FirewallAPI.dll.mui API עבור חומת אש של Windows 9319ad92652b52d246e7696396106d5f

File info

File name: FirewallAPI.dll.mui
Size: 140800 byte
MD5: 9319ad92652b52d246e7696396106d5f
SHA1: ef46443cfd1ee748ff143bfcbe64cc31e55a9831
SHA256: 437a1d85949523d4bf4609818e13ed4c65c9d148211a3f655e3c6ed0e1e8b949
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Hebrew language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Hebrew English
1657Firewall log files (*.log)*.log Firewall log files (*.log)*.log
1658עיון Browse
1659יומן log
1675‏‏הערך שהוזן עבור גודל קובץ יומן הרישום אינו חוקי. הזן ערך בין 1 ל- ‎32767 k‏. The value entered for the log file size is not valid. Enter a value between 1 and 32767 k.
23000שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות File and Printer Sharing
23001שירות שמות של NetBIOS NetBIOS Name Service
23002שירות יחידות נתונים של NetBIOS NetBIOS Datagram Service
23004שירות הפעלות של NetBIOS NetBIOS Session Service
23005SMB על TCP SMB over TCP
23006מסגרת UPnP UPnP Framework
23007רכיב SSDP של מסגרת UPnP SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
23008מסגרת UPnP על TCP UPnP Framework over TCP
23009שולחן עבודה מרוחק Remote Desktop
23012שרת שמות תחומים (DNS) Domain Name Server (DNS)
23013שרת פרוטוקול תצורת מארח דינאמי (DHCP) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server (DHCP)
23014לקוח פרוטוקול תצורת מארח דינאמי (DHCP) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client (DHCP)
23015VPN של חיבור נכנס (PPTP)‏ Incoming Connection VPN (PPTP)
23016VPN של חיבור נכנס (L2TP)‏ Incoming Connection VPN (L2TP)
23017אבטחת IP (IPsec - IKE) IP Security (IPsec - IKE)
23018אבטחת IP (IPsec - IKE/NAT-T) IP Security (IPsec - IKE/NAT-T)
23038שלב 1: כתובת מקומית = %s, כתובת מרוחקת = %s Phase 1: Local address = %s, Remote address = %s
23039שלב 2: כתובת מקומית = %s, כתובת מרוחקת = %s Phase 2: Local address = %s, Remote address = %s
23040, פרוטוקול = 0x%x , Protocol = 0x%x
23041, פרוטוקול = כל סוג , Protocol = Any
23042, יציאה מקומית = 0x%x , Local port = 0x%x
23043, יציאה מקומית = כלשהי , Local port = Any
23044, יציאה מרוחקת = 0x%x , Remote port = 0x%x
23045, יציאה מרוחקת = כלשהי , Remote port = Any
23090Windows Firewall Windows Firewall
23091חומת האש של Windows עוזרת להגן על המחשב שלך על-ידי מניעת גישת משתמשים לא מורשים אליו דרך האינטרנט או דרך רשת. Windows Firewall helps protect your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the Internet or a network.
23092Windows Firewall Authorization Driver Windows Firewall Authorization Driver
23093מנהל התקן למתן הרשאות חומת אש של Windows הוא מנהל התקן במצב ליבה המספק שירותי בדיקת עומק בתעבורת רשת נכנסת ויוצאת. Windows Firewall Authorization Driver is a kernel mode driver that provides deep inspection services on inbound and outbound network traffic.
23094אפשר עקיפת IPsec מאומתת Allow authenticated IPsec bypass
23095שירות המאפשר למחשבים ספציפיים גישה בלתי מוגבלת, אך מאומתת, למחשב. Allows specific computers to have unrestricted, but authenticated, access to the computer.
23100כן Yes
23101לא No
23102זמין Enabled
23103לא זמין Disabled
23104‏‏מדיניות קבוצתית Group Policy
23105מדיניות מקומית Local Policy
23106מדיניות קבוצתית ומקומית Group and Local Policy
23107תחום Domain
23108פרטי Private
23109כל הממשקים All interfaces
23110לא פעיל Off
23111פעיל On
23112אל תאפשר חריגים Don't allow exceptions
23113כל רשתות המשנה All subnets
23114רשת משנה מקומית בלבד Local subnet only
23115רשתות משנה מותאמות אישית Custom subnets
23116הוספה Add
23117הסר Remove
23118שינוי Modify
23119‏‏אפשר הודעה יוצאת המציינת כי אין אפשרות להגיע אל המקור Allow outgoing destination unreachable
23120‏‏אפשר הודעה יוצאת לגבי כיבוי מקור Allow outgoing source quench
23121אפשר ניתוב מחדש Allow redirect
23122אפשר בקשת הד נכנסת Allow incoming echo request
23123אפשר בקשת נתב נכנסת Allow incoming router request
23124‏‏אפשר הודעה יוצאת לגבי חריגה מהזמן שנקבע Allow outgoing time exceeded
23125‏‏אפשר הודעה יוצאת לגבי בעיית פרמטר Allow outgoing parameter problem
23126אפשר בקשת חותמת זמן נכנסת Allow incoming timestamp request
23127אפשר בקשת מסיכה נכנסת Allow incoming mask request
23128‏‏אפשר מנה יוצאת גדולה מדי Allow outgoing packet too big
23129הכלל נותח בהצלחה מהמאגר. The rule was parsed successfully from the store.
23130כלל זה שייך לגירסה מתקדמת יותר של השירות. המערכת לא הבינה כמה מהשדות והתעלמה מהם. הדבר עשוי להוביל לכך שהכלל יהיה מגביל פחות מאשר בגירסה שבה הוא נוצר. כדי לצמצם סיכונים העלולים לנבוע מאופן פעולה זה של חזרה למצב קודם, דאג שהכלל המקורי יהיה ספציפי ככל שניתן. כדי למנוע אופן פעולה זה של חזרה למצב קודם, צור אובייקטי מדיניות קבוצתית (GPO) ספציפיים לגירסה, או החל תנאי פלטפורמה על הכלל. The rule is from a later version of the service. Some fields were not understood and have been ignored. This may cause the rule to be less restrictive than on the version where it was created. To mitigate any risk from this fallback behavior, ensure that the original rule is as specific as possible. To avoid this fallback behavior, create version-specific GPO's, or apply a Platform condition to the rule.
23131כלל זה שייך לגירסת סכימה חדשה יותר מהשירות, ולא ניתן להתעלם מהשדות שאינם ידועים. המערכת התעלמה מהכלל כולו. The rule is from a newer schema version than the service, and the unknown fields could not be ignored. The whole rule was ignored.
23132‏‏השם מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The name contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23133‏‏התיאור מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The description contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23134‏‏היישום מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The application contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23135‏‏השירות מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The service contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23136‏‏רשימת המחשבים המרוחקים המורשים מכילה תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכה אינו חוקי. The authorized remote machines list contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23137‏‏רשימת המשתמשים המרוחקים המורשים מכילה תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכה אינו חוקי. The authorized remote users list contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23138‏‏הקבוצה (נקראת לעתים ‏‏ההקשר המוטבע) מכילה תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכה אינו חוקי. The group (sometimes called the embedded context) contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23139‏‏השירות לא הצליח לנתח את הכלל. The service was unable to parse the rule.
23140‏‏צוין טווח יציאות שאינו חוקי, או ש- 0 שימש כמספר יציאה. An invalid port range was specified, or 0 was used as a port number.
23141‏‏כמה ממילות המפתח שצוינו בכתובת המרוחקת חוקיות בכתובת המקומית בלבד. Some of the keywords specified on the remote address are only valid on the local address.
23142‏‏מספר הממשקים ומאגר הממשקים אינם תואמים. Number of interfaces and interface buffer don't match.
23143‏‏סוג הממשק אינו חוקי. The interface type is invalid.
23144‏‏הפעולה אינה חוקית. The action is invalid.
23145‏‏הכיוון אינו חוקי. The direction is invalid.
23146‏‏האפשרויות הספציפיות לפרוטוקול אינן תואמות לפרוטוקול שנבחר. The protocol-specific options do not match the protocol that was chosen.
23147‏‏הכלל נותח בהצלחה, אך אירעה שגיאה סמנטית בלתי ידועה בעת עיבוד הכלל. The rule was parsed successfully, but there was an unknown semantic error when processing the rule.
23148‏‏אירעה שגיאה. An error occurred.
23149הפוך את חומת האש של Windows לזמינה Enable Windows Firewall
23150הפוך מצב מתוחכם לבלתי זמין Disable Stealth Mode
23151מצב מוגן של חומת האש של Windows Windows Firewall Shielded Mode
23152הפוך תגובות שידור ליעד בודד לשידור לקבוצה לבלתי זמינות Disable Unicast Responses to Multicast
23153רשום חיבורים שבוצעו בהצלחה Log Dropped Packets
23155כללי יומן רישום שהמערכת התעלמה מהם Log Ignored Rules
23156גודל מרבי של קובץ יומן רישום Maximum Log File Size
23157נתיב קובץ יומן הרישום Log File Path
23158הפוך הודעות נכנסות לבלתי זמינות Disable Inbound Notifications
23159אפשר מיזוג מועדף-משתמש של יישומים מורשים Allow User preferred merge of Authorized Applications
23160אפשר מיזוג מועדף-משתמש של יציאות פתוחות כלליות Allow User preferred merge of Globally open ports
23161אפשר מיזוג של פריטי מדיניות מקומית Allow Local Policy Merge
23162אפשר מיזוג של פריטי מדיניות IPsec מקומית Allow Local IPsec Policy Merge
23163ממשקים לא זמינים Disabled Interfaces
23164פעולת ברירת מחדל יוצאת Default Outbound Action
23165פעולת ברירת מחדל נכנסת Default Inbound Action
23166פרופיל נוכחי Current Profile
23167הפוך Stateful FTP לבלתי זמין Disable Stateful FTP
23168‏‏המערכת התעלמה מהפיכת Stateful PPTP לבלתי זמין Ignored Disable Stateful PPTP
23169זמן חוסר פעילות של SA של IPsec IPsec SA Idle time
23170קידוד מפתח משותף מראש של IPsec IPsec preshared key encoding
23171פטור IPsec IPsec Exempt
23172בדיקת CRL של IPsec IPsec CRL Check
23174אפשר Allow
23175חסום Block
23176‏‏מזהה הכלל כולל תווים בלתי חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The rule ID contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23177‏‏מזהה ערכת האימות של שלב 1 מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The phase 1 auth set ID contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23178‏‏מזהה ערכת ההצפנה של המצב המהיר מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The quick mode crypto set ID contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23179‏‏מזהה ערכת האימות של המצב הראשי מכיל תווים לא חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The main mode crypto set ID contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23180‏‏לא היתה אפשרות לזהות את שם היישום. The application name could not be resolved.
23181‏‏מזהה הכלל לא צוין. The Rule ID was not specified.
23182‏‏אי-התאמה במספר היציאות ומאגר היציאות. Mismatch in number of ports and ports buffer.
23183‏‏אחת ממילות המפתח של היציאות אינה חוקית. One of the port keywords is invalid.
23184‏‏אי-התאמה במספר רשתות המשנה של כתובות V4 ומאגר רשתות המשנה. Mismatch in number of V4 address subnets and subnets buffer.
23185‏‏אי-התאמה במספר רשתות המשנה של כתובות V6 ומאגר רשתות המשנה. Mismatch in number of V6 address subnets and subnets buffer.
23186‏‏אי-התאמה במספר הטווחים של כתובות V4 ומאגר הטווחים. Mismatch in number of V4 address ranges and ranges buffer.
23187‏‏אי-התאמה במספר הטווחים של כתובות V6 ומאגר הטווחים. Mismatch in number of V6 address ranges and ranges buffer.
23188‏‏טווח הכתובות אינו חוקי. הכתובת המסיימת נמוכה מכתובת ההתחלה. The address range is invalid. The end address is less than the beginning address.
23189‏‏אחת או יותר ממסיכות רשת המשנה אינן חוקיות. One or more of the subnet masks is invalid.
23190‏‏אחת או יותר מקידומות הכתובת אינן חוקיות. One or more of the address prefixes is invalid.
23191‏‏אחת או יותר ממילות המפתח של הכתובת אינן חוקיות. One or more of the address keywords are invalid.
23192‏‏כמה ממילות המפתח שצוינו בכתובת המקומית חוקיות בכתובת המרוחקת בלבד. Some of the keywords specified on the local address are only valid on the remote address.
23193‏‏אי-התאמה במספר של ICMP ומאגר ICMP. Mismatch in number of ICMP and ICMP buffer.
23194‏‏צוין קוד ICMP לא חוקי. Invalid ICMP code specified.
23195‏‏צוינה פעולת 'אפשר עקיפה', אך הכלל אינו עומד בקריטריונים של פעולת 'אפשר עקיפה' (נכנס, ערכת דגלי אימות/הצפנה, ציון רשימת אימות של מחשבים מרוחקים) Allow-Bypass action specified, but the rule does not meet allow-bypass criteria (inbound, authenticate/encrypt flags set, remote machine auth list specified)
23196‏‏מספר הפרוטוקול אינו חוקי. The protocol number is invalid.
23197‏‏צוינו דגלים לא חוקיים. Invalid flags specified.
