twinui.dll.mui TWINUI 8c032e733152563afd317bff7a63e939

File info

File name: twinui.dll.mui
Size: 82944 byte
MD5: 8c032e733152563afd317bff7a63e939
SHA1: 437deba0f84af69ec485bfe32d3b45655e62dafe
SHA256: 6bce539f30e3d1eee18ae7cc03b65eaff96959099071524872f1d2baca4b5aa3
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Bosnian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Bosnian (Latin) English
996Da li želite da uklonite ovu fasciklu? Remove this folder?
997Dodaj ovu fasciklu u %1!s! Add this folder to %1!s!
998Ukloni fasciklu Remove Folder
999Otkaži Cancel
1000Ako uklonite fasciklu "%1!s!" iz %2!s!, ona se više neće pojavljivati na %2!s!, ali neće biti izbrisana. If you remove the “%1!s!” folder from %2!s!, it won't appear in %2!s! anymore, but won't be deleted.
1051Svi fajlovi All files
1200Tu lokaciju nije moguće otvoriti This location can’t be opened
1201Nemate dozvolu da joj pristupite. You don’t have permission to access it.
1202Pojavio se problem pri čitanju pogonskog uređaja There’s a problem reading this drive
1203Provjerite disk i pokušajte ponovno. Check the drive and try again.
1204Došlo je do problema pri otvaranju tog mjesta. There was a problem opening this location.
1205Pokušajte ponovno. Please try again.
1206Tu lokaciju nije moguće pronaći This location can’t be found
1209%1 trenutno nije dostupno. %1 is currently unavailable.
1210Pojavio se problem s mrežnim putem There’s a problem with the network path
1211Provjerite jeste li ga pravilno unijeli. Make sure you entered it correctly.
1212Naziv fajla je predug The file name is too long
1213Pokušajte fajl sačuvati s kraćim nazivom fajla. Try saving the file with a shorter file name.
1214Taj je naziv fajla rezerviran za Windows This file name is reserved for use by Windows
1215Pokušajte fajl sačuvati pod drugim nazivom. Try saving the file with a different file name.
1216Nije moguće koristiti taj naziv fajla This file name can’t be used
1217Pokušajte s nekim drugim nazivom. Try a different name.
1218Fajl je samo za čitanje This file is read-only
1220Fajl nije moguće sačuvati jer se već koristi. This file can’t be saved because it’s in use
1221Najprije zatvorite fajl ili ga sačuvajte pod drugim nazivom. Close the file first, or save this file with a different name.
1223Da biste sačuvali fajlove u tu biblioteku, najprije u biblioteci kreirajte fasciklu. To save files in this library, you need to create a folder in the library first.
1224Fajlovi se ne mogu sačuvati ovdje Files can’t be saved here
1225Pokušajte fajl sačuvati na neko drugo mjesto. Try saving the file somewhere else.
1227Mjesto %1 samo je za čitanje. Pokušajte fajl sačuvati na neko drugo mjesto. %1 is read-only. Try saving the file somewhere else.
1228Nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora da biste ovdje sačuvali fajl There isn’t enough free space to save the file here
1229Oslobodite prostor i pokušajte ponovno ili fajl sačuvajte na neko drugo mjesto. Free up space and try again, or save the file somewhere else.
1230Nemate dozvolu da sačuvate fajl You don’t have permission to save this file
1232Na tom mjestu već postoji fascikla tog naziva This location already has a folder with that name
1234Neke stavke nije moguće odabrati Some items couldn’t be selected
1235Možda su premještene ili izbrisane ili nemate dozvolu za njihovo otvaranje. They might have been moved or deleted, or you might not have permission to open them.
1236Ovaj je pogon šifriran BitLocker šifriranjem This drive is encrypted by BitLocker
1237Da biste otključali pogon, otvorite ga u pregledniku fajlova. To unlock the drive, open it in File Explorer.
1250Pogreška Error
1251Naziv fascikle je predug.
Pokušajte ponovno s kraćim nazivom fascikle.
The folder name is too long.
Try again with a shorter folder name.
1252Taj je naziv fascikle rezerviran za Windows.
Pokušajte ponovo s nekim drugim nazivom fascikle.
This folder name is reserved for use by Windows.
Try again with a different folder name.
1253Naziv fascikle nije važeći.
Pokušajte ponovo s nekim drugim nazivom fascikle.
The folder name is not valid.
Try again with a different folder name.
1254Nemate dozvolu za kreiranje fascikle na tom mjestu.

Da biste dobili dozvolu, obratite se vlasniku mjesta ili administratoru.
You do not have permission to create a folder in this location.

