sstpsvc.dll.mui 提供使用安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 連線到遠端電腦 (使用 VPN) 的功能。 8e82a1267813873c62cc17acbea3ac5b

File info

File name: sstpsvc.dll.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: 8e82a1267813873c62cc17acbea3ac5b
SHA1: 5dbf70e0a4d0fc94011621811c28c14aabb267f7
SHA256: 7ee75b5044bb7852ed809b37a7ad4d7be246adc2bca343ac696a10002fb915dc
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
200Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
201提供安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 使用 VPN 連線到遠端電腦的支援。如果停用此服務,使用者將無法使用 SSTP 存取遠端伺服器。 Provides support for the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers using VPN. If this service is disabled, users will not be able to use SSTP to access remote servers.
202WAN Miniport (SSTP) WAN Miniport (SSTP)
203允許您安全地使用網際網路連線到私人網路。 Allows you to securely connect to a private network using the Internet.
527安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
35001安全通訊端通道通訊協定 Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
35002安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP-In) Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP-In)
35003允許安全通訊端通道通訊協定的 HTTPS 流量的輸入規則。[TCP 443] Inbound rule to allow HTTPS traffic for Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol. [TCP 443]
35004 NA
45001此功能是用於允許使用安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 的連入 VPN 連線。(使用 HTTPS) This feature is used to allow incoming VPN connections using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP). (Uses HTTPS)
0x1CoId=%1:無法將初始的安全通訊端通道通訊協定要求成功地送到伺服器。這可能是由於網路連線問題或憑證 (信任) 問題。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%2 CoId=%1:The initial Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol request could not be successfully sent to the server. This can be due to network connectivity issues or certificate (trust) issues. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again.%n%n%2
0x2CoId=%1:無法接收初始的安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 回應。可能是暫時性的網路連線問題,或伺服器可能不接受 SSTP 連線。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%2 CoId=%1:The initial Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) response could not be received. There might be intermittent network connectivity issues or the server might not be accepting SSTP connections. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again. %n%n%2
0x3CoId=%1:從伺服器端安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 收到的 HTTP 回應沒有版本資訊,或是版本不受支援。收到的 HTTP 版本資訊已記錄在下方資料區段中。來自 SSTP 伺服器的 HTTP 回應必須包含版本標頭,而且版本必須是 1.1。 CoId=%1:The HTTP response received from the server-side Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) either does not have the version information or the version is not supported. The HTTP version information received is logged in the data section below. The HTTP response from the SSTP server must contain the version header and the version must be 1.1.
0x4CoId=%1:伺服器已拒絕安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 要求。可能是收到失敗的回應碼或沒有回應碼。下方的資料部分包含從伺服器收到的回應碼。這是回應中的 HTTP 狀態碼。這可能是因為 Web Proxy 或 SSTP 伺服器拒絕連線、伺服器未設定 SSTP,或是伺服器沒有連線可用的連接埠。 CoId=%1:The server has refused the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) request. Either a failure response code or no response code was received. The data portion below contains the response code that was received from the server. This is the HTTP status code present in the response. It can be because the web proxy or the SSTP server might be rejecting the connection, the server might not be configured for SSTP or the server might not have a port available for connection.
0x5CoId=%1:安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 交涉失敗。失敗碼儲存在此訊息的資料區段中。請修正問題然後再試一次。 CoId=%1:The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) negotiation has failed. The failure code is stored in the Data section of this message. Correct the problem and try again.
0x6CoId=%1:遠端存取伺服器的 SSTP 型 VPN 連線已終止,因為安全性檢查失敗。遠端存取伺服器上的安全性設定與這台電腦上的設定不相符。請連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員,並且轉送下列資訊:%n%nSHA1 憑證雜湊: %2%nSHA256 憑證雜湊: %3 CoId=%1:The SSTP-based VPN connection to the remote access server was terminated because of a security check failure. Security settings on the remote access server do not match settings on this computer. Contact the system administrator of the remote access server and relay the following information:%n%nSHA1 Certificate Hash: %2%nSHA256 Certificate Hash: %3
0x7安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法開啟用來儲存服務特定資訊的 ConfigStore。這會導致服務設定不正確,或是流失系統資源。 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not open the ConfigStore that is used for storing service-specific information. This can lead to incorrect service configuration or a leak of system resources.
