High Seen Arabic Small High Seen
1757Arabic End Of Ayah Arabic End Of Ayah
1758Arabic Start Of Rub El Hizb Arabic Start Of Rub El Hizb
1759Arabic Small High Rounded Zero Arabic Small High Rounded Zero
1760Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero
1761Arabic Small High Dotless Head Of Khah Arabic Small High Dotless Head Of Khah
1762Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form
1763Arabic Small Low Seen Arabic Small Low Seen
1764Arabic Small High Madda Arabic Small High Madda
1765Arabic Small Waw Arabic Small Waw
1766Arabic Small Yeh Arabic Small Yeh
1767Arabic Small High Yeh Arabic Small High Yeh
1768Arabic Small High Noon Arabic Small High Noon
1769Arabic Place Of Sajdah Arabic Place Of Sajdah
1770Arabic Empty Centre Low Stop Arabic Empty Centre Low Stop
1771Arabic Empty Centre High Stop Arabic Empty Centre High Stop
1772Arabic Rounded High Stop With Filled Centre Arabic Rounded High Stop With Filled Centre
1773Arabic Small Low Meem Arabic Small Low Meem
1774Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted V Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted V
1775Arabic Letter Reh With Inverted V Arabic Letter Reh With Inverted V
1776Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Zero Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
1777Extended Arabic-Indic Digit One Extended Arabic-Indic Digit One
1778Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two
1779Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three
1780Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four
1781Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Five Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Five
1782Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Six Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Six
1783Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Seven Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
1784Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Eight Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
1785Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Nine Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Nine
1786Arabic Letter Sheen With Dot Below Arabic Letter Sheen With Dot Below
1787Arabic Letter Dad With Dot Below Arabic Letter Dad With Dot Below
1788Arabic Letter Ghain With Dot Below Arabic Letter Ghain With Dot Below
1789Arabic Sign Sindhi Ampersand Arabic Sign Sindhi Ampersand
1790Arabic Sign Sindhi Postposition Men Arabic Sign Sindhi Postposition Men
1791Arabic Letter Heh With Inverted V Arabic Letter Heh With Inverted V
1792Syriac End Of Paragraph Syriac End Of Paragraph
1793Syriac Supralinear Full Stop Syriac Supralinear Full Stop
1794Syriac Sublinear Full Stop Syriac Sublinear Full Stop
1795Syriac Supralinear Colon Syriac Supralinear Colon
1796Syriac Sublinear Colon Syriac Sublinear Colon
1797Syriac Horizontal Colon Syriac Horizontal Colon
1798Syriac Colon Skewed Left Syriac Colon Skewed Left
1799Syriac Colon Skewed Right Syriac Colon Skewed Right
1800Syriac Supralinear Colon Skewed Left Syriac Supralinear Colon Skewed Left
1801Syriac Sublinear Colon Skewed Right Syriac Sublinear Colon Skewed Right
1802Syriac Contraction Syriac Contraction
1803Syriac Harklean Obelus Syriac Harklean Obelus
1804Syriac Harklean Metobelus Syriac Harklean Metobelus
1805Syriac Harklean Asteriscus Syriac Harklean Asteriscus
1807Syriac Abbreviation Mark Syriac Abbreviation Mark
1808Syriac Letter Alaph Syriac Letter Alaph
1809Syriac Letter Superscript Alaph Syriac Letter Superscript Alaph
1810Syriac Letter Beth Syriac Letter Beth
1811Syriac Letter Gamal Syriac Letter Gamal
1812Syriac Letter Gamal Garshuni Syriac Letter Gamal Garshuni
1813Syriac Letter Dalath Syriac Letter Dalath
1814Syriac Letter Dotless Dalath Rish Syriac Letter Dotless Dalath Rish
1815Syriac Letter He Syriac Letter He
1816Syriac Letter Waw Syriac Letter Waw
1817Syriac Letter Zain Syriac Letter Zain
1818Syriac Letter Heth Syriac Letter Heth
1819Syriac Letter Teth Syriac Letter Teth
1820Syriac Letter Teth Garshuni Syriac Letter Teth Garshuni
1821Syriac Letter Yudh Syriac Letter Yudh
1822Syriac Letter Yudh He Syriac Letter Yudh He
1823Syriac Letter Kaph Syriac Letter Kaph
1824Syriac Letter Lamadh Syriac Letter Lamadh
1825Syriac Letter Mim Syriac Letter Mim
1826Syriac Letter Nun Syriac Letter Nun
1827Syriac Letter Semkath Syriac Letter Semkath
1828Syriac Letter Final Semkath Syriac Letter Final Semkath
1829Syriac Letter E Syriac Letter E
1830Syriac Letter Pe Syriac Letter Pe
1831Syriac Letter Reversed Pe Syriac Letter Reversed Pe
1832Syriac Letter Sadhe Syriac Letter Sadhe
1833Syriac Letter Qaph Syriac Letter Qaph
1834Syriac Letter Rish Syriac Letter Rish
1835Syriac Letter Shin Syriac Letter Shin
1836Syriac Letter Taw Syriac Letter Taw
1837Syriac Letter Persian Bheth Syriac Letter Persian Bheth
1838Syriac Letter Persian Ghamal Syriac Letter Persian Ghamal
1839Syriac Letter Persian Dhalath Syriac Letter Persian Dhalath
1840Syriac Pthaha Above Syriac Pthaha Above
1841Syriac Pthaha Below Syriac Pthaha Below
1842Syriac Pthaha Dotted Syriac Pthaha Dotted
1843Syriac Zqapha Above Syriac Zqapha Above
1844Syriac Zqapha Below Syriac Zqapha Below
1845Syriac Zqapha Dotted Syriac Zqapha Dotted
1846Syriac Rbasa Above Syriac Rbasa Above
1847Syriac Rbasa Below Syriac Rbasa Below
1848Syriac Dotted Zlama Horizontal Syriac Dotted Zlama Horizontal
1849Syriac Dotted Zlama Angular Syriac Dotted Zlama Angular
1850Syriac Hbasa Above Syriac Hbasa Above
1851Syriac Hbasa Below Syriac Hbasa Below
1852Syriac Hbasa-Esasa Dotted Syriac Hbasa-Esasa Dotted
1853Syriac Esasa Above Syriac Esasa Above
1854Syriac Esasa Below Syriac Esasa Below
1855Syriac Rwaha Syriac Rwaha
1856Syriac Feminine Dot Syriac Feminine Dot
1857Syriac Qushshaya Syriac Qushshaya
1858Syriac Rukkakha Syriac Rukkakha
1859Syriac Two Vertical Dots Above Syriac Two Vertical Dots Above
1860Syriac Two Vertical Dots Below Syriac Two Vertical Dots Below
1861Syriac Three Dots Above Syriac Three Dots Above
1862Syriac Three Dots Below Syriac Three Dots Below
1863Syriac Oblique Line Above Syriac Oblique Line Above
1864Syriac Oblique Line Below Syriac Oblique Line Below
1865Syriac Music Syriac Music
1866Syriac Barrekh Syriac Barrekh
1869Syriac Letter Sogdian Zhain Syriac Letter Sogdian Zhain
1870Syriac Letter Sogdian Khaph Syriac Letter Sogdian Khaph
1871Syriac Letter Sogdian Fe Syriac Letter Sogdian Fe
1872Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Horizontally Below Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Horizontally Below
1873Arabic Letter Beh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Beh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above
1874Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
1875Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below And Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below And Two Dots Above
1876Arabic Letter Beh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above Arabic Letter Beh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above
1877Arabic Letter Beh With Inverted Small V Below Arabic Letter Beh With Inverted Small V Below
1878Arabic Letter Beh With Small V Arabic Letter Beh With Small V
1879Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Above
1880Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
1881Arabic Letter Dal With Two Dots Vertically Below And Small Tah Arabic Letter Dal With Two Dots Vertically Below And Small Tah
1882Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted Small V Below Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted Small V Below
1883Arabic Letter Reh With Stroke Arabic Letter Reh With Stroke
1884Arabic Letter Seen With Four Dots Above Arabic Letter Seen With Four Dots Above
1885Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Above
1886Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
1887Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Vertically Above Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Vertically Above
1888Arabic Letter Feh With Two Dots Below Arabic Letter Feh With Two Dots Below
1889Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
1890Arabic Letter Keheh With Dot Above Arabic Letter Keheh With Dot Above
1891Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Above Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Above
1892Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
1893Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Above Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Above
1894Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Below Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Below
1895Arabic Letter Noon With Two Dots Below Arabic Letter Noon With Two Dots Below
1896Arabic Letter Noon With Small Tah Arabic Letter Noon With Small Tah
1897Arabic Letter Noon With Small V Arabic Letter Noon With Small V
1898Arabic Letter Lam With Bar Arabic Letter Lam With Bar
1899Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Vertically Above Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Vertically Above
1900Arabic Letter Reh With Hamza Above Arabic Letter Reh With Hamza Above
1901Arabic Letter Seen With Two Dots Vertically Above Arabic Letter Seen With Two Dots Vertically Above
1902Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Below Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Below
1903Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
1904Arabic Letter Seen With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots Arabic Letter Seen With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
1905Arabic Letter Reh With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots Arabic Letter Reh With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
1906Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above
1907Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
1908Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
1909Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
1910Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
1911Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below
1912Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
1913Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
1914Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
1915Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
1916Arabic Letter Hah With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below Arabic Letter Hah With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below
1917Arabic Letter Seen With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Above Arabic Letter Seen With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Above
1918Arabic Letter Seen With Inverted V Arabic Letter Seen With Inverted V
1919Arabic Letter Kaf With Two Dots Above Arabic Letter Kaf With Two Dots Above
1920Thaana Letter Haa Thaana Letter Haa
1921Thaana Letter Shaviyani Thaana Letter Shaviyani
1922Thaana Letter Noonu Thaana Letter Noonu
1923Thaana Letter Raa Thaana Letter Raa
1924Thaana Letter Baa Thaana Letter Baa
1925Thaana Letter Lhaviyani Thaana Letter Lhaviyani
1926Thaana Letter Kaafu Thaana Letter Kaafu
1927Thaana Letter Alifu Thaana Letter Alifu
1928Thaana Letter Vaavu Thaana Letter Vaavu
1929Thaana Letter Meemu Thaana Letter Meemu
1930Thaana Letter Faafu Thaana Letter Faafu
1931Thaana Letter Dhaalu Thaana Letter Dhaalu
1932Thaana Letter Thaa Thaana Letter Thaa
1933Thaana Letter Laamu Thaana Letter Laamu
1934Thaana Letter Gaafu Thaana Letter Gaafu
1935Thaana Letter Gnaviyani Thaana Letter Gnaviyani
1936Thaana Letter Seenu Thaana Letter Seenu
1937Thaana Letter Daviyani Thaana Letter Daviyani
1938Thaana Letter Zaviyani Thaana Letter Zaviyani
1939Thaana Letter Taviyani Thaana Letter Taviyani
1940Thaana Letter Yaa Thaana Letter Yaa
1941Thaana Letter Paviyani Thaana Letter Paviyani
1942Thaana Letter Javiyani Thaana Letter Javiyani
1943Thaana Letter Chaviyani Thaana Letter Chaviyani
1944Thaana Letter Ttaa Thaana Letter Ttaa
1945Thaana Letter Hhaa Thaana Letter Hhaa
1946Thaana Letter Khaa Thaana Letter Khaa
1947Thaana Letter Thaalu Thaana Letter Thaalu
1948Thaana Letter Zaa Thaana Letter Zaa
1949Thaana Letter Sheenu Thaana Letter Sheenu
1950Thaana Letter Saadhu Thaana Letter Saadhu
1951Thaana Letter Daadhu Thaana Letter Daadhu
1952Thaana Letter To Thaana Letter To
1953Thaana Letter Zo Thaana Letter Zo
1954Thaana Letter Ainu Thaana Letter Ainu
1955Thaana Letter Ghainu Thaana Letter Ghainu
1956Thaana Letter Qaafu Thaana Letter Qaafu
1957Thaana Letter Waavu Thaana Letter Waavu
1958Thaana Abafili Thaana Abafili
1959Thaana Aabaafili Thaana Aabaafili
1960Thaana Ibifili Thaana Ibifili
1961Thaana Eebeefili Thaana Eebeefili
1962Thaana Ubufili Thaana Ubufili
1963Thaana Ooboofili Thaana Ooboofili
1964Thaana Ebefili Thaana Ebefili
1965Thaana Eybeyfili Thaana Eybeyfili
1966Thaana Obofili Thaana Obofili
1967Thaana Oaboafili Thaana Oaboafili
1968Thaana Sukun Thaana Sukun
1969Thaana Letter Naa Thaana Letter Naa
1984Nko Digit Zero Nko Digit Zero
1985Nko Digit One Nko Digit One
1986Nko Digit Two Nko Digit Two
1987Nko Digit Three Nko Digit Three
1988Nko Digit Four Nko Digit Four
1989Nko Digit Five Nko Digit Five
1990Nko Digit Six Nko Digit Six
1991Nko Digit Seven Nko Digit Seven
1992Nko Digit Eight Nko Digit Eight
1993Nko Digit Nine Nko Digit Nine
1994Nko Letter A Nko Letter A
1995Nko Letter Ee Nko Letter Ee
1996Nko Letter I Nko Letter I
1997Nko Letter E Nko Letter E
1998Nko Letter U Nko Letter U
1999Nko Letter Oo Nko Letter Oo
2000Nko Letter O Nko Letter O
2001Nko Letter Dagbasinna Nko Letter Dagbasinna
2002Nko Letter N Nko Letter N
2003Nko Letter Ba Nko Letter Ba
2004Nko Letter Pa Nko Letter Pa
2005Nko Letter Ta Nko Letter Ta
2006Nko Letter Ja Nko Letter Ja
2007Nko Letter Cha Nko Letter Cha
2008Nko Letter Da Nko Letter Da
2009Nko Letter Ra Nko Letter Ra
2010Nko Letter Rra Nko Letter Rra
2011Nko Letter Sa Nko Letter Sa
2012Nko Letter Gba Nko Letter Gba
2013Nko Letter Fa Nko Letter Fa
2014Nko Letter Ka Nko Letter Ka
2015Nko Letter La Nko Letter La
2016Nko Letter Na Woloso Nko Letter Na Woloso
2017Nko Letter Ma Nko Letter Ma
2018Nko Letter Nya Nko Letter Nya
2019Nko Letter Na Nko Letter Na
2020Nko Letter Ha Nko Letter Ha
2021Nko Letter Wa Nko Letter Wa
2022Nko Letter Ya Nko Letter Ya
2023Nko Letter Nya Woloso Nko Letter Nya Woloso
2024Nko Letter Jona Ja Nko Letter Jona Ja
2025Nko Letter Jona Cha Nko Letter Jona Cha
2026Nko Letter Jona Ra Nko Letter Jona Ra
2027Nko Combining Short High Tone Nko Combining Short High Tone
2028Nko Combining Short Low Tone Nko Combining Short Low Tone
2029Nko Combining Short Rising Tone Nko Combining Short Rising Tone
2030Nko Combining Long Descending Tone Nko Combining Long Descending Tone
2031Nko Combining Long High Tone Nko Combining Long High Tone
2032Nko Combining Long Low Tone Nko Combining Long Low Tone
2033Nko Combining Long Rising Tone Nko Combining Long Rising Tone
2034Nko Combining Nasalization Mark Nko Combining Nasalization Mark
2035Nko Combining Double Dot Above Nko Combining Double Dot Above
2036Nko High Tone Apostrophe Nko High Tone Apostrophe
2037Nko Low Tone Apostrophe Nko Low Tone Apostrophe
2038Nko Symbol Oo Dennen Nko Symbol Oo Dennen
2039Nko Symbol Gbakurunen Nko Symbol Gbakurunen
2040Nko Comma Nko Comma
2041Nko Exclamation Mark Nko Exclamation Mark
2042Nko Lajanyalan Nko Lajanyalan
2048Samaritan Letter Alaf Samaritan Letter Alaf
2049Samaritan Letter Bit Samaritan Letter Bit
2050Samaritan Letter Gaman Samaritan Letter Gaman
2051Samaritan Letter Dalat Samaritan Letter Dalat
2052Samaritan Letter Iy Samaritan Letter Iy
2053Samaritan Letter Baa Samaritan Letter Baa
2054Samaritan Letter Zen Samaritan Letter Zen
2055Samaritan Letter It Samaritan Letter It
2056Samaritan Letter Tit Samaritan Letter Tit
2057Samaritan Letter Yut Samaritan Letter Yut
2058Samaritan Letter Kaaf Samaritan Letter Kaaf
2059Samaritan Letter Labat Samaritan Letter Labat
2060Samaritan Letter Mim Samaritan Letter Mim
2061Samaritan Letter Nun Samaritan Letter Nun
2062Samaritan Letter Singaat Samaritan Letter Singaat
2063Samaritan Letter In Samaritan Letter In
2064Samaritan Letter Fi Samaritan Letter Fi
2065Samaritan Letter Tsaadiy Samaritan Letter Tsaadiy
2066Samaritan Letter Quf Samaritan Letter Quf
2067Samaritan Letter Rish Samaritan Letter Rish
2068Samaritan Letter Shan Samaritan Letter Shan
2069Samaritan Letter Taaf Samaritan Letter Taaf
2070Samaritan Mark In Samaritan Mark In
2071Samaritan Mark In-Alaf Samaritan Mark In-Alaf
2072Samaritan Mark Occlusion Samaritan Mark Occlusion
2073Samaritan Mark Dagesh Samaritan Mark Dagesh
2074Samaritan Modifier Letter Epenthetic Yut Samaritan Modifier Letter Epenthetic Yut
2075Samaritan Mark Epenthetic Yut Samaritan Mark Epenthetic Yut
2076Samaritan Vowel Sign Long E Samaritan Vowel Sign Long E
2077Samaritan Vowel Sign E Samaritan Vowel Sign E
2078Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong Aa Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong Aa
2079Samaritan Vowel Sign Long Aa Samaritan Vowel Sign Long Aa
2080Samaritan Vowel Sign Aa Samaritan Vowel Sign Aa
2081Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong A Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong A
2082Samaritan Vowel Sign Long A Samaritan Vowel Sign Long A
2083Samaritan Vowel Sign A Samaritan Vowel Sign A
2084Samaritan Modifier Letter Short A Samaritan Modifier Letter Short A
2085Samaritan Vowel Sign Short A Samaritan Vowel Sign Short A
2086Samaritan Vowel Sign Long U Samaritan Vowel Sign Long U
2087Samaritan Vowel Sign U Samaritan Vowel Sign U
2088Samaritan Modifier Letter I Samaritan Modifier Letter I
2089Samaritan Vowel Sign Long I Samaritan Vowel Sign Long I
2090Samaritan Vowel Sign I Samaritan Vowel Sign I
2091Samaritan Vowel Sign O Samaritan Vowel Sign O
2092Samaritan Vowel Sign Sukun Samaritan Vowel Sign Sukun
2093Samaritan Mark Nequdaa Samaritan Mark Nequdaa
2096Samaritan Punctuation Nequdaa Samaritan Punctuation Nequdaa
2097Samaritan Punctuation Afsaaq Samaritan Punctuation Afsaaq
2098Samaritan Punctuation Anged Samaritan Punctuation Anged
2099Samaritan Punctuation Bau Samaritan Punctuation Bau
2100Samaritan Punctuation Atmaau Samaritan Punctuation Atmaau
2101Samaritan Punctuation Shiyyaalaa Samaritan Punctuation Shiyyaalaa
2102Samaritan Abbreviation Mark Samaritan Abbreviation Mark
2103Samaritan Punctuation Melodic Qitsa Samaritan Punctuation Melodic Qitsa
2104Samaritan Punctuation Ziqaa Samaritan Punctuation Ziqaa
2105Samaritan Punctuation Qitsa Samaritan Punctuation Qitsa
2106Samaritan Punctuation Zaef Samaritan Punctuation Zaef
2107Samaritan Punctuation Turu Samaritan Punctuation Turu
2108Samaritan Punctuation Arkaanu Samaritan Punctuation Arkaanu
2109Samaritan Punctuation Sof Mashfaat Samaritan Punctuation Sof Mashfaat
2110Samaritan Punctuation Annaau Samaritan Punctuation Annaau
2112Mandaic Letter Halqa Mandaic Letter Halqa
2113Mandaic Letter Ab Mandaic Letter Ab
2114Mandaic Letter Ag Mandaic Letter Ag
2115Mandaic Letter Ad Mandaic Letter Ad
2116Mandaic Letter Ah Mandaic Letter Ah
2117Mandaic Letter Ushenna Mandaic Letter Ushenna
2118Mandaic Letter Az Mandaic Letter Az
2119Mandaic Letter It Mandaic Letter It
2120Mandaic Letter Att Mandaic Letter Att
2121Mandaic Letter Aksa Mandaic Letter Aksa
2122Mandaic Letter Ak Mandaic Letter Ak
2123Mandaic Letter Al Mandaic Letter Al
2124Mandaic Letter Am Mandaic Letter Am
2125Mandaic Letter An Mandaic Letter An
2126Mandaic Letter As Mandaic Letter As
2127Mandaic Letter In Mandaic Letter In
2128Mandaic Letter Ap Mandaic Letter Ap
2129Mandaic Letter Asz Mandaic Letter Asz
2130Mandaic Letter Aq Mandaic Letter Aq
2131Mandaic Letter Ar Mandaic Letter Ar
2132Mandaic Letter Ash Mandaic Letter Ash
2133Mandaic Letter At Mandaic Letter At
2134Mandaic Letter Dushenna Mandaic Letter Dushenna
2135Mandaic Letter Kad Mandaic Letter Kad
2136Mandaic Letter Ain Mandaic Letter Ain
2137Mandaic Affrication Mark Mandaic Affrication Mark
2138Mandaic Vocalization Mark Mandaic Vocalization Mark
2139Mandaic Gemination Mark Mandaic Gemination Mark
2142Mandaic Punctuation Mandaic Punctuation
2304Devanagari Sign Inverted Candrabindu Devanagari Sign Inverted Candrabindu
2305Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Devanagari Sign Candrabindu
2306Devanagari Sign Anusvara Devanagari Sign Anusvara
2307Devanagari Sign Visarga Devanagari Sign Visarga
2308Devanagari Letter Short A Devanagari Letter Short A
2309Devanagari Letter A Devanagari Letter A
2310Devanagari Letter Aa Devanagari Letter Aa
2311Devanagari Letter I Devanagari Letter I
2312Devanagari Letter Ii Devanagari Letter Ii
2313Devanagari Letter U Devanagari Letter U
2314Devanagari Letter Uu Devanagari Letter Uu
2315Devanagari Letter Vocalic R Devanagari Letter Vocalic R
2316Devanagari Letter Vocalic L Devanagari Letter Vocalic L
2317Devanagari Letter Candra E Devanagari Letter Candra E
2318Devanagari Letter Short E Devanagari Letter Short E
2319Devanagari Letter E Devanagari Letter E
2320Devanagari Letter Ai Devanagari Letter Ai
2321Devanagari Letter Candra O Devanagari Letter Candra O
2322Devanagari Letter Short O Devanagari Letter Short O
2323Devanagari Letter O Devanagari Letter O
2324Devanagari Letter Au Devanagari Letter Au
2325Devanagari Letter Ka Devanagari Letter Ka
2326Devanagari Letter Kha Devanagari Letter Kha
2327Devanagari Letter Ga Devanagari Letter Ga
2328Devanagari Letter Gha Devanagari Letter Gha
2329Devanagari Letter Nga Devanagari Letter Nga
2330Devanagari Letter Ca Devanagari Letter Ca
2331Devanagari Letter Cha Devanagari Letter Cha
2332Devanagari Letter Ja Devanagari Letter Ja
2333Devanagari Letter Jha Devanagari Letter Jha
2334Devanagari Letter Nya Devanagari Letter Nya
2335Devanagari Letter Tta Devanagari Letter Tta
2336Devanagari Letter Ttha Devanagari Letter Ttha
2337Devanagari Letter Dda Devanagari Letter Dda
2338Devanagari Letter Ddha Devanagari Letter Ddha
2339Devanagari Letter Nna Devanagari Letter Nna
2340Devanagari Letter Ta Devanagari Letter Ta
2341Devanagari Letter Tha Devanagari Letter Tha
2342Devanagari Letter Da Devanagari Letter Da
2343Devanagari Letter Dha Devanagari Letter Dha
2344Devanagari Letter Na Devanagari Letter Na
2345Devanagari Letter Nnna Devanagari Letter Nnna
2346Devanagari Letter Pa Devanagari Letter Pa
2347Devanagari Letter Pha Devanagari Letter Pha
2348Devanagari Letter Ba Devanagari Letter Ba
2349Devanagari Letter Bha Devanagari Letter Bha
2350Devanagari Letter Ma Devanagari Letter Ma
2351Devanagari Letter Ya Devanagari Letter Ya
2352Devanagari Letter Ra Devanagari Letter Ra
2353Devanagari Letter Rra Devanagari Letter Rra
2354Devanagari Letter La Devanagari Letter La
2355Devanagari Letter Lla Devanagari Letter Lla
2356Devanagari Letter Llla Devanagari Letter Llla
2357Devanagari Letter Va Devanagari Letter Va
2358Devanagari Letter Sha Devanagari Letter Sha
2359Devanagari Letter Ssa Devanagari Letter Ssa
2360Devanagari Letter Sa Devanagari Letter Sa
2361Devanagari Letter Ha Devanagari Letter Ha
2362Devanagari Vowel Sign Oe Devanagari Vowel Sign Oe
2363Devanagari Vowel Sign Ooe Devanagari Vowel Sign Ooe
2364Devanagari Sign Nukta Devanagari Sign Nukta
2365Devanagari Sign Avagraha Devanagari Sign Avagraha
2366Devanagari Vowel Sign Aa Devanagari Vowel Sign Aa
2367Devanagari Vowel Sign I Devanagari Vowel Sign I
2368Devanagari Vowel Sign Ii Devanagari Vowel Sign Ii
2369Devanagari Vowel Sign U Devanagari Vowel Sign U
2370Devanagari Vowel Sign Uu Devanagari Vowel Sign Uu
2371Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic R Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic R
2372Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
2373Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra E Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra E
2374Devanagari Vowel Sign Short E Devanagari Vowel Sign Short E
2375Devanagari Vowel Sign E Devanagari Vowel Sign E
2376Devanagari Vowel Sign Ai Devanagari Vowel Sign Ai
2377Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra O Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra O
2378Devanagari Vowel Sign Short O Devanagari Vowel Sign Short O
2379Devanagari Vowel Sign O Devanagari Vowel Sign O
2380Devanagari Vowel Sign Au Devanagari Vowel Sign Au
2381Devanagari Sign Virama Devanagari Sign Virama
2382Devanagari Vowel Sign Prishthamatra E Devanagari Vowel Sign Prishthamatra E
2383Devanagari Vowel Sign Aw Devanagari Vowel Sign Aw
2384Devanagari Om Devanagari Om
2385Devanagari Stress Sign Udatta Devanagari Stress Sign Udatta
2386Devanagari Stress Sign Anudatta Devanagari Stress Sign Anudatta
2387Devanagari Grave Accent Devanagari Grave Accent
2388Devanagari Acute Accent Devanagari Acute Accent
2389Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra Long E Devanagari Vowel Sign Candra Long E
2390Devanagari Vowel Sign Ue Devanagari Vowel Sign Ue
2391Devanagari Vowel Sign Uue Devanagari Vowel Sign Uue
2392Devanagari Letter Qa Devanagari Letter Qa
2393Devanagari Letter Khha Devanagari Letter Khha
2394Devanagari Letter Ghha Devanagari Letter Ghha
2395Devanagari Letter Za Devanagari Letter Za
2396Devanagari Letter Dddha Devanagari Letter Dddha
2397Devanagari Letter Rha Devanagari Letter Rha
2398Devanagari Letter Fa Devanagari Letter Fa
2399Devanagari Letter Yya Devanagari Letter Yya
2400Devanagari Letter Vocalic Rr Devanagari Letter Vocalic Rr
2401Devanagari Letter Vocalic Ll Devanagari Letter Vocalic Ll
2402Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic L Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic L
2403Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Devanagari Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
2404Devanagari Danda Devanagari Danda
2405Devanagari Double Danda Devanagari Double Danda
2406Devanagari Digit Zero Devanagari Digit Zero
2407Devanagari Digit One Devanagari Digit One
2408Devanagari Digit Two Devanagari Digit Two
2409Devanagari Digit Three Devanagari Digit Three
2410Devanagari Digit Four Devanagari Digit Four
2411Devanagari Digit Five Devanagari Digit Five
2412Devanagari Digit Six Devanagari Digit Six
2413Devanagari Digit Seven Devanagari Digit Seven
2414Devanagari Digit Eight Devanagari Digit Eight
2415Devanagari Digit Nine Devanagari Digit Nine
2416Devanagari Abbreviation Sign Devanagari Abbreviation Sign
2417Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot
2418Devanagari Letter Candra A Devanagari Letter Candra A
2419Devanagari Letter Oe Devanagari Letter Oe
2420Devanagari Letter Ooe Devanagari Letter Ooe
2421Devanagari Letter Aw Devanagari Letter Aw
2422Devanagari Letter Ue Devanagari Letter Ue
2423Devanagari Letter Uue Devanagari Letter Uue
2425Devanagari Letter Zha Devanagari Letter Zha
2426Devanagari Letter Heavy Ya Devanagari Letter Heavy Ya
2427Devanagari Letter Gga Devanagari Letter Gga
2428Devanagari Letter Jja Devanagari Letter Jja
2429Devanagari Letter Glottal Stop Devanagari Letter Glottal Stop
2430Devanagari Letter Ddda Devanagari Letter Ddda
2431Devanagari Letter Bba Devanagari Letter Bba
2433Bengali Sign Candrabindu Bengali Sign Candrabindu
2434Bengali Sign Anusvara Bengali Sign Anusvara
2435Bengali Sign Visarga Bengali Sign Visarga
2437Bengali Letter A Bengali Letter A
2438Bengali Letter Aa Bengali Letter Aa
2439Bengali Letter I Bengali Letter I
2440Bengali Letter Ii Bengali Letter Ii
2441Bengali Letter U Bengali Letter U
2442Bengali Letter Uu Bengali Letter Uu
2443Bengali Letter Vocalic R Bengali Letter Vocalic R
2444Bengali Letter Vocalic L Bengali Letter Vocalic L
2447Bengali Letter E Bengali Letter E
2448Bengali Letter Ai Bengali Letter Ai
2451Bengali Letter O Bengali Letter O
2452Bengali Letter Au Bengali Letter Au
2453Bengali Letter Ka Bengali Letter Ka
2454Bengali Letter Kha Bengali Letter Kha
2455Bengali Letter Ga Bengali Letter Ga
2456Bengali Letter Gha Bengali Letter Gha
2457Bengali Letter Nga Bengali Letter Nga
2458Bengali Letter Ca Bengali Letter Ca
2459Bengali Letter Cha Bengali Letter Cha
2460Bengali Letter Ja Bengali Letter Ja
2461Bengali Letter Jha Bengali Letter Jha
2462Bengali Letter Nya Bengali Letter Nya
2463Bengali Letter Tta Bengali Letter Tta
2464Bengali Letter Ttha Bengali Letter Ttha
2465Bengali Letter Dda Bengali Letter Dda
2466Bengali Letter Ddha Bengali Letter Ddha
2467Bengali Letter Nna Bengali Letter Nna
2468Bengali Letter Ta Bengali Letter Ta
2469Bengali Letter Tha Bengali Letter Tha
2470Bengali Letter Da Bengali Letter Da
2471Bengali Letter Dha Bengali Letter Dha
2472Bengali Letter Na Bengali Letter Na
2474Bengali Letter Pa Bengali Letter Pa
2475Bengali Letter Pha Bengali Letter Pha
2476Bengali Letter Ba Bengali Letter Ba
2477Bengali Letter Bha Bengali Letter Bha
2478Bengali Letter Ma Bengali Letter Ma
2479Bengali Letter Ya Bengali Letter Ya
2480Bengali Letter Ra Bengali Letter Ra
2482Bengali Letter La Bengali Letter La
2486Bengali Letter Sha Bengali Letter Sha
2487Bengali Letter Ssa Bengali Letter Ssa
2488Bengali Letter Sa Bengali Letter Sa
2489Bengali Letter Ha Bengali Letter Ha
2492Bengali Sign Nukta Bengali Sign Nukta
2493Bengali Sign Avagraha Bengali Sign Avagraha
2494Bengali Vowel Sign Aa Bengali Vowel Sign Aa
2495Bengali Vowel Sign I Bengali Vowel Sign I
2496Bengali Vowel Sign Ii Bengali Vowel Sign Ii
2497Bengali Vowel Sign U Bengali Vowel Sign U
2498Bengali Vowel Sign Uu Bengali Vowel Sign Uu
2499Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic R Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic R
2500Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
2503Bengali Vowel Sign E Bengali Vowel Sign E
2504Bengali Vowel Sign Ai Bengali Vowel Sign Ai
2507Bengali Vowel Sign O Bengali Vowel Sign O
2508Bengali Vowel Sign Au Bengali Vowel Sign Au
2509Bengali Sign Virama Bengali Sign Virama
2510Bengali Letter Khanda Ta Bengali Letter Khanda Ta
2519Bengali Au Length Mark Bengali Au Length Mark
2524Bengali Letter Rra Bengali Letter Rra
2525Bengali Letter Rha Bengali Letter Rha
2527Bengali Letter Yya Bengali Letter Yya
2528Bengali Letter Vocalic Rr Bengali Letter Vocalic Rr
2529Bengali Letter Vocalic Ll Bengali Letter Vocalic Ll
2530Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic L Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic L
2531Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Bengali Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
2534Bengali Digit Zero Bengali Digit Zero
2535Bengali Digit One Bengali Digit One
2536Bengali Digit Two Bengali Digit Two
2537Bengali Digit Three Bengali Digit Three
2538Bengali Digit Four Bengali Digit Four
2539Bengali Digit Five Bengali Digit Five
2540Bengali Digit Six Bengali Digit Six
2541Bengali Digit Seven Bengali Digit Seven
2542Bengali Digit Eight Bengali Digit Eight
2543Bengali Digit Nine Bengali Digit Nine
2544Bengali Letter Ra With Middle Diagonal Bengali Letter Ra With Middle Diagonal
2545Bengali Letter Ra With Lower Diagonal Bengali Letter Ra With Lower Diagonal
2546Bengali Rupee Mark Bengali Rupee Mark
2547Bengali Rupee Sign Bengali Rupee Sign
2548Bengali Currency Numerator One Bengali Currency Numerator One
2549Bengali Currency Numerator Two Bengali Currency Numerator Two
2550Bengali Currency Numerator Three Bengali Currency Numerator Three
2551Bengali Currency Numerator Four Bengali Currency Numerator Four
2552Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than The Denominator Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than The Denominator
2553Bengali Currency Denominator Sixteen Bengali Currency Denominator Sixteen
2554Bengali Isshar Bengali Isshar
2555Bengali Ganda Mark Bengali Ganda Mark
2561Gurmukhi Sign Adak Bindi Gurmukhi Sign Adak Bindi
2562Gurmukhi Sign Bindi Gurmukhi Sign Bindi
2563Gurmukhi Sign Visarga Gurmukhi Sign Visarga
2565Gurmukhi Letter A Gurmukhi Letter A
2566Gurmukhi Letter Aa Gurmukhi Letter Aa
2567Gurmukhi Letter I Gurmukhi Letter I
2568Gurmukhi Letter Ii Gurmukhi Letter Ii
2569Gurmukhi Letter U Gurmukhi Letter U
2570Gurmukhi Letter Uu Gurmukhi Letter Uu
2575Gurmukhi Letter Ee Gurmukhi Letter Ee
2576Gurmukhi Letter Ai Gurmukhi Letter Ai
2579Gurmukhi Letter Oo Gurmukhi Letter Oo
2580Gurmukhi Letter Au Gurmukhi Letter Au
2581Gurmukhi Letter Ka Gurmukhi Letter Ka
2582Gurmukhi Letter Kha Gurmukhi Letter Kha
2583Gurmukhi Letter Ga Gurmukhi Letter Ga
2584Gurmukhi Letter Gha Gurmukhi Letter Gha
2585Gurmukhi Letter Nga Gurmukhi Letter Nga
2586Gurmukhi Letter Ca Gurmukhi Letter Ca
2587Gurmukhi Letter Cha Gurmukhi Letter Cha
2588Gurmukhi Letter Ja Gurmukhi Letter Ja
2589Gurmukhi Letter Jha Gurmukhi Letter Jha
2590Gurmukhi Letter Nya Gurmukhi Letter Nya
2591Gurmukhi Letter Tta Gurmukhi Letter Tta
2592Gurmukhi Letter Ttha Gurmukhi Letter Ttha
2593Gurmukhi Letter Dda Gurmukhi Letter Dda
2594Gurmukhi Letter Ddha Gurmukhi Letter Ddha
2595Gurmukhi Letter Nna Gurmukhi Letter Nna
2596Gurmukhi Letter Ta Gurmukhi Letter Ta
2597Gurmukhi Letter Tha Gurmukhi Letter Tha
2598Gurmukhi Letter Da Gurmukhi Letter Da
2599Gurmukhi Letter Dha Gurmukhi Letter Dha
2600Gurmukhi Letter Na Gurmukhi Letter Na
2602Gurmukhi Letter Pa Gurmukhi Letter Pa
2603Gurmukhi Letter Pha Gurmukhi Letter Pha
2604Gurmukhi Letter Ba Gurmukhi Letter Ba
2605Gurmukhi Letter Bha Gurmukhi Letter Bha
2606Gurmukhi Letter Ma Gurmukhi Letter Ma
2607Gurmukhi Letter Ya Gurmukhi Letter Ya
2608Gurmukhi Letter Ra Gurmukhi Letter Ra
2610Gurmukhi Letter La Gurmukhi Letter La
2611Gurmukhi Letter Lla Gurmukhi Letter Lla
2613Gurmukhi Letter Va Gurmukhi Letter Va
2614Gurmukhi Letter Sha Gurmukhi Letter Sha
2616Gurmukhi Letter Sa Gurmukhi Letter Sa
2617Gurmukhi Letter Ha Gurmukhi Letter Ha
2620Gurmukhi Sign Nukta Gurmukhi Sign Nukta
2622Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Aa Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Aa
2623Gurmukhi Vowel Sign I Gurmukhi Vowel Sign I
2624Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ii Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ii
2625Gurmukhi Vowel Sign U Gurmukhi Vowel Sign U
2626Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Uu Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Uu
2631Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ee Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ee
2632Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ai Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Ai
2635Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Oo Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Oo
2636Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Au Gurmukhi Vowel Sign Au
2637Gurmukhi Sign Virama Gurmukhi Sign Virama
2641Gurmukhi Sign Udaat Gurmukhi Sign Udaat
2649Gurmukhi Letter Khha Gurmukhi Letter Khha
2650Gurmukhi Letter Ghha Gurmukhi Letter Ghha
2651Gurmukhi Letter Za Gurmukhi Letter Za
2652Gurmukhi Letter Rra Gurmukhi Letter Rra
2654Gurmukhi Letter Fa Gurmukhi Letter Fa
2662Gurmukhi Digit Zero Gurmukhi Digit Zero
2663Gurmukhi Digit One Gurmukhi Digit One
2664Gurmukhi Digit Two Gurmukhi Digit Two
2665Gurmukhi Digit Three Gurmukhi Digit Three
2666Gurmukhi Digit Four Gurmukhi Digit Four
2667Gurmukhi Digit Five Gurmukhi Digit Five
2668Gurmukhi Digit Six Gurmukhi Digit Six
2669Gurmukhi Digit Seven Gurmukhi Digit Seven
2670Gurmukhi Digit Eight Gurmukhi Digit Eight
2671Gurmukhi Digit Nine Gurmukhi Digit Nine
2672Gurmukhi Tippi Gurmukhi Tippi
2673Gurmukhi Addak Gurmukhi Addak
2674Gurmukhi Iri Gurmukhi Iri
2675Gurmukhi Ura Gurmukhi Ura
2676Gurmukhi Ek Onkar Gurmukhi Ek Onkar
2677Gurmukhi Sign Yakash Gurmukhi Sign Yakash
2689Gujarati Sign Candrabindu Gujarati Sign Candrabindu
2690Gujarati Sign Anusvara Gujarati Sign Anusvara
2691Gujarati Sign Visarga Gujarati Sign Visarga
2693Gujarati Letter A Gujarati Letter A
2694Gujarati Letter Aa Gujarati Letter Aa
2695Gujarati Letter I Gujarati Letter I
2696Gujarati Letter Ii Gujarati Letter Ii
2697Gujarati Letter U Gujarati Letter U
2698Gujarati Letter Uu Gujarati Letter Uu
2699Gujarati Letter Vocalic R Gujarati Letter Vocalic R
2700Gujarati Letter Vocalic L Gujarati Letter Vocalic L
2701Gujarati Vowel Candra E Gujarati Vowel Candra E
2703Gujarati Letter E Gujarati Letter E
2704Gujarati Letter Ai Gujarati Letter Ai
2705Gujarati Vowel Candra O Gujarati Vowel Candra O
2707Gujarati Letter O Gujarati Letter O
2708Gujarati Letter Au Gujarati Letter Au
2709Gujarati Letter Ka Gujarati Letter Ka
2710Gujarati Letter Kha Gujarati Letter Kha
2711Gujarati Letter Ga Gujarati Letter Ga
2712Gujarati Letter Gha Gujarati Letter Gha
2713Gujarati Letter Nga Gujarati Letter Nga
2714Gujarati Letter Ca Gujarati Letter Ca
2715Gujarati Letter Cha Gujarati Letter Cha
2716Gujarati Letter Ja Gujarati Letter Ja
2717Gujarati Letter Jha Gujarati Letter Jha
2718Gujarati Letter Nya Gujarati Letter Nya
2719Gujarati Letter Tta Gujarati Letter Tta
2720Gujarati Letter Ttha Gujarati Letter Ttha
2721Gujarati Letter Dda Gujarati Letter Dda
2722Gujarati Letter Ddha Gujarati Letter Ddha
2723Gujarati Letter Nna Gujarati Letter Nna
2724Gujarati Letter Ta Gujarati Letter Ta
2725Gujarati Letter Tha Gujarati Letter Tha
2726Gujarati Letter Da Gujarati Letter Da
2727Gujarati Letter Dha Gujarati Letter Dha
2728Gujarati Letter Na Gujarati Letter Na
2730Gujarati Letter Pa Gujarati Letter Pa
2731Gujarati Letter Pha Gujarati Letter Pha
2732Gujarati Letter Ba Gujarati Letter Ba
2733Gujarati Letter Bha Gujarati Letter Bha
2734Gujarati Letter Ma Gujarati Letter Ma
2735Gujarati Letter Ya Gujarati Letter Ya
2736Gujarati Letter Ra Gujarati Letter Ra
2738Gujarati Letter La Gujarati Letter La
2739Gujarati Letter Lla Gujarati Letter Lla
2741Gujarati Letter Va Gujarati Letter Va
2742Gujarati Letter Sha Gujarati Letter Sha
2743Gujarati Letter Ssa Gujarati Letter Ssa
2744Gujarati Letter Sa Gujarati Letter Sa
2745Gujarati Letter Ha Gujarati Letter Ha
2748Gujarati Sign Nukta Gujarati Sign Nukta
2749Gujarati Sign Avagraha Gujarati Sign Avagraha
2750Gujarati Vowel Sign Aa Gujarati Vowel Sign Aa
2751Gujarati Vowel Sign I Gujarati Vowel Sign I
2752Gujarati Vowel Sign Ii Gujarati Vowel Sign Ii
2753Gujarati Vowel Sign U Gujarati Vowel Sign U
2754Gujarati Vowel Sign Uu Gujarati Vowel Sign Uu
2755Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic R Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic R
2756Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
2757Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra E Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra E
2759Gujarati Vowel Sign E Gujarati Vowel Sign E
2760Gujarati Vowel Sign Ai Gujarati Vowel Sign Ai
2761Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra O Gujarati Vowel Sign Candra O
2763Gujarati Vowel Sign O Gujarati Vowel Sign O
2764Gujarati Vowel Sign Au Gujarati Vowel Sign Au
2765Gujarati Sign Virama Gujarati Sign Virama
2768Gujarati Om Gujarati Om
2784Gujarati Letter Vocalic Rr Gujarati Letter Vocalic Rr
2785Gujarati Letter Vocalic Ll Gujarati Letter Vocalic Ll
2786Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic L Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic L
2787Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Gujarati Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
2790Gujarati Digit Zero Gujarati Digit Zero
2791Gujarati Digit One Gujarati Digit One
2792Gujarati Digit Two Gujarati Digit Two
2793Gujarati Digit Three Gujarati Digit Three
2794Gujarati Digit Four Gujarati Digit Four
2795Gujarati Digit Five Gujarati Digit Five
2796Gujarati Digit Six Gujarati Digit Six
2797Gujarati Digit Seven Gujarati Digit Seven
2798Gujarati Digit Eight Gujarati Digit Eight
2799Gujarati Digit Nine Gujarati Digit Nine
2801Gujarati Rupee Sign Gujarati Rupee Sign
2817Oriya Sign Candrabindu Oriya Sign Candrabindu
2818Oriya Sign Anusvara Oriya Sign Anusvara
2819Oriya Sign Visarga Oriya Sign Visarga
2821Oriya Letter A Oriya Letter A
2822Oriya Letter Aa Oriya Letter Aa
2823Oriya Letter I Oriya Letter I
2824Oriya Letter Ii Oriya Letter Ii
2825Oriya Letter U Oriya Letter U
2826Oriya Letter Uu Oriya Letter Uu
2827Oriya Letter Vocalic R Oriya Letter Vocalic R
2828Oriya Letter Vocalic L Oriya Letter Vocalic L
2831Oriya Letter E Oriya Letter E
2832Oriya Letter Ai Oriya Letter Ai
2835Oriya Letter O Oriya Letter O
2836Oriya Letter Au Oriya Letter Au
2837Oriya Letter Ka Oriya Letter Ka
2838Oriya Letter Kha Oriya Letter Kha
2839Oriya Letter Ga Oriya Letter Ga
2840Oriya Letter Gha Oriya Letter Gha
2841Oriya Letter Nga Oriya Letter Nga
2842Oriya Letter Ca Oriya Letter Ca
2843Oriya Letter Cha Oriya Letter Cha
2844Oriya Letter Ja Oriya Letter Ja
2845Oriya Letter Jha Oriya Letter Jha
2846Oriya Letter Nya Oriya Letter Nya
2847Oriya Letter Tta Oriya Letter Tta
2848Oriya Letter Ttha Oriya Letter Ttha
2849Oriya Letter Dda Oriya Letter Dda
2850Oriya Letter Ddha Oriya Letter Ddha
2851Oriya Letter Nna Oriya Letter Nna
2852Oriya Letter Ta Oriya Letter Ta
2853Oriya Letter Tha Oriya Letter Tha
2854Oriya Letter Da Oriya Letter Da
2855Oriya Letter Dha Oriya Letter Dha
2856Oriya Letter Na Oriya Letter Na
2858Oriya Letter Pa Oriya Letter Pa
2859Oriya Letter Pha Oriya Letter Pha
2860Oriya Letter Ba Oriya Letter Ba
2861Oriya Letter Bha Oriya Letter Bha
2862Oriya Letter Ma Oriya Letter Ma
2863Oriya Letter Ya Oriya Letter Ya
2864Oriya Letter Ra Oriya Letter Ra
2866Oriya Letter La Oriya Letter La
2867Oriya Letter Lla Oriya Letter Lla
2869Oriya Letter Va Oriya Letter Va
2870Oriya Letter Sha Oriya Letter Sha
2871Oriya Letter Ssa Oriya Letter Ssa
2872Oriya Letter Sa Oriya Letter Sa
2873Oriya Letter Ha Oriya Letter Ha
2876Oriya Sign Nukta Oriya Sign Nukta
2877Oriya Sign Avagraha Oriya Sign Avagraha
2878Oriya Vowel Sign Aa Oriya Vowel Sign Aa
2879Oriya Vowel Sign I Oriya Vowel Sign I
2880Oriya Vowel Sign Ii Oriya Vowel Sign Ii
2881Oriya Vowel Sign U Oriya Vowel Sign U
2882Oriya Vowel Sign Uu Oriya Vowel Sign Uu
2883Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic R Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic R
2884Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
2887Oriya Vowel Sign E Oriya Vowel Sign E
2888Oriya Vowel Sign Ai Oriya Vowel Sign Ai
2891Oriya Vowel Sign O Oriya Vowel Sign O
2892Oriya Vowel Sign Au Oriya Vowel Sign Au
2893Oriya Sign Virama Oriya Sign Virama
2902Oriya Ai Length Mark Oriya Ai Length Mark
2903Oriya Au Length Mark Oriya Au Length Mark
2908Oriya Letter Rra Oriya Letter Rra
2909Oriya Letter Rha Oriya Letter Rha
2911Oriya Letter Yya Oriya Letter Yya
2912Oriya Letter Vocalic Rr Oriya Letter Vocalic Rr
2913Oriya Letter Vocalic Ll Oriya Letter Vocalic Ll
2914Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic L Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic L
2915Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Oriya Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
2918Oriya Digit Zero Oriya Digit Zero
2919Oriya Digit One Oriya Digit One
2920Oriya Digit Two Oriya Digit Two
2921Oriya Digit Three Oriya Digit Three
2922Oriya Digit Four Oriya Digit Four
2923Oriya Digit Five Oriya Digit Five
2924Oriya Digit Six Oriya Digit Six
2925Oriya Digit Seven Oriya Digit Seven
2926Oriya Digit Eight Oriya Digit Eight
2927Oriya Digit Nine Oriya Digit Nine
2928Oriya Isshar Oriya Isshar
2929Oriya Letter Wa Oriya Letter Wa
2930Oriya Fraction One Quarter Oriya Fraction One Quarter
2931Oriya Fraction One Half Oriya Fraction One Half
2932Oriya Fraction Three Quarters Oriya Fraction Three Quarters
2933Oriya Fraction One Sixteenth Oriya Fraction One Sixteenth
2934Oriya Fraction One Eighth Oriya Fraction One Eighth
2935Oriya Fraction Three Sixteenths Oriya Fraction Three Sixteenths
2946Tamil Sign Anusvara Tamil Sign Anusvara
2947Tamil Sign Visarga Tamil Sign Visarga
2949Tamil Letter A Tamil Letter A
2950Tamil Letter Aa Tamil Letter Aa
2951Tamil Letter I Tamil Letter I
2952Tamil Letter Ii Tamil Letter Ii
2953Tamil Letter U Tamil Letter U
2954Tamil Letter Uu Tamil Letter Uu
2958Tamil Letter E Tamil Letter E
2959Tamil Letter Ee Tamil Letter Ee
2960Tamil Letter Ai Tamil Letter Ai
2962Tamil Letter O Tamil Letter O
2963Tamil Letter Oo Tamil Letter Oo
2964Tamil Letter Au Tamil Letter Au
2965Tamil Letter Ka Tamil Letter Ka
2969Tamil Letter Nga Tamil Letter Nga
2970Tamil Letter Ca Tamil Letter Ca
2972Tamil Letter Ja Tamil Letter Ja
2974Tamil Letter Nya Tamil Letter Nya
2975Tamil Letter Tta Tamil Letter Tta
2979Tamil Letter Nna Tamil Letter Nna
2980Tamil Letter Ta Tamil Letter Ta
2984Tamil Letter Na Tamil Letter Na
2985Tamil Letter Nnna Tamil Letter Nnna
2986Tamil Letter Pa Tamil Letter Pa
2990Tamil Letter Ma Tamil Letter Ma
2991Tamil Letter Ya Tamil Letter Ya
2992Tamil Letter Ra Tamil Letter Ra
2993Tamil Letter Rra Tamil Letter Rra
2994Tamil Letter La Tamil Letter La
2995Tamil Letter Lla Tamil Letter Lla
2996Tamil Letter Llla Tamil Letter Llla
2997Tamil Letter Va Tamil Letter Va
2998Tamil Letter Sha Tamil Letter Sha
2999Tamil Letter Ssa Tamil Letter Ssa
3000Tamil Letter Sa Tamil Letter Sa
3001Tamil Letter Ha Tamil Letter Ha
3006Tamil Vowel Sign Aa Tamil Vowel Sign Aa
3007Tamil Vowel Sign I Tamil Vowel Sign I
3008Tamil Vowel Sign Ii Tamil Vowel Sign Ii
3009Tamil Vowel Sign U Tamil Vowel Sign U
3010Tamil Vowel Sign Uu Tamil Vowel Sign Uu
3014Tamil Vowel Sign E Tamil Vowel Sign E
3015Tamil Vowel Sign Ee Tamil Vowel Sign Ee
3016Tamil Vowel Sign Ai Tamil Vowel Sign Ai
3018Tamil Vowel Sign O Tamil Vowel Sign O
3019Tamil Vowel Sign Oo Tamil Vowel Sign Oo
3020Tamil Vowel Sign Au Tamil Vowel Sign Au
3021Tamil Sign Virama Tamil Sign Virama
3024Tamil Om Tamil Om
3031Tamil Au Length Mark Tamil Au Length Mark
3046Tamil Digit Zero Tamil Digit Zero
3047Tamil Digit One Tamil Digit One
3048Tamil Digit Two Tamil Digit Two
3049Tamil Digit Three Tamil Digit Three
3050Tamil Digit Four Tamil Digit Four
3051Tamil Digit Five Tamil Digit Five
3052Tamil Digit Six Tamil Digit Six
3053Tamil Digit Seven Tamil Digit Seven
3054Tamil Digit Eight Tamil Digit Eight
3055Tamil Digit Nine Tamil Digit Nine
3056Tamil Number Ten Tamil Number Ten
3057Tamil Number One Hundred Tamil Number One Hundred
3058Tamil Number One Thousand Tamil Number One Thousand
3059Tamil Day Sign Tamil Day Sign
3060Tamil Month Sign Tamil Month Sign
3061Tamil Year Sign Tamil Year Sign
3062Tamil Debit Sign Tamil Debit Sign
3063Tamil Credit Sign Tamil Credit Sign
3064Tamil As Above Sign Tamil As Above Sign
3065Tamil Rupee Sign Tamil Rupee Sign
3066Tamil Number Sign Tamil Number Sign
3073Telugu Sign Candrabindu Telugu Sign Candrabindu
3074Telugu Sign Anusvara Telugu Sign Anusvara
3075Telugu Sign Visarga Telugu Sign Visarga
3077Telugu Letter A Telugu Letter A
3078Telugu Letter Aa Telugu Letter Aa
3079Telugu Letter I Telugu Letter I
3080Telugu Letter Ii Telugu Letter Ii
3081Telugu Letter U Telugu Letter U
3082Telugu Letter Uu Telugu Letter Uu
3083Telugu Letter Vocalic R Telugu Letter Vocalic R
3084Telugu Letter Vocalic L Telugu Letter Vocalic L
3086Telugu Letter E Telugu Letter E
3087Telugu Letter Ee Telugu Letter Ee
3088Telugu Letter Ai Telugu Letter Ai
3090Telugu Letter O Telugu Letter O
3091Telugu Letter Oo Telugu Letter Oo
3092Telugu Letter Au Telugu Letter Au
3093Telugu Letter Ka Telugu Letter Ka
3094Telugu Letter Kha Telugu Letter Kha
3095Telugu Letter Ga Telugu Letter Ga
3096Telugu Letter Gha Telugu Letter Gha
3097Telugu Letter Nga Telugu Letter Nga
3098Telugu Letter Ca Telugu Letter Ca
3099Telugu Letter Cha Telugu Letter Cha
3100Telugu Letter Ja Telugu Letter Ja
3101Telugu Letter Jha Telugu Letter Jha
3102Telugu Letter Nya Telugu Letter Nya
3103Telugu Letter Tta Telugu Letter Tta
3104Telugu Letter Ttha Telugu Letter Ttha
3105Telugu Letter Dda Telugu Letter Dda
3106Telugu Letter Ddha Telugu Letter Ddha
3107Telugu Letter Nna Telugu Letter Nna
3108Telugu Letter Ta Telugu Letter Ta
3109Telugu Letter Tha Telugu Letter Tha
3110Telugu Letter Da Telugu Letter Da
3111Telugu Letter Dha Telugu Letter Dha
3112Telugu Letter Na Telugu Letter Na
3114Telugu Letter Pa Telugu Letter Pa
3115Telugu Letter Pha Telugu Letter Pha
3116Telugu Letter Ba Telugu Letter Ba
3117Telugu Letter Bha Telugu Letter Bha
3118Telugu Letter Ma Telugu Letter Ma
3119Telugu Letter Ya Telugu Letter Ya
3120Telugu Letter Ra Telugu Letter Ra
3121Telugu Letter Rra Telugu Letter Rra
3122Telugu Letter La Telugu Letter La
3123Telugu Letter Lla Telugu Letter Lla
3125Telugu Letter Va Telugu Letter Va
3126Telugu Letter Sha Telugu Letter Sha
3127Telugu Letter Ssa Telugu Letter Ssa
3128Telugu Letter Sa Telugu Letter Sa
3129Telugu Letter Ha Telugu Letter Ha
3133Telugu Sign Avagraha Telugu Sign Avagraha
3134Telugu Vowel Sign Aa Telugu Vowel Sign Aa
3135Telugu Vowel Sign I Telugu Vowel Sign I
3136Telugu Vowel Sign Ii Telugu Vowel Sign Ii
3137Telugu Vowel Sign U Telugu Vowel Sign U
3138Telugu Vowel Sign Uu Telugu Vowel Sign Uu
3139Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic R Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic R
3140Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
3142Telugu Vowel Sign E Telugu Vowel Sign E
3143Telugu Vowel Sign Ee Telugu Vowel Sign Ee
3144Telugu Vowel Sign Ai Telugu Vowel Sign Ai
3146Telugu Vowel Sign O Telugu Vowel Sign O
3147Telugu Vowel Sign Oo Telugu Vowel Sign Oo
3148Telugu Vowel Sign Au Telugu Vowel Sign Au
3149Telugu Sign Virama Telugu Sign Virama
3157Telugu Length Mark Telugu Length Mark
3158Telugu Ai Length Mark Telugu Ai Length Mark
3160Telugu Letter Tsa Telugu Letter Tsa
3161Telugu Letter Dza Telugu Letter Dza
3168Telugu Letter Vocalic Rr Telugu Letter Vocalic Rr
3169Telugu Letter Vocalic Ll Telugu Letter Vocalic Ll
3170Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic L Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic L
3171Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Telugu Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
3174Telugu Digit Zero Telugu Digit Zero
3175Telugu Digit One Telugu Digit One
3176Telugu Digit Two Telugu Digit Two
3177Telugu Digit Three Telugu Digit Three
3178Telugu Digit Four Telugu Digit Four
3179Telugu Digit Five Telugu Digit Five
3180Telugu Digit Six Telugu Digit Six
3181Telugu Digit Seven Telugu Digit Seven
3182Telugu Digit Eight Telugu Digit Eight
3183Telugu Digit Nine Telugu Digit Nine
3192Telugu Fraction Digit Zero For Odd Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit Zero For Odd Powers Of Four
3193Telugu Fraction Digit One For Odd Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit One For Odd Powers Of Four
3194Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Odd Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Odd Powers Of Four
3195Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Odd Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Odd Powers Of Four
3196Telugu Fraction Digit One For Even Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit One For Even Powers Of Four
3197Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Even Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Even Powers Of Four
3198Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Even Powers Of Four Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Even Powers Of Four
3199Telugu Sign Tuumu Telugu Sign Tuumu
3202Kannada Sign Anusvara Kannada Sign Anusvara
3203Kannada Sign Visarga Kannada Sign Visarga
3205Kannada Letter A Kannada Letter A
3206Kannada Letter Aa Kannada Letter Aa
3207Kannada Letter I Kannada Letter I
3208Kannada Letter Ii Kannada Letter Ii
3209Kannada Letter U Kannada Letter U
3210Kannada Letter Uu Kannada Letter Uu
3211Kannada Letter Vocalic R Kannada Letter Vocalic R
3212Kannada Letter Vocalic L Kannada Letter Vocalic L
3214Kannada Letter E Kannada Letter E
3215Kannada Letter Ee Kannada Letter Ee
3216Kannada Letter Ai Kannada Letter Ai
3218Kannada Letter O Kannada Letter O
3219Kannada Letter Oo Kannada Letter Oo
3220Kannada Letter Au Kannada Letter Au
3221Kannada Letter Ka Kannada Letter Ka
3222Kannada Letter Kha Kannada Letter Kha
3223Kannada Letter Ga Kannada Letter Ga
3224Kannada Letter Gha Kannada Letter Gha
3225Kannada Letter Nga Kannada Letter Nga
3226Kannada Letter Ca Kannada Letter Ca
3227Kannada Letter Cha Kannada Letter Cha
3228Kannada Letter Ja Kannada Letter Ja
3229Kannada Letter Jha Kannada Letter Jha
3230Kannada Letter Nya Kannada Letter Nya
3231Kannada Letter Tta Kannada Letter Tta
3232Kannada Letter Ttha Kannada Letter Ttha
3233Kannada Letter Dda Kannada Letter Dda
3234Kannada Letter Ddha Kannada Letter Ddha
3235Kannada Letter Nna Kannada Letter Nna
3236Kannada Letter Ta Kannada Letter Ta
3237Kannada Letter Tha Kannada Letter Tha
3238Kannada Letter Da Kannada Letter Da
3239Kannada Letter Dha Kannada Letter Dha
3240Kannada Letter Na Kannada Letter Na
3242Kannada Letter Pa Kannada Letter Pa
3243Kannada Letter Pha Kannada Letter Pha
3244Kannada Letter Ba Kannada Letter Ba
3245Kannada Letter Bha Kannada Letter Bha
3246Kannada Letter Ma Kannada Letter Ma
3247Kannada Letter Ya Kannada Letter Ya
3248Kannada Letter Ra Kannada Letter Ra
3249Kannada Letter Rra Kannada Letter Rra
3250Kannada Letter La Kannada Letter La
3251Kannada Letter Lla Kannada Letter Lla
3253Kannada Letter Va Kannada Letter Va
3254Kannada Letter Sha Kannada Letter Sha
3255Kannada Letter Ssa Kannada Letter Ssa
3256Kannada Letter Sa Kannada Letter Sa
3257Kannada Letter Ha Kannada Letter Ha
3260Kannada Sign Nukta Kannada Sign Nukta
3261Kannada Sign Avagraha Kannada Sign Avagraha
3262Kannada Vowel Sign Aa Kannada Vowel Sign Aa
3263Kannada Vowel Sign I Kannada Vowel Sign I
3264Kannada Vowel Sign Ii Kannada Vowel Sign Ii
3265Kannada Vowel Sign U Kannada Vowel Sign U
3266Kannada Vowel Sign Uu Kannada Vowel Sign Uu
3267Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic R Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic R
3268Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
3270Kannada Vowel Sign E Kannada Vowel Sign E
3271Kannada Vowel Sign Ee Kannada Vowel Sign Ee
3272Kannada Vowel Sign Ai Kannada Vowel Sign Ai
3274Kannada Vowel Sign O Kannada Vowel Sign O
3275Kannada Vowel Sign Oo Kannada Vowel Sign Oo
3276Kannada Vowel Sign Au Kannada Vowel Sign Au
3277Kannada Sign Virama Kannada Sign Virama
3285Kannada Length Mark Kannada Length Mark
3286Kannada Ai Length Mark Kannada Ai Length Mark
3294Kannada Letter Fa Kannada Letter Fa
3296Kannada Letter Vocalic Rr Kannada Letter Vocalic Rr
3297Kannada Letter Vocalic Ll Kannada Letter Vocalic Ll
3298Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic L Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic L
3299Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Kannada Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
3302Kannada Digit Zero Kannada Digit Zero
3303Kannada Digit One Kannada Digit One
3304Kannada Digit Two Kannada Digit Two
3305Kannada Digit Three Kannada Digit Three
3306Kannada Digit Four Kannada Digit Four
3307Kannada Digit Five Kannada Digit Five
3308Kannada Digit Six Kannada Digit Six
3309Kannada Digit Seven Kannada Digit Seven
3310Kannada Digit Eight Kannada Digit Eight
3311Kannada Digit Nine Kannada Digit Nine
3313Kannada Sign Jihvamuliya Kannada Sign Jihvamuliya
3314Kannada Sign Upadhmaniya Kannada Sign Upadhmaniya
3330Malayalam Sign Anusvara Malayalam Sign Anusvara
3331Malayalam Sign Visarga Malayalam Sign Visarga
3333Malayalam Letter A Malayalam Letter A
3334Malayalam Letter Aa Malayalam Letter Aa
3335Malayalam Letter I Malayalam Letter I
3336Malayalam Letter Ii Malayalam Letter Ii
3337Malayalam Letter U Malayalam Letter U
3338Malayalam Letter Uu Malayalam Letter Uu
3339Malayalam Letter Vocalic R Malayalam Letter Vocalic R
3340Malayalam Letter Vocalic L Malayalam Letter Vocalic L
3342Malayalam Letter E Malayalam Letter E
3343Malayalam Letter Ee Malayalam Letter Ee
3344Malayalam Letter Ai Malayalam Letter Ai
3346Malayalam Letter O Malayalam Letter O
3347Malayalam Letter Oo Malayalam Letter Oo
3348Malayalam Letter Au Malayalam Letter Au
3349Malayalam Letter Ka Malayalam Letter Ka
3350Malayalam Letter Kha Malayalam Letter Kha
3351Malayalam Letter Ga Malayalam Letter Ga
3352Malayalam Letter Gha Malayalam Letter Gha
3353Malayalam Letter Nga Malayalam Letter Nga
3354Malayalam Letter Ca Malayalam Letter Ca
3355Malayalam Letter Cha Malayalam Letter Cha
3356Malayalam Letter Ja Malayalam Letter Ja
3357Malayalam Letter Jha Malayalam Letter Jha
3358Malayalam Letter Nya Malayalam Letter Nya
3359Malayalam Letter Tta Malayalam Letter Tta
3360Malayalam Letter Ttha Malayalam Letter Ttha
3361Malayalam Letter Dda Malayalam Letter Dda
3362Malayalam Letter Ddha Malayalam Letter Ddha
3363Malayalam Letter Nna Malayalam Letter Nna
3364Malayalam Letter Ta Malayalam Letter Ta
3365Malayalam Letter Tha Malayalam Letter Tha
3366Malayalam Letter Da Malayalam Letter Da
3367Malayalam Letter Dha Malayalam Letter Dha
3368Malayalam Letter Na Malayalam Letter Na
3369Malayalam Letter Nnna Malayalam Letter Nnna
3370Malayalam Letter Pa Malayalam Letter Pa
3371Malayalam Letter Pha Malayalam Letter Pha
3372Malayalam Letter Ba Malayalam Letter Ba
3373Malayalam Letter Bha Malayalam Letter Bha
3374Malayalam Letter Ma Malayalam Letter Ma
3375Malayalam Letter Ya Malayalam Letter Ya
3376Malayalam Letter Ra Malayalam Letter Ra
3377Malayalam Letter Rra Malayalam Letter Rra
3378Malayalam Letter La Malayalam Letter La
3379Malayalam Letter Lla Malayalam Letter Lla
3380Malayalam Letter Llla Malayalam Letter Llla
3381Malayalam Letter Va Malayalam Letter Va
3382Malayalam Letter Sha Malayalam Letter Sha
3383Malayalam Letter Ssa Malayalam Letter Ssa
3384Malayalam Letter Sa Malayalam Letter Sa
3385Malayalam Letter Ha Malayalam Letter Ha
3386Malayalam Letter Ttta Malayalam Letter Ttta
3389Malayalam Sign Avagraha Malayalam Sign Avagraha
3390Malayalam Vowel Sign Aa Malayalam Vowel Sign Aa
3391Malayalam Vowel Sign I Malayalam Vowel Sign I
3392Malayalam Vowel Sign Ii Malayalam Vowel Sign Ii
3393Malayalam Vowel Sign U Malayalam Vowel Sign U
3394Malayalam Vowel Sign Uu Malayalam Vowel Sign Uu
3395Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic R Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic R
3396Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
3398Malayalam Vowel Sign E Malayalam Vowel Sign E
3399Malayalam Vowel Sign Ee Malayalam Vowel Sign Ee
3400Malayalam Vowel Sign Ai Malayalam Vowel Sign Ai
3402Malayalam Vowel Sign O Malayalam Vowel Sign O
3403Malayalam Vowel Sign Oo Malayalam Vowel Sign Oo
3404Malayalam Vowel Sign Au Malayalam Vowel Sign Au
3405Malayalam Sign Virama Malayalam Sign Virama
3406Malayalam Letter Dot Reph Malayalam Letter Dot Reph
3415Malayalam Au Length Mark Malayalam Au Length Mark
3424Malayalam Letter Vocalic Rr Malayalam Letter Vocalic Rr
3425Malayalam Letter Vocalic Ll Malayalam Letter Vocalic Ll
3426Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic L Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic L
3427Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Malayalam Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
3430Malayalam Digit Zero Malayalam Digit Zero
3431Malayalam Digit One Malayalam Digit One
3432Malayalam Digit Two Malayalam Digit Two
3433Malayalam Digit Three Malayalam Digit Three
3434Malayalam Digit Four Malayalam Digit Four
3435Malayalam Digit Five Malayalam Digit Five
3436Malayalam Digit Six Malayalam Digit Six
3437Malayalam Digit Seven Malayalam Digit Seven
3438Malayalam Digit Eight Malayalam Digit Eight
3439Malayalam Digit Nine Malayalam Digit Nine
3440Malayalam Number Ten Malayalam Number Ten
3441Malayalam Number One Hundred Malayalam Number One Hundred
3442Malayalam Number One Thousand Malayalam Number One Thousand
3443Malayalam Fraction One Quarter Malayalam Fraction One Quarter
3444Malayalam Fraction One Half Malayalam Fraction One Half
3445Malayalam Fraction Three Quarters Malayalam Fraction Three Quarters
3449Malayalam Date Mark Malayalam Date Mark
3450Malayalam Letter Chillu Nn Malayalam Letter Chillu Nn
3451Malayalam Letter Chillu N Malayalam Letter Chillu N
3452Malayalam Letter Chillu Rr Malayalam Letter Chillu Rr
3453Malayalam Letter Chillu L Malayalam Letter Chillu L
3454Malayalam Letter Chillu Ll Malayalam Letter Chillu Ll
3455Malayalam Letter Chillu K Malayalam Letter Chillu K
3458Sinhala Sign Anusvaraya Sinhala Sign Anusvaraya
3459Sinhala Sign Visargaya Sinhala Sign Visargaya
3461Sinhala Letter Ayanna Sinhala Letter Ayanna
3462Sinhala Letter Aayanna Sinhala Letter Aayanna
3463Sinhala Letter Aeyanna Sinhala Letter Aeyanna
3464Sinhala Letter Aeeyanna Sinhala Letter Aeeyanna
3465Sinhala Letter Iyanna Sinhala Letter Iyanna
3466Sinhala Letter Iiyanna Sinhala Letter Iiyanna
3467Sinhala Letter Uyanna Sinhala Letter Uyanna
3468Sinhala Letter Uuyanna Sinhala Letter Uuyanna
3469Sinhala Letter Iruyanna Sinhala Letter Iruyanna
3470Sinhala Letter Iruuyanna Sinhala Letter Iruuyanna
3471Sinhala Letter Iluyanna Sinhala Letter Iluyanna
3472Sinhala Letter Iluuyanna Sinhala Letter Iluuyanna
3473Sinhala Letter Eyanna Sinhala Letter Eyanna
3474Sinhala Letter Eeyanna Sinhala Letter Eeyanna
3475Sinhala Letter Aiyanna Sinhala Letter Aiyanna
3476Sinhala Letter Oyanna Sinhala Letter Oyanna
3477Sinhala Letter Ooyanna Sinhala Letter Ooyanna
3478Sinhala Letter Auyanna Sinhala Letter Auyanna
3482Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Kayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Kayanna
3483Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Kayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Kayanna
3484Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Gayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Gayanna
3485Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Gayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Gayanna
3486Sinhala Letter Kantaja Naasikyaya Sinhala Letter Kantaja Naasikyaya
3487Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Gayanna Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Gayanna
3488Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Cayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Cayanna
3489Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Cayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Cayanna
3490Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Jayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Jayanna
3491Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Jayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Jayanna
3492Sinhala Letter Taaluja Naasikyaya Sinhala Letter Taaluja Naasikyaya
3493Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sanyooga Naaksikyaya Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sanyooga Naaksikyaya
3494Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Jayanna Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Jayanna
3495Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ttayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ttayanna
3496Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ttayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ttayanna
3497Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ddayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Ddayanna
3498Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ddayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Ddayanna
3499Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Nayanna Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Nayanna
3500Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Ddayanna Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Ddayanna
3501Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Tayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Tayanna
3502Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Tayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Tayanna
3503Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Dayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Dayanna
3504Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Dayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Dayanna
3505Sinhala Letter Dantaja Nayanna Sinhala Letter Dantaja Nayanna
3507Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Dayanna Sinhala Letter Sanyaka Dayanna
3508Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Payanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Payanna
3509Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Payanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Payanna
3510Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Bayanna Sinhala Letter Alpapraana Bayanna
3511Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Bayanna Sinhala Letter Mahaapraana Bayanna
3512Sinhala Letter Mayanna Sinhala Letter Mayanna
3513Sinhala Letter Amba Bayanna Sinhala Letter Amba Bayanna
3514Sinhala Letter Yayanna Sinhala Letter Yayanna
3515Sinhala Letter Rayanna Sinhala Letter Rayanna
3517Sinhala Letter Dantaja Layanna Sinhala Letter Dantaja Layanna
3520Sinhala Letter Vayanna Sinhala Letter Vayanna
3521Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sayanna Sinhala Letter Taaluja Sayanna
3522Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Sayanna Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Sayanna
3523Sinhala Letter Dantaja Sayanna Sinhala Letter Dantaja Sayanna
3524Sinhala Letter Hayanna Sinhala Letter Hayanna
3525Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Layanna Sinhala Letter Muurdhaja Layanna
3526Sinhala Letter Fayanna Sinhala Letter Fayanna
3530Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna
3535Sinhala Vowel Sign Aela-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Aela-Pilla
3536Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Aeda-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Aeda-Pilla
3537Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Aeda-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Aeda-Pilla
3538Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Is-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Is-Pilla
3539Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Is-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Is-Pilla
3540Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Paa-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Ketti Paa-Pilla
3542Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Paa-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Paa-Pilla
3544Sinhala Vowel Sign Gaetta-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Gaetta-Pilla
3545Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva
3546Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Kombuva Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Kombuva
3547Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombu Deka Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombu Deka
3548Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Aela-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Aela-Pilla
3549Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Diga Aela-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Diga Aela-Pilla
3550Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Gayanukitta Sinhala Vowel Sign Kombuva Haa Gayanukitta
3551Sinhala Vowel Sign Gayanukitta Sinhala Vowel Sign Gayanukitta
3570Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gaetta-Pilla Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gaetta-Pilla
3571Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gayanukitta Sinhala Vowel Sign Diga Gayanukitta
3572Sinhala Punctuation Kunddaliya Sinhala Punctuation Kunddaliya
3585Thai Character Ko Kai Thai Character Ko Kai
3586Thai Character Kho Khai Thai Character Kho Khai
3587Thai Character Kho Khuat Thai Character Kho Khuat
3588Thai Character Kho Khwai Thai Character Kho Khwai
3589Thai Character Kho Khon Thai Character Kho Khon
3590Thai Character Kho Rakhang Thai Character Kho Rakhang
3591Thai Character Ngo Ngu Thai Character Ngo Ngu
3592Thai Character Cho Chan Thai Character Cho Chan
3593Thai Character Cho Ching Thai Character Cho Ching
3594Thai Character Cho Chang Thai Character Cho Chang
3595Thai Character So So Thai Character So So
3596Thai Character Cho Choe Thai Character Cho Choe
3597Thai Character Yo Ying Thai Character Yo Ying
3598Thai Character Do Chada Thai Character Do Chada
3599Thai Character To Patak Thai Character To Patak
3600Thai Character Tho Than Thai Character Tho Than
3601Thai Character Tho Nangmontho Thai Character Tho Nangmontho
3602Thai Character Tho Phuthao Thai Character Tho Phuthao
3603Thai Character No Nen Thai Character No Nen
3604Thai Character Do Dek Thai Character Do Dek
3605Thai Character To Tao Thai Character To Tao
3606Thai Character Tho Thung Thai Character Tho Thung
3607Thai Character Tho Thahan Thai Character Tho Thahan
3608Thai Character Tho Thong Thai Character Tho Thong
3609Thai Character No Nu Thai Character No Nu
3610Thai Character Bo Baimai Thai Character Bo Baimai
3611Thai Character Po Pla Thai Character Po Pla
3612Thai Character Pho Phung Thai Character Pho Phung
3613Thai Character Fo Fa Thai Character Fo Fa
3614Thai Character Pho Phan Thai Character Pho Phan
3615Thai Character Fo Fan Thai Character Fo Fan
3616Thai Character Pho Samphao Thai Character Pho Samphao
3617Thai Character Mo Ma Thai Character Mo Ma
3618Thai Character Yo Yak Thai Character Yo Yak
3619Thai Character Ro Rua Thai Character Ro Rua
3620Thai Character Ru Thai Character Ru
3621Thai Character Lo Ling Thai Character Lo Ling
3622Thai Character Lu Thai Character Lu
3623Thai Character Wo Waen Thai Character Wo Waen
3624Thai Character So Sala Thai Character So Sala
3625Thai Character So Rusi Thai Character So Rusi
3626Thai Character So Sua Thai Character So Sua
3627Thai Character Ho Hip Thai Character Ho Hip
3628Thai Character Lo Chula Thai Character Lo Chula
3629Thai Character O Ang Thai Character O Ang
3630Thai Character Ho Nokhuk Thai Character Ho Nokhuk
3631Thai Character Paiyannoi Thai Character Paiyannoi
3632Thai Character Sara A Thai Character Sara A
3633Thai Character Mai Han-Akat Thai Character Mai Han-Akat
3634Thai Character Sara Aa Thai Character Sara Aa
3635Thai Character Sara Am Thai Character Sara Am
3636Thai Character Sara I Thai Character Sara I
3637Thai Character Sara Ii Thai Character Sara Ii
3638Thai Character Sara Ue Thai Character Sara Ue
3639Thai Character Sara Uee Thai Character Sara Uee
3640Thai Character Sara U Thai Character Sara U
3641Thai Character Sara Uu Thai Character Sara Uu
3642Thai Character Phinthu Thai Character Phinthu
3647Thai Currency Symbol Baht Thai Currency Symbol Baht
3648Thai Character Sara E Thai Character Sara E
3649Thai Character Sara Ae Thai Character Sara Ae
3650Thai Character Sara O Thai Character Sara O
3651Thai Character Sara Ai Maimuan Thai Character Sara Ai Maimuan
3652Thai Character Sara Ai Maimalai Thai Character Sara Ai Maimalai
3653Thai Character Lakkhangyao Thai Character Lakkhangyao
3654Thai Character Maiyamok Thai Character Maiyamok
3655Thai Character Maitaikhu Thai Character Maitaikhu
3656Thai Character Mai Ek Thai Character Mai Ek
3657Thai Character Mai Tho Thai Character Mai Tho
3658Thai Character Mai Tri Thai Character Mai Tri
3659Thai Character Mai Chattawa Thai Character Mai Chattawa
3660Thai Character Thanthakhat Thai Character Thanthakhat
3661Thai Character Nikhahit Thai Character Nikhahit
3662Thai Character Yamakkan Thai Character Yamakkan
3663Thai Character Fongman Thai Character Fongman
3664Thai Digit Zero Thai Digit Zero
3665Thai Digit One Thai Digit One
3666Thai Digit Two Thai Digit Two
3667Thai Digit Three Thai Digit Three
3668Thai Digit Four Thai Digit Four
3669Thai Digit Five Thai Digit Five
3670Thai Digit Six Thai Digit Six
3671Thai Digit Seven Thai Digit Seven
3672Thai Digit Eight Thai Digit Eight
3673Thai Digit Nine Thai Digit Nine
3674Thai Character Angkhankhu Thai Character Angkhankhu
3675Thai Character Khomut Thai Character Khomut
3713Lao Letter Ko Lao Letter Ko
3714Lao Letter Kho Sung Lao Letter Kho Sung
3716Lao Letter Kho Tam Lao Letter Kho Tam
3719Lao Letter Ngo Lao Letter Ngo
3720Lao Letter Co Lao Letter Co
3722Lao Letter So Tam Lao Letter So Tam
3725Lao Letter Nyo Lao Letter Nyo
3732Lao Letter Do Lao Letter Do
3733Lao Letter To Lao Letter To
3734Lao Letter Tho Sung Lao Letter Tho Sung
3735Lao Letter Tho Tam Lao Letter Tho Tam
3737Lao Letter No Lao Letter No
3738Lao Letter Bo Lao Letter Bo
3739Lao Letter Po Lao Letter Po
3740Lao Letter Pho Sung Lao Letter Pho Sung
3741Lao Letter Fo Tam Lao Letter Fo Tam
3742Lao Letter Pho Tam Lao Letter Pho Tam
3743Lao Letter Fo Sung Lao Letter Fo Sung
3745Lao Letter Mo Lao Letter Mo
3746Lao Letter Yo Lao Letter Yo
3747Lao Letter Lo Ling Lao Letter Lo Ling
3749Lao Letter Lo Loot Lao Letter Lo Loot
3751Lao Letter Wo Lao Letter Wo
3754Lao Letter So Sung Lao Letter So Sung
3755Lao Letter Ho Sung Lao Letter Ho Sung
3757Lao Letter O Lao Letter O
3758Lao Letter Ho Tam Lao Letter Ho Tam
3759Lao Ellipsis Lao Ellipsis
3760Lao Vowel Sign A Lao Vowel Sign A
3761Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kan Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kan
3762Lao Vowel Sign Aa Lao Vowel Sign Aa
3763Lao Vowel Sign Am Lao Vowel Sign Am
3764Lao Vowel Sign I Lao Vowel Sign I
3765Lao Vowel Sign Ii Lao Vowel Sign Ii
3766Lao Vowel Sign Y Lao Vowel Sign Y
3767Lao Vowel Sign Yy Lao Vowel Sign Yy
3768Lao Vowel Sign U Lao Vowel Sign U
3769Lao Vowel Sign Uu Lao Vowel Sign Uu
3771Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kon Lao Vowel Sign Mai Kon
3772Lao Semivowel Sign Lo Lao Semivowel Sign Lo
3773Lao Semivowel Sign Nyo Lao Semivowel Sign Nyo
3776Lao Vowel Sign E Lao Vowel Sign E
3777Lao Vowel Sign Ei Lao Vowel Sign Ei
3778Lao Vowel Sign O Lao Vowel Sign O
3779Lao Vowel Sign Ay Lao Vowel Sign Ay
3780Lao Vowel Sign Ai Lao Vowel Sign Ai
3782Lao Ko La Lao Ko La
3784Lao Tone Mai Ek Lao Tone Mai Ek
3785Lao Tone Mai Tho Lao Tone Mai Tho
3786Lao Tone Mai Ti Lao Tone Mai Ti
3787Lao Tone Mai Catawa Lao Tone Mai Catawa
3788Lao Cancellation Mark Lao Cancellation Mark
3789Lao Niggahita Lao Niggahita
3792Lao Digit Zero Lao Digit Zero
3793Lao Digit One Lao Digit One
3794Lao Digit Two Lao Digit Two
3795Lao Digit Three Lao Digit Three
3796Lao Digit Four Lao Digit Four
3797Lao Digit Five Lao Digit Five
3798Lao Digit Six Lao Digit Six
3799Lao Digit Seven Lao Digit Seven
3800Lao Digit Eight Lao Digit Eight
3801Lao Digit Nine Lao Digit Nine
3804Lao Ho No Lao Ho No
3805Lao Ho Mo Lao Ho Mo
3840Tibetan Syllable Om Tibetan Syllable Om
3841Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo Truncated A Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo Truncated A
3842Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Rnam Bcad Ma Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Rnam Bcad Ma
3843Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Gter Tsheg Ma Tibetan Mark Gter Yig Mgo -Um Gter Tsheg Ma
3844Tibetan Mark Initial Yig Mgo Mdun Ma Tibetan Mark Initial Yig Mgo Mdun Ma
3845Tibetan Mark Closing Yig Mgo Sgab Ma Tibetan Mark Closing Yig Mgo Sgab Ma
3846Tibetan Mark Caret Yig Mgo Phur Shad Ma Tibetan Mark Caret Yig Mgo Phur Shad Ma
3847Tibetan Mark Yig Mgo Tsheg Shad Ma Tibetan Mark Yig Mgo Tsheg Shad Ma
3848Tibetan Mark Sbrul Shad Tibetan Mark Sbrul Shad
3849Tibetan Mark Bskur Yig Mgo Tibetan Mark Bskur Yig Mgo
3850Tibetan Mark Bka- Shog Yig Mgo Tibetan Mark Bka- Shog Yig Mgo
3851Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg
3852Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar
3853Tibetan Mark Shad Tibetan Mark Shad
3854Tibetan Mark Nyis Shad Tibetan Mark Nyis Shad
3855Tibetan Mark Tsheg Shad Tibetan Mark Tsheg Shad
3856Tibetan Mark Nyis Tsheg Shad Tibetan Mark Nyis Tsheg Shad
3857Tibetan Mark Rin Chen Spungs Shad Tibetan Mark Rin Chen Spungs Shad
3858Tibetan Mark Rgya Gram Shad Tibetan Mark Rgya Gram Shad
3859Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Me Long Can Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Me Long Can
3860Tibetan Mark Gter Tsheg Tibetan Mark Gter Tsheg
3861Tibetan Logotype Sign Chad Rtags Tibetan Logotype Sign Chad Rtags
3862Tibetan Logotype Sign Lhag Rtags Tibetan Logotype Sign Lhag Rtags
3863Tibetan Astrological Sign Sgra Gcan -Char Rtags Tibetan Astrological Sign Sgra Gcan -Char Rtags
3864Tibetan Astrological Sign -Khyud Pa Tibetan Astrological Sign -Khyud Pa
3865Tibetan Astrological Sign Sdong Tshugs Tibetan Astrological Sign Sdong Tshugs
3866Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gcig Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gcig
3867Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gnyis Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gnyis
3868Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gsum Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Gsum
3869Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gcig Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gcig
3870Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gnyis Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gnyis
3871Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Rdel Nag Tibetan Sign Rdel Dkar Rdel Nag
3872Tibetan Digit Zero Tibetan Digit Zero
3873Tibetan Digit One Tibetan Digit One
3874Tibetan Digit Two Tibetan Digit Two
3875Tibetan Digit Three Tibetan Digit Three
3876Tibetan Digit Four Tibetan Digit Four
3877Tibetan Digit Five Tibetan Digit Five
3878Tibetan Digit Six Tibetan Digit Six
3879Tibetan Digit Seven Tibetan Digit Seven
3880Tibetan Digit Eight Tibetan Digit Eight
3881Tibetan Digit Nine Tibetan Digit Nine
3882Tibetan Digit Half One Tibetan Digit Half One
3883Tibetan Digit Half Two Tibetan Digit Half Two
3884Tibetan Digit Half Three Tibetan Digit Half Three
3885Tibetan Digit Half Four Tibetan Digit Half Four
3886Tibetan Digit Half Five Tibetan Digit Half Five
3887Tibetan Digit Half Six Tibetan Digit Half Six
3888Tibetan Digit Half Seven Tibetan Digit Half Seven
3889Tibetan Digit Half Eight Tibetan Digit Half Eight
3890Tibetan Digit Half Nine Tibetan Digit Half Nine
3891Tibetan Digit Half Zero Tibetan Digit Half Zero
3892Tibetan Mark Bsdus Rtags Tibetan Mark Bsdus Rtags
3893Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Nyi Zla Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Nyi Zla
3894Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Bzhi Mig Can Tibetan Mark Caret -Dzud Rtags Bzhi Mig Can
3895Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Sgor Rtags Tibetan Mark Ngas Bzung Sgor Rtags
3896Tibetan Mark Che Mgo Tibetan Mark Che Mgo
3897Tibetan Mark Tsa -Phru Tibetan Mark Tsa -Phru
3898Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyon Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyon
3899Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyas Tibetan Mark Gug Rtags Gyas
3900Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyon Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyon
3901Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyas Tibetan Mark Ang Khang Gyas
3902Tibetan Sign Yar Tshes Tibetan Sign Yar Tshes
3903Tibetan Sign Mar Tshes Tibetan Sign Mar Tshes
3904Tibetan Letter Ka Tibetan Letter Ka
3905Tibetan Letter Kha Tibetan Letter Kha
3906Tibetan Letter Ga Tibetan Letter Ga
3907Tibetan Letter Gha Tibetan Letter Gha
3908Tibetan Letter Nga Tibetan Letter Nga
3909Tibetan Letter Ca Tibetan Letter Ca
3910Tibetan Letter Cha Tibetan Letter Cha
3911Tibetan Letter Ja Tibetan Letter Ja
3913Tibetan Letter Nya Tibetan Letter Nya
3914Tibetan Letter Tta Tibetan Letter Tta
3915Tibetan Letter Ttha Tibetan Letter Ttha
3916Tibetan Letter Dda Tibetan Letter Dda
3917Tibetan Letter Ddha Tibetan Letter Ddha
3918Tibetan Letter Nna Tibetan Letter Nna
3919Tibetan Letter Ta Tibetan Letter Ta
3920Tibetan Letter Tha Tibetan Letter Tha
3921Tibetan Letter Da Tibetan Letter Da
3922Tibetan Letter Dha Tibetan Letter Dha
3923Tibetan Letter Na Tibetan Letter Na
3924Tibetan Letter Pa Tibetan Letter Pa
3925Tibetan Letter Pha Tibetan Letter Pha
3926Tibetan Letter Ba Tibetan Letter Ba
3927Tibetan Letter Bha Tibetan Letter Bha
3928Tibetan Letter Ma Tibetan Letter Ma
3929Tibetan Letter Tsa Tibetan Letter Tsa
3930Tibetan Letter Tsha Tibetan Letter Tsha
3931Tibetan Letter Dza Tibetan Letter Dza
3932Tibetan Letter Dzha Tibetan Letter Dzha
3933Tibetan Letter Wa Tibetan Letter Wa
3934Tibetan Letter Zha Tibetan Letter Zha
3935Tibetan Letter Za Tibetan Letter Za
3936Tibetan Letter -A Tibetan Letter -A
3937Tibetan Letter Ya Tibetan Letter Ya
3938Tibetan Letter Ra Tibetan Letter Ra
3939Tibetan Letter La Tibetan Letter La
3940Tibetan Letter Sha Tibetan Letter Sha
3941Tibetan Letter Ssa Tibetan Letter Ssa
3942Tibetan Letter Sa Tibetan Letter Sa
3943Tibetan Letter Ha Tibetan Letter Ha
3944Tibetan Letter A Tibetan Letter A
3945Tibetan Letter Kssa Tibetan Letter Kssa
3946Tibetan Letter Fixed-Form Ra Tibetan Letter Fixed-Form Ra
3947Tibetan Letter Kka Tibetan Letter Kka
3948Tibetan Letter Rra Tibetan Letter Rra
3953Tibetan Vowel Sign Aa Tibetan Vowel Sign Aa
3954Tibetan Vowel Sign I Tibetan Vowel Sign I
3955Tibetan Vowel Sign Ii Tibetan Vowel Sign Ii
3956Tibetan Vowel Sign U Tibetan Vowel Sign U
3957Tibetan Vowel Sign Uu Tibetan Vowel Sign Uu
3958Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic R Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic R
3959Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
3960Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic L Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic L
3961Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
3962Tibetan Vowel Sign E Tibetan Vowel Sign E
3963Tibetan Vowel Sign Ee Tibetan Vowel Sign Ee
3964Tibetan Vowel Sign O Tibetan Vowel Sign O
3965Tibetan Vowel Sign Oo Tibetan Vowel Sign Oo
3966Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro
3967Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad
3968Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed I Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed I
3969Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed Ii Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed Ii
3970Tibetan Sign Nyi Zla Naa Da Tibetan Sign Nyi Zla Naa Da
3971Tibetan Sign Sna Ldan Tibetan Sign Sna Ldan
3972Tibetan Mark Halanta Tibetan Mark Halanta
3973Tibetan Mark Paluta Tibetan Mark Paluta
3974Tibetan Sign Lci Rtags Tibetan Sign Lci Rtags
3975Tibetan Sign Yang Rtags Tibetan Sign Yang Rtags
3976Tibetan Sign Lce Tsa Can Tibetan Sign Lce Tsa Can
3977Tibetan Sign Mchu Can Tibetan Sign Mchu Can
3978Tibetan Sign Gru Can Rgyings Tibetan Sign Gru Can Rgyings
3979Tibetan Sign Gru Med Rgyings Tibetan Sign Gru Med Rgyings
3980Tibetan Sign Inverted Mchu Can Tibetan Sign Inverted Mchu Can
3981Tibetan Subjoined Sign Lce Tsa Can Tibetan Subjoined Sign Lce Tsa Can
3982Tibetan Subjoined Sign Mchu Can Tibetan Subjoined Sign Mchu Can
3983Tibetan Subjoined Sign Inverted Mchu Can Tibetan Subjoined Sign Inverted Mchu Can
3984Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ka Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ka
3985Tibetan Subjoined Letter Kha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Kha
3986Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ga Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ga
3987Tibetan Subjoined Letter Gha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Gha
3988Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nga Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nga
3989Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ca Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ca
3990Tibetan Subjoined Letter Cha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Cha
3991Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ja Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ja
3993Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nya Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nya
3994Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tta Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tta
3995Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ttha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ttha
3996Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dda Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dda
3997Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ddha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ddha
3998Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nna Tibetan Subjoined Letter Nna
3999Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ta Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ta
4000Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tha
4001Tibetan Subjoined Letter Da Tibetan Subjoined Letter Da
4002Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dha
4003Tibetan Subjoined Letter Na Tibetan Subjoined Letter Na
4004Tibetan Subjoined Letter Pa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Pa
4005Tibetan Subjoined Letter Pha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Pha
4006Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ba Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ba
4007Tibetan Subjoined Letter Bha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Bha
4008Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ma Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ma
4009Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tsa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tsa
4010Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tsha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Tsha
4011Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dza Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dza
4012Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dzha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Dzha
4013Tibetan Subjoined Letter Wa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Wa
4014Tibetan Subjoined Letter Zha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Zha
4015Tibetan Subjoined Letter Za Tibetan Subjoined Letter Za
4016Tibetan Subjoined Letter -A Tibetan Subjoined Letter -A
4017Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ya Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ya
4018Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ra Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ra
4019Tibetan Subjoined Letter La Tibetan Subjoined Letter La
4020Tibetan Subjoined Letter Sha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Sha
4021Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ssa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ssa
4022Tibetan Subjoined Letter Sa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Sa
4023Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ha Tibetan Subjoined Letter Ha
4024Tibetan Subjoined Letter A Tibetan Subjoined Letter A
4025Tibetan Subjoined Letter Kssa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Kssa
4026Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Wa Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Wa
4027Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Ya Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Ya
4028Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Ra Tibetan Subjoined Letter Fixed-Form Ra
4030Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Tibetan Ku Ru Kha
4031Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can
4032Tibetan Cantillation Sign Heavy Beat Tibetan Cantillation Sign Heavy Beat
4033Tibetan Cantillation Sign Light Beat Tibetan Cantillation Sign Light Beat
4034Tibetan Cantillation Sign Cang Te-U Tibetan Cantillation Sign Cang Te-U
4035Tibetan Cantillation Sign Sbub -Chal Tibetan Cantillation Sign Sbub -Chal
4036Tibetan Symbol Dril Bu Tibetan Symbol Dril Bu
4037Tibetan Symbol Rdo Rje Tibetan Symbol Rdo Rje
4038Tibetan Symbol Padma Gdan Tibetan Symbol Padma Gdan
4039Tibetan Symbol Rdo Rje Rgya Gram Tibetan Symbol Rdo Rje Rgya Gram
4040Tibetan Symbol Phur Pa Tibetan Symbol Phur Pa
4041Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu
4042Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Nyis -Khyil Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Nyis -Khyil
4043Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Gsum -Khyil Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Gsum -Khyil
4044Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Bzhi -Khyil Tibetan Symbol Nor Bu Bzhi -Khyil
4046Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Rdel Dkar Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Rdel Dkar
4047Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gsum Tibetan Sign Rdel Nag Gsum
4048Tibetan Mark Bska- Shog Gi Mgo Rgyan Tibetan Mark Bska- Shog Gi Mgo Rgyan
4049Tibetan Mark Mnyam Yig Gi Mgo Rgyan Tibetan Mark Mnyam Yig Gi Mgo Rgyan
4050Tibetan Mark Nyis Tsheg Tibetan Mark Nyis Tsheg
4051Tibetan Mark Initial Brda Rnying Yig Mgo Mdun Ma Tibetan Mark Initial Brda Rnying Yig Mgo Mdun Ma
4052Tibetan Mark Closing Brda Rnying Yig Mgo Sgab Ma Tibetan Mark Closing Brda Rnying Yig Mgo Sgab Ma
4053Right-Facing Svasti Sign Right-Facing Svasti Sign
4054Left-Facing Svasti Sign Left-Facing Svasti Sign
4055Right-Facing Svasti Sign With Dots Right-Facing Svasti Sign With Dots
4056Left-Facing Svasti Sign With Dots Left-Facing Svasti Sign With Dots
4057Tibetan Mark Leading Mchan Rtags Tibetan Mark Leading Mchan Rtags
4058Tibetan Mark Trailing Mchan Rtags Tibetan Mark Trailing Mchan Rtags
4096Myanmar Letter Ka Myanmar Letter Ka
4097Myanmar Letter Kha Myanmar Letter Kha
4098Myanmar Letter Ga Myanmar Letter Ga
4099Myanmar Letter Gha Myanmar Letter Gha
4100Myanmar Letter Nga Myanmar Letter Nga
4101Myanmar Letter Ca Myanmar Letter Ca
4102Myanmar Letter Cha Myanmar Letter Cha
4103Myanmar Letter Ja Myanmar Letter Ja
4104Myanmar Letter Jha Myanmar Letter Jha
4105Myanmar Letter Nya Myanmar Letter Nya
4106Myanmar Letter Nnya Myanmar Letter Nnya
4107Myanmar Letter Tta Myanmar Letter Tta
4108Myanmar Letter Ttha Myanmar Letter Ttha
4109Myanmar Letter Dda Myanmar Letter Dda
4110Myanmar Letter Ddha Myanmar Letter Ddha
4111Myanmar Letter Nna Myanmar Letter Nna
4112Myanmar Letter Ta Myanmar Letter Ta
4113Myanmar Letter Tha Myanmar Letter Tha
4114Myanmar Letter Da Myanmar Letter Da
4115Myanmar Letter Dha Myanmar Letter Dha
4116Myanmar Letter Na Myanmar Letter Na
4117Myanmar Letter Pa Myanmar Letter Pa
4118Myanmar Letter Pha Myanmar Letter Pha
4119Myanmar Letter Ba Myanmar Letter Ba
4120Myanmar Letter Bha Myanmar Letter Bha
4121Myanmar Letter Ma Myanmar Letter Ma
4122Myanmar Letter Ya Myanmar Letter Ya
4123Myanmar Letter Ra Myanmar Letter Ra
4124Myanmar Letter La Myanmar Letter La
4125Myanmar Letter Wa Myanmar Letter Wa
4126Myanmar Letter Sa Myanmar Letter Sa
4127Myanmar Letter Ha Myanmar Letter Ha
4128Myanmar Letter Lla Myanmar Letter Lla
4129Myanmar Letter A Myanmar Letter A
4130Myanmar Letter Shan A Myanmar Letter Shan A
4131Myanmar Letter I Myanmar Letter I
4132Myanmar Letter Ii Myanmar Letter Ii
4133Myanmar Letter U Myanmar Letter U
4134Myanmar Letter Uu Myanmar Letter Uu
4135Myanmar Letter E Myanmar Letter E
4136Myanmar Letter Mon E Myanmar Letter Mon E
4137Myanmar Letter O Myanmar Letter O
4138Myanmar Letter Au Myanmar Letter Au
4139Myanmar Vowel Sign Tall Aa Myanmar Vowel Sign Tall Aa
4140Myanmar Vowel Sign Aa Myanmar Vowel Sign Aa
4141Myanmar Vowel Sign I Myanmar Vowel Sign I
4142Myanmar Vowel Sign Ii Myanmar Vowel Sign Ii
4143Myanmar Vowel Sign U Myanmar Vowel Sign U
4144Myanmar Vowel Sign Uu Myanmar Vowel Sign Uu
4145Myanmar Vowel Sign E Myanmar Vowel Sign E
4146Myanmar Vowel Sign Ai Myanmar Vowel Sign Ai
4147Myanmar Vowel Sign Mon Ii Myanmar Vowel Sign Mon Ii
4148Myanmar Vowel Sign Mon O Myanmar Vowel Sign Mon O
4149Myanmar Vowel Sign E Above Myanmar Vowel Sign E Above
4150Myanmar Sign Anusvara Myanmar Sign Anusvara
4151Myanmar Sign Dot Below Myanmar Sign Dot Below
4152Myanmar Sign Visarga Myanmar Sign Visarga
4153Myanmar Sign Virama Myanmar Sign Virama
4154Myanmar Sign Asat Myanmar Sign Asat
4155Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ya Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ya
4156Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ra Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ra
4157Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Wa Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Wa
4158Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ha Myanmar Consonant Sign Medial Ha
4159Myanmar Letter Great Sa Myanmar Letter Great Sa
4160Myanmar Digit Zero Myanmar Digit Zero
4161Myanmar Digit One Myanmar Digit One
4162Myanmar Digit Two Myanmar Digit Two
4163Myanmar Digit Three Myanmar Digit Three
4164Myanmar Digit Four Myanmar Digit Four
4165Myanmar Digit Five Myanmar Digit Five
4166Myanmar Digit Six Myanmar Digit Six
4167Myanmar Digit Seven Myanmar Digit Seven
4168Myanmar Digit Eight Myanmar Digit Eight
4169Myanmar Digit Nine Myanmar Digit Nine
4170Myanmar Sign Little Section Myanmar Sign Little Section
4171Myanmar Sign Section Myanmar Sign Section
4172Myanmar Symbol Locative Myanmar Symbol Locative
4173Myanmar Symbol Completed Myanmar Symbol Completed
4174Myanmar Symbol Aforementioned Myanmar Symbol Aforementioned
4175Myanmar Symbol Genitive Myanmar Symbol Genitive
4176Myanmar Letter Sha Myanmar Letter Sha
4177Myanmar Letter Ssa Myanmar Letter Ssa
4178Myanmar Letter Vocalic R Myanmar Letter Vocalic R
4179Myanmar Letter Vocalic Rr Myanmar Letter Vocalic Rr
4180Myanmar Letter Vocalic L Myanmar Letter Vocalic L
4181Myanmar Letter Vocalic Ll Myanmar Letter Vocalic Ll
4182Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic R Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic R
4183Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
4184Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic L Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic L
4185Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Myanmar Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
4186Myanmar Letter Mon Nga Myanmar Letter Mon Nga
4187Myanmar Letter Mon Jha Myanmar Letter Mon Jha
4188Myanmar Letter Mon Bba Myanmar Letter Mon Bba
4189Myanmar Letter Mon Bbe Myanmar Letter Mon Bbe
4190Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial Na Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial Na
4191Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial Ma Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial Ma
4192Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial La Myanmar Consonant Sign Mon Medial La
4193Myanmar Letter Sgaw Karen Sha Myanmar Letter Sgaw Karen Sha
4194Myanmar Vowel Sign Sgaw Karen Eu Myanmar Vowel Sign Sgaw Karen Eu
4195Myanmar Tone Mark Sgaw Karen Hathi Myanmar Tone Mark Sgaw Karen Hathi
4196Myanmar Tone Mark Sgaw Karen Ke Pho Myanmar Tone Mark Sgaw Karen Ke Pho
4197Myanmar Letter Western Pwo Karen Tha Myanmar Letter Western Pwo Karen Tha
4198Myanmar Letter Western Pwo Karen Pwa Myanmar Letter Western Pwo Karen Pwa
4199Myanmar Vowel Sign Western Pwo Karen Eu Myanmar Vowel Sign Western Pwo Karen Eu
4200Myanmar Vowel Sign Western Pwo Karen Ue Myanmar Vowel Sign Western Pwo Karen Ue
4201Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-1 Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-1
4202Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-2 Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-2
4203Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-3 Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-3
4204Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-4 Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-4
4205Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-5 Myanmar Sign Western Pwo Karen Tone-5
4206Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Nna Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Nna
4207Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Ywa Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Ywa
4208Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Ghwa Myanmar Letter Eastern Pwo Karen Ghwa
4209Myanmar Vowel Sign Geba Karen I Myanmar Vowel Sign Geba Karen I
4210Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah Oe Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah Oe
4211Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah U Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah U
4212Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah Ee Myanmar Vowel Sign Kayah Ee
4213Myanmar Letter Shan Ka Myanmar Letter Shan Ka
4214Myanmar Letter Shan Kha Myanmar Letter Shan Kha
4215Myanmar Letter Shan Ga Myanmar Letter Shan Ga
4216Myanmar Letter Shan Ca Myanmar Letter Shan Ca
4217Myanmar Letter Shan Za Myanmar Letter Shan Za
4218Myanmar Letter Shan Nya Myanmar Letter Shan Nya
4219Myanmar Letter Shan Da Myanmar Letter Shan Da
4220Myanmar Letter Shan Na Myanmar Letter Shan Na
4221Myanmar Letter Shan Pha Myanmar Letter Shan Pha
4222Myanmar Letter Shan Fa Myanmar Letter Shan Fa
4223Myanmar Letter Shan Ba Myanmar Letter Shan Ba
4224Myanmar Letter Shan Tha Myanmar Letter Shan Tha
4225Myanmar Letter Shan Ha Myanmar Letter Shan Ha
4226Myanmar Consonant Sign Shan Medial Wa Myanmar Consonant Sign Shan Medial Wa
4227Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan Aa Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan Aa
4228Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan E Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan E
4229Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan E Above Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan E Above
4230Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan Final Y Myanmar Vowel Sign Shan Final Y
4231Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-2 Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-2
4232Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-3 Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-3
4233Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-5 Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-5
4234Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-6 Myanmar Sign Shan Tone-6
4235Myanmar Sign Shan Council Tone-2 Myanmar Sign Shan Council Tone-2
4236Myanmar Sign Shan Council Tone-3 Myanmar Sign Shan Council Tone-3
4237Myanmar Sign Shan Council Emphatic Tone Myanmar Sign Shan Council Emphatic Tone
4238Myanmar Letter Rumai Palaung Fa Myanmar Letter Rumai Palaung Fa
4239Myanmar Sign Rumai Palaung Tone-5 Myanmar Sign Rumai Palaung Tone-5
4240Myanmar Shan Digit Zero Myanmar Shan Digit Zero
4241Myanmar Shan Digit One Myanmar Shan Digit One
4242Myanmar Shan Digit Two Myanmar Shan Digit Two
4243Myanmar Shan Digit Three Myanmar Shan Digit Three
4244Myanmar Shan Digit Four Myanmar Shan Digit Four
4245Myanmar Shan Digit Five Myanmar Shan Digit Five
4246Myanmar Shan Digit Six Myanmar Shan Digit Six
4247Myanmar Shan Digit Seven Myanmar Shan Digit Seven
4248Myanmar Shan Digit Eight Myanmar Shan Digit Eight
4249Myanmar Shan Digit Nine Myanmar Shan Digit Nine
4250Myanmar Sign Khamti Tone-1 Myanmar Sign Khamti Tone-1
4251Myanmar Sign Khamti Tone-3 Myanmar Sign Khamti Tone-3
4252Myanmar Vowel Sign Aiton A Myanmar Vowel Sign Aiton A
4253Myanmar Vowel Sign Aiton Ai Myanmar Vowel Sign Aiton Ai
4254Myanmar Symbol Shan One Myanmar Symbol Shan One
4255Myanmar Symbol Shan Exclamation Myanmar Symbol Shan Exclamation
4256Georgian Capital Letter An Georgian Capital Letter An
4257Georgian Capital Letter Ban Georgian Capital Letter Ban
4258Georgian Capital Letter Gan Georgian Capital Letter Gan
4259Georgian Capital Letter Don Georgian Capital Letter Don
4260Georgian Capital Letter En Georgian Capital Letter En
4261Georgian Capital Letter Vin Georgian Capital Letter Vin
4262Georgian Capital Letter Zen Georgian Capital Letter Zen
4263Georgian Capital Letter Tan Georgian Capital Letter Tan
4264Georgian Capital Letter In Georgian Capital Letter In
4265Georgian Capital Letter Kan Georgian Capital Letter Kan
4266Georgian Capital Letter Las Georgian Capital Letter Las
4267Georgian Capital Letter Man Georgian Capital Letter Man
4268Georgian Capital Letter Nar Georgian Capital Letter Nar
4269Georgian Capital Letter On Georgian Capital Letter On
4270Georgian Capital Letter Par Georgian Capital Letter Par
4271Georgian Capital Letter Zhar Georgian Capital Letter Zhar
4272Georgian Capital Letter Rae Georgian Capital Letter Rae
4273Georgian Capital Letter San Georgian Capital Letter San
4274Georgian Capital Letter Tar Georgian Capital Letter Tar
4275Georgian Capital Letter Un Georgian Capital Letter Un
4276Georgian Capital Letter Phar Georgian Capital Letter Phar
4277Georgian Capital Letter Khar Georgian Capital Letter Khar
4278Georgian Capital Letter Ghan Georgian Capital Letter Ghan
4279Georgian Capital Letter Qar Georgian Capital Letter Qar
4280Georgian Capital Letter Shin Georgian Capital Letter Shin
4281Georgian Capital Letter Chin Georgian Capital Letter Chin
4282Georgian Capital Letter Can Georgian Capital Letter Can
4283Georgian Capital Letter Jil Georgian Capital Letter Jil
4284Georgian Capital Letter Cil Georgian Capital Letter Cil
4285Georgian Capital Letter Char Georgian Capital Letter Char
4286Georgian Capital Letter Xan Georgian Capital Letter Xan
4287Georgian Capital Letter Jhan Georgian Capital Letter Jhan
4288Georgian Capital Letter Hae Georgian Capital Letter Hae
4289Georgian Capital Letter He Georgian Capital Letter He
4290Georgian Capital Letter Hie Georgian Capital Letter Hie
4291Georgian Capital Letter We Georgian Capital Letter We
4292Georgian Capital Letter Har Georgian Capital Letter Har
4293Georgian Capital Letter Hoe Georgian Capital Letter Hoe
4304Georgian Letter An Georgian Letter An
4305Georgian Letter Ban Georgian Letter Ban
4306Georgian Letter Gan Georgian Letter Gan
4307Georgian Letter Don Georgian Letter Don
4308Georgian Letter En Georgian Letter En
4309Georgian Letter Vin Georgian Letter Vin
4310Georgian Letter Zen Georgian Letter Zen
4311Georgian Letter Tan Georgian Letter Tan
4312Georgian Letter In Georgian Letter In
4313Georgian Letter Kan Georgian Letter Kan
4314Georgian Letter Las Georgian Letter Las
4315Georgian Letter Man Georgian Letter Man
4316Georgian Letter Nar Georgian Letter Nar
4317Georgian Letter On Georgian Letter On
4318Georgian Letter Par Georgian Letter Par
4319Georgian Letter Zhar Georgian Letter Zhar
4320Georgian Letter Rae Georgian Letter Rae
4321Georgian Letter San Georgian Letter San
4322Georgian Letter Tar Georgian Letter Tar
4323Georgian Letter Un Georgian Letter Un
4324Georgian Letter Phar Georgian Letter Phar
4325Georgian Letter Khar Georgian Letter Khar
4326Georgian Letter Ghan Georgian Letter Ghan
4327Georgian Letter Qar Georgian Letter Qar
4328Georgian Letter Shin Georgian Letter Shin
4329Georgian Letter Chin Georgian Letter Chin
4330Georgian Letter Can Georgian Letter Can
4331Georgian Letter Jil Georgian Letter Jil
4332Georgian Letter Cil Georgian Letter Cil
4333Georgian Letter Char Georgian Letter Char
4334Georgian Letter Xan Georgian Letter Xan
4335Georgian Letter Jhan Georgian Letter Jhan
4336Georgian Letter Hae Georgian Letter Hae
4337Georgian Letter He Georgian Letter He
4338Georgian Letter Hie Georgian Letter Hie
4339Georgian Letter We Georgian Letter We
4340Georgian Letter Har Georgian Letter Har
4341Georgian Letter Hoe Georgian Letter Hoe
4342Georgian Letter Fi Georgian Letter Fi
4343Georgian Letter Yn Georgian Letter Yn
4344Georgian Letter Elifi Georgian Letter Elifi
4345Georgian Letter Turned Gan Georgian Letter Turned Gan
4346Georgian Letter Ain Georgian Letter Ain
4347Georgian Paragraph Separator Georgian Paragraph Separator
4348Modifier Letter Georgian Nar Modifier Letter Georgian Nar
4352Hangul Choseong Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Kiyeok
4353Hangul Choseong Ssangkiyeok Hangul Choseong Ssangkiyeok
4354Hangul Choseong Nieun Hangul Choseong Nieun
4355Hangul Choseong Tikeut Hangul Choseong Tikeut
4356Hangul Choseong Ssangtikeut Hangul Choseong Ssangtikeut
4357Hangul Choseong Rieul Hangul Choseong Rieul
4358Hangul Choseong Mieum Hangul Choseong Mieum
4359Hangul Choseong Pieup Hangul Choseong Pieup
4360Hangul Choseong Ssangpieup Hangul Choseong Ssangpieup
4361Hangul Choseong Sios Hangul Choseong Sios
4362Hangul Choseong Ssangsios Hangul Choseong Ssangsios
4363Hangul Choseong Ieung Hangul Choseong Ieung
4364Hangul Choseong Cieuc Hangul Choseong Cieuc
4365Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc
4366Hangul Choseong Chieuch Hangul Choseong Chieuch
4367Hangul Choseong Khieukh Hangul Choseong Khieukh
4368Hangul Choseong Thieuth Hangul Choseong Thieuth
4369Hangul Choseong Phieuph Hangul Choseong Phieuph
4370Hangul Choseong Hieuh Hangul Choseong Hieuh
4371Hangul Choseong Nieun-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Nieun-Kiyeok
4372Hangul Choseong Ssangnieun Hangul Choseong Ssangnieun
4373Hangul Choseong Nieun-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Nieun-Tikeut
4374Hangul Choseong Nieun-Pieup Hangul Choseong Nieun-Pieup
4375Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Kiyeok
4376Hangul Choseong Rieul-Nieun Hangul Choseong Rieul-Nieun
4377Hangul Choseong Ssangrieul Hangul Choseong Ssangrieul
4378Hangul Choseong Rieul-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Rieul-Hieuh
4379Hangul Choseong Kapyeounrieul Hangul Choseong Kapyeounrieul
4380Hangul Choseong Mieum-Pieup Hangul Choseong Mieum-Pieup
4381Hangul Choseong Kapyeounmieum Hangul Choseong Kapyeounmieum
4382Hangul Choseong Pieup-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Pieup-Kiyeok
4383Hangul Choseong Pieup-Nieun Hangul Choseong Pieup-Nieun
4384Hangul Choseong Pieup-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Pieup-Tikeut
4385Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios
4386Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Kiyeok
4387Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Tikeut
4388Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Pieup Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Pieup
4389Hangul Choseong Pieup-Ssangsios Hangul Choseong Pieup-Ssangsios
4390Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Cieuc
4391Hangul Choseong Pieup-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Pieup-Cieuc
