dcdiag.exe Active Directory 域服务/轻型目录服务诊断工具 90dd4e22f83b85f00ca3a984fcf398dd

File info

File name: dcdiag.exe.mui
Size: 86016 byte
MD5: 90dd4e22f83b85f00ca3a984fcf398dd
SHA1: 83a3bcd7a104ae64ee06d6630aaf5afef22068b9
SHA256: 3cb5db238f8ae937355a5f11f5846cba9f0e6ee147f51a48fb6f15152faf8054
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: dcdiag.exe Active Directory 域服务/轻型目录服务诊断工具 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1001服务器 %1 上的 Ldap 搜索功能属性搜索失败,返回值 = %2!d! Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server %1, return value = %2!d!
1002[%1] LDAP 搜索失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] LDAP search failed with error %2!d!,%n
1003%1.currentTime = %2!ls!%n %1.currentTime = %2!ls!%n
1004[%1] 警告: 缺少根 DSE 属性 %2!ls!%n [%1] Warning: Root DSE attribute %2!ls! is missing%n
1005[%1] 警告: 根 DSE 属性 %2!ls! 具有无效值 %3!ls!%n [%1] Warning: Root DSE attribute %2!ls! is has invalid value %3!ls!%n
1006状态为 %1!d!: (未知) Status is %1!d!: (unknown)
1007%1.highestCommittedUSN = %2!I64d!%n %1.highestCommittedUSN = %2!I64d!%n
1009%1.isSynchronized = %2!d!%n %1.isSynchronized = %2!d!%n
1011%1.isGlobalCatalogReady = %2!d!%n %1.isGlobalCatalogReady = %2!d!%n
1012[%1] LDAP 连接失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] LDAP connection failed with error %2!d!,%n
1013[%1] LDAP 设置选项失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] LDAP setting options failed with error %2!d!,%n
1014[%1] LDAP 绑定失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] LDAP bind failed with error %2!d!,%n
1015[%1] DsBindWithSpnEx() 失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error %2!d!,%n
1016* 你必须确保不存在 net use 连接,%n你可以使用 "net use /d %1" 或 "net use /d%n \\\"%n * You must make sure there are no existing net use connections,%n you can use "net use /d %1" or "net use /d%n \\\"%n
1017严重错误: 内存不足,无法完成操作。%n Fatal Error: Not enough memory to complete operation. %n
1018严重错误: 该网络资源已在使用中%n Fatal Error: The network resource is already in use%n
1019用户凭据没有权限执行该操作。%n该测试使用的帐户必须具有目标计算机的域的%n网络登录权限。%n User credentials does not have permission to perform this operation.%nThe account used for this test must have network logon privileges%nfor the target machine's domain.%n
1020[%1] net use 或 LsaPolicy 操作失败,错误为 %2!d!,%3。%n [%1] An net use or LsaPolicy operation failed with error %2!d!, %3.%n
1021无法在 AD 中找到任何站点,%n继续%n Could not find any Sites in the AD, %nContinue%n
1022* 正在标识所有服务器。%n * Identifying all servers.%n
1023* 正在连接到服务器 %1 上的目录服务。%n * Connecting to directory service on server %1.%n
1024[%1] 无法恢复的 LDAP 错误 %2!ld!:%n [%1] Unrecoverable LDAP Error %2!ld!:%n
1025[%1] 目录绑定错误 %2!ld!:%n [%1] Directory Binding Error %2!ld!:%n
1026这可能会限制某些可执行的测试。%n This may limit some of the tests that can be performed.%n
1028* 正在收集站点信息。%n * Collecting site info.%n
1029无法找到命名上下文 %1!ws!。%n Naming context %1!ws! cannot be found.%n
1030* 找到 %1!ld! DC。正在测试其中的 %2!ld!。%n * Found %1!ld! DC(s). Testing %2!ld! of them.%n
1031已完成收集初始化信息。%n Done gathering initial info.%n
1032无法登录用户 %1\%2 (%3!d!)。%n Unable to logon user %1\%2 (%3!d!).%n
1033无法模拟用户 %1\%2 (%3!d!)。%n Unable to impersonate user %1\%2 (%3!d!).%n
1034目录中存在非常不一致问题,无法在它自身的目录中找到服务器%n%1%n。%n There is a horrible inconsistency in the directory, the server%n%1%ncould not be found in it's own directory.%n
1035生成时间: %1!02d!/%2!02d!/%3!02d! %4!02d!:%5!02d!:%6!02d!%n Time Generated: %1!02d!/%2!02d!/%3!02d! %4!02d!:%5!02d!:%6!02d!%n
1036发生一个事件。EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n An event occurred. EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n
1037事件字符串: %1%n Event String: %1%n
1038(无法检索事件字符串(事件日志 = %1),错误为 0x%2!x!)%n (Event String (event log = %1) could not be retrieved, error 0x%2!x!)%n
1039严重错误: 内存不足%n FATAL ERROR: Out of Memory%n
1040打开 %2!ws! 时出错(%1!d!) eventlog %3:%4:%n %5%n Error %1!d! opening %2!ws! eventlog %3:%4:%n %5%n
1041访问 %2!ws! 时出错(%1!d!) eventlog: %3%n Error %1!d! accessing %2!ws! eventlog: %3%n
1042尝试读取事件日志时发生未知错误:%n错误(%1!d!):%2%n An unknown error occurred trying to read the event log:%nError(%1!d!):%2%n
1043命令行: "dcdiag.exe Command Line: "dcdiag.exe
1044DcDiag: 发生 dcdiag 异常,处理错误 %1%n DcDiag: a dcdiag exception raised, handling error %1%n
1045DcDiag: 发生未被发现的异常,继续搜索 %n DcDiag: uncaught exception raised, continuing search %n
1046正在测试服务器: %1\%2%n Testing server: %1\%2%n
1047正在测试站点: %1%n Testing site: %1%n
1048正在 %1%n 上运行分区测试 Running partition tests on : %1%n
1049正在 %1%n 上运行企业测试 Running enterprise tests on : %1%n
1050跳过所有测试,原因是服务器 %1 未对目录服务请求作出响应。%n Skipping all tests, because server %1 is not responding to directory service requests.%n
1051......................... %1 已通过测试 %2%n ......................... %1 passed test %2%n
1052......................... %1 没有通过测试 %2%n ......................... %1 failed test %2%n
1053正在执行初始化设置:%n Performing initial setup:%n
1054无法初始化 WinSock,错误为: %1%n Couldn't initialize WinSock with error: %1%n
1055正在进行所需的初始化测试%n Doing initial required tests%n
1056%n正在执行主要测试%n %nDoing primary tests%n
1057无内存。%n No memory.%n
1058密码: Password:
1059用户名必须以域名作为前缀。%n User name must be prefixed by domain name.%n
1060密码必须与用户名同时使用。%n Password must be accompanied by user name.%n
1061域可分辨名称 %1!ws! 的语法错误。%n The syntax of domain distinguished name %1!ws! is incorrect.%n
1062转换失败,错误为: %1。%n Translation failed with error: %1.%n
1063无法找到包含 %1!ws! 的目录服务器。%n A Directory Server holding %1!ws! could not be located.%n
1064错误为 %1%n The error is %1%n
1065尝试用 /s 选项指定服务器。%n Try specifying a server with the /s option.%n
1066* 在站点 %ws 中选取的主服务器为 %1!ws!。%n * The home server picked is %1!ws! in site %ws.%n
1067内存分配失败%n Memory allocation failure%n
1068检查指定名称的语法和有效性。%n Check syntax and validity of specified name.%n
1069DNS 域名 %1!ws! 的语法错误。%n The syntax of DNS domain name %1!ws! is incorrect.%n
1070该域的可分辨名称为 %1!ws!。%n The distinguished name of the domain is %1!ws!.%n
1071指定的命名上下文错误,因此将被忽略。%n The specified naming context is incorrect and will be ignored.%n
1072开始测试: %1%n Starting test: %1%n
1073用户请求忽略的测试: %1%n Test omitted by user request: %1%n
1075密码太长!%n Password too long!%n
1076无法找到名为 %1!ws! 的域。%n A domain named %1!ws! could not be located.%n
1077域名为 %1!ws!。%n The domain name is %1!ws!.%n
1078* 标识所有 NC 交叉引用。%n * Identifying all NC cross-refs.%n
1079%t错误,服务器 %1 没有域分区!%n %tError, Server %1 has no domain partition!%n
1080RPC 扩展错误信息不可用。使用本地计算机上位于“计算机配置/管理模板/系统/远程过程调用”处的组策略启用该信息。%n RPC Extended Error Info not available. Use group policy on the local machine at "Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Remote Procedure Call" to enable it.%n
1081无法获得 RPC 扩展错误信息: %1!d!%n Couldn't get RPC Extended Error Info: %1!d!%n
1082正在打印 RPC 扩展错误信息:%n Printing RPC Extended Error Info:%n
1083错误记录 %1!d!,ProcessID 为 %2!d! Error Record %1!d!, ProcessID is %2!d!
1084(DcDiag) (DcDiag)
1085计算机名为 %1%n Computer Name is %1%n
1086系统时间为: %1!d!/%2!d!/%3!d! %4!d!:%5!d!:%6!d!:%7!d!%n System Time is: %1!d!/%2!d!/%3!d! %4!d!:%5!d!:%6!d!:%7!d!%n
1087生成的组件为 %1!d! (该应用程序) Generating component is %1!d! (this application)
1088生成的组件为 %1!d! (RPC 运行时) Generating component is %1!d! (RPC runtime)
1089生成的组件为 %1!d! (安全提供程序) Generating component is %1!d! (security provider)
1090生成的组件为 %1!d! (NPFS 文件系统) Generating component is %1!d! (NPFS file system)
1091生成的组件为 %1!d! (重定向器) Generating component is %1!d! (redirector)
1092生成的组件为 %1!d! (命名管道系统) Generating component is %1!d! (named pipe system)
1093生成的组件为 %1!d! (IO 系统或驱动程序) Generating component is %1!d! (IO system or driver)
1094生成的组件为 %1!d! (winsock) Generating component is %1!d! (winsock)
1095生成的组件为 %1!d! (授权 API) Generating component is %1!d! (authorization API)
1096生成的组件为 %1!d! (LPC 设备) Generating component is %1!d! (LPC facility)
1097生成的组件为 %1!d! (未知) Generating component is %1!d! (unknown)
1098状态为 %1!d! (无错误) Status is %1!d! (no error)
1099状态为 %1!d! %2 Status is %1!d! %2
1100检测位置为 %1!d!%n Detection location is %1!d!%n
1101标志为 %1!d!%n Flags is %1!d!%n
11021: 缺少上一个 EE 信息记录%n 1: previous EE info records are missing%n
11032: 缺少下一个 EE 信息记录%n 2: next EE info records are missing%n
11044: 使用文件时间%n 4: use file time%n
1105NumberOfParameters 为 %1!d!%n NumberOfParameters is %1!d!%n
1106Ansi 字符串: %1%n Ansi string: %1%n
1107Unicode 字符串: %1%n Unicode string: %1%n
1108长值: %1!d!%n Long val: %1!d!%n
1109短值: %1!d!%n Short val: %1!d!%n
1110指针值: %1!d!%n Pointer val: %1!d!%n
1111已截断%n Truncated%n
1112无效的类型: %1!d!%n Invalid type: %1!d!%n
1113无法完成 RPC 扩展错误枚举: %1!d!%n Couldn't finish RPC extended error enumeration: %1!d!%n
1116%1!ws!(%2!ws!,%3!ws!): 将 NULL/no-error 映射到 NULL/ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR 中%n %1!ws!(%2!ws!, %3!ws!): mapping NULL/no-error into NULL/ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR%n
1117%1!ws!(%2!ws!、%3!ws!、其余 %4!d!): 正在等待对象
%1!ws!(%2!ws!, %3!ws!, %4!d! remaining): waiting for object
1122未找到 %1!ws!%n %1!ws! not found%n
1123跳过对RODC 的测试: %1%n Test skipped for RODC: %1%n
1178尝试获得 DNS 名称服务器信息失败,错误为 %1!d!%n Attempt to obtain DNS name server info failed with error %1!d!%n
1179%n名称服务器 IP 地址: %1%n %nName server IP address: %1%n
1180%nSRV 名称: %1,A 地址: %2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.%5!d!.%6!d!%n %nSRV name: %1, A addr: %2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.%5!d!.%6!d!%n
1181%nSOA 查询返回的记录类型 %1!d!%n %nSOA query returned record type %1!d!%n
1182%nA 记录,名称: %1,IP 地址: %2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.%5!d!.%6!d!%n %nA record, name: %1, IP address: %2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.%5!d!.%6!d!%n
1183%nSOA 名称: %1,区域主服务器: %2%n %nSOA name: %1, zone primary server: %2%n
1184%nNS 查询返回的记录类型 %1!d!%n %nNS query returned record type %1!d!%n
1185%nNS 名称: %1,主机: %2%n %nNS name: %1, host: %2%n
1186读取适配器地址数据的大小失败,错误为 %1!d!%n Reading the size of the adapter address data failed with error %1!d!%n
1189%n服务器 IP 地址: %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d! (0x%5!08x!)%n %nServer IP address: %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d! (0x%5!08x!)%n
1190打开服务控制器失败,错误为 %1!d!%n Opening the service controller failed with error %1!d!%n
1191%1!ws!: %2!ws!: %3!ws! 缺少 %4!ws!%n %1!ws!: %2!ws!: %3!ws! missing %4!ws!%n
1192%1!ws!: %2!ws!: %3!ws! 名称不匹配(%4!ws! %5!ws! != %6!ws! %7!ws!)%n %1!ws!: %2!ws!: %3!ws! names don't match (%4!ws! %5!ws! != %6!ws! %7!ws!)%n
1193DsRole: %1!ws!: %2!ws! 模式不匹配(DsRole %3!d! != DsGet %4!d!)%n DsRole: %1!ws!: %2!ws! modes don't match (DsRole %3!d! != DsGet %4!d!)%n
1199DsRole: %1!ws!: 主 Dc 无法写入(DsRole %2!x! != DsGet %3!x!)%n DsRole: %1!ws!: Primary Dc not writable (DsRole %2!x! != DsGet %3!x!)%n
1200DsRole: %1!ws!: GUID 不匹配%n DsRole: %1!ws!: GUID's don't match%n
1201%1!ws!(%2!ws!,%3!ws!): %4!d! 机密无法写入%n %1!ws!(%2!ws!, %3!ws!): %4!d! secrets not underwritten%n
1202%1!ws!(%2!ws!,%4!ws!,其余 %5!d!): 正在等待 %6!d! 覆盖%n %1!ws!(%2!ws!, %4!ws!, %5!d! remaining): waiting for %6!d! overwrites%n
1204%1!ws!(%2!ws!,%3!ws!): %4!d! 机密无法覆盖%n %1!ws!(%2!ws!, %3!ws!): %4!d! secrets not overwritten%n
1205域行为版本(%1!d!)不是 w2k3 或更高版本(%2!d!)%n Domain behavior version (%1!d!) is not w2k3 or greater (%2!d!)%n
1206域控制器的测试结果:%n Test results for domain controllers:%n
1207DC: %1!ws!%n DC: %1!ws!%n
1208域: %1!ws!%n%n Domain: %1!ws!%n%n
1209授权测试: 已成功完成 Authentication test: Successfully completed
1210总查询时间:%1!ws!。总 RPC 连接时间:%2!ws!%n Total query time:%1!ws!. Total RPC connection time:%2!ws!%n
1211总 WMI 连接时间:%1!ws! 总 Netuse 连接时间:%2!ws!%n Total WMI connection time:%1!ws! Total Netuse connection time:%2!ws!%n
1212错误: 无 LDAP 连接 Error: No LDAP connectivity
1213错误: 无 DS RPC 连接 Error: No DS RPC connectivity
1214支持 OS %1!ws!。%n The OS %1!ws! is supported.%n
1215错误: 不支持 OS %1!ws!。%n Error: The OS %1!ws! is not supported.%n
1216%1!ws! 服务正在运行%n %1!ws! service is running%n
1217DC 是 DNS 服务器%n DC is a DNS server%n
1218DC 不是 DNS 服务器%n DC is not a DNS server%n
1219网络适配器信息:%n Network adapters information:%n
1220适配器 %1!ws!:%n Adapter %1!ws!:%n
1221IP 地址为静态地址 IP Address is static
1222警告 IP 地址为动态地址(可能是配置错误) Warning IP address is dynamic (can be a misconfiguration)
1223警告: 适配器 %1!ws! 具有动态的 IP 地址(可能是配置错误)%n Warning: Adapter %1!ws! has dynamic IP address (can be a misconfiguration)%n
1224DNS 服务器:%n DNS servers:%n
1225警告: Warning:
1226警告: 适配器 %1!ws! 具有无效的 DNS 服务器: %2!ws! (%3!ws!)%n Warning: adapter %1!ws! has invalid DNS server: %2!ws! (%3!ws!)%n
1227警告: 未在该 DC/DNS 服务器上找到 Active Directory 区域(可能是配置错误) Warning: The Active Directory zone on this DC/DNS server was not found (probably a misconfiguration)
1228警告: 在该 DC/DNS 服务器上发现主要根区域(可能是配置错误) Warning: Root zone on this DC/DNS server was found primary (could be a misconfiguration)
1229警告: 在该 DC/DNS 服务器上发现辅助根区域(可能是配置错误) Warning: Root zone on this DC/DNS server was found secondary (could be a misconfiguration)
1230错误: 根提示和转发器均未配置或均已损坏。请确保至少其中之一正常运行。%n Error: Both root hints and forwarders are not configured or broken. Please make sure at least one of them works.%n
1231错误: 根提示列表具有无效的根提示服务器: %1!ws! (%2!ws!)%n Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: %1!ws! (%2!ws!)%n
1232错误: %1!ws!%n Error: %1!ws!%n
1233错误: DNS 服务器: %1!ws! IP:%2!ws! [%3!ws!]%n Error: DNS server: %1!ws! IP:%2!ws! [%3!ws!]%n
1234错误: DNS 服务器: %1!ws! IP: [%2!ws!]%n Error: DNS server: %1!ws! IP: [%2!ws!]%n
1235警告: 在该区域上启动动态更新,但这样不安全 %1!ws!%n Warning: Dynamic update is enabled on the zone but not secure %1!ws!%n
1236网络适配器 %1!ws!:%n Network Adapter %1!ws!:%n
1237已配置为阻止该记录注册。无法读取注册表/组策略)%n%n has been configured to prevent registration of this Record.Unable to reead registry/group policy)%n%n
1238(在以下情况下忽略该错误,即如果 DNSAvoidRegisterRecord 注册表项或其组策略%n (Ignore the error if DNSAvoidRegisterRecord registry key or its Group Policy%n
1239错误: 在所有网络适配器中均未找到记录注册%n Error: Record registrations cannot be found for all the network adapters%n
1240警告: 在某些网络适配器中未找到记录注册%n Warning: Record Registrations not found in some network adapters%n
1241错误: 无法解析 Internet 名称 %1!ws!%n Error: Internet name %1!ws! cannot be resolved%n
1242错误:%1!ws! IP: 状态:%2!ws!%n Error:%1!ws! IP: Status:%2!ws!%n
1243错误: 在区域 %1!ws! 上未启用动态更新%n Error: Dynamic update is not enabled on the zone %1!ws!%n
1244DNS 测试结果摘要:%n Summary of DNS test results:%n
1245_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
1246域: %1!ws!%n Domain: %1!ws!%n
1247企业 DNS 结构测试结果:%n%n Enterprise DNS infrastructure test results:%n%n
1248对于父域 %1!ws! 和子域 %2!ws!:%n For parent domain %1!ws! and subordinate domain %2!ws!:%n
1249警告: 从子域到父域均未配置转发器或根提示%n Warning: Neither forwarders nor root hints are configured from subordinate domain to parent domain%n
1250错误: 在父域上未配置委派%n Error: Delegation is not configured on the parent domain%n
1251错误: 存在委派,但缺少用于下列名称服务器的粘连记录: %1 Error: Delegation is present but the glue record is missing for the following name server(s): %1
1254错误: 从父域到子域 %1!ws! 配置错误%n Error: %1!ws! is wrongly configured from parent domain to subordinate domain%n
1255Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext
1256父域的 %1!ws! 列表包含子域的 DNS 服务器 IP: %2!ws!%n Parent domain's %1!ws! list contains subordinate domain's DNS server IP: %2!ws!%n
1257错误: 从子域到父域已配置 %1!ws!,但其中一些没有通过 DNS 服务器测试%n Error: %1!ws! are configured from subordinate to parent domain but some of them failed DNS server tests%n
1258(有关错误的详细信息,请参阅 DNS 服务器部分)%n (See DNS servers section for error details)%n
1259以上域控制器所使用的 DNS 服务器的测试结果摘要:%n%n Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain controllers:%n%n
