ddputils.dll.mui Microsoft 重複資料刪除通用程式庫 8dac4f31c01fc33c44fe1fe001e299f3

File info

File name: ddputils.dll.mui
Size: 64000 byte
MD5: 8dac4f31c01fc33c44fe1fe001e299f3
SHA1: 13ae1a202dd1520c2ac7dd20ecd419d6ebc0425d
SHA256: 7688708cb0d03082d2b31bc1f6cf47998c6dcc5a4401f3e54391dc20c1b22725
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
100ddp ddp
1001操作: Operation:
1002內容: Context:
1003錯誤特定的詳細資料: Error-specific details:
1004失敗: Failure:
1011錯誤 Error
1012磁碟區名稱 Volume name
1013陰影複製磁碟區 Shadow copy volume
1014設定檔 Configuration file
1015無法使用網域控制站。 The domain controller is unavailable.
1016伺服器 Server
1017網域 Domain
1018檔案名稱 File name
1020目錄 Directory
1021區塊存放區 Chunk store
1022區塊識別碼 Chunk ID
1023資料流對應 Stream map
1024區塊存放區容器 Chunk store container
1025檔案路徑 File path
1026檔案識別碼 File ID
1027區塊大小 Chunk size
1028區塊位移 Chunk offset
1029區塊旗標 Chunk flags
1030記錄的時間 Recorded time
1031錯誤訊息 Error message
1034來源內容 Source context
1037內部錯誤內容 Inner error context
1038錯誤時間戳記 Error timestamp
1039檔案位移 File offset
1040失敗原因 Failure reason
1041重試計數 Retry count
1042要求識別碼 Request ID
1043串流對應計數 Stream map count
1044區塊計數 Chunk count
1045資料大小 Data size
2001正在啟動檔案伺服器重複資料刪除服務。 Starting File Server Deduplication Service.
2002正在停止重複資料刪除服務。 Stopping the Data Deduplication service.
2003正在檢查檔案伺服器重複資料刪除全域設定存放區。 Checking the File Server Deduplication global configuration store.
2101正在初始化重複資料刪除迷你篩選器。 Initializing the data deduplication mini-filter.
2105將備份元件清單傳送到 VSS 系統。 Sending backup components list to VSS system.
2106準備備份。 Preparing for backup.
2107執行前置還原作業。 Performing pre-restore operations.
2108執行後續還原作業。 Performing post-restore operations.
2110正在處理檔案伺服器重複資料刪除事件。 Processing File Server Deduplication event.
2111正在建立區塊存放區。 Creating a chunk store.
2112正在初始化區塊存放區。 Initializing chunk store.
2113正在解除初始化區塊存放區。 Uninitializing chunk store.
2114正在建立區塊存放區工作階段。 Creating a chunk store session.
2115正在認可區塊存放區工作階段。 Committing a chunk store session.
2116正在中止區塊存放區工作階段。 Aborting a chunk store session.
2117正在啟動區塊存放區資料流的建立作業。 Initiating creation of a chunk store stream.
2118正在將新區塊插入區塊存放區資料流中。 Inserting a new chunk to a chunk store stream.
2119正在將現有區塊插入區塊串流中。 Inserting an existing chunk to a chunk stream.
2120正在認可區塊存放區資料流的建立作業。 Committing creation of a chunk store stream.
2121正在中止區塊存放區串流的建立。 Aborting creation of a chunk store stream.
2122正在認可對區塊存放區容器的變更。 Committing changes to a chunk store container.
2123對區塊存放區容器所做的變更已排清到磁碟。 Changes made to a chunk store container have been flushed to disk.
2124正在讓新的區塊存放區容器可供使用。 Making a new chunk store container ready to use.
2125正在回復前次認可的區塊存放區容器變更。 Rolling back the last committed changes to a chunk store container.
2126正在將區塊存放區容器標記為唯讀。 Marking a chunk store container as read-only.
2127正在列舉區塊存放區中的所有容器。 Enumerating all containers in a chunk store.
2128正在準備讓區塊存放區容器進行區塊插入。 Preparing a chunk store container for chunk insertion.
2129正在初始化新的區塊存放區容器。 Initializing a new chunk store container.
2130正在開啟現有的區塊存放區容器。 Opening an existing chunk store container.
2131正在將新區塊插入區塊存放區容器中。 Inserting a new chunk to a chunk store container.
2132正在準備區塊存放區戳記檔案。 Repairing a chunk store stamp file.
2133正在建立區塊存放區戳記檔案。 Creating a chunk store stamp file.
2134正在開啟區塊存放區資料流。 Opening a chunk store stream.
2135正在從區塊存放區資料流讀取資料流對應項目。 Reading stream map entries from a chunk store stream.
2136正在讀取區塊存放區區塊。 Reading a chunk store chunk.
2137正在關閉區塊存放區資料流。 Closing a chunk store stream.
2138正在讀取區塊存放區容器。 Reading a chunk store container.
2139正在開啟區塊存放區容器記錄檔。 Opening a chunk store container log file.
2140正在讀取區塊存放區容器記錄檔。 Reading a chunk store container log file.
2141正在將項目寫入至區塊存放區容器記錄檔。 Writing entries to a chunk store container log file.
2142正在列舉區塊存放區容器記錄檔。 Enumerating chunk store container log files.
2143正在刪除區塊存放區容器記錄檔。 Deleting chunk store container log files.
2144正在讀取區塊存放區容器點陣圖檔案。 Reading a chunk store container bitmap file.
2145正在寫入區塊存放區容器點陣圖檔案。 Writing a chunk store container bitmap file.
2146正在刪除區塊存放區容器點陣圖檔案。 Deleting a chunk store container bitmap file.
2147正在啟動區塊存放區廢棄項目收集。 Starting chunk store garbage collection.
2148正在編製使用中區塊參照的索引。 Indexing active chunk references.
2149正在處理已刪除的區塊存放區資料流。 Processing deleted chunk store streams.
2150正在識別未參照的區塊。 Identifying unreferenced chunks.
2151正在列舉區塊存放區。 Enumerating the chunk store.
2152正在初始化區塊存放區列舉程式。 Initializing the chunk store enumerator.
2153正在初始化資料流對應剖析器。 Initializing the stream map parser.
2154正在逐一查看資料流對應。 Iterating the stream map.
2155正在初始化區塊存放區壓縮。 Initializing chunk store compaction.
2156正在壓縮區塊存放區容器。 Compacting chunk store containers.
2157正在初始化資料流對應壓縮調解。 Initializing stream map compaction reconciliation.
2158正在調解因資料壓縮而產生的串流地圖。 Reconciling stream maps due to data compaction.
2159正在初始化區塊存放區調解。 Initializing chunk store reconciliation.
2160正在調解區塊存放區中的重複區塊。 Reconciling duplicate chunks in the chunk store.
2161正在初始化重複資料刪除廢棄項目收集工作。 Initializing the deduplication garbage collection job.
2162正在執行重複資料刪除的廢棄項目收集工作。 Running the deduplication garbage collection job.
2163正在取消重複資料刪除的廢棄項目收集工作。 Canceling the deduplication garbage collection job.
2164正在等待重複資料刪除的廢棄項目收集工作完成。 Waiting for the deduplication garbage collection job to complete.
2165正在初始化重複資料刪除工作。 Initializing the deduplication job.
2166正在執行重複資料刪除工作。 Running the deduplication job.
2167正在取消重複資料刪除工作。 Canceling the deduplication job.
2168正在等待重複資料刪除完成。 Waiting for the deduplication to complete.
2169正在初始化重複資料刪除的刪除工作。 Initializing the deduplication scrubbing job.
2170正在執行重複資料刪除的刪除工作。 Running the deduplication scrubbing job.
2171正在取消重複資料刪除的刪除工作。 Canceling the deduplication scrubbing job.
2172正在等待重複資料刪除的刪除工作完成。 Waiting for the deduplication scrubbing job to complete.
2173正在開啟損毀記錄檔。 Opening a corruption log file.
2174正在讀取損毀記錄檔。 Reading a corruption log file.
2175正在將項目寫入毀損記錄檔。 Writing an entry to a corruption log file.
2176正在列舉損毀記錄檔。 Enumerating corruption log files.
2206正在建立區塊存放區的區塊序列。 Creating a chunk store chunk sequence.
2207正在將區塊新增至區塊存放區序列。 Adding a chunk to a chunk store sequence.
2208正在完成區塊存放區序列的建立。 Completing creation of a chunk store sequence.
2209正在讀取區塊存放區序列。 Reading a chunk store sequence.
2210正在繼續區塊存放區序列。 Continuing a chunk store sequence.
2211正在中止區塊存放區序列。 Aborting a chunk store sequence.
2212正在初始化重複資料刪除的分析工作。 Initializing the deduplication analysis job.
2213正在執行重複資料刪除的分析工作。 Running the deduplication analysis job.
2214正在取消重複資料刪除的分析工作。 Canceling the deduplication analysis job.
2215正在等待重複資料刪除的分析工作完成。 Waiting for the deduplication analysis job to complete.
2216修復區塊存放區容器標頭。 Repair chunk store container header.
2217修復區塊存放區容器重新導向表格。 Repair chunk store container redirection table.
2218修復區塊存放區區塊。 Repair chunk store chunk.
2219複製區塊存放區容器。 Clone chunk store container.
2220正在刪除區塊存放區。 Scrubbing chunk store.
2221正在偵測損毀存放區的損毀。 Detecting corruption store corruptions.
2222正在載入重複資料刪除損毀記錄。 Loading the deduplication corruption logs.
2223正在清除重複資料刪除損毀記錄。 Cleaning up the deduplication corruption logs.
2224正在判斷受區塊存放區損毀影響的使用者檔案集。 Determining the set of user files affected by chunk store corruptions.
2225正在報告損毀情形。 Reporting corruptions.
2226正在估計重複資料刪除的刪除工作所需的記憶體。 Estimating memory requirement for the deduplication scrubbing job.
2227已開始初始化深層廢棄項目收集。 Deep garbage collection initialization has started.
2228正在開始串流地圖容器上的深層廢棄項目收集。 Starting deep garbage collection on stream map containers.
2229正在開始資料容器上的深層廢棄項目收集。 Starting deep garbage collection on data containers.
2230在容器上初始化點陣圖 Initialize bitmaps on containers
2231掃描重新分析點索引以判斷所參照的串流地圖。 Scanning the reparse point index to determine which stream map is being referenced.
2232儲存刪除點陣圖。 Saving deletion bitmap.
2233掃描串流地圖容器以標記參考的區塊。 Scan the stream map containers to mark referenced chunks.
2234將點陣圖轉換成區塊刪除記錄 Convert bitmap to chunk delete log
2235壓縮資料容器 Compact Data Containers
2236壓縮資料流對應容器 Compact Stream Map Containers
2237變更區塊存放區容器產生。 Change a chunk store container generation.
2238啟動變更記錄。 Start change logging.
2239停止變更記錄。 Stop change logging.
2240新增合併的目標區塊存放區容器。 Add a merged target chunk store container.
2241處理暫時刪除的區塊。 Processing tentatively deleted chunks.
2242區塊存放區的檢查版本。 Check version of chunk store.
2243初始化損毀表格。 Initializing the corruption table.
2244寫出損毀表格。 Writing out the corruption table.
2245刪除損毀表格檔案。 Deleting the corruption table file.
2246修復損毀。 Repairing corruptions.
2247使用新記錄更新損毀表格。 Updating corruption table with new logs.
2248摧毀區塊存放區。 Destroying chunk store.
2249將區塊存放區標記為已刪除。 Marking chunk store as deleted.
2250將損毀項目插入表格。 Inserting corruption entry into table.
2251檢查區塊存放區一致性。 Checking chunk store consistency.
2252更新區塊存放區檔案清單。 Updating a chunk store file list.
2253從備援復原區塊存放區檔案清單。 Recovering a chunk store file list from redundancy.
2254新增項目至區塊存放區檔案清單。 Adding an entry to a chunk store file list.
2255取代區塊存放區檔案清單中的項目。 Replacing an entry in a chunk store file list.
2256刪除區塊存放區檔案清單中的項目。 Deleting an entry in a chunk store file list.
2257讀取區塊存放區檔案清單。 Reading a chunk store file list.
2258讀取區塊存放區容器目錄檔。 Reading a chunk store container directory file.
2259寫入區塊存放區容器目錄檔案。 Writing a chunk store container directory file.
2260刪除區塊存放區容器目錄檔案。 Deleting a chunk store container directory file.
2261設定區塊存放區容器檔案的 FileSystem 配置。 Setting FileSystem allocation for chunk store container file.
2262初始化重複資料刪除取消最佳化工作。 Initializing the deduplication unoptimization job.
2263執行重複資料刪除取消最佳化工作。 Running the deduplication unoptimization job.
2264正在還原重複刪除檔案 Restoring dedup file
2265正在讀取重複刪除資訊 Reading dedup information
2266正在建置容器清單 Building container list
2267正在建置讀取計畫 Building read plan
2268正在執行讀取計畫 Executing read plan
2269正在執行深度清除 Running deep scrubbing
2270正在掃描深度清除期間的重新分析點索引 Scanning reparse point index during deep scrub
2271正在記錄深度清除期間的重新分析點 Logging reparse point during deep scrub
2272正在掃描深度清除期間的資料流對應容器 Scanning stream map containers during deep scrub
2273正在清除資料流對應容器 Scrubbing a stream map container
2274正在記錄深度清除期間資料流對應的項目 Logging a stream map's entries during deep scrub
2275正在讀取深度清除期間容器的重新導向表格 Reading a container's redirection table during deep scrub
2276正在掃描深度清除期間的資料容器 Scanning data containers during deep scrub
2277正在清除資料容器 Scrubbing a data container
2278正在清除資料區塊 Scrubbing a data chunk
2279正在確認 DC 雜湊連結的 SM 項目 Verifying SM entry to DC hash link
2280正在記錄深度清除期間的記錄 Logging a record during deep scrub
2281正在寫入深度清除期間的記錄檔記錄的批次 Writing a batch of log records during deep scrub
2282正在完成深度清除暫存檔 Finalizing a deep scrub temporary log
2283正在深度清除記錄管理員的記錄檔記錄 Deep scrubbing log manager log record
2284正在完成深度清除記錄檔管理員 Finalizing deep scrub log manager
2285正在初始化深度清除區塊索引表格 Initializing deep scrub chunk index table
2286正在將區塊插入深度清除區塊索引表格 Inserting a chunk into deep scrub chunk index table
2287正在從深度清除區塊索引表格查詢區塊 Looking up a chunk from deep scrub chunk index table
2288正在重建深度清除期間的區塊索引表格 Rebuilding a chunk index table during deep scrub
2289正在重設深度清除記錄器快取 Resetting the deep scrubbing logger cache
2290正在重設深度清除記錄檔管理員 Resetting the deep scrubbing log manager
2291正在掃描深度清除期間的作用區容器 Scanning hotspot containers during deep scrub
2292正在清除作用區容器 Scrubbing a hotspot container
2293正在清除作用區表格 Scrubbing the hotspot table
2294正在清理重複資料刪除深度清除損毀記錄檔 Cleaning up the deduplication deep scrub corruption logs
2295正在計算重複資料刪除檔案中繼資料 Computing deduplication file metadata
2296在深度清除期間掃描記憶點陣圖 Scanning recall bitmap during deep scrub
2297載入使用者檔案的熱圖 Loading a heat map for a user file
2298儲存使用者檔案的熱圖 Saving a heat map for a user file
2299正在將熱區塊插入區塊串流中。 Inserting a hot chunk to a chunk stream.
