GamePanel.exe Оюн Тилкеси 9011922dbcf15107189126ab313bfd63

File info

File name: GamePanel.exe.mui
Size: 26112 byte
MD5: 9011922dbcf15107189126ab313bfd63
SHA1: 7a881a2244dfdf5a539b751ddfd9141f149597f4
SHA256: a48ebf16daa7ae54f8611446992d8ff7d5633462d14618f618f7d1526df4249d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: GamePanel.exe Оюн Тилкеси (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Kyrgyz language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Kyrgyz English
110Оюн клиби жаздырылды Game clip recorded
112Скриншот сакталды Screenshot saved
113Муну дагы көргөзбөө Don't show this again
114Аудио жаздыруусу өчүк Audio recording is off
115Жаздыруу убагын көбөйтүү Increase recording time
116ЖЖаздыруу убагын азайтуу Decrease recording time
117Бул ПК клиптерди жаздыра албайт. Дагы үйрөнүү This PC can't record clips. Learn more
118Кечиресиз, бул ПК клип жаздырууга катуу жабдуу талаптарына жооп бербейт. Дагы билүү Sorry, this PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. Learn more
119Кечиресиз, бул ПК клип жаздырууга катуу жабдуу талаптарына жооп бербейт. Дагы маалымат алганы Оюн тилкесинин жөндөөсүнө барыңыз. Sorry, this PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. For more info, go to Game bar settings.
120Азыр жаздыруу мүмкүн эмес. Кийин дагы аракеттениңиз. Can't record right now. Try again later.
121Скриншотту сактоо мумкүн эмес. Кийин дагы аракеттениңиз. Can't save the screenshot. Try again later.
122Фон жаздыруу өчүрүлгөн. Аны күйгүзүп туруп кайталап көрүңүз. Background recording is turned off. Turn it on and try again.
123Жаздырууга эч нерсе жок. Дагы бираз ойноңуз жана дагы аракеттениңиз. There's nothing to record. Play some more and try again.
124Клипти сактоо мүмкүн эмес. Дискиңиздин ордун текшериңиз жана дагы аракеттениңиз. Can't save the clip. Check your disk space and try again.
125Restart your game and try recording again. Restart your game and try recording again.
126Can't record your microphone. Can't record your microphone.
127Сиз клипти эчак жаздырып жатасыз. Аны аяктаңыз жана дагы аракеттениңиз. You're already recording a clip. Finish that one and try again.
128Бул оюн жаздырыла албайт. This game doesn't allow recording.
129Game DVR has been turned off. Contact your admin to turn it back on. Game DVR has been turned off. Contact your admin to turn it back on.
130Broadcast (Win+Alt+B) Broadcast (Win+Alt+B)
131Токтотуу Cancel
132Start broadcast Start broadcast
133Configure Broadcast Configure Broadcast
134Микрофон күйгүзүлдү Microphone on
135Camera on Camera on
136Broadcasting Broadcasting
137Broadcast title: Broadcast title:
139Жүктөө Loading
140Жабууга ESC’ти басыңыз Press ESC to close
141Оюн тилкесине кирүүгө клавиатураңызды колдонуңуз Use your keyboard to get around the Game bar
143Broadcast preview Broadcast preview
144Broadcasting window Broadcasting window
145Game: Game:
146Here's how you look Here's how you look
147To start broadcasting, sign into Xbox Live. To start broadcasting, sign into Xbox Live.
148To broadcast, you'll need to sign in with a broadcast provider. To broadcast, you'll need to sign in with a broadcast provider.
149Game DVR Game DVR
150Фон жаздыруусун күйгүзүңүз Turn on background recording
152Broadcast Broadcast
153Үстөл үстү Desktop
154Broadcasting window Broadcasting window
155Broadcasting window previous Broadcasting window previous
156Broadcasting window next Broadcasting window next
158Микрофондон жаздыруу катасы Microphone recording error
159Микрофондон жаздыруу Record mic
160Ишти баштоо Get started
161Can't save your recording. Make sure your captures folder allows files to be saved. Can't save your recording. Make sure your captures folder allows files to be saved.
