MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui 現代化更新設定處理常式實作 8f4cbd450acabae7af5cd342f01358ae

File info

File name: MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Size: 16896 byte
MD5: 8f4cbd450acabae7af5cd342f01358ae
SHA1: 913dd831ab3ec5a9434bc7d9274a3e243c5272af
SHA256: 57094e9a4fd00ee8828e47ded0bf46f0798b708b18ad3d481a9057be93db160b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
50正在檢查更新... Checking for updates...
51正在下載更新 %1!u!%% Downloading updates %1!u!%%
52正在準備安裝更新 %1!u!%% Preparing to install updates %1!u!%%
53請稍候... Please wait...
54您的裝置已是最新狀態。上次檢查: %1,%2 Your device is up to date. Last checked: %1, %2
55沒有可用的更新。將繼續每天檢查較新的更新。 No updates are available. We'll continue to check daily for newer updates.
56已準備好安裝更新 Updates are ready to install
57我們將在您未使用裝置時自動安裝更新,或者您也可以立即安裝更新。 We'll automatically install updates when you aren't using your device, or you can install them now if you want.
58已經可以下載更新 Updates are ready to download
59正在安裝更新... Installing updates...
60我們需要啟動個別安裝才能完成此更新。請選取 [安裝] 以開始安裝。若未看到安裝視窗,請將此視窗最小化,或檢查工作列。 We need to start a separate installation to complete this update. Select Install to start it. If you don't see the install window, minimize this window, or check the taskbar.
61您的裝置已是最新狀態。上次檢查: 今天,%1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Today, %1
62您的裝置已是最新狀態。上次檢查: 昨天,%1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Yesterday, %1
63正在初始化更新... Initializing updates...
64正在準備下載更新 %1!u!%% Preparing to download updates %1!u!%%
100檢查更新 Check for updates
101將自動下載並安裝可用的更新,但使用計量付費連線 (可能需要支付費用) 時除外。 Available updates will be downloaded and installed automatically, except over metered connections (where charges may apply).
102立即重新啟動 Restart now
103立即安裝 Install now
104下載 Download
105重試 Retry
106修正問題 Fix issues
107移至儲存空間以移除您不需要的項目 Go to Storage to remove things you don't need
108下一個 Next
109無法重新啟動以完成安裝。請稍後再試一次。若您持續看到此訊息,請嘗試搜尋網路或連絡支援人員以取得協助。此錯誤碼可能有所幫助: (%1) We're having trouble restarting to finish the install. Try again in a little while. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
110若要重新啟動並完成更新,必須符合下列條件: To restart and finish updating, we need:
• 電池必須充電達 40%。