4392Hangul Choseong Pieup-Chieuch Hangul Choseong Pieup-Chieuch
4393Hangul Choseong Pieup-Thieuth Hangul Choseong Pieup-Thieuth
4394Hangul Choseong Pieup-Phieuph Hangul Choseong Pieup-Phieuph
4395Hangul Choseong Kapyeounpieup Hangul Choseong Kapyeounpieup
4396Hangul Choseong Kapyeounssangpieup Hangul Choseong Kapyeounssangpieup
4397Hangul Choseong Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Sios-Kiyeok
4398Hangul Choseong Sios-Nieun Hangul Choseong Sios-Nieun
4399Hangul Choseong Sios-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Sios-Tikeut
4400Hangul Choseong Sios-Rieul Hangul Choseong Sios-Rieul
4401Hangul Choseong Sios-Mieum Hangul Choseong Sios-Mieum
4402Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup
4403Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup-Kiyeok
4404Hangul Choseong Sios-Ssangsios Hangul Choseong Sios-Ssangsios
4405Hangul Choseong Sios-Ieung Hangul Choseong Sios-Ieung
4406Hangul Choseong Sios-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Sios-Cieuc
4407Hangul Choseong Sios-Chieuch Hangul Choseong Sios-Chieuch
4408Hangul Choseong Sios-Khieukh Hangul Choseong Sios-Khieukh
4409Hangul Choseong Sios-Thieuth Hangul Choseong Sios-Thieuth
4410Hangul Choseong Sios-Phieuph Hangul Choseong Sios-Phieuph
4411Hangul Choseong Sios-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Sios-Hieuh
4412Hangul Choseong Chitueumsios Hangul Choseong Chitueumsios
4413Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangsios Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangsios
4414Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumsios Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumsios
4415Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangsios Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangsios
4416Hangul Choseong Pansios Hangul Choseong Pansios
4417Hangul Choseong Ieung-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Ieung-Kiyeok
4418Hangul Choseong Ieung-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Ieung-Tikeut
4419Hangul Choseong Ieung-Mieum Hangul Choseong Ieung-Mieum
4420Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pieup Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pieup
4421Hangul Choseong Ieung-Sios Hangul Choseong Ieung-Sios
4422Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pansios Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pansios
4423Hangul Choseong Ssangieung Hangul Choseong Ssangieung
4424Hangul Choseong Ieung-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Ieung-Cieuc
4425Hangul Choseong Ieung-Chieuch Hangul Choseong Ieung-Chieuch
4426Hangul Choseong Ieung-Thieuth Hangul Choseong Ieung-Thieuth
4427Hangul Choseong Ieung-Phieuph Hangul Choseong Ieung-Phieuph
4428Hangul Choseong Yesieung Hangul Choseong Yesieung
4429Hangul Choseong Cieuc-Ieung Hangul Choseong Cieuc-Ieung
4430Hangul Choseong Chitueumcieuc Hangul Choseong Chitueumcieuc
4431Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangcieuc Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangcieuc
4432Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumcieuc Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumcieuc
4433Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangcieuc Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangcieuc
4434Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Khieukh Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Khieukh
4435Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Hieuh
4436Hangul Choseong Chitueumchieuch Hangul Choseong Chitueumchieuch
4437Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumchieuch Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumchieuch
4438Hangul Choseong Phieuph-Pieup Hangul Choseong Phieuph-Pieup
4439Hangul Choseong Kapyeounphieuph Hangul Choseong Kapyeounphieuph
4440Hangul Choseong Ssanghieuh Hangul Choseong Ssanghieuh
4441Hangul Choseong Yeorinhieuh Hangul Choseong Yeorinhieuh
4442Hangul Choseong Kiyeok-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Kiyeok-Tikeut
4443Hangul Choseong Nieun-Sios Hangul Choseong Nieun-Sios
4444Hangul Choseong Nieun-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Nieun-Cieuc
4445Hangul Choseong Nieun-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Nieun-Hieuh
4446Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Rieul Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Rieul
4447Hangul Choseong Filler Hangul Choseong Filler
4448Hangul Jungseong Filler Hangul Jungseong Filler
4449Hangul Jungseong A Hangul Jungseong A
4450Hangul Jungseong Ae Hangul Jungseong Ae
4451Hangul Jungseong Ya Hangul Jungseong Ya
4452Hangul Jungseong Yae Hangul Jungseong Yae
4453Hangul Jungseong Eo Hangul Jungseong Eo
4454Hangul Jungseong E Hangul Jungseong E
4455Hangul Jungseong Yeo Hangul Jungseong Yeo
4456Hangul Jungseong Ye Hangul Jungseong Ye
4457Hangul Jungseong O Hangul Jungseong O
4458Hangul Jungseong Wa Hangul Jungseong Wa
4459Hangul Jungseong Wae Hangul Jungseong Wae
4460Hangul Jungseong Oe Hangul Jungseong Oe
4461Hangul Jungseong Yo Hangul Jungseong Yo
4462Hangul Jungseong U Hangul Jungseong U
4463Hangul Jungseong Weo Hangul Jungseong Weo
4464Hangul Jungseong We Hangul Jungseong We
4465Hangul Jungseong Wi Hangul Jungseong Wi
4466Hangul Jungseong Yu Hangul Jungseong Yu
4467Hangul Jungseong Eu Hangul Jungseong Eu
4468Hangul Jungseong Yi Hangul Jungseong Yi
4469Hangul Jungseong I Hangul Jungseong I
4470Hangul Jungseong A-O Hangul Jungseong A-O
4471Hangul Jungseong A-U Hangul Jungseong A-U
4472Hangul Jungseong Ya-O Hangul Jungseong Ya-O
4473Hangul Jungseong Ya-Yo Hangul Jungseong Ya-Yo
4474Hangul Jungseong Eo-O Hangul Jungseong Eo-O
4475Hangul Jungseong Eo-U Hangul Jungseong Eo-U
4476Hangul Jungseong Eo-Eu Hangul Jungseong Eo-Eu
4477Hangul Jungseong Yeo-O Hangul Jungseong Yeo-O
4478Hangul Jungseong Yeo-U Hangul Jungseong Yeo-U
4479Hangul Jungseong O-Eo Hangul Jungseong O-Eo
4480Hangul Jungseong O-E Hangul Jungseong O-E
4481Hangul Jungseong O-Ye Hangul Jungseong O-Ye
4482Hangul Jungseong O-O Hangul Jungseong O-O
4483Hangul Jungseong O-U Hangul Jungseong O-U
4484Hangul Jungseong Yo-Ya Hangul Jungseong Yo-Ya
4485Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yae Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yae
4486Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yeo Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yeo
4487Hangul Jungseong Yo-O Hangul Jungseong Yo-O
4488Hangul Jungseong Yo-I Hangul Jungseong Yo-I
4489Hangul Jungseong U-A Hangul Jungseong U-A
4490Hangul Jungseong U-Ae Hangul Jungseong U-Ae
4491Hangul Jungseong U-Eo-Eu Hangul Jungseong U-Eo-Eu
4492Hangul Jungseong U-Ye Hangul Jungseong U-Ye
4493Hangul Jungseong U-U Hangul Jungseong U-U
4494Hangul Jungseong Yu-A Hangul Jungseong Yu-A
4495Hangul Jungseong Yu-Eo Hangul Jungseong Yu-Eo
4496Hangul Jungseong Yu-E Hangul Jungseong Yu-E
4497Hangul Jungseong Yu-Yeo Hangul Jungseong Yu-Yeo
4498Hangul Jungseong Yu-Ye Hangul Jungseong Yu-Ye
4499Hangul Jungseong Yu-U Hangul Jungseong Yu-U
4500Hangul Jungseong Yu-I Hangul Jungseong Yu-I
4501Hangul Jungseong Eu-U Hangul Jungseong Eu-U
4502Hangul Jungseong Eu-Eu Hangul Jungseong Eu-Eu
4503Hangul Jungseong Yi-U Hangul Jungseong Yi-U
4504Hangul Jungseong I-A Hangul Jungseong I-A
4505Hangul Jungseong I-Ya Hangul Jungseong I-Ya
4506Hangul Jungseong I-O Hangul Jungseong I-O
4507Hangul Jungseong I-U Hangul Jungseong I-U
4508Hangul Jungseong I-Eu Hangul Jungseong I-Eu
4509Hangul Jungseong I-Araea Hangul Jungseong I-Araea
4510Hangul Jungseong Araea Hangul Jungseong Araea
4511Hangul Jungseong Araea-Eo Hangul Jungseong Araea-Eo
4512Hangul Jungseong Araea-U Hangul Jungseong Araea-U
4513Hangul Jungseong Araea-I Hangul Jungseong Araea-I
4514Hangul Jungseong Ssangaraea Hangul Jungseong Ssangaraea
4515Hangul Jungseong A-Eu Hangul Jungseong A-Eu
4516Hangul Jungseong Ya-U Hangul Jungseong Ya-U
4517Hangul Jungseong Yeo-Ya Hangul Jungseong Yeo-Ya
4518Hangul Jungseong O-Ya Hangul Jungseong O-Ya
4519Hangul Jungseong O-Yae Hangul Jungseong O-Yae
4520Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok
4521Hangul Jongseong Ssangkiyeok Hangul Jongseong Ssangkiyeok
4522Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios
4523Hangul Jongseong Nieun Hangul Jongseong Nieun
4524Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Cieuc
4525Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Hieuh
4526Hangul Jongseong Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Tikeut
4527Hangul Jongseong Rieul Hangul Jongseong Rieul
4528Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok
4529Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum
4530Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup
4531Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Sios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Sios
4532Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Thieuth
4533Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Phieuph Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Phieuph
4534Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Hieuh
4535Hangul Jongseong Mieum Hangul Jongseong Mieum
4536Hangul Jongseong Pieup Hangul Jongseong Pieup
4537Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Sios Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Sios
4538Hangul Jongseong Sios Hangul Jongseong Sios
4539Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios
4540Hangul Jongseong Ieung Hangul Jongseong Ieung
4541Hangul Jongseong Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Cieuc
4542Hangul Jongseong Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Chieuch
4543Hangul Jongseong Khieukh Hangul Jongseong Khieukh
4544Hangul Jongseong Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Thieuth
4545Hangul Jongseong Phieuph Hangul Jongseong Phieuph
4546Hangul Jongseong Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Hieuh
4547Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Rieul
4548Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios-Kiyeok
4549Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Kiyeok
4550Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Tikeut
4551Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Sios Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Sios
4552Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Pansios Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Pansios
4553Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Thieuth
4554Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Kiyeok
4555Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Rieul
4556Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok-Sios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok-Sios
4557Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Nieun Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Nieun
4558Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut
4559Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut-Hieuh
4560Hangul Jongseong Ssangrieul Hangul Jongseong Ssangrieul
4561Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Kiyeok
4562Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Sios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Sios
4563Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Sios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Sios
4564Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Hieuh
4565Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kapyeounpieup Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kapyeounpieup
4566Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Ssangsios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Ssangsios
4567Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pansios Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pansios
4568Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Khieukh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Khieukh
4569Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yeorinhieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yeorinhieuh
4570Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Kiyeok
4571Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Rieul
4572Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pieup
4573Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Sios Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Sios
4574Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Ssangsios Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Ssangsios
4575Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pansios Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pansios
4576Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Chieuch
4577Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Hieuh
4578Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounmieum Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounmieum
4579Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Rieul
4580Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Phieuph Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Phieuph
4581Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Hieuh
4582Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounpieup Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounpieup
4583Hangul Jongseong Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Sios-Kiyeok
4584Hangul Jongseong Sios-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Sios-Tikeut
4585Hangul Jongseong Sios-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Sios-Rieul
4586Hangul Jongseong Sios-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Sios-Pieup
4587Hangul Jongseong Pansios Hangul Jongseong Pansios
4588Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Kiyeok
4589Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Ssangkiyeok Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Ssangkiyeok
4590Hangul Jongseong Ssangieung Hangul Jongseong Ssangieung
4591Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Khieukh Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Khieukh
4592Hangul Jongseong Yesieung Hangul Jongseong Yesieung
4593Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Sios Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Sios
4594Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Pansios Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Pansios
4595Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Pieup
4596Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounphieuph Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounphieuph
4597Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Nieun Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Nieun
4598Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Rieul
4599Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Mieum Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Mieum
4600Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Pieup
4601Hangul Jongseong Yeorinhieuh Hangul Jongseong Yeorinhieuh
4602Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Nieun Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Nieun
4603Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Pieup
4604Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Chieuch
4605Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Khieukh Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Khieukh
4606Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Hieuh
4607Hangul Jongseong Ssangnieun Hangul Jongseong Ssangnieun
4608Ethiopic Syllable Ha Ethiopic Syllable Ha
4609Ethiopic Syllable Hu Ethiopic Syllable Hu
4610Ethiopic Syllable Hi Ethiopic Syllable Hi
4611Ethiopic Syllable Haa Ethiopic Syllable Haa
4612Ethiopic Syllable Hee Ethiopic Syllable Hee
4613Ethiopic Syllable He Ethiopic Syllable He
4614Ethiopic Syllable Ho Ethiopic Syllable Ho
4615Ethiopic Syllable Hoa Ethiopic Syllable Hoa
4616Ethiopic Syllable La Ethiopic Syllable La
4617Ethiopic Syllable Lu Ethiopic Syllable Lu
4618Ethiopic Syllable Li Ethiopic Syllable Li
4619Ethiopic Syllable Laa Ethiopic Syllable Laa
4620Ethiopic Syllable Lee Ethiopic Syllable Lee
4621Ethiopic Syllable Le Ethiopic Syllable Le
4622Ethiopic Syllable Lo Ethiopic Syllable Lo
4623Ethiopic Syllable Lwa Ethiopic Syllable Lwa
4624Ethiopic Syllable Hha Ethiopic Syllable Hha
4625Ethiopic Syllable Hhu Ethiopic Syllable Hhu
4626Ethiopic Syllable Hhi Ethiopic Syllable Hhi
4627Ethiopic Syllable Hhaa Ethiopic Syllable Hhaa
4628Ethiopic Syllable Hhee Ethiopic Syllable Hhee
4629Ethiopic Syllable Hhe Ethiopic Syllable Hhe
4630Ethiopic Syllable Hho Ethiopic Syllable Hho
4631Ethiopic Syllable Hhwa Ethiopic Syllable Hhwa
4632Ethiopic Syllable Ma Ethiopic Syllable Ma
4633Ethiopic Syllable Mu Ethiopic Syllable Mu
4634Ethiopic Syllable Mi Ethiopic Syllable Mi
4635Ethiopic Syllable Maa Ethiopic Syllable Maa
4636Ethiopic Syllable Mee Ethiopic Syllable Mee
4637Ethiopic Syllable Me Ethiopic Syllable Me
4638Ethiopic Syllable Mo Ethiopic Syllable Mo
4639Ethiopic Syllable Mwa Ethiopic Syllable Mwa
4640Ethiopic Syllable Sza Ethiopic Syllable Sza
4641Ethiopic Syllable Szu Ethiopic Syllable Szu
4642Ethiopic Syllable Szi Ethiopic Syllable Szi
4643Ethiopic Syllable Szaa Ethiopic Syllable Szaa
4644Ethiopic Syllable Szee Ethiopic Syllable Szee
4645Ethiopic Syllable Sze Ethiopic Syllable Sze
4646Ethiopic Syllable Szo Ethiopic Syllable Szo
4647Ethiopic Syllable Szwa Ethiopic Syllable Szwa
4648Ethiopic Syllable Ra Ethiopic Syllable Ra
4649Ethiopic Syllable Ru Ethiopic Syllable Ru
4650Ethiopic Syllable Ri Ethiopic Syllable Ri
4651Ethiopic Syllable Raa Ethiopic Syllable Raa
4652Ethiopic Syllable Ree Ethiopic Syllable Ree
4653Ethiopic Syllable Re Ethiopic Syllable Re
4654Ethiopic Syllable Ro Ethiopic Syllable Ro
4655Ethiopic Syllable Rwa Ethiopic Syllable Rwa
4656Ethiopic Syllable Sa Ethiopic Syllable Sa
4657Ethiopic Syllable Su Ethiopic Syllable Su
4658Ethiopic Syllable Si Ethiopic Syllable Si
4659Ethiopic Syllable Saa Ethiopic Syllable Saa
4660Ethiopic Syllable See Ethiopic Syllable See
4661Ethiopic Syllable Se Ethiopic Syllable Se
4662Ethiopic Syllable So Ethiopic Syllable So
4663Ethiopic Syllable Swa Ethiopic Syllable Swa
4664Ethiopic Syllable Sha Ethiopic Syllable Sha
4665Ethiopic Syllable Shu Ethiopic Syllable Shu
4666Ethiopic Syllable Shi Ethiopic Syllable Shi
4667Ethiopic Syllable Shaa Ethiopic Syllable Shaa
4668Ethiopic Syllable Shee Ethiopic Syllable Shee
4669Ethiopic Syllable She Ethiopic Syllable She
4670Ethiopic Syllable Sho Ethiopic Syllable Sho
4671Ethiopic Syllable Shwa Ethiopic Syllable Shwa
4672Ethiopic Syllable Qa Ethiopic Syllable Qa
4673Ethiopic Syllable Qu Ethiopic Syllable Qu
4674Ethiopic Syllable Qi Ethiopic Syllable Qi
4675Ethiopic Syllable Qaa Ethiopic Syllable Qaa
4676Ethiopic Syllable Qee Ethiopic Syllable Qee
4677Ethiopic Syllable Qe Ethiopic Syllable Qe
4678Ethiopic Syllable Qo Ethiopic Syllable Qo
4679Ethiopic Syllable Qoa Ethiopic Syllable Qoa
4680Ethiopic Syllable Qwa Ethiopic Syllable Qwa
4682Ethiopic Syllable Qwi Ethiopic Syllable Qwi
4683Ethiopic Syllable Qwaa Ethiopic Syllable Qwaa
4684Ethiopic Syllable Qwee Ethiopic Syllable Qwee
4685Ethiopic Syllable Qwe Ethiopic Syllable Qwe
4688Ethiopic Syllable Qha Ethiopic Syllable Qha
4689Ethiopic Syllable Qhu Ethiopic Syllable Qhu
4690Ethiopic Syllable Qhi Ethiopic Syllable Qhi
4691Ethiopic Syllable Qhaa Ethiopic Syllable Qhaa
4692Ethiopic Syllable Qhee Ethiopic Syllable Qhee
4693Ethiopic Syllable Qhe Ethiopic Syllable Qhe
4694Ethiopic Syllable Qho Ethiopic Syllable Qho
4696Ethiopic Syllable Qhwa Ethiopic Syllable Qhwa
4698Ethiopic Syllable Qhwi Ethiopic Syllable Qhwi
4699Ethiopic Syllable Qhwaa Ethiopic Syllable Qhwaa
4700Ethiopic Syllable Qhwee Ethiopic Syllable Qhwee
4701Ethiopic Syllable Qhwe Ethiopic Syllable Qhwe
4704Ethiopic Syllable Ba Ethiopic Syllable Ba
4705Ethiopic Syllable Bu Ethiopic Syllable Bu
4706Ethiopic Syllable Bi Ethiopic Syllable Bi
4707Ethiopic Syllable Baa Ethiopic Syllable Baa
4708Ethiopic Syllable Bee Ethiopic Syllable Bee
4709Ethiopic Syllable Be Ethiopic Syllable Be
4710Ethiopic Syllable Bo Ethiopic Syllable Bo
4711Ethiopic Syllable Bwa Ethiopic Syllable Bwa
4712Ethiopic Syllable Va Ethiopic Syllable Va
4713Ethiopic Syllable Vu Ethiopic Syllable Vu
4714Ethiopic Syllable Vi Ethiopic Syllable Vi
4715Ethiopic Syllable Vaa Ethiopic Syllable Vaa
4716Ethiopic Syllable Vee Ethiopic Syllable Vee
4717Ethiopic Syllable Ve Ethiopic Syllable Ve
4718Ethiopic Syllable Vo Ethiopic Syllable Vo
4719Ethiopic Syllable Vwa Ethiopic Syllable Vwa
4720Ethiopic Syllable Ta Ethiopic Syllable Ta
4721Ethiopic Syllable Tu Ethiopic Syllable Tu
4722Ethiopic Syllable Ti Ethiopic Syllable Ti
4723Ethiopic Syllable Taa Ethiopic Syllable Taa
4724Ethiopic Syllable Tee Ethiopic Syllable Tee
4725Ethiopic Syllable Te Ethiopic Syllable Te
4726Ethiopic Syllable To Ethiopic Syllable To
4727Ethiopic Syllable Twa Ethiopic Syllable Twa
4728Ethiopic Syllable Ca Ethiopic Syllable Ca
4729Ethiopic Syllable Cu Ethiopic Syllable Cu
4730Ethiopic Syllable Ci Ethiopic Syllable Ci
4731Ethiopic Syllable Caa Ethiopic Syllable Caa
4732Ethiopic Syllable Cee Ethiopic Syllable Cee
4733Ethiopic Syllable Ce Ethiopic Syllable Ce
4734Ethiopic Syllable Co Ethiopic Syllable Co
4735Ethiopic Syllable Cwa Ethiopic Syllable Cwa
4736Ethiopic Syllable Xa Ethiopic Syllable Xa
4737Ethiopic Syllable Xu Ethiopic Syllable Xu
4738Ethiopic Syllable Xi Ethiopic Syllable Xi
4739Ethiopic Syllable Xaa Ethiopic Syllable Xaa
4740Ethiopic Syllable Xee Ethiopic Syllable Xee
4741Ethiopic Syllable Xe Ethiopic Syllable Xe
4742Ethiopic Syllable Xo Ethiopic Syllable Xo
4743Ethiopic Syllable Xoa Ethiopic Syllable Xoa
4744Ethiopic Syllable Xwa Ethiopic Syllable Xwa
4746Ethiopic Syllable Xwi Ethiopic Syllable Xwi
4747Ethiopic Syllable Xwaa Ethiopic Syllable Xwaa
4748Ethiopic Syllable Xwee Ethiopic Syllable Xwee
4749Ethiopic Syllable Xwe Ethiopic Syllable Xwe
4752Ethiopic Syllable Na Ethiopic Syllable Na
4753Ethiopic Syllable Nu Ethiopic Syllable Nu
4754Ethiopic Syllable Ni Ethiopic Syllable Ni
4755Ethiopic Syllable Naa Ethiopic Syllable Naa
4756Ethiopic Syllable Nee Ethiopic Syllable Nee
4757Ethiopic Syllable Ne Ethiopic Syllable Ne
4758Ethiopic Syllable No Ethiopic Syllable No
4759Ethiopic Syllable Nwa Ethiopic Syllable Nwa
4760Ethiopic Syllable Nya Ethiopic Syllable Nya
4761Ethiopic Syllable Nyu Ethiopic Syllable Nyu
4762Ethiopic Syllable Nyi Ethiopic Syllable Nyi
4763Ethiopic Syllable Nyaa Ethiopic Syllable Nyaa
4764Ethiopic Syllable Nyee Ethiopic Syllable Nyee
4765Ethiopic Syllable Nye Ethiopic Syllable Nye
4766Ethiopic Syllable Nyo Ethiopic Syllable Nyo
4767Ethiopic Syllable Nywa Ethiopic Syllable Nywa
4768Ethiopic Syllable Glottal A Ethiopic Syllable Glottal A
4769Ethiopic Syllable Glottal U Ethiopic Syllable Glottal U
4770Ethiopic Syllable Glottal I Ethiopic Syllable Glottal I
4771Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Aa Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Aa
4772Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Ee Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Ee
4773Ethiopic Syllable Glottal E Ethiopic Syllable Glottal E
4774Ethiopic Syllable Glottal O Ethiopic Syllable Glottal O
4775Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Wa Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Wa
4776Ethiopic Syllable Ka Ethiopic Syllable Ka
4777Ethiopic Syllable Ku Ethiopic Syllable Ku
4778Ethiopic Syllable Ki Ethiopic Syllable Ki
4779Ethiopic Syllable Kaa Ethiopic Syllable Kaa
4780Ethiopic Syllable Kee Ethiopic Syllable Kee
4781Ethiopic Syllable Ke Ethiopic Syllable Ke
4782Ethiopic Syllable Ko Ethiopic Syllable Ko
4783Ethiopic Syllable Koa Ethiopic Syllable Koa
4784Ethiopic Syllable Kwa Ethiopic Syllable Kwa
4786Ethiopic Syllable Kwi Ethiopic Syllable Kwi
4787Ethiopic Syllable Kwaa Ethiopic Syllable Kwaa
4788Ethiopic Syllable Kwee Ethiopic Syllable Kwee
4789Ethiopic Syllable Kwe Ethiopic Syllable Kwe
4792Ethiopic Syllable Kxa Ethiopic Syllable Kxa
4793Ethiopic Syllable Kxu Ethiopic Syllable Kxu
4794Ethiopic Syllable Kxi Ethiopic Syllable Kxi
4795Ethiopic Syllable Kxaa Ethiopic Syllable Kxaa
4796Ethiopic Syllable Kxee Ethiopic Syllable Kxee
4797Ethiopic Syllable Kxe Ethiopic Syllable Kxe
4798Ethiopic Syllable Kxo Ethiopic Syllable Kxo
4800Ethiopic Syllable Kxwa Ethiopic Syllable Kxwa
4802Ethiopic Syllable Kxwi Ethiopic Syllable Kxwi
4803Ethiopic Syllable Kxwaa Ethiopic Syllable Kxwaa
4804Ethiopic Syllable Kxwee Ethiopic Syllable Kxwee
4805Ethiopic Syllable Kxwe Ethiopic Syllable Kxwe
4808Ethiopic Syllable Wa Ethiopic Syllable Wa
4809Ethiopic Syllable Wu Ethiopic Syllable Wu
4810Ethiopic Syllable Wi Ethiopic Syllable Wi
4811Ethiopic Syllable Waa Ethiopic Syllable Waa
4812Ethiopic Syllable Wee Ethiopic Syllable Wee
4813Ethiopic Syllable We Ethiopic Syllable We
4814Ethiopic Syllable Wo Ethiopic Syllable Wo
4815Ethiopic Syllable Woa Ethiopic Syllable Woa
4816Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal A Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal A
4817Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal U Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal U
4818Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal I Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal I
4819Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Aa Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Aa
4820Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Ee Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Ee
4821Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal E Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal E
4822Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal O Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal O
4824Ethiopic Syllable Za Ethiopic Syllable Za
4825Ethiopic Syllable Zu Ethiopic Syllable Zu
4826Ethiopic Syllable Zi Ethiopic Syllable Zi
4827Ethiopic Syllable Zaa Ethiopic Syllable Zaa
4828Ethiopic Syllable Zee Ethiopic Syllable Zee
4829Ethiopic Syllable Ze Ethiopic Syllable Ze
4830Ethiopic Syllable Zo Ethiopic Syllable Zo
4831Ethiopic Syllable Zwa Ethiopic Syllable Zwa
4832Ethiopic Syllable Zha Ethiopic Syllable Zha
4833Ethiopic Syllable Zhu Ethiopic Syllable Zhu
4834Ethiopic Syllable Zhi Ethiopic Syllable Zhi
4835Ethiopic Syllable Zhaa Ethiopic Syllable Zhaa
4836Ethiopic Syllable Zhee Ethiopic Syllable Zhee
4837Ethiopic Syllable Zhe Ethiopic Syllable Zhe
4838Ethiopic Syllable Zho Ethiopic Syllable Zho
4839Ethiopic Syllable Zhwa Ethiopic Syllable Zhwa
4840Ethiopic Syllable Ya Ethiopic Syllable Ya
4841Ethiopic Syllable Yu Ethiopic Syllable Yu
4842Ethiopic Syllable Yi Ethiopic Syllable Yi
4843Ethiopic Syllable Yaa Ethiopic Syllable Yaa
4844Ethiopic Syllable Yee Ethiopic Syllable Yee
4845Ethiopic Syllable Ye Ethiopic Syllable Ye
4846Ethiopic Syllable Yo Ethiopic Syllable Yo
4847Ethiopic Syllable Yoa Ethiopic Syllable Yoa
4848Ethiopic Syllable Da Ethiopic Syllable Da
4849Ethiopic Syllable Du Ethiopic Syllable Du
4850Ethiopic Syllable Di Ethiopic Syllable Di
4851Ethiopic Syllable Daa Ethiopic Syllable Daa
4852Ethiopic Syllable Dee Ethiopic Syllable Dee
4853Ethiopic Syllable De Ethiopic Syllable De
4854Ethiopic Syllable Do Ethiopic Syllable Do
4855Ethiopic Syllable Dwa Ethiopic Syllable Dwa
4856Ethiopic Syllable Dda Ethiopic Syllable Dda
4857Ethiopic Syllable Ddu Ethiopic Syllable Ddu
4858Ethiopic Syllable Ddi Ethiopic Syllable Ddi
4859Ethiopic Syllable Ddaa Ethiopic Syllable Ddaa
4860Ethiopic Syllable Ddee Ethiopic Syllable Ddee
4861Ethiopic Syllable Dde Ethiopic Syllable Dde
4862Ethiopic Syllable Ddo Ethiopic Syllable Ddo
4863Ethiopic Syllable Ddwa Ethiopic Syllable Ddwa
4864Ethiopic Syllable Ja Ethiopic Syllable Ja
4865Ethiopic Syllable Ju Ethiopic Syllable Ju
4866Ethiopic Syllable Ji Ethiopic Syllable Ji
4867Ethiopic Syllable Jaa Ethiopic Syllable Jaa
4868Ethiopic Syllable Jee Ethiopic Syllable Jee
4869Ethiopic Syllable Je Ethiopic Syllable Je
4870Ethiopic Syllable Jo Ethiopic Syllable Jo
4871Ethiopic Syllable Jwa Ethiopic Syllable Jwa
4872Ethiopic Syllable Ga Ethiopic Syllable Ga
4873Ethiopic Syllable Gu Ethiopic Syllable Gu
4874Ethiopic Syllable Gi Ethiopic Syllable Gi
4875Ethiopic Syllable Gaa Ethiopic Syllable Gaa
4876Ethiopic Syllable Gee Ethiopic Syllable Gee
4877Ethiopic Syllable Ge Ethiopic Syllable Ge
4878Ethiopic Syllable Go Ethiopic Syllable Go
4879Ethiopic Syllable Goa Ethiopic Syllable Goa
4880Ethiopic Syllable Gwa Ethiopic Syllable Gwa
4882Ethiopic Syllable Gwi Ethiopic Syllable Gwi
4883Ethiopic Syllable Gwaa Ethiopic Syllable Gwaa
4884Ethiopic Syllable Gwee Ethiopic Syllable Gwee
4885Ethiopic Syllable Gwe Ethiopic Syllable Gwe
4888Ethiopic Syllable Gga Ethiopic Syllable Gga
4889Ethiopic Syllable Ggu Ethiopic Syllable Ggu
4890Ethiopic Syllable Ggi Ethiopic Syllable Ggi
4891Ethiopic Syllable Ggaa Ethiopic Syllable Ggaa
4892Ethiopic Syllable Ggee Ethiopic Syllable Ggee
4893Ethiopic Syllable Gge Ethiopic Syllable Gge
4894Ethiopic Syllable Ggo Ethiopic Syllable Ggo
4895Ethiopic Syllable Ggwaa Ethiopic Syllable Ggwaa
4896Ethiopic Syllable Tha Ethiopic Syllable Tha
4897Ethiopic Syllable Thu Ethiopic Syllable Thu
4898Ethiopic Syllable Thi Ethiopic Syllable Thi
4899Ethiopic Syllable Thaa Ethiopic Syllable Thaa
4900Ethiopic Syllable Thee Ethiopic Syllable Thee
4901Ethiopic Syllable The Ethiopic Syllable The
4902Ethiopic Syllable Tho Ethiopic Syllable Tho
4903Ethiopic Syllable Thwa Ethiopic Syllable Thwa
4904Ethiopic Syllable Cha Ethiopic Syllable Cha
4905Ethiopic Syllable Chu Ethiopic Syllable Chu
4906Ethiopic Syllable Chi Ethiopic Syllable Chi
4907Ethiopic Syllable Chaa Ethiopic Syllable Chaa
4908Ethiopic Syllable Chee Ethiopic Syllable Chee
4909Ethiopic Syllable Che Ethiopic Syllable Che
4910Ethiopic Syllable Cho Ethiopic Syllable Cho
4911Ethiopic Syllable Chwa Ethiopic Syllable Chwa
4912Ethiopic Syllable Pha Ethiopic Syllable Pha
4913Ethiopic Syllable Phu Ethiopic Syllable Phu
4914Ethiopic Syllable Phi Ethiopic Syllable Phi
4915Ethiopic Syllable Phaa Ethiopic Syllable Phaa
4916Ethiopic Syllable Phee Ethiopic Syllable Phee
4917Ethiopic Syllable Phe Ethiopic Syllable Phe
4918Ethiopic Syllable Pho Ethiopic Syllable Pho
4919Ethiopic Syllable Phwa Ethiopic Syllable Phwa
4920Ethiopic Syllable Tsa Ethiopic Syllable Tsa
4921Ethiopic Syllable Tsu Ethiopic Syllable Tsu
4922Ethiopic Syllable Tsi Ethiopic Syllable Tsi
4923Ethiopic Syllable Tsaa Ethiopic Syllable Tsaa
4924Ethiopic Syllable Tsee Ethiopic Syllable Tsee
4925Ethiopic Syllable Tse Ethiopic Syllable Tse
4926Ethiopic Syllable Tso Ethiopic Syllable Tso
4927Ethiopic Syllable Tswa Ethiopic Syllable Tswa
4928Ethiopic Syllable Tza Ethiopic Syllable Tza
4929Ethiopic Syllable Tzu Ethiopic Syllable Tzu
4930Ethiopic Syllable Tzi Ethiopic Syllable Tzi
4931Ethiopic Syllable Tzaa Ethiopic Syllable Tzaa
4932Ethiopic Syllable Tzee Ethiopic Syllable Tzee
4933Ethiopic Syllable Tze Ethiopic Syllable Tze
4934Ethiopic Syllable Tzo Ethiopic Syllable Tzo
4935Ethiopic Syllable Tzoa Ethiopic Syllable Tzoa
4936Ethiopic Syllable Fa Ethiopic Syllable Fa
4937Ethiopic Syllable Fu Ethiopic Syllable Fu
4938Ethiopic Syllable Fi Ethiopic Syllable Fi
4939Ethiopic Syllable Faa Ethiopic Syllable Faa
4940Ethiopic Syllable Fee Ethiopic Syllable Fee
4941Ethiopic Syllable Fe Ethiopic Syllable Fe
4942Ethiopic Syllable Fo Ethiopic Syllable Fo
4943Ethiopic Syllable Fwa Ethiopic Syllable Fwa
4944Ethiopic Syllable Pa Ethiopic Syllable Pa
4945Ethiopic Syllable Pu Ethiopic Syllable Pu
4946Ethiopic Syllable Pi Ethiopic Syllable Pi
4947Ethiopic Syllable Paa Ethiopic Syllable Paa
4948Ethiopic Syllable Pee Ethiopic Syllable Pee
4949Ethiopic Syllable Pe Ethiopic Syllable Pe
4950Ethiopic Syllable Po Ethiopic Syllable Po
4951Ethiopic Syllable Pwa Ethiopic Syllable Pwa
4952Ethiopic Syllable Rya Ethiopic Syllable Rya
4953Ethiopic Syllable Mya Ethiopic Syllable Mya
4954Ethiopic Syllable Fya Ethiopic Syllable Fya
4957Ethiopic Combining Gemination And Vowel Length Mark Ethiopic Combining Gemination And Vowel Length Mark
4958Ethiopic Combining Vowel Length Mark Ethiopic Combining Vowel Length Mark
4959Ethiopic Combining Gemination Mark Ethiopic Combining Gemination Mark
4960Ethiopic Section Mark Ethiopic Section Mark
4961Ethiopic Wordspace Ethiopic Wordspace
4962Ethiopic Full Stop Ethiopic Full Stop
4963Ethiopic Comma Ethiopic Comma
4964Ethiopic Semicolon Ethiopic Semicolon
4965Ethiopic Colon Ethiopic Colon
4966Ethiopic Preface Colon Ethiopic Preface Colon
4967Ethiopic Question Mark Ethiopic Question Mark
4968Ethiopic Paragraph Separator Ethiopic Paragraph Separator
4969Ethiopic Digit One Ethiopic Digit One
4970Ethiopic Digit Two Ethiopic Digit Two
4971Ethiopic Digit Three Ethiopic Digit Three
4972Ethiopic Digit Four Ethiopic Digit Four
4973Ethiopic Digit Five Ethiopic Digit Five
4974Ethiopic Digit Six Ethiopic Digit Six
4975Ethiopic Digit Seven Ethiopic Digit Seven
4976Ethiopic Digit Eight Ethiopic Digit Eight
4977Ethiopic Digit Nine Ethiopic Digit Nine
4978Ethiopic Number Ten Ethiopic Number Ten
4979Ethiopic Number Twenty Ethiopic Number Twenty
4980Ethiopic Number Thirty Ethiopic Number Thirty
4981Ethiopic Number Forty Ethiopic Number Forty
4982Ethiopic Number Fifty Ethiopic Number Fifty
4983Ethiopic Number Sixty Ethiopic Number Sixty
4984Ethiopic Number Seventy Ethiopic Number Seventy
4985Ethiopic Number Eighty Ethiopic Number Eighty
4986Ethiopic Number Ninety Ethiopic Number Ninety
4987Ethiopic Number Hundred Ethiopic Number Hundred
4988Ethiopic Number Ten Thousand Ethiopic Number Ten Thousand
4992Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Mwa Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Mwa
4993Ethiopic Syllable Mwi Ethiopic Syllable Mwi
4994Ethiopic Syllable Mwee Ethiopic Syllable Mwee
4995Ethiopic Syllable Mwe Ethiopic Syllable Mwe
4996Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Bwa Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Bwa
4997Ethiopic Syllable Bwi Ethiopic Syllable Bwi
4998Ethiopic Syllable Bwee Ethiopic Syllable Bwee
4999Ethiopic Syllable Bwe Ethiopic Syllable Bwe
5000Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Fwa Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Fwa
5001Ethiopic Syllable Fwi Ethiopic Syllable Fwi
5002Ethiopic Syllable Fwee Ethiopic Syllable Fwee
5003Ethiopic Syllable Fwe Ethiopic Syllable Fwe
5004Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Pwa Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Pwa
5005Ethiopic Syllable Pwi Ethiopic Syllable Pwi
5006Ethiopic Syllable Pwee Ethiopic Syllable Pwee
5007Ethiopic Syllable Pwe Ethiopic Syllable Pwe
5008Ethiopic Tonal Mark Yizet Ethiopic Tonal Mark Yizet
5009Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret
5010Ethiopic Tonal Mark Rikrik Ethiopic Tonal Mark Rikrik
5011Ethiopic Tonal Mark Short Rikrik Ethiopic Tonal Mark Short Rikrik
5012Ethiopic Tonal Mark Difat Ethiopic Tonal Mark Difat
5013Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kenat Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kenat
5014Ethiopic Tonal Mark Chiret Ethiopic Tonal Mark Chiret
5015Ethiopic Tonal Mark Hidet Ethiopic Tonal Mark Hidet
5016Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret-Hidet Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret-Hidet
5017Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kurt Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kurt
5024Cherokee Letter A Cherokee Letter A
5025Cherokee Letter E Cherokee Letter E
5026Cherokee Letter I Cherokee Letter I
5027Cherokee Letter O Cherokee Letter O
5028Cherokee Letter U Cherokee Letter U
5029Cherokee Letter V Cherokee Letter V
5030Cherokee Letter Ga Cherokee Letter Ga
5031Cherokee Letter Ka Cherokee Letter Ka
5032Cherokee Letter Ge Cherokee Letter Ge
5033Cherokee Letter Gi Cherokee Letter Gi
5034Cherokee Letter Go Cherokee Letter Go
5035Cherokee Letter Gu Cherokee Letter Gu
5036Cherokee Letter Gv Cherokee Letter Gv
5037Cherokee Letter Ha Cherokee Letter Ha
5038Cherokee Letter He Cherokee Letter He
5039Cherokee Letter Hi Cherokee Letter Hi
5040Cherokee Letter Ho Cherokee Letter Ho
5041Cherokee Letter Hu Cherokee Letter Hu
5042Cherokee Letter Hv Cherokee Letter Hv
5043Cherokee Letter La Cherokee Letter La
5044Cherokee Letter Le Cherokee Letter Le
5045Cherokee Letter Li Cherokee Letter Li
5046Cherokee Letter Lo Cherokee Letter Lo
5047Cherokee Letter Lu Cherokee Letter Lu
5048Cherokee Letter Lv Cherokee Letter Lv
5049Cherokee Letter Ma Cherokee Letter Ma
5050Cherokee Letter Me Cherokee Letter Me
5051Cherokee Letter Mi Cherokee Letter Mi
5052Cherokee Letter Mo Cherokee Letter Mo
5053Cherokee Letter Mu Cherokee Letter Mu
5054Cherokee Letter Na Cherokee Letter Na
5055Cherokee Letter Hna Cherokee Letter Hna
5056Cherokee Letter Nah Cherokee Letter Nah
5057Cherokee Letter Ne Cherokee Letter Ne
5058Cherokee Letter Ni Cherokee Letter Ni
5059Cherokee Letter No Cherokee Letter No
5060Cherokee Letter Nu Cherokee Letter Nu
5061Cherokee Letter Nv Cherokee Letter Nv
5062Cherokee Letter Qua Cherokee Letter Qua
5063Cherokee Letter Que Cherokee Letter Que
5064Cherokee Letter Qui Cherokee Letter Qui
5065Cherokee Letter Quo Cherokee Letter Quo
5066Cherokee Letter Quu Cherokee Letter Quu
5067Cherokee Letter Quv Cherokee Letter Quv
5068Cherokee Letter Sa Cherokee Letter Sa
5069Cherokee Letter S Cherokee Letter S
5070Cherokee Letter Se Cherokee Letter Se
5071Cherokee Letter Si Cherokee Letter Si
5072Cherokee Letter So Cherokee Letter So
5073Cherokee Letter Su Cherokee Letter Su
5074Cherokee Letter Sv Cherokee Letter Sv
5075Cherokee Letter Da Cherokee Letter Da
5076Cherokee Letter Ta Cherokee Letter Ta
5077Cherokee Letter De Cherokee Letter De
5078Cherokee Letter Te Cherokee Letter Te
5079Cherokee Letter Di Cherokee Letter Di
5080Cherokee Letter Ti Cherokee Letter Ti
5081Cherokee Letter Do Cherokee Letter Do
5082Cherokee Letter Du Cherokee Letter Du
5083Cherokee Letter Dv Cherokee Letter Dv
5084Cherokee Letter Dla Cherokee Letter Dla
5085Cherokee Letter Tla Cherokee Letter Tla
5086Cherokee Letter Tle Cherokee Letter Tle
5087Cherokee Letter Tli Cherokee Letter Tli
5088Cherokee Letter Tlo Cherokee Letter Tlo
5089Cherokee Letter Tlu Cherokee Letter Tlu
5090Cherokee Letter Tlv Cherokee Letter Tlv
5091Cherokee Letter Tsa Cherokee Letter Tsa
5092Cherokee Letter Tse Cherokee Letter Tse
5093Cherokee Letter Tsi Cherokee Letter Tsi
5094Cherokee Letter Tso Cherokee Letter Tso
5095Cherokee Letter Tsu Cherokee Letter Tsu
5096Cherokee Letter Tsv Cherokee Letter Tsv
5097Cherokee Letter Wa Cherokee Letter Wa
5098Cherokee Letter We Cherokee Letter We
5099Cherokee Letter Wi Cherokee Letter Wi
5100Cherokee Letter Wo Cherokee Letter Wo
5101Cherokee Letter Wu Cherokee Letter Wu
5102Cherokee Letter Wv Cherokee Letter Wv
5103Cherokee Letter Ya Cherokee Letter Ya
5104Cherokee Letter Ye Cherokee Letter Ye
5105Cherokee Letter Yi Cherokee Letter Yi
5106Cherokee Letter Yo Cherokee Letter Yo
5107Cherokee Letter Yu Cherokee Letter Yu
5108Cherokee Letter Yv Cherokee Letter Yv
5120Canadian Syllabics Hyphen Canadian Syllabics Hyphen
5121Canadian Syllabics E Canadian Syllabics E
5122Canadian Syllabics Aai Canadian Syllabics Aai
5123Canadian Syllabics I Canadian Syllabics I
5124Canadian Syllabics Ii Canadian Syllabics Ii
5125Canadian Syllabics O Canadian Syllabics O
5126Canadian Syllabics Oo Canadian Syllabics Oo
5127Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Oo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Oo
5128Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ee
5129Canadian Syllabics Carrier I Canadian Syllabics Carrier I
5130Canadian Syllabics A Canadian Syllabics A
5131Canadian Syllabics Aa Canadian Syllabics Aa
5132Canadian Syllabics We Canadian Syllabics We
5133Canadian Syllabics West-Cree We Canadian Syllabics West-Cree We
5134Canadian Syllabics Wi Canadian Syllabics Wi
5135Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wi
5136Canadian Syllabics Wii Canadian Syllabics Wii
5137Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wii
5138Canadian Syllabics Wo Canadian Syllabics Wo
5139Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wo
5140Canadian Syllabics Woo Canadian Syllabics Woo
5141Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Woo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Woo
5142Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Woo Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Woo
5143Canadian Syllabics Wa Canadian Syllabics Wa
5144Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wa
5145Canadian Syllabics Waa Canadian Syllabics Waa
5146Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Waa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Waa
5147Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Waa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Waa
5148Canadian Syllabics Ai Canadian Syllabics Ai
5149Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree W Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree W
5150Canadian Syllabics Glottal Stop Canadian Syllabics Glottal Stop
5151Canadian Syllabics Final Acute Canadian Syllabics Final Acute
5152Canadian Syllabics Final Grave Canadian Syllabics Final Grave
5153Canadian Syllabics Final Bottom Half Ring Canadian Syllabics Final Bottom Half Ring
5154Canadian Syllabics Final Top Half Ring Canadian Syllabics Final Top Half Ring
5155Canadian Syllabics Final Right Half Ring Canadian Syllabics Final Right Half Ring
5156Canadian Syllabics Final Ring Canadian Syllabics Final Ring
5157Canadian Syllabics Final Double Acute Canadian Syllabics Final Double Acute
5158Canadian Syllabics Final Double Short Vertical Strokes Canadian Syllabics Final Double Short Vertical Strokes
5159Canadian Syllabics Final Middle Dot Canadian Syllabics Final Middle Dot
5160Canadian Syllabics Final Short Horizontal Stroke Canadian Syllabics Final Short Horizontal Stroke
5161Canadian Syllabics Final Plus Canadian Syllabics Final Plus
5162Canadian Syllabics Final Down Tack Canadian Syllabics Final Down Tack
5163Canadian Syllabics En Canadian Syllabics En
5164Canadian Syllabics In Canadian Syllabics In
5165Canadian Syllabics On Canadian Syllabics On
5166Canadian Syllabics An Canadian Syllabics An
5167Canadian Syllabics Pe Canadian Syllabics Pe
5168Canadian Syllabics Paai Canadian Syllabics Paai
5169Canadian Syllabics Pi Canadian Syllabics Pi
5170Canadian Syllabics Pii Canadian Syllabics Pii
5171Canadian Syllabics Po Canadian Syllabics Po
5172Canadian Syllabics Poo Canadian Syllabics Poo
5173Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Poo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Poo
5174Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hee
5175Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hi
5176Canadian Syllabics Pa Canadian Syllabics Pa
5177Canadian Syllabics Paa Canadian Syllabics Paa
5178Canadian Syllabics Pwe Canadian Syllabics Pwe
5179Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwe
5180Canadian Syllabics Pwi Canadian Syllabics Pwi
5181Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwi
5182Canadian Syllabics Pwii Canadian Syllabics Pwii
5183Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwii
5184Canadian Syllabics Pwo Canadian Syllabics Pwo
5185Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwo
5186Canadian Syllabics Pwoo Canadian Syllabics Pwoo
5187Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwoo
5188Canadian Syllabics Pwa Canadian Syllabics Pwa
5189Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwa
5190Canadian Syllabics Pwaa Canadian Syllabics Pwaa
5191Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwaa
5192Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Pwaa Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Pwaa
5193Canadian Syllabics P Canadian Syllabics P
5194Canadian Syllabics West-Cree P Canadian Syllabics West-Cree P
5195Canadian Syllabics Carrier H Canadian Syllabics Carrier H
5196Canadian Syllabics Te Canadian Syllabics Te
5197Canadian Syllabics Taai Canadian Syllabics Taai
5198Canadian Syllabics Ti Canadian Syllabics Ti
5199Canadian Syllabics Tii Canadian Syllabics Tii
5200Canadian Syllabics To Canadian Syllabics To
5201Canadian Syllabics Too Canadian Syllabics Too
5202Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Too Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Too
5203Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dee
5204Canadian Syllabics Carrier Di Canadian Syllabics Carrier Di
5205Canadian Syllabics Ta Canadian Syllabics Ta
5206Canadian Syllabics Taa Canadian Syllabics Taa
5207Canadian Syllabics Twe Canadian Syllabics Twe
5208Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twe
5209Canadian Syllabics Twi Canadian Syllabics Twi
5210Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twi
5211Canadian Syllabics Twii Canadian Syllabics Twii
5212Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twii
5213Canadian Syllabics Two Canadian Syllabics Two
5214Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Two Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Two
5215Canadian Syllabics Twoo Canadian Syllabics Twoo
5216Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twoo
5217Canadian Syllabics Twa Canadian Syllabics Twa
5218Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twa
5219Canadian Syllabics Twaa Canadian Syllabics Twaa
5220Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Twaa
5221Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Twaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Twaa
5222Canadian Syllabics T Canadian Syllabics T
5223Canadian Syllabics Tte Canadian Syllabics Tte
5224Canadian Syllabics Tti Canadian Syllabics Tti
5225Canadian Syllabics Tto Canadian Syllabics Tto
5226Canadian Syllabics Tta Canadian Syllabics Tta
5227Canadian Syllabics Ke Canadian Syllabics Ke
5228Canadian Syllabics Kaai Canadian Syllabics Kaai
5229Canadian Syllabics Ki Canadian Syllabics Ki
5230Canadian Syllabics Kii Canadian Syllabics Kii
5231Canadian Syllabics Ko Canadian Syllabics Ko
5232Canadian Syllabics Koo Canadian Syllabics Koo
5233Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Koo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Koo
5234Canadian Syllabics Ka Canadian Syllabics Ka
5235Canadian Syllabics Kaa Canadian Syllabics Kaa
5236Canadian Syllabics Kwe Canadian Syllabics Kwe
5237Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwe
5238Canadian Syllabics Kwi Canadian Syllabics Kwi
5239Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwi
5240Canadian Syllabics Kwii Canadian Syllabics Kwii
5241Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwii
5242Canadian Syllabics Kwo Canadian Syllabics Kwo
5243Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwo
5244Canadian Syllabics Kwoo Canadian Syllabics Kwoo
5245Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwoo
5246Canadian Syllabics Kwa Canadian Syllabics Kwa
5247Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwa
5248Canadian Syllabics Kwaa Canadian Syllabics Kwaa
5249Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Kwaa
5250Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Kwaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Kwaa
5251Canadian Syllabics K Canadian Syllabics K
5252Canadian Syllabics Kw Canadian Syllabics Kw
5253Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Keh Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Keh
5254Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Kih Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Kih
5255Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Koh Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Koh
5256Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Kah Canadian Syllabics South-Slavey Kah
5257Canadian Syllabics Ce Canadian Syllabics Ce
5258Canadian Syllabics Caai Canadian Syllabics Caai
5259Canadian Syllabics Ci Canadian Syllabics Ci
5260Canadian Syllabics Cii Canadian Syllabics Cii
5261Canadian Syllabics Co Canadian Syllabics Co
5262Canadian Syllabics Coo Canadian Syllabics Coo
5263Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Coo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Coo
5264Canadian Syllabics Ca Canadian Syllabics Ca
5265Canadian Syllabics Caa Canadian Syllabics Caa
5266Canadian Syllabics Cwe Canadian Syllabics Cwe
5267Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwe
5268Canadian Syllabics Cwi Canadian Syllabics Cwi
5269Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwi
5270Canadian Syllabics Cwii Canadian Syllabics Cwii
5271Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwii
5272Canadian Syllabics Cwo Canadian Syllabics Cwo
5273Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwo
5274Canadian Syllabics Cwoo Canadian Syllabics Cwoo
5275Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwoo
5276Canadian Syllabics Cwa Canadian Syllabics Cwa
5277Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwa
5278Canadian Syllabics Cwaa Canadian Syllabics Cwaa
5279Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwaa
5280Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Cwaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Cwaa
5281Canadian Syllabics C Canadian Syllabics C
5282Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Th Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Th
5283Canadian Syllabics Me Canadian Syllabics Me
5284Canadian Syllabics Maai Canadian Syllabics Maai
5285Canadian Syllabics Mi Canadian Syllabics Mi
5286Canadian Syllabics Mii Canadian Syllabics Mii
5287Canadian Syllabics Mo Canadian Syllabics Mo
5288Canadian Syllabics Moo Canadian Syllabics Moo
5289Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Moo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Moo
5290Canadian Syllabics Ma Canadian Syllabics Ma
5291Canadian Syllabics Maa Canadian Syllabics Maa
5292Canadian Syllabics Mwe Canadian Syllabics Mwe
5293Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwe
5294Canadian Syllabics Mwi Canadian Syllabics Mwi
5295Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwi
5296Canadian Syllabics Mwii Canadian Syllabics Mwii
5297Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwii
5298Canadian Syllabics Mwo Canadian Syllabics Mwo
5299Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwo
5300Canadian Syllabics Mwoo Canadian Syllabics Mwoo
5301Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwoo
5302Canadian Syllabics Mwa Canadian Syllabics Mwa
5303Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwa
5304Canadian Syllabics Mwaa Canadian Syllabics Mwaa
5305Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Mwaa
5306Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Mwaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Mwaa
5307Canadian Syllabics M Canadian Syllabics M
5308Canadian Syllabics West-Cree M Canadian Syllabics West-Cree M
5309Canadian Syllabics Mh Canadian Syllabics Mh
5310Canadian Syllabics Athapascan M Canadian Syllabics Athapascan M
5311Canadian Syllabics Sayisi M Canadian Syllabics Sayisi M
5312Canadian Syllabics Ne Canadian Syllabics Ne
5313Canadian Syllabics Naai Canadian Syllabics Naai
5314Canadian Syllabics Ni Canadian Syllabics Ni
5315Canadian Syllabics Nii Canadian Syllabics Nii
5316Canadian Syllabics No Canadian Syllabics No
5317Canadian Syllabics Noo Canadian Syllabics Noo
5318Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Noo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Noo
5319Canadian Syllabics Na Canadian Syllabics Na
5320Canadian Syllabics Naa Canadian Syllabics Naa
5321Canadian Syllabics Nwe Canadian Syllabics Nwe
5322Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwe
5323Canadian Syllabics Nwa Canadian Syllabics Nwa
5324Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwa
5325Canadian Syllabics Nwaa Canadian Syllabics Nwaa
5326Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Nwaa
5327Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Nwaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Nwaa
5328Canadian Syllabics N Canadian Syllabics N
5329Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ng Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ng
5330Canadian Syllabics Nh Canadian Syllabics Nh
5331Canadian Syllabics Le Canadian Syllabics Le
5332Canadian Syllabics Laai Canadian Syllabics Laai
5333Canadian Syllabics Li Canadian Syllabics Li
5334Canadian Syllabics Lii Canadian Syllabics Lii
5335Canadian Syllabics Lo Canadian Syllabics Lo
5336Canadian Syllabics Loo Canadian Syllabics Loo
5337Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Loo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Loo
5338Canadian Syllabics La Canadian Syllabics La
5339Canadian Syllabics Laa Canadian Syllabics Laa
5340Canadian Syllabics Lwe Canadian Syllabics Lwe
5341Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwe
5342Canadian Syllabics Lwi Canadian Syllabics Lwi
5343Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwi
5344Canadian Syllabics Lwii Canadian Syllabics Lwii
5345Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwii
5346Canadian Syllabics Lwo Canadian Syllabics Lwo
5347Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwo
5348Canadian Syllabics Lwoo Canadian Syllabics Lwoo
5349Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwoo
5350Canadian Syllabics Lwa Canadian Syllabics Lwa
5351Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwa
5352Canadian Syllabics Lwaa Canadian Syllabics Lwaa
5353Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lwaa
5354Canadian Syllabics L Canadian Syllabics L
5355Canadian Syllabics West-Cree L Canadian Syllabics West-Cree L
5356Canadian Syllabics Medial L Canadian Syllabics Medial L
5357Canadian Syllabics Se Canadian Syllabics Se
5358Canadian Syllabics Saai Canadian Syllabics Saai
5359Canadian Syllabics Si Canadian Syllabics Si
5360Canadian Syllabics Sii Canadian Syllabics Sii
5361Canadian Syllabics So Canadian Syllabics So
5362Canadian Syllabics Soo Canadian Syllabics Soo
5363Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Soo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Soo
5364Canadian Syllabics Sa Canadian Syllabics Sa
5365Canadian Syllabics Saa Canadian Syllabics Saa
5366Canadian Syllabics Swe Canadian Syllabics Swe
5367Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swe
5368Canadian Syllabics Swi Canadian Syllabics Swi
5369Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swi
5370Canadian Syllabics Swii Canadian Syllabics Swii
5371Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swii
5372Canadian Syllabics Swo Canadian Syllabics Swo
5373Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swo
5374Canadian Syllabics Swoo Canadian Syllabics Swoo
5375Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swoo
5376Canadian Syllabics Swa Canadian Syllabics Swa
5377Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swa
5378Canadian Syllabics Swaa Canadian Syllabics Swaa
5379Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Swaa
5380Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Swaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Swaa
5381Canadian Syllabics S Canadian Syllabics S
5382Canadian Syllabics Athapascan S Canadian Syllabics Athapascan S
5383Canadian Syllabics Sw Canadian Syllabics Sw
5384Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot S Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot S
5385Canadian Syllabics Moose-Cree Sk Canadian Syllabics Moose-Cree Sk
5386Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Skw Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Skw
5387Canadian Syllabics Naskapi S-W Canadian Syllabics Naskapi S-W
5388Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Spwa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Spwa
5389Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Stwa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Stwa
5390Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Skwa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Skwa
5391Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Scwa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Scwa
5392Canadian Syllabics She Canadian Syllabics She
5393Canadian Syllabics Shi Canadian Syllabics Shi
5394Canadian Syllabics Shii Canadian Syllabics Shii
5395Canadian Syllabics Sho Canadian Syllabics Sho
5396Canadian Syllabics Shoo Canadian Syllabics Shoo
5397Canadian Syllabics Sha Canadian Syllabics Sha
5398Canadian Syllabics Shaa Canadian Syllabics Shaa
5399Canadian Syllabics Shwe Canadian Syllabics Shwe
5400Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwe
5401Canadian Syllabics Shwi Canadian Syllabics Shwi
5402Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwi
5403Canadian Syllabics Shwii Canadian Syllabics Shwii
5404Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwii
5405Canadian Syllabics Shwo Canadian Syllabics Shwo
5406Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwo
5407Canadian Syllabics Shwoo Canadian Syllabics Shwoo
5408Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwoo
5409Canadian Syllabics Shwa Canadian Syllabics Shwa
5410Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwa
5411Canadian Syllabics Shwaa Canadian Syllabics Shwaa
5412Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Shwaa
5413Canadian Syllabics Sh Canadian Syllabics Sh
5414Canadian Syllabics Ye Canadian Syllabics Ye
5415Canadian Syllabics Yaai Canadian Syllabics Yaai
5416Canadian Syllabics Yi Canadian Syllabics Yi
5417Canadian Syllabics Yii Canadian Syllabics Yii
5418Canadian Syllabics Yo Canadian Syllabics Yo
5419Canadian Syllabics Yoo Canadian Syllabics Yoo
5420Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Yoo Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Yoo
5421Canadian Syllabics Ya Canadian Syllabics Ya
5422Canadian Syllabics Yaa Canadian Syllabics Yaa
5423Canadian Syllabics Ywe Canadian Syllabics Ywe
5424Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywe Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywe
5425Canadian Syllabics Ywi Canadian Syllabics Ywi
5426Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywi Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywi
5427Canadian Syllabics Ywii Canadian Syllabics Ywii
5428Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywii Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywii
5429Canadian Syllabics Ywo Canadian Syllabics Ywo
5430Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywo
5431Canadian Syllabics Ywoo Canadian Syllabics Ywoo
5432Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywoo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywoo
5433Canadian Syllabics Ywa Canadian Syllabics Ywa
5434Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywa
5435Canadian Syllabics Ywaa Canadian Syllabics Ywaa
5436Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ywaa
5437Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Ywaa Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Ywaa
5438Canadian Syllabics Y Canadian Syllabics Y
5439Canadian Syllabics Bible-Cree Y Canadian Syllabics Bible-Cree Y
5440Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Y Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Y
5441Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Yi Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Yi
5442Canadian Syllabics Re Canadian Syllabics Re
5443Canadian Syllabics R-Cree Re Canadian Syllabics R-Cree Re
5444Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Le Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Le
5445Canadian Syllabics Raai Canadian Syllabics Raai
5446Canadian Syllabics Ri Canadian Syllabics Ri
5447Canadian Syllabics Rii Canadian Syllabics Rii
5448Canadian Syllabics Ro Canadian Syllabics Ro
5449Canadian Syllabics Roo Canadian Syllabics Roo
5450Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Lo
5451Canadian Syllabics Ra Canadian Syllabics Ra
5452Canadian Syllabics Raa Canadian Syllabics Raa
5453Canadian Syllabics West-Cree La Canadian Syllabics West-Cree La
5454Canadian Syllabics Rwaa Canadian Syllabics Rwaa
5455Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Rwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Rwaa
5456Canadian Syllabics R Canadian Syllabics R
5457Canadian Syllabics West-Cree R Canadian Syllabics West-Cree R
5458Canadian Syllabics Medial R Canadian Syllabics Medial R
5459Canadian Syllabics Fe Canadian Syllabics Fe
5460Canadian Syllabics Faai Canadian Syllabics Faai
5461Canadian Syllabics Fi Canadian Syllabics Fi
5462Canadian Syllabics Fii Canadian Syllabics Fii
5463Canadian Syllabics Fo Canadian Syllabics Fo
5464Canadian Syllabics Foo Canadian Syllabics Foo
5465Canadian Syllabics Fa Canadian Syllabics Fa
5466Canadian Syllabics Faa Canadian Syllabics Faa
5467Canadian Syllabics Fwaa Canadian Syllabics Fwaa
5468Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Fwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Fwaa
5469Canadian Syllabics F Canadian Syllabics F
5470Canadian Syllabics The Canadian Syllabics The
5471Canadian Syllabics N-Cree The Canadian Syllabics N-Cree The
5472Canadian Syllabics Thi Canadian Syllabics Thi
5473Canadian Syllabics N-Cree Thi Canadian Syllabics N-Cree Thi
5474Canadian Syllabics Thii Canadian Syllabics Thii
5475Canadian Syllabics N-Cree Thii Canadian Syllabics N-Cree Thii
5476Canadian Syllabics Tho Canadian Syllabics Tho
5477Canadian Syllabics Thoo Canadian Syllabics Thoo
5478Canadian Syllabics Tha Canadian Syllabics Tha
5479Canadian Syllabics Thaa Canadian Syllabics Thaa
5480Canadian Syllabics Thwaa Canadian Syllabics Thwaa
5481Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Thwaa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Thwaa
5482Canadian Syllabics Th Canadian Syllabics Th
5483Canadian Syllabics Tthe Canadian Syllabics Tthe
5484Canadian Syllabics Tthi Canadian Syllabics Tthi
5485Canadian Syllabics Ttho Canadian Syllabics Ttho
5486Canadian Syllabics Ttha Canadian Syllabics Ttha
5487Canadian Syllabics Tth Canadian Syllabics Tth
5488Canadian Syllabics Tye Canadian Syllabics Tye
5489Canadian Syllabics Tyi Canadian Syllabics Tyi
5490Canadian Syllabics Tyo Canadian Syllabics Tyo
5491Canadian Syllabics Tya Canadian Syllabics Tya
5492Canadian Syllabics Nunavik He Canadian Syllabics Nunavik He
5493Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hi Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hi
5494Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hii Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hii
5495Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Ho Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Ho
5496Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hoo Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Hoo
5497Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Ha Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Ha
5498Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Haa Canadian Syllabics Nunavik Haa
5499Canadian Syllabics Nunavik H Canadian Syllabics Nunavik H
5500Canadian Syllabics Nunavut H Canadian Syllabics Nunavut H
5501Canadian Syllabics Hk Canadian Syllabics Hk
5502Canadian Syllabics Qaai Canadian Syllabics Qaai
5503Canadian Syllabics Qi Canadian Syllabics Qi
5504Canadian Syllabics Qii Canadian Syllabics Qii
5505Canadian Syllabics Qo Canadian Syllabics Qo
5506Canadian Syllabics Qoo Canadian Syllabics Qoo
5507Canadian Syllabics Qa Canadian Syllabics Qa
5508Canadian Syllabics Qaa Canadian Syllabics Qaa
5509Canadian Syllabics Q Canadian Syllabics Q
5510Canadian Syllabics Tlhe Canadian Syllabics Tlhe
5511Canadian Syllabics Tlhi Canadian Syllabics Tlhi
5512Canadian Syllabics Tlho Canadian Syllabics Tlho
5513Canadian Syllabics Tlha Canadian Syllabics Tlha
5514Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Re Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Re
5515Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ri Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ri
5516Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ro Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ro
5517Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ra Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Ra
5518Canadian Syllabics Ngaai Canadian Syllabics Ngaai
5519Canadian Syllabics Ngi Canadian Syllabics Ngi
5520Canadian Syllabics Ngii Canadian Syllabics Ngii
5521Canadian Syllabics Ngo Canadian Syllabics Ngo
5522Canadian Syllabics Ngoo Canadian Syllabics Ngoo
5523Canadian Syllabics Nga Canadian Syllabics Nga
5524Canadian Syllabics Ngaa Canadian Syllabics Ngaa
5525Canadian Syllabics Ng Canadian Syllabics Ng
5526Canadian Syllabics Nng Canadian Syllabics Nng
5527Canadian Syllabics Sayisi She Canadian Syllabics Sayisi She
5528Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shi Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shi
5529Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Sho Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Sho
5530Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Sha Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Sha
5531Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree The Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree The
5532Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thi Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thi
5533Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Tho Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Tho
5534Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Tha Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Tha
5535Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Th Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Th
5536Canadian Syllabics Lhi Canadian Syllabics Lhi
5537Canadian Syllabics Lhii Canadian Syllabics Lhii
5538Canadian Syllabics Lho Canadian Syllabics Lho
5539Canadian Syllabics Lhoo Canadian Syllabics Lhoo
5540Canadian Syllabics Lha Canadian Syllabics Lha
5541Canadian Syllabics Lhaa Canadian Syllabics Lhaa
5542Canadian Syllabics Lh Canadian Syllabics Lh
5543Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree The Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree The
5544Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thi Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thi
5545Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thii Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thii
5546Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Tho Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Tho
5547Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thoo Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thoo
5548Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Tha Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Tha
5549Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thaa Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Thaa
5550Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Th Canadian Syllabics Th-Cree Th
5551Canadian Syllabics Aivilik B Canadian Syllabics Aivilik B
5552Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot E Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot E
5553Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot I Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot I
5554Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot O Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot O
5555Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot A Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot A
5556Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot We Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot We
5557Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wi Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wi
5558Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wo Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wo
5559Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wa Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Wa
5560Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ne Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ne
5561Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ni Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ni
5562Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot No Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot No
5563Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Na Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Na
5564Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ke Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ke
5565Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ki Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ki
5566Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ko Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ko
5567Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ka Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot Ka
5568Canadian Syllabics Sayisi He Canadian Syllabics Sayisi He
5569Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Hi Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Hi
5570Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ho Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ho
5571Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ha Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ha
5572Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghu
5573Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gho
5574Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghe
5575Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghee
5576Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ghi
5577Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gha
5578Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ru Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ru
5579Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ro Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ro
5580Canadian Syllabics Carrier Re Canadian Syllabics Carrier Re
5581Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ree Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ree
5582Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ri Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ri
5583Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ra Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ra
5584Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wu
5585Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wo
5586Canadian Syllabics Carrier We Canadian Syllabics Carrier We
5587Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wee
5588Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wi
5589Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Wa
5590Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwu
5591Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwo
5592Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwe
5593Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwee
5594Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwi
5595Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hwa
5596Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thu
5597Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tho
5598Canadian Syllabics Carrier The Canadian Syllabics Carrier The
5599Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thee
5600Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Thi
5601Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tha
5602Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttu
5603Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tto Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tto
5604Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tte Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tte
5605Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttee
5606Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tti Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tti
5607Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tta Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tta
5608Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pu
5609Canadian Syllabics Carrier Po Canadian Syllabics Carrier Po
5610Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pe
5611Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pee
5612Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pi
5613Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Pa
5614Canadian Syllabics Carrier P Canadian Syllabics Carrier P
5615Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gu
5616Canadian Syllabics Carrier Go Canadian Syllabics Carrier Go
5617Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ge Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ge
5618Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gee
5619Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gi
5620Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ga Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ga
5621Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khu
5622Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kho
5623Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khe
5624Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khee
5625Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Khi
5626Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kha
5627Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kku Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kku
5628Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kko Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kko
5629Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kke Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kke
5630Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kkee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kkee
5631Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kki Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kki
5632Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kka Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kka
5633Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kk Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kk
5634Canadian Syllabics Carrier Nu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Nu
5635Canadian Syllabics Carrier No Canadian Syllabics Carrier No
5636Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ne Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ne
5637Canadian Syllabics Carrier Nee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Nee
5638Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ni Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ni
5639Canadian Syllabics Carrier Na Canadian Syllabics Carrier Na
5640Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mu
5641Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mo
5642Canadian Syllabics Carrier Me Canadian Syllabics Carrier Me
5643Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mee
5644Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Mi
5645Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ma Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ma
5646Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yu
5647Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yo
5648Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ye Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ye
5649Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yee
5650Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Yi
5651Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ya Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ya
5652Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ju Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ju
5653Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ju Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ju
5654Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jo
5655Canadian Syllabics Carrier Je Canadian Syllabics Carrier Je
5656Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jee
5657Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ji Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ji
5658Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ji Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Ji
5659Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ja Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ja
5660Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jju Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jju
5661Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jjo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jjo
5662Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jje Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jje
5663Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jjee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jjee
5664Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jji Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jji
5665Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jja Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jja
5666Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lu
5667Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lo
5668Canadian Syllabics Carrier Le Canadian Syllabics Carrier Le
5669Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lee
5670Canadian Syllabics Carrier Li Canadian Syllabics Carrier Li
5671Canadian Syllabics Carrier La Canadian Syllabics Carrier La
5672Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlu
5673Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlo
5674Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dle Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dle
5675Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dlee
5676Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dli Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dli
5677Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dla Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dla
5678Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhu
5679Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lho
5680Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhe
5681Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhee
5682Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lhi
5683Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Lha
5684Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhu
5685Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlho
5686Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhe Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhe
5687Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhee
5688Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlhi
5689Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlha
5690Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlu
5691Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlo
5692Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tle Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tle
5693Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tlee
5694Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tli Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tli
5695Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tla Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tla
5696Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zu
5697Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zo
5698Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ze Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ze
5699Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zee
5700Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Zi
5701Canadian Syllabics Carrier Za Canadian Syllabics Carrier Za
5702Canadian Syllabics Carrier Z Canadian Syllabics Carrier Z
5703Canadian Syllabics Carrier Initial Z Canadian Syllabics Carrier Initial Z
5704Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzu
5705Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzo Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzo
5706Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dze Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dze
5707Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzee
5708Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dzi
5709Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dza Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dza
5710Canadian Syllabics Carrier Su Canadian Syllabics Carrier Su
5711Canadian Syllabics Carrier So Canadian Syllabics Carrier So
5712Canadian Syllabics Carrier Se Canadian Syllabics Carrier Se
5713Canadian Syllabics Carrier See Canadian Syllabics Carrier See
5714Canadian Syllabics Carrier Si Canadian Syllabics Carrier Si
5715Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sa
5716Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shu
5717Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sho
5718Canadian Syllabics Carrier She Canadian Syllabics Carrier She
5719Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shee
5720Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Shi
5721Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sha
5722Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sh Canadian Syllabics Carrier Sh
5723Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsu
5724Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tso Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tso
5725Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tse Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tse
5726Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsee
5727Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsi
5728Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tsa
5729Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chu
5730Canadian Syllabics Carrier Cho Canadian Syllabics Carrier Cho
5731Canadian Syllabics Carrier Che Canadian Syllabics Carrier Che
5732Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chee
5733Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Chi
5734Canadian Syllabics Carrier Cha Canadian Syllabics Carrier Cha
5735Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsu
5736Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttso Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttso
5737Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttse Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttse
5738Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsee
5739Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsi Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsi
5740Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ttsa
5741Canadian Syllabics Chi Sign Canadian Syllabics Chi Sign
5742Canadian Syllabics Full Stop Canadian Syllabics Full Stop
5743Canadian Syllabics Qai Canadian Syllabics Qai
5744Canadian Syllabics Ngai Canadian Syllabics Ngai
5745Canadian Syllabics Nngi Canadian Syllabics Nngi
5746Canadian Syllabics Nngii Canadian Syllabics Nngii
5747Canadian Syllabics Nngo Canadian Syllabics Nngo
5748Canadian Syllabics Nngoo Canadian Syllabics Nngoo
5749Canadian Syllabics Nnga Canadian Syllabics Nnga
5750Canadian Syllabics Nngaa Canadian Syllabics Nngaa
5751Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwee Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwee
5752Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwi Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwi
5753Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwii Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwii
5754Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwo Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwo
5755Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwoo Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwoo
5756Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwa Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwa
5757Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwaa Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Thwaa
5758Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Final Th Canadian Syllabics Woods-Cree Final Th
5759Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot W Canadian Syllabics Blackfoot W
5760Ogham Space Mark Ogham Space Mark
5761Ogham Letter Beith Ogham Letter Beith
5762Ogham Letter Luis Ogham Letter Luis
5763Ogham Letter Fearn Ogham Letter Fearn
5764Ogham Letter Sail Ogham Letter Sail
5765Ogham Letter Nion Ogham Letter Nion
5766Ogham Letter Uath Ogham Letter Uath
5767Ogham Letter Dair Ogham Letter Dair
5768Ogham Letter Tinne Ogham Letter Tinne
5769Ogham Letter Coll Ogham Letter Coll
5770Ogham Letter Ceirt Ogham Letter Ceirt
5771Ogham Letter Muin Ogham Letter Muin
5772Ogham Letter Gort Ogham Letter Gort
5773Ogham Letter Ngeadal Ogham Letter Ngeadal
5774Ogham Letter Straif Ogham Letter Straif
5775Ogham Letter Ruis Ogham Letter Ruis
5776Ogham Letter Ailm Ogham Letter Ailm
5777Ogham Letter Onn Ogham Letter Onn
5778Ogham Letter Ur Ogham Letter Ur
5779Ogham Letter Eadhadh Ogham Letter Eadhadh
5780Ogham Letter Iodhadh Ogham Letter Iodhadh
5781Ogham Letter Eabhadh Ogham Letter Eabhadh
5782Ogham Letter Or Ogham Letter Or
5783Ogham Letter Uilleann Ogham Letter Uilleann
5784Ogham Letter Ifin Ogham Letter Ifin
5785Ogham Letter Eamhancholl Ogham Letter Eamhancholl
5786Ogham Letter Peith Ogham Letter Peith
5787Ogham Feather Mark Ogham Feather Mark
5788Ogham Reversed Feather Mark Ogham Reversed Feather Mark
5792Runic Letter Fehu Feoh Fe F Runic Letter Fehu Feoh Fe F
5793Runic Letter V Runic Letter V
5794Runic Letter Uruz Ur U Runic Letter Uruz Ur U
5795Runic Letter Yr Runic Letter Yr
5796Runic Letter Y Runic Letter Y
5797Runic Letter W Runic Letter W
5798Runic Letter Thurisaz Thurs Thorn Runic Letter Thurisaz Thurs Thorn
5799Runic Letter Eth Runic Letter Eth
5800Runic Letter Ansuz A Runic Letter Ansuz A
5801Runic Letter Os O Runic Letter Os O
5802Runic Letter Ac A Runic Letter Ac A
5803Runic Letter Aesc Runic Letter Aesc
5804Runic Letter Long-Branch-Oss O Runic Letter Long-Branch-Oss O
5805Runic Letter Short-Twig-Oss O Runic Letter Short-Twig-Oss O
5806Runic Letter O Runic Letter O
5807Runic Letter Oe Runic Letter Oe
5808Runic Letter On Runic Letter On
5809Runic Letter Raido Rad Reid R Runic Letter Raido Rad Reid R
5810Runic Letter Kauna Runic Letter Kauna
5811Runic Letter Cen Runic Letter Cen
5812Runic Letter Kaun K Runic Letter Kaun K
5813Runic Letter G Runic Letter G
5814Runic Letter Eng Runic Letter Eng
5815Runic Letter Gebo Gyfu G Runic Letter Gebo Gyfu G
5816Runic Letter Gar Runic Letter Gar
5817Runic Letter Wunjo Wynn W Runic Letter Wunjo Wynn W
5818Runic Letter Haglaz H Runic Letter Haglaz H
5819Runic Letter Haegl H Runic Letter Haegl H
5820Runic Letter Long-Branch-Hagall H Runic Letter Long-Branch-Hagall H
5821Runic Letter Short-Twig-Hagall H Runic Letter Short-Twig-Hagall H
5822Runic Letter Naudiz Nyd Naud N Runic Letter Naudiz Nyd Naud N
5823Runic Letter Short-Twig-Naud N Runic Letter Short-Twig-Naud N
5824Runic Letter Dotted-N Runic Letter Dotted-N
5825Runic Letter Isaz Is Iss I Runic Letter Isaz Is Iss I
5826Runic Letter E Runic Letter E
5827Runic Letter Jeran J Runic Letter Jeran J
5828Runic Letter Ger Runic Letter Ger
5829Runic Letter Long-Branch-Ar Ae Runic Letter Long-Branch-Ar Ae
5830Runic Letter Short-Twig-Ar A Runic Letter Short-Twig-Ar A
5831Runic Letter Iwaz Eoh Runic Letter Iwaz Eoh
5832Runic Letter Pertho Peorth P Runic Letter Pertho Peorth P
5833Runic Letter Algiz Eolhx Runic Letter Algiz Eolhx
5834Runic Letter Sowilo S Runic Letter Sowilo S
5835Runic Letter Sigel Long-Branch-Sol S Runic Letter Sigel Long-Branch-Sol S
5836Runic Letter Short-Twig-Sol S Runic Letter Short-Twig-Sol S
5837Runic Letter C Runic Letter C
5838Runic Letter Z Runic Letter Z
5839Runic Letter Tiwaz Tir Tyr T Runic Letter Tiwaz Tir Tyr T
5840Runic Letter Short-Twig-Tyr T Runic Letter Short-Twig-Tyr T
5841Runic Letter D Runic Letter D
5842Runic Letter Berkanan Beorc Bjarkan B Runic Letter Berkanan Beorc Bjarkan B
5843Runic Letter Short-Twig-Bjarkan B Runic Letter Short-Twig-Bjarkan B
5844Runic Letter Dotted-P Runic Letter Dotted-P
5845Runic Letter Open-P Runic Letter Open-P
5846Runic Letter Ehwaz Eh E Runic Letter Ehwaz Eh E
5847Runic Letter Mannaz Man M Runic Letter Mannaz Man M
5848Runic Letter Long-Branch-Madr M Runic Letter Long-Branch-Madr M
5849Runic Letter Short-Twig-Madr M Runic Letter Short-Twig-Madr M
5850Runic Letter Laukaz Lagu Logr L Runic Letter Laukaz Lagu Logr L
5851Runic Letter Dotted-L Runic Letter Dotted-L
5852Runic Letter Ingwaz Runic Letter Ingwaz
5853Runic Letter Ing Runic Letter Ing
5854Runic Letter Dagaz Daeg D Runic Letter Dagaz Daeg D
5855Runic Letter Othalan Ethel O Runic Letter Othalan Ethel O
5856Runic Letter Ear Runic Letter Ear
5857Runic Letter Ior Runic Letter Ior
5858Runic Letter Cweorth Runic Letter Cweorth
5859Runic Letter Calc Runic Letter Calc
5860Runic Letter Cealc Runic Letter Cealc
5861Runic Letter Stan Runic Letter Stan
5862Runic Letter Long-Branch-Yr Runic Letter Long-Branch-Yr
5863Runic Letter Short-Twig-Yr Runic Letter Short-Twig-Yr
5864Runic Letter Icelandic-Yr Runic Letter Icelandic-Yr
5865Runic Letter Q Runic Letter Q
5866Runic Letter X Runic Letter X
5867Runic Single Punctuation Runic Single Punctuation
5868Runic Multiple Punctuation Runic Multiple Punctuation
5869Runic Cross Punctuation Runic Cross Punctuation
5870Runic Arlaug Symbol Runic Arlaug Symbol
5871Runic Tvimadur Symbol Runic Tvimadur Symbol
5872Runic Belgthor Symbol Runic Belgthor Symbol
5888Tagalog Letter A Tagalog Letter A
5889Tagalog Letter I Tagalog Letter I
5890Tagalog Letter U Tagalog Letter U
5891Tagalog Letter Ka Tagalog Letter Ka
5892Tagalog Letter Ga Tagalog Letter Ga
5893Tagalog Letter Nga Tagalog Letter Nga
5894Tagalog Letter Ta Tagalog Letter Ta
5895Tagalog Letter Da Tagalog Letter Da
5896Tagalog Letter Na Tagalog Letter Na
5897Tagalog Letter Pa Tagalog Letter Pa
5898Tagalog Letter Ba Tagalog Letter Ba
5899Tagalog Letter Ma Tagalog Letter Ma
5900Tagalog Letter Ya Tagalog Letter Ya
5902Tagalog Letter La Tagalog Letter La
5903Tagalog Letter Wa Tagalog Letter Wa
5904Tagalog Letter Sa Tagalog Letter Sa
5905Tagalog Letter Ha Tagalog Letter Ha
5906Tagalog Vowel Sign I Tagalog Vowel Sign I
5907Tagalog Vowel Sign U Tagalog Vowel Sign U
5908Tagalog Sign Virama Tagalog Sign Virama
5920Hanunoo Letter A Hanunoo Letter A
5921Hanunoo Letter I Hanunoo Letter I
5922Hanunoo Letter U Hanunoo Letter U
5923Hanunoo Letter Ka Hanunoo Letter Ka
5924Hanunoo Letter Ga Hanunoo Letter Ga
5925Hanunoo Letter Nga Hanunoo Letter Nga
5926Hanunoo Letter Ta Hanunoo Letter Ta
5927Hanunoo Letter Da Hanunoo Letter Da
5928Hanunoo Letter Na Hanunoo Letter Na
5929Hanunoo Letter Pa Hanunoo Letter Pa
5930Hanunoo Letter Ba Hanunoo Letter Ba
5931Hanunoo Letter Ma Hanunoo Letter Ma
5932Hanunoo Letter Ya Hanunoo Letter Ya
5933Hanunoo Letter Ra Hanunoo Letter Ra
5934Hanunoo Letter La Hanunoo Letter La
5935Hanunoo Letter Wa Hanunoo Letter Wa
5936Hanunoo Letter Sa Hanunoo Letter Sa
5937Hanunoo Letter Ha Hanunoo Letter Ha
5938Hanunoo Vowel Sign I Hanunoo Vowel Sign I
5939Hanunoo Vowel Sign U Hanunoo Vowel Sign U
5940Hanunoo Sign Pamudpod Hanunoo Sign Pamudpod
5941Philippine Single Punctuation Philippine Single Punctuation
5942Philippine Double Punctuation Philippine Double Punctuation
5952Buhid Letter A Buhid Letter A
5953Buhid Letter I Buhid Letter I
5954Buhid Letter U Buhid Letter U
5955Buhid Letter Ka Buhid Letter Ka
5956Buhid Letter Ga Buhid Letter Ga
5957Buhid Letter Nga Buhid Letter Nga
5958Buhid Letter Ta Buhid Letter Ta
5959Buhid Letter Da Buhid Letter Da
5960Buhid Letter Na Buhid Letter Na
5961Buhid Letter Pa Buhid Letter Pa
5962Buhid Letter Ba Buhid Letter Ba
5963Buhid Letter Ma Buhid Letter Ma
5964Buhid Letter Ya Buhid Letter Ya
5965Buhid Letter Ra Buhid Letter Ra
5966Buhid Letter La Buhid Letter La
5967Buhid Letter Wa Buhid Letter Wa
5968Buhid Letter Sa Buhid Letter Sa
5969Buhid Letter Ha Buhid Letter Ha
5970Buhid Vowel Sign I Buhid Vowel Sign I
5971Buhid Vowel Sign U Buhid Vowel Sign U
5984Tagbanwa Letter A Tagbanwa Letter A
5985Tagbanwa Letter I Tagbanwa Letter I
5986Tagbanwa Letter U Tagbanwa Letter U
5987Tagbanwa Letter Ka Tagbanwa Letter Ka
5988Tagbanwa Letter Ga Tagbanwa Letter Ga
5989Tagbanwa Letter Nga Tagbanwa Letter Nga
5990Tagbanwa Letter Ta Tagbanwa Letter Ta
5991Tagbanwa Letter Da Tagbanwa Letter Da
5992Tagbanwa Letter Na Tagbanwa Letter Na
5993Tagbanwa Letter Pa Tagbanwa Letter Pa
5994Tagbanwa Letter Ba Tagbanwa Letter Ba
5995Tagbanwa Letter Ma Tagbanwa Letter Ma
5996Tagbanwa Letter Ya Tagbanwa Letter Ya
5998Tagbanwa Letter La Tagbanwa Letter La
5999Tagbanwa Letter Wa Tagbanwa Letter Wa
6000Tagbanwa Letter Sa Tagbanwa Letter Sa
6002Tagbanwa Vowel Sign I Tagbanwa Vowel Sign I
6003Tagbanwa Vowel Sign U Tagbanwa Vowel Sign U
6016Khmer Letter Ka Khmer Letter Ka
6017Khmer Letter Kha Khmer Letter Kha
6018Khmer Letter Ko Khmer Letter Ko
6019Khmer Letter Kho Khmer Letter Kho
6020Khmer Letter Ngo Khmer Letter Ngo
6021Khmer Letter Ca Khmer Letter Ca
6022Khmer Letter Cha Khmer Letter Cha
6023Khmer Letter Co Khmer Letter Co
6024Khmer Letter Cho Khmer Letter Cho
6025Khmer Letter Nyo Khmer Letter Nyo
6026Khmer Letter Da Khmer Letter Da
6027Khmer Letter Ttha Khmer Letter Ttha
6028Khmer Letter Do Khmer Letter Do
6029Khmer Letter Ttho Khmer Letter Ttho
6030Khmer Letter Nno Khmer Letter Nno
6031Khmer Letter Ta Khmer Letter Ta
6032Khmer Letter Tha Khmer Letter Tha
6033Khmer Letter To Khmer Letter To
6034Khmer Letter Tho Khmer Letter Tho
6035Khmer Letter No Khmer Letter No
6036Khmer Letter Ba Khmer Letter Ba
6037Khmer Letter Pha Khmer Letter Pha
6038Khmer Letter Po Khmer Letter Po
6039Khmer Letter Pho Khmer Letter Pho
6040Khmer Letter Mo Khmer Letter Mo
6041Khmer Letter Yo Khmer Letter Yo
6042Khmer Letter Ro Khmer Letter Ro
6043Khmer Letter Lo Khmer Letter Lo
6044Khmer Letter Vo Khmer Letter Vo
6045Khmer Letter Sha Khmer Letter Sha
6046Khmer Letter Sso Khmer Letter Sso
6047Khmer Letter Sa Khmer Letter Sa
6048Khmer Letter Ha Khmer Letter Ha
6049Khmer Letter La Khmer Letter La
6050Khmer Letter Qa Khmer Letter Qa
6051Khmer Independent Vowel Qaq Khmer Independent Vowel Qaq
6052Khmer Independent Vowel Qaa Khmer Independent Vowel Qaa
6053Khmer Independent Vowel Qi Khmer Independent Vowel Qi
6054Khmer Independent Vowel Qii Khmer Independent Vowel Qii
6055Khmer Independent Vowel Qu Khmer Independent Vowel Qu
6056Khmer Independent Vowel Quk Khmer Independent Vowel Quk
6057Khmer Independent Vowel Quu Khmer Independent Vowel Quu
6058Khmer Independent Vowel Quuv Khmer Independent Vowel Quuv
6059Khmer Independent Vowel Ry Khmer Independent Vowel Ry
6060Khmer Independent Vowel Ryy Khmer Independent Vowel Ryy
6061Khmer Independent Vowel Ly Khmer Independent Vowel Ly
6062Khmer Independent Vowel Lyy Khmer Independent Vowel Lyy
6063Khmer Independent Vowel Qe Khmer Independent Vowel Qe
6064Khmer Independent Vowel Qai Khmer Independent Vowel Qai
6065Khmer Independent Vowel Qoo Type One Khmer Independent Vowel Qoo Type One
6066Khmer Independent Vowel Qoo Type Two Khmer Independent Vowel Qoo Type Two
6067Khmer Independent Vowel Qau Khmer Independent Vowel Qau
6068Khmer Vowel Inherent Aq Khmer Vowel Inherent Aq
6069Khmer Vowel Inherent Aa Khmer Vowel Inherent Aa
6070Khmer Vowel Sign Aa Khmer Vowel Sign Aa
6071Khmer Vowel Sign I Khmer Vowel Sign I
6072Khmer Vowel Sign Ii Khmer Vowel Sign Ii
6073Khmer Vowel Sign Y Khmer Vowel Sign Y
6074Khmer Vowel Sign Yy Khmer Vowel Sign Yy
6075Khmer Vowel Sign U Khmer Vowel Sign U
6076Khmer Vowel Sign Uu Khmer Vowel Sign Uu
6077Khmer Vowel Sign Ua Khmer Vowel Sign Ua
6078Khmer Vowel Sign Oe Khmer Vowel Sign Oe
6079Khmer Vowel Sign Ya Khmer Vowel Sign Ya
6080Khmer Vowel Sign Ie Khmer Vowel Sign Ie
6081Khmer Vowel Sign E Khmer Vowel Sign E
6082Khmer Vowel Sign Ae Khmer Vowel Sign Ae
6083Khmer Vowel Sign Ai Khmer Vowel Sign Ai
6084Khmer Vowel Sign Oo Khmer Vowel Sign Oo
6085Khmer Vowel Sign Au Khmer Vowel Sign Au
6086Khmer Sign Nikahit Khmer Sign Nikahit
6087Khmer Sign Reahmuk Khmer Sign Reahmuk
6088Khmer Sign Yuukaleapintu Khmer Sign Yuukaleapintu
6089Khmer Sign Muusikatoan Khmer Sign Muusikatoan
6090Khmer Sign Triisap Khmer Sign Triisap
6091Khmer Sign Bantoc Khmer Sign Bantoc
6092Khmer Sign Robat Khmer Sign Robat
6093Khmer Sign Toandakhiat Khmer Sign Toandakhiat
6094Khmer Sign Kakabat Khmer Sign Kakabat
6095Khmer Sign Ahsda Khmer Sign Ahsda
6096Khmer Sign Samyok Sannya Khmer Sign Samyok Sannya
6097Khmer Sign Viriam Khmer Sign Viriam
6098Khmer Sign Coeng Khmer Sign Coeng
6099Khmer Sign Bathamasat Khmer Sign Bathamasat
6100Khmer Sign Khan Khmer Sign Khan
6101Khmer Sign Bariyoosan Khmer Sign Bariyoosan
6102Khmer Sign Camnuc Pii Kuuh Khmer Sign Camnuc Pii Kuuh
6103Khmer Sign Lek Too Khmer Sign Lek Too
6104Khmer Sign Beyyal Khmer Sign Beyyal
6105Khmer Sign Phnaek Muan Khmer Sign Phnaek Muan
6106Khmer Sign Koomuut Khmer Sign Koomuut
6107Khmer Currency Symbol Riel Khmer Currency Symbol Riel
6108Khmer Sign Avakrahasanya Khmer Sign Avakrahasanya
6109Khmer Sign Atthacan Khmer Sign Atthacan
6112Khmer Digit Zero Khmer Digit Zero
6113Khmer Digit One Khmer Digit One
6114Khmer Digit Two Khmer Digit Two
6115Khmer Digit Three Khmer Digit Three
6116Khmer Digit Four Khmer Digit Four
6117Khmer Digit Five Khmer Digit Five
6118Khmer Digit Six Khmer Digit Six
6119Khmer Digit Seven Khmer Digit Seven
6120Khmer Digit Eight Khmer Digit Eight
6121Khmer Digit Nine Khmer Digit Nine
6128Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Son Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Son
6129Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Muoy Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Muoy
6130Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pii Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pii
6131Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Bei Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Bei
6132Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Buon Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Buon
6133Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram
6134Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Muoy Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Muoy
6135Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Pii Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Pii
6136Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Bei Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Bei
6137Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Buon Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Buon
6144Mongolian Birga Mongolian Birga
6145Mongolian Ellipsis Mongolian Ellipsis
6146Mongolian Comma Mongolian Comma
6147Mongolian Full Stop Mongolian Full Stop
6148Mongolian Colon Mongolian Colon
6149Mongolian Four Dots Mongolian Four Dots
6150Mongolian Todo Soft Hyphen Mongolian Todo Soft Hyphen
6151Mongolian Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker Mongolian Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker
6152Mongolian Manchu Comma Mongolian Manchu Comma
6153Mongolian Manchu Full Stop Mongolian Manchu Full Stop
6154Mongolian Nirugu Mongolian Nirugu
6155Mongolian Free Variation Selector One Mongolian Free Variation Selector One
6156Mongolian Free Variation Selector Two Mongolian Free Variation Selector Two
6157Mongolian Free Variation Selector Three Mongolian Free Variation Selector Three
6158Mongolian Vowel Separator Mongolian Vowel Separator
6160Mongolian Digit Zero Mongolian Digit Zero
6161Mongolian Digit One Mongolian Digit One
6162Mongolian Digit Two Mongolian Digit Two
6163Mongolian Digit Three Mongolian Digit Three
6164Mongolian Digit Four Mongolian Digit Four
6165Mongolian Digit Five Mongolian Digit Five
6166Mongolian Digit Six Mongolian Digit Six
6167Mongolian Digit Seven Mongolian Digit Seven
6168Mongolian Digit Eight Mongolian Digit Eight
6169Mongolian Digit Nine Mongolian Digit Nine
6176Mongolian Letter A Mongolian Letter A
6177Mongolian Letter E Mongolian Letter E
6178Mongolian Letter I Mongolian Letter I
6179Mongolian Letter O Mongolian Letter O
6180Mongolian Letter U Mongolian Letter U
6181Mongolian Letter Oe Mongolian Letter Oe
6182Mongolian Letter Ue Mongolian Letter Ue
6183Mongolian Letter Ee Mongolian Letter Ee
6184Mongolian Letter Na Mongolian Letter Na
6185Mongolian Letter Ang Mongolian Letter Ang
6186Mongolian Letter Ba Mongolian Letter Ba
6187Mongolian Letter Pa Mongolian Letter Pa
6188Mongolian Letter Qa Mongolian Letter Qa
6189Mongolian Letter Ga Mongolian Letter Ga
6190Mongolian Letter Ma Mongolian Letter Ma
6191Mongolian Letter La Mongolian Letter La
6192Mongolian Letter Sa Mongolian Letter Sa
6193Mongolian Letter Sha Mongolian Letter Sha
6194Mongolian Letter Ta Mongolian Letter Ta
6195Mongolian Letter Da Mongolian Letter Da
6196Mongolian Letter Cha Mongolian Letter Cha
6197Mongolian Letter Ja Mongolian Letter Ja
6198Mongolian Letter Ya Mongolian Letter Ya
6199Mongolian Letter Ra Mongolian Letter Ra
6200Mongolian Letter Wa Mongolian Letter Wa
6201Mongolian Letter Fa Mongolian Letter Fa
6202Mongolian Letter Ka Mongolian Letter Ka
6203Mongolian Letter Kha Mongolian Letter Kha
6204Mongolian Letter Tsa Mongolian Letter Tsa
6205Mongolian Letter Za Mongolian Letter Za
6206Mongolian Letter Haa Mongolian Letter Haa
6207Mongolian Letter Zra Mongolian Letter Zra
6208Mongolian Letter Lha Mongolian Letter Lha
6209Mongolian Letter Zhi Mongolian Letter Zhi
6210Mongolian Letter Chi Mongolian Letter Chi
6211Mongolian Letter Todo Long Vowel Sign Mongolian Letter Todo Long Vowel Sign
6212Mongolian Letter Todo E Mongolian Letter Todo E
6213Mongolian Letter Todo I Mongolian Letter Todo I
6214Mongolian Letter Todo O Mongolian Letter Todo O
6215Mongolian Letter Todo U Mongolian Letter Todo U
6216Mongolian Letter Todo Oe Mongolian Letter Todo Oe
6217Mongolian Letter Todo Ue Mongolian Letter Todo Ue
6218Mongolian Letter Todo Ang Mongolian Letter Todo Ang
6219Mongolian Letter Todo Ba Mongolian Letter Todo Ba
6220Mongolian Letter Todo Pa Mongolian Letter Todo Pa
6221Mongolian Letter Todo Qa Mongolian Letter Todo Qa
6222Mongolian Letter Todo Ga Mongolian Letter Todo Ga
6223Mongolian Letter Todo Ma Mongolian Letter Todo Ma
6224Mongolian Letter Todo Ta Mongolian Letter Todo Ta
6225Mongolian Letter Todo Da Mongolian Letter Todo Da
6226Mongolian Letter Todo Cha Mongolian Letter Todo Cha
6227Mongolian Letter Todo Ja Mongolian Letter Todo Ja
6228Mongolian Letter Todo Tsa Mongolian Letter Todo Tsa
6229Mongolian Letter Todo Ya Mongolian Letter Todo Ya
6230Mongolian Letter Todo Wa Mongolian Letter Todo Wa
6231Mongolian Letter Todo Ka Mongolian Letter Todo Ka
6232Mongolian Letter Todo Gaa Mongolian Letter Todo Gaa
6233Mongolian Letter Todo Haa Mongolian Letter Todo Haa
6234Mongolian Letter Todo Jia Mongolian Letter Todo Jia
6235Mongolian Letter Todo Nia Mongolian Letter Todo Nia
6236Mongolian Letter Todo Dza Mongolian Letter Todo Dza
6237Mongolian Letter Sibe E Mongolian Letter Sibe E
6238Mongolian Letter Sibe I Mongolian Letter Sibe I
6239Mongolian Letter Sibe Iy Mongolian Letter Sibe Iy
6240Mongolian Letter Sibe Ue Mongolian Letter Sibe Ue
6241Mongolian Letter Sibe U Mongolian Letter Sibe U
6242Mongolian Letter Sibe Ang Mongolian Letter Sibe Ang
6243Mongolian Letter Sibe Ka Mongolian Letter Sibe Ka
6244Mongolian Letter Sibe Ga Mongolian Letter Sibe Ga
6245Mongolian Letter Sibe Ha Mongolian Letter Sibe Ha
6246Mongolian Letter Sibe Pa Mongolian Letter Sibe Pa
6247Mongolian Letter Sibe Sha Mongolian Letter Sibe Sha
6248Mongolian Letter Sibe Ta Mongolian Letter Sibe Ta
6249Mongolian Letter Sibe Da Mongolian Letter Sibe Da
6250Mongolian Letter Sibe Ja Mongolian Letter Sibe Ja
6251Mongolian Letter Sibe Fa Mongolian Letter Sibe Fa
6252Mongolian Letter Sibe Gaa Mongolian Letter Sibe Gaa
6253Mongolian Letter Sibe Haa Mongolian Letter Sibe Haa
6254Mongolian Letter Sibe Tsa Mongolian Letter Sibe Tsa
6255Mongolian Letter Sibe Za Mongolian Letter Sibe Za
6256Mongolian Letter Sibe Raa Mongolian Letter Sibe Raa
6257Mongolian Letter Sibe Cha Mongolian Letter Sibe Cha
6258Mongolian Letter Sibe Zha Mongolian Letter Sibe Zha
6259Mongolian Letter Manchu I Mongolian Letter Manchu I
6260Mongolian Letter Manchu Ka Mongolian Letter Manchu Ka
6261Mongolian Letter Manchu Ra Mongolian Letter Manchu Ra
6262Mongolian Letter Manchu Fa Mongolian Letter Manchu Fa
6263Mongolian Letter Manchu Zha Mongolian Letter Manchu Zha
6272Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Anusvara One Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Anusvara One
6273Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Visarga One Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Visarga One
6274Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Damaru Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Damaru
6275Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ubadama Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ubadama
6276Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Inverted Ubadama Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Inverted Ubadama
6277Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Baluda Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Baluda
6278Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Three Baluda Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Three Baluda
6279Mongolian Letter Ali Gali A Mongolian Letter Ali Gali A
6280Mongolian Letter Ali Gali I Mongolian Letter Ali Gali I
6281Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ka Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ka
6282Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Nga Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Nga
6283Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ca Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ca
6284Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Tta Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Tta