23198‏‏דגל יצירה אוטומטית מוגדר אך דגלי אימות / אימות-הצפנה אינם מוגדרים. Autogenerate flag is set but Authenticate / Authenticate-encrypt flags are not set.
23199‏‏דגל יצירה אוטומטית מוגדר אך הפעולה היא חסימה. Autogenerate flag is set but the action is block.
23200‏‏דגל יצירה אוטומטית מוגדר ביחד עם דגל RPC דינאמי. Autogenerate flag is set along with Dynamic RPC flag.
23201‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש בדגל האימות ודגל האימות וההצפנה יחד. The Authentication and Authentication & Encryption flags cannot be used together.
23202‏‏ניתן להשתמש ברשימות הרשאות רק אם האימות נדרש בכלל. Authorization lists can only be used if authentication is required on the rule.
23203‏‏מספר הפלטפורמות החוקיות של מערכת ההפעלה ורשימת הפלטפורמות החוקיות של מערכת ההפעלה אינם תואמים Number of valid OS Platforms and the list of valid OS Platforms don't match
23204‏‏יש לציין את מזהה ערכת האימות של שלב 1. The phase 1 auth set ID must be specified.
23205‏‏יש לציין את מזהה ערכת ההצפנה של מצב מהיר. The quick mode crypto set ID must be specified.
23206‏‏לא צוין מזהה ערכה. The Set ID was not specified.
23207‏‏שלב IPsec אינו חוקי. The IPsec phase is invalid.
23208‏‏לא צוינו חבילות בערכה. No suites specified in the set.
23209‏‏אחת משיטות האימות בשלב 1 אינה חוקית. One of the phase 1 auth methods is invalid.
23210‏‏אחת משיטות האימות בשלב 2 אינה חוקית. One of the phase 2 auth methods is invalid.
23211‏‏אימות אנונימי אינו יכול להיות שיטת האימות היחידה. Anonymous cannot be the only authentication method.
23212‏‏צוינו דגלי חבילת אימות לא חוקיים. Invalid auth suite flags specified.
23213‏‏אישורי מחשב יכולים לשמש באימות של שלב 2 רק אם הם אישורי תקינות מחשב. Machine certificates can only be used in phase 2 auth if they are machine health certificates.
23214‏‏מפתח משותף מראש של מחשב נבחר כסוג אימות, אך לא צוינה מחרוזת מפתח. Machine Preshared Key was selected as an authentication type, but no key string was specified.
23215‏‏נדרש שם רשות אישורים, ועליו להיות בתבנית שם ייחודי של X.509. The certificate authority name is required, and must be formatted as an X.509 distinguished name.
23216‏‏לא ניתן להציע הן אימות מחשב והן אימות משתמש בתוך אותה ערכת אימות. Both machine and user auth cannot be proposed within the same authentication set.
23217‏‏יש לציין ‏‏את מזהה ערכת ההצפנה של מצב ראשי. The main mode crypto set ID must be specified.
23218‏‏דגלי ערכת ההצפנה של שלב 1 אינם חוקיים. The phase 1 crypto set flags are invalid.
23219‏‏משך החיים של מצב ראשי, בדקות, אינו חוקי. The main mode lifetime, in minutes, is invalid.
23220‏‏משך החיים של מצב ראשי, בהפעלות, אינו חוקי. The main mode lifetime, in sessions, is invalid.
23221‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של חילופי מפתחות במצב ראשי אינו חוקי. One of the main mode key exchange algorithms is invalid.
23222‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של ההצפנה במצב ראשי אינו חוקי. One of the main mode encryption algorithms is invalid.
23223‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של Hash במצב ראשי אינו חוקי. One of the main mode hash algorithms is invalid.
23224‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של חילופי מפתחות במצב מהיר אינו חוקי. One of the quick mode key exchange algorithms is invalid.
23225‏‏אחד מסוגי עטיפת הנתונים במצב מהיר אינו חוקי. One of the quick mode encapsulation types is invalid.
23226‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של ההצפנה במצב מהיר אינו חוקי. One of the quick mode encryption algorithms is invalid.
23227‏‏אחד מהאלגוריתמים של Hash במצב מהיר אינו חוקי. One of the quick mode hash algorithms is invalid.
23228‏‏משך החיים של מצב מהיר, בדקות, אינו חוקי. The quick mode lifetime, in minutes, is invalid.
23229‏‏משך החיים של מצב מהיר, בקילו-בתים, אינו חוקי. The quick mode lifetime, in kilobytes, is invalid.
23230‏‏ניתן להחיל מתן הרשאות משתמשים מרוחקים על כללי כניסה בלבד. Remote user authorization can only be applied to inbound rules.
23231‏‏צוינה כתובת IPv6 בלתי מוגדרת או מסוג שידור, שידור לקבוצה או לולאה חוזרת (Loopback). An unspecified, multicast, broadcast, or loopback IPv6 address was specified.
23232‏‏אם הפעולה היא 'אל תאבטח', ערכות האימות וההצפנה צריכות להיות Null. If the action is Do Not Secure, the auth and crypto sets must be null.
23233‏‏יש לציין הצפנה או קוד Hash. Either Encryption or Hash must be specified.
23234‏‏צוינה פעולת חסימה יחד עם דרישת אבטחה או דרישת הצפנה. Block action was specified in conjunction with require security or require encryption.
23235‏‏ערכת האימות של שלב 1 לא נמצאה. The phase 1 authentication set was not found.
23236‏‏ערכת האימות של שלב 2 לא נמצאה. The phase 2 authentication set was not found.
23237‏‏ערכת ההצפנה של מצב מהיר לא נמצאה. The quick mode cryptographic set was not found.
23238‏‏זוהתה התנגשות בין ערכות האימות של שלב 1 ושלב 2. בעת שימוש במפתחות משותפים מראש בשלב 1, לא ניתן להשתמש בערכת אימות של שלב 2. A conflict was detected between the phase 1 and phase 2 authentication sets. When preshared keys are used in phase 1, there cannot be a phase 2 authentication set.
23239‏‏אין אפשרות להשתמש בכתובת מקומית יחד עם תנאי של ממשק או סוג ממשק. A local address cannot be used in conjunction with an interface or interface type condition.
23240שם תוכנית Program Name
23241ממשקים Interfaces
23242כתובות מקומיות Local Addresses
23243כתובות מרוחקות Remote Addresses
23244יציאה מקומית Local Port
23245יציאה מרוחקת Remote Port
23246כתובות נקודת קצה 1 EndPoint 1 Addresses
23247כתובות נקודת קצה 2 EndPoint 2 Addresses
23248יציאת נקודת קצה 1 Endpoint 1 Port
23249יציאת נקודת קצה 2 Endpoint 2 Port
23250‏‏לא נקבעה תצורה Not Configured
23251‏‏סוג הפרופיל אינו חוקי. The profile type is invalid.
23252ציבורי Public
23253‏‏צוינה כתובת Ipv4 לא מוגדרת או מסוג שידור, שידור לקבוצה או לולאה חוזרת (Loopback). An unspecified, multicast, broadcast, or loopback IPv4 address was specified.
23254‏‏לא ניתן להציע אישורי תקינות מחשב ואישורים רגילים יחד באותה ערכת אימות. Machine health certificates and regular certificates cannot both be proposed within the same authentication set.
23255ללא None
23256‏‏אין אפשרות לציין את נקודת הקצה 'כלשהי' עבור כלל של מצב מנהרה. Endpoint 'any' cannot be specified for a tunnel-mode rule.
23257IPsec דרך NAT IPsec Through NAT
23258גירסת מדיניות Policy Version
23259‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד שצוינה אינה נתמכת. The target schema version specified is not supported.
23260‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש באותה שיטת אימות יותר מפעם אחת בתוך ערכה. The same authentication method cannot be used more than once within a set.
23261‏‏ערך שגיאה זה אינו בשימוש. This error value is not used.
23262‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בטווחי יציאות. The target schema version does not support port ranges.
23263‏‏הדגל 'אימות (הצפנה דינאמית)' אינו יכול לשמש כאשר הכיוון הוא 'יוצא'. The Authentication (Dynamic Encryption) flag cannot be used when direction is Outbound.
23264‏‏כאשר ‏‏הדגל 'אימות (הצפנה דינאמית)' מוגדר, יש להגדיר גם את הדגל 'אימות והצפנה'. When the Authentication (Dynamic Encryption) flag is set, the Authentication & Encryption flag must be set as well.
23265‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת ב'אימות (הצפנה דינאמית)'. The target schema version does not support Authentication (Dynamic Encryption).
23266‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בכללי 'אפשר עקיפה' יוצאים. The target schema version does not support outbound Allow-Bypass rules.
23267‏‏צוינה פעולת 'אפשר עקיפה', אך הכלל אינו עומד בקריטריוני 'אפשר עקיפה' (דגלי אימות/הצפנה הוגדרו). Allow-Bypass action specified, but the rule does not meet allow-bypass criteria (authenticate/encrypt flags set)
23268‏‏ניתן להשתמש בהגדרה 'העבר למשתמש' בכלל חומת אש רק כאשר נתיב התוכנית ופרוטוקול TCP/UDP צוינו ללא תנאים נוספים. Defer to user' setting can only be used in a firewall rule where program path and TCP/UDP protocol are specified with no additional conditions.
23269‏‏טווחי יציאות מותרים רק בכללי אבטחת חיבור כאשר הפעולה היא 'אל תאבטח'. Port ranges are only allowed in connection security rules when the action is Do Not Secure.
23270‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באופרטור הפלטפורמה שצוין. The target schema version does not support the platform operator specified.
23271‏‏דגל DTM דורש נקודת קצה דינאמית אחת לפחות. The DTM flag requires at least one dynamic endpoint.
23272‏‏כלל פטור של מצב מנהרה דינאמי אינו יכול לכלול נקודות קצה של מנהרה. A dynamic tunnel-mode exemption rule cannot have tunnel endpoints.
23273‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בפטורים במצב מנהרה. The target schema version does not support tunnel-mode exemptions.
23274ניתן להגדיר את מצב האימות "דרוש נכנס ונקה יוצא" בעת שימוש במינהור IPSec בלבד. Authentication mode,"Require inbound and clear outbound" can only be set when using IPsec tunneling.
23275‏‏לא ניתן להגדיר 'עקוף מנהרה אם מאובטח' בכללי מצב תעבורה. Bypass Tunnel If Secure may not be set on Transport-Mode rules.
23276‏‏אחד מהאופרטורים של הפלטפורמה אינו חוקי. One of the platform operators is invalid.
23277‏‏%s ביטל את הרישום בחומת האש של Windows. %s unregistered from Windows Firewall.
23278‏‏%s ביטל את הרישום בחומת האש של Windows. חומת האש של Windows מפקחת כעת על הסינון עבור %s. %s unregistered from Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall is now controlling the filtering for %s.
23279FirewallRuleCategory FirewallRuleCategory
23280ConSecRuleCategory ConSecRuleCategory
23281StealthRuleCategory StealthRuleCategory
23282BootTimeRuleCategory BootTimeRuleCategory
23283, ,
23284‏‏לא ניתן לציין 'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)' בכלל של מצב מנהרה. Authentication (No Encapsulation) cannot be specified on a tunnel-mode rule.
23285‏‏לא ניתן לציין 'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)' בכלל המשתמש במפתח משותף מראש. Authentication (No Encapsulation) cannot be specified on a rule that uses a preshared key.
23286‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בקריטריוני אישור. The target schema version does not support certificate criteria.
23287‏‏גירסת קריטריוני האישור אינה תואמת לגירסת הסכימה. Certificate criteria version does not match schema version.
23288‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. יש לציין קוד Hash של טביעת אצבע בעת שימוש ב- FollowRenewal. The certificate criteria are invalid. A thumbprint hash must be specified when FollowRenewal is used.
23289‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. קוד ה- Hash של טביעת אצבע אינו חוקי. The certificate criteria are invalid. The thumbprint hash is invalid.
23290‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. אחד או יותר מפריטי ה- EKU אינו חוקי. The certificate criteria are invalid. One or more of the EKU's are invalid.
23291‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. סוג השם אינו חוקי. The certificate criteria are invalid. The name type is invalid.
23292‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. שם הנושא אינו חוקי. The certificate criteria are invalid. The subject name is not valid.
23293‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. הדגלים של סוגי הקריטריונים אינם חוקיים. The certificate criteria are invalid. The criteria type flags are invalid.
23294‏‏קריטריוני האישור אינם חוקיים. עליך לציין לפחות קבוצה אחת של קריטריוני אימות וקבוצה אחת של קריטריוני בחירה עבור כל קבוצה של הצעת אישור עם אותה שיטת חתימה. The certificate criteria are invalid. You need to specify at least one set of validation criteria and one set of selection criteria for each set of certificate proposal with the same signing method.
23295‏‏רשימת ההרשאות של המשתמש המקומי מכילה תווים לא חוקיים או שהיא באורך לא חוקי. The local user authorization list contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23296‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש ברשימת המשתמשים המקומיים המורשים יחד עם SID של שירות. The authorized local user list may not be used in conjunction with a service SID.
23297‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת ברשימת המשתמשים המקומיים המורשים. The target schema version does not support the authorized local user list.