Contact the location’s owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
1255Fasciklu nije moguće kreirati na mjestu %1 jer nema dovoljno prostora na disku. Oslobodite prostor i pokušajte ponovno ili pokušajte na nekom drugom mjestu. The folder cannot be created in %1 because there is not enough space on disk. Free up space and try again, or try in another location.
1256Ta fascikla već postoji.
Pokušajte ponovno s nekim drugim nazivom fascikle.
This folder already exists.
Try again with a different folder name.
1257Već postoji fajl jednakog naziva kao i navedeni naziv fascikle. Pokušajte s nekim drugim nazivom fascikle. There is already a file with the same name as the folder name you specified. Try again with a different folder name.
1258%1 je biblioteka. Ne možete dodati biblioteku u biblioteku. %1 is a library. You can’t add a library to a library.
1259Fascikla %1 je već uvrštena u biblioteku. Fasciklu u biblioteku možete uvrstiti samo jednom. %1 is already included in the library. You can include a folder only once in the same library.
1260Lokacija se ne može uvrstiti jer se ne može indeksirati. This location can’t be included because it can’t be indexed.
1261Lokacija se ne može dodati u biblioteku. This location can’t be added to the library.
1262Ova fascikla će biti dostupna vašim aplikacijama za muziku. This folder will be available to your music apps.
1263Ova fascikla će da bude dostupna vašim aplikacijama za slike. This folder will be available to your picture apps.
1264Ova fascikla će biti dostupna vašim aplikacijama za video. This folder will be available to your video apps.
1265Ova fascikla će biti dostupna aplikacijama koje pristupaju vašim dokumentima. This folder will be available to apps that access your documents.
130011;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
130120;Light;None;Segoe UI 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
130220;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
130442;Light;None;Segoe UI 42;Light;None;Segoe UI
130642;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 42;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
130711;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
1320Item Picker Item Picker
1321Otvori Open
1322Spremi kao Save As
1323Odaberi fasciklu Select Folder
2701Podijeli Share
2703Postoji problem s podacima na uređaju %s. There was a problem with the data from %s.
2704Zatvori Close
2705Nemate aplikacije koje mogu dijeliti taj sadržaj. You don’t have any apps that can share this content.
2706Nešto nije u redu sa zajedničkim spremištem. Pokušajte ponovno poslije. Something went wrong with Share. Try again later.
2708Nešto nije u redu pa %1 trenutno ne može dijeliti sadržaj. Pokušajte ponovo poslije. Something went wrong, and %1 can’t share right now. Try again later.
2709Trenutno se ništa ne koristi zajednički. Nothing is being shared right now.
2710Gotovo Done
2711Radna površina Desktop
2712Potražite aplikaciju u Prodavnici Look for an app in the Store
2713Nešto nije u redu Something went wrong
2714Prethodno dijeljenje Previous share
2715Provjera toka Check progress
2717%1 ne može omogućiti zajedničko korištenje. Provjerite internetsku vezu ili pokušajte zajedničko korištenje omogućiti za manje fajlova. %1 couldn’t share. Check your Internet connection, or try sharing fewer files.
2718Provjera toka slanja Check sending progress
2719Neke se stavke ne mogu poslati Some things couldn’t be sent
2720Veza na %2 u aplikaciji %1 Link to %2 in %1
2721%2 zajednički se koristi s aplikacijom %1 Sharing %2 with %1
2722Omogućili ste dijeljenje za: %1 You’re sharing: %1
2723Ništa se ne može dijeliti s radne površine. Nothing can be shared from the desktop.
2730Zajedničko korištenje Sharing
2731Spisak aplikacija App List
2732Popis sadržaja koji se zajednički koristi List of content that’s being shared
2740%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
2742Veza za aplikacije u Prodavnici Link to app in Store
2743Podijeli vezu za %s u Windows Prodavnici Share a link to %s in the Windows Store
2744Snimak ekrana Screenshot
2745Podijeli snimak ekrana usluge %s Share a screenshot of %s
2746Podijeli snimak ekrana Početka Share a screenshot of Start
2747Podijeli snimak ekrana Pretraživanja Share a screenshot of Search
2748Podijeli snimak ekrana radne površine Share a screenshot of Desktop
2749Trenutno prikazujete zaštićeni sadržaj. Zatvorite ili sakrijte taj sadržaj kako biste podijelili snimak ekrana. You’re currently viewing protected content. Please close or hide this content in order to share a screenshot.
2751Sharable item list Sharable item list
2753%s trenutno ne može dijeliti. Pokušajte ponovo poslije. %s can’t share right now. Try again later.
2754U ovoj aplikaciji nije omogućeno dijeljenje. This app can’t share.
2755Trenutno nema sadržaja za dijeljenje. There’s nothing to share right now.
2756Aplikacija The application
2780Snimak ekrana za %s Screenshot of %s
2781Snimak ekrana Početka Screenshot of Start
2782Snimak ekrana Pretraživanja Screenshot of Search
2783Snimak ekrana Radne površine Screenshot of Desktop
2800ShareOperation.ReportStarted() was called already, and must not be called again. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() was called already, and must not be called again.
2801The ShareOperation has been destroyed. The ShareOperation has been destroyed.
2802A share cannot be started because another share is already in progress. A share cannot be started because another share is already in progress.
2803The app cannot share until it is in the foreground and active. The app cannot share until it is in the foreground and active.
2804ShareOperation.ReportError() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both. ShareOperation.ReportError() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2805Specify QuickLink.Title. Specify QuickLink.Title.
2806Specify QuickLink.Id. Specify QuickLink.Id.
2807Specify QuickLink.SupportedDataFormats or QuickLink.SupportedFileTypes. Specify QuickLink.SupportedDataFormats or QuickLink.SupportedFileTypes.
2808Specify QuickLink.Thumbnail. Specify QuickLink.Thumbnail.
2810DataRequest.Data cannot be modified after DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() has been called. DataRequest.Data cannot be modified after DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() has been called.
2811Call DataRequest.GetDeferral() before setting DataRequest.Data on an asynchronous method inside the delegate. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() method after setting DataRequest.Data. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral() before setting DataRequest.Data on an asynchronous method inside the delegate. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() method after setting DataRequest.Data.
2812The user did not share this via QuickLink. Check ShareOperation.QuickLinkId before calling RemoveThisQuickLink(). The user did not share this via QuickLink. Check ShareOperation.QuickLinkId before calling RemoveThisQuickLink().
2813Call ShareOperation.ReportStarted() before calling ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask(). Call ShareOperation.ReportStarted() before calling ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask().
2814ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() cannot be called afterwards.
2815ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() was called already, and must not be called again. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() was called already, and must not be called again.
2816ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportDataRetrieved() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportDataRetrieved() cannot be called afterwards.
2817A task could not be added because the ShareOperation is no longer available. A task could not be added because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
2818ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() cannot be called afterwards.
2819ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2820A task could not be removed because the ShareOperation is no longer available. A task could not be removed because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
3100Immersive Openwith Flyout Immersive Openwith Flyout
3101Pokušavate otvoriti fajl vrste 'Sistemski fajlc' (%1!ws!) You are attempting to open a file of type ‘System file’ (%1!ws!)