6285Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ttha Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ttha
6286Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Dda Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Dda
6287Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Nna Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Nna
6288Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ta Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ta
6289Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Da Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Da
6290Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Pa Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Pa
6291Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Pha Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Pha
6292Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ssa Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ssa
6293Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Zha Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Zha
6294Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Za Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Za
6295Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ah Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Ah
6296Mongolian Letter Todo Ali Gali Ta Mongolian Letter Todo Ali Gali Ta
6297Mongolian Letter Todo Ali Gali Zha Mongolian Letter Todo Ali Gali Zha
6298Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Gha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Gha
6299Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Nga Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Nga
6300Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ca Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ca
6301Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Jha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Jha
6302Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Tta Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Tta
6303Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ddha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ddha
6304Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ta Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ta
6305Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Dha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Dha
6306Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ssa Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Ssa
6307Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Cya Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Cya
6308Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Zha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Zha
6309Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Za Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Za
6310Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Half U Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Half U
6311Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Half Ya Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Half Ya
6312Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Bha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Bha
6313Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Dagalga Mongolian Letter Ali Gali Dagalga
6314Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Lha Mongolian Letter Manchu Ali Gali Lha
6320Canadian Syllabics Oy Canadian Syllabics Oy
6321Canadian Syllabics Ay Canadian Syllabics Ay
6322Canadian Syllabics Aay Canadian Syllabics Aay
6323Canadian Syllabics Way Canadian Syllabics Way
6324Canadian Syllabics Poy Canadian Syllabics Poy
6325Canadian Syllabics Pay Canadian Syllabics Pay
6326Canadian Syllabics Pwoy Canadian Syllabics Pwoy
6327Canadian Syllabics Tay Canadian Syllabics Tay
6328Canadian Syllabics Kay Canadian Syllabics Kay
6329Canadian Syllabics Kway Canadian Syllabics Kway
6330Canadian Syllabics May Canadian Syllabics May
6331Canadian Syllabics Noy Canadian Syllabics Noy
6332Canadian Syllabics Nay Canadian Syllabics Nay
6333Canadian Syllabics Lay Canadian Syllabics Lay
6334Canadian Syllabics Soy Canadian Syllabics Soy
6335Canadian Syllabics Say Canadian Syllabics Say
6336Canadian Syllabics Shoy Canadian Syllabics Shoy
6337Canadian Syllabics Shay Canadian Syllabics Shay
6338Canadian Syllabics Shwoy Canadian Syllabics Shwoy
6339Canadian Syllabics Yoy Canadian Syllabics Yoy
6340Canadian Syllabics Yay Canadian Syllabics Yay
6341Canadian Syllabics Ray Canadian Syllabics Ray
6342Canadian Syllabics Nwi Canadian Syllabics Nwi
6343Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwi Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwi
6344Canadian Syllabics Nwii Canadian Syllabics Nwii
6345Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwii Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwii
6346Canadian Syllabics Nwo Canadian Syllabics Nwo
6347Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwo Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwo
6348Canadian Syllabics Nwoo Canadian Syllabics Nwoo
6349Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwoo Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Nwoo
6350Canadian Syllabics Rwee Canadian Syllabics Rwee
6351Canadian Syllabics Rwi Canadian Syllabics Rwi
6352Canadian Syllabics Rwii Canadian Syllabics Rwii
6353Canadian Syllabics Rwo Canadian Syllabics Rwo
6354Canadian Syllabics Rwoo Canadian Syllabics Rwoo
6355Canadian Syllabics Rwa Canadian Syllabics Rwa
6356Canadian Syllabics Ojibway P Canadian Syllabics Ojibway P
6357Canadian Syllabics Ojibway T Canadian Syllabics Ojibway T
6358Canadian Syllabics Ojibway K Canadian Syllabics Ojibway K
6359Canadian Syllabics Ojibway C Canadian Syllabics Ojibway C
6360Canadian Syllabics Ojibway M Canadian Syllabics Ojibway M
6361Canadian Syllabics Ojibway N Canadian Syllabics Ojibway N
6362Canadian Syllabics Ojibway S Canadian Syllabics Ojibway S
6363Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Sh Canadian Syllabics Ojibway Sh
6364Canadian Syllabics Eastern W Canadian Syllabics Eastern W
6365Canadian Syllabics Western W Canadian Syllabics Western W
6366Canadian Syllabics Final Small Ring Canadian Syllabics Final Small Ring
6367Canadian Syllabics Final Raised Dot Canadian Syllabics Final Raised Dot
6368Canadian Syllabics R-Cree Rwe Canadian Syllabics R-Cree Rwe
6369Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Loo Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Loo
6370Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Laa Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Laa
6371Canadian Syllabics Thwe Canadian Syllabics Thwe
6372Canadian Syllabics Thwa Canadian Syllabics Thwa
6373Canadian Syllabics Tthwe Canadian Syllabics Tthwe
6374Canadian Syllabics Tthoo Canadian Syllabics Tthoo
6375Canadian Syllabics Tthaa Canadian Syllabics Tthaa
6376Canadian Syllabics Tlhwe Canadian Syllabics Tlhwe
6377Canadian Syllabics Tlhoo Canadian Syllabics Tlhoo
6378Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shwe Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shwe
6379Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shoo Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Shoo
6380Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Hoo Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Hoo
6381Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gwu Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gwu
6382Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dene Gee Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dene Gee
6383Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gaa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gaa
6384Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gwa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Gwa
6385Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Juu Canadian Syllabics Sayisi Juu
6386Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jwa Canadian Syllabics Carrier Jwa
6387Canadian Syllabics Beaver Dene L Canadian Syllabics Beaver Dene L
6388Canadian Syllabics Beaver Dene R Canadian Syllabics Beaver Dene R
6389Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dental S Canadian Syllabics Carrier Dental S
6400Limbu Vowel-Carrier Letter Limbu Vowel-Carrier Letter
6401Limbu Letter Ka Limbu Letter Ka
6402Limbu Letter Kha Limbu Letter Kha
6403Limbu Letter Ga Limbu Letter Ga
6404Limbu Letter Gha Limbu Letter Gha
6405Limbu Letter Nga Limbu Letter Nga
6406Limbu Letter Ca Limbu Letter Ca
6407Limbu Letter Cha Limbu Letter Cha
6408Limbu Letter Ja Limbu Letter Ja
6409Limbu Letter Jha Limbu Letter Jha
6410Limbu Letter Yan Limbu Letter Yan
6411Limbu Letter Ta Limbu Letter Ta
6412Limbu Letter Tha Limbu Letter Tha
6413Limbu Letter Da Limbu Letter Da
6414Limbu Letter Dha Limbu Letter Dha
6415Limbu Letter Na Limbu Letter Na
6416Limbu Letter Pa Limbu Letter Pa
6417Limbu Letter Pha Limbu Letter Pha
6418Limbu Letter Ba Limbu Letter Ba
6419Limbu Letter Bha Limbu Letter Bha
6420Limbu Letter Ma Limbu Letter Ma
6421Limbu Letter Ya Limbu Letter Ya
6422Limbu Letter Ra Limbu Letter Ra
6423Limbu Letter La Limbu Letter La
6424Limbu Letter Wa Limbu Letter Wa
6425Limbu Letter Sha Limbu Letter Sha
6426Limbu Letter Ssa Limbu Letter Ssa
6427Limbu Letter Sa Limbu Letter Sa
6428Limbu Letter Ha Limbu Letter Ha
6432Limbu Vowel Sign A Limbu Vowel Sign A
6433Limbu Vowel Sign I Limbu Vowel Sign I
6434Limbu Vowel Sign U Limbu Vowel Sign U
6435Limbu Vowel Sign Ee Limbu Vowel Sign Ee
6436Limbu Vowel Sign Ai Limbu Vowel Sign Ai
6437Limbu Vowel Sign Oo Limbu Vowel Sign Oo
6438Limbu Vowel Sign Au Limbu Vowel Sign Au
6439Limbu Vowel Sign E Limbu Vowel Sign E
6440Limbu Vowel Sign O Limbu Vowel Sign O
6441Limbu Subjoined Letter Ya Limbu Subjoined Letter Ya
6442Limbu Subjoined Letter Ra Limbu Subjoined Letter Ra
6443Limbu Subjoined Letter Wa Limbu Subjoined Letter Wa
6448Limbu Small Letter Ka Limbu Small Letter Ka
6449Limbu Small Letter Nga Limbu Small Letter Nga
6450Limbu Small Letter Anusvara Limbu Small Letter Anusvara
6451Limbu Small Letter Ta Limbu Small Letter Ta
6452Limbu Small Letter Na Limbu Small Letter Na
6453Limbu Small Letter Pa Limbu Small Letter Pa
6454Limbu Small Letter Ma Limbu Small Letter Ma
6455Limbu Small Letter Ra Limbu Small Letter Ra
6456Limbu Small Letter La Limbu Small Letter La
6457Limbu Sign Mukphreng Limbu Sign Mukphreng
6458Limbu Sign Kemphreng Limbu Sign Kemphreng
6459Limbu Sign Sa-I Limbu Sign Sa-I
6464Limbu Sign Loo Limbu Sign Loo
6468Limbu Exclamation Mark Limbu Exclamation Mark
6469Limbu Question Mark Limbu Question Mark
6470Limbu Digit Zero Limbu Digit Zero
6471Limbu Digit One Limbu Digit One
6472Limbu Digit Two Limbu Digit Two
6473Limbu Digit Three Limbu Digit Three
6474Limbu Digit Four Limbu Digit Four
6475Limbu Digit Five Limbu Digit Five
6476Limbu Digit Six Limbu Digit Six
6477Limbu Digit Seven Limbu Digit Seven
6478Limbu Digit Eight Limbu Digit Eight
6479Limbu Digit Nine Limbu Digit Nine
6480Tai Le Letter Ka Tai Le Letter Ka
6481Tai Le Letter Xa Tai Le Letter Xa
6482Tai Le Letter Nga Tai Le Letter Nga
6483Tai Le Letter Tsa Tai Le Letter Tsa
6484Tai Le Letter Sa Tai Le Letter Sa
6485Tai Le Letter Ya Tai Le Letter Ya
6486Tai Le Letter Ta Tai Le Letter Ta
6487Tai Le Letter Tha Tai Le Letter Tha
6488Tai Le Letter La Tai Le Letter La
6489Tai Le Letter Pa Tai Le Letter Pa
6490Tai Le Letter Pha Tai Le Letter Pha
6491Tai Le Letter Ma Tai Le Letter Ma
6492Tai Le Letter Fa Tai Le Letter Fa
6493Tai Le Letter Va Tai Le Letter Va
6494Tai Le Letter Ha Tai Le Letter Ha
6495Tai Le Letter Qa Tai Le Letter Qa
6496Tai Le Letter Kha Tai Le Letter Kha
6497Tai Le Letter Tsha Tai Le Letter Tsha
6498Tai Le Letter Na Tai Le Letter Na
6499Tai Le Letter A Tai Le Letter A
6500Tai Le Letter I Tai Le Letter I
6501Tai Le Letter Ee Tai Le Letter Ee
6502Tai Le Letter Eh Tai Le Letter Eh
6503Tai Le Letter U Tai Le Letter U
6504Tai Le Letter Oo Tai Le Letter Oo
6505Tai Le Letter O Tai Le Letter O
6506Tai Le Letter Ue Tai Le Letter Ue
6507Tai Le Letter E Tai Le Letter E
6508Tai Le Letter Aue Tai Le Letter Aue
6509Tai Le Letter Ai Tai Le Letter Ai
6512Tai Le Letter Tone-2 Tai Le Letter Tone-2
6513Tai Le Letter Tone-3 Tai Le Letter Tone-3
6514Tai Le Letter Tone-4 Tai Le Letter Tone-4
6515Tai Le Letter Tone-5 Tai Le Letter Tone-5
6516Tai Le Letter Tone-6 Tai Le Letter Tone-6
6528New Tai Lue Letter High Qa New Tai Lue Letter High Qa
6529New Tai Lue Letter Low Qa New Tai Lue Letter Low Qa
6530New Tai Lue Letter High Ka New Tai Lue Letter High Ka
6531New Tai Lue Letter High Xa New Tai Lue Letter High Xa
6532New Tai Lue Letter High Nga New Tai Lue Letter High Nga
6533New Tai Lue Letter Low Ka New Tai Lue Letter Low Ka
6534New Tai Lue Letter Low Xa New Tai Lue Letter Low Xa
6535New Tai Lue Letter Low Nga New Tai Lue Letter Low Nga
6536New Tai Lue Letter High Tsa New Tai Lue Letter High Tsa
6537New Tai Lue Letter High Sa New Tai Lue Letter High Sa
6538New Tai Lue Letter High Ya New Tai Lue Letter High Ya
6539New Tai Lue Letter Low Tsa New Tai Lue Letter Low Tsa
6540New Tai Lue Letter Low Sa New Tai Lue Letter Low Sa
6541New Tai Lue Letter Low Ya New Tai Lue Letter Low Ya
6542New Tai Lue Letter High Ta New Tai Lue Letter High Ta
6543New Tai Lue Letter High Tha New Tai Lue Letter High Tha
6544New Tai Lue Letter High Na New Tai Lue Letter High Na
6545New Tai Lue Letter Low Ta New Tai Lue Letter Low Ta
6546New Tai Lue Letter Low Tha New Tai Lue Letter Low Tha
6547New Tai Lue Letter Low Na New Tai Lue Letter Low Na
6548New Tai Lue Letter High Pa New Tai Lue Letter High Pa
6549New Tai Lue Letter High Pha New Tai Lue Letter High Pha
6550New Tai Lue Letter High Ma New Tai Lue Letter High Ma
6551New Tai Lue Letter Low Pa New Tai Lue Letter Low Pa
6552New Tai Lue Letter Low Pha New Tai Lue Letter Low Pha
6553New Tai Lue Letter Low Ma New Tai Lue Letter Low Ma
6554New Tai Lue Letter High Fa New Tai Lue Letter High Fa
6555New Tai Lue Letter High Va New Tai Lue Letter High Va
6556New Tai Lue Letter High La New Tai Lue Letter High La
6557New Tai Lue Letter Low Fa New Tai Lue Letter Low Fa
6558New Tai Lue Letter Low Va New Tai Lue Letter Low Va
6559New Tai Lue Letter Low La New Tai Lue Letter Low La
6560New Tai Lue Letter High Ha New Tai Lue Letter High Ha
6561New Tai Lue Letter High Da New Tai Lue Letter High Da
6562New Tai Lue Letter High Ba New Tai Lue Letter High Ba
6563New Tai Lue Letter Low Ha New Tai Lue Letter Low Ha
6564New Tai Lue Letter Low Da New Tai Lue Letter Low Da
6565New Tai Lue Letter Low Ba New Tai Lue Letter Low Ba
6566New Tai Lue Letter High Kva New Tai Lue Letter High Kva
6567New Tai Lue Letter High Xva New Tai Lue Letter High Xva
6568New Tai Lue Letter Low Kva New Tai Lue Letter Low Kva
6569New Tai Lue Letter Low Xva New Tai Lue Letter Low Xva
6570New Tai Lue Letter High Sua New Tai Lue Letter High Sua
6571New Tai Lue Letter Low Sua New Tai Lue Letter Low Sua
6576New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Vowel Shortener New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Vowel Shortener
6577New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Aa New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Aa
6578New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ii New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ii
6579New Tai Lue Vowel Sign U New Tai Lue Vowel Sign U
6580New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uu New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uu
6581New Tai Lue Vowel Sign E New Tai Lue Vowel Sign E
6582New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ae New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ae
6583New Tai Lue Vowel Sign O New Tai Lue Vowel Sign O
6584New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oa New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oa
6585New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ue New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ue
6586New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ay New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Ay
6587New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Aay New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Aay
6588New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uy New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uy
6589New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oy New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oy
6590New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oay New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Oay
6591New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uey New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Uey
6592New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Iy New Tai Lue Vowel Sign Iy
6593New Tai Lue Letter Final V New Tai Lue Letter Final V
6594New Tai Lue Letter Final Ng New Tai Lue Letter Final Ng
6595New Tai Lue Letter Final N New Tai Lue Letter Final N
6596New Tai Lue Letter Final M New Tai Lue Letter Final M
6597New Tai Lue Letter Final K New Tai Lue Letter Final K
6598New Tai Lue Letter Final D New Tai Lue Letter Final D
6599New Tai Lue Letter Final B New Tai Lue Letter Final B
6600New Tai Lue Tone Mark-1 New Tai Lue Tone Mark-1
6601New Tai Lue Tone Mark-2 New Tai Lue Tone Mark-2
6608New Tai Lue Digit Zero New Tai Lue Digit Zero
6609New Tai Lue Digit One New Tai Lue Digit One
6610New Tai Lue Digit Two New Tai Lue Digit Two
6611New Tai Lue Digit Three New Tai Lue Digit Three
6612New Tai Lue Digit Four New Tai Lue Digit Four
6613New Tai Lue Digit Five New Tai Lue Digit Five
6614New Tai Lue Digit Six New Tai Lue Digit Six
6615New Tai Lue Digit Seven New Tai Lue Digit Seven
6616New Tai Lue Digit Eight New Tai Lue Digit Eight
6617New Tai Lue Digit Nine New Tai Lue Digit Nine
6618New Tai Lue Tham Digit One New Tai Lue Tham Digit One
6622New Tai Lue Sign Lae New Tai Lue Sign Lae
6623New Tai Lue Sign Laev New Tai Lue Sign Laev
6624Khmer Symbol Pathamasat Khmer Symbol Pathamasat
6625Khmer Symbol Muoy Koet Khmer Symbol Muoy Koet
6626Khmer Symbol Pii Koet Khmer Symbol Pii Koet
6627Khmer Symbol Bei Koet Khmer Symbol Bei Koet
6628Khmer Symbol Buon Koet Khmer Symbol Buon Koet
6629Khmer Symbol Pram Koet Khmer Symbol Pram Koet
6630Khmer Symbol Pram-Muoy Koet Khmer Symbol Pram-Muoy Koet
6631Khmer Symbol Pram-Pii Koet Khmer Symbol Pram-Pii Koet
6632Khmer Symbol Pram-Bei Koet Khmer Symbol Pram-Bei Koet
6633Khmer Symbol Pram-Buon Koet Khmer Symbol Pram-Buon Koet
6634Khmer Symbol Dap Koet Khmer Symbol Dap Koet
6635Khmer Symbol Dap-Muoy Koet Khmer Symbol Dap-Muoy Koet
6636Khmer Symbol Dap-Pii Koet Khmer Symbol Dap-Pii Koet
6637Khmer Symbol Dap-Bei Koet Khmer Symbol Dap-Bei Koet
6638Khmer Symbol Dap-Buon Koet Khmer Symbol Dap-Buon Koet
6639Khmer Symbol Dap-Pram Koet Khmer Symbol Dap-Pram Koet
6640Khmer Symbol Tuteyasat Khmer Symbol Tuteyasat
6641Khmer Symbol Muoy Roc Khmer Symbol Muoy Roc
6642Khmer Symbol Pii Roc Khmer Symbol Pii Roc
6643Khmer Symbol Bei Roc Khmer Symbol Bei Roc
6644Khmer Symbol Buon Roc Khmer Symbol Buon Roc
6645Khmer Symbol Pram Roc Khmer Symbol Pram Roc
6646Khmer Symbol Pram-Muoy Roc Khmer Symbol Pram-Muoy Roc
6647Khmer Symbol Pram-Pii Roc Khmer Symbol Pram-Pii Roc
6648Khmer Symbol Pram-Bei Roc Khmer Symbol Pram-Bei Roc
6649Khmer Symbol Pram-Buon Roc Khmer Symbol Pram-Buon Roc
6650Khmer Symbol Dap Roc Khmer Symbol Dap Roc
6651Khmer Symbol Dap-Muoy Roc Khmer Symbol Dap-Muoy Roc
6652Khmer Symbol Dap-Pii Roc Khmer Symbol Dap-Pii Roc
6653Khmer Symbol Dap-Bei Roc Khmer Symbol Dap-Bei Roc
6654Khmer Symbol Dap-Buon Roc Khmer Symbol Dap-Buon Roc
6655Khmer Symbol Dap-Pram Roc Khmer Symbol Dap-Pram Roc
6656Buginese Letter Ka Buginese Letter Ka
6657Buginese Letter Ga Buginese Letter Ga
6658Buginese Letter Nga Buginese Letter Nga
6659Buginese Letter Ngka Buginese Letter Ngka
6660Buginese Letter Pa Buginese Letter Pa
6661Buginese Letter Ba Buginese Letter Ba
6662Buginese Letter Ma Buginese Letter Ma
6663Buginese Letter Mpa Buginese Letter Mpa
6664Buginese Letter Ta Buginese Letter Ta
6665Buginese Letter Da Buginese Letter Da
6666Buginese Letter Na Buginese Letter Na
6667Buginese Letter Nra Buginese Letter Nra
6668Buginese Letter Ca Buginese Letter Ca
6669Buginese Letter Ja Buginese Letter Ja
6670Buginese Letter Nya Buginese Letter Nya
6671Buginese Letter Nyca Buginese Letter Nyca
6672Buginese Letter Ya Buginese Letter Ya
6673Buginese Letter Ra Buginese Letter Ra
6674Buginese Letter La Buginese Letter La
6675Buginese Letter Va Buginese Letter Va
6676Buginese Letter Sa Buginese Letter Sa
6677Buginese Letter A Buginese Letter A
6678Buginese Letter Ha Buginese Letter Ha
6679Buginese Vowel Sign I Buginese Vowel Sign I
6680Buginese Vowel Sign U Buginese Vowel Sign U
6681Buginese Vowel Sign E Buginese Vowel Sign E
6682Buginese Vowel Sign O Buginese Vowel Sign O
6683Buginese Vowel Sign Ae Buginese Vowel Sign Ae
6686Buginese Pallawa Buginese Pallawa
6687Buginese End Of Section Buginese End Of Section
6688Tai Tham Letter High Ka Tai Tham Letter High Ka
6689Tai Tham Letter High Kha Tai Tham Letter High Kha
6690Tai Tham Letter High Kxa Tai Tham Letter High Kxa
6691Tai Tham Letter Low Ka Tai Tham Letter Low Ka
6692Tai Tham Letter Low Kxa Tai Tham Letter Low Kxa
6693Tai Tham Letter Low Kha Tai Tham Letter Low Kha
6694Tai Tham Letter Nga Tai Tham Letter Nga
6695Tai Tham Letter High Ca Tai Tham Letter High Ca
6696Tai Tham Letter High Cha Tai Tham Letter High Cha
6697Tai Tham Letter Low Ca Tai Tham Letter Low Ca
6698Tai Tham Letter Low Sa Tai Tham Letter Low Sa
6699Tai Tham Letter Low Cha Tai Tham Letter Low Cha
6700Tai Tham Letter Nya Tai Tham Letter Nya
6701Tai Tham Letter Rata Tai Tham Letter Rata
6702Tai Tham Letter High Ratha Tai Tham Letter High Ratha
6703Tai Tham Letter Da Tai Tham Letter Da
6704Tai Tham Letter Low Ratha Tai Tham Letter Low Ratha
6705Tai Tham Letter Rana Tai Tham Letter Rana
6706Tai Tham Letter High Ta Tai Tham Letter High Ta
6707Tai Tham Letter High Tha Tai Tham Letter High Tha
6708Tai Tham Letter Low Ta Tai Tham Letter Low Ta
6709Tai Tham Letter Low Tha Tai Tham Letter Low Tha
6710Tai Tham Letter Na Tai Tham Letter Na
6711Tai Tham Letter Ba Tai Tham Letter Ba
6712Tai Tham Letter High Pa Tai Tham Letter High Pa
6713Tai Tham Letter High Pha Tai Tham Letter High Pha
6714Tai Tham Letter High Fa Tai Tham Letter High Fa
6715Tai Tham Letter Low Pa Tai Tham Letter Low Pa
6716Tai Tham Letter Low Fa Tai Tham Letter Low Fa
6717Tai Tham Letter Low Pha Tai Tham Letter Low Pha
6718Tai Tham Letter Ma Tai Tham Letter Ma
6719Tai Tham Letter Low Ya Tai Tham Letter Low Ya
6720Tai Tham Letter High Ya Tai Tham Letter High Ya
6721Tai Tham Letter Ra Tai Tham Letter Ra
6722Tai Tham Letter Rue Tai Tham Letter Rue
6723Tai Tham Letter La Tai Tham Letter La
6724Tai Tham Letter Lue Tai Tham Letter Lue
6725Tai Tham Letter Wa Tai Tham Letter Wa
6726Tai Tham Letter High Sha Tai Tham Letter High Sha
6727Tai Tham Letter High Ssa Tai Tham Letter High Ssa
6728Tai Tham Letter High Sa Tai Tham Letter High Sa
6729Tai Tham Letter High Ha Tai Tham Letter High Ha
6730Tai Tham Letter Lla Tai Tham Letter Lla
6731Tai Tham Letter A Tai Tham Letter A
6732Tai Tham Letter Low Ha Tai Tham Letter Low Ha
6733Tai Tham Letter I Tai Tham Letter I
6734Tai Tham Letter Ii Tai Tham Letter Ii
6735Tai Tham Letter U Tai Tham Letter U
6736Tai Tham Letter Uu Tai Tham Letter Uu
6737Tai Tham Letter Ee Tai Tham Letter Ee
6738Tai Tham Letter Oo Tai Tham Letter Oo
6739Tai Tham Letter Lae Tai Tham Letter Lae
6740Tai Tham Letter Great Sa Tai Tham Letter Great Sa
6741Tai Tham Consonant Sign Medial Ra Tai Tham Consonant Sign Medial Ra
6742Tai Tham Consonant Sign Medial La Tai Tham Consonant Sign Medial La
6743Tai Tham Consonant Sign La Tang Lai Tai Tham Consonant Sign La Tang Lai
6744Tai Tham Sign Mai Kang Lai Tai Tham Sign Mai Kang Lai
6745Tai Tham Consonant Sign Final Nga Tai Tham Consonant Sign Final Nga
6746Tai Tham Consonant Sign Low Pa Tai Tham Consonant Sign Low Pa
6747Tai Tham Consonant Sign High Ratha Or Low Pa Tai Tham Consonant Sign High Ratha Or Low Pa
6748Tai Tham Consonant Sign Ma Tai Tham Consonant Sign Ma
6749Tai Tham Consonant Sign Ba Tai Tham Consonant Sign Ba
6750Tai Tham Consonant Sign Sa Tai Tham Consonant Sign Sa
6752Tai Tham Sign Sakot Tai Tham Sign Sakot
6753Tai Tham Vowel Sign A Tai Tham Vowel Sign A
6754Tai Tham Vowel Sign Mai Sat Tai Tham Vowel Sign Mai Sat
6755Tai Tham Vowel Sign Aa Tai Tham Vowel Sign Aa
6756Tai Tham Vowel Sign Tall Aa Tai Tham Vowel Sign Tall Aa
6757Tai Tham Vowel Sign I Tai Tham Vowel Sign I
6758Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ii Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ii
6759Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ue Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ue
6760Tai Tham Vowel Sign Uue Tai Tham Vowel Sign Uue
6761Tai Tham Vowel Sign U Tai Tham Vowel Sign U
6762Tai Tham Vowel Sign Uu Tai Tham Vowel Sign Uu
6763Tai Tham Vowel Sign O Tai Tham Vowel Sign O
6764Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oa Below Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oa Below
6765Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oy Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oy
6766Tai Tham Vowel Sign E Tai Tham Vowel Sign E
6767Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ae Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ae
6768Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oo Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oo
6769Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ai Tai Tham Vowel Sign Ai
6770Tai Tham Vowel Sign Tham Ai Tai Tham Vowel Sign Tham Ai
6771Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oa Above Tai Tham Vowel Sign Oa Above
6772Tai Tham Sign Mai Kang Tai Tham Sign Mai Kang
6773Tai Tham Sign Tone-1 Tai Tham Sign Tone-1
6774Tai Tham Sign Tone-2 Tai Tham Sign Tone-2
6775Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-3 Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-3
6776Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-4 Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-4
6777Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-5 Tai Tham Sign Khuen Tone-5
6778Tai Tham Sign Ra Haam Tai Tham Sign Ra Haam
6779Tai Tham Sign Mai Sam Tai Tham Sign Mai Sam
6780Tai Tham Sign Khuen-Lue Karan Tai Tham Sign Khuen-Lue Karan
6783Tai Tham Combining Cryptogrammic Dot Tai Tham Combining Cryptogrammic Dot
6784Tai Tham Hora Digit Zero Tai Tham Hora Digit Zero
6785Tai Tham Hora Digit One Tai Tham Hora Digit One
6786Tai Tham Hora Digit Two Tai Tham Hora Digit Two
6787Tai Tham Hora Digit Three Tai Tham Hora Digit Three
6788Tai Tham Hora Digit Four Tai Tham Hora Digit Four
6789Tai Tham Hora Digit Five Tai Tham Hora Digit Five
6790Tai Tham Hora Digit Six Tai Tham Hora Digit Six
6791Tai Tham Hora Digit Seven Tai Tham Hora Digit Seven
6792Tai Tham Hora Digit Eight Tai Tham Hora Digit Eight
6793Tai Tham Hora Digit Nine Tai Tham Hora Digit Nine
6800Tai Tham Tham Digit Zero Tai Tham Tham Digit Zero
6801Tai Tham Tham Digit One Tai Tham Tham Digit One
6802Tai Tham Tham Digit Two Tai Tham Tham Digit Two
6803Tai Tham Tham Digit Three Tai Tham Tham Digit Three
6804Tai Tham Tham Digit Four Tai Tham Tham Digit Four
6805Tai Tham Tham Digit Five Tai Tham Tham Digit Five
6806Tai Tham Tham Digit Six Tai Tham Tham Digit Six
6807Tai Tham Tham Digit Seven Tai Tham Tham Digit Seven
6808Tai Tham Tham Digit Eight Tai Tham Tham Digit Eight
6809Tai Tham Tham Digit Nine Tai Tham Tham Digit Nine
6816Tai Tham Sign Wiang Tai Tham Sign Wiang
6817Tai Tham Sign Wiangwaak Tai Tham Sign Wiangwaak
6818Tai Tham Sign Sawan Tai Tham Sign Sawan
6819Tai Tham Sign Keow Tai Tham Sign Keow
6820Tai Tham Sign Hoy Tai Tham Sign Hoy
6821Tai Tham Sign Dokmai Tai Tham Sign Dokmai
6822Tai Tham Sign Reversed Rotated Rana Tai Tham Sign Reversed Rotated Rana
6823Tai Tham Sign Mai Yamok Tai Tham Sign Mai Yamok
6824Tai Tham Sign Kaan Tai Tham Sign Kaan
6825Tai Tham Sign Kaankuu Tai Tham Sign Kaankuu
6826Tai Tham Sign Satkaan Tai Tham Sign Satkaan
6827Tai Tham Sign Satkaankuu Tai Tham Sign Satkaankuu
6828Tai Tham Sign Hang Tai Tham Sign Hang
6829Tai Tham Sign Caang Tai Tham Sign Caang
6912Balinese Sign Ulu Ricem Balinese Sign Ulu Ricem
6913Balinese Sign Ulu Candra Balinese Sign Ulu Candra
6914Balinese Sign Cecek Balinese Sign Cecek
6915Balinese Sign Surang Balinese Sign Surang
6916Balinese Sign Bisah Balinese Sign Bisah
6917Balinese Letter Akara Balinese Letter Akara
6918Balinese Letter Akara Tedung Balinese Letter Akara Tedung
6919Balinese Letter Ikara Balinese Letter Ikara
6920Balinese Letter Ikara Tedung Balinese Letter Ikara Tedung
6921Balinese Letter Ukara Balinese Letter Ukara
6922Balinese Letter Ukara Tedung Balinese Letter Ukara Tedung
6923Balinese Letter Ra Repa Balinese Letter Ra Repa
6924Balinese Letter Ra Repa Tedung Balinese Letter Ra Repa Tedung
6925Balinese Letter La Lenga Balinese Letter La Lenga
6926Balinese Letter La Lenga Tedung Balinese Letter La Lenga Tedung
6927Balinese Letter Ekara Balinese Letter Ekara
6928Balinese Letter Aikara Balinese Letter Aikara
6929Balinese Letter Okara Balinese Letter Okara
6930Balinese Letter Okara Tedung Balinese Letter Okara Tedung
6931Balinese Letter Ka Balinese Letter Ka
6932Balinese Letter Ka Mahaprana Balinese Letter Ka Mahaprana
6933Balinese Letter Ga Balinese Letter Ga
6934Balinese Letter Ga Gora Balinese Letter Ga Gora
6935Balinese Letter Nga Balinese Letter Nga
6936Balinese Letter Ca Balinese Letter Ca
6937Balinese Letter Ca Laca Balinese Letter Ca Laca
6938Balinese Letter Ja Balinese Letter Ja
6939Balinese Letter Ja Jera Balinese Letter Ja Jera
6940Balinese Letter Nya Balinese Letter Nya
6941Balinese Letter Ta Latik Balinese Letter Ta Latik
6942Balinese Letter Ta Murda Mahaprana Balinese Letter Ta Murda Mahaprana
6943Balinese Letter Da Murda Alpaprana Balinese Letter Da Murda Alpaprana
6944Balinese Letter Da Murda Mahaprana Balinese Letter Da Murda Mahaprana
6945Balinese Letter Na Rambat Balinese Letter Na Rambat
6946Balinese Letter Ta Balinese Letter Ta
6947Balinese Letter Ta Tawa Balinese Letter Ta Tawa
6948Balinese Letter Da Balinese Letter Da
6949Balinese Letter Da Madu Balinese Letter Da Madu
6950Balinese Letter Na Balinese Letter Na
6951Balinese Letter Pa Balinese Letter Pa
6952Balinese Letter Pa Kapal Balinese Letter Pa Kapal
6953Balinese Letter Ba Balinese Letter Ba
6954Balinese Letter Ba Kembang Balinese Letter Ba Kembang
6955Balinese Letter Ma Balinese Letter Ma
6956Balinese Letter Ya Balinese Letter Ya
6957Balinese Letter Ra Balinese Letter Ra
6958Balinese Letter La Balinese Letter La
6959Balinese Letter Wa Balinese Letter Wa
6960Balinese Letter Sa Saga Balinese Letter Sa Saga
6961Balinese Letter Sa Sapa Balinese Letter Sa Sapa
6962Balinese Letter Sa Balinese Letter Sa
6963Balinese Letter Ha Balinese Letter Ha
6964Balinese Sign Rerekan Balinese Sign Rerekan
6965Balinese Vowel Sign Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign Tedung
6966Balinese Vowel Sign Ulu Balinese Vowel Sign Ulu
6967Balinese Vowel Sign Ulu Sari Balinese Vowel Sign Ulu Sari
6968Balinese Vowel Sign Suku Balinese Vowel Sign Suku
6969Balinese Vowel Sign Suku Ilut Balinese Vowel Sign Suku Ilut
6970Balinese Vowel Sign Ra Repa Balinese Vowel Sign Ra Repa
6971Balinese Vowel Sign Ra Repa Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign Ra Repa Tedung
6972Balinese Vowel Sign La Lenga Balinese Vowel Sign La Lenga
6973Balinese Vowel Sign La Lenga Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign La Lenga Tedung
6974Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Balinese Vowel Sign Taling
6975Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Repa Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Repa
6976Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Tedung
6977Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Repa Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign Taling Repa Tedung
6978Balinese Vowel Sign Pepet Balinese Vowel Sign Pepet
6979Balinese Vowel Sign Pepet Tedung Balinese Vowel Sign Pepet Tedung
6980Balinese Adeg Adeg Balinese Adeg Adeg
6981Balinese Letter Kaf Sasak Balinese Letter Kaf Sasak
6982Balinese Letter Khot Sasak Balinese Letter Khot Sasak
6983Balinese Letter Tzir Sasak Balinese Letter Tzir Sasak
6984Balinese Letter Ef Sasak Balinese Letter Ef Sasak
6985Balinese Letter Ve Sasak Balinese Letter Ve Sasak
6986Balinese Letter Zal Sasak Balinese Letter Zal Sasak
6987Balinese Letter Asyura Sasak Balinese Letter Asyura Sasak
6992Balinese Digit Zero Balinese Digit Zero
6993Balinese Digit One Balinese Digit One
6994Balinese Digit Two Balinese Digit Two
6995Balinese Digit Three Balinese Digit Three
6996Balinese Digit Four Balinese Digit Four
6997Balinese Digit Five Balinese Digit Five
6998Balinese Digit Six Balinese Digit Six
6999Balinese Digit Seven Balinese Digit Seven
7000Balinese Digit Eight Balinese Digit Eight
7001Balinese Digit Nine Balinese Digit Nine
7002Balinese Panti Balinese Panti
7003Balinese Pamada Balinese Pamada
7004Balinese Windu Balinese Windu
7005Balinese Carik Pamungkah Balinese Carik Pamungkah
7006Balinese Carik Siki Balinese Carik Siki
7007Balinese Carik Pareren Balinese Carik Pareren
7008Balinese Pameneng Balinese Pameneng
7009Balinese Musical Symbol Dong Balinese Musical Symbol Dong
7010Balinese Musical Symbol Deng Balinese Musical Symbol Deng
7011Balinese Musical Symbol Dung Balinese Musical Symbol Dung
7012Balinese Musical Symbol Dang Balinese Musical Symbol Dang
7013Balinese Musical Symbol Dang Surang Balinese Musical Symbol Dang Surang
7014Balinese Musical Symbol Ding Balinese Musical Symbol Ding
7015Balinese Musical Symbol Daeng Balinese Musical Symbol Daeng
7016Balinese Musical Symbol Deung Balinese Musical Symbol Deung
7017Balinese Musical Symbol Daing Balinese Musical Symbol Daing
7018Balinese Musical Symbol Dang Gede Balinese Musical Symbol Dang Gede
7019Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Tegeh Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Tegeh
7020Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Endep Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Endep
7021Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempul Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempul
7022Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempli Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempli
7023Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Jegogan Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Jegogan
7024Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempul With Jegogan Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempul With Jegogan
7025Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempli With Jegogan Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Kempli With Jegogan
7026Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Bende Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Bende
7027Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Gong Balinese Musical Symbol Combining Gong
7028Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Open Dug Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Open Dug
7029Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Open Dag Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Open Dag
7030Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Closed Tuk Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Closed Tuk
7031Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Closed Tak Balinese Musical Symbol Right-Hand Closed Tak
7032Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Pang Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Pang
7033Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Pung Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Pung
7034Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Closed Plak Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Closed Plak
7035Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Closed Pluk Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Closed Pluk
7036Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Ping Balinese Musical Symbol Left-Hand Open Ping
7040Sundanese Sign Panyecek Sundanese Sign Panyecek
7041Sundanese Sign Panglayar Sundanese Sign Panglayar
7042Sundanese Sign Pangwisad Sundanese Sign Pangwisad
7043Sundanese Letter A Sundanese Letter A
7044Sundanese Letter I Sundanese Letter I
7045Sundanese Letter U Sundanese Letter U
7046Sundanese Letter Ae Sundanese Letter Ae
7047Sundanese Letter O Sundanese Letter O
7048Sundanese Letter E Sundanese Letter E
7049Sundanese Letter Eu Sundanese Letter Eu
7050Sundanese Letter Ka Sundanese Letter Ka
7051Sundanese Letter Qa Sundanese Letter Qa
7052Sundanese Letter Ga Sundanese Letter Ga
7053Sundanese Letter Nga Sundanese Letter Nga
7054Sundanese Letter Ca Sundanese Letter Ca
7055Sundanese Letter Ja Sundanese Letter Ja
7056Sundanese Letter Za Sundanese Letter Za
7057Sundanese Letter Nya Sundanese Letter Nya
7058Sundanese Letter Ta Sundanese Letter Ta
7059Sundanese Letter Da Sundanese Letter Da
7060Sundanese Letter Na Sundanese Letter Na
7061Sundanese Letter Pa Sundanese Letter Pa
7062Sundanese Letter Fa Sundanese Letter Fa
7063Sundanese Letter Va Sundanese Letter Va
7064Sundanese Letter Ba Sundanese Letter Ba
7065Sundanese Letter Ma Sundanese Letter Ma
7066Sundanese Letter Ya Sundanese Letter Ya
7067Sundanese Letter Ra Sundanese Letter Ra
7068Sundanese Letter La Sundanese Letter La
7069Sundanese Letter Wa Sundanese Letter Wa
7070Sundanese Letter Sa Sundanese Letter Sa
7071Sundanese Letter Xa Sundanese Letter Xa
7072Sundanese Letter Ha Sundanese Letter Ha
7073Sundanese Consonant Sign Pamingkal Sundanese Consonant Sign Pamingkal
7074Sundanese Consonant Sign Panyakra Sundanese Consonant Sign Panyakra
7075Sundanese Consonant Sign Panyiku Sundanese Consonant Sign Panyiku
7076Sundanese Vowel Sign Panghulu Sundanese Vowel Sign Panghulu
7077Sundanese Vowel Sign Panyuku Sundanese Vowel Sign Panyuku
7078Sundanese Vowel Sign Panaelaeng Sundanese Vowel Sign Panaelaeng
7079Sundanese Vowel Sign Panolong Sundanese Vowel Sign Panolong
7080Sundanese Vowel Sign Pamepet Sundanese Vowel Sign Pamepet
7081Sundanese Vowel Sign Paneuleung Sundanese Vowel Sign Paneuleung
7082Sundanese Sign Pamaaeh Sundanese Sign Pamaaeh
7086Sundanese Letter Kha Sundanese Letter Kha
7087Sundanese Letter Sya Sundanese Letter Sya
7088Sundanese Digit Zero Sundanese Digit Zero
7089Sundanese Digit One Sundanese Digit One
7090Sundanese Digit Two Sundanese Digit Two
7091Sundanese Digit Three Sundanese Digit Three
7092Sundanese Digit Four Sundanese Digit Four
7093Sundanese Digit Five Sundanese Digit Five
7094Sundanese Digit Six Sundanese Digit Six
7095Sundanese Digit Seven Sundanese Digit Seven
7096Sundanese Digit Eight Sundanese Digit Eight
7097Sundanese Digit Nine Sundanese Digit Nine
7104Batak Letter A Batak Letter A
7105Batak Letter Simalungun A Batak Letter Simalungun A
7106Batak Letter Ha Batak Letter Ha
7107Batak Letter Simalungun Ha Batak Letter Simalungun Ha
7108Batak Letter Mandailing Ha Batak Letter Mandailing Ha
7109Batak Letter Ba Batak Letter Ba
7110Batak Letter Karo Ba Batak Letter Karo Ba
7111Batak Letter Pa Batak Letter Pa
7112Batak Letter Simalungun Pa Batak Letter Simalungun Pa
7113Batak Letter Na Batak Letter Na
7114Batak Letter Mandailing Na Batak Letter Mandailing Na
7115Batak Letter Wa Batak Letter Wa
7116Batak Letter Simalungun Wa Batak Letter Simalungun Wa
7117Batak Letter Pakpak Wa Batak Letter Pakpak Wa
7118Batak Letter Ga Batak Letter Ga
7119Batak Letter Simalungun Ga Batak Letter Simalungun Ga
7120Batak Letter Ja Batak Letter Ja
7121Batak Letter Da Batak Letter Da
7122Batak Letter Ra Batak Letter Ra
7123Batak Letter Simalungun Ra Batak Letter Simalungun Ra
7124Batak Letter Ma Batak Letter Ma
7125Batak Letter Simalungun Ma Batak Letter Simalungun Ma
7126Batak Letter Southern Ta Batak Letter Southern Ta
7127Batak Letter Northern Ta Batak Letter Northern Ta
7128Batak Letter Sa Batak Letter Sa
7129Batak Letter Simalungun Sa Batak Letter Simalungun Sa
7130Batak Letter Mandailing Sa Batak Letter Mandailing Sa
7131Batak Letter Ya Batak Letter Ya
7132Batak Letter Simalungun Ya Batak Letter Simalungun Ya
7133Batak Letter Nga Batak Letter Nga
7134Batak Letter La Batak Letter La
7135Batak Letter Simalungun La Batak Letter Simalungun La
7136Batak Letter Nya Batak Letter Nya
7137Batak Letter Ca Batak Letter Ca
7138Batak Letter Nda Batak Letter Nda
7139Batak Letter Mba Batak Letter Mba
7140Batak Letter I Batak Letter I
7141Batak Letter U Batak Letter U
7142Batak Sign Tompi Batak Sign Tompi
7143Batak Vowel Sign E Batak Vowel Sign E
7144Batak Vowel Sign Pakpak E Batak Vowel Sign Pakpak E
7145Batak Vowel Sign Ee Batak Vowel Sign Ee
7146Batak Vowel Sign I Batak Vowel Sign I
7147Batak Vowel Sign Karo I Batak Vowel Sign Karo I
7148Batak Vowel Sign O Batak Vowel Sign O
7149Batak Vowel Sign Karo O Batak Vowel Sign Karo O
7150Batak Vowel Sign U Batak Vowel Sign U
7151Batak Vowel Sign U For Simalungun Sa Batak Vowel Sign U For Simalungun Sa
7152Batak Consonant Sign Ng Batak Consonant Sign Ng
7153Batak Consonant Sign H Batak Consonant Sign H
7154Batak Pangolat Batak Pangolat
7155Batak Panongonan Batak Panongonan
7164Batak Symbol Bindu Na Metek Batak Symbol Bindu Na Metek
7165Batak Symbol Bindu Pinarboras Batak Symbol Bindu Pinarboras
7166Batak Symbol Bindu Judul Batak Symbol Bindu Judul
7167Batak Symbol Bindu Pangolat Batak Symbol Bindu Pangolat
7168Lepcha Letter Ka Lepcha Letter Ka
7169Lepcha Letter Kla Lepcha Letter Kla
7170Lepcha Letter Kha Lepcha Letter Kha
7171Lepcha Letter Ga Lepcha Letter Ga
7172Lepcha Letter Gla Lepcha Letter Gla
7173Lepcha Letter Nga Lepcha Letter Nga
7174Lepcha Letter Ca Lepcha Letter Ca
7175Lepcha Letter Cha Lepcha Letter Cha
7176Lepcha Letter Ja Lepcha Letter Ja
7177Lepcha Letter Nya Lepcha Letter Nya
7178Lepcha Letter Ta Lepcha Letter Ta
7179Lepcha Letter Tha Lepcha Letter Tha
7180Lepcha Letter Da Lepcha Letter Da
7181Lepcha Letter Na Lepcha Letter Na
7182Lepcha Letter Pa Lepcha Letter Pa
7183Lepcha Letter Pla Lepcha Letter Pla
7184Lepcha Letter Pha Lepcha Letter Pha
7185Lepcha Letter Fa Lepcha Letter Fa
7186Lepcha Letter Fla Lepcha Letter Fla
7187Lepcha Letter Ba Lepcha Letter Ba
7188Lepcha Letter Bla Lepcha Letter Bla
7189Lepcha Letter Ma Lepcha Letter Ma
7190Lepcha Letter Mla Lepcha Letter Mla
7191Lepcha Letter Tsa Lepcha Letter Tsa
7192Lepcha Letter Tsha Lepcha Letter Tsha
7193Lepcha Letter Dza Lepcha Letter Dza
7194Lepcha Letter Ya Lepcha Letter Ya
7195Lepcha Letter Ra Lepcha Letter Ra
7196Lepcha Letter La Lepcha Letter La
7197Lepcha Letter Ha Lepcha Letter Ha
7198Lepcha Letter Hla Lepcha Letter Hla
7199Lepcha Letter Va Lepcha Letter Va
7200Lepcha Letter Sa Lepcha Letter Sa
7201Lepcha Letter Sha Lepcha Letter Sha
7202Lepcha Letter Wa Lepcha Letter Wa
7203Lepcha Letter A Lepcha Letter A
7204Lepcha Subjoined Letter Ya Lepcha Subjoined Letter Ya
7205Lepcha Subjoined Letter Ra Lepcha Subjoined Letter Ra
7206Lepcha Vowel Sign Aa Lepcha Vowel Sign Aa
7207Lepcha Vowel Sign I Lepcha Vowel Sign I
7208Lepcha Vowel Sign O Lepcha Vowel Sign O
7209Lepcha Vowel Sign Oo Lepcha Vowel Sign Oo
7210Lepcha Vowel Sign U Lepcha Vowel Sign U
7211Lepcha Vowel Sign Uu Lepcha Vowel Sign Uu
7212Lepcha Vowel Sign E Lepcha Vowel Sign E
7213Lepcha Consonant Sign K Lepcha Consonant Sign K
7214Lepcha Consonant Sign M Lepcha Consonant Sign M
7215Lepcha Consonant Sign L Lepcha Consonant Sign L
7216Lepcha Consonant Sign N Lepcha Consonant Sign N
7217Lepcha Consonant Sign P Lepcha Consonant Sign P
7218Lepcha Consonant Sign R Lepcha Consonant Sign R
7219Lepcha Consonant Sign T Lepcha Consonant Sign T
7220Lepcha Consonant Sign Nyin-Do Lepcha Consonant Sign Nyin-Do
7221Lepcha Consonant Sign Kang Lepcha Consonant Sign Kang
7222Lepcha Sign Ran Lepcha Sign Ran
7223Lepcha Sign Nukta Lepcha Sign Nukta
7227Lepcha Punctuation Ta-Rol Lepcha Punctuation Ta-Rol
7228Lepcha Punctuation Nyet Thyoom Ta-Rol Lepcha Punctuation Nyet Thyoom Ta-Rol
7229Lepcha Punctuation Cer-Wa Lepcha Punctuation Cer-Wa
7230Lepcha Punctuation Tshook Cer-Wa Lepcha Punctuation Tshook Cer-Wa
7231Lepcha Punctuation Tshook Lepcha Punctuation Tshook
7232Lepcha Digit Zero Lepcha Digit Zero
7233Lepcha Digit One Lepcha Digit One
7234Lepcha Digit Two Lepcha Digit Two
7235Lepcha Digit Three Lepcha Digit Three
7236Lepcha Digit Four Lepcha Digit Four
7237Lepcha Digit Five Lepcha Digit Five
7238Lepcha Digit Six Lepcha Digit Six
7239Lepcha Digit Seven Lepcha Digit Seven
7240Lepcha Digit Eight Lepcha Digit Eight
7241Lepcha Digit Nine Lepcha Digit Nine
7245Lepcha Letter Tta Lepcha Letter Tta
7246Lepcha Letter Ttha Lepcha Letter Ttha
7247Lepcha Letter Dda Lepcha Letter Dda
7248Ol Chiki Digit Zero Ol Chiki Digit Zero
7249Ol Chiki Digit One Ol Chiki Digit One
7250Ol Chiki Digit Two Ol Chiki Digit Two
7251Ol Chiki Digit Three Ol Chiki Digit Three
7252Ol Chiki Digit Four Ol Chiki Digit Four
7253Ol Chiki Digit Five Ol Chiki Digit Five
7254Ol Chiki Digit Six Ol Chiki Digit Six
7255Ol Chiki Digit Seven Ol Chiki Digit Seven
7256Ol Chiki Digit Eight Ol Chiki Digit Eight
7257Ol Chiki Digit Nine Ol Chiki Digit Nine
7258Ol Chiki Letter La Ol Chiki Letter La
7259Ol Chiki Letter At Ol Chiki Letter At
7260Ol Chiki Letter Ag Ol Chiki Letter Ag
7261Ol Chiki Letter Ang Ol Chiki Letter Ang
7262Ol Chiki Letter Al Ol Chiki Letter Al
7263Ol Chiki Letter Laa Ol Chiki Letter Laa
7264Ol Chiki Letter Aak Ol Chiki Letter Aak
7265Ol Chiki Letter Aaj Ol Chiki Letter Aaj
7266Ol Chiki Letter Aam Ol Chiki Letter Aam
7267Ol Chiki Letter Aaw Ol Chiki Letter Aaw
7268Ol Chiki Letter Li Ol Chiki Letter Li
7269Ol Chiki Letter Is Ol Chiki Letter Is
7270Ol Chiki Letter Ih Ol Chiki Letter Ih
7271Ol Chiki Letter Iny Ol Chiki Letter Iny
7272Ol Chiki Letter Ir Ol Chiki Letter Ir
7273Ol Chiki Letter Lu Ol Chiki Letter Lu
7274Ol Chiki Letter Uc Ol Chiki Letter Uc
7275Ol Chiki Letter Ud Ol Chiki Letter Ud
7276Ol Chiki Letter Unn Ol Chiki Letter Unn
7277Ol Chiki Letter Uy Ol Chiki Letter Uy
7278Ol Chiki Letter Le Ol Chiki Letter Le
7279Ol Chiki Letter Ep Ol Chiki Letter Ep
7280Ol Chiki Letter Edd Ol Chiki Letter Edd
7281Ol Chiki Letter En Ol Chiki Letter En
7282Ol Chiki Letter Err Ol Chiki Letter Err
7283Ol Chiki Letter Lo Ol Chiki Letter Lo
7284Ol Chiki Letter Ott Ol Chiki Letter Ott
7285Ol Chiki Letter Ob Ol Chiki Letter Ob
7286Ol Chiki Letter Ov Ol Chiki Letter Ov
7287Ol Chiki Letter Oh Ol Chiki Letter Oh
7288Ol Chiki Mu Ttuddag Ol Chiki Mu Ttuddag
7289Ol Chiki Gaahlaa Ttuddaag Ol Chiki Gaahlaa Ttuddaag
7290Ol Chiki Mu-Gaahlaa Ttuddaag Ol Chiki Mu-Gaahlaa Ttuddaag
7291Ol Chiki Relaa Ol Chiki Relaa
7292Ol Chiki Phaarkaa Ol Chiki Phaarkaa
7293Ol Chiki Ahad Ol Chiki Ahad
7294Ol Chiki Punctuation Mucaad Ol Chiki Punctuation Mucaad
7295Ol Chiki Punctuation Double Mucaad Ol Chiki Punctuation Double Mucaad
7376Vedic Tone Karshana Vedic Tone Karshana
7377Vedic Tone Shara Vedic Tone Shara
7378Vedic Tone Prenkha Vedic Tone Prenkha
7379Vedic Sign Nihshvasa Vedic Sign Nihshvasa
7380Vedic Sign Yajurvedic Midline Svarita Vedic Sign Yajurvedic Midline Svarita
7381Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Aggravated Independent Svarita Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Aggravated Independent Svarita
7382Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Independent Svarita Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Independent Svarita
7383Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Kathaka Independent Svarita Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Kathaka Independent Svarita
7384Vedic Tone Candra Below Vedic Tone Candra Below
7385Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Kathaka Independent Svarita Schroeder Vedic Tone Yajurvedic Kathaka Independent Svarita Schroeder
7386Vedic Tone Double Svarita Vedic Tone Double Svarita
7387Vedic Tone Triple Svarita Vedic Tone Triple Svarita
7388Vedic Tone Kathaka Anudatta Vedic Tone Kathaka Anudatta
7389Vedic Tone Dot Below Vedic Tone Dot Below
7390Vedic Tone Two Dots Below Vedic Tone Two Dots Below
7391Vedic Tone Three Dots Below Vedic Tone Three Dots Below
7392Vedic Tone Rigvedic Kashmiri Independent Svarita Vedic Tone Rigvedic Kashmiri Independent Svarita
7393Vedic Tone Atharvavedic Independent Svarita Vedic Tone Atharvavedic Independent Svarita
7394Vedic Sign Visarga Svarita Vedic Sign Visarga Svarita
7395Vedic Sign Visarga Udatta Vedic Sign Visarga Udatta
7396Vedic Sign Reversed Visarga Udatta Vedic Sign Reversed Visarga Udatta
7397Vedic Sign Visarga Anudatta Vedic Sign Visarga Anudatta
7398Vedic Sign Reversed Visarga Anudatta Vedic Sign Reversed Visarga Anudatta
7399Vedic Sign Visarga Udatta With Tail Vedic Sign Visarga Udatta With Tail
7400Vedic Sign Visarga Anudatta With Tail Vedic Sign Visarga Anudatta With Tail
7401Vedic Sign Anusvara Antargomukha Vedic Sign Anusvara Antargomukha
7402Vedic Sign Anusvara Bahirgomukha Vedic Sign Anusvara Bahirgomukha
7403Vedic Sign Anusvara Vamagomukha Vedic Sign Anusvara Vamagomukha
7404Vedic Sign Anusvara Vamagomukha With Tail Vedic Sign Anusvara Vamagomukha With Tail
7405Vedic Sign Tiryak Vedic Sign Tiryak
7406Vedic Sign Hexiform Long Anusvara Vedic Sign Hexiform Long Anusvara
7407Vedic Sign Long Anusvara Vedic Sign Long Anusvara
7408Vedic Sign Rthang Long Anusvara Vedic Sign Rthang Long Anusvara
7409Vedic Sign Anusvara Ubhayato Mukha Vedic Sign Anusvara Ubhayato Mukha
7410Vedic Sign Ardhavisarga Vedic Sign Ardhavisarga
7424Latin Letter Small Capital A Latin Letter Small Capital A
7425Latin Letter Small Capital Ae Latin Letter Small Capital Ae
7426Latin Small Letter Turned Ae Latin Small Letter Turned Ae
7427Latin Letter Small Capital Barred B Latin Letter Small Capital Barred B
7428Latin Letter Small Capital C Latin Letter Small Capital C
7429Latin Letter Small Capital D Latin Letter Small Capital D
7430Latin Letter Small Capital Eth Latin Letter Small Capital Eth
7431Latin Letter Small Capital E Latin Letter Small Capital E
7432Latin Small Letter Turned Open E Latin Small Letter Turned Open E
7433Latin Small Letter Turned I Latin Small Letter Turned I
7434Latin Letter Small Capital J Latin Letter Small Capital J
7435Latin Letter Small Capital K Latin Letter Small Capital K
7436Latin Letter Small Capital L With Stroke Latin Letter Small Capital L With Stroke
7437Latin Letter Small Capital M Latin Letter Small Capital M
7438Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed N Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed N
7439Latin Letter Small Capital O Latin Letter Small Capital O
7440Latin Letter Small Capital Open O Latin Letter Small Capital Open O
7441Latin Small Letter Sideways O Latin Small Letter Sideways O
7442Latin Small Letter Sideways Open O Latin Small Letter Sideways Open O
7443Latin Small Letter Sideways O With Stroke Latin Small Letter Sideways O With Stroke
7444Latin Small Letter Turned Oe Latin Small Letter Turned Oe
7445Latin Letter Small Capital Ou Latin Letter Small Capital Ou
7446Latin Small Letter Top Half O Latin Small Letter Top Half O
7447Latin Small Letter Bottom Half O Latin Small Letter Bottom Half O
7448Latin Letter Small Capital P Latin Letter Small Capital P
7449Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed R Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed R
7450Latin Letter Small Capital Turned R Latin Letter Small Capital Turned R
7451Latin Letter Small Capital T Latin Letter Small Capital T
7452Latin Letter Small Capital U Latin Letter Small Capital U
7453Latin Small Letter Sideways U Latin Small Letter Sideways U
7454Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized U Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized U
7455Latin Small Letter Sideways Turned M Latin Small Letter Sideways Turned M
7456Latin Letter Small Capital V Latin Letter Small Capital V
7457Latin Letter Small Capital W Latin Letter Small Capital W
7458Latin Letter Small Capital Z Latin Letter Small Capital Z
7459Latin Letter Small Capital Ezh Latin Letter Small Capital Ezh
7460Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant
7461Latin Letter Ain Latin Letter Ain
7462Greek Letter Small Capital Gamma Greek Letter Small Capital Gamma
7463Greek Letter Small Capital Lamda Greek Letter Small Capital Lamda
7464Greek Letter Small Capital Pi Greek Letter Small Capital Pi
7465Greek Letter Small Capital Rho Greek Letter Small Capital Rho
7466Greek Letter Small Capital Psi Greek Letter Small Capital Psi
7467Cyrillic Letter Small Capital El Cyrillic Letter Small Capital El
7468Modifier Letter Capital A Modifier Letter Capital A
7469Modifier Letter Capital Ae Modifier Letter Capital Ae
7470Modifier Letter Capital B Modifier Letter Capital B
7471Modifier Letter Capital Barred B Modifier Letter Capital Barred B
7472Modifier Letter Capital D Modifier Letter Capital D
7473Modifier Letter Capital E Modifier Letter Capital E
7474Modifier Letter Capital Reversed E Modifier Letter Capital Reversed E
7475Modifier Letter Capital G Modifier Letter Capital G
7476Modifier Letter Capital H Modifier Letter Capital H
7477Modifier Letter Capital I Modifier Letter Capital I
7478Modifier Letter Capital J Modifier Letter Capital J
7479Modifier Letter Capital K Modifier Letter Capital K
7480Modifier Letter Capital L Modifier Letter Capital L
7481Modifier Letter Capital M Modifier Letter Capital M
7482Modifier Letter Capital N Modifier Letter Capital N
7483Modifier Letter Capital Reversed N Modifier Letter Capital Reversed N
7484Modifier Letter Capital O Modifier Letter Capital O
7485Modifier Letter Capital Ou Modifier Letter Capital Ou
7486Modifier Letter Capital P Modifier Letter Capital P
7487Modifier Letter Capital R Modifier Letter Capital R
7488Modifier Letter Capital T Modifier Letter Capital T
7489Modifier Letter Capital U Modifier Letter Capital U
7490Modifier Letter Capital W Modifier Letter Capital W
7491Modifier Letter Small A Modifier Letter Small A
7492Modifier Letter Small Turned A Modifier Letter Small Turned A
7493Modifier Letter Small Alpha Modifier Letter Small Alpha
7494Modifier Letter Small Turned Ae Modifier Letter Small Turned Ae
7495Modifier Letter Small B Modifier Letter Small B
7496Modifier Letter Small D Modifier Letter Small D
7497Modifier Letter Small E Modifier Letter Small E
7498Modifier Letter Small Schwa Modifier Letter Small Schwa
7499Modifier Letter Small Open E Modifier Letter Small Open E
7500Modifier Letter Small Turned Open E Modifier Letter Small Turned Open E
7501Modifier Letter Small G Modifier Letter Small G
7502Modifier Letter Small Turned I Modifier Letter Small Turned I
7503Modifier Letter Small K Modifier Letter Small K
7504Modifier Letter Small M Modifier Letter Small M
7505Modifier Letter Small Eng Modifier Letter Small Eng
7506Modifier Letter Small O Modifier Letter Small O
7507Modifier Letter Small Open O Modifier Letter Small Open O
7508Modifier Letter Small Top Half O Modifier Letter Small Top Half O
7509Modifier Letter Small Bottom Half O Modifier Letter Small Bottom Half O
7510Modifier Letter Small P Modifier Letter Small P
7511Modifier Letter Small T Modifier Letter Small T
7512Modifier Letter Small U Modifier Letter Small U
7513Modifier Letter Small Sideways U Modifier Letter Small Sideways U
7514Modifier Letter Small Turned M Modifier Letter Small Turned M
7515Modifier Letter Small V Modifier Letter Small V
7516Modifier Letter Small Ain Modifier Letter Small Ain
7517Modifier Letter Small Beta Modifier Letter Small Beta
7518Modifier Letter Small Greek Gamma Modifier Letter Small Greek Gamma
7519Modifier Letter Small Delta Modifier Letter Small Delta
7520Modifier Letter Small Greek Phi Modifier Letter Small Greek Phi
7521Modifier Letter Small Chi Modifier Letter Small Chi
7522Latin Subscript Small Letter I Latin Subscript Small Letter I
7523Latin Subscript Small Letter R Latin Subscript Small Letter R
7524Latin Subscript Small Letter U Latin Subscript Small Letter U
7525Latin Subscript Small Letter V Latin Subscript Small Letter V
7526Greek Subscript Small Letter Beta Greek Subscript Small Letter Beta
7527Greek Subscript Small Letter Gamma Greek Subscript Small Letter Gamma
7528Greek Subscript Small Letter Rho Greek Subscript Small Letter Rho
7529Greek Subscript Small Letter Phi Greek Subscript Small Letter Phi
7530Greek Subscript Small Letter Chi Greek Subscript Small Letter Chi
7531Latin Small Letter Ue Latin Small Letter Ue
7532Latin Small Letter B With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter B With Middle Tilde
7533Latin Small Letter D With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter D With Middle Tilde
7534Latin Small Letter F With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter F With Middle Tilde
7535Latin Small Letter M With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter M With Middle Tilde
7536Latin Small Letter N With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter N With Middle Tilde
7537Latin Small Letter P With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter P With Middle Tilde
7538Latin Small Letter R With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter R With Middle Tilde
7539Latin Small Letter R With Fishhook And Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter R With Fishhook And Middle Tilde
7540Latin Small Letter S With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter S With Middle Tilde
7541Latin Small Letter T With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter T With Middle Tilde
7542Latin Small Letter Z With Middle Tilde Latin Small Letter Z With Middle Tilde
7543Latin Small Letter Turned G Latin Small Letter Turned G
7544Modifier Letter Cyrillic En Modifier Letter Cyrillic En
7545Latin Small Letter Insular G Latin Small Letter Insular G
7546Latin Small Letter Th With Strikethrough Latin Small Letter Th With Strikethrough
7547Latin Small Capital Letter I With Stroke Latin Small Capital Letter I With Stroke
7548Latin Small Letter Iota With Stroke Latin Small Letter Iota With Stroke
7549Latin Small Letter P With Stroke Latin Small Letter P With Stroke
7550Latin Small Capital Letter U With Stroke Latin Small Capital Letter U With Stroke
7551Latin Small Letter Upsilon With Stroke Latin Small Letter Upsilon With Stroke
7552Latin Small Letter B With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter B With Palatal Hook
7553Latin Small Letter D With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter D With Palatal Hook
7554Latin Small Letter F With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter F With Palatal Hook
7555Latin Small Letter G With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter G With Palatal Hook
7556Latin Small Letter K With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter K With Palatal Hook
7557Latin Small Letter L With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter L With Palatal Hook
7558Latin Small Letter M With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter M With Palatal Hook
7559Latin Small Letter N With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter N With Palatal Hook
7560Latin Small Letter P With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter P With Palatal Hook
7561Latin Small Letter R With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter R With Palatal Hook
7562Latin Small Letter S With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter S With Palatal Hook
7563Latin Small Letter Esh With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter Esh With Palatal Hook
7564Latin Small Letter V With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter V With Palatal Hook
7565Latin Small Letter X With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter X With Palatal Hook
7566Latin Small Letter Z With Palatal Hook Latin Small Letter Z With Palatal Hook
7567Latin Small Letter A With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter A With Retroflex Hook
7568Latin Small Letter Alpha With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Alpha With Retroflex Hook
7569Latin Small Letter D With Hook And Tail Latin Small Letter D With Hook And Tail
7570Latin Small Letter E With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter E With Retroflex Hook
7571Latin Small Letter Open E With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Open E With Retroflex Hook
7572Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E With Retroflex Hook
7573Latin Small Letter Schwa With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Schwa With Retroflex Hook
7574Latin Small Letter I With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter I With Retroflex Hook
7575Latin Small Letter Open O With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Open O With Retroflex Hook
7576Latin Small Letter Esh With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Esh With Retroflex Hook
7577Latin Small Letter U With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter U With Retroflex Hook
7578Latin Small Letter Ezh With Retroflex Hook Latin Small Letter Ezh With Retroflex Hook
7579Modifier Letter Small Turned Alpha Modifier Letter Small Turned Alpha
7580Modifier Letter Small C Modifier Letter Small C
7581Modifier Letter Small C With Curl Modifier Letter Small C With Curl
7582Modifier Letter Small Eth Modifier Letter Small Eth
7583Modifier Letter Small Reversed Open E Modifier Letter Small Reversed Open E
7584Modifier Letter Small F Modifier Letter Small F
7585Modifier Letter Small Dotless J With Stroke Modifier Letter Small Dotless J With Stroke
7586Modifier Letter Small Script G Modifier Letter Small Script G
7587Modifier Letter Small Turned H Modifier Letter Small Turned H
7588Modifier Letter Small I With Stroke Modifier Letter Small I With Stroke
7589Modifier Letter Small Iota Modifier Letter Small Iota
7590Modifier Letter Small Capital I Modifier Letter Small Capital I
7591Modifier Letter Small Capital I With Stroke Modifier Letter Small Capital I With Stroke
7592Modifier Letter Small J With Crossed-Tail Modifier Letter Small J With Crossed-Tail
7593Modifier Letter Small L With Retroflex Hook Modifier Letter Small L With Retroflex Hook
7594Modifier Letter Small L With Palatal Hook Modifier Letter Small L With Palatal Hook
7595Modifier Letter Small Capital L Modifier Letter Small Capital L
7596Modifier Letter Small M With Hook Modifier Letter Small M With Hook
7597Modifier Letter Small Turned M With Long Leg Modifier Letter Small Turned M With Long Leg
7598Modifier Letter Small N With Left Hook Modifier Letter Small N With Left Hook
7599Modifier Letter Small N With Retroflex Hook Modifier Letter Small N With Retroflex Hook
7600Modifier Letter Small Capital N Modifier Letter Small Capital N
7601Modifier Letter Small Barred O Modifier Letter Small Barred O
7602Modifier Letter Small Phi Modifier Letter Small Phi
7603Modifier Letter Small S With Hook Modifier Letter Small S With Hook
7604Modifier Letter Small Esh Modifier Letter Small Esh
7605Modifier Letter Small T With Palatal Hook Modifier Letter Small T With Palatal Hook
7606Modifier Letter Small U Bar Modifier Letter Small U Bar
7607Modifier Letter Small Upsilon Modifier Letter Small Upsilon
7608Modifier Letter Small Capital U Modifier Letter Small Capital U
7609Modifier Letter Small V With Hook Modifier Letter Small V With Hook
7610Modifier Letter Small Turned V Modifier Letter Small Turned V
7611Modifier Letter Small Z Modifier Letter Small Z
7612Modifier Letter Small Z With Retroflex Hook Modifier Letter Small Z With Retroflex Hook
7613Modifier Letter Small Z With Curl Modifier Letter Small Z With Curl
7614Modifier Letter Small Ezh Modifier Letter Small Ezh
7615Modifier Letter Small Theta Modifier Letter Small Theta
7616Combining Dotted Grave Accent Combining Dotted Grave Accent
7617Combining Dotted Acute Accent Combining Dotted Acute Accent
7618Combining Snake Below Combining Snake Below
7619Combining Suspension Mark Combining Suspension Mark
7620Combining Macron-Acute Combining Macron-Acute
7621Combining Grave-Macron Combining Grave-Macron
7622Combining Macron-Grave Combining Macron-Grave
7623Combining Acute-Macron Combining Acute-Macron
7624Combining Grave-Acute-Grave Combining Grave-Acute-Grave
7625Combining Acute-Grave-Acute Combining Acute-Grave-Acute
7626Combining Latin Small Letter R Below Combining Latin Small Letter R Below
7627Combining Breve-Macron Combining Breve-Macron
7628Combining Macron-Breve Combining Macron-Breve
7629Combining Double Circumflex Above Combining Double Circumflex Above
7630Combining Ogonek Above Combining Ogonek Above
7631Combining Zigzag Below Combining Zigzag Below
7632Combining Is Below Combining Is Below
7633Combining Ur Above Combining Ur Above
7634Combining Us Above Combining Us Above
7635Combining Latin Small Letter Flattened Open A Above Combining Latin Small Letter Flattened Open A Above
7636Combining Latin Small Letter Ae Combining Latin Small Letter Ae
7637Combining Latin Small Letter Ao Combining Latin Small Letter Ao
7638Combining Latin Small Letter Av Combining Latin Small Letter Av
7639Combining Latin Small Letter C Cedilla Combining Latin Small Letter C Cedilla
7640Combining Latin Small Letter Insular D Combining Latin Small Letter Insular D
7641Combining Latin Small Letter Eth Combining Latin Small Letter Eth
7642Combining Latin Small Letter G Combining Latin Small Letter G
7643Combining Latin Letter Small Capital G Combining Latin Letter Small Capital G
7644Combining Latin Small Letter K Combining Latin Small Letter K
7645Combining Latin Small Letter L Combining Latin Small Letter L
7646Combining Latin Letter Small Capital L Combining Latin Letter Small Capital L
7647Combining Latin Letter Small Capital M Combining Latin Letter Small Capital M
7648Combining Latin Small Letter N Combining Latin Small Letter N
7649Combining Latin Letter Small Capital N Combining Latin Letter Small Capital N
7650Combining Latin Letter Small Capital R Combining Latin Letter Small Capital R
7651Combining Latin Small Letter R Rotunda Combining Latin Small Letter R Rotunda
7652Combining Latin Small Letter S Combining Latin Small Letter S
7653Combining Latin Small Letter Long S Combining Latin Small Letter Long S
7654Combining Latin Small Letter Z Combining Latin Small Letter Z
7676Combining Double Inverted Breve Below Combining Double Inverted Breve Below
7677Combining Almost Equal To Below Combining Almost Equal To Below
7678Combining Left Arrowhead Above Combining Left Arrowhead Above
7679Combining Right Arrowhead And Down Arrowhead Below Combining Right Arrowhead And Down Arrowhead Below
7680Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Below Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Below
7681Latin Small Letter A With Ring Below Latin Small Letter A With Ring Below
7682Latin Capital Letter B With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter B With Dot Above
7683Latin Small Letter B With Dot Above Latin Small Letter B With Dot Above
7684Latin Capital Letter B With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter B With Dot Below
7685Latin Small Letter B With Dot Below Latin Small Letter B With Dot Below
7686Latin Capital Letter B With Line Below Latin Capital Letter B With Line Below
7687Latin Small Letter B With Line Below Latin Small Letter B With Line Below
7688Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla And Acute Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla And Acute
7689Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla And Acute Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla And Acute
7690Latin Capital Letter D With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter D With Dot Above
7691Latin Small Letter D With Dot Above Latin Small Letter D With Dot Above
7692Latin Capital Letter D With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter D With Dot Below
7693Latin Small Letter D With Dot Below Latin Small Letter D With Dot Below
7694Latin Capital Letter D With Line Below Latin Capital Letter D With Line Below
7695Latin Small Letter D With Line Below Latin Small Letter D With Line Below
7696Latin Capital Letter D With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter D With Cedilla
7697Latin Small Letter D With Cedilla Latin Small Letter D With Cedilla
7698Latin Capital Letter D With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter D With Circumflex Below
7699Latin Small Letter D With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter D With Circumflex Below
7700Latin Capital Letter E With Macron And Grave Latin Capital Letter E With Macron And Grave
7701Latin Small Letter E With Macron And Grave Latin Small Letter E With Macron And Grave
7702Latin Capital Letter E With Macron And Acute Latin Capital Letter E With Macron And Acute
7703Latin Small Letter E With Macron And Acute Latin Small Letter E With Macron And Acute
7704Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex Below
7705Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex Below
7706Latin Capital Letter E With Tilde Below Latin Capital Letter E With Tilde Below
7707Latin Small Letter E With Tilde Below Latin Small Letter E With Tilde Below
7708Latin Capital Letter E With Cedilla And Breve Latin Capital Letter E With Cedilla And Breve
7709Latin Small Letter E With Cedilla And Breve Latin Small Letter E With Cedilla And Breve
7710Latin Capital Letter F With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter F With Dot Above
7711Latin Small Letter F With Dot Above Latin Small Letter F With Dot Above
7712Latin Capital Letter G With Macron Latin Capital Letter G With Macron
7713Latin Small Letter G With Macron Latin Small Letter G With Macron
7714Latin Capital Letter H With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter H With Dot Above
7715Latin Small Letter H With Dot Above Latin Small Letter H With Dot Above
7716Latin Capital Letter H With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter H With Dot Below
7717Latin Small Letter H With Dot Below Latin Small Letter H With Dot Below
7718Latin Capital Letter H With Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter H With Diaeresis
7719Latin Small Letter H With Diaeresis Latin Small Letter H With Diaeresis
7720Latin Capital Letter H With Cedilla Latin Capital Letter H With Cedilla
7721Latin Small Letter H With Cedilla Latin Small Letter H With Cedilla
7722Latin Capital Letter H With Breve Below Latin Capital Letter H With Breve Below
7723Latin Small Letter H With Breve Below Latin Small Letter H With Breve Below
7724Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde Below Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde Below
7725Latin Small Letter I With Tilde Below Latin Small Letter I With Tilde Below
7726Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis And Acute Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis And Acute
7727Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis And Acute Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis And Acute
7728Latin Capital Letter K With Acute Latin Capital Letter K With Acute
7729Latin Small Letter K With Acute Latin Small Letter K With Acute
7730Latin Capital Letter K With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter K With Dot Below
7731Latin Small Letter K With Dot Below Latin Small Letter K With Dot Below
7732Latin Capital Letter K With Line Below Latin Capital Letter K With Line Below
7733Latin Small Letter K With Line Below Latin Small Letter K With Line Below
7734Latin Capital Letter L With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter L With Dot Below
7735Latin Small Letter L With Dot Below Latin Small Letter L With Dot Below
7736Latin Capital Letter L With Dot Below And Macron Latin Capital Letter L With Dot Below And Macron
7737Latin Small Letter L With Dot Below And Macron Latin Small Letter L With Dot Below And Macron
7738Latin Capital Letter L With Line Below Latin Capital Letter L With Line Below
7739Latin Small Letter L With Line Below Latin Small Letter L With Line Below
7740Latin Capital Letter L With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter L With Circumflex Below
7741Latin Small Letter L With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter L With Circumflex Below
7742Latin Capital Letter M With Acute Latin Capital Letter M With Acute
7743Latin Small Letter M With Acute Latin Small Letter M With Acute
7744Latin Capital Letter M With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter M With Dot Above
7745Latin Small Letter M With Dot Above Latin Small Letter M With Dot Above
7746Latin Capital Letter M With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter M With Dot Below
7747Latin Small Letter M With Dot Below Latin Small Letter M With Dot Below
7748Latin Capital Letter N With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter N With Dot Above
7749Latin Small Letter N With Dot Above Latin Small Letter N With Dot Above
7750Latin Capital Letter N With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter N With Dot Below
7751Latin Small Letter N With Dot Below Latin Small Letter N With Dot Below
7752Latin Capital Letter N With Line Below Latin Capital Letter N With Line Below
7753Latin Small Letter N With Line Below Latin Small Letter N With Line Below
7754Latin Capital Letter N With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter N With Circumflex Below
7755Latin Small Letter N With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter N With Circumflex Below
7756Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Acute Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Acute
7757Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Acute Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Acute
7758Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde And Diaeresis
7759Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Diaeresis Latin Small Letter O With Tilde And Diaeresis
7760Latin Capital Letter O With Macron And Grave Latin Capital Letter O With Macron And Grave
7761Latin Small Letter O With Macron And Grave Latin Small Letter O With Macron And Grave
7762Latin Capital Letter O With Macron And Acute Latin Capital Letter O With Macron And Acute
7763Latin Small Letter O With Macron And Acute Latin Small Letter O With Macron And Acute
7764Latin Capital Letter P With Acute Latin Capital Letter P With Acute
7765Latin Small Letter P With Acute Latin Small Letter P With Acute
7766Latin Capital Letter P With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter P With Dot Above
7767Latin Small Letter P With Dot Above Latin Small Letter P With Dot Above
7768Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Above
7769Latin Small Letter R With Dot Above Latin Small Letter R With Dot Above
7770Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Below
7771Latin Small Letter R With Dot Below Latin Small Letter R With Dot Below
7772Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Below And Macron Latin Capital Letter R With Dot Below And Macron
7773Latin Small Letter R With Dot Below And Macron Latin Small Letter R With Dot Below And Macron
7774Latin Capital Letter R With Line Below Latin Capital Letter R With Line Below
7775Latin Small Letter R With Line Below Latin Small Letter R With Line Below
7776Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Above
7777Latin Small Letter S With Dot Above Latin Small Letter S With Dot Above
7778Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Below
7779Latin Small Letter S With Dot Below Latin Small Letter S With Dot Below
7780Latin Capital Letter S With Acute And Dot Above Latin Capital Letter S With Acute And Dot Above
7781Latin Small Letter S With Acute And Dot Above Latin Small Letter S With Acute And Dot Above
7782Latin Capital Letter S With Caron And Dot Above Latin Capital Letter S With Caron And Dot Above
7783Latin Small Letter S With Caron And Dot Above Latin Small Letter S With Caron And Dot Above
7784Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Below And Dot Above Latin Capital Letter S With Dot Below And Dot Above
7785Latin Small Letter S With Dot Below And Dot Above Latin Small Letter S With Dot Below And Dot Above
7786Latin Capital Letter T With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter T With Dot Above
7787Latin Small Letter T With Dot Above Latin Small Letter T With Dot Above
7788Latin Capital Letter T With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter T With Dot Below
7789Latin Small Letter T With Dot Below Latin Small Letter T With Dot Below
7790Latin Capital Letter T With Line Below Latin Capital Letter T With Line Below
7791Latin Small Letter T With Line Below Latin Small Letter T With Line Below
7792Latin Capital Letter T With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter T With Circumflex Below
7793Latin Small Letter T With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter T With Circumflex Below
7794Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis Below Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis Below
7795Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis Below Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis Below
7796Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde Below Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde Below
7797Latin Small Letter U With Tilde Below Latin Small Letter U With Tilde Below
7798Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex Below Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex Below
7799Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex Below Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex Below
7800Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde And Acute Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde And Acute
7801Latin Small Letter U With Tilde And Acute Latin Small Letter U With Tilde And Acute
7802Latin Capital Letter U With Macron And Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter U With Macron And Diaeresis
7803Latin Small Letter U With Macron And Diaeresis Latin Small Letter U With Macron And Diaeresis
7804Latin Capital Letter V With Tilde Latin Capital Letter V With Tilde
7805Latin Small Letter V With Tilde Latin Small Letter V With Tilde
7806Latin Capital Letter V With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter V With Dot Below
7807Latin Small Letter V With Dot Below Latin Small Letter V With Dot Below
7808Latin Capital Letter W With Grave Latin Capital Letter W With Grave
7809Latin Small Letter W With Grave Latin Small Letter W With Grave
7810Latin Capital Letter W With Acute Latin Capital Letter W With Acute
7811Latin Small Letter W With Acute Latin Small Letter W With Acute
7812Latin Capital Letter W With Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter W With Diaeresis
7813Latin Small Letter W With Diaeresis Latin Small Letter W With Diaeresis
7814Latin Capital Letter W With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter W With Dot Above
7815Latin Small Letter W With Dot Above Latin Small Letter W With Dot Above
7816Latin Capital Letter W With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter W With Dot Below
7817Latin Small Letter W With Dot Below Latin Small Letter W With Dot Below
7818Latin Capital Letter X With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter X With Dot Above
7819Latin Small Letter X With Dot Above Latin Small Letter X With Dot Above
7820Latin Capital Letter X With Diaeresis Latin Capital Letter X With Diaeresis
7821Latin Small Letter X With Diaeresis Latin Small Letter X With Diaeresis
7822Latin Capital Letter Y With Dot Above Latin Capital Letter Y With Dot Above
7823Latin Small Letter Y With Dot Above Latin Small Letter Y With Dot Above
7824Latin Capital Letter Z With Circumflex Latin Capital Letter Z With Circumflex
7825Latin Small Letter Z With Circumflex Latin Small Letter Z With Circumflex
7826Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Below
7827Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Below Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Below
7828Latin Capital Letter Z With Line Below Latin Capital Letter Z With Line Below
7829Latin Small Letter Z With Line Below Latin Small Letter Z With Line Below
7830Latin Small Letter H With Line Below Latin Small Letter H With Line Below
7831Latin Small Letter T With Diaeresis Latin Small Letter T With Diaeresis
7832Latin Small Letter W With Ring Above Latin Small Letter W With Ring Above
7833Latin Small Letter Y With Ring Above Latin Small Letter Y With Ring Above
7834Latin Small Letter A With Right Half Ring Latin Small Letter A With Right Half Ring
7835Latin Small Letter Long S With Dot Above Latin Small Letter Long S With Dot Above
7836Latin Small Letter Long S With Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter Long S With Diagonal Stroke
7837Latin Small Letter Long S With High Stroke Latin Small Letter Long S With High Stroke
7838Latin Capital Letter Sharp S Latin Capital Letter Sharp S
7839Latin Small Letter Delta Latin Small Letter Delta
7840Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter A With Dot Below
7841Latin Small Letter A With Dot Below Latin Small Letter A With Dot Below
7842Latin Capital Letter A With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter A With Hook Above
7843Latin Small Letter A With Hook Above Latin Small Letter A With Hook Above
7844Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Acute Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Acute
7845Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Acute Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Acute
7846Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Grave Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Grave
7847Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Grave Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Grave
7848Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Hook Above
7849Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Hook Above
7850Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Tilde
7851Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Tilde
7852Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex And Dot Below
7853Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex And Dot Below
7854Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Acute Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Acute
7855Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Acute Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Acute
7856Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Grave Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Grave
7857Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Grave Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Grave
7858Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Hook Above
7859Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Hook Above Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Hook Above
7860Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Tilde Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Tilde
7861Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Tilde Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Tilde
7862Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter A With Breve And Dot Below
7863Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Dot Below Latin Small Letter A With Breve And Dot Below
7864Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter E With Dot Below
7865Latin Small Letter E With Dot Below Latin Small Letter E With Dot Below
7866Latin Capital Letter E With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter E With Hook Above
7867Latin Small Letter E With Hook Above Latin Small Letter E With Hook Above
7868Latin Capital Letter E With Tilde Latin Capital Letter E With Tilde
7869Latin Small Letter E With Tilde Latin Small Letter E With Tilde
7870Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Acute Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Acute
7871Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Acute Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Acute
7872Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Grave Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Grave
7873Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Grave Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Grave
7874Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Hook Above
7875Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Hook Above
7876Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Tilde
7877Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Tilde
7878Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex And Dot Below
7879Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Dot Below
7880Latin Capital Letter I With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter I With Hook Above
7881Latin Small Letter I With Hook Above Latin Small Letter I With Hook Above
7882Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Below
7883Latin Small Letter I With Dot Below Latin Small Letter I With Dot Below
7884Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter O With Dot Below
7885Latin Small Letter O With Dot Below Latin Small Letter O With Dot Below
7886Latin Capital Letter O With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter O With Hook Above
7887Latin Small Letter O With Hook Above Latin Small Letter O With Hook Above
7888Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Acute Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Acute
7889Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Acute Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Acute
7890Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Grave Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Grave
7891Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Grave Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Grave
7892Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Hook Above
7893Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Hook Above Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Hook Above
7894Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Tilde
7895Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Tilde Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Tilde
7896Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex And Dot Below
7897Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Dot Below Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex And Dot Below
7898Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Acute Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Acute
7899Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Acute Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Acute
7900Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Grave Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Grave
7901Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Grave Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Grave
7902Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Hook Above
7903Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Hook Above Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Hook Above
7904Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Tilde Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Tilde
7905Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Tilde Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Tilde
7906Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter O With Horn And Dot Below
7907Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Dot Below Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Dot Below
7908Latin Capital Letter U With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter U With Dot Below
7909Latin Small Letter U With Dot Below Latin Small Letter U With Dot Below
7910Latin Capital Letter U With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter U With Hook Above
7911Latin Small Letter U With Hook Above Latin Small Letter U With Hook Above
7912Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Acute Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Acute
7913Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Acute Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Acute
7914Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Grave Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Grave
7915Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Grave Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Grave
7916Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Hook Above Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Hook Above
7917Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Hook Above Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Hook Above
7918Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Tilde Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Tilde
7919Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Tilde Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Tilde
7920Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Dot Below Latin Capital Letter U With Horn And Dot Below
7921Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Dot Below Latin Small Letter U With Horn And Dot Below
7922Latin Capital Letter Y With Grave Latin Capital Letter Y With Grave
7923Latin Small Letter Y With Grave Latin Small Letter Y With Grave
7924Latin Capital Letter Y With Dot Below Latin Capital Letter Y With Dot Below
7925Latin Small Letter Y With Dot Below Latin Small Letter Y With Dot Below
7926Latin Capital Letter Y With Hook Above Latin Capital Letter Y With Hook Above
7927Latin Small Letter Y With Hook Above Latin Small Letter Y With Hook Above
7928Latin Capital Letter Y With Tilde Latin Capital Letter Y With Tilde
7929Latin Small Letter Y With Tilde Latin Small Letter Y With Tilde
7930Latin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh Ll Latin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh Ll
7931Latin Small Letter Middle-Welsh Ll Latin Small Letter Middle-Welsh Ll
7932Latin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh V Latin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh V
7933Latin Small Letter Middle-Welsh V Latin Small Letter Middle-Welsh V
7934Latin Capital Letter Y With Loop Latin Capital Letter Y With Loop
7935Latin Small Letter Y With Loop Latin Small Letter Y With Loop
7936Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili
7937Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia
7938Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia
7939Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia
7940Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia
7941Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia
7942Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni
7943Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni
7944Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili
7945Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia
7946Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia
7947Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia
7948Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia
7949Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia
7950Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni
7951Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni
7952Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili
7953Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia
7954Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili And Varia
7955Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Varia
7956Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Psili And Oxia
7957Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Oxia
7960Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili
7961Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia
7962Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili And Varia
7963Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Varia
7964Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Psili And Oxia
7965Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Dasia And Oxia
7968Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili
7969Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia
7970Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Varia
7971Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia
7972Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia
7973Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia
7974Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni
7975Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni
7976Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili
7977Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia
7978Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Varia
7979Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia
7980Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia
7981Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia
7982Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni
7983Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni
7984Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili
7985Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia
7986Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Varia
7987Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Varia
7988Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Oxia
7989Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Oxia
7990Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Iota With Psili And Perispomeni
7991Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Iota With Dasia And Perispomeni
7992Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili
7993Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia
7994Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Varia
7995Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Varia
7996Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Oxia
7997Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Oxia
7998Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Perispomeni
7999Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Iota With Dasia And Perispomeni
8000Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili
8001Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia
8002Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili And Varia
8003Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia And Varia
8004Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Psili And Oxia
8005Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Dasia And Oxia
8008Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili
8009Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia
8010Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili And Varia
8011Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia And Varia
8012Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Psili And Oxia
8013Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Dasia And Oxia
8016Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili
8017Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia
8018Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Varia
8019Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Varia
8020Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Oxia
8021Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Oxia
8022Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Psili And Perispomeni
8023Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Perispomeni
8025Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia
8027Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Varia
8029Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Oxia
8031Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Dasia And Perispomeni
8032Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili
8033Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia
8034Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Varia Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Varia
8035Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia
8036Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia
8037Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia
8038Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni
8039Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni
8040Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili
8041Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia
8042Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Varia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Varia
8043Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia
8044Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia
8045Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia
8046Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni
8047Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni
8048Greek Small Letter Alpha With Varia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Varia
8049Greek Small Letter Alpha With Oxia Greek Small Letter Alpha With Oxia
8050Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Varia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Varia
8051Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Oxia Greek Small Letter Epsilon With Oxia
8052Greek Small Letter Eta With Varia Greek Small Letter Eta With Varia
8053Greek Small Letter Eta With Oxia Greek Small Letter Eta With Oxia
8054Greek Small Letter Iota With Varia Greek Small Letter Iota With Varia
8055Greek Small Letter Iota With Oxia Greek Small Letter Iota With Oxia
8056Greek Small Letter Omicron With Varia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Varia
8057Greek Small Letter Omicron With Oxia Greek Small Letter Omicron With Oxia
8058Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Varia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Varia
8059Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Oxia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Oxia
8060Greek Small Letter Omega With Varia Greek Small Letter Omega With Varia
8061Greek Small Letter Omega With Oxia Greek Small Letter Omega With Oxia
8064Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Ypogegrammeni
8065Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni
8066Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8067Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8068Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8069Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8070Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8071Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8072Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Prosgegrammeni
8073Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni
8074Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8075Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8076Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8077Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8078Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8079Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8080Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Ypogegrammeni
8081Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni
8082Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8083Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8084Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8085Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8086Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8087Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8088Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Prosgegrammeni
8089Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni
8090Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8091Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8092Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8093Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8094Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8095Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8096Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Ypogegrammeni
8097Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Ypogegrammeni
8098Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8099Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8100Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8101Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8102Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8103Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8104Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Prosgegrammeni
8105Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Prosgegrammeni
8106Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8107Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Varia And Prosgegrammeni
8108Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8109Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Oxia And Prosgegrammeni
8110Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Psili And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8111Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Dasia And Perispomeni And Prosgegrammeni
8112Greek Small Letter Alpha With Vrachy Greek Small Letter Alpha With Vrachy
8113Greek Small Letter Alpha With Macron Greek Small Letter Alpha With Macron
8114Greek Small Letter Alpha With Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8115Greek Small Letter Alpha With Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Ypogegrammeni
8116Greek Small Letter Alpha With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8118Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni
8119Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8120Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Vrachy Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Vrachy
8121Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Macron Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Macron
8122Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Varia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Varia
8123Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Oxia
8124Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Prosgegrammeni
8125Greek Koronis Greek Koronis
8126Greek Prosgegrammeni Greek Prosgegrammeni
8127Greek Psili Greek Psili
8128Greek Perispomeni Greek Perispomeni
8129Greek Dialytika And Perispomeni Greek Dialytika And Perispomeni
8130Greek Small Letter Eta With Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8131Greek Small Letter Eta With Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Ypogegrammeni
8132Greek Small Letter Eta With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8134Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni
8135Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8136Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Varia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Varia
8137Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Oxia
8138Greek Capital Letter Eta With Varia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Varia
8139Greek Capital Letter Eta With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Eta With Oxia
8140Greek Capital Letter Eta With Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Eta With Prosgegrammeni
8141Greek Psili And Varia Greek Psili And Varia
8142Greek Psili And Oxia Greek Psili And Oxia
8143Greek Psili And Perispomeni Greek Psili And Perispomeni
8144Greek Small Letter Iota With Vrachy Greek Small Letter Iota With Vrachy
8145Greek Small Letter Iota With Macron Greek Small Letter Iota With Macron
8146Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Varia Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Varia
8147Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Oxia Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Oxia
8150Greek Small Letter Iota With Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Iota With Perispomeni
8151Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Perispomeni
8152Greek Capital Letter Iota With Vrachy Greek Capital Letter Iota With Vrachy
8153Greek Capital Letter Iota With Macron Greek Capital Letter Iota With Macron
8154Greek Capital Letter Iota With Varia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Varia
8155Greek Capital Letter Iota With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Iota With Oxia
8157Greek Dasia And Varia Greek Dasia And Varia
8158Greek Dasia And Oxia Greek Dasia And Oxia
8159Greek Dasia And Perispomeni Greek Dasia And Perispomeni
8160Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Vrachy Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Vrachy
8161Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Macron Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Macron
8162Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Varia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Varia
8163Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Oxia Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Oxia
8164Greek Small Letter Rho With Psili Greek Small Letter Rho With Psili
8165Greek Small Letter Rho With Dasia Greek Small Letter Rho With Dasia
8166Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Perispomeni
8167Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Perispomeni
8168Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Vrachy Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Vrachy
8169Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Macron Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Macron
