100 | ReFS |
ReFS |
200 | 有关 ReFS 文件系统性能计数器的信息。 |
Information on the ReFS file system performance counters. |
1000 | Bytes Cached |
Bytes Cached |
1002 | Cache Size |
Cache Size |
1004 | Cache Allocated |
Cache Allocated |
1006 | Cache In Error |
Cache In Error |
1008 | Cache Allocation Unit Size |
Cache Allocation Unit Size |
1010 | Transactions Outstanding |
Transactions Outstanding |
1012 | Max Transactions Outstanding |
Max Transactions Outstanding |
1014 | Cache Lines Free |
Cache Lines Free |
1016 | Cache Lines In Error |
Cache Lines In Error |
1018 | Cache Hits/sec |
Cache Hits/sec |
1020 | Cache Misses/sec |
Cache Misses/sec |
1022 | Cache Allocations/sec |
Cache Allocations/sec |
1024 | Cache Invalidations/sec |
Cache Invalidations/sec |
1026 | Cache Populations/sec |
Cache Populations/sec |
1028 | Cache Write Through Updates/sec |
Cache Write Through Updates/sec |
1030 | Bytes Read from Cache/sec |
Bytes Read from Cache/sec |
1032 | Bytes Read Missing Cache/sec |
Bytes Read Missing Cache/sec |
1034 | Cache Invalidations in Bytes/sec |
Cache Invalidations in Bytes/sec |
1036 | Cache Populations Bytes/sec |
Cache Populations Bytes/sec |
1038 | Cache Write Through Updates Bytes/sec |
Cache Write Through Updates Bytes/sec |
1040 | Memory Used |
Memory Used |
1042 | Cache Metadata Written Bytes/sec |
Cache Metadata Written Bytes/sec |
1044 | Speculative Bytes Read to Cache/sec |
Speculative Bytes Read to Cache/sec |
1046 | Total Allocations/sec |
Total Allocations/sec |
1048 | Data In Place Writes/sec |
Data In Place Writes/sec |
1050 | Metadata Allocations Fast Tier/sec |
Metadata Allocations Fast Tier/sec |
1052 | Metadata Allocations Slow Tier/sec |
Metadata Allocations Slow Tier/sec |
1054 | Data Allocations Fast Tier/sec |
Data Allocations Fast Tier/sec |
1056 | Data Allocations Slow Tier/sec |
Data Allocations Slow Tier/sec |
1058 | Container Destages From Slow Tier/sec |
Container Destages From Slow Tier/sec |
1060 | Container Destages From Fast Tier/sec |
Container Destages From Fast Tier/sec |
1062 | Slow tier data destage criteria percentage |
Slow tier data destage criteria percentage |
1064 | Fast tier data destage criteria percentage |
Fast tier data destage criteria percentage |
1066 | Slow tier destage read latency (100 ns) |
Slow tier destage read latency (100 ns) |
1068 | Slow tier destage write latency (100 ns) |
Slow tier destage write latency (100 ns) |
1070 | Fast tier destage read latency (100 ns) |
Fast tier destage read latency (100 ns) |
1072 | Fast tier destage write latency (100 ns) |
Fast tier destage write latency (100 ns) |
1074 | Slow Tier Destaged Container Fill Ratio (%) |
Slow Tier Destaged Container Fill Ratio (%) |
1076 | Fast Tier Destaged Container Fill Ratio (%) |
Fast Tier Destaged Container Fill Ratio (%) |
1082 | Tree update latency (100 ns) |
Tree update latency (100 ns) |
1084 | Checkpoint latency (100 ns) |
Checkpoint latency (100 ns) |
1086 | Tree updates/sec |
Tree updates/sec |
1088 | Checkpoints/sec |
Checkpoints/sec |
1090 | Log writes/sec |
Log writes/sec |
1092 | Slow tier metadata destage criteria percentage |
Slow tier metadata destage criteria percentage |
1094 | Fast tier metadata destage criteria percentage |