2300刪除使用者檔案的熱圖 Deleting a heat map for a user file
2301建立陰影複製組。 Creating shadow copy set.
2302正在初始化掃描以進行最佳化。 Initializing scan for optimization.
2303掃描 NTFS USN 日誌 Scanning the NTFS USN journal
2304初始化 USN 掃描器 Initializing the USN scanner
2305啟動新的資料區塊存放區工作階段 Start a new data chunkstore session
2306認可資料區塊存放區工作階段 commit a data chunkstore session
2307正在初始化重複資料刪除資料連接埠工作。 Initializing the deduplication data port job.
2308正在執行重複資料刪除資料連接埠工作。 Running the deduplication data port job.
2309正在取消重複資料刪除資料連接埠工作。 Canceling the deduplication data port job.
2310正在等候重複資料刪除資料連接埠工作完成。 Waiting for the deduplication data port job to complete.
2311查閱區塊要求。 Lookup chunks request.
2312插入區塊要求。 Insert chunks request.
2313認可串流對應要求。 Commit stream maps request.
2314取得串流要求。 Get streams request.
2315取得區塊要求。 Get chunks request.
2401正在初始化工作負載管理員。 Initializing workload manager.
2402取消工作。 Canceling a job.
2403將工作加入佇列。 Enqueue a job.
2404初始化工作資訊清單。 Initialize job manifest.
2405啟動工作主機處理程序。 Launch a job host process.
2406驗證工作主機處理程序。 Validate a job host process.
2407初始化工作。 Initializing a job.
2408終止工作主機處理程序。 Terminate a job host process.
2409解除初始化工作負載管理員。 Uninitializing workload manager.
2410與工作進行信號交換。 Handshaking with a job.
2411工作完成回撥。 Job completion callback.
2412執行工作。 Running a job.
2413正在檢查 Csv 磁碟區的擁有權。 Checking ownership of Csv volume.
2414正在新增要監視的 Csv 磁碟區。 Adding Csv volume for monitoring.
5005不明的錯誤 Unknown error
5101Data Deduplication Service Data Deduplication Service
5102重複資料刪除服務能夠在選取的磁碟區上進行重複資料刪除和資料壓縮,以便將使用的磁碟空間最佳化。如果停止這個服務,將不再進行最佳化,但已最佳化的資料仍可供存取。 The Data Deduplication service enables the deduplication and compression of data on selected volumes in order to optimize disk space used. If this service is stopped, optimization will no longer occur but access to already optimized data will continue to function.
5105Dedup Dedup
5106重複資料刪除篩選器驅動程式可提供刪除重複資料之檔案的讀取/寫入 I/O。 The Data Deduplication filter driver enables read/write I/O to deduplicated files.
5201磁碟區 %s 上的區塊存放區。如果您使用最佳化備份,請選取此選項。 The chunk store on volume %s, Select this if you are using optimized backup.
5202磁碟區 %s 上的重複資料刪除設定 Data deduplication configuration on volume %s
5203Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy Service Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy Service
5204重複資料刪除 VSS 寫入器引導備份應用程式備份有重複資料刪除的磁碟區。 Data Deduplication VSS writer guided backup applications to back up volumes with deduplication.
5205磁碟區 %s 上的重複資料刪除狀態 Data deduplication state on volume %s
5301重複資料刪除最佳化 Data deduplication optimization
5302重複資料刪除的廢棄項目收集 Data deduplication garbage collection
5303重複資料刪除的清除 Data deduplication scrubbing
5304重複資料刪除的取消最佳化 Data deduplication unoptimization
5305已排入佇列 Queued
5306正在初始化 Initializing
5307執行中 Running
5308已完成 Completed
5309擱置取消 Pending Cancel
5310已取消 Canceled
5311失敗 Failed
5312應在這個磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除清除工作。 Data deduplication scrubbing job should be run on this volume.
5313偵測到不支援的路徑且將略過。 An unsupported path was detected and will be skipped.
5314重複資料刪除資料連接埠 Data deduplication dataport
5401這項工作會在所有啟用的磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除最佳化工作。 This task runs the data deduplication optimization job on all enabled volumes.
5402這項工作會在所有啟用的磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除廢棄項目收集工作。 This task runs the data deduplication garbage collection job on all enabled volumes.
5403這項工作在所有啟用的磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除清除工作。 This task runs the data deduplication scrubbing job on all enabled volumes.
5404這項工作會在所有啟用的磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除取消最佳化工作。 This task runs the data deduplication unoptimization job on all enabled volumes.
5405此工作會在所有已啟用的磁碟區上執行重複資料刪除資料連接埠工作。 This task runs the data deduplication data port job on all enabled volumes.
0x00565301區塊存放區的調解已到期。 Reconciliation of chunk store is due.
0x00565302沒有和這個工作關聯的動作。 There are no actions associated with this job.
0x00565303「重複資料刪除」無法在此節點的此 Csv 磁碟區上執行此工作。 Data deduplication cannot runing this job on this Csv volume on this node.
0x00565304重複資料刪除無法在此 CSV 磁碟區的此節點上執行此 Cmdlet。 Data deduplication cannot runing this cmdlet on this Csv volume on this node.
0x10000001報告 Reporting
0x10000002篩選 Filter
0x10000003核心模式串流存放區 Kernel mode stream store
0x10000004核心模式區塊存放區 Kernel mode chunk store
0x10000005核心模式區塊容器 Kernel mode chunk container
0x10000006核心模式檔案快取 Kernel mode file cache
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x70000001重複資料刪除最佳化工作 Data Deduplication Optimization Task
0x70000002重複資料刪除的廢棄項目收集工作 Data Deduplication Garbage Collection Task
0x70000003重複資料刪除清除工作 Data Deduplication Scrubbing Task
0x70000004重複資料刪除取消最佳化工作 Data Deduplication Unoptimization Task
0x70000005開啟串流存放區串流 Open stream store stream
0x70000006準備分頁 IO Prepare for paging IO
0x70000007讀取串流地圖 Read stream map
0x70000008讀取區塊 Read chunks
0x70000009計算總和檢查碼 Compute checksum
0x7000000A取得容器項目 Get container entry
0x7000000B取得容器的最大產生 Get maximum generation for container
0x7000000C開啟區塊容器 Open chunk container
0x7000000D初始化區塊容器重新導向表格 Initialize chunk container redirection table
0x7000000E驗證區塊容器重新導向表格 Validate chunk container redirection table
0x7000000F取得區塊容器有效資料長度 Get chunk container valid data length
0x70000010從區塊容器重新導向表格取得位移 Get offset from chunk container redirection table
0x70000011讀取區塊容器區塊 Read chunk container block
0x70000012清除區塊容器區塊 Clear chunk container block
0x70000013複製區塊 Copy chunk
0x70000014初始化檔案快取 Initialize file cache
0x70000015對應檔案快取資料 Map file cache data
0x70000016取消釘選檔案快取資料 Unpin file cache data
0x70000017複製檔案快取資料 Copy file cache data
0x70000018讀取基礎檔案快取資料 Read underlying file cache data
0x70000019取得區塊容器檔案大小 Get chunk container file size
0x7000001A釘選串流地圖 Pin stream map
0x7000001B釘選區塊容器 Pin chunk container
0x7000001C釘選區塊 Pin chunk
0x7000001D配置集區緩衝區 Allocate pool buffer
0x7000001E取消釘選區塊容器 Unpin chunk container
0x7000001F取消釘選區塊 Unpin chunk
0x70000020重複資料刪除讀取處理 Dedup read processing
0x70000021取得第一個串流地圖項目 Get first stream map entry
0x70000022讀取區塊中繼資料 Read chunk metadata
0x70000023讀取區塊資料 Read chunk data
0x70000024參照 TlCache 資料 Reference TlCache data
0x70000025從串流存放區讀取區塊資料 Read chunk data from stream store
0x70000026組合區塊資料 Assemble chunk data
0x70000027解壓縮區塊資料 Decompress chunk data
0x70000028將區塊資料複製到使用者緩衝區 Copy chunk data in to user buffer
0x70000029將區塊資料插入 tlcache Insert chunk data in to tlcache
0x7000002A從重複資料刪除重新分析點檔案讀取資料 Read data from dedup reparse point file
0x7000002B準備串流地圖 Prepare stream map
0x7000002C修補乾淨範圍 Patch clean ranges
0x7000002D正在將資料寫入到重複資料刪除檔案 Writing data to dedup file
0x7000002E在重複資料刪除檔案上佇列寫入要求 Queue write request on dedup file
0x7000002F在重複資料刪除檔案上執行寫入時複製工作 Do copy on write work on dedup file
0x70000030在重複資料刪除檔案上執行完整重新呼叫 Do full recall on dedup file
0x70000031在重複資料刪除檔案上執行部分重新呼叫 Do partial recall on dedup file
0x70000032在重複資料刪除檔案上執行虛設分頁 Do dummy paging read on dedup file
0x70000033讀取乾淨資料以重新呼叫檔案 Read clean data for recalling file
0x70000034將乾淨資料正常寫入至重複資料刪除檔案 Write clean data to dedup file normally
0x70000035將乾淨資料寫入至已分頁的重複資料刪除檔案 Write clean data to dedup file paged
0x70000036使用分頁 IO 重新呼叫重複資料刪除檔案 Recall dedup file using paging Io
0x70000037重新呼叫後排清重複資料刪除檔案 Flush dedup file after recall
0x70000038在重複資料刪除檔案上重新呼叫後更新點陣圖 Update bitmap after recall on dedup file
0x70000039刪除重複資料刪除重新分析點 Delete dedup reparse point
0x7000003A開啟重複資料刪除檔案 Open dedup file
0x7000003B正在鎖定使用者緩衝區以供讀取 Locking user buffer for read
0x7000003C取得 MDL 的系統位址 Get system address for MDL
0x7000003D讀取乾淨的重複資料刪除檔案 Read clean dedup file
0x7000003E取得範圍狀態 Get range state
0x7000003F取得區塊內文 Get chunk body
0x70000040釋放區塊 Release chunk
0x70000041釋放解壓縮區塊內容 Release decompress chunk context
0x70000042準備解壓縮區塊內容 Prepare decompress chunk context
0x70000043將資料複製到壓縮的緩衝區 Copy data to compressed buffer
0x70000044從 TL 快取釋放資料 Release data from TL Cache
0x70000045佇列非同步讀取要求 Queue async read request
0x80565301找不到要求的物件。 The requested object was not found.
0x80565302提供給工作排程器的一或多個引數不正確。 One (or more) of the arguments given to the task scheduler is not valid.
0x80565303指定的物件已經存在。 The specified object already exists.
0x80565304找不到指定的路徑。 The specified path was not found.
0x80565305指定的使用者不正確。 The specified user is invalid.
0x80565306指定的路徑不正確。 The specified path is invalid.
0x80565307指定的名稱不正確。 The specified name is invalid.
0x80565308指定的屬性超出範圍。 The specified property is out of range.
0x80565309未安裝、未載入或未備妥必要的篩選器驅動程式以供使用。 A required filter driver is either not installed, not loaded, or not ready for service.
0x8056530A磁碟空間不足,無法執行要求的操作。 There is insufficient disk space to perform the requested operation.
0x8056530B不支援指定的磁碟區類型。固定且可寫入的 NTFS 資料磁碟區與底層為 NTFS 資料磁碟區的 CSV 支援「重複資料刪除」。 The specified volume type is not supported. Deduplication is supported on fixed, write-enabled NTFS data volumes and CSV backed by NTFS data volumes.
0x8056530C重複資料刪除發生未預期的錯誤。請檢查 [重複資料刪除操作] 事件記錄,以取得更多資訊。 Data deduplication encountered an unexpected error. Check the Data Deduplication Operational event log for more information.
0x8056530D指定的掃描記錄檔游標已到期。 The specified scan log cursor has expired.
0x8056530E檔案系統可能損毀。請執行 CHKDSK 公用程式。 The file system might be corrupted. Please run the CHKDSK utility.
0x8056530F無法建立或意外刪除了磁碟區陰影複製。 A volume shadow copy could not be created or was unexpectedly deleted.
0x80565310重複資料刪除遇到損毀的 XML 設定檔。 Data deduplication encountered a corrupted XML configuration file.
0x80565311重複資料刪除服務無法存取全域設定,因為叢集服務不在執行中。 The Data Deduplication service could not access the global configuration because the Cluster service is not running.
0x80565312重複資料刪除服務無法存取全域設定,因為尚未安裝全域設定。 The Data Deduplication service could not access the global configuration because it has not been installed yet.
0x80565313重複資料刪除無法存取磁碟區。該磁碟區可能已離線。 Data deduplication failed to access the volume. It may be offline.
0x80565314模組遇到無效的參數或是含有無效值的有效參數,或者找不到預期的模組參數。詳細資訊請查看應用程式事件記錄檔。 The module encountered an invalid parameter or a valid parameter with an invalid value, or an expected module parameter was not found. Check the operational event log for more information.
0x80565315初始化已完成,但還嘗試執行初始化操作。 An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.
0x80565316取消初始化已完成,但仍嘗試執行取消初始化操作。 An attempt was made to perform an uninitialization operation when that operation has already been completed.
0x80565317重複資料刪除服務偵測到不安全的內部資料夾。若要保護資料夾,請在磁碟區上重新安裝重複資料刪除。 The Data Deduplication service detected an internal folder that is not secure. To secure the folder, reinstall deduplication on the volume.
0x80565318資料區塊化早已起始。 Data chunking has already been initiated.
0x80565319已嘗試在無效的狀態下執行操作。 An attempt was made to perform an operation from an invalid state.
0x8056531A已嘗試還沒初始化就執行操作。 An attempt was made to perform an operation before initialization.
0x8056531B呼叫 ::PushBuffer 以繼續區塊化,或呼叫 ::Drain 以列舉任何部分區塊。 Call ::PushBuffer to continue chunking or ::Drain to enumerate any partial chunks.
0x8056531C「重複資料刪除」服務偵測到多個區塊存放區資料夾,但是只能有一個區塊存放區資料夾。若要修復,請在磁碟區上重新安裝重複資料刪除。 The Data Deduplication service detected multiple chunk store folders; however, only one chunk store folder is permitted. To fix this issue, reinstall deduplication on the volume.
0x8056531D資料不正確。 The data is invalid.
0x8056531E處理程序正處於不明狀態。 The process is in an unknown state.
0x8056531F處理程序不在執行中。 The process is not running.
0x80565320開啟檔案時發生錯誤。 There was an error while opening the file.
0x80565321無法啟動工作處理程序,因為找不到該工作。 The job process could not start because the job was not found.
