iscsidsc.dll.mui iSCSI 发现 API 941a2d60066cb21c5c8a0282e87ffda7

File info

File name: iscsidsc.dll.mui
Size: 7680 byte
MD5: 941a2d60066cb21c5c8a0282e87ffda7
SHA1: 088a8f31a0d48a6be0506f695fa88f11fa90f2d2
SHA256: b7901539130954adc5c96df0c09a81cf0271a54cb1b6dc8a93a0de92fc96f345
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
5000Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
5001管理从这台计算机到远程 iSCSI 目标设备的 Internet SCSI (iSCSI)会话。如果该服务已停止,则该计算机将无法登录或访问 iSCSI 目标设备。如果该服务已禁用,则所有显式依赖于该服务的服务将不会启动。 Manages Internet SCSI (iSCSI) sessions from this computer to remote iSCSI target devices. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to login or access iSCSI targets. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
0xAFFF002E对所有发起程序或发现方法的操作失败。 The operation was not successful for all initiators or discovery methods.
0xAFFF003B操作成功,但要求重新加载或重新启动驱动程序使其生效。 The operation was successful but requires a driver reload or reboot to become effective.
0xAFFF0048指定的 CHAP 机密少于 96 位,将无法用于验证非 ipsec 连接。 The specified CHAP secret is less than 96 bits and will not be usable for authenticating over non ipsec connections.
0xEFFF0001发生非特定错误。 A non specific error occurred.
0xEFFF0002登录失败。 Login Failed.
0xEFFF0003连接失败。 Connection Failed.
0xEFFF0004发起程序节点已经存在。 Initiator Node Already Exists.
0xEFFF0005发起程序节点不存在。 Initiator Node Does Not Exist.
0xEFFF0006目标临时移动。 Target Moved Temporarily.
0xEFFF0007目标永久移动。 Target Moved Permanently.
0xEFFF0008发起程序错误。 Initiator Error.
0xEFFF0009身份验证失败。 Authentication Failure.
0xEFFF000A授权失败。 Authorization Failure.
0xEFFF000B找不到。 Not Found.
0xEFFF000C目标已移动。 Target Removed.
0xEFFF000D中支持的版本。 Unsupported Version.
0xEFFF000E连接太多。 Too many Connections.
0xEFFF000F缺少参数。 Missing Parameter.
0xEFFF0010不能包括在会话中。 Can not include in session.
0xEFFF0011不支持的会话类型。 Session type not supported.
0xEFFF0012目标错误。 Target Error.
0xEFFF0013服务不可用。 Service Unavailable.
0xEFFF0014资源不足。 Out of Resources.
0xEFFF0015发起程序节点上已经存在连接。 Connections already exist on initiator node.
0xEFFF0016会话已经存在。 Session Already Exists.
0xEFFF0017发起程序实例不存在。 Initiator Instance Does Not Exist.
0xEFFF0018目标已经存在。 Target Already Exists.
0xEFFF0019iSCSI 驱动程序实现未正确完成操作。 The iscsi driver implementation did not complete an operation correctly.
0xEFFF001A遇到无效密钥文本。 An invalid key text was encountered.
0xEFFF001B出现无效的 SendTargets 响应文本。 Invalid SendTargets response text was encountered.
0xEFFF001C无效会话 ID。 Invalid Session Id.
0xEFFF001DSCSI 请求失败。 The scsi request failed.
0xEFFF001E超过该发起程序的最多会话数。 Exceeded max sessions for this initiator.
0xEFFF001F由于请求已在过程中,因此会话正忙。 Session is busy since a request is already in progress.
0xEFFF0020请求的目标映射不可用。 The target mapping requested is not available.
0xEFFF0021不支持给定的目标地址类型。 The Target Address type given is not supported.
0xEFFF0023TCP 发送失败。 TCP Send Failed.
0xEFFF0024TCP 传输错误 TCP Transport Error
0xEFFF0025iSCSI 版本不匹配 iSCSI Version Mismatch
0xEFFF0026传入的目标映射地址超出适配器配置范围。 The Target Mapping Address passed is out of range for the adapter configuration.
0xEFFF0027目标或 IKE 标识负载的预共享密钥不可用。 The preshared key for the target or IKE identification payload is not available.
0xEFFF0028目标的身份验证信息不可用。 The authentication information for the target is not available.
0xEFFF0029找不到目标名称或从登录处标记为隐藏。 The target name is not found or is marked as hidden from login.
