winlogon.exe Апликација за пријављивање у Windows 8cf0a6bd33738bf70729ec2ea2d23095

File info

File name: winlogon.exe.mui
Size: 25600 byte
MD5: 8cf0a6bd33738bf70729ec2ea2d23095
SHA1: 67fc3de4a3c2e67346e7399477990cfc92e31245
SHA256: e29a8117f5976587c6cc4c93f09ee7f2eb6e1a1e6a83f7ebc3381513c2252e61
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: winlogon.exe Апликација за пријављивање у Windows (32-битни)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbian (Cyrillic) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbian (Cyrillic) English
1001Error Error
1002Добро дошли Welcome
1003Одјављивање Signing out
1004Промјена лозинке Changing password
1006Закључавање Locking
1007Припремање опција безбједности Preparing security options
1008Сачекајте Please wait
1009Припремање оперативног система Windows Preparing Windows
1010Closing your desktop Closing your desktop
1012Сачекајте да се услуге поново покрену Please wait while services are restarting
1100Windows is shutting down Windows is shutting down
1101Going to sleep Going to sleep
1102Хибернација Hibernating
1103Undocking and going to sleep Undocking and going to sleep
1200You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you are connected. As a result nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.

Do you want to continue?
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you are connected. As a result nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.

Do you want to continue?
1201You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.

Do you want to continue?
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.

Do you want to continue?
1202Искључујете рачунар док га други корисници још увијек користе. Ти корисници могу да изгубе податке.

Желите ли да наставите?
You are shutting down this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data.

Do you want to continue?
1203Поново покрећете рачунар док га други корисници још увијек користе. Ти корисници могу да изгубе податке.

Желите ли да наставите?
You are restarting this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data.

Do you want to continue?
1204Искључивање Shutting down
1205Поновно покретање Restarting
1301Your password has been changed. Your password has been changed.
1302The system cannot change your password now because the domain %s is not available. The system cannot change your password now because the domain %s is not available.
1303The User name or old password is incorrect. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. The User name or old password is incorrect. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case.
1304You do not have permission to change your password. You do not have permission to change your password.
1305The password on this account cannot be changed at this time. The password on this account cannot be changed at this time.
1306Unable to change your password because the computer you selected is not the Domain Controller of the domain. Type the name of the domain or the name of the Domain Controller and try again. Unable to change your password because the computer you selected is not the Domain Controller of the domain. Type the name of the domain or the name of the Domain Controller and try again.
1307Please type a password which meets these requirements. Please type a password which meets these requirements.
1308Your new password does not meet the minimum length or password history and complexity requirements. Please type a different password. Your new password does not meet the minimum length or password history and complexity requirements. Please type a different password.
1309Your password must be at least %hu characters; cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords; must be at least %ld days old; must contain capitals, numerals or punctuation; and cannot contain your account or full name. Your password must be at least %hu characters; cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords; must be at least %ld days old; must contain capitals, numerals or punctuation; and cannot contain your account or full name.
1310Your password must be at least %hu characters, cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords and must be at least %ld days old. Your password must be at least %hu characters, cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords and must be at least %ld days old.
1311Unable to change the password on this account due to the following error:

%d : %s

Please consult your system administrator.
Unable to change the password on this account due to the following error:

%d : %s

Please consult your system administrator.
1312Unable to change your network provider password. Unable to change your network provider password.
1400This computer is locked. Only the signed-in user can unlock the computer. This computer is locked. Only the signed-in user can unlock the computer.
1540The Startup Key File was not found on the disk in drive A:. Please insert the correct disk. The Startup Key File was not found on the disk in drive A:. Please insert the correct disk.
1541Key File Not Found Key File Not Found
1900Windows није успио да се повеже с услугом %s.

Обратите се администратору система.
Windows couldn't connect to the %s service.

Please consult your system administrator.
1901Windows није успио да се повеже с услугом %s. Тај проблем спречава пријављивање стандардних корисника.
Као администратор, детаље о томе зашто услуга не реагује можете да погледате у дневнику рада системских догађаја.
Windows couldn't connect to the %s service. This problem prevents standard users from signing in.
As an administrative user, you can review the system event log for details about why the service didn't respond.
1902Повезивање с Windows услугом није успјело Failed to connect to a Windows service
1903Услуга %s није успјела да се пријави.

The %s service failed the sign-in.

1904Сачекајте %s Please wait for the %s
1905Управљач локалних сесија Local Session Manager
2000Није успјело поновно повезивање свих мрежних погона Could not reconnect all network drives
2001Кликните овдје да бисте провјерили статус мрежних погона. Click here to check the status of your network drives.
2009Лозинка је истекла. Your password has expired.
2010Размотрите промјену лозинке Consider changing your password
2011Ваша лозинка истиче за %ld дана. Your password will expire in %ld days.
2012Ваша лозинка истиче данас. Your password expires today.
2013Auditing log is full Auditing log is full
2014The security log is full. When that happens, only administrators can sign in. The security log is full. When that happens, only administrators can sign in.
2015Sign-in time restrictions Sign-in time restrictions
2016Your session will be disconnected in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. Your session will be disconnected in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions.
2017Управо ћете да будете одјављени You're about to be signed out
2018Interactive sign-in process initialization has failed.

