SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui Sinhronizacijska struktura sistema Microsoft Windows 8dffd57750dc6635208ef2eb6872d2be

File info

File name: SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui
Size: 26112 byte
MD5: 8dffd57750dc6635208ef2eb6872d2be
SHA1: ebdc1f9fae3ccc968687cfd7aee5c591d94791b8
SHA256: ba771776d02705cbadda0f4ca759e75a264253f5a062b01ddb63688aab068485
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
100Vsa glasba za izkušnjo naprave DeviceExperience All Music
101Vse fotografije za izkušnjo naprave DeviceExperience All Photo
102Ves video za izkušnjo naprave DeviceExperience All Video
103DeviceExperienceMusic DeviceExperienceMusic
104DeviceExperiencePhoto DeviceExperiencePhoto
105DeviceExperienceVideo DeviceExperienceVideo
106Glasba iz imenika »%s« Music from '%s' directory
107Fotografije iz imenika »%s« Photos from '%s' directory
108Videoposnetki iz imenika »%s« Videos from '%s' directory
109Začni sinhronizacijo Start sync
110Operacije sinhronizacije ni bilo mogoče inicializirati Sync operation failed to be initiated
111Ustavi sinhronizacijo Stop sync
112Operacije sinhronizacije ni bilo mogoče ustaviti Stop sync operation failed
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x30000001Začni Start
0x30000002Ustavi Stop
0x50000002Napaka Error
0x804D0501Prenosna naprava je že v uporabi. Počakajte, da dokonča trenutno opravilo, ali zaprite druge programe, ki morda uporabljajo prenosno napravo, ter poskusite znova. The mobile device is already in use. Wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the mobile device, and then try to sync again.
0x804D0502Windows priključene prenosne naprave ne zaznava več. Znova jo priključite in poskusite znova sinhronizirati. Windows no longer detects a mobile device. Reconnect your mobile device, and then try to sync again.
0x804D0503Windows je v prenosni napravi naletel na neznano napako. Znova jo priključite in poskusite znova. Windows has encountered an unknown error with your mobile device. Reconnect your device, and then try to sync again.
0x804D0504Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker prenosna naprava ne podpira zaščitenih datotek. Windows cannot sync the file because your mobile device does not support protected files.
0x804D0505Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker ponudnik vsebine ali naprava to prepoveduje. Težavo morda lahko rešite tako, da obiščete spletno trgovino ponudnika vsebine in pridobite pravice za sinhronizacijo. Windows cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem by going to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.
0x804D0506Več kopij te predstavnostne datoteke ne morete narediti. You cannot make any more copies of this media file.
0x804D0507Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker je treba posodobiti napravo. Windows cannot sync the file because the device needs to be updated.
0x804D0508Datoteka nima pravic za sinhronizacijo. Če ste datoteko dobili v spletni trgovini, se vrnite v trgovino, da pridobite pravice za sinhronizacijo. This file does not have sync rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get sync rights.
0x804D0509Ponudnik vsebine prepoveduje to dejanje. Pojdite v spletno trgovino ponudnika vsebine, da pridobite nove pravice za uporabo predstavnosti. The content provider prohibits this action. Go to the content provider's online store to get new media usage rights.
0x804D050APonudnik vsebine vam ni podelil pravic za sinhronizacijo te datoteke. Pojdite v spletno trgovino ponudnika vsebine in pridobite pravice za sinhronizacijo. The content provider has not granted you the right to sync this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.
0x804D050BWindows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker so potekle pravice za sinhronizacijo. Pojdite v spletno trgovino ponudnika vsebine, da pridobite nove pravice za sinhronizacijo. Windows cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync rights.
0x804D050CWindows ne more najti datoteke. Element lahko kaže na datoteko, ki je bila premaknjena, preimenovana ali izbrisana. Windows cannot find the file. The item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.
0x804D050DWindows ne more dostopati do datoteke. Morda je ta v uporabi, morda nimate dostopa do računalnika, v katerem je shranjena, ali pa nastavitve proxy strežnika niso pravilne. Windows cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct.