1260DNS 服务器: %1!ws! (%2!ws!)%n DNS server: %1!ws! (%2!ws!)%n
1261在该 DNS 服务器上已通过所有测试%n All tests passed on this DNS server%n
1262在该 DNS 服务器上 %1!d! 测试失败%n %1!d! test failure on this DNS server%n
1264总查询时间:%1!ws!,总 WMI 连接时间:%2!ws!%n Total query time:%1!ws!, Total WMI connection time:%2!ws!%n
1265这是无效的 DNS 服务器。%1!ws!%n This is not a valid DNS server. %1!ws!%n
1266(必须从子域到父域配置 %1!ws!)%n (%1!ws! must be configured from subordinate domain to parent Domain)%n
1267测试所有 DC 所用的总时间:%1!ws!%n Total Time taken to test all the DCs:%1!ws!%n
1268警告: 尝试连接到 %1 的 GC 端口,该端口不是当前描述的 GC。仍要尝试...%n Warning: Attempting to connect to the GC port of %1 which our information dictates isn't currently a GC. Attempting anyway...%n
1269[%1] LDAP 绑定失败,错误为 %2!d!。%3%n [%1] LDAP bind failed with error %2!d!. %3%n
1270* 当前 DC 不在域控制器的 OU 中%n * The current DC is not in the domain controller's OU%n
1271帐户 %1 已禁用。该帐户无法复制。%n The account %1 is disabled. It cannot replicate.%n
1272错误,无法格式化 userAccountControl 字符串! (%1!d!)%n Error, cannot format userAccountControl string! (%1!d!)%n
1273警告: %1 的属性 userAccountControl 为: %2%n Warning: Attribute userAccountControl of %1 is: %2%n
1274DC 的典型设置为 %1%n Typical setting for a DC is %1%n
1275ldap_search_sW 失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2 %n ldap_search_sW failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1276* %1 服务器引用错误! 应为 %2,但为 %3。%n * %1 Server Reference is incorrect! Should be %2, and is %3.%n
1277无法获得 NetBIOSDomainName%n Could not get NetBIOSDomainName%n
1278失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2 %n无法测试 LDAP SPN%n Failed with %1!d!: %2%nCan not test for LDAP SPN%n
1279已失败,无法测试 LDAP SPN%n Failed can not test for LDAP SPN%n
1280失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2 %n无法测试 HOST SPN%n Failed with %1!d!: %2%nCan not test for HOST SPN%n
1281已失败,无法测试 HOST SPN%n Failed can not test for HOST SPN%n
1282失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2 %n无法测试复制 SPN%n Failed with %1!d!: %2%nCan not test for replication SPN%n
1283无法测试复制 SPN%n Can not test for replication SPN%n
1284失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2 %n无法测试 GC SPN%n Failed with %1!d!: %2%nCan not test for GC SPN%n
1285已失败,无法测试 GC SPN%n Failed can not test for GC SPN%n
1286错误: %1!d!: [%2]。由于 [%3],无法执行 DsBind()。将不检查某些 SPN%n Error: %1!d!: [%2]. Could not perform DsBind() with [%3]. Some SPN's Will not be checked%n
1287无法通过写入缺少的复制 spn %2 修复计算机帐户对象 %1: 错误 %3%n Failed to fix computer account object %1 by writing missing replication spn %2 : error %3%n
1288* 缺少 SPN :%1%n * Missing SPN :%1%n
1289由于 [%1],无法打开管道: 失败,错误为 %2!d!: %3%n Could not open pipe with [%1]:failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1290无法打开 Lsa 策略%n Could not open Lsa Policy%n
1291失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2%n Failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1292帐户 %1 已被锁定。该帐户无法复制。%n The account %1 is locked out. It cannot replicate.%n
1293帐户 %1 不受信任,无法进行委派。该帐户无法复制。%n The account %1 is not trusted for delegation. It cannot replicate.%n
1294帐户 %1 不是 DC 帐户。该帐户无法复制。%n The account %1 is not a DC account. It cannot replicate.%n
1295这可能会影响复制?%n This may be affecting replication?%n
1296* %1 服务器引用错误%n * %1 Server Reference is incorrect%n
1297由于 %1!d!: %2,serverName 的 RootDSE 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of RootDSE for serverName failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1298默认 NC 的 RootDSE 的 ldap_search_sW 失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2%n ldap_search_sW of RootDSE for default NC failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1299sam 帐户的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 子树失败,错误为 %2!d!: %3%n ldap_search_sW subtree of %1 for sam account failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1300schemaNC 的 RootDSE 的 ldap_search_sW 失败,错误为 %1!d!: %2%n ldap_search_sW of RootDSE for schemaNC failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1301** 未运行出站安全通道测试,原因是未输入 /testdomain: %n ** Did not run Outbound Secure Channels test because /testdomain: was not entered%n
1302无法查询受信任的域 [%1]: 错误 0x%2!x!“%3”%n Could not Query Trusted Domain [%1]: error 0x%2!x! "%3"%n
1303无法打开 [%1] 的 Lsa 策略: 错误 0x%2!x! "%3"%n Could not open Lsa Policy to [%1]: error 0x%2!x! "%3"%n
1304无法打开 [%1] 的远程 ipc: 错误 0x%2!x! "%3"%n Could not open Remote ipc to [%1]: error 0x%2!x! "%3"%n
1305无法检查从 %1 到 %2 的安全通道: 错误 0x%3!x! "%4"%nRPC 扩展错误消息:%n Could not Check secure channel from %1 to %2: error 0x%3!x! "%4"%nRPC Extended error message:%n
1306从 [%1] 到 [%2] 的安全通道出错: 错误 0x%3!x! "%4"%n Error with Secure channel from [%1] to [%2]: error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1307[%1] 未在 [%2] 的下层信任对象上设置 UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT%n [%1] Does not have UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT set on downlevel trust object for [%2]%n
1308[%1] 没有 [%2] 的下层信任对象%n [%1] Does not have downlevel trust object for [%2]%n
1309找不到受信任域的 objectCatagory Could not find objectCatagory for Trusted Domains
1310[%1] 没有 [%2] 的上层信任对象%n [%1] Does not have uplevel trust object for [%2]%n
1311由于 %2!d!: %3,rid 管理器引用的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of %1 for rid manager reference failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1312由于 %2!d!: %3,FSMO 角色所有者的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of %1 for FSMO Role Owner failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1313DS 的数据已损坏: %1 值无效%n The DS has corrupt data: %1 value is not valid%n
1314警告: %1 中缺少属性 FSMORoleOwner%n Warning: attribute FSMORoleOwner missing from %1%n
1315警告: FSMO 角色所有者已删除。%n Warning: FSMO Role Owner is deleted.%n
1316由于 %2!d!: %3,主机名的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of %1 for hostname failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1317无法获得 Rid 集引用: 由于 %1!d!: %2 失败%n Could not get Rid set Reference :failed with %1!d!: %2%n
1318由于 %2!d!: %3,rid 集引用的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of %1 for rid set references failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1319未分配 rid -- 请检查事件日志。%n No rids allocated -- please check eventlog.%n
1320警告: rid 集引用已删除。%n Warning: rid set reference is deleted.%n
1321警告: %1 中缺少属性 rIdSetReferences%n Warning: attribute rIdSetReferences missing from %1%n
1322警告: %1 上存在属性 rIdSetReferences%n Warning: attribute rIdSetReferences present on %1%n
1323由于 %2!d!: %3,rid 信息的 %1 的 ldap_search_sW 失败%n ldap_search_sW of %1 for rid info failed with %2!d!: %3%n
1324无法在 %2 上打开 %1 服务,错误 0x%3!x! "%4"%n Could not open %1 Service on %2, error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1325无法在 %2 上查询 %1 服务,错误 0x%3!x! "%4"%n Could not query %1 Service on %2, error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1326[%2] 上的 %1 服务已停止%n %1 Service is stopped on [%2]%n
1327[%2] 上的 %1 服务已暂停%n %1 Service is paused on [%2]%n
1328%n错误: [%2] 上的 %1 服务开始挂起%n %nError: %1 Service is hung starting on [%2]%n
1329%n错误: [%2] 上的 %1 服务继续挂起%n %nError: %1 Service is hung pending continue on [%2]%n
1330%n错误: [%2] 上的 %1 服务挂起停止%n %nError: %1 Service is hung pending stop on [%2]%n
1331%n错误: [%2] 上的 %1 服务挂起暂停%n %nError: %1 Service is hung pending pause on [%2]%n
1332错误: [%2] 上的 %1 服务处于未知状态%n Error: %1 Service is in an unknown state [%2]%n
1333无法在 %1 上打开服务控制管理器,错误 0x%2!x! "%3"%n Could not open Service Control Manager on %1, error 0x%2!x! "%3"%n
1335通过 %2 堆栈解析主机名 %1 时出错%n*** 警告: 无法根据 DNS 服务器返回的名称在目录中确认该服务器的标识。主机名解析错误 0x%3!x! "%4"%n Error during resolution of hostname %1 through %2 stack.%n*** Warning: could not confirm the identity of this server in the directory versus the names returned by DNS servers. Hostname resolution error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1336通过 %2 堆栈解析主机名 %1 时出现警告。%n*** 警告: 无法根据 DNS 服务器返回的名称确认该服务器的标识。如果访问该目录服务器有问题,则你需要检查该服务器是否正确注册 DNS。%n Warning during resolution of hostname %1 through %2 stack.%n*** Warning: could not confirm the identity of this server in the directory versus the names returned by DNS servers. If there are problems accessing this directory server then you may need to check that this server is correctly registered with DNS.%n
1339LDAP 无法从服务器 %1 中检索到根对象。%n LDAP couldn't retrieve the root object from the server %1.%n
1341LDAP 无法从服务器 %1 中检索到根对象,错误 %2。%n LDAP couldn't retrieve the root object from the server %1, error %2.%n
1342LDAP 搜索错误: %1.%n LDAP search error: %1.%n
1343服务器 %1 解析为以下 IP 地址: %2,但这些地址均不能访问(执行 ping 操作)。请检查网络。%n错误: 0x%3!x! "%4"%n Server %1 resolved to these IP addresses: %2, but none of the addresses could be reached (pinged). Please check the network.%nError: 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1345该错误大多表示本地计算机已与网络断开连接。%n This error more often than not means the local machine is disconnected from the network.%n
1346该错误大多表示目标服务器已关机或已与网络断开连接。%n This error more often means that the targeted server is shutdown or disconnected from the network.%n
1347无法将主机 %1 解析到某个 IP 地址。请检查 DNS 服务器、DHCP、服务器名称等等。%n The host %1 could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DNS server, DHCP, server name, etc.%n
1348在 DNS 主机查找的过程中通常临时出现错误。请稍后再试。%n An error that is usually temporary occurred during DNS host lookup. Please try again later.%n
1349在 DNS 主机查找的过程中出错,程序无法恢复。%n An error occurred during DNS host lookup, that the program could not recover from.%n
1350在 DNS 主机查找的过程中出错。%n An error occurred during DNS host lookup.%n
1351网络有问题。请检查套接字服务是否启动,计算机是否已与网络连接等等。%n There is a problem with the network. Check to see the sockets services are up, the computer is connected to the network, etc.%n
1352这可能是暂时性的错误。在几分钟之后再次尝试运行 dcdiag。如果错误仍然存在,则可能是目标服务器有问题。请尝试在目标服务器上运行 nettest 和 dcdiag。%n This may be a transient error. Try running dcdiag again in a few minutes. If the error persists, there might be a problem with the target server. Try running nettest and dcdiag on the target server.%n
1353网络上找不到该服务器。可能是由于以下一个或几个原因:%na) 目标服务器临时关机;%nb) 目标服务器有问题。请在目标服务器上尝试运行 nettest 和 dcdiag。%nc) 在目录服务中目标服务器的 DNS 名称注册不正确。%n This server could not be located on the network. This might be due to one or several of these reasons:%na) The target server is temporarily down;%nb) There is a problem with the target server. Try running nettest and dcdiag on the target server.%nc) The target server's DNS name is registered incorrectly in the directory service.%n
1354警告: %1!ws! 无法为角色解析名称%n Warning: %1!ws! could not resolve the name for role%n
1355名称错误为 %1!ws!。%n The name error was %1!ws!.%n
1356警告: %1!ws! 为 %2!ws!,但已被删除。%n Warning: %1!ws! is the %2!ws!, but is deleted.%n
1357警告: %1!ws! 返回了角色拥有者名称%n Warning: %1!ws! returned role-holder name%n
1358该企业不知道的 %1!ws!。%n %1!ws! that is unknown to this Enterprise.%n
1359警告: %1!ws! 为 %2!ws!,但不对 DS RPC 绑定作出响应。%n Warning: %1!ws! is the %2!ws!, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind.%n
1360警告: %1!ws! 为 %2!ws!,但不对 LDAP 绑定作出响应。%n Warning: %1!ws! is the %2!ws!, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.%n
1361警告: %1!ws! 上的目录服务尚未完成初始同步。%n其他服务将延迟。%n验证该服务是否可以复制。%n Warning: the directory service on %1!ws! has not completed initial synchronization.%nOther services will be delayed.%nVerify that the server can replicate.%n
1362严重错误: DsGetDcName (%1!ws!)调用失败,错误为 %2!d!%n定位程序找不到服务器。%n Fatal Error:DsGetDcName (%1!ws!) call failed, error %2!d!%nThe Locator could not find the server.%n
1363警告: 当我们尝试访问 %2!ws! 时,DsGetDcName 返回了 %1!ws! 的信息。%n服务器没有响应或被认为不适合。%n Warning: DsGetDcName returned information for %1!ws!, when we were trying to reach %2!ws!.%nSERVER IS NOT RESPONDING or IS NOT CONSIDERED SUITABLE.%n
1364警告: %1!ws! 没有作为目录服务器域控制器进行播发。%n请检查该计算机上的数据库是否有足够的可用空间。%n Warning: %1!ws! is NOT advertising as a directory server Domain Controller.%nCheck that the database on this machine has sufficient free space.%n
1365警告: %1!ws! 没有作为 LDAP 服务器进行播发。%n Warning: %1!ws! is NOT advertising as a LDAP server.%n
1366警告: %1!ws! 没有作为可写的目录服务器进行播发。%n Warning: %1!ws! is NOT advertising as a writable directory server.%n
1367警告: %1!ws! 作为可写的目录服务器进行播发。%n Warning: %1!ws! is advertising as a writable directory server.%n
1368警告: %1!ws! 没有作为密钥发行中心进行播发。%n请检查目录是否已启动。%n Warning: %1!ws! is not advertising as a Key Distribution Center.%nCheck that the Directory has started.%n
1369警告: %1!ws! 没有作为时间服务器进行播发。%n Warning: %1!ws! is not advertising as a time server.%n
1370警告: %1!ws! 尚未完成到 GC 的升级。%n请确认不能复制的域的事件日志。%n Warning: %1!ws! has not finished promoting to be a GC.%nCheck the event log for domains that cannot be replicated.%n
1371服务器 %1 作为全局编录进行播发,但%n它无法验证其中的服务器是否是 GC。%n Server %1 is advertising as a global catalog, but%nit could not be verified that the server thought it was a GC.%n
1372警告: %1!ws! 没有作为全局编录进行播发。%n请检查服务器是否已完成 GC 升级。%n检查服务器上的事件日志,看是否可以获得足够的 GC 源副本。%n Warning: %1!ws! is not advertising as a global catalog.%nCheck that server finished GC promotion.%nCheck the event log on server that enough source replicas for the GC are available.%n
1373错误: DsGetDcName() 返回的 GC 不是其目录中的 GC%n Error: A GC returned by DsGetDcName() was not a GC in it's directory%n
1374GC 名称: %1!ws!%n GC Name: %1!ws!%n
1375警告: DcGetDcName(GC_SERVER_REQUIRED) 调用失败,错误为 %1!d!%n Warning: DcGetDcName(GC_SERVER_REQUIRED) call failed, error %1!d!%n
1376无法找到全局编录服务器 - 所有 GC 都已关机。%n A Global Catalog Server could not be located - All GC's are down.%n
1377错误: DsGetDcName() 返回的服务器与 PDC 的 DsListRoles() 不匹配%n Error: The server returned by DsGetDcName() did not match DsListRoles() for the PDC%n
1378警告: DcGetDcName(PDC_REQUIRED) 调用失败,错误为 %1!d!%n Warning: DcGetDcName(PDC_REQUIRED) call failed, error %1!d!%n
1379无法找到主域控制器。%n拥有 PDC 角色的服务器已关闭。%n A Primary Domain Controller could not be located.%nThe server holding the PDC role is down.%n
1380警告: DcGetDcName(TIME_SERVER) 调用失败,错误为 %1!d!%n无法找到时间服务器。%n拥有 PDC 角色的服务器已关闭。%n Warning: DcGetDcName(TIME_SERVER) call failed, error %1!d!%nA Time Server could not be located.%nThe server holding the PDC role is down.%n
1381警告: DcGetDcName(GOOD_TIME_SERVER_PREFERRED) 调用失败,错误为 %1!d!%n无法找到一个正常的时间服务器。%n Warning: DcGetDcName(GOOD_TIME_SERVER_PREFERRED) call failed, error %1!d!%nA Good Time Server could not be located.%n
1382警告: DcGetDcName(KDC_REQUIRED) 调用失败,错误为 %1!d!%n无法找到一个 KDC - 所有 KDC 都已关闭。%n Warning: DcGetDcName(KDC_REQUIRED) call failed, error %1!d!%nA KDC could not be located - All the KDCs are down.%n
1383读取 %1!ws! 上的对象元数据失败,错误为 %2!ws!%n Failed to read object metadata on %1!ws!, error %2!ws!%n
1384请求验证不包含该对象的 DC %3 上的对象状态(域 %2 中的对象 %1)!%n Asked to verify objects status (object %1 in domain %2) on DC %3 which doesn't hold the object!%n
1385在对象 %2 的聚合测试中忽略 DC %1,原因是无法连接!%n Ignoring DC %1 in the convergence test of object %2, because we cannot connect!%n
1386严重错误: DsListRoles (%1!ws!)调用失败,错误为 %2!d!%n无法访问主服务器上的 DS。%n Fatal Error: DsListRoles (%1!ws!) call failed, error %2!d!%nCould not reach DS at home server.%n
1400[%1] LDAP 操作失败,错误为 %2!d!%n [%1] An LDAP operation failed with error %2!d!%n
1401%1: 无法查找帐户 SID,错误为 %2!d!%n %1: Unable to lookup account SID with error %2!d!%n
1402严重错误: 无法检索安全描述符 Dacl%n Fatal Error: Cannot retrieve Security Descriptor Dacl%n
1403严重错误: 无法检索 SID%n Fatal Error: Cannot retrieve SID%n
1404错误 %1 没有 %n Error %1 doesn't have %n
1405命名上下文的访问权限:%n access rights for the naming context:%n
1406* 安全权限检查%n * Security Permissions Check for%n