Please check the event log for details.
Interactive sign-in process initialization has failed.

Please check the event log for details.
2019Sign-in process initialization failure Sign-in process initialization failure
2020Only the currently signed-in user or an administrator can sign in to this session. Only the currently signed-in user or an administrator can sign in to this session.
2021%s\%s је одбио ваш захтјев за прекидање везе. %s\%s denied your disconnect request.
2022Сачекајте одговор од %s\%s. Please wait for %s\%s to respond.
2023Процес пријављивања не може да прикаже опције безбједности и пријављивања послије притиска на комбинацију тастера Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Ако се Windows не одазива, притисните Esc или поново покрените рачунар помоћу прекидача за напајање. The sign-in process couldn't display security and sign-in options when Ctrl+Alt+Delete was pressed. If Windows doesn't respond, press Esc, or use the power switch to restart.
2024Приказ опција безбједности и искључивања није успио Failure to display security and shut down options
2025Your computer will be locked in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. Your computer will be locked in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions.
2026You'll be signed out of Windows in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. You'll be signed out of Windows in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions.
2027Лозинка истиче сутра. Your password will expire tomorrow.
Да бисте промијенили лозинку, притисните комбинацију тастера CTRL+ALT+DELETE и кликните „Промијени лозинку“.

To change your password, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click "Change a password".
2029Your computer is running low on resources, so no new users can sign in. Please use an account that has already been signed in. Your computer is running low on resources, so no new users can sign in. Please use an account that has already been signed in.
2030The security log on this system is full. Only administrators can sign in to fix the problem. The security log on this system is full. Only administrators can sign in to fix the problem.
2031Security policies on this computer are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info. Contact your network administrator for help. Security policies on this computer are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info. Contact your network administrator for help.
2032%s (%s)

This is the first time you've interactively signed in to this account.

%s (%s)

This is the first time you've interactively signed in to this account.

2033%s (%s)

Successful sign-in
The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s

Unsuccessful sign-in
There have been no unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts with this account since your last interactive sign-in.

%s (%s)

Successful sign-in
The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s

Unsuccessful sign-in
There have been no unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts with this account since your last interactive sign-in.

2034%s (%s)

Successful sign-in
The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s

Unsuccessful sign-in
The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s
The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your last interactive sign-in: %d.

%s (%s)

Successful sign-in
The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s

Unsuccessful sign-in
The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s
The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your last interactive sign-in: %d.

2035%s (%s)

This is the first time that you've interactively signed in to this account.

Unsuccessful sign-in
The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s
The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your account was created: %d.

%s (%s)

This is the first time that you've interactively signed in to this account.

Unsuccessful sign-in
The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s
The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your account was created: %d.

2036%s (%s)

Security policies on this PC are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info because you've been signed in using previously stored account info.
%s (%s)

Security policies on this PC are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info because you've been signed in using previously stored account info.
2037Enforced policy allows only administrators to sign-in in Safe Mode. Enforced policy allows only administrators to sign-in in Safe Mode.
2040Windows needs your current credentials to ensure network connectivity. Windows needs your current credentials to ensure network connectivity.
2041Оперативном систему Windows потребни су ваши тренутни акредитиви Windows needs your current credentials
2042Закључајте рачунар, а затим га откључајте помоћу најновије лозинке или паметне картице. Please lock this computer, then unlock it using your most recent password or smart card.
2043Can't connect to a sign-in server Can't connect to a sign-in server
2044You're signed in using previously stored account info. If you've changed your account info since you last signed in to this PC, those changes won't be reflected in this session. You're signed in using previously stored account info. If you've changed your account info since you last signed in to this PC, those changes won't be reflected in this session.
2045Одјављивање је отказано Logoff is cancelled
Да бисте промијенили лозинку, притисните комбинацију тастера CTRL+ALT+END и кликните „Промијени лозинку“.

To change your password, press CTRL+ALT+END and then click "Change a password".
2047Процес пријављивања не може да прикаже опције безбједности и пријављивања послије притиска на комбинацију тастера Ctrl+Alt+End. Ако се Windows не одазива, притисните Esc или поново покрените рачунар помоћу прекидача за напајање. The sign-in process couldn't display security and sign-in options when Ctrl+Alt+End was pressed. If Windows doesn't respond, press Esc, or use the power switch to restart.
2048Windows needs your smart card credentials to access your corporate network. Click to enter your credentials or lock this computer, and then unlock it using your smart card. Windows needs your smart card credentials to access your corporate network. Click to enter your credentials or lock this computer, and then unlock it using your smart card.
2049Windows needs your smart card credentials Windows needs your smart card credentials
2050Windows needs different credentials to access your corporate network. Lock your computer and then unlock it using those credentials Windows needs different credentials to access your corporate network. Lock your computer and then unlock it using those credentials
2051Windows needs different credentials Windows needs different credentials
2052Your PC will automatically restart in one minute Your PC will automatically restart in one minute
Кликните овдје да бисте одмах ажурирали.