• Your battery charged to 40%.
• 必須掛斷電話。

• Your phone call to be finished.
113此選項是由您的組織所管理。 This option is managed by your organization.
114繼續更新 Resume updates
130當我更新 Windows 時提供其他 Microsoft 產品的更新。 Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows.
131從線上檢查來自 Microsoft Update 的更新。 Check online for updates from Microsoft Update.
133深入了解 Learn more
134在更新之後,使用我的登入資訊來自動完成裝置設定作業。 Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update.
136隱私權聲明 Privacy statement
137當我更新 Windows 時包括驅動程式更新 Include driver updates when I update Windows
140您可以立即重新啟動。或者,您可以重新排定方便的重新啟動時間。請確定您的裝置已在排定的時間之前接上電源。視更新的大小而定,安裝可能需要一些時間。 If you want, you can restart now. Or, you can reschedule the restart to a more convenient time. Be sure your device is plugged in at the scheduled time. Depending on the size of the update, the install might take a while.
141我們會將重新啟動排定在您通常不使用裝置的時間 (目前看起來今天 %1 不錯)。 We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 today looks good).
142我們會將重新啟動排定在您通常不使用裝置的時間 (目前看起來明天 %1 不錯)。 We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 tomorrow looks good).
143我們會將重新啟動排定在您通常不使用裝置的時間 (目前看起來 %2 的 %1 不錯)。 We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 on %2 looks good).
144選取重新啟動時間 Select a restart time
145今天 Today
146明天 Tomorrow
147該時間是過去的時間。請選擇其他時間。 That time is in the past. Choose another time.
148我們將依照您的指示完成更新安裝作業: We’ll finish installing updates when you tell us to:
149當我們要重新開機時,會顯示一則提醒。如果您想要查看更多有關重新啟動的通知,請開啟此選項。 We’ll show a reminder when we’re going to restart. If you want to see more notifications about restarting, turn this on.
150已有可用的更新。 Updates are available.
151需要重新啟動才能完成下列更新的安裝作業: A restart is required to finish installing the following updates:
152其他語言支援 Additional language support
160• 改善網頁瀏覽體驗與應用程式相容性。 • Improve web browsing and app compatibility.
161• 改善您的裝置運作方式。 • Improve the way your devices work.
162• 讓您的裝置更安全。 • Help make your device more secure.
163• %1 • %1
164更新記錄 Update history
165詳細資料 Details
166隱私權設定 Privacy settings
167注意: Windows Update 可能會在檢查其他更新之前,先自動進行自我更新。 Note: Windows Update might update itself automatically first when checking for other updates.
168進階選項 Advanced options
169重新啟動選項 Restart options
170排定重新啟動作業 Schedule the restart
180自動 (建議選項) Automatic (recommended)
181維持所有功能順暢運作。我們將會在您未使用裝置時自動重新啟動裝置。不會透過計量付費連線 (可能需要支付費用) 下載更新。 Keep everything running smoothly. We'll restart your device automatically when you're not using it. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
182通知我下載 Notify to download
183選擇下載更新的時間,而且系統會在需要重新啟動時通知您。 Choose when to download updates, and you'll be notified if a restart is needed.
184通知我排定重新啟動作業 Notify to schedule restart
185系統會要求您排定重新啟動時間以完成更新安裝作業。不會透過計量付費連線 (可能需要支付費用) 下載更新。 You'll be asked to schedule a restart to finish installing updates. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
186需要安裝更新時,一律在這個時間重新啟動我的裝置。 Always restart my device at this time whenever updates need to be installed.
187重複使用在此裝置下載的更新來更新我區域網路上的其他裝置。 Reuse updates downloaded on this device to update other devices on my local network.
188永遠不檢查更新 (不建議) Never check for updates (not recommended)
189您的組織已經關閉自動更新 Your organization has turned off automatic updates
190通知以安裝 Notify to install
191將不會透過計量付費連線下載更新。系統將在下載更新之後詢問您是否要安裝。 Updates won't download over a metered connection. You'll be asked to install updates when they've been downloaded.
192我們將自動下載和安裝更新,付費連線的情況除外 (因為可能需要支付費用)。在該種情況下,我們只會自動下載保持 Windows 順暢運作所需的這些更新。 We'll automatically download and install updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly.
193我們將要求您下載更新,但保持 Windows 順暢運作所需的更新除外。在該種情況下,我們將自動下載這些更新。 We'll ask you to download updates, except when updates are required to keep Windows running smoothly. In that case, we’ll automatically download those updates.
194我們將自動下載更新,付費連線的情況除外 (因為可能需要支付費用)。在該種情況下,我們只會自動下載保持 Windows 順暢運作所需的這些更新。下載完成後,我們會要求您安裝更新。 We'll automatically download updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly. We'll ask you to install updates after they've been downloaded.
200尚未安裝任何更新。 No updates have been installed yet.
201已順利在 %1 安裝 Successfully installed on %1
202無法在 %1 安裝 Failed to install on %1
203需要重新啟動以完成安裝 Requires a restart to finish installing
204品質更新 (%1!u!) Quality Updates (%1!u!)
205功能更新 (%1!u!) Feature Updates (%1!u!)
206驅動程式更新 (%1!u!) Driver Updates (%1!u!)
207定義更新 (%1!u!) Definition Updates (%1!u!)
208其他更新 (%1!u!) Other Updates (%1!u!)
209已摺疊 Collapsed
210未摺疊 Not Collapsed
240復原選項 Recovery options
241解除安裝更新 Uninstall updates
300軟體授權條款 Software License Terms
301若要安裝此更新,請接受新的軟體授權條款。如果您不想立即安裝更新,請關閉此視窗或選取上方的 [上一步] 箭號。 To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Close this window or select the Back arrow above if you don't want to install the update now.