23298‏‏הפוך ללא זמין פטור של מנה מאובטחת באמצעות IPsec של מצב מתוחכם Disable Stealth Mode IPsec Secured Packet Exemption
23299‏‏שם ה- Proxy של Kerberos צריך להיות שם תחום מלא (FQDN). לדוגמה: The Kerberos proxy name must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example:
23300הקשחת שירות IPsec Policy Agent ‏- LDAP/TCP IPsec Policy Agent service hardening - LDAP/TCP
23301אפשר תעבורת LDAP/TCP יוצאת של IPsec Policy Agent אל Active Directory Allow IPsec Policy Agent outbound LDAP/TCP traffic to Active Directory
23302הקשחת שירות IPsec Policy Agent‏ - LDAP/UDP IPsec Policy Agent service hardening - LDAP/UDP
23303אפשר תעבורת LDAP/UDP יוצאת של IPsec Policy Agent אל Active Directory Allow IPsec Policy Agent outbound LDAP/UDP traffic to Active Directory
23304הקשחת שירות IPsec Policy Agent - חסום כל תעבורה אחרת אל IPsec Policy Agent IPsec Policy Agent service hardening - Block any other traffic to IPsec Policy Agent
23305הקשחת שירות IPsec Policy Agent - חסום כל תעבורה אחרת מ- IPsec Policy Agent IPsec Policy Agent service hardening - Block any other traffic from IPsec Policy Agent
23306הקשחת שירות MpsSvc - חסום כל תעבורה אחרת אל MpsSvc MpsSvc service hardening - Block any other traffic to MpsSvc
23307הקשחת שירות MpsSvc - חסום כל תעבורה אחרת מ- MpsSvc MpsSvc service hardening - Block any other traffic from MpsSvc
23308כלל הגבלת שירות נכנס עבור %1!s! Inbound service restriction rule for %1!s!
23309חסום כל תעבורה נכנסת לשירות %1!s! Block all inbound traffic to service %1!s!
23310כלל הגבלת שירות יוצא עבור %1!s! Outbound service restriction rule for %1!s!
23311חסום כל תעבורה יוצאת משירות %1!s! Block all outbound traffic from service %1!s!
23312הקשחת שירות IPsec Policy Agent - ‏Remote Management IPsec Policy Agent service hardening - Remote Management
23313אפשר תעבורת RPC/TCP נכנסת של IPsec Policy Agent עבור Remote Management Allow IPsec Policy Agent inbound RPC/TCP traffic for Remote Management
23400‏‏נקודות הקצה המרוחקות אינן חוקיות. The remote endpoints are invalid.
23401‏‏ה- FQDN של נקודת הקצה המרוחקת אינו חוקי. The remote endpoint FQDN is invalid.
23402‏‏בחירת מודולי המפתחות אינה חוקית. The choice of key modules is invalid.
23403‏‏משך החיים של SA של נתיב ההעברה אינו חוקי. The forward path SA lifetime is invalid.
23404‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בהעדפות מודול מפתח מותאם אישית. The target schema version does not support custom key module preferences.
23405‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת ברשימות הרשאות מחשב של כללי תעבורה. The target schema version does not support transport rule machine authorization lists.
23406‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת ברשימות הרשאות משתמשים של כללי תעבורה. The target schema version does not support transport rule user authorization lists.
23407‏‏SDDL של הרשאת מחשב של תעבורה צוין בכלל של מצב מנהרה. Transport machine authorization SDDL specified on tunnel-mode rule.
23408‏‏SDDL של הרשאת משתמש של תעבורה צוין בכלל של מצב מנהרה. Transport user authorization SDDL specified on tunnel-mode rule.
23409‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש בדגל 'החל הרשאה כללית' כאשר מוגדרת גם רשימת הרשאות לפי כלל. The Apply Global Authorization flag cannot be used when a per-rule authorization list is also specified.
23410‏‏SDDL של מחשב של כלל תעבורה אינו חוקי. The transport rule machine SDDL is not valid.
23411‏‏SDDL של משתמש של כלל תעבורה אינו חוקי. The transport rule user SDDL is not valid.
23413‏‏מזהה ערכת האימות של שלב 2 מכיל תווים שאינם חוקיים או שאורכו אינו חוקי. The phase 2 auth set ID contains invalid characters, or is an invalid length.
23414‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בנקודות קצה דינאמיות. The target schema version does not support dynamic endpoints.
23415‏‏בעת ציון נקודות קצה של מנהרה הן ב- IPv4 והן ב- IPv6, ייתכן שנקודת קצה של מנהרה לא תהיה דינאמית עבור משפחת כתובות אחת ומפורשת עבור משפחת כתובות שניה. (נקודת קצה של מנהרה דינאמית היא כזו המוגדרת כ"כלשהי".) When specifying tunnel endpoints in both IPv4 and IPv6, a tunnel endpoint may not be dynamic for one address family and explicit for the other. (A dynamic tunnel endpoint is one set to "Any".)
23416‏‏דגלי חציית הגבול אינם עקביים. 'העבר ליישום' צריך להיות מוגדר ללא 'חציית גבול', אך 'העבר למשתמש' צריך להיות מוגדר עם 'חציית גבול'. The edge traversal flags are inconsistent. Defer To App must be set without Edge Traversal, but Defer To User must be set with Edge Traversal.
23417‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת ב'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)'. The target schema version does not support Authentication (No Encapsulation).
23418‏‏כאשר הדגל 'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)' מוגדר, יש להגדיר גם את הדגל 'אימות'. When the Authentication (No Encapsulation) flag is set, the Authentication flag must be set as well.
23419‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במצבי אימות מנהרה. The target schema version does not support tunnel authentication modes.
23421‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במילת המפתח IP_HTTPS. The target schema version does not support the IP_HTTPS keyword.
23422‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במילת המפתח IP_TLS. The target schema version does not support the IP_TLS keyword.
23423‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בחציית גבול דינאמית. The target schema version does not support dynamic edge traversal.
23424‏‏ה- SID של הבעלים של המשתמש המקומי אינו חוקי. The local user owner SID is invalid.
23425‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בשדה הבעלים של המשתמש המקומי. The target schema version does not support the local user owner field.
23426‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בחציית פרופילים. The target schema version does not support profile crossing.
23427‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחת או יותר ממילות המפתח של הכתובת שסופקו. The target schema version does not support one or more of the address keywords given.
23428‏‏ה- SID של חבילת היישום אינו חוקי. The application package SID is invalid.
23429‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במזהי אבטחה (SID) של חבילת יישום. The target schema version does not support application package SIDs.
23430‏‏לא ניתן לשלב נקודות קצה לוגיות (רשומות אמון) עם כתובות או יציאות ספציפיות. Logical endpoints (trust tuples) cannot be combined with specific addresses or ports.
23431‏‏אחת או יותר מנקודות הקצה הלוגיות (רשומות אמון) אינן חוקיות. One or more of the logical endpoints (trust tuples) are invalid.
23432‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בנקודות קצה לוגיות (רשומות אמון). The target schema version does not support logical endpoints (trust tuples).
23433‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בדגל 'הכתבה של מנהל מפתחות'. The target schema version does not support the Key Manager Dictation flag.
23434‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בדגל 'הודעת מנהל מפתחות'. The target schema version does not support the Key Manager Notification flag.
23435‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחת או יותר משיטות האימות שסופקו. The target schema version does not support one or more of the authentication methods given.
23436‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באלגוריתם חתימת האישור המבוקש. The target schema version does not support the requested certificate signing algorithm.
23437‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בייעוד של רשויות אישורים (CA) מתווכות. The target schema version does not support targeting Intermediate CA's.
23438‏‏בעת ציון הצעות אימות אישור מרובות, כל הצעות האימות של אותה שיטת חתימה צריכות להיות מקובצות יחד באותה ערכה. When specifying multiple certificate authentication proposals, all the certificate proposals with the same signing method must must be grouped together within the set.
23439‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בשרתי Proxy מסוג Kerberos. The target schema version does not support kerberos proxy servers.
23440‏‏מזהה ערכת ההצפנה של המצב הראשי צריך להיות מזהה ערכת ההצפנה של המצב הראשי הכללי. The main mode crypto set ID should be the global main mode crypto set ID.
23441‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד מהאלגוריתמים של ההצפנה שנבחרו עבור מצב ראשי. The target schema version does not support one of the main mode encryption algorithms chosen.
23442‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד מהאלגוריתמים של Hash שנבחרו עבור מצב ראשי. The target schema version does not support one of the main mode hash algorithms chosen.
23443‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד מהאלגוריתמים של חילופי מפתחות שנבחרו עבור מצב ראשי. The target schema version does not support one of the main mode key exchange algorithms chosen.
23444‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד האלגוריתמים של ההצפנה שנבחרו עבור מצב מהיר. The target schema version does not support one of the quick mode encryption algorithms chosen.
23445‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד מהאלגוריתמים של Hash שנבחרו עבור מצב מהיר. The target schema version does not support one of the quick mode hash algorithms chosen.
23446‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת באחד מהאלגוריתמים של חילופי מפתחות שנבחרו עבור מצב מהיר. The target schema version does not support one of the quick mode key exchange algorithms chosen.
23447‏‏האלגוריתמים של ההצפנה ושל Hash שצוינו אינם תואמים. The encryption and hash algorithms specified are incompatible.
23448‏‏שאילתה פגומה: אי-התאמה במספר מונחי ה- ORed ומערך המונחים Malformed query: Mismatch in the number of ORed terms and the terms array
23449‏‏שאילתה פגומה: אי-התאמה במספר תנאי ה- ANDed ומערך התנאים Malformed query: Mismatch in the number of ANDed conditions and conditions array
23450‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח התאמת תנאי בלתי חוקי Malformed query: Invalid confition match key
23451‏‏שאילתה פגומה: סוג התאמת תנאי בלתי חוקי Malformed query: Invalid condition match type
23452‏‏שאילתה פגומה: סוג נתוני תנאי בלתי חוקי Malformed query: Invalid condition data type
23453‏‏שאילתה פגומה: שילוב בלתי חוקי של מפתח וסוג נתונים Malformed query: Invalid key and data type combination
23454‏‏שאילתה פגומה: תנאי פרוטוקול קיים ללא תנאי פרוטוקול Malformed query: Protocol condition present without a protocol condition
23455‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח פרופיל אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Profile Key unavailable for this object type queried
23456‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח מצב אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Status Key unavailable for this object type queried
23457‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח FilterID אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: FilterID Key unavailable for this object type queried
23458‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח יישום אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Application Key unavailable for this object type queried
23459‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח פרוטוקול אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Protocol Key unavailable for this object type queried
23460‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח יציאה מקומית אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Local Port Key unavailable for this object type queried
23461‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח יציאה מרוחקת אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Remote Port Key unavailable for this object type queried
23462‏‏שאילתה פגומה: מפתח שם שירות אינו זמין עבור סוג אובייקט זה שעבורו בוצעה שאילתה Malformed query: Service Name Key unavailable for this object type queried
23463‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש ב'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)' בכללי מצב מנהרה. Authentication (No Encapsulation) may not be used on tunnel-mode rules.
23464‏‏לא ניתן להשתמש ב'אימות (ללא עטיפת נתונים)' בכללים המכילים מפתחות משותפים מראש. Authentication (No Encapsulation) may not be used on rules that contain preshared keys.
23465‏‏אירעה שגיאת זמן ריצה בעת הניסיון לאכוף את הכלל. A runtime error occurred while trying to enforce the rule.
23466‏‏ערכת ההצפנה של מצב ראשי לא נמצאה. The main mode cryptographic set was not found.
23467‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במיפוי מקומי בלבד. The target schema version does not support local only mapping.
23468‏‏מודול המפתח בכלל אינו תואם לשיטות האימות שצוינו בערכות האימות המשויכות. The key module in the rule is incompatible with the authentication methods specified in the associated authentication sets.
23469‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת בדגל של תחום אבטחה. The target schema version does not support Security Realm flag.
23470‏‏כללי חומת אש בעלי שדה מזהה תחום אבטחה ידרשו אימות והצפנה, ועל הפעולה להיות 'אפשר'. Firewall Rules with security realm Id field would require authentication and encryption, and action should be Allow.
23471‏‏מחרוזת מסוימת עבור מזהה תחום האבטחה אינה חוקית. A string for the security realm Id is invalid.
23472‏‏גירסת הסכימה המהווה יעד אינה תומכת במזהה תחום אבטחה. The target schema version does not support security realm Id.
23473The Sytem OS Only and Game OS Only flags cannot be used together. The Sytem OS Only and Game OS Only flags cannot be used together.
23474The target schema version does not support specifying System OS or Game OS flag The target schema version does not support specifying System OS or Game OS flag
23475The target schema version does not support specifying Development mode flag The target schema version does not support specifying Development mode flag
23476‏‏מחרוזת מסוימת עבור ה- FQBN אינה חוקית. A string for the FQBN is invalid.
23477‏‏גירסת סכימת היעד אינה תומכת בציון fqbn. The target schema version does not support specifying fqbn.
23478‏‏גירסת סכימת היעד אינה תומכת בציון מזהה תא. The target schema version does not support specifying compartment Id.
