10023 | 效能監視器檔案 |
Performance Monitor File |
0x0 | 傳回的資料正確。 |
The returned data is valid. |
0x1 | 傳回的資料數值正確,而且它和上次範例不同。 |
The returned data value is valid and different from the last sample. |
0x10000038 | 傳統 |
Classic |
0x800007D0 | 無法連線到指定的電腦,或該電腦已離線。 |
Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline. |
0x800007D1 | 指定的例項不存在。 |
The specified instance is not present. |
0x800007D2 | 要傳回的資料量超過所提供的緩衝區大小。請配置更大的緩衝區,然後再次呼叫此函式。 |
There is more data to return than will fit in the supplied buffer. Allocate a larger buffer and call the function again. |
0x800007D3 | 已將資料項目加入查詢,但尚未經過確認或存取。沒有關於此資料項目的其他狀態資訊可用。 |
The data item has been added to the query, but has not been validated or accessed. No other status information about this data item is available. |
0x800007D4 | 重試您所選取的操作。 |
Retry the selected operation. |
0x800007D5 | 沒有資料傳回。 |
No data to return. |
0x800007D6 | 偵測出一個含有負分母值的計數器。 |
A counter with a negative denominator value was detected. |
0x800007D7 | 偵測出一個含有負時間基數值的計數器。 |
A counter with a negative timebase value was detected. |
0x800007D8 | 偵測出一個含有負值的計數器。 |
A counter with a negative value was detected. |
0x800007D9 | 使用者已取消對話方塊。 |
The user canceled the dialog box. |
0x800007DA | 已到達記錄檔結尾。 |
The end of the log file was reached. |
0x800007DB | 等待非同步計數器收集執行緒結束時等候逾時。 |
Time-out while waiting for the asynchronous counter collection thread to end. |
0x800007DC | 無法變更預設的即時資料來源。有即時查詢工作階段正在收集計數器資料。 |
Cannot change the default real time data source. There are real time query sessions collecting counter data. |
0x80000BD5 | 無法對應至效能計數器名稱資料檔案。將會從登錄讀取資料並儲存於本機。 |
Unable to map to the performance counter name data files. The data will be read from the registry and stored locally. |
0x80000BF3 | 傳送來的資訊不正確。 |
The information passed is not valid. |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-PDH |
Microsoft-Windows-PDH |
0xC0000BB8 | 在電腦上找不到指定的物件。 |
The specified object was not found on the computer. |
0xC0000BB9 | 找不到指定的計數器。 |
The specified counter could not be found. |
0xC0000BBA | 傳回的資料不正確。 |
The returned data is not valid. |
0xC0000BBB | PDH 函數無法配置足夠的暫存記憶體以完成操作。請關閉一些應用程式或擴充分頁檔,然後重試該函數。 |
A PDH function could not allocate enough temporary memory to complete the operation. Close some applications or extend the pagefile and retry the function. |
0xC0000BBC | 控制代碼不是正確的 PDH 物件。 |
The handle is not a valid PDH object. |
0xC0000BBD | 一個必需的引數遺失或不正確。 |
A required argument is missing or not correct. |
0xC0000BBE | 找不到指定的函數。 |
Unable to find the specified function. |
0xC0000BBF | 並未指定計數器。 |
No counter was specified. |
0xC0000BC0 | 無法分析計數器路徑。請檢查指定路徑的格式和語法。 |
Unable to parse the counter path. Check the format and syntax of the specified path. |
0xC0000BC1 | 呼叫者傳送的緩衝區不正確。 |
The buffer passed by the caller is not valid. |
0xC0000BC2 | 要求的資料大於指定的緩衝區。無法傳回要求的資料。 |
The requested data is larger than the given buffer. Unable to return the requested data. |
0xC0000BC3 | 無法連線到所要求的電腦。 |
Unable to connect to the requested computer. |
0xC0000BC4 | 指定的計數器路徑無法被插斷。 |
The specified counter path could not be interpreted. |
0xC0000BC5 | 無法從指定的計數器路徑讀取例項名稱。 |
The instance name could not be read from the specified counter path. |
0xC0000BC6 | 資料不正確。 |
The data is not valid. |
0xC0000BC7 | 對話方塊的資料區塊遺失或不正確。 |
The data block of the dialog box was missing or not valid. |