0x80565322用戶端處理程序識別碼與已啟動之主機處理程序的識別碼不符。 The client process ID does not match the ID of the host process that was started.
0x80565323指定的磁碟區未啟用重複資料刪除。 The specified volume is not enabled for deduplication.
0x80565324零字元區塊識別碼不正確。 A zero-character chunk ID is not valid.
0x80565325已經索引填到最大容量。 The index is filled to capacity.
0x80565327工作階段已存在。 Session already exists.
0x80565328不支援選取的壓縮格式。 The compression format selected is not supported.
0x80565329壓縮的緩衝區大於未壓縮的緩衝區。 The compressed buffer is larger than the uncompressed buffer.
0x80565330緩衝區不夠大。 The buffer is not large enough.
0x8056533A索引暫存記錄錯誤: 搜尋、讀取、寫入或建立 Index Scratch Log Error in: Seek, Read, Write, or Create
0x8056533B工作類型無效。 The job type is invalid.
0x8056533C持續層列舉錯誤。 Persistence layer enumeration error.
0x8056533D操作已取消。 The operation was cancelled.
0x8056533E工作需要的記憶體比目前可用的記憶體還多,將不會在排程的時間執行工作。 This job will not run at the scheduled time because it requires more memory than is currently available.
0x80565341工作已終止,但終止前工作正處於取消或暫止狀態。 The job was terminated while in a cancel or pending state.
0x80565342工作已中止,但中止前工作正處於等著交握狀態。 The job was terminated while in a handshake pending state.
0x80565343工作已因服務關閉而終止。 The job was terminated due to a service shutdown.
0x80565344工作在開始之前就被放棄。 The job was abandoned before starting.
0x80565345工作處理程序意外結束。 The job process exited unexpectedly.
0x80565346重複資料刪除服務偵測到無法壓縮或更新容器,因為它已達到產生版本上限。 The Data Deduplication service detected that the container cannot be compacted or updated because it has reached the maximum generation version.
0x80565347損毀記錄檔已到達它的大小上限。 The corruption log has reached its maximum size.
0x80565348重複資料刪除清除工作無法處理毀損的記錄檔。 The data deduplication scrubbing job failed to process the corruption logs.
0x80565349重複資料刪除無法建立新區塊存放區容器檔案。配置更多空間給磁碟區。 Data deduplication failed to create new chunk store container files. Allocate more space to the volume.
0x80565350開啟檔案時發生錯誤,因為檔案正在使用中。 An error occurred while opening the file because the file was in use.
0x80565351刪除檔案的重複資料時發生錯誤。現在已略過該檔案。 An error was discovered while deduplicating the file. The file is now skipped.
0x80565352檔案伺服器重複資料刪除在列舉區塊存放區中的區塊時發現損毀情況。 File Server Deduplication encountered corruption while enumerating chunks in a chunk store.
0x80565353掃描記錄檔不正確。 The scan log is not valid.
0x80565354發生總和檢查碼 (CRC) 不符的錯誤,資料無效。 The data is invalid due to checksum (CRC) mismatch error.
0x80565355重複資料刪除發生檔案損毀錯誤。 Data deduplication encountered file corruption error.
0x80565356工作已完成但發生一些錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Job completed with some errors. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565357這個磁碟區上的區塊存放區版本不支援重複資料刪除。 Data deduplication is not supported on the version of the chunk store found on this volume.
0x80565358重複資料刪除在這個磁碟區上遇到不明的區塊存放區版本。 Data deduplication encountered an unknown version of chunk store on this volume.
0x80565359工作指定的記憶體比其執行所需的最低記憶體還少。 The job was assigned less memory than the minimum it needs to run.
0x8056535A無法修改重複資料刪除工作排程。 The data deduplication job schedule cannot be modified.
0x8056535B區塊儲存區容器的有效資料長度是不適當的。 The valid data length of chunk store container is misaligned.
0x8056535C拒絕存取檔案。 File access is denied.
0x8056535D重複資料刪除工作因為有太多毀損的檔案而停止。 Data deduplication job stopped due to too many corrupted files.
0x8056535E重複資料刪除工作因為 BCrypt SHA-512 提供者中發生內部錯誤而停止。 Data deduplication job stopped due to an internal error in the BCrypt SHA-512 provider.
0x8056535F重複資料刪除工作已因為存放區調解而停止。 Data deduplication job stopped for store reconciliation.
0x80565360由於檔案大小,已略過針對該檔案執行重複資料刪除。 File skipped for deduplication due to its size.
0x80565361由於重複資料刪除重試限制,已略過該檔案。 File skipped due to deduplication retry limit.
0x80565362管線緩衝區塊取已滿。 The pipeline buffer cache is full.
0x80565363有另一個「重複資料刪除」工作已在此磁碟區上執行。 Another Data deduplication job already running on this volume.
0x80565364「重複資料刪除」無法在此節點的此 Csv 磁碟區上執行此工作。請嘗試在 Csv 磁碟區資源擁有者節點上執行此工作。 Data deduplication cannot run this job on this Csv volume on this node. Try running the job on the Csv volume resource owner node.
0x80565365「重複資料刪除」無法在此節點上初始化叢集狀態。 Data deduplication failed to initialize cluster state on this node.
0x80565366範圍的最佳化作業已由 dedup 篩選器驅動程式中止。 Optimization of the range was aborted by the dedup filter driver.
0x80565367操作無法執行,因為有並行的 IO 操作存在。 The operation could not be performed because of a concurrent IO operation.
0x80565368「重複資料刪除」發生意外錯誤。如果是在叢集設定中,請確認已在所有節點上啟用重複資料刪除功能。如需詳細資訊,請檢查「重複資料刪除操作」事件記錄檔。 Data deduplication encountered an unexpected error. Verify deduplication is enabled on all nodes if in a cluster configuration. Check the Data Deduplication Operational event log for more information.
0x80565369只有在維護模式中才能停用重複資料刪除 CSV 磁碟區的資料存取。如需詳細資訊,請參閱「重複資料刪除操作」事件記錄檔。 Data access for data deduplicated CSV volumes can only be disabled when in maintenance mode. Check the Data Deduplication Operational event log for more information.
0x8056536A「重複資料刪除」發生 IO 裝置錯誤,這可能表示儲存子系統中有硬體故障。 Data Deduplication encountered an IO device error that may indicate a hardware fault in the storage subsystem.
0x8056536B重複資料刪除無法在此 CSV 磁碟區的此節點上執行此 Cmdlet。請嘗試在 CSV 磁碟區資源擁有者節點上執行 Cmdlet。 Data deduplication cannot run this cmdlet on this Csv volume on this node. Try running the cmdlet on the Csv volume resource owner node.
0x8056536C在執行輪流叢集升級期間不支援去除重複項工作。 Deduplication job not supported during rolling cluster upgrade.
0x8056536D在執行輪流叢集升級期間不支援去除重複項設定。 Deduplication setting not supported during rolling cluster upgrade.
0x8056536E資料連接埠工作尚未準備好接受要求。 Data port job is not ready to accept requests.
0x8056536F未接受資料連接埠要求,因為超過要求計數/大小限制。 Data port request not accepted due to request count/size limit exceeded.
0x80565370資料連接埠要求已完成,但有一些錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port request completed with some errors. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565371資料連接埠要求失敗。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port request failed. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565372存取雜湊索引時發生資料連接埠錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port error accessing the hash index. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565373存取串流存放區時發生資料連接埠錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port error accessing the stream store. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565374資料連接埠檔案虛設常式錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port file stub error. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565375資料連接埠遇到重複資料刪除篩選器錯誤。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port encountered a deduplication filter error. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565376資料連接埠無法認可串流對應,因為缺少區塊。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot commit stream map due to missing chunk. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565377資料連接埠無法認可串流對應,因為串流對應中繼資料無效。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot commit stream map due to invalid stream map metadata. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565378資料連接埠無法認可串流對應,因為串流對應項目無效。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot commit stream map due to invalid stream map entry. Check event logs for more details.
0x80565379資料連接埠無法擷取磁碟區的工作介面。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot retrieve job interface for volume. Check event logs for more details.
0x8056537A不支援指定的路徑。 The specified path is not supported.
0x8056537B// 資料連接埠無法將區塊解壓縮。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 // Data port cannot decompress chunk. Check event logs for more details.
0x8056537C資料連接埠無法計算區塊雜湊。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot calculate chunk hash. Check event logs for more details.
0x8056537D資料連接埠無法讀取區塊串流。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 Data port cannot read chunk stream. Check event logs for more details.
0x8056537E目標檔案不是被重複資料刪除工作刪除的檔案。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 The target file is not a deduplicated file. Check event logs for more details.
0x8056537F目標檔案的一部分被重新叫用。詳細資料請參閱事件記錄檔。 The target file is partially recalled. Check event logs for more details.
0x90000001Data Deduplication Data Deduplication
0x90000002Application Application
0x91000001Data Deduplication Change Events Data Deduplication Change Events
0xB0001000磁碟區 \"%1\" 可能已中斷連線,而遭服務忽略。您可以重新掃描磁碟。錯誤: %2。%n%3 Volume \"%1\" appears as disconnected and it is ignored by the service. You may want to rescan disks. Error: %2.%n%3
0xB0001001CLSID 為 %1、名稱為 \"%2\" 的 COM 伺服器無法在電腦 \"%3\" 上啟動。很可能是因為 CPU 負載過大。錯誤: %4。%n%5 The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name \"%2\" cannot be started on machine \"%3\". Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. Error: %4.%n%5
0xB0001002CLSID 為 %1、名稱為 \"%2\" 的 COM 伺服器無法在電腦 \"%3\" 上啟動。錯誤: %4。%n%5 The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name \"%2\" cannot be started on machine \"%3\". Error: %4.%n%5
0xB0001003CLSID 為 %1、名稱為 \"%2\" 的 COM 伺服器在安全模式下無法在電腦 \"%3\" 上啟動。「重複資料刪除」服務無法在安全模式下啟動。錯誤: %4。%n%5 The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name \"%2\" cannot be started on machine \"%3\" during Safe Mode. The Data Deduplication service cannot start while in safe mode. Error: %4.%n%5
0xB0001004「重複資料刪除」所需的重要元件未登錄。如果在 Windows 安裝期間發生錯誤,或電腦未安裝 Windows Server 2012 或更新版本的「重複資料刪除」服務,就可能發生此情形。從 CoCreateInstance (在電腦 \"%3\" 上,CLSID 為 %1、名稱為 \"%2\" 的類別上) 傳回的錯誤是 %4。%n%5 A critical component required by Data Deduplication is not registered. This might happen if an error occurred during Windows setup, or if the computer does not have the Windows Server 2012 or later version of Deduplication service installed. The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID %1 and Name \"%2\" on machine \"%3\" is %4.%n%5
0xB0001005「重複資料刪除」服務因閒置逾時而關閉。%n%1 Data Deduplication service is shutting down due to idle timeout.%n%1
0xB0001006「重複資料刪除」服務因來自服務控制管理員的關機事件而關閉。%n%1 Data Deduplication service is shutting down due to shutdown event from the Service Control Manager.%n%1
0xB0001007磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的類型 \"%1\" 重複資料刪除工作已完成,傳回碼: %3%n%4 Data Deduplication job of type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" has completed with return code: %3%n%4
0xB0001008「重複資料刪除」錯誤: 呼叫常式 %1 時發生意外的錯誤。hr = %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication error: Unexpected error calling routine %1. hr = %2.%n%3
0xB0001009「重複資料刪除」錯誤: 意外的錯誤。%n%1 Data Deduplication error: Unexpected error.%n%1
0xB000100A重複資料刪除警告: %1%n錯誤: %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication warning: %1%nError: %2.%n%3
0xB000100B「重複資料刪除」錯誤: 非預期的 COM 錯誤 %1: %2。錯誤碼: %3。%n%4 Data Deduplication error: Unexpected COM error %1: %2. Error code: %3.%n%4
0xB000100C「重複資料刪除」無法存取下列檔案或磁碟區: \"%1\"。此檔案或磁碟區目前可能被其他應用程式鎖定,或是您可能必須對其授與本機系統存取權限。%n%2 Data Deduplication was unable to access the following file or volume: \"%1\". This file or volume might be locked by another application right now, or you might need to give Local System access to it.%n%2
0xB000100D對掛接在 \"%1\" 上的磁碟區 (\"%2\") 執行磁碟區掃描期間,「重複資料刪除」發生意外的錯誤。若要瞭解造成此錯誤之根本原因的詳細資訊,請參閱其他與這些磁碟區相關的「重複資料刪除」服務、VSS 或 VOLSNAP 錯誤的應用程式/系統事件記錄檔。此外,您也應確定可使用 VSSADMIN 命令 (如 VSSADMIN CREATE SHADOW /For=C:) 在這些磁碟區建立陰影複製%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered an unexpected error during volume scan of volumes mounted at \"%1\" (\"%2\"). To find out more information about the root cause for this error please consult the Application/System event log for other Deduplication service, VSS or VOLSNAP errors related with these volumes. Also, you might want to make sure that you can create shadow copies on these volumes by using the VSSADMIN command like this: VSSADMIN CREATE SHADOW /For=C:%n%3
0xB000100E「重複資料刪除」無法建立或存取掛接在 \"%1\" 上的磁碟區 (\"%2\") 的陰影複製。可能的原因包括不正確的陰影複製設定、磁碟空間不足,或系統的記憶體、I/O 或 CPU 超出負載。若要瞭解造成此錯誤之根本原因的詳細資訊,請參閱其他與這些磁碟區相關的「重複資料刪除」服務、VSS 或 VOLSNAP 錯誤之應用程式/系統事件記錄檔。此外,您也應確定可使用 VSSADMIN 命令 (如 VSSADMIN CREATE SHADOW /For=C:) 在這些磁碟區建立陰影複製%n%3 Data Deduplication was unable to create or access the shadow copy for volumes mounted at \"%1\" (\"%2\"). Possible causes include an improper Shadow Copy configuration, insufficient disk space, or extreme memory, I/O or CPU load of the system. To find out more information about the root cause for this error please consult the Application/System event log for other Deduplication service, VSS or VOLSNAP errors related with these volumes. Also, you might want to make sure that you can create shadow copies on these volumes by using the VSSADMIN command like this: VSSADMIN CREATE SHADOW /For=C:%n%3
0xB000100F「重複資料刪除」無法存取掛接在 \"%1\" 上的磁碟區 (\"%2\")。請確定在執行重複資料刪除時不會進行卸載或格式化操作。%n%3 Data Deduplication was unable to access volumes mounted at \"%1\" (\"%2\"). Make sure that dismount or format operations do not happen while running deduplication.%n%3
0xB0001010「重複資料刪除」無法存取檔案或磁碟區。詳細資料:%n%n%1%n 該磁碟區可能無法存取以進行 I/O 操作,或是已標示為唯讀。如果是叢集磁碟區,這可能是容錯移轉期間的暫時性失敗。%n%2 Data Deduplication was unable to access a file or volume. Details:%n%n%1%n The volume may be inaccessible for I/O operations or marked read-only. In case of a cluster volume, this may be a transient failure during failover.%n%2
0xB0001011重複資料刪除無法掃描磁碟區 \"%1\" (\"%2\")。%n%3 Data Deduplication was unable to scan volume \"%1\" (\"%2\").%n%3
0xB0001012重複資料刪除偵測到位移 (\"%2\") 的檔案 \"%1\" 有損毀。如果此情況持續出現,請從前一個備份還原資料。損毀詳細資料: 結構=%3、損毀類型 = %4、其他資料 = %5%n%6 Data Deduplication detected a corruption on file \"%1\" at offset (\"%2\"). If this condition persists then please restore the data from a previous backup. Corruption details: Structure=%3, Corruption type = %4, Additional data = %5%n%6
0xB0001013「重複資料刪除」在調解磁碟區 \"%1\" 上的區塊存放區時作業失敗。錯誤碼為 %2。已停用現行最佳化工作的調解功能。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered failure while reconciling chunk store on volume \"%1\". The error code was %2. Reconciliation is disabled for the current optimization job.%n%3
0xB0001016「重複資料刪除」在執行完整廢棄項目收集時發現損毀的區塊容器 %1。會略過損毀的區塊容器。%n%2 Data Deduplication encountered corrupted chunk container %1 while performing full garbage collection. The corrupted chunk container is skipped.%n%2
0xB0001017「重複資料刪除」無法在 %1 下初始化變更記錄檔。錯誤碼為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication could not initialize change log under %1. The error code was %2.%n%3
0xB0001018「重複資料刪除」服務無法將區塊容器 %1 標示為已調解。錯誤碼為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication service could not mark chunk container %1 as reconciled. The error code was %2.%n%3