Click here to update it now.
2101%s denied your disconnect request. %s denied your disconnect request.
2102Please wait for %s to respond. Please wait for %s to respond.
3000Windows поново почиње с радом Windows is resuming
3001Windows is resuming Windows is resuming
4000Do you want to allow this application to read your stored user name and password? Do you want to allow this application to read your stored user name and password?
4001Credential Confirmation Credential Confirmation
5000License Error License Error
5001Booting from a VHD is not supported on this system Booting from a VHD is not supported on this system
0x1B59User Logon Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program User Logon Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program
0x1B5AUser Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x10000038Classic Classic
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x400003EAThe shell stopped unexpectedly and %1 was restarted. The shell stopped unexpectedly and %1 was restarted.
0x40000FA2The logon hours restriction policy is applied to the logged on user. The user's session has been locked, disconnected or logged off depending on the policy setting. User Name: %1 Domain Name: %2 The logon hours restriction policy is applied to the logged on user. The user's session has been locked, disconnected or logged off depending on the policy setting. User Name: %1 Domain Name: %2
0x40001005Windows license validated. Windows license validated.
0x40001008Accessing Windows in Notification period. Accessing Windows in Notification period.
0x50000003Warning Warning
0x50000004Information Information
0x80000FA6The Windows logon process has failed to spawn a user application. Application name: %1. Command line parameters: %2. The Windows logon process has failed to spawn a user application. Application name: %1. Command line parameters: %2.
0x80000FA7The Windows logon process has failed to disconnect the user session. The Windows logon process has failed to disconnect the user session.
0x80001009Windows is in Notification period. Windows is in Notification period.
0x80001770The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a notification event. The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a notification event.
0x80001771The winlogon notification subscriber failed a notification event. The winlogon notification subscriber failed a notification event.
0x80001772The winlogon notification subscriber registration database cannot be loaded. Reason: . The winlogon notification subscriber registration database cannot be loaded. Reason: .
0x80001773The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a critical notification event. The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a critical notification event.
0x80001774The winlogon notification subscriber failed a critical notification event. The winlogon notification subscriber failed a critical notification event.
0x80001775The winlogon notification subscriber is taking long time to handle the notification event (%2). The winlogon notification subscriber is taking long time to handle the notification event (%2).
0x80001776The winlogon notification subscriber took %2 second(s) to handle the notification event (%3). The winlogon notification subscriber took %2 second(s) to handle the notification event (%3).
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon
0x90000002System System
0xB0000001Authentication started. Authentication started.
0xB0000002Authentication stopped. Result %1 Authentication stopped. Result %1
0xB000032BThe winlogon notification subscriber began handling the notification event (%1). The winlogon notification subscriber began handling the notification event (%1).
0xB000032CThe winlogon notification subscriber finished handling the notification event (%1). The winlogon notification subscriber finished handling the notification event (%1).
0xB00003E9Logon hours expiration warning. Logon hours expiration warning.
0xB000044DThe computer will be locked because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer. A recovery key is required to unlock the device.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 The computer will be locked because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer. A recovery key is required to unlock the device.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3
0xB000044EThe computer will be rebooted because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 The computer will be rebooted because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3
0xB000044FThe user is approaching the threshold for maximum number of failed logon attempts. Once the maximum limit is reached the computer will be locked or rebooted.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 The user is approaching the threshold for maximum number of failed logon attempts. Once the maximum limit is reached the computer will be locked or rebooted.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3
0xB0000450Encryption Provider initialization failed. Error %1 Encryption Provider initialization failed. Error %1
0xC0000FA3The Windows logon process has failed to switch the desktop. The Windows logon process has failed to switch the desktop.
0xC0000FA4The Windows logon process has failed to terminate the currently logged on user's processes. The Windows logon process has failed to terminate the currently logged on user's processes.
0xC0000FA5The Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated. The Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated.
0xC0001006Windows license is invalid. Error %1. Policy Value %2. Windows license is invalid. Error %1. Policy Value %2.
0xC0001007Windows license activation failed. Error %1. Windows license activation failed. Error %1.


File Name:winlogon.exe.mui
File Size:25 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:25088
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (1C1A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Апликација за пријављивање у Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:winlogon
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Сва права задржана.
Original File Name:WINLOGON.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is winlogon.exe.mui?

winlogon.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbian (Cyrillic) language for file winlogon.exe (Апликација за пријављивање у Windows).

File version info

File Description:Апликација за пријављивање у Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:winlogon
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Сва права задржана.
Original Filename:WINLOGON.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x1C1A, 1200