23479‏‏גירסת סכימת היעד אינה תומכת בציון הסבר ודגל ביקורת The target schema version does not support specifying callout and audit flag
23500mpssvc mpssvc
23501Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
23502ספק חומת האש של Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Firewall Provider
23503הפעלה סטטית של חומת האש של Windows Windows Firewall Static Session
23504הפעלה דינאמית של חומת האש של Windows Windows Firewall Dynamic Session
23505מסנן זמן אתחול Boot Time Filter
23506מסנן זה פעיל לפני הפעלת השירות. This filter is in effect before the service starts.
23507מסנן רישום Logging Filter
23508מסנן זה מיישם רישום, אם כך נקבעה תצורתו. This filter implements logging, if configured.
23509מסנן למניעת סריקת יציאות Port Scanning Prevention Filter
23510‏‏מסנן זה מונע סריקת יציאות. כמות פעמים כזו מצביעה על כך שאין מאזינים. אם אתה מבצע איתור באגים, ודא שיש בתרחיש שלך מאזין. This filter prevents port scanning. This many times means there are no listeners. If debugging ensure your scenario has one.
23511מסנן להיתר לולאות חוזרות Loopback Permit Filter
23512מסנן זה מתיר תעבורת לולאות חוזרות. This filter permits loopback traffic.
23513מסנן חיבורים משניים Secondary Connections Filter
23514‏‏מסנן זה מתיר חיבורים משניים עבור פרוטוקולי FTP. This filter permits secondary connections for FTP protocols.
23515מסנן בדיקת פרוטוקול מעמיקה Deep Protocol Inspection Filter
23516‏‏מסנן זה מיישם בדיקה מעמיקה עבור פרוטוקולי FTP. This filter implements deep inspection for FTP protocols.
23517מסנן בדיקת FTP FTP Inspection Filter
23518מסנן זה מאפשר בדיקת FTP. This filter enables inspection of FTP.
23522ספק IPsec של חומת האש של Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Firewall IPsec Provider
23523מסנן ניהול מצב State Management Filter
23524‏‏ציון אפשרויות שונות ל- WFP כדי לאפשר התאמה אישית של יצירת מצב. Indicates different options to WFP to allow customization of state creation.
23525הקשר של ספק ניהול מצב State Management Provider Context
23526כלילת אפשרויות של ניהול מצב Contains State Management Options
23527‏‏הקשר של ספק מזהה תחום אבטחה Security Realm Id Provider Context
23528‏‏מכיל מזהה תחום אבטחה Contains Security Realm Id
23529‏‏ממשק לאיגוד הקשר ספק Interface to Bind Provider Context
23530‏‏מכיל את מזהה הממשק שאליו יש לאגד Contains The Interface Id to Bind to
23531‏‏הקשר של ספק למצב שקט של מדיניות Policy Silent Mode Provider Context
23532‏‏המדיניות נמצאת בפיקוח אך אינה נאכפת The poicy is inspected only but not enforced
23831UPnP Framework (TCP-In) UPnP Framework (TCP-In)
23832Inbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [TCP] Inbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [TCP]
23833UPnP Framework (TCP-Out) UPnP Framework (TCP-Out)
23834Outbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [TCP] Outbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [TCP]
23835UPnP Framework (UDP-In) UPnP Framework (UDP-In)
23836Inbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [UDP] Inbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [UDP]
23837UPnP Framework (UDP-Out) UPnP Framework (UDP-Out)
23838Outbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [UDP] Outbound rule for UPnP Framework traffic [UDP]
24000Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
24001Configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers. Configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers.
25000Core Networking Core Networking
25001Core Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv6-In)
25002Core Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv6-Out)
25007Packet Too Big error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet because the packet is too large for the next link. Packet Too Big error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet because the packet is too large for the next link.
25008Core Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out)
25009Core Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
25011Router Solicitation messages are sent by nodes seeking routers to provide stateless auto-configuration. Router Solicitation messages are sent by nodes seeking routers to provide stateless auto-configuration.
25012Core Networking - Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-In)
25013Core Networking - Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out)
25018Router Advertisement messages are sent by routers to other nodes for stateless auto-configuration. Router Advertisement messages are sent by routers to other nodes for stateless auto-configuration.
25019Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
25020Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out)
25025Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to discover the link-layer address of another on-link IPv6 node. Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to discover the link-layer address of another on-link IPv6 node.
25026Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-In)
25027Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out)
25032Neighbor Discovery Advertisement messages are sent by nodes to notify other nodes of link-layer address changes or in response to a Neighbor Discovery Solicitation request. Neighbor Discovery Advertisement messages are sent by nodes to notify other nodes of link-layer address changes or in response to a Neighbor Discovery Solicitation request.
25033Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
25034Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out)
25039Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to discover the IP address of another IPv6 node given its link-layer address. Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to discover the IP address of another IPv6 node given its link-layer address.
25040Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-In)
25041Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out)
25046Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to notify other nodes of IP address changes or in response to an Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation request. Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitations are sent by nodes to notify other nodes of IP address changes or in response to an Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation request.
25047Core Networking - Certificate Path Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Certificate Path Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
25048Core Networking - Certificate Path Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Certificate Path Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out)
25053SEND - Secure Neighbor Discovery - Certificate Path Solicitation is a secure version of Neighbor Discovery Solicitation. SEND - Secure Neighbor Discovery - Certificate Path Solicitation is a secure version of Neighbor Discovery Solicitation.
25054Core Networking - Certificate Path Advertisement (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Certificate Path Advertisement (ICMPv6-In)
25055Core Networking - Certificate Path Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Certificate Path Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out)
25060SEND - Secure Neighbor Discovery - Certificate Path Advertisement is a secure version of Neighbor Discovery Advertisement. SEND - Secure Neighbor Discovery - Certificate Path Advertisement is a secure version of Neighbor Discovery Advertisement.
25061Core Networking - Multicast Listener Query (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Query (ICMPv6-In)
25062Core Networking - Multicast Listener Query (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Query (ICMPv6-Out)
25067An IPv6 multicast-capable router uses the Multicast Listener Query message to query a link for multicast group membership. An IPv6 multicast-capable router uses the Multicast Listener Query message to query a link for multicast group membership.
25068Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report (ICMPv6-In)
25069Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report (ICMPv6-Out)
25074The Multicast Listener Report message is used by a listening node to either immediately report its interest in receiving multicast traffic at a specific multicast address or in response to a Multicast Listener Query. The Multicast Listener Report message is used by a listening node to either immediately report its interest in receiving multicast traffic at a specific multicast address or in response to a Multicast Listener Query.
25075Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report v2 (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report v2 (ICMPv6-In)
25076Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report v2 (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Report v2 (ICMPv6-Out)
25081Multicast Listener Report v2 message is used by a listening node to either immediately report its interest in receiving multicast traffic at a specific multicast address or in response to a Multicast Listener Query. Multicast Listener Report v2 message is used by a listening node to either immediately report its interest in receiving multicast traffic at a specific multicast address or in response to a Multicast Listener Query.
25082Core Networking - Multicast Listener Done (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Done (ICMPv6-In)
25083Core Networking - Multicast Listener Done (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Listener Done (ICMPv6-Out)
25088Multicast Listener Done messages inform local routers that there are no longer any members remaining for a specific multicast address on the subnet. Multicast Listener Done messages inform local routers that there are no longer any members remaining for a specific multicast address on the subnet.
25089Core Networking - Multicast Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-In)
25090Core Networking - Multicast Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Router Advertisement (ICMPv6-Out)
25095Multicast Router Advertisement messages are sent by routers to advertise that IP multicast forwarding is enabled. Multicast Router Advertisement messages are sent by routers to advertise that IP multicast forwarding is enabled.
25096Core Networking - Multicast Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
25097Core Networking - Multicast Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-Out)
25102Multicast Router Solicitation messages are sent in order to discover routers with IP multicast forwarding enabled. Multicast Router Solicitation messages are sent in order to discover routers with IP multicast forwarding enabled.
25103Core Networking - Multicast Router Termination (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Multicast Router Termination (ICMPv6-In)
25104Core Networking - Multicast Router Termination (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Multicast Router Termination (ICMPv6-Out)
25109Multicast Router Termination messages are sent when a router stops IP multicast routing functions on an interface. Multicast Router Termination messages are sent when a router stops IP multicast routing functions on an interface.
25110Core Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv6-In)
25111Core Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv6-Out)
25112Destination Unreachable error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet for any reason except congestion. Destination Unreachable error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet for any reason except congestion.
25113Core Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv6-In)
25114Core Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv6-Out)
25115Time Exceeded error messages are generated from any node that a packet traverses if the Hop Limit value is decremented to zero at any point on the path. Time Exceeded error messages are generated from any node that a packet traverses if the Hop Limit value is decremented to zero at any point on the path.
25116Core Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv6-In) Core Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv6-In)
25117Core Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv6-Out) Core Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv6-Out)
25118Parameter Problem error messages are sent by nodes as a result of incorrectly generated packets. Parameter Problem error messages are sent by nodes as a result of incorrectly generated packets.
25251Core Networking - Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed (ICMPv4-In) Core Networking - Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed (ICMPv4-In)
25252Core Networking - Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed (ICMPv4-Out) Core Networking - Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed (ICMPv4-Out)
25257Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet because fragmentation was needed and the don’t fragment bit was set. Destination Unreachable Fragmentation Needed error messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which is unable to forward the packet because fragmentation was needed and the don’t fragment bit was set.
25301Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-In) Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-In)
25302Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-Out) Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-Out)
25303Allows DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) messages for stateful auto-configuration. Allows DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) messages for stateful auto-configuration.
25304Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6(DHCPV6-In) Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6(DHCPV6-In)
25305Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6(DHCPV6-Out) Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6(DHCPV6-Out)
25306Allows DHCPV6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6) messages for stateful and stateless configuration. Allows DHCPV6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6) messages for stateful and stateless configuration.
25326Core Networking - Teredo (UDP-In) Core Networking - Teredo (UDP-In)
25327Core Networking - Teredo (UDP-Out) Core Networking - Teredo (UDP-Out)
25332Inbound UDP rule to allow Teredo edge traversal, a technology that provides address assignment and automatic tunneling for unicast IPv6 traffic when an IPv6/IPv4 host is located behind an IPv4 network address translator. Inbound UDP rule to allow Teredo edge traversal, a technology that provides address assignment and automatic tunneling for unicast IPv6 traffic when an IPv6/IPv4 host is located behind an IPv4 network address translator.
25333Outbound UDP rule to allow Teredo edge traversal, a technology that provides address assignment and automatic tunneling for unicast IPv6 traffic when an IPv6/IPv4 host is located behind an IPv4 network address translator. Outbound UDP rule to allow Teredo edge traversal, a technology that provides address assignment and automatic tunneling for unicast IPv6 traffic when an IPv6/IPv4 host is located behind an IPv4 network address translator.
25351Core Networking - IPv6 (IPv6-In) Core Networking - IPv6 (IPv6-In)
25352Core Networking - IPv6 (IPv6-Out) Core Networking - IPv6 (IPv6-Out)
25357Inbound rule required to permit IPv6 traffic for ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) and 6to4 tunneling services. Inbound rule required to permit IPv6 traffic for ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) and 6to4 tunneling services.
25358Outbound rule required to permit IPv6 traffic for ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) and 6to4 tunneling services. Outbound rule required to permit IPv6 traffic for ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) and 6to4 tunneling services.
25376Core Networking - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-In) Core Networking - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-In)
25377Core Networking - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-Out) Core Networking - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-Out)
25382IGMP messages are sent and received by nodes to create, join and depart multicast groups. IGMP messages are sent and received by nodes to create, join and depart multicast groups.
25401Core Networking - Group Policy (NP-Out) Core Networking - Group Policy (NP-Out)
25402Outbound rule to allow SMB traffic for Group Policy updates. [TCP 445] Outbound rule to allow SMB traffic for Group Policy updates. [TCP 445]
25403Core Networking - Group Policy (TCP-Out) Core Networking - Group Policy (TCP-Out)
25404Outbound rule to allow remote RPC traffic for Group Policy updates. [TCP] Outbound rule to allow remote RPC traffic for Group Policy updates. [TCP]
25405Core Networking - DNS (UDP-Out) Core Networking - DNS (UDP-Out)
25406Outbound rule to allow DNS requests. DNS responses based on requests that matched this rule will be permitted regardless of source address. This behavior is classified as loose source mapping. [LSM] [UDP 53] Outbound rule to allow DNS requests. DNS responses based on requests that matched this rule will be permitted regardless of source address. This behavior is classified as loose source mapping. [LSM] [UDP 53]
25407Core Networking - Group Policy (LSASS-Out) Core Networking - Group Policy (LSASS-Out)
25408Outbound rule to allow remote LSASS traffic for Group Policy updates [TCP]. Outbound rule to allow remote LSASS traffic for Group Policy updates [TCP].
25426Core Networking - IPHTTPS (TCP-In) Core Networking - IPHTTPS (TCP-In)
25427Core Networking - IPHTTPS (TCP-Out) Core Networking - IPHTTPS (TCP-Out)
25428Inbound TCP rule to allow IPHTTPS tunneling technology to provide connectivity across HTTP proxies and firewalls. Inbound TCP rule to allow IPHTTPS tunneling technology to provide connectivity across HTTP proxies and firewalls.
25429Outbound TCP rule to allow IPHTTPS tunneling technology to provide connectivity across HTTP proxies and firewalls. Outbound TCP rule to allow IPHTTPS tunneling technology to provide connectivity across HTTP proxies and firewalls.