0xEFFF002A在 LoginTargetIN 结构中指定的一个或多个参数无效。 One or more parameters specified in LoginTargetIN structure is invalid.
0xEFFF002B给定的目标映射已存在。 Given target mapping already exists.
0xEFFF002CHBA 安全信息缓存已满。 The HBA security information cache is full.
0xEFFF002D传入的端口号对发起程序无效。 The port number passed is not valid for the initiator.
0xEFFF002F该适配器不支持 HBA 安全信息缓存。 The HBA security information cache is not supported by this adapter.
0xEFFF0030不支持指定的 IKE ID 负载类型。 The IKE id payload type specified is not supported.
0xEFFF0031指定的 IKE ID 负载大小不正确。 The IKE id payload size specified is not correct.
0xEFFF0032目标门户结构已存在。 Target Portal Structure Already Exists.
0xEFFF0033目标地址结构已存在。 Target Address Structure Already Exists.
0xEFFF0034无可用的 IKE 身份验证信息。 There is no IKE authentication information available.
0xEFFF0035未指定隧道模式外部地址。 There is no tunnel mode outer address specified.
0xEFFF0036身份验证或隧道地址缓存已损坏。 Authentication or tunnel address cache is corrupted.
0xEFFF0037请求或操作不受支持。 The request or operation is not supported.
0xEFFF0038目标没有足够的资源,无法处理给定的请求。 The target does not have enough resources to process the given request.
0xEFFF0039发起程序服务未响应驱动程序发送的请求。 The initiator service did not respond to the request sent by the driver.
0xEFFF003A找不到 Internet 存储名称服务器(iSNS)服务器或该服务器不可用。 The Internet Storage Name Server (iSNS) server was not found or is unavailable.
0xEFFF003C无目标门户可用于完成登录。 There is no target portal available to complete the login.
0xEFFF003D无法删除会话的上一次连接。 Cannot remove the last connection for a session.
0xEFFF003EMicrosoft iSCSI 发起程序服务未运行。请启动该服务,然后重试。 The Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service is not running. Please start the service and retry.
0xEFFF003F已经通过 iSCSI 会话登录目标。 The target has already been logged in via an iSCSI session.
0xEFFF0040由于会话上的某个设备当前正在使用,因此无法注销该会话。 The session cannot be logged out since a device on that session is currently being used.
0xEFFF0041无法保存永久登录信息。 Failed to save persistent login information.
0xEFFF0042无法删除永久登录信息。 Failed to remove persistent login information.
0xEFFF0043找不到指定的门户。 The specified portal was not found.
0xEFFF0044找不到指定的发起程序名称。 The specified initiator name was not found.
0xEFFF0045找不到指定的发现机制。 The specified discovery mechanism was not found.
0xEFFF0046iSCSI 不支持该版本 OS 的 IPSEC。 iSCSI does not support IPSEC for this version of the OS.
0xEFFF0047iSCSI 服务等待所有永久登录完成时超时。 The iSCSI service timed out waiting for all persistent logins to complete.
0xEFFF0049iSCSI 发起程序服务的评估期已过期。 The evaluation period for the iSCSI initiator service has expired.
0xEFFF004A给定的 CHAP 机密不符合标准。有关详细信息,请参阅系统事件日志。 CHAP secret given does not conform to the standard. Please see system event log for more information.
0xEFFF004B给定的目标 CHAP 机密无效。CHAP 机密的最大大小为 16 个字节。如果未使用 IPSec,则最小大小为 12 个字节。 Target CHAP secret given is invalid. Maximum size of CHAP secret is 16 bytes. Minimum size is 12 bytes if IPSec is not used.
0xEFFF004C给定的发起程序 CHAP 机密无效。CHAP 机密的最大大小为 16 个字节。如果未使用 IPSec,则最小大小为 12 个字节。 Initiator CHAP secret given is invalid. Maximum size of CHAP secret is 16 bytes. Minimum size is 12 bytes if IPSec is not used.
0xEFFF004D指定的 CHAP 用户名无效。 CHAP Username given is invalid.
0xEFFF004E给定的登录身份验证类型无效。 Logon Authentication type given is invalid.
0xEFFF004F给定的目标映射信息无效。 Target Mapping information given is invalid.