0x804D050ERačunalniku zmanjkuje pomnilnika. Zaprite vse druge programe in poskusite znova. Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again.
0x804D050FDatoteka je že v uporabi. Zaprite druge programe, ki morda tudi uporabljajo to datoteko, oziroma ustavite predvajanje te datoteke ter poskusite znova. The file is already in use. Close other programs that might be using the file, or stop playing the file, and then try again.
0x804D0510Strežnik je zavrnil dostop do datoteke. Preverite, ali uporabljate pravilno uporabniško ime in geslo. The server denied access to the file. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password.
0x804D0511Windows mora vzpostaviti povezavo z internetom, da preveri pravice za uporabo predstavnosti za to datoteko. Vzpostavite povezavo z internetom in poskusite znova. Windows must connect to the Internet to verify the file's media usage rights. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.
0x804D0512Windows ne more sinhronizirati zaščitene datoteke, ker nimate ustreznih pravic. Windows cannot sync the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.
0x804D0513Komponenta za upravljanje pravic digitalnih vsebin (DRM) je naletela na težavo. Obrnite se na Microsoftovo podporo izdelkom. A Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component encountered a problem. Contact Microsoft Product Support.
0x804D0514Licence ni bilo mogoče pridobiti. Poskusite znova pozneje. The license could not be acquired. Try again later.
0x804D0515Windows ne more sinhronizirati zaščitene datoteke, ker je prišlo do težave s sistemom za upravljanje pravic digitalnih vsebin (DRM). Morda boste morali vzpostaviti povezavo z internetom, če želite posodobiti komponente za upravljanje pravic digitalnih vsebin (DRM). Windows cannot sync the protected file because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. You might need to connect to the Internet to update your DRM components.
0x804D0516Najnovejše varnostne komponente so že nameščene. Nadgradnja ni potrebna. You already have the latest security components. No upgrade is necessary at this time.
0x804D0517Novega postopka pridobivanja licence ne morete začeti, dokler se trenutni proces ne dokonča. You cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed.
0x804D0518Licenca je neveljavna. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na ponudnika vsebine. The license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance.
0x804D0519Windows je med nadgrajevanjem naletel na napako. Windows encountered an error during upgrade.
0x804D051ASinhronizacija ni mogoča, ker notranja ura te naprave ni pravilno nastavljena. Če želite nastaviti uro, v pogovornem oknu »Možnosti« na kartici »Zasebnost« izberite možnost za nastavitev ure naprave, vzpostavite povezavo z internetom in poskusite znova sinhronizirati napravo. It is not possible to sync because this device's internal clock is not set correctly. To set the clock, select the option to set the device clock on the Privacy tab of the Options dialog box, connect to the Internet, and then sync the device again.
0x804D051BPravice za uporabo predstavnosti so poškodovane ali pa niso več veljavne. To se lahko zgodi, če ste zamenjali komponente strojne opreme v računalniku. Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer.
0x804D051CLicence ni mogoče dobiti. Unable to obtain license.
0x804D051DWindows ne more prenesti pravic za uporabo predstavnosti, ker je strežnik nedosegljiv (strežnik je na primer zaseden ali ni priključen). Windows cannot download media usage rights because the server is not available (for example, the server might be busy or not online).
0x804D051EVeljavnosti komponente za upravljanje pravic digitalnih vsebin (DRM) ni mogoče preveriti. Težavo boste morda odpravili tako, da znova namestite Windows Media Player. The required Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component cannot be validated. You might be able to resolve the problem by reinstalling the player.
0x804D051FSistem za upravljanje pravic digitalnih vsebin (DRM) ne more izvesti zahtevanega dejanja, ker je računalnik ali skrbnik računalnika omogočil pravilnik skupine »Prepreči internetni dostop DRM Windows Media«. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika. The Windows Media Digital Rights Management system cannot perform the requested action because your computer or network administrator has enabled the group policy Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access. For assistance, contact your administrator.
0x804D0520Windows ne more preveriti pravic za uporabo predstavnosti za to datoteko. Če ste datoteko dobili v spletni trgovini, pojdite v spletno trgovino, da pridobite potrebne pravice. Windows cannot verify the file's media usage rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get the necessary rights.