26008Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv4-In)
26009Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Destination Unreachable (ICMPv4-Out)
26015Networking - Source Quench (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Source Quench (ICMPv4-In)
26016Networking - Source Quench (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Source Quench (ICMPv4-Out)
26021Source Quench messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which discards the datagram because they are arriving too fast or there are buffering issues. Source Quench messages are sent from any node that a packet traverses which discards the datagram because they are arriving too fast or there are buffering issues.
26022Networking - Redirect (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Redirect (ICMPv4-In)
26023Networking - Redirect (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Redirect (ICMPv4-Out)
26028Redirect messages are sent to indicate that the node which the packet was sent to is no longer the best gateway to reach the network in question. Redirect messages are sent to indicate that the node which the packet was sent to is no longer the best gateway to reach the network in question.
26036Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv4-In)
26037Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Time Exceeded (ICMPv4-Out)
26042Time Exceeded error messages are generated from any node which a packet traverses if the Hop Limit value is decremented to zero at any point on the path. Time Exceeded error messages are generated from any node which a packet traverses if the Hop Limit value is decremented to zero at any point on the path.
26043Networking - Timestamp Request (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Timestamp Request (ICMPv4-In)
26044Networking - Timestamp Request (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Timestamp Request (ICMPv4-Out)
26049Timestamp Request messages are sent by nodes who wish to obtain the current timestamp from another node. Timestamp Request messages are sent by nodes who wish to obtain the current timestamp from another node.
26057Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv4-In)
26058Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Parameter Problem (ICMPv4-Out)
26078Networking - Redirect (ICMPv6-In) Networking - Redirect (ICMPv6-In)
26079Networking - Redirect (ICMPv6-Out) Networking - Redirect (ICMPv6-Out)
26106Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In) Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv6-In)
26117Networking - Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE-In) Networking - Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE-In)
26118Networking - Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE-Out) Networking - Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE-Out)
26123Generic Routing Encapsulation is used for encapsulation of an arbitrary network layer protocol over another arbitrary network layer protocol. Generic Routing Encapsulation is used for encapsulation of an arbitrary network layer protocol over another arbitrary network layer protocol.
26124Networking - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol (PGM-In) Networking - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol (PGM-In)
26125Networking - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol (PGM-Out) Networking - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol (PGM-Out)
26130Pragmatic General Multicast is a reliable multicast transport protocol used for applications that require ordered or unordered, duplicate-free, multicast data delivery from multiple sources to multiple receivers. Pragmatic General Multicast is a reliable multicast transport protocol used for applications that require ordered or unordered, duplicate-free, multicast data delivery from multiple sources to multiple receivers.
26131Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv4-In)
26132Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Packet Too Big (ICMPv4-Out)
26134Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv4-In)
26135Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Router Solicitation (ICMPv4-Out)
26137Networking - Address Mask Request (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Address Mask Request (ICMPv4-In)
26138Networking - Address Mask Request (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Address Mask Request (ICMPv4-Out)
26139Address Mask Request messages are sent by nodes who wish to obtain the subnet mask for their assigned address. Address Mask Request messages are sent by nodes who wish to obtain the subnet mask for their assigned address.
26140Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv4-In) Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv4-In)
26141Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv4-Out) Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv4-Out)
26142Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv6-In) Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv6-In)
26143Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv6-Out) Networking - Echo Request (ICMPv6-Out)
26144Echo Request messages are sent as ping requests to other nodes. Echo Request messages are sent as ping requests to other nodes.
28002Key Management Service Key Management Service
28003Key Management Service (TCP-In) Key Management Service (TCP-In)
28006Inbound rule for the Key Management Service to allow for machine counting and license compliance. [TCP 1688] Inbound rule for the Key Management Service to allow for machine counting and license compliance. [TCP 1688]
28252BITS Peercaching BITS Peercaching
28254BITS Peercaching (WSD-In) BITS Peercaching (WSD-In)
28257Inbound rule for BITS Peercaching to discover neighbors who may have content via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702] Inbound rule for BITS Peercaching to discover neighbors who may have content via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
28258BITS Peercaching (WSD-Out) BITS Peercaching (WSD-Out)
28261Outbound rule for BITS Peercaching to discover neighbors who may have content via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702] Outbound rule for BITS Peercaching to discover neighbors who may have content via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
28262BITS Peercaching (Content-In) BITS Peercaching (Content-In)
28265Inbound rule for BITS Peercaching content transfer port. [TCP 2178] Inbound rule for BITS Peercaching content transfer port. [TCP 2178]
28266BITS Peercaching (Content-Out) BITS Peercaching (Content-Out)
28269Outbound rule for BITS Peercaching content transfer port. [TCP 2178] Outbound rule for BITS Peercaching content transfer port. [TCP 2178]
28270BITS Peercaching (RPC) BITS Peercaching (RPC)
28273Inbound rule for the Peercaching authorization exchange port via dynamic RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Peercaching authorization exchange port via dynamic RPC/TCP.
28274BITS Peercaching (RPC-EPMAP) BITS Peercaching (RPC-EPMAP)
28277Inbound rule for the RPCSS service in order to allow RPC/TCP traffic for BITS Peercaching. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service in order to allow RPC/TCP traffic for BITS Peercaching.
28502File and Printer Sharing File and Printer Sharing
28503File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)
28506Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Session Service connections. [TCP 139] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Session Service connections. [TCP 139]
28507File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-Out) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-Out)
28510Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Session Service connections. [TCP 139] Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Session Service connections. [TCP 139]
28511File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In) File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In)
28514Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Server Message Block transmission and reception via Named Pipes. [TCP 445] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Server Message Block transmission and reception via Named Pipes. [TCP 445]
28515File and Printer Sharing (SMB-Out) File and Printer Sharing (SMB-Out)
28518Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Server Message Block transmission and reception via Named Pipes. [TCP 445] Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Server Message Block transmission and reception via Named Pipes. [TCP 445]
28519File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-In) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-In)
28522Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137]
28523File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-Out) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-Out)
28526Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137] Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137]
28527File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-In) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-In)
28530Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138]
28531File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-Out) File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-Out)
28534Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138] Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138]
28535File and Printer Sharing (Spooler Service - RPC) File and Printer Sharing (Spooler Service - RPC)
28538Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow the Print Spooler Service to communicate via TCP/RPC. Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow the Print Spooler Service to communicate via TCP/RPC.
28539File and Printer Sharing (Spooler Service - RPC-EPMAP) File and Printer Sharing (Spooler Service - RPC-EPMAP)
28542Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Spooler Service. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Spooler Service.
28543File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In) File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)
28544File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-Out) File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-Out)
28545File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-In) File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-In)
28546File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-Out) File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-Out)
28548שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות (LLMNR-UDP-In) File and Printer Sharing (LLMNR-UDP-In)
28549כלל נכנס עבור שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות כדי לאפשר Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. ‏[UDP 5355] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355]
28550שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות (LLMNR-UDP-Out) File and Printer Sharing (LLMNR-UDP-Out)
28551כלל יוצא עבור שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות כדי לאפשר Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. ‏[UDP 5355] Outbound rule for File and Printer Sharing to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355]
28602שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות באמצעות SMBDirect File and Printer Sharing over SMBDirect
28603שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות באמצעות SMBDirect‏ (iWARP-In) File and Printer Sharing over SMBDirect (iWARP-In)
28606כלל כניסה עבור שיתוף קבצים ומדפסות באמצעות SMBDirect כדי לאפשר את iWARP‏ [TCP 5445] Inbound rule for File and Printer Sharing over SMBDirect to allow iWARP [TCP 5445]
28752Remote Desktop Remote Desktop
28753Remote Desktop (TCP-In) Remote Desktop (TCP-In)
28756Inbound rule for the Remote Desktop service to allow RDP traffic. [TCP 3389] Inbound rule for the Remote Desktop service to allow RDP traffic. [TCP 3389]
28757RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - ‏WMI ‏(TCP-In) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - WMI (TCP-In)
28758כלל נכנס לניהול WMI של RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management Inbound rule for WMI management of RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management
28759RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - ‏WMI ‏(DCOM-In) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - WMI (DCOM-In)
28760כלל נכנס המאפשר תעבורת DCOM לניהול WMI מרוחק של RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management. ‏[TCP 135] Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic for remote WMI management of RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management. [TCP 135]
28761RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - ‏WMI ‏(TCP-Out) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - WMI (TCP-Out)
28762כלל יוצא לניהול WMI של RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management Outbound rule for WMI management of RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management
28763RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - ‏WMI ‏(Async-TCP-In) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management - WMI (Async-TCP-In)
28764כלל נכנס לניהול WMI אסינכרוני של RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management Inbound rule for asynchronous WMI management of RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management
28765RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management ‏(RPC) RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (RPC)
28766כלל נכנס המאפשר ניהול מרחוק של RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management באמצעות תעבורת RPC/‏TCP Inbound rule to allow RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP traffic
28767Remote Desktop Web Access - ‏WMI ‏(Async-TCP-In) Remote Desktop Web Access - WMI (Async-TCP-In)
28768כלל נכנס לניהול WMI אסינכרוני של Remote Desktop Web Access Inbound rule for asynchronous WMI management of Remote Desktop Web Access
28769Remote Desktop Web Access - ‏WMI ‏(DCOM-In) Remote Desktop Web Access - WMI (DCOM-In)
28770כלל נכנס המאפשר תעבורת DCOM לניהול WMI מרחוק של Remote Desktop Web Access Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic for remote WMI management of Remote Desktop Web Access
28771Remote Desktop Web Access - ‏WMI ‏(TCP-In) Remote Desktop Web Access - WMI (TCP-In)
28772כלל נכנס לניהול WMI של Remote Desktop Web Access Inbound rule for WMI management of Remote Desktop Web Access
28773Remote Desktop Web Access - ‏WMI ‏(TCP-Out) Remote Desktop Web Access - WMI (TCP-Out)
28774כלל יוצא לניהול WMI של Remote Desktop Web Access Outbound rule for WMI management of Remote Desktop Web Access
28775שולחן עבודה מרוחק - מצב משתמש (TCP-In) Remote Desktop - User Mode (TCP-In)
28776שולחן עבודה מרוחק - מצב משתמש (UDP-In) Remote Desktop - User Mode (UDP-In)
28777כלל נכנס עבור שירות שולחן עבודה מרוחק שנועד לאפשר תעבורת RDP.‏ [TCP 3389] Inbound rule for the Remote Desktop service to allow RDP traffic. [UDP 3389]
28778‏‏שולחן עבודה מרוחק - צל (TCP-In) Remote Desktop - Shadow (TCP-In)
28779‏‏כלל כניסה עבור שירות שולחן עבודה מרוחק שנועד לאפשר הוספת צל של הפעלת שולחן עבודה מרוחק קיימת. (TCP-In) Inbound rule for the Remote Desktop service to allow shadowing of an existing Remote Desktop session. (TCP-In)
29002iSCSI Service iSCSI Service
29003iSCSI Service (TCP-In) iSCSI Service (TCP-In)
29006Inbound rule for the iSCSI Service to allow communications with an iSCSI server or device. [TCP] Inbound rule for the iSCSI Service to allow communications with an iSCSI server or device. [TCP]
29007iSCSI Service (TCP-Out) iSCSI Service (TCP-Out)
29010Outbound rule for the iSCSI Service to allow communications with an iSCSI server or device. [TCP] Outbound rule for the iSCSI Service to allow communications with an iSCSI server or device. [TCP]
29252Remote Event Log Management Remote Event Log Management
29253Remote Event Log Management (RPC) Remote Event Log Management (RPC)
29256Inbound rule for the local Event Log service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the local Event Log service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
29257Remote Event Log Management (NP-In) Remote Event Log Management (NP-In)
29260Inbound rule for the local Event Log service to be remotely managed over Named Pipes. Inbound rule for the local Event Log service to be remotely managed over Named Pipes.
29265Remote Event Log Management (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Event Log Management (RPC-EPMAP)
29268Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the local Event Log Service. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the local Event Log Service.
29502Remote Service Management Remote Service Management
29503Remote Service Management (RPC) Remote Service Management (RPC)
29506Inbound rule for the local Service Control Manager to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the local Service Control Manager to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
29507Remote Service Management (NP-In) Remote Service Management (NP-In)
29510Inbound rule for the local Service Control Manager to be remotely managed over Named Pipes. Inbound rule for the local Service Control Manager to be remotely managed over Named Pipes.
29515Remote Service Management (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Service Management (RPC-EPMAP)
29518Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the local Service Control Manager. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the local Service Control Manager.
29752Remote Administration Remote Administration
29753Remote Administration (RPC) Remote Administration (RPC)
29756Inbound rule for all services to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for all services to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
29757Remote Administration (NP-In) Remote Administration (NP-In)
29760Inbound rule for all services to be remotely managed over Named Pipes. Inbound rule for all services to be remotely managed over Named Pipes.
29765Remote Administration (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Administration (RPC-EPMAP)
29768Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for all the local services. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for all the local services.
30002Windows Firewall Remote Management Windows Firewall Remote Management
30003Windows Firewall Remote Management (RPC) Windows Firewall Remote Management (RPC)
30006Inbound rule for the Windows Firewall to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Windows Firewall to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
30007Windows Firewall Remote Management (RPC-EPMAP) Windows Firewall Remote Management (RPC-EPMAP)
30010Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Windows Firewall. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Windows Firewall.
