3 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja |
Network Setup Service |
4 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja upravlja namestitev omrežnih gonilnikov in dovoljuje konfiguracijo nastavitev omrežja na nizki ravni. Če se storitev zaustavi, se morda prekličejo tudi namestitve gonilnikov, ki so v teku. |
The Network Setup Service manages the installation of network drivers and permits the configuration of low-level network settings. If this service is stopped, any driver installations that are in-progress may be cancelled. |
1000 | Povezava z lokalnim omrežjem |
Local Area Connection |
1001 | Povezava z lokalnim omrežjem* |
Local Area Connection* |
1010 | Ethernet |
Ethernet |
1011 | Wi-Fi |
Wi-Fi |
1012 | WLAN |
1013 | Mobilno omrežje |
Cellular |
1014 | ISDN |
1050 | Omrežni most |
Network Bridge |
1051 | Omrežna povezava Bluetooth |
Bluetooth Network Connection |
1052 | Ethernet (iskalnik napak v jedru) |
Ethernet (Kernel Debugger) |
1080 | Primerek etherneta %1!u! |
Ethernet Instance %1!u! |
1081 | %1!s! %2!u! |
%1!s! %2!u! |
1082 | %1!s! - vrata %2!u! |
%1!s! Port %2!u! |
2000 | %1!s! #%2!u! |
%1!s! #%2!u! |
0x30000000 | Informacije |
Info |
0x30000001 | Začni |
Start |
0x30000002 | Zaustavi |
Stop |
0x50000002 | Napaka |
Error |
0x50000003 | Opozorilo |
Warning |
0x70000001 | Zaženi storitev |
Run service |
0x70000002 | Transakcija |
Transaction |
0x70000003 | Zunanji API |
External API |
0x70000004 | Povratni klic vtičnika |
Plugin callback |
0x70000005 | Izračunaj vpenjanja |
Calculate bindings |
0x70000006 | Pošlji spremembe |
Commit changes |
0x70000007 | Operacija |
Operation |
0x70000008 | API za INetCfg |
INetCfg API |
0x70000009 | Predmet obvestila INetCfg |
INetCfg Notify Object |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Network-Setup |
Microsoft-Windows-Network-Setup |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Network-Setup/Diagnostic |
Microsoft-Windows-Network-Setup/Diagnostic |
0xB0000064 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se zaganja |
The Network Setup service is starting |
0xB0000065 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se je zagnala |
The Network Setup service has started |
0xB0000066 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se ni uspela zagnati zaradi napake %1 |
The Network Setup service failed to start with error %1 |
0xB000006E | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se bo zaradi nedejavnosti zaustavila |
The Network Setup service will stop due to inactivity |
0xB000006F | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se bo zaradi zahteve uporabnika zaustavila |
The Network Setup service will stop due to a user request |
0xB0000070 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se zaustavlja |
The Network Setup service is stopping |
0xB0000071 | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja se je zaustavila |
The Network Setup service has stopped |
0xB00000C8 | Nova transakcija se je zagnala |
A new transaction has started |
0xB00000C9 | Transakcija je bila zaprta |
A transaction has been closed |
0xB00000CA | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja je začela izračunavati nova vpenjanja za gonilnik |
Network Setup has begun calculating new driver bindings |
0xB00000CB | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja je dokončala izračunavanje novih vpenjanj za gonilnik |
Network Setup has finished calculating new driver bindings |
0xB00000CC | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja je začela spreminjati register |
Network Setup has begun committing changes to the registry |