162Camera position Camera position
163Previous Camera Position Previous Camera Position
164Next Camera Position Next Camera Position
165Unavailable Unavailable
180Оюн тилкесин ачууга Win + G басыңыз Press Win + G to open Game bar
181Оюн оюмун жаздырууга Win + G басыңыз Press Win + G to record a game clip
183Экран кесүүсүн тартууга Win + G басыңыз Press Win + G to take a screenshot
190Оюн тилкесин ачууга Xbox баскычын басыңыз Press the Xbox button to open Game bar
200Xbox Xbox
201Жаздырууну баштоо (Win+Alt+R) Start recording (Win+Alt+R)
202Аны жаздыр(Win+Alt+G) Record that (Win+Alt+G)
203Орнотуулар Settings
204Скриншот (Win+Alt+PrtScn) Screenshot (Win+Alt+PrtScn)
205Жаздырууну токтотуу (Win+Alt+R) Stop recording (Win+Alt+R)
206Жылдыруу Move
207Xbox колдонмосуна барып, кошумча орнотууларды көрүңүз Go to the Xbox app to see more settings
208Оюн тилкеси менен жаздыралыбы? Муну оюн деп белгилейбиз Record with Game bar? We'll mark this as a game
209Оюн тилкеси менен экранды тарталыбы? Муну оюн деп белгилейбиз Screenshot with Game bar? We'll mark this as a game
210Сиз оюн тилкесин ачкыңыз келип жатабы? Do you want to open Game bar?
211Ооба, бул оюн. Yes, this is a game.
213Оюнду фондо жаздыруу Record game in the background
217Клиптер Clips
218Мен жаздырып жаткан убакта таймерди көргөзүү Show timer while I'm recording
220Мен оюнду баштаганда кеңешмелерди көргөзүү Show tips when I start a game
221Муну оюн катары эстеп калуу Remember this as a game
222Кошумча орнотууларды көрүүгө, Xbox колдонмосуна барыңыз Go to the Xbox app to see more settings
223секунда seconds
224мүнөттөр minutes
225саат hour
226мүнөт minute
227сааттар hours
228Бир көйгөй чыкты жана биз сиздин орнотууларыңызды өзгөртө албадык. Кийин дагы аракеттениңиз. Something went wrong and we couldn't change your settings. Try again later.
229Сиз батарея менен иштеп жатканда фон жаздыруу өчүрүлгөн. ПКңизди сайып же баптоону өзгөртүп туруп кайталап көрүңүз. Background recording is turned off while you're on battery. Plug in your PC or change the setting and try again.
230Сиз зымсыз дисплей менен иштеп жатканда фон жаздыруу өчүрүлгөн. Башка дисплейге туташтырып же баптоону өзгөртүп туруп кайталап көрүңүз. Background recording is turned off while you're using a wireless display. Connect to another display or change the setting and try again.
231Жабуу Close
232Оюн тилкесин ачууга басыңыз Press to open Game bar
233Бул колдонмо жаздырыла албайт. This app can't be recorded.
234(Өндүрүмдүүлүгүнө таасир этиши мүмкүн) (Might affect performance)
235Башкаруучудан Xbox баскычын колдонуу аркылуу Оюн тилкесин ачыңыз Open Game bar using the Xbox button on a controller
236Башкаруучудан баскычын колдонуу аркылуу Оюн тилкесин ачыңыз Open Game bar using on a controller
238Таймерди жылдыруу Move timer
239Кечиресиз, сиздин ПК'ңиз Game DVR'ге болгон программалык талаптарга жооп бербейт. Sorry, your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for Game DVR.
240Game recording will push the limits of this PC and could affect your PC's quality. Game recording will push the limits of this PC and could affect your PC's quality.
241Алдым Got it
242Game recording will push the limits of this PC and could affect your game's quality. Game recording will push the limits of this PC and could affect your game's quality.
243Learn more Learn more
244Give us feedback Give us feedback
245PC программалык камсыздоо сапатка таасир бериши мүмкүн PC hardware might affect quality
246Try again later. We're still saving your last screenshot. Try again later. We're still saving your last screenshot.
247Can't record this game clip. You're running an app or game that doesn't allow game clip recording. Can't record this game clip. You're running an app or game that doesn't allow game clip recording.