3102Operativni sistem i drugi programi koriste ove fajlove. Njihovim uređivanjem ili mijenjanjem mogli biste oštetiti svoj sistem. These files are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.
3103Isprobajte aplikaciju na računaru Try an app on this PC
3104Nadjačaj Override
310511pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3106Trebat će vam nova aplikacija kako biste otvorili %1!ws! You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws!
3107Nabavite "%1" iz Prodavnice Get “%1” from the Store
3108Windows ne može otvoriti tu vrstu fajla (%1!ws!) Windows can’t open this type of file (%1!ws!)
3110Trebat će vam nova aplikacija kako biste otvorili %1!ws! fajl You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws! file
311115pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 15pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
311213pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 13pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3113Potraži drugu aplikaciju na računaru Look for another app on this PC
3115Više aplikacija More apps
3116Uvijek koristi tu aplikaciju za otvaranje %1!ws! fajlova Always use this app to open %1!ws! files
31179pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets
3118Otvori programom… Open with…
3120Uvijek koristi tu aplikaciju Always use this app
3121Kako želite otvoriti fajl? How do you want to open this file?
3122Kako želite to otvoriti? How do you want to open this?
3123Programi#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#Svi fajlovi#*.*# Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files#*.*#
3125Nastavi koristiti tu aplikaciju Keep using this app
3126Kako želite otvoriti ovaj %1!ws! fajl? How do you want to open this %1!ws! file?
3127Kako želite dovršiti ovaj zadatak (%1!ws!)? How do you want to complete this task (%1!ws!)?
3128Izdvojeno u operativnom sistemu Windows 10 Featured in Windows 10
3129Ostale opcije Other options
3130Trebat će vam nova aplikacija kako biste dovršili taj zadatak (%1!ws!) You’ll need a new app to complete this task (%1!ws!)
3131Uvijek koristi tu aplikaciju za ovaj zadatak Always use this app for this task
3200Kako s odabranim fajlovima želite kreirati kompresovanu (zipovanu) fasciklu? How do you want to create a compressed folder (Zip) with selected files?
3201Kako želite snimiti odabrane fajlove? How do you want to burn selected files?
3202Kako želite zatvoriti otvorene sesije tako da se diskovi mogu koristiti i na drugim računarima? How do you want to close open sessions so discs can be used on other computers?
3203Kako želite izbrisati diskove za višekratno snimanje? How do you want to erase rewritable discs?
3204Taj postupak uvijek provedi pomoću te aplikacije Always use this app for this action
3206U redu OK
3208Prikaži aplikacije Show apps
3209Novo New
3210Fotografije se lako poboljšavaju, jednostavno ih organizirate i spremne su za uređivanje i dijeljenje. Photos are easily enhanced, organized for you, and ready to edit and share.
3211Gledajte sve, od najnovijih filmova i TV serija (tamo gdje je dostupno) do vlastitih video zapisa. Watch it all, from the hottest movies & TV shows (where available) to your own personal videos.
3212Uradite više na mreži uz novi preglednik kompanije Microsoft. Do more online with the new browser from Microsoft.
3213Otvorite PDF fajlove direktno u web pregledniku. Open PDFs right in your web browser.
3214Najbolja muzička aplikacija za Windows. Uživajte u svoj muzici koju volite na omiljenim uređajima. The best music app for Windows. Enjoy all the music you love on all your devices.
3215Kako želite otvarati %1!ws! fajlove od sada? How do you want to open %1!ws! files from now on?
3216Kako želite otvoriti ovu web lokaciju? How do you want to open this website?
3217Uvijek koristite ovu aplikaciju da otvorite %1!ws! Always use this app to open %1!ws!
3218Koristi aplikaciju Use an app
3219Koristi zadani preglednik Use the default browser
3220Otvara poslovne i lične fajlove Opens work and personal files
3221Mijenja lične fajlove u poslovne fajlove Changes personal files to work files
3222Otvara samo lične fajlove Opens personal files only
3223Kako želite otvoriti ovaj poslovni fajl? How do you want to open this work file?
3224Kako želite otvoriti ovaj lični fajl? How do you want to open this personal file?
3225Kako želite otvoriti ovaj poslovni %1!ws! fajl? How do you want to open this work %1!ws! file?
3226Kako želite otvoriti ovaj lični %1!ws! fajl? How do you want to open this personal %1!ws! file?
3227Koristi neku drugu aplikaciju Use another app
3228Ostani u ovoj aplikaciji Stay in this app
3300Komunicirajte brzo i usredsredite se na ono što je važno. Communicate quickly and focus on what’s important.
3301Dohvatite upute za kretanje, pogledajte pojedinosti o lokaciji i dodajte bilješke. Get directions, see location details, and add notes.
3302Otvorite EPUB fajlove direktno u web pregledniku. Open EPUBs right in your web browser.
450711pt;normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
45219pt;normal;None;Segoe UI 9pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4600? ?
460111pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4602zakačeno pinned
5511Dozvole Permissions
5522To je pouzdana aplikacija koja može koristiti sve mogućnosti sistema. This app is trusted and can use all system capabilities.
5523Ta aplikacija ima dozvolu za korištenje sljedećeg: This app has permission to use:
5524Ta aplikacija ne troši sistemske mogućnosti. This app does not use any system capabilities.
5525Nepoznata mogućnost Unknown capability
5526Nekim postavkama upravlja administrator sistema. Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
5527Uključeno On
5528Isključeno Off
5529Ta se postavka ne može ažurirati This setting could not be updated
5551Verzija %1 Version %1
5552Od %1 By %1
5570Privatnost Privacy
5571Dopustite aplikaciji da pristupi sljedećim stavkama: Allow this app to access your:
5574Tekstualne poruke Text messages
5575Aplikacija može pristupati: This app can access:
5576Aplikacije ne mogu koristiti vašu lokaciju. Da biste aplikacijama dozvolili da koriste vaše informacije o lokaciji, idite na Postavke računara. Apps can’t use your location. To allow apps to use your location info, go to PC settings.
5580Prilagođene funkcije računara PC custom functionality
5581Sinhroniziranje Sync
5582Dozvoli ovoj aplikaciji da sinhronizira u pozadini Allow this app to sync in the background
5591Obavještenja Notifications
5592Dopustite aplikaciji da pokazuje obavještenja Allow this app to show notifications
5621Postavke Settings
5622Ocijenite i napišite osvrt Rate and review
5625Nabavljanje informacija iz aplikacije %1 Getting info from %1
5626Postavke za ovu aplikaciju trenutno nije moguće nabaviti. Can’t get settings for this app right now.
5627Računi Accounts
565111;semibold;none;Segoe UI 11;semibold;none;Segoe UI
565211;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
565311;semilight;none;Segoe UI 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI
56569;normal;none;Segoe UI 9;normal;none;Segoe UI
565711;Semilight;none;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;none;Segoe UI
5680Pravila privatnosti Privacy policy
5950Mogućnosti napajanja Power Options
7101Pretraži Search
7122Snimak ekrana (%d) Screenshot (%d)
7123Ne možete snimiti snimku zaslona You can’t take a screenshot
7124U aplikaciji %1 nalazi se zaštićeni sadržaj. Zatvorite ga i pokušajte ponovno. There is protected content in %1. Close it and try again.
7125Otvoren je zaštićeni sadržaj. Zatvorite ga i pokušajte ponovno. Protected content is open. Close it and try again.
8804nivo osvjetljenja %i brightness level %i
8805Samorotacija uključena Autorotate on
8806Samorotacija isključena Autorotate off
8807zvuk isključen volume muted
8808zvuk nije isključen volume not muted
8809nivo jačine zvuka %i volume level %i
8810Reproduciraj zapis Play track
8811Pauziraj zapis Pause track
8812Sljedeći zapis Next track
8813Prethodni zapis Previous track
8814Naziv zapisa %s Track name %s
8815Detalji o zapisu %s Track details %s
88189pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
881920pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
882014pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 14pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8821Uključi način rada u avionu Airplane mode on
8822Isključi način rada u avionu Airplane mode off