0x804D0521Licenca za to datoteko je potekla in ni več veljavna. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na ponudnika vsebine. The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance.
0x804D0522Licenca za to datoteko še ni veljavna, vendar bo v prihodnosti. The license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date.
0x804D0523Lastnik vsebine za kupljeno licenco ne podpira več te vsebine. Obrnite se na lastnika vsebine in vprašajte za novejšo različico vsebine. The content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content.
0x804D0524Licenca za to datoteko zahteva funkcijo, ki je trenutni predvajalnik ali operacijski sistem ne podpira. Poskusite uporabiti novejšo različico sedanjega predvajalnika ali se za pomoč obrnite na ponudnika vsebine. The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.
0x804D0525Podsistem upravljanja pravic digitalnih vsebin je trenutno zaklenil drug program ali uporabnik. Poskusite znova pozneje. The digital rights management subsystem is currently locked by another application or user. Try again later.
0x804D0526Varnostne nadgradnje ni mogoče dokončati, ker je bilo preseženo dovoljeno število dnevnih nadgradenj. Poskusite znova jutri. The security upgrade cannot be completed because the allowed number of daily upgrades has been exceeded. Try again tomorrow.
0x804D0527Varnostne nadgradnje ni mogoče dokončati, ker strežnik ne more izvesti operacije. Poskusite znova pozneje. The security upgrade cannot be completed because the server is unable to perform the operation. Try again later.
0x804D0528Varnostne nadgradnje ni mogoče izvesti, ker strežnik ni na voljo. Poskusite pozneje. The security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later.
0x804D0529Windows ne more sinhronizirati zaščitene datoteke. Preverite, ali je datum računalnika pravilno nastavljen. Windows cannot sync the protected file. Verify that your computer's date is set correctly.
0x804D052AWindows priključene prenosne naprave ne zaznava več. Znova jo priključite in še enkrat poskusite sinhronizirati datoteko. Windows no longer detects a connected mobile device. Reconnect your mobile device, and then try to sync the file again.
0x804D052BWindows v izbrani napravi ni zaznal nobenega shranjevalnega medija. Vstavite ga v napravo in poskusite znova. Windows does not detect storage media in the selected device. Insert storage media into the device, and then try again.
0x804D052CWindows je naletel na napako pri komuniciranju z napravo. Mogoče je kartica za shranjevanje v napravi polna ali pa je naprava izklopljena oziroma ne dovoli ustvarjanja map in seznamov predvajanja. Windows encountered an error while communicating with the device. The storage card on the device might be full, the device might be turned off, or the device might not allow playlists or folders to be created on it.
0x804D052DWindows je pri komuniciranju s prenosno napravo naletel na napako. Windows encountered an error while communicating with your mobile device.
0x804D052EWindows je pri formatiranju naprave naletel na težavo. Windows encountered a problem while formatting the device.
0x804D052FWindows ne more izvesti zahtevanega dejanja, ker na trdem disku računalnika ni dovolj prostora. Z diska izbrišite nekaj nepotrebnih datotek in poskusite znova. Windows cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.
0x804D0530Windows ne more komunicirati z napravo, ker se naprava ne odziva. Poskusite jo znova priključiti oziroma ponastaviti ali pa se obrnite na izdelovalca naprave za posodobljeno različico. Windows cannot communicate with the device because the device is not responding. Try reconnecting the device, resetting the device, or contacting the device manufacturer for updated firmware.
0x804D0531Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke. Ta vrsta datotek morda ni podprta. Windows cannot sync this file. The file type may not be supported.
0x804D0532Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker zaščitenih datotek ni mogoče pretvoriti na zahtevano raven kakovosti ali v zahtevano obliko zapisa. Windows cannot sync the file because protected files cannot be converted to the required quality level or file format.
0x804D0533V mapi v napravi je preveč datotek z istim imenom. Spremenite ime datoteke ali jo sinhronizirajte z drugo mapo. There are too many files with the same name in the folder on the device. Change the file name or sync to a different folder.