250Оюн тилкесин ачуу (Win + G) Open Game bar (Win + G)
251Аны жаздыруу (Win + Alt + G) Record that (Win + Alt + G)
252Жаздырууну баштоо/токтотуу (Win + Alt + R) Start/stop recording (Win + Alt + R)
253Экран кесүүсүн тартуу (Win + Alt + PrtScn) Take screenshot (Win + Alt + PrtScn)
254Жаздыруу таймерин көрсөтүү/жашыруу (Win + Alt + T) Show/hide recording timer (Win + Alt + T)
260Сиздин кыска жолуңуз Your shortcut
261Эч бири None
263Сактоо Save
264Кайра орнотуу Reset
265Ал болбойт. Ctrl, Alt, же Shift жана жок дегенде дагы бир башка баскычты колдонуңуз. That won't work. Use Ctrl, Alt, or Shift and at least one other key.
266Ал кыска жолу алынган. Башканы тандаңыз жана дагы аракеттениңиз. That shortcut is taken. Pick another one and try again.
267Ал кыска жолу иштебейт. Башканы тандаңыз жана дагы аракеттениңиз. That shortcut won't work. Pick another one and try again.
270Жалпы General
271Жарлыктар Shortcuts
272Аудио Audio
275Мен оюн клиптерин жаздырган учурда аудиону жаздыруу Record audio when I record game clips
276Кийинки жолу оюнду жаздырууда, микрофонумдан жаздыруу Record my microphone next time I record a game
277Аудио сапаты: Audio quality:
278кб/с kbps
279Microфондон жаздыруу күйгүзүлдү Microphone recording is on
280Микрофондон жаздыруу бар/жок (Win + Alt + M) Microphone recording on/off (Win + Alt + M)
281Фондо жаздыруу башталууда. Микрофондон жаздыруу күйгүзүлдү. Starting background recording. Microphone recording is on.
282Фондо жаздыруу башталууда Starting background recording
283Укма сапатын көтөрүү Increase audio quality
284Укма сапатын төмөндөтүү Decrease audio quality
285Акыркы жаздыруу Record the last
286Жаздыруу узундугунун эң көп боло турганы Maximum recording length
287Укма сапаты Audio quality
288Оюн тилкесин ачуу, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы+ G, жарлыгыңыз, Open Game bar, Windows shortcut, Windows key + G, your shortcut,
289Аны жаздыруу, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы + Alt + G, жарлыгыңыз, Record that, Windows shortcut, Windows key + Alt + G, your shortcut,
290Жаздырууну баштоо же токтотуу, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы + Alt + R, жарлыгыңыз, Start or stop a recording, Windows shortcut, Windows key + Alt + R, your shortcut,
291Экран кесүүсүн тартуу, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы + Alt + Print Screen, жарлыгыңыз, Take a screenshot, Windows shortcut, Windows key + Alt + Print Screen, your shortcut,
292Жаздыруу таймерин көрсөтүү же жашыруу, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы + Alt + T, жарлыгыңыз, Show or hide the recording timer, Windows shortcut, Windows key + Alt + T, your shortcut,
293Микрофондон жаздырууну күйгүзүү же өчүрүү, Windows жарлыгы, Windows баскычы + Alt + M, жарлыгыңыз, Turn microphone recording on or off, Windows shortcut, Windows key + Alt + M, your shortcut,
295Оюн тилкеси Game bar
296Жаздыруу таймери Recording timer
297Оюн тилкенин кабары Game bar message
298Оюн тилке орнотуулары Game bar settings
299Бул оюн үчүн микрофондон жаздыруу башталууда Starting microphone recording for this game
300Бул оюн үчүн микрофондон жаздыруу токтотулууда Stopping microphone recording for this game
301Microфондон жаздыруу өчүрүлдү Microphone recording is off
302Сизде жаздыруу үчүн дисктеги бош орун жетишпейт. Бир аз орун бошотуп, дагы аракет кылыңыз. You don't have enough disk space to record. Make some room and try again.
303Жаздырууга мүмкүн эмес, дисплей драйверлериңиз убагы эскирген болушу мүмкүн. Аларды жаңыртып, дагы аракет кылыңыз. Can't record because your display drivers might be out of date. Update them and try again.
304Plug your microphone in, and try recording again. Plug your microphone in, and try recording again.
305Turn your audio on, and try recording again. Turn your audio on, and try recording again.