Fast tier metadata destage criteria percentage |
1096 | Log fill percentage |
Log fill percentage |
1098 | Trim latency (100 ns) |
Trim latency (100 ns) |
1100 | 数据压缩率/秒 |
Data Compactions/sec |
1101 | Data Compactions/sec |
Data Compactions/sec |
1102 | 压缩读取延迟(100 纳秒) |
Compaction read latency (100 ns) |
1103 | Compaction read latency (100 ns) |
Compaction read latency (100 ns) |
1104 | 压缩写入延迟(100 纳秒) |
Compaction write latency (100 ns) |
1105 | Compaction write latency (100 ns) |
Compaction write latency (100 ns) |
2000 | 缓存中驻留的数据量(以字节为单位)。 |
The amount of data in bytes residing in the cache. |
2002 | 缓存的大小(以字节为单位)。 |
The size in bytes of the cache. |
2004 | 分配的缓存数量(以字节为单位)。 |
The amount of cache allocated in bytes. |
2006 | 有错误的缓存数量(以字节为单位)。 |
The amount of cache in error in bytes. |
2008 | 读取缓存分配单元大小。 |
The read cache allocation unit size. |
2010 | 未完成的读取缓存事务数。 |
Read cache transactions outstanding. |
2012 | 未完成的最大读取缓存事务数。 |
Maximum read cache transactions outstanding. |
2014 | 可用的缓存行(既未分配又无错误)。 |
Cache lines free (neither allocated nor in error). |
2016 | 有错误的缓存行。 |
Cache lines in error. |
2018 | 每秒缓存命中数。 |
The number of cache hits per second. |
2020 | 每秒缓存未命中数。 |
The number of cache misses per second. |
2022 | 每秒缓存分配数。 |
The number of cache allocations per second. |
2024 | 每秒缓存无效数。 |
The number of cache invalidations per second. |
2026 | 每秒缓存填充数 |
The number of cache populations per second. |
2028 | 每秒通过更新写入到缓存的次数。 |
The number of write through updates to cache per second. |
2030 | 每秒从缓存中读取的字节数。 |
The number of bytes read from the cache per second. |
2032 | 每秒未命中缓存的字节读取数。 |
The number of bytes read that missed the cache per second. |
2034 | 每秒缓存中字节无效的数量。 |
The number of bytes invalidated in the cache per second. |
2036 | 每秒填充缓存的字节数。 |
The number of bytes populating cache per second. |
2038 | 每秒通过更新写入缓存的字节数。 |
The number of bytes in write through updates to cache per second. |
2040 | 缓存用于元数据的内存量。 |
The amount of memory used by cache for metadata. |
2042 | 写入以存储缓存元数据的字节的数量。 |
The number of bytes written to store cache metadata. |
2044 | 每秒基于推测读入缓存的字节的数量。 |
The number of bytes read speculatively into the cache per second. |
2046 | 每秒分配总数。 |
The total number of allocations per second. |
2048 | 每秒就地写入数据的次数。 |
The number of in place data writes per second. |
2050 | 每秒从快速层分配元数据的次数。 |
The number of metadata allocations from the fast tier per second. |
2052 | 每秒从慢速层分配元数据的次数。 |
The number of metadata allocations from the slow tier per second. |
2054 | 每秒从快速层分配数据的次数。 |
The number of data allocations from the fast tier per second. |
2056 | 每秒从慢速层分配数据的次数。 |
The number of data allocations from the slow tier per second. |
2058 | 每秒将容器从慢速层移出到快速层的次数。 |
The number of container destages from the slow tier to the fast tier per second. |
2060 | 每秒将容器从快速层移出到慢速层的次数。 |
The number of container destages from the fast tier to the slow tier per second. |
2062 | 慢速层数据移出的移出条件百分比。 |
The destage criteria percentage for slow tier data destages. |
2064 | 快速层数据移出的移出条件百分比。 |
The destage criteria percentage for fast tier data destages. |
2066 | 从慢速层移出到快速层的读取延迟时间(以100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The read latency in 100 ns for slow tier to fast tier destages. |