882510pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 10pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8826Omot albuma Album art
8827Naredna aplikacija Next application
883220pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8833Kamera uklјučena Camera on
8834Kamera isklјučena Camera off
8901Prikvači Pin
8902Otkvači Unpin
8903Sakrij Hide
8904Otkrij Unhide
9002Pokretanje aplikacije %1!s! Launching %1!s!
9201Parametar %1 ne smije sadržavati ugrađene znakove vrijednosti null. Parameter %1 must not contain embedded null characters.
9202Pronađite aplikaciju u Windows prodavnici. Find an app in the Windows Store.
9203Najprije morate instalirati aplikaciju. Instalirajte aplikaciju za osobe ili kontakte kako biste se mogli povezati s osobama koje poznajete. You need to install an app first. Install a people or contacts app so you can connect with the people you know.
9204%1kontakti %1contacts
9208%1 — %2 %1 — %2
9211Nešto je pošlo naopako i aplikacija trenutno ne može birati fajlove. Something went wrong and this app can’t pick files right now.
9212Pokušajte ponovo odabrati aplikaciju. Try selecting the app again.
9213Nešto je pošlo naopako i aplikacija trenutno ne može sačuvati fajlove. Something went wrong and this app can’t save files right now.
9215Nešto je pošlo naopako i aplikacija trenutno ne može ažurirati fajlove. Something went wrong and this app can’t update files right now.
9216Pokušajte ponovo otvoriti ili sačuvati fajl. Try opening or saving the file again.
9520Uređaji Devices
9521Štampaj Print
9522Projiciraj Project
9523Reproduciraj Play
9524Pošalji Send
9525Dodirni i pošalji Tap and send
9526Više More
9527Štampači Printers
9528Uređaji za reproduciranje Play devices
9529Nabavljanje informacija iz aplikacije %s Getting info from %s
9530Projectors Projectors
9533Ova aplikacija ne može da štampa. This app can’t print.
9534Ova aplikacija ne može da reprodukuje na uređaj. This app can’t play to a device.
9535Ova aplikacija ne može da šalje drugim uređajima. This app can’t send to a device.
9536Možete štampati samo iz aplikacija. You can only print from apps.
9537Možete reproducirati samo iz aplikacija. You can only play from apps.
9538Možete slati samo iz aplikacija. You can only send from apps.
9539Aplikacija trenutno ne može štampati. This app can’t print right now.
9540Aplikacija trenutno ne može reproducirati na uređaju. This app can’t play to a device right now.
9541Ova aplikacija trenutno ne može slati drugim uređajima. This app can’t send to a device right now.
9542Povežite štampač kako biste štampali sadržaj. To print content, connect a printer.
9543Povežite uređaj kako biste reproducirali sadržaj. To play content, connect a device.
9544Odabrani sadržaj je zaštićen i ne može da se reprodukuje na drugom uređaju. The selected content is protected and can’t be played to another device.
9547Sadržaj %1 ne može se zajednički koristiti s aplikacijom %2. Couldn’t share %1 with %2.
9548Neke od odabranih stavki ne mogu se zajednički koristiti s aplikacijom %1. Couldn’t share some of the things you chose with %1.
9549Neke od odabranih stavki ne mogu se zajednički koristiti. Some of the things you chose couldn’t be shared.
9550Nije moguće poslati %1 na drugi uređaj. Couldn’t send %1 to the other device.
9551Sadržaj se ne može poslati na druge uređaje. Couldn’t send content to other devices.
9552Trenutno se ništa ne šalje. Nothing is being sent right now.
9554Aplikacija %1 se nije mogla povezati s uređajem %2. %1 couldn’t connect to %2.
9555Povezivanje Connecting
9556Povezano, ali nema ekrana. Connected, but no display.
9557Prekidanje veze Disconnecting
9558Dodirnite da popravite vezu. Tap to fix the connection.
9559Popravljanje veze. Fixing the connection.
9560Ne može se uspostaviti veza. Couldn’t connect.
9564Ponovno instaliranje nije uspjelo. Idite na Postavke računara i zatim uklonite i dodajte uređaj. Reinstall failed. Go to PC settings and then remove and add the device.
9565Nije moguće naći ekran. Couldn’t find the display.
9570Traženje ekrana Searching for displays
9575Za prikaz na projektoru povežite ekran. To project, connect a display.
9580Drugi ekran Second screen
9585Nešto je krenulo naopako Something went wrong
9586Nije bilo moguće uspostaviti vezu. Your display couldn’t connect.
9587Veza na %1 u Windows prodavnici Link to %1 in the Windows Store
9589%2 %2
9591Reprodukuje se Playing
9594Ovaj PC This PC
9595Uređaj ne može reproducirati taj medij. Device can’t play this media.
9621Dodaj štampača Add a printer
9622Dodaj bežični ekran Add a wireless display
9623Dodaj uređaj Add a device
9902Reproduciraj audio CD Play audio CD
9903Reproduciraj DVD film Play DVD movie
9904Druge mogućnosti odabira Other choices
9905Trenutačno odabrana mogućnost Current choice
9906Nove mogućnosti odabira New choices
9907Preporuke proizvođača %1!ls! %1!ls! recommends
9908Pokreni aplikaciju %1!ls! Run %1!ls!
9909Izdavač: %1!ls! Published by %1!ls!
9910Izdavač nije naveden Publisher not specified
9911Za sadržaj %1!ls! uvijek učini sljedeće: Always do this for %1!ls!:
9912Automatska reprodukcija - %1!ls! AutoPlay - %1!ls!
9913Preporuke proizvođača Manufacturer recommends
9914Automatska reprodukcija AutoPlay
9915Traženje sadržaja Searching for content
9916Preuzimanje Downloading
9917Aplikacija nije preuzeta. Preuzmite je iz Windows prodavnice. The app didn’t download. Please get the app from Windows Store.
9918Primljen je sadržaj Received content
9919Nema preporučene mogućnosti. The recommended choice cannot be found.
9926Instalacija i pokretanje programa s medija Install or run program from your media
9927Pokreni obogaćeni sadržaj Run enhanced content
9928Stranica za %1!ls! Page for %1!ls!
9952ovaj disk this disc
9953glazbeni CD CD audio
9954DVD filmove DVD movies
9955audio DVD DVD audio
9956prazne CDR-ove blank CDRs
9957prazne DVD-ove blank DVDs
9958VCD-ove VCDs
9959SVCD-ove SVCDs
9960miješani sadržaj mixed content
9961audiofajlovi audio files
9962slikovni fajlovi image files
9963videofajlovi video files
9964nepoznat sadržaj unknown content
9965poboljšane audio CD-ove enhanced audio CDs
9966poboljšane DVD filmove enhanced DVD movies
9967Blu-ray filmove Blu-ray movies
9968prazne Blu-ray diskove blank Blu-ray discs
9969uklonjive pogonske jedinice removable drives
9970memorijske kartice memory cards
9971vaš sadržaj your content
9976Odaberite aplikaciju za ovu vrstu sadržaja. Choose an app for this type of content.
9977Pokrenut će se zadani postupak ili će se otvoriti još neke mogućnosti. Your default action will occur or other choices will become available.
9978Odaberite što želite učiniti s uređajem %1!ls!. Choose what to do with %1!ls!.
9979Odaberite što želite učiniti s tim uređajem. Choose what to do with this device.
9981Odabrani zadatak pokrenut će se nakon dovršetka preuzimanja. The selected task will launch when the download is complete.
9991Odaberite kako biste odredili šta će se dešavati s ovim uređajem. Select to choose what happens with this device.
9992Odaberite kako biste odredili šta će se dešavati s uređajem %1!ls!. Select to choose what happens with %1!ls!.
9993Dostupne su nove mogućnosti odabira za taj uređaj. You have new choices for this device.
9994Dostupne su nove mogućnosti za %1!ls!. You have new choices for %1!ls!.
9995Postoji problem s ovom pogonom. Skenirajte pogon i popravite ga. There’s a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it.
1000111;Semibold;None;Segoe UI 11;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
10205Fajlovi Files
10207Aplikacije Apps
10208Rezultati za "%1" Results for “%1”
10210Projiciraj na drugi ekran Project to a second screen
10211prikaz;projektor;display;projector;TV;monitor display;projector;TV;monitor
10212povezano;connected connected
10213dijeli;share share
10230Početak Start
10231Kućna grupa Homegroup
1023742pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 42pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10250empty area empty area
10251screen edge screen edge
10252Return divider to its original position Return divider to its original position
10253Collapse %s Collapse %s
10254Move %s off screen Move %s off screen
10255Shrink %s to its smallest size Shrink %s to its smallest size
10256Split %s and %s Split %s and %s
10260Maximize %s Maximize %s
10261Restart %s Restart %s
10262Close %s Close %s
10263End %s End %s
10264End all windows of %s End all windows of %s
10270Umetni %1 između %2 i %3 Insert %1 between %2 and %3
10271Razdvoji %1 sa %2 Split %1 with %2
10272Premjesti %s s ekrana Move %s off screen