8170Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Varia Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Varia
8171Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Oxia
8172Greek Capital Letter Rho With Dasia Greek Capital Letter Rho With Dasia
8173Greek Dialytika And Varia Greek Dialytika And Varia
8174Greek Dialytika And Oxia Greek Dialytika And Oxia
8175Greek Varia Greek Varia
8178Greek Small Letter Omega With Varia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Varia And Ypogegrammeni
8179Greek Small Letter Omega With Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Ypogegrammeni
8180Greek Small Letter Omega With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
8182Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni
8183Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
8184Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Varia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Varia
8185Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Oxia
8186Greek Capital Letter Omega With Varia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Varia
8187Greek Capital Letter Omega With Oxia Greek Capital Letter Omega With Oxia
8188Greek Capital Letter Omega With Prosgegrammeni Greek Capital Letter Omega With Prosgegrammeni
8189Greek Oxia Greek Oxia
8190Greek Dasia Greek Dasia
8192En Quad En Quad
8193Em Quad Em Quad
8194En Space En Space
8195Em Space Em Space
8196Three-Per-Em Space Three-Per-Em Space
8197Four-Per-Em Space Four-Per-Em Space
8198Six-Per-Em Space Six-Per-Em Space
8199Figure Space Figure Space
8200Punctuation Space Punctuation Space
8201Thin Space Thin Space
8202Hair Space Hair Space
8203Zero Width Space Zero Width Space
8204Zero Width Non-Joiner Zero Width Non-Joiner
8205Zero Width Joiner Zero Width Joiner
8206Left-To-Right Mark Left-To-Right Mark
8207Right-To-Left Mark Right-To-Left Mark
8208Łącznik (–) Hyphen
8209Non-Breaking Hyphen Non-Breaking Hyphen
8210Figure Dash Figure Dash
8211Półpauza En Dash
8212Pauza Em Dash
8213Horizontal Bar Horizontal Bar
8214Podwójna kreska pionowa Double Vertical Line
8215Double Low Line Double Low Line
8216Left Single Quotation Mark Left Single Quotation Mark
8217Right Single Quotation Mark Right Single Quotation Mark
8218Single Low-9 Quotation Mark Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
8219Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
8220Left Double Quotation Mark Left Double Quotation Mark
8221Right Double Quotation Mark Right Double Quotation Mark
8222Double Low-9 Quotation Mark Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
8223Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
8224Dagger Dagger
8225Double Dagger Double Dagger
8226Punktor Bullet
8227Triangular Bullet Triangular Bullet
8228One Dot Leader One Dot Leader
8229Two Dot Leader Two Dot Leader
8230Horizontal Ellipsis Horizontal Ellipsis
8231Hyphenation Point Hyphenation Point
8232Line Separator Line Separator
8233Paragraph Separator Paragraph Separator
8234Left-To-Right Embedding Left-To-Right Embedding
8235Right-To-Left Embedding Right-To-Left Embedding
8236Pop Directional Formatting Pop Directional Formatting
8237Left-To-Right Override Left-To-Right Override
8238Right-To-Left Override Right-To-Left Override
8239Narrow No-Break Space Narrow No-Break Space
8240Per Mille Sign Per Mille Sign
8241Per Ten Thousand Sign Per Ten Thousand Sign
8242Prim Prime
8243Bis Double Prime
8244Ter Triple Prime
8245Reversed Prime Reversed Prime
8246Reversed Double Prime Reversed Double Prime
8247Reversed Triple Prime Reversed Triple Prime
8248Daszek (^) Caret
8249Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
8250Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
8251Reference Mark Reference Mark
8252Double Exclamation Mark Double Exclamation Mark
8253Interrobang Interrobang
8254Overline Overline
8255Undertie Undertie
8256Character Tie Character Tie
8257Caret Insertion Point Caret Insertion Point
8258Asterism Asterism
8259Hyphen Bullet Hyphen Bullet
8260Fraction Slash Fraction Slash
8261Left Square Bracket With Quill Left Square Bracket With Quill
8262Right Square Bracket With Quill Right Square Bracket With Quill
8263Double Question Mark Double Question Mark
8264Question Exclamation Mark Question Exclamation Mark
8265Exclamation Question Mark Exclamation Question Mark
8266Tironian Sign Et Tironian Sign Et
8267Reversed Pilcrow Sign Reversed Pilcrow Sign
8268Black Leftwards Bullet Black Leftwards Bullet
8269Black Rightwards Bullet Black Rightwards Bullet
8270Low Asterisk Low Asterisk
8271Reversed Semicolon Reversed Semicolon
8272Close Up Close Up
8273Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically
8274Commercial Minus Sign Commercial Minus Sign
8275Swung Dash Swung Dash
8276Inverted Undertie Inverted Undertie
8277Flower Punctuation Mark Flower Punctuation Mark
8278Three Dot Punctuation Three Dot Punctuation
8279Quadruple Prime Quadruple Prime
8280Four Dot Punctuation Four Dot Punctuation
8281Five Dot Punctuation Five Dot Punctuation
8282Two Dot Punctuation Two Dot Punctuation
8283Four Dot Mark Four Dot Mark
8284Dotted Cross Dotted Cross
8285Tricolon Tricolon
8286Vertical Four Dots Vertical Four Dots
8287Medium Mathematical Space Medium Mathematical Space
8288Word Joiner Word Joiner
8289Function Application Function Application
8290Invisible Times Invisible Times
8291Invisible Separator Invisible Separator
8292Invisible Plus Invisible Plus
8298Inhibit Symmetric Swapping Inhibit Symmetric Swapping
8299Activate Symmetric Swapping Activate Symmetric Swapping
8300Inhibit Arabic Form Shaping Inhibit Arabic Form Shaping
8301Activate Arabic Form Shaping Activate Arabic Form Shaping
8302National Digit Shapes National Digit Shapes
8303Nominal Digit Shapes Nominal Digit Shapes
8304Superscript Zero Superscript Zero
8305Superscript Latin Small Letter I Superscript Latin Small Letter I
8308Superscript Four Superscript Four
8309Superscript Five Superscript Five
8310Superscript Six Superscript Six
8311Superscript Seven Superscript Seven
8312Superscript Eight Superscript Eight
8313Superscript Nine Superscript Nine
8314Superscript Plus Sign Superscript Plus Sign
8315Superscript Minus Superscript Minus
8316Superscript Equals Sign Superscript Equals Sign
8317Superscript Left Parenthesis Superscript Left Parenthesis
8318Superscript Right Parenthesis Superscript Right Parenthesis
8319Superscript Latin Small Letter N Superscript Latin Small Letter N
8320Subscript Zero Subscript Zero
8321Subscript One Subscript One
8322Subscript Two Subscript Two
8323Subscript Three Subscript Three
8324Subscript Four Subscript Four
8325Subscript Five Subscript Five
8326Subscript Six Subscript Six
8327Subscript Seven Subscript Seven
8328Subscript Eight Subscript Eight
8329Subscript Nine Subscript Nine
8330Subscript Plus Sign Subscript Plus Sign
8331Subscript Minus Subscript Minus
8332Subscript Equals Sign Subscript Equals Sign
8333Subscript Left Parenthesis Subscript Left Parenthesis
8334Subscript Right Parenthesis Subscript Right Parenthesis
8336Latin Subscript Small Letter A Latin Subscript Small Letter A
8337Latin Subscript Small Letter E Latin Subscript Small Letter E
8338Latin Subscript Small Letter O Latin Subscript Small Letter O
8339Latin Subscript Small Letter X Latin Subscript Small Letter X
8340Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa
8341Latin Subscript Small Letter H Latin Subscript Small Letter H
8342Latin Subscript Small Letter K Latin Subscript Small Letter K
8343Latin Subscript Small Letter L Latin Subscript Small Letter L
8344Latin Subscript Small Letter M Latin Subscript Small Letter M
8345Latin Subscript Small Letter N Latin Subscript Small Letter N
8346Latin Subscript Small Letter P Latin Subscript Small Letter P
8347Latin Subscript Small Letter S Latin Subscript Small Letter S
8348Latin Subscript Small Letter T Latin Subscript Small Letter T
8352Euro-Currency Sign Euro-Currency Sign
8353Colon Sign Colon Sign
8354Cruzeiro Sign Cruzeiro Sign
8355French Franc Sign French Franc Sign
8356Lira Sign Lira Sign
8357Mill Sign Mill Sign
8358Naira Sign Naira Sign
8359Peseta Sign Peseta Sign
8360Rupee Sign Rupee Sign
8361Won Sign Won Sign
8362New Sheqel Sign New Sheqel Sign
8363Dong Sign Dong Sign
8364Euro Sign Euro Sign
8365Kip Sign Kip Sign
8366Tugrik Sign Tugrik Sign
8367Drachma Sign Drachma Sign
8368German Penny Sign German Penny Sign
8369Peso Sign Peso Sign
8370Guarani Sign Guarani Sign
8371Austral Sign Austral Sign
8372Hryvnia Sign Hryvnia Sign
8373Cedi Sign Cedi Sign
8374Livre Tournois Sign Livre Tournois Sign
8375Spesmilo Sign Spesmilo Sign
8376Tenge Sign Tenge Sign
8377Indian Rupee Sign Indian Rupee Sign
8400Combining Left Harpoon Above Combining Left Harpoon Above
8401Combining Right Harpoon Above Combining Right Harpoon Above
8402Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay
8403Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay
8404Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above
8405Combining Clockwise Arrow Above Combining Clockwise Arrow Above
8406Combining Left Arrow Above Combining Left Arrow Above
8407Combining Right Arrow Above Combining Right Arrow Above
8408Combining Ring Overlay Combining Ring Overlay
8409Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay
8410Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay
8411Combining Three Dots Above Combining Three Dots Above
8412Combining Four Dots Above Combining Four Dots Above
8413Combining Enclosing Circle Combining Enclosing Circle
8414Combining Enclosing Square Combining Enclosing Square
8415Combining Enclosing Diamond Combining Enclosing Diamond
8416Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash
8417Combining Left Right Arrow Above Combining Left Right Arrow Above
8418Combining Enclosing Screen Combining Enclosing Screen
8419Combining Enclosing Keycap Combining Enclosing Keycap
8420Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle
8421Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay
8422Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay
8423Combining Annuity Symbol Combining Annuity Symbol
8424Combining Triple Underdot Combining Triple Underdot
8425Combining Wide Bridge Above Combining Wide Bridge Above
8426Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay
8427Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay
8428Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
8429Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
8430Combining Left Arrow Below Combining Left Arrow Below
8431Combining Right Arrow Below Combining Right Arrow Below
8432Combining Asterisk Above Combining Asterisk Above
8448Account Of Account Of
8449Addressed To The Subject Addressed To The Subject
8450Double-Struck Capital C Double-Struck Capital C
8451Degree Celsius Degree Celsius
8452Centre Line Symbol Centre Line Symbol
8453Care Of Care Of
8454Cada Una Cada Una
8455Euler Constant Euler Constant
8456Scruple Scruple
8457Degree Fahrenheit Degree Fahrenheit
8458Script Small G Script Small G
8459Script Capital H Script Capital H
8460Black-Letter Capital H Black-Letter Capital H
8461Double-Struck Capital H Double-Struck Capital H
8462Stała Plancka Planck Constant
8463Stała Plancka dzielona przez dwa pi Planck Constant Over Two Pi
8464Script Capital I Script Capital I
8465Black-Letter Capital I Black-Letter Capital I
8466Script Capital L Script Capital L
8467Script Small L Script Small L
8468L B Bar Symbol L B Bar Symbol
8469Double-Struck Capital N Double-Struck Capital N
8470Numero Sign Numero Sign
8471Sound Recording Copyright Sound Recording Copyright
8472Script Capital P Script Capital P
8473Double-Struck Capital P Double-Struck Capital P
8474Double-Struck Capital Q Double-Struck Capital Q
8475Script Capital R Script Capital R
8476Black-Letter Capital R Black-Letter Capital R
8477Double-Struck Capital R Double-Struck Capital R
8478Prescription Take Prescription Take
8479Response Response
8480Service Mark Service Mark
8481Telephone Sign Telephone Sign
8482Trade Mark Sign Trade Mark Sign
8483Versicle Versicle
8484Double-Struck Capital Z Double-Struck Capital Z
8485Ounce Sign Ounce Sign
8486Ohm Sign Ohm Sign
8487Inverted Ohm Sign Inverted Ohm Sign
8488Black-Letter Capital Z Black-Letter Capital Z
8489Turned Greek Small Letter Iota Turned Greek Small Letter Iota
8490Kelvin Sign Kelvin Sign
8491Angstrom Sign Angstrom Sign
8492Script Capital B Script Capital B
8493Black-Letter Capital C Black-Letter Capital C
8494Estimated Symbol Estimated Symbol
8495Script Small E Script Small E
8496Script Capital E Script Capital E
8497Script Capital F Script Capital F
8498Turned Capital F Turned Capital F
8499Script Capital M Script Capital M
8500Script Small O Script Small O
8501Alef Symbol Alef Symbol
8502Bet Symbol Bet Symbol
8503Gimel Symbol Gimel Symbol
8504Dalet Symbol Dalet Symbol
8505Information Source Information Source
8506Rotated Capital Q Rotated Capital Q
8507Facsimile Sign Facsimile Sign
8508Double-Struck Small Pi Double-Struck Small Pi
8509Double-Struck Small Gamma Double-Struck Small Gamma
8510Double-Struck Capital Gamma Double-Struck Capital Gamma
8511Double-Struck Capital Pi Double-Struck Capital Pi
8512Double-Struck N-Ary Summation Double-Struck N-Ary Summation
8513Turned Sans-Serif Capital G Turned Sans-Serif Capital G
8514Turned Sans-Serif Capital L Turned Sans-Serif Capital L
8515Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L
8516Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y
8517Double-Struck Italic Capital D Double-Struck Italic Capital D
8518Double-Struck Italic Small D Double-Struck Italic Small D
8519Double-Struck Italic Small E Double-Struck Italic Small E
8520Double-Struck Italic Small I Double-Struck Italic Small I
8521Double-Struck Italic Small J Double-Struck Italic Small J
8522Property Line Property Line
8523Turned Ampersand Turned Ampersand
8524Per Sign Per Sign
8525Aktieselskab Aktieselskab
8526Turned Small F Turned Small F
8527Symbol For Samaritan Source Symbol For Samaritan Source
8528Vulgar Fraction One Seventh Vulgar Fraction One Seventh
8529Vulgar Fraction One Ninth Vulgar Fraction One Ninth
8530Vulgar Fraction One Tenth Vulgar Fraction One Tenth
8531Vulgar Fraction One Third Vulgar Fraction One Third
8532Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds
8533Vulgar Fraction One Fifth Vulgar Fraction One Fifth
8534Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths
8535Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths
8536Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths
8537Vulgar Fraction One Sixth Vulgar Fraction One Sixth
8538Vulgar Fraction Five Sixths Vulgar Fraction Five Sixths
8539Vulgar Fraction One Eighth Vulgar Fraction One Eighth
8540Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths
8541Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths
8542Vulgar Fraction Seven Eighths Vulgar Fraction Seven Eighths
8543Fraction Numerator One Fraction Numerator One
8544Roman Numeral One Roman Numeral One
8545Roman Numeral Two Roman Numeral Two
8546Roman Numeral Three Roman Numeral Three
8547Roman Numeral Four Roman Numeral Four
8548Roman Numeral Five Roman Numeral Five
8549Roman Numeral Six Roman Numeral Six
8550Roman Numeral Seven Roman Numeral Seven
8551Roman Numeral Eight Roman Numeral Eight
8552Roman Numeral Nine Roman Numeral Nine
8553Roman Numeral Ten Roman Numeral Ten
8554Roman Numeral Eleven Roman Numeral Eleven
8555Roman Numeral Twelve Roman Numeral Twelve
8556Roman Numeral Fifty Roman Numeral Fifty
8557Roman Numeral One Hundred Roman Numeral One Hundred
8558Roman Numeral Five Hundred Roman Numeral Five Hundred
8559Roman Numeral One Thousand Roman Numeral One Thousand
8560Small Roman Numeral One Small Roman Numeral One
8561Small Roman Numeral Two Small Roman Numeral Two
8562Small Roman Numeral Three Small Roman Numeral Three
8563Small Roman Numeral Four Small Roman Numeral Four
8564Small Roman Numeral Five Small Roman Numeral Five
8565Small Roman Numeral Six Small Roman Numeral Six
8566Small Roman Numeral Seven Small Roman Numeral Seven
8567Small Roman Numeral Eight Small Roman Numeral Eight
8568Small Roman Numeral Nine Small Roman Numeral Nine
8569Small Roman Numeral Ten Small Roman Numeral Ten
8570Small Roman Numeral Eleven Small Roman Numeral Eleven
8571Small Roman Numeral Twelve Small Roman Numeral Twelve
8572Small Roman Numeral Fifty Small Roman Numeral Fifty
8573Small Roman Numeral One Hundred Small Roman Numeral One Hundred
8574Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred
8575Small Roman Numeral One Thousand Small Roman Numeral One Thousand
8576Roman Numeral One Thousand C D Roman Numeral One Thousand C D
8577Roman Numeral Five Thousand Roman Numeral Five Thousand
8578Roman Numeral Ten Thousand Roman Numeral Ten Thousand
8579Roman Numeral Reversed One Hundred Roman Numeral Reversed One Hundred
8580Latin Small Letter Reversed C Latin Small Letter Reversed C
8581Roman Numeral Six Late Form Roman Numeral Six Late Form
8582Roman Numeral Fifty Early Form Roman Numeral Fifty Early Form
8583Roman Numeral Fifty Thousand Roman Numeral Fifty Thousand
8584Roman Numeral One Hundred Thousand Roman Numeral One Hundred Thousand
8585Vulgar Fraction Zero Thirds Vulgar Fraction Zero Thirds
8592Leftwards Arrow Leftwards Arrow
8593Upwards Arrow Upwards Arrow
8594Rightwards Arrow Rightwards Arrow
8595Downwards Arrow Downwards Arrow
8596Left Right Arrow Left Right Arrow
8597Up Down Arrow Up Down Arrow
8598North West Arrow North West Arrow
8599North East Arrow North East Arrow
8600South East Arrow South East Arrow
8601South West Arrow South West Arrow
8602Leftwards Arrow With Stroke Leftwards Arrow With Stroke
8603Rightwards Arrow With Stroke Rightwards Arrow With Stroke
8604Leftwards Wave Arrow Leftwards Wave Arrow
8605Rightwards Wave Arrow Rightwards Wave Arrow
8606Leftwards Two Headed Arrow Leftwards Two Headed Arrow
8607Upwards Two Headed Arrow Upwards Two Headed Arrow
8608Rightwards Two Headed Arrow Rightwards Two Headed Arrow
8609Downwards Two Headed Arrow Downwards Two Headed Arrow
8610Leftwards Arrow With Tail Leftwards Arrow With Tail
8611Rightwards Arrow With Tail Rightwards Arrow With Tail
8612Leftwards Arrow From Bar Leftwards Arrow From Bar
8613Upwards Arrow From Bar Upwards Arrow From Bar
8614Rightwards Arrow From Bar Rightwards Arrow From Bar
8615Downwards Arrow From Bar Downwards Arrow From Bar
8616Up Down Arrow With Base Up Down Arrow With Base
8617Leftwards Arrow With Hook Leftwards Arrow With Hook
8618Rightwards Arrow With Hook Rightwards Arrow With Hook
8619Leftwards Arrow With Loop Leftwards Arrow With Loop
8620Rightwards Arrow With Loop Rightwards Arrow With Loop
8621Left Right Wave Arrow Left Right Wave Arrow
8622Left Right Arrow With Stroke Left Right Arrow With Stroke
8623Downwards Zigzag Arrow Downwards Zigzag Arrow
8624Upwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards Upwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards
8625Upwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards Upwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards
8626Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards
8627Downwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards Downwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards
8628Rightwards Arrow With Corner Downwards Rightwards Arrow With Corner Downwards
8629Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards
8630Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
8631Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow
8632North West Arrow To Long Bar North West Arrow To Long Bar
8633Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To Bar Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To Bar
8634Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow
8635Clockwise Open Circle Arrow Clockwise Open Circle Arrow
8636Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards
8637Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
8638Upwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards Upwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards
8639Upwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards Upwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards
8640Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards
8641Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
8642Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards
8643Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards
8644Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow
8645Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards Arrow Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards Arrow
8646Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow
8647Leftwards Paired Arrows Leftwards Paired Arrows
8648Upwards Paired Arrows Upwards Paired Arrows
8649Rightwards Paired Arrows Rightwards Paired Arrows
8650Downwards Paired Arrows Downwards Paired Arrows
8651Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon
8652Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon
8653Leftwards Double Arrow With Stroke Leftwards Double Arrow With Stroke
8654Left Right Double Arrow With Stroke Left Right Double Arrow With Stroke
8655Rightwards Double Arrow With Stroke Rightwards Double Arrow With Stroke
8656Leftwards Double Arrow Leftwards Double Arrow
8657Upwards Double Arrow Upwards Double Arrow
8658Rightwards Double Arrow Rightwards Double Arrow
8659Downwards Double Arrow Downwards Double Arrow
8660Left Right Double Arrow Left Right Double Arrow
8661Up Down Double Arrow Up Down Double Arrow
8662North West Double Arrow North West Double Arrow
8663North East Double Arrow North East Double Arrow
8664South East Double Arrow South East Double Arrow
8665South West Double Arrow South West Double Arrow
8666Leftwards Triple Arrow Leftwards Triple Arrow
8667Rightwards Triple Arrow Rightwards Triple Arrow
8668Leftwards Squiggle Arrow Leftwards Squiggle Arrow
8669Rightwards Squiggle Arrow Rightwards Squiggle Arrow
8670Upwards Arrow With Double Stroke Upwards Arrow With Double Stroke
8671Downwards Arrow With Double Stroke Downwards Arrow With Double Stroke
8672Leftwards Dashed Arrow Leftwards Dashed Arrow
8673Upwards Dashed Arrow Upwards Dashed Arrow
8674Rightwards Dashed Arrow Rightwards Dashed Arrow
8675Downwards Dashed Arrow Downwards Dashed Arrow
8676Leftwards Arrow To Bar Leftwards Arrow To Bar
8677Rightwards Arrow To Bar Rightwards Arrow To Bar
8678Leftwards White Arrow Leftwards White Arrow
8679Upwards White Arrow Upwards White Arrow
8680Rightwards White Arrow Rightwards White Arrow
8681Downwards White Arrow Downwards White Arrow
8682Upwards White Arrow From Bar Upwards White Arrow From Bar
8683Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal
8684Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal Bar Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal Bar
8685Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical Bar Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical Bar
8686Upwards White Double Arrow Upwards White Double Arrow
8687Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal
8688Rightwards White Arrow From Wall Rightwards White Arrow From Wall
8689North West Arrow To Corner North West Arrow To Corner
8690South East Arrow To Corner South East Arrow To Corner
8691Up Down White Arrow Up Down White Arrow
8692Right Arrow With Small Circle Right Arrow With Small Circle
8693Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards Arrow Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards Arrow
8694Three Rightwards Arrows Three Rightwards Arrows
8695Leftwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke Leftwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke
8696Rightwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke Rightwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke
8697Left Right Arrow With Vertical Stroke Left Right Arrow With Vertical Stroke
8698Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
8699Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
8700Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
8701Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow
8702Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow
8703Left Right Open-Headed Arrow Left Right Open-Headed Arrow
8704Dla wszystkich (kwantyfikator ogólny) For All
8705Complement Complement
8706Różniczka cząstkowa Partial Differential
8707Istnieje (kwantyfikator szczegółowy) There Exists
8708There Does Not Exist There Does Not Exist
8709Zbiór pusty Empty Set
8710Increment Increment
8711Nabla Nabla
8712Należy Element Of
8713Nie należy Not An Element Of
8714Small Element Of Small Element Of
8715Contains As Member Contains As Member
8716Does Not Contain As Member Does Not Contain As Member
8717Small Contains As Member Small Contains As Member
8718End Of Proof End Of Proof
8719N-Ary Product N-Ary Product
8720N-Ary Coproduct N-Ary Coproduct
8721N-Ary Summation N-Ary Summation
8722Znak minus Minus Sign
8723Minus-Or-Plus Sign Minus-Or-Plus Sign
8724Dot Plus Dot Plus
8725Division Slash Division Slash
8726Set Minus Set Minus
8727Asterisk Operator Asterisk Operator
8728Ring Operator Ring Operator
8729Bullet Operator Bullet Operator
8730Pierwiastek kwadratowy Square Root
8731Cube Root Cube Root
8732Fourth Root Fourth Root
8733Proporcjonalne do Proportional To
8734Nieskończoność Infinity
8735Prawy kąt Right Angle
8736Kąt Angle
8737Measured Angle Measured Angle
8738Spherical Angle Spherical Angle
8739Divides Divides
8740Does Not Divide Does Not Divide
8741Parallel To Parallel To
8742Not Parallel To Not Parallel To
8743Koniunkcja Logical And
8744Alternatywa Logical Or
8745Iloczyn zbiorów Intersection
8746Składająca Union
8747Integral Integral
8748Double Integral Double Integral
8749Triple Integral Triple Integral
8750Contour Integral Contour Integral
8751Surface Integral Surface Integral
8752Volume Integral Volume Integral
8753Clockwise Integral Clockwise Integral
8754Całka krzywoliniowa w orientacji ujemnej Clockwise Contour Integral
8755Cała krzywoliniowa w orientacji dodatniej Anticlockwise Contour Integral
8756Dlatego Therefore
8757Because Because
8758Stopień Ratio
8759Proportion Proportion
8760Dot Minus Dot Minus
8761Excess Excess
8762Geometric Proportion Geometric Proportion
8763Homothetic Homothetic
8764Tilde Operator Tilde Operator
8765Reversed Tilde Reversed Tilde
8766Inverted Lazy S Inverted Lazy S
8767Sine Wave Sine Wave
8768Wreath Product Wreath Product
8769Not Tilde Not Tilde
8770Minus Tilde Minus Tilde
8771Asymptotically Equal To Asymptotically Equal To
8772Not Asymptotically Equal To Not Asymptotically Equal To
8773W przybliżeniu równe Approximately Equal To
8774Approximately But Not Actually Equal To Approximately But Not Actually Equal To
8775Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To
8776Almost Equal To Almost Equal To
8777Not Almost Equal To Not Almost Equal To
8778Almost Equal Or Equal To Almost Equal Or Equal To
8779Triple Tilde Triple Tilde
8780All Equal To All Equal To
8781Equivalent To Equivalent To
8782Geometrically Equivalent To Geometrically Equivalent To
8783Difference Between Difference Between
8784Approaches The Limit Approaches The Limit
8785Geometrically Equal To Geometrically Equal To
8786Approximately Equal To Or The Image Of Approximately Equal To Or The Image Of
8787Image Of Or Approximately Equal To Image Of Or Approximately Equal To
8788Colon Equals Colon Equals
8789Equals Colon Equals Colon
8790Ring In Equal To Ring In Equal To
8791Ring Equal To Ring Equal To
8792Corresponds To Corresponds To
8793Oceny Estimates
8794Equiangular To Equiangular To
8795Star Equals Star Equals
8796Delta Equal To Delta Equal To
8797Equal To By Definition Equal To By Definition
8798Measured By Measured By
8799Questioned Equal To Questioned Equal To
8800Nierówne Not Equal To
8801Identical To Identical To
8802Not Identical To Not Identical To
8803Strictly Equivalent To Strictly Equivalent To
8804Less-Than Or Equal To Less-Than Or Equal To
8805Greater-Than Or Equal To Greater-Than Or Equal To
8806Less-Than Over Equal To Less-Than Over Equal To
8807Greater-Than Over Equal To Greater-Than Over Equal To
8808Less-Than But Not Equal To Less-Than But Not Equal To
8809Greater-Than But Not Equal To Greater-Than But Not Equal To
8810Much Less-Than Much Less-Than
8811Much Greater-Than Much Greater-Than
8812Między Between
8813Not Equivalent To Not Equivalent To
8814Not Less-Than Not Less-Than
8815Not Greater-Than Not Greater-Than
8816Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To
8817Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To
8818Less-Than Or Equivalent To Less-Than Or Equivalent To
8819Greater-Than Or Equivalent To Greater-Than Or Equivalent To
8820Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To
8821Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To
8822Less-Than Or Greater-Than Less-Than Or Greater-Than
8823Greater-Than Or Less-Than Greater-Than Or Less-Than
8824Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than
8825Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than
8826Precedes Precedes
8827Succeeds Succeeds
8828Precedes Or Equal To Precedes Or Equal To
8829Succeeds Or Equal To Succeeds Or Equal To
8830Precedes Or Equivalent To Precedes Or Equivalent To
8831Succeeds Or Equivalent To Succeeds Or Equivalent To
8832Does Not Precede Does Not Precede
8833Does Not Succeed Does Not Succeed
8834Subset Of Subset Of
8835Superset Of Superset Of
8836Not A Subset Of Not A Subset Of
8837Not A Superset Of Not A Superset Of
8838Subset Of Or Equal To Subset Of Or Equal To
8839Superset Of Or Equal To Superset Of Or Equal To
8840Neither A Subset Of Nor Equal To Neither A Subset Of Nor Equal To
8841Neither A Superset Of Nor Equal To Neither A Superset Of Nor Equal To
8842Subset Of With Not Equal To Subset Of With Not Equal To
8843Superset Of With Not Equal To Superset Of With Not Equal To
8844Multiset Multiset
8845Multiset Multiplication Multiset Multiplication
8846Multiset Union Multiset Union
8847Square Image Of Square Image Of
8848Square Original Of Square Original Of
8849Square Image Of Or Equal To Square Image Of Or Equal To
8850Square Original Of Or Equal To Square Original Of Or Equal To
8851Square Cap Square Cap
8852Square Cup Square Cup
8853Circled Plus Circled Plus
8854Circled Minus Circled Minus
8855Circled Times Circled Times
8856Circled Division Slash Circled Division Slash
8857Circled Dot Operator Circled Dot Operator
8858Circled Ring Operator Circled Ring Operator
8859Circled Asterisk Operator Circled Asterisk Operator
8860Circled Equals Circled Equals
8861Circled Dash Circled Dash
8862Squared Plus Squared Plus
8863Squared Minus Squared Minus
8864Squared Times Squared Times
8865Squared Dot Operator Squared Dot Operator
8866Right Tack Right Tack
8867Left Tack Left Tack
8868Down Tack Down Tack
8869Up Tack Up Tack
8870Twierdzenie Assertion
8871Modele Models
8872Prawda True
8873Forces Forces
8874Triple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile Triple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile
8875Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
8876Does Not Prove Does Not Prove
8877Not True Not True
8878Does Not Force Does Not Force
8879Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile
8880Precedes Under Relation Precedes Under Relation
8881Succeeds Under Relation Succeeds Under Relation
8882Normal Subgroup Of Normal Subgroup Of
8883Contains As Normal Subgroup Contains As Normal Subgroup
8884Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To
8885Contains As Normal Subgroup Or Equal To Contains As Normal Subgroup Or Equal To
8886Original Of Original Of
8887Image Of Image Of
8888Multimap Multimap
8889Hermitian Conjugate Matrix Hermitian Conjugate Matrix
8890Intercalate Intercalate
8891Xor Xor
8892Nand Nand
8893Nor Nor
8894Right Angle With Arc Right Angle With Arc
8895Trójkąt prostokątny Right Triangle
8896N-Ary Logical And N-Ary Logical And
8897N-Ary Logical Or N-Ary Logical Or
8898N-Ary Intersection N-Ary Intersection
8899N-Ary Union N-Ary Union
8900Diamond Operator Diamond Operator
8901Dot Operator Dot Operator
8902Star Operator Star Operator
8903Division Times Division Times
8904Bowtie Bowtie
8905Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product
8906Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product
8907Left Semidirect Product Left Semidirect Product
8908Right Semidirect Product Right Semidirect Product
8909Reversed Tilde Equals Reversed Tilde Equals
8910Curly Logical Or Curly Logical Or
8911Curly Logical And Curly Logical And
8912Double Subset Double Subset
8913Double Superset Double Superset
8914Double Intersection Double Intersection
8915Double Union Double Union
8916Pitchfork Pitchfork
8917Equal And Parallel To Equal And Parallel To
8918Less-Than With Dot Less-Than With Dot
8919Greater-Than With Dot Greater-Than With Dot
8920Very Much Less-Than Very Much Less-Than
8921Very Much Greater-Than Very Much Greater-Than
8922Less-Than Equal To Or Greater-Than Less-Than Equal To Or Greater-Than
8923Greater-Than Equal To Or Less-Than Greater-Than Equal To Or Less-Than
8924Equal To Or Less-Than Equal To Or Less-Than
8925Equal To Or Greater-Than Equal To Or Greater-Than
8926Equal To Or Precedes Equal To Or Precedes
8927Equal To Or Succeeds Equal To Or Succeeds
8928Does Not Precede Or Equal Does Not Precede Or Equal
8929Does Not Succeed Or Equal Does Not Succeed Or Equal
8930Not Square Image Of Or Equal To Not Square Image Of Or Equal To
8931Not Square Original Of Or Equal To Not Square Original Of Or Equal To
8932Square Image Of Or Not Equal To Square Image Of Or Not Equal To
8933Square Original Of Or Not Equal To Square Original Of Or Not Equal To
8934Less-Than But Not Equivalent To Less-Than But Not Equivalent To
8935Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To
8936Precedes But Not Equivalent To Precedes But Not Equivalent To
8937Succeeds But Not Equivalent To Succeeds But Not Equivalent To
8938Not Normal Subgroup Of Not Normal Subgroup Of
8939Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup
8940Not Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To Not Normal Subgroup Of Or Equal To
8941Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup Or Equal Does Not Contain As Normal Subgroup Or Equal
8942Wielokropek pionowy Vertical Ellipsis
8943Kropki poziome na linii środkowej Midline Horizontal Ellipsis
8944Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis
8945Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis
8946Element Of With Long Horizontal Stroke Element Of With Long Horizontal Stroke
8947Element Of With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke Element Of With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke
8948Small Element Of With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke Small Element Of With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke
8949Element Of With Dot Above Element Of With Dot Above
8950Element Of With Overbar Element Of With Overbar
8951Small Element Of With Overbar Small Element Of With Overbar
8952Element Of With Underbar Element Of With Underbar
8953Element Of With Two Horizontal Strokes Element Of With Two Horizontal Strokes
8954Contains With Long Horizontal Stroke Contains With Long Horizontal Stroke
8955Contains With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke Contains With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke
8956Small Contains With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke Small Contains With Vertical Bar At End Of Horizontal Stroke
8957Contains With Overbar Contains With Overbar
8958Small Contains With Overbar Small Contains With Overbar
8959Z Notation Bag Membership Z Notation Bag Membership
8960Diameter Sign Diameter Sign
8961Electric Arrow Electric Arrow
8962Dom House
8963Up Arrowhead Up Arrowhead
8964Down Arrowhead Down Arrowhead
8965Projective Projective
8966Perspektywa Perspective
8967Wavy Line Wavy Line
8968Left Ceiling Left Ceiling
8969Right Ceiling Right Ceiling
8970Left Floor Left Floor
8971Right Floor Right Floor
8972Bottom Right Crop Bottom Right Crop
8973Bottom Left Crop Bottom Left Crop
8974Top Right Crop Top Right Crop
8975Top Left Crop Top Left Crop
8976Reversed Not Sign Reversed Not Sign
8977Square Lozenge Square Lozenge
8978Łuk Arc
8979Segment Segment
8980Sector Sector
8981Telephone Recorder Telephone Recorder
8982Position Indicator Position Indicator
8983Viewdata Square Viewdata Square
8984Place Of Interest Sign Place Of Interest Sign
8985Turned Not Sign Turned Not Sign
8986Czujka Watch
8987Klepsydra Hourglass
8988Lewy górny narożnik Top Left Corner
8989Top Right Corner Top Right Corner
8990Bottom Left Corner Bottom Left Corner
8991Bottom Right Corner Bottom Right Corner
8992Top Half Integral Top Half Integral
8993Bottom Half Integral Bottom Half Integral
8994Łuk w dół Frown
8995Łuk w górę Smile
8996Up Arrowhead Between Two Horizontal Bars Up Arrowhead Between Two Horizontal Bars
8997Option Key Option Key
8998Erase To The Right Erase To The Right
8999X In A Rectangle Box X In A Rectangle Box
9000Klawiatura Keyboard
9001Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Left-Pointing Angle Bracket
9002Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Right-Pointing Angle Bracket
9003Erase To The Left Erase To The Left
9004Benzene Ring Benzene Ring
9005Cylindricity Cylindricity
9006All Around-Profile All Around-Profile
9007Symmetry Symmetry
9008Total Runout Total Runout
9009Dimension Origin Dimension Origin
9010Conical Taper Conical Taper
9011Nachylenie Slope
9012Counterbore Counterbore
9013Countersink Countersink
9014Apl Functional Symbol I-Beam Apl Functional Symbol I-Beam
9015Apl Functional Symbol Squish Quad Apl Functional Symbol Squish Quad
9016Apl Functional Symbol Quad Equal Apl Functional Symbol Quad Equal
9017Apl Functional Symbol Quad Divide Apl Functional Symbol Quad Divide
9018Apl Functional Symbol Quad Diamond Apl Functional Symbol Quad Diamond
9019Apl Functional Symbol Quad Jot Apl Functional Symbol Quad Jot
9020Apl Functional Symbol Quad Circle Apl Functional Symbol Quad Circle
9021Apl Functional Symbol Circle Stile Apl Functional Symbol Circle Stile
9022Apl Functional Symbol Circle Jot Apl Functional Symbol Circle Jot
9023Apl Functional Symbol Slash Bar Apl Functional Symbol Slash Bar
9024Apl Functional Symbol Backslash Bar Apl Functional Symbol Backslash Bar
9025Apl Functional Symbol Quad Slash Apl Functional Symbol Quad Slash
9026Apl Functional Symbol Quad Backslash Apl Functional Symbol Quad Backslash
9027Apl Functional Symbol Quad Less-Than Apl Functional Symbol Quad Less-Than
9028Apl Functional Symbol Quad Greater-Than Apl Functional Symbol Quad Greater-Than
9029Apl Functional Symbol Leftwards Vane Apl Functional Symbol Leftwards Vane
9030Apl Functional Symbol Rightwards Vane Apl Functional Symbol Rightwards Vane
9031Apl Functional Symbol Quad Leftwards Arrow Apl Functional Symbol Quad Leftwards Arrow
9032Apl Functional Symbol Quad Rightwards Arrow Apl Functional Symbol Quad Rightwards Arrow
9033Apl Functional Symbol Circle Backslash Apl Functional Symbol Circle Backslash
9034Apl Functional Symbol Down Tack Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Down Tack Underbar
9035Apl Functional Symbol Delta Stile Apl Functional Symbol Delta Stile
9036Apl Functional Symbol Quad Down Caret Apl Functional Symbol Quad Down Caret
9037Apl Functional Symbol Quad Delta Apl Functional Symbol Quad Delta
9038Apl Functional Symbol Down Tack Jot Apl Functional Symbol Down Tack Jot
9039Apl Functional Symbol Upwards Vane Apl Functional Symbol Upwards Vane
9040Apl Functional Symbol Quad Upwards Arrow Apl Functional Symbol Quad Upwards Arrow
9041Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Overbar Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Overbar
9042Apl Functional Symbol Del Stile Apl Functional Symbol Del Stile
9043Apl Functional Symbol Quad Up Caret Apl Functional Symbol Quad Up Caret
9044Apl Functional Symbol Quad Del Apl Functional Symbol Quad Del
9045Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Jot Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Jot
9046Apl Functional Symbol Downwards Vane Apl Functional Symbol Downwards Vane
9047Apl Functional Symbol Quad Downwards Arrow Apl Functional Symbol Quad Downwards Arrow
9048Apl Functional Symbol Quote Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Quote Underbar
9049Apl Functional Symbol Delta Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Delta Underbar
9050Apl Functional Symbol Diamond Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Diamond Underbar
9051Apl Functional Symbol Jot Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Jot Underbar
9052Apl Functional Symbol Circle Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Circle Underbar
9053Apl Functional Symbol Up Shoe Jot Apl Functional Symbol Up Shoe Jot
9054Apl Functional Symbol Quote Quad Apl Functional Symbol Quote Quad
9055Apl Functional Symbol Circle Star Apl Functional Symbol Circle Star
9056Apl Functional Symbol Quad Colon Apl Functional Symbol Quad Colon
9057Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Up Tack Diaeresis
9058Apl Functional Symbol Del Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Del Diaeresis
9059Apl Functional Symbol Star Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Star Diaeresis
9060Apl Functional Symbol Jot Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Jot Diaeresis
9061Apl Functional Symbol Circle Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Circle Diaeresis
9062Apl Functional Symbol Down Shoe Stile Apl Functional Symbol Down Shoe Stile
9063Apl Functional Symbol Left Shoe Stile Apl Functional Symbol Left Shoe Stile
9064Apl Functional Symbol Tilde Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Tilde Diaeresis
9065Apl Functional Symbol Greater-Than Diaeresis Apl Functional Symbol Greater-Than Diaeresis
9066Apl Functional Symbol Comma Bar Apl Functional Symbol Comma Bar
9067Apl Functional Symbol Del Tilde Apl Functional Symbol Del Tilde
9068Apl Functional Symbol Zilde Apl Functional Symbol Zilde
9069Apl Functional Symbol Stile Tilde Apl Functional Symbol Stile Tilde
9070Apl Functional Symbol Semicolon Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Semicolon Underbar
9071Apl Functional Symbol Quad Not Equal Apl Functional Symbol Quad Not Equal
9072Apl Functional Symbol Quad Question Apl Functional Symbol Quad Question
9073Apl Functional Symbol Down Caret Tilde Apl Functional Symbol Down Caret Tilde
9074Apl Functional Symbol Up Caret Tilde Apl Functional Symbol Up Caret Tilde
9075Apl Functional Symbol Iota Apl Functional Symbol Iota
9076Apl Functional Symbol Rho Apl Functional Symbol Rho
9077Apl Functional Symbol Omega Apl Functional Symbol Omega
9078Apl Functional Symbol Alpha Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Alpha Underbar
9079Apl Functional Symbol Epsilon Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Epsilon Underbar
9080Apl Functional Symbol Iota Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Iota Underbar
9081Apl Functional Symbol Omega Underbar Apl Functional Symbol Omega Underbar
9082Apl Functional Symbol Alpha Apl Functional Symbol Alpha
9083Not Check Mark Not Check Mark
9084Right Angle With Downwards Zigzag Arrow Right Angle With Downwards Zigzag Arrow
9085Shouldered Open Box Shouldered Open Box
9086Bell Symbol Bell Symbol
9087Vertical Line With Middle Dot Vertical Line With Middle Dot
9088Insertion Symbol Insertion Symbol
9089Continuous Underline Symbol Continuous Underline Symbol
9090Discontinuous Underline Symbol Discontinuous Underline Symbol
9091Emphasis Symbol Emphasis Symbol
9092Composition Symbol Composition Symbol
9093White Square With Centre Vertical Line White Square With Centre Vertical Line
9094Enter Symbol Enter Symbol
9095Alternative Key Symbol Alternative Key Symbol
9096Helm Symbol Helm Symbol
9097Circled Horizontal Bar With Notch Circled Horizontal Bar With Notch
9098Circled Triangle Down Circled Triangle Down
9099Broken Circle With Northwest Arrow Broken Circle With Northwest Arrow
9100Undo Symbol Undo Symbol
9101Monostable Symbol Monostable Symbol
9102Hysteresis Symbol Hysteresis Symbol
9103Open-Circuit-Output H-Type Symbol Open-Circuit-Output H-Type Symbol
9104Open-Circuit-Output L-Type Symbol Open-Circuit-Output L-Type Symbol
9105Passive-Pull-Down-Output Symbol Passive-Pull-Down-Output Symbol
9106Passive-Pull-Up-Output Symbol Passive-Pull-Up-Output Symbol
9107Direct Current Symbol Form Two Direct Current Symbol Form Two
9108Software-Function Symbol Software-Function Symbol
9109Apl Functional Symbol Quad Apl Functional Symbol Quad
9110Decimal Separator Key Symbol Decimal Separator Key Symbol
9111Poprzednia strona Previous Page
9112Następna strona Next Page
9113Print Screen Symbol Print Screen Symbol
9114Clear Screen Symbol Clear Screen Symbol
9115Left Parenthesis Upper Hook Left Parenthesis Upper Hook
9116Left Parenthesis Extension Left Parenthesis Extension
9117Left Parenthesis Lower Hook Left Parenthesis Lower Hook
9118Right Parenthesis Upper Hook Right Parenthesis Upper Hook
9119Right Parenthesis Extension Right Parenthesis Extension
9120Right Parenthesis Lower Hook Right Parenthesis Lower Hook
9121Left Square Bracket Upper Corner Left Square Bracket Upper Corner
9122Left Square Bracket Extension Left Square Bracket Extension
9123Left Square Bracket Lower Corner Left Square Bracket Lower Corner
9124Right Square Bracket Upper Corner Right Square Bracket Upper Corner
9125Right Square Bracket Extension Right Square Bracket Extension
9126Right Square Bracket Lower Corner Right Square Bracket Lower Corner
9127Left Curly Bracket Upper Hook Left Curly Bracket Upper Hook
9128Left Curly Bracket Middle Piece Left Curly Bracket Middle Piece
9129Left Curly Bracket Lower Hook Left Curly Bracket Lower Hook
9130Curly Bracket Extension Curly Bracket Extension
9131Right Curly Bracket Upper Hook Right Curly Bracket Upper Hook
9132Right Curly Bracket Middle Piece Right Curly Bracket Middle Piece
9133Right Curly Bracket Lower Hook Right Curly Bracket Lower Hook
9134Integral Extension Integral Extension
9135Horizontal Line Extension Horizontal Line Extension
9136Upper Left Or Lower Right Curly Bracket Section Upper Left Or Lower Right Curly Bracket Section
9137Upper Right Or Lower Left Curly Bracket Section Upper Right Or Lower Left Curly Bracket Section
9138Summation Top Summation Top
9139Summation Bottom Summation Bottom
9140Top Square Bracket Top Square Bracket
9141Bottom Square Bracket Bottom Square Bracket
9142Bottom Square Bracket Over Top Square Bracket Bottom Square Bracket Over Top Square Bracket
9143Radical Symbol Bottom Radical Symbol Bottom
9144Left Vertical Box Line Left Vertical Box Line
9145Right Vertical Box Line Right Vertical Box Line
9146Horizontal Scan Line-1 Horizontal Scan Line-1
9147Horizontal Scan Line-3 Horizontal Scan Line-3
9148Horizontal Scan Line-7 Horizontal Scan Line-7
9149Horizontal Scan Line-9 Horizontal Scan Line-9
9150Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Top Right Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Top Right
9151Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Bottom Right Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Bottom Right
9152Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Circle Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Circle
9153Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Circle Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Circle
9154Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Circle Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Circle
9155Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Triangle Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical With Triangle
9156Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Triangle Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Triangle
9157Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Triangle Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Triangle
9158Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Wave Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Wave
9159Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Wave Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal With Wave
9160Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Wave Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal With Wave
9161Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal Dentistry Symbol Light Down And Horizontal
9162Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal Dentistry Symbol Light Up And Horizontal
9163Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Top Left Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Top Left
9164Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Bottom Left Dentistry Symbol Light Vertical And Bottom Left
9165Square Foot Square Foot
9166Return Symbol Return Symbol
9167Eject Symbol Eject Symbol
9168Vertical Line Extension Vertical Line Extension
9169Metrical Breve Metrical Breve
9170Metrical Long Over Short Metrical Long Over Short
9171Metrical Short Over Long Metrical Short Over Long
9172Metrical Long Over Two Shorts Metrical Long Over Two Shorts
9173Metrical Two Shorts Over Long Metrical Two Shorts Over Long
9174Metrical Two Shorts Joined Metrical Two Shorts Joined
9175Metrical Triseme Metrical Triseme
9176Metrical Tetraseme Metrical Tetraseme
9177Metrical Pentaseme Metrical Pentaseme
9178Earth Ground Earth Ground
9179Fuse Fuse
9180Top Parenthesis Top Parenthesis
9181Bottom Parenthesis Bottom Parenthesis
9182Top Curly Bracket Top Curly Bracket
9183Bottom Curly Bracket Bottom Curly Bracket
9184Top Tortoise Shell Bracket Top Tortoise Shell Bracket
9185Bottom Tortoise Shell Bracket Bottom Tortoise Shell Bracket
9186White Trapezium White Trapezium
9187Benzene Ring With Circle Benzene Ring With Circle
9188Straightness Straightness
9189Flatness Flatness
9190Ac Current Ac Current
9191Electrical Intersection Electrical Intersection
9192Decimal Exponent Symbol Decimal Exponent Symbol
9193Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle
9194Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle
9195Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle
9196Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle
9197Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar
9198Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar
9199Black Right-Pointing Triangle With Double Vertical Bar Black Right-Pointing Triangle With Double Vertical Bar
9200Alarm Clock Alarm Clock
9201Stopwatch Stopwatch
9202Timer Clock Timer Clock
9203Hourglass With Flowing Sand Hourglass With Flowing Sand
9216Symbol For Null Symbol For Null
9217Symbol For Start Of Heading Symbol For Start Of Heading
9218Symbol For Start Of Text Symbol For Start Of Text
9219Symbol For End Of Text Symbol For End Of Text
9220Symbol For End Of Transmission Symbol For End Of Transmission
9221Symbol For Enquiry Symbol For Enquiry
9222Symbol For Acknowledge Symbol For Acknowledge
9223Symbol For Bell Symbol For Bell
9224Symbol For Backspace Symbol For Backspace
9225Symbol For Horizontal Tabulation Symbol For Horizontal Tabulation
9226Symbol For Line Feed Symbol For Line Feed
9227Symbol For Vertical Tabulation Symbol For Vertical Tabulation
9228Symbol For Form Feed Symbol For Form Feed
9229Symbol For Carriage Return Symbol For Carriage Return
9230Symbol For Shift Out Symbol For Shift Out
9231Symbol For Shift In Symbol For Shift In
9232Symbol For Data Link Escape Symbol For Data Link Escape
9233Symbol For Device Control One Symbol For Device Control One
9234Symbol For Device Control Two Symbol For Device Control Two
9235Symbol For Device Control Three Symbol For Device Control Three
9236Symbol For Device Control Four Symbol For Device Control Four
9237Symbol For Negative Acknowledge Symbol For Negative Acknowledge
9238Symbol For Synchronous Idle Symbol For Synchronous Idle
9239Symbol For End Of Transmission Block Symbol For End Of Transmission Block
9240Symbol For Cancel Symbol For Cancel
9241Symbol For End Of Medium Symbol For End Of Medium
9242Symbol For Substitute Symbol For Substitute
9243Symbol For Escape Symbol For Escape
9244Symbol For File Separator Symbol For File Separator
9245Symbol For Group Separator Symbol For Group Separator
9246Symbol For Record Separator Symbol For Record Separator
9247Symbol For Unit Separator Symbol For Unit Separator
9248Symbol For Space Symbol For Space
9249Symbol For Delete Symbol For Delete
9250Blank Symbol Blank Symbol
9251Open Box Open Box
9252Symbol For Newline Symbol For Newline
9253Symbol For Delete Form Two Symbol For Delete Form Two
9254Symbol For Substitute Form Two Symbol For Substitute Form Two
9280Ocr Hook Ocr Hook
9281Ocr Chair Ocr Chair
9282Ocr Fork Ocr Fork
9283Ocr Inverted Fork Ocr Inverted Fork
9284Ocr Belt Buckle Ocr Belt Buckle
9285Ocr Bow Tie Ocr Bow Tie
9286Ocr Branch Bank Identification Ocr Branch Bank Identification
9287Ocr Amount Of Check Ocr Amount Of Check
9288Ocr Dash Ocr Dash
9289Ocr Customer Account Number Ocr Customer Account Number
9290Ocr Double Backslash Ocr Double Backslash
9312Circled Digit One Circled Digit One
9313Circled Digit Two Circled Digit Two
9314Circled Digit Three Circled Digit Three
9315Circled Digit Four Circled Digit Four
9316Circled Digit Five Circled Digit Five
9317Circled Digit Six Circled Digit Six
9318Circled Digit Seven Circled Digit Seven
9319Circled Digit Eight Circled Digit Eight
9320Circled Digit Nine Circled Digit Nine
9321Circled Number Ten Circled Number Ten
9322Circled Number Eleven Circled Number Eleven
9323Circled Number Twelve Circled Number Twelve
9324Circled Number Thirteen Circled Number Thirteen
9325Circled Number Fourteen Circled Number Fourteen
9326Circled Number Fifteen Circled Number Fifteen
9327Circled Number Sixteen Circled Number Sixteen
9328Circled Number Seventeen Circled Number Seventeen
9329Circled Number Eighteen Circled Number Eighteen
9330Circled Number Nineteen Circled Number Nineteen
9331Circled Number Twenty Circled Number Twenty
9332Parenthesized Digit One Parenthesized Digit One
9333Parenthesized Digit Two Parenthesized Digit Two
9334Parenthesized Digit Three Parenthesized Digit Three
9335Parenthesized Digit Four Parenthesized Digit Four
9336Parenthesized Digit Five Parenthesized Digit Five
9337Parenthesized Digit Six Parenthesized Digit Six
9338Parenthesized Digit Seven Parenthesized Digit Seven
9339Parenthesized Digit Eight Parenthesized Digit Eight
9340Parenthesized Digit Nine Parenthesized Digit Nine
9341Parenthesized Number Ten Parenthesized Number Ten
9342Parenthesized Number Eleven Parenthesized Number Eleven
9343Parenthesized Number Twelve Parenthesized Number Twelve
9344Parenthesized Number Thirteen Parenthesized Number Thirteen
9345Parenthesized Number Fourteen Parenthesized Number Fourteen
9346Parenthesized Number Fifteen Parenthesized Number Fifteen
9347Parenthesized Number Sixteen Parenthesized Number Sixteen
9348Parenthesized Number Seventeen Parenthesized Number Seventeen
9349Parenthesized Number Eighteen Parenthesized Number Eighteen
9350Parenthesized Number Nineteen Parenthesized Number Nineteen
9351Parenthesized Number Twenty Parenthesized Number Twenty
9352Digit One Full Stop Digit One Full Stop
9353Digit Two Full Stop Digit Two Full Stop
9354Digit Three Full Stop Digit Three Full Stop
9355Digit Four Full Stop Digit Four Full Stop
9356Digit Five Full Stop Digit Five Full Stop
9357Digit Six Full Stop Digit Six Full Stop
9358Digit Seven Full Stop Digit Seven Full Stop
9359Digit Eight Full Stop Digit Eight Full Stop
9360Digit Nine Full Stop Digit Nine Full Stop
9361Number Ten Full Stop Number Ten Full Stop
9362Number Eleven Full Stop Number Eleven Full Stop
9363Number Twelve Full Stop Number Twelve Full Stop
9364Number Thirteen Full Stop Number Thirteen Full Stop
9365Number Fourteen Full Stop Number Fourteen Full Stop
9366Number Fifteen Full Stop Number Fifteen Full Stop
9367Number Sixteen Full Stop Number Sixteen Full Stop
9368Number Seventeen Full Stop Number Seventeen Full Stop
9369Number Eighteen Full Stop Number Eighteen Full Stop
9370Number Nineteen Full Stop Number Nineteen Full Stop
9371Number Twenty Full Stop Number Twenty Full Stop
9372Parenthesized Latin Small Letter A Parenthesized Latin Small Letter A
9373Parenthesized Latin Small Letter B Parenthesized Latin Small Letter B
9374Parenthesized Latin Small Letter C Parenthesized Latin Small Letter C
9375Parenthesized Latin Small Letter D Parenthesized Latin Small Letter D
9376Parenthesized Latin Small Letter E Parenthesized Latin Small Letter E
9377Parenthesized Latin Small Letter F Parenthesized Latin Small Letter F
9378Parenthesized Latin Small Letter G Parenthesized Latin Small Letter G
9379Parenthesized Latin Small Letter H Parenthesized Latin Small Letter H
9380Parenthesized Latin Small Letter I Parenthesized Latin Small Letter I
9381Parenthesized Latin Small Letter J Parenthesized Latin Small Letter J
9382Parenthesized Latin Small Letter K Parenthesized Latin Small Letter K
9383Parenthesized Latin Small Letter L Parenthesized Latin Small Letter L
9384Parenthesized Latin Small Letter M Parenthesized Latin Small Letter M
9385Parenthesized Latin Small Letter N Parenthesized Latin Small Letter N
9386Parenthesized Latin Small Letter O Parenthesized Latin Small Letter O
9387Parenthesized Latin Small Letter P Parenthesized Latin Small Letter P
9388Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Q Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Q
9389Parenthesized Latin Small Letter R Parenthesized Latin Small Letter R
9390Parenthesized Latin Small Letter S Parenthesized Latin Small Letter S
9391Parenthesized Latin Small Letter T Parenthesized Latin Small Letter T
9392Parenthesized Latin Small Letter U Parenthesized Latin Small Letter U
9393Parenthesized Latin Small Letter V Parenthesized Latin Small Letter V
9394Parenthesized Latin Small Letter W Parenthesized Latin Small Letter W
9395Parenthesized Latin Small Letter X Parenthesized Latin Small Letter X
9396Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Y Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Y
9397Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Z Parenthesized Latin Small Letter Z
9398Circled Latin Capital Letter A Circled Latin Capital Letter A
9399Circled Latin Capital Letter B Circled Latin Capital Letter B
9400Circled Latin Capital Letter C Circled Latin Capital Letter C
9401Circled Latin Capital Letter D Circled Latin Capital Letter D
9402Circled Latin Capital Letter E Circled Latin Capital Letter E
9403Circled Latin Capital Letter F Circled Latin Capital Letter F
9404Circled Latin Capital Letter G Circled Latin Capital Letter G
9405Circled Latin Capital Letter H Circled Latin Capital Letter H
9406Circled Latin Capital Letter I Circled Latin Capital Letter I
9407Circled Latin Capital Letter J Circled Latin Capital Letter J
9408Circled Latin Capital Letter K Circled Latin Capital Letter K
9409Circled Latin Capital Letter L Circled Latin Capital Letter L
9410Circled Latin Capital Letter M Circled Latin Capital Letter M
9411Circled Latin Capital Letter N Circled Latin Capital Letter N
9412Circled Latin Capital Letter O Circled Latin Capital Letter O
9413Circled Latin Capital Letter P Circled Latin Capital Letter P
9414Circled Latin Capital Letter Q Circled Latin Capital Letter Q
9415Circled Latin Capital Letter R Circled Latin Capital Letter R
9416Circled Latin Capital Letter S Circled Latin Capital Letter S
9417Circled Latin Capital Letter T Circled Latin Capital Letter T
9418Circled Latin Capital Letter U Circled Latin Capital Letter U
9419Circled Latin Capital Letter V Circled Latin Capital Letter V
9420Circled Latin Capital Letter W Circled Latin Capital Letter W
9421Circled Latin Capital Letter X Circled Latin Capital Letter X
9422Circled Latin Capital Letter Y Circled Latin Capital Letter Y
9423Circled Latin Capital Letter Z Circled Latin Capital Letter Z
9424Circled Latin Small Letter A Circled Latin Small Letter A
9425Circled Latin Small Letter B Circled Latin Small Letter B
9426Circled Latin Small Letter C Circled Latin Small Letter C
9427Circled Latin Small Letter D Circled Latin Small Letter D
9428Circled Latin Small Letter E Circled Latin Small Letter E
9429Circled Latin Small Letter F Circled Latin Small Letter F
9430Circled Latin Small Letter G Circled Latin Small Letter G
9431Circled Latin Small Letter H Circled Latin Small Letter H
9432Circled Latin Small Letter I Circled Latin Small Letter I
9433Circled Latin Small Letter J Circled Latin Small Letter J
9434Circled Latin Small Letter K Circled Latin Small Letter K
9435Circled Latin Small Letter L Circled Latin Small Letter L
9436Circled Latin Small Letter M Circled Latin Small Letter M
9437Circled Latin Small Letter N Circled Latin Small Letter N
9438Circled Latin Small Letter O Circled Latin Small Letter O
9439Circled Latin Small Letter P Circled Latin Small Letter P
9440Circled Latin Small Letter Q Circled Latin Small Letter Q
9441Circled Latin Small Letter R Circled Latin Small Letter R
9442Circled Latin Small Letter S Circled Latin Small Letter S
9443Circled Latin Small Letter T Circled Latin Small Letter T
9444Circled Latin Small Letter U Circled Latin Small Letter U
9445Circled Latin Small Letter V Circled Latin Small Letter V
9446Circled Latin Small Letter W Circled Latin Small Letter W
9447Circled Latin Small Letter X Circled Latin Small Letter X
9448Circled Latin Small Letter Y Circled Latin Small Letter Y
9449Circled Latin Small Letter Z Circled Latin Small Letter Z
9450Circled Digit Zero Circled Digit Zero
9451Negative Circled Number Eleven Negative Circled Number Eleven
9452Negative Circled Number Twelve Negative Circled Number Twelve
9453Negative Circled Number Thirteen Negative Circled Number Thirteen
9454Negative Circled Number Fourteen Negative Circled Number Fourteen
9455Negative Circled Number Fifteen Negative Circled Number Fifteen
9456Negative Circled Number Sixteen Negative Circled Number Sixteen
9457Negative Circled Number Seventeen Negative Circled Number Seventeen
9458Negative Circled Number Eighteen Negative Circled Number Eighteen
9459Negative Circled Number Nineteen Negative Circled Number Nineteen
9460Negative Circled Number Twenty Negative Circled Number Twenty
9461Double Circled Digit One Double Circled Digit One
9462Double Circled Digit Two Double Circled Digit Two
9463Double Circled Digit Three Double Circled Digit Three
9464Double Circled Digit Four Double Circled Digit Four
9465Double Circled Digit Five Double Circled Digit Five
9466Double Circled Digit Six Double Circled Digit Six
9467Double Circled Digit Seven Double Circled Digit Seven
9468Double Circled Digit Eight Double Circled Digit Eight
9469Double Circled Digit Nine Double Circled Digit Nine
9470Double Circled Number Ten Double Circled Number Ten
9471Negative Circled Digit Zero Negative Circled Digit Zero
9472Box Drawings Light Horizontal Box Drawings Light Horizontal
9473Box Drawings Heavy Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Horizontal
9474Box Drawings Light Vertical Box Drawings Light Vertical
9475Box Drawings Heavy Vertical Box Drawings Heavy Vertical
9476Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Horizontal
9477Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Horizontal
9478Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Vertical Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Vertical
9479Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Vertical Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Vertical
9480Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Horizontal
9481Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Horizontal
9482Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Vertical Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Vertical
9483Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Vertical Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Vertical
9484Box Drawings Light Down And Right Box Drawings Light Down And Right
9485Box Drawings Down Light And Right Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Right Heavy
9486Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Light
9487Box Drawings Heavy Down And Right Box Drawings Heavy Down And Right
9488Box Drawings Light Down And Left Box Drawings Light Down And Left
9489Box Drawings Down Light And Left Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Left Heavy
9490Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Light
9491Box Drawings Heavy Down And Left Box Drawings Heavy Down And Left
9492Box Drawings Light Up And Right Box Drawings Light Up And Right
9493Box Drawings Up Light And Right Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Right Heavy
9494Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Light
9495Box Drawings Heavy Up And Right Box Drawings Heavy Up And Right
9496Box Drawings Light Up And Left Box Drawings Light Up And Left
9497Box Drawings Up Light And Left Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Left Heavy
9498Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Light
9499Box Drawings Heavy Up And Left Box Drawings Heavy Up And Left
9500Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right
9501Box Drawings Vertical Light And Right Heavy Box Drawings Vertical Light And Right Heavy
9502Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Down Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Down Light
9503Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Up Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Up Light
9504Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Right Light Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Right Light
9505Box Drawings Down Light And Right Up Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Right Up Heavy
9506Box Drawings Up Light And Right Down Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Right Down Heavy
9507Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Right Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Right
9508Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left
9509Box Drawings Vertical Light And Left Heavy Box Drawings Vertical Light And Left Heavy
9510Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Down Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Down Light
9511Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Up Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Up Light
9512Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Left Light Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Left Light
9513Box Drawings Down Light And Left Up Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Left Up Heavy
9514Box Drawings Up Light And Left Down Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Left Down Heavy
9515Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Left Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Left
9516Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal
9517Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Down Light Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Down Light
9518Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Down Light Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Down Light
9519Box Drawings Down Light And Horizontal Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Horizontal Heavy
9520Box Drawings Down Heavy And Horizontal Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Horizontal Light
9521Box Drawings Right Light And Left Down Heavy Box Drawings Right Light And Left Down Heavy
9522Box Drawings Left Light And Right Down Heavy Box Drawings Left Light And Right Down Heavy
9523Box Drawings Heavy Down And Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Down And Horizontal
9524Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal
9525Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Up Light Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Up Light
9526Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Up Light Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Up Light
9527Box Drawings Up Light And Horizontal Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Horizontal Heavy
9528Box Drawings Up Heavy And Horizontal Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Horizontal Light
9529Box Drawings Right Light And Left Up Heavy Box Drawings Right Light And Left Up Heavy
9530Box Drawings Left Light And Right Up Heavy Box Drawings Left Light And Right Up Heavy
9531Box Drawings Heavy Up And Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Up And Horizontal
9532Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal
9533Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Vertical Light Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Vertical Light
9534Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Vertical Light Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Vertical Light
9535Box Drawings Vertical Light And Horizontal Heavy Box Drawings Vertical Light And Horizontal Heavy
9536Box Drawings Up Heavy And Down Horizontal Light Box Drawings Up Heavy And Down Horizontal Light
9537Box Drawings Down Heavy And Up Horizontal Light Box Drawings Down Heavy And Up Horizontal Light
9538Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Horizontal Light Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Horizontal Light
9539Box Drawings Left Up Heavy And Right Down Light Box Drawings Left Up Heavy And Right Down Light
9540Box Drawings Right Up Heavy And Left Down Light Box Drawings Right Up Heavy And Left Down Light
9541Box Drawings Left Down Heavy And Right Up Light Box Drawings Left Down Heavy And Right Up Light
9542Box Drawings Right Down Heavy And Left Up Light Box Drawings Right Down Heavy And Left Up Light
9543Box Drawings Down Light And Up Horizontal Heavy Box Drawings Down Light And Up Horizontal Heavy
9544Box Drawings Up Light And Down Horizontal Heavy Box Drawings Up Light And Down Horizontal Heavy
9545Box Drawings Right Light And Left Vertical Heavy Box Drawings Right Light And Left Vertical Heavy
9546Box Drawings Left Light And Right Vertical Heavy Box Drawings Left Light And Right Vertical Heavy
9547Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Horizontal
9548Box Drawings Light Double Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Light Double Dash Horizontal
9549Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Horizontal Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Horizontal
9550Box Drawings Light Double Dash Vertical Box Drawings Light Double Dash Vertical
9551Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Vertical Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Vertical
9552Box Drawings Double Horizontal Box Drawings Double Horizontal
9553Box Drawings Double Vertical Box Drawings Double Vertical
9554Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double
9555Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single
9556Box Drawings Double Down And Right Box Drawings Double Down And Right
9557Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double
9558Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single
9559Box Drawings Double Down And Left Box Drawings Double Down And Left
9560Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double
9561Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single
9562Box Drawings Double Up And Right Box Drawings Double Up And Right
9563Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double
9564Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single
9565Box Drawings Double Up And Left Box Drawings Double Up And Left
9566Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double
9567Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single
9568Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right
9569Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double
9570Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single
9571Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left
9572Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double
9573Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single
9574Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal
9575Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double
9576Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single
9577Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal
9578Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double
9579Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single
9580Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal
9581Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Right Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Right
9582Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Left Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Left
9583Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Left Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Left
9584Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Right Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Right
9585Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Right To Lower Left Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Right To Lower Left
9586Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Right Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Right
9587Box Drawings Light Diagonal Cross Box Drawings Light Diagonal Cross
9588Box Drawings Light Left Box Drawings Light Left
9589Box Drawings Light Up Box Drawings Light Up
9590Box Drawings Light Right Box Drawings Light Right
9591Box Drawings Light Down Box Drawings Light Down
9592Box Drawings Heavy Left Box Drawings Heavy Left
9593Box Drawings Heavy Up Box Drawings Heavy Up
9594Box Drawings Heavy Right Box Drawings Heavy Right
9595Box Drawings Heavy Down Box Drawings Heavy Down
9596Box Drawings Light Left And Heavy Right Box Drawings Light Left And Heavy Right
9597Box Drawings Light Up And Heavy Down Box Drawings Light Up And Heavy Down
9598Box Drawings Heavy Left And Light Right Box Drawings Heavy Left And Light Right
9599Box Drawings Heavy Up And Light Down Box Drawings Heavy Up And Light Down
9600Upper Half Block Upper Half Block
9601Lower One Eighth Block Lower One Eighth Block
9602Lower One Quarter Block Lower One Quarter Block
9603Lower Three Eighths Block Lower Three Eighths Block
9604Lower Half Block Lower Half Block
9605Lower Five Eighths Block Lower Five Eighths Block
9606Lower Three Quarters Block Lower Three Quarters Block
9607Lower Seven Eighths Block Lower Seven Eighths Block
9608Pełny blok Full Block
9609Left Seven Eighths Block Left Seven Eighths Block
9610Left Three Quarters Block Left Three Quarters Block
9611Left Five Eighths Block Left Five Eighths Block
9612Left Half Block Left Half Block
9613Left Three Eighths Block Left Three Eighths Block
9614Left One Quarter Block Left One Quarter Block
9615Left One Eighth Block Left One Eighth Block
9616Right Half Block Right Half Block
9617Light Shade Light Shade
9618Medium Shade Medium Shade
9619Dark Shade Dark Shade
9620Upper One Eighth Block Upper One Eighth Block
9621Right One Eighth Block Right One Eighth Block
9622Quadrant Lower Left Quadrant Lower Left
9623Quadrant Lower Right Quadrant Lower Right
9624Quadrant Upper Left Quadrant Upper Left
9625Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Left And Lower Right Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Left And Lower Right
9626Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Right Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Right
9627Quadrant Upper Left And Upper Right And Lower Left Quadrant Upper Left And Upper Right And Lower Left
9628Quadrant Upper Left And Upper Right And Lower Right Quadrant Upper Left And Upper Right And Lower Right
9629Quadrant Upper Right Quadrant Upper Right
9630Quadrant Upper Right And Lower Left Quadrant Upper Right And Lower Left
9631Quadrant Upper Right And Lower Left And Lower Right Quadrant Upper Right And Lower Left And Lower Right
9632Black Square Black Square
9633White Square White Square
9634White Square With Rounded Corners White Square With Rounded Corners
9635White Square Containing Black Small Square White Square Containing Black Small Square
9636Square With Horizontal Fill Square With Horizontal Fill
9637Square With Vertical Fill Square With Vertical Fill
9638Square With Orthogonal Crosshatch Fill Square With Orthogonal Crosshatch Fill
9639Square With Upper Left To Lower Right Fill Square With Upper Left To Lower Right Fill
9640Square With Upper Right To Lower Left Fill Square With Upper Right To Lower Left Fill
9641Square With Diagonal Crosshatch Fill Square With Diagonal Crosshatch Fill
9642Black Small Square Black Small Square
9643White Small Square White Small Square
9644Black Rectangle Black Rectangle
9645White Rectangle White Rectangle
9646Black Vertical Rectangle Black Vertical Rectangle
9647White Vertical Rectangle White Vertical Rectangle
9648Black Parallelogram Black Parallelogram
9649White Parallelogram White Parallelogram
9650Black Up-Pointing Triangle Black Up-Pointing Triangle
9651White Up-Pointing Triangle White Up-Pointing Triangle
9652Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle
9653White Up-Pointing Small Triangle White Up-Pointing Small Triangle
9654Black Right-Pointing Triangle Black Right-Pointing Triangle
9655White Right-Pointing Triangle White Right-Pointing Triangle
9656Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle
9657White Right-Pointing Small Triangle White Right-Pointing Small Triangle
9658Black Right-Pointing Pointer Black Right-Pointing Pointer
9659White Right-Pointing Pointer White Right-Pointing Pointer
9660Black Down-Pointing Triangle Black Down-Pointing Triangle
9661White Down-Pointing Triangle White Down-Pointing Triangle
9662Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle
9663White Down-Pointing Small Triangle White Down-Pointing Small Triangle
9664Black Left-Pointing Triangle Black Left-Pointing Triangle
9665White Left-Pointing Triangle White Left-Pointing Triangle
9666Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle
9667White Left-Pointing Small Triangle White Left-Pointing Small Triangle
9668Black Left-Pointing Pointer Black Left-Pointing Pointer
9669White Left-Pointing Pointer White Left-Pointing Pointer
9670Black Diamond Black Diamond
9671White Diamond White Diamond
9672White Diamond Containing Black Small Diamond White Diamond Containing Black Small Diamond
9673Fisheye Fisheye
9674Romb Lozenge
9675White Circle White Circle
9676Dotted Circle Dotted Circle
9677Circle With Vertical Fill Circle With Vertical Fill
9678Bullseye Bullseye
9679Black Circle Black Circle
9680Circle With Left Half Black Circle With Left Half Black
9681Circle With Right Half Black Circle With Right Half Black
9682Circle With Lower Half Black Circle With Lower Half Black
9683Circle With Upper Half Black Circle With Upper Half Black
9684Circle With Upper Right Quadrant Black Circle With Upper Right Quadrant Black
9685Circle With All But Upper Left Quadrant Black Circle With All But Upper Left Quadrant Black
9686Left Half Black Circle Left Half Black Circle
9687Right Half Black Circle Right Half Black Circle
9688Inverse Bullet Inverse Bullet
9689Inverse White Circle Inverse White Circle
9690Upper Half Inverse White Circle Upper Half Inverse White Circle
9691Lower Half Inverse White Circle Lower Half Inverse White Circle
9692Upper Left Quadrant Circular Arc Upper Left Quadrant Circular Arc
9693Upper Right Quadrant Circular Arc Upper Right Quadrant Circular Arc
9694Lower Right Quadrant Circular Arc Lower Right Quadrant Circular Arc
9695Lower Left Quadrant Circular Arc Lower Left Quadrant Circular Arc
9696Upper Half Circle Upper Half Circle
9697Lower Half Circle Lower Half Circle
9698Black Lower Right Triangle Black Lower Right Triangle
9699Black Lower Left Triangle Black Lower Left Triangle
9700Black Upper Left Triangle Black Upper Left Triangle
9701Black Upper Right Triangle Black Upper Right Triangle
9702White Bullet White Bullet
9703Square With Left Half Black Square With Left Half Black
9704Square With Right Half Black Square With Right Half Black
9705Square With Upper Left Diagonal Half Black Square With Upper Left Diagonal Half Black
9706Square With Lower Right Diagonal Half Black Square With Lower Right Diagonal Half Black
9707White Square With Vertical Bisecting Line White Square With Vertical Bisecting Line
9708White Up-Pointing Triangle With Dot White Up-Pointing Triangle With Dot
9709Up-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black Up-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black
9710Up-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black Up-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black
9711Large Circle Large Circle
9712White Square With Upper Left Quadrant White Square With Upper Left Quadrant
9713White Square With Lower Left Quadrant White Square With Lower Left Quadrant
9714White Square With Lower Right Quadrant White Square With Lower Right Quadrant
9715White Square With Upper Right Quadrant White Square With Upper Right Quadrant
9716White Circle With Upper Left Quadrant White Circle With Upper Left Quadrant
9717White Circle With Lower Left Quadrant White Circle With Lower Left Quadrant
9718White Circle With Lower Right Quadrant White Circle With Lower Right Quadrant
9719White Circle With Upper Right Quadrant White Circle With Upper Right Quadrant
9720Upper Left Triangle Upper Left Triangle
9721Upper Right Triangle Upper Right Triangle
9722Lower Left Triangle Lower Left Triangle
9723White Medium Square White Medium Square
9724Black Medium Square Black Medium Square
9725White Medium Small Square White Medium Small Square
9726Black Medium Small Square Black Medium Small Square
9727Lower Right Triangle Lower Right Triangle
9728Black Sun With Rays Black Sun With Rays
9729Cloud Cloud
9730Umbrella Umbrella
9731Snowman Snowman
9732Comet Comet
9733Black Star Black Star
9734White Star White Star
9735Lightning Lightning
9736Thunderstorm Thunderstorm
9737Słoneczko Sun
9738Ascending Node Ascending Node
9739Descending Node Descending Node
9740Conjunction Conjunction
9741Opposition Opposition
9742Black Telephone Black Telephone
9743White Telephone White Telephone
9744Ballot Box Ballot Box
9745Ballot Box With Check Ballot Box With Check
9746Ballot Box With X Ballot Box With X
9747Saltire Saltire
9748Umbrella With Rain Drops Umbrella With Rain Drops
9749Hot Beverage Hot Beverage
9750White Shogi Piece White Shogi Piece
9751Black Shogi Piece Black Shogi Piece
9752Shamrock Shamrock
9753Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
9754Black Left Pointing Index Black Left Pointing Index
9755Black Right Pointing Index Black Right Pointing Index
9756White Left Pointing Index White Left Pointing Index
9757White Up Pointing Index White Up Pointing Index
9758White Right Pointing Index White Right Pointing Index
9759White Down Pointing Index White Down Pointing Index
9760Skull And Crossbones Skull And Crossbones
9761Caution Sign Caution Sign
9762Radioactive Sign Radioactive Sign
9763Biohazard Sign Biohazard Sign
9764Caduceus Caduceus
9765Ankh Ankh
9766Orthodox Cross Orthodox Cross
9767Chi Rho Chi Rho
9768Cross Of Lorraine Cross Of Lorraine
9769Cross Of Jerusalem Cross Of Jerusalem
9770Star And Crescent Star And Crescent
9771Farsi Symbol Farsi Symbol
9772Adi Shakti Adi Shakti
9773Hammer And Sickle Hammer And Sickle
9774Peace Symbol Peace Symbol
9775Yin Yang Yin Yang
9776Trigram For Heaven Trigram For Heaven
9777Trigram For Lake Trigram For Lake
9778Trigram For Fire Trigram For Fire
9779Trigram For Thunder Trigram For Thunder
9780Trigram For Wind Trigram For Wind
9781Trigram For Water Trigram For Water
9782Trigram For Mountain Trigram For Mountain
9783Trigram For Earth Trigram For Earth
9784Wheel Of Dharma Wheel Of Dharma
9785White Frowning Face White Frowning Face
9786White Smiling Face White Smiling Face
9787Black Smiling Face Black Smiling Face
9788White Sun With Rays White Sun With Rays
9789First Quarter Moon First Quarter Moon
9790Last Quarter Moon Last Quarter Moon
9791Mercury Mercury
9792Female Sign Female Sign
9793Ziemia Earth
9794Male Sign Male Sign
9795Jowisz Jupiter
9798Neptune Neptune
9799Pluto Pluto
9800Aries Aries
9801Taurus Taurus
9802Gemini Gemini
9803Cancer Cancer
9804Leo Leo
9805Virgo Virgo
9806Libra Libra
9807Scorpius Scorpius
9808Sagittarius Sagittarius
9809Capricorn Capricorn
9810Aquarius Aquarius
9811Pisces Pisces
9812White Chess King White Chess King
9813White Chess Queen White Chess Queen
9814White Chess Rook White Chess Rook
9815White Chess Bishop White Chess Bishop
9816White Chess Knight White Chess Knight
9817White Chess Pawn White Chess Pawn
9818Black Chess King Black Chess King
9819Black Chess Queen Black Chess Queen
9820Black Chess Rook Black Chess Rook
9821Black Chess Bishop Black Chess Bishop
9822Black Chess Knight Black Chess Knight
9823Black Chess Pawn Black Chess Pawn
9824Black Spade Suit Black Spade Suit
9825White Heart Suit White Heart Suit
9826White Diamond Suit White Diamond Suit
9827Black Club Suit Black Club Suit
9828White Spade Suit White Spade Suit
9829Black Heart Suit Black Heart Suit
9830Black Diamond Suit Black Diamond Suit
9831White Club Suit White Club Suit
9832Hot Springs Hot Springs
9833Quarter Note Quarter Note
9834Eighth Note Eighth Note
9835Beamed Eighth Notes Beamed Eighth Notes
9836Beamed Sixteenth Notes Beamed Sixteenth Notes
9837Music Flat Sign Music Flat Sign
9838Music Natural Sign Music Natural Sign
9839Music Sharp Sign Music Sharp Sign
9840West Syriac Cross West Syriac Cross
9841East Syriac Cross East Syriac Cross
9842Universal Recycling Symbol Universal Recycling Symbol
9843Recycling Symbol For Type-1 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-1 Plastics
9844Recycling Symbol For Type-2 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-2 Plastics
9845Recycling Symbol For Type-3 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-3 Plastics
9846Recycling Symbol For Type-4 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-4 Plastics
9847Recycling Symbol For Type-5 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-5 Plastics
9848Recycling Symbol For Type-6 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-6 Plastics
9849Recycling Symbol For Type-7 Plastics Recycling Symbol For Type-7 Plastics
9850Recycling Symbol For Generic Materials Recycling Symbol For Generic Materials
9851Black Universal Recycling Symbol Black Universal Recycling Symbol
9852Recycled Paper Symbol Recycled Paper Symbol
9853Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol
9854Permanent Paper Sign Permanent Paper Sign
9855Wheelchair Symbol Wheelchair Symbol
9856Die Face-1 Die Face-1
9857Die Face-2 Die Face-2
9858Die Face-3 Die Face-3
9859Die Face-4 Die Face-4
9860Die Face-5 Die Face-5
9861Die Face-6 Die Face-6
9862White Circle With Dot Right White Circle With Dot Right
9863White Circle With Two Dots White Circle With Two Dots
9864Black Circle With White Dot Right Black Circle With White Dot Right
9865Black Circle With Two White Dots Black Circle With Two White Dots
9866Monogram For Yang Monogram For Yang
9867Monogram For Yin Monogram For Yin
9868Digram For Greater Yang Digram For Greater Yang
9869Digram For Lesser Yin Digram For Lesser Yin
9870Digram For Lesser Yang Digram For Lesser Yang
9871Digram For Greater Yin Digram For Greater Yin
9872White Flag White Flag
9873Black Flag Black Flag
9874Hammer And Pick Hammer And Pick
9875Anchor Anchor
9876Crossed Swords Crossed Swords
9877Staff Of Aesculapius Staff Of Aesculapius
9878Scales Scales
9879Alembic Alembic
9880Flower Flower
9881Gear Gear
9882Staff Of Hermes Staff Of Hermes
9883Atom Symbol Atom Symbol
9884Fleur-De-Lis Fleur-De-Lis
9885Outlined White Star Outlined White Star
9886Three Lines Converging Right Three Lines Converging Right
9887Three Lines Converging Left Three Lines Converging Left
9888Warning Sign Warning Sign
9889High Voltage Sign High Voltage Sign
9890Doubled Female Sign Doubled Female Sign
9891Doubled Male Sign Doubled Male Sign
9892Interlocked Female And Male Sign Interlocked Female And Male Sign
9893Male And Female Sign Male And Female Sign
9894Male With Stroke Sign Male With Stroke Sign
9895Male With Stroke And Male And Female Sign Male With Stroke And Male And Female Sign
9896Vertical Male With Stroke Sign Vertical Male With Stroke Sign
9897Horizontal Male With Stroke Sign Horizontal Male With Stroke Sign
9898Medium White Circle Medium White Circle
9899Medium Black Circle Medium Black Circle
9900Medium Small White Circle Medium Small White Circle
9901Marriage Symbol Marriage Symbol
9902Divorce Symbol Divorce Symbol
9903Unmarried Partnership Symbol Unmarried Partnership Symbol
9904Coffin Coffin
9905Funeral Urn Funeral Urn
9906Neuter Neuter
9907Ceres Ceres
9908Pallas Pallas
9909Juno Juno
9910Vesta Vesta
9911Chiron Chiron
9912Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith
9913Sextile Sextile
9914Semisextile Semisextile
9915Quincunx Quincunx
9916Sesquiquadrate Sesquiquadrate
9917Soccer Ball Soccer Ball
9918Baseball Baseball
9919Squared Key Squared Key
9920White Draughts Man White Draughts Man
9921White Draughts King White Draughts King
9922Black Draughts Man Black Draughts Man
9923Black Draughts King Black Draughts King
9924Snowman Without Snow Snowman Without Snow
9925Sun Behind Cloud Sun Behind Cloud
9926Rain Rain
9927Black Snowman Black Snowman
9928Thunder Cloud And Rain Thunder Cloud And Rain
9929Turned White Shogi Piece Turned White Shogi Piece
9930Turned Black Shogi Piece Turned Black Shogi Piece
9931White Diamond In Square White Diamond In Square
9932Crossing Lanes Crossing Lanes
9933Disabled Car Disabled Car
9934Ophiuchus Ophiuchus
9935Pick Pick
9936Car Sliding Car Sliding
9937Helmet With White Cross Helmet With White Cross
9938Circled Crossing Lanes Circled Crossing Lanes
9939Chains Chains
9940No Entry No Entry
9941Alternate One-Way Left Way Traffic Alternate One-Way Left Way Traffic
9942Black Two-Way Left Way Traffic Black Two-Way Left Way Traffic
9943White Two-Way Left Way Traffic White Two-Way Left Way Traffic
9944Black Left Lane Merge Black Left Lane Merge
9945White Left Lane Merge White Left Lane Merge
9946Drive Slow Sign Drive Slow Sign
9947Heavy White Down-Pointing Triangle Heavy White Down-Pointing Triangle
9948Left Closed Entry Left Closed Entry
9949Squared Saltire Squared Saltire
9950Falling Diagonal In White Circle In Black Square Falling Diagonal In White Circle In Black Square
9951Black Truck Black Truck
9952Restricted Left Entry-1 Restricted Left Entry-1
9953Restricted Left Entry-2 Restricted Left Entry-2
9954Astronomical Symbol For Uranus Astronomical Symbol For Uranus
9955Heavy Circle With Stroke And Two Dots Above Heavy Circle With Stroke And Two Dots Above
9956Pentagram Pentagram
9957Right-Handed Interlaced Pentagram Right-Handed Interlaced Pentagram
9958Left-Handed Interlaced Pentagram Left-Handed Interlaced Pentagram
9959Inverted Pentagram Inverted Pentagram
9960Black Cross On Shield Black Cross On Shield
9961Shinto Shrine Shinto Shrine
9962Church Church
9963Castle Castle
9964Historic Site Historic Site
9965Gear Without Hub Gear Without Hub
9966Gear With Handles Gear With Handles
9967Map Symbol For Lighthouse Map Symbol For Lighthouse
9968Mountain Mountain
9969Umbrella On Ground Umbrella On Ground
9970Fountain Fountain
9971Flag In Hole Flag In Hole
9972Ferry Ferry
9973Sailboat Sailboat
9974Square Four Corners Square Four Corners
9975Skier Skier
9976Ice Skate Ice Skate
9977Person With Ball Person With Ball
9978Tent Tent
9979Japanese Bank Symbol Japanese Bank Symbol
9980Headstone Graveyard Symbol Headstone Graveyard Symbol
9981Fuel Pump Fuel Pump
9982Cup On Black Square Cup On Black Square
9983White Flag With Horizontal Middle Black Stripe White Flag With Horizontal Middle Black Stripe
9985Upper Blade Scissors Upper Blade Scissors
9986Black Scissors Black Scissors
9987Lower Blade Scissors Lower Blade Scissors
9988White Scissors White Scissors
9989White Heavy Check Mark White Heavy Check Mark
9990Telephone Location Sign Telephone Location Sign
9991Stacja taśm Tape Drive
9992Samolot Airplane
9993Koperta Envelope
9994Raised Fist Raised Fist
9995Raised Hand Raised Hand
9996Victory Hand Victory Hand
9997Writing Hand Writing Hand
9998Lower Right Pencil Lower Right Pencil
9999Ołówek Pencil
10000Upper Right Pencil Upper Right Pencil
10001White Nib White Nib
10002Black Nib Black Nib
10003Znacznik Check Mark
10004Heavy Check Mark Heavy Check Mark
10005Multiplication X Multiplication X
10006Heavy Multiplication X Heavy Multiplication X
10007Ballot X Ballot X
10008Heavy Ballot X Heavy Ballot X
10009Outlined Greek Cross Outlined Greek Cross
10010Heavy Greek Cross Heavy Greek Cross
10011Open Centre Cross Open Centre Cross
10012Heavy Open Centre Cross Heavy Open Centre Cross
10013Latin Cross Latin Cross
10014Shadowed White Latin Cross Shadowed White Latin Cross
10015Outlined Latin Cross Outlined Latin Cross
10016Maltese Cross Maltese Cross
10017Star Of David Star Of David
10018Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
10019Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
10020Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
10021Four Club-Spoked Asterisk Four Club-Spoked Asterisk
10022Black Four Pointed Star Black Four Pointed Star
10023White Four Pointed Star White Four Pointed Star
10024Sparkles Sparkles
10025Stress Outlined White Star Stress Outlined White Star
10026Circled White Star Circled White Star
10027Open Centre Black Star Open Centre Black Star
10028Black Centre White Star Black Centre White Star
10029Outlined Black Star Outlined Black Star
10030Heavy Outlined Black Star Heavy Outlined Black Star
10031Pinwheel Star Pinwheel Star
10032Shadowed White Star Shadowed White Star
10033Heavy Asterisk Heavy Asterisk
10034Open Centre Asterisk Open Centre Asterisk
10035Eight Spoked Asterisk Eight Spoked Asterisk
10036Eight Pointed Black Star Eight Pointed Black Star
10037Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star
10038Six Pointed Black Star Six Pointed Black Star
10039Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star
10040Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star
10041Twelve Pointed Black Star Twelve Pointed Black Star
10042Sixteen Pointed Asterisk Sixteen Pointed Asterisk
10043Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
10044Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
10045Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
10046Six Petalled Black And White Florette Six Petalled Black And White Florette
10047Black Florette Black Florette
10048White Florette White Florette
10049Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette
10050Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star
10051Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk
10052Snowflake Snowflake
10053Tight Trifoliate Snowflake Tight Trifoliate Snowflake
10054Heavy Chevron Snowflake Heavy Chevron Snowflake
10055Sparkle Sparkle
10056Heavy Sparkle Heavy Sparkle
10057Balloon-Spoked Asterisk Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
10058Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
10059Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
10060Cross Mark Cross Mark
10061Shadowed White Circle Shadowed White Circle
10062Negative Squared Cross Mark Negative Squared Cross Mark
10063Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square
10064Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square
10065Lower Right Shadowed White Square Lower Right Shadowed White Square
10066Upper Right Shadowed White Square Upper Right Shadowed White Square
10067Black Question Mark Ornament Black Question Mark Ornament
10068White Question Mark Ornament White Question Mark Ornament
10069White Exclamation Mark Ornament White Exclamation Mark Ornament
10070Black Diamond Minus White X Black Diamond Minus White X
10071Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol
10072Light Vertical Bar Light Vertical Bar
10073Medium Vertical Bar Medium Vertical Bar
10074Heavy Vertical Bar Heavy Vertical Bar
10075Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10076Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10077Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10078Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10079Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10080Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
10081Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament
10082Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament
10083Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament
10084Heavy Black Heart Heavy Black Heart
10085Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet
10086Floral Heart Floral Heart
10087Rotated Floral Heart Bullet Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
10088Medium Left Parenthesis Ornament Medium Left Parenthesis Ornament
10089Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament
10090Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis Ornament Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis Ornament
10091Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis Ornament Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis Ornament
10092Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament
10093Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament
10094Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament
10095Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament
10096Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament
10097Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament
10098Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament
10099Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament
10100Medium Left Curly Bracket Ornament Medium Left Curly Bracket Ornament
10101Medium Right Curly Bracket Ornament Medium Right Curly Bracket Ornament
10102Dingbat Negative Circled Digit One Dingbat Negative Circled Digit One
10103Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Two Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Two
10104Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three
10105Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Four Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Four
10106Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five
10107Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Six Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Six
10108Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Seven Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Seven
10109Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight
10110Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Nine Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Nine
10111Dingbat Negative Circled Number Ten Dingbat Negative Circled Number Ten
10112Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One
10113Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two
10114Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three
10115Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four
10116Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five
10117Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six
10118Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven
10119Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight
10120Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine
10121Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten
10122Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One
10123Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two
10124Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three
10125Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four
10126Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five
10127Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six
10128Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven
10129Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight
10130Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine
10131Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten
10132Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow
10133Heavy Plus Sign Heavy Plus Sign
10134Heavy Minus Sign Heavy Minus Sign
10135Heavy Division Sign Heavy Division Sign
10136Heavy South East Arrow Heavy South East Arrow
10137Heavy Rightwards Arrow Heavy Rightwards Arrow
10138Heavy North East Arrow Heavy North East Arrow
10139Drafting Point Rightwards Arrow Drafting Point Rightwards Arrow
10140Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow
10141Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
10142Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
10143Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
10144Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
10145Black Rightwards Arrow Black Rightwards Arrow
10146Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead
10147Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead
10148Black Rightwards Arrowhead Black Rightwards Arrowhead
10149Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards Arrow Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards Arrow
10150Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards Arrow Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards Arrow
10151Squat Black Rightwards Arrow Squat Black Rightwards Arrow
10152Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow
10153Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow
10154Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow
10155Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10156Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10157Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10158Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10159Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10160Curly Loop Curly Loop
10161Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
10162Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow
10163White-Feathered Rightwards Arrow White-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
10164Black-Feathered South East Arrow Black-Feathered South East Arrow
10165Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
10166Black-Feathered North East Arrow Black-Feathered North East Arrow
10167Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow
10168Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
10169Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow
10170Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards Arrow Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards Arrow
10171Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards Arrow Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards Arrow
10172Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow
10173Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow
10174Open-Outlined Rightwards Arrow Open-Outlined Rightwards Arrow
10175Double Curly Loop Double Curly Loop
10176Three Dimensional Angle Three Dimensional Angle
10177White Triangle Containing Small White Triangle White Triangle Containing Small White Triangle
10178Perpendicular Perpendicular
10179Open Subset Open Subset
10180Open Superset Open Superset
10181Left S-Shaped Bag Delimiter Left S-Shaped Bag Delimiter
10182Right S-Shaped Bag Delimiter Right S-Shaped Bag Delimiter
10183Or With Dot Inside Or With Dot Inside
10184Reverse Solidus Preceding Subset Reverse Solidus Preceding Subset
10185Superset Preceding Solidus Superset Preceding Solidus
10186Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke
10188Long Division Long Division
10190Squared Logical And Squared Logical And
10191Squared Logical Or Squared Logical Or
10192White Diamond With Centred Dot White Diamond With Centred Dot
10193And With Dot And With Dot
10194Element Of Opening Upwards Element Of Opening Upwards
10195Lower Right Corner With Dot Lower Right Corner With Dot
10196Upper Left Corner With Dot Upper Left Corner With Dot
10197Left Outer Join Left Outer Join
10198Right Outer Join Right Outer Join
10199Full Outer Join Full Outer Join
10200Large Up Tack Large Up Tack
10201Large Down Tack Large Down Tack
10202Left And Right Double Turnstile Left And Right Double Turnstile
10203Left And Right Tack Left And Right Tack
10204Left Multimap Left Multimap
10205Long Right Tack Long Right Tack
10206Long Left Tack Long Left Tack
10207Up Tack With Circle Above Up Tack With Circle Above
10208Lozenge Divided By Horizontal Rule Lozenge Divided By Horizontal Rule
10209White Concave-Sided Diamond White Concave-Sided Diamond
10210White Concave-Sided Diamond With Leftwards Tick White Concave-Sided Diamond With Leftwards Tick
10211White Concave-Sided Diamond With Rightwards Tick White Concave-Sided Diamond With Rightwards Tick
10212White Square With Leftwards Tick White Square With Leftwards Tick
10213White Square With Rightwards Tick White Square With Rightwards Tick
10214Mathematical Left White Square Bracket Mathematical Left White Square Bracket
10215Mathematical Right White Square Bracket Mathematical Right White Square Bracket
10216Mathematical Left Angle Bracket Mathematical Left Angle Bracket
10217Mathematical Right Angle Bracket Mathematical Right Angle Bracket
10218Mathematical Left Double Angle Bracket Mathematical Left Double Angle Bracket
10219Mathematical Right Double Angle Bracket Mathematical Right Double Angle Bracket
10220Mathematical Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket Mathematical Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket
10221Mathematical Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket Mathematical Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket
10222Mathematical Left Flattened Parenthesis Mathematical Left Flattened Parenthesis
10223Mathematical Right Flattened Parenthesis Mathematical Right Flattened Parenthesis
10224Upwards Quadruple Arrow Upwards Quadruple Arrow
10225Downwards Quadruple Arrow Downwards Quadruple Arrow
10226Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow
10227Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow
10228Right Arrow With Circled Plus Right Arrow With Circled Plus
10229Long Leftwards Arrow Long Leftwards Arrow
10230Long Rightwards Arrow Long Rightwards Arrow
10231Long Left Right Arrow Long Left Right Arrow
10232Long Leftwards Double Arrow Long Leftwards Double Arrow
10233Long Rightwards Double Arrow Long Rightwards Double Arrow
10234Long Left Right Double Arrow Long Left Right Double Arrow
10235Long Leftwards Arrow From Bar Long Leftwards Arrow From Bar
10236Long Rightwards Arrow From Bar Long Rightwards Arrow From Bar
10237Long Leftwards Double Arrow From Bar Long Leftwards Double Arrow From Bar
10238Long Rightwards Double Arrow From Bar Long Rightwards Double Arrow From Bar
10239Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow
10240Braille Pattern Blank Braille Pattern Blank
10241Braille Pattern Dots-1 Braille Pattern Dots-1
10242Braille Pattern Dots-2 Braille Pattern Dots-2
10243Braille Pattern Dots-12 Braille Pattern Dots-12
10244Braille Pattern Dots-3 Braille Pattern Dots-3
10245Braille Pattern Dots-13 Braille Pattern Dots-13
10246Braille Pattern Dots-23 Braille Pattern Dots-23
10247Braille Pattern Dots-123 Braille Pattern Dots-123
10248Braille Pattern Dots-4 Braille Pattern Dots-4
10249Braille Pattern Dots-14 Braille Pattern Dots-14
10250Braille Pattern Dots-24 Braille Pattern Dots-24
10251Braille Pattern Dots-124 Braille Pattern Dots-124
10252Braille Pattern Dots-34 Braille Pattern Dots-34
10253Braille Pattern Dots-134 Braille Pattern Dots-134
10254Braille Pattern Dots-234 Braille Pattern Dots-234
10255Braille Pattern Dots-1234 Braille Pattern Dots-1234
10256Braille Pattern Dots-5 Braille Pattern Dots-5
10257Braille Pattern Dots-15 Braille Pattern Dots-15
10258Braille Pattern Dots-25 Braille Pattern Dots-25
10259Braille Pattern Dots-125 Braille Pattern Dots-125
10260Braille Pattern Dots-35 Braille Pattern Dots-35
10261Braille Pattern Dots-135 Braille Pattern Dots-135
10262Braille Pattern Dots-235 Braille Pattern Dots-235
10263Braille Pattern Dots-1235 Braille Pattern Dots-1235
10264Braille Pattern Dots-45 Braille Pattern Dots-45
10265Braille Pattern Dots-145 Braille Pattern Dots-145
10266Braille Pattern Dots-245 Braille Pattern Dots-245
10267Braille Pattern Dots-1245 Braille Pattern Dots-1245
10268Braille Pattern Dots-345 Braille Pattern Dots-345
10269Braille Pattern Dots-1345 Braille Pattern Dots-1345
10270Braille Pattern Dots-2345 Braille Pattern Dots-2345
10271Braille Pattern Dots-12345 Braille Pattern Dots-12345
10272Braille Pattern Dots-6 Braille Pattern Dots-6
10273Braille Pattern Dots-16 Braille Pattern Dots-16
10274Braille Pattern Dots-26 Braille Pattern Dots-26
10275Braille Pattern Dots-126 Braille Pattern Dots-126
10276Braille Pattern Dots-36 Braille Pattern Dots-36
10277Braille Pattern Dots-136 Braille Pattern Dots-136
10278Braille Pattern Dots-236 Braille Pattern Dots-236
10279Braille Pattern Dots-1236 Braille Pattern Dots-1236
10280Braille Pattern Dots-46 Braille Pattern Dots-46
10281Braille Pattern Dots-146 Braille Pattern Dots-146
10282Braille Pattern Dots-246 Braille Pattern Dots-246
10283Braille Pattern Dots-1246 Braille Pattern Dots-1246
10284Braille Pattern Dots-346 Braille Pattern Dots-346
10285Braille Pattern Dots-1346 Braille Pattern Dots-1346
10286Braille Pattern Dots-2346 Braille Pattern Dots-2346
10287Braille Pattern Dots-12346 Braille Pattern Dots-12346
10288Braille Pattern Dots-56 Braille Pattern Dots-56
10289Braille Pattern Dots-156 Braille Pattern Dots-156
10290Braille Pattern Dots-256 Braille Pattern Dots-256
10291Braille Pattern Dots-1256 Braille Pattern Dots-1256
10292Braille Pattern Dots-356 Braille Pattern Dots-356
10293Braille Pattern Dots-1356 Braille Pattern Dots-1356
10294Braille Pattern Dots-2356 Braille Pattern Dots-2356
10295Braille Pattern Dots-12356 Braille Pattern Dots-12356
10296Braille Pattern Dots-456 Braille Pattern Dots-456
10297Braille Pattern Dots-1456 Braille Pattern Dots-1456
10298Braille Pattern Dots-2456 Braille Pattern Dots-2456
10299Braille Pattern Dots-12456 Braille Pattern Dots-12456
10300Braille Pattern Dots-3456 Braille Pattern Dots-3456
10301Braille Pattern Dots-13456 Braille Pattern Dots-13456
10302Braille Pattern Dots-23456 Braille Pattern Dots-23456
10303Braille Pattern Dots-123456 Braille Pattern Dots-123456
10304Braille Pattern Dots-7 Braille Pattern Dots-7
10305Braille Pattern Dots-17 Braille Pattern Dots-17
10306Braille Pattern Dots-27 Braille Pattern Dots-27
10307Braille Pattern Dots-127 Braille Pattern Dots-127
10308Braille Pattern Dots-37 Braille Pattern Dots-37
10309Braille Pattern Dots-137 Braille Pattern Dots-137
10310Braille Pattern Dots-237 Braille Pattern Dots-237
10311Braille Pattern Dots-1237 Braille Pattern Dots-1237
10312Braille Pattern Dots-47 Braille Pattern Dots-47
10313Braille Pattern Dots-147 Braille Pattern Dots-147
10314Braille Pattern Dots-247 Braille Pattern Dots-247
10315Braille Pattern Dots-1247 Braille Pattern Dots-1247
10316Braille Pattern Dots-347 Braille Pattern Dots-347
10317Braille Pattern Dots-1347 Braille Pattern Dots-1347
10318Braille Pattern Dots-2347 Braille Pattern Dots-2347
10319Braille Pattern Dots-12347 Braille Pattern Dots-12347
10320Braille Pattern Dots-57 Braille Pattern Dots-57
10321Braille Pattern Dots-157 Braille Pattern Dots-157
10322Braille Pattern Dots-257 Braille Pattern Dots-257
10323Braille Pattern Dots-1257 Braille Pattern Dots-1257
10324Braille Pattern Dots-357 Braille Pattern Dots-357
10325Braille Pattern Dots-1357 Braille Pattern Dots-1357
10326Braille Pattern Dots-2357 Braille Pattern Dots-2357
10327Braille Pattern Dots-12357 Braille Pattern Dots-12357
10328Braille Pattern Dots-457 Braille Pattern Dots-457
10329Braille Pattern Dots-1457 Braille Pattern Dots-1457
10330Braille Pattern Dots-2457 Braille Pattern Dots-2457
10331Braille Pattern Dots-12457 Braille Pattern Dots-12457
10332Braille Pattern Dots-3457 Braille Pattern Dots-3457
10333Braille Pattern Dots-13457 Braille Pattern Dots-13457
10334Braille Pattern Dots-23457 Braille Pattern Dots-23457
10335Braille Pattern Dots-123457 Braille Pattern Dots-123457
10336Braille Pattern Dots-67 Braille Pattern Dots-67
10337Braille Pattern Dots-167 Braille Pattern Dots-167
10338Braille Pattern Dots-267 Braille Pattern Dots-267
10339Braille Pattern Dots-1267 Braille Pattern Dots-1267
10340Braille Pattern Dots-367 Braille Pattern Dots-367
10341Braille Pattern Dots-1367 Braille Pattern Dots-1367
10342Braille Pattern Dots-2367 Braille Pattern Dots-2367
10343Braille Pattern Dots-12367 Braille Pattern Dots-12367
10344Braille Pattern Dots-467 Braille Pattern Dots-467
10345Braille Pattern Dots-1467 Braille Pattern Dots-1467
10346Braille Pattern Dots-2467 Braille Pattern Dots-2467
10347Braille Pattern Dots-12467 Braille Pattern Dots-12467
10348Braille Pattern Dots-3467 Braille Pattern Dots-3467
10349Braille Pattern Dots-13467 Braille Pattern Dots-13467
10350Braille Pattern Dots-23467 Braille Pattern Dots-23467
10351Braille Pattern Dots-123467 Braille Pattern Dots-123467
10352Braille Pattern Dots-567 Braille Pattern Dots-567
10353Braille Pattern Dots-1567 Braille Pattern Dots-1567
10354Braille Pattern Dots-2567 Braille Pattern Dots-2567
10355Braille Pattern Dots-12567 Braille Pattern Dots-12567
10356Braille Pattern Dots-3567 Braille Pattern Dots-3567
10357Braille Pattern Dots-13567 Braille Pattern Dots-13567
10358Braille Pattern Dots-23567 Braille Pattern Dots-23567
10359Braille Pattern Dots-123567 Braille Pattern Dots-123567
10360Braille Pattern Dots-4567 Braille Pattern Dots-4567
10361Braille Pattern Dots-14567 Braille Pattern Dots-14567
10362Braille Pattern Dots-24567 Braille Pattern Dots-24567
10363Braille Pattern Dots-124567 Braille Pattern Dots-124567
10364Braille Pattern Dots-34567 Braille Pattern Dots-34567
10365Braille Pattern Dots-134567 Braille Pattern Dots-134567
10366Braille Pattern Dots-234567 Braille Pattern Dots-234567
10367Braille Pattern Dots-1234567 Braille Pattern Dots-1234567
10368Braille Pattern Dots-8 Braille Pattern Dots-8
10369Braille Pattern Dots-18 Braille Pattern Dots-18
10370Braille Pattern Dots-28 Braille Pattern Dots-28
10371Braille Pattern Dots-128 Braille Pattern Dots-128
10372Braille Pattern Dots-38 Braille Pattern Dots-38
10373Braille Pattern Dots-138 Braille Pattern Dots-138
10374Braille Pattern Dots-238 Braille Pattern Dots-238
10375Braille Pattern Dots-1238 Braille Pattern Dots-1238
10376Braille Pattern Dots-48 Braille Pattern Dots-48
10377Braille Pattern Dots-148 Braille Pattern Dots-148
10378Braille Pattern Dots-248 Braille Pattern Dots-248
10379Braille Pattern Dots-1248 Braille Pattern Dots-1248
10380Braille Pattern Dots-348 Braille Pattern Dots-348
10381Braille Pattern Dots-1348 Braille Pattern Dots-1348
10382Braille Pattern Dots-2348 Braille Pattern Dots-2348
10383Braille Pattern Dots-12348 Braille Pattern Dots-12348
10384Braille Pattern Dots-58 Braille Pattern Dots-58
10385Braille Pattern Dots-158 Braille Pattern Dots-158
10386Braille Pattern Dots-258 Braille Pattern Dots-258
10387Braille Pattern Dots-1258 Braille Pattern Dots-1258
10388Braille Pattern Dots-358 Braille Pattern Dots-358
10389Braille Pattern Dots-1358 Braille Pattern Dots-1358
10390Braille Pattern Dots-2358 Braille Pattern Dots-2358
10391Braille Pattern Dots-12358 Braille Pattern Dots-12358
10392Braille Pattern Dots-458 Braille Pattern Dots-458
10393Braille Pattern Dots-1458 Braille Pattern Dots-1458
10394Braille Pattern Dots-2458 Braille Pattern Dots-2458
10395Braille Pattern Dots-12458 Braille Pattern Dots-12458
10396Braille Pattern Dots-3458 Braille Pattern Dots-3458
10397Braille Pattern Dots-13458 Braille Pattern Dots-13458
10398Braille Pattern Dots-23458 Braille Pattern Dots-23458
10399Braille Pattern Dots-123458 Braille Pattern Dots-123458
10400Braille Pattern Dots-68 Braille Pattern Dots-68
10401Braille Pattern Dots-168 Braille Pattern Dots-168
10402Braille Pattern Dots-268 Braille Pattern Dots-268
10403Braille Pattern Dots-1268 Braille Pattern Dots-1268
10404Braille Pattern Dots-368 Braille Pattern Dots-368
10405Braille Pattern Dots-1368 Braille Pattern Dots-1368
10406Braille Pattern Dots-2368 Braille Pattern Dots-2368
10407Braille Pattern Dots-12368 Braille Pattern Dots-12368
10408Braille Pattern Dots-468 Braille Pattern Dots-468
10409Braille Pattern Dots-1468 Braille Pattern Dots-1468
10410Braille Pattern Dots-2468 Braille Pattern Dots-2468
10411Braille Pattern Dots-12468 Braille Pattern Dots-12468
10412Braille Pattern Dots-3468 Braille Pattern Dots-3468
10413Braille Pattern Dots-13468 Braille Pattern Dots-13468
10414Braille Pattern Dots-23468 Braille Pattern Dots-23468
10415Braille Pattern Dots-123468 Braille Pattern Dots-123468
10416Braille Pattern Dots-568 Braille Pattern Dots-568
10417Braille Pattern Dots-1568 Braille Pattern Dots-1568
10418Braille Pattern Dots-2568 Braille Pattern Dots-2568
10419Braille Pattern Dots-12568 Braille Pattern Dots-12568
10420Braille Pattern Dots-3568 Braille Pattern Dots-3568
10421Braille Pattern Dots-13568 Braille Pattern Dots-13568
10422Braille Pattern Dots-23568 Braille Pattern Dots-23568
10423Braille Pattern Dots-123568 Braille Pattern Dots-123568
10424Braille Pattern Dots-4568 Braille Pattern Dots-4568
10425Braille Pattern Dots-14568 Braille Pattern Dots-14568
10426Braille Pattern Dots-24568 Braille Pattern Dots-24568
10427Braille Pattern Dots-124568 Braille Pattern Dots-124568
10428Braille Pattern Dots-34568 Braille Pattern Dots-34568
10429Braille Pattern Dots-134568 Braille Pattern Dots-134568
10430Braille Pattern Dots-234568 Braille Pattern Dots-234568
10431Braille Pattern Dots-1234568 Braille Pattern Dots-1234568
10432Braille Pattern Dots-78 Braille Pattern Dots-78
10433Braille Pattern Dots-178 Braille Pattern Dots-178
10434Braille Pattern Dots-278 Braille Pattern Dots-278
10435Braille Pattern Dots-1278 Braille Pattern Dots-1278
10436Braille Pattern Dots-378 Braille Pattern Dots-378
10437Braille Pattern Dots-1378 Braille Pattern Dots-1378
10438Braille Pattern Dots-2378 Braille Pattern Dots-2378
10439Braille Pattern Dots-12378 Braille Pattern Dots-12378
10440Braille Pattern Dots-478 Braille Pattern Dots-478
10441Braille Pattern Dots-1478 Braille Pattern Dots-1478
10442Braille Pattern Dots-2478 Braille Pattern Dots-2478
10443Braille Pattern Dots-12478 Braille Pattern Dots-12478
10444Braille Pattern Dots-3478 Braille Pattern Dots-3478
10445Braille Pattern Dots-13478 Braille Pattern Dots-13478
10446Braille Pattern Dots-23478 Braille Pattern Dots-23478
10447Braille Pattern Dots-123478 Braille Pattern Dots-123478
10448Braille Pattern Dots-578 Braille Pattern Dots-578
10449Braille Pattern Dots-1578 Braille Pattern Dots-1578
10450Braille Pattern Dots-2578 Braille Pattern Dots-2578
10451Braille Pattern Dots-12578 Braille Pattern Dots-12578
10452Braille Pattern Dots-3578 Braille Pattern Dots-3578
10453Braille Pattern Dots-13578 Braille Pattern Dots-13578
10454Braille Pattern Dots-23578 Braille Pattern Dots-23578
10455Braille Pattern Dots-123578 Braille Pattern Dots-123578
10456Braille Pattern Dots-4578 Braille Pattern Dots-4578
10457Braille Pattern Dots-14578 Braille Pattern Dots-14578
10458Braille Pattern Dots-24578 Braille Pattern Dots-24578
10459Braille Pattern Dots-124578 Braille Pattern Dots-124578
10460Braille Pattern Dots-34578 Braille Pattern Dots-34578
10461Braille Pattern Dots-134578 Braille Pattern Dots-134578
10462Braille Pattern Dots-234578 Braille Pattern Dots-234578
10463Braille Pattern Dots-1234578 Braille Pattern Dots-1234578
10464Braille Pattern Dots-678 Braille Pattern Dots-678
10465Braille Pattern Dots-1678 Braille Pattern Dots-1678
10466Braille Pattern Dots-2678 Braille Pattern Dots-2678
10467Braille Pattern Dots-12678 Braille Pattern Dots-12678
10468Braille Pattern Dots-3678 Braille Pattern Dots-3678
10469Braille Pattern Dots-13678 Braille Pattern Dots-13678
10470Braille Pattern Dots-23678 Braille Pattern Dots-23678
10471Braille Pattern Dots-123678 Braille Pattern Dots-123678
10472Braille Pattern Dots-4678 Braille Pattern Dots-4678
10473Braille Pattern Dots-14678 Braille Pattern Dots-14678
10474Braille Pattern Dots-24678 Braille Pattern Dots-24678
10475Braille Pattern Dots-124678 Braille Pattern Dots-124678
10476Braille Pattern Dots-34678 Braille Pattern Dots-34678
10477Braille Pattern Dots-134678 Braille Pattern Dots-134678
10478Braille Pattern Dots-234678 Braille Pattern Dots-234678
10479Braille Pattern Dots-1234678 Braille Pattern Dots-1234678
10480Braille Pattern Dots-5678 Braille Pattern Dots-5678
10481Braille Pattern Dots-15678 Braille Pattern Dots-15678
10482Braille Pattern Dots-25678 Braille Pattern Dots-25678
10483Braille Pattern Dots-125678 Braille Pattern Dots-125678
10484Braille Pattern Dots-35678 Braille Pattern Dots-35678
10485Braille Pattern Dots-135678 Braille Pattern Dots-135678
10486Braille Pattern Dots-235678 Braille Pattern Dots-235678
10487Braille Pattern Dots-1235678 Braille Pattern Dots-1235678
10488Braille Pattern Dots-45678 Braille Pattern Dots-45678
10489Braille Pattern Dots-145678 Braille Pattern Dots-145678
10490Braille Pattern Dots-245678 Braille Pattern Dots-245678
10491Braille Pattern Dots-1245678 Braille Pattern Dots-1245678
10492Braille Pattern Dots-345678 Braille Pattern Dots-345678
10493Braille Pattern Dots-1345678 Braille Pattern Dots-1345678
10494Braille Pattern Dots-2345678 Braille Pattern Dots-2345678
10495Braille Pattern Dots-12345678 Braille Pattern Dots-12345678
10496Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical Stroke Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical Stroke
10497Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
10498Leftwards Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke Leftwards Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke
10499Rightwards Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke Rightwards Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke
10500Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke Left Right Double Arrow With Vertical Stroke
10501Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow From Bar Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow From Bar
10502Leftwards Double Arrow From Bar Leftwards Double Arrow From Bar
10503Rightwards Double Arrow From Bar Rightwards Double Arrow From Bar
10504Downwards Arrow With Horizontal Stroke Downwards Arrow With Horizontal Stroke
10505Upwards Arrow With Horizontal Stroke Upwards Arrow With Horizontal Stroke
10506Upwards Triple Arrow Upwards Triple Arrow
10507Downwards Triple Arrow Downwards Triple Arrow
10508Leftwards Double Dash Arrow Leftwards Double Dash Arrow
10509Rightwards Double Dash Arrow Rightwards Double Dash Arrow
10510Leftwards Triple Dash Arrow Leftwards Triple Dash Arrow
10511Rightwards Triple Dash Arrow Rightwards Triple Dash Arrow
10512Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow
10513Rightwards Arrow With Dotted Stem Rightwards Arrow With Dotted Stem
10514Upwards Arrow To Bar Upwards Arrow To Bar
10515Downwards Arrow To Bar Downwards Arrow To Bar
10516Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke
10517Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke Rightwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke
10518Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail
10519Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke
10520Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke
10521Leftwards Arrow-Tail Leftwards Arrow-Tail
10522Rightwards Arrow-Tail Rightwards Arrow-Tail
10523Leftwards Double Arrow-Tail Leftwards Double Arrow-Tail
10524Rightwards Double Arrow-Tail Rightwards Double Arrow-Tail
10525Leftwards Arrow To Black Diamond Leftwards Arrow To Black Diamond
10526Rightwards Arrow To Black Diamond Rightwards Arrow To Black Diamond
10527Leftwards Arrow From Bar To Black Diamond Leftwards Arrow From Bar To Black Diamond
10528Rightwards Arrow From Bar To Black Diamond Rightwards Arrow From Bar To Black Diamond
10529North West And South East Arrow North West And South East Arrow
10530North East And South West Arrow North East And South West Arrow
10531North West Arrow With Hook North West Arrow With Hook
10532North East Arrow With Hook North East Arrow With Hook
10533South East Arrow With Hook South East Arrow With Hook
10534South West Arrow With Hook South West Arrow With Hook
10535North West Arrow And North East Arrow North West Arrow And North East Arrow
10536North East Arrow And South East Arrow North East Arrow And South East Arrow
10537South East Arrow And South West Arrow South East Arrow And South West Arrow
10538South West Arrow And North West Arrow South West Arrow And North West Arrow
10539Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling Diagonal Rising Diagonal Crossing Falling Diagonal
10540Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising Diagonal Falling Diagonal Crossing Rising Diagonal
10541South East Arrow Crossing North East Arrow South East Arrow Crossing North East Arrow
10542North East Arrow Crossing South East Arrow North East Arrow Crossing South East Arrow
10543Falling Diagonal Crossing North East Arrow Falling Diagonal Crossing North East Arrow
10544Rising Diagonal Crossing South East Arrow Rising Diagonal Crossing South East Arrow
10545North East Arrow Crossing North West Arrow North East Arrow Crossing North West Arrow
10546North West Arrow Crossing North East Arrow North West Arrow Crossing North East Arrow
10547Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Right Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Right
10548Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards
10549Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards
10550Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Leftwards Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Leftwards
10551Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Rightwards Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Rightwards
10552Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow
10553Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow
10554Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow
10555Bottom Arc Anticlockwise Arrow Bottom Arc Anticlockwise Arrow
10556Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With Minus Top Arc Clockwise Arrow With Minus
10557Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With Plus Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow With Plus
10558Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise Arrow Lower Right Semicircular Clockwise Arrow
10559Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise Arrow Lower Left Semicircular Anticlockwise Arrow
10560Anticlockwise Closed Circle Arrow Anticlockwise Closed Circle Arrow
10561Clockwise Closed Circle Arrow Clockwise Closed Circle Arrow
10562Rightwards Arrow Above Short Leftwards Arrow Rightwards Arrow Above Short Leftwards Arrow
10563Leftwards Arrow Above Short Rightwards Arrow Leftwards Arrow Above Short Rightwards Arrow
10564Short Rightwards Arrow Above Leftwards Arrow Short Rightwards Arrow Above Leftwards Arrow
10565Rightwards Arrow With Plus Below Rightwards Arrow With Plus Below
10566Leftwards Arrow With Plus Below Leftwards Arrow With Plus Below
10567Rightwards Arrow Through X Rightwards Arrow Through X
10568Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle
10569Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small Circle Upwards Two-Headed Arrow From Small Circle
10570Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon
10571Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon
10572Up Barb Right Down Barb Left Harpoon Up Barb Right Down Barb Left Harpoon
10573Up Barb Left Down Barb Right Harpoon Up Barb Left Down Barb Right Harpoon
10574Left Barb Up Right Barb Up Harpoon Left Barb Up Right Barb Up Harpoon
10575Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon
10576Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon
10577Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon
10578Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up To Bar Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up To Bar
10579Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up To Bar Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up To Bar
10580Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right To Bar Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right To Bar
10581Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right To Bar Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right To Bar
10582Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down To Bar Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down To Bar
10583Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down To Bar Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down To Bar
10584Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left To Bar Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left To Bar
10585Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left To Bar Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left To Bar
10586Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar
10587Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up From Bar
10588Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar
10589Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right From Bar
10590Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar
10591Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down From Bar
10592Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar
10593Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left From Bar
10594Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down
10595Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right
10596Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down
10597Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right
10598Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up
10599Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down
10600Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up
10601Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down
10602Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash
10603Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash
10604Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Up Above Long Dash
10605Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Down Below Long Dash
10606Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right Upwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon With Barb Right
10607Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right Downwards Harpoon With Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon With Barb Right
10608Right Double Arrow With Rounded Head Right Double Arrow With Rounded Head
10609Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow
10610Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow
10611Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator
10612Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator
10613Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To
10614Less-Than Above Leftwards Arrow Less-Than Above Leftwards Arrow
10615Leftwards Arrow Through Less-Than Leftwards Arrow Through Less-Than
10616Greater-Than Above Rightwards Arrow Greater-Than Above Rightwards Arrow
10617Subset Above Rightwards Arrow Subset Above Rightwards Arrow
10618Leftwards Arrow Through Subset Leftwards Arrow Through Subset
10619Superset Above Leftwards Arrow Superset Above Leftwards Arrow
10620Left Fish Tail Left Fish Tail
10621Right Fish Tail Right Fish Tail
10622Up Fish Tail Up Fish Tail
10623Down Fish Tail Down Fish Tail
10624Triple Vertical Bar Delimiter Triple Vertical Bar Delimiter
10625Z Notation Spot Z Notation Spot
10626Z Notation Type Colon Z Notation Type Colon
10627Left White Curly Bracket Left White Curly Bracket
10628Right White Curly Bracket Right White Curly Bracket
10629Left White Parenthesis Left White Parenthesis
10630Right White Parenthesis Right White Parenthesis
10631Z Notation Left Image Bracket Z Notation Left Image Bracket
10632Z Notation Right Image Bracket Z Notation Right Image Bracket
10633Z Notation Left Binding Bracket Z Notation Left Binding Bracket
10634Z Notation Right Binding Bracket Z Notation Right Binding Bracket
10635Left Square Bracket With Underbar Left Square Bracket With Underbar
10636Right Square Bracket With Underbar Right Square Bracket With Underbar
10637Left Square Bracket With Tick In Top Corner Left Square Bracket With Tick In Top Corner
10638Right Square Bracket With Tick In Bottom Corner Right Square Bracket With Tick In Bottom Corner
10639Left Square Bracket With Tick In Bottom Corner Left Square Bracket With Tick In Bottom Corner
10640Right Square Bracket With Tick In Top Corner Right Square Bracket With Tick In Top Corner
10641Left Angle Bracket With Dot Left Angle Bracket With Dot
10642Right Angle Bracket With Dot Right Angle Bracket With Dot
10643Left Arc Less-Than Bracket Left Arc Less-Than Bracket
10644Right Arc Greater-Than Bracket Right Arc Greater-Than Bracket
10645Double Left Arc Greater-Than Bracket Double Left Arc Greater-Than Bracket
10646Double Right Arc Less-Than Bracket Double Right Arc Less-Than Bracket
10647Left Black Tortoise Shell Bracket Left Black Tortoise Shell Bracket
10648Right Black Tortoise Shell Bracket Right Black Tortoise Shell Bracket
10649Dotted Fence Dotted Fence
10650Vertical Zigzag Line Vertical Zigzag Line
10651Measured Angle Opening Left Measured Angle Opening Left
10652Right Angle Variant With Square Right Angle Variant With Square
10653Measured Right Angle With Dot Measured Right Angle With Dot
10654Angle With S Inside Angle With S Inside
10655Acute Angle Acute Angle
10656Spherical Angle Opening Left Spherical Angle Opening Left
10657Spherical Angle Opening Up Spherical Angle Opening Up
10658Turned Angle Turned Angle
10659Reversed Angle Reversed Angle
10660Angle With Underbar Angle With Underbar
10661Reversed Angle With Underbar Reversed Angle With Underbar
10662Oblique Angle Opening Up Oblique Angle Opening Up
10663Oblique Angle Opening Down Oblique Angle Opening Down
10664Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up And Right Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up And Right
10665Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up And Left Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up And Left
10666Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down And Right Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down And Right
10667Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down And Left Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down And Left
10668Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right And Up Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right And Up
10669Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left And Up Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left And Up
10670Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right And Down Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right And Down
10671Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left And Down Measured Angle With Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left And Down
10672Reversed Empty Set Reversed Empty Set
10673Empty Set With Overbar Empty Set With Overbar
10674Empty Set With Small Circle Above Empty Set With Small Circle Above
10675Empty Set With Right Arrow Above Empty Set With Right Arrow Above
10676Empty Set With Left Arrow Above Empty Set With Left Arrow Above
10677Circle With Horizontal Bar Circle With Horizontal Bar
10678Circled Vertical Bar Circled Vertical Bar
10679Circled Parallel Circled Parallel
10680Circled Reverse Solidus Circled Reverse Solidus
10681Circled Perpendicular Circled Perpendicular
10682Circle Divided By Horizontal Bar And Top Half Divided By Vertical Bar Circle Divided By Horizontal Bar And Top Half Divided By Vertical Bar
10683Circle With Superimposed X Circle With Superimposed X
10684Circled Anticlockwise-Rotated Division Sign Circled Anticlockwise-Rotated Division Sign
10685Up Arrow Through Circle Up Arrow Through Circle
10686Circled White Bullet Circled White Bullet
10687Circled Bullet Circled Bullet
10688Circled Less-Than Circled Less-Than
10689Circled Greater-Than Circled Greater-Than
10690Circle With Small Circle To The Right Circle With Small Circle To The Right
10691Circle With Two Horizontal Strokes To The Right Circle With Two Horizontal Strokes To The Right
10692Squared Rising Diagonal Slash Squared Rising Diagonal Slash
10693Squared Falling Diagonal Slash Squared Falling Diagonal Slash
10694Squared Asterisk Squared Asterisk
10695Squared Small Circle Squared Small Circle
10696Squared Square Squared Square
10697Two Joined Squares Two Joined Squares
10698Triangle With Dot Above Triangle With Dot Above
10699Triangle With Underbar Triangle With Underbar
10700S In Triangle S In Triangle
10701Triangle With Serifs At Bottom Triangle With Serifs At Bottom
10702Right Triangle Above Left Triangle Right Triangle Above Left Triangle
10703Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar
10704Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle
10705Bowtie With Left Half Black Bowtie With Left Half Black
10706Bowtie With Right Half Black Bowtie With Right Half Black
10707Black Bowtie Black Bowtie
10708Times With Left Half Black Times With Left Half Black
10709Times With Right Half Black Times With Right Half Black
10710White Hourglass White Hourglass
10711Black Hourglass Black Hourglass
10712Left Wiggly Fence Left Wiggly Fence
10713Right Wiggly Fence Right Wiggly Fence
10714Left Double Wiggly Fence Left Double Wiggly Fence
10715Right Double Wiggly Fence Right Double Wiggly Fence
10716Incomplete Infinity Incomplete Infinity
10717Tie Over Infinity Tie Over Infinity
10718Infinity Negated With Vertical Bar Infinity Negated With Vertical Bar
10719Double-Ended Multimap Double-Ended Multimap
10720Square With Contoured Outline Square With Contoured Outline
10721Increases As Increases As
10722Shuffle Product Shuffle Product
10723Equals Sign And Slanted Parallel Equals Sign And Slanted Parallel
10724Equals Sign And Slanted Parallel With Tilde Above Equals Sign And Slanted Parallel With Tilde Above
10725Identical To And Slanted Parallel Identical To And Slanted Parallel
10726Gleich Stark Gleich Stark
10727Thermodynamic Thermodynamic
10728Down-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black Down-Pointing Triangle With Left Half Black
10729Down-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black Down-Pointing Triangle With Right Half Black
10730Black Diamond With Down Arrow Black Diamond With Down Arrow
10731Black Lozenge Black Lozenge
10732White Circle With Down Arrow White Circle With Down Arrow
10733Black Circle With Down Arrow Black Circle With Down Arrow
10734Error-Barred White Square Error-Barred White Square
10735Error-Barred Black Square Error-Barred Black Square
10736Error-Barred White Diamond Error-Barred White Diamond
10737Error-Barred Black Diamond Error-Barred Black Diamond
10738Error-Barred White Circle Error-Barred White Circle
10739Error-Barred Black Circle Error-Barred Black Circle
10740Rule-Delayed Rule-Delayed
10741Reverse Solidus Operator Reverse Solidus Operator
10742Solidus With Overbar Solidus With Overbar
10743Reverse Solidus With Horizontal Stroke Reverse Solidus With Horizontal Stroke
10744Big Solidus Big Solidus
10745Big Reverse Solidus Big Reverse Solidus
10746Double Plus Double Plus
10747Triple Plus Triple Plus
10748Left-Pointing Curved Angle Bracket Left-Pointing Curved Angle Bracket
10749Right-Pointing Curved Angle Bracket Right-Pointing Curved Angle Bracket
10750Tiny Tiny
10751Miny Miny
10752N-Ary Circled Dot Operator N-Ary Circled Dot Operator
10753N-Ary Circled Plus Operator N-Ary Circled Plus Operator
10754N-Ary Circled Times Operator N-Ary Circled Times Operator
10755N-Ary Union Operator With Dot N-Ary Union Operator With Dot
10756N-Ary Union Operator With Plus N-Ary Union Operator With Plus
10757N-Ary Square Intersection Operator N-Ary Square Intersection Operator
10758N-Ary Square Union Operator N-Ary Square Union Operator
10759Two Logical And Operator Two Logical And Operator
10760Two Logical Or Operator Two Logical Or Operator
10761N-Ary Times Operator N-Ary Times Operator
10762Modulo Two Sum Modulo Two Sum
10763Summation With Integral Summation With Integral
10764Quadruple Integral Operator Quadruple Integral Operator
10765Finite Part Integral Finite Part Integral
10766Integral With Double Stroke Integral With Double Stroke
10767Integral Average With Slash Integral Average With Slash
10768Circulation Function Circulation Function
10769Anticlockwise Integration Anticlockwise Integration
10770Line Integration With Rectangular Path Around Pole Line Integration With Rectangular Path Around Pole
10771Line Integration With Semicircular Path Around Pole Line Integration With Semicircular Path Around Pole
10772Line Integration Not Including The Pole Line Integration Not Including The Pole
10773Integral Around A Point Operator Integral Around A Point Operator
10774Quaternion Integral Operator Quaternion Integral Operator
10775Integral With Leftwards Arrow With Hook Integral With Leftwards Arrow With Hook
10776Integral With Times Sign Integral With Times Sign
10777Integral With Intersection Integral With Intersection
10778Integral With Union Integral With Union
10779Integral With Overbar Integral With Overbar
10780Integral With Underbar Integral With Underbar
10781Join Join
10782Large Left Triangle Operator Large Left Triangle Operator
10783Z Notation Schema Composition Z Notation Schema Composition
10784Z Notation Schema Piping Z Notation Schema Piping
10785Z Notation Schema Projection Z Notation Schema Projection
10786Plus Sign With Small Circle Above Plus Sign With Small Circle Above
10787Plus Sign With Circumflex Accent Above Plus Sign With Circumflex Accent Above
10788Plus Sign With Tilde Above Plus Sign With Tilde Above
10789Plus Sign With Dot Below Plus Sign With Dot Below
10790Plus Sign With Tilde Below Plus Sign With Tilde Below
10791Plus Sign With Subscript Two Plus Sign With Subscript Two
10792Plus Sign With Black Triangle Plus Sign With Black Triangle
10793Minus Sign With Comma Above Minus Sign With Comma Above
10794Minus Sign With Dot Below Minus Sign With Dot Below
10795Minus Sign With Falling Dots Minus Sign With Falling Dots
10796Minus Sign With Rising Dots Minus Sign With Rising Dots
10797Plus Sign In Left Half Circle Plus Sign In Left Half Circle
10798Plus Sign In Right Half Circle Plus Sign In Right Half Circle
10799Vector Or Cross Product Vector Or Cross Product
10800Multiplication Sign With Dot Above Multiplication Sign With Dot Above
10801Multiplication Sign With Underbar Multiplication Sign With Underbar
10802Semidirect Product With Bottom Closed Semidirect Product With Bottom Closed
10803Smash Product Smash Product
10804Multiplication Sign In Left Half Circle Multiplication Sign In Left Half Circle
10805Multiplication Sign In Right Half Circle Multiplication Sign In Right Half Circle
10806Circled Multiplication Sign With Circumflex Accent Circled Multiplication Sign With Circumflex Accent
10807Multiplication Sign In Double Circle Multiplication Sign In Double Circle
10808Circled Division Sign Circled Division Sign
10809Plus Sign In Triangle Plus Sign In Triangle
10810Minus Sign In Triangle Minus Sign In Triangle
10811Multiplication Sign In Triangle Multiplication Sign In Triangle
10812Interior Product Interior Product
10813Righthand Interior Product Righthand Interior Product
10814Z Notation Relational Composition Z Notation Relational Composition
10815Amalgamation Or Coproduct Amalgamation Or Coproduct
10816Intersection With Dot Intersection With Dot
10817Union With Minus Sign Union With Minus Sign
10818Union With Overbar Union With Overbar
10819Intersection With Overbar Intersection With Overbar
10820Intersection With Logical And Intersection With Logical And
10821Union With Logical Or Union With Logical Or
10822Union Above Intersection Union Above Intersection
10823Intersection Above Union Intersection Above Union
10824Union Above Bar Above Intersection Union Above Bar Above Intersection
10825Intersection Above Bar Above Union Intersection Above Bar Above Union
10826Union Beside And Joined With Union Union Beside And Joined With Union
10827Intersection Beside And Joined With Intersection Intersection Beside And Joined With Intersection
10828Closed Union With Serifs Closed Union With Serifs
10829Closed Intersection With Serifs Closed Intersection With Serifs
10830Double Square Intersection Double Square Intersection
10831Double Square Union Double Square Union
10832Closed Union With Serifs And Smash Product Closed Union With Serifs And Smash Product
10833Logical And With Dot Above Logical And With Dot Above
10834Logical Or With Dot Above Logical Or With Dot Above
10835Double Logical And Double Logical And
10836Double Logical Or Double Logical Or
10837Two Intersecting Logical And Two Intersecting Logical And
10838Two Intersecting Logical Or Two Intersecting Logical Or
10839Sloping Large Or Sloping Large Or
10840Sloping Large And Sloping Large And
10841Logical Or Overlapping Logical And Logical Or Overlapping Logical And
10842Logical And With Middle Stem Logical And With Middle Stem
10843Logical Or With Middle Stem Logical Or With Middle Stem
10844Logical And With Horizontal Dash Logical And With Horizontal Dash
10845Logical Or With Horizontal Dash Logical Or With Horizontal Dash
10846Logical And With Double Overbar Logical And With Double Overbar
10847Logical And With Underbar Logical And With Underbar
10848Logical And With Double Underbar Logical And With Double Underbar
10849Small Vee With Underbar Small Vee With Underbar
10850Logical Or With Double Overbar Logical Or With Double Overbar
10851Logical Or With Double Underbar Logical Or With Double Underbar
10852Z Notation Domain Antirestriction Z Notation Domain Antirestriction
10853Z Notation Range Antirestriction Z Notation Range Antirestriction
10854Equals Sign With Dot Below Equals Sign With Dot Below
10855Identical With Dot Above Identical With Dot Above
10856Triple Horizontal Bar With Double Vertical Stroke Triple Horizontal Bar With Double Vertical Stroke
10857Triple Horizontal Bar With Triple Vertical Stroke Triple Horizontal Bar With Triple Vertical Stroke
10858Tilde Operator With Dot Above Tilde Operator With Dot Above
10859Tilde Operator With Rising Dots Tilde Operator With Rising Dots
10860Similar Minus Similar Similar Minus Similar
10861Congruent With Dot Above Congruent With Dot Above
10862Equals With Asterisk Equals With Asterisk
10863Almost Equal To With Circumflex Accent Almost Equal To With Circumflex Accent
10864Approximately Equal Or Equal To Approximately Equal Or Equal To
10865Equals Sign Above Plus Sign Equals Sign Above Plus Sign
10866Plus Sign Above Equals Sign Plus Sign Above Equals Sign
10867Equals Sign Above Tilde Operator Equals Sign Above Tilde Operator
10868Double Colon Equal Double Colon Equal
10869Two Consecutive Equals Signs Two Consecutive Equals Signs
10870Three Consecutive Equals Signs Three Consecutive Equals Signs
10871Equals Sign With Two Dots Above And Two Dots Below Equals Sign With Two Dots Above And Two Dots Below
10872Equivalent With Four Dots Above Equivalent With Four Dots Above
10873Less-Than With Circle Inside Less-Than With Circle Inside
10874Greater-Than With Circle Inside Greater-Than With Circle Inside
10875Less-Than With Question Mark Above Less-Than With Question Mark Above
10876Greater-Than With Question Mark Above Greater-Than With Question Mark Above
10877Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To
10878Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To
10879Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Inside Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Inside
10880Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Inside Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Inside
10881Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above
10882Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above
10883Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Right Less-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Right
10884Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Left Greater-Than Or Slanted Equal To With Dot Above Left
10885Less-Than Or Approximate Less-Than Or Approximate
10886Greater-Than Or Approximate Greater-Than Or Approximate
10887Less-Than And Single-Line Not Equal To Less-Than And Single-Line Not Equal To
10888Greater-Than And Single-Line Not Equal To Greater-Than And Single-Line Not Equal To
10889Less-Than And Not Approximate Less-Than And Not Approximate
10890Greater-Than And Not Approximate Greater-Than And Not Approximate
10891Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Greater-Than Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Greater-Than
10892Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Less-Than Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Less-Than
10893Less-Than Above Similar Or Equal Less-Than Above Similar Or Equal
10894Greater-Than Above Similar Or Equal Greater-Than Above Similar Or Equal
10895Less-Than Above Similar Above Greater-Than Less-Than Above Similar Above Greater-Than
10896Greater-Than Above Similar Above Less-Than Greater-Than Above Similar Above Less-Than
10897Less-Than Above Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Less-Than Above Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal
10898Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal
10899Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal
10900Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-Than Above Slanted Equal
10901Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than
10902Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than
10903Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than With Dot Inside Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than With Dot Inside
10904Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than With Dot Inside Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than With Dot Inside
10905Double-Line Equal To Or Less-Than Double-Line Equal To Or Less-Than
10906Double-Line Equal To Or Greater-Than Double-Line Equal To Or Greater-Than
10907Double-Line Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than Double-Line Slanted Equal To Or Less-Than
10908Double-Line Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than Double-Line Slanted Equal To Or Greater-Than
10909Similar Or Less-Than Similar Or Less-Than
10910Similar Or Greater-Than Similar Or Greater-Than
10911Similar Above Less-Than Above Equals Sign Similar Above Less-Than Above Equals Sign
10912Similar Above Greater-Than Above Equals Sign Similar Above Greater-Than Above Equals Sign
10913Double Nested Less-Than Double Nested Less-Than
10914Double Nested Greater-Than Double Nested Greater-Than
10915Double Nested Less-Than With Underbar Double Nested Less-Than With Underbar
10916Greater-Than Overlapping Less-Than Greater-Than Overlapping Less-Than
10917Greater-Than Beside Less-Than Greater-Than Beside Less-Than
10918Less-Than Closed By Curve Less-Than Closed By Curve
10919Greater-Than Closed By Curve Greater-Than Closed By Curve
10920Less-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal Less-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal
10921Greater-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal Greater-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal
10922Smaller Than Smaller Than
10923Larger Than Larger Than
10924Smaller Than Or Equal To Smaller Than Or Equal To
10925Larger Than Or Equal To Larger Than Or Equal To
10926Equals Sign With Bumpy Above Equals Sign With Bumpy Above
10927Precedes Above Single-Line Equals Sign Precedes Above Single-Line Equals Sign
10928Succeeds Above Single-Line Equals Sign Succeeds Above Single-Line Equals Sign
10929Precedes Above Single-Line Not Equal To Precedes Above Single-Line Not Equal To
10930Succeeds Above Single-Line Not Equal To Succeeds Above Single-Line Not Equal To
10931Precedes Above Equals Sign Precedes Above Equals Sign
10932Succeeds Above Equals Sign Succeeds Above Equals Sign
10933Precedes Above Not Equal To Precedes Above Not Equal To
10934Succeeds Above Not Equal To Succeeds Above Not Equal To
10935Precedes Above Almost Equal To Precedes Above Almost Equal To
10936Succeeds Above Almost Equal To Succeeds Above Almost Equal To
10937Precedes Above Not Almost Equal To Precedes Above Not Almost Equal To
10938Succeeds Above Not Almost Equal To Succeeds Above Not Almost Equal To
10939Double Precedes Double Precedes
10940Double Succeeds Double Succeeds
10941Subset With Dot Subset With Dot
10942Superset With Dot Superset With Dot
10943Subset With Plus Sign Below Subset With Plus Sign Below
10944Superset With Plus Sign Below Superset With Plus Sign Below
10945Subset With Multiplication Sign Below Subset With Multiplication Sign Below
10946Superset With Multiplication Sign Below Superset With Multiplication Sign Below
10947Subset Of Or Equal To With Dot Above Subset Of Or Equal To With Dot Above
10948Superset Of Or Equal To With Dot Above Superset Of Or Equal To With Dot Above
10949Subset Of Above Equals Sign Subset Of Above Equals Sign
10950Superset Of Above Equals Sign Superset Of Above Equals Sign
10951Subset Of Above Tilde Operator Subset Of Above Tilde Operator
10952Superset Of Above Tilde Operator Superset Of Above Tilde Operator
10953Subset Of Above Almost Equal To Subset Of Above Almost Equal To
10954Superset Of Above Almost Equal To Superset Of Above Almost Equal To
10955Subset Of Above Not Equal To Subset Of Above Not Equal To
10956Superset Of Above Not Equal To Superset Of Above Not Equal To
10957Square Left Open Box Operator Square Left Open Box Operator
10958Square Right Open Box Operator Square Right Open Box Operator
10959Closed Subset Closed Subset
10960Closed Superset Closed Superset
10961Closed Subset Or Equal To Closed Subset Or Equal To
10962Closed Superset Or Equal To Closed Superset Or Equal To
10963Subset Above Superset Subset Above Superset
10964Superset Above Subset Superset Above Subset
10965Subset Above Subset Subset Above Subset
10966Superset Above Superset Superset Above Superset
10967Superset Beside Subset Superset Beside Subset
10968Superset Beside And Joined By Dash With Subset Superset Beside And Joined By Dash With Subset
10969Element Of Opening Downwards Element Of Opening Downwards
10970Pitchfork With Tee Top Pitchfork With Tee Top
10971Transversal Intersection Transversal Intersection
10972Forking Forking
10973Nonforking Nonforking
10974Short Left Tack Short Left Tack
10975Short Down Tack Short Down Tack
10976Short Up Tack Short Up Tack
10977Perpendicular With S Perpendicular With S
10978Vertical Bar Triple Right Turnstile Vertical Bar Triple Right Turnstile
10979Double Vertical Bar Left Turnstile Double Vertical Bar Left Turnstile
10980Vertical Bar Double Left Turnstile Vertical Bar Double Left Turnstile
10981Double Vertical Bar Double Left Turnstile Double Vertical Bar Double Left Turnstile
10982Long Dash From Left Member Of Double Vertical Long Dash From Left Member Of Double Vertical
10983Short Down Tack With Overbar Short Down Tack With Overbar
10984Short Up Tack With Underbar Short Up Tack With Underbar
10985Short Up Tack Above Short Down Tack Short Up Tack Above Short Down Tack
10986Double Down Tack Double Down Tack
10987Double Up Tack Double Up Tack
10988Double Stroke Not Sign Double Stroke Not Sign
10989Reversed Double Stroke Not Sign Reversed Double Stroke Not Sign
10990Does Not Divide With Reversed Negation Slash Does Not Divide With Reversed Negation Slash
10991Vertical Line With Circle Above Vertical Line With Circle Above
10992Vertical Line With Circle Below Vertical Line With Circle Below
10993Down Tack With Circle Below Down Tack With Circle Below
10994Parallel With Horizontal Stroke Parallel With Horizontal Stroke
10995Parallel With Tilde Operator Parallel With Tilde Operator
10996Triple Vertical Bar Binary Relation Triple Vertical Bar Binary Relation
10997Triple Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke Triple Vertical Bar With Horizontal Stroke
10998Triple Colon Operator Triple Colon Operator
10999Triple Nested Less-Than Triple Nested Less-Than
11000Triple Nested Greater-Than Triple Nested Greater-Than
11001Double-Line Slanted Less-Than Or Equal To Double-Line Slanted Less-Than Or Equal To
11002Double-Line Slanted Greater-Than Or Equal To Double-Line Slanted Greater-Than Or Equal To
11003Triple Solidus Binary Relation Triple Solidus Binary Relation
11004Large Triple Vertical Bar Operator Large Triple Vertical Bar Operator
11005Double Solidus Operator Double Solidus Operator
11006White Vertical Bar White Vertical Bar
11007N-Ary White Vertical Bar N-Ary White Vertical Bar
11008North East White Arrow North East White Arrow
11009North West White Arrow North West White Arrow
11010South East White Arrow South East White Arrow
11011South West White Arrow South West White Arrow
11012Left Right White Arrow Left Right White Arrow
11013Leftwards Black Arrow Leftwards Black Arrow
11014Upwards Black Arrow Upwards Black Arrow
11015Downwards Black Arrow Downwards Black Arrow
11016North East Black Arrow North East Black Arrow
11017North West Black Arrow North West Black Arrow
11018South East Black Arrow South East Black Arrow
11019South West Black Arrow South West Black Arrow
11020Left Right Black Arrow Left Right Black Arrow
11021Up Down Black Arrow Up Down Black Arrow
11022Rightwards Arrow With Tip Downwards Rightwards Arrow With Tip Downwards
11023Rightwards Arrow With Tip Upwards Rightwards Arrow With Tip Upwards
11024Leftwards Arrow With Tip Downwards Leftwards Arrow With Tip Downwards
11025Leftwards Arrow With Tip Upwards Leftwards Arrow With Tip Upwards
11026Square With Top Half Black Square With Top Half Black
11027Square With Bottom Half Black Square With Bottom Half Black
11028Square With Upper Right Diagonal Half Black Square With Upper Right Diagonal Half Black
11029Square With Lower Left Diagonal Half Black Square With Lower Left Diagonal Half Black
11030Diamond With Left Half Black Diamond With Left Half Black
11031Diamond With Right Half Black Diamond With Right Half Black
11032Diamond With Top Half Black Diamond With Top Half Black
11033Diamond With Bottom Half Black Diamond With Bottom Half Black
11034Dotted Square Dotted Square
11035Black Large Square Black Large Square
11036White Large Square White Large Square
11037Black Very Small Square Black Very Small Square
11038White Very Small Square White Very Small Square
11039Black Pentagon Black Pentagon
11040White Pentagon White Pentagon
11041White Hexagon White Hexagon
11042Black Hexagon Black Hexagon
11043Horizontal Black Hexagon Horizontal Black Hexagon
11044Black Large Circle Black Large Circle
11045Black Medium Diamond Black Medium Diamond
11046White Medium Diamond White Medium Diamond
11047Black Medium Lozenge Black Medium Lozenge
11048White Medium Lozenge White Medium Lozenge
11049Black Small Diamond Black Small Diamond
11050Black Small Lozenge Black Small Lozenge
11051White Small Lozenge White Small Lozenge
11052Black Horizontal Ellipse Black Horizontal Ellipse
11053White Horizontal Ellipse White Horizontal Ellipse
11054Black Vertical Ellipse Black Vertical Ellipse
11055White Vertical Ellipse White Vertical Ellipse
11056Left Arrow With Small Circle Left Arrow With Small Circle
11057Three Leftwards Arrows Three Leftwards Arrows
11058Left Arrow With Circled Plus Left Arrow With Circled Plus
11059Long Leftwards Squiggle Arrow Long Leftwards Squiggle Arrow
11060Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical Stroke Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Vertical Stroke
11061Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke
11062Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow From Bar Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow From Bar
11063Leftwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow Leftwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow
11064Leftwards Arrow With Dotted Stem Leftwards Arrow With Dotted Stem
11065Leftwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke Leftwards Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke
11066Leftwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke Leftwards Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke
11067Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail
11068Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Vertical Stroke
11069Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke Leftwards Two-Headed Arrow With Tail With Double Vertical Stroke
11070Leftwards Arrow Through X Leftwards Arrow Through X
11071Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Left Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Left
11072Equals Sign Above Leftwards Arrow Equals Sign Above Leftwards Arrow
11073Reverse Tilde Operator Above Leftwards Arrow Reverse Tilde Operator Above Leftwards Arrow
11074Leftwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To Leftwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To
11075Rightwards Arrow Through Greater-Than Rightwards Arrow Through Greater-Than
11076Rightwards Arrow Through Superset Rightwards Arrow Through Superset
11077Leftwards Quadruple Arrow Leftwards Quadruple Arrow
11078Rightwards Quadruple Arrow Rightwards Quadruple Arrow
11079Reverse Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow Reverse Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow
11080Rightwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To Rightwards Arrow Above Reverse Almost Equal To
11081Tilde Operator Above Leftwards Arrow Tilde Operator Above Leftwards Arrow
11082Leftwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To Leftwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To
11083Leftwards Arrow Above Reverse Tilde Operator Leftwards Arrow Above Reverse Tilde Operator
11084Rightwards Arrow Above Reverse Tilde Operator Rightwards Arrow Above Reverse Tilde Operator
11088White Medium Star White Medium Star
11089Black Small Star Black Small Star
11090White Small Star White Small Star
11091Black Right-Pointing Pentagon Black Right-Pointing Pentagon
11092White Right-Pointing Pentagon White Right-Pointing Pentagon
11093Heavy Large Circle Heavy Large Circle
11094Heavy Oval With Oval Inside Heavy Oval With Oval Inside
11095Heavy Circle With Circle Inside Heavy Circle With Circle Inside
11096Heavy Circle Heavy Circle
11097Heavy Circled Saltire Heavy Circled Saltire
11264Glagolitic Capital Letter Azu Glagolitic Capital Letter Azu
11265Glagolitic Capital Letter Buky Glagolitic Capital Letter Buky
11266Glagolitic Capital Letter Vede Glagolitic Capital Letter Vede
11267Glagolitic Capital Letter Glagoli Glagolitic Capital Letter Glagoli
11268Glagolitic Capital Letter Dobro Glagolitic Capital Letter Dobro
11269Glagolitic Capital Letter Yestu Glagolitic Capital Letter Yestu
11270Glagolitic Capital Letter Zhivete Glagolitic Capital Letter Zhivete
11271Glagolitic Capital Letter Dzelo Glagolitic Capital Letter Dzelo
11272Glagolitic Capital Letter Zemlja Glagolitic Capital Letter Zemlja
11273Glagolitic Capital Letter Izhe Glagolitic Capital Letter Izhe
11274Glagolitic Capital Letter Initial Izhe Glagolitic Capital Letter Initial Izhe
11275Glagolitic Capital Letter I Glagolitic Capital Letter I
11276Glagolitic Capital Letter Djervi Glagolitic Capital Letter Djervi
11277Glagolitic Capital Letter Kako Glagolitic Capital Letter Kako
11278Glagolitic Capital Letter Ljudije Glagolitic Capital Letter Ljudije
11279Glagolitic Capital Letter Myslite Glagolitic Capital Letter Myslite
11280Glagolitic Capital Letter Nashi Glagolitic Capital Letter Nashi
11281Glagolitic Capital Letter Onu Glagolitic Capital Letter Onu
11282Glagolitic Capital Letter Pokoji Glagolitic Capital Letter Pokoji
11283Glagolitic Capital Letter Ritsi Glagolitic Capital Letter Ritsi
11284Glagolitic Capital Letter Slovo Glagolitic Capital Letter Slovo
11285Glagolitic Capital Letter Tvrido Glagolitic Capital Letter Tvrido
11286Glagolitic Capital Letter Uku Glagolitic Capital Letter Uku
11287Glagolitic Capital Letter Fritu Glagolitic Capital Letter Fritu
11288Glagolitic Capital Letter Heru Glagolitic Capital Letter Heru
11289Glagolitic Capital Letter Otu Glagolitic Capital Letter Otu
11290Glagolitic Capital Letter Pe Glagolitic Capital Letter Pe
11291Glagolitic Capital Letter Shta Glagolitic Capital Letter Shta
11292Glagolitic Capital Letter Tsi Glagolitic Capital Letter Tsi
11293Glagolitic Capital Letter Chrivi Glagolitic Capital Letter Chrivi
11294Glagolitic Capital Letter Sha Glagolitic Capital Letter Sha
11295Glagolitic Capital Letter Yeru Glagolitic Capital Letter Yeru
11296Glagolitic Capital Letter Yeri Glagolitic Capital Letter Yeri
11297Glagolitic Capital Letter Yati Glagolitic Capital Letter Yati
11298Glagolitic Capital Letter Spidery Ha Glagolitic Capital Letter Spidery Ha
11299Glagolitic Capital Letter Yu Glagolitic Capital Letter Yu
11300Glagolitic Capital Letter Small Yus Glagolitic Capital Letter Small Yus
11301Glagolitic Capital Letter Small Yus With Tail Glagolitic Capital Letter Small Yus With Tail
11302Glagolitic Capital Letter Yo Glagolitic Capital Letter Yo
11303Glagolitic Capital Letter Iotated Small Yus Glagolitic Capital Letter Iotated Small Yus
11304Glagolitic Capital Letter Big Yus Glagolitic Capital Letter Big Yus
11305Glagolitic Capital Letter Iotated Big Yus Glagolitic Capital Letter Iotated Big Yus
11306Glagolitic Capital Letter Fita Glagolitic Capital Letter Fita
11307Glagolitic Capital Letter Izhitsa Glagolitic Capital Letter Izhitsa
11308Glagolitic Capital Letter Shtapic Glagolitic Capital Letter Shtapic
11309Glagolitic Capital Letter Trokutasti A Glagolitic Capital Letter Trokutasti A
11310Glagolitic Capital Letter Latinate Myslite Glagolitic Capital Letter Latinate Myslite
11312Glagolitic Small Letter Azu Glagolitic Small Letter Azu
11313Glagolitic Small Letter Buky Glagolitic Small Letter Buky
11314Glagolitic Small Letter Vede Glagolitic Small Letter Vede
11315Glagolitic Small Letter Glagoli Glagolitic Small Letter Glagoli
11316Glagolitic Small Letter Dobro Glagolitic Small Letter Dobro
11317Glagolitic Small Letter Yestu Glagolitic Small Letter Yestu
11318Glagolitic Small Letter Zhivete Glagolitic Small Letter Zhivete
11319Glagolitic Small Letter Dzelo Glagolitic Small Letter Dzelo
11320Glagolitic Small Letter Zemlja Glagolitic Small Letter Zemlja
11321Glagolitic Small Letter Izhe Glagolitic Small Letter Izhe
11322Glagolitic Small Letter Initial Izhe Glagolitic Small Letter Initial Izhe
11323Glagolitic Small Letter I Glagolitic Small Letter I
11324Glagolitic Small Letter Djervi Glagolitic Small Letter Djervi
11325Glagolitic Small Letter Kako Glagolitic Small Letter Kako
11326Glagolitic Small Letter Ljudije Glagolitic Small Letter Ljudije
11327Glagolitic Small Letter Myslite Glagolitic Small Letter Myslite
11328Glagolitic Small Letter Nashi Glagolitic Small Letter Nashi
11329Glagolitic Small Letter Onu Glagolitic Small Letter Onu
11330Glagolitic Small Letter Pokoji Glagolitic Small Letter Pokoji
11331Glagolitic Small Letter Ritsi Glagolitic Small Letter Ritsi
11332Glagolitic Small Letter Slovo Glagolitic Small Letter Slovo
11333Glagolitic Small Letter Tvrido Glagolitic Small Letter Tvrido
11334Glagolitic Small Letter Uku Glagolitic Small Letter Uku
11335Glagolitic Small Letter Fritu Glagolitic Small Letter Fritu
11336Glagolitic Small Letter Heru Glagolitic Small Letter Heru
11337Glagolitic Small Letter Otu Glagolitic Small Letter Otu
11338Glagolitic Small Letter Pe Glagolitic Small Letter Pe
11339Glagolitic Small Letter Shta Glagolitic Small Letter Shta
11340Glagolitic Small Letter Tsi Glagolitic Small Letter Tsi
11341Glagolitic Small Letter Chrivi Glagolitic Small Letter Chrivi
11342Glagolitic Small Letter Sha Glagolitic Small Letter Sha
11343Glagolitic Small Letter Yeru Glagolitic Small Letter Yeru
11344Glagolitic Small Letter Yeri Glagolitic Small Letter Yeri
11345Glagolitic Small Letter Yati Glagolitic Small Letter Yati
11346Glagolitic Small Letter Spidery Ha Glagolitic Small Letter Spidery Ha
11347Glagolitic Small Letter Yu Glagolitic Small Letter Yu
11348Glagolitic Small Letter Small Yus Glagolitic Small Letter Small Yus
11349Glagolitic Small Letter Small Yus With Tail Glagolitic Small Letter Small Yus With Tail
11350Glagolitic Small Letter Yo Glagolitic Small Letter Yo
11351Glagolitic Small Letter Iotated Small Yus Glagolitic Small Letter Iotated Small Yus
11352Glagolitic Small Letter Big Yus Glagolitic Small Letter Big Yus
11353Glagolitic Small Letter Iotated Big Yus Glagolitic Small Letter Iotated Big Yus
11354Glagolitic Small Letter Fita Glagolitic Small Letter Fita
11355Glagolitic Small Letter Izhitsa Glagolitic Small Letter Izhitsa
11356Glagolitic Small Letter Shtapic Glagolitic Small Letter Shtapic
11357Glagolitic Small Letter Trokutasti A Glagolitic Small Letter Trokutasti A
11358Glagolitic Small Letter Latinate Myslite Glagolitic Small Letter Latinate Myslite
11360Latin Capital Letter L With Double Bar Latin Capital Letter L With Double Bar
11361Latin Small Letter L With Double Bar Latin Small Letter L With Double Bar
11362Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Tilde Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Tilde
11363Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke
11364Latin Capital Letter R With Tail Latin Capital Letter R With Tail
11365Latin Small Letter A With Stroke Latin Small Letter A With Stroke
11366Latin Small Letter T With Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter T With Diagonal Stroke
11367Latin Capital Letter H With Descender Latin Capital Letter H With Descender
11368Latin Small Letter H With Descender Latin Small Letter H With Descender
11369Latin Capital Letter K With Descender Latin Capital Letter K With Descender
11370Latin Small Letter K With Descender Latin Small Letter K With Descender
11371Latin Capital Letter Z With Descender Latin Capital Letter Z With Descender
11372Latin Small Letter Z With Descender Latin Small Letter Z With Descender
11373Latin Capital Letter Alpha Latin Capital Letter Alpha
11374Latin Capital Letter M With Hook Latin Capital Letter M With Hook
11375Latin Capital Letter Turned A Latin Capital Letter Turned A
11376Latin Capital Letter Turned Alpha Latin Capital Letter Turned Alpha
11377Latin Small Letter V With Right Hook Latin Small Letter V With Right Hook
11378Latin Capital Letter W With Hook Latin Capital Letter W With Hook
11379Latin Small Letter W With Hook Latin Small Letter W With Hook
11380Latin Small Letter V With Curl Latin Small Letter V With Curl
11381Latin Capital Letter Half H Latin Capital Letter Half H
11382Latin Small Letter Half H Latin Small Letter Half H
11383Latin Small Letter Tailless Phi Latin Small Letter Tailless Phi
11384Latin Small Letter E With Notch Latin Small Letter E With Notch
11385Latin Small Letter Turned R With Tail Latin Small Letter Turned R With Tail
11386Latin Small Letter O With Low Ring Inside Latin Small Letter O With Low Ring Inside
11387Latin Letter Small Capital Turned E Latin Letter Small Capital Turned E
11388Latin Subscript Small Letter J Latin Subscript Small Letter J
11389Modifier Letter Capital V Modifier Letter Capital V
11390Latin Capital Letter S With Swash Tail Latin Capital Letter S With Swash Tail
11391Latin Capital Letter Z With Swash Tail Latin Capital Letter Z With Swash Tail
11392Coptic Capital Letter Alfa Coptic Capital Letter Alfa
11393Coptic Small Letter Alfa Coptic Small Letter Alfa
11394Coptic Capital Letter Vida Coptic Capital Letter Vida
11395Coptic Small Letter Vida Coptic Small Letter Vida
11396Coptic Capital Letter Gamma Coptic Capital Letter Gamma
11397Coptic Small Letter Gamma Coptic Small Letter Gamma
11398Coptic Capital Letter Dalda Coptic Capital Letter Dalda
11399Coptic Small Letter Dalda Coptic Small Letter Dalda
11400Coptic Capital Letter Eie Coptic Capital Letter Eie
11401Coptic Small Letter Eie Coptic Small Letter Eie
11402Coptic Capital Letter Sou Coptic Capital Letter Sou
11403Coptic Small Letter Sou Coptic Small Letter Sou
11404Coptic Capital Letter Zata Coptic Capital Letter Zata
11405Coptic Small Letter Zata Coptic Small Letter Zata
11406Coptic Capital Letter Hate Coptic Capital Letter Hate
11407Coptic Small Letter Hate Coptic Small Letter Hate
11408Coptic Capital Letter Thethe Coptic Capital Letter Thethe
11409Coptic Small Letter Thethe Coptic Small Letter Thethe
11410Coptic Capital Letter Iauda Coptic Capital Letter Iauda
11411Coptic Small Letter Iauda Coptic Small Letter Iauda
11412Coptic Capital Letter Kapa Coptic Capital Letter Kapa
11413Coptic Small Letter Kapa Coptic Small Letter Kapa
11414Coptic Capital Letter Laula Coptic Capital Letter Laula
11415Coptic Small Letter Laula Coptic Small Letter Laula
11416Coptic Capital Letter Mi Coptic Capital Letter Mi
11417Coptic Small Letter Mi Coptic Small Letter Mi
11418Coptic Capital Letter Ni Coptic Capital Letter Ni
11419Coptic Small Letter Ni Coptic Small Letter Ni
11420Coptic Capital Letter Ksi Coptic Capital Letter Ksi
11421Coptic Small Letter Ksi Coptic Small Letter Ksi
11422Coptic Capital Letter O Coptic Capital Letter O
11423Coptic Small Letter O Coptic Small Letter O
11424Coptic Capital Letter Pi Coptic Capital Letter Pi
11425Coptic Small Letter Pi Coptic Small Letter Pi
11426Coptic Capital Letter Ro Coptic Capital Letter Ro
11427Coptic Small Letter Ro Coptic Small Letter Ro
11428Coptic Capital Letter Sima Coptic Capital Letter Sima
11429Coptic Small Letter Sima Coptic Small Letter Sima
11430Coptic Capital Letter Tau Coptic Capital Letter Tau
11431Coptic Small Letter Tau Coptic Small Letter Tau
11432Coptic Capital Letter Ua Coptic Capital Letter Ua
11433Coptic Small Letter Ua Coptic Small Letter Ua
11434Coptic Capital Letter Fi Coptic Capital Letter Fi
11435Coptic Small Letter Fi Coptic Small Letter Fi
11436Coptic Capital Letter Khi Coptic Capital Letter Khi
11437Coptic Small Letter Khi Coptic Small Letter Khi
11438Coptic Capital Letter Psi Coptic Capital Letter Psi
11439Coptic Small Letter Psi Coptic Small Letter Psi
11440Coptic Capital Letter Oou Coptic Capital Letter Oou
11441Coptic Small Letter Oou Coptic Small Letter Oou
11442Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Alef Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Alef
11443Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Alef Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Alef
11444Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Ain Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Ain
11445Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Ain Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Ain
11446Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Eie Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Eie
11447Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Eie Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Eie
11448Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Kapa Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Kapa
11449Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Kapa Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Kapa
11450Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Ni Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Ni
11451Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Ni Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Ni
11452Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Ni Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Ni
11453Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Ni Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Ni
11454Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Oou Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Oou
11455Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Oou Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Oou
11456Coptic Capital Letter Sampi Coptic Capital Letter Sampi
11457Coptic Small Letter Sampi Coptic Small Letter Sampi
11458Coptic Capital Letter Crossed Shei Coptic Capital Letter Crossed Shei
11459Coptic Small Letter Crossed Shei Coptic Small Letter Crossed Shei
11460Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Shei Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Shei
11461Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Shei Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Shei
11462Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Esh Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Esh
11463Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Esh Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Esh
11464Coptic Capital Letter Akhmimic Khei Coptic Capital Letter Akhmimic Khei
11465Coptic Small Letter Akhmimic Khei Coptic Small Letter Akhmimic Khei
11466Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Hori Coptic Capital Letter Dialect-P Hori
11467Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Hori Coptic Small Letter Dialect-P Hori
11468Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hori Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hori
11469Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hori Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hori
11470Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Ha Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Ha
11471Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Ha Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Ha
11472Coptic Capital Letter L-Shaped Ha Coptic Capital Letter L-Shaped Ha
11473Coptic Small Letter L-Shaped Ha Coptic Small Letter L-Shaped Ha
11474Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hei Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hei
11475Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hei Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hei
11476Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hat Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Hat
11477Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hat Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Hat
11478Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Gangia Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Gangia
11479Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Gangia Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Gangia
11480Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Dja Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Dja
11481Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Dja Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Dja
11482Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Shima Coptic Capital Letter Old Coptic Shima
11483Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Shima Coptic Small Letter Old Coptic Shima
11484Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Shima Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Shima
11485Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Shima Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Shima
11486Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Ngi Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Ngi
11487Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Ngi Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Ngi
11488Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Nyi Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Nyi
11489Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Nyi Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Nyi
11490Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Wau Coptic Capital Letter Old Nubian Wau
11491Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Wau Coptic Small Letter Old Nubian Wau
11492Coptic Symbol Kai Coptic Symbol Kai
11493Coptic Symbol Mi Ro Coptic Symbol Mi Ro
11494Coptic Symbol Pi Ro Coptic Symbol Pi Ro
11495Coptic Symbol Stauros Coptic Symbol Stauros
11496Coptic Symbol Tau Ro Coptic Symbol Tau Ro
11497Coptic Symbol Khi Ro Coptic Symbol Khi Ro
11498Coptic Symbol Shima Sima Coptic Symbol Shima Sima
11499Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Shei Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Shei
11500Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Shei Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Shei
11501Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Gangia Coptic Capital Letter Cryptogrammic Gangia
11502Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Gangia Coptic Small Letter Cryptogrammic Gangia
11503Coptic Combining Ni Above Coptic Combining Ni Above
11504Coptic Combining Spiritus Asper Coptic Combining Spiritus Asper
11505Coptic Combining Spiritus Lenis Coptic Combining Spiritus Lenis
11513Coptic Old Nubian Full Stop Coptic Old Nubian Full Stop
11514Coptic Old Nubian Direct Question Mark Coptic Old Nubian Direct Question Mark
11515Coptic Old Nubian Indirect Question Mark Coptic Old Nubian Indirect Question Mark
11516Coptic Old Nubian Verse Divider Coptic Old Nubian Verse Divider
11517Coptic Fraction One Half Coptic Fraction One Half
11518Coptic Full Stop Coptic Full Stop
11519Coptic Morphological Divider Coptic Morphological Divider
11520Georgian Small Letter An Georgian Small Letter An
11521Georgian Small Letter Ban Georgian Small Letter Ban
11522Georgian Small Letter Gan Georgian Small Letter Gan
11523Georgian Small Letter Don Georgian Small Letter Don
11524Georgian Small Letter En Georgian Small Letter En
11525Georgian Small Letter Vin Georgian Small Letter Vin
11526Georgian Small Letter Zen Georgian Small Letter Zen
11527Georgian Small Letter Tan Georgian Small Letter Tan
11528Georgian Small Letter In Georgian Small Letter In
11529Georgian Small Letter Kan Georgian Small Letter Kan
11530Georgian Small Letter Las Georgian Small Letter Las
11531Georgian Small Letter Man Georgian Small Letter Man
11532Georgian Small Letter Nar Georgian Small Letter Nar
11533Georgian Small Letter On Georgian Small Letter On
11534Georgian Small Letter Par Georgian Small Letter Par
11535Georgian Small Letter Zhar Georgian Small Letter Zhar
11536Georgian Small Letter Rae Georgian Small Letter Rae
11537Georgian Small Letter San Georgian Small Letter San
11538Georgian Small Letter Tar Georgian Small Letter Tar
11539Georgian Small Letter Un Georgian Small Letter Un
11540Georgian Small Letter Phar Georgian Small Letter Phar
11541Georgian Small Letter Khar Georgian Small Letter Khar
11542Georgian Small Letter Ghan Georgian Small Letter Ghan
11543Georgian Small Letter Qar Georgian Small Letter Qar
11544Georgian Small Letter Shin Georgian Small Letter Shin
11545Georgian Small Letter Chin Georgian Small Letter Chin
11546Georgian Small Letter Can Georgian Small Letter Can
11547Georgian Small Letter Jil Georgian Small Letter Jil
11548Georgian Small Letter Cil Georgian Small Letter Cil
11549Georgian Small Letter Char Georgian Small Letter Char
11550Georgian Small Letter Xan Georgian Small Letter Xan
11551Georgian Small Letter Jhan Georgian Small Letter Jhan
11552Georgian Small Letter Hae Georgian Small Letter Hae
11553Georgian Small Letter He Georgian Small Letter He
11554Georgian Small Letter Hie Georgian Small Letter Hie
11555Georgian Small Letter We Georgian Small Letter We
11556Georgian Small Letter Har Georgian Small Letter Har
11557Georgian Small Letter Hoe Georgian Small Letter Hoe
11568Tifinagh Letter Ya Tifinagh Letter Ya
11569Tifinagh Letter Yab Tifinagh Letter Yab
11570Tifinagh Letter Yabh Tifinagh Letter Yabh
11571Tifinagh Letter Yag Tifinagh Letter Yag
11572Tifinagh Letter Yaghh Tifinagh Letter Yaghh
11573Tifinagh Letter Berber Academy Yaj Tifinagh Letter Berber Academy Yaj
11574Tifinagh Letter Yaj Tifinagh Letter Yaj
11575Tifinagh Letter Yad Tifinagh Letter Yad
11576Tifinagh Letter Yadh Tifinagh Letter Yadh
11577Tifinagh Letter Yadd Tifinagh Letter Yadd
11578Tifinagh Letter Yaddh Tifinagh Letter Yaddh
11579Tifinagh Letter Yey Tifinagh Letter Yey
11580Tifinagh Letter Yaf Tifinagh Letter Yaf
11581Tifinagh Letter Yak Tifinagh Letter Yak
11582Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yak Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yak
11583Tifinagh Letter Yakhh Tifinagh Letter Yakhh
11584Tifinagh Letter Yah Tifinagh Letter Yah
11585Tifinagh Letter Berber Academy Yah Tifinagh Letter Berber Academy Yah
11586Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yah Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yah
11587Tifinagh Letter Yahh Tifinagh Letter Yahh
11588Tifinagh Letter Yaa Tifinagh Letter Yaa
11589Tifinagh Letter Yakh Tifinagh Letter Yakh
11590Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yakh Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yakh
11591Tifinagh Letter Yaq Tifinagh Letter Yaq
11592Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yaq Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yaq
11593Tifinagh Letter Yi Tifinagh Letter Yi
11594Tifinagh Letter Yazh Tifinagh Letter Yazh
11595Tifinagh Letter Ahaggar Yazh Tifinagh Letter Ahaggar Yazh
11596Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yazh Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yazh
11597Tifinagh Letter Yal Tifinagh Letter Yal
11598Tifinagh Letter Yam Tifinagh Letter Yam
11599Tifinagh Letter Yan Tifinagh Letter Yan
11600Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yagn Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yagn
11601Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yang Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yang
11602Tifinagh Letter Yap Tifinagh Letter Yap
11603Tifinagh Letter Yu Tifinagh Letter Yu
11604Tifinagh Letter Yar Tifinagh Letter Yar
11605Tifinagh Letter Yarr Tifinagh Letter Yarr
11606Tifinagh Letter Yagh Tifinagh Letter Yagh
11607Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yagh Tifinagh Letter Tuareg Yagh
11608Tifinagh Letter Ayer Yagh Tifinagh Letter Ayer Yagh
11609Tifinagh Letter Yas Tifinagh Letter Yas
11610Tifinagh Letter Yass Tifinagh Letter Yass
11611Tifinagh Letter Yash Tifinagh Letter Yash
11612Tifinagh Letter Yat Tifinagh Letter Yat
11613Tifinagh Letter Yath Tifinagh Letter Yath
11614Tifinagh Letter Yach Tifinagh Letter Yach
11615Tifinagh Letter Yatt Tifinagh Letter Yatt
11616Tifinagh Letter Yav Tifinagh Letter Yav
11617Tifinagh Letter Yaw Tifinagh Letter Yaw
11618Tifinagh Letter Yay Tifinagh Letter Yay
11619Tifinagh Letter Yaz Tifinagh Letter Yaz
11620Tifinagh Letter Tawellemet Yaz Tifinagh Letter Tawellemet Yaz
11621Tifinagh Letter Yazz Tifinagh Letter Yazz
11631Tifinagh Modifier Letter Labialization Mark Tifinagh Modifier Letter Labialization Mark
11632Tifinagh Separator Mark Tifinagh Separator Mark
11647Tifinagh Consonant Joiner Tifinagh Consonant Joiner
11648Ethiopic Syllable Loa Ethiopic Syllable Loa
11649Ethiopic Syllable Moa Ethiopic Syllable Moa
11650Ethiopic Syllable Roa Ethiopic Syllable Roa
11651Ethiopic Syllable Soa Ethiopic Syllable Soa
11652Ethiopic Syllable Shoa Ethiopic Syllable Shoa
11653Ethiopic Syllable Boa Ethiopic Syllable Boa
11654Ethiopic Syllable Toa Ethiopic Syllable Toa
11655Ethiopic Syllable Coa Ethiopic Syllable Coa
11656Ethiopic Syllable Noa Ethiopic Syllable Noa
11657Ethiopic Syllable Nyoa Ethiopic Syllable Nyoa
11658Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Oa Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Oa
11659Ethiopic Syllable Zoa Ethiopic Syllable Zoa
11660Ethiopic Syllable Doa Ethiopic Syllable Doa
11661Ethiopic Syllable Ddoa Ethiopic Syllable Ddoa
11662Ethiopic Syllable Joa Ethiopic Syllable Joa
11663Ethiopic Syllable Thoa Ethiopic Syllable Thoa
11664Ethiopic Syllable Choa Ethiopic Syllable Choa
11665Ethiopic Syllable Phoa Ethiopic Syllable Phoa
11666Ethiopic Syllable Poa Ethiopic Syllable Poa
11667Ethiopic Syllable Ggwa Ethiopic Syllable Ggwa
11668Ethiopic Syllable Ggwi Ethiopic Syllable Ggwi
11669Ethiopic Syllable Ggwee Ethiopic Syllable Ggwee
11670Ethiopic Syllable Ggwe Ethiopic Syllable Ggwe
11680Ethiopic Syllable Ssa Ethiopic Syllable Ssa
11681Ethiopic Syllable Ssu Ethiopic Syllable Ssu
11682Ethiopic Syllable Ssi Ethiopic Syllable Ssi
11683Ethiopic Syllable Ssaa Ethiopic Syllable Ssaa
11684Ethiopic Syllable Ssee Ethiopic Syllable Ssee
11685Ethiopic Syllable Sse Ethiopic Syllable Sse
11686Ethiopic Syllable Sso Ethiopic Syllable Sso
11688Ethiopic Syllable Cca Ethiopic Syllable Cca
11689Ethiopic Syllable Ccu Ethiopic Syllable Ccu
11690Ethiopic Syllable Cci Ethiopic Syllable Cci
11691Ethiopic Syllable Ccaa Ethiopic Syllable Ccaa
11692Ethiopic Syllable Ccee Ethiopic Syllable Ccee
11693Ethiopic Syllable Cce Ethiopic Syllable Cce
11694Ethiopic Syllable Cco Ethiopic Syllable Cco
11696Ethiopic Syllable Zza Ethiopic Syllable Zza
11697Ethiopic Syllable Zzu Ethiopic Syllable Zzu
11698Ethiopic Syllable Zzi Ethiopic Syllable Zzi
11699Ethiopic Syllable Zzaa Ethiopic Syllable Zzaa
11700Ethiopic Syllable Zzee Ethiopic Syllable Zzee
11701Ethiopic Syllable Zze Ethiopic Syllable Zze
11702Ethiopic Syllable Zzo Ethiopic Syllable Zzo
11704Ethiopic Syllable Ccha Ethiopic Syllable Ccha
11705Ethiopic Syllable Cchu Ethiopic Syllable Cchu
11706Ethiopic Syllable Cchi Ethiopic Syllable Cchi
11707Ethiopic Syllable Cchaa Ethiopic Syllable Cchaa
11708Ethiopic Syllable Cchee Ethiopic Syllable Cchee
11709Ethiopic Syllable Cche Ethiopic Syllable Cche
11710Ethiopic Syllable Ccho Ethiopic Syllable Ccho
11712Ethiopic Syllable Qya Ethiopic Syllable Qya
11713Ethiopic Syllable Qyu Ethiopic Syllable Qyu
11714Ethiopic Syllable Qyi Ethiopic Syllable Qyi
11715Ethiopic Syllable Qyaa Ethiopic Syllable Qyaa
11716Ethiopic Syllable Qyee Ethiopic Syllable Qyee
11717Ethiopic Syllable Qye Ethiopic Syllable Qye
11718Ethiopic Syllable Qyo Ethiopic Syllable Qyo
11720Ethiopic Syllable Kya Ethiopic Syllable Kya
11721Ethiopic Syllable Kyu Ethiopic Syllable Kyu
11722Ethiopic Syllable Kyi Ethiopic Syllable Kyi
11723Ethiopic Syllable Kyaa Ethiopic Syllable Kyaa
11724Ethiopic Syllable Kyee Ethiopic Syllable Kyee
11725Ethiopic Syllable Kye Ethiopic Syllable Kye
11726Ethiopic Syllable Kyo Ethiopic Syllable Kyo
11728Ethiopic Syllable Xya Ethiopic Syllable Xya
11729Ethiopic Syllable Xyu Ethiopic Syllable Xyu
11730Ethiopic Syllable Xyi Ethiopic Syllable Xyi
11731Ethiopic Syllable Xyaa Ethiopic Syllable Xyaa
11732Ethiopic Syllable Xyee Ethiopic Syllable Xyee
11733Ethiopic Syllable Xye Ethiopic Syllable Xye
11734Ethiopic Syllable Xyo Ethiopic Syllable Xyo
11736Ethiopic Syllable Gya Ethiopic Syllable Gya
11737Ethiopic Syllable Gyu Ethiopic Syllable Gyu
11738Ethiopic Syllable Gyi Ethiopic Syllable Gyi
11739Ethiopic Syllable Gyaa Ethiopic Syllable Gyaa
11740Ethiopic Syllable Gyee Ethiopic Syllable Gyee
11741Ethiopic Syllable Gye Ethiopic Syllable Gye
11742Ethiopic Syllable Gyo Ethiopic Syllable Gyo
11744Combining Cyrillic Letter Be Combining Cyrillic Letter Be
11745Combining Cyrillic Letter Ve Combining Cyrillic Letter Ve
11746Combining Cyrillic Letter Ghe Combining Cyrillic Letter Ghe
11747Combining Cyrillic Letter De Combining Cyrillic Letter De
11748Combining Cyrillic Letter Zhe Combining Cyrillic Letter Zhe
11749Combining Cyrillic Letter Ze Combining Cyrillic Letter Ze
11750Combining Cyrillic Letter Ka Combining Cyrillic Letter Ka
11751Combining Cyrillic Letter El Combining Cyrillic Letter El
11752Combining Cyrillic Letter Em Combining Cyrillic Letter Em
11753Combining Cyrillic Letter En Combining Cyrillic Letter En
11754Combining Cyrillic Letter O Combining Cyrillic Letter O
11755Combining Cyrillic Letter Pe Combining Cyrillic Letter Pe
11756Combining Cyrillic Letter Er Combining Cyrillic Letter Er
11757Combining Cyrillic Letter Es Combining Cyrillic Letter Es
11758Combining Cyrillic Letter Te Combining Cyrillic Letter Te
11759Combining Cyrillic Letter Ha Combining Cyrillic Letter Ha
11760Combining Cyrillic Letter Tse Combining Cyrillic Letter Tse
11761Combining Cyrillic Letter Che Combining Cyrillic Letter Che
11762Combining Cyrillic Letter Sha Combining Cyrillic Letter Sha
11763Combining Cyrillic Letter Shcha Combining Cyrillic Letter Shcha
11764Combining Cyrillic Letter Fita Combining Cyrillic Letter Fita
11765Combining Cyrillic Letter Es-Te Combining Cyrillic Letter Es-Te
11766Combining Cyrillic Letter A Combining Cyrillic Letter A
11767Combining Cyrillic Letter Ie Combining Cyrillic Letter Ie
11768Combining Cyrillic Letter Djerv Combining Cyrillic Letter Djerv
11769Combining Cyrillic Letter Monograph Uk Combining Cyrillic Letter Monograph Uk
11770Combining Cyrillic Letter Yat Combining Cyrillic Letter Yat
11771Combining Cyrillic Letter Yu Combining Cyrillic Letter Yu
11772Combining Cyrillic Letter Iotified A Combining Cyrillic Letter Iotified A
11773Combining Cyrillic Letter Little Yus Combining Cyrillic Letter Little Yus
11774Combining Cyrillic Letter Big Yus Combining Cyrillic Letter Big Yus
11775Combining Cyrillic Letter Iotified Big Yus Combining Cyrillic Letter Iotified Big Yus
11776Right Angle Substitution Marker Right Angle Substitution Marker
11777Right Angle Dotted Substitution Marker Right Angle Dotted Substitution Marker
11778Left Substitution Bracket Left Substitution Bracket
11779Right Substitution Bracket Right Substitution Bracket
11780Left Dotted Substitution Bracket Left Dotted Substitution Bracket
11781Right Dotted Substitution Bracket Right Dotted Substitution Bracket
11782Raised Interpolation Marker Raised Interpolation Marker
11783Raised Dotted Interpolation Marker Raised Dotted Interpolation Marker
11784Dotted Transposition Marker Dotted Transposition Marker
11785Left Transposition Bracket Left Transposition Bracket
11786Right Transposition Bracket Right Transposition Bracket
11787Raised Square Raised Square
11788Left Raised Omission Bracket Left Raised Omission Bracket
11789Right Raised Omission Bracket Right Raised Omission Bracket
11790Editorial Coronis Editorial Coronis
11791Paragraphos Paragraphos
11792Forked Paragraphos Forked Paragraphos
11793Reversed Forked Paragraphos Reversed Forked Paragraphos
11794Hypodiastole Hypodiastole
11795Dotted Obelos Dotted Obelos
11796Downwards Ancora Downwards Ancora
11797Upwards Ancora Upwards Ancora
11798Dotted Right-Pointing Angle Dotted Right-Pointing Angle
11799Double Oblique Hyphen Double Oblique Hyphen
11800Inverted Interrobang Inverted Interrobang
11801Palm Branch Palm Branch
11802Hyphen With Diaeresis Hyphen With Diaeresis
11803Tilde With Ring Above Tilde With Ring Above
11804Left Low Paraphrase Bracket Left Low Paraphrase Bracket
11805Right Low Paraphrase Bracket Right Low Paraphrase Bracket
11806Tilde With Dot Above Tilde With Dot Above
11807Tilde With Dot Below Tilde With Dot Below
11808Left Vertical Bar With Quill Left Vertical Bar With Quill
11809Right Vertical Bar With Quill Right Vertical Bar With Quill
11810Top Left Half Bracket Top Left Half Bracket
11811Top Right Half Bracket Top Right Half Bracket
11812Bottom Left Half Bracket Bottom Left Half Bracket
11813Bottom Right Half Bracket Bottom Right Half Bracket
11814Left Sideways U Bracket Left Sideways U Bracket
11815Right Sideways U Bracket Right Sideways U Bracket
11816Left Double Parenthesis Left Double Parenthesis
11817Right Double Parenthesis Right Double Parenthesis
11818Two Dots Over One Dot Punctuation Two Dots Over One Dot Punctuation
11819One Dot Over Two Dots Punctuation One Dot Over Two Dots Punctuation
11820Squared Four Dot Punctuation Squared Four Dot Punctuation
11821Five Dot Mark Five Dot Mark
11822Reversed Question Mark Reversed Question Mark
11823Vertical Tilde Vertical Tilde
11824Ring Point Ring Point
11825Word Separator Middle Dot Word Separator Middle Dot
11904CJK Radical Repeat CJK Radical Repeat
11905CJK Radical Cliff CJK Radical Cliff
11906CJK Radical Second One CJK Radical Second One
11907CJK Radical Second Two CJK Radical Second Two
11908CJK Radical Second Three CJK Radical Second Three
11909CJK Radical Person CJK Radical Person
11910CJK Radical Box CJK Radical Box
11911CJK Radical Table CJK Radical Table
11912CJK Radical Knife One CJK Radical Knife One
11913CJK Radical Knife Two CJK Radical Knife Two
11914CJK Radical Divination CJK Radical Divination
11915CJK Radical Seal CJK Radical Seal
11916CJK Radical Small One CJK Radical Small One
11917CJK Radical Small Two CJK Radical Small Two
11918CJK Radical Lame One CJK Radical Lame One
11919CJK Radical Lame Two CJK Radical Lame Two
11920CJK Radical Lame Three CJK Radical Lame Three
11921CJK Radical Lame Four CJK Radical Lame Four
11922CJK Radical Snake CJK Radical Snake
11923CJK Radical Thread CJK Radical Thread
11924CJK Radical Snout One CJK Radical Snout One
11925CJK Radical Snout Two CJK Radical Snout Two
11926CJK Radical Heart One CJK Radical Heart One
11927CJK Radical Heart Two CJK Radical Heart Two
11928CJK Radical Hand CJK Radical Hand
11929CJK Radical Rap CJK Radical Rap
11931CJK Radical Choke CJK Radical Choke
11932CJK Radical Sun CJK Radical Sun
11933CJK Radical Moon CJK Radical Moon
11934CJK Radical Death CJK Radical Death
11935CJK Radical Mother CJK Radical Mother
11936CJK Radical Civilian CJK Radical Civilian
11937CJK Radical Water One CJK Radical Water One
11938CJK Radical Water Two CJK Radical Water Two
11939CJK Radical Fire CJK Radical Fire
11940CJK Radical Paw One CJK Radical Paw One
11941CJK Radical Paw Two CJK Radical Paw Two
11942CJK Radical Simplified Half Tree Trunk CJK Radical Simplified Half Tree Trunk
11943CJK Radical Cow CJK Radical Cow
11944CJK Radical Dog CJK Radical Dog
11945CJK Radical Jade CJK Radical Jade
11946CJK Radical Bolt Of Cloth CJK Radical Bolt Of Cloth
11947CJK Radical Eye CJK Radical Eye
11948CJK Radical Spirit One CJK Radical Spirit One
11949CJK Radical Spirit Two CJK Radical Spirit Two
11950CJK Radical Bamboo CJK Radical Bamboo
11951CJK Radical Silk CJK Radical Silk
11952CJK Radical C-Simplified Silk CJK Radical C-Simplified Silk
11953CJK Radical Net One CJK Radical Net One
11954CJK Radical Net Two CJK Radical Net Two
11955CJK Radical Net Three CJK Radical Net Three
11956CJK Radical Net Four CJK Radical Net Four
11957CJK Radical Mesh CJK Radical Mesh
11958CJK Radical Sheep CJK Radical Sheep
11959CJK Radical Ram CJK Radical Ram
11960CJK Radical Ewe CJK Radical Ewe
11961CJK Radical Old CJK Radical Old
11962CJK Radical Brush One CJK Radical Brush One
11963CJK Radical Brush Two CJK Radical Brush Two
11964CJK Radical Meat CJK Radical Meat
11965CJK Radical Mortar CJK Radical Mortar
11966CJK Radical Grass One CJK Radical Grass One
11967CJK Radical Grass Two CJK Radical Grass Two
11968CJK Radical Grass Three CJK Radical Grass Three
11969CJK Radical Tiger CJK Radical Tiger
11970CJK Radical Clothes CJK Radical Clothes
11971CJK Radical West One CJK Radical West One
11972CJK Radical West Two CJK Radical West Two
11973CJK Radical C-Simplified See CJK Radical C-Simplified See
11974CJK Radical Simplified Horn CJK Radical Simplified Horn
11975CJK Radical Horn CJK Radical Horn
11976CJK Radical C-Simplified Speech CJK Radical C-Simplified Speech
11977CJK Radical C-Simplified Shell CJK Radical C-Simplified Shell
11978CJK Radical Foot CJK Radical Foot
11979CJK Radical C-Simplified Cart CJK Radical C-Simplified Cart
11980CJK Radical Simplified Walk CJK Radical Simplified Walk
11981CJK Radical Walk One CJK Radical Walk One
11982CJK Radical Walk Two CJK Radical Walk Two
11983CJK Radical City CJK Radical City
11984CJK Radical C-Simplified Gold CJK Radical C-Simplified Gold
11985CJK Radical Long One CJK Radical Long One
11986CJK Radical Long Two CJK Radical Long Two
11987CJK Radical C-Simplified Long CJK Radical C-Simplified Long
11988CJK Radical C-Simplified Gate CJK Radical C-Simplified Gate
11989CJK Radical Mound One CJK Radical Mound One
11990CJK Radical Mound Two CJK Radical Mound Two
11991CJK Radical Rain CJK Radical Rain
11992CJK Radical Blue CJK Radical Blue
11993CJK Radical C-Simplified Tanned Leather CJK Radical C-Simplified Tanned Leather
11994CJK Radical C-Simplified Leaf CJK Radical C-Simplified Leaf
11995CJK Radical C-Simplified Wind CJK Radical C-Simplified Wind
11996CJK Radical C-Simplified Fly CJK Radical C-Simplified Fly
11997CJK Radical Eat One CJK Radical Eat One
11998CJK Radical Eat Two CJK Radical Eat Two
11999CJK Radical Eat Three CJK Radical Eat Three
12000CJK Radical C-Simplified Eat CJK Radical C-Simplified Eat
12001CJK Radical Head CJK Radical Head
12002CJK Radical C-Simplified Horse CJK Radical C-Simplified Horse
12003CJK Radical Bone CJK Radical Bone
12004CJK Radical Ghost CJK Radical Ghost
12005CJK Radical C-Simplified Fish CJK Radical C-Simplified Fish
12006CJK Radical C-Simplified Bird CJK Radical C-Simplified Bird
12007CJK Radical C-Simplified Salt CJK Radical C-Simplified Salt
12008CJK Radical Simplified Wheat CJK Radical Simplified Wheat
12009CJK Radical Simplified Yellow CJK Radical Simplified Yellow
12010CJK Radical C-Simplified Frog CJK Radical C-Simplified Frog
12011CJK Radical J-Simplified Even CJK Radical J-Simplified Even
12012CJK Radical C-Simplified Even CJK Radical C-Simplified Even
12013CJK Radical J-Simplified Tooth CJK Radical J-Simplified Tooth
12014CJK Radical C-Simplified Tooth CJK Radical C-Simplified Tooth
12015CJK Radical J-Simplified Dragon CJK Radical J-Simplified Dragon
12016CJK Radical C-Simplified Dragon CJK Radical C-Simplified Dragon
12017CJK Radical Turtle CJK Radical Turtle
12018CJK Radical J-Simplified Turtle CJK Radical J-Simplified Turtle
12019CJK Radical C-Simplified Turtle CJK Radical C-Simplified Turtle
12032Kangxi Radical One Kangxi Radical One
12033Kangxi Radical Line Kangxi Radical Line
12034Kangxi Radical Dot Kangxi Radical Dot
12035Kangxi Radical Slash Kangxi Radical Slash
12036Kangxi Radical Second Kangxi Radical Second
12037Kangxi Radical Hook Kangxi Radical Hook
12038Kangxi Radical Two Kangxi Radical Two
12039Kangxi Radical Lid Kangxi Radical Lid
12040Kangxi Radical Man Kangxi Radical Man
12041Kangxi Radical Legs Kangxi Radical Legs
12042Kangxi Radical Enter Kangxi Radical Enter
12043Kangxi Radical Eight Kangxi Radical Eight
12044Kangxi Radical Down Box Kangxi Radical Down Box
12045Kangxi Radical Cover Kangxi Radical Cover
12046Kangxi Radical Ice Kangxi Radical Ice
12047Kangxi Radical Table Kangxi Radical Table
12048Kangxi Radical Open Box Kangxi Radical Open Box
12049Kangxi Radical Knife Kangxi Radical Knife
12050Kangxi Radical Power Kangxi Radical Power
12051Kangxi Radical Wrap Kangxi Radical Wrap
12052Kangxi Radical Spoon Kangxi Radical Spoon
12053Kangxi Radical Right Open Box Kangxi Radical Right Open Box
12054Kangxi Radical Hiding Enclosure Kangxi Radical Hiding Enclosure
12055Kangxi Radical Ten Kangxi Radical Ten
12056Kangxi Radical Divination Kangxi Radical Divination
12057Kangxi Radical Seal Kangxi Radical Seal
12058Kangxi Radical Cliff Kangxi Radical Cliff
12059Kangxi Radical Private Kangxi Radical Private
12060Kangxi Radical Again Kangxi Radical Again
12061Kangxi Radical Mouth Kangxi Radical Mouth
12062Kangxi Radical Enclosure Kangxi Radical Enclosure
12063Kangxi Radical Earth Kangxi Radical Earth
12064Kangxi Radical Scholar Kangxi Radical Scholar
12065Kangxi Radical Go Kangxi Radical Go
12066Kangxi Radical Go Slowly Kangxi Radical Go Slowly
12067Kangxi Radical Evening Kangxi Radical Evening
12068Kangxi Radical Big Kangxi Radical Big
12069Kangxi Radical Woman Kangxi Radical Woman
12070Kangxi Radical Child Kangxi Radical Child
12071Kangxi Radical Roof Kangxi Radical Roof
12072Kangxi Radical Inch Kangxi Radical Inch
12073Kangxi Radical Small Kangxi Radical Small
12074Kangxi Radical Lame Kangxi Radical Lame
12075Kangxi Radical Corpse Kangxi Radical Corpse
12076Kangxi Radical Sprout Kangxi Radical Sprout
12077Kangxi Radical Mountain Kangxi Radical Mountain
12078Kangxi Radical River Kangxi Radical River
12079Kangxi Radical Work Kangxi Radical Work
12080Kangxi Radical Oneself Kangxi Radical Oneself
12081Kangxi Radical Turban Kangxi Radical Turban
12082Kangxi Radical Dry Kangxi Radical Dry
12083Kangxi Radical Short Thread Kangxi Radical Short Thread
12084Kangxi Radical Dotted Cliff Kangxi Radical Dotted Cliff
12085Kangxi Radical Long Stride Kangxi Radical Long Stride
12086Kangxi Radical Two Hands Kangxi Radical Two Hands
12087Kangxi Radical Shoot Kangxi Radical Shoot
12088Kangxi Radical Bow Kangxi Radical Bow
12089Kangxi Radical Snout Kangxi Radical Snout
12090Kangxi Radical Bristle Kangxi Radical Bristle
12091Kangxi Radical Step Kangxi Radical Step
12092Kangxi Radical Heart Kangxi Radical Heart
12093Kangxi Radical Halberd Kangxi Radical Halberd
12094Kangxi Radical Door Kangxi Radical Door
12095Kangxi Radical Hand Kangxi Radical Hand
12096Kangxi Radical Branch Kangxi Radical Branch
12097Kangxi Radical Rap Kangxi Radical Rap
12098Kangxi Radical Script Kangxi Radical Script
12099Kangxi Radical Dipper Kangxi Radical Dipper
12100Kangxi Radical Axe Kangxi Radical Axe
12101Kangxi Radical Square Kangxi Radical Square
12102Kangxi Radical Not Kangxi Radical Not
12103Kangxi Radical Sun Kangxi Radical Sun
12104Kangxi Radical Say Kangxi Radical Say
12105Kangxi Radical Moon Kangxi Radical Moon
12106Kangxi Radical Tree Kangxi Radical Tree
12107Kangxi Radical Lack Kangxi Radical Lack
12108Kangxi Radical Stop Kangxi Radical Stop
12109Kangxi Radical Death Kangxi Radical Death
12110Kangxi Radical Weapon Kangxi Radical Weapon
12111Kangxi Radical Do Not Kangxi Radical Do Not
12112Kangxi Radical Compare Kangxi Radical Compare
12113Kangxi Radical Fur Kangxi Radical Fur
12114Kangxi Radical Clan Kangxi Radical Clan
12115Kangxi Radical Steam Kangxi Radical Steam
12116Kangxi Radical Water Kangxi Radical Water
12117Kangxi Radical Fire Kangxi Radical Fire
12118Kangxi Radical Claw Kangxi Radical Claw
12119Kangxi Radical Father Kangxi Radical Father
12120Kangxi Radical Double X Kangxi Radical Double X
12121Kangxi Radical Half Tree Trunk Kangxi Radical Half Tree Trunk
12122Kangxi Radical Slice Kangxi Radical Slice
12123Kangxi Radical Fang Kangxi Radical Fang
12124Kangxi Radical Cow Kangxi Radical Cow
12125Kangxi Radical Dog Kangxi Radical Dog
12126Kangxi Radical Profound Kangxi Radical Profound
12127Kangxi Radical Jade Kangxi Radical Jade
12128Kangxi Radical Melon Kangxi Radical Melon
12129Kangxi Radical Tile Kangxi Radical Tile
12130Kangxi Radical Sweet Kangxi Radical Sweet
12131Kangxi Radical Life Kangxi Radical Life
12132Kangxi Radical Use Kangxi Radical Use
12133Kangxi Radical Field Kangxi Radical Field
12134Kangxi Radical Bolt Of Cloth Kangxi Radical Bolt Of Cloth
12135Kangxi Radical Sickness Kangxi Radical Sickness
12136Kangxi Radical Dotted Tent Kangxi Radical Dotted Tent
12137Kangxi Radical White Kangxi Radical White
12138Kangxi Radical Skin Kangxi Radical Skin
12139Kangxi Radical Dish Kangxi Radical Dish
12140Kangxi Radical Eye Kangxi Radical Eye
12141Kangxi Radical Spear Kangxi Radical Spear
12142Kangxi Radical Arrow Kangxi Radical Arrow
12143Kangxi Radical Stone Kangxi Radical Stone
12144Kangxi Radical Spirit Kangxi Radical Spirit
12145Kangxi Radical Track Kangxi Radical Track
12146Kangxi Radical Grain Kangxi Radical Grain
12147Kangxi Radical Cave Kangxi Radical Cave
12148Kangxi Radical Stand Kangxi Radical Stand
12149Kangxi Radical Bamboo Kangxi Radical Bamboo
12150Kangxi Radical Rice Kangxi Radical Rice
12151Kangxi Radical Silk Kangxi Radical Silk
12152Kangxi Radical Jar Kangxi Radical Jar
12153Kangxi Radical Net Kangxi Radical Net
12154Kangxi Radical Sheep Kangxi Radical Sheep
12155Kangxi Radical Feather Kangxi Radical Feather
12156Kangxi Radical Old Kangxi Radical Old
12157Kangxi Radical And Kangxi Radical And
12158Kangxi Radical Plow Kangxi Radical Plow
12159Kangxi Radical Ear Kangxi Radical Ear
12160Kangxi Radical Brush Kangxi Radical Brush
12161Kangxi Radical Meat Kangxi Radical Meat
12162Kangxi Radical Minister Kangxi Radical Minister
12163Kangxi Radical Self Kangxi Radical Self
12164Kangxi Radical Arrive Kangxi Radical Arrive
12165Kangxi Radical Mortar Kangxi Radical Mortar
12166Kangxi Radical Tongue Kangxi Radical Tongue
12167Kangxi Radical Oppose Kangxi Radical Oppose
12168Kangxi Radical Boat Kangxi Radical Boat
12169Kangxi Radical Stopping Kangxi Radical Stopping
12170Kangxi Radical Color Kangxi Radical Color
12171Kangxi Radical Grass Kangxi Radical Grass
12172Kangxi Radical Tiger Kangxi Radical Tiger
12173Kangxi Radical Insect Kangxi Radical Insect
12174Kangxi Radical Blood Kangxi Radical Blood
12175Kangxi Radical Walk Enclosure Kangxi Radical Walk Enclosure
12176Kangxi Radical Clothes Kangxi Radical Clothes
12177Kangxi Radical West Kangxi Radical West
12178Kangxi Radical See Kangxi Radical See
12179Kangxi Radical Horn Kangxi Radical Horn
12180Kangxi Radical Speech Kangxi Radical Speech
12181Kangxi Radical Valley Kangxi Radical Valley
12182Kangxi Radical Bean Kangxi Radical Bean
12183Kangxi Radical Pig Kangxi Radical Pig
12184Kangxi Radical Badger Kangxi Radical Badger
12185Kangxi Radical Shell Kangxi Radical Shell
12186Kangxi Radical Red Kangxi Radical Red
12187Kangxi Radical Run Kangxi Radical Run
12188Kangxi Radical Foot Kangxi Radical Foot
12189Kangxi Radical Body Kangxi Radical Body
12190Kangxi Radical Cart Kangxi Radical Cart
12191Kangxi Radical Bitter Kangxi Radical Bitter
12192Kangxi Radical Morning Kangxi Radical Morning
12193Kangxi Radical Walk Kangxi Radical Walk
12194Kangxi Radical City Kangxi Radical City
12195Kangxi Radical Wine Kangxi Radical Wine
12196Kangxi Radical Distinguish Kangxi Radical Distinguish
12197Kangxi Radical Village Kangxi Radical Village
12198Kangxi Radical Gold Kangxi Radical Gold
12199Kangxi Radical Long Kangxi Radical Long
12200Kangxi Radical Gate Kangxi Radical Gate
12201Kangxi Radical Mound Kangxi Radical Mound
12202Kangxi Radical Slave Kangxi Radical Slave
12203Kangxi Radical Short Tailed Bird Kangxi Radical Short Tailed Bird
12204Kangxi Radical Rain Kangxi Radical Rain
12205Kangxi Radical Blue Kangxi Radical Blue
12206Kangxi Radical Wrong Kangxi Radical Wrong
12207Kangxi Radical Face Kangxi Radical Face
12208Kangxi Radical Leather Kangxi Radical Leather
12209Kangxi Radical Tanned Leather Kangxi Radical Tanned Leather
12210Kangxi Radical Leek Kangxi Radical Leek
12211Kangxi Radical Sound Kangxi Radical Sound
12212Kangxi Radical Leaf Kangxi Radical Leaf
12213Kangxi Radical Wind Kangxi Radical Wind
12214Kangxi Radical Fly Kangxi Radical Fly
12215Kangxi Radical Eat Kangxi Radical Eat
12216Kangxi Radical Head Kangxi Radical Head
12217Kangxi Radical Fragrant Kangxi Radical Fragrant
12218Kangxi Radical Horse Kangxi Radical Horse
12219Kangxi Radical Bone Kangxi Radical Bone
12220Kangxi Radical Tall Kangxi Radical Tall
12221Kangxi Radical Hair Kangxi Radical Hair
12222Kangxi Radical Fight Kangxi Radical Fight
12223Kangxi Radical Sacrificial Wine Kangxi Radical Sacrificial Wine
12224Kangxi Radical Cauldron Kangxi Radical Cauldron
12225Kangxi Radical Ghost Kangxi Radical Ghost
12226Kangxi Radical Fish Kangxi Radical Fish
12227Kangxi Radical Bird Kangxi Radical Bird
12228Kangxi Radical Salt Kangxi Radical Salt
12229Kangxi Radical Deer Kangxi Radical Deer
12230Kangxi Radical Wheat Kangxi Radical Wheat
12231Kangxi Radical Hemp Kangxi Radical Hemp