0xB0001019「重複資料刪除」設定檔已損毀。可能必須從備份還原系統或磁碟區。%n%1 A Data Deduplication configuration file is corrupted. The system or volume may need to be restored from backup.%n%1
0xB000101A「重複資料刪除」無法在磁碟區 \"%1\" 上儲存其中一個設定存放區,因為發生磁碟已滿錯誤: 如果磁碟已滿,請清理磁碟 (擴充磁碟區或刪除一些檔案)。 如果磁碟未滿,但磁碟區根目錄上有固定配額,請刪除、停用或提高此配額。%n%2 Data Deduplication was unable to save one of the configuration stores on volume \"%1\" due to a disk-full error: If the disk is full, please clean it up (extend the volume or delete some files). If the disk is not full, but there is a hard quota on the volume root, please delete, disable or increase this quota.%n%2
0xB000101B「重複資料刪除」無法存取全域設定,因為叢集服務未執行。請啟動叢集服務,然後重試這項操作。%n%1 Data Deduplication could not access global configuration since the cluster service is not running. Please start the cluster service and retry the operation.%n%1
0xB000101C已在產生存放裝置報告期間刪除陰影複製 \"%1\"。磁碟區 \"%2\" 可能未設定足夠的陰影複製存放區域。「重複資料刪除」無法處理此磁碟區。%n%3 Shadow copy \"%1\" was deleted during storage report generation. Volume \"%2\" might be configured with inadequate shadow copy storage area. Data Deduplication could not process this volume.%n%3
0xB000101D在重試 %2 分鐘後,磁碟區 \"%1\" 的陰影複製建立失敗,因為當時正在建立其他陰影複製。請在離峰時段重新排程「重複資料刪除」。%n%3 Shadow copy creation failed for volume \"%1\" after retrying for %2 minutes because other shadow copies were being created. Reschedule the Data Deduplication for a less busy time.%n%3
0xB000101E磁碟區 \"%1\" 不支援陰影複製。可能是因為此磁碟區已從系統中移除。「重複資料刪除」服務無法處理此磁碟區。%n%2 Volume \"%1\" is not supported for shadow copy. It is possible that the volume was removed from the system. Data Deduplication service could not process this volume.%n%2
0xB000101F磁碟區 '%1' 已從系統中刪除或移除。%n%2 The volume \"%1\" has been deleted or removed from the system.%n%2
0xB0001020磁碟區 \"%1\" 的陰影複製建立失敗,並出現錯誤 %2。磁碟區可能未設定足夠的陰影複製存放區域。「檔案伺服器重複資料刪除」服務無法處理此磁碟區。%n%3 Shadow copy creation failed for volume \"%1\" with error %2. The volume might be configured with inadequate shadow copy storage area. File Serve Deduplication service could not process this volume.%n%3
0xB0001021磁碟區 '%1' 的檔案系統可能損毀。請執行 CHKDSK 公用程式以驗證並修復檔案系統。%n%2 The file system on volume \"%1\" is potentially corrupted. Please run the CHKDSK utility to verify and fix the file system.%n%2
0xB0001022「重複資料刪除」偵測到不安全的內部資料夾。若要保護資料夾,請在磁碟區上再次重新安裝「重複資料刪除」。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected an insecure internal folder. To secure the folder, reinstall deduplication on the volume again.%n%1
0xB0001023「重複資料刪除」在磁碟區上找不到區塊存放區。%n%1 Data Deduplication could not find a chunk store on the volume.%n%1
0xB0001024「重複資料刪除」偵測到多個區塊存放區資料夾。若要復原,請在磁碟區上重新安裝「重複資料刪除」。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected multiple chunk store folders. To recover, reinstall deduplication on the volume.%n%1
0xB0001025「重複資料刪除」偵測到衝突的區塊存放區資料夾: \"%1\" 與 \"%2\"。%n%3 Data Deduplication detected conflicting chunk store folders: \"%1\" and \"%2\".%n%3
0xB0001026資料不正確。%n%1 The data is invalid.%n%1
0xB0001027「重複資料刪除」排程器無法初始化,並發生錯誤 \"%1\"。%n%2 Data Deduplication scheduler failed to initialize with error \"%1\".%n%2
0xB0001028「重複資料刪除」無法驗證磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\",並發生錯誤 \"%3\"。%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to validate job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" with error \"%3\".%n%4
0xB0001029「重複資料刪除」無法在磁碟區 \"%2\" 上啟動工作類型 \"%1\",並發生錯誤 \"%3\"。%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to start job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" with error \"%3\".%n%4
0xB000102C「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 使用了過多記憶體。指派量為 %3 MB。實際使用了 %4 MB。%n%5 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" uses too much memory. %3 MB is assigned. %4 MB is used.%n%5
0xB000102D「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 記憶體使用量已下降至合理水準。%n%3 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" memory usage has dropped to desirable level.%n%3
0xB000102E「重複資料刪除」已取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\"。其記憶體使用量已超過其指派量。%n%3 Data Deduplication cancelled job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\". It uses too much memory than the amount assigned to it.%n%3
0xB000102F「重複資料刪除」已取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\"。電腦上或工作中的記憶體資源偏低。%n%3 Data Deduplication cancelled job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\". Memory resource is running low on the machine or in the job.%n%3
0xB0001030磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的「重複資料刪除」工作類型 \"%1\" 無法報告服務是否已完成,並發生錯誤: %3。%n%4 Data Deduplication job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" failed to report completion to the service with error: %3.%n%4
0xB0001031「重複資料刪除」偵測到無法壓縮或更新容器,因為已達產生數量上限。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected a container cannot be compacted or updated because it has reached the maximum generation.%n%1
0xB0001032「重複資料刪除」損毀記錄檔 \"%1\" 已損毀。%n%2 Data Deduplication corruption log \"%1\" is corrupted.%n%2
0xB0001033「重複資料刪除」損毀記錄檔 \"%1\" 已達允許的大小上限 \"%2\"。請執行清除工作以處理損毀記錄檔。在記錄檔完成處理前,將不會再報告任何損毀。%n%3 Data Deduplication corruption log \"%1\" has reached maximum allowed size \"%2\". Please run scrubbing job to process corruption log. No more corruptions will be reported until the log is processed.%n%3
0xB0001034重複資料刪除損毀記錄檔 \"%1\" 已達到允許大小上限 \"%2\"。要等到處理記錄檔後,才會再報告更多的損毀。%n%3 Data Deduplication corruption log \"%1\" has reached maximum allowed size \"%2\". No more corruptions will be reported until the log is processed.%n%3
0xB0001035「重複資料刪除」排程器無法解除初始化,並出現錯誤 \"%1\"。%n%2 Data Deduplication scheduler failed to uninitialize with error \"%1\".%n%2
0xB0001036「重複資料刪除」偵測到無法在區塊存放區中建立新的容器,因為已沒有可用的容器識別碼。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected a new container could not be created in a chunk store because it ran out of available container Id.%n%1
0xB0001037磁碟區 \"%1\" 上的「重複資料刪除」完整廢棄項目收集階段 1 (清除與檔案相關的中繼資料) 失敗,並出現錯誤: %2。工作將繼續執行階段 2 (資料區塊清除)。%n%3 Data Deduplication full garbage collection phase 1 (cleaning file related metadata) on volume \"%1\" failed with error: %2. The job will continue with phase 2 execution (data chunk cleanup).%n%3
0xB0001039「重複資料刪除」完整廢棄項目收集無法達到空間回收上限,因為無法清除資料容器 %1 的刪除記錄檔。%n%2 Data Deduplication full garbage collection could not achieve maximum space reclamation because delete logs for data container %1 could not be cleaned up.%n%2
0xB000103A無法對部分檔案進行重複資料刪除,因為磁碟區 %1 上有 FSRM 配額違規的情形。略過的檔案可能是已達配額或接近配額限制之資料夾中的壓縮檔案或疏鬆檔案。請考慮為已達或接近配額限制的資料夾提高配額限制。%n%2 Some files could not be deduplicated because of FSRM Quota violations on volume %1. Files skipped are likely compressed or sparse files in folders which are at quota or close to their quota limit. Please consider increasing the quota limit for folders that are at their quota limit or close to it.%n%2
0xB000103B「重複資料刪除」無法對檔案 %1 \"%2\" 進行重複資料刪除,因為發生嚴重錯誤 %3%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to dedup file %1 \"%2\" due to fatal error %3%n%4
0xB000103C重複資料刪除在存取區塊存放區中的檔案時發生損毀。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered corruption while accessing a file in chunk store.%n%1
0xB000103D「重複資料刪除」在存取區塊存放區中的檔案時發現損毀。請執行清除工作,以進行診斷與修復。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered corruption while accessing a file in chunk store. Please run scrubbing job for diagnosis and repair.%n%1
0xB000103E「重複資料刪除」在存取區塊存放區中的檔案時發現總和檢查碼 (CRC) 不符錯誤。請執行清除工作,以進行診斷與修復。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered checksum (CRC) mismatch error while accessing a file in chunk store. Please run scrubbing job for diagnosis and repair.%n%1
0xB000103F重複資料刪除無法存取檔案 %1,因為檔案正在使用中。%n%2 Data Deduplication is unable to access file %1 because the file is in use.%n%2
0xB0001040重複資料刪除在存取區塊存放器中的檔案時遇到總和檢查碼 (CRC) 不符錯誤。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered checksum (CRC) mismatch error while accessing a file in chunk store.%n%1
0xB0001041重複資料刪除無法在磁碟區 %1 上執行工作,因為重複資料刪除存放區版本相容性檢查失敗,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication cannot run the job on volume %1 because the dedup store version compatiblity check failed with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001042重複資料刪除已停用磁碟區 %1,因為它發現太多損毀。請在磁碟區執行深層清除。%n%2 Data Deduplication has disabled the volume %1 because it has discovered too many corruptions. Please run deep scrubbing on the volume.%n%2
0xB0001043重複資料刪除在 %1 的存放區上偵測到損毀的中繼資料檔案。請在磁碟區上執行深層清除。%n%2 Data Deduplication has detected a corrupt corruption metadata file on the store at %1. Please run deep scrubbing on the volume.%n%2
0xB0001044磁碟區 \"%1\" 無法啟用「重複資料刪除」。「重複資料刪除」不支援大於 64TB 的磁碟區。錯誤: %2。%n%3 Volume \"%1\" cannot be enabled for Data Deduplication. Data Deduplication does not support volumes larger than 64TB. Error: %2.%n%3
0xB0001045無法在 SIS 磁碟區 \"%1\" 上啟用重複資料刪除。錯誤: %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication cannot be enabled on SIS volume \"%1\". Error: %2.%n%3
0xB0001046檔案系統是針對區分大小寫檔案/資料夾名稱設定 。重複資料刪除不支援區分大小寫的檔案系統模式。%n%1 File-system is configured for case-sensitive file/folder names. Data Deduplication does not support case-sensitive file-system mode.%n%1
0xB0001049重複資料刪除已將清除工作變更為唯讀,因為磁碟空間不足。%n%1 Data Deduplication changed scrubbing job to read-only due to insufficient disk space.%n%1
0xB000104B重複資料刪除已停用磁碟區 %1,因為容器遺失或損毀。請在磁碟區上執行深層清除。%n%2 Data Deduplication has disabled the volume %1 because there are missing or corrupt containers. Please run deep scrubbing on the volume.%n%2
0xB000104D重複資料刪除發生磁碟已滿錯誤。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered a disk-full error.%n%1
0xB000104E重複資料刪除工作無法在磁碟區 \"%1\" 上執行,因為磁碟空間不足。%n%2 Data Deduplication job cannot run on volume \"%1\" due to insufficient disk space.%n%2
0xB000104F重複資料刪除工作無法在離線磁碟區 \"%1\" 上執行。%n%2 Data Deduplication job cannot run on offline volume \"%1\".%n%2
0xB0001050重複資料刪除已修復毀損或遺失的檔案。%n%1 Data Deduplication recovered a corrupt or missing file.%n%1
0xB0001051重複資料刪除遇到毀損的中繼資料檔案。若要修正這個問題,請在受影響的磁碟區上,使用 -Full 選項,排程或手動執行記憶體回收工作。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered a corrupted metadata file. To correct the problem, schedule or manually run a Garbage Collection job on the affected volume with the -Full option.%n%1
0xB0001052重複資料刪除在更新容器時,遇到含有毀損標頭的區塊 %1。毀損的區塊會複寫到新容器 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered chunk %1 with corrupted header while updating container. The corrupted chunk is replicated to the new container %2.%n%3
0xB0001053重複資料刪除在更新容器時,遇到含有暫時性標頭毀損的區塊 %1。毀損的區塊不會複寫到新容器 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered chunk %1 with transient header corruption while updating container. The corrupted chunk is NOT replicated to the new container %2.%n%3
0xB0001054重複資料刪除無法從檔案 %1 讀取區塊容器重新導向表格,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to read chunk container redirection table from file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001055重複資料刪除無法從檔案 %1 初始化重新分析點索引表格以進行深度清除,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to initialize reparse point index table for deep scrubbing from file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001056重複資料刪除無法在磁碟區 %2 上深度清除容器檔案 %1,錯誤為 %3。%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to deep scrub container file %1 on volume %2 with error %3.%n%4
0xB0001057重複資料刪除無法從檔案 %1 載入資料流對應記錄檔以進行深度清除,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to load stream map log for deep scrubbing from file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001058重複資料刪除在容器檔案 %2 中找到重複的本機區塊識別碼 %1。%n%3 Data Deduplication found a duplicate local chunk id %1 in container file %2.%n%3
0xB0001059已手動取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的重複資料刪除工作類型 \"%1\"。%n%3 Data Deduplication job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" was cancelled manually.%n%3
0xB000105A已取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上排程的重複資料刪除工作類型 \"%1\"。%n%3 Scheduled data Deduplication job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" was cancelled.%n%3
0xB000105D磁碟區 \"%1\" 上的重複資料刪除區塊存放區統計資料檔案已毀損且將進行重設。統計資料將會由後續工作所更新,而且可以執行 Update-DedupStatus Cmdlet 手動加以更新。%n%2 The Data Deduplication chunk store statistics file on volume \"%1\" is corrupted and will be reset. Statistics will be updated by a subsequent job and can be updated manually by running the Update-DedupStatus cmdlet.%n%2
0xB000105E磁碟區 \"%1\" 上的重複資料刪除磁碟區統計資料檔案已毀損且將進行重設。統計資料將會由後續工作所更新,而且可以執行 Update-DedupStatus Cmdlet 手動加以更新。%n%2 The Data Deduplication volume statistics file on volume \"%1\" is corrupted and will be reset. Statistics will be updated by a subsequent job and can be updated manually by running the Update-DedupStatus cmdlet.%n%2
0xB000105F重複資料刪除無法附加到深度清除的記錄檔 %1,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to append to deep scrubbing log file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001060重複資料刪除在存放區 %1 上進行深度清除期間發生失敗,錯誤為 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered a failure during deep scrubbing on store %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB0001061「重複資料刪除」已取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\"。該工作違反 Csv dedup 工作放置原則。%n%3 Data Deduplication cancelled job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\". The job violated Csv dedup job placement policy.%n%3
0xB0001062「重複資料刪除」已取消磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\"。CSV 工作監視器已經被解除初始化。%n%3 Data Deduplication cancelled job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\". The csv job monitor has been uninitialized.%n%3
0xB0001063「重複資料刪除」在存取磁碟區上的資料時遇到 IO 裝置錯誤。可能是存放裝置子系統中發生硬體故障。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered a IO device error while accessing a file on the volume. This is likely a hardware fault in the storage subsystem.%n%1
0xB0001064「重複資料刪除」遇到意外錯誤。若這是叢集,請確定已在叢集的所有節點上啟用「重複資料刪除」。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered an unexpected error. If this is a cluster, verify Data Deduplication is enabled on all nodes of the cluster.%n%1
0xB0001065已嘗試針對已開啟重複資料刪除功能的 CSV 磁碟區 \"%1\" 停用資料存取,但此動作並非在維護模式中執行。只有在維護模式中才能為 CSV 磁碟區停用資料存取。請讓磁碟區進入維護模式,然後再試一次。%n%2 Attempted to disable data access for data deduplicated CSV volume \"%1\" without maintenance mode. Data access can only be disabled for a CSV volume when in maintenance mode. Place volume into maintenance mode and retry.%n%2
0xB0001800「重複資料刪除」服務無法將檔案 \"%5%6%7\" 取消最佳化。錯誤 %8,\"%9\"。 Data Deduplication service could not unoptimize file \"%5%6%7\". Error %8, \"%9\".