2068 | 从慢速层移出到快速层的写入延迟时间(以100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The write latency in 100 ns for slow tier to fast tier destages. |
2070 | 从快速层移出到慢速层的读取延迟时间(以100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The read latency in 100 ns for fast tier to slow tier destages. |
2072 | 从快速层移出到慢速层的写入延迟时间(以100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The write latency in 100 ns for fast tier to slow tier destages. |
2074 | 慢速层移出的容器的平均填充比率(百分比)。 |
Average slow tier destaged container fill ratio (percentage). |
2076 | 快速层移出的容器的平均填充比率 (百分比)。 |
Average fast tier destaged container fill ratio (percentage). |
2082 | 保留排他锁时处理树更新所需的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位) |
Total time needed to process tree updates while holding exclusive locks in 100 ns |
2084 | 保留排他锁时处理检查点所需的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位) |
Total time needed to process checkpoints while holding exclusive locks in 100 ns |
2086 | 每秒处理的树更新数量 |
Number of tree updates per second |
2088 | 每秒处理的检查点数量 |
Number of checkpoints per second |
2090 | 每秒处理的日志写入次数 |
Number of log writes per second |
2092 | 慢速层元数据移出的移出条件百分比。 |
The destage criteria percentage for slow tier metadata destages. |
2094 | 快速层元数据移出的移出条件百分比。 |
The destage criteria percentage for fast tier metadata destages. |
2096 | ReFS 日志的填充百分比。 |
The fill percentage for the ReFS log. |
2098 | 在 100 ns 中处理剪裁请求所需的总时间 |
Total time needed to process trim requests in 100 ns |
2100 | 每秒数据压缩数。 |
The number of data compactions per second. |
2102 | 数据压缩的读取延迟(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The read latency in 100 ns for data compaction. |
2104 | 数据压缩的写入延迟(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The write latency in 100 ns for data compaction. |
0x82 | 卷 %2 上的文件系统结构现在已经修复。 |
The file system structure on volume %2 has now been repaired. |
0x83 | 无法纠正卷 %2 上的文件系统结构。 |
The file system structure on volume %2 cannot be corrected. |
0x84 | 文件系统检测到校验和错误,并且可以进行更正。文件或文件夹的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a checksum error and was able to correct it. The name of the file or folder is \"%2\". |
0x85 | 文件系统检测到校验和错误,并且无法进行更正。文件或文件夹的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a checksum error and was not able to correct it. The name of the file or folder is \"%2\". |
0x86 | 文件系统无法将元数据写入媒体备份卷 %2。写入失败,状态为“%3”。ReFS 将使该卷脱机。该卷可能会重新自动装载。 |
The file system was unable to write metadata to the media backing volume %2. A write failed with status \"%3\" ReFS will take the volume offline. It may be mounted again automatically. |
0x87 | 卷 %2 已被格式化为 ReFS,但 ReFS 无法装载它;ReFS 遇到状态 %3。 |
Volume %2 is formatted as ReFS but ReFS is unable to mount it; ReFS encountered status %3. |
0x88 | 卷“%2”已装入较旧版本的 Windows 中。一些功能可能会丧失。 |
Volume \"%2\" was mounted in an older version of Windows. Some features may be lost. |
0x89 | 文件系统无法将元数据写入媒体备份卷 %2。日志重做失败并返回状态“%3”。正在装入卷且不应用日志。 |
The file system was unable to write metadata to the media backing volume %2. Log redo failed with status \"%3\" . The volume is being mounted without the log applied. |
0x8A | 文件系统无法打开媒体备份卷 %2 的重做日志。日志重做失败并返回状态“%3”。正在装入卷且不应用日志。 |