30252Windows Remote Management (Compatibility) Windows Remote Management (Compatibility)
30253Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In) Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)
30256Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5985] Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5985]
30267Windows Remote Management Windows Remote Management
30502Wireless Portable Devices Wireless Portable Devices
30503Wireless Portable Devices (TCP-Out) Wireless Portable Devices (TCP-Out)
30506Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Usermode Driver Framework. [TCP] Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Usermode Driver Framework. [TCP]
30507Wireless Portable Devices (SSDP-In) Wireless Portable Devices (SSDP-In)
30510Inbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
30511Wireless Portable Devices (SSDP-Out) Wireless Portable Devices (SSDP-Out)
30514Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
30515Wireless Portable Devices (UPnP-In) Wireless Portable Devices (UPnP-In)
30518Inbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869] Inbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869]
30519Wireless Portable Devices (UPnP-Out) Wireless Portable Devices (UPnP-Out)
30522Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP] Outbound rule for Wireless Portable Devices to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP]
30523Wireless Portable Devices (UPnPHost-Out) Wireless Portable Devices (UPnPHost-Out)
30752Media Center Extenders Media Center Extenders
30753Media Center Extenders - SSDP (UDP-In) Media Center Extenders - SSDP (UDP-In)
30756Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
30757Media Center Extenders - SSDP (UDP-Out) Media Center Extenders - SSDP (UDP-Out)
30760Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
30761Media Center Extenders - RTSP (TCP-In) Media Center Extenders - RTSP (TCP-In)
30764Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow RTSP AV Control. [TCP 554, TCP 8554-8558] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow RTSP AV Control. [TCP 554, TCP 8554-8558]
30765Media Center Extenders - RTSP (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - RTSP (TCP-Out)
30768Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTSP AV Control. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTSP AV Control. [TCP]
30769Media Center Extenders - qWave (UDP-In) Media Center Extenders - qWave (UDP-In)
30772Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
30773Media Center Extenders - qWave (UDP-Out) Media Center Extenders - qWave (UDP-Out)
30776Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
30777Media Center Extenders - qWave (TCP-In) Media Center Extenders - qWave (TCP-In)
30780Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
30781Media Center Extenders - qWave (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - qWave (TCP-Out)
30784Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
30785Media Center Extenders - HTTP Streaming (TCP-In) Media Center Extenders - HTTP Streaming (TCP-In)
30788Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10244] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10244]
30793Media Center Extenders - XSP (TCP-In) Media Center Extenders - XSP (TCP-In)
30796Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow terminal sessions. [TCP 3390] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow terminal sessions. [TCP 3390]
30801Media Center Extenders - WMDRM-ND/RTP/RTCP (UDP-In) Media Center Extenders - WMDRM-ND/RTP/RTCP (UDP-In)
30804Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTP/RTCP AV Streaming. [UDP 7777-7781, UDP 5004-5005, UDP 50004-50013] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTP/RTCP AV Streaming. [UDP 7777-7781, UDP 5004-5005, UDP 50004-50013]
30805Media Center Extenders - WMDRM-ND/RTP/RTCP (UDP-Out) Media Center Extenders - WMDRM-ND/RTP/RTCP (UDP-Out)
30808Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTP/RTCP AV Streaming. [UDP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow WMDRM-ND and RTP/RTCP AV Streaming. [UDP]
30810Media Center Extenders - Service (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - Service (TCP-Out)
30811Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow extender devices to locate and connect to the computer. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow extender devices to locate and connect to the computer. [TCP]
30812Media Center Extenders - Device Provisioning (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - Device Provisioning (TCP-Out)
30813Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow traffic for Device Provisioning. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow traffic for Device Provisioning. [TCP]
30814Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (TCP-In) Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (TCP-In)
30815Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP traffic for Media Streaming. [TCP 2869] Inbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP traffic for Media Streaming. [TCP 2869]
30816Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (TCP-Out)
30817Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP traffic for Media Streaming. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP traffic for Media Streaming. [TCP]
30818Media Center Extenders - Device Validation (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - Device Validation (TCP-Out)
30819Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow traffic for Device Validation. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow traffic for Device Validation. [TCP]
30820Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (UDP-Out) Media Center Extenders - Media Streaming (UDP-Out)
30821Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow Media Streaming devices to respond to an SSDP search. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow Media Streaming devices to respond to an SSDP search. [UDP 1900]
30822Media Center Extenders - UPnP (TCP-Out) Media Center Extenders - UPnP (TCP-Out)
30823Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP devices to transmit device information. [TCP] Outbound rule for Media Center Extenders to allow UPnP devices to transmit device information. [TCP]
31002Windows Media Player Windows Media Player
31003Windows Media Player (UDP-In) Windows Media Player (UDP-In)
31006Inbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow UDP Media Streaming. [UDP] Inbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow UDP Media Streaming. [UDP]
31007Windows Media Player (UDP-Out) Windows Media Player (UDP-Out)
31010Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow UDP Media Streaming. [UDP] Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow UDP Media Streaming. [UDP]
31011Windows Media Player (TCP-Out) Windows Media Player (TCP-Out)
31014Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow TCP/HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP] Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow TCP/HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP]
31015Windows Media Player - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-In) Windows Media Player - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-In)
31018Inbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow IGMP messages. Inbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow IGMP messages.
31019Windows Media Player - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-Out) Windows Media Player - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP-Out)
31022Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow IGMP messages. Outbound rule for Windows Media Player to allow IGMP messages.
31023Windows Media Player x86 (UDP-In) Windows Media Player x86 (UDP-In)
31024Windows Media Player x86 (UDP-Out) Windows Media Player x86 (UDP-Out)
31025Windows Media Player x86 (TCP-Out) Windows Media Player x86 (TCP-Out)
31252Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
31253Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-UDP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-UDP-In)
31256Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
31257Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-UDP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-UDP-Out)
31260Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
31261Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-TCP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-TCP-In)
31264Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
31265Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-TCP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (qWave-TCP-Out)
31268Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
31269Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (SSDP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (SSDP-In)
31272Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
31273Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (SSDP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (SSDP-Out)
31276Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
31277Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnP-In)
31280Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869]
31281Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnP-Out)
31284Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP]
31285Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (HTTP-Streaming-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (HTTP-Streaming-In)
31288Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10243] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10243]
31289Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (HTTP-Streaming-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (HTTP-Streaming-Out)
31292Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10243] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10243]
31293Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-UDP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-UDP-In)
31297Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-UDP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-UDP-Out)
31301Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-TCP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Streaming-TCP-Out)
31305Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UDP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UDP-In)
31308Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [UDP] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [UDP]
31309Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UDP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UDP-Out)
31312Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [UDP] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [UDP]
31313Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (TCP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (TCP-In)
31316Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [TCP] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [TCP]
31317Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (TCP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (TCP-Out)
31320Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [TCP] Outbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow sharing traffic. [TCP]
31321Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnPHost-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnPHost-Out)
31323Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-UDP-In) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-UDP-In)
31324Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-UDP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-UDP-Out)
31325Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-TCP-Out) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service x86 (Streaming-TCP-Out)
31500Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Internet) Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (Internet)
31502Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10245] Inbound rule for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service to allow HTTP Media Streaming. [TCP 10245]
31700הקשחת שירות של שירות שיתוף ברשת של Windows Media Player - ‏RTSP Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service service hardening - RTSP
31701אפשר חיבורי RTSP נכנסים לשירות השיתוף ברשת של Windows Media Player Allow incoming RTSP connections to the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
31702הקשחת שירות של שירות שיתוף ברשת של Windows Media Player - חסום תעבורת TCP נכנסת אחרת Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service service hardening - Block any other incoming TCP traffic
31752‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת Connect to a Network Projector
31753‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD-In) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD-In)
31756‏‏כלל כניסה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת לגילוי התקנים דרך WSDAPI. ‏[UDP 3702] Inbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
31757‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD-Out) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD-Out)
31760‏‏כלל יציאה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת לגילוי התקנים דרך WSDAPI.‏ [UDP 3702] Outbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
31761‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (TCP-In) Connect to a Network Projector (TCP-In)
31764‏‏כלל כניסה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת לקיום תקשורת עם התקנים ברשת. [TCP] Inbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to communicate with devices on the network. [TCP]
31765‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (TCP-Out) Connect to a Network Projector (TCP-Out)
31768‏‏כלל יציאה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת לקיום תקשורת עם התקנים ברשת. [TCP] Outbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to communicate with devices on the network. [TCP]
31769‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD Events-In) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD Events-In)
31770‏‏כלל כניסה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת למתן אפשרות לגילוי אירועי WSDAPI.‏ [TCP 5357] Inbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to allow WSDAPI Events Discovery. [TCP 5357]
31771‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD Events-Out) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD Events-Out)
31772‏‏כלל יציאה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת למתן אפשרות לגילוי אירועי WSDAPI.‏ [TCP 5358] Outbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to allow WSDAPI Events Discovery. [TCP 5358]
31773‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD EventsSecure-In) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD EventsSecure-In)
31774‏‏כלל כניסה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת למתן אפשרות לאירועי WSDAPI מאובטחים. [TCP 5358] Inbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to allow Secure WSDAPI Events. [TCP 5358]
31775‏‏התחברות למקרן רשת (WSD EventsSecure-Out) Connect to a Network Projector (WSD EventsSecure-Out)
31776‏‏כלל יציאה עבור התחברות למקרן רשת למתן אפשרות לאירועי WSDAPI מאובטחים. [TCP 5358] Outbound rule for Connect to a Network Projector to allow Secure WSDAPI Events. [TCP 5358]
32002Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation
32003Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (TCP-In) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (TCP-In)
32006Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation for Peer to Peer Communication. [TCP] Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation for Peer to Peer Communication. [TCP]
32007Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (TCP-Out) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (TCP-Out)
32010Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation for Peer to Peer Communication. [TCP] Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation for Peer to Peer Communication. [TCP]
32011Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (WSD-In) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (WSD-In)
32014Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702] Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
32015Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (WSD-Out) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (WSD-Out)
32018Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702] Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to discover devices via WSDAPI. [UDP 3702]
32019Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (PNRP-In) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (PNRP-In)
32022Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540] Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540]
32023Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (PNRP-Out) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (PNRP-Out)
32026Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540] Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540]
32027Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (SSDP-In) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (SSDP-In)
32030Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
32031Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (SSDP-Out) Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation (SSDP-Out)
32034Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for the Windows Peer to Peer Collaboration Foundation to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
32252Windows Meeting Space Windows Meeting Space
32253Windows Meeting Space (DFSR-In) Windows Meeting Space (DFSR-In)
32256Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Distributed File System Replication traffic. [TCP 5722] Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Distributed File System Replication traffic. [TCP 5722]
32257Windows Meeting Space (DFSR-Out) Windows Meeting Space (DFSR-Out)
32260Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Distributed File System Replication traffic. [TCP 5722] Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Distributed File System Replication traffic. [TCP 5722]
32261Windows Meeting Space (TCP-In) Windows Meeting Space (TCP-In)
32264Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [TCP] Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [TCP]
32265Windows Meeting Space (TCP-Out) Windows Meeting Space (TCP-Out)
32268Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [TCP] Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [TCP]
32269Windows Meeting Space (UDP-In) Windows Meeting Space (UDP-In)
32272Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [UDP] Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [UDP]
32273Windows Meeting Space (UDP-Out) Windows Meeting Space (UDP-Out)
32276Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [UDP] Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow collaboration traffic. [UDP]
32277Windows Meeting Space (P2P-In) Windows Meeting Space (P2P-In)
32280Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Peer Networking traffic. [TCP 3587] Inbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Peer Networking traffic. [TCP 3587]
32281Windows Meeting Space (P2P-Out) Windows Meeting Space (P2P-Out)
32284Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Peer Networking traffic. [TCP 3587] Outbound rule for Windows Meeting Space to allow Peer Networking traffic. [TCP 3587]
32752Network Discovery Network Discovery
32753Network Discovery (SSDP-In) Network Discovery (SSDP-In)
32754גילוי רשת עבור Teredo ‏(SSDP-In) Network Discovery for Teredo (SSDP-In)
32756Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
32757Network Discovery (SSDP-Out) Network Discovery (SSDP-Out)
32760Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
32761Network Discovery (UPnP-In) Network Discovery (UPnP-In)
32762גילוי רשת עבור Teredo ‏(UPnP-In) Network Discovery for Teredo (UPnP-In)
32764Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869]
32765Network Discovery (UPnP-Out) Network Discovery (UPnP-Out)
32768Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP]
32769Network Discovery (NB-Name-In) Network Discovery (NB-Name-In)
32772Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137]
32773Network Discovery (NB-Name-Out) Network Discovery (NB-Name-Out)
32776Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Name Resolution. [UDP 137]
32777Network Discovery (NB-Datagram-In) Network Discovery (NB-Datagram-In)
32780Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138]
32781Network Discovery (NB-Datagram-Out) Network Discovery (NB-Datagram-Out)
32784Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow NetBIOS Datagram transmission and reception. [UDP 138]
32785Network Discovery (WSD-In) Network Discovery (WSD-In)
32788Inbound rule for Network Discovery to discover devices via Function Discovery. [UDP 3702] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to discover devices via Function Discovery. [UDP 3702]
32789Network Discovery (WSD-Out) Network Discovery (WSD-Out)
32792Outbound rule for Network Discovery to discover devices via Function Discovery. [UDP 3702] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to discover devices via Function Discovery. [UDP 3702]
32801Network Discovery (LLMNR-UDP-In) Network Discovery (LLMNR-UDP-In)
32804Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355]
32805Network Discovery (LLMNR-UDP-Out) Network Discovery (LLMNR-UDP-Out)
32808Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Link Local Multicast Name Resolution. [UDP 5355]
32809Network Discovery (Pub-WSD-In) Network Discovery (Pub-WSD-In)
32811Network Discovery (Pub WSD-Out) Network Discovery (Pub WSD-Out)
32813Network Discovery (WSD EventsSecure-In) Network Discovery (WSD EventsSecure-In)
32814Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Secure WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5358] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Secure WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5358]
32815Network Discovery (WSD EventsSecure-Out) Network Discovery (WSD EventsSecure-Out)
32816Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Secure WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5358] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow Secure WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5358]
32817Network Discovery (WSD Events-In) Network Discovery (WSD Events-In)
32818Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5357] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to allow WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5357]
32819Network Discovery (WSD Events-Out) Network Discovery (WSD Events-Out)
32820Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5357] Outbound rule for Network Discovery to allow WSDAPI Events via Function Discovery. [TCP 5357]
32821Network Discovery (UPnPHost-Out) Network Discovery (UPnPHost-Out)
32825גילוי רשת (WSD-In) Network Discovery (WSD-In)
32826כלל נכנס לגילוי רשת לגילוי התקנים באמצעות מסגרת לשיוך התקנים. [UDP 3702] Inbound rule for Network Discovery to discover devices via Device Association Framework. [UDP 3702]
33002Remote Assistance Remote Assistance
33003Remote Assistance (TCP-In) Remote Assistance (TCP-In)
33006Inbound rule for Remote Assistance traffic. [TCP] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance traffic. [TCP]
33007Remote Assistance (TCP-Out) Remote Assistance (TCP-Out)
33010Outbound rule for Remote Assistance traffic. [TCP] Outbound rule for Remote Assistance traffic. [TCP]
33011Remote Assistance (RA Server TCP-In) Remote Assistance (RA Server TCP-In)
33014Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance. [TCP] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance. [TCP]
33015Remote Assistance (RA Server TCP-Out) Remote Assistance (RA Server TCP-Out)
33018Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance. [TCP] Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance. [TCP]
33019Remote Assistance (SSDP UDP-In) Remote Assistance (SSDP UDP-In)
33022Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
33023Remote Assistance (SSDP UDP-Out) Remote Assistance (SSDP UDP-Out)
33026Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
33027Remote Assistance (SSDP TCP-In) Remote Assistance (SSDP TCP-In)
33030Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP 2869]
33031Remote Assistance (SSDP TCP-Out) Remote Assistance (SSDP TCP-Out)
33034Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP] Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Universal Plug and Play. [TCP]
33035Remote Assistance (DCOM-In) Remote Assistance (DCOM-In)
33036Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance via DCOM. [TCP 135] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow offers for assistance via DCOM. [TCP 135]
33037Remote Assistance (PNRP-Out) Remote Assistance (PNRP-Out)
33038Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Peer Name Resolution Protocol. [UDP] Outbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use of Peer Name Resolution Protocol. [UDP]
33039Remote Assistance (PNRP-In) Remote Assistance (PNRP-In)
33040Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use Peer Name Resolution Protocol. [UDP 3540] Inbound rule for Remote Assistance to allow use Peer Name Resolution Protocol. [UDP 3540]
33252Remote Scheduled Tasks Management Remote Scheduled Tasks Management
33253Remote Scheduled Tasks Management (RPC) Remote Scheduled Tasks Management (RPC)
33256Inbound rule for the Task Scheduler service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Task Scheduler service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
33257Remote Scheduled Tasks Management (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Scheduled Tasks Management (RPC-EPMAP)
33260Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Task Scheduler service. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Task Scheduler service.
