setupprep.exe Windows 10 安装程序 8f19b466e0f2a9d7b9f17811db9ffa67

File info

File name: setupprep.exe.mui
Size: 17408 byte
MD5: 8f19b466e0f2a9d7b9f17811db9ffa67
SHA1: c13a9f15ac8282ae2b288020771baf4b219a15cd
SHA256: 9855c8066220582c08defc7820d18a4cafa93b4965f92756bca9c42e8c6b0cc1
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: setupprep.exe Windows 10 安装程序 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100正在准备安装 Windows 10 Preparing to install Windows 10
101Windows 10 安装程序 Windows 10 Setup
102Windows 10 安装程序已在运行。 Windows 10 Setup is already running.
103不支持该 Windows 版本。所需的最低版本为 Windows XP Service Pack 3。 This version of Windows is not supported. Minimum version required is Windows XP with Service Pack 3.
104使用其他标明 %s 位的安装光盘。在插入光盘时,Windows 10 安装程序将自动重启。 Use the other installation disc that says %s-bit. When you insert it, Windows 10 Setup will restart automatically.
105无法找到所需的 XML 版本 Could not find the required XML version
106将介质暂存在硬盘驱动器时出错 Error staging the media on the hard drive
107安装程序无法正常启动。请重启你的电脑,然后再次尝试运行 Windows 10 安装程序。 Setup couldn’t start properly. Please reboot your PC and try running Windows 10 Setup again.
108准备就绪 Getting ready
109安装程序无法启动旧版安装程序体验 Setup is unable to launch legacy setup experience
110安装程序无法启动 Install.exe Setup is unable to launch Install.exe
111正在准备 %d%% Preparing %d%%
112安装程序无法确定 UI 语言 Setup is unable to determine UI language
113Windows 10 安装程序不使用命令行参数。请在命令提示符下,运行安装介质的根目录中的 “setup.exe /?”。 Windows 10 Setup doesn’t take command line arguments. In Command Prompt, run "setup.exe /?" in the root directory of your installation media.
114准备 Preparation
115兼容性 Compatibility
116安装 Install
117配置 Config
118检查兼容性 Check Compatibility
119获取 Get
120下载 Download
123你确定要退出吗? Are you sure you want to quit?
124是否准备好安装 Windows 10? Ready to install Windows 10?
125检测到安装正在从网络位置进行并且可能遇到了间歇性的网络中断。请重新尝试安装 We've detected the install is occurring from a network location and may have hit an intermittent network interruption. Please try setup again
126下一步(&N) &Next
127Setup.exe 用于安装或升级 Windows。以下命令行参数可用于修改 Windows 安装的行为 Setup.exe installs or upgrades Windows. The following command line arguments can be used to modify the behavior of Windows installation
128请从命令提示符窗口尝试再次运行安装程序 Please try running Setup again from a Command Prompt window
129帮助 Help
130开关: / auto

参数: Upgrade; DataOnly; Clean

操作: 使用安装的迁移选项进行自动安装。默认情况下,将显示媒体设置 UI 和进度屏幕,但这是自动进行的。此开关还采用以下默认配置: 接受 EULA,启用动态更新,将跳过遥测收集和上载选择加入、OOBE,并且将更新或创建 PBR。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade
Switch: / auto

Parameters : Upgrade; DataOnly; Clean

Action : Automate install with migration choice for the installation. The media setup UI and progress screens are shown by default, but are automated.This switch also assumes the following default configurations : EULA acceptance, Dynamic Update is enabled, telemetry collection and upload opt - in, OOBE will be skipped, PBR will be updated or created.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade
131开关: / quiet

参数: N/A

操作: quiet 标志将禁止显示任何设置 UX,包括回退 UX

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / quiet
Switch : / quiet

Parameters : N / A

Action : The quiet flag will suppress any setup UX, including rollback UX

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / quiet
132开关: / pkey

参数: 5x5 产品密钥

操作: 提供使用指定产品密钥的设置。使用批量许可媒体或在源文件夹中包含 pid.txt 的媒体进行升级时,不需要此参数。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / pkey ABC12 - DEF34 - GHI56 - JKL78 - MNP90
Switch : / pkey

Parameters : 5x5 product key

Action : Supplies setup with the specified product key.This parameter is not necessary when upgrading with volume licensed media or media that contains a pid.txt in the sources folder.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / pkey ABC12 - DEF34 - GHI56 - JKL78 - MNP90
133开关: / showoobe

参数: Full; None

操作: 当 / showoobe 设为 Full 时,最终用户必须以交互方式完成 OOBE。此外,当 / showoobe 设为 None 时,将跳过 OOBE,并且组件将设为其默认设置。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / showoobe full
Switch : / showoobe