0xC0000BC8 | 無法從指定的電腦讀取計數器及 (或) 解說文字。 |
Unable to read the counter and/or explain text from the specified computer. |
0xC0000BC9 | 無法建立指定的記錄檔。 |
Unable to create the specified log file. |
0xC0000BCA | 無法開啟指定的記錄檔。 |
Unable to open the specified log file. |
0xC0000BCB | 指定的記錄檔類型尚未安裝到這部電腦上。 |
The specified log file type has not been installed on this computer. |
0xC0000BCC | 不再有任何資料。 |
No more data is available. |
0xC0000BCD | 記錄檔中找不到指定的記錄。 |
The specified record was not found in the log file. |
0xC0000BCE | 指定的資料來源是一個記錄檔。 |
The specified data source is a log file. |
0xC0000BCF | 指定的資料來源目前在使用中。 |
The specified data source is the current activity. |
0xC0000BD0 | 無法讀取記錄檔檔頭。 |
The log file header could not be read. |
0xC0000BD1 | 找不到指定的檔案。 |
Unable to find the specified file. |
0xC0000BD2 | 已經有一個檔案名稱是您所指定的檔名。 |
There is already a file with the specified file name. |
0xC0000BD3 | 參照到的函數還不能使用。 |
The referenced function is not implemented. |
0xC0000BD4 | 無法在效能名稱和解說文字字串中找到指定的字串。 |
Unable to find the specified string in the list of performance name and explain text strings. |
0xC0000BD6 | PDH DLL 無法判別指定的記錄檔格式。 |
The format of the specified log file is not recognized by the PDH DLL. |
0xC0000BD7 | 無法判別指定的記錄服務命令值。 |
The specified Log Service command value is not recognized. |
0xC0000BD8 | 無法從記錄服務開啟或尋找指定的查詢。 |
Unable to open or find the specified Query from the Log Service. |
0xC0000BD9 | 無法開啟效能資料記錄服務機碼。這可能是因為特殊權限不足,或尚未安裝該服務。 |
Unable to open the Performance Data Log Service key. This may be due to insufficient privilege or because the service has not been installed. |
0xC0000BDA | 存取 WBEM 資料存放區時發生錯誤。 |
An error occurred while accessing the WBEM data store. |
0xC0000BDB | 無法存取想要的電腦或服務。請檢查受監視電腦或服務上記錄服務或互動式使用者工作階段的權限和驗證。 |
Unable to access the desired computer or service. Check the permissions and authentication of the log service or the interactive user session against those on the computer or service being monitored. |
0xC0000BDC | 指定的記錄檔大小上限太小,而無法記錄選取的計數器。此記錄檔中將不會記錄任何資料。請指定個數較少的一組計數器或加大檔案大小,然後重試此呼叫。 |
The maximum log file size specified is too small to log the selected counters. No data will be recorded in this log file. Specify a smaller set of counters to log or a larger file size and retry this call. |
0xC0000BDD | 無法連線到 ODBC 資料來源名稱。 |
Cannot connect to ODBC DataSource Name. |
0xC0000BDE | SQL 資料庫並未包含效能監視器的有效資料表 ; 您必須使用 PdhCreateSQLTables。請使用 ODBC 資料來源管理員來建立 SQL Server 系統資料來源名稱,以便讓效能監視器正確建立資料庫以用於計數器記錄。 |
The SQL database does not contain a valid set of tables for Performance Monitor; you need to use PdhCreateSQLTables. Use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a SQL Server system data source name to let Performance Monitor correctly create a database for counter logging. |
0xC0000BDF | 找不到這個效能監視器 SQL Log Set 的計數器。 |
No counters were found for this Performance Monitor SQL Log Set. |