The file system was unable to open redo log for the media backing volume %2. Log redo failed with status \"%3\" . The volume is being mounted without the log applied. |
0x8B | 文件系统检测到全局元数据损坏,但能够在卷 %2 上修复它。在修复过程中,空间可能泄漏。如果将来装载失败,尝试只读卷装载可能会成功。 |
The file system detected a global metadata corruption and was able to repair it on volume %2. Space may be leaked as part of the repair. If future mounts fail, attempting a readonly volume mount may succeed. |
0x8C | 文件系统检测到全局元数据损坏,但能够在卷 %2 上修复它。尝试只读卷装载可能会成功。 |
The file system detected a global metadata corruption and was not able to repair it on volume %2. Attempting a readonly volume mount may succeed. |
0x201 | 文件系统检测到某个文件损坏。已从文件系统命名空间中删除该文件。该文件的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a corruption on a file. The file has been removed from the file system namespace. The name of the file is \"%2\". |
0x202 | 文件系统检测到某个文件损坏。文件系统可能无法从文件系统命名空间中删除该文件。该文件的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a corruption on a file. The file system may have failed to remove it from the file system namespace. The name of the file is \"%2\". |
0x203 | 文件系统检测到某个文件夹损坏。已从文件系统命名空间中删除该文件夹的内容。该文件夹的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a corruption on a folder. Contents of the folder have been removed from the file system namespace. The name of the folder is \"%2\". |
0x204 | 文件系统检测到文件夹损坏。文件系统可能无法从文件系统命名空间中删除该文件夹的内容。该文件夹的名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a corruption on a folder. The file system may have failed to remove contents of the folder from the file system namespace. The name of the folder is \"%2\". |
0x205 | 文件系统确定给定的磁盘上存在多个卷,因此已禁用读取卷“%2”的缓存。状态为“%3”。 |
The file system determined that there were multiple volumes on the given disk so has disabled read cache for the volume \"%2\". Status is \"%3\". |
0x206 | 文件系统无法确定给定的磁盘上是否存在多个卷(状态为“%3”),因此已禁用读取卷“%2”的缓存。 |
The file system could not determine if there were multiple volumes on the given disk (status is \"%3\") so has disabled read cache for the volume \"%2\". |
0x207 | 文件系统检测到文件系统元数据损坏。流名称为“%2”。 |
The file system detected a corruption on file system metadata. The name of the stream is \"%2\". |
0x209 | 卷“%2”检测到文件系统元数据已损坏。它将丧失自我修复功能。 |
Volume \"%2\" detected a corruption on file system metadata. It will lose self-healing features. |
0x1F00 | |
0x10000016 | 统计信息 |
Statistics |
0x10000034 | SQM |
0x30000000 | 信息 |
Info |
0x50000002 | 错误 |
Error |
0x50000003 | 警告 |
Warning |
0x50000005 | 详细 |
Verbose |
0x80040032 | {延迟写入失败}Windows 无法保存文件 %2 的所有数据。数据已丢失。此错误可能是由于计算机硬件或网络连接问题所致。请尝试将此文件保存到其他位置。 |
{Delayed Write Failed}Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %2. The data has been lost.This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere. |
0x80040039 | 系统未能将数据刷新到事务日志。可能出现损坏现象。 |
The system failed to flush data to the transaction log. Corruption may occur. |
0x8004008B | {延迟写入失败}Windows 无法保存文件 %2 的所有数据;数据已丢失。此错误可能是由于网络连接问题所致。请尝试将此文件保存到其他位置。 |
{Delayed Write Failed}Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %2; the data has been lost.This error may be caused by network connectivity issues. Please try to save this file elsewhere. |
0x8004008C | {延迟写入失败}Windows 无法保存文件 %2 的所有数据;数据已丢失。此错误是由此文件所在的服务器返回的。请尝试将此文件保存到其他位置。 |