0xB0001801「重複資料刪除」服務無法將太多檔案 %3 取消最佳化。系統並未報告某些檔案。 Data Deduplication service failed to unoptimize too many files %3. Some files are not reported.
0xB0001802「重複資料刪除」服務已在磁碟區 %3 上完成取消最佳化,未發生任何錯誤。 Data Deduplication service has finished unoptimization on volume %3 with no errors.
0xB0001803「重複資料刪除」服務已在磁碟區 %3 上完成取消最佳化,並發生 %4 個錯誤。 Data Deduplication service has finished unoptimization on volume %3 with %4 errors.
0xB0001804%1 工作已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n可用的記憶體: %5 MB%n可用的核心: %6%n執行個體: %7%n每個執行個體的讀取器: %8%n優先順序: %9%nIoThrottle: %10 %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nAvailable cores: %6%nInstances: %7%nReaders per instance: %8%nPriority: %9%nIoThrottle: %10
0xB0001805%1 工作已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n可用記憶體 : %5 MB%n可用核心: %6%n優先順序: %7%n完整: %8%n磁碟區可用空間 (MB): %9 %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nAvailable cores: %6%nPriority: %7%nFull: %8%nVolume free space (MB): %9
0xB0001806%1 工作已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n可用記憶體: %5 MB%n優先順序: %6%n完整: %7%n唯讀: %8 %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nPriority: %6%nFull: %7%nRead-only: %8
0xB0001807%1 工作已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n可用記憶體: %5 MB%n優先順序: %6 %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nPriority: %6
0xB0001809%1 工作已完成。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n錯誤碼: %5%n錯誤訊息: %6%n節省率 (百分比): %7%n節省空間 (MB): %8%n磁碟區已使用空間 (MB): %9%n磁碟區可用空間 (MB): %10%n最佳化檔案計數: %11%n原則中的檔案計數: %12%n工作已處理空間 (MB): %13%n工作已耗用時間 (秒): %18%n工作輸送量 (MB/秒): %19%n變換處理輸送量 (MB/秒): %20 %1 job has completed.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nError code: %5%nError message: %6%nSavings rate (percent): %7%nSaved space (MB): %8%nVolume used space (MB): %9%nVolume free space (MB): %10%nOptimized file count: %11%nIn-policy file count: %12%nJob processed space (MB): %13%nJob elapsed time (seconds): %18%nJob throughput (MB/second): %19%nChurn processing throughput (MB/second): %20
0xB000180A%1 工作已完成。%n%n完整: %2%n磁碟區: %5 (%4)%n錯誤碼: %6%n錯誤訊息: %7%n已釋放的空間 (MB): %8%n磁碟區可用空間 (MB): %9%n工作已耗用時間 (秒): %10%n工作輸送量 (MB/秒): %11 %1 job has completed.%n%nFull: %2%nVolume: %5 (%4)%nError code: %6%nError message: %7%nFreed up space (MB): %8%nVolume free space (MB): %9%nJob elapsed time (seconds): %10%nJob throughput (MB/second): %11
0xB000180B%1 工作已完成。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n錯誤碼: %5%n錯誤訊息: %6 %1 job has completed.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nError code: %5%nError message: %6
0xB000180C%1 工作已完成。%n%n完整: %2%n唯讀: %3%n磁碟區: %6 (%5)%n錯誤碼: %7%n錯誤訊息: %8%n總損毀計數: %9%n可修正的損毀計數: %10%n%n發現損毀時,請在「清除」事件通道中查看更多詳細資料。 %1 job has completed.%n%nFull: %2%nRead-only: %3%nVolume: %6 (%5)%nError code: %7%nError message: %8%nTotal corruption count: %9%nFixable corruption count: %10%n%nWhen corruptions are found, check more details in Scrubbing event channel.
0xB000180D%1 工作已完成。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n錯誤碼: %5%n錯誤訊息: %6%n未最佳化的檔案計數: %7%n工作已處理空間 (MB): %8%n工作已耗用時間 (秒): %9%n工作輸送量 (MB/秒): %10 %1 job has completed.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nError code: %5%nError message: %6%nUnoptimized file count: %7%nJob processed space (MB): %8%nJob elapsed time (seconds): %9%nJob throughput (MB/second): %10
0xB000180E%1 工作已排入佇列。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n系統記憶體百分比: %5 %n優先順序: %6%n排程模式: %7 %1 job has been queued.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nSystem memory percent: %5 %nPriority: %6%nSchedule mode: %7
0xB000181C還原被重複資料刪除工作刪除的檔案 \"%1\" 失敗,錯誤如下: %2,\"%3\"。 Restore of deduplicated file \"%1\" failed with the following error: %2, \"%3\".
0xB000181D優先順序 %1 工作已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n檔案識別碼: %11%n可用記憶體: %5 MB%n可用的核心: %6%n執行個體: %7%n每個執行個體的讀取器: %8%n優先順序: %9%nIoThrottle: %10 Priority %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nFile ID: %11%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nAvailable cores: %6%nInstances: %7%nReaders per instance: %8%nPriority: %9%nIoThrottle: %10
0xB000181E%1 工作已開始。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n可用記憶體: %5 MB%n可用執行緒: %6%n優先順序: %7 %1 job has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nAvailable memory: %5 MB%nAvailable threads: %6%nPriority: %7
0xB000181F%1 已完成工作。%n%n磁碟區:%4 (%3)%n錯誤代碼:%5%n錯誤訊息:%6%n空間節省率(百分數):%7%n已節省空間 (MB): %8%n磁碟區已用空間 (MB): %9%n磁碟區可用空間 (MB): %10%n優化檔案計數: %11%n區塊查找計數: %12%n插入區塊計數: %13%n插入區塊邏輯資料 (MB): %14%n插入區塊物理資料 (MB): %15%n確認串流計數: %16%n確認串流項目計數: %17%n確認串流邏輯資料: (MB): %18%n檢索區塊物理資料 (MB): %19%n檢索流邏輯資料 (MB): %20%nDataPort 時間(秒數): %21%n工作時間(秒數): %22%n輸入量(MB/秒): %23%n輸出量(MB/每秒): %24 %1 job has completed.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nError code: %5%nError message: %6%nSavings rate (percent): %7%nSaved space (MB): %8%nVolume used space (MB): %9%nVolume free space (MB): %10%nOptimized file count: %11%nChunk lookup count: %12%nInserted chunk count: %13%nInserted chunks logical data (MB): %14%nInserted chunks physical data (MB): %15%nCommitted stream count: %16%nCommitted stream entry count: %17%nCommitted stream logical data (MB): %18%nRetrieved chunks physical data (MB): %19%nRetrieved stream logical data (MB): %20%nDataPort time (seconds): %21%nJob elapsed time (seconds): %22%nIngress throughput (MB/second): %23%nEgress throughput (MB/second): %24
0xB0001821重複資料删除檢測到一個未叢集磁碟區,該磁碟區專用于叢集部署內的區塊索引快取磁碟區。不推薦該設定,因為它可在容錯轉移后導致工作失敗。%n%n磁碟區:%3 (%2) Data Deduplication detected a non-clustered volume specified for the chunk index cache volume in a clustered deployment. The configuration is not recommended because it may result in job failures after failover.%n%nVolume: %3 (%2)
0xB0002000「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 工作組偏低。認可大小比率為 %3。%n%4 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" working set is low. Ratio to commit size is %3.%n%4
0xB0002001「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 工作組已復原至合理水準。%n%3 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" working set has recovered to desirable level.%n%3
0xB0002002「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 分頁錯誤速率偏高。其速率為每秒 %3 個分頁錯誤。%n%4 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" page fault rate is high. The rate is %3 page faults per second.%n%4
0xB0002003「重複資料刪除」偵測到磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 分頁錯誤速率已降低至合理水準。其速率為每秒 %3 個分頁錯誤。%n%4 Data Deduplication detected job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" page fault rate has lowered to desirable level. The rate is %3 page faults per second.%n%4
0xB0002004重複資料刪除無法對檔案識別碼為 %2 的檔案 \"%1\" 進行重複資料刪除,因為發生非嚴重錯誤 %3%n%4。%n%n附註: 您可以在有問題的檔案上執行 FSUTIL FILE QUERYFILENAMEBYID 這個命令,來擷取檔案名稱。 Data Deduplication failed to dedup file \"%1\" with file ID %2 due to non-fatal error %3%n%4.%n%nNote: You can retrieve the file name by running the command FSUTIL FILE QUERYFILENAMEBYID on the file in question.