302若要安裝此更新,請接受新的軟體授權條款。如果您不想立即安裝更新,請選取 [上一步] 按鈕。 To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Select the Back button if you don't want to install the update now.
400關閉 Close
401接受並安裝 Accept and install
500正在等待下載 Waiting for download
501正在下載 Downloading
502正在等待安裝 Waiting for install
503正在安裝 Installing
504需要重新啟動 Requires restart
505錯誤 Error
506進行中 In progress
550選擇分支整備層級來決定何時安裝功能更新。最新分支表示更新已準備好供大多數人使用,而最新商務分支表示已準備好在組織內廣泛使用。 Choose the branch readiness level to determine when feature updates are installed. Current Branch means the update is ready for most people, and Current Branch for Business means it’s ready for widespread use in organizations.
551最新分支 Current Branch
552最新商務分支 Current Branch for Business
553功能更新包含新功能和改進功能。可延遲下列天數: A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
554品質更新包含安全性改進。可延遲下列天數: A quality update includes security improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
555暫時暫停在此裝置上安裝更新最多達 %1!u! 天。當更新繼續時,此裝置必須取得最新的更新後,才能再次暫停更新。 Temporarily pause updates from being installed on this device for up to %1!u! days. When updates resume, this device will need to get the latest updates before it can be paused again.
556您已暫停此裝置的更新。請選取 [進階選項] 以取得關於何時將繼續更新的詳細資訊。 You have paused updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
557您的組織已暫停此裝置的某些更新。請選取 [進階選項] 以取得關於何時將繼續更新的詳細資訊。 Your organization paused some updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
558立即暫停將暫停更新,直到 %1 Pausing now will pause updates until %1
559更新已暫停,直到 %1 Updates paused until %1
560品質更新已由您的組織暫停,直到 %1 Quality updates paused by your organization until %1
561功能更新已由您的組織暫停,直到 %1 Feature updates paused by your organization until %1
562已下載並安裝部分更新,而且無法暫停。重新啟動此裝置將完成安裝這些更新。任何其他更新都將暫停。 Some updates were already downloaded and installed and can’t be paused. Restarting this device will finish installing these updates. Any other updates will be paused.
563更新已繼續。我們會在您再次暫停更新之前檢查有無更新,以確保您的電腦安裝了最新安全性與優質更新,並時時處於最新的狀態。 Updates have been resumed so we are checking for updates to keep your machine current with the latest security and quality updates before you can pause updates again.
564暫停更新 Pause Updates
600選擇自開始時間起不超過 %1!u! 小時的結束時間。 Choose an end time that’s no more than %1!u! hours from the start time.
601結束時間 (最多 %1!u! 小時) End time (max %1!u! hours)
602您的組織已選擇您的使用時間限制。 Your organization has chosen your Active hours limits.
700您的裝置已排定為在使用時間以外的時間重新啟動 (使用時間是 %1 到 %2)。 Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
701我們準備進行您安排於 %1 在 %2 上的重新啟動,或是選取 [立即重新啟動] 馬上更順暢且更安全地執行。。 We’re all set to do the restart you scheduled at %1 on %2, or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
702您的組織將在 %1 重新啟動您的裝置以完成安裝更新 Windows。或者,請選取 [立即重新啟動] 馬上更順暢且更安全地執行。 Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
703您的裝置將在 %1 重新啟動。請務必在重新啟動之前先儲存所有工作。 Your device will restart at %1. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
704您的裝置將在 %1 重新啟動,因為我們已嘗試,但無法在您的使用時間之外安裝更新。請務必在重新啟動之前先儲存所有工作。 Your device will restart at %1 because we tried but were unable to install updates outside of your active hours. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
707您的裝置已排定為在使用時間以外的時間 (由您的組織所設定) 重新啟動 (使用時間是 %1 到 %2)。 Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours set by your organization. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
708我們找不到時間在您的使用時間之外安裝更新,因此您必須重新啟動您的裝置以完成更新。 We couldn’t find a good time to install updates outside of your active hours and need you to restart your device to finish up.
800您的裝置已過期而且遺失重要的安全性和品質更新而有危險。讓我們將裝置保持最新狀態,使 Windows 可以更安全地執行。請選取此按鈕繼續: Your device is at risk because it’s out of date and missing important security and quality updates. Let’s get you back on track so Windows can run more securely. Select this button to get going:
1000已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 MB-%2 MB 的空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1001有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 MB-%2 GB 的空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1002已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 GB-%2 GB 的空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1003已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 MB 的空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1004已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 GB 的空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1005已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要一些空間才能下載。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1100已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 MB 的空間才能安裝。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1101已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要 %1 GB 的空間才能安裝。