0xB00000CD | Storitev Nastavitev omrežja je dokončala spreminjanje registra |
Network Setup has finished committing changes to the registry |
0xB000012C | Začni API %2 za transakcijo %1 |
Begin API %2 on transaction %1 |
0xB000012D | Končaj API %2 za transakcijo %1 |
End API %2 on transaction %1 |
0xB0000190 | Začni klicanje vtičnika %3 |
Begin calling into plugin %3 |
0xB0000191 | Končaj klicanje vtičnika |
End calling into plugin |
0xB00001F4 | Začni operacijo %2 na %3 v transakciji %1: %4 na %5:%6 |
Begin operation %2 on %3 in transaction %1: %4 on %5:%6 |
0xB00001F5 | Operacija %1 se je končala s kodo %2 |
Operation %1 ended with code %2 |
0xB0000258 | Začni API %1 |
Begin API %1 |
0xB0000259 | Končaj API s kodo stanja %1 |
End API with status code %1 |
0xB00002BC | Priklic API-ja %2 za predmet obvestila za %1 |
Invoking API %2 on Notify Object for %1 |
0xB00002BD | Vrnjen je bil predmet obvestila s stanjem: %1 |
The Notify Object returned with status: %1 |
0xB00002BE | Pri priklicu predmeta obvestila je prišlo do napake. Klic je bil prekinjen s stanjem: %1. |
An error occurred while invoking the Notify Object. The call was aborted with status: %1. |
0xD0000001 | NetSetupInitialize |
NetSetupInitialize |
0xD0000002 | NetSetupRollback |
NetSetupRollback |
0xD0000003 | NetSetupCommit |
NetSetupCommit |
0xD0000004 | NetSetupClose |
NetSetupClose |
0xD0000005 | NetSetupCreateObject |
NetSetupCreateObject |
0xD0000006 | NetSetupDeleteObject |
NetSetupDeleteObject |
0xD0000007 | NetSetupGetObjectPropertyKeys |
NetSetupGetObjectPropertyKeys |
0xD0000008 | NetSetupGetObjectProperties |
NetSetupGetObjectProperties |
0xD0000009 | NetSetupFreeObjectProperties |
NetSetupFreeObjectProperties |
0xD000000A | NetSetupSetObjectProperties |
NetSetupSetObjectProperties |
0xD000000B | NetSetupGetObjects |
NetSetupGetObjects |
0xD000000C | NetSetupFreeObjects |
NetSetupFreeObjects |
0xD000000D | NetSetupValidateTransaction |
NetSetupValidateTransaction |
0xD000000E | TransactionEventSink::OnInitialize |
TransactionEventSink::OnInitialize |
0xD000000F | TransactionEventSink::OnPrepareTransaction |
TransactionEventSink::OnPrepareTransaction |
0xD0000010 | TransactionEventSink::OnCommitTransaction |
TransactionEventSink::OnCommitTransaction |
0xD0000011 | TransactionEventSink::OnRollbackTransaction |
TransactionEventSink::OnRollbackTransaction |
0xD0000012 | TransactionEventSink::OnValidateTransaction |
TransactionEventSink::OnValidateTransaction |
0xD0000013 | PolicyProvider::OnCreateObject |
PolicyProvider::OnCreateObject |
0xD0000014 | PolicyProvider::OnModifyObject |
PolicyProvider::OnModifyObject |
0xD0000015 | ObjectEventSink::OnCreateObject |
ObjectEventSink::OnCreateObject |
0xD0000016 | ObjectEventSink::OnModifyObject |
ObjectEventSink::OnModifyObject |
0xD0000017 | ObjectEventSink::OnDeleteObject |
ObjectEventSink::OnDeleteObject |
0xD0000018 | BindController::OnBindPathAdded |
BindController::OnBindPathAdded |
0xD0000019 | BindPathEventSink::OnCreateBindPath |
BindPathEventSink::OnCreateBindPath |
0xD000001A | BindPathEventSink::OnDeleteBindPath |
BindPathEventSink::OnDeleteBindPath |
0xD000001B | BindPathEventSink::OnEnableBindPath |
BindPathEventSink::OnEnableBindPath |
0xD000001C | BindPathEventSink::OnDisableBindPath |
BindPathEventSink::OnDisableBindPath |
0xD000001D | ObjectProvider::LoadAllObjects |
ObjectProvider::LoadAllObjects |
0xD000001E | Inicializiraj transakcijo |
Initialize transaction |
0xD000001F | Pripravi transakcijo |
Prepare transaction |
0xD0000020 | Pošlji transakcijo |
Commit transaction |
0xD0000021 | Povrni transakcijo v prejšnje stanje |
Rollback transaction |