10273Zamijeni %2 sa %1 Replace %2 with %1
10274Prikaži puni ekran za %s Show %s full screen
10275Prikaži %s na dijelu ekrana prema lijevoj ivici Snap %s to the left screen edge
10276Prikaži %s na dijelu ekrana prema desnoj ivici Snap %s to the right screen edge
10278Umetni %1 lijevo od %2 Insert %1 to the left of %2
10279Umetni %1 desno od %2 Insert %1 to the right of %2
10280Maksimiziraj aplikaciju %s Maximize %s
10281Zamijeni %1 sa %2 Replace %1 with %2
10282Povucite da postavite %s Drag to place %s
10283Maksimiziraj %1, prevuci da postaviš %1 Maximize %1, drag to place %1
10284Odbaci Dismiss
10290Malen Small
10291Srednji Medium
10292Široko Wide
10293Velik Large
10304Minimiziraj %s Minimize %s
1040211pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10403Jeste li htjeli zamijeniti aplikacije? Did you mean to switch apps?
10404"%1" pokušava otvoriti "%2". “%1” is trying to open “%2”.
10407Da Yes
10408Ne No
10409Rezultati pretraživanja u %s Search Results in %s
10450Na računaru nema aplikacija koje mogu prikazivati ažuriranja na ekranu zaključavanja. U Windows prodavnici pronađite aplikacije koje to mogu. This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show updates on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10452Ne prikazuj detaljni status na ekranu zaključavanja Don’t show detailed status on the lock screen
10453Ne prikazuj brzi status ovdje Don’t show quick status here
10455Odabir aplikacije Choose an app
10456Previše aplikacija Too many apps
10457Uklonite aplikaciju da bi se %s moglo pokretati u pozadini i omogućite prikaz podataka na ekranu zaključavanja. Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10458Nemoj dodati %1 Don’t add %1
10459Zaustavite aplikaciju da bi se %s moglo pokretati u pozadini. Stop an app to let %s run in the background.
1046011;semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;semilight;None;Segoe UI
10461Ne prikazuj alarme na zaključanom ekranu Don’t show alarms on the lock screen
10462Uklonite aplikaciju da bi se %s moglo pokretati u pozadini i prikažite alarme na zaključanom ekranu. Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show alarms on the lock screen.
10463Na PC-u nema aplikacija koje mogu prikazivati alarme na zaključanom ekranu. U Windows prodavnici pronađite aplikacije koje to mogu. This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show alarms on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10510Nemoj dopustiti Don’t allow
10511Dopusti Allow
10512Želite li dopustiti da se %s pokreće u pozadini? Let %s run in the background?
10513Ta aplikacija može prikazivati i brze statuse i obavijesti na zaključanom ekranu. (To poslije možete promijeniti kasnije u stavci Postavke.) This app can also show quick status and notifications on the lock screen. (You can change this later in Settings.)
10514Ekran zaključavanja je pun. Morate ukloniti neku aplikaciju kako biste napravili mjesta za pokretanje aplikacije %s u pozadini i prikazivanje podataka na ekranu zaključavanja. Your lock screen is full. You’ll need to remove an app before %s can run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10515Ta se aplikacija može pokretati u pozadini da bi ostala ažurna. This app can run in the background to stay up to date.
10516U pozadini je pokrenuto previše aplikacija. Da bi se aplikacija %s mogla pokrenuti u pozadini i ažurirati, najprije morate zaustaviti neku od aplikacija. Too many apps are running in the background. You’ll need to stop an app before %s can run in the background and stay up to date.
10520Ta aplikacija nije omogućena za ekran zaključavanja. The application is not lock screen capable.
10521Aplikacija mora biti u prvom planu da bi zatražila mjesto na ekranu zaključavanja. The application needs to be in the foreground to request a lock screen position.
10522Aplikaciju nije moguće ukloniti sa ekrana zaključavanja. The application could not be removed from the lock screen.
10523Ne možete promijeniti ovlasti zadatka u pozadini i ekranu zaključavanja dok se ova aplikacija izvodi u simulatoru. You can’t change background task and lock screen privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10532Želite koristiti aplikaciju kao primarni alarm? Use this app as your primary alarm?
10533Ta aplikacija može prikazivati i obavještenja o alarmima ako je postavite kao primarni alarm. (To poslije možete promijeniti u stavci Postavke.) This app can also show alarm notifications by setting it as your primary alarm. (You can change this later in Settings.)
10534Da bi ova aplikacija prikazivala obavještenja o alarmu, morat ćete zamijeniti %s kao svoj primarni alarm. For this app to show alarm notifications, you'll have to replace %s as your primary alarm.
10535Želite zamijeniti trenutnu aplikaciju alarma ovom aplikacijom? Replace your current alarm app with this one?
10540Ta aplikacija nije omogućena za alarm. The application is not alarm capable.
10541Aplikacija mora biti u prvom planu da bi zatražila privilegije za alarm. The application needs to be in the foreground to request alarm privileges.
10542Privilegije za aplikaciju alarma ne mogu se ukloniti. The application’s alarm privileges could not be removed.
10543Ne možete promijeniti privilegije alarma dok se ova aplikacija izvodi u simulatoru. You can’t change alarm privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10590Ekran zaključavanja Lock screen
10591Dopusti ovoj aplikaciji izvođenje u pozadini i prikaži brzi status na ekranu zaključavanja Allow this app to run in the background and show quick status on the lock screen
1060311pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10604Aplikacija se ne može otvoriti This app can’t open
10608Aplikacija %1!s! ne može se otvoriti dok je isključena kontrola korisničkog računa. %1!s! can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10609Aplikaciju se ne može otvoriti dok je isključena kontrola korisničkog računa. This app can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10610Uključi kontrolu korisničkog računa Turn on User Account Control
10611Aplikacija %1!s! ne može se otvoriti pomoću ugrađenog administratorskog računa. Prijavite se putem drugog računa i pokušajte ponovno. %1!s! can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10612Aplikacija se ne može otvoriti pomoću ugrađenog administratorskog računa. Prijavite se putem drugog računa i pokušajte ponovno. This app can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10613Aplikacija %1!s! se ne može otvoriti dok je preglednik fajlova pokrenut s administratorskim ovlastima. Ponovo pokrenite preglednik fajlova u običnom načinu rada pa pokušajte ponovo. %1!s! can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10614Aplikacija se ne može otvoriti dok je preglednik fajlova pokrenut s administratorskim ovlastima. Ponovo pokrenite preglednik fajlova u običnom načinu rada pa pokušajte ponovno. This app can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10615Ovu je aplikaciju blokirao administrator vašeg sistema. This app has been blocked by your system administrator.
10616Dodatne informacije zatražite od administratora sistema. Contact your system administrator for more info.
10618Pojavio se problem s aplikacijom %1!s!. Osvježavanje PC-a možda bi pridonijelo popravku. There’s a problem with %1!s!. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10619Pojavio se problem s aplikacijom. Osvježavanje PC-a možda bi pridonijelo popravku. There’s a problem with this app. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10620Osvježi Refresh
10621Problem sa sistemom Windows sprječava otvaranje aplikacije %1!s!. To biste mogli riješiti osvježavanjem PC-a. A problem with Windows is preventing %1!s! from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10622Problem sa sistemom Windows sprječava otvaranje aplikacije. To biste mogli riješiti osvježavanjem PC-a. A problem with Windows is preventing this app from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10624Pojavio se problem s aplikacijom %1!s!. Obratite se administratoru sistema radi popravka ili ponovne instalacije. There’s a problem with %1!s!. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10625Pojavio se problem s aplikacijom. Obratite se administratoru sistema radi popravka ili ponovne instalacije. There’s a problem with this app. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10626U Windows prodavnici ćete pronaći dodatne informacije o %1!s!. Check the Windows Store for more info about %1!s!.
