501 | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Corporation |
502 | Obnovitev |
Recovery |
503 | Obnovitev se je uspešno dokončala. Ali želite obnoviti podatke? |
Recovery has completed. Do you want to restore your user files? |
504 | Če ste pred obnovitvijo računalnika varnostno kopirali uporabniške podatke, jih obnovite zdaj. |
If you created a user file backup before recovering your computer, you can restore those files now. |
505 | Obnovi moje podatke |
Restore my files |
506 | Prekliči |
Cancel |
507 | To nastavitev upravlja skrbnik sistema. Zakaj ne morem spremeniti teh nastavitev? |
This setting is managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change these settings? |
0x3E9 | Popravilo ob zagonu je bilo uspešno končano. |
Startup Repair successfully completed repairs. |
0x3EA | Popravilo ob zagonu ni uspelo. |
Startup Repair failed. |
0x44D | Glavni zagonski zapis (MBR) je bil poškodovan. |
The master boot record (MBR) was corrupt. |
0x44E | Particijska tabela je bila poškodovana. |
The partition table was corrupt. |
0x44F | Zagonski sektor sistemske particije je bil poškodovan. |
The boot sector on the system partition was corrupt. |
0x450 | Sistemski nosilec je bil poškodovan. |
The system volume was corrupt. |
0x451 | Na disku ni bilo mogoče najti zagonskih datotek sistema Windows. |
Windows startup files were not found on the disk. |
0x452 | Trdega diska ni bilo mogoče najti. |
A hard disk could not be found. |
0x453 | Veljavne sistemske particije ni bilo mogoče najti. |
A valid system partition was not found. |
0x454 | Upravitelj zagona manjka. |
The boot manager was missing. |
0x455 | Upravitelj zagona je poškodovan. |
The boot manager was corrupt. |
0x456 | Upravitelj zagona ni uspel najti nalagalnika sistema Windows. |
The boot manager failed to find the Windows loader. |
0x458 | Nalagalnik sistema Windows je bil poškodovan. |
The Windows loader was corrupt. |
0x459 | Shramba BCD (Boot Configuration Data) je poškodovana. |
The boot configuration data was corrupt. |
0x45B | Shramba BCD (Boot Configuration Data) manjka. |
The boot configuration data was missing. |
0x45C | Windows ni zaznal težave. Stanje zagona kaže, da se je sistem Windows uspešno znova zagnal. |
Windows could not detect the problem. The boot status indicated that Windows booted successfully. |
0x45D | Morebitne težave s pomnilnikom strojne opreme (RAM) so morda preprečile zagon sistema Windows. |
A possible problem with hardware memory (RAM) might have prevented Windows from starting. |
0x45E | Orodje za popravilo ob zagonu kljub večkratnim poskusom ni uspelo določiti vzroka težave. |
Startup Repair tried several times but could not determine the cause of the problem. |
0x45F | Med namestitvijo sistema Windows je prišlo do napake. |
Failure during the installation of Windows. |
0x460 | Manjkajoča datoteka, ki je potrebna za zagon sistema Windows: %1 |
The following file necessary for Windows startup was missing: %1 |
0x461 | Poškodovana datoteka, ki je potrebna za zagon sistema Windows: %1 |
The following file necessary for Windows startup was corrupt: %1 |
0x462 | Registrski panj je bil poškodovan. Informacije o napaki: %1 |
The registry hive was corrupt. Error information: %1 |
0x463 | Windows ni uspel določiti težave. Koda napake: %1 |
Windows was unable to determine the problem. Error code: %1 |
0x464 | Windows se ni mogel zagnati zaradi nedavno nameščenega gonilnika ali nadgradnje. |
A recent driver installation or upgrade might have prevented Windows from starting. |
0x465 | Windows se ni mogel zagnati zaradi popravka programske opreme. |
A software patch prevented the system from starting. |
0x466 | Windows se ni mogel zagnati zaradi napake na trdem disku. |
An error on the hard disk prevented Windows from starting. |
0x467 | Windows se morda ni mogel zagnati zaradi seznama za nadzor dostopa (ACL) do te datoteke: %1 |