0xB000200C「重複資料刪除」已中止群組認可工作階段。%n%n檔案計數: %1%n錯誤: %2%n%3 Data Deduplication has aborted a group commit session.%n%nFile count: %1%nError: %2%n%3
0xB000201C無法開啟重複資料刪除設定登錄機碼 Fail to open dedup setting registry key
0xB000201D重複資料刪除無法對檔案識別碼為 %2 的檔案 \"%1\" 進行重複資料刪除,因為發生 oplock 中斷%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to dedup file \"%1\" with file ID %2 due to oplock break%n%3
0xB000201E重複資料刪除無法從檔案 %1 載入作用區表格,因為發生錯誤 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to load hotspot table from file %1 due to error %2.%n%3
0xB000201F「重複資料刪除」無法初始化 oplock。%n%n檔案識別碼: %1%n檔案名稱: \"%2\"%n錯誤: %3%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to initialize oplock.%n%nFile ID: %1%nFile name: \"%2\"%nError: %3%n%4
0xB0002020重複資料刪除在磁碟區 %1 上執行工作時,偵測到不正確的實體磁區大小 %2。使用預設值 %3。%n%4 Data Deduplication while running job on volume %1 detected invalid physical sector size %2. Using default value %3.%n%4
0xB0002021重複資料刪除偵測到不支援的區塊存放區容器。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected an unsupported chunk store container.%n%1
0xB0002022重複資料刪除無法建立視窗以接收工作排程器停止訊息,因為發生錯誤 %1。工作可能不會在期間限制後停止。%n%2 Data Deduplication could not create window to receive task scheduler stop message due to error %1. Task(s) may not stop after duration limit.%n%2
0xB0002023重複資料刪除無法建立執行緒以輪詢工作排程器停止訊息,因為發生錯誤 %1。工作可能不會在期間限制後停止。%n%2 Data Deduplication could not create thread to poll for task scheduler stop message due to error %1. Task(s) may not stop after duration limit.%n%2
0xB0002024初始化已完成,但還嘗試執行初始化操作。%n%1 An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.%n%1
0xB0002028重複資料刪除建立了緊急檔案 %1。%n%3 Data Deduplication created emergency file %1.%n%3
0xB0002029重複資料刪除無法建立緊急檔案 %1,發生錯誤 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to create emergency file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB000202A重複資料刪除刪除了緊急檔案 %1。%n%3 Data Deduplication deleted emergency file %1.%n%3
0xB000202B重複資料刪除無法刪除緊急檔案 %1,發生錯誤 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication failed to delete emergency file %1 with error %2.%n%3
0xB000202C重複資料刪除偵測到一個區塊儲存區容器,其含有不適當的有效資料長度。%n%1 Data Deduplication detected a chunk store container with misaligned valid data length.%n%1
0xB000202D重複資料刪除記憶體回收遇到一個刪除記錄項目,其串流對應識別碼 %1 的串流對應簽章無效。%n%2 Data Deduplication Garbage Collection encountered a delete log entry with an invalid stream map signature for stream map Id %1.%n%2
0xB000202E重複資料刪除無法在檔案顯示為遺失時初始化 oplock。%n%n檔案識別碼: %1%n檔案名稱: \"%2\"%n錯誤: %3%n%4 Data Deduplication failed to initialize oplock as the file appears to be missing.%n%nFile ID: %1%nFile name: \"%2\"%nError: %3%n%4
0xB000202F重複資料刪除已略過太多檔案層級的錯誤。我們不會針對每個工作記錄超過 %1 個的檔案層級錯誤。%n%2 Data Deduplication skipped too many file-level errors. We will not log more than %1 file-level errors per job.%n%2
0xB0002030重複資料刪除診斷警告。%n%n%1%n%2 Data Deduplication diagnostic warning.%n%n%1%n%2
0xB0002031重複資料刪除診斷資訊。%n%n%1%n%2 Data Deduplication diagnostic information.%n%n%1%n%2
0xB0002032重複資料刪除在標記為刪除的容器檔案 %3 中找到資料流對應識別碼為 %2 的檔案 %1。%n%4 Data Deduplication found file %1 with a stream map id %2 in container file %3 marked for deletion.%n%4
0xB0002033無法將磁碟區 \"%2\" 上類型 \"%1\" 的工作加入佇列。%n%3 Failed to enqueue job of type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\".%n%3
0xB0002034在終止磁碟區 \"%2\" 上工作類型為 \"%1\" 的工作主機處理序時發生錯誤 (處理序識別碼: %3)。%n%4 Error terminating job host process for job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" (process id: %3).%n%4
0xB0002035重複資料刪除在更新容器時遇到毀損的區塊 %1。系統會將無法修復的毀損資料依現況複製到新容器 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered corrupted chunk %1 while updating container. Corrupted data that cannot be repaired will be copied as-is to the new container %2.%n%3
0xB0002036磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的重複資料刪除工作類型 \"%1\" 無法正常結束。%n%3 Data Deduplication job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" failed to exit gracefully.%n%3
0xB0002037磁碟區 \"%2\" 上的工作類型 \"%1\" 所使用的重複資料刪除工作主機意外地結束。%n%3 Data Deduplication job host for job type \"%1\" on volume \"%2\" exited unexpectedly.%n%3
0xB0002038重複資料刪除無法在 %1 的存放區上載入損毀中繼資料檔案,因為發生錯誤 %2。請在磁碟區上執行深度清除。%n%3 Data Deduplication has failed to load corruption metadata file on the store at %1 due to error %2. Please run deep scrubbing on the volume.%n%3
0xB0002039磁碟區 \"%1\" 上的重複資料刪除完整廢棄項目收集階段 1 在處理檔案 %3 時發生錯誤 %2。將必須中止階段 1,因為在發生檔案錯誤時繼續執行檔案相關中繼資料的廢棄項目收集並不安全。%n%4 Data Deduplication full garbage collection phase 1 on volume \"%1\" encountered an error %2 while processing file %3. Phase 1 will need to be aborted since garbage collection of file-related metadata is unsafe to continue on file errors.%n%4
0xB000203A重複資料刪除無法處理損毀中繼資料檔案 %1,原因是發生錯誤 %2。請在磁碟區上執行深度清除。%n%3 Data Deduplication has failed to process corruption metadata file %1 due to error %2. Please run deep scrubbing on the volume.%n%3
0xB000203B重複資料刪除無法載入損毀中繼資料檔案 %1,因為發生錯誤 %2。刪除檔案然後繼續。%n%3 Data Deduplication has failed to load a corrupted metadata file %1 due to error %2. Deleting the file and continuing.%n%3
0xB000203C重複資料刪除無法設定容器檔案 %1 的 NTFS 配置大小,因為發生錯誤 %2。%n%3 Data Deduplication has failed to set NTFS allocation size for container file %1 due to error %2.%n%3
0xB000203D重複資料刪除已設定為針對雜湊演算法 %2 使用 BCrypt 提供者 '%1'。%n%3 Data Deduplication configured to use BCrypt provider '%1' for hash algorithm %2.%n%3
0xB000203E重複資料刪除因為操作 %3 中發生錯誤而無法針對雜湊演算法 %2 使用 BCrypt 提供者 '%1'。正在還原為 Microsoft 基本 CNG 提供者。%n%4 Data Deduplication could not use BCrypt provider '%1' for hash algorithm %2 due to an error in operation %3. Reverting to the Microsoft primitive CNG provider.%n%4
0xB000203F重複資料刪除無法在檔案中繼資料分析計算中包含檔案 \"%1\"。%n%2 Data Deduplication failed to include file \"%1\" in file metadata analysis calculations.%n%2
0xB0002040重複資料刪除無法在檔案中繼資料分析計算中包含資料流對應 %1。%n%2 Data Deduplication failed to include stream map %1 in file metadata analysis calculations.%n%2
0xB0002041重複資料刪除在掃描檔案和資料夾時遇到檔案 \"%1\" 的錯誤。%n%2 Data Deduplication encountered an error for file \"%1\" while scanning files and folders.%n%2
0xB0002042「重複資料刪除」嘗試繼續處理時發生錯誤。如需有關目前正在處理之檔案的詳細資訊,請參閱事件記錄檔參數。%n%1 Data Deduplication encountered an error while attempting to resume processing. Please consult the event log parameters for more details about the current file being processed.%n%1
0xB0002043「重複資料刪除」在磁碟區 %2 上掃描 USN 日誌,以便更新熱範圍追蹤時發生錯誤 %1。%n%3 Data Deduplication encountered an error %1 whle scanning usn journal on volume %2 for updating hot range tracking.%n%3
0xB0002044「重複資料刪除」無法截斷已最佳化之檔案的資料流。不需要採取動作。錯誤: %1%n%n%2 Data Deduplication could not truncate the stream of an optimized file. No action is required. Error: %1%n%n%2
0xB0002800%1 工作記憶體需求。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n記憶體下限: %5 MB%n記憶體上限: %6 MB%n磁碟下限: %7 MB%n核心數目上限: %8 %1 job memory requirements.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nMinimum memory: %5 MB%nMaximum memory: %6 MB%nMinimum disk: %7 MB%nMaximum cores: %8
0xB0002801%1 調解已啟動。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3) %1 reconciliation has started.%n%nVolume: %4 (%3)
0xB0002802%1 調解已完成。%n%n指引: 調解完成時,即會發生此事件。沒有建議或必要的動作。調解是內部程序,可在無法將完整重複資料刪除區塊索引載入記憶體時,讓最佳化和 DataPort 工作能夠執行。%n%n磁碟區: %4 (%3)%n已調解的容器: %5%n未調解的容器: %6%n更新參考: %7%n更新容器: %8%n已調解的參考: %9%n已調解的容器: %10%n交互調解的參考: %11%n交互調解的容器: %12%n錯誤碼: %13%n錯誤訊息: %14 %1 reconciliation has completed.%n%nGuidance: This event is expected when Reconciliation has completed, there is no recommended or required action. Reconciliation is an internal process that allows Optimization and DataPort jobs to run when the entire Deduplication chunk index cannot be loaded into memory. %n%nVolume: %4 (%3)%nReconciled containers: %5%nUnreconciled containers: %6%nCatchup references: %7%nCatchup containers: %8%nReconciled references: %9%nReconciled containers: %10%nCross-reconciled references: %11%nCross-reconciled containers: %12%nError code: %13%nError message: %14
0xB0002803用來設定磁碟區 %4 (%3) 之 %1 工作的記憶體不足。%n%n系統記憶體百分比: %5%n可用記憶體: %8 MB%n所需記憶體最小值: %6 MB %1 job on volume %4 (%3) was configured with insufficient memory.%n%nSystem memory percentage: %5%nAvailable memory: %8 MB%nMinimum required memory: %6 MB
0xB0002804磁碟區 %3 (%2) 上之 %1 工作的最佳化記憶體詳細資料。 Optimization memory details for %1 job on volume %3 (%2).
0xB0002805已在最佳化期間跳過已開啟的檔案。不需要採取動作。%n%n檔案識別碼: %2%n跳過原因: %1 An open file was skipped during optimization. No action is required.%n%nFileId: %2%nSkip Reason: %1
0xB0002806操作在一或多次重試之後成功。操作: %1; 檔案識別碼: %3; 重試次數: %2 An operation succeeded after one or more retries. Operation: %1; FileId: %3; Number of retries: %2
0xB0002807重複資料刪除已中止最佳化管線。%nVolumePath: %1%nErrorCode: %2%nErrorMessage: %3詳細資料: %4 Data Deduplication aborted the optimization pipeline.%nVolumePath: %1%nErrorCode: %2%nErrorMessage: %3Details: %4
0xB0002808重複資料刪除已中止檔案。%nFileId: %1%nFilePath: %2%nFileSize: %3%n旗標: %4%nTotalRanges: %5%nSkippedRanges: %6%nAbortedRanges: %7%nCommittedRanges: %8%nErrorCode: %9%nErrorMessage: %10詳細資料: %11 Data Deduplication aborted a file.%nFileId: %1%nFilePath: %2%nFileSize: %3%nFlags: %4%nTotalRanges: %5%nSkippedRanges: %6%nAbortedRanges: %7%nCommittedRanges: %8%nErrorCode: %9%nErrorMessage: %10Details: %11
0xB0002809重複資料刪除已中止檔案範圍。%nFileId: %1%nFilePath: %2%nRangeOffset: %3%nRangeLength: %4%nErrorCode: %5%nErrorMessage: %6詳細資料: %7 Data Deduplication aborted a file range.%nFileId: %1%nFilePath: %2%nRangeOffset: %3%nRangeLength: %4%nErrorCode: %5%nErrorMessage: %6Details: %7
0xB000280A重複資料刪除已中止工作階段。%nMaxSize: %1%nCurrentSize: %2%nRemainingRanges: %3%nErrorCode: %4%nErrorMessage: %5詳細資料: %6 Data Deduplication aborted a session.%nMaxSize: %1%nCurrentSize: %2%nRemainingRanges: %3%nErrorCode: %4%nErrorMessage: %5Details: %6
0xB000280B已建立 USN 日誌。%n%n磁碟區: %2 (%1)%n最大大小 %3 MB%n配置大小 %4 MB USN journal created.%n%nVolume: %2 (%1)%nMaximum size %3 MB%nAllocation size %4 MB
0xB000280C磁碟區 %3 (%2) 上 %1 工作的 DataPort 記憶體詳細資料。 DataPort memory details for %1 job on volume %3 (%2).
0xB000280D重複資料刪除偵測到具有不支援之識別碼的檔案。將跳過無法封裝為 64 位元的檔案。FileId: %1 FileName: %2 Data deduplication detected a file with an ID that is not supported. Files with identifiers unpackable into 64-bits will be skipped. FileId: %1 FileName: %2
0xB000280E為確保最佳空間節省效果,應執行調解。%n%n指引: 若 DataPort 工作已關閉調解,即會發生此事件。調解是內部程序,可在無法將完整重複資料刪除區塊索引載入記憶體時,讓最佳化和 DataPort 工作能夠執行。如調解會需要 50% 以上的系統記憶體,建議您 (暫時) 停止對此磁碟區執行 DataPort 工作,並執行最佳化工作。如果在調解需要 100% 系統記憶體之前未透過最佳化工作執行調解,則調解將無法再次執行 (除非加入更多記憶體)。這會導致此磁碟區的空間效率永遠降低。%n%n磁碟區: %2 (%1)%n所需記憶體百分比: %3 Reconciliation should be run to ensure optimal savings.%n%nGuidance: This event is expected when Reconciliation is turned off for the DataPort job. Reconciliation is an internal process that allows Optimization and DataPort jobs to run when the entire Deduplication chunk index cannot be loaded into memory. When Reconciliation would require 50% or more of the memory on the system, it is recommended that you (temporarily) cease running a DataPort job against this volume, and run an Optimization job. If Reconciliation is not run through an Optimization job before Reconciliation would require more than 100% of system memory, Reconciliation will not be able to be run again (unless more memory is added). This would result in permanent decreased space efficiency on this volume.%n%nVolume: %2 (%1)%nMemory percentage required: %3
0xB000280F由於記憶體不足,重複資料删除優化工作將不會執行調解步驟。%n%n指導:除非為優化工作提供更多記憶體或增添更多的記憶體到系統,否則重複資料删除的空间节省效果是次優的。%n%n磁碟區%2 (%1) %n所需記憶體百分比:%3 Data Deduplication optimization job will not run the reconciliation step due to inadequate memory.%n%nGuidance: Deduplication savings will be suboptimal until the optimization job is provided more memory, or more more memory is added to the system.%n%nVolume: %2 (%1)%nMemory percentage required: %3
0xB0003200重複資料刪除服務在 \"%5%6%7\" 中偵測到損毀。無法修復損毀。 Data Deduplication service detected corruption in \"%5%6%7\". The corruption cannot be repaired.
0xB0003201「重複資料刪除」服務在 \"%6\" 中偵測到損毀 (%7)。如需詳細資訊,請參閱事件詳細資料。 Data Deduplication service detected corruption (%7) in \"%6\". See the event details for more information.
0xB0003202「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %4 上的重複資料刪除區塊存放區中偵測到損毀的項目 (%11 - %13、%8、%9、%10、%12)。如需詳細資訊,請參閱事件詳細資料。 Data Deduplication service detected a corrupted item (%11 - %13, %8, %9, %10, %12) in Deduplication Chunk Store on volume %4. See the event details for more information.
0xB0003203重複資料刪除服務已完成磁碟區 %3 上的清除。沒有找到在上次清除之後所發生的任何損毀。 Data Deduplication service has finished scrubbing on volume %3. It did not find any corruption since the last scrubbing.
0xB0003204「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上找到 %4 個損毀。所有損毀均已修正。 Data Deduplication service found %4 corruption(s) on volume %3. All corruptions are fixed.
0xB0003205重複資料刪除服務在磁碟區 %3 上發現 %4 個損毀。%5 個損毀已修復。%6 個使用者檔案已損毀。%7 個使用者檔案已修復。如需損毀的檔案清單,請參閱 Microsoft/Windows/Deduplication/Scrubbing 事件。 Data Deduplication service found %4 corruption(s) on volume %3. %5 corruption(s) are fixed. %6 user file(s) are corrupted. %7 user file(s) are fixed. For the corrupted file list, see the Microsoft/Windows/Deduplication/Scrubbing events.
0xB0003206「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上找到太多損毀。系統並未報告某些損毀。 Data Deduplication service found too many corruptions on volume %3. Some corruptions are not reported.
0xB0003211「重複資料刪除」服務已在磁碟區 %3 上完成清除。如需詳細資訊,請參閱事件詳細資料。 Data Deduplication service has finished scrubbing on volume %3. See the event details for more information.
0xB0003212「重複資料刪除」服務在處理檔案 \"%5%6%7\" 時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %8。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while processing file \"%5%6%7\". The error was %8.
0xB0003213「重複資料刪除」服務在處理磁碟區 %3 上的檔案時發生太多錯誤。閾值為 %4。系統可能不會報告某些使用者檔案損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered too many errors while processing file on volume %3. The threshold was %4. Some user file corruptions may not be reported.
0xB0003214「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上的區塊存放區中偵測損毀時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %4。工作已中止。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while detecting corruptions in chunk store on volume %3. The error was %4. The job is aborted.
0xB0003216「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上載入損毀記錄檔時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %4。此工作會繼續。系統可能不會偵測到某些損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while loading corruption logs on volume %3. The error was %4. The job continues. Some corruptions may not be detected.