10627U Windows prodavnici ćete pronaći dodatne informacije o ovoj aplikaciji. Check the Windows Store for more info about this app.
10628Pogledaj u Prodavnici See in Store
10629Aplikacija se ne može instalirati This app can’t install
10630Trenutno niste povezani na Internet. You’re not connected to the Internet right now.
10631Povezivanje s mrežom Connect to a network
10632Na računaru nema dovoljno prostora za instaliranje ove aplikacije. Deinstalirajte neke aplikacija ili napravite više prostora na disku i zatim pokušajte ponovo. Your PC doesn’t have enough space to install this app. Uninstall some apps or make more disk space available and then try again.
10633Odaberite aplikacije za deinstaliranje Choose apps to uninstall
10634Dosegli ste ograničenje računara za svoj račun You’ve reached the PC limit for your account
10635Morate ukloniti PC s računa Windows prodavnice da biste mogli instalirati aplikacije na ovom računaru. You need to remove a PC from your Windows Store account before you can install apps on this PC.
10636Odaberite PC za uklanjanje Choose a PC to remove
10637Nema dovoljno prostora na disku Not enough disk space
10638Probni period za ovu aplikaciju je istekao. Posjetite Windows prodavnicu kako biste kupili punu aplikaciju. Your trial period for this app has expired. Visit the Windows Store to purchase the full app.
10639Pokušaj ponovo Try again
10640Licenca je istekla Expired license
10641Vaša licenca za projektanta je istekla. Da biste nastavili koristiti ovu aplikaciju, obnovite licencu. Your developer license has expired. To continue to use this app, please renew your license.
10642Da li želite instalirati ovu aplikaciju dok koristite vezu s mjerenjem prometa? Do you want to install this app while you’re using a metered connection?
10643Preuzimanjem ove aplikacije preko veze s mjerenjem prometa možete napraviti dodatne troškove pored onih koje predviđa vaša podatkovna tarifa. Downloading this app using a metered connection might result in additional charges to your data plan.
10644Instaliraj Install
10645Ova aplikacija je prevelika za preuzimanje pomoću veze s mjerenjem prometa This app is too big to download using a metered connection
10646Povežite se na drugu mrežu i pokušajte ponovo. Connect to another network and try again.
10647Pronađite drugu vezu na koju ćete se povezati Find another network to connect to
10648%1!s! se ne može otvoriti jer je van mreže. Moguće je da nema uređaja za pohranu ili da je veza s njim prekinuta. %1!s! can’t open because it is offline. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10649Ta aplikacija se ne može otvoriti jer van mreže. Moguće je da nema uređaja za pohranu ili da je veza s njim prekinuta. This app can’t open because it is offline. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10650%1!s! se ne može otvoriti jer je nije moguće pronaći. Moguće je da nema uređaja za pohranu ili da je veza s njim prekinuta. %1!s! can’t open because it cannot be found. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10651Ta aplikacija se ne može otvoriti jer je nije moguće pronaći. Moguće je da nema uređaja za pohranu ili da je veza s njim prekinuta. This app can’t open because it cannot be found. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10652Poranili ste You’re too early
10653Znamo da želite odmah početi, ali morat ćete još malo sačekati. Posjetite prodavnicu i potražite datum objavljivanja. We know you really want to get started, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer. Check the store for the launch date.
10655Ponovo kupite ovu aplikaciju Purchase this app again
10656Kada ste dobili povrat novca za aplikaciju %1!s!, ona je uklonjena s vašeg uređaja. When you got a refund on %1!s! it was removed from your device.
10657Kada ste dobili povrat novca za ovu aplikaciju, ona je uklonjena s vašeg uređaja. When you got a refund on this app it was removed from your device.
10658Izbriši ovu aplikaciju Delete this app
10659Izbrišite aplikaciju %1!s! sa svih svojih uređaja. Uklonili smo je iz Prodavnice. Delete %1!s! from all your devices. We’ve removed it from the Store.
10660Izbrišite ovu aplikaciju sa svih svojih uređaja. Uklonili smo je iz Prodavnice. Delete this app from all your devices. We’ve removed it from the Store.
10661Pregledajte svoj račun Check your account
10662Stavka %1!s! trenutno nije dostupna na vašem računu. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8001 %1!s! is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001
10663Ova aplikacija trenutno nije dostupna na vašem računu. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8001 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001
10664Idi na mrežu Go online
10665Uređaj treba biti na mreži za pokretanje igara ili aplikacija kao što je ova. Your device needs to be online to run games or apps like this one.
10666Povežite se na mrežu Connect to a network
10667Pokušajte to ponovo Try that again
10668Ponovo postavi Prodavnicu Reset Store
10669Prodavnica Store
10670Pretraživanje podrške Search Support
10671Povezivanje s internetom Connect to the internet
10672Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7000 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7000
10673Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7001 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7001
10674Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7002 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7002
10675Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7004 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7004
10676Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7005 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7005
10677Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7006 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7006
10678Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7008 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7008
10679Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7009 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7009
10680Da li želite postaviti vanmrežnu reprodukciju ovog uređaja? Set this device to play offline?
10681Pomoću ovog uređaja možete vanmrežno pokrenuti aplikacije, kao što je ova. U Prodavnici idite na Postavke Vanmrežne dozvole. You can use this device to use apps like this one offline. In Store go to Settings Offline permissions.
10682Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7010 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7010
10683Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F7011 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7011
10684Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8000 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8000
10685Ova aplikacija trenutno nije dostupna na vašem računu. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8002 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8002
10686Ova aplikacija trenutno nije dostupna na vašem računu. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8003 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8003
10687Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8004 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8004
10689Izbrišite aplikaciju %1!s! sa svih uređaja. Uklonili smo je iz Prodavnice. Delete %1!s! from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store.
10690Izbrišite ovu aplikaciju sa svih svojih uređaja. Uklonili smo je iz Prodavnice. Delete this app from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store.
10692Kada ste dobili povrat novca za aplikaciju %1!s!, uklonjena je s vašeg uređaja. When you got a refund on %1!s! it was removed from your device.
10694Vaše besplatna probna verzija je istekla. Nadamo se da ste uživali. Your free trial is over. Hope you enjoyed it.
10696Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F812C Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F812C
10697Nešto se dogodilo s naše strane. Za slučaj da vam bude potreban, ovo je kod pogreške: 0x803F8131 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8131
10698Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F8132. Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8132
10699Nepodudaranje licence i regije License and region mismatch
10700Licenca za ovo ne uključuje sadašnju regiju. The license for this doesn’t include your current region.