0x804D0534Windows datoteke ne more pretvoriti v obliko zapisa, združljivo z napravo. Windows cannot convert the file to the format required by the device.
0x804D0535Dosegli ste največje število datotek, ki jih ta naprava dovoli v mapi. Če vaša naprava omogoča predvajanje datotek iz podmap, lahko poskusite nekatere datoteke shraniti v podmape. You have reached the maximum number of files your device allows in a folder. If your device supports playback from subfolders, try creating subfolders on the device and storing some files in them.
0x804D0536Naprava uporablja zastarel gonilnik, ki ga Windows več ne podpira. Your device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows.
0x804D0537Windows je v napravi našel datoteko z istim imenom, zato te datoteke ne more sinhronizirati. Spremenite ime datoteke ali poskusite datoteko sinhronizirati z drugo mapo. Windows cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder.
0x804D0538Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke z napravo. Mogoče je datoteka shranjena na mestu, ki ga naprava ne podpira. Kopirajte datoteko z njenega trenutnega mesta na trdi disk, jo dodajte v knjižnico in jo znova poskusite sinhronizirati. Windows cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file from its current location to your hard disk, add it to your library, and then try to sync the file again.
0x804D0539Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker ta oblika zapisa datoteke ni podprta. Windows cannot sync because the file format is not supported.
0x804D053AWindows ne more sinhronizirati vsebine, pretočene neposredno iz interneta. Če je mogoče, prenesite datoteko v računalnik in jo nato poskusite znova sinhronizirati. Windows cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then try to sync the file.
0x804D053BSeznam predvajanja ni veljaven ali pa je poškodovan. Ustvarite nov seznam predvajanja s sistemom Windows in nato sinhronizirajte nov seznam predvajanja. This playlist is not valid or is corrupted. Create a new playlist using Windows, then sync the new playlist instead.
0x804D053CWindows je pri sinhroniziranju datoteke s to napravo naletel na težavo. Windows encountered a problem while trying to sync the file to the device.
0x804D053DWindows je med sinhroniziranjem z napravo naletel na napako. Windows encountered an error while trying to sync with the device.
0x804D053EWindows ne more sinhronizirati slike z napravo, ker je med pretvarjanjem datoteke na drugo raven kakovosti ali v drugo obliko zapisa prišlo do težave. Izvirna datoteka je morda poškodovana. Windows cannot sync the picture to the device because a problem occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. The original file might be damaged or corrupted.
0x804D053FWindows ne more pretvoriti datoteke. Datoteka je morda šifrirana s šifrirnim datotečnim sistemom (EFS). Najprej jo poskusite dešifrirati in nato še sinhronizirati. Če želite več informacij o tem, kako dešifrirate datoteko, obiščite spletno mesto za pomoč in podporo sistema Windows. Windows cannot convert the file. The file might have been encrypted by the Encrypted File System (EFS). Try decrypting the file first and then sync it. For information about how to decrypt a file, see Windows Help and Support.
0x804D0540Za predvajanje te datoteke naprava zahteva pretvorbo datoteke. Verjetno naprava ne podpira predvajanja zvoka ali pa Windows ne more pretvoriti datoteke v zvočni format, ki ga naprava podpira. Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing audio, or Windows cannot convert the file to an audio format that is supported by the device.
0x804D0541Za predvajanje te datoteke naprava zahteva pretvorbo datoteke. Verjetno naprava ne podpira predvajanja videa ali pa Windows ne more pretvoriti datoteke v obliko videozapisa, ki ga naprava podpira. Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing video, or Windows cannot convert the file to a video format that is supported by the device.
0x804D0542Za predvajanje te datoteke naprava zahteva pretvorbo datoteke. Verjetno naprava ne podpira prikaza slik ali pa Windows ne more pretvoriti datoteke v obliko slikovnega zapisa, ki ga naprava podpira. Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support displaying pictures, or Windows cannot convert the file to a picture format that is supported by the device.
0x804D0543Windows ne more sinhronizirati datoteke, ker se naprava ne odziva. To se običajno zgodi, ko pride do napake na vdelani programski opremi naprave. Windows cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the device firmware.