0x8安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 服務無法初始化 HTTP 層以進行組態設定。系統管理員套用的任何設定變更可能無法由 SSTP 套用。 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) service could not initialize the HTTP layer for setting up the configuration. Any configuration changes applied by the administrator might not be applied by SSTP.
0x9安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法使用新的服務設定保護 URL 的安全。其他應用程式或服務可覆寫 URL 保留項目。請使用 'netsh.exe http add urlacl' 命令手動保護存取控制清單 (ACL) 的安全。詳細的錯誤訊息如此訊息結尾所示。%n%nURL: %1 %n%n%2 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not secure the URL with the new service configuration. Other applications or services can override the URL reservation. Use 'netsh.exe http add urlacl' command to secure the access control list (ACL) manually. The detailed error message is given at the end of this message. %n%nURL: %1 %n%n%2
0xA安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法保護預設 URL 的安全。這會阻止 SSTP 模組的服務。請使用 'netsh.exe http add urlacl' 命令手動保護 ACL 的安全。詳細的錯誤訊息如此訊息結尾所示。%n%nURL: %1%n%n%2 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not secure the default URL. This can prevent the servicing of the SSTP modules. Use 'netsh.exe http add urlacl' command to secure the ACL manually. The detailed error message is given at the end of this message. %n%nURL: %1%n%n%2
0xB安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 服務找不到要用於 HTTPS 的伺服器驗證憑證或任何目的憑證。請查看也具備私密金鑰的伺服器驗證憑證或任何目的憑證是否可用。SSTP 工作階段可能無法建立。請使用 'netsh.exe http add sslcert' 命令手動設定憑證,或安裝適當的憑證供 SSTP 使用,並且重新啟動 RemoteAccess 服務。 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) service could not find either a Server Authentication certificate or an Any Purpose certificate to be used for HTTPS. Check to see the availability of either a Server Authentication certificate or an Any Purpose certificate which also has a private key. SSTP sessions may not get established. Use ‘netsh.exe http add sslcert’ command to configure the certificate manually or install the appropriate certificate for SSTP use and restart RemoteAccess service.
0xC安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法設定下列憑證用於網際網路通訊協定第 4 版 (IPv4)。這可能會無法順利建立 SSTP 連線。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n憑證名稱 - %2%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not configure the following certificate for use with Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). This might prevent SSTP connections from being established successfully. Correct the problem and try again.%n%nCertificate Name - %2%n%n%1
0xD安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法設定下列憑證用於網際網路通訊協定第 6 版 (IPv6)。這可能會無法順利建立 SSTP 連線。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n憑證名稱 - %2%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not configure the following certificate for use with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). This might prevent SSTP connections from being established successfully. Correct the problem and try again.%n%nCertificate Name - %2%n%n%1
0xE安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法設定 VPN 伺服器的路由,必須有這個路由,VPN 連線才能正常運作。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not configure the route to the VPN server, which is required for the proper functioning of the VPN connection. The detailed error message is given below. Correct the problem and try again. %1
0xF安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法取得遠端伺服器的網路位址。必須有這個位址,才能建立路由以便重新導向 VPN 介面的流量。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not get the network address of the remote server. This address is required for establishing the route for redirecting the traffic over the VPN interface. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again. %1
0x10CoId=%1:安全通訊端通道通訊協定伺服器所提供的憑證包含既不是 [伺服器驗證] 也不是 [任何目的] 的增強金鑰使用方法。這個用戶端將不會接受該憑證。連線將會取消。請連絡伺服器系統管理員修正問題然後再試一次。 CoId=%1:The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol server has provided a certificate with an Enhanced Key Usage that is neither Server Authentication nor Any Purpose. This client will not accept the certificate. The connection will be canceled. Contact the server administrator to correct the issue and try again.
0x11安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法開啟登錄的參數區段以讀取設定值,因此 SSTP 無法初始化。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not open the Parameters section of the registry to read the configuration values, so SSTP cannot be initialized. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again. %n%n%1
0x12安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法從登錄讀取 SHA256 憑證雜湊,或者資料無效。SHA256 憑證雜湊必須是 REG_BINARY 類型,而且長度為 32 個位元組。SSTP 因為某些其他系統失敗,可能無法從登錄抓取值。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。這台伺服器將不會接受 SSTP 連線。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service either could not read the SHA256 certificate hash from the registry or the data is invalid. To be valid, the SHA256 certificate hash must be of type REG_BINARY and 32 bytes in length. SSTP might not be able to retrieve the value from the registry due to some other system failure. The detailed error message is provided below. SSTP connections will not be accepted on this server. Correct the problem and try again. %n%n%1