307Something went wrong, and your mic is still recording. Try again later. Something went wrong, and your mic is still recording. Try again later.
308Try again later. Can't record your microphone right now. Try again later. Can't record your microphone right now.
309Микрофондон жаздыруу билдирүүлөрүн көрсөтүү Show microphone recording notifications
311Укма жаздыруусун күйгүзүү Turn on audio recording
350Микрофондон жаздыруусун күйгүзүү Turn on microphone recording
351Микрофондон жаздыруусун өчүрүү Turn off microphone recording
352Turn on camera Turn on camera
353Turn off camera Turn off camera
360Жаздырууну токтотуу Stop recording
361Stop broadcasting Stop broadcasting
362Pause broadcasting Pause broadcasting
363Resume broadcasting Resume broadcasting
370Таймерди жашыруу Hide timer
371Толук экрандагы оюндарды ойногонумда, Оюн тилкесин көрсөтүү Show Game bar when I play full-screen games
372Муну Microsoft ырастаган оюндар үчүн гана иштеңиз Only do this for games Microsoft has verified
373Бул өзгөртүүнү көрүүгө, оюн(дар)уңузду башынан жандырыңыз Restart your game(s) to see this change
374Жаздыруу менен бирдеме тескери кетти. Бир аз ойноп туруп, дагы аракет кылыңыз. Something went wrong with the recording. Play some more and try again.
375Микрофондон жаздыруусу өчүрүлдү. Кийинки жолу жаздырганыңызда, микрофонуңуз жазбай калат. Microphone recording is off. Next time you record, your mic won't be recorded.
376Микрофондон жаздыруусу күйгүзүлдү. Кийинки жолу жаздырганыңызда, микрофонуңуз да жазып калат. Microphone recording is on. Next time you record, your mic will be recorded too.
377Мен Microsoft ырастаган толук экран оюндарын ойноп жатканда Оюн тилкесин көрсөтүү Show Game bar when I play full-screen games Microsoft has verified
378Broadcast setup Broadcast setup
379Broadcast window Broadcast window
380Broadcast title Broadcast title
381Camera Position Camera Position
382Top left Top left
383Top middle Top middle
384Top right Top right
385Middle left Middle left
386Middle right Middle right
387Bottom left Bottom left
388Bottom middle Bottom middle
389Bottom right Bottom right
390Configure more broadcasting settings in Windows Settings Configure more broadcasting settings in Windows Settings
391Xbox Live Xbox Live
392Broadcast name Broadcast name
393Edit the broadcast title Edit the broadcast title
394Sign into Xbox Live to broadcast Sign into Xbox Live to broadcast
395Get started Get started
396Cancel Cancel
397Use Game Mode for this game Use Game Mode for this game
398Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's quality. Learn more Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's quality. Learn more
399Game Mode Game Mode
401Edit more preferences in Windows Settings Edit more preferences in Windows Settings
403Use camera when I broadcast Use camera when I broadcast
404Turn microphone on when I broadcast Turn microphone on when I broadcast
405Choose another app to broadcast with. Choose another app to broadcast with.
406Restart your game, and try recording again. Restart your game, and try recording again.
407Choose another game to broadcast. This one can't be broadcasted. Choose another game to broadcast. This one can't be broadcasted.
408Your broadcast ended once you signed out. Your broadcast ended once you signed out.
409Something went wrong. Try broadcasting again later. Something went wrong. Try broadcasting again later.
412Restart the game, and try broadcasting again. Restart the game, and try broadcasting again.
417Something went wrong. Try broadcasting again. Something went wrong. Try broadcasting again.
418Your broadcast ended once you closed your window. Your broadcast ended once you closed your window.
419Your broadcast ended. Try broadcasting again later. Your broadcast ended. Try broadcasting again later.
421You're already recording. Finish that clip, and try again. You're already recording. Finish that clip, and try again.
422Something went wrong. Try recording again. Something went wrong. Try recording again.
423There's nothing to record right now. Play some more and try again. There's nothing to record right now. Play some more and try again.
425Choose another start time. Choose another start time.
429Choose a smaller buffer length. Choose a smaller buffer length.
430Choose a larger buffer length. Choose a larger buffer length.
431Choose a different recording length. Choose a different recording length.