10802Zatvori aplikaciju Close App
10803%s ispisuje fajl. Ako zatvorite %s, mogli biste izgubiti neke stranice. %s is printing a file. If you close %s, you might lose some of your pages.
10804%s koristi se za dijeljenje. Ako zatvorite %s, mogli biste prekinuti dijeljenje nekih stavki. %s is being used for sharing. If you close %s, some items might not be shared.
10805Koristite %s u drugoj aplikaciji za odabir fajlova. Ako zatvorite %s, mogli biste izgubiti odabir. You’re using %s in another app to pick files. If you close %s, you might lose your selections.
10806Koristite %s u drugoj aplikaciji kako biste sačuvali fajl. Ako zatvorite %s, fajl možda neće biti sačuvan. You’re using %s in another app to save a file. If you close %s, the file might not be saved.
10807Koristite %s u drugoj aplikaciji kako biste odabrali kontakte. Ako zatvorite %s, mogli biste izgubiti odabir. You’re using %s in another app to pick contacts. If you close %s, you might lose your selection.
10808Koristite %s u drugoj aplikaciji kako biste otvorili fajl. Ako zatvorite %s, fajl možda neće biti otvoren. You’re using %s in another app to open a file. If you close %s, the file might not be opened.
10811%s šalje informacije u drugu aplikaciju. Ako zatvorite %s, mogli biste izgubiti neke informacije. %s is sending information to another app. If you close %s, you might lose some information.
10812Dokument %s se štampa. Ako ga zatvorite, moguće je da se fajl neće pravilno odštampati. %s is printing. If you close it, your file may not print correctly.
10911Aplikacije i &Osobine Apps and &Features
10912&Mrežne veze Net&work Connections
10913Mogućnosti &napajanja Power &Options
10914Preglednik d&ogađaja Event &Viewer
10915Siste&m S&ystem
10916Upravitel&j uređaja Device &Manager
10917Upravljanje &diskom Dis&k Management
10918Uprav&ljanje računarom Computer Mana&gement
10919&Komandni red &Command Prompt
10920Komandni red (&administratorski) Command Prompt (&Admin)
10921Upravitelj &zadacima &Task Manager
10922Post&avke Setti&ngs
10923Pregle&dnik fajlova File &Explorer
10924Pr&etraži &Search
10925&Pokreni &Run
10926&Radna površina &Desktop
10927Centar za mo&bilnost Mo&bility Center
10928W&indows PowerShell W&indows PowerShell
10929Windows PowerShell (&Administrator) Windows PowerShell (&Admin)
10930Is&ključi ili se odjavi Sh&ut down or sign out
11202The calling app is not visible. The calling app is not visible.
11203The appointment subject string is too long. The appointment subject string is too long.
11204The appointment details string is too long. The appointment details string is too long.
11205The appointment location string is too long. The appointment location string is too long.
11206The appointment passed to ShowAddAppointmentUIAsync was null. The appointment passed to ShowAddAppointmentUIAsync was null.
11207ReportCompleted, ReportCanceled or ReportError can only be called once per activation. ReportCompleted, ReportCanceled or ReportError can only be called once per activation.
11208The appointment id must not be an empty string. The appointment id must not be an empty string.
11209The Recurrence property is invalid. Occurences and Until are mutually exclusive properties. The Recurrence property is invalid. Occurences and Until are mutually exclusive properties.
11210The Recurrence property is invalid. Month must be between 1 and 12. The Recurrence property is invalid. Month must be between 1 and 12.
11211The Recurrence property is invalid. Day must be between 1 and 31. The Recurrence property is invalid. Day must be between 1 and 31.
11212The Recurrence property is invalid. DaysOfWeek must be specified for Weekly, MonthlyOnDay, and YearlyOnDay units. The Recurrence property is invalid. DaysOfWeek must be specified for Weekly, MonthlyOnDay, and YearlyOnDay units.
11213The Organizer DisplayName string is too long. The Organizer DisplayName string is too long.
11214The Organizer Address string is too long. The Organizer Address string is too long.
11215The DisplayName string of an Invitee is too long. The DisplayName string of an Invitee is too long.
11216The Address string of an Invitee is too long. The Address string of an Invitee is too long.
11217Invitees and Organizer are mutually exclusive properties. Invitees and Organizer are mutually exclusive properties.
11218An Invitee was null. An Invitee was null.
11219The appointment duration must be nonnegative. The appointment duration must be nonnegative.
11301%1 (kuća) %1 (Home)
11302%1 (posao) %1 (Work)
11303%1 (mobitel) %1 (Mobile)
11305Pozovi Call
11306Pošalji poruku Send message
11307E-pošta Email
11308Karta Map
11309Objavi na Post to
11310Video poziv Video call
11311Još detalja More details
11312Dodajte kontakt Add contact
11313Nepoznati kontakt Unknown contact
11314Pozovi %1 Call %1
11315Poruka %1 Message %1
11316E-pošta %1 Email %1
11317Karta %1 Map %1
11318Objavi na %1 Post to %1
11319Video poziv %1 Video call %1
11403Preuzimaju se računi sa %1 Getting accounts from %1
11404Preuzimaju se pružaoci računa sa %1 Getting account providers from %1
11405Račune za ovu aplikaciju trenutno nije moguće dohvatiti. Can’t get accounts for this app right now.
11406Davaoce usluga računa za ovu aplikaciju trenutno nije moguće dohvatiti. Can’t get account providers for this app right now.
11407Obavezna radnja Action Required
11408Dodaj račun Add an account
11409Poveži Connect
11416Poveži se na %1 račun Connect to %1 account
11417Račun %1 korisničko ime %2 Account %1 username %2
11418Potrebna je radnja za račun %1 Action required for account %1
11419Nema dostupnih računa No accounts available
11452Račun Account
11453Ponovno povezivanje Reconnect
11454Ukloni Remove
11455Prikaži detalje View Details
11456Upravljaj Manage
11459Naziv računa Account name
11460Korisničko ime User name
11501The parameter may not be NULL. The parameter may not be NULL.
11502This class is not activatable. This class is not activatable.
11503Only HTTP, HTTPS, and MS-WINDOWS-STORE URIs may be used as fallback URI. Only HTTP, HTTPS, and MS-WINDOWS-STORE URIs may be used as fallback URI.
11504This file may not be launched because it does not have a file extension. This file may not be launched because it does not have a file extension.
11505This file type may not be launched because it is considered dangerous by AssocIsDangerous. This file type may not be launched because it is considered dangerous by AssocIsDangerous.
11506This file may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer. This file may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer.
11507The caller attempted to launch an intranet URI without having the private network capability. The caller attempted to launch an intranet URI without having the private network capability.
11508Local machine URIs are not supported. Local machine URIs are not supported.
11509Untrusted files are not supported. Untrusted files are not supported.
11510ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication must either both be set or both be empty. ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication must either both be set or both be empty.
11511ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication cannot be set when FallbackUri is set. ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication cannot be set when FallbackUri is set.
11512ContentType cannot be set for LaunchFileAsync. ContentType cannot be set for LaunchFileAsync.
11513The calling application does not have permission to call this API. The calling application does not have permission to call this API.
11514The calling application is not visible. The calling application is not visible.
11515This association may not be launched because non-AppContainer handlers are disabled. This association may not be launched because non-AppContainer handlers are disabled.
11516This association may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer. This association may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer.
11517This association may not be launched because dynamic verbs are not supported. This association may not be launched because dynamic verbs are not supported.
11518This API is blocked from use within a Restricted AppContainer. This API is blocked from use within a Restricted AppContainer.
11519DisplayApplicationPicker may not be set to true when launching a folder. DisplayApplicationPicker may not be set to true when launching a folder.
12301Tablet mode Tablet mode