12232Kangxi Radical Yellow Kangxi Radical Yellow
12233Kangxi Radical Millet Kangxi Radical Millet
12234Kangxi Radical Black Kangxi Radical Black
12235Kangxi Radical Embroidery Kangxi Radical Embroidery
12236Kangxi Radical Frog Kangxi Radical Frog
12237Kangxi Radical Tripod Kangxi Radical Tripod
12238Kangxi Radical Drum Kangxi Radical Drum
12239Kangxi Radical Rat Kangxi Radical Rat
12240Kangxi Radical Nose Kangxi Radical Nose
12241Kangxi Radical Even Kangxi Radical Even
12242Kangxi Radical Tooth Kangxi Radical Tooth
12243Kangxi Radical Dragon Kangxi Radical Dragon
12244Kangxi Radical Turtle Kangxi Radical Turtle
12245Kangxi Radical Flute Kangxi Radical Flute
12272Ideographic Description Character Left To Right Ideographic Description Character Left To Right
12273Ideographic Description Character Above To Below Ideographic Description Character Above To Below
12274Ideographic Description Character Left To Middle And Right Ideographic Description Character Left To Middle And Right
12275Ideographic Description Character Above To Middle And Below Ideographic Description Character Above To Middle And Below
12276Ideographic Description Character Full Surround Ideographic Description Character Full Surround
12277Ideographic Description Character Surround From Above Ideographic Description Character Surround From Above
12278Ideographic Description Character Surround From Below Ideographic Description Character Surround From Below
12279Ideographic Description Character Surround From Left Ideographic Description Character Surround From Left
12280Ideographic Description Character Surround From Upper Left Ideographic Description Character Surround From Upper Left
12281Ideographic Description Character Surround From Upper Right Ideographic Description Character Surround From Upper Right
12282Ideographic Description Character Surround From Lower Left Ideographic Description Character Surround From Lower Left
12283Ideographic Description Character Overlaid Ideographic Description Character Overlaid
12288Ideographic Space Ideographic Space
12289Ideographic Comma Ideographic Comma
12290Ideographic Full Stop Ideographic Full Stop
12291Ditto Mark Ditto Mark
12292Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol
12293Ideographic Iteration Mark Ideographic Iteration Mark
12294Ideographic Closing Mark Ideographic Closing Mark
12295Ideographic Number Zero Ideographic Number Zero
12296Lewy nawias kątowy Left Angle Bracket
12297Prawy nawias kątowy Right Angle Bracket
12298Left Double Angle Bracket Left Double Angle Bracket
12299Right Double Angle Bracket Right Double Angle Bracket
12300Left Corner Bracket Left Corner Bracket
12301Right Corner Bracket Right Corner Bracket
12302Left White Corner Bracket Left White Corner Bracket
12303Right White Corner Bracket Right White Corner Bracket
12304Left Black Lenticular Bracket Left Black Lenticular Bracket
12305Right Black Lenticular Bracket Right Black Lenticular Bracket
12306Postal Mark Postal Mark
12307Geta Mark Geta Mark
12308Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Left Tortoise Shell Bracket
12309Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Right Tortoise Shell Bracket
12310Left White Lenticular Bracket Left White Lenticular Bracket
12311Right White Lenticular Bracket Right White Lenticular Bracket
12312Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket
12313Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket
12314Left White Square Bracket Left White Square Bracket
12315Right White Square Bracket Right White Square Bracket
12316Wave Dash Wave Dash
12317Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark
12318Double Prime Quotation Mark Double Prime Quotation Mark
12319Low Double Prime Quotation Mark Low Double Prime Quotation Mark
12320Postal Mark Face Postal Mark Face
12321Hangzhou Numeral One Hangzhou Numeral One
12322Hangzhou Numeral Two Hangzhou Numeral Two
12323Hangzhou Numeral Three Hangzhou Numeral Three
12324Hangzhou Numeral Four Hangzhou Numeral Four
12325Hangzhou Numeral Five Hangzhou Numeral Five
12326Hangzhou Numeral Six Hangzhou Numeral Six
12327Hangzhou Numeral Seven Hangzhou Numeral Seven
12328Hangzhou Numeral Eight Hangzhou Numeral Eight
12329Hangzhou Numeral Nine Hangzhou Numeral Nine
12330Ideographic Level Tone Mark Ideographic Level Tone Mark
12331Ideographic Rising Tone Mark Ideographic Rising Tone Mark
12332Ideographic Departing Tone Mark Ideographic Departing Tone Mark
12333Ideographic Entering Tone Mark Ideographic Entering Tone Mark
12334Hangul Single Dot Tone Mark Hangul Single Dot Tone Mark
12335Hangul Double Dot Tone Mark Hangul Double Dot Tone Mark
12336Wavy Dash Wavy Dash
12337Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Vertical Kana Repeat Mark
12338Vertical Kana Repeat With Voiced Sound Mark Vertical Kana Repeat With Voiced Sound Mark
12339Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Upper Half Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Upper Half
12340Vertical Kana Repeat With Voiced Sound Mark Upper Half Vertical Kana Repeat With Voiced Sound Mark Upper Half
12341Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Lower Half Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Lower Half
12342Circled Postal Mark Circled Postal Mark
12343Ideographic Telegraph Line Feed Separator Symbol Ideographic Telegraph Line Feed Separator Symbol
12344Hangzhou Numeral Ten Hangzhou Numeral Ten
12345Hangzhou Numeral Twenty Hangzhou Numeral Twenty
12346Hangzhou Numeral Thirty Hangzhou Numeral Thirty
12347Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark
12348Masu Mark Masu Mark
12349Part Alternation Mark Part Alternation Mark
12350Ideographic Variation Indicator Ideographic Variation Indicator
12351Ideographic Half Fill Space Ideographic Half Fill Space
12353Hiragana Letter Small A Hiragana Letter Small A
12354Hiragana Letter A Hiragana Letter A
12355Hiragana Letter Small I Hiragana Letter Small I
12356Hiragana Letter I Hiragana Letter I
12357Hiragana Letter Small U Hiragana Letter Small U
12358Hiragana Letter U Hiragana Letter U
12359Hiragana Letter Small E Hiragana Letter Small E
12360Hiragana Letter E Hiragana Letter E
12361Hiragana Letter Small O Hiragana Letter Small O
12362Hiragana Letter O Hiragana Letter O
12363Hiragana Letter Ka Hiragana Letter Ka
12364Hiragana Letter Ga Hiragana Letter Ga
12365Hiragana Letter Ki Hiragana Letter Ki
12366Hiragana Letter Gi Hiragana Letter Gi
12367Hiragana Letter Ku Hiragana Letter Ku
12368Hiragana Letter Gu Hiragana Letter Gu
12369Hiragana Letter Ke Hiragana Letter Ke
12370Hiragana Letter Ge Hiragana Letter Ge
12371Hiragana Letter Ko Hiragana Letter Ko
12372Hiragana Letter Go Hiragana Letter Go
12373Hiragana Letter Sa Hiragana Letter Sa
12374Hiragana Letter Za Hiragana Letter Za
12375Hiragana Letter Si Hiragana Letter Si
12376Hiragana Letter Zi Hiragana Letter Zi
12377Hiragana Letter Su Hiragana Letter Su
12378Hiragana Letter Zu Hiragana Letter Zu
12379Hiragana Letter Se Hiragana Letter Se
12380Hiragana Letter Ze Hiragana Letter Ze
12381Hiragana Letter So Hiragana Letter So
12382Hiragana Letter Zo Hiragana Letter Zo
12383Hiragana Letter Ta Hiragana Letter Ta
12384Hiragana Letter Da Hiragana Letter Da
12385Hiragana Letter Ti Hiragana Letter Ti
12386Hiragana Letter Di Hiragana Letter Di
12387Hiragana Letter Small Tu Hiragana Letter Small Tu
12388Hiragana Letter Tu Hiragana Letter Tu
12389Hiragana Letter Du Hiragana Letter Du
12390Hiragana Letter Te Hiragana Letter Te
12391Hiragana Letter De Hiragana Letter De
12392Hiragana Letter To Hiragana Letter To
12393Hiragana Letter Do Hiragana Letter Do
12394Hiragana Letter Na Hiragana Letter Na
12395Hiragana Letter Ni Hiragana Letter Ni
12396Hiragana Letter Nu Hiragana Letter Nu
12397Hiragana Letter Ne Hiragana Letter Ne
12398Hiragana Letter No Hiragana Letter No
12399Hiragana Letter Ha Hiragana Letter Ha
12400Hiragana Letter Ba Hiragana Letter Ba
12401Hiragana Letter Pa Hiragana Letter Pa
12402Hiragana Letter Hi Hiragana Letter Hi
12403Hiragana Letter Bi Hiragana Letter Bi
12404Hiragana Letter Pi Hiragana Letter Pi
12405Hiragana Letter Hu Hiragana Letter Hu
12406Hiragana Letter Bu Hiragana Letter Bu
12407Hiragana Letter Pu Hiragana Letter Pu
12408Hiragana Letter He Hiragana Letter He
12409Hiragana Letter Be Hiragana Letter Be
12410Hiragana Letter Pe Hiragana Letter Pe
12411Hiragana Letter Ho Hiragana Letter Ho
12412Hiragana Letter Bo Hiragana Letter Bo
12413Hiragana Letter Po Hiragana Letter Po
12414Hiragana Letter Ma Hiragana Letter Ma
12415Hiragana Letter Mi Hiragana Letter Mi
12416Hiragana Letter Mu Hiragana Letter Mu
12417Hiragana Letter Me Hiragana Letter Me
12418Hiragana Letter Mo Hiragana Letter Mo
12419Hiragana Letter Small Ya Hiragana Letter Small Ya
12420Hiragana Letter Ya Hiragana Letter Ya
12421Hiragana Letter Small Yu Hiragana Letter Small Yu
12422Hiragana Letter Yu Hiragana Letter Yu
12423Hiragana Letter Small Yo Hiragana Letter Small Yo
12424Hiragana Letter Yo Hiragana Letter Yo
12425Hiragana Letter Ra Hiragana Letter Ra
12426Hiragana Letter Ri Hiragana Letter Ri
12427Hiragana Letter Ru Hiragana Letter Ru
12428Hiragana Letter Re Hiragana Letter Re
12429Hiragana Letter Ro Hiragana Letter Ro
12430Hiragana Letter Small Wa Hiragana Letter Small Wa
12431Hiragana Letter Wa Hiragana Letter Wa
12432Hiragana Letter Wi Hiragana Letter Wi
12433Hiragana Letter We Hiragana Letter We
12434Hiragana Letter Wo Hiragana Letter Wo
12435Hiragana Letter N Hiragana Letter N
12436Hiragana Letter Vu Hiragana Letter Vu
12437Hiragana Letter Small Ka Hiragana Letter Small Ka
12438Hiragana Letter Small Ke Hiragana Letter Small Ke
12441Combining Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark Combining Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark
12442Combining Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark Combining Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark
12443Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark
12444Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark
12445Hiragana Iteration Mark Hiragana Iteration Mark
12446Hiragana Voiced Iteration Mark Hiragana Voiced Iteration Mark
12447Hiragana Digraph Yori Hiragana Digraph Yori
12448Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen
12449Katakana Letter Small A Katakana Letter Small A
12450Katakana Letter A Katakana Letter A
12451Katakana Letter Small I Katakana Letter Small I
12452Katakana Letter I Katakana Letter I
12453Katakana Letter Small U Katakana Letter Small U
12454Katakana Letter U Katakana Letter U
12455Katakana Letter Small E Katakana Letter Small E
12456Katakana Letter E Katakana Letter E
12457Katakana Letter Small O Katakana Letter Small O
12458Katakana Letter O Katakana Letter O
12459Katakana Letter Ka Katakana Letter Ka
12460Katakana Letter Ga Katakana Letter Ga
12461Katakana Letter Ki Katakana Letter Ki
12462Katakana Letter Gi Katakana Letter Gi
12463Katakana Letter Ku Katakana Letter Ku
12464Katakana Letter Gu Katakana Letter Gu
12465Katakana Letter Ke Katakana Letter Ke
12466Katakana Letter Ge Katakana Letter Ge
12467Katakana Letter Ko Katakana Letter Ko
12468Katakana Letter Go Katakana Letter Go
12469Katakana Letter Sa Katakana Letter Sa
12470Katakana Letter Za Katakana Letter Za
12471Katakana Letter Si Katakana Letter Si
12472Katakana Letter Zi Katakana Letter Zi
12473Katakana Letter Su Katakana Letter Su
12474Katakana Letter Zu Katakana Letter Zu
12475Katakana Letter Se Katakana Letter Se
12476Katakana Letter Ze Katakana Letter Ze
12477Katakana Letter So Katakana Letter So
12478Katakana Letter Zo Katakana Letter Zo
12479Katakana Letter Ta Katakana Letter Ta
12480Katakana Letter Da Katakana Letter Da
12481Katakana Letter Ti Katakana Letter Ti
12482Katakana Letter Di Katakana Letter Di
12483Katakana Letter Small Tu Katakana Letter Small Tu
12484Katakana Letter Tu Katakana Letter Tu
12485Katakana Letter Du Katakana Letter Du
12486Katakana Letter Te Katakana Letter Te
12487Katakana Letter De Katakana Letter De
12488Katakana Letter To Katakana Letter To
12489Katakana Letter Do Katakana Letter Do
12490Katakana Letter Na Katakana Letter Na
12491Katakana Letter Ni Katakana Letter Ni
12492Katakana Letter Nu Katakana Letter Nu
12493Katakana Letter Ne Katakana Letter Ne
12494Katakana Letter No Katakana Letter No
12495Katakana Letter Ha Katakana Letter Ha
12496Katakana Letter Ba Katakana Letter Ba
12497Katakana Letter Pa Katakana Letter Pa
12498Katakana Letter Hi Katakana Letter Hi
12499Katakana Letter Bi Katakana Letter Bi
12500Katakana Letter Pi Katakana Letter Pi
12501Katakana Letter Hu Katakana Letter Hu
12502Katakana Letter Bu Katakana Letter Bu
12503Katakana Letter Pu Katakana Letter Pu
12504Katakana Letter He Katakana Letter He
12505Katakana Letter Be Katakana Letter Be
12506Katakana Letter Pe Katakana Letter Pe
12507Katakana Letter Ho Katakana Letter Ho
12508Katakana Letter Bo Katakana Letter Bo
12509Katakana Letter Po Katakana Letter Po
12510Katakana Letter Ma Katakana Letter Ma
12511Katakana Letter Mi Katakana Letter Mi
12512Katakana Letter Mu Katakana Letter Mu
12513Katakana Letter Me Katakana Letter Me
12514Katakana Letter Mo Katakana Letter Mo
12515Katakana Letter Small Ya Katakana Letter Small Ya
12516Katakana Letter Ya Katakana Letter Ya
12517Katakana Letter Small Yu Katakana Letter Small Yu
12518Katakana Letter Yu Katakana Letter Yu
12519Katakana Letter Small Yo Katakana Letter Small Yo
12520Katakana Letter Yo Katakana Letter Yo
12521Katakana Letter Ra Katakana Letter Ra
12522Katakana Letter Ri Katakana Letter Ri
12523Katakana Letter Ru Katakana Letter Ru
12524Katakana Letter Re Katakana Letter Re
12525Katakana Letter Ro Katakana Letter Ro
12526Katakana Letter Small Wa Katakana Letter Small Wa
12527Katakana Letter Wa Katakana Letter Wa
12528Katakana Letter Wi Katakana Letter Wi
12529Katakana Letter We Katakana Letter We
12530Katakana Letter Wo Katakana Letter Wo
12531Katakana Letter N Katakana Letter N
12532Katakana Letter Vu Katakana Letter Vu
12533Katakana Letter Small Ka Katakana Letter Small Ka
12534Katakana Letter Small Ke Katakana Letter Small Ke
12535Katakana Letter Va Katakana Letter Va
12536Katakana Letter Vi Katakana Letter Vi
12537Katakana Letter Ve Katakana Letter Ve
12538Katakana Letter Vo Katakana Letter Vo
12539Katakana Middle Dot Katakana Middle Dot
12540Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark
12541Katakana Iteration Mark Katakana Iteration Mark
12542Katakana Voiced Iteration Mark Katakana Voiced Iteration Mark
12543Katakana Digraph Koto Katakana Digraph Koto
12549Bopomofo Letter B Bopomofo Letter B
12550Bopomofo Letter P Bopomofo Letter P
12551Bopomofo Letter M Bopomofo Letter M
12552Bopomofo Letter F Bopomofo Letter F
12553Bopomofo Letter D Bopomofo Letter D
12554Bopomofo Letter T Bopomofo Letter T
12555Bopomofo Letter N Bopomofo Letter N
12556Bopomofo Letter L Bopomofo Letter L
12557Bopomofo Letter G Bopomofo Letter G
12558Bopomofo Letter K Bopomofo Letter K
12559Bopomofo Letter H Bopomofo Letter H
12560Bopomofo Letter J Bopomofo Letter J
12561Bopomofo Letter Q Bopomofo Letter Q
12562Bopomofo Letter X Bopomofo Letter X
12563Bopomofo Letter Zh Bopomofo Letter Zh
12564Bopomofo Letter Ch Bopomofo Letter Ch
12565Bopomofo Letter Sh Bopomofo Letter Sh
12566Bopomofo Letter R Bopomofo Letter R
12567Bopomofo Letter Z Bopomofo Letter Z
12568Bopomofo Letter C Bopomofo Letter C
12569Bopomofo Letter S Bopomofo Letter S
12570Bopomofo Letter A Bopomofo Letter A
12571Bopomofo Letter O Bopomofo Letter O
12572Bopomofo Letter E Bopomofo Letter E
12573Bopomofo Letter Eh Bopomofo Letter Eh
12574Bopomofo Letter Ai Bopomofo Letter Ai
12575Bopomofo Letter Ei Bopomofo Letter Ei
12576Bopomofo Letter Au Bopomofo Letter Au
12577Bopomofo Letter Ou Bopomofo Letter Ou
12578Bopomofo Letter An Bopomofo Letter An
12579Bopomofo Letter En Bopomofo Letter En
12580Bopomofo Letter Ang Bopomofo Letter Ang
12581Bopomofo Letter Eng Bopomofo Letter Eng
12582Bopomofo Letter Er Bopomofo Letter Er
12583Bopomofo Letter I Bopomofo Letter I
12584Bopomofo Letter U Bopomofo Letter U
12585Bopomofo Letter Iu Bopomofo Letter Iu
12586Bopomofo Letter V Bopomofo Letter V
12587Bopomofo Letter Ng Bopomofo Letter Ng
12588Bopomofo Letter Gn Bopomofo Letter Gn
12589Bopomofo Letter Ih Bopomofo Letter Ih
12593Hangul Letter Kiyeok Hangul Letter Kiyeok
12594Hangul Letter Ssangkiyeok Hangul Letter Ssangkiyeok
12595Hangul Letter Kiyeok-Sios Hangul Letter Kiyeok-Sios
12596Hangul Letter Nieun Hangul Letter Nieun
12597Hangul Letter Nieun-Cieuc Hangul Letter Nieun-Cieuc
12598Hangul Letter Nieun-Hieuh Hangul Letter Nieun-Hieuh
12599Hangul Letter Tikeut Hangul Letter Tikeut
12600Hangul Letter Ssangtikeut Hangul Letter Ssangtikeut
12601Hangul Letter Rieul Hangul Letter Rieul
12602Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok
12603Hangul Letter Rieul-Mieum Hangul Letter Rieul-Mieum
12604Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup
12605Hangul Letter Rieul-Sios Hangul Letter Rieul-Sios
12606Hangul Letter Rieul-Thieuth Hangul Letter Rieul-Thieuth
12607Hangul Letter Rieul-Phieuph Hangul Letter Rieul-Phieuph
12608Hangul Letter Rieul-Hieuh Hangul Letter Rieul-Hieuh
12609Hangul Letter Mieum Hangul Letter Mieum
12610Hangul Letter Pieup Hangul Letter Pieup
12611Hangul Letter Ssangpieup Hangul Letter Ssangpieup
12612Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios
12613Hangul Letter Sios Hangul Letter Sios
12614Hangul Letter Ssangsios Hangul Letter Ssangsios
12615Hangul Letter Ieung Hangul Letter Ieung
12616Hangul Letter Cieuc Hangul Letter Cieuc
12617Hangul Letter Ssangcieuc Hangul Letter Ssangcieuc
12618Hangul Letter Chieuch Hangul Letter Chieuch
12619Hangul Letter Khieukh Hangul Letter Khieukh
12620Hangul Letter Thieuth Hangul Letter Thieuth
12621Hangul Letter Phieuph Hangul Letter Phieuph
12622Hangul Letter Hieuh Hangul Letter Hieuh
12623Hangul Letter A Hangul Letter A
12624Hangul Letter Ae Hangul Letter Ae
12625Hangul Letter Ya Hangul Letter Ya
12626Hangul Letter Yae Hangul Letter Yae
12627Hangul Letter Eo Hangul Letter Eo
12628Hangul Letter E Hangul Letter E
12629Hangul Letter Yeo Hangul Letter Yeo
12630Hangul Letter Ye Hangul Letter Ye
12631Hangul Letter O Hangul Letter O
12632Hangul Letter Wa Hangul Letter Wa
12633Hangul Letter Wae Hangul Letter Wae
12634Hangul Letter Oe Hangul Letter Oe
12635Hangul Letter Yo Hangul Letter Yo
12636Hangul Letter U Hangul Letter U
12637Hangul Letter Weo Hangul Letter Weo
12638Hangul Letter We Hangul Letter We
12639Hangul Letter Wi Hangul Letter Wi
12640Hangul Letter Yu Hangul Letter Yu
12641Hangul Letter Eu Hangul Letter Eu
12642Hangul Letter Yi Hangul Letter Yi
12643Hangul Letter I Hangul Letter I
12644Hangul Filler Hangul Filler
12645Hangul Letter Ssangnieun Hangul Letter Ssangnieun
12646Hangul Letter Nieun-Tikeut Hangul Letter Nieun-Tikeut
12647Hangul Letter Nieun-Sios Hangul Letter Nieun-Sios
12648Hangul Letter Nieun-Pansios Hangul Letter Nieun-Pansios
12649Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok-Sios Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok-Sios
12650Hangul Letter Rieul-Tikeut Hangul Letter Rieul-Tikeut
12651Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup-Sios Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup-Sios
12652Hangul Letter Rieul-Pansios Hangul Letter Rieul-Pansios
12653Hangul Letter Rieul-Yeorinhieuh Hangul Letter Rieul-Yeorinhieuh
12654Hangul Letter Mieum-Pieup Hangul Letter Mieum-Pieup
12655Hangul Letter Mieum-Sios Hangul Letter Mieum-Sios
12656Hangul Letter Mieum-Pansios Hangul Letter Mieum-Pansios
12657Hangul Letter Kapyeounmieum Hangul Letter Kapyeounmieum
12658Hangul Letter Pieup-Kiyeok Hangul Letter Pieup-Kiyeok
12659Hangul Letter Pieup-Tikeut Hangul Letter Pieup-Tikeut
12660Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios-Kiyeok
12661Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios-Tikeut Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios-Tikeut
12662Hangul Letter Pieup-Cieuc Hangul Letter Pieup-Cieuc
12663Hangul Letter Pieup-Thieuth Hangul Letter Pieup-Thieuth
12664Hangul Letter Kapyeounpieup Hangul Letter Kapyeounpieup
12665Hangul Letter Kapyeounssangpieup Hangul Letter Kapyeounssangpieup
12666Hangul Letter Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Letter Sios-Kiyeok
12667Hangul Letter Sios-Nieun Hangul Letter Sios-Nieun
12668Hangul Letter Sios-Tikeut Hangul Letter Sios-Tikeut
12669Hangul Letter Sios-Pieup Hangul Letter Sios-Pieup
12670Hangul Letter Sios-Cieuc Hangul Letter Sios-Cieuc
12671Hangul Letter Pansios Hangul Letter Pansios
12672Hangul Letter Ssangieung Hangul Letter Ssangieung
12673Hangul Letter Yesieung Hangul Letter Yesieung
12674Hangul Letter Yesieung-Sios Hangul Letter Yesieung-Sios
12675Hangul Letter Yesieung-Pansios Hangul Letter Yesieung-Pansios
12676Hangul Letter Kapyeounphieuph Hangul Letter Kapyeounphieuph
12677Hangul Letter Ssanghieuh Hangul Letter Ssanghieuh
12678Hangul Letter Yeorinhieuh Hangul Letter Yeorinhieuh
12679Hangul Letter Yo-Ya Hangul Letter Yo-Ya
12680Hangul Letter Yo-Yae Hangul Letter Yo-Yae
12681Hangul Letter Yo-I Hangul Letter Yo-I
12682Hangul Letter Yu-Yeo Hangul Letter Yu-Yeo
12683Hangul Letter Yu-Ye Hangul Letter Yu-Ye
12684Hangul Letter Yu-I Hangul Letter Yu-I
12685Hangul Letter Araea Hangul Letter Araea
12686Hangul Letter Araeae Hangul Letter Araeae
12688Ideographic Annotation Linking Mark Ideographic Annotation Linking Mark
12689Ideographic Annotation Reverse Mark Ideographic Annotation Reverse Mark
12690Ideographic Annotation One Mark Ideographic Annotation One Mark
12691Ideographic Annotation Two Mark Ideographic Annotation Two Mark
12692Ideographic Annotation Three Mark Ideographic Annotation Three Mark
12693Ideographic Annotation Four Mark Ideographic Annotation Four Mark
12694Ideographic Annotation Top Mark Ideographic Annotation Top Mark
12695Ideographic Annotation Middle Mark Ideographic Annotation Middle Mark
12696Ideographic Annotation Bottom Mark Ideographic Annotation Bottom Mark
12697Ideographic Annotation First Mark Ideographic Annotation First Mark
12698Ideographic Annotation Second Mark Ideographic Annotation Second Mark
12699Ideographic Annotation Third Mark Ideographic Annotation Third Mark
12700Ideographic Annotation Fourth Mark Ideographic Annotation Fourth Mark
12701Ideographic Annotation Heaven Mark Ideographic Annotation Heaven Mark
12702Ideographic Annotation Earth Mark Ideographic Annotation Earth Mark
12703Ideographic Annotation Man Mark Ideographic Annotation Man Mark
12704Bopomofo Letter Bu Bopomofo Letter Bu
12705Bopomofo Letter Zi Bopomofo Letter Zi
12706Bopomofo Letter Ji Bopomofo Letter Ji
12707Bopomofo Letter Gu Bopomofo Letter Gu
12708Bopomofo Letter Ee Bopomofo Letter Ee
12709Bopomofo Letter Enn Bopomofo Letter Enn
12710Bopomofo Letter Oo Bopomofo Letter Oo
12711Bopomofo Letter Onn Bopomofo Letter Onn
12712Bopomofo Letter Ir Bopomofo Letter Ir
12713Bopomofo Letter Ann Bopomofo Letter Ann
12714Bopomofo Letter Inn Bopomofo Letter Inn
12715Bopomofo Letter Unn Bopomofo Letter Unn
12716Bopomofo Letter Im Bopomofo Letter Im
12717Bopomofo Letter Ngg Bopomofo Letter Ngg
12718Bopomofo Letter Ainn Bopomofo Letter Ainn
12719Bopomofo Letter Aunn Bopomofo Letter Aunn
12720Bopomofo Letter Am Bopomofo Letter Am
12721Bopomofo Letter Om Bopomofo Letter Om
12722Bopomofo Letter Ong Bopomofo Letter Ong
12723Bopomofo Letter Innn Bopomofo Letter Innn
12724Bopomofo Final Letter P Bopomofo Final Letter P
12725Bopomofo Final Letter T Bopomofo Final Letter T
12726Bopomofo Final Letter K Bopomofo Final Letter K
12727Bopomofo Final Letter H Bopomofo Final Letter H
12728Bopomofo Letter Gh Bopomofo Letter Gh
12729Bopomofo Letter Lh Bopomofo Letter Lh
12730Bopomofo Letter Zy Bopomofo Letter Zy
12736CJK Stroke T CJK Stroke T
12737CJK Stroke Wg CJK Stroke Wg
12738CJK Stroke Xg CJK Stroke Xg
12739CJK Stroke Bxg CJK Stroke Bxg
12740CJK Stroke Sw CJK Stroke Sw
12741CJK Stroke Hzz CJK Stroke Hzz
12742CJK Stroke Hzg CJK Stroke Hzg
12743CJK Stroke Hp CJK Stroke Hp
12744CJK Stroke Hzwg CJK Stroke Hzwg
12745CJK Stroke Szwg CJK Stroke Szwg
12746CJK Stroke Hzt CJK Stroke Hzt
12747CJK Stroke Hzzp CJK Stroke Hzzp
12748CJK Stroke Hpwg CJK Stroke Hpwg
12749CJK Stroke Hzw CJK Stroke Hzw
12750CJK Stroke Hzzz CJK Stroke Hzzz
12751CJK Stroke N CJK Stroke N
12752CJK Stroke H CJK Stroke H
12753CJK Stroke S CJK Stroke S
12754CJK Stroke P CJK Stroke P
12755CJK Stroke Sp CJK Stroke Sp
12756CJK Stroke D CJK Stroke D
12757CJK Stroke Hz CJK Stroke Hz
12758CJK Stroke Hg CJK Stroke Hg
12759CJK Stroke Sz CJK Stroke Sz
12760CJK Stroke Swz CJK Stroke Swz
12761CJK Stroke St CJK Stroke St
12762CJK Stroke Sg CJK Stroke Sg
12763CJK Stroke Pd CJK Stroke Pd
12764CJK Stroke Pz CJK Stroke Pz
12765CJK Stroke Tn CJK Stroke Tn
12766CJK Stroke Szz CJK Stroke Szz
12767CJK Stroke Swg CJK Stroke Swg
12768CJK Stroke Hxwg CJK Stroke Hxwg
12769CJK Stroke Hzzzg CJK Stroke Hzzzg
12770CJK Stroke Pg CJK Stroke Pg
12771CJK Stroke Q CJK Stroke Q
12784Katakana Letter Small Ku Katakana Letter Small Ku
12785Katakana Letter Small Si Katakana Letter Small Si
12786Katakana Letter Small Su Katakana Letter Small Su
12787Katakana Letter Small To Katakana Letter Small To
12788Katakana Letter Small Nu Katakana Letter Small Nu
12789Katakana Letter Small Ha Katakana Letter Small Ha
12790Katakana Letter Small Hi Katakana Letter Small Hi
12791Katakana Letter Small Hu Katakana Letter Small Hu
12792Katakana Letter Small He Katakana Letter Small He
12793Katakana Letter Small Ho Katakana Letter Small Ho
12794Katakana Letter Small Mu Katakana Letter Small Mu
12795Katakana Letter Small Ra Katakana Letter Small Ra
12796Katakana Letter Small Ri Katakana Letter Small Ri
12797Katakana Letter Small Ru Katakana Letter Small Ru
12798Katakana Letter Small Re Katakana Letter Small Re
12799Katakana Letter Small Ro Katakana Letter Small Ro
12800Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok
12801Parenthesized Hangul Nieun Parenthesized Hangul Nieun
12802Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut
12803Parenthesized Hangul Rieul Parenthesized Hangul Rieul
12804Parenthesized Hangul Mieum Parenthesized Hangul Mieum
12805Parenthesized Hangul Pieup Parenthesized Hangul Pieup
12806Parenthesized Hangul Sios Parenthesized Hangul Sios
12807Parenthesized Hangul Ieung Parenthesized Hangul Ieung
12808Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc
12809Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch
12810Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh
12811Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth
12812Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph
12813Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh
12814Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok A Parenthesized Hangul Kiyeok A
12815Parenthesized Hangul Nieun A Parenthesized Hangul Nieun A
12816Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut A Parenthesized Hangul Tikeut A
12817Parenthesized Hangul Rieul A Parenthesized Hangul Rieul A
12818Parenthesized Hangul Mieum A Parenthesized Hangul Mieum A
12819Parenthesized Hangul Pieup A Parenthesized Hangul Pieup A
12820Parenthesized Hangul Sios A Parenthesized Hangul Sios A
12821Parenthesized Hangul Ieung A Parenthesized Hangul Ieung A
12822Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc A Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc A
12823Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch A Parenthesized Hangul Chieuch A
12824Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh A Parenthesized Hangul Khieukh A
12825Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth A Parenthesized Hangul Thieuth A
12826Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph A Parenthesized Hangul Phieuph A
12827Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh A Parenthesized Hangul Hieuh A
12828Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc U Parenthesized Hangul Cieuc U
12829Parenthesized Korean Character Ojeon Parenthesized Korean Character Ojeon
12830Parenthesized Korean Character O Hu Parenthesized Korean Character O Hu
12832Parenthesized Ideograph One Parenthesized Ideograph One
12833Parenthesized Ideograph Two Parenthesized Ideograph Two
12834Parenthesized Ideograph Three Parenthesized Ideograph Three
12835Parenthesized Ideograph Four Parenthesized Ideograph Four
12836Parenthesized Ideograph Five Parenthesized Ideograph Five
12837Parenthesized Ideograph Six Parenthesized Ideograph Six
12838Parenthesized Ideograph Seven Parenthesized Ideograph Seven
12839Parenthesized Ideograph Eight Parenthesized Ideograph Eight
12840Parenthesized Ideograph Nine Parenthesized Ideograph Nine
12841Parenthesized Ideograph Ten Parenthesized Ideograph Ten
12842Parenthesized Ideograph Moon Parenthesized Ideograph Moon
12843Parenthesized Ideograph Fire Parenthesized Ideograph Fire
12844Parenthesized Ideograph Water Parenthesized Ideograph Water
12845Parenthesized Ideograph Wood Parenthesized Ideograph Wood
12846Parenthesized Ideograph Metal Parenthesized Ideograph Metal
12847Parenthesized Ideograph Earth Parenthesized Ideograph Earth
12848Parenthesized Ideograph Sun Parenthesized Ideograph Sun
12849Parenthesized Ideograph Stock Parenthesized Ideograph Stock
12850Parenthesized Ideograph Have Parenthesized Ideograph Have
12851Parenthesized Ideograph Society Parenthesized Ideograph Society
12852Parenthesized Ideograph Name Parenthesized Ideograph Name
12853Parenthesized Ideograph Special Parenthesized Ideograph Special
12854Parenthesized Ideograph Financial Parenthesized Ideograph Financial
12855Parenthesized Ideograph Congratulation Parenthesized Ideograph Congratulation
12856Parenthesized Ideograph Labor Parenthesized Ideograph Labor
12857Parenthesized Ideograph Represent Parenthesized Ideograph Represent
12858Parenthesized Ideograph Call Parenthesized Ideograph Call
12859Parenthesized Ideograph Study Parenthesized Ideograph Study
12860Parenthesized Ideograph Supervise Parenthesized Ideograph Supervise
12861Parenthesized Ideograph Enterprise Parenthesized Ideograph Enterprise
12862Parenthesized Ideograph Resource Parenthesized Ideograph Resource
12863Parenthesized Ideograph Alliance Parenthesized Ideograph Alliance
12864Parenthesized Ideograph Festival Parenthesized Ideograph Festival
12865Parenthesized Ideograph Rest Parenthesized Ideograph Rest
12866Parenthesized Ideograph Self Parenthesized Ideograph Self
12867Parenthesized Ideograph Reach Parenthesized Ideograph Reach
12868Circled Ideograph Question Circled Ideograph Question
12869Circled Ideograph Kindergarten Circled Ideograph Kindergarten
12870Circled Ideograph School Circled Ideograph School
12871Circled Ideograph Koto Circled Ideograph Koto
12872Circled Number Ten On Black Square Circled Number Ten On Black Square
12873Circled Number Twenty On Black Square Circled Number Twenty On Black Square
12874Circled Number Thirty On Black Square Circled Number Thirty On Black Square
12875Circled Number Forty On Black Square Circled Number Forty On Black Square
12876Circled Number Fifty On Black Square Circled Number Fifty On Black Square
12877Circled Number Sixty On Black Square Circled Number Sixty On Black Square
12878Circled Number Seventy On Black Square Circled Number Seventy On Black Square
12879Circled Number Eighty On Black Square Circled Number Eighty On Black Square
12880Partnership Sign Partnership Sign
12881Circled Number Twenty One Circled Number Twenty One
12882Circled Number Twenty Two Circled Number Twenty Two
12883Circled Number Twenty Three Circled Number Twenty Three
12884Circled Number Twenty Four Circled Number Twenty Four
12885Circled Number Twenty Five Circled Number Twenty Five
12886Circled Number Twenty Six Circled Number Twenty Six
12887Circled Number Twenty Seven Circled Number Twenty Seven
12888Circled Number Twenty Eight Circled Number Twenty Eight
12889Circled Number Twenty Nine Circled Number Twenty Nine
12890Circled Number Thirty Circled Number Thirty
12891Circled Number Thirty One Circled Number Thirty One
12892Circled Number Thirty Two Circled Number Thirty Two
12893Circled Number Thirty Three Circled Number Thirty Three
12894Circled Number Thirty Four Circled Number Thirty Four
12895Circled Number Thirty Five Circled Number Thirty Five
12896Circled Hangul Kiyeok Circled Hangul Kiyeok
12897Circled Hangul Nieun Circled Hangul Nieun
12898Circled Hangul Tikeut Circled Hangul Tikeut
12899Circled Hangul Rieul Circled Hangul Rieul
12900Circled Hangul Mieum Circled Hangul Mieum
12901Circled Hangul Pieup Circled Hangul Pieup
12902Circled Hangul Sios Circled Hangul Sios
12903Circled Hangul Ieung Circled Hangul Ieung
12904Circled Hangul Cieuc Circled Hangul Cieuc
12905Circled Hangul Chieuch Circled Hangul Chieuch
12906Circled Hangul Khieukh Circled Hangul Khieukh
12907Circled Hangul Thieuth Circled Hangul Thieuth
12908Circled Hangul Phieuph Circled Hangul Phieuph
12909Circled Hangul Hieuh Circled Hangul Hieuh
12910Circled Hangul Kiyeok A Circled Hangul Kiyeok A
12911Circled Hangul Nieun A Circled Hangul Nieun A
12912Circled Hangul Tikeut A Circled Hangul Tikeut A
12913Circled Hangul Rieul A Circled Hangul Rieul A
12914Circled Hangul Mieum A Circled Hangul Mieum A
12915Circled Hangul Pieup A Circled Hangul Pieup A
12916Circled Hangul Sios A Circled Hangul Sios A
12917Circled Hangul Ieung A Circled Hangul Ieung A
12918Circled Hangul Cieuc A Circled Hangul Cieuc A
12919Circled Hangul Chieuch A Circled Hangul Chieuch A
12920Circled Hangul Khieukh A Circled Hangul Khieukh A
12921Circled Hangul Thieuth A Circled Hangul Thieuth A
12922Circled Hangul Phieuph A Circled Hangul Phieuph A
12923Circled Hangul Hieuh A Circled Hangul Hieuh A
12924Circled Korean Character Chamko Circled Korean Character Chamko
12925Circled Korean Character Jueui Circled Korean Character Jueui
12926Circled Hangul Ieung U Circled Hangul Ieung U
12927Korean Standard Symbol Korean Standard Symbol
12928Circled Ideograph One Circled Ideograph One
12929Circled Ideograph Two Circled Ideograph Two
12930Circled Ideograph Three Circled Ideograph Three
12931Circled Ideograph Four Circled Ideograph Four
12932Circled Ideograph Five Circled Ideograph Five
12933Circled Ideograph Six Circled Ideograph Six
12934Circled Ideograph Seven Circled Ideograph Seven
12935Circled Ideograph Eight Circled Ideograph Eight
12936Circled Ideograph Nine Circled Ideograph Nine
12937Circled Ideograph Ten Circled Ideograph Ten
12938Circled Ideograph Moon Circled Ideograph Moon
12939Circled Ideograph Fire Circled Ideograph Fire
12940Circled Ideograph Water Circled Ideograph Water
12941Circled Ideograph Wood Circled Ideograph Wood
12942Circled Ideograph Metal Circled Ideograph Metal
12943Circled Ideograph Earth Circled Ideograph Earth
12944Circled Ideograph Sun Circled Ideograph Sun
12945Circled Ideograph Stock Circled Ideograph Stock
12946Circled Ideograph Have Circled Ideograph Have
12947Circled Ideograph Society Circled Ideograph Society
12948Circled Ideograph Name Circled Ideograph Name
12949Circled Ideograph Special Circled Ideograph Special
12950Circled Ideograph Financial Circled Ideograph Financial
12951Circled Ideograph Congratulation Circled Ideograph Congratulation
12952Circled Ideograph Labor Circled Ideograph Labor
12953Circled Ideograph Secret Circled Ideograph Secret
12954Circled Ideograph Male Circled Ideograph Male
12955Circled Ideograph Female Circled Ideograph Female
12956Circled Ideograph Suitable Circled Ideograph Suitable
12957Circled Ideograph Excellent Circled Ideograph Excellent
12958Circled Ideograph Print Circled Ideograph Print
12959Circled Ideograph Attention Circled Ideograph Attention
12960Circled Ideograph Item Circled Ideograph Item
12961Circled Ideograph Rest Circled Ideograph Rest
12962Circled Ideograph Copy Circled Ideograph Copy
12963Circled Ideograph Correct Circled Ideograph Correct
12964Circled Ideograph High Circled Ideograph High
12965Circled Ideograph Centre Circled Ideograph Centre
12966Circled Ideograph Low Circled Ideograph Low
12967Circled Ideograph Left Circled Ideograph Left
12968Circled Ideograph Right Circled Ideograph Right
12969Circled Ideograph Medicine Circled Ideograph Medicine
12970Circled Ideograph Religion Circled Ideograph Religion
12971Circled Ideograph Study Circled Ideograph Study
12972Circled Ideograph Supervise Circled Ideograph Supervise
12973Circled Ideograph Enterprise Circled Ideograph Enterprise
12974Circled Ideograph Resource Circled Ideograph Resource
12975Circled Ideograph Alliance Circled Ideograph Alliance
12976Circled Ideograph Night Circled Ideograph Night
12977Circled Number Thirty Six Circled Number Thirty Six
12978Circled Number Thirty Seven Circled Number Thirty Seven
12979Circled Number Thirty Eight Circled Number Thirty Eight
12980Circled Number Thirty Nine Circled Number Thirty Nine
12981Circled Number Forty Circled Number Forty
12982Circled Number Forty One Circled Number Forty One
12983Circled Number Forty Two Circled Number Forty Two
12984Circled Number Forty Three Circled Number Forty Three
12985Circled Number Forty Four Circled Number Forty Four
12986Circled Number Forty Five Circled Number Forty Five
12987Circled Number Forty Six Circled Number Forty Six
12988Circled Number Forty Seven Circled Number Forty Seven
12989Circled Number Forty Eight Circled Number Forty Eight
12990Circled Number Forty Nine Circled Number Forty Nine
12991Circled Number Fifty Circled Number Fifty
12992Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For January Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For January
12993Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For February Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For February
12994Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For March Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For March
12995Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For April Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For April
12996Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For May Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For May
12997Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For June Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For June
12998Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For July Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For July
12999Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For August Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For August
13000Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For September Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For September
13001Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For October Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For October
13002Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For November Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For November
13003Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For December Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For December
13004Square Hg Square Hg
13005Square Erg Square Erg
13006Square Ev Square Ev
13007Limited Liability Sign Limited Liability Sign
13008Circled Katakana A Circled Katakana A
13009Circled Katakana I Circled Katakana I
13010Circled Katakana U Circled Katakana U
13011Circled Katakana E Circled Katakana E
13012Circled Katakana O Circled Katakana O
13013Circled Katakana Ka Circled Katakana Ka
13014Circled Katakana Ki Circled Katakana Ki
13015Circled Katakana Ku Circled Katakana Ku
13016Circled Katakana Ke Circled Katakana Ke
13017Circled Katakana Ko Circled Katakana Ko
13018Circled Katakana Sa Circled Katakana Sa
13019Circled Katakana Si Circled Katakana Si
13020Circled Katakana Su Circled Katakana Su
13021Circled Katakana Se Circled Katakana Se
13022Circled Katakana So Circled Katakana So
13023Circled Katakana Ta Circled Katakana Ta
13024Circled Katakana Ti Circled Katakana Ti
13025Circled Katakana Tu Circled Katakana Tu
13026Circled Katakana Te Circled Katakana Te
13027Circled Katakana To Circled Katakana To
13028Circled Katakana Na Circled Katakana Na
13029Circled Katakana Ni Circled Katakana Ni
13030Circled Katakana Nu Circled Katakana Nu
13031Circled Katakana Ne Circled Katakana Ne
13032Circled Katakana No Circled Katakana No
13033Circled Katakana Ha Circled Katakana Ha
13034Circled Katakana Hi Circled Katakana Hi
13035Circled Katakana Hu Circled Katakana Hu
13036Circled Katakana He Circled Katakana He
13037Circled Katakana Ho Circled Katakana Ho
13038Circled Katakana Ma Circled Katakana Ma
13039Circled Katakana Mi Circled Katakana Mi
13040Circled Katakana Mu Circled Katakana Mu
13041Circled Katakana Me Circled Katakana Me
13042Circled Katakana Mo Circled Katakana Mo
13043Circled Katakana Ya Circled Katakana Ya
13044Circled Katakana Yu Circled Katakana Yu
13045Circled Katakana Yo Circled Katakana Yo
13046Circled Katakana Ra Circled Katakana Ra
13047Circled Katakana Ri Circled Katakana Ri
13048Circled Katakana Ru Circled Katakana Ru
13049Circled Katakana Re Circled Katakana Re
13050Circled Katakana Ro Circled Katakana Ro
13051Circled Katakana Wa Circled Katakana Wa
13052Circled Katakana Wi Circled Katakana Wi
13053Circled Katakana We Circled Katakana We
13054Circled Katakana Wo Circled Katakana Wo
13056Square Apaato Square Apaato
13057Square Aruhua Square Aruhua
13058Square Anpea Square Anpea
13059Square Aaru Square Aaru
13060Square Iningu Square Iningu
13061Square Inti Square Inti
13062Square Uon Square Uon
13063Square Esukuudo Square Esukuudo
13064Square Eekaa Square Eekaa
13065Square Onsu Square Onsu
13066Square Oomu Square Oomu
13067Square Kairi Square Kairi
13068Square Karatto Square Karatto
13069Square Karorii Square Karorii
13070Square Garon Square Garon
13071Square Ganma Square Ganma
13072Square Giga Square Giga
13073Square Ginii Square Ginii
13074Square Kyurii Square Kyurii
13075Square Girudaa Square Girudaa
13076Square Kiro Square Kiro
13077Square Kiroguramu Square Kiroguramu
13078Square Kiromeetoru Square Kiromeetoru
13079Square Kirowatto Square Kirowatto
13080Square Guramu Square Guramu
13081Square Guramuton Square Guramuton
13082Square Kuruzeiro Square Kuruzeiro
13083Square Kuroone Square Kuroone
13084Square Keesu Square Keesu
13085Square Koruna Square Koruna
13086Square Koopo Square Koopo
13087Square Saikuru Square Saikuru
13088Square Santiimu Square Santiimu
13089Square Siringu Square Siringu
13090Square Senti Square Senti
13091Square Sento Square Sento
13092Square Daasu Square Daasu
13093Square Desi Square Desi
13094Square Doru Square Doru
13095Square Ton Square Ton
13096Square Nano Square Nano
13097Square Notto Square Notto
13098Square Haitu Square Haitu
13099Square Paasento Square Paasento
13100Square Paatu Square Paatu
13101Square Baareru Square Baareru
13102Square Piasutoru Square Piasutoru
13103Square Pikuru Square Pikuru
13104Square Piko Square Piko
13105Square Biru Square Biru
13106Square Huaraddo Square Huaraddo
13107Square Huiito Square Huiito
13108Square Bussyeru Square Bussyeru
13109Square Huran Square Huran
13110Square Hekutaaru Square Hekutaaru
13111Square Peso Square Peso
13112Square Penihi Square Penihi
13113Square Herutu Square Herutu
13114Square Pensu Square Pensu
13115Square Peezi Square Peezi
13116Square Beeta Square Beeta
13117Square Pointo Square Pointo
13118Square Boruto Square Boruto
13119Square Hon Square Hon
13120Square Pondo Square Pondo
13121Square Hooru Square Hooru
13122Square Hoon Square Hoon
13123Square Maikuro Square Maikuro
13124Square Mairu Square Mairu
13125Square Mahha Square Mahha
13126Square Maruku Square Maruku
13127Square Mansyon Square Mansyon
13128Square Mikuron Square Mikuron
13129Square Miri Square Miri
13130Square Miribaaru Square Miribaaru
13131Square Mega Square Mega
13132Square Megaton Square Megaton
13133Square Meetoru Square Meetoru
13134Square Yaado Square Yaado
13135Square Yaaru Square Yaaru
13136Square Yuan Square Yuan
13137Square Rittoru Square Rittoru
13138Square Rira Square Rira
13139Square Rupii Square Rupii
13140Square Ruuburu Square Ruuburu
13141Square Remu Square Remu
13142Square Rentogen Square Rentogen
13143Square Watto Square Watto
13144Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Zero Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Zero
13145Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour One Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour One
13146Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Two Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Two
13147Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Three Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Three
13148Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Four Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Four
13149Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Five Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Five
13150Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Six Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Six
13151Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Seven Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Seven
13152Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eight Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eight
13153Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Nine Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Nine
13154Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Ten Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Ten
13155Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eleven Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eleven
13156Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twelve Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twelve
13157Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Thirteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Thirteen
13158Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fourteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fourteen
13159Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fifteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Fifteen
13160Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Sixteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Sixteen
13161Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Seventeen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Seventeen
13162Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eighteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Eighteen
13163Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Nineteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Nineteen
13164Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty
13165Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-One Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-One
13166Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Two Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Two
13167Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Three Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Three
13168Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Four Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Hour Twenty-Four
13169Square Hpa Square Hpa
13170Square Da Square Da
13171Square Au Square Au
13172Square Bar Square Bar
13173Square Ov Square Ov
13174Square Pc Square Pc
13175Square Dm Square Dm
13176Square Dm Squared Square Dm Squared
13177Square Dm Cubed Square Dm Cubed
13178Square Iu Square Iu
13179Square Era Name Heisei Square Era Name Heisei
13180Square Era Name Syouwa Square Era Name Syouwa
13181Square Era Name Taisyou Square Era Name Taisyou
13182Square Era Name Meizi Square Era Name Meizi
13183Square Corporation Square Corporation
13184Square Pa Amps Square Pa Amps
13185Square Na Square Na
13186Square Mu A Square Mu A
13187Square Ma Square Ma
13188Square Ka Square Ka
13189Square Kb Square Kb
13190Square Mb Square Mb
13191Square Gb Square Gb
13192Square Cal Square Cal
13193Square Kcal Square Kcal
13194Square Pf Square Pf
13195Square Nf Square Nf
13196Square Mu F Square Mu F
13197Square Mu G Square Mu G
13198Square Mg Square Mg
13199Square Kg Square Kg
13200Square Hz Square Hz
13201Square Khz Square Khz
13202Square Mhz Square Mhz
13203Square Ghz Square Ghz
13204Square Thz Square Thz
13205Square Mu L Square Mu L
13206Square Ml Square Ml
13207Square Dl Square Dl
13208Square Kl Square Kl
13209Square Fm Square Fm
13210Square Nm Square Nm
13211Square Mu M Square Mu M
13212Square Mm Square Mm
13213Square Cm Square Cm
13214Square Km Square Km
13215Square Mm Squared Square Mm Squared
13216Square Cm Squared Square Cm Squared
13217Square M Squared Square M Squared
13218Square Km Squared Square Km Squared
13219Square Mm Cubed Square Mm Cubed
13220Square Cm Cubed Square Cm Cubed
13221Square M Cubed Square M Cubed
13222Square Km Cubed Square Km Cubed
13223Square M Over S Square M Over S
13224Square M Over S Squared Square M Over S Squared
13225Square Pa Square Pa
13226Square Kpa Square Kpa
13227Square Mpa Square Mpa
13228Square Gpa Square Gpa
13229Square Rad Square Rad
13230Square Rad Over S Square Rad Over S
13231Square Rad Over S Squared Square Rad Over S Squared
13232Square Ps Square Ps
13233Square Ns Square Ns
13234Square Mu S Square Mu S
13235Square Ms Square Ms
13236Square Pv Square Pv
13237Square Nv Square Nv
13238Square Mu V Square Mu V
13239Square Mv Square Mv
13240Square Kv Square Kv
13241Square Mv Mega Square Mv Mega
13242Square Pw Square Pw
13243Square Nw Square Nw
13244Square Mu W Square Mu W
13245Square Mw Square Mw
13246Square Kw Square Kw
13247Square Mw Mega Square Mw Mega
13248Square K Ohm Square K Ohm
13249Square M Ohm Square M Ohm
13250Square Am Square Am
13251Square Bq Square Bq
13252Square Cc Square Cc
13253Square Cd Square Cd
13254Square C Over Kg Square C Over Kg
13255Square Co Square Co
13256Square Db Square Db
13257Square Gy Square Gy
13258Square Ha Square Ha
13259Square Hp Square Hp
13260Square In Square In
13261Square Kk Square Kk
13262Square Km Capital Square Km Capital
13263Square Kt Square Kt
13264Square Lm Square Lm
13265Square Ln Square Ln
13266Square Log Square Log
13267Square Lx Square Lx
13268Square Mb Small Square Mb Small
13269Square Mil Square Mil
13270Square Mol Square Mol
13271Square Ph Square Ph
13272Square Pm Square Pm
13273Square Ppm Square Ppm
13274Square Pr Square Pr
13275Square Sr Square Sr
13276Square Sv Square Sv
13277Square Wb Square Wb
13278Square V Over M Square V Over M
13279Square A Over M Square A Over M
13280Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day One Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day One
13281Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Two Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Two
13282Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Three Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Three
13283Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Four Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Four
13284Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Five Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Five
13285Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Six Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Six
13286Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Seven Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Seven
13287Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eight Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eight
13288Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Nine Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Nine
13289Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Ten Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Ten
13290Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eleven Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eleven
13291Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twelve Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twelve
13292Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirteen
13293Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fourteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fourteen
13294Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fifteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Fifteen
13295Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Sixteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Sixteen
13296Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Seventeen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Seventeen
13297Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eighteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Eighteen
13298Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Nineteen Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Nineteen
13299Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty
13300Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-One Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-One
13301Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Two Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Two
13302Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Three Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Three
13303Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Four Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Four
13304Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Five Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Five
13305Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Six Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Six
13306Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Seven Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Seven
13307Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Eight Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Eight
13308Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Nine Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Twenty-Nine
13309Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty
13310Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty-One Ideographic Telegraph Symbol For Day Thirty-One
13311Square Gal Square Gal
13312CJK Ideograph Extension A CJK Ideograph Extension A
19904Hexagram For The Creative Heaven Hexagram For The Creative Heaven
19905Hexagram For The Receptive Earth Hexagram For The Receptive Earth
19906Hexagram For Difficulty At The Beginning Hexagram For Difficulty At The Beginning
19907Hexagram For Youthful Folly Hexagram For Youthful Folly
19908Hexagram For Waiting Hexagram For Waiting
19909Hexagram For Conflict Hexagram For Conflict
19910Hexagram For The Army Hexagram For The Army
19911Hexagram For Holding Together Hexagram For Holding Together
19912Hexagram For Small Taming Hexagram For Small Taming
19913Hexagram For Treading Hexagram For Treading
19914Hexagram For Peace Hexagram For Peace
19915Hexagram For Standstill Hexagram For Standstill
19916Hexagram For Fellowship Hexagram For Fellowship
19917Hexagram For Great Possession Hexagram For Great Possession
19918Hexagram For Modesty Hexagram For Modesty
19919Hexagram For Enthusiasm Hexagram For Enthusiasm
19920Hexagram For Following Hexagram For Following
19921Hexagram For Work On The Decayed Hexagram For Work On The Decayed
19922Hexagram For Approach Hexagram For Approach
19923Hexagram For Contemplation Hexagram For Contemplation
19924Hexagram For Biting Through Hexagram For Biting Through
19925Hexagram For Grace Hexagram For Grace
19926Hexagram For Splitting Apart Hexagram For Splitting Apart
19927Hexagram For Return Hexagram For Return
19928Hexagram For Innocence Hexagram For Innocence
19929Hexagram For Great Taming Hexagram For Great Taming
19930Hexagram For Mouth Corners Hexagram For Mouth Corners
19931Hexagram For Great Preponderance Hexagram For Great Preponderance
19932Hexagram For The Abysmal Water Hexagram For The Abysmal Water
19933Hexagram For The Clinging Fire Hexagram For The Clinging Fire
19934Hexagram For Influence Hexagram For Influence
19935Hexagram For Duration Hexagram For Duration
19936Hexagram For Retreat Hexagram For Retreat
19937Hexagram For Great Power Hexagram For Great Power
19938Hexagram For Progress Hexagram For Progress
19939Hexagram For Darkening Of The Light Hexagram For Darkening Of The Light
19940Hexagram For The Family Hexagram For The Family
19941Hexagram For Opposition Hexagram For Opposition
19942Hexagram For Obstruction Hexagram For Obstruction
19943Hexagram For Deliverance Hexagram For Deliverance
19944Hexagram For Decrease Hexagram For Decrease
19945Hexagram For Increase Hexagram For Increase
19946Hexagram For Breakthrough Hexagram For Breakthrough
19947Hexagram For Coming To Meet Hexagram For Coming To Meet
19948Hexagram For Gathering Together Hexagram For Gathering Together
19949Hexagram For Pushing Upward Hexagram For Pushing Upward
19950Hexagram For Oppression Hexagram For Oppression
19951Hexagram For The Well Hexagram For The Well
19952Hexagram For Revolution Hexagram For Revolution
19953Hexagram For The Cauldron Hexagram For The Cauldron
19954Hexagram For The Arousing Thunder Hexagram For The Arousing Thunder
19955Hexagram For The Keeping Still Mountain Hexagram For The Keeping Still Mountain
19956Hexagram For Development Hexagram For Development
19957Hexagram For The Marrying Maiden Hexagram For The Marrying Maiden
19958Hexagram For Abundance Hexagram For Abundance
19959Hexagram For The Wanderer Hexagram For The Wanderer
19960Hexagram For The Gentle Wind Hexagram For The Gentle Wind
19961Hexagram For The Joyous Lake Hexagram For The Joyous Lake
19962Hexagram For Dispersion Hexagram For Dispersion
19963Hexagram For Limitation Hexagram For Limitation
19964Hexagram For Inner Truth Hexagram For Inner Truth
19965Hexagram For Small Preponderance Hexagram For Small Preponderance
19966Hexagram For After Completion Hexagram For After Completion
19967Hexagram For Before Completion Hexagram For Before Completion
19968CJK Ideograph CJK Ideograph
40960Yi Syllable It Yi Syllable It
40961Yi Syllable Ix Yi Syllable Ix
40962Yi Syllable I Yi Syllable I
40963Yi Syllable Ip Yi Syllable Ip
40964Yi Syllable Iet Yi Syllable Iet
40965Yi Syllable Iex Yi Syllable Iex
40966Yi Syllable Ie Yi Syllable Ie
40967Yi Syllable Iep Yi Syllable Iep
40968Yi Syllable At Yi Syllable At
40969Yi Syllable Ax Yi Syllable Ax
40970Yi Syllable A Yi Syllable A
40971Yi Syllable Ap Yi Syllable Ap
40972Yi Syllable Uox Yi Syllable Uox
40973Yi Syllable Uo Yi Syllable Uo
40974Yi Syllable Uop Yi Syllable Uop
40975Yi Syllable Ot Yi Syllable Ot
40976Yi Syllable Ox Yi Syllable Ox
40977Yi Syllable O Yi Syllable O
40978Yi Syllable Op Yi Syllable Op
40979Yi Syllable Ex Yi Syllable Ex
40980Yi Syllable E Yi Syllable E
40981Yi Syllable Wu Yi Syllable Wu
40982Yi Syllable Bit Yi Syllable Bit
40983Yi Syllable Bix Yi Syllable Bix
40984Yi Syllable Bi Yi Syllable Bi
40985Yi Syllable Bip Yi Syllable Bip
40986Yi Syllable Biet Yi Syllable Biet
40987Yi Syllable Biex Yi Syllable Biex
40988Yi Syllable Bie Yi Syllable Bie
40989Yi Syllable Biep Yi Syllable Biep
40990Yi Syllable Bat Yi Syllable Bat
40991Yi Syllable Bax Yi Syllable Bax
40992Yi Syllable Ba Yi Syllable Ba
40993Yi Syllable Bap Yi Syllable Bap
40994Yi Syllable Buox Yi Syllable Buox
40995Yi Syllable Buo Yi Syllable Buo
40996Yi Syllable Buop Yi Syllable Buop
40997Yi Syllable Bot Yi Syllable Bot
40998Yi Syllable Box Yi Syllable Box
40999Yi Syllable Bo Yi Syllable Bo
41000Yi Syllable Bop Yi Syllable Bop
41001Yi Syllable Bex Yi Syllable Bex
41002Yi Syllable Be Yi Syllable Be
41003Yi Syllable Bep Yi Syllable Bep
41004Yi Syllable But Yi Syllable But
41005Yi Syllable Bux Yi Syllable Bux
41006Yi Syllable Bu Yi Syllable Bu
41007Yi Syllable Bup Yi Syllable Bup
41008Yi Syllable Burx Yi Syllable Burx
41009Yi Syllable Bur Yi Syllable Bur
41010Yi Syllable Byt Yi Syllable Byt
41011Yi Syllable Byx Yi Syllable Byx
41012Yi Syllable By Yi Syllable By
41013Yi Syllable Byp Yi Syllable Byp
41014Yi Syllable Byrx Yi Syllable Byrx
41015Yi Syllable Byr Yi Syllable Byr
41016Yi Syllable Pit Yi Syllable Pit
41017Yi Syllable Pix Yi Syllable Pix
41018Yi Syllable Pi Yi Syllable Pi
41019Yi Syllable Pip Yi Syllable Pip
41020Yi Syllable Piex Yi Syllable Piex
41021Yi Syllable Pie Yi Syllable Pie
41022Yi Syllable Piep Yi Syllable Piep
41023Yi Syllable Pat Yi Syllable Pat
41024Yi Syllable Pax Yi Syllable Pax
41025Yi Syllable Pa Yi Syllable Pa
41026Yi Syllable Pap Yi Syllable Pap
41027Yi Syllable Puox Yi Syllable Puox
41028Yi Syllable Puo Yi Syllable Puo
41029Yi Syllable Puop Yi Syllable Puop
41030Yi Syllable Pot Yi Syllable Pot
41031Yi Syllable Pox Yi Syllable Pox
41032Yi Syllable Po Yi Syllable Po
41033Yi Syllable Pop Yi Syllable Pop
41034Yi Syllable Put Yi Syllable Put
41035Yi Syllable Pux Yi Syllable Pux
41036Yi Syllable Pu Yi Syllable Pu
41037Yi Syllable Pup Yi Syllable Pup
41038Yi Syllable Purx Yi Syllable Purx
41039Yi Syllable Pur Yi Syllable Pur
41040Yi Syllable Pyt Yi Syllable Pyt
41041Yi Syllable Pyx Yi Syllable Pyx
41042Yi Syllable Py Yi Syllable Py
41043Yi Syllable Pyp Yi Syllable Pyp
41044Yi Syllable Pyrx Yi Syllable Pyrx
41045Yi Syllable Pyr Yi Syllable Pyr
41046Yi Syllable Bbit Yi Syllable Bbit
41047Yi Syllable Bbix Yi Syllable Bbix
41048Yi Syllable Bbi Yi Syllable Bbi
41049Yi Syllable Bbip Yi Syllable Bbip
41050Yi Syllable Bbiet Yi Syllable Bbiet
41051Yi Syllable Bbiex Yi Syllable Bbiex
41052Yi Syllable Bbie Yi Syllable Bbie
41053Yi Syllable Bbiep Yi Syllable Bbiep
41054Yi Syllable Bbat Yi Syllable Bbat
41055Yi Syllable Bbax Yi Syllable Bbax
41056Yi Syllable Bba Yi Syllable Bba
41057Yi Syllable Bbap Yi Syllable Bbap
41058Yi Syllable Bbuox Yi Syllable Bbuox
41059Yi Syllable Bbuo Yi Syllable Bbuo
41060Yi Syllable Bbuop Yi Syllable Bbuop
41061Yi Syllable Bbot Yi Syllable Bbot
41062Yi Syllable Bbox Yi Syllable Bbox
41063Yi Syllable Bbo Yi Syllable Bbo
41064Yi Syllable Bbop Yi Syllable Bbop
41065Yi Syllable Bbex Yi Syllable Bbex
41066Yi Syllable Bbe Yi Syllable Bbe
41067Yi Syllable Bbep Yi Syllable Bbep
41068Yi Syllable Bbut Yi Syllable Bbut
41069Yi Syllable Bbux Yi Syllable Bbux
41070Yi Syllable Bbu Yi Syllable Bbu
41071Yi Syllable Bbup Yi Syllable Bbup
41072Yi Syllable Bburx Yi Syllable Bburx
41073Yi Syllable Bbur Yi Syllable Bbur
41074Yi Syllable Bbyt Yi Syllable Bbyt
41075Yi Syllable Bbyx Yi Syllable Bbyx
41076Yi Syllable Bby Yi Syllable Bby
41077Yi Syllable Bbyp Yi Syllable Bbyp
41078Yi Syllable Nbit Yi Syllable Nbit
41079Yi Syllable Nbix Yi Syllable Nbix
41080Yi Syllable Nbi Yi Syllable Nbi
41081Yi Syllable Nbip Yi Syllable Nbip
41082Yi Syllable Nbiex Yi Syllable Nbiex
41083Yi Syllable Nbie Yi Syllable Nbie
41084Yi Syllable Nbiep Yi Syllable Nbiep
41085Yi Syllable Nbat Yi Syllable Nbat
41086Yi Syllable Nbax Yi Syllable Nbax
41087Yi Syllable Nba Yi Syllable Nba
41088Yi Syllable Nbap Yi Syllable Nbap
41089Yi Syllable Nbot Yi Syllable Nbot
41090Yi Syllable Nbox Yi Syllable Nbox
41091Yi Syllable Nbo Yi Syllable Nbo
41092Yi Syllable Nbop Yi Syllable Nbop
41093Yi Syllable Nbut Yi Syllable Nbut
41094Yi Syllable Nbux Yi Syllable Nbux
41095Yi Syllable Nbu Yi Syllable Nbu
41096Yi Syllable Nbup Yi Syllable Nbup
41097Yi Syllable Nburx Yi Syllable Nburx
41098Yi Syllable Nbur Yi Syllable Nbur
41099Yi Syllable Nbyt Yi Syllable Nbyt
41100Yi Syllable Nbyx Yi Syllable Nbyx
41101Yi Syllable Nby Yi Syllable Nby
41102Yi Syllable Nbyp Yi Syllable Nbyp
41103Yi Syllable Nbyrx Yi Syllable Nbyrx
41104Yi Syllable Nbyr Yi Syllable Nbyr
41105Yi Syllable Hmit Yi Syllable Hmit
41106Yi Syllable Hmix Yi Syllable Hmix
41107Yi Syllable Hmi Yi Syllable Hmi
41108Yi Syllable Hmip Yi Syllable Hmip
41109Yi Syllable Hmiex Yi Syllable Hmiex
41110Yi Syllable Hmie Yi Syllable Hmie
41111Yi Syllable Hmiep Yi Syllable Hmiep
41112Yi Syllable Hmat Yi Syllable Hmat
41113Yi Syllable Hmax Yi Syllable Hmax
41114Yi Syllable Hma Yi Syllable Hma
41115Yi Syllable Hmap Yi Syllable Hmap
41116Yi Syllable Hmuox Yi Syllable Hmuox
41117Yi Syllable Hmuo Yi Syllable Hmuo
41118Yi Syllable Hmuop Yi Syllable Hmuop
41119Yi Syllable Hmot Yi Syllable Hmot
41120Yi Syllable Hmox Yi Syllable Hmox
41121Yi Syllable Hmo Yi Syllable Hmo
41122Yi Syllable Hmop Yi Syllable Hmop
41123Yi Syllable Hmut Yi Syllable Hmut
41124Yi Syllable Hmux Yi Syllable Hmux
41125Yi Syllable Hmu Yi Syllable Hmu
41126Yi Syllable Hmup Yi Syllable Hmup
41127Yi Syllable Hmurx Yi Syllable Hmurx
41128Yi Syllable Hmur Yi Syllable Hmur
41129Yi Syllable Hmyx Yi Syllable Hmyx
41130Yi Syllable Hmy Yi Syllable Hmy
41131Yi Syllable Hmyp Yi Syllable Hmyp
41132Yi Syllable Hmyrx Yi Syllable Hmyrx
41133Yi Syllable Hmyr Yi Syllable Hmyr
41134Yi Syllable Mit Yi Syllable Mit
41135Yi Syllable Mix Yi Syllable Mix
41136Yi Syllable Mi Yi Syllable Mi
41137Yi Syllable Mip Yi Syllable Mip
41138Yi Syllable Miex Yi Syllable Miex
41139Yi Syllable Mie Yi Syllable Mie
41140Yi Syllable Miep Yi Syllable Miep
41141Yi Syllable Mat Yi Syllable Mat
41142Yi Syllable Max Yi Syllable Max
41143Yi Syllable Ma Yi Syllable Ma
41144Yi Syllable Map Yi Syllable Map
41145Yi Syllable Muot Yi Syllable Muot
41146Yi Syllable Muox Yi Syllable Muox
41147Yi Syllable Muo Yi Syllable Muo
41148Yi Syllable Muop Yi Syllable Muop
41149Yi Syllable Mot Yi Syllable Mot
41150Yi Syllable Mox Yi Syllable Mox
41151Yi Syllable Mo Yi Syllable Mo
41152Yi Syllable Mop Yi Syllable Mop
41153Yi Syllable Mex Yi Syllable Mex
41154Yi Syllable Me Yi Syllable Me
41155Yi Syllable Mut Yi Syllable Mut
41156Yi Syllable Mux Yi Syllable Mux
41157Yi Syllable Mu Yi Syllable Mu
41158Yi Syllable Mup Yi Syllable Mup
41159Yi Syllable Murx Yi Syllable Murx
41160Yi Syllable Mur Yi Syllable Mur
41161Yi Syllable Myt Yi Syllable Myt
41162Yi Syllable Myx Yi Syllable Myx
41163Yi Syllable My Yi Syllable My
41164Yi Syllable Myp Yi Syllable Myp
41165Yi Syllable Fit Yi Syllable Fit
41166Yi Syllable Fix Yi Syllable Fix
41167Yi Syllable Fi Yi Syllable Fi
41168Yi Syllable Fip Yi Syllable Fip
41169Yi Syllable Fat Yi Syllable Fat
41170Yi Syllable Fax Yi Syllable Fax
41171Yi Syllable Fa Yi Syllable Fa
41172Yi Syllable Fap Yi Syllable Fap
41173Yi Syllable Fox Yi Syllable Fox
41174Yi Syllable Fo Yi Syllable Fo
41175Yi Syllable Fop Yi Syllable Fop
41176Yi Syllable Fut Yi Syllable Fut
41177Yi Syllable Fux Yi Syllable Fux
41178Yi Syllable Fu Yi Syllable Fu
41179Yi Syllable Fup Yi Syllable Fup
41180Yi Syllable Furx Yi Syllable Furx
41181Yi Syllable Fur Yi Syllable Fur
41182Yi Syllable Fyt Yi Syllable Fyt
41183Yi Syllable Fyx Yi Syllable Fyx
41184Yi Syllable Fy Yi Syllable Fy
41185Yi Syllable Fyp Yi Syllable Fyp
41186Yi Syllable Vit Yi Syllable Vit
41187Yi Syllable Vix Yi Syllable Vix
41188Yi Syllable Vi Yi Syllable Vi
41189Yi Syllable Vip Yi Syllable Vip
41190Yi Syllable Viet Yi Syllable Viet
41191Yi Syllable Viex Yi Syllable Viex
41192Yi Syllable Vie Yi Syllable Vie
41193Yi Syllable Viep Yi Syllable Viep
41194Yi Syllable Vat Yi Syllable Vat
41195Yi Syllable Vax Yi Syllable Vax
41196Yi Syllable Va Yi Syllable Va
41197Yi Syllable Vap Yi Syllable Vap
41198Yi Syllable Vot Yi Syllable Vot
41199Yi Syllable Vox Yi Syllable Vox
41200Yi Syllable Vo Yi Syllable Vo
41201Yi Syllable Vop Yi Syllable Vop
41202Yi Syllable Vex Yi Syllable Vex
41203Yi Syllable Vep Yi Syllable Vep
41204Yi Syllable Vut Yi Syllable Vut
41205Yi Syllable Vux Yi Syllable Vux
41206Yi Syllable Vu Yi Syllable Vu
41207Yi Syllable Vup Yi Syllable Vup
41208Yi Syllable Vurx Yi Syllable Vurx
41209Yi Syllable Vur Yi Syllable Vur
41210Yi Syllable Vyt Yi Syllable Vyt
41211Yi Syllable Vyx Yi Syllable Vyx
41212Yi Syllable Vy Yi Syllable Vy
41213Yi Syllable Vyp Yi Syllable Vyp
41214Yi Syllable Vyrx Yi Syllable Vyrx
41215Yi Syllable Vyr Yi Syllable Vyr
41216Yi Syllable Dit Yi Syllable Dit
41217Yi Syllable Dix Yi Syllable Dix
41218Yi Syllable Di Yi Syllable Di
41219Yi Syllable Dip Yi Syllable Dip
41220Yi Syllable Diex Yi Syllable Diex
41221Yi Syllable Die Yi Syllable Die
41222Yi Syllable Diep Yi Syllable Diep
41223Yi Syllable Dat Yi Syllable Dat
41224Yi Syllable Dax Yi Syllable Dax
41225Yi Syllable Da Yi Syllable Da
41226Yi Syllable Dap Yi Syllable Dap
41227Yi Syllable Duox Yi Syllable Duox
41228Yi Syllable Duo Yi Syllable Duo
41229Yi Syllable Dot Yi Syllable Dot
41230Yi Syllable Dox Yi Syllable Dox
41231Yi Syllable Do Yi Syllable Do
41232Yi Syllable Dop Yi Syllable Dop
41233Yi Syllable Dex Yi Syllable Dex
41234Yi Syllable De Yi Syllable De
41235Yi Syllable Dep Yi Syllable Dep
41236Yi Syllable Dut Yi Syllable Dut
41237Yi Syllable Dux Yi Syllable Dux
41238Yi Syllable Du Yi Syllable Du
41239Yi Syllable Dup Yi Syllable Dup
41240Yi Syllable Durx Yi Syllable Durx
41241Yi Syllable Dur Yi Syllable Dur
41242Yi Syllable Tit Yi Syllable Tit
41243Yi Syllable Tix Yi Syllable Tix
41244Yi Syllable Ti Yi Syllable Ti
41245Yi Syllable Tip Yi Syllable Tip
41246Yi Syllable Tiex Yi Syllable Tiex
41247Yi Syllable Tie Yi Syllable Tie
41248Yi Syllable Tiep Yi Syllable Tiep
41249Yi Syllable Tat Yi Syllable Tat
41250Yi Syllable Tax Yi Syllable Tax
41251Yi Syllable Ta Yi Syllable Ta
41252Yi Syllable Tap Yi Syllable Tap
41253Yi Syllable Tuot Yi Syllable Tuot
41254Yi Syllable Tuox Yi Syllable Tuox
41255Yi Syllable Tuo Yi Syllable Tuo
41256Yi Syllable Tuop Yi Syllable Tuop
41257Yi Syllable Tot Yi Syllable Tot
41258Yi Syllable Tox Yi Syllable Tox
41259Yi Syllable To Yi Syllable To
41260Yi Syllable Top Yi Syllable Top
41261Yi Syllable Tex Yi Syllable Tex
41262Yi Syllable Te Yi Syllable Te
41263Yi Syllable Tep Yi Syllable Tep
41264Yi Syllable Tut Yi Syllable Tut
41265Yi Syllable Tux Yi Syllable Tux
41266Yi Syllable Tu Yi Syllable Tu
41267Yi Syllable Tup Yi Syllable Tup
41268Yi Syllable Turx Yi Syllable Turx
41269Yi Syllable Tur Yi Syllable Tur
41270Yi Syllable Ddit Yi Syllable Ddit
41271Yi Syllable Ddix Yi Syllable Ddix
41272Yi Syllable Ddi Yi Syllable Ddi
41273Yi Syllable Ddip Yi Syllable Ddip
41274Yi Syllable Ddiex Yi Syllable Ddiex
41275Yi Syllable Ddie Yi Syllable Ddie
41276Yi Syllable Ddiep Yi Syllable Ddiep
41277Yi Syllable Ddat Yi Syllable Ddat
41278Yi Syllable Ddax Yi Syllable Ddax
41279Yi Syllable Dda Yi Syllable Dda
41280Yi Syllable Ddap Yi Syllable Ddap
41281Yi Syllable Dduox Yi Syllable Dduox
41282Yi Syllable Dduo Yi Syllable Dduo
41283Yi Syllable Dduop Yi Syllable Dduop
41284Yi Syllable Ddot Yi Syllable Ddot
41285Yi Syllable Ddox Yi Syllable Ddox
41286Yi Syllable Ddo Yi Syllable Ddo
41287Yi Syllable Ddop Yi Syllable Ddop
41288Yi Syllable Ddex Yi Syllable Ddex
41289Yi Syllable Dde Yi Syllable Dde
41290Yi Syllable Ddep Yi Syllable Ddep
41291Yi Syllable Ddut Yi Syllable Ddut
41292Yi Syllable Ddux Yi Syllable Ddux
41293Yi Syllable Ddu Yi Syllable Ddu
41294Yi Syllable Ddup Yi Syllable Ddup
41295Yi Syllable Ddurx Yi Syllable Ddurx
41296Yi Syllable Ddur Yi Syllable Ddur
41297Yi Syllable Ndit Yi Syllable Ndit
41298Yi Syllable Ndix Yi Syllable Ndix
41299Yi Syllable Ndi Yi Syllable Ndi
41300Yi Syllable Ndip Yi Syllable Ndip
41301Yi Syllable Ndiex Yi Syllable Ndiex
41302Yi Syllable Ndie Yi Syllable Ndie
41303Yi Syllable Ndat Yi Syllable Ndat
41304Yi Syllable Ndax Yi Syllable Ndax
41305Yi Syllable Nda Yi Syllable Nda
41306Yi Syllable Ndap Yi Syllable Ndap
41307Yi Syllable Ndot Yi Syllable Ndot
41308Yi Syllable Ndox Yi Syllable Ndox
41309Yi Syllable Ndo Yi Syllable Ndo
41310Yi Syllable Ndop Yi Syllable Ndop
41311Yi Syllable Ndex Yi Syllable Ndex
41312Yi Syllable Nde Yi Syllable Nde
41313Yi Syllable Ndep Yi Syllable Ndep
41314Yi Syllable Ndut Yi Syllable Ndut
41315Yi Syllable Ndux Yi Syllable Ndux
41316Yi Syllable Ndu Yi Syllable Ndu
41317Yi Syllable Ndup Yi Syllable Ndup
41318Yi Syllable Ndurx Yi Syllable Ndurx
41319Yi Syllable Ndur Yi Syllable Ndur
41320Yi Syllable Hnit Yi Syllable Hnit
41321Yi Syllable Hnix Yi Syllable Hnix
41322Yi Syllable Hni Yi Syllable Hni
41323Yi Syllable Hnip Yi Syllable Hnip
41324Yi Syllable Hniet Yi Syllable Hniet
41325Yi Syllable Hniex Yi Syllable Hniex
41326Yi Syllable Hnie Yi Syllable Hnie
41327Yi Syllable Hniep Yi Syllable Hniep
41328Yi Syllable Hnat Yi Syllable Hnat
41329Yi Syllable Hnax Yi Syllable Hnax
41330Yi Syllable Hna Yi Syllable Hna
41331Yi Syllable Hnap Yi Syllable Hnap
41332Yi Syllable Hnuox Yi Syllable Hnuox
41333Yi Syllable Hnuo Yi Syllable Hnuo
41334Yi Syllable Hnot Yi Syllable Hnot
41335Yi Syllable Hnox Yi Syllable Hnox
41336Yi Syllable Hnop Yi Syllable Hnop
41337Yi Syllable Hnex Yi Syllable Hnex
41338Yi Syllable Hne Yi Syllable Hne
41339Yi Syllable Hnep Yi Syllable Hnep
41340Yi Syllable Hnut Yi Syllable Hnut
41341Yi Syllable Nit Yi Syllable Nit
41342Yi Syllable Nix Yi Syllable Nix
41343Yi Syllable Ni Yi Syllable Ni
41344Yi Syllable Nip Yi Syllable Nip
41345Yi Syllable Niex Yi Syllable Niex
41346Yi Syllable Nie Yi Syllable Nie
41347Yi Syllable Niep Yi Syllable Niep
41348Yi Syllable Nax Yi Syllable Nax
41349Yi Syllable Na Yi Syllable Na
41350Yi Syllable Nap Yi Syllable Nap
41351Yi Syllable Nuox Yi Syllable Nuox
41352Yi Syllable Nuo Yi Syllable Nuo
41353Yi Syllable Nuop Yi Syllable Nuop
41354Yi Syllable Not Yi Syllable Not
41355Yi Syllable Nox Yi Syllable Nox
41356Yi Syllable No Yi Syllable No
41357Yi Syllable Nop Yi Syllable Nop
41358Yi Syllable Nex Yi Syllable Nex
41359Yi Syllable Ne Yi Syllable Ne
41360Yi Syllable Nep Yi Syllable Nep
41361Yi Syllable Nut Yi Syllable Nut
41362Yi Syllable Nux Yi Syllable Nux
41363Yi Syllable Nu Yi Syllable Nu
41364Yi Syllable Nup Yi Syllable Nup
41365Yi Syllable Nurx Yi Syllable Nurx
41366Yi Syllable Nur Yi Syllable Nur
41367Yi Syllable Hlit Yi Syllable Hlit
41368Yi Syllable Hlix Yi Syllable Hlix
41369Yi Syllable Hli Yi Syllable Hli
41370Yi Syllable Hlip Yi Syllable Hlip
41371Yi Syllable Hliex Yi Syllable Hliex
41372Yi Syllable Hlie Yi Syllable Hlie
41373Yi Syllable Hliep Yi Syllable Hliep
41374Yi Syllable Hlat Yi Syllable Hlat
41375Yi Syllable Hlax Yi Syllable Hlax
41376Yi Syllable Hla Yi Syllable Hla
41377Yi Syllable Hlap Yi Syllable Hlap
41378Yi Syllable Hluox Yi Syllable Hluox
41379Yi Syllable Hluo Yi Syllable Hluo
41380Yi Syllable Hluop Yi Syllable Hluop
41381Yi Syllable Hlox Yi Syllable Hlox
41382Yi Syllable Hlo Yi Syllable Hlo
41383Yi Syllable Hlop Yi Syllable Hlop
41384Yi Syllable Hlex Yi Syllable Hlex
41385Yi Syllable Hle Yi Syllable Hle
41386Yi Syllable Hlep Yi Syllable Hlep
41387Yi Syllable Hlut Yi Syllable Hlut
41388Yi Syllable Hlux Yi Syllable Hlux
41389Yi Syllable Hlu Yi Syllable Hlu
41390Yi Syllable Hlup Yi Syllable Hlup
41391Yi Syllable Hlurx Yi Syllable Hlurx
41392Yi Syllable Hlur Yi Syllable Hlur
41393Yi Syllable Hlyt Yi Syllable Hlyt
41394Yi Syllable Hlyx Yi Syllable Hlyx
41395Yi Syllable Hly Yi Syllable Hly
41396Yi Syllable Hlyp Yi Syllable Hlyp
41397Yi Syllable Hlyrx Yi Syllable Hlyrx
41398Yi Syllable Hlyr Yi Syllable Hlyr
41399Yi Syllable Lit Yi Syllable Lit
41400Yi Syllable Lix Yi Syllable Lix
41401Yi Syllable Li Yi Syllable Li
41402Yi Syllable Lip Yi Syllable Lip
41403Yi Syllable Liet Yi Syllable Liet
41404Yi Syllable Liex Yi Syllable Liex
41405Yi Syllable Lie Yi Syllable Lie
41406Yi Syllable Liep Yi Syllable Liep
41407Yi Syllable Lat Yi Syllable Lat
41408Yi Syllable Lax Yi Syllable Lax
41409Yi Syllable La Yi Syllable La
41410Yi Syllable Lap Yi Syllable Lap
41411Yi Syllable Luot Yi Syllable Luot
41412Yi Syllable Luox Yi Syllable Luox
41413Yi Syllable Luo Yi Syllable Luo
41414Yi Syllable Luop Yi Syllable Luop
41415Yi Syllable Lot Yi Syllable Lot
41416Yi Syllable Lox Yi Syllable Lox
41417Yi Syllable Lo Yi Syllable Lo
41418Yi Syllable Lop Yi Syllable Lop
41419Yi Syllable Lex Yi Syllable Lex
41420Yi Syllable Le Yi Syllable Le
41421Yi Syllable Lep Yi Syllable Lep
41422Yi Syllable Lut Yi Syllable Lut
41423Yi Syllable Lux Yi Syllable Lux
41424Yi Syllable Lu Yi Syllable Lu
41425Yi Syllable Lup Yi Syllable Lup
41426Yi Syllable Lurx Yi Syllable Lurx
41427Yi Syllable Lur Yi Syllable Lur
41428Yi Syllable Lyt Yi Syllable Lyt
41429Yi Syllable Lyx Yi Syllable Lyx
41430Yi Syllable Ly Yi Syllable Ly
41431Yi Syllable Lyp Yi Syllable Lyp
41432Yi Syllable Lyrx Yi Syllable Lyrx
41433Yi Syllable Lyr Yi Syllable Lyr
41434Yi Syllable Git Yi Syllable Git
41435Yi Syllable Gix Yi Syllable Gix
41436Yi Syllable Gi Yi Syllable Gi
41437Yi Syllable Gip Yi Syllable Gip
41438Yi Syllable Giet Yi Syllable Giet
41439Yi Syllable Giex Yi Syllable Giex
41440Yi Syllable Gie Yi Syllable Gie
41441Yi Syllable Giep Yi Syllable Giep
41442Yi Syllable Gat Yi Syllable Gat
41443Yi Syllable Gax Yi Syllable Gax
41444Yi Syllable Ga Yi Syllable Ga
41445Yi Syllable Gap Yi Syllable Gap
41446Yi Syllable Guot Yi Syllable Guot
41447Yi Syllable Guox Yi Syllable Guox
41448Yi Syllable Guo Yi Syllable Guo
41449Yi Syllable Guop Yi Syllable Guop
41450Yi Syllable Got Yi Syllable Got
41451Yi Syllable Gox Yi Syllable Gox
41452Yi Syllable Go Yi Syllable Go
41453Yi Syllable Gop Yi Syllable Gop
41454Yi Syllable Get Yi Syllable Get
41455Yi Syllable Gex Yi Syllable Gex
41456Yi Syllable Ge Yi Syllable Ge
41457Yi Syllable Gep Yi Syllable Gep
41458Yi Syllable Gut Yi Syllable Gut
41459Yi Syllable Gux Yi Syllable Gux
41460Yi Syllable Gu Yi Syllable Gu
41461Yi Syllable Gup Yi Syllable Gup
41462Yi Syllable Gurx Yi Syllable Gurx
41463Yi Syllable Gur Yi Syllable Gur
41464Yi Syllable Kit Yi Syllable Kit
41465Yi Syllable Kix Yi Syllable Kix
41466Yi Syllable Ki Yi Syllable Ki
41467Yi Syllable Kip Yi Syllable Kip
41468Yi Syllable Kiex Yi Syllable Kiex
41469Yi Syllable Kie Yi Syllable Kie
41470Yi Syllable Kiep Yi Syllable Kiep
41471Yi Syllable Kat Yi Syllable Kat
41472Yi Syllable Kax Yi Syllable Kax
41473Yi Syllable Ka Yi Syllable Ka
41474Yi Syllable Kap Yi Syllable Kap
41475Yi Syllable Kuox Yi Syllable Kuox
41476Yi Syllable Kuo Yi Syllable Kuo
41477Yi Syllable Kuop Yi Syllable Kuop
41478Yi Syllable Kot Yi Syllable Kot
41479Yi Syllable Kox Yi Syllable Kox
41480Yi Syllable Ko Yi Syllable Ko
41481Yi Syllable Kop Yi Syllable Kop
41482Yi Syllable Ket Yi Syllable Ket
41483Yi Syllable Kex Yi Syllable Kex
41484Yi Syllable Ke Yi Syllable Ke
41485Yi Syllable Kep Yi Syllable Kep
41486Yi Syllable Kut Yi Syllable Kut
41487Yi Syllable Kux Yi Syllable Kux
41488Yi Syllable Ku Yi Syllable Ku
41489Yi Syllable Kup Yi Syllable Kup
41490Yi Syllable Kurx Yi Syllable Kurx
41491Yi Syllable Kur Yi Syllable Kur
41492Yi Syllable Ggit Yi Syllable Ggit
41493Yi Syllable Ggix Yi Syllable Ggix
41494Yi Syllable Ggi Yi Syllable Ggi
41495Yi Syllable Ggiex Yi Syllable Ggiex
41496Yi Syllable Ggie Yi Syllable Ggie
41497Yi Syllable Ggiep Yi Syllable Ggiep
41498Yi Syllable Ggat Yi Syllable Ggat
41499Yi Syllable Ggax Yi Syllable Ggax
41500Yi Syllable Gga Yi Syllable Gga
41501Yi Syllable Ggap Yi Syllable Ggap
41502Yi Syllable Gguot Yi Syllable Gguot
41503Yi Syllable Gguox Yi Syllable Gguox
41504Yi Syllable Gguo Yi Syllable Gguo
41505Yi Syllable Gguop Yi Syllable Gguop
41506Yi Syllable Ggot Yi Syllable Ggot
41507Yi Syllable Ggox Yi Syllable Ggox
41508Yi Syllable Ggo Yi Syllable Ggo
41509Yi Syllable Ggop Yi Syllable Ggop
41510Yi Syllable Gget Yi Syllable Gget
41511Yi Syllable Ggex Yi Syllable Ggex
41512Yi Syllable Gge Yi Syllable Gge
41513Yi Syllable Ggep Yi Syllable Ggep
41514Yi Syllable Ggut Yi Syllable Ggut
41515Yi Syllable Ggux Yi Syllable Ggux
41516Yi Syllable Ggu Yi Syllable Ggu
41517Yi Syllable Ggup Yi Syllable Ggup
41518Yi Syllable Ggurx Yi Syllable Ggurx
41519Yi Syllable Ggur Yi Syllable Ggur
41520Yi Syllable Mgiex Yi Syllable Mgiex
41521Yi Syllable Mgie Yi Syllable Mgie
41522Yi Syllable Mgat Yi Syllable Mgat
41523Yi Syllable Mgax Yi Syllable Mgax
41524Yi Syllable Mga Yi Syllable Mga
41525Yi Syllable Mgap Yi Syllable Mgap
41526Yi Syllable Mguox Yi Syllable Mguox
41527Yi Syllable Mguo Yi Syllable Mguo
41528Yi Syllable Mguop Yi Syllable Mguop
41529Yi Syllable Mgot Yi Syllable Mgot
41530Yi Syllable Mgox Yi Syllable Mgox
41531Yi Syllable Mgo Yi Syllable Mgo
41532Yi Syllable Mgop Yi Syllable Mgop
41533Yi Syllable Mgex Yi Syllable Mgex
41534Yi Syllable Mge Yi Syllable Mge
41535Yi Syllable Mgep Yi Syllable Mgep
41536Yi Syllable Mgut Yi Syllable Mgut
41537Yi Syllable Mgux Yi Syllable Mgux
41538Yi Syllable Mgu Yi Syllable Mgu
41539Yi Syllable Mgup Yi Syllable Mgup
41540Yi Syllable Mgurx Yi Syllable Mgurx
41541Yi Syllable Mgur Yi Syllable Mgur
41542Yi Syllable Hxit Yi Syllable Hxit
41543Yi Syllable Hxix Yi Syllable Hxix
41544Yi Syllable Hxi Yi Syllable Hxi
41545Yi Syllable Hxip Yi Syllable Hxip
41546Yi Syllable Hxiet Yi Syllable Hxiet
41547Yi Syllable Hxiex Yi Syllable Hxiex
41548Yi Syllable Hxie Yi Syllable Hxie
41549Yi Syllable Hxiep Yi Syllable Hxiep
41550Yi Syllable Hxat Yi Syllable Hxat
41551Yi Syllable Hxax Yi Syllable Hxax
41552Yi Syllable Hxa Yi Syllable Hxa
41553Yi Syllable Hxap Yi Syllable Hxap
41554Yi Syllable Hxuot Yi Syllable Hxuot
41555Yi Syllable Hxuox Yi Syllable Hxuox
41556Yi Syllable Hxuo Yi Syllable Hxuo
41557Yi Syllable Hxuop Yi Syllable Hxuop
41558Yi Syllable Hxot Yi Syllable Hxot
41559Yi Syllable Hxox Yi Syllable Hxox
41560Yi Syllable Hxo Yi Syllable Hxo
41561Yi Syllable Hxop Yi Syllable Hxop
41562Yi Syllable Hxex Yi Syllable Hxex
41563Yi Syllable Hxe Yi Syllable Hxe
41564Yi Syllable Hxep Yi Syllable Hxep
41565Yi Syllable Ngiex Yi Syllable Ngiex
41566Yi Syllable Ngie Yi Syllable Ngie
41567Yi Syllable Ngiep Yi Syllable Ngiep
41568Yi Syllable Ngat Yi Syllable Ngat
41569Yi Syllable Ngax Yi Syllable Ngax
41570Yi Syllable Nga Yi Syllable Nga
41571Yi Syllable Ngap Yi Syllable Ngap
41572Yi Syllable Nguot Yi Syllable Nguot
41573Yi Syllable Nguox Yi Syllable Nguox
41574Yi Syllable Nguo Yi Syllable Nguo
41575Yi Syllable Ngot Yi Syllable Ngot
41576Yi Syllable Ngox Yi Syllable Ngox
41577Yi Syllable Ngo Yi Syllable Ngo
41578Yi Syllable Ngop Yi Syllable Ngop
41579Yi Syllable Ngex Yi Syllable Ngex
41580Yi Syllable Nge Yi Syllable Nge
41581Yi Syllable Ngep Yi Syllable Ngep
41582Yi Syllable Hit Yi Syllable Hit
41583Yi Syllable Hiex Yi Syllable Hiex
41584Yi Syllable Hie Yi Syllable Hie
41585Yi Syllable Hat Yi Syllable Hat
41586Yi Syllable Hax Yi Syllable Hax
41587Yi Syllable Ha Yi Syllable Ha
41588Yi Syllable Hap Yi Syllable Hap
41589Yi Syllable Huot Yi Syllable Huot
41590Yi Syllable Huox Yi Syllable Huox
41591Yi Syllable Huo Yi Syllable Huo
41592Yi Syllable Huop Yi Syllable Huop
41593Yi Syllable Hot Yi Syllable Hot
41594Yi Syllable Hox Yi Syllable Hox
41595Yi Syllable Ho Yi Syllable Ho
41596Yi Syllable Hop Yi Syllable Hop
41597Yi Syllable Hex Yi Syllable Hex
41598Yi Syllable He Yi Syllable He
41599Yi Syllable Hep Yi Syllable Hep
41600Yi Syllable Wat Yi Syllable Wat
41601Yi Syllable Wax Yi Syllable Wax
41602Yi Syllable Wa Yi Syllable Wa
41603Yi Syllable Wap Yi Syllable Wap
41604Yi Syllable Wuox Yi Syllable Wuox
41605Yi Syllable Wuo Yi Syllable Wuo
41606Yi Syllable Wuop Yi Syllable Wuop
41607Yi Syllable Wox Yi Syllable Wox
41608Yi Syllable Wo Yi Syllable Wo
41609Yi Syllable Wop Yi Syllable Wop
41610Yi Syllable Wex Yi Syllable Wex
41611Yi Syllable We Yi Syllable We
41612Yi Syllable Wep Yi Syllable Wep
41613Yi Syllable Zit Yi Syllable Zit
41614Yi Syllable Zix Yi Syllable Zix
41615Yi Syllable Zi Yi Syllable Zi
41616Yi Syllable Zip Yi Syllable Zip
41617Yi Syllable Ziex Yi Syllable Ziex
41618Yi Syllable Zie Yi Syllable Zie
41619Yi Syllable Ziep Yi Syllable Ziep
41620Yi Syllable Zat Yi Syllable Zat
41621Yi Syllable Zax Yi Syllable Zax
41622Yi Syllable Za Yi Syllable Za
41623Yi Syllable Zap Yi Syllable Zap
41624Yi Syllable Zuox Yi Syllable Zuox
41625Yi Syllable Zuo Yi Syllable Zuo
41626Yi Syllable Zuop Yi Syllable Zuop
41627Yi Syllable Zot Yi Syllable Zot
41628Yi Syllable Zox Yi Syllable Zox
41629Yi Syllable Zo Yi Syllable Zo
41630Yi Syllable Zop Yi Syllable Zop
41631Yi Syllable Zex Yi Syllable Zex
41632Yi Syllable Ze Yi Syllable Ze
41633Yi Syllable Zep Yi Syllable Zep
41634Yi Syllable Zut Yi Syllable Zut
41635Yi Syllable Zux Yi Syllable Zux
41636Yi Syllable Zu Yi Syllable Zu
41637Yi Syllable Zup Yi Syllable Zup
41638Yi Syllable Zurx Yi Syllable Zurx
41639Yi Syllable Zur Yi Syllable Zur
41640Yi Syllable Zyt Yi Syllable Zyt
41641Yi Syllable Zyx Yi Syllable Zyx
41642Yi Syllable Zy Yi Syllable Zy
41643Yi Syllable Zyp Yi Syllable Zyp
41644Yi Syllable Zyrx Yi Syllable Zyrx
41645Yi Syllable Zyr Yi Syllable Zyr
41646Yi Syllable Cit Yi Syllable Cit
41647Yi Syllable Cix Yi Syllable Cix
41648Yi Syllable Ci Yi Syllable Ci
41649Yi Syllable Cip Yi Syllable Cip
41650Yi Syllable Ciet Yi Syllable Ciet
41651Yi Syllable Ciex Yi Syllable Ciex
41652Yi Syllable Cie Yi Syllable Cie
41653Yi Syllable Ciep Yi Syllable Ciep
41654Yi Syllable Cat Yi Syllable Cat
41655Yi Syllable Cax Yi Syllable Cax
41656Yi Syllable Ca Yi Syllable Ca
41657Yi Syllable Cap Yi Syllable Cap
41658Yi Syllable Cuox Yi Syllable Cuox
41659Yi Syllable Cuo Yi Syllable Cuo
41660Yi Syllable Cuop Yi Syllable Cuop
41661Yi Syllable Cot Yi Syllable Cot
41662Yi Syllable Cox Yi Syllable Cox
41663Yi Syllable Co Yi Syllable Co
41664Yi Syllable Cop Yi Syllable Cop
41665Yi Syllable Cex Yi Syllable Cex
41666Yi Syllable Ce Yi Syllable Ce
41667Yi Syllable Cep Yi Syllable Cep
41668Yi Syllable Cut Yi Syllable Cut
41669Yi Syllable Cux Yi Syllable Cux
41670Yi Syllable Cu Yi Syllable Cu
41671Yi Syllable Cup Yi Syllable Cup
41672Yi Syllable Curx Yi Syllable Curx
41673Yi Syllable Cur Yi Syllable Cur
41674Yi Syllable Cyt Yi Syllable Cyt
41675Yi Syllable Cyx Yi Syllable Cyx
41676Yi Syllable Cy Yi Syllable Cy
41677Yi Syllable Cyp Yi Syllable Cyp
41678Yi Syllable Cyrx Yi Syllable Cyrx
41679Yi Syllable Cyr Yi Syllable Cyr
41680Yi Syllable Zzit Yi Syllable Zzit
41681Yi Syllable Zzix Yi Syllable Zzix
41682Yi Syllable Zzi Yi Syllable Zzi
41683Yi Syllable Zzip Yi Syllable Zzip
41684Yi Syllable Zziet Yi Syllable Zziet
41685Yi Syllable Zziex Yi Syllable Zziex
41686Yi Syllable Zzie Yi Syllable Zzie
41687Yi Syllable Zziep Yi Syllable Zziep
41688Yi Syllable Zzat Yi Syllable Zzat
41689Yi Syllable Zzax Yi Syllable Zzax
41690Yi Syllable Zza Yi Syllable Zza
41691Yi Syllable Zzap Yi Syllable Zzap
41692Yi Syllable Zzox Yi Syllable Zzox
41693Yi Syllable Zzo Yi Syllable Zzo
41694Yi Syllable Zzop Yi Syllable Zzop
41695Yi Syllable Zzex Yi Syllable Zzex
41696Yi Syllable Zze Yi Syllable Zze
41697Yi Syllable Zzep Yi Syllable Zzep
41698Yi Syllable Zzux Yi Syllable Zzux
41699Yi Syllable Zzu Yi Syllable Zzu
41700Yi Syllable Zzup Yi Syllable Zzup
41701Yi Syllable Zzurx Yi Syllable Zzurx
41702Yi Syllable Zzur Yi Syllable Zzur
41703Yi Syllable Zzyt Yi Syllable Zzyt
41704Yi Syllable Zzyx Yi Syllable Zzyx
41705Yi Syllable Zzy Yi Syllable Zzy
41706Yi Syllable Zzyp Yi Syllable Zzyp
41707Yi Syllable Zzyrx Yi Syllable Zzyrx
41708Yi Syllable Zzyr Yi Syllable Zzyr
41709Yi Syllable Nzit Yi Syllable Nzit
41710Yi Syllable Nzix Yi Syllable Nzix
41711Yi Syllable Nzi Yi Syllable Nzi
41712Yi Syllable Nzip Yi Syllable Nzip
41713Yi Syllable Nziex Yi Syllable Nziex
41714Yi Syllable Nzie Yi Syllable Nzie
41715Yi Syllable Nziep Yi Syllable Nziep
41716Yi Syllable Nzat Yi Syllable Nzat
41717Yi Syllable Nzax Yi Syllable Nzax
41718Yi Syllable Nza Yi Syllable Nza
41719Yi Syllable Nzap Yi Syllable Nzap
41720Yi Syllable Nzuox Yi Syllable Nzuox
41721Yi Syllable Nzuo Yi Syllable Nzuo
41722Yi Syllable Nzox Yi Syllable Nzox
41723Yi Syllable Nzop Yi Syllable Nzop
41724Yi Syllable Nzex Yi Syllable Nzex
41725Yi Syllable Nze Yi Syllable Nze
41726Yi Syllable Nzux Yi Syllable Nzux
41727Yi Syllable Nzu Yi Syllable Nzu
41728Yi Syllable Nzup Yi Syllable Nzup
41729Yi Syllable Nzurx Yi Syllable Nzurx
41730Yi Syllable Nzur Yi Syllable Nzur
41731Yi Syllable Nzyt Yi Syllable Nzyt
41732Yi Syllable Nzyx Yi Syllable Nzyx
41733Yi Syllable Nzy Yi Syllable Nzy
41734Yi Syllable Nzyp Yi Syllable Nzyp
41735Yi Syllable Nzyrx Yi Syllable Nzyrx
41736Yi Syllable Nzyr Yi Syllable Nzyr
41737Yi Syllable Sit Yi Syllable Sit
41738Yi Syllable Six Yi Syllable Six
41739Yi Syllable Si Yi Syllable Si
41740Yi Syllable Sip Yi Syllable Sip
41741Yi Syllable Siex Yi Syllable Siex
41742Yi Syllable Sie Yi Syllable Sie
41743Yi Syllable Siep Yi Syllable Siep
41744Yi Syllable Sat Yi Syllable Sat
41745Yi Syllable Sax Yi Syllable Sax
41746Yi Syllable Sa Yi Syllable Sa
41747Yi Syllable Sap Yi Syllable Sap
41748Yi Syllable Suox Yi Syllable Suox
41749Yi Syllable Suo Yi Syllable Suo
41750Yi Syllable Suop Yi Syllable Suop
41751Yi Syllable Sot Yi Syllable Sot
41752Yi Syllable Sox Yi Syllable Sox
41753Yi Syllable So Yi Syllable So
41754Yi Syllable Sop Yi Syllable Sop
41755Yi Syllable Sex Yi Syllable Sex
41756Yi Syllable Se Yi Syllable Se
41757Yi Syllable Sep Yi Syllable Sep
41758Yi Syllable Sut Yi Syllable Sut
41759Yi Syllable Sux Yi Syllable Sux
41760Yi Syllable Su Yi Syllable Su
41761Yi Syllable Sup Yi Syllable Sup
41762Yi Syllable Surx Yi Syllable Surx
41763Yi Syllable Sur Yi Syllable Sur
41764Yi Syllable Syt Yi Syllable Syt
41765Yi Syllable Syx Yi Syllable Syx
41766Yi Syllable Sy Yi Syllable Sy
41767Yi Syllable Syp Yi Syllable Syp
41768Yi Syllable Syrx Yi Syllable Syrx
41769Yi Syllable Syr Yi Syllable Syr
41770Yi Syllable Ssit Yi Syllable Ssit
41771Yi Syllable Ssix Yi Syllable Ssix
41772Yi Syllable Ssi Yi Syllable Ssi
41773Yi Syllable Ssip Yi Syllable Ssip
41774Yi Syllable Ssiex Yi Syllable Ssiex
41775Yi Syllable Ssie Yi Syllable Ssie
41776Yi Syllable Ssiep Yi Syllable Ssiep
41777Yi Syllable Ssat Yi Syllable Ssat
41778Yi Syllable Ssax Yi Syllable Ssax
41779Yi Syllable Ssa Yi Syllable Ssa
41780Yi Syllable Ssap Yi Syllable Ssap
41781Yi Syllable Ssot Yi Syllable Ssot
41782Yi Syllable Ssox Yi Syllable Ssox
41783Yi Syllable Sso Yi Syllable Sso
41784Yi Syllable Ssop Yi Syllable Ssop
41785Yi Syllable Ssex Yi Syllable Ssex
41786Yi Syllable Sse Yi Syllable Sse
41787Yi Syllable Ssep Yi Syllable Ssep
41788Yi Syllable Ssut Yi Syllable Ssut
41789Yi Syllable Ssux Yi Syllable Ssux
41790Yi Syllable Ssu Yi Syllable Ssu
41791Yi Syllable Ssup Yi Syllable Ssup
41792Yi Syllable Ssyt Yi Syllable Ssyt
41793Yi Syllable Ssyx Yi Syllable Ssyx
41794Yi Syllable Ssy Yi Syllable Ssy
41795Yi Syllable Ssyp Yi Syllable Ssyp
41796Yi Syllable Ssyrx Yi Syllable Ssyrx
41797Yi Syllable Ssyr Yi Syllable Ssyr
41798Yi Syllable Zhat Yi Syllable Zhat
41799Yi Syllable Zhax Yi Syllable Zhax
41800Yi Syllable Zha Yi Syllable Zha
41801Yi Syllable Zhap Yi Syllable Zhap
41802Yi Syllable Zhuox Yi Syllable Zhuox
41803Yi Syllable Zhuo Yi Syllable Zhuo
41804Yi Syllable Zhuop Yi Syllable Zhuop
41805Yi Syllable Zhot Yi Syllable Zhot
41806Yi Syllable Zhox Yi Syllable Zhox
41807Yi Syllable Zho Yi Syllable Zho
41808Yi Syllable Zhop Yi Syllable Zhop
41809Yi Syllable Zhet Yi Syllable Zhet
41810Yi Syllable Zhex Yi Syllable Zhex
41811Yi Syllable Zhe Yi Syllable Zhe
41812Yi Syllable Zhep Yi Syllable Zhep
41813Yi Syllable Zhut Yi Syllable Zhut
41814Yi Syllable Zhux Yi Syllable Zhux
41815Yi Syllable Zhu Yi Syllable Zhu
41816Yi Syllable Zhup Yi Syllable Zhup
41817Yi Syllable Zhurx Yi Syllable Zhurx
41818Yi Syllable Zhur Yi Syllable Zhur
41819Yi Syllable Zhyt Yi Syllable Zhyt
41820Yi Syllable Zhyx Yi Syllable Zhyx
41821Yi Syllable Zhy Yi Syllable Zhy
41822Yi Syllable Zhyp Yi Syllable Zhyp
41823Yi Syllable Zhyrx Yi Syllable Zhyrx
41824Yi Syllable Zhyr Yi Syllable Zhyr
41825Yi Syllable Chat Yi Syllable Chat
41826Yi Syllable Chax Yi Syllable Chax
41827Yi Syllable Cha Yi Syllable Cha
41828Yi Syllable Chap Yi Syllable Chap
41829Yi Syllable Chuot Yi Syllable Chuot
41830Yi Syllable Chuox Yi Syllable Chuox
41831Yi Syllable Chuo Yi Syllable Chuo
41832Yi Syllable Chuop Yi Syllable Chuop
41833Yi Syllable Chot Yi Syllable Chot
41834Yi Syllable Chox Yi Syllable Chox
41835Yi Syllable Cho Yi Syllable Cho
41836Yi Syllable Chop Yi Syllable Chop
41837Yi Syllable Chet Yi Syllable Chet
41838Yi Syllable Chex Yi Syllable Chex
41839Yi Syllable Che Yi Syllable Che
41840Yi Syllable Chep Yi Syllable Chep
41841Yi Syllable Chux Yi Syllable Chux
41842Yi Syllable Chu Yi Syllable Chu
41843Yi Syllable Chup Yi Syllable Chup
41844Yi Syllable Churx Yi Syllable Churx
41845Yi Syllable Chur Yi Syllable Chur
41846Yi Syllable Chyt Yi Syllable Chyt
41847Yi Syllable Chyx Yi Syllable Chyx
41848Yi Syllable Chy Yi Syllable Chy
41849Yi Syllable Chyp Yi Syllable Chyp
41850Yi Syllable Chyrx Yi Syllable Chyrx
41851Yi Syllable Chyr Yi Syllable Chyr
41852Yi Syllable Rrax Yi Syllable Rrax
41853Yi Syllable Rra Yi Syllable Rra
41854Yi Syllable Rruox Yi Syllable Rruox
41855Yi Syllable Rruo Yi Syllable Rruo
41856Yi Syllable Rrot Yi Syllable Rrot
41857Yi Syllable Rrox Yi Syllable Rrox
41858Yi Syllable Rro Yi Syllable Rro
41859Yi Syllable Rrop Yi Syllable Rrop
41860Yi Syllable Rret Yi Syllable Rret
41861Yi Syllable Rrex Yi Syllable Rrex
41862Yi Syllable Rre Yi Syllable Rre
41863Yi Syllable Rrep Yi Syllable Rrep
41864Yi Syllable Rrut Yi Syllable Rrut
41865Yi Syllable Rrux Yi Syllable Rrux
41866Yi Syllable Rru Yi Syllable Rru
41867Yi Syllable Rrup Yi Syllable Rrup
41868Yi Syllable Rrurx Yi Syllable Rrurx
41869Yi Syllable Rrur Yi Syllable Rrur
41870Yi Syllable Rryt Yi Syllable Rryt
41871Yi Syllable Rryx Yi Syllable Rryx
41872Yi Syllable Rry Yi Syllable Rry
41873Yi Syllable Rryp Yi Syllable Rryp
41874Yi Syllable Rryrx Yi Syllable Rryrx
41875Yi Syllable Rryr Yi Syllable Rryr
41876Yi Syllable Nrat Yi Syllable Nrat
41877Yi Syllable Nrax Yi Syllable Nrax
41878Yi Syllable Nra Yi Syllable Nra
41879Yi Syllable Nrap Yi Syllable Nrap
41880Yi Syllable Nrox Yi Syllable Nrox
41881Yi Syllable Nro Yi Syllable Nro
41882Yi Syllable Nrop Yi Syllable Nrop
41883Yi Syllable Nret Yi Syllable Nret
41884Yi Syllable Nrex Yi Syllable Nrex
41885Yi Syllable Nre Yi Syllable Nre
41886Yi Syllable Nrep Yi Syllable Nrep
41887Yi Syllable Nrut Yi Syllable Nrut
41888Yi Syllable Nrux Yi Syllable Nrux
41889Yi Syllable Nru Yi Syllable Nru
41890Yi Syllable Nrup Yi Syllable Nrup
41891Yi Syllable Nrurx Yi Syllable Nrurx
41892Yi Syllable Nrur Yi Syllable Nrur
41893Yi Syllable Nryt Yi Syllable Nryt
41894Yi Syllable Nryx Yi Syllable Nryx
41895Yi Syllable Nry Yi Syllable Nry
41896Yi Syllable Nryp Yi Syllable Nryp
41897Yi Syllable Nryrx Yi Syllable Nryrx
41898Yi Syllable Nryr Yi Syllable Nryr
41899Yi Syllable Shat Yi Syllable Shat
41900Yi Syllable Shax Yi Syllable Shax
41901Yi Syllable Sha Yi Syllable Sha
41902Yi Syllable Shap Yi Syllable Shap
41903Yi Syllable Shuox Yi Syllable Shuox
41904Yi Syllable Shuo Yi Syllable Shuo
41905Yi Syllable Shuop Yi Syllable Shuop
41906Yi Syllable Shot Yi Syllable Shot
41907Yi Syllable Shox Yi Syllable Shox
41908Yi Syllable Sho Yi Syllable Sho
41909Yi Syllable Shop Yi Syllable Shop
41910Yi Syllable Shet Yi Syllable Shet
41911Yi Syllable Shex Yi Syllable Shex
41912Yi Syllable She Yi Syllable She
41913Yi Syllable Shep Yi Syllable Shep
41914Yi Syllable Shut Yi Syllable Shut
41915Yi Syllable Shux Yi Syllable Shux
41916Yi Syllable Shu Yi Syllable Shu
41917Yi Syllable Shup Yi Syllable Shup
41918Yi Syllable Shurx Yi Syllable Shurx
41919Yi Syllable Shur Yi Syllable Shur
41920Yi Syllable Shyt Yi Syllable Shyt
41921Yi Syllable Shyx Yi Syllable Shyx
41922Yi Syllable Shy Yi Syllable Shy
41923Yi Syllable Shyp Yi Syllable Shyp
41924Yi Syllable Shyrx Yi Syllable Shyrx
41925Yi Syllable Shyr Yi Syllable Shyr
41926Yi Syllable Rat Yi Syllable Rat
41927Yi Syllable Rax Yi Syllable Rax
41928Yi Syllable Ra Yi Syllable Ra
41929Yi Syllable Rap Yi Syllable Rap
41930Yi Syllable Ruox Yi Syllable Ruox
41931Yi Syllable Ruo Yi Syllable Ruo
41932Yi Syllable Ruop Yi Syllable Ruop
41933Yi Syllable Rot Yi Syllable Rot
41934Yi Syllable Rox Yi Syllable Rox
41935Yi Syllable Ro Yi Syllable Ro
41936Yi Syllable Rop Yi Syllable Rop
41937Yi Syllable Rex Yi Syllable Rex
41938Yi Syllable Re Yi Syllable Re
41939Yi Syllable Rep Yi Syllable Rep
41940Yi Syllable Rut Yi Syllable Rut
41941Yi Syllable Rux Yi Syllable Rux
41942Yi Syllable Ru Yi Syllable Ru
41943Yi Syllable Rup Yi Syllable Rup
41944Yi Syllable Rurx Yi Syllable Rurx
41945Yi Syllable Rur Yi Syllable Rur
41946Yi Syllable Ryt Yi Syllable Ryt
41947Yi Syllable Ryx Yi Syllable Ryx
41948Yi Syllable Ry Yi Syllable Ry
41949Yi Syllable Ryp Yi Syllable Ryp
41950Yi Syllable Ryrx Yi Syllable Ryrx
41951Yi Syllable Ryr Yi Syllable Ryr
41952Yi Syllable Jit Yi Syllable Jit
41953Yi Syllable Jix Yi Syllable Jix
41954Yi Syllable Ji Yi Syllable Ji
41955Yi Syllable Jip Yi Syllable Jip
41956Yi Syllable Jiet Yi Syllable Jiet
41957Yi Syllable Jiex Yi Syllable Jiex
41958Yi Syllable Jie Yi Syllable Jie
41959Yi Syllable Jiep Yi Syllable Jiep
41960Yi Syllable Juot Yi Syllable Juot
41961Yi Syllable Juox Yi Syllable Juox
41962Yi Syllable Juo Yi Syllable Juo
41963Yi Syllable Juop Yi Syllable Juop
41964Yi Syllable Jot Yi Syllable Jot
41965Yi Syllable Jox Yi Syllable Jox
41966Yi Syllable Jo Yi Syllable Jo
41967Yi Syllable Jop Yi Syllable Jop
41968Yi Syllable Jut Yi Syllable Jut
41969Yi Syllable Jux Yi Syllable Jux
41970Yi Syllable Ju Yi Syllable Ju
41971Yi Syllable Jup Yi Syllable Jup
41972Yi Syllable Jurx Yi Syllable Jurx
41973Yi Syllable Jur Yi Syllable Jur
41974Yi Syllable Jyt Yi Syllable Jyt
41975Yi Syllable Jyx Yi Syllable Jyx
41976Yi Syllable Jy Yi Syllable Jy
41977Yi Syllable Jyp Yi Syllable Jyp
41978Yi Syllable Jyrx Yi Syllable Jyrx
41979Yi Syllable Jyr Yi Syllable Jyr
41980Yi Syllable Qit Yi Syllable Qit
41981Yi Syllable Qix Yi Syllable Qix
41982Yi Syllable Qi Yi Syllable Qi
41983Yi Syllable Qip Yi Syllable Qip
41984Yi Syllable Qiet Yi Syllable Qiet
41985Yi Syllable Qiex Yi Syllable Qiex
41986Yi Syllable Qie Yi Syllable Qie
41987Yi Syllable Qiep Yi Syllable Qiep
41988Yi Syllable Quot Yi Syllable Quot
41989Yi Syllable Quox Yi Syllable Quox
41990Yi Syllable Quo Yi Syllable Quo
41991Yi Syllable Quop Yi Syllable Quop
41992Yi Syllable Qot Yi Syllable Qot
41993Yi Syllable Qox Yi Syllable Qox
41994Yi Syllable Qo Yi Syllable Qo
41995Yi Syllable Qop Yi Syllable Qop
41996Yi Syllable Qut Yi Syllable Qut
41997Yi Syllable Qux Yi Syllable Qux
41998Yi Syllable Qu Yi Syllable Qu
41999Yi Syllable Qup Yi Syllable Qup
42000Yi Syllable Qurx Yi Syllable Qurx
42001Yi Syllable Qur Yi Syllable Qur
42002Yi Syllable Qyt Yi Syllable Qyt
42003Yi Syllable Qyx Yi Syllable Qyx
42004Yi Syllable Qy Yi Syllable Qy
42005Yi Syllable Qyp Yi Syllable Qyp
42006Yi Syllable Qyrx Yi Syllable Qyrx
42007Yi Syllable Qyr Yi Syllable Qyr
42008Yi Syllable Jjit Yi Syllable Jjit
42009Yi Syllable Jjix Yi Syllable Jjix
42010Yi Syllable Jji Yi Syllable Jji
42011Yi Syllable Jjip Yi Syllable Jjip
42012Yi Syllable Jjiet Yi Syllable Jjiet
42013Yi Syllable Jjiex Yi Syllable Jjiex
42014Yi Syllable Jjie Yi Syllable Jjie
42015Yi Syllable Jjiep Yi Syllable Jjiep
42016Yi Syllable Jjuox Yi Syllable Jjuox
42017Yi Syllable Jjuo Yi Syllable Jjuo
42018Yi Syllable Jjuop Yi Syllable Jjuop
42019Yi Syllable Jjot Yi Syllable Jjot
42020Yi Syllable Jjox Yi Syllable Jjox
42021Yi Syllable Jjo Yi Syllable Jjo
42022Yi Syllable Jjop Yi Syllable Jjop
42023Yi Syllable Jjut Yi Syllable Jjut
42024Yi Syllable Jjux Yi Syllable Jjux
42025Yi Syllable Jju Yi Syllable Jju
42026Yi Syllable Jjup Yi Syllable Jjup
42027Yi Syllable Jjurx Yi Syllable Jjurx
42028Yi Syllable Jjur Yi Syllable Jjur
42029Yi Syllable Jjyt Yi Syllable Jjyt
42030Yi Syllable Jjyx Yi Syllable Jjyx
42031Yi Syllable Jjy Yi Syllable Jjy
42032Yi Syllable Jjyp Yi Syllable Jjyp
42033Yi Syllable Njit Yi Syllable Njit
42034Yi Syllable Njix Yi Syllable Njix
42035Yi Syllable Nji Yi Syllable Nji
42036Yi Syllable Njip Yi Syllable Njip
42037Yi Syllable Njiet Yi Syllable Njiet
42038Yi Syllable Njiex Yi Syllable Njiex
42039Yi Syllable Njie Yi Syllable Njie
42040Yi Syllable Njiep Yi Syllable Njiep
42041Yi Syllable Njuox Yi Syllable Njuox
42042Yi Syllable Njuo Yi Syllable Njuo
42043Yi Syllable Njot Yi Syllable Njot
42044Yi Syllable Njox Yi Syllable Njox
42045Yi Syllable Njo Yi Syllable Njo
42046Yi Syllable Njop Yi Syllable Njop
42047Yi Syllable Njux Yi Syllable Njux
42048Yi Syllable Nju Yi Syllable Nju
42049Yi Syllable Njup Yi Syllable Njup
42050Yi Syllable Njurx Yi Syllable Njurx
42051Yi Syllable Njur Yi Syllable Njur
42052Yi Syllable Njyt Yi Syllable Njyt
42053Yi Syllable Njyx Yi Syllable Njyx
42054Yi Syllable Njy Yi Syllable Njy
42055Yi Syllable Njyp Yi Syllable Njyp
42056Yi Syllable Njyrx Yi Syllable Njyrx
42057Yi Syllable Njyr Yi Syllable Njyr
42058Yi Syllable Nyit Yi Syllable Nyit
42059Yi Syllable Nyix Yi Syllable Nyix
42060Yi Syllable Nyi Yi Syllable Nyi
42061Yi Syllable Nyip Yi Syllable Nyip
42062Yi Syllable Nyiet Yi Syllable Nyiet
42063Yi Syllable Nyiex Yi Syllable Nyiex
42064Yi Syllable Nyie Yi Syllable Nyie
42065Yi Syllable Nyiep Yi Syllable Nyiep
42066Yi Syllable Nyuox Yi Syllable Nyuox
42067Yi Syllable Nyuo Yi Syllable Nyuo
42068Yi Syllable Nyuop Yi Syllable Nyuop
42069Yi Syllable Nyot Yi Syllable Nyot
42070Yi Syllable Nyox Yi Syllable Nyox
42071Yi Syllable Nyo Yi Syllable Nyo
42072Yi Syllable Nyop Yi Syllable Nyop
42073Yi Syllable Nyut Yi Syllable Nyut
42074Yi Syllable Nyux Yi Syllable Nyux
42075Yi Syllable Nyu Yi Syllable Nyu
42076Yi Syllable Nyup Yi Syllable Nyup
42077Yi Syllable Xit Yi Syllable Xit
42078Yi Syllable Xix Yi Syllable Xix
42079Yi Syllable Xi Yi Syllable Xi
42080Yi Syllable Xip Yi Syllable Xip
42081Yi Syllable Xiet Yi Syllable Xiet
42082Yi Syllable Xiex Yi Syllable Xiex
42083Yi Syllable Xie Yi Syllable Xie
42084Yi Syllable Xiep Yi Syllable Xiep
42085Yi Syllable Xuox Yi Syllable Xuox
42086Yi Syllable Xuo Yi Syllable Xuo
42087Yi Syllable Xot Yi Syllable Xot
42088Yi Syllable Xox Yi Syllable Xox
42089Yi Syllable Xo Yi Syllable Xo
42090Yi Syllable Xop Yi Syllable Xop
42091Yi Syllable Xyt Yi Syllable Xyt
42092Yi Syllable Xyx Yi Syllable Xyx
42093Yi Syllable Xy Yi Syllable Xy
42094Yi Syllable Xyp Yi Syllable Xyp
42095Yi Syllable Xyrx Yi Syllable Xyrx
42096Yi Syllable Xyr Yi Syllable Xyr
42097Yi Syllable Yit Yi Syllable Yit
42098Yi Syllable Yix Yi Syllable Yix
42099Yi Syllable Yi Yi Syllable Yi
42100Yi Syllable Yip Yi Syllable Yip
42101Yi Syllable Yiet Yi Syllable Yiet
42102Yi Syllable Yiex Yi Syllable Yiex
42103Yi Syllable Yie Yi Syllable Yie
42104Yi Syllable Yiep Yi Syllable Yiep
42105Yi Syllable Yuot Yi Syllable Yuot
42106Yi Syllable Yuox Yi Syllable Yuox
42107Yi Syllable Yuo Yi Syllable Yuo
42108Yi Syllable Yuop Yi Syllable Yuop
42109Yi Syllable Yot Yi Syllable Yot
42110Yi Syllable Yox Yi Syllable Yox
42111Yi Syllable Yo Yi Syllable Yo
42112Yi Syllable Yop Yi Syllable Yop
42113Yi Syllable Yut Yi Syllable Yut
42114Yi Syllable Yux Yi Syllable Yux
42115Yi Syllable Yu Yi Syllable Yu
42116Yi Syllable Yup Yi Syllable Yup
42117Yi Syllable Yurx Yi Syllable Yurx
42118Yi Syllable Yur Yi Syllable Yur
42119Yi Syllable Yyt Yi Syllable Yyt
42120Yi Syllable Yyx Yi Syllable Yyx
42121Yi Syllable Yy Yi Syllable Yy
42122Yi Syllable Yyp Yi Syllable Yyp
42123Yi Syllable Yyrx Yi Syllable Yyrx
42124Yi Syllable Yyr Yi Syllable Yyr
42128Yi Radical Qot Yi Radical Qot
42129Yi Radical Li Yi Radical Li
42130Yi Radical Kit Yi Radical Kit
42131Yi Radical Nyip Yi Radical Nyip
42132Yi Radical Cyp Yi Radical Cyp
42133Yi Radical Ssi Yi Radical Ssi
42134Yi Radical Ggop Yi Radical Ggop
42135Yi Radical Gep Yi Radical Gep
42136Yi Radical Mi Yi Radical Mi
42137Yi Radical Hxit Yi Radical Hxit
42138Yi Radical Lyr Yi Radical Lyr
42139Yi Radical Bbut Yi Radical Bbut
42140Yi Radical Mop Yi Radical Mop
42141Yi Radical Yo Yi Radical Yo
42142Yi Radical Put Yi Radical Put
42143Yi Radical Hxuo Yi Radical Hxuo
42144Yi Radical Tat Yi Radical Tat
42145Yi Radical Ga Yi Radical Ga
42146Yi Radical Zup Yi Radical Zup
42147Yi Radical Cyt Yi Radical Cyt
42148Yi Radical Ddur Yi Radical Ddur
42149Yi Radical Bur Yi Radical Bur
42150Yi Radical Gguo Yi Radical Gguo
42151Yi Radical Nyop Yi Radical Nyop
42152Yi Radical Tu Yi Radical Tu
42153Yi Radical Op Yi Radical Op
42154Yi Radical Jjut Yi Radical Jjut
42155Yi Radical Zot Yi Radical Zot
42156Yi Radical Pyt Yi Radical Pyt
42157Yi Radical Hmo Yi Radical Hmo
42158Yi Radical Yit Yi Radical Yit
42159Yi Radical Vur Yi Radical Vur
42160Yi Radical Shy Yi Radical Shy
42161Yi Radical Vep Yi Radical Vep
42162Yi Radical Za Yi Radical Za
42163Yi Radical Jo Yi Radical Jo
42164Yi Radical Nzup Yi Radical Nzup
42165Yi Radical Jjy Yi Radical Jjy
42166Yi Radical Got Yi Radical Got
42167Yi Radical Jjie Yi Radical Jjie
42168Yi Radical Wo Yi Radical Wo
42169Yi Radical Du Yi Radical Du
42170Yi Radical Shur Yi Radical Shur
42171Yi Radical Lie Yi Radical Lie
42172Yi Radical Cy Yi Radical Cy
42173Yi Radical Cuop Yi Radical Cuop
42174Yi Radical Cip Yi Radical Cip
42175Yi Radical Hxop Yi Radical Hxop
42176Yi Radical Shat Yi Radical Shat
42177Yi Radical Zur Yi Radical Zur
42178Yi Radical Shop Yi Radical Shop
42179Yi Radical Che Yi Radical Che
42180Yi Radical Zziet Yi Radical Zziet
42181Yi Radical Nbie Yi Radical Nbie
42182Yi Radical Ke Yi Radical Ke
42192Lisu Letter Ba Lisu Letter Ba
42193Lisu Letter Pa Lisu Letter Pa
42194Lisu Letter Pha Lisu Letter Pha
42195Lisu Letter Da Lisu Letter Da
42196Lisu Letter Ta Lisu Letter Ta
42197Lisu Letter Tha Lisu Letter Tha
42198Lisu Letter Ga Lisu Letter Ga
42199Lisu Letter Ka Lisu Letter Ka
42200Lisu Letter Kha Lisu Letter Kha
42201Lisu Letter Ja Lisu Letter Ja
42202Lisu Letter Ca Lisu Letter Ca
42203Lisu Letter Cha Lisu Letter Cha
42204Lisu Letter Dza Lisu Letter Dza
42205Lisu Letter Tsa Lisu Letter Tsa
42206Lisu Letter Tsha Lisu Letter Tsha
42207Lisu Letter Ma Lisu Letter Ma
42208Lisu Letter Na Lisu Letter Na
42209Lisu Letter La Lisu Letter La
42210Lisu Letter Sa Lisu Letter Sa
42211Lisu Letter Zha Lisu Letter Zha
42212Lisu Letter Za Lisu Letter Za
42213Lisu Letter Nga Lisu Letter Nga
42214Lisu Letter Ha Lisu Letter Ha
42215Lisu Letter Xa Lisu Letter Xa
42216Lisu Letter Hha Lisu Letter Hha
42217Lisu Letter Fa Lisu Letter Fa
42218Lisu Letter Wa Lisu Letter Wa
42219Lisu Letter Sha Lisu Letter Sha
42220Lisu Letter Ya Lisu Letter Ya
42221Lisu Letter Gha Lisu Letter Gha
42222Lisu Letter A Lisu Letter A
42223Lisu Letter Ae Lisu Letter Ae
42224Lisu Letter E Lisu Letter E
42225Lisu Letter Eu Lisu Letter Eu
42226Lisu Letter I Lisu Letter I
42227Lisu Letter O Lisu Letter O
42228Lisu Letter U Lisu Letter U
42229Lisu Letter Ue Lisu Letter Ue
42230Lisu Letter Uh Lisu Letter Uh
42231Lisu Letter Oe Lisu Letter Oe
42232Lisu Letter Tone Mya Ti Lisu Letter Tone Mya Ti