Parameters : Full; None

Action : When / showoobe is set to Full, the end user must interactively complete OOBE.Alternatively, when / showoobe is set to None, OOBE is skipped and components are set to their default settings.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / showoobe full
134开关: / noreboot

参数: N/A

操作: 安装程序在完成下层 OS 任务时,将不会自动重启电脑。下次重启电脑时,安装将继续。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / noreboot
Switch : / noreboot

Parameters : N / A

Action : Setup will not automatically reboot the PC when it completes down - level OS tasks.The next time the PC is rebooted, setup will continue.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / noreboot
135开关: / DynamicUpdate

参数: Enable; Disable

操作: 指定安装程序是否将执行动态更新操作(搜索、下载并安装更新)。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade DynamicUpdate disable
Switch : / DynamicUpdate

Parameters : Enable; Disable

Action : Specifies whether setup will perform Dynamic Update operations(search, download, and install updates).

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade DynamicUpdate disable
136开关: / Postoobe \setupcomplete.cmd

参数: 名为 setupcomplete.cmd 的文件的本地文件路径或 UNC 网络路径

操作: 从指定位置注入 setupcomplete.cmd 文件。Setupcomplete.cmd 是一个自定义脚本,用于在安装完成后第一个用户登录前执行任务。它使用系统特权运行。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / postoobe c : \script\setupcomplete.cmd
Switch : / Postoobe \setupcomplete.cmd

Parameters : Local file path or UNC network path to a file named setupcomplete.cmd

Action : Injects setupcomplete.cmd file from the specified location.Setupcomplete.cmd is a customized script to perform tasks after the installation completes but before first user login.It is run with System privileges.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / postoobe c : \script\setupcomplete.cmd
137开关: / Postrollback

参数: 名为 setuprollback.cmd 的文件的本地文件路径或 UNC 网络路径

操作: 从指定位置注入 setuprollback.cmd 文件。Setuprolback.cmd 是一个自定义脚本,用于在安装失败且电脑已回退到以前的 OS 后执行任务。它使用与启动安装程序的用户或进程相同的特权运行。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / postrollback \MyShare\script\setuprollback.cmd
Switch : / Postrollback

Parameters : Local file path or UNC network path to a file named setuprollback.cmd

Action : Injects setuprollback.cmd file from the specified location.Setuprolback.cmd is a customized script to perform tasks after the installation fails and the PC has rolled back to its previous OS.It is run with the same privileges as the user or process that launched setup.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / postrollback \MyShare\script\setuprollback.cmd
138开关: / installfrom

参数: 指向 specific.wim 的本地文件路径或网络路径

操作: 指定安装源媒体/文件的位置

示例: setup.exe / auto clean / installfrom d:\myWim\customwim.wim
Switch : / installfrom

Parameters : Local file path or network path to a specific.wim

Action : Specifies location for installation source media / files

Example : setup.exe / auto clean / installfrom d : \myWim\customwim.wim
139开关: / PBRUpdate

参数: Enable; Disable

操作: 当 / PBRUpdate 设为 Enable 时,安装程序将更新或创建 PBR 分区。相反,当 / PBRUpdate 设为 Disable 时,安装程序将不会更新或创建 PBR 分区

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / PBRupdate disable
Switch : / PBRUpdate

Parameters : Enable; Disable

Action : When / PBRUpdate is set to Enable, setup will update or create the PBR partition.Conversely, when / PBRUpdate is set to Disable, setup will not update or create the PBR partition

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / PBRupdate disable
140开关: / migratealldrivers

参数: All; None

操作: 当 / migratealldrivers 设为 All 时,安装程序在安装过程中将尝试迁移所有驱动程序。与此相反,当 / migratealldrivers 设为 None 时,安装程序在安装过程中将不会迁移任何驱动程序。

注意: 此开关只应在测试和测试环境中使用,不应在生产中使用。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / migratealldrivers none
Switch : / migratealldrivers

Parameters : All; None

Action : When / migratealldrivers is set to All, setup will attempt to migrate all drivers as part of the installation.In contrast, when / migratealldrivers is set to None, setup will not migrate any drivers as part of the installation.