1407* 必须确保不存在 net use 连接,%n* 必须确保不存在 net use 连接,%n \\\%n * You must make sure there are no existing net use connections,%n* You must make sure there are no existing net use connections,%n \\\%n
1408无法连接到 NETLOGON 共享! (%1)%n Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share! (%1)%n
1409无法连接到 SYSVOL 共享! (%1)%n Unable to connect to the SYSVOL share! (%1)%n
1410* 警告 %1\%2 没有“从网络访问%n*该计算机”权限。%n * Warning %1\%2 did not have the "Access this computer%n"* from network" right.%n
1411[%1] 严重错误: 内存不足,无法完成操作。%n [%1] Fatal Error: Not enough memory to complete operation.%n
1412[%1] 严重错误: 该网络资源已在使用%n [%1] Fatal Error: The network resource is already in use%n
1413[%1] 用户凭据没有权限执行该操作。%n该测试使用的帐户必须具有该计算机的域的%n网络登录权限。%n [%1] User credentials does not have permission to perform this operation.%nThe account used for this test must have network logon privileges%nfor this machine's domain.%n
1414%1 上的 KDC 没有响应,请验证它是否正在运行和播发。%n The KDC on %1 isn't responsive, please verify that it's running and advertising.%n
1415警告: 最大的非碎片 UDP 传输单元为 %1!d!。%n Warning: The maximum non-fragmentable UDP transfer unit is %1!d!.%n
1416如果企业中的任何一个 DC 为 Win2k SP3 或更早版本,则该大小不足以执行操作。%n This isn't a sufficient size for operation if any DC's in the enterprise are Win2k SP3 or earlier.%n
1417解决方案: 至少安装 W2K SP4 或更高版本,或者配置网络以允许非碎片的 UDP 包至少为 2008 个字节。%n Solution: Either install at least W2K SP4 or better, or configure the network to allow non-fragmented UDP packets of at least 2008 bytes.%n
1418除非企业中的所有 DC 都为 Windows Server 2003 或更高版本,否则该大小不足以成功执行 KDC 操作。%n This isn't a sufficient size for successful KDC operation unless all DC's in the enterprise are Windows Server 2003 or better.%n
1419解决方案: 配置网络以允许非碎片的 UDP 数据包至少为 1472 个字节,或者在企业中的所有 DC 上安装 Server 2003 并将 KDC kerberos 数据包大小配置为 %1!d!。%n Solution: Either configure the network to allow non-fragmented UDP packets of at least 1472 bytes, or install Server 2003 on all DC's in the enterprise and configure the KDC kerberos packet size to %1!d!.%n
1420无法建立与 DC %1 的任何连接。%n Cannot establish any contact to the DC %1.%n
1421在站点 %2 (%3!d!,%4) 中找不到域 %1 的 KDC%n No KDC found for domain %1 in site %2 (%3!d!, %4)%n
1422在 DC %2 上查询时间时出错 %1!d!。忽略该 DC 并继续...%n Error %1!d! querying time on DC %2. Ignoring this DC and continuing...%n
1423尝试不模拟请求的用户时出错 %1!d!。尝试继续测试...%n Error %1!d! attempting to un-impersonate the requested user. Attempting to continue testing...%n
1424尝试模拟请求的用户时出错 %1!d!。无法验证时间同步!%n Error %1!d! attempting to impersonate the requested user. Unable to verify time synchronization!%n
1425时间扭曲错误: 下面之间的 %1!d! 秒数不同:。%n Time skew error: %1!d! seconds different between:.%n
1426客户端和 %1!d! DC 之间的时间扭曲错误! 收到 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 或计算机已关机:%n Time skew error between client and %1!d! DCs! ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED or down machine received by:%n
1427无法验证时间同步! 可以对本地计算机进行身份验证吗? 继续...%n Cannot verify time sync! Can the local machine authenticate? Continuing...%n
1428警告,找不到服务器 %1!%n Warning, the server %1 was not found!%n
1429[%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(NEIGHBORS) 失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(NEIGHBORS) failed with error %2!d!,%n
1430[%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(KCC_DS_CONNECT_FAILURES) 失败,错误为 %2!d!,%n [%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(KCC_DS_CONNECT_FAILURES) failed with error %2!d!,%n
1431找不到 DC %1。将忽略输入。%n Unable to locate the DC %1. The input will be ignored.%n
1432找不到未知的 DC。将忽略输入。%n Unable to locate the DC unknown. The input will be ignored.%n
1433[%1] 无法查询现有连接的复制状态。继续...%n [%1] Unable to query the replication status of existing connections. Continuing...%n
1434[%1] 无法查询 KCC 连接失败的列表。继续...%n [%1] Unable to query the list of KCC connection failures. Continuing...%n
1435[%1] 无法在该 DC 上标识域分区。无法继续。%n [%1] Unable to identify a domain partition on this DC. Cannot continue.%n
1436[%1] 无法在其自己的站点中连接目标域的 KDC。这表示站点中没有该域可用的 KDC,*包括*目标 DC 本身,或者我们在连接它时有网络或数据包碎片问题。我们将检查到目标 DC 的数据包碎片连接,提出建议,然后继续执行操作。%n [%1] Unable to contact a KDC for the destination domain in it's own site. This means either there are no available KDC's for this domain in the site, *including* the destination DC itself, or we're having network or packet fragmentation issues connecting to it. We'll check packet fragmentation connection to the destination DC, make recommendations, and continue.%n
1437[%1] 无法连接目标域的 KDC。如果目标域没有可用的 KDC,则将会阻止复制!%n [%1] Unable to contact a KDC for the destination domain. If no KDC for the destination domain is available, replication will be blocked!%n
1438如果该域有一些可用的 KDC,则检查是否存在网络连接问题或上述可能的数据包碎片问题。%n If there is some KDC for that domain available, check network connectivity issues or see possible packet fragmentation issues above.%n
1439无法在 %3 上验证 %2 的计算机帐户(%1)。%n Unable to verify the machine account (%1) for %2 on %3.%n
1440无法在这些 DC (%2,%3)上验证该计算机帐户(%1)的聚合。需要重置该计算机的密码?%n Unable to verify the convergence of this machine account (%1) on these DC's (%2,%3). Does the machine account password need resetting?%n
1441[%1] 在该 DC 上没有找到与复制有关的安全错误! 若要连接到特定的源 DC,请使用 /ReplSource:。%n [%1] No security related replication errors were found on this DC! To target the connection to a specific source DC use /ReplSource:.%n
1442源 DC %1 可能有安全错误(%2!d!)。 正在诊断...%n Source DC %1 has possible security error (%2!d!). Diagnosing...%n
1443请求源 DC %1 进行手动安全错误检查。正在诊断...%n Source DC %1 was requested for a manual security error check. Diagnosing...%n
1444[%1] 无法在该 DC 上标识域分区。无法继续诊断该 DC 的错误。%n [%1] Unable to identify a domain partition on this DC. Cannot continue diagnosing errors with this DC.%n
1445[%1] 无法连接该 DC。无法继续诊断该 DC 的错误。%n [%1] Unable to contact this DC. Cannot continue diagnosing errors with this DC.%n
1446[%1] 无法在其自己的站点中连接源域的 KDC。这表示站点中该域没有可用的 KDC,*包括*源 DC 本身,或者我们连接它时存在网络问题或数据包碎片问题。将检查到源 DC 的数据包碎片连接,提出建议,然后继续执行操作。%n [%1] Unable to contact a KDC for the source domain in it's own site. This means either there are no available KDC's for this domain in the site, *including* the source DC itself, or we're having network or packet fragmentation issues connecting to it. We'll check packet fragmentation connection to the source DC, make recommendations, and continue.%n
1447[%1] 无法连接源域的 KDC。如果源域没有可用的 KDC,则将阻止复制!%n [%1] Unable to contact a KDC for the source domain. If no KDC for the source domain is available, replication will be blocked!%n
1448无法在这些 DC (%2,%3) 上验证该计算机帐户(%1)的聚合。需要重置该计算机帐户密码? SPN 是否同步?%n Unable to verify the convergence of this machine account (%1) on these DC's (%2,%3). Does the machine account password need resetting? Are the SPN's in sync?%n
1449[%1] 无法验证 DC 共享上的登录权限。请检查上面的输出并采取相应的措施。%n [%1] Unable to verify logon privileges on DC shares. Please check the above output and take appropriate steps.%n
1450[%1] 无法诊断该源的问题。请参见尝试测试时报告的任何错误。%n [%1] Unable to diagnose problem for this source. See any errors reported in attempting tests.%n
1451无法在此域(%2)上验证该计算机帐户(%1)的聚合。是否需要重置该计算机帐户密码?%n Unable to verify the convergence of this machine account (%1) on this domain (%2). Does the machine account password need resetting?%n
1452无法在此域(%2)上验证该计算机帐户(%1)的聚合。是否需要重置该计算机帐户密码? SPN 是否同步?%n Unable to verify the convergence of this machine account (%1) on this domain (%2). Does the machine account password need resetting? Are the SPN's in sync?%n
1455RootDSE 的 LDAP 搜索失败。%n An LDAP search of the RootDSE failed.%n
1456复制延迟警告%n错误: 缺少期望的通知链接。%n将延迟新更改和该路径的源 %1%n复制。%n在下次同步时将自动更正该问题。%n REPLICATION LATENCY WARNING%nERROR: Expected notification link is missing.%nSource %1%nReplication of new changes along this path will be delayed.%nThis problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.%n
1457错误: 从 %1!ws! 返回的 reps-to 邻居数量异常。%n ERROR: Unexpected number of reps-to neighbors returned from %1!ws!.%n
1458错误: Reps-to 有异常内容。%n ERROR: Reps-to has unexpected contents.%n
1459进度通常出现在该路径上。%n Progress is occurring normally on this path.%n
1460需要在该%n路径上进行大量复制更新。在该链接上较高优先级的复制工作%n进度将临时中断。%n A large number of replication updates need to be carried on this%npath. Higher priority replication work has temporarily interrupted%nprogress on this link.%n
1461跳过该链接的启动时同步,原因是源%n需要花费太长时间返回更新。下一个定期复制时间间隔%n将尝试其他同步。%n Boot-time synchronization of this link was skipped because the source%nwas taking too long returning updates. Another sync will be tried%nat the next periodic replication interval.%n
1462在复制周期期间源或目标已关机。%n Either the source or destination was shutdown during the replication cycle.%n
1463尝试添加的对象缺少父对象,%n原因是父对象已被删除。%n同时发生了修改和父对象删除。%n一旦可写的%n副本同步并且挑出不一致之后,将自动更正复制。%n The parent of the object we tried to add is missing%nbecause it is deleted.%nA modification and a parent delete occurred at the same time.%nReplication will correct itself later once the writeable%ncopies synchronize and sort out the inconsistency.%n
1464源仍然关机。请检查该计算机。%n The source remains down. Please check the machine.%n
1465现在源 %1 正在响应。%n The source %1 is responding now.%n
1466未在一个或多个 DNS 服务器上注册基于 guid 的 DNS 名称 %1%n。%n The guid-based DNS name %1%nis not registered on one or more DNS servers.%n
1467检查 %1 上的负载和资源使用情况。%n Check load and resource usage on %1.%n
1468安全提供程序可能返回了一个意外的错误代码。%n请检查两台计算机之间的时钟差异。%n Security provider may have returned an unexpected error code.%nCheck the clock difference between the two machines.%n
1469在服务器上执行复制 RPC 调用时间太长,因此%n已取消该调用。%n请检查 %1 上的负载和资源使用情况。%n The replication RPC call executed for too long at the server and%nwas cancelled.%nCheck load and resource usage on %1.%n
1470%1 上的目录%n正在启动或正在关机,或者不可用。%n请验证计算机未在启动期间挂起。%n The directory on %1 is in the process.%nof starting up or shutting down, and is not available.%nVerify machine is not hung during boot.%n
1471Kerberos 错误。%n请检查两台服务器之间的系统时间是否足够。%n关闭。还要检查时间服务是否正常工作%n Kerberos Error.%nCheck that the system time between the two servers is sufficiently.%nclose. Also check that the time service is functioning correctly%n
1472目标 %1 的计算机帐户%n配置错误。%n请检查 userAccountControl 字段。%n The machine account for the destination %1.%nis not configured properly.%nCheck the userAccountControl field.%n
1473Kerberos 错误。%n该计算机帐户不存在,或者与%n目标、源或 KDC 服务器不匹配。%n请验证 KDC 的域分区是否与企业的其他分区同步。%n工具 repadmin/syncall 可以用于该目的。%n Kerberos Error.%nThe machine account is not present, or does not match on the.%ndestination, source or KDC servers.%nVerify domain partition of KDC is in sync with rest of enterprise.%nThe tool repadmin/syncall can be used for this purpose.%n
1474Kerberos 错误。%n没有找到对调用进行身份验证的 KDC。%n请检查是否有足够的域控制器可用。%n Kerberos Error.%nA KDC was not found to authenticate the call.%nCheck that sufficient domain controllers are available.%n
1475请检查服务器是否具有正确的证书。%n Check that the servers have the proper certificates.%n
1476复制已通过服务器选项明确禁用。%n Replication has been explicitly disabled through the server options.%n
1477尝试将所有域控制器升级到最新的软件版本。%n尝试同步林中所有服务器上的架构分区。%n Try upgrading all domain controllers to the latest software version.%nTry synchronizing the Schema partition on all servers in the forest.%n
1478尝试同步林中所有服务器上的架构分区。%n Try synchronizing the Schema partition on all servers in the forest.%n
1479包含 %1 上的数据库或日志文件的磁盘%n没有足够的空间复制最新更改。%n尝试使用 ntdsutil 将数据库文件移动到较大的卷。%n The disk containing the database or log files on %1%ndoes not have enough space to replicate in the latest changes.%nTry moving the database files to a larger volume using ntdsutil.%n
1480上次复制更新的大小太大或太复杂,%n内存中无法容纳。请参阅错误日志。必须%n简化更改所在的服务器上的更改。%n The size of the last replication update was too large or complex%nto be held in memory. Consult the error log. The change%nmust be simplified at the server where it originated.%n
1481严重错误正在阻止继续复制。%n有关详细信息,请参阅错误日志。%n如果特殊的对象已命名,则可能有必要手动%n修改或删除该对象。%n如果这种情况仍然存在,请与 Microsoft 支持人员联系。%n A serious error is preventing replication from continuing.%nConsult the error log for further information.%nIf a particular object is named, it may be necessary to manually%nmodify or delete the object.%nIf the condition persists, contact Microsoft Support.%n
1482跳过服务器 %1,原因是该服务器已禁用出站复制%n Skipping server %1, because it has outbound replication disabled%n
1483[%1,%2] 最近的复制尝试失败:%n [%1,%2] A recent replication attempt failed:%n
1484从 %1 到 %2%n命名上下文: %3%n复制生成一个错误(%4!ld!):%n%5%n失败发生在 %6。%n上次成功发生在 %7。%n自从上次成功已发生 %8!d! 次失败。%n From %1 to %2%nNaming Context: %3%nThe replication generated an error (%4!ld!):%n%5%nThe failure occurred at %6.%nThe last success occurred at %7.%n%8!d! failures have occurred since the last success.%n
1485[复制检查,%1] 最近未尝试复制:%n [Replications Check,%1] No replication recently attempted:%n
1486从 %1 到 %2%n命名上下文: %3%n上次尝试发生在 %4 (大约 %5!I64d! 个小时之前)。%n From %1 to %2%nNaming Context: %3%nThe last attempt occurred at %4 (about %5!I64d! hours ago).%n
1487%1: 该复制路径被较高优先级的工作预先清空。%n %1: This replication path was preempted by higher priority work.%n
1488从 %1 到 %2%n原因: %3%n上次成功发生在 %4。%n将延迟新更改以及该路径的复制。%n from %1 to %2%nReason: %3%nThe last success occurred at %4.%nReplication of new changes along this path will be delayed.%n
1490%1: 正在进行完全同步%n %1: A full synchronization is in progress%n
1491从 %1 到 %2%n通过此路径的新更改复制将被延迟。%n from %1 to %2%nReplication of new changes along this path will be delayed.%n
1492完全同步完成的百分比是 %1!d!。%n The full sync is %1!d! percent complete.%n
1493%1: 长时间运行的复制操作正在进行%n %1: A long-running replication operation is in progress%n
1494该作业已执行 %1!d! 分钟和 %2!d! 秒。%n通过此路径的新更改复制将被延迟。%n The job has been executing for %1!d! minutes and %2!d! seconds.%nReplication of new changes along this path will be delayed.%n
1495错误: 更高优先级的复制将被阻止%n Error: Higher priority replications are being blocked%n
1496这对于新连接或已关机很长时间的系统%n是正常的。%n This is normal for a new connection, or for a system%nthat has been down a long time.%n
1497将 %1 以 %2!d! 优先级入队%n Enqueued %1 at priority %2!d!%n
1503未知 UNKNOWN
1504%1: 已备份 %2!d! 复制工作项目。%n %1: %2!d! replication work items are backed up.%n
1506%1: 当前时间为 %2!S!。%n %1: Current time is %2!S!.%n
1507上次从 %1 接收复制的位置 Last replication received from %1 at
1508警告: 此延迟超过了 Tombstone 生存时间 %1!d! 天!%n WARNING: This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of %1!d! days!%n
1509[复制检查,%1] LDAP 操作失败,错误是 %2!d!, %3。%n [Replications Check,%1] An LDAP operation failed with error %2!d!, %3.%n
1510[复制检查,%1] 入站复制被禁用。%n [Replications Check,%1] Inbound replication is disabled.%n
1511若要更正,请运行“repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL”%n To correct, run "repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL"%n
1512[复制检查,%1] 出站复制被禁用。%n [Replications Check,%1] Outbound replication is disabled.%n
1513若要更正,请运行“repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL”%n To correct, run "repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL"%n
1514[复制检查,%1] 出站复制被启用。%n [Replications Check,%1] Outbound replication is enabled.%n
1515若要更正,请运行“repadmin /options %1 +DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL”%n To correct, run "repadmin /options %1 +DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL"%n
1516[复制检查,%1] 连接对象转换被禁用。%n [Replications Check,%1] Connection object translation is disabled.%n
1517若要更正,请运行“repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE”%n To correct, run "repadmin /options %1 -DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE"%n
1518[复制检查,%1] 连接对象转换被启用。%n [Replications Check,%1] Connection object translation is enabled.%n
1519若要更正,请运行“repadmin /options %1 +DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE”%n To correct, run "repadmin /options %1 +DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE"%n
