If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Maltese |
English |
100 | Downloaded Maps Manager |
Downloaded Maps Manager |
101 | Is-servizz ta’ Windows għall-aċċess tal-applikazzjoni għal mapep imniżżlin. Dan is-servizz jinbeda fuq talba mill-applikazzjoni li taċċessa mapep imniżżlin. Jekk tiddiżattiva dan is-servizz, l-applikazzjonijiet jiġu impediti milli jaċċessaw il-mapep. |
Windows service for application access to downloaded maps. This service is started on-demand by application accessing downloaded maps. Disabling this service will prevent apps from accessing maps. |
102 | Hemm xi aġġornamenti tal-mapep offline tiegħek |
There are some updates to your offline maps |
103 | Inkomplu meta taqbad ma’ netwerk Wi-Fi bla ħlas. |
We'll resume when you connect to a free Wi-Fi network. |
104 | Inkomplu ladarba l-applikazzjonijiet kollha tal-mapep jingħalqu. |
We'll resume once all map apps are closed. |
105 | Mapep |
Maps |
106 | Id-downloads tal-mapep sospiżi |
Map downloads paused |
107 | Inkomplu meta taqbad ma’ netwerk WLAN bla ħlas. |
We'll resume when you connect to a free WLAN network. |
108 | Qed jirranġa l-mapep tiegħek |
Repairing your maps |
109 | Ġrat xi ħaġa ħażina, iżda dalwaqt naraw li jerġgħu jibdew jaħdmu. |
Something went wrong, but we'll have them working again soon. |
110 | Qed iniżżel il-mappa |
Downloading map |
111 | %s beda jniżżel il-mappa ta' %s, %s (%s). |
%s has started downloading the %s, %s map (%s). |
112 | Żball fit-tniżżil tal-mappa |
Error downloading map |
113 | It-tniżżil ta' %s iltaqa' ma' problema. |
The download of %s encountered a problem. |