0xEFFF0050给定的目标映射中的目标 ID 无效。 Target Id given in Target Mapping is invalid.
0xEFFF0051指定的 iSCSI 名称包含无效的字符或者名称太长。 The iSCSI name specified contains invalid characters or is too long.
0xEFFF0052从 Internet 存储名称服务器(iSNS)服务器返回的版本号与 iSNS 客户端的版本不兼容。 The version number returned from the Internet Storage Name Server (iSNS) server is not compatible with this version of the iSNS client.
0xEFFF0053发起程序无法对给定的连接配置 IPSec。这可能是因为资源不足。 Initiator failed to configure IPSec for the given connection. This could be because of low resources.
0xEFFF0054给定用于处理请求的缓冲区太小。 The buffer given for processing the request is too small.
0xEFFF0055iSCSI 发起程序不识别给定的负载平衡策略。 The given Load Balance policy is not recognized by iScsi initiator.
0xEFFF0056指定的一个或多个参数无效。 One or more paramaters specified is not valid.
0xEFFF0057在要设置负载平衡策略的调用中指定了重复的 PathId。 Duplicate PathIds were specified in the call to set Load Balance Policy.
0xEFFF0058在设置负载平衡策略中指定的路径数量与目标的路径数量不匹配。 Number of paths specified in Set Load Balance Policy does not match the number of paths to the target.
0xEFFF0059在要设置负载平衡策略的调用中指定的路径 ID 无效 Path Id specified in the call to set Load Balance Policy is not valid
0xEFFF005A只需要一个主路径时指定了多个主路径。 Multiple primary paths specified when only one primary path is expected.
0xEFFF005B至少需要一个主路径时未指定主路径。 No primary path specified when at least one is expected.
0xEFFF005C设备已是永久绑定的设备。 Device is already a persistently bound device.
0xEFFF005D找不到设备。 Device was not found.
0xEFFF005E指定的设备不是来自 iSCSI 磁盘或永久 iSCSI 登录。 The device specified does not originate from an iSCSI disk or a persistent iSCSI login.
0xEFFF005F指定的 DNS 名称未解析。 The DNS name specified was not resolved.
0xEFFF0060iSCSI 会话中没有可用于处理请求的连接。 There is no connection available in the iSCSI session to process the request.
0xEFFF0061不支持给定的负载平衡策略。 The given Load Balance policy is not supported.
0xEFFF0062该会话已处于删除连接请求的过程中。 A remove connection request is already in progress for this session.
0xEFFF0063在会话中找不到给定的连接。 Given connection was not found in the session.
0xEFFF0064无法删除会话中的起始连接。 The leading connection in the session cannot be removed.
0xEFFF0065由于该操作不符合为此计算机分配的组策略,操作无法执行。 The operation cannot be performed since it does not conform with the group policy assigned to this computer.
0xEFFF0066由于未启用 Internet 存储名称服务器(iSNS)防火墙异常,操作无法执行。 The operation cannot be performed since the Internet Storage Name Server (iSNS) firewall exception has not been enabled.
0xEFFF0067负载平衡策略参数持续失败。 Failed to persist load balancing policy parameters.
0xEFFF0068无法将该名称解析为 IP 地址。 The name could not be resolved to an IP Address.


File Name:iscsidsc.dll.mui
File Size:7.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:7168
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:iSCSI 发现 API
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:iscsidsc
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:iscsidsc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is iscsidsc.dll.mui?

iscsidsc.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file iscsidsc.dll (iSCSI 发现 API).

File version info

File Description:iSCSI 发现 API
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:iscsidsc
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:iscsidsc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200