0xD0000022 | Preveri veljavnost transakcije |
Validate transaction |
0xD0000023 | Ustvari predmet |
Create object |
0xD0000024 | Izbriši predmet |
Delete object |
0xD0000025 | Spremeni predmet |
Modify object |
0xD0000026 | trgovina za cel sistem |
the system-wide store |
0xD0000027 | omrežna kartica |
network interface |
0xD0000028 | gonilnik lahkega filtra NDIS |
NDIS light-weight filter driver |
0xD0000029 | gonilnik protokola NDIS |
NDIS protocol driver |
0xD000002A | gonilnik omrežne storitve TDI |
TDI network service driver |
0xD000002B | gonilnik omrežnega odjemalca TDI |
TDI network client driver |
0xD000002C | pot za vpenjanje omrežja |
network binding path |
0xD000002D | Mux |
Mux |
0xD000002E | transakcija storitve Nastavitev omrežja |
netsetup transaction |
0xD000002F | odbojna lastnost |
reflected property |
0xD0000030 | pravilo za vpenjanje omrežja |
network binding rule |
0xD0000031 | INetCfg::Initialize |
INetCfg::Initialize |
0xD0000032 | INetCfg::Uninitialize |
INetCfg::Uninitialize |
0xD0000033 | INetCfg::Apply |
INetCfg::Apply |
0xD0000034 | INetCfg::Cancel |
INetCfg::Cancel |
0xD0000035 | INetCfg::EnumComponents |
INetCfg::EnumComponents |
0xD0000036 | INetCfg::FindComponent |
INetCfg::FindComponent |
0xD0000037 | INetCfg::QueryNetCfgClass |
INetCfg::QueryNetCfgClass |
0xD0000038 | INetCfgLock::AcquireWriteLock |
INetCfgLock::AcquireWriteLock |
0xD0000039 | INetCfgLock::ReleaseWriteLock |
INetCfgLock::ReleaseWriteLock |
0xD000003A | INetCfgLock::IsWriteLocked |
INetCfgLock::IsWriteLocked |
0xD000003B | INetCfgBindingInterface::GetName |
INetCfgBindingInterface::GetName |
0xD000003C | INetCfgBindingInterface::GetUpperComponent |
INetCfgBindingInterface::GetUpperComponent |
0xD000003D | INetCfgBindingInterface::GetLowerComponent |
INetCfgBindingInterface::GetLowerComponent |
0xD000003E | INetCfgBindingPath::IsSamePathAs |
INetCfgBindingPath::IsSamePathAs |
0xD000003F | INetCfgBindingPath::IsSubPathOf |
INetCfgBindingPath::IsSubPathOf |
0xD0000040 | INetCfgBindingPath::IsEnabled |
INetCfgBindingPath::IsEnabled |
0xD0000041 | INetCfgBindingPath::Enable |
INetCfgBindingPath::Enable |
0xD0000042 | INetCfgBindingPath::GetPathToken |
INetCfgBindingPath::GetPathToken |
0xD0000043 | INetCfgBindingPath::GetOwner |
INetCfgBindingPath::GetOwner |
0xD0000044 | INetCfgBindingPath::GetDepth |
INetCfgBindingPath::GetDepth |
0xD0000045 | INetCfgBindingPath::EnumBindingInterfaces |
INetCfgBindingPath::EnumBindingInterfaces |
0xD0000046 | INetCfgClass::FindComponent |
INetCfgClass::FindComponent |
0xD0000047 | INetCfgClass::EnumComponents |
INetCfgClass::EnumComponents |
0xD0000048 | INetCfgClassSetup::SelectAndInstall |
INetCfgClassSetup::SelectAndInstall |
0xD0000049 | INetCfgClassSetup::Install |
INetCfgClassSetup::Install |
0xD000004A | INetCfgClassSetup::DeInstall |
INetCfgClassSetup::DeInstall |
0xD000004B | INetCfgClassSetup2::UpdateNonEnumeratedComponent |
INetCfgClassSetup2::UpdateNonEnumeratedComponent |
0xD000004C | INetCfgComponent::GetDisplayName |
INetCfgComponent::GetDisplayName |
0xD000004D | INetCfgComponent::SetDisplayName |
INetCfgComponent::SetDisplayName |
0xD000004E | INetCfgComponent::GetHelpText |
INetCfgComponent::GetHelpText |
0xD000004F | INetCfgComponent::GetId |
INetCfgComponent::GetId |
0xD0000050 | INetCfgComponent::GetCharacteristics |
INetCfgComponent::GetCharacteristics |
0xD0000051 | INetCfgComponent::GetInstanceGuid |
INetCfgComponent::GetInstanceGuid |
0xD0000052 | INetCfgComponent::GetPnpDevNodeId |
INetCfgComponent::GetPnpDevNodeId |
0xD0000053 | INetCfgComponent::GetClassGuid |
INetCfgComponent::GetClassGuid |
0xD0000054 | INetCfgComponent::GetBindName |