42233Lisu Letter Tone Na Po Lisu Letter Tone Na Po
42234Lisu Letter Tone Mya Cya Lisu Letter Tone Mya Cya
42235Lisu Letter Tone Mya Bo Lisu Letter Tone Mya Bo
42236Lisu Letter Tone Mya Na Lisu Letter Tone Mya Na
42237Lisu Letter Tone Mya Jeu Lisu Letter Tone Mya Jeu
42238Lisu Punctuation Comma Lisu Punctuation Comma
42239Lisu Punctuation Full Stop Lisu Punctuation Full Stop
42240Vai Syllable Ee Vai Syllable Ee
42241Vai Syllable Een Vai Syllable Een
42242Vai Syllable Hee Vai Syllable Hee
42243Vai Syllable Wee Vai Syllable Wee
42244Vai Syllable Ween Vai Syllable Ween
42245Vai Syllable Pee Vai Syllable Pee
42246Vai Syllable Bhee Vai Syllable Bhee
42247Vai Syllable Bee Vai Syllable Bee
42248Vai Syllable Mbee Vai Syllable Mbee
42249Vai Syllable Kpee Vai Syllable Kpee
42250Vai Syllable Mgbee Vai Syllable Mgbee
42251Vai Syllable Gbee Vai Syllable Gbee
42252Vai Syllable Fee Vai Syllable Fee
42253Vai Syllable Vee Vai Syllable Vee
42254Vai Syllable Tee Vai Syllable Tee
42255Vai Syllable Thee Vai Syllable Thee
42256Vai Syllable Dhee Vai Syllable Dhee
42257Vai Syllable Dhhee Vai Syllable Dhhee
42258Vai Syllable Lee Vai Syllable Lee
42259Vai Syllable Ree Vai Syllable Ree
42260Vai Syllable Dee Vai Syllable Dee
42261Vai Syllable Ndee Vai Syllable Ndee
42262Vai Syllable See Vai Syllable See
42263Vai Syllable Shee Vai Syllable Shee
42264Vai Syllable Zee Vai Syllable Zee
42265Vai Syllable Zhee Vai Syllable Zhee
42266Vai Syllable Cee Vai Syllable Cee
42267Vai Syllable Jee Vai Syllable Jee
42268Vai Syllable Njee Vai Syllable Njee
42269Vai Syllable Yee Vai Syllable Yee
42270Vai Syllable Kee Vai Syllable Kee
42271Vai Syllable Nggee Vai Syllable Nggee
42272Vai Syllable Gee Vai Syllable Gee
42273Vai Syllable Mee Vai Syllable Mee
42274Vai Syllable Nee Vai Syllable Nee
42275Vai Syllable Nyee Vai Syllable Nyee
42276Vai Syllable I Vai Syllable I
42277Vai Syllable In Vai Syllable In
42278Vai Syllable Hi Vai Syllable Hi
42279Vai Syllable Hin Vai Syllable Hin
42280Vai Syllable Wi Vai Syllable Wi
42281Vai Syllable Win Vai Syllable Win
42282Vai Syllable Pi Vai Syllable Pi
42283Vai Syllable Bhi Vai Syllable Bhi
42284Vai Syllable Bi Vai Syllable Bi
42285Vai Syllable Mbi Vai Syllable Mbi
42286Vai Syllable Kpi Vai Syllable Kpi
42287Vai Syllable Mgbi Vai Syllable Mgbi
42288Vai Syllable Gbi Vai Syllable Gbi
42289Vai Syllable Fi Vai Syllable Fi
42290Vai Syllable Vi Vai Syllable Vi
42291Vai Syllable Ti Vai Syllable Ti
42292Vai Syllable Thi Vai Syllable Thi
42293Vai Syllable Dhi Vai Syllable Dhi
42294Vai Syllable Dhhi Vai Syllable Dhhi
42295Vai Syllable Li Vai Syllable Li
42296Vai Syllable Ri Vai Syllable Ri
42297Vai Syllable Di Vai Syllable Di
42298Vai Syllable Ndi Vai Syllable Ndi
42299Vai Syllable Si Vai Syllable Si
42300Vai Syllable Shi Vai Syllable Shi
42301Vai Syllable Zi Vai Syllable Zi
42302Vai Syllable Zhi Vai Syllable Zhi
42303Vai Syllable Ci Vai Syllable Ci
42304Vai Syllable Ji Vai Syllable Ji
42305Vai Syllable Nji Vai Syllable Nji
42306Vai Syllable Yi Vai Syllable Yi
42307Vai Syllable Ki Vai Syllable Ki
42308Vai Syllable Nggi Vai Syllable Nggi
42309Vai Syllable Gi Vai Syllable Gi
42310Vai Syllable Mi Vai Syllable Mi
42311Vai Syllable Ni Vai Syllable Ni
42312Vai Syllable Nyi Vai Syllable Nyi
42313Vai Syllable A Vai Syllable A
42314Vai Syllable An Vai Syllable An
42315Vai Syllable Ngan Vai Syllable Ngan
42316Vai Syllable Ha Vai Syllable Ha
42317Vai Syllable Han Vai Syllable Han
42318Vai Syllable Wa Vai Syllable Wa
42319Vai Syllable Wan Vai Syllable Wan
42320Vai Syllable Pa Vai Syllable Pa
42321Vai Syllable Bha Vai Syllable Bha
42322Vai Syllable Ba Vai Syllable Ba
42323Vai Syllable Mba Vai Syllable Mba
42324Vai Syllable Kpa Vai Syllable Kpa
42325Vai Syllable Kpan Vai Syllable Kpan
42326Vai Syllable Mgba Vai Syllable Mgba
42327Vai Syllable Gba Vai Syllable Gba
42328Vai Syllable Fa Vai Syllable Fa
42329Vai Syllable Va Vai Syllable Va
42330Vai Syllable Ta Vai Syllable Ta
42331Vai Syllable Tha Vai Syllable Tha
42332Vai Syllable Dha Vai Syllable Dha
42333Vai Syllable Dhha Vai Syllable Dhha
42334Vai Syllable La Vai Syllable La
42335Vai Syllable Ra Vai Syllable Ra
42336Vai Syllable Da Vai Syllable Da
42337Vai Syllable Nda Vai Syllable Nda
42338Vai Syllable Sa Vai Syllable Sa
42339Vai Syllable Sha Vai Syllable Sha
42340Vai Syllable Za Vai Syllable Za
42341Vai Syllable Zha Vai Syllable Zha
42342Vai Syllable Ca Vai Syllable Ca
42343Vai Syllable Ja Vai Syllable Ja
42344Vai Syllable Nja Vai Syllable Nja
42345Vai Syllable Ya Vai Syllable Ya
42346Vai Syllable Ka Vai Syllable Ka
42347Vai Syllable Kan Vai Syllable Kan
42348Vai Syllable Ngga Vai Syllable Ngga
42349Vai Syllable Ga Vai Syllable Ga
42350Vai Syllable Ma Vai Syllable Ma
42351Vai Syllable Na Vai Syllable Na
42352Vai Syllable Nya Vai Syllable Nya
42353Vai Syllable Oo Vai Syllable Oo
42354Vai Syllable Oon Vai Syllable Oon
42355Vai Syllable Hoo Vai Syllable Hoo
42356Vai Syllable Woo Vai Syllable Woo
42357Vai Syllable Woon Vai Syllable Woon
42358Vai Syllable Poo Vai Syllable Poo
42359Vai Syllable Bhoo Vai Syllable Bhoo
42360Vai Syllable Boo Vai Syllable Boo
42361Vai Syllable Mboo Vai Syllable Mboo
42362Vai Syllable Kpoo Vai Syllable Kpoo
42363Vai Syllable Mgboo Vai Syllable Mgboo
42364Vai Syllable Gboo Vai Syllable Gboo
42365Vai Syllable Foo Vai Syllable Foo
42366Vai Syllable Voo Vai Syllable Voo
42367Vai Syllable Too Vai Syllable Too
42368Vai Syllable Thoo Vai Syllable Thoo
42369Vai Syllable Dhoo Vai Syllable Dhoo
42370Vai Syllable Dhhoo Vai Syllable Dhhoo
42371Vai Syllable Loo Vai Syllable Loo
42372Vai Syllable Roo Vai Syllable Roo
42373Vai Syllable Doo Vai Syllable Doo
42374Vai Syllable Ndoo Vai Syllable Ndoo
42375Vai Syllable Soo Vai Syllable Soo
42376Vai Syllable Shoo Vai Syllable Shoo
42377Vai Syllable Zoo Vai Syllable Zoo
42378Vai Syllable Zhoo Vai Syllable Zhoo
42379Vai Syllable Coo Vai Syllable Coo
42380Vai Syllable Joo Vai Syllable Joo
42381Vai Syllable Njoo Vai Syllable Njoo
42382Vai Syllable Yoo Vai Syllable Yoo
42383Vai Syllable Koo Vai Syllable Koo
42384Vai Syllable Nggoo Vai Syllable Nggoo
42385Vai Syllable Goo Vai Syllable Goo
42386Vai Syllable Moo Vai Syllable Moo
42387Vai Syllable Noo Vai Syllable Noo
42388Vai Syllable Nyoo Vai Syllable Nyoo
42389Vai Syllable U Vai Syllable U
42390Vai Syllable Un Vai Syllable Un
42391Vai Syllable Hu Vai Syllable Hu
42392Vai Syllable Hun Vai Syllable Hun
42393Vai Syllable Wu Vai Syllable Wu
42394Vai Syllable Wun Vai Syllable Wun
42395Vai Syllable Pu Vai Syllable Pu
42396Vai Syllable Bhu Vai Syllable Bhu
42397Vai Syllable Bu Vai Syllable Bu
42398Vai Syllable Mbu Vai Syllable Mbu
42399Vai Syllable Kpu Vai Syllable Kpu
42400Vai Syllable Mgbu Vai Syllable Mgbu
42401Vai Syllable Gbu Vai Syllable Gbu
42402Vai Syllable Fu Vai Syllable Fu
42403Vai Syllable Vu Vai Syllable Vu
42404Vai Syllable Tu Vai Syllable Tu
42405Vai Syllable Thu Vai Syllable Thu
42406Vai Syllable Dhu Vai Syllable Dhu
42407Vai Syllable Dhhu Vai Syllable Dhhu
42408Vai Syllable Lu Vai Syllable Lu
42409Vai Syllable Ru Vai Syllable Ru
42410Vai Syllable Du Vai Syllable Du
42411Vai Syllable Ndu Vai Syllable Ndu
42412Vai Syllable Su Vai Syllable Su
42413Vai Syllable Shu Vai Syllable Shu
42414Vai Syllable Zu Vai Syllable Zu
42415Vai Syllable Zhu Vai Syllable Zhu
42416Vai Syllable Cu Vai Syllable Cu
42417Vai Syllable Ju Vai Syllable Ju
42418Vai Syllable Nju Vai Syllable Nju
42419Vai Syllable Yu Vai Syllable Yu
42420Vai Syllable Ku Vai Syllable Ku
42421Vai Syllable Nggu Vai Syllable Nggu
42422Vai Syllable Gu Vai Syllable Gu
42423Vai Syllable Mu Vai Syllable Mu
42424Vai Syllable Nu Vai Syllable Nu
42425Vai Syllable Nyu Vai Syllable Nyu
42426Vai Syllable O Vai Syllable O
42427Vai Syllable On Vai Syllable On
42428Vai Syllable Ngon Vai Syllable Ngon
42429Vai Syllable Ho Vai Syllable Ho
42430Vai Syllable Hon Vai Syllable Hon
42431Vai Syllable Wo Vai Syllable Wo
42432Vai Syllable Won Vai Syllable Won
42433Vai Syllable Po Vai Syllable Po
42434Vai Syllable Bho Vai Syllable Bho
42435Vai Syllable Bo Vai Syllable Bo
42436Vai Syllable Mbo Vai Syllable Mbo
42437Vai Syllable Kpo Vai Syllable Kpo
42438Vai Syllable Mgbo Vai Syllable Mgbo
42439Vai Syllable Gbo Vai Syllable Gbo
42440Vai Syllable Gbon Vai Syllable Gbon
42441Vai Syllable Fo Vai Syllable Fo
42442Vai Syllable Vo Vai Syllable Vo
42443Vai Syllable To Vai Syllable To
42444Vai Syllable Tho Vai Syllable Tho
42445Vai Syllable Dho Vai Syllable Dho
42446Vai Syllable Dhho Vai Syllable Dhho
42447Vai Syllable Lo Vai Syllable Lo
42448Vai Syllable Ro Vai Syllable Ro
42449Vai Syllable Do Vai Syllable Do
42450Vai Syllable Ndo Vai Syllable Ndo
42451Vai Syllable So Vai Syllable So
42452Vai Syllable Sho Vai Syllable Sho
42453Vai Syllable Zo Vai Syllable Zo
42454Vai Syllable Zho Vai Syllable Zho
42455Vai Syllable Co Vai Syllable Co
42456Vai Syllable Jo Vai Syllable Jo
42457Vai Syllable Njo Vai Syllable Njo
42458Vai Syllable Yo Vai Syllable Yo
42459Vai Syllable Ko Vai Syllable Ko
42460Vai Syllable Nggo Vai Syllable Nggo
42461Vai Syllable Go Vai Syllable Go
42462Vai Syllable Mo Vai Syllable Mo
42463Vai Syllable No Vai Syllable No
42464Vai Syllable Nyo Vai Syllable Nyo
42465Vai Syllable E Vai Syllable E
42466Vai Syllable En Vai Syllable En
42467Vai Syllable Ngen Vai Syllable Ngen
42468Vai Syllable He Vai Syllable He
42469Vai Syllable Hen Vai Syllable Hen
42470Vai Syllable We Vai Syllable We
42471Vai Syllable Wen Vai Syllable Wen
42472Vai Syllable Pe Vai Syllable Pe
42473Vai Syllable Bhe Vai Syllable Bhe
42474Vai Syllable Be Vai Syllable Be
42475Vai Syllable Mbe Vai Syllable Mbe
42476Vai Syllable Kpe Vai Syllable Kpe
42477Vai Syllable Kpen Vai Syllable Kpen
42478Vai Syllable Mgbe Vai Syllable Mgbe
42479Vai Syllable Gbe Vai Syllable Gbe
42480Vai Syllable Gben Vai Syllable Gben
42481Vai Syllable Fe Vai Syllable Fe
42482Vai Syllable Ve Vai Syllable Ve
42483Vai Syllable Te Vai Syllable Te
42484Vai Syllable The Vai Syllable The
42485Vai Syllable Dhe Vai Syllable Dhe
42486Vai Syllable Dhhe Vai Syllable Dhhe
42487Vai Syllable Le Vai Syllable Le
42488Vai Syllable Re Vai Syllable Re
42489Vai Syllable De Vai Syllable De
42490Vai Syllable Nde Vai Syllable Nde
42491Vai Syllable Se Vai Syllable Se
42492Vai Syllable She Vai Syllable She
42493Vai Syllable Ze Vai Syllable Ze
42494Vai Syllable Zhe Vai Syllable Zhe
42495Vai Syllable Ce Vai Syllable Ce
42496Vai Syllable Je Vai Syllable Je
42497Vai Syllable Nje Vai Syllable Nje
42498Vai Syllable Ye Vai Syllable Ye
42499Vai Syllable Ke Vai Syllable Ke
42500Vai Syllable Ngge Vai Syllable Ngge
42501Vai Syllable Nggen Vai Syllable Nggen
42502Vai Syllable Ge Vai Syllable Ge
42503Vai Syllable Gen Vai Syllable Gen
42504Vai Syllable Me Vai Syllable Me
42505Vai Syllable Ne Vai Syllable Ne
42506Vai Syllable Nye Vai Syllable Nye
42507Vai Syllable Ng Vai Syllable Ng
42508Vai Syllable Lengthener Vai Syllable Lengthener
42509Vai Comma Vai Comma
42510Vai Full Stop Vai Full Stop
42511Vai Question Mark Vai Question Mark
42512Vai Syllable Ndole Fa Vai Syllable Ndole Fa
42513Vai Syllable Ndole Ka Vai Syllable Ndole Ka
42514Vai Syllable Ndole Soo Vai Syllable Ndole Soo
42515Vai Symbol Feeng Vai Symbol Feeng
42516Vai Symbol Keeng Vai Symbol Keeng
42517Vai Symbol Ting Vai Symbol Ting
42518Vai Symbol Nii Vai Symbol Nii
42519Vai Symbol Bang Vai Symbol Bang
42520Vai Symbol Faa Vai Symbol Faa
42521Vai Symbol Taa Vai Symbol Taa
42522Vai Symbol Dang Vai Symbol Dang
42523Vai Symbol Doong Vai Symbol Doong
42524Vai Symbol Kung Vai Symbol Kung
42525Vai Symbol Tong Vai Symbol Tong
42526Vai Symbol Do-O Vai Symbol Do-O
42527Vai Symbol Jong Vai Symbol Jong
42528Vai Digit Zero Vai Digit Zero
42529Vai Digit One Vai Digit One
42530Vai Digit Two Vai Digit Two
42531Vai Digit Three Vai Digit Three
42532Vai Digit Four Vai Digit Four
42533Vai Digit Five Vai Digit Five
42534Vai Digit Six Vai Digit Six
42535Vai Digit Seven Vai Digit Seven
42536Vai Digit Eight Vai Digit Eight
42537Vai Digit Nine Vai Digit Nine
42538Vai Syllable Ndole Ma Vai Syllable Ndole Ma
42539Vai Syllable Ndole Do Vai Syllable Ndole Do
42560Cyrillic Capital Letter Zemlya Cyrillic Capital Letter Zemlya
42561Cyrillic Small Letter Zemlya Cyrillic Small Letter Zemlya
42562Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzelo Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzelo
42563Cyrillic Small Letter Dzelo Cyrillic Small Letter Dzelo
42564Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Dze Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Dze
42565Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Dze Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Dze
42566Cyrillic Capital Letter Iota Cyrillic Capital Letter Iota
42567Cyrillic Small Letter Iota Cyrillic Small Letter Iota
42568Cyrillic Capital Letter Djerv Cyrillic Capital Letter Djerv
42569Cyrillic Small Letter Djerv Cyrillic Small Letter Djerv
42570Cyrillic Capital Letter Monograph Uk Cyrillic Capital Letter Monograph Uk
42571Cyrillic Small Letter Monograph Uk Cyrillic Small Letter Monograph Uk
42572Cyrillic Capital Letter Broad Omega Cyrillic Capital Letter Broad Omega
42573Cyrillic Small Letter Broad Omega Cyrillic Small Letter Broad Omega
42574Cyrillic Capital Letter Neutral Yer Cyrillic Capital Letter Neutral Yer
42575Cyrillic Small Letter Neutral Yer Cyrillic Small Letter Neutral Yer
42576Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru With Back Yer Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru With Back Yer
42577Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru With Back Yer Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru With Back Yer
42578Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Yat Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Yat
42579Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Yat Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Yat
42580Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Yu Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Yu
42581Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Yu Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Yu
42582Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified A Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified A
42583Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified A Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified A
42584Cyrillic Capital Letter Closed Little Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Closed Little Yus
42585Cyrillic Small Letter Closed Little Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Closed Little Yus
42586Cyrillic Capital Letter Blended Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Blended Yus
42587Cyrillic Small Letter Blended Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Blended Yus
42588Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Closed Little Yus Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Closed Little Yus
42589Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Closed Little Yus Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Closed Little Yus
42590Cyrillic Capital Letter Yn Cyrillic Capital Letter Yn
42591Cyrillic Small Letter Yn Cyrillic Small Letter Yn
42592Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Tse Cyrillic Capital Letter Reversed Tse
42593Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Tse Cyrillic Small Letter Reversed Tse
42594Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft De Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft De
42595Cyrillic Small Letter Soft De Cyrillic Small Letter Soft De
42596Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft El Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft El
42597Cyrillic Small Letter Soft El Cyrillic Small Letter Soft El
42598Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Em Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Em
42599Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Em Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Em
42600Cyrillic Capital Letter Monocular O Cyrillic Capital Letter Monocular O
42601Cyrillic Small Letter Monocular O Cyrillic Small Letter Monocular O
42602Cyrillic Capital Letter Binocular O Cyrillic Capital Letter Binocular O
42603Cyrillic Small Letter Binocular O Cyrillic Small Letter Binocular O
42604Cyrillic Capital Letter Double Monocular O Cyrillic Capital Letter Double Monocular O
42605Cyrillic Small Letter Double Monocular O Cyrillic Small Letter Double Monocular O
42606Cyrillic Letter Multiocular O Cyrillic Letter Multiocular O
42607Combining Cyrillic Vzmet Combining Cyrillic Vzmet
42608Combining Cyrillic Ten Millions Sign Combining Cyrillic Ten Millions Sign
42609Combining Cyrillic Hundred Millions Sign Combining Cyrillic Hundred Millions Sign
42610Combining Cyrillic Thousand Millions Sign Combining Cyrillic Thousand Millions Sign
42611Slavonic Asterisk Slavonic Asterisk
42620Combining Cyrillic Kavyka Combining Cyrillic Kavyka
42621Combining Cyrillic Payerok Combining Cyrillic Payerok
42622Cyrillic Kavyka Cyrillic Kavyka
42623Cyrillic Payerok Cyrillic Payerok
42624Cyrillic Capital Letter Dwe Cyrillic Capital Letter Dwe
42625Cyrillic Small Letter Dwe Cyrillic Small Letter Dwe
42626Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzwe Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzwe
42627Cyrillic Small Letter Dzwe Cyrillic Small Letter Dzwe
42628Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhwe Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhwe
42629Cyrillic Small Letter Zhwe Cyrillic Small Letter Zhwe
42630Cyrillic Capital Letter Cche Cyrillic Capital Letter Cche
42631Cyrillic Small Letter Cche Cyrillic Small Letter Cche
42632Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzze Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzze
42633Cyrillic Small Letter Dzze Cyrillic Small Letter Dzze
42634Cyrillic Capital Letter Te With Middle Hook Cyrillic Capital Letter Te With Middle Hook
42635Cyrillic Small Letter Te With Middle Hook Cyrillic Small Letter Te With Middle Hook
42636Cyrillic Capital Letter Twe Cyrillic Capital Letter Twe
42637Cyrillic Small Letter Twe Cyrillic Small Letter Twe
42638Cyrillic Capital Letter Tswe Cyrillic Capital Letter Tswe
42639Cyrillic Small Letter Tswe Cyrillic Small Letter Tswe
42640Cyrillic Capital Letter Tsse Cyrillic Capital Letter Tsse
42641Cyrillic Small Letter Tsse Cyrillic Small Letter Tsse
42642Cyrillic Capital Letter Tche Cyrillic Capital Letter Tche
42643Cyrillic Small Letter Tche Cyrillic Small Letter Tche
42644Cyrillic Capital Letter Hwe Cyrillic Capital Letter Hwe
42645Cyrillic Small Letter Hwe Cyrillic Small Letter Hwe
42646Cyrillic Capital Letter Shwe Cyrillic Capital Letter Shwe
42647Cyrillic Small Letter Shwe Cyrillic Small Letter Shwe
42656Bamum Letter A Bamum Letter A
42657Bamum Letter Ka Bamum Letter Ka
42658Bamum Letter U Bamum Letter U
42659Bamum Letter Ku Bamum Letter Ku
42660Bamum Letter Ee Bamum Letter Ee
42661Bamum Letter Ree Bamum Letter Ree
42662Bamum Letter Tae Bamum Letter Tae
42663Bamum Letter O Bamum Letter O
42664Bamum Letter Nyi Bamum Letter Nyi
42665Bamum Letter I Bamum Letter I
42666Bamum Letter La Bamum Letter La
42667Bamum Letter Pa Bamum Letter Pa
42668Bamum Letter Rii Bamum Letter Rii
42669Bamum Letter Riee Bamum Letter Riee
42670Bamum Letter Leeee Bamum Letter Leeee
42671Bamum Letter Meeee Bamum Letter Meeee
42672Bamum Letter Taa Bamum Letter Taa
42673Bamum Letter Ndaa Bamum Letter Ndaa
42674Bamum Letter Njaem Bamum Letter Njaem
42675Bamum Letter M Bamum Letter M
42676Bamum Letter Suu Bamum Letter Suu
42677Bamum Letter Mu Bamum Letter Mu
42678Bamum Letter Shii Bamum Letter Shii
42679Bamum Letter Si Bamum Letter Si
42680Bamum Letter Sheux Bamum Letter Sheux
42681Bamum Letter Seux Bamum Letter Seux
42682Bamum Letter Kyee Bamum Letter Kyee
42683Bamum Letter Ket Bamum Letter Ket
42684Bamum Letter Nuae Bamum Letter Nuae
42685Bamum Letter Nu Bamum Letter Nu
42686Bamum Letter Njuae Bamum Letter Njuae
42687Bamum Letter Yoq Bamum Letter Yoq
42688Bamum Letter Shu Bamum Letter Shu
42689Bamum Letter Yuq Bamum Letter Yuq
42690Bamum Letter Ya Bamum Letter Ya
42691Bamum Letter Nsha Bamum Letter Nsha
42692Bamum Letter Keux Bamum Letter Keux
42693Bamum Letter Peux Bamum Letter Peux
42694Bamum Letter Njee Bamum Letter Njee
42695Bamum Letter Ntee Bamum Letter Ntee
42696Bamum Letter Pue Bamum Letter Pue
42697Bamum Letter Wue Bamum Letter Wue
42698Bamum Letter Pee Bamum Letter Pee
42699Bamum Letter Fee Bamum Letter Fee
42700Bamum Letter Ru Bamum Letter Ru
42701Bamum Letter Lu Bamum Letter Lu
42702Bamum Letter Mi Bamum Letter Mi
42703Bamum Letter Ni Bamum Letter Ni
42704Bamum Letter Reux Bamum Letter Reux
42705Bamum Letter Rae Bamum Letter Rae
42706Bamum Letter Ken Bamum Letter Ken
42707Bamum Letter Ngkwaen Bamum Letter Ngkwaen
42708Bamum Letter Ngga Bamum Letter Ngga
42709Bamum Letter Nga Bamum Letter Nga
42710Bamum Letter Sho Bamum Letter Sho
42711Bamum Letter Puae Bamum Letter Puae
42712Bamum Letter Fu Bamum Letter Fu
42713Bamum Letter Fom Bamum Letter Fom
42714Bamum Letter Wa Bamum Letter Wa
42715Bamum Letter Na Bamum Letter Na
42716Bamum Letter Li Bamum Letter Li
42717Bamum Letter Pi Bamum Letter Pi
42718Bamum Letter Loq Bamum Letter Loq
42719Bamum Letter Ko Bamum Letter Ko
42720Bamum Letter Mben Bamum Letter Mben
42721Bamum Letter Ren Bamum Letter Ren
42722Bamum Letter Men Bamum Letter Men
42723Bamum Letter Ma Bamum Letter Ma
42724Bamum Letter Ti Bamum Letter Ti
42725Bamum Letter Ki Bamum Letter Ki
42726Bamum Letter Mo Bamum Letter Mo
42727Bamum Letter Mbaa Bamum Letter Mbaa
42728Bamum Letter Tet Bamum Letter Tet
42729Bamum Letter Kpa Bamum Letter Kpa
42730Bamum Letter Ten Bamum Letter Ten
42731Bamum Letter Ntuu Bamum Letter Ntuu
42732Bamum Letter Samba Bamum Letter Samba
42733Bamum Letter Faamae Bamum Letter Faamae
42734Bamum Letter Kovuu Bamum Letter Kovuu
42735Bamum Letter Koghom Bamum Letter Koghom
42736Bamum Combining Mark Koqndon Bamum Combining Mark Koqndon
42737Bamum Combining Mark Tukwentis Bamum Combining Mark Tukwentis
42738Bamum Njaemli Bamum Njaemli
42739Bamum Full Stop Bamum Full Stop
42740Bamum Colon Bamum Colon
42741Bamum Comma Bamum Comma
42742Bamum Semicolon Bamum Semicolon
42743Bamum Question Mark Bamum Question Mark
42752Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ping Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ping
42753Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ping Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ping
42754Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Shang Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Shang
42755Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Shang Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Shang
42756Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Qu Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Qu
42757Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Qu Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Qu
42758Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ru Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yin Ru
42759Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ru Modifier Letter Chinese Tone Yang Ru
42760Modifier Letter Extra-High Dotted Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-High Dotted Tone Bar
42761Modifier Letter High Dotted Tone Bar Modifier Letter High Dotted Tone Bar
42762Modifier Letter Mid Dotted Tone Bar Modifier Letter Mid Dotted Tone Bar
42763Modifier Letter Low Dotted Tone Bar Modifier Letter Low Dotted Tone Bar
42764Modifier Letter Extra-Low Dotted Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-Low Dotted Tone Bar
42765Modifier Letter Extra-High Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-High Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar
42766Modifier Letter High Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter High Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar
42767Modifier Letter Mid Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Mid Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar
42768Modifier Letter Low Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Low Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar
42769Modifier Letter Extra-Low Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-Low Dotted Left-Stem Tone Bar
42770Modifier Letter Extra-High Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-High Left-Stem Tone Bar
42771Modifier Letter High Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter High Left-Stem Tone Bar
42772Modifier Letter Mid Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Mid Left-Stem Tone Bar
42773Modifier Letter Low Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Low Left-Stem Tone Bar
42774Modifier Letter Extra-Low Left-Stem Tone Bar Modifier Letter Extra-Low Left-Stem Tone Bar
42775Modifier Letter Dot Vertical Bar Modifier Letter Dot Vertical Bar
42776Modifier Letter Dot Slash Modifier Letter Dot Slash
42777Modifier Letter Dot Horizontal Bar Modifier Letter Dot Horizontal Bar
42778Modifier Letter Lower Right Corner Angle Modifier Letter Lower Right Corner Angle
42779Modifier Letter Raised Up Arrow Modifier Letter Raised Up Arrow
42780Modifier Letter Raised Down Arrow Modifier Letter Raised Down Arrow
42781Modifier Letter Raised Exclamation Mark Modifier Letter Raised Exclamation Mark
42782Modifier Letter Raised Inverted Exclamation Mark Modifier Letter Raised Inverted Exclamation Mark
42783Modifier Letter Low Inverted Exclamation Mark Modifier Letter Low Inverted Exclamation Mark
42784Modifier Letter Stress And High Tone Modifier Letter Stress And High Tone
42785Modifier Letter Stress And Low Tone Modifier Letter Stress And Low Tone
42786Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Alef Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Alef
42787Latin Small Letter Egyptological Alef Latin Small Letter Egyptological Alef
42788Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Ain Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Ain
42789Latin Small Letter Egyptological Ain Latin Small Letter Egyptological Ain
42790Latin Capital Letter Heng Latin Capital Letter Heng
42791Latin Small Letter Heng Latin Small Letter Heng
42792Latin Capital Letter Tz Latin Capital Letter Tz
42793Latin Small Letter Tz Latin Small Letter Tz
42794Latin Capital Letter Tresillo Latin Capital Letter Tresillo
42795Latin Small Letter Tresillo Latin Small Letter Tresillo
42796Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo
42797Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo
42798Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo With Comma Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo With Comma
42799Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo With Comma Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo With Comma
42800Latin Letter Small Capital F Latin Letter Small Capital F
42801Latin Letter Small Capital S Latin Letter Small Capital S
42802Latin Capital Letter Aa Latin Capital Letter Aa
42803Latin Small Letter Aa Latin Small Letter Aa
42804Latin Capital Letter Ao Latin Capital Letter Ao
42805Latin Small Letter Ao Latin Small Letter Ao
42806Latin Capital Letter Au Latin Capital Letter Au
42807Latin Small Letter Au Latin Small Letter Au
42808Latin Capital Letter Av Latin Capital Letter Av
42809Latin Small Letter Av Latin Small Letter Av
42810Latin Capital Letter Av With Horizontal Bar Latin Capital Letter Av With Horizontal Bar
42811Latin Small Letter Av With Horizontal Bar Latin Small Letter Av With Horizontal Bar
42812Latin Capital Letter Ay Latin Capital Letter Ay
42813Latin Small Letter Ay Latin Small Letter Ay
42814Latin Capital Letter Reversed C With Dot Latin Capital Letter Reversed C With Dot
42815Latin Small Letter Reversed C With Dot Latin Small Letter Reversed C With Dot
42816Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke
42817Latin Small Letter K With Stroke Latin Small Letter K With Stroke
42818Latin Capital Letter K With Diagonal Stroke Latin Capital Letter K With Diagonal Stroke
42819Latin Small Letter K With Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter K With Diagonal Stroke
42820Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke
42821Latin Small Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke
42822Latin Capital Letter Broken L Latin Capital Letter Broken L
42823Latin Small Letter Broken L Latin Small Letter Broken L
42824Latin Capital Letter L With High Stroke Latin Capital Letter L With High Stroke
42825Latin Small Letter L With High Stroke Latin Small Letter L With High Stroke
42826Latin Capital Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay Latin Capital Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay
42827Latin Small Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay Latin Small Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay
42828Latin Capital Letter O With Loop Latin Capital Letter O With Loop
42829Latin Small Letter O With Loop Latin Small Letter O With Loop
42830Latin Capital Letter Oo Latin Capital Letter Oo
42831Latin Small Letter Oo Latin Small Letter Oo
42832Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke Through Descender Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke Through Descender
42833Latin Small Letter P With Stroke Through Descender Latin Small Letter P With Stroke Through Descender
42834Latin Capital Letter P With Flourish Latin Capital Letter P With Flourish
42835Latin Small Letter P With Flourish Latin Small Letter P With Flourish
42836Latin Capital Letter P With Squirrel Tail Latin Capital Letter P With Squirrel Tail
42837Latin Small Letter P With Squirrel Tail Latin Small Letter P With Squirrel Tail
42838Latin Capital Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender Latin Capital Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender
42839Latin Small Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender Latin Small Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender
42840Latin Capital Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke Latin Capital Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke
42841Latin Small Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke
42842Latin Capital Letter R Rotunda Latin Capital Letter R Rotunda
42843Latin Small Letter R Rotunda Latin Small Letter R Rotunda
42844Latin Capital Letter Rum Rotunda Latin Capital Letter Rum Rotunda
42845Latin Small Letter Rum Rotunda Latin Small Letter Rum Rotunda
42846Latin Capital Letter V With Diagonal Stroke Latin Capital Letter V With Diagonal Stroke
42847Latin Small Letter V With Diagonal Stroke Latin Small Letter V With Diagonal Stroke
42848Latin Capital Letter Vy Latin Capital Letter Vy
42849Latin Small Letter Vy Latin Small Letter Vy
42850Latin Capital Letter Visigothic Z Latin Capital Letter Visigothic Z
42851Latin Small Letter Visigothic Z Latin Small Letter Visigothic Z
42852Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke
42853Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke
42854Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender
42855Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender
42856Latin Capital Letter Vend Latin Capital Letter Vend
42857Latin Small Letter Vend Latin Small Letter Vend
42858Latin Capital Letter Et Latin Capital Letter Et
42859Latin Small Letter Et Latin Small Letter Et
42860Latin Capital Letter Is Latin Capital Letter Is
42861Latin Small Letter Is Latin Small Letter Is
42862Latin Capital Letter Con Latin Capital Letter Con
42863Latin Small Letter Con Latin Small Letter Con
42864Modifier Letter Us Modifier Letter Us
42865Latin Small Letter Dum Latin Small Letter Dum
42866Latin Small Letter Lum Latin Small Letter Lum
42867Latin Small Letter Mum Latin Small Letter Mum
42868Latin Small Letter Num Latin Small Letter Num
42869Latin Small Letter Rum Latin Small Letter Rum
42870Latin Letter Small Capital Rum Latin Letter Small Capital Rum
42871Latin Small Letter Tum Latin Small Letter Tum
42872Latin Small Letter Um Latin Small Letter Um
42873Latin Capital Letter Insular D Latin Capital Letter Insular D
42874Latin Small Letter Insular D Latin Small Letter Insular D
42875Latin Capital Letter Insular F Latin Capital Letter Insular F
42876Latin Small Letter Insular F Latin Small Letter Insular F
42877Latin Capital Letter Insular G Latin Capital Letter Insular G
42878Latin Capital Letter Turned Insular G Latin Capital Letter Turned Insular G
42879Latin Small Letter Turned Insular G Latin Small Letter Turned Insular G
42880Latin Capital Letter Turned L Latin Capital Letter Turned L
42881Latin Small Letter Turned L Latin Small Letter Turned L
42882Latin Capital Letter Insular R Latin Capital Letter Insular R
42883Latin Small Letter Insular R Latin Small Letter Insular R
42884Latin Capital Letter Insular S Latin Capital Letter Insular S
42885Latin Small Letter Insular S Latin Small Letter Insular S
42886Latin Capital Letter Insular T Latin Capital Letter Insular T
42887Latin Small Letter Insular T Latin Small Letter Insular T
42888Modifier Letter Low Circumflex Accent Modifier Letter Low Circumflex Accent
42889Modifier Letter Colon Modifier Letter Colon
42890Modifier Letter Short Equals Sign Modifier Letter Short Equals Sign
42891Latin Capital Letter Saltillo Latin Capital Letter Saltillo
42892Latin Small Letter Saltillo Latin Small Letter Saltillo
42893Latin Capital Letter Turned H Latin Capital Letter Turned H
42894Latin Small Letter L With Retroflex Hook And Belt Latin Small Letter L With Retroflex Hook And Belt
42896Latin Capital Letter N With Descender Latin Capital Letter N With Descender
42897Latin Small Letter N With Descender Latin Small Letter N With Descender
42912Latin Capital Letter G With Oblique Stroke Latin Capital Letter G With Oblique Stroke
42913Latin Small Letter G With Oblique Stroke Latin Small Letter G With Oblique Stroke
42914Latin Capital Letter K With Oblique Stroke Latin Capital Letter K With Oblique Stroke
42915Latin Small Letter K With Oblique Stroke Latin Small Letter K With Oblique Stroke
42916Latin Capital Letter N With Oblique Stroke Latin Capital Letter N With Oblique Stroke
42917Latin Small Letter N With Oblique Stroke Latin Small Letter N With Oblique Stroke
42918Latin Capital Letter R With Oblique Stroke Latin Capital Letter R With Oblique Stroke
42919Latin Small Letter R With Oblique Stroke Latin Small Letter R With Oblique Stroke
42920Latin Capital Letter S With Oblique Stroke Latin Capital Letter S With Oblique Stroke
42921Latin Small Letter S With Oblique Stroke Latin Small Letter S With Oblique Stroke
43002Latin Letter Small Capital Turned M Latin Letter Small Capital Turned M
43003Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed F Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed F
43004Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed P Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed P
43005Latin Epigraphic Letter Inverted M Latin Epigraphic Letter Inverted M
43006Latin Epigraphic Letter I Longa Latin Epigraphic Letter I Longa
43007Latin Epigraphic Letter Archaic M Latin Epigraphic Letter Archaic M
43008Syloti Nagri Letter A Syloti Nagri Letter A
43009Syloti Nagri Letter I Syloti Nagri Letter I
43010Syloti Nagri Sign Dvisvara Syloti Nagri Sign Dvisvara
43011Syloti Nagri Letter U Syloti Nagri Letter U
43012Syloti Nagri Letter E Syloti Nagri Letter E
43013Syloti Nagri Letter O Syloti Nagri Letter O
43014Syloti Nagri Sign Hasanta Syloti Nagri Sign Hasanta
43015Syloti Nagri Letter Ko Syloti Nagri Letter Ko
43016Syloti Nagri Letter Kho Syloti Nagri Letter Kho
43017Syloti Nagri Letter Go Syloti Nagri Letter Go
43018Syloti Nagri Letter Gho Syloti Nagri Letter Gho
43019Syloti Nagri Sign Anusvara Syloti Nagri Sign Anusvara
43020Syloti Nagri Letter Co Syloti Nagri Letter Co
43021Syloti Nagri Letter Cho Syloti Nagri Letter Cho
43022Syloti Nagri Letter Jo Syloti Nagri Letter Jo
43023Syloti Nagri Letter Jho Syloti Nagri Letter Jho
43024Syloti Nagri Letter Tto Syloti Nagri Letter Tto
43025Syloti Nagri Letter Ttho Syloti Nagri Letter Ttho
43026Syloti Nagri Letter Ddo Syloti Nagri Letter Ddo
43027Syloti Nagri Letter Ddho Syloti Nagri Letter Ddho
43028Syloti Nagri Letter To Syloti Nagri Letter To
43029Syloti Nagri Letter Tho Syloti Nagri Letter Tho
43030Syloti Nagri Letter Do Syloti Nagri Letter Do
43031Syloti Nagri Letter Dho Syloti Nagri Letter Dho
43032Syloti Nagri Letter No Syloti Nagri Letter No
43033Syloti Nagri Letter Po Syloti Nagri Letter Po
43034Syloti Nagri Letter Pho Syloti Nagri Letter Pho
43035Syloti Nagri Letter Bo Syloti Nagri Letter Bo
43036Syloti Nagri Letter Bho Syloti Nagri Letter Bho
43037Syloti Nagri Letter Mo Syloti Nagri Letter Mo
43038Syloti Nagri Letter Ro Syloti Nagri Letter Ro
43039Syloti Nagri Letter Lo Syloti Nagri Letter Lo
43040Syloti Nagri Letter Rro Syloti Nagri Letter Rro
43041Syloti Nagri Letter So Syloti Nagri Letter So
43042Syloti Nagri Letter Ho Syloti Nagri Letter Ho
43043Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign A Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign A
43044Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign I Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign I
43045Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign U Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign U
43046Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign E Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign E
43047Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign Oo Syloti Nagri Vowel Sign Oo
43048Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-1 Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-1
43049Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-2 Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-2
43050Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-3 Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-3
43051Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-4 Syloti Nagri Poetry Mark-4
43056North Indic Fraction One Quarter North Indic Fraction One Quarter
43057North Indic Fraction One Half North Indic Fraction One Half
43058North Indic Fraction Three Quarters North Indic Fraction Three Quarters
43059North Indic Fraction One Sixteenth North Indic Fraction One Sixteenth
43060North Indic Fraction One Eighth North Indic Fraction One Eighth
43061North Indic Fraction Three Sixteenths North Indic Fraction Three Sixteenths
43062North Indic Quarter Mark North Indic Quarter Mark
43063North Indic Placeholder Mark North Indic Placeholder Mark
43064North Indic Rupee Mark North Indic Rupee Mark
43065North Indic Quantity Mark North Indic Quantity Mark
43072Phags-Pa Letter Ka Phags-Pa Letter Ka
43073Phags-Pa Letter Kha Phags-Pa Letter Kha
43074Phags-Pa Letter Ga Phags-Pa Letter Ga
43075Phags-Pa Letter Nga Phags-Pa Letter Nga
43076Phags-Pa Letter Ca Phags-Pa Letter Ca
43077Phags-Pa Letter Cha Phags-Pa Letter Cha
43078Phags-Pa Letter Ja Phags-Pa Letter Ja
43079Phags-Pa Letter Nya Phags-Pa Letter Nya
43080Phags-Pa Letter Ta Phags-Pa Letter Ta
43081Phags-Pa Letter Tha Phags-Pa Letter Tha
43082Phags-Pa Letter Da Phags-Pa Letter Da
43083Phags-Pa Letter Na Phags-Pa Letter Na
43084Phags-Pa Letter Pa Phags-Pa Letter Pa
43085Phags-Pa Letter Pha Phags-Pa Letter Pha
43086Phags-Pa Letter Ba Phags-Pa Letter Ba
43087Phags-Pa Letter Ma Phags-Pa Letter Ma
43088Phags-Pa Letter Tsa Phags-Pa Letter Tsa
43089Phags-Pa Letter Tsha Phags-Pa Letter Tsha
43090Phags-Pa Letter Dza Phags-Pa Letter Dza
43091Phags-Pa Letter Wa Phags-Pa Letter Wa
43092Phags-Pa Letter Zha Phags-Pa Letter Zha
43093Phags-Pa Letter Za Phags-Pa Letter Za
43094Phags-Pa Letter Small A Phags-Pa Letter Small A
43095Phags-Pa Letter Ya Phags-Pa Letter Ya
43096Phags-Pa Letter Ra Phags-Pa Letter Ra
43097Phags-Pa Letter La Phags-Pa Letter La
43098Phags-Pa Letter Sha Phags-Pa Letter Sha
43099Phags-Pa Letter Sa Phags-Pa Letter Sa
43100Phags-Pa Letter Ha Phags-Pa Letter Ha
43101Phags-Pa Letter A Phags-Pa Letter A
43102Phags-Pa Letter I Phags-Pa Letter I
43103Phags-Pa Letter U Phags-Pa Letter U
43104Phags-Pa Letter E Phags-Pa Letter E
43105Phags-Pa Letter O Phags-Pa Letter O
43106Phags-Pa Letter Qa Phags-Pa Letter Qa
43107Phags-Pa Letter Xa Phags-Pa Letter Xa
43108Phags-Pa Letter Fa Phags-Pa Letter Fa
43109Phags-Pa Letter Gga Phags-Pa Letter Gga
43110Phags-Pa Letter Ee Phags-Pa Letter Ee
43111Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Wa Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Wa
43112Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Ya Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Ya
43113Phags-Pa Letter Tta Phags-Pa Letter Tta
43114Phags-Pa Letter Ttha Phags-Pa Letter Ttha
43115Phags-Pa Letter Dda Phags-Pa Letter Dda
43116Phags-Pa Letter Nna Phags-Pa Letter Nna
43117Phags-Pa Letter Alternate Ya Phags-Pa Letter Alternate Ya
43118Phags-Pa Letter Voiceless Sha Phags-Pa Letter Voiceless Sha
43119Phags-Pa Letter Voiced Ha Phags-Pa Letter Voiced Ha
43120Phags-Pa Letter Aspirated Fa Phags-Pa Letter Aspirated Fa
43121Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Ra Phags-Pa Subjoined Letter Ra
43122Phags-Pa Superfixed Letter Ra Phags-Pa Superfixed Letter Ra
43123Phags-Pa Letter Candrabindu Phags-Pa Letter Candrabindu
43124Phags-Pa Single Head Mark Phags-Pa Single Head Mark
43125Phags-Pa Double Head Mark Phags-Pa Double Head Mark
43126Phags-Pa Mark Shad Phags-Pa Mark Shad
43127Phags-Pa Mark Double Shad Phags-Pa Mark Double Shad
43136Saurashtra Sign Anusvara Saurashtra Sign Anusvara
43137Saurashtra Sign Visarga Saurashtra Sign Visarga
43138Saurashtra Letter A Saurashtra Letter A
43139Saurashtra Letter Aa Saurashtra Letter Aa
43140Saurashtra Letter I Saurashtra Letter I
43141Saurashtra Letter Ii Saurashtra Letter Ii
43142Saurashtra Letter U Saurashtra Letter U
43143Saurashtra Letter Uu Saurashtra Letter Uu
43144Saurashtra Letter Vocalic R Saurashtra Letter Vocalic R
43145Saurashtra Letter Vocalic Rr Saurashtra Letter Vocalic Rr
43146Saurashtra Letter Vocalic L Saurashtra Letter Vocalic L
43147Saurashtra Letter Vocalic Ll Saurashtra Letter Vocalic Ll
43148Saurashtra Letter E Saurashtra Letter E
43149Saurashtra Letter Ee Saurashtra Letter Ee
43150Saurashtra Letter Ai Saurashtra Letter Ai
43151Saurashtra Letter O Saurashtra Letter O
43152Saurashtra Letter Oo Saurashtra Letter Oo
43153Saurashtra Letter Au Saurashtra Letter Au
43154Saurashtra Letter Ka Saurashtra Letter Ka
43155Saurashtra Letter Kha Saurashtra Letter Kha
43156Saurashtra Letter Ga Saurashtra Letter Ga
43157Saurashtra Letter Gha Saurashtra Letter Gha
43158Saurashtra Letter Nga Saurashtra Letter Nga
43159Saurashtra Letter Ca Saurashtra Letter Ca
43160Saurashtra Letter Cha Saurashtra Letter Cha
43161Saurashtra Letter Ja Saurashtra Letter Ja
43162Saurashtra Letter Jha Saurashtra Letter Jha
43163Saurashtra Letter Nya Saurashtra Letter Nya
43164Saurashtra Letter Tta Saurashtra Letter Tta
43165Saurashtra Letter Ttha Saurashtra Letter Ttha
43166Saurashtra Letter Dda Saurashtra Letter Dda
43167Saurashtra Letter Ddha Saurashtra Letter Ddha
43168Saurashtra Letter Nna Saurashtra Letter Nna
43169Saurashtra Letter Ta Saurashtra Letter Ta
43170Saurashtra Letter Tha Saurashtra Letter Tha
43171Saurashtra Letter Da Saurashtra Letter Da
43172Saurashtra Letter Dha Saurashtra Letter Dha
43173Saurashtra Letter Na Saurashtra Letter Na
43174Saurashtra Letter Pa Saurashtra Letter Pa
43175Saurashtra Letter Pha Saurashtra Letter Pha
43176Saurashtra Letter Ba Saurashtra Letter Ba
43177Saurashtra Letter Bha Saurashtra Letter Bha
43178Saurashtra Letter Ma Saurashtra Letter Ma
43179Saurashtra Letter Ya Saurashtra Letter Ya
43180Saurashtra Letter Ra Saurashtra Letter Ra
43181Saurashtra Letter La Saurashtra Letter La
43182Saurashtra Letter Va Saurashtra Letter Va
43183Saurashtra Letter Sha Saurashtra Letter Sha
43184Saurashtra Letter Ssa Saurashtra Letter Ssa
43185Saurashtra Letter Sa Saurashtra Letter Sa
43186Saurashtra Letter Ha Saurashtra Letter Ha
43187Saurashtra Letter Lla Saurashtra Letter Lla
43188Saurashtra Consonant Sign Haaru Saurashtra Consonant Sign Haaru
43189Saurashtra Vowel Sign Aa Saurashtra Vowel Sign Aa
43190Saurashtra Vowel Sign I Saurashtra Vowel Sign I
43191Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ii Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ii
43192Saurashtra Vowel Sign U Saurashtra Vowel Sign U
43193Saurashtra Vowel Sign Uu Saurashtra Vowel Sign Uu
43194Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic R Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic R
43195Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
43196Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic L Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic L
43197Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll Saurashtra Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
43198Saurashtra Vowel Sign E Saurashtra Vowel Sign E
43199Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ee Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ee
43200Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ai Saurashtra Vowel Sign Ai
43201Saurashtra Vowel Sign O Saurashtra Vowel Sign O
43202Saurashtra Vowel Sign Oo Saurashtra Vowel Sign Oo
43203Saurashtra Vowel Sign Au Saurashtra Vowel Sign Au
43204Saurashtra Sign Virama Saurashtra Sign Virama
43214Saurashtra Danda Saurashtra Danda
43215Saurashtra Double Danda Saurashtra Double Danda
43216Saurashtra Digit Zero Saurashtra Digit Zero
43217Saurashtra Digit One Saurashtra Digit One
43218Saurashtra Digit Two Saurashtra Digit Two
43219Saurashtra Digit Three Saurashtra Digit Three
43220Saurashtra Digit Four Saurashtra Digit Four
43221Saurashtra Digit Five Saurashtra Digit Five
43222Saurashtra Digit Six Saurashtra Digit Six
43223Saurashtra Digit Seven Saurashtra Digit Seven
43224Saurashtra Digit Eight Saurashtra Digit Eight
43225Saurashtra Digit Nine Saurashtra Digit Nine
43232Combining Devanagari Digit Zero Combining Devanagari Digit Zero
43233Combining Devanagari Digit One Combining Devanagari Digit One
43234Combining Devanagari Digit Two Combining Devanagari Digit Two
43235Combining Devanagari Digit Three Combining Devanagari Digit Three
43236Combining Devanagari Digit Four Combining Devanagari Digit Four
43237Combining Devanagari Digit Five Combining Devanagari Digit Five
43238Combining Devanagari Digit Six Combining Devanagari Digit Six
43239Combining Devanagari Digit Seven Combining Devanagari Digit Seven
43240Combining Devanagari Digit Eight Combining Devanagari Digit Eight
43241Combining Devanagari Digit Nine Combining Devanagari Digit Nine
43242Combining Devanagari Letter A Combining Devanagari Letter A
43243Combining Devanagari Letter U Combining Devanagari Letter U
43244Combining Devanagari Letter Ka Combining Devanagari Letter Ka
43245Combining Devanagari Letter Na Combining Devanagari Letter Na
43246Combining Devanagari Letter Pa Combining Devanagari Letter Pa
43247Combining Devanagari Letter Ra Combining Devanagari Letter Ra
43248Combining Devanagari Letter Vi Combining Devanagari Letter Vi
43249Combining Devanagari Sign Avagraha Combining Devanagari Sign Avagraha
43250Devanagari Sign Spacing Candrabindu Devanagari Sign Spacing Candrabindu
43251Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Virama Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Virama
43252Devanagari Sign Double Candrabindu Virama Devanagari Sign Double Candrabindu Virama
43253Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Two Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Two
43254Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Three Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Three
43255Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Avagraha Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Avagraha
43256Devanagari Sign Pushpika Devanagari Sign Pushpika
43257Devanagari Gap Filler Devanagari Gap Filler
43258Devanagari Caret Devanagari Caret
43259Devanagari Headstroke Devanagari Headstroke
43264Kayah Li Digit Zero Kayah Li Digit Zero
43265Kayah Li Digit One Kayah Li Digit One
43266Kayah Li Digit Two Kayah Li Digit Two
43267Kayah Li Digit Three Kayah Li Digit Three
43268Kayah Li Digit Four Kayah Li Digit Four
43269Kayah Li Digit Five Kayah Li Digit Five
43270Kayah Li Digit Six Kayah Li Digit Six
43271Kayah Li Digit Seven Kayah Li Digit Seven
43272Kayah Li Digit Eight Kayah Li Digit Eight
43273Kayah Li Digit Nine Kayah Li Digit Nine
43274Kayah Li Letter Ka Kayah Li Letter Ka
43275Kayah Li Letter Kha Kayah Li Letter Kha
43276Kayah Li Letter Ga Kayah Li Letter Ga
43277Kayah Li Letter Nga Kayah Li Letter Nga
43278Kayah Li Letter Sa Kayah Li Letter Sa
43279Kayah Li Letter Sha Kayah Li Letter Sha
43280Kayah Li Letter Za Kayah Li Letter Za
43281Kayah Li Letter Nya Kayah Li Letter Nya
43282Kayah Li Letter Ta Kayah Li Letter Ta
43283Kayah Li Letter Hta Kayah Li Letter Hta
43284Kayah Li Letter Na Kayah Li Letter Na
43285Kayah Li Letter Pa Kayah Li Letter Pa
43286Kayah Li Letter Pha Kayah Li Letter Pha
43287Kayah Li Letter Ma Kayah Li Letter Ma
43288Kayah Li Letter Da Kayah Li Letter Da
43289Kayah Li Letter Ba Kayah Li Letter Ba
43290Kayah Li Letter Ra Kayah Li Letter Ra
43291Kayah Li Letter Ya Kayah Li Letter Ya
43292Kayah Li Letter La Kayah Li Letter La
43293Kayah Li Letter Wa Kayah Li Letter Wa
43294Kayah Li Letter Tha Kayah Li Letter Tha
43295Kayah Li Letter Ha Kayah Li Letter Ha
43296Kayah Li Letter Va Kayah Li Letter Va
43297Kayah Li Letter Ca Kayah Li Letter Ca
43298Kayah Li Letter A Kayah Li Letter A
43299Kayah Li Letter Oe Kayah Li Letter Oe
43300Kayah Li Letter I Kayah Li Letter I
43301Kayah Li Letter Oo Kayah Li Letter Oo
43302Kayah Li Vowel Ue Kayah Li Vowel Ue
43303Kayah Li Vowel E Kayah Li Vowel E
43304Kayah Li Vowel U Kayah Li Vowel U
43305Kayah Li Vowel Ee Kayah Li Vowel Ee
43306Kayah Li Vowel O Kayah Li Vowel O
43307Kayah Li Tone Plophu Kayah Li Tone Plophu
43308Kayah Li Tone Calya Kayah Li Tone Calya
43309Kayah Li Tone Calya Plophu Kayah Li Tone Calya Plophu
43310Kayah Li Sign Cwi Kayah Li Sign Cwi
43311Kayah Li Sign Shya Kayah Li Sign Shya
43312Rejang Letter Ka Rejang Letter Ka
43313Rejang Letter Ga Rejang Letter Ga
43314Rejang Letter Nga Rejang Letter Nga
43315Rejang Letter Ta Rejang Letter Ta
43316Rejang Letter Da Rejang Letter Da
43317Rejang Letter Na Rejang Letter Na
43318Rejang Letter Pa Rejang Letter Pa
43319Rejang Letter Ba Rejang Letter Ba
43320Rejang Letter Ma Rejang Letter Ma
43321Rejang Letter Ca Rejang Letter Ca
43322Rejang Letter Ja Rejang Letter Ja
43323Rejang Letter Nya Rejang Letter Nya
43324Rejang Letter Sa Rejang Letter Sa
43325Rejang Letter Ra Rejang Letter Ra
43326Rejang Letter La Rejang Letter La
43327Rejang Letter Ya Rejang Letter Ya
43328Rejang Letter Wa Rejang Letter Wa
43329Rejang Letter Ha Rejang Letter Ha
43330Rejang Letter Mba Rejang Letter Mba
43331Rejang Letter Ngga Rejang Letter Ngga
43332Rejang Letter Nda Rejang Letter Nda
43333Rejang Letter Nyja Rejang Letter Nyja
43334Rejang Letter A Rejang Letter A
43335Rejang Vowel Sign I Rejang Vowel Sign I
43336Rejang Vowel Sign U Rejang Vowel Sign U
43337Rejang Vowel Sign E Rejang Vowel Sign E
43338Rejang Vowel Sign Ai Rejang Vowel Sign Ai
43339Rejang Vowel Sign O Rejang Vowel Sign O
43340Rejang Vowel Sign Au Rejang Vowel Sign Au
43341Rejang Vowel Sign Eu Rejang Vowel Sign Eu
43342Rejang Vowel Sign Ea Rejang Vowel Sign Ea
43343Rejang Consonant Sign Ng Rejang Consonant Sign Ng
43344Rejang Consonant Sign N Rejang Consonant Sign N
43345Rejang Consonant Sign R Rejang Consonant Sign R
43346Rejang Consonant Sign H Rejang Consonant Sign H
43347Rejang Virama Rejang Virama
43359Rejang Section Mark Rejang Section Mark
43360Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Mieum Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Mieum
43361Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Pieup Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Pieup
43362Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Sios Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Sios
43363Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Cieuc
43364Hangul Choseong Rieul-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Rieul-Kiyeok
43365Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangkiyeok Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangkiyeok
43366Hangul Choseong Rieul-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Rieul-Tikeut
43367Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangtikeut Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangtikeut
43368Hangul Choseong Rieul-Mieum Hangul Choseong Rieul-Mieum
43369Hangul Choseong Rieul-Pieup Hangul Choseong Rieul-Pieup
43370Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangpieup Hangul Choseong Rieul-Ssangpieup
43371Hangul Choseong Rieul-Kapyeounpieup Hangul Choseong Rieul-Kapyeounpieup
43372Hangul Choseong Rieul-Sios Hangul Choseong Rieul-Sios
43373Hangul Choseong Rieul-Cieuc Hangul Choseong Rieul-Cieuc
43374Hangul Choseong Rieul-Khieukh Hangul Choseong Rieul-Khieukh
43375Hangul Choseong Mieum-Kiyeok Hangul Choseong Mieum-Kiyeok
43376Hangul Choseong Mieum-Tikeut Hangul Choseong Mieum-Tikeut
43377Hangul Choseong Mieum-Sios Hangul Choseong Mieum-Sios
43378Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Thieuth Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Thieuth
43379Hangul Choseong Pieup-Khieukh Hangul Choseong Pieup-Khieukh
43380Hangul Choseong Pieup-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Pieup-Hieuh
43381Hangul Choseong Ssangsios-Pieup Hangul Choseong Ssangsios-Pieup
43382Hangul Choseong Ieung-Rieul Hangul Choseong Ieung-Rieul
43383Hangul Choseong Ieung-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Ieung-Hieuh
43384Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc-Hieuh
43385Hangul Choseong Ssangthieuth Hangul Choseong Ssangthieuth
43386Hangul Choseong Phieuph-Hieuh Hangul Choseong Phieuph-Hieuh
43387Hangul Choseong Hieuh-Sios Hangul Choseong Hieuh-Sios
43388Hangul Choseong Ssangyeorinhieuh Hangul Choseong Ssangyeorinhieuh
43392Javanese Sign Panyangga Javanese Sign Panyangga
43393Javanese Sign Cecak Javanese Sign Cecak
43394Javanese Sign Layar Javanese Sign Layar
43395Javanese Sign Wignyan Javanese Sign Wignyan
43396Javanese Letter A Javanese Letter A
43397Javanese Letter I Kawi Javanese Letter I Kawi
43398Javanese Letter I Javanese Letter I
43399Javanese Letter Ii Javanese Letter Ii
43400Javanese Letter U Javanese Letter U
43401Javanese Letter Pa Cerek Javanese Letter Pa Cerek
43402Javanese Letter Nga Lelet Javanese Letter Nga Lelet
43403Javanese Letter Nga Lelet Raswadi Javanese Letter Nga Lelet Raswadi
43404Javanese Letter E Javanese Letter E
43405Javanese Letter Ai Javanese Letter Ai
43406Javanese Letter O Javanese Letter O
43407Javanese Letter Ka Javanese Letter Ka
43408Javanese Letter Ka Sasak Javanese Letter Ka Sasak
43409Javanese Letter Ka Murda Javanese Letter Ka Murda
43410Javanese Letter Ga Javanese Letter Ga
43411Javanese Letter Ga Murda Javanese Letter Ga Murda
43412Javanese Letter Nga Javanese Letter Nga
43413Javanese Letter Ca Javanese Letter Ca
43414Javanese Letter Ca Murda Javanese Letter Ca Murda
43415Javanese Letter Ja Javanese Letter Ja
43416Javanese Letter Nya Murda Javanese Letter Nya Murda
43417Javanese Letter Ja Mahaprana Javanese Letter Ja Mahaprana
43418Javanese Letter Nya Javanese Letter Nya
43419Javanese Letter Tta Javanese Letter Tta
43420Javanese Letter Tta Mahaprana Javanese Letter Tta Mahaprana
43421Javanese Letter Dda Javanese Letter Dda
43422Javanese Letter Dda Mahaprana Javanese Letter Dda Mahaprana
43423Javanese Letter Na Murda Javanese Letter Na Murda
43424Javanese Letter Ta Javanese Letter Ta
43425Javanese Letter Ta Murda Javanese Letter Ta Murda
43426Javanese Letter Da Javanese Letter Da
43427Javanese Letter Da Mahaprana Javanese Letter Da Mahaprana
43428Javanese Letter Na Javanese Letter Na
43429Javanese Letter Pa Javanese Letter Pa
43430Javanese Letter Pa Murda Javanese Letter Pa Murda
43431Javanese Letter Ba Javanese Letter Ba
43432Javanese Letter Ba Murda Javanese Letter Ba Murda
43433Javanese Letter Ma Javanese Letter Ma
43434Javanese Letter Ya Javanese Letter Ya
43435Javanese Letter Ra Javanese Letter Ra
43436Javanese Letter Ra Agung Javanese Letter Ra Agung
43437Javanese Letter La Javanese Letter La
43438Javanese Letter Wa Javanese Letter Wa
43439Javanese Letter Sa Murda Javanese Letter Sa Murda
43440Javanese Letter Sa Mahaprana Javanese Letter Sa Mahaprana
43441Javanese Letter Sa Javanese Letter Sa
43442Javanese Letter Ha Javanese Letter Ha
43443Javanese Sign Cecak Telu Javanese Sign Cecak Telu
43444Javanese Vowel Sign Tarung Javanese Vowel Sign Tarung
43445Javanese Vowel Sign Tolong Javanese Vowel Sign Tolong
43446Javanese Vowel Sign Wulu Javanese Vowel Sign Wulu
43447Javanese Vowel Sign Wulu Melik Javanese Vowel Sign Wulu Melik
43448Javanese Vowel Sign Suku Javanese Vowel Sign Suku
43449Javanese Vowel Sign Suku Mendut Javanese Vowel Sign Suku Mendut
43450Javanese Vowel Sign Taling Javanese Vowel Sign Taling
43451Javanese Vowel Sign Dirga Mure Javanese Vowel Sign Dirga Mure
43452Javanese Vowel Sign Pepet Javanese Vowel Sign Pepet
43453Javanese Consonant Sign Keret Javanese Consonant Sign Keret
43454Javanese Consonant Sign Pengkal Javanese Consonant Sign Pengkal
43455Javanese Consonant Sign Cakra Javanese Consonant Sign Cakra
43456Javanese Pangkon Javanese Pangkon
43457Javanese Left Rerenggan Javanese Left Rerenggan
43458Javanese Right Rerenggan Javanese Right Rerenggan
43459Javanese Pada Andap Javanese Pada Andap
43460Javanese Pada Madya Javanese Pada Madya
43461Javanese Pada Luhur Javanese Pada Luhur
43462Javanese Pada Windu Javanese Pada Windu
43463Javanese Pada Pangkat Javanese Pada Pangkat
43464Javanese Pada Lingsa Javanese Pada Lingsa
43465Javanese Pada Lungsi Javanese Pada Lungsi
43466Javanese Pada Adeg Javanese Pada Adeg
43467Javanese Pada Adeg Adeg Javanese Pada Adeg Adeg
43468Javanese Pada Piseleh Javanese Pada Piseleh
43469Javanese Turned Pada Piseleh Javanese Turned Pada Piseleh
43471Javanese Pangrangkep Javanese Pangrangkep
43472Javanese Digit Zero Javanese Digit Zero
43473Javanese Digit One Javanese Digit One
43474Javanese Digit Two Javanese Digit Two
43475Javanese Digit Three Javanese Digit Three
43476Javanese Digit Four Javanese Digit Four
43477Javanese Digit Five Javanese Digit Five
43478Javanese Digit Six Javanese Digit Six
43479Javanese Digit Seven Javanese Digit Seven
43480Javanese Digit Eight Javanese Digit Eight
43481Javanese Digit Nine Javanese Digit Nine
43486Javanese Pada Tirta Tumetes Javanese Pada Tirta Tumetes
43487Javanese Pada Isen-Isen Javanese Pada Isen-Isen
43520Cham Letter A Cham Letter A
43521Cham Letter I Cham Letter I
43522Cham Letter U Cham Letter U
43523Cham Letter E Cham Letter E
43524Cham Letter Ai Cham Letter Ai
43525Cham Letter O Cham Letter O
43526Cham Letter Ka Cham Letter Ka
43527Cham Letter Kha Cham Letter Kha
43528Cham Letter Ga Cham Letter Ga
43529Cham Letter Gha Cham Letter Gha
43530Cham Letter Ngue Cham Letter Ngue
43531Cham Letter Nga Cham Letter Nga
43532Cham Letter Cha Cham Letter Cha
43533Cham Letter Chha Cham Letter Chha
43534Cham Letter Ja Cham Letter Ja
43535Cham Letter Jha Cham Letter Jha
43536Cham Letter Nhue Cham Letter Nhue
43537Cham Letter Nha Cham Letter Nha
43538Cham Letter Nhja Cham Letter Nhja
43539Cham Letter Ta Cham Letter Ta
43540Cham Letter Tha Cham Letter Tha
43541Cham Letter Da Cham Letter Da
43542Cham Letter Dha Cham Letter Dha
43543Cham Letter Nue Cham Letter Nue
43544Cham Letter Na Cham Letter Na
43545Cham Letter Dda Cham Letter Dda
43546Cham Letter Pa Cham Letter Pa
43547Cham Letter Ppa Cham Letter Ppa
43548Cham Letter Pha Cham Letter Pha
43549Cham Letter Ba Cham Letter Ba
43550Cham Letter Bha Cham Letter Bha
43551Cham Letter Mue Cham Letter Mue
43552Cham Letter Ma Cham Letter Ma
43553Cham Letter Bba Cham Letter Bba
43554Cham Letter Ya Cham Letter Ya
43555Cham Letter Ra Cham Letter Ra
43556Cham Letter La Cham Letter La
43557Cham Letter Va Cham Letter Va
43558Cham Letter Ssa Cham Letter Ssa
43559Cham Letter Sa Cham Letter Sa
43560Cham Letter Ha Cham Letter Ha
43561Cham Vowel Sign Aa Cham Vowel Sign Aa
43562Cham Vowel Sign I Cham Vowel Sign I
43563Cham Vowel Sign Ii Cham Vowel Sign Ii
43564Cham Vowel Sign Ei Cham Vowel Sign Ei
43565Cham Vowel Sign U Cham Vowel Sign U
43566Cham Vowel Sign Oe Cham Vowel Sign Oe
43567Cham Vowel Sign O Cham Vowel Sign O
43568Cham Vowel Sign Ai Cham Vowel Sign Ai
43569Cham Vowel Sign Au Cham Vowel Sign Au
43570Cham Vowel Sign Ue Cham Vowel Sign Ue
43571Cham Consonant Sign Ya Cham Consonant Sign Ya
43572Cham Consonant Sign Ra Cham Consonant Sign Ra
43573Cham Consonant Sign La Cham Consonant Sign La
43574Cham Consonant Sign Wa Cham Consonant Sign Wa
43584Cham Letter Final K Cham Letter Final K
43585Cham Letter Final G Cham Letter Final G
43586Cham Letter Final Ng Cham Letter Final Ng
43587Cham Consonant Sign Final Ng Cham Consonant Sign Final Ng
43588Cham Letter Final Ch Cham Letter Final Ch
43589Cham Letter Final T Cham Letter Final T
43590Cham Letter Final N Cham Letter Final N
43591Cham Letter Final P Cham Letter Final P
43592Cham Letter Final Y Cham Letter Final Y
43593Cham Letter Final R Cham Letter Final R
43594Cham Letter Final L Cham Letter Final L
43595Cham Letter Final Ss Cham Letter Final Ss
43596Cham Consonant Sign Final M Cham Consonant Sign Final M
43597Cham Consonant Sign Final H Cham Consonant Sign Final H
43600Cham Digit Zero Cham Digit Zero
43601Cham Digit One Cham Digit One
43602Cham Digit Two Cham Digit Two
43603Cham Digit Three Cham Digit Three
43604Cham Digit Four Cham Digit Four
43605Cham Digit Five Cham Digit Five
43606Cham Digit Six Cham Digit Six
43607Cham Digit Seven Cham Digit Seven
43608Cham Digit Eight Cham Digit Eight
43609Cham Digit Nine Cham Digit Nine
43612Cham Punctuation Spiral Cham Punctuation Spiral
43613Cham Punctuation Danda Cham Punctuation Danda
43614Cham Punctuation Double Danda Cham Punctuation Double Danda
43615Cham Punctuation Triple Danda Cham Punctuation Triple Danda
43616Myanmar Letter Khamti Ga Myanmar Letter Khamti Ga
43617Myanmar Letter Khamti Ca Myanmar Letter Khamti Ca
43618Myanmar Letter Khamti Cha Myanmar Letter Khamti Cha
43619Myanmar Letter Khamti Ja Myanmar Letter Khamti Ja
43620Myanmar Letter Khamti Jha Myanmar Letter Khamti Jha
43621Myanmar Letter Khamti Nya Myanmar Letter Khamti Nya
43622Myanmar Letter Khamti Tta Myanmar Letter Khamti Tta
43623Myanmar Letter Khamti Ttha Myanmar Letter Khamti Ttha
43624Myanmar Letter Khamti Dda Myanmar Letter Khamti Dda
43625Myanmar Letter Khamti Ddha Myanmar Letter Khamti Ddha
43626Myanmar Letter Khamti Dha Myanmar Letter Khamti Dha
43627Myanmar Letter Khamti Na Myanmar Letter Khamti Na
43628Myanmar Letter Khamti Sa Myanmar Letter Khamti Sa
43629Myanmar Letter Khamti Ha Myanmar Letter Khamti Ha
43630Myanmar Letter Khamti Hha Myanmar Letter Khamti Hha
43631Myanmar Letter Khamti Fa Myanmar Letter Khamti Fa
43632Myanmar Modifier Letter Khamti Reduplication Myanmar Modifier Letter Khamti Reduplication
43633Myanmar Letter Khamti Xa Myanmar Letter Khamti Xa
43634Myanmar Letter Khamti Za Myanmar Letter Khamti Za
43635Myanmar Letter Khamti Ra Myanmar Letter Khamti Ra
43636Myanmar Logogram Khamti Oay Myanmar Logogram Khamti Oay
43637Myanmar Logogram Khamti Qn Myanmar Logogram Khamti Qn
43638Myanmar Logogram Khamti Hm Myanmar Logogram Khamti Hm
43639Myanmar Symbol Aiton Exclamation Myanmar Symbol Aiton Exclamation
43640Myanmar Symbol Aiton One Myanmar Symbol Aiton One
43641Myanmar Symbol Aiton Two Myanmar Symbol Aiton Two
43642Myanmar Letter Aiton Ra Myanmar Letter Aiton Ra
43643Myanmar Sign Pao Karen Tone Myanmar Sign Pao Karen Tone
43648Tai Viet Letter Low Ko Tai Viet Letter Low Ko
43649Tai Viet Letter High Ko Tai Viet Letter High Ko
43650Tai Viet Letter Low Kho Tai Viet Letter Low Kho
43651Tai Viet Letter High Kho Tai Viet Letter High Kho
43652Tai Viet Letter Low Khho Tai Viet Letter Low Khho
43653Tai Viet Letter High Khho Tai Viet Letter High Khho
43654Tai Viet Letter Low Go Tai Viet Letter Low Go
43655Tai Viet Letter High Go Tai Viet Letter High Go
43656Tai Viet Letter Low Ngo Tai Viet Letter Low Ngo
43657Tai Viet Letter High Ngo Tai Viet Letter High Ngo
43658Tai Viet Letter Low Co Tai Viet Letter Low Co
43659Tai Viet Letter High Co Tai Viet Letter High Co
43660Tai Viet Letter Low Cho Tai Viet Letter Low Cho
43661Tai Viet Letter High Cho Tai Viet Letter High Cho
43662Tai Viet Letter Low So Tai Viet Letter Low So
43663Tai Viet Letter High So Tai Viet Letter High So
43664Tai Viet Letter Low Nyo Tai Viet Letter Low Nyo
43665Tai Viet Letter High Nyo Tai Viet Letter High Nyo
43666Tai Viet Letter Low Do Tai Viet Letter Low Do
43667Tai Viet Letter High Do Tai Viet Letter High Do
43668Tai Viet Letter Low To Tai Viet Letter Low To
43669Tai Viet Letter High To Tai Viet Letter High To
43670Tai Viet Letter Low Tho Tai Viet Letter Low Tho
43671Tai Viet Letter High Tho Tai Viet Letter High Tho
43672Tai Viet Letter Low No Tai Viet Letter Low No
43673Tai Viet Letter High No Tai Viet Letter High No
43674Tai Viet Letter Low Bo Tai Viet Letter Low Bo
43675Tai Viet Letter High Bo Tai Viet Letter High Bo
43676Tai Viet Letter Low Po Tai Viet Letter Low Po
43677Tai Viet Letter High Po Tai Viet Letter High Po
43678Tai Viet Letter Low Pho Tai Viet Letter Low Pho
43679Tai Viet Letter High Pho Tai Viet Letter High Pho
43680Tai Viet Letter Low Fo Tai Viet Letter Low Fo
43681Tai Viet Letter High Fo Tai Viet Letter High Fo
43682Tai Viet Letter Low Mo Tai Viet Letter Low Mo
43683Tai Viet Letter High Mo Tai Viet Letter High Mo
43684Tai Viet Letter Low Yo Tai Viet Letter Low Yo
43685Tai Viet Letter High Yo Tai Viet Letter High Yo
43686Tai Viet Letter Low Ro Tai Viet Letter Low Ro
43687Tai Viet Letter High Ro Tai Viet Letter High Ro
43688Tai Viet Letter Low Lo Tai Viet Letter Low Lo
43689Tai Viet Letter High Lo Tai Viet Letter High Lo
43690Tai Viet Letter Low Vo Tai Viet Letter Low Vo
43691Tai Viet Letter High Vo Tai Viet Letter High Vo
43692Tai Viet Letter Low Ho Tai Viet Letter Low Ho
43693Tai Viet Letter High Ho Tai Viet Letter High Ho
43694Tai Viet Letter Low O Tai Viet Letter Low O
43695Tai Viet Letter High O Tai Viet Letter High O
43696Tai Viet Mai Kang Tai Viet Mai Kang
43697Tai Viet Vowel Aa Tai Viet Vowel Aa
43698Tai Viet Vowel I Tai Viet Vowel I
43699Tai Viet Vowel Ue Tai Viet Vowel Ue
43700Tai Viet Vowel U Tai Viet Vowel U
43701Tai Viet Vowel E Tai Viet Vowel E
43702Tai Viet Vowel O Tai Viet Vowel O
43703Tai Viet Mai Khit Tai Viet Mai Khit
43704Tai Viet Vowel Ia Tai Viet Vowel Ia
43705Tai Viet Vowel Uea Tai Viet Vowel Uea
43706Tai Viet Vowel Ua Tai Viet Vowel Ua
43707Tai Viet Vowel Aue Tai Viet Vowel Aue
43708Tai Viet Vowel Ay Tai Viet Vowel Ay
43709Tai Viet Vowel An Tai Viet Vowel An
43710Tai Viet Vowel Am Tai Viet Vowel Am
43711Tai Viet Tone Mai Ek Tai Viet Tone Mai Ek
43712Tai Viet Tone Mai Nueng Tai Viet Tone Mai Nueng
43713Tai Viet Tone Mai Tho Tai Viet Tone Mai Tho
43714Tai Viet Tone Mai Song Tai Viet Tone Mai Song
43739Tai Viet Symbol Kon Tai Viet Symbol Kon
43740Tai Viet Symbol Nueng Tai Viet Symbol Nueng
43741Tai Viet Symbol Sam Tai Viet Symbol Sam
43742Tai Viet Symbol Ho Hoi Tai Viet Symbol Ho Hoi
43743Tai Viet Symbol Koi Koi Tai Viet Symbol Koi Koi
43777Ethiopic Syllable Tthu Ethiopic Syllable Tthu
43778Ethiopic Syllable Tthi Ethiopic Syllable Tthi
43779Ethiopic Syllable Tthaa Ethiopic Syllable Tthaa
43780Ethiopic Syllable Tthee Ethiopic Syllable Tthee
43781Ethiopic Syllable Tthe Ethiopic Syllable Tthe
43782Ethiopic Syllable Ttho Ethiopic Syllable Ttho
43785Ethiopic Syllable Ddhu Ethiopic Syllable Ddhu
43786Ethiopic Syllable Ddhi Ethiopic Syllable Ddhi
43787Ethiopic Syllable Ddhaa Ethiopic Syllable Ddhaa
43788Ethiopic Syllable Ddhee Ethiopic Syllable Ddhee
43789Ethiopic Syllable Ddhe Ethiopic Syllable Ddhe
43790Ethiopic Syllable Ddho Ethiopic Syllable Ddho
43793Ethiopic Syllable Dzu Ethiopic Syllable Dzu
43794Ethiopic Syllable Dzi Ethiopic Syllable Dzi
43795Ethiopic Syllable Dzaa Ethiopic Syllable Dzaa
43796Ethiopic Syllable Dzee Ethiopic Syllable Dzee
43797Ethiopic Syllable Dze Ethiopic Syllable Dze
43798Ethiopic Syllable Dzo Ethiopic Syllable Dzo
43808Ethiopic Syllable Cchha Ethiopic Syllable Cchha
43809Ethiopic Syllable Cchhu Ethiopic Syllable Cchhu
43810Ethiopic Syllable Cchhi Ethiopic Syllable Cchhi
43811Ethiopic Syllable Cchhaa Ethiopic Syllable Cchhaa
43812Ethiopic Syllable Cchhee Ethiopic Syllable Cchhee
43813Ethiopic Syllable Cchhe Ethiopic Syllable Cchhe
43814Ethiopic Syllable Cchho Ethiopic Syllable Cchho
43816Ethiopic Syllable Bba Ethiopic Syllable Bba
43817Ethiopic Syllable Bbu Ethiopic Syllable Bbu
43818Ethiopic Syllable Bbi Ethiopic Syllable Bbi
43819Ethiopic Syllable Bbaa Ethiopic Syllable Bbaa
43820Ethiopic Syllable Bbee Ethiopic Syllable Bbee
43821Ethiopic Syllable Bbe Ethiopic Syllable Bbe
43822Ethiopic Syllable Bbo Ethiopic Syllable Bbo
43968Meetei Mayek Letter Kok Meetei Mayek Letter Kok
43969Meetei Mayek Letter Sam Meetei Mayek Letter Sam
43970Meetei Mayek Letter Lai Meetei Mayek Letter Lai
43971Meetei Mayek Letter Mit Meetei Mayek Letter Mit
43972Meetei Mayek Letter Pa Meetei Mayek Letter Pa
43973Meetei Mayek Letter Na Meetei Mayek Letter Na
43974Meetei Mayek Letter Chil Meetei Mayek Letter Chil
43975Meetei Mayek Letter Til Meetei Mayek Letter Til
43976Meetei Mayek Letter Khou Meetei Mayek Letter Khou
43977Meetei Mayek Letter Ngou Meetei Mayek Letter Ngou
43978Meetei Mayek Letter Thou Meetei Mayek Letter Thou
43979Meetei Mayek Letter Wai Meetei Mayek Letter Wai
43980Meetei Mayek Letter Yang Meetei Mayek Letter Yang
43981Meetei Mayek Letter Huk Meetei Mayek Letter Huk
43982Meetei Mayek Letter Un Meetei Mayek Letter Un
43983Meetei Mayek Letter I Meetei Mayek Letter I
43984Meetei Mayek Letter Pham Meetei Mayek Letter Pham
43985Meetei Mayek Letter Atiya Meetei Mayek Letter Atiya
43986Meetei Mayek Letter Gok Meetei Mayek Letter Gok
43987Meetei Mayek Letter Jham Meetei Mayek Letter Jham
43988Meetei Mayek Letter Rai Meetei Mayek Letter Rai
43989Meetei Mayek Letter Ba Meetei Mayek Letter Ba
43990Meetei Mayek Letter Jil Meetei Mayek Letter Jil
43991Meetei Mayek Letter Dil Meetei Mayek Letter Dil
43992Meetei Mayek Letter Ghou Meetei Mayek Letter Ghou
43993Meetei Mayek Letter Dhou Meetei Mayek Letter Dhou
43994Meetei Mayek Letter Bham Meetei Mayek Letter Bham
43995Meetei Mayek Letter Kok Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Kok Lonsum
43996Meetei Mayek Letter Lai Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Lai Lonsum
43997Meetei Mayek Letter Mit Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Mit Lonsum
43998Meetei Mayek Letter Pa Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Pa Lonsum
43999Meetei Mayek Letter Na Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Na Lonsum
44000Meetei Mayek Letter Til Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Til Lonsum
44001Meetei Mayek Letter Ngou Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter Ngou Lonsum
44002Meetei Mayek Letter I Lonsum Meetei Mayek Letter I Lonsum
44003Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Onap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Onap
44004Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Inap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Inap
44005Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Anap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Anap
44006Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Yenap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Yenap
44007Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Sounap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Sounap
44008Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Unap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Unap
44009Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Cheinap Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Cheinap
44010Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Nung Meetei Mayek Vowel Sign Nung
44011Meetei Mayek Cheikhei Meetei Mayek Cheikhei
44012Meetei Mayek Lum Iyek Meetei Mayek Lum Iyek
44013Meetei Mayek Apun Iyek Meetei Mayek Apun Iyek
44016Meetei Mayek Digit Zero Meetei Mayek Digit Zero
44017Meetei Mayek Digit One Meetei Mayek Digit One
44018Meetei Mayek Digit Two Meetei Mayek Digit Two
44019Meetei Mayek Digit Three Meetei Mayek Digit Three
44020Meetei Mayek Digit Four Meetei Mayek Digit Four
44021Meetei Mayek Digit Five Meetei Mayek Digit Five
44022Meetei Mayek Digit Six Meetei Mayek Digit Six
44023Meetei Mayek Digit Seven Meetei Mayek Digit Seven
44024Meetei Mayek Digit Eight Meetei Mayek Digit Eight
44025Meetei Mayek Digit Nine Meetei Mayek Digit Nine
44032Hangul Syllable Hangul Syllable
44033Kiyeok Kiyeok
44034Ssangkiyeok Ssangkiyeok
44035Nieun Nieun
44036Tikeut Tikeut
44037Ssangtikeut Ssangtikeut
44038Rieul Rieul
44039Mieum Mieum
44040Pieup Pieup
44041Ssangpieup Ssangpieup
44042Sios Sios
44043Ssangsios Ssangsios
44044Ieung Ieung
44045Cieuc Cieuc
44046Ssangcieuc Ssangcieuc
44047Chieuch Chieuch
44048Khieukh Khieukh
44049Thieuth Thieuth
44050Phieuph Phieuph
44051Hieuh Hieuh
44288A A
44289Ae Ae
44290Ya Ya
44291Yae Yae
44292Eo Eo
44293E E
44294Yeo Yeo
44295Ye Ye
44296O O
44297Wa Wa
44298Wae Wae
44299Oe Oe
44300Yo Yo
44301U U
44302Weo Weo
44303We We
44304Wi Wi
44305Yu Yu
44306Eu Eu
44307YI YI
44308I I
44547Kiyeoksios Kiyeoksios
44549Nieuncieuc Nieuncieuc
44550Nieunhieuh Nieunhieuh
44553Rieulkiyeok Rieulkiyeok
44554Rieulmieum Rieulmieum
44555Rieulpieup Rieulpieup
44556Rieulsios Rieulsios
44557Rieulthieuth Rieulthieuth
44558Rieulphieuph Rieulphieuph
44559Rieulhieuh Rieulhieuh
44562Pieupsios Pieupsios
55216Hangul Jungseong O-Yeo Hangul Jungseong O-Yeo
55217Hangul Jungseong O-O-I Hangul Jungseong O-O-I
55218Hangul Jungseong Yo-A Hangul Jungseong Yo-A
55219Hangul Jungseong Yo-Ae Hangul Jungseong Yo-Ae
55220Hangul Jungseong Yo-Eo Hangul Jungseong Yo-Eo
55221Hangul Jungseong U-Yeo Hangul Jungseong U-Yeo
55222Hangul Jungseong U-I-I Hangul Jungseong U-I-I
55223Hangul Jungseong Yu-Ae Hangul Jungseong Yu-Ae
55224Hangul Jungseong Yu-O Hangul Jungseong Yu-O
55225Hangul Jungseong Eu-A Hangul Jungseong Eu-A
55226Hangul Jungseong Eu-Eo Hangul Jungseong Eu-Eo
55227Hangul Jungseong Eu-E Hangul Jungseong Eu-E
55228Hangul Jungseong Eu-O Hangul Jungseong Eu-O
55229Hangul Jungseong I-Ya-O Hangul Jungseong I-Ya-O
55230Hangul Jungseong I-Yae Hangul Jungseong I-Yae
55231Hangul Jungseong I-Yeo Hangul Jungseong I-Yeo
55232Hangul Jungseong I-Ye Hangul Jungseong I-Ye
55233Hangul Jungseong I-O-I Hangul Jungseong I-O-I
55234Hangul Jungseong I-Yo Hangul Jungseong I-Yo
55235Hangul Jungseong I-Yu Hangul Jungseong I-Yu
55236Hangul Jungseong I-I Hangul Jungseong I-I
55237Hangul Jungseong Araea-A Hangul Jungseong Araea-A
55238Hangul Jungseong Araea-E Hangul Jungseong Araea-E
55243Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Rieul Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Rieul
55244Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Chieuch
55245Hangul Jongseong Ssangtikeut Hangul Jongseong Ssangtikeut
55246Hangul Jongseong Ssangtikeut-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Ssangtikeut-Pieup
55247Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Pieup
55248Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Sios Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Sios
55249Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Sios-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Sios-Kiyeok
55250Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Cieuc
55251Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Chieuch
55252Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Thieuth
55253Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Ssangkiyeok Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Ssangkiyeok
55254Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok-Hieuh
55255Hangul Jongseong Ssangrieul-Khieukh Hangul Jongseong Ssangrieul-Khieukh
55256Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Hieuh
55257Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Tikeut
55258Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Phieuph Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Phieuph
55259Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yesieung Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yesieung
55260Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yeorinhieuh-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yeorinhieuh-Hieuh
55261Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounrieul Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounrieul
55262Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Nieun Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Nieun
55263Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Ssangnieun Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Ssangnieun
55264Hangul Jongseong Ssangmieum Hangul Jongseong Ssangmieum
55265Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pieup-Sios Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pieup-Sios
55266Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Cieuc
55267Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Tikeut
55268Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Rieul-Phieuph Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Rieul-Phieuph
55269Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Mieum Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Mieum
55270Hangul Jongseong Ssangpieup Hangul Jongseong Ssangpieup
55271Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Sios-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Sios-Tikeut
55272Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Cieuc
55273Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Chieuch
55274Hangul Jongseong Sios-Mieum Hangul Jongseong Sios-Mieum
55275Hangul Jongseong Sios-Kapyeounpieup Hangul Jongseong Sios-Kapyeounpieup
55276Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios-Kiyeok Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios-Kiyeok
55277Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios-Tikeut Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios-Tikeut
55278Hangul Jongseong Sios-Pansios Hangul Jongseong Sios-Pansios
55279Hangul Jongseong Sios-Cieuc Hangul Jongseong Sios-Cieuc
55280Hangul Jongseong Sios-Chieuch Hangul Jongseong Sios-Chieuch
55281Hangul Jongseong Sios-Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Sios-Thieuth
55282Hangul Jongseong Sios-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Sios-Hieuh
55283Hangul Jongseong Pansios-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Pansios-Pieup
55284Hangul Jongseong Pansios-Kapyeounpieup Hangul Jongseong Pansios-Kapyeounpieup
55285Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Mieum Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Mieum
55286Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Hieuh Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Hieuh
55287Hangul Jongseong Cieuc-Pieup Hangul Jongseong Cieuc-Pieup
55288Hangul Jongseong Cieuc-Ssangpieup Hangul Jongseong Cieuc-Ssangpieup
55289Hangul Jongseong Ssangcieuc Hangul Jongseong Ssangcieuc
55290Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Sios Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Sios
55291Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Thieuth Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Thieuth
55296Non Private Use High Surrogate Non Private Use High Surrogate
56192Private Use High Surrogate Private Use High Surrogate
56320Low Surrogate Low Surrogate
57344Private Use Private Use
63744CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F900 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F900
63745CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F901 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F901
63746CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F902 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F902
63747CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F903 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F903
63748CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F904 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F904
63749CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F905 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F905
63750CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F906 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F906
63751CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F907 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F907
63752CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F908 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F908
63753CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F909 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F909
63754CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90a
63755CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90b
63756CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90c
63757CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90d
63758CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90e
63759CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F90f
63760CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F910 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F910
63761CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F911 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F911
63762CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F912 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F912
63763CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F913 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F913
63764CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F914 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F914
63765CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F915 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F915
63766CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F916 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F916
63767CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F917 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F917
63768CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F918 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F918
63769CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F919 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F919
63770CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91a
63771CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91b
63772CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91c
63773CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91d
63774CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91e
63775CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F91f
63776CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F920 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F920
63777CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F921 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F921
63778CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F922 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F922
63779CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F923 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F923
63780CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F924 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F924
63781CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F925 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F925
63782CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F926 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F926
63783CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F927 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F927
63784CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F928 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F928
63785CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F929 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F929
63786CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92a
63787CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92b
63788CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92c
63789CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92d
63790CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92e
63791CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F92f
63792CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F930 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F930
63793CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F931 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F931
63794CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F932 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F932
63795CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F933 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F933
63796CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F934 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F934
63797CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F935 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F935
63798CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F936 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F936
63799CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F937 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F937
63800CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F938 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F938
63801CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F939 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F939
63802CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93a
63803CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93b
63804CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93c
63805CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93d
63806CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93e
63807CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F93f
63808CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F940 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F940
63809CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F941 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F941
63810CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F942 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F942
63811CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F943 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F943
63812CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F944 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F944
63813CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F945 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F945
63814CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F946 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F946
63815CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F947 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F947
63816CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F948 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F948
63817CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F949 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F949
63818CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94a
63819CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94b
63820CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94c
63821CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94d
63822CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94e
63823CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F94f
63824CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F950 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F950
63825CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F951 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F951
63826CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F952 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F952
63827CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F953 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F953
63828CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F954 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F954
63829CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F955 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F955
63830CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F956 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F956
63831CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F957 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F957
63832CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F958 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F958
63833CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F959 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F959
63834CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95a
63835CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95b
63836CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95c
63837CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95d
63838CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95e
63839CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F95f
63840CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F960 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F960
63841CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F961 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F961
63842CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F962 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F962
63843CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F963 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F963
63844CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F964 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F964
63845CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F965 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F965
63846CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F966 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F966
63847CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F967 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F967
63848CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F968 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F968
63849CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F969 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F969
63850CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96a
63851CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96b
63852CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96c
63853CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96d
63854CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96e
63855CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F96f
63856CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F970 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F970
63857CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F971 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F971
63858CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F972 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F972
63859CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F973 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F973
63860CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F974 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F974
63861CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F975 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F975
63862CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F976 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F976
63863CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F977 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F977
63864CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F978 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F978
63865CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F979 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F979
63866CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97a
63867CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97b
63868CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97c
63869CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97d
63870CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97e
63871CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F97f
63872CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F980 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F980
63873CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F981 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F981
63874CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F982 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F982
63875CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F983 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F983
63876CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F984 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F984
63877CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F985 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F985
63878CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F986 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F986
63879CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F987 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F987
63880CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F988 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F988
63881CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F989 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F989
63882CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98a
63883CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98b
63884CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98c
63885CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98d
63886CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98e
63887CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F98f
63888CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F990 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F990
63889CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F991 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F991
63890CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F992 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F992
63891CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F993 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F993
63892CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F994 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F994
63893CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F995 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F995
63894CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F996 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F996
63895CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F997 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F997
63896CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F998 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F998
63897CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F999 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F999
63898CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99a
63899CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99b
63900CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99c
63901CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99d
63902CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99e
63903CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F99f
63904CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a0
63905CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a1
63906CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a2
63907CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a3
63908CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a4
63909CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a5
63910CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a6
63911CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a7
63912CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a8
63913CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9a9
63914CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9aa CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9aa
63915CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ab CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ab
63916CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ac CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ac
63917CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ad CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ad
63918CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ae CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ae
63919CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9af CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9af
63920CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b0
63921CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b1
63922CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b2
63923CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b3
63924CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b4
63925CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b5
63926CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b6
63927CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b7
63928CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b8
63929CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9b9
63930CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ba CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ba
63931CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bb
63932CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bc
63933CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bd
63934CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9be CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9be
63935CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bf CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9bf
63936CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c0
63937CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c1
63938CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c2
63939CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c3
63940CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c4
63941CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c5
63942CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c6
63943CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c7
63944CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c8
63945CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9c9
63946CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ca CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ca
63947CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cb
63948CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cc
63949CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cd
63950CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ce CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ce
63951CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cf CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9cf
63952CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d0
63953CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d1
63954CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d2
63955CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d3
63956CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d4
63957CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d5
63958CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d6
63959CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d7
63960CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d8
63961CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9d9
63962CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9da CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9da
63963CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9db CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9db
63964CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9dc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9dc
63965CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9dd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9dd
63966CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9de CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9de
63967CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9df CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9df
63968CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e0
63969CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e1
63970CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e2
63971CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e3
63972CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e4
63973CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e5
63974CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e6
63975CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e7
63976CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e8
63977CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9e9
63978CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ea CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ea
63979CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9eb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9eb
63980CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ec CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ec
63981CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ed CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ed
63982CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ee CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ee
63983CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ef CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ef
63984CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f0
63985CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f1
63986CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f2
63987CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f3
63988CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f4
63989CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f5
63990CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f6
63991CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f7
63992CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f8
63993CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9f9
63994CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fa CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fa
63995CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fb
63996CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fc
63997CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fd
63998CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fe CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9fe
63999CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ff CJK Compatibility Ideograph-F9ff
64000CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa00 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa00
64001CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa01 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa01
64002CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa02 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa02
64003CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa03 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa03
64004CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa04 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa04
64005CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa05 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa05
64006CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa06 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa06
64007CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa07 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa07
64008CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa08 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa08
64009CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa09 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa09
64010CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0a
64011CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0b
64012CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0c
64013CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0d
64014CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0e
64015CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa0f
64016CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa10 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa10
64017CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa11 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa11
64018CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa12 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa12
64019CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa13 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa13
64020CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa14 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa14
64021CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa15 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa15
64022CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa16 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa16
64023CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa17 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa17