1520[复制检查,%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(%2, %3)失败,错误是 0x%4!x!“%5”%n [Replications Check,%1] DsReplicaGetInfo(%2, %3) failed, error 0x%4!x! "%5"%n
1526已为 %1!ws! 断开上游拓扑的连接。%n Upstream topology is disconnected for %1!ws!.%n
1527主服务器 %1!ws! 无法从这些服务器获取更改:%n Home server %1!ws! can't get changes from these servers:%n
1528DsReplicaSyncAllW 失败,错误是 %1!ws!。%n DsReplicaSyncAllW failed with error %1!ws!.%n
1529已为 %1!ws! 断开下游拓扑的连接。%n Downstream topology is disconnected for %1!ws!.%n
1530无法绑定到 %1!ws!: %2!ws!。%n Failed to bind to %1!ws!: %2!ws!.%n
1531[拓扑完整性检查,%1] 此站点中禁用站内拓扑生成功能。%n [Topology Integrity Check,%1] Intra-site topology generation is disabled in this site.%n
1532[拓扑完整性检查,%1] 此站点中禁用站点间拓扑生成功能。%n [Topology Integrity Check,%1] Inter-site topology generation is disabled in this site.%n
1540%n目录服务器诊断%n%ndcdiag.exe /s:[:] [/u:\ /p:*||""] %n [/hqv] [/n:] [/f:] [/x:XMLLog.xml]%n [/skip:] [/test:]%n /h: 显示此帮助屏幕 %n Directory Server Diagnosis%n%ndcdiag.exe /s:[:] [/u:\ /p:*||""] %n [/hqv] [/n:] [/f:] [/x:XMLLog.xml]%n [/skip:] [/test:]%n /h: Display this help screen
1541%n /s: 使用 作为主服务器。对只能在本地运行的 DcPromo 和%n RegisterInDns 测试忽略。%n /n: 使用 作为要测试的命名上下文%n 域可能以 Netbios、DNS 或 DN 的形式来指定。%n /u: 使用域\用户名凭据进行绑定。%n 还必须使用 /p 选项 %n /s: Use as Home Server. Ignored for DcPromo and%n RegisterInDns tests which can only be run locally.%n /n: Use as the Naming Context to test%n Domains may be specified in Netbios, DNS or DN form.%n /u: Use domain\username credentials for binding.%n Must also use the /p option
1542%n /p: 使用 作为密码。 还必须使用 /u 选项%n /a: 测试此站点中的所有服务器%n /e: 测试整个企业中的所有服务器。 改写 /a%n /q: 安静 - 仅打印错误消息%n /v: 详细 - 打印扩展信息%n /i: 忽略 - 忽略多余的错误消息。%n /c: 综合,运行所有测试,包括非默认测试但不包括%n DcPromo 和 RegisterInDNS。 可以和 /skip 一起使用%n /fix: 解决 - 进行安全修复。%n /f: 分别将所有输出重定向到文件 %n /x: 将 xml 输出重定向到 。当前仅使用 /test:dns 选项%n /xsl: 添加引用指定样式表的处理指令。仅使用 /test:dns /x: 选项 %n /p: Use as the password. Must also use the /u option%n /a: Test all the servers in this site%n /e: Test all the servers in the entire enterprise. Overrides /a%n /q: Quiet - Only print error messages%n /v: Verbose - Print extended information%n /i: ignore - ignores superfluous error messages.%n /c: Comprehensive, runs all tests, including non-default tests but excluding%n DcPromo and RegisterInDNS. Can use with /skip%n /fix: fix - Make safe repairs.%n /f: Redirect all output to a file seperately%n /x: Redirect xml output to . Currently works with /test:dns option only%n /xsl: Adds the processing instructions that references specified stylesheet. Works with /test:dns /x: option only
1543%n /fwttdll: 用于 wtt 日志记录的 dll 的用户指定路径。 默认路径为 WttLog.dll.%n /fwttdev: wtt 日志文件的用户指定路径。%n /wtt: 此外,使用 wtt 日志记录%n %n /fwttdll: User-specified path for dll for wtt logging. Defaults to WttLog.dll.%n /fwttdev: User-specified path for wtt log file. Defaults to exe name.%n /wtt: Additionally, use wtt logging%n
1544%n /test: - 仅测试此测试。 所需测试%n仍将运行。不要混入 /skip。%n %n /test: - Test only this test. Required tests will still%n be run. Do not mix with /skip.%n
1546%n /skip: - 跳过命名测试。 所需测试仍将%n运行。不要混入 /test。%n %n /skip: - Skip the named test. Required tests will still%n be run. Do not mix with /test.%n
1547%n%t除 DcPromo 和 RegisterInDNS 之外的所有测试都必须在已升级到目录服务器后在计算机%n%t上运行。%n%n%t注意: 如果加载了适当的字体和%n%t语言支持,则仅会正确地显示含有国际字符或%n%tUnicode 字符的文本(命名上下文、服务器名称等)%n %n%tAll tests except DcPromo and RegisterInDNS must be run on computers%n%tafter they have been promoted to directory server.%n%n%tNote: Text (Naming Context names, server names, etc) with International or%n%tUnicode characters will only display correctly if appropriate fonts and%n%tlanguage support are loaded%n
1549目录服务器诊断%n Directory Server Diagnosis%n
1550%nAAAA 记录、名称: %1、IP 地址: %2%n %nAAAA record, name: %1, IP address: %2%n
1558%nDNS 个测试正在运行,没有挂起。请稍候几分钟...%n %nDNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...%n
1559正在查找域 %1 的服务器...%n Finding server for domain %1...%n
1560错误: 无法找到该服务器。%n ERROR: Could not find the server.%n
1561域的服务器 = %1%n Server for domain = %1%n
1562正在尝试查找主服务器...%n Trying to find home server...%n
1563错误: 无法找到主服务器。%n ERROR: Could not find home server.%n
1564主服务器 = %1%n Home Server = %1%n
1565服务器 %1 是用于 %2 域的 PDC。假定它不具有到该域的安全通道。测试将被跳过。%n The server %1 is the PDC for the %2 domain. It is not supposed to have a secure channel to this domain. The test is skipped.%n
1568无法确定本地计算机上是启用 IP4 堆栈还是 IP6 堆栈。%n错误是 0x%1!x!“%2” Unable to determine whether IP4 or IP6 stacks are enabled on the local machine.%nError 0x%1!x! "%2"
1569本地服务器的所有适配器卡上均禁用了 IPV4 和 IPV6 通道。因此没有到该服务器的连接。%n Both IPV4 and IPV6 channels are disabled on all adapter cards of the local server. Hence no connectivity to the server.%n
1570无法打开到服务器 %1 的事件会话,错误是 0x%2!x!“%3”%n Event Session could not be opened to the server %1, error 0x%2!x! "%3"%n
1571无法查询服务器 %2 上的事件日志 %1,错误是 0x%3!x!“%4”%n The event log %1 on server %2 could not be queried, error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1572在服务器 %1 上为呈现日志 %2 中的事件创建呈现上下文失败,错误是 0x%3!x!“%4”%n A rendering context creation on server %1 for rendering events from log %2 failed, error 0x%3!x! "%4"%n
1573事件呈现失败,错误是 %1!d!“%2”%n Event rendering failed, error %1!d! "%2"%n
1574在事件中执行迭代失败,错误是 %1!d!“%2”%n Iterating through the events failed, error %1!d! "%2"%n
1575无效的服务类型: %2 上的 %1,当前值为 %3,要求的值为 %4%n Invalid service type: %1 on %2, current value %3, expected value %4%n
1576无效的服务启动类型: %2 上的 %1,当前值为 %3,要求的值为 %4%n Invalid service startup type: %1 on %2, current value %3, expected value %4%n
1577%1\%2 是未占用的 RODC 帐户。将跳过所有测试。%n %1\%2 is an unoccupied RODC account. All tests will be skipped.%n
1578%n 已知测试的列表:%n%n %n The list of known tests:%n%n
1579%t * 测试适用于 AD/LDS%n %t * Test is applicable to AD/LDS%n
1580%t * 无法跳过测试%n %t * Test cannot be skipped%n
1581%t * 默认情况下,不运行测试,即必须显式请求该测试%n %t * Test is not run by default, i.e. it must be requested explicitly%n
1582未找到此 DC 的主机记录(A 或 AAAA)%n No host records (A or AAAA) were found for this DC%n
1584DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 A 记录: Missing A record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1585DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 AAAA 记录: Missing AAAA record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1586DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 CNAME 记录: Missing CNAME record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1587DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 SRV 记录: Missing SRV record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1588DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 DC SRV 记录: Missing DC SRV record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1589DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 GC SRV 记录: Missing GC SRV record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1590DNS 服务器 %1!ws! 上缺少 PDC SRV 记录: Missing PDC SRV record at DNS server %1!ws!:
1592错误: Error:
1593检查 DC 是正在使用 FRS 还是 DFSR 时出错。错误: %1!ws!由于这个错误,VerifyReferences、FrsEvent 和 DfsrEvent 测试可能会失败。%n Got error while checking if the DC is using FRS or DFSR. Error: %1!ws!The VerifyReferences, FrsEvent and DfsrEvent tests might fail because of this error. %n
1594检查 LDAP 和 RPC 连接时出错。请检查防火墙设置。%n Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your firewall settings.%n
1595跳过该测试,因为服务器正在运行 FRS。%n Skip the test because the server is running FRS.%n
1596跳过该测试,因为服务器正在运行 DFSR。%n Skip the test because the server is running DFSR.%n
1597发生了一个警告事件。EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n
1598发生了一个错误事件。EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n An error event occurred. EventID: 0x%1!08X!%n
1599错误: 转发器列表中的所有转发器都无效。%n Error: All forwarders in the forwarder list are invalid.%n
10223错误: 所有 DNS 服务器均无效%n Error: all DNS servers are invalid%n
0x0操作成功。 The operation was successful.
0x1.%0 .%0
0x2----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
0x400007D0未使用 Unused
0x400007D1服务器: %1 SERVER: %1
0x400007D2该服务器列表为空。 The server list is empty.
0x400007D3在站点 %1 上进行站点间入站复制测试: Doing intersite inbound replication test on site %1:
0x400007D4定位并连接站点间拓扑生成器(ISTG) ... Locating & Contacting Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) ...
0x400007D5正在检查向下桥头 ... Checking for down bridgeheads ...
0x400007D6正在进行纵深站点分析 ... Doing in depth site analysis ...
0x400007D7站点 %1 的 ISTG 为 %2。 The ISTG for site %1 is: %2.
0x400007D8正在跳过站点 %1,该站点位于给定命令行参数提供的范围之外。 Skipping site %1, this site is outside the scope provided by the commandline arguments provided.
0x400007D9桥头 %1\\%2 向上,并且复制操作正常。 Bridghead %1\\%2 is up and replicating fine.
0x400007DA所有要求的站点和桥头都复制到站点 %1。 All expected sites and bridgeheads are replicating into site %1.
0x400007DB不应测试该站点,应立即释放。 This site should not have been tested, bailing out now.
0x400007DC正在检查位于远程站点 %2 上的可写 NC %1 Checking writeable NC: %1 on remote site %2
0x400007DD正在检查位于远程站点 %2 上的只读 NC %1 Checking read only NC: %1 on remote site %2
0x400007DE远程站点 %1 正在将可写 NC %3 正确复制到本地站点 %2。 Remote site %1 is replicating to the local site %2 the writeable NC %3 correctly.
0x400007DF远程站点 %1 正在将只读 NC %3 正确复制到本地站点 %2。 Remote site %1 is replicating to the local site %2 the read only NC %3 correctly.
0x400007E0ISTG (%1) 故障参数:%n 故障尝试次数: %2!d!%n 故障转移时间: %3!d! ISTG (%1) Failure Parameters:%n Failover Tries: %2!d!%n Failover Time: %3!d!
0x400007E1* 正在验证本地计算机 %1 是否为目录服务器。 * Verifying that the local machine %1, is a Directory Server.
0x400007E2该交叉参考(%1)已禁用。 This cross-ref (%1) is disabled.
0x400007E3对于该分区(%1),检索交叉参考的(%2)信息时遇到下列错误: For the partition (%1) we encountered the following error retrieving the cross-ref's (%2) information:
0x400007E4对于该分区(%1),检索交叉参考的信息时遇到下列错误: For the partition (%1) we encountered the following error retrieving the cross-ref's information:
0x400007E5系统对象参考(%1) %2 和 %3 上的反向链接正确。 The system object reference (%1) %2 and backlink on %3 are correct.
0x400007E6无法确定分区 %2 的交叉引用 %1 的存在时间,因此下列与该交叉引用/分区相关的错误可能在复制合并后消失。请确保能够从命名主机复制到该目录服务器,然后重试此测试,以查看问题是否继续出现。 Can't determine the age of the cross-ref %1 for the partition %2, so followingerrors relating to this cross-ref/partition may disappear after replication coalesces. Please ensure that replication is working from the Naming Masterto this Directory Server, and retry this test to see if errors continue.
0x400007E7* 该文件复制服务 SYSVOL 已准备好测试 * The File Replication Service SYSVOL ready test
0x400007E8* 文件复制服务事件日志测试 * The File Replication Service Event log test
0x400007E9文件复制服务的 SYSVOL 已就绪 File Replication Service's SYSVOL is ready
0x400007EA* 站点复制延迟检查 * Replication Site Latency Check
0x80000FA1* 警告: 当前 ISTG 失败,ISTG 角色应在 %2!d! 分钟后被 %1 占用。 * Warning: Current ISTG failed, ISTG role should be taken by %1 in %2!d! minutes.
0x80000FA2* 警告: 当前 ISTG 失败,ISTG 角色应在 %2!d! 个小时 %3!d! 分钟后被 %1 占用。 * Warning: Current ISTG failed, ISTG role should be taken by %1 in %2!d! hours and %3!d! minutes.
0x80000FA3dcdiag 也无法联系远程桥头 %1\\%2。请检查此服务器。 Remote bridgehead %1\\%2 also couldn't be contacted by dcdiag. Check thisserver.
0x80000FA4*警告: 远程桥头 %1\\%2 没有资格成为桥头,原因是出现了太多次失败。 复制可能会被分解到本地站点 %3 中。 *Warning: Remote bridgehead %1\\%2 is not eligible as a bridgehead due to toomany failures. Replication may be disrupted into the local site %3.
0x80000FA5*警告: 远程桥头 %1\\%2 的某些复制同步失败。 在将该桥头视为不合格桥头之前,它还有 %3!d! 次失败复制尝试。 *Warning: Remote bridgehead %1\\%2 has some replication syncs failing. It willbe %3!d! failed replication attempts before the bridgehead is considered ineligible to be a bridgehead.
0x80000FA6*警告: 远程桥头 %1\\%2 的某些复制同步失败。在将该桥头视为不合格桥头之前,它还有 %3!d! 小时 %4!d! 分钟。 *Warning: Remote bridgehead %1\\%2 has some replication syncs failing. It will be %3!d! hours %4!d! minutes before the bridgehead is considered ineligible tobe a bridgehead.
0x80000FA7*警告: 远程桥头 %1\\%2 的某些复制同步失败。在将该桥头视为不合格桥头之前,它还有 %3!d! 小时 %4!d! 分钟以及 %5!d! 次失败复制尝试。 *Warning: Remote bridgehead %1\\%2 has some replication syncs failing. It willbe %3!d! hours %4!d! minutes and %5!d! failed replication attempts before the bridgehead is considered ineligible to be a bridgehead.
0x80000FA8***警告: 远程站点 %1 只包含 dcdiag 认为可疑的服务器。可能马上就会中断将读写 NC %3从站点 %1 复制到本地站点 %2 的过程。 ***Warning: The remote site %1, has only servers that dcdiag considers suspect.Replication from the site %1 into the local site %2 for the read write NC %3may be disrupted right now.
0x80000FA9***警告: 远程站点 %1 只包含 dcdiag 认为可疑的服务器。可能马上就会中断将只读 NC %3 从站点 %1 复制到本地站点 %2 的过程。 ***Warning: The remote site %1, has only servers that dcdiag considers suspect.Replication from the site %1 into the local site %2 for the read only NC %3 may bedisrupted right now.
0x80000FAA*警告: ISTG 时间戳在 %2 上早了 %1!d! 分钟。正在查找新的 ISTG。 *Warning: ISTG time stamp is %1!d! minutes old on %2. Looking for a new ISTG.
0x80000FAB*警告: 无法找到下一个 ISTG 或站点 %1。正在将上次已知的 ISTG %2 用作 ISTG。 *Warning: Could not locate the next ISTG or site %1. Using the last known ISTG %2 as the ISTG.
0x80000FAC*警告: 当前 ISTG (%1)不可用。 正在查找新的 ISTG。 *Warning: Currest ISTG (%1) is down. Looking for a new ISTG.
0x80000FAD*警告: 当前的 ISTG (%1)已被移出此站点(%2)。正在查找新的 ISTG。 *Warning: Current ISTG (%1) has been moved out of this site (%2).Looking for a new ISTG.
0x80000FAE*警告: 无法为站点 %1 授权确定下一个 ISTG。DC应在 %2!d! 分钟后尝试转移 ISTG 故障。 *Warning: The next ISTG could not be authoratively determined for site %1. A DCshould make an ISTG failover attempt in %2!d! minutes.
0x80000FAF无法按 DNS 解析服务器名称(%1)或 GUID DNS 名称(%2)。请检查该服务器是否正在运行,以及是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Neither the the server name (%1) nor the Guid DNS name (%2)could be resolved by DNS. Check that the server is up andis registered correctly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB0尽管已将 GUID DNS 名称(%1)解析到 IP 地址(%2),但无法按 DNS 解析服务器名称(%3)。请检查该 IP 地址是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Although the Guid DNS name (%1) resolved to the IP address (%2), the server name (%3) could not be resolved by DNS. Check that the IP addressis registered correctly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB1尽管无法解析 GUID DNS 名称(%1),但可以将该服务器名称(%2)解析到 IP 地址(%3),并且该地址是可 Ping 的。请检查该 IP 地址是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Although the Guid DNS name (%1) couldn't be resolved, the server name (%2)resolved to the IP address (%3) and was pingable. Check that the IP addressis registered correctly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB2尽管已将 GUID DNS 名称(%1)解析到 IP 地址(%2),且该地址是不可 Ping 的,但可以将服务器名称(%3)解析到 IP 地址(%4)且该地址是可 Ping 的。请检查该 IP 地址是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Although the Guid DNS name (%1) resolved to the IP address (%2), whichcould not be pinged, the server name (%3) resolved to the IP address (%4)and could be pinged. Check that the IP address is registeredcorrectly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB3尽管无法解析 GUID DNS 名称(%1),但可以将服务器名称(%2)解析到 IP 地址(%3),不过该地址是不可 Ping 的。请检查该 IP地址是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Although the Guid DNS name (%1) could not be resolved, the server name (%2)resolved to the IP address (%3) but was not pingable. Check that the IPaddress is registered correctly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB4尽管已将 GUID DNS 名称(%1)解析到 IP 地址(%2),服务器名称(%3)解析到 IP 地址(%4),但这两个地址都是不可 Ping 的。请检查该 IP 地址是否已正确注册到 DNS 服务器。 Although the Guid DNS name (%1) resolved to the IP address (%2), the servername (%3) resolved to the IP address (%4) and neither could be pinged. Checkthat the IP address is registered correctly with the DNS server.