0xB0003217「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上清除損毀記錄檔時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %4。系統下一次可能還是會再報告某些損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while cleaning up corruption logs on volume %3. The error was %4. Some corruptions may be reported again next time.
0xB0003218「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上載入來自區塊存放區的作用區對應時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %4。系統可能不會修復某些損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while loading hotspots mapping from chunk store on volume %3. The error was %4. Some corruptions may not be repaired.
0xB0003219「重複資料刪除」服務在磁碟區 %3 上判斷損毀的使用者檔案時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %4。系統可能不會報告某些使用者檔案損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while determining corrupted user files on volume %3. The error was %4. Some user file corruptions may not be reported.
0xB000321A重複資料刪除服務在磁碟區 %3 上發現 %4 個損毀。%6 個使用者檔案已損毀。%7 個使用者檔案可以修復。請在讀寫模式下執行清除工作,以嘗試修復報告的損毀。 Data Deduplication service found %4 corruption(s) on volume %3. %6 user file(s) are corrupted. %7 user file(s) are fixable. Please run scrubbing job in read-write mode to attempt fixing reported corruptions.
0xB000321B重複資料刪除服務修復了 \"%5%6%7\" 的損毀。 Data Deduplication service fixed corruption in \"%5%6%7\".
0xB000321C重複資料刪除服務在 \"%5%6%7\" 偵測到可修復的損毀。請以讀寫模式執行清除工作,以修復這個損毀。 Data Deduplication service detected fixable corruption in \"%5%6%7\". Please run scrubbing job in read-write mode to fix this corruption.
0xB000321E重複資料刪除服務在修復磁碟區 %3 上的損毀時遇到錯誤。錯誤為 %4。修復失敗。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while repairing corruptions on volume %3. The error was %4. The repair is unsuccessful.
0xB000321F重複資料刪除服務在磁碟區 %4 的重複資料刪除區塊存放區偵測到損毀的項目 (%6、%7、%8、%9)。詳細資訊請參閱事件詳細資料。 Data Deduplication service detected a corrupted item (%6, %7, %8, %9) in Deduplication Chunk Store on volume %4. See the event details for more information.
0xB0003220區塊存放區中缺少含有使用者資料的容器 (%8、%9)。缺少的容器可能是因為不完整的還原、不完整的移轉或檔案系統損毀造成的。已停用磁碟區,不再進行最佳化。建議先還原磁碟區之後,再啟用磁碟區以進行最佳化。 Container (%8,%9) with user data is missing from the chunk store. Missing container may result from incomplete restore, incomplete migration or file-system corruption. Volume is disabled from further optimization. It is recommended to restore the volume prior to enabling the volume for further optimization.
0xB0003221重複資料刪除服務在磁碟區 %3 上掃描重複資料刪除使用者檔案時遇到錯誤。錯誤為 %4。可能不會報告某些使用者檔案損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while scaning dedup user files on volume %3. The error was %4. Some user file corruptions may not be reported.
0xB0003222重複資料刪除服務在處理檔案 \"%5%6%7\" 時發生錯誤。錯誤為 %8。 Data Deduplication service encountered error while processing file \"%5%6%7\". The error was %8.
0xB0003223重複資料刪除服務在處理磁碟區 %3 上的檔案時發生太多錯誤。閾值為 %4。可能不會報告某些使用者檔案損毀。 Data Deduplication service encountered too many errors while processing file on volume %3. The threshold was %4. Some user file corruptions may not be reported.
0xB0003224重複資料刪除服務在 \"%6\" 中因為與檔案 \"%8\" 共用重新分析資料而偵測到可能發生的資料遺失 (%9)。如需詳細資訊,請參閱事件詳細資料。 Data Deduplication service detected potential data loss (%9) in \"%6\" due to sharing reparse data with file \"%8\". See the event details for more information.
0xB0003225在區塊存放區中含使用者資料的容器 (%8,%9) 已損毀。建議先還原磁碟區,再讓該磁碟區進一步進行最佳化。 Container (%8,%9) with user data is corrupt in the chunk store. It is recommended to restore the volume prior to enabling the volume for further optimization.
0xB0005000開啟串流存放區串流 (StartingChunkId %1、FileId %2) Open stream store stream (StartingChunkId %1, FileId %2)
0xB0005001開啟串流存放區串流已完成 %1 Open stream store stream completed %1
0xB0005002準備分頁 IO (串流 %1、FileId %2) Prepare for paging IO (Stream %1, FileId %2)
0xB0005003準備分頁 IO 已完成 %1 Prepare for paging IO completed %1
0xB0005005讀取串流地圖已完成 %1 Read stream map completed %1
0xB0005006讀取區塊 (串流 %1、FileId %2、IoType %3、FirstRequestChunkId %4、NextRequest %5) Read chunks (Stream %1, FileId %2, IoType %3, FirstRequestChunkId %4, NextRequest %5)
0xB0005007讀取區塊已完成 %1 Read chunks completed %1
0xB0005008計算總和檢查碼 (ItemType %1、DataSize %2) Compute checksum (ItemType %1, DataSize %2)
0xB0005009計算總和檢查碼已完成 %1 Compute checksum completed %1
0xB000500A取得容器項目 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Get container entry (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB000500B取得容器項目已完成 %1 Get container entry completed %1
0xB000500C取得容器的最大產生 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Get maximum generation for container (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB000500D取得容器的最大產生已完成 %1 Get maximum generation for container completed %1
0xB000500E開啟區塊容器 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2、RootPath %4) Open chunk container (ContainerId %1, Generation %2, RootPath %4)
0xB000500F開啟區塊容器已完成 %1 Open chunk container completed %1
0xB0005010初始化區塊容器重新導向表格 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Initialize chunk container redirection table (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005011初始化區塊容器重新導向表格已完成 %1 Initialize chunk container redirection table completed %1
0xB0005012驗證初始化區塊容器重新導向表格 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Validate chunk container redirection table (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005013驗證初始化區塊容器重新導向表格已完成 %1 Validate chunk container redirection table completed %1
0xB0005014取得區塊容器有效資料長度 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Get chunk container valid data length (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005015取得區塊容器有效資料長度已完成 %1 Get chunk container valid data length completed %1
0xB0005016從區塊容器重新導向表格取得位移 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Get offset from chunk container redirection table (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005017從區塊容器重新導向表格取得位移已完成 %1 Get offset from chunk container redirection table completed %1
0xB0005018讀取區塊容器區塊 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2、緩衝區 %3、位移 %4、長度 %5、IoType %6、同步 %7) Read chunk container block (ContainerId %1, Generation %2, Buffer %3, Offset %4, Length %5, IoType %6, Synchronous %7)
0xB0005019讀取區塊容器區塊已完成 %1 Read chunk container block completed %1
0xB000501A清除區塊容器區塊 (緩衝區 %1、大小 %2、BufferType %3) Clear chunk container block (Buffer %1, Size %2, BufferType %3)
0xB000501B清除區塊容器區塊已完成 %1 Clear chunk container block completed %1
0xB000501C複製區塊 (緩衝區 %1、大小 %2、BufferType %3、BufferOffset %4、OutputCapacity %5) Copy chunk (Buffer %1, Size %2, BufferType %3, BufferOffset %4, OutputCapacity %5)
0xB000501D複製區塊已完成 %1 Copy chunk completed %1
0xB000501E初始化檔案快取 (UnderlyingFileObject %1、CacheFileSize %2) Initialize file cache (UnderlyingFileObject %1, CacheFileSize %2)
0xB000501F初始化檔案快取已完成 %1 Initialize file cache completed %1
0xB0005020對應檔案快取資料 (CacheFileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Map file cache data (CacheFileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0005021對應檔案快取資料已完成 %1 Map file cache data completed %1
0xB0005022取消釘選檔案快取資料(Bcb %1) Unpin file cache data(Bcb %1)
0xB0005023取消釘選檔案快取資料已完成 %1 Unpin file cache data completed %1
0xB0005024複製檔案快取資料 (CacheFileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Copy file cache data (CacheFileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0005025複製檔案快取資料已完成 %1 Copy file cache data completed %1
0xB0005026讀取基礎檔案快取資料 (CacheFileObject %1、UnderlyingFileObject %2、位移 %3、長度 %4) Read underlying file cache data (CacheFileObject %1, UnderlyingFileObject %2, Offset %3, Length %4)
0xB0005027讀取基礎檔案快取資料已完成 %1 Read underlying file cache data completed %1
0xB0005028取得區塊容器檔案大小 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Get chunk container file size (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005029取得區塊容器檔案大小已完成 %1 Get chunk container file size completed %1
0xB000502A釘選串流地圖 (串流 %1、FileId %2、StartIndex %3、EntryCount %4) Pin stream map (Stream %1, FileId %2, StartIndex %3, EntryCount %4)
0xB000502B釘選串流地圖已完成 %1 Pin stream map completed %1
0xB000502C釘選區塊容器 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Pin chunk container (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB000502D釘選區塊容器已完成 %1 Pin chunk container completed %1
0xB000502E釘選區塊 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Pin chunk (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB000502F釘選區塊已完成 %1 Pin chunk completed %1
0xB0005030配置集區緩衝區 (ReadLength %1、PagingIo %2) Allocate pool buffer (ReadLength %1, PagingIo %2)
0xB0005031配置集區緩衝區已完成 %1 Allocate pool buffer completed %1
0xB0005032取消釘選區塊容器 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Unpin chunk container (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005033取消釘選區塊容器已完成 %1 Unpin chunk container completed %1
0xB0005034取消釘選區塊 (ContainerId %1、產生 %2) Unpin chunk (ContainerId %1, Generation %2)
0xB0005035取消釘選區塊已完成 %1 Unpin chunk completed %1
0xB0006028重複資料刪除讀取處理 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3、IoType %4) Dedup read processing (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3, IoType %4)
0xB0006029重複資料刪除讀取處理已完成 %1 Dedup read processing completed %1
0xB000602A取得第一個串流地圖項目 (TlCache %1、串流 %2、RequestStartOffset %3、RequestEndOffset %4) Get first stream map entry (TlCache %1, Stream %2, RequestStartOffset %3, RequestEndOffset %4)
0xB000602B取得第一個串流地圖項目已完成 %1 Get first stream map entry completed %1
0xB000602C讀取區塊中繼資料 (串流 %1、CurrentOffset %2、AdjustedFinalOffset %3、FirstChunkByteOffset %4、ChunkRequestsEndOffset %5、TlCache %6) Read chunk metadata (Stream %1, CurrentOffset %2, AdjustedFinalOffset %3, FirstChunkByteOffset %4, ChunkRequestsEndOffset %5, TlCache %6)
0xB000602D讀取區塊中繼資料已完成 %1 Read chunk metadata completed %1
0xB000602E讀取區塊資料 (TlCache %1、串流 %2、RequestStartOffset %3、RequestEndOffset %4) Read chunk data (TlCache %1, Stream %2, RequestStartOffset %3, RequestEndOffset %4)
0xB000602F讀取區塊資料已完成 %1 Read chunk data completed %1
0xB0006030參照 TlCache 資料 (TlCache %1、串流 %2) Reference TlCache data (TlCache %1, Stream %2)
0xB0006031參照 TlCache 資料已完成 %1 Reference TlCache data completed %1
0xB0006032從串流存放區讀取區塊資料 (串流 %1) Read chunk data from stream store (Stream %1)
0xB0006033從串流存放區讀取區塊資料已完成 %1 Read chunk data from stream store completed %1
0xB0006035組合區塊資料已完成 %1 Assemble chunk data completed %1
0xB0006037解壓縮區塊資料已完成 %1 Decompress chunk data completed %1
0xB0006038將區塊資料複製到使用者緩衝區 (BytesCopied %1) Copy chunk data in to user buffer (BytesCopied %1)
0xB0006039將區塊資料複製到使用者緩衝區已完成 %1 Copy chunk data in to user buffer completed %1
0xB000603B將區塊資料插入 tlcache tlcache 已完成 %1 Insert chunk data in to tlcache completed %1
0xB000603C從重複資料刪除重新分析點檔案讀取資料 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Read data from dedup reparse point file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB000603E準備串流地圖 (StreamContext %1) Prepare stream map (StreamContext %1)
0xB000603F準備串流地圖已完成 %1 Prepare stream map completed %1
0xB0006040修補清除範圍 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Patch clean ranges (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006041修補清除範圍已完成 %1 Patch clean ranges completed %1
0xB0006042正在寫入資料至重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3、IoType %4) Writing data to dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3, IoType %4)
0xB0006043正在寫入資料至重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Writing data to dedup file completed %1
0xB0006044在重複資料刪除檔案上佇列寫入要求 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Queue write request on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006045在重複資料刪除檔案上佇列寫入要求已完成 %1 Queue write request on dedup file completed %1
0xB0006046在重複資料刪除檔案上執行寫入時複製工作 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Do copy on write work on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006047在重複資料刪除檔案上執行寫入時複製工作已完成 %1 Do copy on write work on dedup file completed %1
0xB0006048在重複資料刪除檔案上執行完整重新呼叫 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Do full recall on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006049在重複資料刪除檔案上執行完整重新呼叫已完成 %1 Do full recall on dedup file completed %1
0xB000604A在重複資料刪除檔案上執行部分重新呼叫 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Do partial recall on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB000604B在重複資料刪除檔案上執行部分重新呼叫已完成 %1 Do partial recall on dedup file completed %1
0xB000604C在重複資料刪除檔案上執行虛設分頁讀取 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Do dummy paging read on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB000604D在重複資料刪除檔案上執行虛設分頁讀取已完成 %1 Do dummy paging read on dedup file completed %1
0xB000604E讀取乾淨資料以重新呼叫檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Read clean data for recalling file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB000604F讀取乾淨資料以重新呼叫檔案已完成 %1 Read clean data for recalling file completed %1
0xB0006050將乾淨資料正常寫入至重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Write clean data to dedup file normally (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006051將乾淨資料正常寫入至重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Write clean data to dedup file completed %1
0xB0006052將乾淨資料寫入至已分頁的重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Write clean data to dedup file paged (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006053將乾淨資料寫入至已分頁的重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Write clean data to dedup file paged completed %1
0xB0006054使用分頁 IO 重新呼叫重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Recall dedup file using paging Io (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006055使用分頁 IO 重新呼叫重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Recall dedup file using paging Io completed %1
0xB0006056重新呼叫後排清重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1) Flush dedup file after recall (FileObject %1)
0xB0006057重新呼叫後排清重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Flush dedup file after recall completed %1
0xB0006058在重複資料刪除檔案上重新呼叫後更新點陣圖 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Update bitmap after recall on dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006059在重複資料刪除檔案上重新呼叫後更新點陣圖已完成 %1 Update bitmap after recall on dedup file completed %1