0xC0000BE0 | 呼叫 SQLAllocStmt 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLAllocStmt failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE1 | 呼叫 SQLAllocConnect 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLAllocConnect failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE2 | 呼叫 SQLExecDirect 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLExecDirect failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE3 | 呼叫 SQLFetch 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLFetch failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE4 | 呼叫 SQLRowCount 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLRowCount failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE5 | 呼叫 SQLMoreResults 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLMoreResults failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE6 | 呼叫 SQLConnect 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLConnect failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE7 | 呼叫 SQLBindCol 失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 |
Call to SQLBindCol failed with %1. |
0xC0000BE8 | 無法連線到指定電腦的 WMI 伺服器。 |
Unable to connect to the WMI server on the requested computer. |
0xC0000BE9 | 收集已經在執行中。 |
Collection is already running. |
0xC0000BEA | 指定的開始時間在結束時間之後。 |
The specified start time is after the end time. |
0xC0000BEB | 收集不存在。 |
Collection does not exist. |
0xC0000BEC | 指定的結束時間已經過了。 |
The specified end time has already passed. |
0xC0000BED | 收集並未啟動。請檢查應用程式事件記錄查看任何錯誤。 |
Collection did not start. Check the application event log for any errors. |
0xC0000BEE | 收集已經存在了。 |
Collection already exists. |
0xC0000BEF | 設定值類型中有一個錯誤。 |
There is a mismatch in the settings type. |
0xC0000BF0 | 指定的資訊無法解析為有效的路徑名稱。 |
The information specified does not resolve to a valid path name. |
0xC0000BF1 | 效能記錄及警示服務沒有回應。 |
The Performance Logs & Alerts service did not respond. |
0xC0000BF4 | 提供的名稱太長。 |
The name supplied is too long. |
0xC0000BF5 | SQL 記錄格式錯誤。正確的格式是 \"SQL:!\"。 |
SQL log format is not correct. Correct format is \"SQL:!\". |
0xC0000BF6 | PdhAddCounter() 呼叫中指定的效能計數器已新增到效能查詢。已略過此計數器。 |
The performance counter specified in the PdhAddCounter() call has already been added to the performance query. This counter is ignored. |
0xC0000BF7 | 無法從輸入二進位記錄檔讀取計數器資訊及資料。 |
Unable to read counter information and data from input binary log files. |
0xC0000BF8 | 最少有一個輸入二進位記錄檔包含的資料樣本少於兩個。 |
At least one of the input binary log files contain fewer than two data samples. |
0xC0000BF9 | 電腦 %1 上的作業系統版本比本機電腦上的版本更新。本機電腦無法使用此操作。 |
The version of the operating system on the computer named %1 is more recent than that on the local computer. This operation is not available from the local computer. |
0xC0000BFA | %1 支援 %2 或更新的版本。請檢查電腦 %3 上的作業系統版本。 |
%1 supports %2 or more recent versions. Check the operating system version on the computer named %3. |
0xC0000BFB | 您要附加到此檔案的檔案,其所包含的資料必須比此檔案包含的資料更舊。 |
The file that you want to append to this file must contain data that is older than the data in this file. |
0xC0000BFC | 兩個檔案的計數器必須相同,才能將檔案附加至另一個檔案。 |
Both files must have identical counters to append one file to the other. |
0xC0000BFD | 無法更改 SQL 資料庫的 CounterDetail 表格配置。 |
Cannot alter CounterDetail table layout in SQL database. |
0xC0000BFE | 收集計數器資料時發生逾時。請稍後重試或者增加 HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVerison\\PDH\\CollectTimeout 中 \"CollectTime\" 的登錄值。單位是 1秒。預設值是 300 秒。 |
A timeout occurred when collecting counter data. Retry later, or increase the value of the \"CollectTime\" registry value at HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVerison\\PDH\\CollectTimeout. Its unit is in seconds. The default value is 300 seconds. |