0x80000FB5%1 上的目录服务尚未完成初始化。%n为了让目录服务自己认为已同步化,它必须尝试至少使用此服务器可写域的一个副本来进行初始同步。它还必须从 RIDFSMO 持有者获取 RID 信息。%n该目录服务尚未向事件发出信号,该事件会告诉其他服务它已做好接受请求的准备。密钥分发中心、站点间消息服务以及 NetLogon 等服务将认为此系统是不合格的域控制器。 The directory service on %1 has not finished initializing.%nIn order for the directory service to consider itself synchronized,it must attempt an initial synchronization with at least one replica of thisserver's writeable domain. It must also obtain Rid information from the RidFSMO holder.%nThe directory service has not signalled the event which lets other services knowthat it is ready to accept requests. Services such as the Key Distribution Center,Intersite Messaging Service, and NetLogon will not consider this system as aneligible domain controller.
0x80000FB6无法找到域 DN %1 的“RID 管理器引用”。没有 RID 管理器则表明安全帐户管理器尚不能获取此计算机的 RID 池。在在系统能够获取 RID 池之前,目录不会允许 Netlogon 播发此计算机。请验证此系统是否可以与企业的其他成员之间进行复制。与 RID FSMO 所有者之间进行的复制失败会阻止系统获取RID 池。 The \"RID manager reference\" could not be found for domain DN %1.The lack of a RID manager reference indicates that the Security Accounts Managerhas not been able to obtain a pool of RIDs for this machine.The Directory will not allow Netlogon to advertise this machine until thesystem has been able to obtain a RID pool.Please verify that this system can replicate with other members of the enterprise.Failure to replicate with the RID FSMO owner can prevent a system from obtaininga RID Pool.
0x80000FB7警告: 域 DN %1 的“RID 管理器引用”是指已删除的对象。如果最近对该计算机进行了降级和升级,且系统尚未获取新的 RID 池,则会出现这种情况。 Warning: The \"RID manager reference\" for domain DN %1 refers to a deleted object.This can occur if the machine has been recently demoted and promoted, and thesystem has not yet obtained a new RID pool.
0x80000FB8主服务器 %1 和目标服务器 %2 之间的时钟差异超过了一分钟。这可能会造成 Kerberos 身份验证失败。请检查时间服务是否工作正常。你可能需要重新同步这些服务器之间的时间。 The clock difference between the home server %1 and target server %2is greater than one minute.This may cause Kerberos authentication failures.Please check that the time service is working properly. You may need toresynchonize the time between these servers.
0x80000FB9警告: 无法验证此服务器是否具有任何 SMTP 副本链接,因此不会检查 SMTP 复制所需要的服务。 Warning: Could not verify whether this server has any SMTP replica links and thereforewill not check for services required for SMTP replication.
0x80000FBA此 NC (%1) 应复制到此服务器,但尚未复制。这可能是因为此处尚未复制副本集更改。如果此问题仍然存在,请检查此服务器上的配置分区的复制。 This NC (%1) is supposed to be replicated to this server, but has not been replicated yet.This could be because the replica set changes haven't replicated here yet. If this problempersists, check replication of the Configuration Partition to this server.
0x80000FBB跳过了站点 %1,原因是其元数据的返回格式无法辨认。 Site %1 was skipped because its metadata was returned in an unrecognized format.
0x80000FBC跳过了站点 %1,原因是它从未运行过 ISTG。 Site %1 was skipped because it never had an ISTG running in it.
0x80000FBD跳过了站点 %1,原因是它不包含任何服务器。 Site %1 was skipped because it has no servers in it.
0x80000FBE跳过了站点 %1,原因是它关闭了 ISTG。 Site %1 was skipped because it has the ISTG turned off.
0x80000FBF基于 GUID 的 DNS 名称已解析到多个 IP (%1),但并不是所有 IP 都是可 Ping 的。如果选择了不可 Ping 的 IP,复制和其他操作可能会失败。第一个可 Ping 的 IP 为 %2。 The GUID based DNS Name resolved to several IPs (%1), but not all were pingable.Replication and other operations may fail if a non-pingable IP is chosen.The first pingable IP is %2.
0xC00007EB* 已识别的 AD LDS 配置集。 * Identified AD LDS Configuration Set.
0xC00007EC* 已识别的 AD 林。 * Identified AD Forest.
0xC0001770无效语法: 无效选项 %1。使用 dcdiag.exe /h 可查找帮助。 Invalid Syntax: Invalid option %1. Use dcdiag.exe /h for help.
0xC0001771语法错误: 必须使用 /f: Syntax Error: must use /f:
0xC0001772无法打开 %1 进行写入。 Could not open %1 for writing.
0xC0001773语法错误: 必须使用 /ferr: Syntax Error: must use /ferr:
0xC0001774语法错误: 必须使用 /x: Syntax Error: must use /x:
0xC0001775语法错误: 必须使用 /xsl: Syntax Error: must use /xsl:
0xC0001776无法指定多个命名上下文。 Cannot specify more than one naming context.
0xC0001777语法错误: 必须使用 /n: Syntax Error: must use /n:
0xC0001778无法指定多个服务器。 Cannot specify more than one server.
0xC0001779语法错误: 必须使用 /s: Syntax Error: must use /s:
0xC000177A语法错误: 必须使用 /skip: Syntax Error: must use /skip:
0xC000177B语法错误: 必须使用 /test: Syntax Error: must use /test:
0xC000177C未找到测试。请重新输入有效的测试名称。 Test not found. Please re-enter a valid test name.
0xC000177D无法将 DC 测试和非 DC 测试混合。 Cannot mix DC and non-DC tests.
0xC000177E语法错误: 测试名称必须后跟 DNS 域名和操作,例如:/test:DcPromo /DnsDomain:domain.company.com /如果 =NewTree,则还需要 ForestRoot 参数: /ForestRoot:请参阅帮助屏幕(/?)以了解详细信息。 Syntax Error: the test name must be followed by a DNS domain name and theoperation, e.g.:/test:DcPromo /DnsDomain:domain.company.com /If =NewTree, then the ForestRoot argument is alsorequired: /ForestRoot:See the help screen (/?) for more information.
0xC000177F语法错误: 必须使用 %1 Syntax Error: must use %1
0xC0001780***错误: %1 不是目录服务器。必须指定 /s: 或 /n: 或不指定任何内容,才能使用本地计算机。 ***Error: %1 is not a Directory Server. Must specify /s: or /n: or nothing to use the local machine.
0xC0001781错误: 不要忽略默认情况下没有运行的测试。%n将 dcdiag /? 用于这些测试。 Error: Do not omit tests that are not run by default.%nUse dcdiag /? for those tests.
0xC0001782*** 错误: 主服务器 %1 没有与 %2 同步,因此无法处理。建议你运行:%ndcdiag /s:%2 *** ERROR: The home server %1 is not in sync with %2, unable to proceed.Suggest you run:%ndcdiag /s:%2
0xC0001783***错误: DS 中存在不一致情况,建议你稍后运行 dcdiag,它可能在不同的 DC 上运行。 ***ERROR: There is an inconsistency in the DS, suggest you run dcdiagin a few moments, perhaps on a different DC.
0xC0001784错误: 发生了严重错误: %1。 Error: A fatal error occured: %1.
0xC0001785错误: 试图打印出为 NULL 的服务器列表。是否为内存不足错误? Error: Tried to print out a server list that was NULL. Error out of mem?
0xC0001786错误: 与主服务器 %1 进行连接失败,错误: 0x%2!x!“%3”%n无法继续执行入站站点间复制测试。 Error: Failure connecting to home server %1, error: 0x%2!x! \"%3\"%nInbound intersite replication test cannot proceed.
0xC0001787***错误: 无法联系站点 %1 的 ISTG,必须终止入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Can't contact the ISTG for site %1, must abort inbound intersitereplication test.
0xC0001788***错误: 在服务器 %1 上,DsReplicaGetInfo() 失败,错误: 0x%2!x!“%3”%n无法继续执行入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: On server %1, DsReplicaGetInfo() failed, error: 0x%2!x! \"%3\"%nInbound intersite replication test cannot proceed.
0xC0001789***错误: 已检测到的循环试图找到 ISTG。必须放弃此站点 %1 的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Detected circular loop trying to locate the ISTG. Must abandoninbound intersite replication test for this site %1.
0xC000178A***错误: 无法找到 ISTG 或以后的 ISTG,与之一起用于余下的站点间测试。必须放弃此站点 %1 的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Could not locate an ISTG or a future ISTG, with which to use for therest of the intersite test. Must abandon inbound intersite replication testfor this site %1.
0xC000178B***错误: 无法从 %1 检索站点 %2 的元数据,错误是 0x%3!x! %4%n必须放弃此站点的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Couldn't retreive the meta data from %1 for site %2, error 0x%3!x! %4%nMust abandon inbound intersite replication test for this site.
0xC000178C***错误: 无法找到可占用站点 %1 中 ISTG 角色的服务器。必须放弃此站点的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Could find no servers that can take the ISTG role in site %1. Mustaboandon inbound intersite replication test for this site.
0xC000178D***错误: 当前的 ISTG 在站点 %1 中不可用,另外的 dcdiag 无法联系此站点中任何可占用该 ISTG 角色的其他服务器。请确保至少打开了一个 DC。必须放弃此站点的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: The current ISTG is down in site %1 and further dcdiag could notcontact any other servers in the site that could take the ISTG role. Ensurethere is at least one up DC. Must abandon inbound intersite replication testfor this site.
0xC000178E***错误: 远程站点 %1 没有任何可在%1 与本地站点 %2 之间为可写 NC %3 充当桥头的服务器。在解决此问题之前,复制将停止。 ***Error: The remote site %1, has no servers that can act as bridgeheads betweenthe %1 and the local site %2 for the writeable NC %3. Replication will not continueuntil this is resolved.
0xC000178F***错误: 远程站点 %1 没有可在%1 与本地站点 %2 之间为只读 NC %3 充当桥头的服务器。在解决此问题之前,复制将停止。 ***Error: The remote site %1, has no servers that can act as bridgeheads betweenthe %1 and the local site %2 for the read only NC %3. Replication will not continueuntil this is resolved.
0xC0001790***错误: 服务器 %1 的计算机帐户缺失。试图使用 /repairmachineaccount 选项运行。 ***Error: The server %1 is missing its machine account. Try running with the /repairmachineaccount option.
0xC0001791正在试图修复 %1 的计算机帐户。 Attempting to repair %1's machine account.
0xC0001792***错误: 必须在 %1 上本地运行对所缺失计算机帐户的修复。 ***Error: Repair of missing machine account must be run locally on %1.
0xC0001793找到的目录服务器 %1 有助于修复我们的帐户。 Found Directory Server %1 to help repair our account.
0xC0001794***错误: 无法找到另一个域控制器来帮助修复我们的帐户。 ***Error: Unable to find another Domain Controller to help repair our account.
0xC0001795在 %2 上创建了计算机帐户 %1。 The machine account %1 was created on %2.
0xC0001796计算机帐户 %1 在 %2 上已存在。这可能是因为尚未将先前计算机帐户复制到 %2。如果是这种情况,则可能需要在各处传播该删除后,重新运行此工具。如果以下降级失败,则会出现这种情况。 The machine account %1 already existed on %2. This maybe the previous machineaccount whose deletion has not yet replicated to %2. If this is the case, you may need to run this tool again once the deletion has been propogated everywhere.You will know this is the case if the following demotion fails.
0xC0001797***错误: 无法在 %2 上创建计算机帐户 %1,原因是 %3。 ***Error: The machine account %1 could not be created on %2 because %3.
0xC0001798***错误: 无法在 %2 上重置计算机帐户 %1 的密码,原因是 %3。请在 %2 上重置该帐户。 ***Error: The machine account %1 password could not be reset on %2 because %3. Please reset the account on %2.
0xC0001799已成功停止了密钥分发中心。 The Key Distribution Center has been stopped successfully.
0xC000179A***错误: 无法停止密钥分发中心,原因是 %1。 ***Error: The Key Distribution Center could not be stopped because %1.
0xC000179B从 %1 复制成功。 The replication from %1 succeeded.
0xC000179C***错误: 从 %1 复制失败,原因是 %2。 ***Error: The replication from %1 failed because %2.
0xC000179D已成功还原了此域控制器的计算机帐户。请对此计算机降级和升级以确保正确重建了所有状态。 This Domain Controller's machine account has been successfully restored. Pleasedemote and promote this machine to ensure all state is correctly rebuilt.
0xC000179E***错误: 尝试修复计算机帐户失败,原因是 %1。 ***Error: The attempt to repair the machine account failed because %1.
0xC000179F***错误: 没有足够的内存继续,dcdiag 必须终止。 ***Error: There is not enough memory to continue, dcdiag must abort.
0xC00017A0***错误: 试图获得本地计算机名失败,错误是: %1 ***Error: Trying to get the local computer name failed with following error: %1
0xC00017A1***错误: 该计算机无法附加到 DC,原因是凭据不正确。请检查你的凭据或使用以下命令来指定凭据 /u:\\ & /p:[|*|\"\"] ***Error: The machine could not attach to the DC because the credentials wereincorrect. Check your credentials or specify credentials with /u:\\ & /p:[|*|\"\"]
0xC00017A2***错误: 无法联系计算机 %1,原因是出现了错误的网络响应。请检查以确保此计算机为目录服务器。 ***Error: The machine, %1 could not be contacted, because of a bad net response. Check to make sure that this machine is a Directory Server.
0xC00017A3***错误: DNS 域名 %1太长。有效的 Windows DNS 域名最多可包含 %2!d! 个 UTF-8 字节。 ***Error: The DNS domain name, %1, is too long. A valid Windows DNS domain name can contain a maximum of %2!d! UTF-8 bytes.
0xC00017A4***错误: 域名 %1 的语法不正确。DNS 名称可以包括字母(a-z, A-Z)、数字(0-9)和连字符,但不能包含空格。句点(.)用来分隔域。每个域标识最长不能超过 %2!d! 个字节。不能每一个标识都是数字。示例: domain-1.microsoft.com。 ***Error: The syntax of the domain name, %1,is incorrect.DNS names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens, but no spaces. Periods (.) are used to separate domains. Each domain label can be no longer than %2!d! bytes. You may not have every label be a number.Example: domain-1.microsoft.com.
0xC00017A5尽管符合 Microsoft 的规格,但名称“%1”不符合 Internet 域名服务规格。 The name '%1' does not conform to Internet Domain Name Service specifications, although it conforms to Microsoft specifications.
0xC00017A6DcPromo 和 RegisterInDNS 测试只能在本地运行,因此 /s 服务器参数无效。 The DcPromo and RegisterInDNS tests can only be run locally, so the /s serverparameter is invalid.
0xC00017A7DNS 配置足以用来将此计算机升级为%1 域中的副本域控制器。 The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this computer to be promoted as areplica domain controller in the %1 domain.
0xC00017A8无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的域控制器,原因是无法解析下列 DNS 名称(A 记录):%2请询问网络/DNS 管理员以向这些计算机的 DNS 添加 A 记录。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1 domain becausethe following DNS names (A record) could not be resolved:%2Ask your network/DNS administrator to add the A records to DNS for thesecomputer.
0xC00017A9无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的域控制器。这是因为用于 DNS 名称解析的 DNS 服务器不符合 Internet 标准。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以升级该 DNS 服务器或配置此计算机将不同的 DNS 服务器用于名称解析。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1domain. This is because the DNS server used for DNS name resolution is notcompliant with Internet standards. Ask your network/DNS administrator toupgrade the DNS server or configure this computer to use adifferent DNS server for name resolution.
0xC00017AA无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的域控制器,可能是因为: This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1domain either because:
0xC00017AB1. _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 名称的 SRV 记录的名称解析中涉及的一个或多个 DNS 服务器没有响应或包含不正确的DNS 区域的委派;或者 1. One or more DNS servers involved in the name resolution of the SRV recordfor the _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 name are not responding or contain incorrectdelegation of the DNS zones; or
0xC00017AC2. 配置此计算机所用的 DNS 服务器包含不正确的根提示。 2. The DNS server that this computer is configured with contains incorrect roothints.
0xC00017AD这些 DNS 服务器的列表可能包括与其配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器: _msdcs.%1、%2 和根区域。 The list of such DNS servers may include the DNS servers with which thiscomputer is configured for name resolution and the DNS servers authoritativefor the following zones: _msdcs.%1, %2 and the root zone.
0xC00017AE无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的域控制器。这是因为在 DNS 中没有注册 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1的 DNS SRV 记录,或是因为以下 DNS 区域的列表中的某区域不包括到其子区域的委派: %2 和根区域。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以执行以下操作: 若要查明DNS 中没有注册 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 的 SRV 记录的原因,请在未执行注册的域控制器上使用命令 RegisterInDNS 来运行 dcdiag 命令提示符工具。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1 domain.This is because either the DNS SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1is not registered in DNS, or some zone from the following list of DNS zones doesn'tinclude delegation to its child zone: %2 and the root zone.Ask your network/DNS administrator to perform the following actions: To findout why the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 is not registered in DNS,run the dcdiag command prompt tool with the command RegisterInDNS on thedomain controller that did not perform the registration.
0xC00017AF无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的域控制器。这是因为某些 DNS 服务器的配置是为了拒绝来自此计算机或另一个试图进行名称解析的 DNS 服务器的查询。配置用来拒绝查询的 DNS 服务器可以包括与其配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器: _msdcs.%1、%2 和根提示。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1domain. This is because some of the DNS servers are configured torefuse queries from this computer or another DNS server that attempted a nameresolution. The list of DNS servers configured to refuse queries can includethe DNS servers with which this computer is configured for name resolution andthe DNS servers authoritative for the following zones: _msdcs.%1, %2 and theroot zone.
0xC00017B0无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的域控制器,原因是_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 的 SRV DNS 记录不存在。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以执行以下操作: 若要查明 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 的 SRV 记录没有在 DNS 中注册的原因,请在未执行注册的域控制器上使用命令 RegisterInDNS 来运行 dcdiag 命令提示符工具。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1 domain becausethe SRV DNS records for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 are missing.Ask your network/DNS administrator to perform the following actions: To findout why the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 is not registered in DNS,run the dcdiag command prompt tool with the command RegisterInDNS on thedomain controller that did not perform the registration.
0xC00017B1无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的域控制器,原因是 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 的 SRV DNS 记录不存在。 This computer cannot be promoted as a domain controller of the %1 domainbecause the SRV DNS records for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 are missing.