An access control list (ACL) on the following file might have prevented Windows from starting : %1 |
0x468 | Windows se ni mogel zagnati zaradi varnostnih nastavite v tem računalniku. |
Security settings on this computer prevented Windows from starting. |
0x469 | Windows se ni mogel zagnati, ker je na disku računalnika malo prostora. |
Low disk space on this computer prevented Windows from starting. |
0x46A | Windows ni prepoznal vrste sistemske particije. |
Windows could not recognize the system partition type. |
0x46C | Orodje za popravilo ob zagonu ne podpira te različice operacijskega sistema. |
This operating system version is not supported by Startup Repair. |
0x46D | Vdelana programska oprema računalnika (BIOS) ni združljiva s sistemom Windows. Če želite posodobiti BIOS računalnika, se obrnite na izdelovalca računalnika. |
The computer firmware (BIOS) is not compatible with Windows. Contact your computer manufacturer for an update to the computer BIOS. |
0x46E | Koda zagonskega sektorja sistemske particije je bila poškodovana. |
The boot sector code on the system partition was corrupt. |
0x46F | Več datotek, potrebnih za zagon sistema Windows, je bilo poškodovanih. |
Several files necessary for Windows startup were corrupt. |
0x470 | Ta različica orodja za popravilo ob zagonu ni združljiva s trenutno nameščenimi posodobitvami sistema Windows. |
This version of Startup Repair is not compatible with currently installed updates to Windows. |
0x471 | Težava je morda nastala zaradi neznanih sprememb v sistemski konfiguraciji. |
Unspecified changes to system configuration might have caused the problem. |
0x472 | Trdi disk računalnika je šifriran s šifriranjem pogona BitLocker in ga ni mogoče odkleniti. |
The computer hard disk is encrypted using BitLocker Drive Encryption and could not be unlocked. |
0x473 | Konfiguracijska datoteka WIMBoot je bila poškodovana. |
The WIMBoot configuration file was corrupt. |
0x474 | Zagon sistema Windows morda preprečuje nameščanje paketa v teku. |
An in-progress package installation may be preventing Windows from starting. |
0x4B1 | Glavni zagonski zapis (MBR) je popravljen. |
Repaired the master boot record (MBR). |
0x4B2 | Particijska tabela je bila rekonstruirana. |
Reconstructed the partition table. |
0x4B3 | Zagonski sektor je bil obnovljen iz varnostnih kopij datotek. |
Restored the boot sector from backup files. |
0x4B4 | Napake v datotečnem sistemu so popravljene. |
Repaired file system errors. |
0x4B5 | Načrtovan je preskus pomnilnika strojne opreme (RAM). |
Scheduled a hardware memory (RAM) test. |
0x4B6 | Iz varnostnih kopij datotek je bila kopirana ta datoteka: %2 |
Copied the following file from backup files: %2 |
0x4B7 | Shramba BCD (Boot Configuration Data) je bila rekonstruirana. |
Reconstructed boot configuration data. |
0x4B8 | Sistem je bil obnovljen na zgodnejšo obnovitveno točko. |
Restored system to an earlier restore point. |
0x4B9 | Seznam za nadzor dostopa (ACL) za to datoteko je popravljen: %2 |
Fixed access control list (ACL) on the following file: %2 |
0x4BA | Register je bil obnovljen iz varnostnih kopij datotek. |
Restored the registry from backup files. |
0x4BB | Nastavitev registra CrashOnAuditFailure je popravljena. |
Fixed the CrashOnAuditFailure registry setting. |
0x4BC | Koda zagonskega sektorja je bila obnovljena. |
Restored the boot sector code. |
0x4BD | Poškodovane datoteke so bile popravljene z varnostnimi kopijami. |
Repaired the corrupted files from backup. |
0x4BE | Vrste preglasitve storitve zagona so bile odstranjene. |
Removed service start type overrides. |
0x4BF | Konfiguracijska datoteka WIMBoot je popravljena. |
Repaired the WIMBoot configuration file. |
0x4C0 | Vsa nameščanja paketov v čakanju so bila prekinjena. |
Aborted all pending package installations. |
0x50000004 | Informacije |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-StartupRepair |
Microsoft-Windows-StartupRepair |
0x90000002 | System |
System |