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1102已有可用的更新,但我們暫時需要一些空間才能安裝。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1200已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB-%2 MB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1201已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB-%2 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1202已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 GB-%2 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1203已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1204已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1205已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線立即取得更新 (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 Wi-Fi。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1300無法安裝某些更新,因為您尚未登入電腦。 We couldn't install some updates because you weren't logged on to the PC.
1301無法使用您用來登入的帳戶安裝某些更新。請嘗試使用其他帳戶登入。 We couldn't install some updates using the account you're signed in with. Try signing in with another account.
1302此電腦未獲授權以取得某些更新,可能是因為正在嘗試安裝升級至不同 Windows 版本的更新。我們將會繼續嘗試更新。 This PC isn't authorized to get some updates, possibly because an upgrade to a different edition of Windows is trying to install. We'll keep trying to update.
8000安裝某些更新時發生一些問題,但我們將稍後再試一次。若您持續看到此訊息,且想要搜尋網路或連絡支援人員以取得詳細資訊,這可能有幫助: There were problems installing some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help:
8001• %1 - 錯誤 %2 • %1 - Error %2
8002安裝更新時發生一些問題,但我們將稍後再試一次。若您持續看到此訊息,且想要搜尋網路或連絡支援人員以取得詳細資訊,這可能有所幫助: (%1) There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (%1)
8003發現一些問題。選取此訊息以修正並完成更新。 We found some issues. Select this message to fix and finish updating.
8004無法檢查更新,因為您未連線到網際網路。請確定您有行動數據或 Wi-Fi 連線,然後再試一次。 We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or Wi-Fi connection and try again.
8005您正在使用漫遊連線。我們將稍後自動重試。 Your connection is roaming. We'll try again later automatically.
8006無法安裝某些更新,因為正在進行其他更新。重新啟動電腦可能會有幫助,我們將會繼續嘗試更新。 We can't install some updates because other updates are in progress. Restarting your computer may help, and we'll keep trying to update.
8007無法完成更新下載作業,因為網際網路連線已中斷。請確定您已連線,我們將稍後重試。 We couldn't finish downloading updates because the Internet connection was lost. Make sure you're connected and we'll try again later.
8008有可用的更新,但其大小對於透過您目前的連線下載而言太大。我們將在您連線到 Wi-Fi 時下載更新。 Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to Wi-Fi.
8009無法下載某些更新,因為您已登出帳戶。請使用您的帳戶登入以再次嘗試更新,並於下載期間保持登入狀態。 We couldn't download some updates because you were signed out of your account. Sign in with your account, try the update again, and stay signed in during the download.
8010已開啟省電模式,因此已暫停下載。當省電模式關閉時會繼續下載,或者您可以按一下 [下載] 按鈕以立即執行。 Battery Saver is on, so we've paused downloads. We'll resume when Battery Saver is off or click the ‘Download’ button to do it now.
8011下載某些更新時發生問題,但我們將稍後再試一次。若您持續看到此訊息,請嘗試搜尋網路或連絡支援人員以取得協助。此錯誤碼可能有所幫助: (%1) There were problems downloading some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
8014無法下載更新,因為網路發生問題。我們將會繼續嘗試下載。 We couldn't download updates because of network problems. We'll keep trying to download.
8015無法安裝某些更新,因為電腦已關閉。 We couldn't install some updates because the PC was turned off.
8016目前您電腦上的驅動程式,可能比我們正在嘗試安裝的驅動程式更新。我們將會繼續嘗試安裝。 A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we're trying to install. We'll keep trying to install.
8017已取消某些更新。我們將會繼續嘗試檢查是否有新的更新。 Some updates were cancelled. We'll keep trying in case new updates become available.
8019我們需要對您的更新進行一些變更。我們將會繼續嘗試。 We need to make some changes to your update. We'll keep trying.
8020請協助我們修正幾個會封鎖更新的問題。 Please help us fix some things that are blocking your update.
8021已變更下載更新的儲存位置。請確定下載更新時,未移除任何磁碟機或記憶卡。 The storage location where updates were downloading changed. Make sure any drives or memory cards aren't removed while updates are downloading.
8022若要安裝此更新,請接受新的軟體授權條款。 To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms.
8023無法連線到更新服務。我們將在稍後重試,或者您可以立即檢查。如果仍然無法運作,請確定您已連線到網際網路。 We couldn't connect to the update service. We'll try again later, or you can check now. If it still doesn't work, make sure you're connected to the Internet.
8024我們暫時需要更多空間來下載更新。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 We temporarily need more space to download your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8025我們暫時需要更多空間來安裝更新。請移除一些目前不需要的項目,我們將會再試一次。 We temporarily need more space to install your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8026無法下載更新。重新啟動您的裝置可能會有幫助。 We're having some trouble downloading updates. Restarting your device may help.
8027您可能已經在某些更新檔案可以安裝之前將它們刪除。如果您仍需要那些檔案,我們將為您下載。 You may have deleted some update files before they could be installed. We'll download those files for you if you still need them.