0xC00017B2请验证是否使用要用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器的正确 IP 地址配置了此计算机的网络连接。 Verify that the network connections of this computer are configuredwith the correct IP addresses of the DNS servers to be used for name resolution.
0xC00017B3Dcdiag 无法得出总结性结论,原因是它无法解释以下返回的消息: %1!d!。 Dcdiag cannot reach a conclusive result because it cannot interpret the followingmessage that was returned: %1!d!.
0xC00017B4DNS 配置足以用来将此计算机升级为%1 Active Directory 域中的第一个 DC。 The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this computer to be promoted as thefirst DC in the %1 Active Directory domain.
0xC00017B5无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的第一个域控制器,原因是无法解析以下 DNS 名称(A 记录): %2。请与 DNS/网络管理员联系,将此计算机的 A 记录添加到 DNS。 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1 domainbecause the following DNS names (A record) could not be resolved: %2.Contact your DNS/network administrator to add the A records for thiscomputer to DNS.
0xC00017B6无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的第一个域控制器。这是因为用于 DNS 名称解析的 DNS 服务器不符合 Internet 标准。请询问网络/DNS管理员以升级 DNS 服务器或配置此计算机将不同的 DNS 服务器用于名称解析。 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1domain. This is because the DNS server used for DNS name resolutionis not compliant with Internet standards. Ask your network/DNSadministrator to upgrade the DNS server or configure this computer to use adifferent DNS server for name resolution.
0xC00017B7无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的第一个域控制器,可能是因为: This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1domain, either because:
0xC00017BA这些 DNS 服务器的列表可能包括与其配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器: _msdcs.%1、%1、%2 和根区域。 The list of such DNS servers might include the DNS servers with which thiscomputer is configured for name resolution and the DNS servers authoritativefor the following zones: _msdcs.%1, %1, %2 and root zone.
0xC00017BB无法将此计算机升级为名为 %1 的域的第一个域控制器。这是因为 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 DNS SRV 记录在 DNS 中没有注册,或是因为以下 DNS 区域列表中的某个区域不包括到其子区域的委派: %3 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the domainnamed %1. This is because either the DNS SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2is not registered in DNS, or some zone from the following list of DNS zones doesnot include delegation to its child zone: %3
0xC00017BC请询问网络/DNS 管理员以执行以下操作: 若要查明_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 的 SRV 记录在 DNS 中没有注册的原因,请在未执行注册的域控制器上使用命令 RegisterInDNS 来运行 dcdiag 命令提示符工具。 Ask your network/DNS administrator to perform the following actions: To findout why the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%1 is not registered in DNS,run the dcdiag command prompt tool with the command RegisterInDNS on thedomain controller that did not perform the registration.
0xC00017BD无法将此计算机升级为 %1域的第一个域控制器,原因是某些 DNS 服务器的配置是为了拒绝来自此计算机或另一个试图进行名称解析的 DNS 服务器的查询。配置用来拒绝查询的DNS 服务器列表可以包括与其配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及负责以下区域的 DNS 服务器: _msdcs.%2、%3 和根区域。 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1domain because some of the DNS servers are configured to refuse queries fromthis computer or another DNS server that attempted a name resolution. Thelist of DNS servers configured to refuse queries can include the DNS serverswith which this computer is configured for name resolution and the DNS serversresponsible for the following: _msdcs.%2, %3 and the root zone.
0xC00017BE无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的第一个域控制器,原因是 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 SRV DNS 记录在 DNS 中不存在。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以执行以下操作: 若要查明_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 SRV 记录在 DNS 中没有注册的原因,请在未执行该注册的域控制器上使用命令 RegisterInDNS 来运行 dcdiag 命令提示符工具。 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1 domainbecause the SRV DNS records for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 do not exist in DNS.Ask your network/DNS administrator to perform the following actions: To findout why the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 is not registered in DNS,run the dcdiag command prompt tool with the command RegisterInDNS on thedomain controller that did not perform the registration.
0xC00017C0无法将此计算机升级为 %1 ActiveDirectory 域的第一个域控制器,原因是 %2名称的 DNS 名称(A 记录)解析失败。请与 DNS/网络管理员联系,将此计算机的 A 记录添加到 DNS。 This computer cannot be promoted as the first domain controller of the %1 ActiveDirectory Domain due to failure of the DNS name (A record) resolution for the %2name(s). Contact your DNS/network administrator to add the A records for thiscomputer to DNS.
0xC00017C1无法将此计算机升级为名为 %1 的域的第一个域控制器。这是因为用于 DNS 名称解析的 DNS 服务器不符合 Internet 标准。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以升级 DNS 服务器或配置此计算机将不同的 DNS 服务器用于名称解析。 This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the domainnamed %1. This is because the DNS server used for DNS name resolution is notcompliant with Internet standards. Ask your network/DNS administrator toupgrade the DNS server or configure this computer to use adifferent DNS server for the name resolution.
0xC00017C2无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的第一个域控制器,可能是因为: This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the %1 domain,either because:
0xC00017C5此类 DNS 服务器的列表可能包括配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器:_msdcs.%1、%2 和根区域。 The list of such DNS servers might include the DNS servers this computer isconfigured to use for name resolution and the DNS servers authoritative forthe following zones:_msdcs.%1, %2 and the root zone.
0xC00017C6无法将此计算机升级为名为 %1 的域的第一个域控制器。这是因为在 DNS 中没有注册 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 DNS SRV 记录,或是因为下列 DNS 区域列表中的某区域不包括到其子区域的委派。这些区域列表可能包括以下区域: This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the domainnamed %1. This is because either the DNS SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2is not registered in DNS, or some zone from the following list of DNS zonesdoes not include delegation to its child zone. The list of such zones mightinclude the following:
0xC00017C7%1 和根区域。 %1 and the root zone.
0xC00017C9无法将此计算机升级为名为 %1 的域的第一个域控制器。这是因为某些 DNS 服务器的配置是为了拒绝来自此计算机或另一个试图进行名称解析的 DSN 服务器的查询。配置用来拒绝查询的 DNS 服务器列表可能包括配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及负责主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器: This computer cannot be promoted as a first domain controller of the domainnamed %1. This is because some of the DNS servers are configured to refusequeries from this computer or another DNS server that attempted a nameresolution. The list of DNS servers configured to refuse queries mightinclude the DNS servers that this computer is configured to use for nameresolution and the DNS servers responsible authoritative for the followingzones:
0xC00017CA_msdcs.%1、%2 和根区域。 _msdcs.%1, %2 and the root zone.
0xC00017CB请与网络/DNS 管理员联系以解决此问题。 Contact your network/DNS administrator to fix this problem.
0xC00017CC无法将此计算机升级为 %1 域的第一个域控制器,原因是 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 SRV DNS 记录在 DNS 中不存在。请询问网络/DNS 管理员以执行以下操作: 若要查明_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 的 SRV 记录在 DNS 中没有注册的原因,请在未执行该注册的域控制器上使用命令 RegisterInDNS 来运行 dcdiag 命令提示符工具。 This computer cannot be promoted as the first domain controller of the %1 domainbecause the SRV DNS records for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 do not exist in DNS.Ask your network/DNS administrator to perform the following actions: To findout why the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.%2 is not registered in DNS,run the dcdiag command prompt tool with the command RegisterInDNS on thedomain controller that did not perform the registration.
0xC00017CD下面记录的消息指示此域控制器是否能够通过网络上的其他设备动态注册此DC 位置所必需的 DNS 记录。如果检测到任何不正确的配置,它可能会阻止某些记录的动态 DNS 注册,但不会阻止成功完成 Active Directory 域服务安装向导。但是,如果不准备手动升级 DNS 数据库,则建议现在解决所报告的问题。 Messages logged below this line indicate whether this domain controller willbe able to dynamically register DNS records required for the location of thisDC by other devices on the network. If any misconfiguration is detected, itmight prevent dynamic DNS registration of some records, but does not preventsuccessful completion of the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard. However,we recommend fixing the reported problems now, unless you plan to manuallyupdate the DNS database.
0xC00017CE未找到与首选 DNS 服务器配置的网络连接。在与首选 DNS 服务器配置适当的网络连接之前,无法升级此计算机。通过使用 DHCP,可以手动或自动地完成配置。 No network connections were found to be configured with a preferred DNS server.This computer cannot be promoted unless the appropriate network connection isconfigured with a preferred DNS server. This configuration can be done manuallyor automatically by using DHCP.
0xC00017CF如果 IP 设置通过使用 DHCP 自动分配给了计算机,则请与网络/DNS 管理员联系。管理员应配置DHCP 服务器与用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器设置 DHCP 客户端。若要检查是否自动配置了网络连接,请依次单击「开始」、“控制面板”、“网络连接”(在分类视图中,需要在选择“网络连接”之前选择“网络和 Internet 连接”),右键单击要配置的连接,单击“属性”,选择“Internet 协议(TCP/IP)”,再单击“属性”。 If the IP settings are assigned to your computer automatically by using DHCP,contact your network/DNS administrator. The administrator should configure theDHCP server to set up the DHCP clients with the DNS servers used for name resolution. To check whether a network connection is automatically configured, click Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, ( in category view you need to select Network and Internet Connections before you can choose Network connections) Right-click the connection to be configured, click Properties, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
0xC00017D0你还可以与要用于 DNS 名称解析的首选 DNS 服务器配置网络连接。为此,单击“开始”,指向“设置”,再单击“网络和拨号连接”。右键单击要配置的连接,依次单击“属性”、“Internet 协议(TCP/IP)”和“属性”。选择“使用以下 DNS 服务器地址”,然后键入首选 DNS 服务器的 IP 地址。 You can also configure the network connections with the preferred DNS serverto be used for DNS name resolution. To do so, click Start, point to Settings,and then click Network and Dial-up connections. Right-click the connection tobe configured, click Properties, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and thenclick Properties. Select Use the following DNS server addresses, and thentype the IP address of the preferred DNS server.
0xC00017D1使用与Active Directory 域的 DNS 名称不同的主 DNS 后缀配置此计算机。如果需要此配置,则忽略此消息。将该计算机升级到域控制器后,你不能再修改主 DNS 后缀。若在升级前进行修改,请右键单击“我的电脑”,再依次单击“属性”、“网络识别”选项卡、“属性”和“更多”,然后更新主 DNS 后缀。 This computer is configured with a primary DNS suffix different from theDNS name of the Active Directory domain. If this configuration is desired,disregard this message. After the computer is promoted to domain controller,you cannot modify the primary DNS suffix. To modify it before the promotion,right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Network Identificationtab, click Properties, click More, and then update the primary DNS suffix.
0xC00017D2注册打开操作时失败,错误是 %1!d!。 The registry open operation failed with error %1!d!.
0xC00017D3注册读取操作时失败,错误是 %1!d!。 The registry read operation failed with error %1!d!.
0xC00017D4此域控制器将无法动态注册域控制器定位程序所必需的 DNS记录。请通过对 HKLM/System/CCS/Services/Tcpip/Parametersregkey 将DisableDynamicUpdate 设置为 0x0,在此计算机上启用所有 DNS 记录的动态 DNS 注册,或通过在 HKLM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters regkey 下将 REG_DWORD 值 DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters设置为 0x1,允许域控制器特定记录的注册,或在重新启动文件 %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\
etlogon.dns 后使用指定记录来手动更新 DNS。
This domain controller will not be able to dynamically register the DNSrecords necessary for the domain controller Locator. Please either enabledynamic DNS registration of all DNS records on this computer by settingDisableDynamicUpdate to 0x0 to the HKLM/System/CCS/Services/Tcpip/Parametersregkey, or allow registration of the domain controller specific records bysetting to REG_DWORD value DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters to 0x1 under theHKLM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters regkey or manually update the DNS withthe records specified after the reboot in the file%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\
0xC00017D5此域控制器将无法动态注册域控制器定位程序所必需的 DNS记录。请通过选中复选框“在 DNS 中注册此连接”(可通过转到「开始」 - “设置” - “网络和拨号连接” - 右键单击要配置的连接 - “属性” - “高级” - “DNS”选项卡找到此复选框)在此计算机上启用所有 DNS 记录的动态 DNS 注册,或通过在 HKLM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters Regkey 下将 REG_DWORD值 DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters 设置为 0x1,允许域控制器特定记录的注册,或在重新启动文件 %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\
etlogon.dns 后使用指定记录来手动更新 DNS。
This domain controller will not be able to dynamically register the DNSrecords necessary for the domain controller Locator. Please either enabledynamic DNS registration of all DNS records on this computer by checkingthe checkbox \"Register this connections addresses in DNS\" which you can findby going to Start - Settings - Network and Dial-up connections - right-clickthe connection to be configured - Properties - Advanced - DNS tab, or allowregistration of the domain controller specific records by setting to REG_DWORDvalue DnsUpdateOnAllAdapters to 0x1 under theHKLM/CCS/Services/Netlogon/Parameters regkey or manually update the DNS withthe records specified after the reboot in the file%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\
0xC00017D6DNS 配置足以让此域控制器在 DNS 中动态注册域控制器定位程序记录。 DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this domain controller to dynamicallyregister the domain controller Locator records in DNS.
0xC00017D7请验证是否使用要用于名称解析的 DSN 服务器的正确 IP 地址配置了此计算机的网络连接。如果 DNS 解析器的配置使用自己的 IP 地址,且 DNS 服务器没有在本地运行,DcPromo 将会安装和配置本地 DNS 服务器,但它将从现有 DNS 结构独立(如果有)。若要避免这种情况,请配置本地 DNS 解析器来指向现有 DNS 服务器或使用正确的根提示手动配置本地 DNS 服务器(正在运行)。 Please verify that the network connections of this computer are configured withcorrect IP addresses of the DNS servers to be used for name resolution.If the DNS resolver is configured with its own IP address and the DNS serveris not running locally the DcPromo will be able to install and configurelocal DNS server, but it will be isolated from the existing DNS infrastructure(if any). To prevent this either configure local DNS resolver to point toexisting DNS server or manually configure the local DNS server (when running)with correct root hints.
0xC00017D8将此计算机的计算机名设置为 Windows 2000 以前的 NetBIOS 名称。计算机名是此计算机完整 DNS 名称的第一个标签。无法将此 DNS 名称添加到 DNS数据库,原因是该计算机名包含空格或点。你必须重命名该计算机,以便在 DNS 中进行注册。为此,右键单击“我的电脑”,再依次单击“属性”、“网络标识”选项卡,然后单击属性并修改计算机名。 This computer's Computer Name is set to the pre-Windows 2000 NetBIOS name.The Computer Name is the first label ofthe full DNS name of this computer. This DNS name cannot be added to the DNSdatabase because the Computer Name contains a space or dot.You must rename the computer so it can be registered in DNS. To do so,right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the NetworkIdentification tab, and then click properties and modify the Computer Name.
0xC00017D9将此计算机的计算机名设置为 Windows 2000 以前的 NetBIOS 名称。计算机名是此计算机完整 DNS 名称的第一个标签。无法将此 DNS 名称添加到 DNS 数据库,原因是计算机名包含点,因此是无效的。 This computer's Computer Name is set to the pre-Windows 2000 NetBIOS name.The Computer Name is the first label of the full DNS name of this computer.This DNS name cannot be added to the DNS database because the Computer Namecontains a dot and is not valid.
0xC00017DA注册此计算机的 DNS 计算机名是非常关键的。由于此计算机为域控制器,因此无法重命名。如果它不是主域控制器,则可以取消 Active Directory 域服务安装向导,重命名该计算机,然后在需要时将其升级到域控制器。若要重命名计算机,请右键单击“我的电脑”,依次单击“属性”、“网络标识”选项卡和“属性”,并修改计算机名。 It is crucial that the DNS computer name of this computer is registered.Since this computer was a domain controller, you cannot rename it. If thisis not a primary domain controller, you can cancel the Active Directory Domain ServicesInstallation Wizard, rename the computer, and then promote it to a domaincontroller, if necessary. To rename the computer, right-click My Computer,click Properties, click the Network Identification tab, and then clickProperties and modify the Computer Name.
0xC00017DB如果该计算机是一个主域控制器,必须将其升级为域控制器并且在该域中至少有一个以上复制域控制器,将该计算机降级为非域控制器服务器,进行重命名,然后再利用 Active Directory 域服务安装向导将其重新升级为域控制器。对于其他运行 Windows NT 4.0的域控制器,如有必要,请在升级到 Windows 2000 之前修改名称。 If this is a primary domain controller you must promote it to a DomainController and after there is at least one more replica domain controller inthe domain, demote this computer to a non-DC server, rename it, and thenpromote it back to a domain controller by using the Active Directory Domain ServicesInstallation Wizard. On other domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0,modify the name, if necessary, prior to upgrading to Windows 2000.
0xC00017DC将此计算机的计算机名设置为 Windows 以前的 NetBIOS 名称。计算机名是此计算机完整 DNS 名称的第一部分。无法将此 DNS 名称添加到 DNS 数据库,原因是计算机名包含一个或多个以下字符,因此是无效的:{|}~[\\]^':;?@!\"#$%^`()+/,* 或空格。你必须重命名该计算机,以便在 DNS 中进行注册。为此,右键单击“我的电脑”,依次单击“属性”、“网络标识”选项卡和“属性”,修改计算机名 This computer's Computer Name is set to the pre-Windows NetBIOS name. TheComputer Name is the first portion of the full DNS name of this computer.This DNS name cannot be added to the DNS database because the computer namecontains one or more of the following characters and is not valid:{|}~[\\]^':;?@!\"#$%^`()+/,* or a space. You must rename the computer so that it canbe registered in DNS. To do so, right-click My Computer, click Properties,click the Network Identification tab, and then click Properties and modifythe Computer Name
0xC00017DD该计算机的计算机名设置为以前 Windows NetBIOS 的名称。该计算机名是此计算机的 DNS 全名的第一个标签部分。该 DNS 名称无法添加到 DNS 数据库,因为该计算机名包含一个或多个下列无效字符:{|}~[\\]^':;?@!\"#$%^`()+/,* 或空格。 This computer's Computer Name is set to the pre-Windows NetBIOS name. TheComputer Name is the first label portion of the full DNS name of this computer.This DNS name cannot be added to the DNS database because the computer namecontains one or more of the following characters and is not valid:{|}~[\\]^':;?@!\"#$%^`()+/,* or a space.
0xC00017DE注册该计算机的 DNS 计算机名是非常关键的。因为该计算机是一个域控制器,你无法对其重命名。如果该计算机不是主域控制器,如有必要,可以取消 Active Directory 域服务安装向导,对其进行重命名,然后将其升级为域控制器。若要重命名计算机,请右键单击“我的电脑”,单击“属性”,单击“网络标识”选项卡,然后单击“属性”并修改“计算机名”。 It is crucial that you register the DNS computer name of this computer.Because this computer is a domain controller, you cannot rename it. If thisis not a primary domain controller, you can cancel the Active Directory Domain ServicesInstallation Wizard, rename the computer, and then promote it to a domaincontroller, if necessary. To rename the computer, right-click My Computer,click Properties, click the Network Identification tab, and then clickProperties and modify the Computer Name.