NOTE : this switch should only be used in testing and test envoriments.It should not be used in production.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / migratealldrivers none
141开关: / installdrivers

参数: 包含 .inf 文件的文件夹的本地文件路径或 UNC 网络路径

操作: 在安装过程中,安装程序将注入在指定位置找到的所有 driver.inf。安装程序将在指定位置的所有子文件夹中递归搜索。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / installdrivers c:\myUpgrade\drivers
Switch : / installdrivers

Parameters : Local file path or UNC network path to a folder that contains.inf files

Action : Setup will inject all driver.infs found in the specified location during the installation process.Setup will recursively search through all the subfolders of the specified location.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / installdrivers c : \myUpgrade\drivers
142开关: / Telemetry

参数: Enable; Disable

操作: 当 / Telemetry 设为 Enable 时,安装程序将收集并上载安装生成的遥测。但是,当 / Telemetry 设为 Disable 时,安装程序将不会收集和上载与安装相关的遥测。

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / Telemetry enable
Switch : / Telemetry

Parameters : Enable; Disable

Action : When / Telemetry is set to Enable, setup will collect and upload telemetry generated by the installation.However, when / Telemetry is set to Disable, setup will not collect and upload installation - related telemetry.

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / Telemetry enable
143开关: / copylogs

参数: 本地文件路径和 UNC 网络路径

操作: 一旦发生故障,安装程序会将压缩日志复制或上载到指定位置。请注意,电脑和/或用户必须具有指定文件路径的权限和网络访问权限。此命令在系统环境下运行,因此可能无权复制到需要用户权限的位置

示例: setup.exe / auto upgrade / copylogs \MyShare\UpgradeLogs
Switch : / copylogs

Parameters : Local file paths and UNC network paths

Action : Upon failure, setup will copy or upload compressed logs to the specified location.Please note that the PC and / or user must have permission and network access to the specified file path.This command runs in the system context so may not have permissions to copy to locations that require user permissions

Example : setup.exe / auto upgrade / copylogs \MyShare\UpgradeLogs

管理员想要通宵从 Windows 7 企业版升级部门电脑。她不希望显示设置用户界面,但希望最终用户能够手动完成全新安装体验(OOBE)。这种情况下,可使用以下命令行安排到 Windows vNext 的完全升级,仅当计算机到达 OOBE 阶段时,才需要用户输入:

Setup.exe / auto upgrade / quiet / showoobe full

此外,部署工程师可能希望,在发生故障时从测试电脑收集日志和其他诊断信息。以下命令行用于在安装失败后指示安装程序调用 setuprollback.cmd 脚本:

Setup.exe / auto upgrade / installdrivers c : \myUpgrade\drivers / postrollback c : \setuprollback.cmd
Scenario - Based Usage

An admin wants to upgrade the departments PCs from Windows 7 Enterprise overnight.She does not want the setup user interface to appear, but she does want the end users to manually go through the Out of box experience(known as OOBE) experience.The following command line can be used to orchestrate the full upgrade to Windows vNext, requiring user input only once the machine reaches OOBE :

Setup.exe / auto upgrade / quiet / showoobe full

Alternatively, a deployment engineer may want to collect logs and other diagnostic information from test PCs in the event of a failure.The following command line instructs setup invoke the setuprollback.cmd script after an installation failure :

Setup.exe / auto upgrade / installdrivers c : \myUpgrade\drivers / postrollback c : \setuprollback.cmd
145你选择的架构与你的电脑不匹配 The architecture you selected doesn’t match your PC
146所选架构与你的电脑不匹配。例如,如果你的电脑运行的是 64 位版本的 Windows,你需要使用 64 位版本的工具。请尝试再次运行该工具,并确保你选择正确的架构。 The architecture you selected doesn’t match your PC. For example, if your PC is running the 64-bit version of Windows, you need to use the 64-bit version of the tool. Try running the tool again and make sure you select the correct architecture.
147启动安装程序时出现问题 There was a problem starting Setup
148启动安装程序时出现问题。请关闭该工具,重启你的电脑,然后尝试再次运行该工具。 There was a problem starting Setup. Close the tool, restart your PC, and then try running the tool again.
149至少需要 350 MB 的空间来运行安装程序。请释放一些空间,然后再试一次。 We need at least 350 MB of space to run setup. Free up some space and then try again.
150如果你安装此版本的 Windows 10,则不能回退到 %1!s!。要继续吗? If you install this version of Windows 10, you won't be able to go back to %1!s!. Do you want to continue?
20009进度 progress
20500Microsoft YaHei Segoe UI
20502宋体 Tahoma
2050424 24
2050518 18
2050612 11
205079 9
2051010 10
2051240 40
2051420 20
20518Microsoft YaHei Bold Segoe UI Semibold
20521Tahoma Tahoma
2052311 11


File Name:setupprep.exe.mui
File Size:17 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows 10 安装程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SetupPrep.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:SetupPrep.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is setupprep.exe.mui?

setupprep.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file setupprep.exe (Windows 10 安装程序).

File version info

File Description:Windows 10 安装程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SetupPrep.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:SetupPrep.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200