{Delayed Write Failed}Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %2; the data has been lost.This error was returned by the server on which the file exists. Please try to save this file elsewhere. |
0x8004008D | {延迟写入失败}Windows 无法保存文件 %2 的所有数据;数据已丢失。如果设备已被移除或介质为写保护状态,则可能导致此错误。 |
{Delayed Write Failed}Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %2; the data has been lost.This error may be caused if the device has been removed or the media is write-protected. |
0x90000002 | 系统 |
System |
0xB0000004 | 已成功装载 ReFS 卷。%n%n卷 GUID:%4%n卷名:%6%n卷标:%8%n设备名称:%3 |
The ReFS volume has been successfully mounted.%n%nVolume GUID:%4%nVolume Name:%6%nVolume Label:%8%nDevice Name:%3 |
0xB0000005 | ReFS 无法装载卷。%n上下文: %1%n错误: %2%n%n卷 GUID:%3%nDeviceName:%5%n卷名:%7 |
ReFS failed to mount the volume.%nContext: %1%nError: %2%n%nVolume GUID:%3%nDeviceName:%5%nVolume Name:%7 |
0xB0000006 | ReFS 正在装载卷。%n上下文: %1%n进度: %2 |
ReFS is mounting the volume.%nContext: %1%nProgress: %2 |
0xB0000007 | ReFS 无法装载该卷。版本 %4.%5 与预期值 %2.%3 不匹配 %n上下文: %1%n |
ReFS failed to mount the volume. Version %4.%5 doesn't match expected value %2.%3 %nContext: %1%n |
0xB0000008 | 正在为卷填充 ReFS 快速层。%n 上下文: %1%n填充率: %2%n%n卷 GUID:%3%n设备名:%5%n卷名:%7 |
ReFS fast tier is filling up for volume.%n Context: %1%nFillRatio: %2%n%nVolume GUID:%3%nDeviceName:%5%nVolume Name:%7 |
0xB0000092 | IO latency summary:%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n%n Interval duration: %6 us%n%n Non-cached reads:%n IO count: %7%n Total bytes: %8%n Avg latency: %9 ns%n%n Non-cached writes: %n IO count: %10%n Total bytes: %11%n Avg latency: %12 ns%n%n File flushes: %n IO count: %13%n Avg latency: %14 ns%n%n Directory flushes: %n IO count: %15%n Avg latency: %16 ns%n%n Volume flushes: %n IO count: %17%n Avg latency: %18 ns%n%n File level trims: %n IO count: %19%n Total bytes: %20%n Extents count: %21%n Avg latency: %22 ns%n%n Volume trims: %n IO count: %23%n Total bytes: %24%n Extents count: %25%n Avg latency: %26 ns%n%nFor more details see the details tab.%n |
IO latency summary:%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n%n Interval duration: %6 us%n%n Non-cached reads:%n IO count: %7%n Total bytes: %8%n Avg latency: %9 ns%n%n Non-cached writes: %n IO count: %10%n Total bytes: %11%n Avg latency: %12 ns%n%n File flushes: %n IO count: %13%n Avg latency: %14 ns%n%n Directory flushes: %n IO count: %15%n Avg latency: %16 ns%n%n Volume flushes: %n IO count: %17%n Avg latency: %18 ns%n%n File level trims: %n IO count: %19%n Total bytes: %20%n Extents count: %21%n Avg latency: %22 ns%n%n Volume trims: %n IO count: %23%n Total bytes: %24%n Extents count: %25%n Avg latency: %26 ns%n%nFor more details see the details tab.%n |
0xB0000093 | An IO took more than %5 ms to complete:%n%n Process Id: %6%n Process name: %7%n File name: %9%n File offset: %12%n IO Type: %10%n IO Size: %11 bytes%n %15 cluster(s) starting at cluster %14%n Latency: %13 ms%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
An IO took more than %5 ms to complete:%n%n Process Id: %6%n Process name: %7%n File name: %9%n File offset: %12%n IO Type: %10%n IO Size: %11 bytes%n %15 cluster(s) starting at cluster %14%n Latency: %13 ms%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