0xC00017DF如果此计算机是主域控制器,则必须将其升级为域控制器,在该域至少有一个以上副本域控制器之后,再将此计算机降级为非 DC 服务器,进行重命名,然后通过 Active Directory 域服务安装向导将其重新升级为域控制器。在其他运行 Windows NT 4.0 的域控制器上,如有必要,在升级到 Windows 2000 之前,修改该计算机名。 If this is a primary domain controller you must promote it to a DomainController and after there is at least one more replica domain controllerin the domain, demote this computer to a non-DC server, rename it, and thenpromote it back to a domain controller by using the Active Directory Domain ServicesInstallation Wizard. On other domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0,modify the name, if necessary, prior to upgrading to Windows 2000.
0xC00017E0该计算机的计算机名设置为以前 Windows NetBIOS 的名称。该计算机名是此计算机的 DNS 全名的第一个标签部分。根据基础结构中使用的 DNS 服务器的实施和配置,该 DNS 名称可能无法添加到 DNS 数据库,因为该计算机名包含下划线。请验证该 DNS 服务器是否允许主 DNS 名称(所有者名称记录)包含下划线,或重命名该计算机,以便可以在 DNS 中注册。若要进行此操作,请右键单击“我的电脑”,单击“属性”,单击“网络标识”选项卡,然后单击“属性”并修改“计算机名”。 This computer's Computer Name is set to the pre-Windows NetBIOS name. TheComputer Name is the first label portion of the full DNS name of this computer.Depending on the implementation and configuration of the DNS servers used inyour infrastructure, this DNS name might not be added to the DNS databasebecause the computer name contains the underscore character. Verify that theDNS server allows host DNS names (A records owner names) to contain theunderscore character, or rename the computer so that it can be registered inDNS. To do so, right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the NetworkIdentification tab, and then click Properties and modify the Computer Name.
0xC00017E2注意: Windows 2000 DNS 服务器的默认配置允许主机名称包含下划线。 Note: Default configuration of the Windows 2000 DNS server allows host namesto contain the underscore character.
0xC00017E3如果 DNS 服务器无法配置为允许在主机名称中使用下划线,则必须修改计算机名。因为该计算机是一个域控制器,所以必须将其进行重命名。如果该计算机不是主域控制器,如有必要,可以取消 Active Directory 域服务安装向导,重命名计算机,然后将其升级为域控制器。若要重命名计算机,请右键单击“我的电脑”,单击“属性”,单击“网络标识”选项卡,然后单击“属性”并修改“计算机名”。 If the DNS server cannot be configured to allow underscore characters in thehost names, then the computer name must be modified. Since this computer wasa domain controller, you cannot rename it. If this is not a primary domaincontroller, you can cancel the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard, renamethe computer, and then promote it to a domain controller, if necessary. Torename the computer, right-click My Computer, click Properties, click theNetwork Identification tab, and then click Properties and modify the ComputerName.
0xC00017E5该域控制器无法注册域控制器定位程序 DNS 记录。这是因为使用 IP 地址 %1 的 DNS 服务器不支持动态更新,或区域 %2 已配置为阻止动态更新。 This domain controller cannot register domain controller Locator DNS records.This is because either the DNS server with IP address %1 does not supportdynamic updates or the zone %2 is configured to prevent dynamic updates.
0xC00017E6为了使其他域成员和域控制器能够找到该域控制器,域控制器定位程序 DNS 记录必须添加到 DNS。可以选择下列选项: In order for this domain controller to be located by other domain members anddomain controllers, the domain controller Locator DNS records must be addedto DNS. You have the following options:
0xC00017E71. 将 %1 区域和使用 IP 地址 %2 的 DNS 服务器配置为允许动态更新。如果 DNS 服务器不支持动态更新,可能需要升级它。 1. Configure the %1 zone and the DNS server with IP address %2 to allow dynamicupdates. If the DNS server does not support dynamic updates, you might need toupgrade it.
0xC00017E82. 将 %1 区域迁移到支持动态更新的 DNS 服务器(例如,Windows 2000 DNS 服务器)。 2. Migrate the %1 zone to a DNS server that supports dynamic updates (forexample, a Windows 2000 DNS server).
0xC00017E92. 将 %1 区域委派到支持动态更新的 DNS 服务器(例如,Windows 2000 DNS 服务器)。 2. Delegate the %1 zone to a DNS server that supports dynamic updates (forexample, a Windows 2000 DNS server).
0xC00017EA3. 将区域 %1、%2、%3 和 %4 委派到支持动态更新的 DNS 服务器(例如, Windows 2000 DNS 服务器);或 3. Delegate the zones %1, %2, %3, and %4 to a DNS server that supportsdynamic updates (for example, a Windows 2000 DNS server); or
0xC00017EB4. 手动添加在%systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns 文件中指定的 DNS 记录。
4. Manually add to the DNS records specified in the%systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns file.
0xC00017ECDcdiag 检测到 DNS 数据库包含下列区域:%1、%2、%3 和 %4Dcdiag 还检测到已将下列区域配置为阻止动态注册 DNS 记录:%5成功升级域控制器后,重新启动计算机。然后,允许动态更新这些区域,或手动添加在 %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns 文件中指定的记录。
Dcdiag detected that the DNS database contains the following zones:%1, %2, %3, and %4Dcdiag also detected that the following zones are configured to preventdynamic registration of DNS records:%5Following successful promotion of the domain controller, restart your computer.Then, allow dynamic updates to these zones or manually add the recordsspecified in the %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns file.
0xC00017EDDcdiag 检测到 DNS 数据库包含下列区域: %1 Dcdiag detected that the DNS database contains the following zones: %1
0xC00017EEDcdiag 还检测到已将下列区域配置为阻止动态注册 DNS 记录: %1 Dcdiag also detected that the following zones are configured to preventdynamic registration of DNS records: %1
0xC00017EF成功升级域控制器后,重新启动计算机。然后,允许动态更新这些区域,或手动添加在 %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns 文件中指定的记录。
Following successful promotion of the domain controller, restart your computer.Then allow dynamic updates to these zones or manually add the records specifiedin the %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns file.
0xC00017F1强烈建议还要创建并配置下列区域,允许动态 DNS 更新: %1 We strongly recommend that you also create and configure the following zonesto allow dynamic DNS updates: %1
0xC00017F2如果无法创建这些区域,请在成功升级域控制器后重新启动计算机。然后,手动添加在 %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns 文件中指定的记录。
If these zones cannot be created, restart your computer following successfulpromotion of the domain controller. Then, manually add the records specifiedin the %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns file.
0xC00017F3如果将 DNS 解析器配置为使用它自己的 IP 地址并且该 DNS 服务器未在本地运行,Active Directory 域服务安装向导可以安装并配置本地 DNS 服务器。但是,如果在域控制器升级期间,此服务器未连接到网络,则管理员需要在完成域控制器升级后对本地 DNS 服务器的根提示进行相应配置。 If the DNS resolver is configured with its own IP address and the DNS serveris not running locally, the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard can installand configure the local DNS server. However, if this server is not connectedto the network during domain controller promotion then admin needs toappropriately configure root hints of the local DNS server after thecompletion of the domain controller promotion.
0xC00017F4该域控制器无法注册域控制器定位程序 DNS 记录,因为它无法找到区域 %1 的 DNS 服务器授权。这是因为: This domain controller cannot register domain controller Locator DNS recordsbecause it cannot locate a DNS server authoritative for the zone %1. This isbecause:
0xC00017F51. %1 的名称解析中包含的一个或多个 DNS 服务器不响应或包含 DNS 区域的不正确委派;或 1. One or more DNS servers involved in the name resolution of the %1 name arenot responding or contain incorrect delegation of the DNS zones; or
0xC00017F7此类 DNS 服务器的列表可能包括配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及主管以下区域的 DNS 服务器: %1 The list of such DNS servers might include the DNS servers that this computeris configured to use for name resolution and the DNS servers authoritativefor the following zones: %1
0xC00017F8请与网络/DNS 管理员联系解决该问题。也可以手动添加在 %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
Contact your networknetwork/DNS administrator to fix the problem. You can alsomanually add the records specified in the %systemroot%\\system32\\config\
0xC00017F9DNS 配置足以允许该计算机根据其 DNS 名称动态注册 A 记录。 The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this computer to dynamicallyregister the A record corresponding to its DNS name.
0xC00017FA该计算机无法根据其计算机 DNS 名称注册 A 类型 DNS 记录。这是因为使用 IP 地址 %1 的相应权威 DNS 服务器不支持动态更新,或已将区域 %2 配置为阻止动态更新。 This computer cannot register A type DNS records corresponding to its computerDNS name. This is because either the responsible authoritative DNS server withIP address %1 does not support dynamic updates or the zone %2 is configured toprevent dynamic updates.
0xC00017FB为了使其他域成员和域控制器能够找到该域控制器,必须将与其计算机名相对应的 A 记录添加到 DNS。可以选择下列选项: In order for this domain controller to be located by other domain membersand domain controllers, the A record corresponding to its computer name mustbe added to DNS. You have the following options:
0xC00017FC1. 将 %1 区域和使用 IP 地址 %2 的 DNS 服务器配置为允许使用动态更新。如果该 DNS 服务器不支持动态更新,可能需要升级它; 1. Configure the %1 zone and the DNS server with IP address %2 to allowdynamic updates. If the DNS server does not support dynamic updates, youmight need to upgrade it;
0xC00017FD2. 将 %1 区域迁移到支持动态更新的 DNS 服务器(例如,Windows 2000 DNS 服务器);或 2. Migrate the %1 zone to a DNS server that supports dynamic updates (forexample, a Windows 2000 DNS server); or
0xC00017FE3. 将映射计算机的 DNS 名称到其 IP 地址的 A 记录手动添加到 DNS 区域。 3. Manually add to the DNS zone an A record that maps the computer's DNS nameto its IP address.
0xC00017FF该域控制器无法注册域控制器定位程序 DNS 记录。这是因为它无法找到负责名称 %1 的权威 DNS 服务器。这是由于下面的一个原因造成的: This domain controller cannot register domain controller Locator DNS records.This is because it cannot locate a DNS server authoritative for the zone thatis responsible for the name %1. This is due to one of the following:
0xC0001802此类 DNS 服务器的列表可能包括配置此计算机用于名称解析的 DNS 服务器以及负责以下区域的 DNS 服务器: %1 The list of such DNS servers might include the DNS servers with which thiscomputer is configured for name resolution and the DNS servers responsible forthe following zones: %1
0xC0001803请与网络/DNS 管理员联系解决该问题。也可以手动添加将计算机 DNS 名称映射到其 IP 地址的 A 记录。 Contact your network/DNS administrator to fix this problem. You can alsomanually add the A record that maps the computer DNS name to its IP address.
0xC0001804域 DNS 名称“%1”没有匹配的 NS 记录。请将此记录添加到 DNS 服务器。 The domain DNS name '%1' does not have a matching NS record. Please add thisrecord to your DNS server.
0xC0001805该域控制器无法注册域控制器定位程序 DNS 记录。这是因为它无法找到区域 %1 的权威 DNS 服务器。这是由于下面的一个原因造成的: This domain controller cannot register domain controller Locator DNS records.This is because it cannot locate a DNS server authoritative for the zone %1.This is due to one of the following:
0xC0001806验证指定域名的正确性,并与你的网络/DNS管理员联系解决该问题。 Verify the correctness of the specified domain name and contact your network/DNSadministrator to fix the problem.
etlogon.dns 文件中指定的记录。
You can also manually add the records specified in the%%systemroot%%\\system32\\config\
etlogon.dns file.
0xC0001808尝试格式化事件记录时,出现异常 0x%1!x!! 事件记录数据不正确! Encountered exception 0x%1!x! attempting to format the event record! The event record data is bad!
0xC0001809DnsUpdateTest 返回了 %1!d!。A 记录测试还没有结论。 DnsUpdateTest returned %1!d!. The A record test is thus inconclusive.
0xC000180A看起来此分区(%1)未能完全创建。此交叉引用(%2)错误,应该从目录中删除。 It appears this partition (%1) failed to get completely created. This cross-ref (%2)is dead and should be removed from the directory.
0xC000180B当前此交叉引用的权威信息超出了范围;请尝试使用 /e 选项运行 dcdiag。 Currently the authoritative information for this cross-ref lies out of scope; Try running dcdiag with the /e option.
0xC000180CLDAP 错误 0x%1!x! (%1!d!)。 LDAP Error 0x%1!x! (%1!d!).
0xC000180D发生未知错误。 An unknown error occured.
0xC000180E应用程序目录分区 %1 缺少安全描述符引用域。管理员将交叉引用对象 %2 的 msDS-SD-Reference-Domain 属性设置为域的 DN。 The application directory partition %1 is missing a security descriptor reference domain. The administratorshould set the msDS-SD-Reference-Domain attribute on the cross reference object %2 to the DN of a domain.
0xC000180FKerberos 错误。%nKDC 找不到服务器 %1 的 SPN。%n这可能是由下列几种原因造成的:%0 Kerberos Error.%nThe KDC could not find the SPN for the server %1.%nThis can be for several reasons:%0
0xC0001810%n(1) - SPN 未在 KDC(通常是 %2)上注册。请检查该 SPN 是否至少已在 %1 之外的另一台服务上注册,以及是否在该服务器和 KDC 之间进行了复制。工具 repadmin/syncall 可用于此目的。%n(2) - 这可能是一个已删除的服务器(并且已经删除了 DSA 对象),并且此删除操作尚未在整个企业中重复。这将在一般复制延迟和 KCC 延迟中自动修正。延迟时间应该少于一天。%n(3) - 此服务器可能已收回,但是它的 DSA 对象尚未删除而且表示该服务器的旧 DNS 记录仍然存在。这可能在 DNS 记录租用期间导致该错误。一般约为 2 周时间。若要解决此问题,请清除具有 ntdsutil 的 DSA 元数据。%n(4) - 最后, 该服务器可能需要一个新 IP 地址,该服务器的旧 IP 地址已被使用,并且 DNS 尚未更新以反映新 IP 地址。如果该问题继续存在,请停止操作并重新启动 %1 上的 Net Logon 服务,然后删除旧 DNS 记录。 %n(1) - The SPN is not registered on the KDC (usually %2). Check that the SPN is registered on at least one other server besides %1, and that replication is progressing between thisserver and the KDC. The tool repadmin/syncall can be used for this purpose.%n(2) - This server could be a deleted server (and deleted DSA object), and this deletionhas not replicated across the enterprise yet. This will rectify itself within the generalreplication latency plus the latency of the KCC. Should be less than a day.%n(3) - It's possible that this server was reclaimed, but it's DSA object was not deletedand an old DNS record representing the server is present. This can result in this errorfor the duration of a DNS record lease. Often about 2 weeks. To fix this, pleaseclean up the DSA's metadata with ntdsutil.%n(4) - Finally, it's possible that this server has acquired a new IP address, the server'sold IP address has been reused, and DNS hasn't been updated to reflect the new IP address.If this problem persists, stop and restart the \"Net Logon\" service on %1, and delete theold DNS record.
0xC0001811Kerberos 错误。%n看起来服务器 %1 具有 %3 的陈旧 DNS 项。这是导致 %2 无法复制服务器 %1 的原因。如果此问题继续存在,请确保服务器%1 仍然是一个活动 DC。如果是这样,请停止操作并重新启动 %1 上的 Net Logon 服务,然后删除 %3 的旧 DNS 记录。 Kerberos Error.%nIt appears that server %1 has a stale DNS entry for %3. This is causing %2 to be unable toreplicate with server %1. If this problem persists please ensure that server %1 is still anactive DC. If so please stop and restart the \"Net Logon\" service on %1, and delete the oldDNS record for %3.
0xC0001812看起来该分区(%1)中有空的复制集。该分区应该重新实例化最后一次复制以符合此 NC,或从目录中删除。 It appears this partition (%1) has an empty replica set. This partition should be re-instantiatedon the last replica to hold this NC, or removed from the directory.
0xC0001813[%1!d!] 问题: 删除已损坏的值 [%1!d!] Problem: Delete Mangled Value
0xC0001814[%1!d!] 问题: 与损坏的值冲突 [%1!d!] Problem: Conflict Mangled Value
0xC0001815基本对象: %1%n基本对象描述: “服务器对象”%n值对象属性: %2%n值对象属性描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n已损坏的值: %3%n建议操作: 检查该 DC 是否具有多个 DC 帐户对象,如果是这样,则清除较旧的重复。%n Base Object: %1%nBase Object Description: \"Server Object\"%nValue Object Attribute: %2%nValue Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nMangled Value: %3%nRecommended Action: Check that there is not more than one DC Account Objects forthis DC, and if so clean up the older duplicates.%n
0xC0001816基本对象: %1%n基本对象描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n值对象属性: %2%n值对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n已损坏的值: %3%n建议操作: 检查该 DC 是否具有多个 SYSVOL FRS 成员对象,如果是这样,则清除较旧的重复。%n Base Object: %1%nBase Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nValue Object Attribute: %2%nValue Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nMangled Value: %3%nRecommended Action: Check that there is not more than one SYSVOL FRS Member Object forthis DC, and if so clean up the older duplicates.%n
0xC0001817基本对象: %1%n基本对象描述: “DSA 对象”%n值对象属性: %2%n值对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n已损坏的值: %3%n建议操作: 检查该 DC 是否具有多个 SYSVOL FRS 成员对象,如果是这样,则清除较旧的重复。%n Base Object: %1%nBase Object Description: \"DSA Object\"%nValue Object Attribute: %2%nValue Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nMangled Value: %3%nRecommended Action: Check that there is not more than one SYSVOL FRS Member Object forthis DC, and if so clean up the older duplicates.%n
0xC0001818一些与 DC %1 相关的对象存在问题: Some objects relating to the DC %1 have problems:
0xC0001819对象 %2 上的系统对象参考属性 %1 未指向具有有效反向链接的对象。 The system object reference attribute %1 on object %2 did not point to an object that had a valid back link.
0xC000181ALDAP 错误 0x%1!x! (%1!d!) - %2。 LDAP Error 0x%1!x! (%1!d!) - %2.
0xC000181B在验证各种重要 DN 引用时发现下列问题。注意,报告这些问题可能是因为复制延迟。因此只有在给定域的所有 DC 都报告同样的问题,或者在复制操作有充足的时间复制更改时,此问题仍继续存在,才需要继续解决下面的问题。 The following problems were found while verifying various important DN references. Note, that these problems can be reported because of latency in replication. So follow up to resolve thefollowing problems, only if the same problem is reported on all DCs for a given domain or if the problem persists after replication has had reasonable time to replicate changes.