12303Da li želite izaći iz načina rada za tablet? Do you want to exit tablet mode?
12304Da li želite promijeniti na način rada za tablet? Do you want to switch to tablet mode?
12305Time se Windows prebacuje na intuitivniji rad korištenjem dodira kada se uređaj koristi kao tablet. This makes Windows more touch-friendly when using your device as a tablet.
12306Uvijek me pitaj prije mijenjanja Always ask me before switching
12307Zapamti odgovor i ne pitaj me ponovo Remember my response and don’t ask again
12310Izašli ste iz načina rada za tablet You’ve exited tablet mode
12311Način rada za tablet nije dostupan dok je uređaj povezan na više ekrana. Tablet mode isn’t available while your device is connected to multiple displays.
12312Da biste kasnije uključili način rada za tablet, idite na postavke ili u centar za aktivnosti. To turn on tablet mode later, go to Settings or action center.
12401Aplikaciji je potreban privremeni pristup App needs temporary access
12402Ova aplikacija traži dozvolu za korištenje poslovnog sadržaja. Ako joj omogućite pristup, vaša organizacija može pratiti tu radnju. This app is requesting permission to use work content. If you give it access, your organization may track the action.
12403Želite promijeniti ovaj sadržaj na poslovni? Change this content to Work?
12411Aplikacija ne može pristupiti sadržaju App can't access content
12412Vaša organizacija onemogućuje ovoj aplikaciji korištenje poslovnog sadržaja. Your organization prevents this app from using work content.
12423Omogući pristup Give access
12424Promijeni na poslovno Change to Work
12425Saznajte više Learn more
12601Savjeti Tips
13001Segoe UI Segoe UI
13002400 400
130039 9
13007Nova radna površina New desktop
13011Radna površina %d Desktop %d
13012Prebacivanje zadataka Task Switching
13013Prikaz zadataka Task View
13014Pomoćnik za prikaz na dijelu ekrana Snap Assist
13015Pokrenute aplikacije Running Applications
13016Virtuelne radne površine Virtual Desktops
13018Pomakni prema gore Scroll Up
13019Pomakni prema dolje Scroll Down
13020Pomjeraj se ulijevo Scroll Left
13021Pomjeraj se udesno Scroll Right
13022Prikaži na dijelu ekrana &lijevo i zamijeni %s Snap &left and replace "%s"
13023Prikaži na dijelu ekrana &desno i zamijeni %s Snap &right and replace "%s"
13040Odbaci prozor za prebacivanje zadataka Dismiss Task Switching Window
1304118 18
1310312 12
13104Aplikacijom upravlja %s App managed by %s
13105%s. Ova aplikacija sada koristi poslovne podatke. %s. This app is using work data now.
13106%s. Ova aplikacija sada koristi lične podatke. %s. This app is using personal data now.
13201Segoe MDL2 elementi Segoe MDL2 Assets
13301Klizanje Scroll
13302Jačina zvuka Volume
13303Opozovi radnju Undo
13304Sljedeća numera Next track
13305Zumiraj Zoom
13306Narator Narrator
13307Osvjetljenje Brightness
13308Nazad Back
13309Prilagođena alatka Custom tool
13401Ovaj uređaj možete koristiti za vanmrežno pokretanje igara ili aplikacija kao što je ova. U Prodavnici idite na Postavke Dozvole na mreži. You can use this device to run games or apps like this one offline. In Store go to Settings Online permissions.
13402Došli ste do kraja probnog perioda, je li vam se svidio? Kupite punu verziju igre! Pogledajte ispod u Prodavnici. You've reached the end of the trial, Did you like it? Buy the full game! See in Store below.
13403Trenutno koristite besplatni probni period. Nadamo se da uživate! You're trying us for free. Hope you're enjoying it!
13404Preostalo vam je %s dan/a i %s h besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s days and %s hours left trying this for free.
13406Preostalo vam je %s dan/a besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s days left trying this for free.
13407Preostao vam je %s dan i %s h besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s day and %s hours left trying this for free.
13409Preostao vam je %s dan besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s day left trying this for free.
13410Preostalo vam je %s h i %s min. besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s hours and %s minutes left trying this for free.
13412Preostalo vam je %s h besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s hours left trying this for free.
13413Preostao vam je %s h i %s min. besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s hour and %s minutes left trying this for free.
13415Preostao vam je %s h besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s hour left trying this for free.
13416Preostalo vam je %s min. besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s minutes left trying this for free.
13417Preostala vam je %s min. besplatnog probnog perioda. You have %s minute left trying this for free.
13418Ova igra je završila ovdje jer ste je pokrenuli na drugom uređaju. This game has ended here because you started it up on another device.
13427Idite na Postavke Go to Settings
13429Umjesto toga igrajte ovde Play here instead
13492Želite postaviti ovaj uređaj za reproduciranje van mreže? Set this device to play offline?
13493Igru %s igrate negdje drugo You're playing %s somewhere else
13501Radna površina %Iu Desktop %Iu
13601Da biste ovo ovdje koristili, prvo uklonite drugi uređaj To use this here, first remove another device
13602Dostigli ste ograničenje broja uređaja na kojima se mogu koristiti igre i aplikacije iz Prodavnice. You’re at the limit for the number of devices that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13603Da biste ovo ovdje koristili, prvo uklonite drugi PC To use this here, first remove another PC
13604Dostigli ste ograničenje broja PC-ja na kojima se mogu koristiti igre i aplikacije iz Prodavnice. You’re at the limit for the number of PCs that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13605Da biste ovo ovdje koristili, prvo uklonite drugi tablet To use this here, first remove another tablet
13606Dostigli ste ograničenje broja tableta na kojima se mogu koristiti igre i aplikacije iz Prodavnice. You’re at the limit for the number of tablets that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13607Vaša grupa uređaja ima previše dodanih uređaja u posljednjih 30 dana. Malo pričekajte pa pokušajte ponovo. Your device group has too many devices added in the past 30 days. Wait a bit and try again.
13608Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F81FB Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FB
13609Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F81FC Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FC
13610Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F81FD Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FD
13611Licenca je istekla. The license has expired.
13612Licenca ne funkcionira. The license isn’t working.
13613Promijenite račune Change accounts
13614Prijavite se na račun preko kojeg ste kupili aplikaciju. Sign in with the account that bought the app.
13616Morate biti povezani s internetom da biste ovo otvorili. You need to be online to open this.
13617Morate biti povezani s internetom da biste ovo otvorili za vrijeme probnog perioda. You need to be online to open this during the trial period.
13618Obnovite svoju pretplatu Renew your subscription
13619Vaša pretplata je istekla. Your subscription has expired.
13620Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F900B. Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900B
13621Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Pričekajte malo. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x803F900D. Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900D
13622Idi na Postavke Go to Settings
13623Moji uređaji My Devices
13624Idi na podršku Go to support
13625Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x87E10BC6. Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E10BC6
13626Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x87E11771. Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11771
13627Pojavio se neki problem s naše strane. Možda vam pomogne kod greške: 0x87E11774. Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11774
13628Dohvati aplikaciju Get the app
13629Pokušajte to kasnije Try that later
13630Pokrenite alat za popravke u aplikacijama iz Windows prodavnice da biste ponovo postavili Prodavnicu. Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter to reset the Store.
13631Povežite se s mrežom. Connect to a network.
13632Pričekajte malo Give us a minute
13633Ažuriramo ovu aplikaciju. Uskoro treba biti spremna za upotrebu. We’re updating this app. It should be ready to use again shortly.
13634Ažuriramo %1!s!. Uskoro treba biti spremno za upotrebu. We’re updating %1!s!. It should be ready to use again shortly.
13635Vaša organizacija blokirala je ovu aplikaciju pomoću funkcije Device Guard. Your organization used Device Guard to block this app

Dodatne informacije zatražite od podrške.

Contact your support person for more info.
13637Dodatne informacije zatražite od podrške. Contact your support person for more info.
13639Radi poboljšanja sigurnosti i performansi, ovaj način rada sistema Windows omogućuje pokretanje samo provjerenih aplikacija iz Prodavnice For security and performance, this mode of Windows only runs verified apps from the Store
13640Ovo štiti i doprinosi osiguranju neometanog rada računara.


Da li još uvijek želite pokrenuti ovu neprovjerenu aplikaciju?
This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.


Still want to run this unverified app?
13641Ovo štiti i doprinosi osiguranju neometanog rada računara.

Da li još uvijek želite pokrenuti ovu neprovjerenu aplikaciju?
This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.

Still want to run this unverified app?
13642Saznajte kako See how
55000Kreiraj novi prikaz Create new view


File Name:twinui.dll.mui
File Size:81 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:82432
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (141A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:TWINUI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:TWINUI
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:TWINUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is twinui.dll.mui?

twinui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Bosnian (Latin) language for file twinui.dll (TWINUI).

File version info

File Description:TWINUI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:TWINUI
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:TWINUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x141A, 1200