0xB0000094 | A %9 failed with %14.%n%n Process Id: %5%n Process name: %6%n File name: %8%n IO Size: %10 bytes%n File offset: %11%n %13 cluster(s) starting at cluster %12%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
A %9 failed with %14.%n%n Process Id: %5%n Process name: %6%n File name: %8%n IO Size: %10 bytes%n File offset: %11%n %13 cluster(s) starting at cluster %12%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
0xB0000095 | In the past %5 seconds we had IO failures.%n%n High latency IO count: %6%n Failed writes: %7%n Failed reads: %8%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
In the past %5 seconds we had IO failures.%n%n High latency IO count: %6%n Failed writes: %7%n Failed reads: %8%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n |
0xB0010091 | IO latency summary common data for volume:%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n%n Max Acceptable IO Latency: %5 ms%n Read/Write latency buckets (ns): [%6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12]%n Trim latency buckets (ns): [%13, %14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19]%n Flush latency buckets (ns): [%20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26]%n |
IO latency summary common data for volume:%n%n Volume Id: %1%n Volume name: %3%n%n Max Acceptable IO Latency: %5 ms%n Read/Write latency buckets (ns): [%6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12]%n Trim latency buckets (ns): [%13, %14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19]%n Flush latency buckets (ns): [%20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26]%n |
0xC0040029 | 磁盘上的文件系统结构已损坏,不能使用。 |
The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. |
0xC0040037 | 磁盘上的文件系统结构已损坏,不能使用。请在卷 %2 上运行 chkdsk 实用程序。 |
The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable.Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume %2. |
0xD0000001 | 写入: 非分页,非缓存,异步 |
Write: NonPaging, NonCached, Async |
0xD0000002 | 写入: 非分页,非缓存,同步 |
Write: NonPaging, NonCached, Sync |
0xD0000003 | 写入: 非分页,非缓存,异步,直写 |
Write: NonPaging, NonCached, Async, Writethrough |
0xD0000004 | 写入: 非分页,非缓存,同步,直写 |
Write: NonPaging, NonCached, Sync, Writethrough |
0xD0000005 | 写入: 非分页,缓存,异步 |
Write: NonPaging, Cached, Async |
0xD0000006 | 写入: 非分页,缓存,同步 |
Write: NonPaging, Cached, Sync |
0xD0000007 | 写入: 非分页,缓存,异步,直写 |
Write: NonPaging, Cached, Async, Writethrough |
0xD0000008 | 写入: 非分页,缓存,同步,直写 |
Write: NonPaging, Cached, Sync, Writethrough |
0xD0000009 | 写入: 分页,非缓存,异步 |
Write: Paging, NonCached, Async |
0xD000000A | 写入: 分页,非缓存,同步 |
Write: Paging, NonCached, Sync |
0xD000000B | 写入: 分页,非缓存,异步,直写 |
Write: Paging, NonCached, Async, Writethrough |
0xD000000C | 写入: 分页,非缓存,同步,直写 |
Write: Paging, NonCached, Sync, Writethrough |
0xD000000D | 读取: 非分页,非缓存,异步 |
Read: NonPaging, NonCached, Async |
0xD000000E | 读取: 非分页,非缓存,同步 |
Read: NonPaging, NonCached, Sync |
0xD000000F | 读取: 非分页,缓存,异步 |
Read: NonPaging, Cached, Async |
0xD0000010 | 读取: 非分页,缓存,同步 |
Read: NonPaging, Cached, Sync |
0xD0000011 | 读取: 分页,非缓存,异步 |
Read: Paging, NonCached, Async |
0xD0000012 | 读取: 分页,非缓存,同步 |
Read: Paging, NonCached, Sync |
0xD0000013 | 读取 |
read |
0xD0000014 | 写入 |
write |