33502Distributed Transaction Coordinator Distributed Transaction Coordinator
33503Distributed Transaction Coordinator (TCP-In) Distributed Transaction Coordinator (TCP-In)
33506Inbound rule to allow traffic for the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. [TCP] Inbound rule to allow traffic for the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. [TCP]
33507Distributed Transaction Coordinator (TCP-Out) Distributed Transaction Coordinator (TCP-Out)
33510Outbound rule to allow traffic for the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. [TCP] Outbound rule to allow traffic for the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. [TCP]
33511Distributed Transaction Coordinator (RPC) Distributed Transaction Coordinator (RPC)
33512Inbound rule for the Kernel Transaction Resource Manager for Distributed Transaction Coordinator service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Kernel Transaction Resource Manager for Distributed Transaction Coordinator service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
33513Distributed Transaction Coordinator (RPC-EPMAP) Distributed Transaction Coordinator (RPC-EPMAP)
33514Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Kernel Transaction Resource Manager for Distributed Transaction Coordinator service. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for the Kernel Transaction Resource Manager for Distributed Transaction Coordinator service.
33752Routing and Remote Access Routing and Remote Access
33753Routing and Remote Access (L2TP-In) Routing and Remote Access (L2TP-In)
33756Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol traffic. [UDP 1701] Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol traffic. [UDP 1701]
33757Routing and Remote Access (L2TP-Out) Routing and Remote Access (L2TP-Out)
33760Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol traffic. [UDP 1701] Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol traffic. [UDP 1701]
33761Routing and Remote Access (PPTP-Out) Routing and Remote Access (PPTP-Out)
33764Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol traffic. [TCP 1723] Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol traffic. [TCP 1723]
33765Routing and Remote Access (PPTP-In) Routing and Remote Access (PPTP-In)
33768Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol traffic. [TCP 1723] Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol traffic. [TCP 1723]
33769Routing and Remote Access (GRE-In) Routing and Remote Access (GRE-In)
33772Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol traffic. Inbound rule for RRAS to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol traffic.
33773Routing and Remote Access (GRE-Out) Routing and Remote Access (GRE-Out)
33776Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol Traffic Outbound rule for RRAS to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol Traffic
34002Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service
34003Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (PNRP-In) Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (PNRP-In)
34004Inbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540] Inbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540]
34005Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (PNRP-Out) Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (PNRP-Out)
34006Outbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540] Outbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow Peer Name Resolution. [UDP 3540]
34007Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (SSDP-In) Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (SSDP-In)
34008Inbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Inbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
34009Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (SSDP-Out) Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service (SSDP-Out)
34010Outbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900] Outbound rule for the Windows Collaboration Computer Name Registration Service to allow use of the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. [UDP 1900]
34251Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
34252Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In) Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)
34253Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP 135] Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP 135]
34254Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)
34255Inbound rule to allow WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP] Inbound rule to allow WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP]
34256Windows Management Instrumentation (ASync-In) Windows Management Instrumentation (ASync-In)
34257Inbound rule to allow Asynchronous WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP] Inbound rule to allow Asynchronous WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP]
34258Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-Out) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-Out)
34259Outbound rule to allow WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP] Outbound rule to allow WMI traffic for remote Windows Management Instrumentation. [TCP]
34501Remote Volume Management Remote Volume Management
34502Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service (RPC) Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service (RPC)
34503Inbound rule for the Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
34504Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service Loader (RPC) Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service Loader (RPC)
34505Inbound rule for the Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service Loader to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for the Remote Volume Management - Virtual Disk Service Loader to be remotely managed via RPC/TCP.
34506Remote Volume Management (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Volume Management (RPC-EPMAP)
34507Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for Remote Volume Management. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for Remote Volume Management.
34752Performance Logs and Alerts Performance Logs and Alerts
34753Performance Logs and Alerts (TCP-In) Performance Logs and Alerts (TCP-In)
34754Inbound rule for Performance Logs and Alerts traffic. [TCP-In] Inbound rule for Performance Logs and Alerts traffic. [TCP-In]
34755Performance Logs and Alerts (DCOM-In) Performance Logs and Alerts (DCOM-In)
34756Inbound rule for Performance Logs and Alerts to allow remote DCOM activation. [TCP-135] Inbound rule for Performance Logs and Alerts to allow remote DCOM activation. [TCP-135]
35000The firewall rules that are part of Core Networking are required for reliable IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. The firewall rules that are part of Core Networking are required for reliable IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.
35001Windows Remote Management - Compatibility Mode (HTTP-In) Windows Remote Management - Compatibility Mode (HTTP-In)
35002Compatibility mode inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 80] Compatibility mode inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 80]
36001‏‏פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' Cast to Device functionality
36002‏‏שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' (HTTP-Streaming-In) Cast to Device streaming server (HTTP-Streaming-In)
36003‏‏כלל כניסה עבור שרת 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר זרימה באמצעות HTTP. ‏[TCP 10246] Inbound rule for the Cast to Device server to allow streaming using HTTP. [TCP 10246]
36004‏‏שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' (RTCP-Streaming-In) Cast to Device streaming server (RTCP-Streaming-In)
36005‏‏כלל כניסה עבור שרת 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר זרימה באמצעות RTSP ו- RTP. ‏[UDP] Inbound rule for the Cast to Device server to allow streaming using RTSP and RTP. [UDP]
36006‏‏שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' (RTP-Streaming-Out) Cast to Device streaming server (RTP-Streaming-Out)
36007‏‏כלל יציאה עבור שרת 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר זרימה באמצעות RTSP ו- RTP.‏ [UDP] Outbound rule for the Cast to Device server to allow streaming using RTSP and RTP. [UDP]
36008‏‏שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' (RTSP-Streaming-In) Cast to Device streaming server (RTSP-Streaming-In)
36009‏‏כלל כניסה עבור שרת 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר זרימה באמצעות RTSP ו- RTP. ‏[TCP 23554, 23555, 23556] Inbound rule for the Cast to Device server to allow streaming using RTSP and RTP. [TCP 23554, 23555, 23556]
36010‏‏פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' (qWave-UDP-In) Cast to Device functionality (qWave-UDP-In)
36011‏‏כלל כניסה עבור פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר שימוש בשירות Quality Windows Audio Video Experience. ‏[UDP 2177] Inbound rule for the Cast to Device functionality to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
36012‏‏פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' (qWave-UDP-Out) Cast to Device functionality (qWave-UDP-Out)
36013‏‏כלל יציאה עבור פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר שימוש בשירות Quality Windows Audio Video Experience.‏ [UDP 2177] Outbound rule for the Cast to Device functionality to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [UDP 2177]
36014‏‏פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' (qWave-TCP-In) Cast to Device functionality (qWave-TCP-In)
36015‏‏כלל כניסה עבור פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר שימוש בשירות Quality Windows Audio Video Experience. ‏[TCP 2177] Inbound rule for the Cast to Device functionality to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
36016‏‏פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' (qWave-TCP-Out) Cast to Device functionality (qWave-TCP-Out)
36017‏‏כלל יציאה עבור פונקציונליות 'שדר להתקן' כדי לאפשר שימוש בשירות Quality Windows Audio Video Experience.‏ [TCP 2177] Outbound rule for the Cast to Device functionality to allow use of the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service. [TCP 2177]
36100‏‏כללי הקשחה של שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' עבור RTSP Cast to Device streaming server hardening rules for RTSP
36101‏‏אפשר חיבורי RTSP נכנסים לשרת הזרימה של 'שדר להתקן' Allow incoming RTSP connections to the Cast to Device streaming server
36102‏‏הקשחת שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' - חסום תעבורה נכנסת מסוג TCP Cast to Device streaming server hardening - Block incoming TCP traffic
36103‏‏הקשחת שרת זרימה של 'שדר להתקן' - חסום תעבורה יוצאת מסוג TCP Cast to Devicestreaming server hardening - Block outgoing TCP traffic
36104‏‏גילוי SSDP של 'שדר להתקן' (UDP-In) Cast to Device SSDP Discovery (UDP-In)
36105‏‏כלל כניסה כדי לאפשר גילוי של יעדי 'שדר להתקן' באמצעות SSDP Inbound rule to allow discovery of Cast to Device targets using SSDP
36106‏‏אירועי UPnP של 'שדר להתקן' (TCP-In) Cast to Device UPnP Events (TCP-In)
36107‏‏כלל כניסה כדי לאפשר קבלה של אירועי UPnP מיעדי 'שדר להתקן' Inbound rule to allow receiving UPnP Events from Cast to Device targets
36251שיתוף קירבה Proximity Sharing
36252שתוף קירבה באמצעות TCP ‏(TCP sharing-In) Proximity sharing over TCP (TCP sharing-In)
36253כלל נכנס לשיתוף קירבה באמצעות TCP Inbound rule for Proximity sharing over TCP
36254שיתוף קירבה באמצעות TCP ‏(TCP sharing-Out) Proximity sharing over TCP (TCP sharing-Out)
36255כלל יוצא לשיתוף קירבה באמצעות TCP Outbound rule for Proximity sharing over TCP
36501ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM TPM Virtual Smart Card Management
36502ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM ‏(DCOM-In) TPM Virtual Smart Card Management (DCOM-In)
36503כלל כניסה עבור ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM מרוחק כדי לאפשר הפעלת DCOM. ‏[TCP 135] Inbound rule for remote TPM Virtual Smart Card Management to allow DCOM activation. [TCP 135]
36504ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM ‏(TCP-In) TPM Virtual Smart Card Management (TCP-In)
36505כלל כניסה עבור תעבורת ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM מרוחק. [TCP] Inbound rule for remote TPM Virtual Smart Card Management traffic. [TCP]
36506ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM ‏(TCP-Out) TPM Virtual Smart Card Management (TCP-Out)
36507כלל יציאה עבור תעבורת ניהול כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM מרוחק. [TCP] Outbound rule for remote TPM Virtual Smart Card Management traffic. [TCP]
36751כיבוי מרחוק Remote Shutdown
36753כלל כניסה עבור כיבוי מרחוק (TCP-In) Inbound Rule for Remote Shutdown (TCP-In)
36754כלל כניסה עבור כיבוי מרחוק דרך RPC/TCP דינאמי. Inbound rule for the Remote Shutdown via dynamic RPC/TCP.