錯誤碼: (%1)
Some update files aren't signed correctly.

Error code: (%1)

錯誤碼: (%1)
Make sure your Internet connection isn't metered or roaming, and try downloading updates again.

Error code: (%1)

錯誤碼: (%1)
Some updates didn't finish downloading. We'll keep trying.

Error code: (%1)

錯誤碼: (%1)
We can't finish the update. Try restarting your device and we'll try again.

Error code: (%1)

錯誤碼: (%1)
Some update files are missing or have problems. We'll try to download the update again later.

Error code: (%1)
8033無法取得更新。請確定您是連線到您組織的網路,然後再試一次。 We couldn't get updates. Make sure you are connected to your organization's network and try again.
8034已開啟省電模式。安裝更新之前,請為裝置連接電源。 Battery Saver is turned on. Plug in your device before you install updates.
8035若要安裝更新,電池電力需要充電至 40%。 To install updates, we need your battery charged to 40%.
8036由於您未連線到網際網路,因此無法檢查更新。請確定您有行動數據或 WLAN 連線,然後再試一次。 We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or WLAN connection and try again.
8037已有可用的更新,但其大小對於透過您目前的連線下載而言太大。我們將在您連線到 WLAN 時盡快下載更新。 Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to WLAN.
8038已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB-%2 MB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8039已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB-%2 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8040已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 GB-%2 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8041已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 MB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8042已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線下載 %1 GB (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8043已有可用的更新。我們將在您未使用計量付費連線時下載,或者您可以使用您目前的數據連線立即取得更新 (可能需要支付費用)。對於某些更新,您可能仍然需要連線到非計量付費 WLAN。 Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8044無法安裝更新,因為您裝置上的日期和時間資訊有問題。請確定您的日期、時間與時區設定正確,我們將會稍後再試一次。 We couldn't install updates because there's a problem with the date and time information on your device. Make sure your date, time, and time zone settings are correct and we'll try again later.
8045我們會在您下次插上電源時下載更新,或者您可以按一下 [下載] 按鈕立即下載 We'll download updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'download' button to do it now
8046我們會在您下次插上電源時安裝更新,或者您可以按一下 [安裝] 按鈕立即安裝 We'll install updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'install' button to do it now
8047正在為您的裝置準備更新,而且即將就緒。我們會繼續努力。您也可以選擇立即重試。 An update is being prepared for your device, but it’s not quite ready yet. We'll keep trying or you can try again now.


File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16384
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:現代化更新設定處理常式實作
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui?

MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file MusUpdateHandlers.dll (現代化更新設定處理常式實作).

File version info

File Description:現代化更新設定處理常式實作
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200