0xB000605A刪除重複資料刪除重新分析點 (FileObject %1) Delete dedup reparse point (FileObject %1)
0xB000605B刪除重複資料刪除重新分析點已完成 %1 Delete dedup reparse point completed %1
0xB000605C開啟重複資料刪除檔案 (FilePath %1) Open dedup file (FilePath %1)
0xB000605D開啟重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Open dedup file completed %1
0xB000605F正在鎖定使用者緩衝區以供讀取已完成 %1 Locking user buffer for read completed %1
0xB0006061取得 MDL 的系統位址已完成 %1 Get system address for MDL completed %1
0xB0006062讀取乾淨的重複資料刪除檔案 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Read clean dedup file (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006063讀取乾淨的重複資料刪除檔案已完成 %1 Read clean dedup file completed %1
0xB0006064取得範圍狀態 (位移 %1、長度 %2) Get range state (Offset %1, Length %2)
0xB0006065取得範圍狀態已完成 %1 Get range state completed %1
0xB0006067取得區塊內文已完成 %1 Get chunk body completed %1
0xB0006069釋放區塊已完成 %1 Release chunk completed %1
0xB000606A釋放解壓縮區塊內容 (BufferSize %1) Release decompress chunk context (BufferSize %1)
0xB000606B釋放解壓縮區塊內容已完成 %1 Release decompress chunk context completed %1
0xB000606C準備解壓縮區塊內容 (BufferSize %1) Prepare decompress chunk context (BufferSize %1)
0xB000606D準備解壓縮區塊內容已完成 %1 Prepare decompress chunk context completed %1
0xB000606E將資料複製到壓縮的緩衝區 (BufferSize %1) Copy data to compressed buffer (BufferSize %1)
0xB000606F將資料複製到壓縮的緩衝區已完成 %1 Copy data to compressed buffer completed %1
0xB0006071從 TL 快取釋放資料已完成 %1 Release data from TL Cache completed %1
0xB0006072佇列非同步讀取要求 (FileObject %1、位移 %2、長度 %3) Queue async read request (FileObject %1, Offset %2, Length %3)
0xB0006073佇列非同步讀取要求完成 %1 Queue async read request complete %1
0xB0015004讀取串流地圖 (串流 %1、FileId %2、StartIndex %3、EntryCount %4) Read stream map (Stream %1, FileId %2, StartIndex %3, EntryCount %4)
0xB1004000建立區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) Create chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc)
0xB1004001區塊容器建立完成 %1 Create chunk container completed %1
0xB1004002複製區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) Copy chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc)
0xB1004003區塊容器複製完成 %1 Copy chunk container completed %1
0xB1004004刪除區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) Delete chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc)
0xB1004005區塊容器刪除完成 %1 Delete chunk container completed %1
0xB1004006重新命名區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc%4) Rename chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc%4)
0xB1004007區塊容器重新命名完成 %1 Rename chunk container completed %1
0xB1004008排清區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) Flush chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc)
0xB1004009區塊容器排清完成 %1 Flush chunk container completed %1
0xB100400A復原區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) Rollback chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc)
0xB100400B區塊容器復原完成 %1 Rollback chunk container completed %1
0xB100400C將區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 標示為唯讀 Mark chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) read-only
0xB100400D將區塊容器標示為唯讀已完成 %1 Mark chunk container read-only completed %1
0xB100400E在位移 %4 (項目: StartIndex %5、Count %6) 上寫入區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 重新導向表格 Write chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) redirection table at offset %4 (Entries: StartIndex %5, Count %6)
0xB100400F區塊容器重新導向表格寫入完成 %1 Write chunk container redirection table completed %1
0xB1004011區塊容器標頭寫入完成 %1 Write chunk container header completed %1
0xB1004013資料區塊標頭插入完成 %1 Insert data chunk header completed %1
0xB1004015資料區塊內文插入完成 %1,ChunkId 為 %2 Insert data chunk body completed %1 with ChunkId %2
0xB1004019刪除記錄檔標頭寫入完成 %1 Write delete log header completed %1
0xB100401B刪除記錄檔項目附加完成 %1 Append delete log entries completed %1
0xB100401D刪除記錄檔刪除完成 %1 Delete delete log completed %1
0xB100401F刪除記錄檔重新命名完成 %1 Rename delete log completed %1
0xB1004021區塊容器點陣圖寫入完成 %1 Write chunk container bitmap completed %1
0xB1004023區塊容器點陣圖刪除完成 %1 Delete chunk container bitmap completed %1
0xB1004024寫入合併記錄檔 (%5 - %6.%7.merge.log) 標頭 Write merge log (%5 - %6.%7.merge.log) header
0xB1004025合併記錄檔標頭寫入完成 %1 Write merge log header completed %1
0xB1004027作用區區塊標頭插入完成 %1 Insert hotspot chunk header completed %1
0xB1004029作用區區塊內文插入完成 %1,ChunkId 為 %2 Insert hotspot chunk body completed %1 with ChunkId %2
0xB100402B資料流對應區塊標頭插入完成 %1 Insert stream map chunk header completed %1
0xB100402D資料流對應區塊內文插入完成 %1,ChunkId 為 %2 Insert stream map chunk body completed %1 with ChunkId %2
0xB100402F合併記錄檔項目附加完成 %1 Append merge log entries completed %1
0xB1004030刪除合併記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log) Delete merge log (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log)
0xB1004031合併記錄檔刪除完成 %1 Delete merge log completed %1
0xB1004032排清合併記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log) Flush merge log (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log)
0xB1004033合併記錄檔排清完成 %1 Flush merge log completed %1
0xB1004034更新檔案清單項目 (移除: %1、新增: %2) Update file list entries (Remove: %1, Add: %2)
0xB1004035檔案清單項目更新完成 %1 Update file list entries completed %1
0xB1004036在 %2 (FileId %1) (重新分析點: SizeBackedByChunkStore %3、StreamMapInfoSize %4、StreamMapInfo %5) 上設定重複資料刪除的重新分析點 Set dedup reparse point on %2 (FileId %1) (ReparsePoint: SizeBackedByChunkStore %3, StreamMapInfoSize %4, StreamMapInfo %5)
0xB1004037重複資料刪除的重新分析點設定完成 %1 (%2) Set dedup reparse point completed %1 (%2)
0xB1004038在 %2 (FileId %1) 上設定重複資料刪除的零資料 Set dedup zero data on %2 (FileId %1)
0xB1004039重複資料刪除的零資料設定完成 %1 Set dedup zero data completed %1
0xB100403A排清重新分析點檔案 Flush reparse point files
0xB100403B重新分析點檔案排清完成 %1 Flush reparse point files completed %1
0xB100403C在檔案識別碼 %1 上設定疏鬆 Set sparse on file id %1
0xB100403D疏鬆設定完成 %1 Set sparse completed %1
0xB100403E在檔案識別碼 %1 (位移: %2、BeyondFinalZero: %3) 上執行 FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA on file id %1 at offset %2 and BeyondFinalZero %3
0xB100403FFSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA 完成 %1 FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA completed %1
0xB1004040重新命名區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器點陣圖 (%1 - %2) Rename chunk container bitmap (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4)
0xB1004041區塊容器點陣圖重新命名完成 %1 Rename chunk container bitmap completed %1
0xB1004042插入填補區塊標頭至區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 於位移 %4 (區塊: IsBatched %5 IsCorupted %6、DataSize %7) Insert padding chunk header to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (Chunk: IsBatched %5 IsCorupted %6, DataSize %7)
0xB1004043插入填補區塊標頭已完成 %1 Insert padding chunk header completed %1
0xB1004044插入填補區塊內文至區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 於位移 %4 (區塊: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6、DataSize %7) Insert padding chunk body to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (Chunk: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6, DataSize %7)
0xB1004045利用 ChunkId %2 插入填補區塊內文已完成 %1 Insert padding chunk body completed %1 with ChunkId %2
0xB1004046插入區塊批次至區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 於位移 %4 (BatchChunkCount %5、BatchDataSize %6) Insert batch of chunks to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (BatchChunkCount %5, BatchDataSize %6)
0xB1004047插入區塊批次已完成 %1 Insert batch of chunks completed %1
0xB1004049寫入區塊容器目錄完成 %1 Write chunk container directory completed %1
0xB100404B刪除區塊容器目錄完成 %1 Delete chunk container directory completed %1
0xB100404C重新命名區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器目錄 (%1 - %2) Rename chunk container directory (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4)
0xB100404D重新命名區塊容器目錄完成 %1 Rename chunk container directory completed %1
0xB1014010在位移 %8 (標頭: USN %9、VDL %10、#Chunk %11、NextLocalId %12、Flags %13、LastAppendTime %14、BackupRedirectionTableOfset %15、LastReconciliationLocalId %16) 上寫入區塊容器 (%5 - %6.%7.ccc) 標頭 Write chunk container (%5 - %6.%7.ccc) header at offset %8 (Header: USN %9, VDL %10, #Chunk %11, NextLocalId %12, Flags %13, LastAppendTime %14, BackupRedirectionTableOfset %15, LastReconciliationLocalId %16)
0xB1014014插入資料區塊內文至區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 於位移 %4 (區塊: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6、DataSize %7) Insert data chunk body to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (Chunk: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6, DataSize %7)
0xB1014018寫入刪除記錄檔 (%5 - %6.%7.delete.log) 標頭 Write delete log (%5 - %6.%7.delete.log) header
0xB101401A在位移 %4 (項目: StartIndex %5、Count %6) 上附加刪除記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log) 項目 Append delete log (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log) entries at offset %4 (Entries: StartIndex %5, Count %6)
0xB101401C刪除刪除記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log) Delete delete log (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log)
0xB101401E重新命名刪除記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log) Rename delete log (%1 - %2.%3.delete.log)
0xB1014020寫入區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器點陣圖 (%1 - %2) (點陣圖: BitLength %5、StartIndex %6、Count %7) Write chunk container bitmap (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4) (Bitmap: BitLength %5, StartIndex %6, Count %7)
0xB1014022刪除區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器點陣圖 (%1 - %2) Delete chunk container bitmap (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4)
0xB1014026插入作用區區塊內文至區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) 於位移 %4 (區塊: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6、DataSize %7) Insert hotspot chunk header to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (Chunk: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6, DataSize %7)
0xB1014048寫入區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器目錄 (%1 - %2) (目錄: EntryCount %5) Write chunk container directory (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4) (Directory: EntryCount %5)
0xB101404A刪除區塊容器 (%1 - %3.%4) 的區塊容器目錄 (%1 - %2) Delete chunk container directory (%1 - %2) for chunk container (%1 - %3.%4)
0xB102402E在位移 %4 (項目: StartIndex %5、Count %6) 上附加合併記錄檔 (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log) 項目 Append merge log (%1 - %2.%3.merge.log) entries at offset %4 (Entries: StartIndex %5, Count %6)
0xB103402C以位移 %4 將串流地圖區塊主體插入區塊容器 (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) (區塊: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6、DataSize %7) (項目: StartIndex %8、Count %9) Insert stream map chunk body to chunk container (%1 - %2.%3.ccc) at offset %4 (Chunk: IsBatched %5 IsCorrupted %6, DataSize %7) (Entries: StartIndex %8, Count %9)
0xD0000001區塊標頭 Chunk header
0xD0000002區塊內文 Chunk body
0xD0000003容器標頭 Container header
0xD0000004容器重新導向表格 Container redirection table
0xD0000005作用區表格 Hotspot table
0xD0000006刪除記錄檔標頭 Delete log header
0xD0000007刪除記錄檔項目 Delete log entry
0xD0000008GC 點陣圖標頭 GC bitmap header
0xD0000009GC 點陣圖項目 GC bitmap entry
0xD000000A合併記錄檔標頭 Merge log header
0xD000000B合併記錄檔項目 Merge log entry
0xD000000C資料 Data
0xD000000E作用區 Hotspot
0xD000000F最佳化 Optimization
0xD0000010廢棄項目收集 Garbage Collection
0xD0000011清除 Scrubbing
0xD0000012取消最佳化 Unoptimization
0xD0000013分析 Analysis
0xD0000014 Low
0xD0000015一般 Normal
0xD0000016 High
0xD0000017快取 Cache
0xD0000018非快取 Non-cache
0xD0000019分頁 Paging
0xD000001A記憶配置圖 Memory map
0xD000001B分頁記憶配置圖 Paging memory map
0xD000001C None
0xD000001D集區 Pool
0xD000001EPoolAligned PoolAligned
0xD000001FMDL MDL
0xD0000020地圖 Map
0xD0000021已快取 Cached
0xD0000022未快取 NonCached
0xD0000023已分頁 Paged
0xD0000024容器檔案 container file
0xD0000025檔案清單檔案 file list file
0xD0000026檔案清單標頭 file list header
0xD0000027檔案清單項目 file list entry
0xD0000028主要檔案清單檔案 primary file list file
0xD0000029備份檔案清單檔案 backup file list file
0xD000002A已排程 Scheduled
0xD000002B手動 Manual
0xD000002C記憶點陣圖標頭 recall bitmap header
0xD000002D記憶點陣圖內文 recall bitmap body
0xD000002E遺失記憶點陣圖 recall bitmap missing
0xD000002F記憶點陣圖 Recall bitmap
0xD0000030不明 Unknown
0xD0000031管線控制代碼已關閉 The pipeline handle was closed
0xD0000032該檔案已被刪除 The file was deleted
0xD0000033該檔案已被覆寫 The file was overwritten
0xD0000034該檔案已被回收 The file was recalled
0xD0000035已在該檔案上啟動交易 A transaction was started on the file
0xD0000036該檔案已被加密 The file was encrypted
0xD0000037該檔案已被壓縮 The file was compressed
0xD0000038已在該檔案上呼叫「設定零值資料」 Set Zero Data was called on the file
0xD0000039已在該檔案上設定擴充屬性 Extended Attributes were set on the file
0xD000003A已在該檔案上建立區段 A section was created on the file
0xD000003B該檔案已被縮小 The file was shrunk
0xD000003C長時間執行的 IO 操作導致無法執行最佳化 A long-running IO operation prevented optimization
0xD000003DIO 操作失敗 An IO operation failed
0xD000003E正在通知最佳化 Notifying Optimization
0xD000003F正在設定重新分析點 Setting the Reparse Point
0xD0000040正在截斷檔案 Truncating the file
0xD0000041DataPort DataPort
0xD1000002LZNT1 LZNT1
0xD1000003Xpress Xpress
0xD1000004Xpreff Huff Xpreff Huff
0xD1000006標準 Standard
0xD1000007最大值 Max
0xD1000008混合 Hybrid
0xF0000002總和檢查碼錯誤 Bad checksum
0xF0000003不一致的中繼資料 Inconsistent metadata
0xF0000004無效的標頭中繼資料 Invalid header metadata
0xF0000005檔案遺失 Missing file
0xF0000006總和檢查碼有問題 (存放子系統) Bad checksum (storage subsystem)
0xF0000007損毀 (存放子系統) Corruption (storage subsystem)
0xF0000008損毀 (遺失中繼資料) Corruption (missing metadata)
0xF0000009可能發生的資料遺失 (重複的重新分析資料) Possible data loss (duplicate reparse data)


File Name:ddputils.dll.mui
File Size:62 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:63488
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft 重複資料刪除通用程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ddputils.lib
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ddputils.lib.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ddputils.dll.mui?

ddputils.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file ddputils.dll (Microsoft 重複資料刪除通用程式庫).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft 重複資料刪除通用程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ddputils.lib
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ddputils.lib.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200