36755כלל כניסה עבור כיבוי מרחוק (RPC-EP-In) Inbound Rule for Remote Shutdown (RPC-EP-In)
36756כלל כניסה עבור שירות RPCSS כדי לאפשר תעבורת RPC/TCP Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic
36801‏‏מנטר אירועים מרוחקים Remote Event Monitor
36802‏‏מנטר אירועים מרוחקים (RPC) Remote Event Monitor (RPC)
36803‏‏כלל כניסה עבור ניטור אירועים מרוחקים דרך RPC/TCP. Inbound rule for remote event monitoring via RPC/TCP.
36804‏‏מנטר אירועים מרוחקים (RPC-EPMAP) Remote Event Monitor (RPC-EPMAP)
36805‏‏כלל כניסה עבור שירות RPCSS כדי לאפשר תעבורת RPC/TCP עבור ניטור אירועים מרוחקים. Inbound rule for the RPCSS service to allow RPC/TCP traffic for remote event monitoring.
36851‏‏גילוי רשת של Wi-Fi Direct Wi-Fi Direct Network Discovery
36852‏‏גילוי רשת של Wi-Fi Direct (נכנס) Wi-Fi Direct Network Discovery (In)
36853‏‏כלל כניסה לגילוי התקני WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Inbound rule to discover WSD devices on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36854‏‏גילוי רשת של Wi-Fi Direct (יוצא) Wi-Fi Direct Network Discovery (Out)
36855‏‏כלל יציאה לגילוי התקני WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Outbound rule to discover WSD devices on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36856‏‏שימוש במנגנון הדפסה ברקע של Wi-Fi Direct (נכנס) Wi-Fi Direct Spooler Use (In)
36857‏‏כלל כניסה לשימוש במדפסות WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Inbound rule to use WSD printers on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36858‏‏שימוש במנגנון הדפסה ברקע של Wi-Fi Direct (יוצא) Wi-Fi Direct Spooler Use (Out)
36859‏‏כלל יציאה לשימוש במדפסות WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Outbound rule to use WSD printers on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36860‏‏שימוש בשירות סריקה של Wi-Fi Direct (נכנס) Wi-Fi Direct Scan Service Use (In)
36861‏‏כלל כניסה לשימוש בסורקי WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Inbound rule to use WSD scanners on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36862‏‏שימוש בשירות סריקה של Wi-Fi Direct (יוצא) Wi-Fi Direct Scan Service Use (Out)
36863‏‏כלל יציאה לשימוש בסורקי WSD ברשתות Wi-Fi Direct. Outbound rule to use WSD scanners on Wi-Fi Direct networks.
36902‏‏מאזן עומס תוכנה Software Load Balancer
36903‏‏מרבב של מאזן עומס תוכנה (TCP-In) Software Load Balancer Multiplexer (TCP-In)
36904‏‏המרבב של מאזן עומס התוכנה מאפשר תקשורת TCP עם בקר הרשת. [TCP] The Software Load Balancer Multiplexer enables TCP communication to the Network Controller. [TCP]
37002נתב ‏‏AllJoyn AllJoyn Router
37003‏‏נתב ‏‏AllJoyn ‏(TCP-In) AllJoyn Router (TCP-In)
37004‏‏כלל נכנס לתנועה נתב AllJoyn ‏[TCP] Inbound rule for AllJoyn Router traffic [TCP]
37005‏‏נתב ‏‏AllJoyn ‏(TCP-Out) AllJoyn Router (TCP-Out)
37006‏‏כלל יוצא לתנועת נתב AllJoyn ‏[TCP] Outbound rule for AllJoyn Router traffic [TCP]
37007‏‏נתב ‏‏AllJoyn ‏(UDP-In) AllJoyn Router (UDP-In)
37008‏‏כלל נכנס לתנועת נתב AllJoyn ‏[UDP] Inbound rule for AllJoyn Router traffic [UDP]
37009‏‏נתב ‏‏AllJoyn ‏(UDP-Out) AllJoyn Router (UDP-Out)
37010‏‏כלל יוצא לתעבורת נתב AllJoyn ‏[UDP] Outbound rule for AllJoyn Router traffic [UDP]
37101‏‏שרת פרוטוקול DIAL DIAL protocol server
37102‏‏שרת פרוטוקול DIAL‏ (HTTP-In) DIAL protocol server (HTTP-In)
37103‏‏כלל תעבורה נכנסת לשרת פרוטוקול DIAL כדי לאפשר שליטה מרחוק באפליקציות באמצעות HTTP‏. [TCP 10247] Inbound rule for DIAL protocol server to allow remote control of Apps using HTTP. [TCP 10247]
37302‏‏mDNS mDNS
37303‏‏mDNS (UDP-In) mDNS (UDP-In)
37304‏‏כלל עבור תעבורה נכנסת של mDNS‏ [UDP] Inbound rule for mDNS traffic [UDP]
37305‏‏mDNS (UDP-יוצא) mDNS (UDP-Out)
37306‏‏כלל עבור תעבורה יוצאת של mDNS‏ [UDP] Outbound rule for mDNS traffic [UDP]
38002This feature is used for machine counting and license compliance in enterprise environments. This feature is used for machine counting and license compliance in enterprise environments.
38252This feature allows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) clients that are in the same subnet to locate and share files that are stored in the BITS cache. (Uses WSDAPI and RPC) This feature allows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) clients that are in the same subnet to locate and share files that are stored in the BITS cache. (Uses WSDAPI and RPC)
38502This feature is used for sharing local files and printers with other users on the network. (Uses NetBIOS, LLMNR, SMB and RPC) This feature is used for sharing local files and printers with other users on the network. (Uses NetBIOS, LLMNR, SMB and RPC)
38602תכונה זו משמשת לשיתוף קבצים מקומיים דרך RDMA באמצעות הפרוטוקול SMBDirect. (משתמשת ב- RDMA) This feature is used for sharing local files over RDMA using the SMBDirect protocol. (Uses RDMA)
38752This feature is used for accessing the desktop from a remote system. This feature is used for accessing the desktop from a remote system.
39002This feature is used for connecting to iSCSI target servers and devices. This feature is used for connecting to iSCSI target servers and devices.
39252This feature allows remote viewing and management of the local event log. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC) This feature allows remote viewing and management of the local event log. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC)
39502This feature allows remote management of local services. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC) This feature allows remote management of local services. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC)
39752The feature allows remotely manageable services to receive RPC traffic. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC) The feature allows remotely manageable services to receive RPC traffic. (Uses Named Pipes and RPC)
40002This feature allows remote management of the local Windows Firewall. (Uses RPC) This feature allows remote management of the local Windows Firewall. (Uses RPC)
40252This feature allows remote management of the system via WS-Management, a web services-based protocol for remote management of operating systems and devices. This feature allows remote management of the system via WS-Management, a web services-based protocol for remote management of operating systems and devices.
40267תכונה זו מאפשרת ניהול מרחוק של המערכת באמצעות WS-Management, פרוטוקול מבוסס שירותי אינטרנט עבור ניהול מרחוק של מערכות הפעלה והתקנים. This feature allows remote management of the system via WS-Management, a web services-based protocol for remote management of operating systems and devices.
40502This feature allows the transfer of media from your network enabled camera or media device to your computer using the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). (Uses UPnP and SSDP) This feature allows the transfer of media from your network enabled camera or media device to your computer using the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). (Uses UPnP and SSDP)
40752This feature allows Media Center Extenders to communicate with a computer running Windows Media Center. (Uses SSDP and qWave) This feature allows Media Center Extenders to communicate with a computer running Windows Media Center. (Uses SSDP and qWave)
41002This feature allows users to receive streaming media over UDP. This feature allows users to receive streaming media over UDP.
41252This feature enables users to share media over a network. (Uses UPnP, SSDP and qWave) This feature enables users to share media over a network. (Uses UPnP, SSDP and qWave)
41500This feature allows users to share out home media over the Internet This feature allows users to share out home media over the Internet
41752‏‏תכונה זו מאפשרת למשתמשים להתחבר למקרנים ברשתות קוויות או אלחוטיות כדי להקרין מצגות. (משתמשת ב- WSDAPI) This feature enables users to connect to projectors over wired or wireless networks to project presentations. (Uses WSDAPI)
42002This feature is required to enable various peer-to-peer programs and technologies. (Uses SSDP and PNRP) This feature is required to enable various peer-to-peer programs and technologies. (Uses SSDP and PNRP)
42252This feature is used for collaborating over a network to share documents, programs or your desktop with other people. (Uses DFSR and P2P) This feature is used for collaborating over a network to share documents, programs or your desktop with other people. (Uses DFSR and P2P)
42752This feature allows this computer to discover other devices and be discovered by other devices on the network. (Uses Function Discovery Host and Publication Services, UPnP, SSDP, NetBIOS and LLMNR) This feature allows this computer to discover other devices and be discovered by other devices on the network. (Uses Function Discovery Host and Publication Services, UPnP, SSDP, NetBIOS and LLMNR)
43002This feature allows users of this computer to request remote assistance from other users on the network. (Uses UPnP, SSDP, PNRP and Teredo) This feature allows users of this computer to request remote assistance from other users on the network. (Uses UPnP, SSDP, PNRP and Teredo)
43252This feature allows remote management of the local task scheduling service. (Uses RPC) This feature allows remote management of the local task scheduling service. (Uses RPC)
43502This feature coordinates transactions that update transaction-protected resources, such as databases, message queues and file systems. This feature coordinates transactions that update transaction-protected resources, such as databases, message queues and file systems.
43752This feature is used to allow incoming VPN and RAS connections. This feature is used to allow incoming VPN and RAS connections.
44002This feature allows other computers to find and communicate with your computer using the Peer Name Resolution Protocol. (Uses SSDP and PNRP) This feature allows other computers to find and communicate with your computer using the Peer Name Resolution Protocol. (Uses SSDP and PNRP)
44251This feature allows remote management of Windows by exposing a set of manageable components in a set of classes defined by the Common Information Model (CIM) of the distributed management task force. (Uses DCOM) This feature allows remote management of Windows by exposing a set of manageable components in a set of classes defined by the Common Information Model (CIM) of the distributed management task force. (Uses DCOM)
44501This feature provides remote software and hardware disk volume management. (Uses RPC) This feature provides remote software and hardware disk volume management. (Uses RPC)
44752‏‏תכונה זו מאפשרת ניהול מרחוק של שירות יומני רישום והתראות של ביצועים. (משתמשת ב- RPC) This feature allows remote management of the Performance Logs and Alerts service. (Uses RPC)
46001תכונה זו מאפשרת הזרמת מוסיקה, וידאו ותמונות להתקני עיבוד מדיה דיגיטלית מסוג DLNA. This feature enables streaming of music, video and pictures to DLNA Digital Media Renderer devices.
46251תכונה זו מאפשרת שיתוף תוכן בין שני מחשבים בעלי התקני קירבה כאשר מקישים עליהם יחד. This feature enables sharing of content between two PCs with proximity devices when tapped together.
46501תכונה זו מאפשרת ניהול מרוחק של התקני כרטיס חכם וירטואלי של TPM. (משתמשת ב- DCOM) This feature allows remote management of TPM virtual smart card devices. (Uses DCOM)
46751תכונה זו מאפשרת כיבוי/הפעלה מחדש מרחוק של מחשב This feature allows remote shutdown/restart of a computer
46801‏‏תכונה זו מאפשרת ניטור אירועים מרוחקים. (משתמשת ב- RPC) This feature allows remote event monitoring. (Uses RPC)
46851‏‏תכונה זו מאפשרת למחשב זה לגלות מדפסות המחוברות דרך WFD. This feature allows this computer to discover printers connected via WFD.
46901‏‏קבוצה זו מכילה כללים עבור מאזן עומס תוכנה This group contains Rules for Software Load Balancer
47001‏‏קבוצה זו מכילה כללים לנתב AllJoyn This group contains Rules for the AllJoyn Router
47101‏‏קבוצה זו מכילה כללים עבור פרוטוקול DIAL המאפשר גילוי והפעלה של אפליקציות בהתקנים מרוחקים This group contains Rules for DIAL protocol that enables apps discovery and launching on remote devices
47301‏‏קבוצה זו מכילה כללים עבור mDNS. This group contains rules for mDNS.


File Name:FirewallAPI.dll.mui
File Size:138 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:API עבור חומת אש של Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:FirewallAPI.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:FirewallAPI.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is FirewallAPI.dll.mui?

FirewallAPI.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Hebrew language for file FirewallAPI.dll (API עבור חומת אש של Windows).

File version info

File Description:API עבור חומת אש של Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:FirewallAPI.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:FirewallAPI.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x40D, 1200