0xC000181C[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “服务器对象”%n值对象属性: %3%n值对象描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n建议操作: 这可能妨碍身份验证(和类似复制操作等)。请检查此服务器是否已删除,如果已删除则清除此 DC 帐户对象。如果问题继续存在,并且这不是一个已删除的 DC,则可决定从完好的副本还原 DSA 对象,例如 DSA 的主服务器 DSA。%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"Server Object\"%nValue Object Attribute: %3%nValue Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nRecommended Action: This could hamper authentication (and thus replication, etc). Check if this server is deleted, and if so clean up this DCs Account Object. If the problem persists and this is not a deleted DC, authorativelyrestore the DSA object from a good copy, for example the DSA on the DSA'shome server.%n
0xC000181D[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n值对象属性名称: %3%n值对象描述: “服务器对象”%n建议操作: 检查此服务器是否已删除,如果已删除则清除该 DC帐户对象。%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nValue Object Attribute Name: %3%nValue Object Description: \"Server Object\"%nRecommended Action: Check if this server is deleted, and if so clean up this DCsAccount Object.%n
0xC000181E[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n值对象属性名称: %3%n值对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n建议操作: 请参阅知识库文章: Q312862%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nValue Object Attribute Name: %3%nValue Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nRecommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862%n
0xC000181F[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “DSA 对象”%n值对象属性名称: %3%n值对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n建议操作: 请参阅知识库文章: Q312862%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"DSA Object\"%nValue Object Attribute Name: %3%nValue Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nRecommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862%n
0xC0001820[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n值对象属性名称: %3%n值对象描述: “DC 帐户对象”%n建议操作: 检查此服务器是否已删除,如果已删除则清除该 DC SYSVOL FRS 成员对象。另请参阅知识库文章: Q312862%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nValue Object Attribute Name: %3%nValue Object Description: \"DC Account Object\"%nRecommended Action: Check if this server is deleted, and if so cleanup this DCs SYSVOL FRS Member Object. Also see Knowledge Base Article: Q312862%n
0xC0001821[%1!d!] 问题: 缺少要求的数值%n基本对象: %2%n基本对象描述: “SYSVOL FRS 成员对象”%n值对象属性名称: %3%n值对象描述: “DSA 对象”%n建议操作: 检查此服务器是否已删除,如果已删除则清除该 DC SYSVOL FRS 成员对象。另请参阅知识库文章 Q312862%n [%1!d!] Problem: Missing Expected Value%nBase Object: %2%nBase Object Description: \"SYSVOL FRS Member Object\"%nValue Object Attribute Name: %3%nValue Object Description: \"DSA Object\"%nRecommended Action: Check if this server is deleted, and if so cleanup this DCs SYSVOL FRS Member Object. Also see Knowledge Base Article Q312862%n
0xC0001822有两个 FRS SysVol 复制集! 应该解决该错误。 There are two FRS SysVol Replica sets! This error should be resolved.
0xC0001823[%1!d!] 问题: 没有足够的主 NC%nDSA 对象: %2%n建议操作: 每个 DSA 对象都应该有 3 个主 NC(分区)。如果问题继续存在,则可决定从完好的副本还原 DSA 对象,例如 DSA 的主服务器 DSA。%n [%1!d!] Problem: Not enough master NCs%nDSA Object: %2%nRecommended Action: Every DSA object should have 3 Master NCs (Partitions). If the problem persists, authoratively restore the DSA object from a goodcopy, for example the DSA on the DSA's home server.%n
0xC0001824计算机对象的User-Account-Control 属性缺少相应的标志位。可以重新运行该命令并包括 /FixMachineAccount 选项,尝试进行修复。 The corresponding flag bits are missing from the computer object'sUser-Account-Control attribute. You can re-run this command andinclude the /FixMachineAccount option to attempt a repair.
0xC0001825* %1 不是服务器信任帐户 * %1 is not a server trust account
0xC0001826*对于帐户委派,%1 不受信任 * %1 is not trusted for account delegation
0xC0001827* %1 没有作为其 objectClass 的计算机 * %1 does not have computer as its objectClass
0xC0001828计算机帐户标志已修复。 Computer account flags repaired.
0xC0001829无法修复该计算机帐户标志。错误是 %1!d! Cannot repair the computer account flags. The error is %1!d!
0xC000182A交叉参考删除了已损坏的 nCName 属性。%n交叉参考 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%n该情况是由 Windows 2000 系统上迅速降级和升级同名分区导致的。可通过引导至 DS 修复模式并运行 Windows 2000 SP3 ntdsutil 语义数据库分析工具来修复该问题。 A cross-ref has a delete mangled nCName attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nThis condition is caused by a partition with the same name being demoted and promoted rapidly on Windows 2000 systems. This condition may be fixed by booting to DS Repairmode and running the Windows 2000 SP3 ntdsutil semantic database analysis tool.
0xC000182B交叉引用存在已损坏 nCName 属性冲突。%n交叉引用 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%n该情况是由 Windows 2000 系统上迅速降级和升级同名分区导致的。可通过引导至 DS 修复模式并运行 Windows 2000 SP3 ntdsutil 语义数据库分析工具来修复该问题。 A cross-ref has a conflict mangled nCName attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nThis condition is caused by a partition with the same name being demoted and promoted rapidly on Windows 2000 systems. This condition may be fixed by booting to DS Repairmode and running the Windows 2000 SP3 ntdsutil semantic database analysis tool.
0xC000182C该交叉引用具有非标准 dNSRoot 属性。%n交叉引用 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%n不正确的 dNSRoot 属性: %3%n请让网络管理员帮助你确认此 dNSRoot 属性是否正确,如果不正确,请将属性更改为下列值。%n dNSRoot 应该为: %4 This cross-ref has a non-standard dNSRoot attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nBad dNSRoot attribute: %3%nCheck with your network administrator to make sure this dNSRoot attribute is correct, andif not please change the attribute to the value below.%n dNSRoot should be: %4
0xC000182D该交叉引用存在无效 nETBIOSName 属性。%n交叉引用 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%n不正确的 nETBIOSName 属性: %3%n请让网络管理员帮助你确认此 nETBIOSName 属性是否正确,然后考虑是更正属性,还是删除该分区。 This cross-ref has an invalid nETBIOSName attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nBad nETBIOSName attribute: %3%nCheck with your network administrator to make sure this nETBIOSName attribute is correct, andif consider correcting the attribute, or remove this partition.
0xC000182E交叉引用的 nCName 属性中存在 NULL GUID。%n交叉引用 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%n如果此分区不是一个新的树分区,则考虑从企业中删除此分区和/或交叉引用。对于单独树根域交叉引用 ncName 来说,在 Windows 2000 域控制器的 dcpromo 后面临时没有 guid 是正常的。Windows Server 2003 域总是会有一个 guid。没有 guid,KCC 将无法授予交叉引用和复制新域的副本。请给出时间将 guid 复制到林。如果guid 仍然缺少,请验证是否存在从最近升级的域控制器到林的其他部分的复制路径。 A cross-ref has a NULL GUID in it's nCName attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nIf this Partition is not a new tree partition, then consider removing this partitionand/or cross-ref from the enterprise. It is normal for a separate-tree root domaincrossref ncName to not have a guid temporarily after dcpromo of a Windows 2000 domaincontroller. A Windows Server 2003 domain always has a guid. Without the guid,the KCC will not honor the cross ref and replicate in a replica of the new domain.Please allow time for knowledge of the guid to replicate out to the forest. If the guid is still missing, please verify that a replication path exists from the recentlypromoted domain controller to the rest of the forest.
0xC000182F域交叉引用在它的 nCName 属性中没有 SID。%n交叉引用 DN: %2%nnCName 属性(分区名称): %1%nSID 没有复制到该 DC。检查复制在缺少 SID 的域中第一个 DC 和此 DC 之间是否有继承关系。如果该域是使用 Windows 2000 DC 创建的,并且由于架构不匹配错误,域的所有成员 DC无法复制出站,则所有成员 DC 将必须重新安装 Windows,并且该域将必须使用 ntdsutil.exe 中的元数据清除功能手动删除该域。如果该域是使用 Windows 2000 DC 创建的,则可以使用“拒绝复制访问”阻止从一个 DC复制到另一个。如果复制在缺少 SID 的域中第一个 DC和此 DC 之间没有继承关系,由于在林中的其他位置其 nCName 中存在其他缺少域 SID 的域交叉引用,则必须手动重新配置拓扑,以绕过复制阻止设置。 A domain cross-ref has no SID in it's nCName attribute.%nCross-ref DN: %2%nnCName attribute (Partition name): %1%nThe SID has not replicated into this DC. Check that replication is succeeding betweenthe first DC in the Domain who's SID is missing and this DC.If the Domain was created with a Windows 2000 DC and all member DCs of the domain areunable to replicate outbound because of Schema Mismatch errors, then all member DCs will needto have Window's re-installed and the Domain will need to be manually removed using meta data cleanup in ntdsutil.exe.If the Domain was created with a Windows 2000 DC, then replication can be blocked from one DCto another with \"Replication Access Denied\". If replication isn't succeeding between the first DCin the Domain who's SID is missing and this DC due to a different domain cross-ref missinga domain SID in it's nCName somewhere else in the forest, then you may need to manuallyreconfigure the topology to bypass the blocking replication.
0xC0001830SYSVOL 共享后的最近 24 小时内出现了警告或错误事件。失败的 SYSVOL 复制问题可能导致组策略问题。 There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the SYSVOL has beenshared. Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause Group Policy problems.
0xC0001831Dcdiag 无法在服务器的 dcdiag 缓存中找到 %1。针对此服务器运行此 dcdiag 测试,以避免由复制延迟导致的任何问题。 Dcdiag could not locate %1 in the dcdiag's cache of servers. Try running this dcdiag test against this server, to avoid any problems caused by replication latency.
0xC0001832注册表查找无法确定 SYSVOL 的状态。返回的错误是 0x%1!x! “%2”。检查 FRS 事件日志查看 SYSVOL 是否已成功共享。 The registry lookup failed to determine the state of the SYSVOL. The error returned was 0x%1!x! \"%2\". Check the FRS event log to see if the SYSVOL has successfully beenshared.
0xC0001833SysVol 未就绪。这可能会导致 DC 不能将自己作为dcpromo 之后的 netlogon 进行播发。还可能由于 FRS SysVol 复制问题导致组策略问题。请检查该 DC 上的 FRS 事件日志。 The SysVol is not ready. This can cause the DC to not advertise itself as a DC fornetlogon after dcpromo. Also trouble with FRS SysVol replication can cause GroupPolicy problems. Check the FRS event log on this DC.
0xC0001834无法在该目录中找到任何站点,dcdiag 无法继续。 Could not find any Sites in the directory, dcdiag could not continue.
0xC0001835复制接收延迟警告%n源站点: %1%n当前时间: %2!S!%n上一次更新时间: %3!S!%n检查源站点是否在运行选择的 ISTG。%n检查从源站点到该服务器的复制。 REPLICATION-RECEIVED LATENCY WARNING%nSource site: %1%nCurrent time: %2!S!%nLast update time: %3!S!%nCheck if source site has an elected ISTG running.%nCheck replication from source site to this server.
0xC0001836***错误: 无法从站点 %2 的 %1 中检索最新矢量数据,错误 0x%3!x!“%4”%n必须放弃该站点的入站站点间复制测试。 ***Error: Couldn't retreive the Up-to-dateness vector data from %1 for site %2, error 0x%3!x! \"%4\"%nMust abandon inbound intersite replication test for this site.
0xC0001837***[消息字符串被截断,因为字符串过大]。 ***[Message tring is truncated because of large size].
0xC0001838语法错误: 请使用 /DnsDomain:指定域。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助屏幕(/?)。 Syntax Error: Please use /DnsDomain:to specify the domain.See the help screen (/?) for more information.
0xC0001839检查是否每个 DSA 都公布自己,以及以及是否将自己公布为具有 DSA 功能。 Checks whether each DSA is advertising itself, and whetherit is advertising itself as having the capabilities of a DSA.
0xC000183A该测试检查是否所有应用程序目录分区都具有相应的安全描述符引用域。 This test checks that all application directorypartitions have appropriate security descriptor referencedomains.
0xC000183B查找安全错误(或那些可能与安全有关的错误)并对此问题执行初始诊断。可选参数:使用 /ReplSource: 可以将特定源作为目标,而不考虑其错误状态。不必是当前伙伴。 Locates security errors (or those possibly security related)and performs the initial diagnosis of the problem.Optional Arguments:/ReplSource: to target a specific source,regardless of it's error status. Need not be a current partner.
0xC000183C测试 DSA 是否进行了 DNS 注册、是否可执行 ping 操作以及是否具有 LDAP/RPC 连接。 Tests whether DSAs are DNS registered, pingeable, and have LDAP/RPC connectivity.
0xC000183D该测试查找在某些方面无效的交叉引用。 This test looks for cross-refs that are in someway invalid.
0xC000183E检查是否存在由于其伙伴关闭而不接收副本的服务器 Check for servers that won't receive replicationsbecause its partners are down
0xC000183F测试现有 DNS 基础结构,以便升级为域控制器。如果此基础结构满足需要,则该计算机可以升级为在 中指定的某个域的域控制器。报告是否需要对现有 DNS 基础结构进行任何修改。必需参数:/DnsDomain:以下参数之一是必需的:/NewForest/NewTree/ChildDomain/ReplicaDC如果指定 NewTree,则 ForestRoot 参数是必需的:/ForestRoot: Tests the existing DNS infrastructure for promotion to domaincontroller. If the infrastructure is sufficient, the computercan be promoted to domain controller in a domain specified in. Reports whether anymodifications to the existing DNS infrastructure are required.Required argument:/DnsDomain:One of the following arguments is required:/NewForest/NewTree/ChildDomain/ReplicaDCIf NewTree is specified, then the ForestRoot argument isrequired:/ForestRoot:
0xC0001840该测试检查 DC 上 DNS 设置的运行状况。它只为 DnsValidationEnterprise 测试收集数据,因此它不打印任何内容。 This test checks the health of DNS settings on a DC.It just gathers data for the DnsValidationEnterprise test,so it doesn't print anything.
0xC0001841该测试检查整个企业的 DNS 设置运行状况。可以使用以下开关单独运行子测试。默认情况下,运行除了外部名称解析之外的所有测试) /DnsBasic (基本测试,不能跳过) /DnsForwarders (转发器和根提示测试) /DnsDelegation (委派测试) /DnsDynamicUpdate (动态更新测试) /DnsRecordRegistration (记录注册测试) /DnsResolveExtName (外部名称解析测试) /DnsAll (包括上面的所有测试) /DnsInternetName: (用于测试 /DnsResolveExtName) (默认值为 www.microsoft.com) This test checks the health of DNS settingsfor the whole enterprise. Sub tests can be run individuallyusing the switches below. By default, all tests exceptexternal name resolution are run) /DnsBasic (basic tests, can't be skipped) /DnsForwarders (forwarders and root hints tests) /DnsDelegation (delegations tests) /DnsDynamicUpdate (dynamic update tests) /DnsRecordRegistration (records registration tests) /DnsResolveExtName (external name resolution test) /DnsAll (includes all tests above) /DnsInternetName: (for test /DnsResolveExtName) (default is www.microsoft.com)
0xC0001842该测试检查文件复制系统(FRS)中是否存在任何操作错误。SYSVOL 共享的复制失败可能导致策略问题。 This test checks to see if there are any operation errorsin the file replication system (FRS). Failing replicationof the SYSVOL share, can cause Policy problems.
0xC0001843该测试检查 DFS 中是否存在任何操作错误。 This test checks to see if there are any operation errorsin the DFS.
0xC0001844该测试检查 SYSVOL 是否已就绪。 This test checks that the SYSVOL is ready.
0xC0001845该测试与 SysVolCheck 相同。请保留它以便保持向后的兼容性。 This is the same test as SysVolCheck. Keep it for backward compatibility.
0xC0001846检查全局角色拥有者是否已知、是否可以找到以及是否正在响应。 Checks that global role-holders are known, can belocated, and are responding.
0xC0001847该测试与 LocatorCheck 相同。请保留它以便保持向后的兼容性。 This is the same test as LocatorCheck. Keep it for backward compatibility.
0xC0001848检查是否存在阻止或临时阻止站点间复制的故障。 Checks for failures that would prevent or temporarilyhold up intersite replication.
0xC0001849该测试检查知识一致性检查器是否完成且没有错误。 This test checks that the Knowledge Consistency Checkeris completing without errors.
0xC000184A检查 DSA 是否认为它了解角色拥有者以及是否在详细模式下打印这些角色。 Check whether the DSA thinks it knows the roleholders, and prints these roles out in verbose mode.
0xC000184B检查计算机帐户是否具有正确的信息。如果缺少本地计算机帐户,请尝试使用 /RecreateMachineAccount 进行修复。如果计算机帐户标志不正确,请使用 /FixMachineAccount。 Check to see if the Machine Account has the properinformation. Use /RecreateMachineAccount to attempt a repairif the local machine account is missing. Use /FixMachineAccountif the machine account flags are incorrect.
0xC000184C检查命名上下文标题上的安全描述符是否具有进行复制的相应权限。 Checks that the security descriptosrs on the namingcontext heads have appropriate permissions for replication.
0xC000184D检查相应的登录权限是否允许继续复制。 Checks that the appropriate logon priviledges allowreplication to proceed.
0xC000184E检查是否已复制计算机帐户(仅 AD)和 DSA 对象。使用 /objectdn: 和 /n: 指定要检查的其他对象。 Check that Machine Account (AD only) and DSA objects havereplicated. Use /objectdn: with /n: to specify anadditional object to check.
0xC000184F查看我们是否在由 /testdomain: 指定的域中拥有所有 DC 的安全通道。/nositerestriction 将防止测试局限于站点中的 DC。 See if we have secure channels from all of theDC's in the domain the domains specified by /testdomain:./nositerestriction will prevent the test frombeing limited to the DC's in the site.
0xC0001850测试该目录服务器是否可以注册目录服务器定位器 DNS 记录。DNS 中必须具有这些记录,其他计算机才能定位 域的此目录服务器。报告是否需要对现有 DNS基础结构进行任何修改。必需参数:/DnsDomain: Tests whether this directory server can register thedirectory Server Locator DNS records. These records must bepresent in DNS in order for other computers to locate thisdirectory server for the domain. Reports whether any modifications to the existing DNSinfrastructure are required.Required argument:/DnsDomain:
0xC0001851检查目录服务器之间的复制是否及时。 Checks for timely replication between directory servers.
0xC0001852检查 RID 主机是否可以访问并检查它是否包含正确的信息。 Check to see if RID master is accessable and to see ifit contains the proper information.
0xC0001853检查相应的支持服务是否正在运行。 Check to see if appropriate supporting services are running.
0xC0001854该测试检查该系统是否正在运行且没有错误。 This test checks that the system is running without errors.
0xC0001855检查所生成的拓扑是否对于所有 DSA 都已完全连接。 Checks that the generated topology is fully connected forall DSAs.
0xC0001856该测试验证在每个 DSA 上跨企业中的所有对象 FRS 和复制基础结构的某些系统引用是否完好无损。 This test verifys that certain systemreferences are intact for the FRS and Replicationinfrastructure across all objects in the enterpriseon each DSA.
0xC0001857该测试验证 FRS 和复制基础结构的某些系统引用是否完好无损。 This test verifys that certain system referencesare intact for the FRS and Replication infrastructure.
0xC0001858该测试验证所有副本服务器上的所有应用程序目录分区是否已完全实例化。 This test verifys that all application directorypartitions are fully instantiated on all replica servers.
0xC0001859转存内部信息。 dump internal info.


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Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Active Directory 域服务/轻型目录服务诊断工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:dcdiag.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:dcdiag.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is dcdiag.exe.mui?

dcdiag.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file dcdiag.exe (Active Directory 域服务/轻型目录服务诊断工具).

File version info

File Description:Active Directory 域服务/轻型目录服务诊断工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:dcdiag.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:dcdiag.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200