0x13安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法從登錄讀取 SHA1 憑證雜湊,或者資料無效。SHA1 憑證雜湊必須是 REG_BINARY 類型,而且長度為 20 個位元組。SSTP 因為某些其他系統失敗,可能無法從登錄抓取值。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。這台伺服器將不會接受 SSTP 連線。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service either could not read the SHA1 certificate hash from the registry or the data is invalid. To be valid, the SHA1 certificate hash must be of type REG_BINARY and 20 bytes in length. SSTP might not be able to retrieve the value from the registry due to some other system failure. The detailed error message is provided below. SSTP connections will not be accepted on this server. Correct the problem and try again. %n%n%1
0x14安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法配置記憶體以進行組態設定接受連線。系統的記憶體可能不足。請修正問題並且重新啟動服務。 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service was not able to allocate memory for setting up the configuration for accepting connections. The system might be low on memory. Correct the problem and restart the service.
0x15安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法取得以 HTTP 設定的憑證雜湊。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題然後再試一次。%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service was not able to get the hash for the certificate configured with HTTP. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and try again. %n%n%1
0x16安全通訊端通道通訊協定服務無法設定來接受連入連線。詳細的錯誤訊息如下所示。請修正問題並且重新啟動 SSTP 服務。%n%n%1 The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol service could not be configured to accept incoming connections. The detailed error message is provided below. Correct the problem and restart the SSTP service. %n%n%1
0x17CoId=%1:初始的安全通訊端通道通訊協定要求無法順利傳送到伺服器。這是因為需要驗證的用戶端與伺服器之間有 Web Proxy 存在。此版本的 SSTP 不支援 Proxy 驗證。 CoId=%1:The initial Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol request could not be successfully sent to the server. This can be due to the presence of a web proxy between the client and the server requiring authentication. Proxy authentication is not supported by this version of SSTP.
0x18繫結到 IPv4 與 IPv6 之 HTTPS 接聽程式的憑證不相符。對於 SSTP 連線,IPv4 的憑證應設定為,而 IPv6 則應設為 [::]:Port。連接埠是設定用於 SSTP 的接聽程式連接埠。預設的接聽程式連接埠是 443。 The certificates bound to the HTTPS listener for IPv4 and IPv6 do not match. For SSTP connections, certificates should be configured for for IPv4, and [::]:Port for IPv6. The port is the listener port configured to be used with SSTP. The default listener port is 443.
0x19缺少用於安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 的憑證。您應該為 SSTP 設定新的憑證或使用預設設定 The certificate used for Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (SSTP) is missing. You should configure a new certificate for SSTP or use default configuration
0x20用於安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) %1 的憑證的指紋 (憑證雜湊) 和將 %2 繫結到網頁接聽程式 (HTTP.sys) 的憑證的指紋不同。請設定 SSTP 使用預設憑證或繫結到 SSL 的憑證。您可以設定網頁伺服器應用程式使用和 SSTP 所使用的相同憑證 The thumbprint (cert hash) of the certificate used for Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (SSTP) %1 is different than the certificate bound %2 to the Web listener (HTTP.sys). Configure SSTP to use the default certificate or the certificate bound to SSL. You can configure web server applications to use the same certificate used by SSTP
0x21CoId=%1: 安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 服務無法設定 VPN 伺服器特定 Cookie。有關此錯誤的詳細資訊如下。%n%n%%2 CoId=%1: “Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (SSTP)” service could not configure the VPN server specific cookies. The detailed information on the error is given below.%n%n%%2
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-RasSstp Microsoft-Windows-RasSstp


File Name:sstpsvc.dll.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:提供使用安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 連線到遠端電腦 (使用 VPN) 的功能。
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sstpsvc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:sstpsvc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sstpsvc.dll.mui?

sstpsvc.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file sstpsvc.dll (提供使用安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 連線到遠端電腦 (使用 VPN) 的功能。).

File version info

File Description:提供使用安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 連線到遠端電腦 (使用 VPN) 的功能。
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sstpsvc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:sstpsvc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200