432Free up some space on your PC, and try recording that again. Free up some space on your PC, and try recording that again.
433Sorry, this PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. Learn more Sorry, this PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. Learn more
434Camera broadcasting error Camera broadcasting error
435Try again, can't broadcast camera. Try again, can't broadcast camera.
437Microphone broadcasting error Microphone broadcasting error
438Pause broadcasting (Win + Alt + B) Pause broadcasting (Win + Alt + B)
440Press Win+G to broadcast your game Press Win+G to broadcast your game
441We can't find your chat right now We can't find your chat right now
442No one is chatting right now No one is chatting right now
444Try turning on your camera later. Try turning on your camera later.
445Try turning off your camera later. Try turning off your camera later.
446Resume broadcasting (Win + Alt + B) Resume broadcasting (Win + Alt + B)
447More in Windows settings More in Windows settings
448Game Bar Broadcast Preview Game Bar Broadcast Preview
449Game Bar Broadcast Chat Game Bar Broadcast Chat
450You're already broadcasting a game. Finish that broadcast, and try again. You're already broadcasting a game. Finish that broadcast, and try again.
451To start broadcasting, change your Xbox settings at To start broadcasting, change your Xbox settings at
452You’ve been banned from broadcasting. To learn more about policy and enforcement, visit You’ve been banned from broadcasting. To learn more about policy and enforcement, visit
453Change your privacy settings to start broadcasting. Learn more Change your privacy settings to start broadcasting. Learn more
454Sorry, your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for broadcasting. Learn More Sorry, your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for broadcasting. Learn More
455Game Game
456Desktop Desktop
458Connect to the internet to broadcast. Connect to the internet to broadcast.
459Use of broadcasting Use of broadcasting
460is subject to the Terms of Service is subject to the Terms of Service
461creates data, treated per the Privacy Policy creates data, treated per the Privacy Policy
462I agree I agree
464 channel channel
466Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's experience. Learn more Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's experience. Learn more
467Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's performance. Learn more Game Mode makes gaming your PC's top priority to improve your game's performance. Learn more
468With Game Mode, Windows 10 ensures you play your games with the best possible experience. Learn more With Game Mode, Windows 10 ensures you play your games with the best possible experience. Learn more
469Game mode gives you the best possible experience with your games. Learn more Game mode gives you the best possible experience with your games. Learn more
470Broadcasting Terms of Service Broadcasting Terms of Service
471Broadcasting Privacy Policy Broadcasting Privacy Policy
472Use Game Mode Use Game Mode
473Enable Game Mode Enable Game Mode
474Broadcast Channel Broadcast Channel
475View broadcast channel View broadcast channel
476Visit broadcast channel Visit broadcast channel
477Edit the broadcast title / View channel Edit the broadcast title / View channel
478View channel View channel
479Broadcaster name Broadcaster name
480Your channel Your channel
481Press Win+G to interact Press Win+G to interact
482Press Win+G to use Game bar Press Win+G to use Game bar
483Win+G to use Game bar Win+G to use Game bar
484With Game Mode, your PC ensures you play your games with the best possible experience. Learn more. With Game Mode, your PC ensures you play your games with the best possible experience. Learn more.
485Press Xbox button to use Game bar Press Xbox button to use Game bar
486Press to use Game bar Press to use Game bar
487Game Mode is turned off. Go to Windows Settings to turn it on. Game Mode is turned off. Go to Windows Settings to turn it on.
488emoticon emoticon
489unknown emoticon unknown emoticon
490 says says
491 whispers whispers
492 whispers to whispers to
493 viewers viewers
494Show broadcast preview Show broadcast preview
495Show broadcast chat Show broadcast chat
496Hide broadcast chat Hide broadcast chat
497Hide broadcast preview Hide broadcast preview


File Name:GamePanel.exe.mui
File Size:26 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Kyrgyz
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Оюн Тилкеси
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Game Bar
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft корпорациясы. Бардык укуктар корголгон.
Original File Name:gamepanel.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is GamePanel.exe.mui?

GamePanel.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Kyrgyz language for file GamePanel.exe (Оюн Тилкеси).

File version info

File Description:Оюн Тилкеси
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Game Bar
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft корпорациясы. Бардык укуктар корголгон.
Original Filename:gamepanel.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x440, 1200