INetCfgComponent::GetBindName |
0xD0000055 | INetCfgComponent::GetDeviceStatus |
INetCfgComponent::GetDeviceStatus |
0xD0000056 | INetCfgComponent::OpenParamKey |
INetCfgComponent::OpenParamKey |
0xD0000057 | INetCfgComponent::RaisePropertyUi |
INetCfgComponent::RaisePropertyUi |
0xD0000058 | INetCfgComponentBindings::BindTo |
INetCfgComponentBindings::BindTo |
0xD0000059 | INetCfgComponentBindings::UnbindFrom |
INetCfgComponentBindings::UnbindFrom |
0xD000005A | INetCfgComponentBindings::SupportsBindingInterface |
INetCfgComponentBindings::SupportsBindingInterface |
0xD000005B | INetCfgComponentBindings::IsBoundTo |
INetCfgComponentBindings::IsBoundTo |
0xD000005C | INetCfgComponentBindings::IsBindableTo |
INetCfgComponentBindings::IsBindableTo |
0xD000005D | INetCfgComponentBindings::EnumBindingPaths |
INetCfgComponentBindings::EnumBindingPaths |
0xD000005E | INetCfgComponentBindings::MoveBefore |
INetCfgComponentBindings::MoveBefore |
0xD000005F | INetCfgComponentBindings::MoveAfter |
INetCfgComponentBindings::MoveAfter |
0xD0000060 | INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstDword |
INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstDword |
0xD0000061 | INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstString |
INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstString |
0xD0000062 | INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstStringAsBool |
INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstStringAsBool |
0xD0000063 | INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstMultiSzField |
INetCfgSysPrep::HrSetupSetFirstMultiSzField |
0xD0000064 | IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Next |
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Next |
0xD0000065 | IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Skip |
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Skip |
0xD0000066 | IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Reset |
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Reset |
0xD0000067 | IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Clone |
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface::Clone |
0xD0000068 | IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Next |
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Next |
0xD0000069 | IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Skip |
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Skip |
0xD000006A | IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Reset |
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Reset |
0xD000006B | IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Clone |
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath::Clone |
0xD000006C | IEnumNetCfgComponent::Next |
IEnumNetCfgComponent::Next |
0xD000006D | IEnumNetCfgComponent::Skip |
IEnumNetCfgComponent::Skip |
0xD000006E | IEnumNetCfgComponent::Reset |
IEnumNetCfgComponent::Reset |
0xD000006F | IEnumNetCfgComponent::Clone |
IEnumNetCfgComponent::Clone |
0xD0000070 | INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback::SendPnpReconfig |
INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback::SendPnpReconfig |
0xD0000071 | INetCfgClassSetupDirect::InstallDirect |
INetCfgClassSetupDirect::InstallDirect |
0xD0000072 | INetCfgInternalSetup::BeginBatchOperation |
INetCfgInternalSetup::BeginBatchOperation |
0xD0000073 | INetCfgInternalSetup::CommitBatchOperation |
INetCfgInternalSetup::CommitBatchOperation |
0xD0000074 | INetCfgInternalSetup::SelectWithFilterAndInstall |
INetCfgInternalSetup::SelectWithFilterAndInstall |
0xD0000075 | INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentInstalled |
INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentInstalled |
0xD0000076 | INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentUpdated |
INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentUpdated |
0xD0000077 | INetCfgInternalSetup::UpdateNonEnumeratedComponent |
INetCfgInternalSetup::UpdateNonEnumeratedComponent |
0xD0000078 | INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentRemoved |
INetCfgInternalSetup::EnumeratedComponentRemoved |
0xD0000079 | INetCfgSpecialCase::GetAdapterOrder |
INetCfgSpecialCase::GetAdapterOrder |
0xD000007A | INetCfgSpecialCase::SetAdapterOrder |
INetCfgSpecialCase::SetAdapterOrder |
0xD000007B | INetCfgSpecialCase::GetWanAdaptersFirst |
INetCfgSpecialCase::GetWanAdaptersFirst |
0xD000007C | INetCfgSpecialCase::SetWanAdaptersFirst |
INetCfgSpecialCase::SetWanAdaptersFirst |
0xD000007D | DllRegisterServer |
DllRegisterServer |
0xD000007E | DllUnregisterServer |
DllUnregisterServer |
0xD000007F | WSHGetWinsockMapping |
WSHGetWinsockMapping |
0xD0000080 | IUnknown::QueryInterface |
IUnknown::QueryInterface |
0xD0000081 | INetCfgComponentControl::Initialize |
INetCfgComponentControl::Initialize |
0xD0000082 | INetCfgComponentControl::ApplyRegistryChanges |
INetCfgComponentControl::ApplyRegistryChanges |
0xD0000083 | INetCfgComponentControl::ApplyPnpChanges |
INetCfgComponentControl::ApplyPnpChanges |
0xD0000084 | INetCfgComponentControl::CancelChanges |
INetCfgComponentControl::CancelChanges |
0xD0000085 | INetCfgComponentSetup::Install |
INetCfgComponentSetup::Install |
0xD0000086 | INetCfgComponentSetup::Upgrade |
INetCfgComponentSetup::Upgrade |
0xD0000087 | INetCfgComponentSetup::ReadAnswerFile |
INetCfgComponentSetup::ReadAnswerFile |
0xD0000088 | INetCfgComponentSetup::Removing |
INetCfgComponentSetup::Removing |
0xD0000089 | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::QueryPropertyUi |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::QueryPropertyUi |
0xD000008A | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::SetContext |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::SetContext |
0xD000008B | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::MergePropPages |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::MergePropPages |
0xD000008C | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::ValidateProperties |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::ValidateProperties |
0xD000008D | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::ApplyProperties |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::ApplyProperties |
0xD000008E | INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::CancelProperties |
INetCfgComponentPropertyUi::CancelProperties |
0xD000008F | INetCfgComponentNotifyBinding::QueryBindingPath |
INetCfgComponentNotifyBinding::QueryBindingPath |
0xD0000090 | INetCfgComponentNotifyBinding::NotifyBindingPath |
INetCfgComponentNotifyBinding::NotifyBindingPath |
0xD0000091 | INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::GetSupportedNotifications |
INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::GetSupportedNotifications |
0xD0000092 | INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysQueryBindingPath |
INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysQueryBindingPath |
0xD0000093 | INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysNotifyBindingPath |
INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysNotifyBindingPath |
0xD0000094 | INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysNotifyComponent |
INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal::SysNotifyComponent |