64024CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa18 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa18
64025CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa19 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa19
64026CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1a
64027CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1b
64028CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1c
64029CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1d
64030CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1e
64031CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa1f
64032CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa20 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa20
64033CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa21 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa21
64034CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa22 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa22
64035CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa23 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa23
64036CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa24 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa24
64037CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa25 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa25
64038CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa26 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa26
64039CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa27 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa27
64040CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa28 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa28
64041CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa29 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa29
64042CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2a
64043CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2b
64044CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2c
64045CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa2d
64048CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa30 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa30
64049CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa31 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa31
64050CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa32 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa32
64051CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa33 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa33
64052CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa34 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa34
64053CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa35 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa35
64054CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa36 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa36
64055CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa37 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa37
64056CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa38 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa38
64057CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa39 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa39
64058CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3a
64059CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3b
64060CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3c
64061CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3d
64062CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3e
64063CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa3f
64064CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa40 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa40
64065CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa41 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa41
64066CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa42 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa42
64067CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa43 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa43
64068CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa44 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa44
64069CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa45 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa45
64070CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa46 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa46
64071CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa47 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa47
64072CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa48 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa48
64073CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa49 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa49
64074CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4a
64075CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4b
64076CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4c
64077CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4d
64078CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4e
64079CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa4f
64080CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa50 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa50
64081CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa51 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa51
64082CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa52 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa52
64083CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa53 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa53
64084CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa54 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa54
64085CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa55 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa55
64086CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa56 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa56
64087CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa57 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa57
64088CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa58 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa58
64089CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa59 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa59
64090CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5a
64091CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5b
64092CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5c
64093CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5d
64094CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5e
64095CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa5f
64096CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa60 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa60
64097CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa61 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa61
64098CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa62 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa62
64099CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa63 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa63
64100CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa64 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa64
64101CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa65 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa65
64102CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa66 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa66
64103CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa67 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa67
64104CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa68 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa68
64105CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa69 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa69
64106CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6a
64107CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6b
64108CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6c
64109CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa6d
64112CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa70 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa70
64113CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa71 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa71
64114CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa72 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa72
64115CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa73 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa73
64116CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa74 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa74
64117CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa75 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa75
64118CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa76 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa76
64119CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa77 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa77
64120CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa78 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa78
64121CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa79 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa79
64122CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7a
64123CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7b
64124CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7c
64125CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7d
64126CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7e
64127CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa7f
64128CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa80 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa80
64129CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa81 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa81
64130CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa82 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa82
64131CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa83 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa83
64132CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa84 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa84
64133CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa85 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa85
64134CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa86 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa86
64135CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa87 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa87
64136CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa88 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa88
64137CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa89 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa89
64138CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8a
64139CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8b
64140CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8c
64141CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8d
64142CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8e
64143CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa8f
64144CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa90 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa90
64145CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa91 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa91
64146CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa92 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa92
64147CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa93 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa93
64148CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa94 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa94
64149CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa95 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa95
64150CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa96 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa96
64151CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa97 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa97
64152CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa98 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa98
64153CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa99 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa99
64154CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9a CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9a
64155CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9b CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9b
64156CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9c CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9c
64157CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9d CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9d
64158CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9e CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9e
64159CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9f CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fa9f
64160CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa0
64161CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa1
64162CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa2
64163CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa3
64164CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa4
64165CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa5
64166CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa6
64167CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa7
64168CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa8
64169CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faa9
64170CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faaa CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faaa
64171CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faab CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faab
64172CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faac CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faac
64173CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faad CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faad
64174CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faae CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faae
64175CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faaf CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faaf
64176CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab0
64177CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab1
64178CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab2
64179CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab3
64180CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab4
64181CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab5
64182CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab6
64183CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab7
64184CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab8
64185CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fab9
64186CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faba CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faba
64187CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabb
64188CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabc
64189CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabd
64190CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabe CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabe
64191CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabf CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fabf
64192CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac0
64193CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac1
64194CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac2
64195CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac3
64196CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac4
64197CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac5
64198CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac6
64199CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac7
64200CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac8
64201CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fac9
64202CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faca CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Faca
64203CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facb CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facb
64204CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facc CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facc
64205CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facd CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facd
64206CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Face CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Face
64207CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facf CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Facf
64208CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad0 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad0
64209CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad1 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad1
64210CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad2 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad2
64211CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad3 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad3
64212CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad4 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad4
64213CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad5 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad5
64214CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad6 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad6
64215CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad7 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad7
64216CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad8 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad8
64217CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad9 CJK Compatibility Ideograph-Fad9
64256Latin Small Ligature Ff Latin Small Ligature Ff
64257Latin Small Ligature Fi Latin Small Ligature Fi
64258Latin Small Ligature Fl Latin Small Ligature Fl
64259Latin Small Ligature Ffi Latin Small Ligature Ffi
64260Latin Small Ligature Ffl Latin Small Ligature Ffl
64261Latin Small Ligature Long S T Latin Small Ligature Long S T
64262Latin Small Ligature St Latin Small Ligature St
64275Armenian Small Ligature Men Now Armenian Small Ligature Men Now
64276Armenian Small Ligature Men Ech Armenian Small Ligature Men Ech
64277Armenian Small Ligature Men Ini Armenian Small Ligature Men Ini
64278Armenian Small Ligature Vew Now Armenian Small Ligature Vew Now
64279Armenian Small Ligature Men Xeh Armenian Small Ligature Men Xeh
64285Hebrew Letter Yod With Hiriq Hebrew Letter Yod With Hiriq
64286Hebrew Point Judeo-Spanish Varika Hebrew Point Judeo-Spanish Varika
64287Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Yod Yod Patah Hebrew Ligature Yiddish Yod Yod Patah
64288Hebrew Letter Alternative Ayin Hebrew Letter Alternative Ayin
64289Hebrew Letter Wide Alef Hebrew Letter Wide Alef
64290Hebrew Letter Wide Dalet Hebrew Letter Wide Dalet
64291Hebrew Letter Wide He Hebrew Letter Wide He
64292Hebrew Letter Wide Kaf Hebrew Letter Wide Kaf
64293Hebrew Letter Wide Lamed Hebrew Letter Wide Lamed
64294Hebrew Letter Wide Final Mem Hebrew Letter Wide Final Mem
64295Hebrew Letter Wide Resh Hebrew Letter Wide Resh
64296Hebrew Letter Wide Tav Hebrew Letter Wide Tav
64297Hebrew Letter Alternative Plus Sign Hebrew Letter Alternative Plus Sign
64298Hebrew Letter Shin With Shin Dot Hebrew Letter Shin With Shin Dot
64299Hebrew Letter Shin With Sin Dot Hebrew Letter Shin With Sin Dot
64300Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh And Shin Dot Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh And Shin Dot
64301Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh And Sin Dot Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh And Sin Dot
64302Hebrew Letter Alef With Patah Hebrew Letter Alef With Patah
64303Hebrew Letter Alef With Qamats Hebrew Letter Alef With Qamats
64304Hebrew Letter Alef With Mapiq Hebrew Letter Alef With Mapiq
64305Hebrew Letter Bet With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Bet With Dagesh
64306Hebrew Letter Gimel With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Gimel With Dagesh
64307Hebrew Letter Dalet With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Dalet With Dagesh
64308Hebrew Letter He With Mapiq Hebrew Letter He With Mapiq
64309Hebrew Letter Vav With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Vav With Dagesh
64310Hebrew Letter Zayin With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Zayin With Dagesh
64312Hebrew Letter Tet With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Tet With Dagesh
64313Hebrew Letter Yod With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Yod With Dagesh
64314Hebrew Letter Final Kaf With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Final Kaf With Dagesh
64315Hebrew Letter Kaf With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Kaf With Dagesh
64316Hebrew Letter Lamed With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Lamed With Dagesh
64318Hebrew Letter Mem With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Mem With Dagesh
64320Hebrew Letter Nun With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Nun With Dagesh
64321Hebrew Letter Samekh With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Samekh With Dagesh
64323Hebrew Letter Final Pe With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Final Pe With Dagesh
64324Hebrew Letter Pe With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Pe With Dagesh
64326Hebrew Letter Tsadi With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Tsadi With Dagesh
64327Hebrew Letter Qof With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Qof With Dagesh
64328Hebrew Letter Resh With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Resh With Dagesh
64329Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Shin With Dagesh
64330Hebrew Letter Tav With Dagesh Hebrew Letter Tav With Dagesh
64331Hebrew Letter Vav With Holam Hebrew Letter Vav With Holam
64332Hebrew Letter Bet With Rafe Hebrew Letter Bet With Rafe
64333Hebrew Letter Kaf With Rafe Hebrew Letter Kaf With Rafe
64334Hebrew Letter Pe With Rafe Hebrew Letter Pe With Rafe
64335Hebrew Ligature Alef Lamed Hebrew Ligature Alef Lamed
64336Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Isolated Form
64337Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Final Form Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Final Form
64338Arabic Letter Beeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Beeh Isolated Form
64339Arabic Letter Beeh Final Form Arabic Letter Beeh Final Form
64340Arabic Letter Beeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Beeh Initial Form
64341Arabic Letter Beeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Beeh Medial Form
64342Arabic Letter Peh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Peh Isolated Form
64343Arabic Letter Peh Final Form Arabic Letter Peh Final Form
64344Arabic Letter Peh Initial Form Arabic Letter Peh Initial Form
64345Arabic Letter Peh Medial Form Arabic Letter Peh Medial Form
64346Arabic Letter Beheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Beheh Isolated Form
64347Arabic Letter Beheh Final Form Arabic Letter Beheh Final Form
64348Arabic Letter Beheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Beheh Initial Form
64349Arabic Letter Beheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Beheh Medial Form
64350Arabic Letter Tteheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Tteheh Isolated Form
64351Arabic Letter Tteheh Final Form Arabic Letter Tteheh Final Form
64352Arabic Letter Tteheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Tteheh Initial Form
64353Arabic Letter Tteheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Tteheh Medial Form
64354Arabic Letter Teheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Teheh Isolated Form
64355Arabic Letter Teheh Final Form Arabic Letter Teheh Final Form
64356Arabic Letter Teheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Teheh Initial Form
64357Arabic Letter Teheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Teheh Medial Form
64358Arabic Letter Tteh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Tteh Isolated Form
64359Arabic Letter Tteh Final Form Arabic Letter Tteh Final Form
64360Arabic Letter Tteh Initial Form Arabic Letter Tteh Initial Form
64361Arabic Letter Tteh Medial Form Arabic Letter Tteh Medial Form
64362Arabic Letter Veh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Veh Isolated Form
64363Arabic Letter Veh Final Form Arabic Letter Veh Final Form
64364Arabic Letter Veh Initial Form Arabic Letter Veh Initial Form
64365Arabic Letter Veh Medial Form Arabic Letter Veh Medial Form
64366Arabic Letter Peheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Peheh Isolated Form
64367Arabic Letter Peheh Final Form Arabic Letter Peheh Final Form
64368Arabic Letter Peheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Peheh Initial Form
64369Arabic Letter Peheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Peheh Medial Form
64370Arabic Letter Dyeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Dyeh Isolated Form
64371Arabic Letter Dyeh Final Form Arabic Letter Dyeh Final Form
64372Arabic Letter Dyeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Dyeh Initial Form
64373Arabic Letter Dyeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Dyeh Medial Form
64374Arabic Letter Nyeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Nyeh Isolated Form
64375Arabic Letter Nyeh Final Form Arabic Letter Nyeh Final Form
64376Arabic Letter Nyeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Nyeh Initial Form
64377Arabic Letter Nyeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Nyeh Medial Form
64378Arabic Letter Tcheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Tcheh Isolated Form
64379Arabic Letter Tcheh Final Form Arabic Letter Tcheh Final Form
64380Arabic Letter Tcheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Tcheh Initial Form
64381Arabic Letter Tcheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Tcheh Medial Form
64382Arabic Letter Tcheheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Tcheheh Isolated Form
64383Arabic Letter Tcheheh Final Form Arabic Letter Tcheheh Final Form
64384Arabic Letter Tcheheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Tcheheh Initial Form
64385Arabic Letter Tcheheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Tcheheh Medial Form
64386Arabic Letter Ddahal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ddahal Isolated Form
64387Arabic Letter Ddahal Final Form Arabic Letter Ddahal Final Form
64388Arabic Letter Dahal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Dahal Isolated Form
64389Arabic Letter Dahal Final Form Arabic Letter Dahal Final Form
64390Arabic Letter Dul Isolated Form Arabic Letter Dul Isolated Form
64391Arabic Letter Dul Final Form Arabic Letter Dul Final Form
64392Arabic Letter Ddal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ddal Isolated Form
64393Arabic Letter Ddal Final Form Arabic Letter Ddal Final Form
64394Arabic Letter Jeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Jeh Isolated Form
64395Arabic Letter Jeh Final Form Arabic Letter Jeh Final Form
64396Arabic Letter Rreh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Rreh Isolated Form
64397Arabic Letter Rreh Final Form Arabic Letter Rreh Final Form
64398Arabic Letter Keheh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Keheh Isolated Form
64399Arabic Letter Keheh Final Form Arabic Letter Keheh Final Form
64400Arabic Letter Keheh Initial Form Arabic Letter Keheh Initial Form
64401Arabic Letter Keheh Medial Form Arabic Letter Keheh Medial Form
64402Arabic Letter Gaf Isolated Form Arabic Letter Gaf Isolated Form
64403Arabic Letter Gaf Final Form Arabic Letter Gaf Final Form
64404Arabic Letter Gaf Initial Form Arabic Letter Gaf Initial Form
64405Arabic Letter Gaf Medial Form Arabic Letter Gaf Medial Form
64406Arabic Letter Gueh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Gueh Isolated Form
64407Arabic Letter Gueh Final Form Arabic Letter Gueh Final Form
64408Arabic Letter Gueh Initial Form Arabic Letter Gueh Initial Form
64409Arabic Letter Gueh Medial Form Arabic Letter Gueh Medial Form
64410Arabic Letter Ngoeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ngoeh Isolated Form
64411Arabic Letter Ngoeh Final Form Arabic Letter Ngoeh Final Form
64412Arabic Letter Ngoeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Ngoeh Initial Form
64413Arabic Letter Ngoeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Ngoeh Medial Form
64414Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Isolated Form Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Isolated Form
64415Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Final Form Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Final Form
64416Arabic Letter Rnoon Isolated Form Arabic Letter Rnoon Isolated Form
64417Arabic Letter Rnoon Final Form Arabic Letter Rnoon Final Form
64418Arabic Letter Rnoon Initial Form Arabic Letter Rnoon Initial Form
64419Arabic Letter Rnoon Medial Form Arabic Letter Rnoon Medial Form
64420Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Isolated Form
64421Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Final Form Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Final Form
64422Arabic Letter Heh Goal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Heh Goal Isolated Form
64423Arabic Letter Heh Goal Final Form Arabic Letter Heh Goal Final Form
64424Arabic Letter Heh Goal Initial Form Arabic Letter Heh Goal Initial Form
64425Arabic Letter Heh Goal Medial Form Arabic Letter Heh Goal Medial Form
64426Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Isolated Form Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Isolated Form
64427Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Final Form Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Final Form
64428Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Initial Form Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Initial Form
64429Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Medial Form Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Medial Form
64430Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Isolated Form Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Isolated Form
64431Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Final Form Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Final Form
64432Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Isolated Form
64433Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Final Form Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Final Form
64434Arabic Symbol Dot Above Arabic Symbol Dot Above
64435Arabic Symbol Dot Below Arabic Symbol Dot Below
64436Arabic Symbol Two Dots Above Arabic Symbol Two Dots Above
64437Arabic Symbol Two Dots Below Arabic Symbol Two Dots Below
64438Arabic Symbol Three Dots Above Arabic Symbol Three Dots Above
64439Arabic Symbol Three Dots Below Arabic Symbol Three Dots Below
64440Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
64441Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Below Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Below
64442Arabic Symbol Four Dots Above Arabic Symbol Four Dots Above
64443Arabic Symbol Four Dots Below Arabic Symbol Four Dots Below
64444Arabic Symbol Double Vertical Bar Below Arabic Symbol Double Vertical Bar Below
64445Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Above Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Above
64446Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Below Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Below
64447Arabic Symbol Ring Arabic Symbol Ring
64448Arabic Symbol Small Tah Above Arabic Symbol Small Tah Above
64449Arabic Symbol Small Tah Below Arabic Symbol Small Tah Below
64467Arabic Letter Ng Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ng Isolated Form
64468Arabic Letter Ng Final Form Arabic Letter Ng Final Form
64469Arabic Letter Ng Initial Form Arabic Letter Ng Initial Form
64470Arabic Letter Ng Medial Form Arabic Letter Ng Medial Form
64471Arabic Letter U Isolated Form Arabic Letter U Isolated Form
64472Arabic Letter U Final Form Arabic Letter U Final Form
64473Arabic Letter Oe Isolated Form Arabic Letter Oe Isolated Form
64474Arabic Letter Oe Final Form Arabic Letter Oe Final Form
64475Arabic Letter Yu Isolated Form Arabic Letter Yu Isolated Form
64476Arabic Letter Yu Final Form Arabic Letter Yu Final Form
64477Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above Isolated Form
64478Arabic Letter Ve Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ve Isolated Form
64479Arabic Letter Ve Final Form Arabic Letter Ve Final Form
64480Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Isolated Form Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Isolated Form
64481Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Final Form Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Final Form
64482Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Isolated Form Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Isolated Form
64483Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Final Form Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Final Form
64484Arabic Letter E Isolated Form Arabic Letter E Isolated Form
64485Arabic Letter E Final Form Arabic Letter E Final Form
64486Arabic Letter E Initial Form Arabic Letter E Initial Form
64487Arabic Letter E Medial Form Arabic Letter E Medial Form
64488Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Initial Form Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Initial Form
64489Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Medial Form Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Medial Form
64490Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Isolated Form
64491Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Final Form
64492Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Isolated Form
64493Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Final Form
64494Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Isolated Form
64495Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Final Form
64496Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Isolated Form
64497Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Final Form
64498Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Isolated Form
64499Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Final Form
64500Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Isolated Form
64501Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Final Form
64502Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Isolated Form
64503Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Final Form
64504Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Initial Form
64505Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64506Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form
64507Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Initial Form Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Initial Form
64508Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Isolated Form
64509Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Final Form Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Final Form
64510Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form
64511Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Medial Form
64512Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Isolated Form
64513Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Isolated Form
64514Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Isolated Form
64515Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64516Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Isolated Form
64517Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Isolated Form
64518Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Isolated Form
64519Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Isolated Form
64520Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Isolated Form
64521Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64522Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Isolated Form
64523Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Isolated Form
64524Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Isolated Form
64525Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Isolated Form
64526Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Isolated Form
64527Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64528Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Isolated Form
64529Arabic Ligature Theh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Jeem Isolated Form
64530Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Isolated Form
64531Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64532Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Isolated Form
64533Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Isolated Form
64534Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Isolated Form
64535Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Isolated Form
64536Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Isolated Form
64537Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Isolated Form
64538Arabic Ligature Khah With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Hah Isolated Form
64539Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Isolated Form
64540Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Isolated Form
64541Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Isolated Form
64542Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Isolated Form
64543Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Isolated Form
64544Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Isolated Form
64545Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Isolated Form
64546Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Isolated Form
64547Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Isolated Form
64548Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Isolated Form
64549Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Isolated Form
64550Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Isolated Form
64551Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Isolated Form
64552Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Isolated Form
64553Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Isolated Form
64554Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Isolated Form
64555Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Isolated Form
64556Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Isolated Form
64557Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Isolated Form
64558Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Isolated Form
64559Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Isolated Form
64560Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Isolated Form
64561Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64562Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Isolated Form
64563Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Isolated Form
64564Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Isolated Form
64565Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64566Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Isolated Form
64567Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Isolated Form
64568Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Isolated Form
64569Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Isolated Form
64570Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Isolated Form
64571Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Isolated Form
64572Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Isolated Form
64573Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64574Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Isolated Form
64575Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Isolated Form
64576Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Isolated Form
64577Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Isolated Form
64578Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Isolated Form
64579Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64580Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Isolated Form
64581Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Isolated Form
64582Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Isolated Form
64583Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Isolated Form
64584Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Isolated Form
64585Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64586Arabic Ligature Meem With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Yeh Isolated Form
64587Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Isolated Form
64588Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Isolated Form
64589Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Isolated Form
64590Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Isolated Form
64591Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64592Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Isolated Form
64593Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Isolated Form
64594Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Isolated Form
64595Arabic Ligature Heh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64596Arabic Ligature Heh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Yeh Isolated Form
64597Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Isolated Form
64598Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Isolated Form
64599Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Isolated Form
64600Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Isolated Form
64601Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64602Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form
64603Arabic Ligature Thal With Superscript Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Thal With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
64604Arabic Ligature Reh With Superscript Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Reh With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
64605Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
64606Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form
64607Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form
64608Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form
64609Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form
64610Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form
64611Arabic Ligature Shadda With Superscript Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
64612Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Reh Final Form
64613Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Zain Final Form
64614Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Final Form
64615Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Noon Final Form
64616Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form
64617Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Final Form
64618Arabic Ligature Beh With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Reh Final Form
64619Arabic Ligature Beh With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Zain Final Form
64620Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Final Form
64621Arabic Ligature Beh With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Noon Final Form
64622Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Final Form
64623Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Final Form
64624Arabic Ligature Teh With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Reh Final Form
64625Arabic Ligature Teh With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Zain Final Form
64626Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Final Form
64627Arabic Ligature Teh With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Noon Final Form
64628Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Final Form
64629Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Final Form
64630Arabic Ligature Theh With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Reh Final Form
64631Arabic Ligature Theh With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Zain Final Form
64632Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Final Form
64633Arabic Ligature Theh With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Noon Final Form
64634Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Final Form
64635Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Final Form
64636Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Final Form
64637Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Final Form
64638Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Final Form
64639Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Final Form
64640Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Final Form
64641Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Final Form
64642Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Final Form
64643Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Final Form
64644Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Final Form
64645Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Final Form
64646Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Final Form
64647Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Final Form
64648Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Final Form
64649Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Final Form
64650Arabic Ligature Noon With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Reh Final Form
64651Arabic Ligature Noon With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Zain Final Form
64652Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Final Form
64653Arabic Ligature Noon With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Noon Final Form
64654Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Final Form
64655Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Final Form
64656Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Final Form Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Final Form
64657Arabic Ligature Yeh With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Reh Final Form
64658Arabic Ligature Yeh With Zain Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Zain Final Form
64659Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Final Form
64660Arabic Ligature Yeh With Noon Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Noon Final Form
64661Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Final Form
64662Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form
64663Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Initial Form
64664Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Initial Form
64665Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Khah Initial Form
64666Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Initial Form
64667Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Initial Form
64668Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Initial Form
64669Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Initial Form
64670Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Initial Form
64671Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Initial Form
64672Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Initial Form
64673Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Initial Form
64674Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Initial Form
64675Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Initial Form
64676Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Initial Form
64677Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Initial Form
64678Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Initial Form
64679Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Initial Form
64680Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64681Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Initial Form
64682Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Initial Form
64683Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Initial Form
64684Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Initial Form
64685Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Initial Form
64686Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Initial Form
64687Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Initial Form
64688Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Initial Form
64689Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Initial Form
64690Arabic Ligature Sad With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Khah Initial Form
64691Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Initial Form
64692Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Initial Form
64693Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Initial Form
64694Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Initial Form
64695Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Initial Form
64696Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Initial Form
64697Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Initial Form
64698Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Initial Form
64699Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Initial Form
64700Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Initial Form
64701Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Initial Form
64702Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Initial Form
64703Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Initial Form
64704Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Initial Form
64705Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Initial Form
64706Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Initial Form
64707Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Initial Form
64708Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Initial Form
64709Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Initial Form
64710Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Initial Form
64711Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Initial Form
64712Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Initial Form
64713Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Initial Form
64714Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Initial Form
64715Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Initial Form
64716Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Initial Form
64717Arabic Ligature Lam With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Heh Initial Form
64718Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Initial Form
64719Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Initial Form
64720Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Initial Form
64721Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Initial Form
64722Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Initial Form
64723Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Initial Form
64724Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Initial Form
64725Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Initial Form
64726Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Initial Form
64727Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Initial Form
64728Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Initial Form
64729Arabic Ligature Heh With Superscript Alef Initial Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Superscript Alef Initial Form
64730Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Initial Form
64731Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Initial Form
64732Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Initial Form
64733Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Initial Form
64734Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form
64735Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Medial Form
64736Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Medial Form
64737Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Medial Form
64738Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Medial Form
64739Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Medial Form
64740Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Medial Form
64741Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Medial Form
64742Arabic Ligature Theh With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Theh With Heh Medial Form
64743Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Medial Form
64744Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Medial Form
64745Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Medial Form
64746Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Medial Form
64747Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Medial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Medial Form
64748Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Medial Form
64749Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Medial Form
64750Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Medial Form
64751Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Medial Form
64752Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Medial Form
64753Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Medial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Medial Form
64754Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form
64755Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form
64756Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form
64757Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64758Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Isolated Form
64759Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64760Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Isolated Form
64761Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64762Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Isolated Form
64763Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64764Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Isolated Form
64765Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64766Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Isolated Form
64767Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64768Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Isolated Form
64769Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64770Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Isolated Form
64771Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64772Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Isolated Form
64773Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64774Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Isolated Form
64775Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
64776Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Isolated Form
64777Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Isolated Form
64778Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Isolated Form
64779Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Isolated Form
64780Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Isolated Form
64781Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Isolated Form
64782Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Isolated Form
64783Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Isolated Form
64784Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Isolated Form
64785Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64786Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Final Form
64787Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Final Form
64788Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Final Form
64789Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Final Form
64790Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Final Form
64791Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Final Form
64792Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Final Form
64793Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Final Form
64794Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Final Form
64795Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64796Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Final Form
64797Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64798Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64799Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64800Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Final Form
64801Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Final Form
64802Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Final Form
64803Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Final Form
64804Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Final Form
64805Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Final Form
64806Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Final Form
64807Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Final Form
64808Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Final Form
64809Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Final Form
64810Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Final Form
64811Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Final Form
64812Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Final Form
64813Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Initial Form
64814Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Initial Form
64815Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Initial Form
64816Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Initial Form
64817Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Initial Form
64818Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Initial Form
64819Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Initial Form
64820Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Medial Form
64821Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Medial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Medial Form
64822Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Medial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Medial Form
64823Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Medial Form
64824Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Medial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Medial Form
64825Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Medial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Medial Form
64826Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Medial Form
64827Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Medial Form Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Medial Form
64828Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Final Form Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Final Form
64829Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Isolated Form
64830Ornate Left Parenthesis Ornate Left Parenthesis
64831Ornate Right Parenthesis Ornate Right Parenthesis
64848Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64849Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Final Form
64850Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
64851Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Meem Initial Form
64852Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Meem Initial Form
64853Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
64854Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64855Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Khah Initial Form
64856Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Final Form
64857Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64858Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64859Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64860Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
64861Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
64862Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64863Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Final Form
64864Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64865Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
64866Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Final Form
64867Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64868Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Final Form
64869Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Initial Form
64870Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Final Form
64871Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Final Form
64872Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Initial Form
64873Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64874Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Final Form
64875Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Initial Form
64876Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Final Form
64877Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64878Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64879Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Final Form
64880Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Initial Form
64881Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Final Form
64882Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64883Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64884Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64885Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Final Form
64886Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Final Form
64887Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64888Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64889Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Meem Final Form
64890Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64891Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64892Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Final Form
64893Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Initial Form
64894Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Final Form
64895Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Meem Final Form
64896Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Final Form
64897Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64898Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64899Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Initial Form
64900Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Final Form
64901Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Final Form
64902Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Initial Form
64903Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Final Form
64904Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64905Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
64906Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Meem Initial Form
64907Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64908Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
64909Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64910Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Jeem Initial Form
64911Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Meem Initial Form
64914Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Khah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Khah Initial Form
64915Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
64916Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64917Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Meem Initial Form
64918Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64919Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Final Form
64920Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64921Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64922Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64923Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64924Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Final Form
64925Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64926Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
64927Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64928Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64929Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
64930Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64931Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64932Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64933Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64934Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64935Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
64936Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
64937Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64938Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64939Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64940Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64941Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64942Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64943Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64944Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64945Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64946Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64947Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64948Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Initial Form
64949Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Initial Form
64950Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64951Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64952Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Initial Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
64953Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Yeh Final Form
64954Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64955Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Final Form
64956Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Final Form
64957Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Final Form
64958Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64959Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64960Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
64961Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
64962Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
64963Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64964Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
64965Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Initial Form Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Initial Form
64966Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Yeh Final Form
64967Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Yeh Final Form Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
65008Arabic Ligature Salla Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Salla Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form
65009Arabic Ligature Qala Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Qala Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form
65010Arabic Ligature Allah Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Allah Isolated Form
65011Arabic Ligature Akbar Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Akbar Isolated Form
65012Arabic Ligature Mohammad Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Mohammad Isolated Form
65013Arabic Ligature Salam Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Salam Isolated Form
65014Arabic Ligature Rasoul Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Rasoul Isolated Form
65015Arabic Ligature Alayhe Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Alayhe Isolated Form
65016Arabic Ligature Wasallam Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Wasallam Isolated Form
65017Arabic Ligature Salla Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Salla Isolated Form
65018Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam
65019Arabic Ligature Jallajalalouhou Arabic Ligature Jallajalalouhou
65020Rial Sign Rial Sign
65021Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
65024Variation Selector-1 Variation Selector-1
65025Variation Selector-2 Variation Selector-2
65026Variation Selector-3 Variation Selector-3
65027Variation Selector-4 Variation Selector-4
65028Variation Selector-5 Variation Selector-5
65029Variation Selector-6 Variation Selector-6
65030Variation Selector-7 Variation Selector-7
65031Variation Selector-8 Variation Selector-8
65032Variation Selector-9 Variation Selector-9
65033Variation Selector-10 Variation Selector-10
65034Variation Selector-11 Variation Selector-11
65035Variation Selector-12 Variation Selector-12
65036Variation Selector-13 Variation Selector-13
65037Variation Selector-14 Variation Selector-14
65038Variation Selector-15 Variation Selector-15
65039Variation Selector-16 Variation Selector-16
65040Presentation Form For Vertical Comma Presentation Form For Vertical Comma
65041Presentation Form For Vertical Ideographic Comma Presentation Form For Vertical Ideographic Comma
65042Presentation Form For Vertical Ideographic Full Stop Presentation Form For Vertical Ideographic Full Stop
65043Presentation Form For Vertical Colon Presentation Form For Vertical Colon
65044Presentation Form For Vertical Semicolon Presentation Form For Vertical Semicolon
65045Presentation Form For Vertical Exclamation Mark Presentation Form For Vertical Exclamation Mark
65046Presentation Form For Vertical Question Mark Presentation Form For Vertical Question Mark
65047Presentation Form For Vertical Left White Lenticular Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left White Lenticular Bracket
65048Presentation Form For Vertical Right White Lenticular Brakcet Presentation Form For Vertical Right White Lenticular Brakcet
65049Presentation Form For Vertical Horizontal Ellipsis Presentation Form For Vertical Horizontal Ellipsis
65056Combining Ligature Left Half Combining Ligature Left Half
65057Combining Ligature Right Half Combining Ligature Right Half
65058Combining Double Tilde Left Half Combining Double Tilde Left Half
65059Combining Double Tilde Right Half Combining Double Tilde Right Half
65060Combining Macron Left Half Combining Macron Left Half
65061Combining Macron Right Half Combining Macron Right Half
65062Combining Conjoining Macron Combining Conjoining Macron
65072Presentation Form For Vertical Two Dot Leader Presentation Form For Vertical Two Dot Leader
65073Presentation Form For Vertical Em Dash Presentation Form For Vertical Em Dash
65074Presentation Form For Vertical En Dash Presentation Form For Vertical En Dash
65075Presentation Form For Vertical Low Line Presentation Form For Vertical Low Line
65076Presentation Form For Vertical Wavy Low Line Presentation Form For Vertical Wavy Low Line
65077Presentation Form For Vertical Left Parenthesis Presentation Form For Vertical Left Parenthesis
65078Presentation Form For Vertical Right Parenthesis Presentation Form For Vertical Right Parenthesis
65079Presentation Form For Vertical Left Curly Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Curly Bracket
65080Presentation Form For Vertical Right Curly Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Curly Bracket
65081Presentation Form For Vertical Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Tortoise Shell Bracket
65082Presentation Form For Vertical Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Tortoise Shell Bracket
65083Presentation Form For Vertical Left Black Lenticular Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Black Lenticular Bracket
65084Presentation Form For Vertical Right Black Lenticular Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Black Lenticular Bracket
65085Presentation Form For Vertical Left Double Angle Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Double Angle Bracket
65086Presentation Form For Vertical Right Double Angle Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Double Angle Bracket
65087Presentation Form For Vertical Left Angle Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Angle Bracket
65088Presentation Form For Vertical Right Angle Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Angle Bracket
65089Presentation Form For Vertical Left Corner Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Corner Bracket
65090Presentation Form For Vertical Right Corner Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Corner Bracket
65091Presentation Form For Vertical Left White Corner Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left White Corner Bracket
65092Presentation Form For Vertical Right White Corner Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right White Corner Bracket
65093Sesame Dot Sesame Dot
65094White Sesame Dot White Sesame Dot
65095Presentation Form For Vertical Left Square Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Left Square Bracket
65096Presentation Form For Vertical Right Square Bracket Presentation Form For Vertical Right Square Bracket
65097Dashed Overline Dashed Overline
65098Centreline Overline Centreline Overline
65099Wavy Overline Wavy Overline
65100Double Wavy Overline Double Wavy Overline
65101Dashed Low Line Dashed Low Line
65102Centreline Low Line Centreline Low Line
65103Wavy Low Line Wavy Low Line
65104Small Comma Small Comma
65105Small Ideographic Comma Small Ideographic Comma
65106Small Full Stop Small Full Stop
65108Small Semicolon Small Semicolon
65109Small Colon Small Colon
65110Small Question Mark Small Question Mark
65111Small Exclamation Mark Small Exclamation Mark
65112Small Em Dash Small Em Dash
65113Small Left Parenthesis Small Left Parenthesis
65114Small Right Parenthesis Small Right Parenthesis
65115Small Left Curly Bracket Small Left Curly Bracket
65116Small Right Curly Bracket Small Right Curly Bracket
65117Small Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Small Left Tortoise Shell Bracket
65118Small Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Small Right Tortoise Shell Bracket
65119Small Number Sign Small Number Sign
65120Small Ampersand Small Ampersand
65121Small Asterisk Small Asterisk
65122Small Plus Sign Small Plus Sign
65123Small Hyphen-Minus Small Hyphen-Minus
65124Small Less-Than Sign Small Less-Than Sign
65125Small Greater-Than Sign Small Greater-Than Sign
65126Small Equals Sign Small Equals Sign
65128Small Reverse Solidus Small Reverse Solidus
65129Small Dollar Sign Small Dollar Sign
65130Small Percent Sign Small Percent Sign
65131Small Commercial At Small Commercial At
65136Arabic Fathatan Isolated Form Arabic Fathatan Isolated Form
65137Arabic Tatweel With Fathatan Above Arabic Tatweel With Fathatan Above
65138Arabic Dammatan Isolated Form Arabic Dammatan Isolated Form
65139Arabic Tail Fragment Arabic Tail Fragment
65140Arabic Kasratan Isolated Form Arabic Kasratan Isolated Form
65142Arabic Fatha Isolated Form Arabic Fatha Isolated Form
65143Arabic Fatha Medial Form Arabic Fatha Medial Form
65144Arabic Damma Isolated Form Arabic Damma Isolated Form
65145Arabic Damma Medial Form Arabic Damma Medial Form
65146Arabic Kasra Isolated Form Arabic Kasra Isolated Form
65147Arabic Kasra Medial Form Arabic Kasra Medial Form
65148Arabic Shadda Isolated Form Arabic Shadda Isolated Form
65149Arabic Shadda Medial Form Arabic Shadda Medial Form
65150Arabic Sukun Isolated Form Arabic Sukun Isolated Form
65151Arabic Sukun Medial Form Arabic Sukun Medial Form
65152Arabic Letter Hamza Isolated Form Arabic Letter Hamza Isolated Form
65153Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form
65154Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Final Form Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Final Form
65155Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form
65156Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Final Form Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Final Form
65157Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Isolated Form
65158Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Final Form Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Final Form
65159Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form
65160Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Final Form Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Final Form
65161Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Isolated Form
65162Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Final Form Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Final Form
65163Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Initial Form Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Initial Form
65164Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Medial Form Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Medial Form
65165Arabic Letter Alef Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef Isolated Form
65166Arabic Letter Alef Final Form Arabic Letter Alef Final Form
65167Arabic Letter Beh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Beh Isolated Form
65168Arabic Letter Beh Final Form Arabic Letter Beh Final Form
65169Arabic Letter Beh Initial Form Arabic Letter Beh Initial Form
65170Arabic Letter Beh Medial Form Arabic Letter Beh Medial Form
65171Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Isolated Form Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Isolated Form
65172Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Final Form Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Final Form
65173Arabic Letter Teh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Teh Isolated Form
65174Arabic Letter Teh Final Form Arabic Letter Teh Final Form
65175Arabic Letter Teh Initial Form Arabic Letter Teh Initial Form
65176Arabic Letter Teh Medial Form Arabic Letter Teh Medial Form
65177Arabic Letter Theh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Theh Isolated Form
65178Arabic Letter Theh Final Form Arabic Letter Theh Final Form
65179Arabic Letter Theh Initial Form Arabic Letter Theh Initial Form
65180Arabic Letter Theh Medial Form Arabic Letter Theh Medial Form
65181Arabic Letter Jeem Isolated Form Arabic Letter Jeem Isolated Form
65182Arabic Letter Jeem Final Form Arabic Letter Jeem Final Form
65183Arabic Letter Jeem Initial Form Arabic Letter Jeem Initial Form
65184Arabic Letter Jeem Medial Form Arabic Letter Jeem Medial Form
65185Arabic Letter Hah Isolated Form Arabic Letter Hah Isolated Form
65186Arabic Letter Hah Final Form Arabic Letter Hah Final Form
65187Arabic Letter Hah Initial Form Arabic Letter Hah Initial Form
65188Arabic Letter Hah Medial Form Arabic Letter Hah Medial Form
65189Arabic Letter Khah Isolated Form Arabic Letter Khah Isolated Form
65190Arabic Letter Khah Final Form Arabic Letter Khah Final Form
65191Arabic Letter Khah Initial Form Arabic Letter Khah Initial Form
65192Arabic Letter Khah Medial Form Arabic Letter Khah Medial Form
65193Arabic Letter Dal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Dal Isolated Form
65194Arabic Letter Dal Final Form Arabic Letter Dal Final Form
65195Arabic Letter Thal Isolated Form Arabic Letter Thal Isolated Form
65196Arabic Letter Thal Final Form Arabic Letter Thal Final Form
65197Arabic Letter Reh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Reh Isolated Form
65198Arabic Letter Reh Final Form Arabic Letter Reh Final Form
65199Arabic Letter Zain Isolated Form Arabic Letter Zain Isolated Form
65200Arabic Letter Zain Final Form Arabic Letter Zain Final Form
65201Arabic Letter Seen Isolated Form Arabic Letter Seen Isolated Form
65202Arabic Letter Seen Final Form Arabic Letter Seen Final Form
65203Arabic Letter Seen Initial Form Arabic Letter Seen Initial Form
65204Arabic Letter Seen Medial Form Arabic Letter Seen Medial Form
65205Arabic Letter Sheen Isolated Form Arabic Letter Sheen Isolated Form
65206Arabic Letter Sheen Final Form Arabic Letter Sheen Final Form
65207Arabic Letter Sheen Initial Form Arabic Letter Sheen Initial Form
65208Arabic Letter Sheen Medial Form Arabic Letter Sheen Medial Form
65209Arabic Letter Sad Isolated Form Arabic Letter Sad Isolated Form
65210Arabic Letter Sad Final Form Arabic Letter Sad Final Form
65211Arabic Letter Sad Initial Form Arabic Letter Sad Initial Form
65212Arabic Letter Sad Medial Form Arabic Letter Sad Medial Form
65213Arabic Letter Dad Isolated Form Arabic Letter Dad Isolated Form
65214Arabic Letter Dad Final Form Arabic Letter Dad Final Form
65215Arabic Letter Dad Initial Form Arabic Letter Dad Initial Form
65216Arabic Letter Dad Medial Form Arabic Letter Dad Medial Form
65217Arabic Letter Tah Isolated Form Arabic Letter Tah Isolated Form
65218Arabic Letter Tah Final Form Arabic Letter Tah Final Form
65219Arabic Letter Tah Initial Form Arabic Letter Tah Initial Form
65220Arabic Letter Tah Medial Form Arabic Letter Tah Medial Form
65221Arabic Letter Zah Isolated Form Arabic Letter Zah Isolated Form
65222Arabic Letter Zah Final Form Arabic Letter Zah Final Form
65223Arabic Letter Zah Initial Form Arabic Letter Zah Initial Form
65224Arabic Letter Zah Medial Form Arabic Letter Zah Medial Form
65225Arabic Letter Ain Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ain Isolated Form
65226Arabic Letter Ain Final Form Arabic Letter Ain Final Form
65227Arabic Letter Ain Initial Form Arabic Letter Ain Initial Form
65228Arabic Letter Ain Medial Form Arabic Letter Ain Medial Form
65229Arabic Letter Ghain Isolated Form Arabic Letter Ghain Isolated Form
65230Arabic Letter Ghain Final Form Arabic Letter Ghain Final Form
65231Arabic Letter Ghain Initial Form Arabic Letter Ghain Initial Form
65232Arabic Letter Ghain Medial Form Arabic Letter Ghain Medial Form
65233Arabic Letter Feh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Feh Isolated Form
65234Arabic Letter Feh Final Form Arabic Letter Feh Final Form
65235Arabic Letter Feh Initial Form Arabic Letter Feh Initial Form
65236Arabic Letter Feh Medial Form Arabic Letter Feh Medial Form
65237Arabic Letter Qaf Isolated Form Arabic Letter Qaf Isolated Form
65238Arabic Letter Qaf Final Form Arabic Letter Qaf Final Form
65239Arabic Letter Qaf Initial Form Arabic Letter Qaf Initial Form
65240Arabic Letter Qaf Medial Form Arabic Letter Qaf Medial Form
65241Arabic Letter Kaf Isolated Form Arabic Letter Kaf Isolated Form
65242Arabic Letter Kaf Final Form Arabic Letter Kaf Final Form
65243Arabic Letter Kaf Initial Form Arabic Letter Kaf Initial Form
65244Arabic Letter Kaf Medial Form Arabic Letter Kaf Medial Form
65245Arabic Letter Lam Isolated Form Arabic Letter Lam Isolated Form
65246Arabic Letter Lam Final Form Arabic Letter Lam Final Form
65247Arabic Letter Lam Initial Form Arabic Letter Lam Initial Form
65248Arabic Letter Lam Medial Form Arabic Letter Lam Medial Form
65249Arabic Letter Meem Isolated Form Arabic Letter Meem Isolated Form
65250Arabic Letter Meem Final Form Arabic Letter Meem Final Form
65251Arabic Letter Meem Initial Form Arabic Letter Meem Initial Form
65252Arabic Letter Meem Medial Form Arabic Letter Meem Medial Form
65253Arabic Letter Noon Isolated Form Arabic Letter Noon Isolated Form
65254Arabic Letter Noon Final Form Arabic Letter Noon Final Form
65255Arabic Letter Noon Initial Form Arabic Letter Noon Initial Form
65256Arabic Letter Noon Medial Form Arabic Letter Noon Medial Form
65257Arabic Letter Heh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Heh Isolated Form
65258Arabic Letter Heh Final Form Arabic Letter Heh Final Form
65259Arabic Letter Heh Initial Form Arabic Letter Heh Initial Form
65260Arabic Letter Heh Medial Form Arabic Letter Heh Medial Form
65261Arabic Letter Waw Isolated Form Arabic Letter Waw Isolated Form
65262Arabic Letter Waw Final Form Arabic Letter Waw Final Form
65263Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Isolated Form Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Isolated Form
65264Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Final Form Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Final Form
65265Arabic Letter Yeh Isolated Form Arabic Letter Yeh Isolated Form
65266Arabic Letter Yeh Final Form Arabic Letter Yeh Final Form
65267Arabic Letter Yeh Initial Form Arabic Letter Yeh Initial Form
65268Arabic Letter Yeh Medial Form Arabic Letter Yeh Medial Form
65269Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form
65270Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Madda Above Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Madda Above Final Form
65271Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form
65272Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Above Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Above Final Form
65273Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form
65274Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Below Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Below Final Form
65275Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Isolated Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Isolated Form
65276Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Final Form Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Final Form
65279Zero Width No-Break Space Zero Width No-Break Space
65281Fullwidth Exclamation Mark Fullwidth Exclamation Mark
65282Fullwidth Quotation Mark Fullwidth Quotation Mark
65283Fullwidth Number Sign Fullwidth Number Sign
65284Fullwidth Dollar Sign Fullwidth Dollar Sign
65285Fullwidth Percent Sign Fullwidth Percent Sign
65286Fullwidth Ampersand Fullwidth Ampersand
65287Fullwidth Apostrophe Fullwidth Apostrophe
65288Fullwidth Left Parenthesis Fullwidth Left Parenthesis
65289Fullwidth Right Parenthesis Fullwidth Right Parenthesis
65290Fullwidth Asterisk Fullwidth Asterisk
65291Fullwidth Plus Sign Fullwidth Plus Sign
65292Fullwidth Comma Fullwidth Comma
65293Fullwidth Hyphen-Minus Fullwidth Hyphen-Minus
65294Fullwidth Full Stop Fullwidth Full Stop
65295Fullwidth Solidus Fullwidth Solidus
65296Fullwidth Digit Zero Fullwidth Digit Zero
65297Fullwidth Digit One Fullwidth Digit One
65298Fullwidth Digit Two Fullwidth Digit Two
65299Fullwidth Digit Three Fullwidth Digit Three
65300Fullwidth Digit Four Fullwidth Digit Four
65301Fullwidth Digit Five Fullwidth Digit Five
65302Fullwidth Digit Six Fullwidth Digit Six
65303Fullwidth Digit Seven Fullwidth Digit Seven
65304Fullwidth Digit Eight Fullwidth Digit Eight
65305Fullwidth Digit Nine Fullwidth Digit Nine
65306Fullwidth Colon Fullwidth Colon
65307Fullwidth Semicolon Fullwidth Semicolon
65308Fullwidth Less-Than Sign Fullwidth Less-Than Sign
65309Fullwidth Equals Sign Fullwidth Equals Sign
65310Fullwidth Greater-Than Sign Fullwidth Greater-Than Sign
65311Fullwidth Question Mark Fullwidth Question Mark
65312Fullwidth Commercial At Fullwidth Commercial At
65313Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter A Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter A
65314Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter B Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter B
65315Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter C Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter C
65316Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter D Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter D
65317Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter E Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter E
65318Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter F Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter F
65319Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter G Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter G
65320Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter H Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter H
65321Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter I Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter I
65322Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter J Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter J
65323Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter K Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter K
65324Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter L Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter L
65325Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter M Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter M
65326Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter N Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter N
65327Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter O Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter O
65328Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter P Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter P
65329Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Q Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Q
65330Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter R Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter R
65331Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter S Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter S
65332Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter T Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter T
65333Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter U Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter U
65334Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter V Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter V
65335Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter W Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter W
65336Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter X Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter X
65337Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Y Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Y
65338Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Z Fullwidth Latin Capital Letter Z
65339Fullwidth Left Square Bracket Fullwidth Left Square Bracket
65340Fullwidth Reverse Solidus Fullwidth Reverse Solidus
65341Fullwidth Right Square Bracket Fullwidth Right Square Bracket
65342Fullwidth Circumflex Accent Fullwidth Circumflex Accent
65343Fullwidth Low Line Fullwidth Low Line
65344Fullwidth Grave Accent Fullwidth Grave Accent
65345Fullwidth Latin Small Letter A Fullwidth Latin Small Letter A
65346Fullwidth Latin Small Letter B Fullwidth Latin Small Letter B
65347Fullwidth Latin Small Letter C Fullwidth Latin Small Letter C
65348Fullwidth Latin Small Letter D Fullwidth Latin Small Letter D
65349Fullwidth Latin Small Letter E Fullwidth Latin Small Letter E
65350Fullwidth Latin Small Letter F Fullwidth Latin Small Letter F
65351Fullwidth Latin Small Letter G Fullwidth Latin Small Letter G
65352Fullwidth Latin Small Letter H Fullwidth Latin Small Letter H
65353Fullwidth Latin Small Letter I Fullwidth Latin Small Letter I
65354Fullwidth Latin Small Letter J Fullwidth Latin Small Letter J
65355Fullwidth Latin Small Letter K Fullwidth Latin Small Letter K
65356Fullwidth Latin Small Letter L Fullwidth Latin Small Letter L
65357Fullwidth Latin Small Letter M Fullwidth Latin Small Letter M
65358Fullwidth Latin Small Letter N Fullwidth Latin Small Letter N
65359Fullwidth Latin Small Letter O Fullwidth Latin Small Letter O
65360Fullwidth Latin Small Letter P Fullwidth Latin Small Letter P
65361Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Q Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Q
65362Fullwidth Latin Small Letter R Fullwidth Latin Small Letter R
65363Fullwidth Latin Small Letter S Fullwidth Latin Small Letter S
65364Fullwidth Latin Small Letter T Fullwidth Latin Small Letter T
65365Fullwidth Latin Small Letter U Fullwidth Latin Small Letter U
65366Fullwidth Latin Small Letter V Fullwidth Latin Small Letter V
65367Fullwidth Latin Small Letter W Fullwidth Latin Small Letter W
65368Fullwidth Latin Small Letter X Fullwidth Latin Small Letter X
65369Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Y Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Y
65370Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Z Fullwidth Latin Small Letter Z
65371Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket
65372Fullwidth Vertical Line Fullwidth Vertical Line
65373Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket
65374Fullwidth Tilde Fullwidth Tilde
65375Fullwidth Left White Parenthesis Fullwidth Left White Parenthesis
65376Fullwidth Right White Parenthesis Fullwidth Right White Parenthesis
65377Halfwidth Ideographic Full Stop Halfwidth Ideographic Full Stop
65378Halfwidth Left Corner Bracket Halfwidth Left Corner Bracket
65379Halfwidth Right Corner Bracket Halfwidth Right Corner Bracket
65380Halfwidth Ideographic Comma Halfwidth Ideographic Comma
65381Halfwidth Katakana Middle Dot Halfwidth Katakana Middle Dot
65382Halfwidth Katakana Letter Wo Halfwidth Katakana Letter Wo
65383Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small A Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small A
65384Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small I Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small I
65385Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small U Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small U
65386Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small E Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small E
65387Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small O Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small O
65388Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Ya Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Ya
65389Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Yu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Yu
65390Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Yo Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Yo
65391Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Tu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Small Tu
65392Halfwidth Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark Halfwidth Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark
65393Halfwidth Katakana Letter A Halfwidth Katakana Letter A
65394Halfwidth Katakana Letter I Halfwidth Katakana Letter I
65395Halfwidth Katakana Letter U Halfwidth Katakana Letter U
65396Halfwidth Katakana Letter E Halfwidth Katakana Letter E
65397Halfwidth Katakana Letter O Halfwidth Katakana Letter O
65398Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ka Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ka
65399Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ki Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ki
65400Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ku Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ku
65401Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ke Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ke
65402Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ko Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ko
65403Halfwidth Katakana Letter Sa Halfwidth Katakana Letter Sa
65404Halfwidth Katakana Letter Si Halfwidth Katakana Letter Si
65405Halfwidth Katakana Letter Su Halfwidth Katakana Letter Su
65406Halfwidth Katakana Letter Se Halfwidth Katakana Letter Se
65407Halfwidth Katakana Letter So Halfwidth Katakana Letter So
65408Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ta Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ta
65409Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ti Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ti
65410Halfwidth Katakana Letter Tu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Tu
65411Halfwidth Katakana Letter Te Halfwidth Katakana Letter Te
65412Halfwidth Katakana Letter To Halfwidth Katakana Letter To
65413Halfwidth Katakana Letter Na Halfwidth Katakana Letter Na
65414Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ni Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ni
65415Halfwidth Katakana Letter Nu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Nu
65416Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ne Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ne
65417Halfwidth Katakana Letter No Halfwidth Katakana Letter No
65418Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ha Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ha
65419Halfwidth Katakana Letter Hi Halfwidth Katakana Letter Hi
65420Halfwidth Katakana Letter Hu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Hu
65421Halfwidth Katakana Letter He Halfwidth Katakana Letter He
65422Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ho Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ho
65423Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ma Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ma
65424Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mi Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mi
65425Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mu
65426Halfwidth Katakana Letter Me Halfwidth Katakana Letter Me
65427Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mo Halfwidth Katakana Letter Mo
65428Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ya Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ya
65429Halfwidth Katakana Letter Yu Halfwidth Katakana Letter Yu
65430Halfwidth Katakana Letter Yo Halfwidth Katakana Letter Yo
65431Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ra Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ra
65432Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ri Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ri
65433Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ru Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ru
65434Halfwidth Katakana Letter Re Halfwidth Katakana Letter Re
65435Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ro Halfwidth Katakana Letter Ro
65436Halfwidth Katakana Letter Wa Halfwidth Katakana Letter Wa
65437Halfwidth Katakana Letter N Halfwidth Katakana Letter N
65438Halfwidth Katakana Voiced Sound Mark Halfwidth Katakana Voiced Sound Mark
65439Halfwidth Katakana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark Halfwidth Katakana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark
65440Halfwidth Hangul Filler Halfwidth Hangul Filler
65441Halfwidth Hangul Letter Kiyeok Halfwidth Hangul Letter Kiyeok
65442Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangkiyeok Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangkiyeok
65443Halfwidth Hangul Letter Kiyeok-Sios Halfwidth Hangul Letter Kiyeok-Sios
65444Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun
65445Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun-Cieuc Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun-Cieuc
65446Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun-Hieuh Halfwidth Hangul Letter Nieun-Hieuh
65447Halfwidth Hangul Letter Tikeut Halfwidth Hangul Letter Tikeut
65448Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangtikeut Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangtikeut
65449Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul
65450Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Kiyeok
65451Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Mieum Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Mieum
65452Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Pieup
65453Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Sios Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Sios
65454Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Thieuth Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Thieuth
65455Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Phieuph Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Phieuph
65456Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Hieuh Halfwidth Hangul Letter Rieul-Hieuh
65457Halfwidth Hangul Letter Mieum Halfwidth Hangul Letter Mieum
65458Halfwidth Hangul Letter Pieup Halfwidth Hangul Letter Pieup
65459Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangpieup Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangpieup
65460Halfwidth Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios Halfwidth Hangul Letter Pieup-Sios
65461Halfwidth Hangul Letter Sios Halfwidth Hangul Letter Sios
65462Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangsios Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangsios
65463Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ieung Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ieung
65464Halfwidth Hangul Letter Cieuc Halfwidth Hangul Letter Cieuc
65465Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangcieuc Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ssangcieuc
65466Halfwidth Hangul Letter Chieuch Halfwidth Hangul Letter Chieuch
65467Halfwidth Hangul Letter Khieukh Halfwidth Hangul Letter Khieukh
65468Halfwidth Hangul Letter Thieuth Halfwidth Hangul Letter Thieuth
65469Halfwidth Hangul Letter Phieuph Halfwidth Hangul Letter Phieuph
65470Halfwidth Hangul Letter Hieuh Halfwidth Hangul Letter Hieuh
65474Halfwidth Hangul Letter A Halfwidth Hangul Letter A
65475Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ae Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ae
65476Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ya Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ya
65477Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yae Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yae
65478Halfwidth Hangul Letter Eo Halfwidth Hangul Letter Eo
65479Halfwidth Hangul Letter E Halfwidth Hangul Letter E
65482Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yeo Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yeo
65483Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ye Halfwidth Hangul Letter Ye
65484Halfwidth Hangul Letter O Halfwidth Hangul Letter O
65485Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wa Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wa
65486Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wae Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wae
65487Halfwidth Hangul Letter Oe Halfwidth Hangul Letter Oe
65490Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yo Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yo
65491Halfwidth Hangul Letter U Halfwidth Hangul Letter U
65492Halfwidth Hangul Letter Weo Halfwidth Hangul Letter Weo
65493Halfwidth Hangul Letter We Halfwidth Hangul Letter We
65494Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wi Halfwidth Hangul Letter Wi
65495Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yu Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yu
65498Halfwidth Hangul Letter Eu Halfwidth Hangul Letter Eu
65499Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yi Halfwidth Hangul Letter Yi
65500Halfwidth Hangul Letter I Halfwidth Hangul Letter I
65504Fullwidth Cent Sign Fullwidth Cent Sign
65505Fullwidth Pound Sign Fullwidth Pound Sign
65506Fullwidth Not Sign Fullwidth Not Sign
65507Fullwidth Macron Fullwidth Macron
65508Fullwidth Broken Bar Fullwidth Broken Bar
65509Fullwidth Yen Sign Fullwidth Yen Sign
65510Fullwidth Won Sign Fullwidth Won Sign
65512Halfwidth Forms Light Vertical Halfwidth Forms Light Vertical
65513Halfwidth Leftwards Arrow Halfwidth Leftwards Arrow
65514Halfwidth Upwards Arrow Halfwidth Upwards Arrow
65515Halfwidth Rightwards Arrow Halfwidth Rightwards Arrow
65516Halfwidth Downwards Arrow Halfwidth Downwards Arrow
65517Halfwidth Black Square Halfwidth Black Square
65518Halfwidth White Circle Halfwidth White Circle
65529Interlinear Annotation Anchor Interlinear Annotation Anchor
65530Interlinear Annotation Separator Interlinear Annotation Separator
65531Interlinear Annotation Terminator Interlinear Annotation Terminator
65532Znak zastępczy obiektu Object Replacement Character
65533Znak zastępczy Replacement Character
65534Niezdefiniowane Undefined


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OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Polish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Biblioteka DLL nazw Unicode dla UCE
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:getuname
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Original File Name:getuname.dll.mui
Product Name:System operacyjny Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is getuname.dll.mui?

getuname.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Polish language for file getuname.dll (Biblioteka DLL nazw Unicode dla UCE).

File version info

File Description:Biblioteka DLL nazw Unicode dla UCE
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:getuname
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Original Filename:getuname.dll.mui
Product Name:System operacyjny Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x415, 1200