0x804D0544Zahtevanega dejanja ni mogoče izvesti, ker se izvaja sinhronizacija. Ustavite sinhronizacijo ali počakajte, da se dokonča, in nato poskusite znova. It is not possible to perform the requested action because sync is in progress. You can either stop sync or wait for it to complete, and then try again.
0x804D0545Windows ne more sinhronizirati vsebine naročnine, ker niste vpisani v elektronsko trgovino, ki jo ponuja. Vpišite se v elektronsko trgovino in poskusite znova. Windows cannot sync the subscription content because you are not signed in to the online store that provided it. Sign in to the online store, and then try again.
0x804D0546Windows ne more pretvoriti datoteke v obliko zapisa, ki jo zahteva naprava. Enega ali več kodekov, potrebnih za pretvorbo datoteke, ni bilo mogoče najti. Windows cannot convert the file to the format required by the device. One or more codecs required to convert the file could not be found.
0x804D0547Naročenih datotek ni mogoče sinhronizirati s to napravo. It is not possible to sync subscription files to this device.
0x804D0548Naprava deluje počasi ali se ne odziva. Vnovična sinhronizacija ni mogoča, dokler se naprava ne odzove. Če želite povrniti napravo v običajno delovanje, jo poskusite izključiti iz računalnika ali ponastaviti. Your device is operating slowly or is not responding. Until the device responds, it is not possible to sync again. To return the device to normal operation, try disconnecting it from the computer or resetting it.
0x804D0549Potrdila o napravi ni mogoče pridobiti. Če želite posodobiti vdelano programsko opremo ali dobiti navodila za odpravo te težave, se obrnite na izdelovalca naprave. It is not possible to obtain device's certificate. Please contact the device manufacturer for a firmware update or for other steps to resolve this problem.
0x804D054AWindows ni zaznal lokacije za shranjevanje, ki ste jo izbrali za napravo. Preverite, ali naprava ne uporablja pomnilniške kartice, ki je bila odstranjena. Če manjka, jo poskusite znova vstaviti. Če to ne odpravi težave, je naprava morda zaposlena. Poskusite sinhronizirati kasneje ali prekinite povezavo z napravo in jo nato znova vzpostavite. Windows doesn't detect the storage location you selected for your device. Make sure the device doesn't use a memory card that has been removed. If this is missing, try reinserting it. If this is not the problem, the device may be busy. Try to sync later, or try disconnecting and then reconnecting the device.
0x804D054BKnjižnica lupine sistema Windows presega dovoljeno mejo in je ni mogoče shraniti. The Windows shell library exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved.
0x804D054CSinhronizirate z največjim številom dovoljenih naprav (16). Če želite sinhronizirati z drugo napravo, najprej ustavite sinhroniziranje z najmanj eno napravo v programu Windows Media Player. Odprite Windows Media Player in izbrišite vsaj eno sinhronizacijsko partnerstvo naprav. You are already syncing with the maximum number of devices allowed (16). To sync with another device, you must first stop syncing with at least one other devices in Windows Media Player. Open Windows Media Player and delete at least one partnership.
0x804D054DZ napravo, ki jo poskušate uporabiti, nimate partnerstva ali pa ga je odstranil drug program. Osvežite sinhronizacijo in znova ustvarite partnerstvo naprav. You don't have a partnership with the device that you try to use or a different application removed the partnership. Please refresh the Sync task page and then recreate the partnership.
0x804D054ENaprava je verjetno polna. Iz nje izbrišite nekatere datoteke in poskusite znova sinhronizirati. Your device appears to be full. Delete some files from the device and then try to sync again.
0x804D1501Terminalski strežnik ne dovoli operacije. The operation is not allowed under Terminal Server.


File Name:SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui
File Size:26 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:25600
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Sinhronizacijska struktura sistema Microsoft Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Legal Copyright : © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui?

SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file SyncInfrastructure.dll (Sinhronizacijska struktura sistema Microsoft Windows).

File version info

File Description:Sinhronizacijska struktura sistema Microsoft Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:SyncInfrastructure.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200