cmstp.exe Namestitveni program za profile Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav 8bdca6bd95d0a0d14604463b06dca3c6

File info

File name: cmstp.exe.mui
Size: 17408 byte
MD5: 8bdca6bd95d0a0d14604463b06dca3c6
SHA1: e784130905f5e2b0a4ee5b433292a47ad6d3f6fa
SHA256: d9cc294192c6fdf646a574249af21f58f1f0ac969ddd197677ceaa5e9896080b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: cmstp.exe Namestitveni program za profile Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav (32-bitov)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English

Nameščanje profilov -- cmstp.exe [/ni /ns /nf /s /su /sd /au]
Odstranjevanje profilov -- cmstp.exe /u [/s]
Pomoč -- cmstp.exe /?

Dolge poti do datotek INF je treba zapisati v dvojnih narekovajih (").

Namestitveni modifikatorji:

/ns Brez bližnjice na namizju
/nf Preskoči preverjanje odvisnosti datoteke za podporo
/s Tiha namestitev
/su Namestitev za enega uporabnika
/sd To povezavo nastavi ko privzeto za IE
/au Namestitev za vse uporabnike (na voljo le skrbnikom)

Odstranjevalni modifikatorji:

/s Brez poziva za potrditev odstranjevanja

Če želite več podrobnosti o uporabi ukaza cmstp.exe,
glejte dokumentacijo skrbniškega kompleta upravitelja povezav.

Profile Install -- cmstp.exe [/ni /ns /nf /s /su /sd /au]
Profile Uninstall -- cmstp.exe /u [/s]
Help -- cmstp.exe /?

Long Paths to Inf Files must be enclosed in double quotes (").

Install Modifiers:

/ns No Desktop Shortcut
/nf Skip Support File Dependency Check
/s Silent Install
/su Single User Install
/sd Set this connection as the IE default connection
/au All User Install (Administrators only)

Uninstall Modifiers:

/s No Uninstall Confirmation Prompt

Please see the Connection Manager Administration Kit documentation for
further details about the usage of cmstp.exe.
201Bližnjica do Shortcut to
202Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %s? Are you sure that you want to delete %s?
207Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati, ker sistemske datoteke, zahtevane za zagon tega programa, manjkajo ali pa niso prave različice. Nadgradite operacijski sistem ali pa namestite najnovejšo različico programa Internet Explorer. The installation cannot continue because system files required to run this program are either missing or the wrong version. You must upgrade your operating system or install the latest version of Internet Explorer.
208Najprej morate namestiti program »Upravitelj povezav«. You must install the Connection Manager program first.
209Trenutno se že izvaja drug primerek namestitvenega programa za profile upravitelja povezav. Preden zaženete nov primerek, počakajte, da se prejšnji dokonča. Another instance of the Connection Manager Profile Installer is already running. Wait until the other installation is finished before beginning another one.
210Namestitveni program za profile upravitelja povezav Connection Manager Profile Installer
211Prišlo je do napake. Znova poskusite namestiti profil. An error occurred. Retry the profile installation.
215Nameščanje programa %s je dokončano. Finished installing %s.
216Če želite namestiti profil storitve, morate imeti upravitelja povezav različice %s ali novejšo različico. Če želite pridobiti profil storitve z zahtevano različico upravitelja povezav ali zahtevani servisni paket, se obrnite na podporo za stranke pri ponudniku storitev. Installation of the service profile requires Connection Manager version %s, or later. Contact customer support for your service provider to obtain a service profile that contains the required version of Connection Manager or the required service pack.
218Če namestite najnovejšo različico Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav, trenutna različica kompleta Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit ne bo več uporabna. Ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati? Installing the latest version of Microsoft Connection Manager will render your current version of Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit unusable. Are you sure you want to continue?
219Arhitektura procesorja se ne ujema z arhitekturo, za katero je ta program namenjen. Za ustrezno različico se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your processor architecture does not match the intended architecture of this program. Contact your system administrator for the correct version.
220Če želite uveljaviti te spremembe, morate znova zagnati računalnik. Ali želite to storiti zdaj? You must restart your computer in order for these changes to take effect. Do you want to restart now?
221Namestitveni program je v tem računalniku zaznal novejšo različico »%s«. Setup has detected that a newer version of "%s" already exists on this computer.
222Namestitveni program je zaznal starejšo različico %s«. Ali ga želite nadgraditi? Setup has detected an older version of "%s". Do you want to upgrade it?
223Namestitveni program je zaznal starejšo različico »%s«. Za nadgradnjo se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Setup has detected that an older version of "%s" already exists. Contact your administrator to perform the upgrade.
224Ali želite odstraniti upravitelja povezav? Do you want to remove Connection Manager?
225Microsoftov Upravitelj povezav Microsoft Connection Manager
226Upravitelj povezav je bil uspešno odstranjen. Connection Manager successfully removed.
227Če odstranite Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav, komplet Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit in nameščena različica Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav ne bosta več uporabna. Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti upravitelja povezav? Uninstalling Microsoft Connection Manager will render both the Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit and your installed Microsoft Connection Manager connections unusable. Are you sure you want to uninstall Microsoft Connection Manager?
228Če odstranite Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav, povezave v tem programu ne bodo več uporabne. Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti upravitelja povezav? Uninstalling Microsoft Connection Manager will render your installed Microsoft Connection Manager connections unusable. Are you sure you want to uninstall Microsoft Connection Manager?
229Če odstranite Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav komplet Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit ne bosta več uporaben. Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti upravitelja povezav? Uninstalling Microsoft Connection Manager will render the Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit unusable. Are you sure you want to uninstall Microsoft Connection Manager?
230Upravitelj povezav je zaznal, da v računalniku niso nameščene najnovejše programske datoteke za ta program. Namestitev profila se bo nadaljevala, vendar priporočamo, da s spletnega mesta Windows Update namestite najnovejšo posodobitev sistema Windows, če želite zagotoviti pravilno delovanje profila. Connection Manager has detected that your computer does not have the latest Connection Manager program files. The profile will continue to install, but in order to ensure proper operation of the profile, you should obtain the latest Windows Update.
231Če želite dobiti posodobljeno različico tega profila storitve, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali ponudnika storitev. Ta različica upravitelja povezav ali operacijskega sistema ne podpira te različice profila storitve. Please contact your System Administrator or Service Provider to obtain an updated version of this service profile. This version of the service profile is not supported by this version of Connection Manager or the Operating System.
232Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati, ker je namestitveni program zaznal spor v imenu datoteke med profilom, ki ga poskušate namestiti (%s), in že nameščeno storitvijo %s. Obe storitvi uporabljata ime datoteke %s. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema ali na ponudnika internetnih storitev. The installation cannot continue because setup has detected that you have a filename conflict between the profile you are attempting to install, %s, and the already installed service %s. Both services are using the filename %s. Please contact your System Administrator or Internet Service Provider.
233Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati, ker je namestitveni program zaznal spor v imenu storitve med profilom, ki ga poskušate namestiti (%s), in že nameščeno storitvijo %s. Obe storitvi uporabljata ime storitve %s. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema ali na ponudnika internetnih storitev. The installation cannot continue because setup has detected that you have a service name conflict between the profile you are attempting to install (%s) and the already installed service %s. Both services are using the Service Name %s. Please contact your System Administrator or Internet Service Provider.
234Nimate ustreznih dovoljenj za ustvarjanje novih povezav. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. You do not have sufficient permissions to create new connections. Please contact your System Administrator.
235Omrežna povezava ni bila nameščena, ker vaš uporabniški račun nima ustreznih sistemskih pravic. Za nameščanje te povezave se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. The network connection did not install because your user account does not have sufficient system privileges. Contact a computer administrator about installing this connection.
236Posodobljena različica programa Upravitelj povezav je naletela na nepričakovano napako, zato je ni bilo mogoče namestiti. Ta povezava morda ne bo delovala pravilno. Za vnovično namestitev te povezave se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. The updated version of the Connection Manager software encountered an unexpected error and could not be installed. This connection might not function as designed. Contact a computer administrator about reinstalling this connection.
237Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati, ker ta povezava morda ne bo prikazana v pričakovanem jeziku. Različica upravitelja povezav, ki ste jo dobili s to povezavo, ni namenjena privzetemu jeziku nameščenega operacijskega sistema. Če želite dobiti povezavo z ustreznim jezikom, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. The installation cannot continue because this connection might not display in the language you expect. The version of Connection Manager included with this connection is for a different language than the default language installed with your operating system. Contact your computer administrator to acquire a language-appropriate connection.
238Tega profila ni mogoče namestiti brez pravilne številke PIN. Namestitev je preklicana. Če potrebujete številko PIN, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. This profile cannot be installed without the correct PIN. The installation is cancelled. If you need a PIN, contact your System Administrator.
239Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati. Vnesena številka PIN ni pravilna ali pa šifriranje v računalniku ni pravilno nastavljeno. Preverite stanje tipke CAPS LOCK. Če se težava še naprej pojavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. The installation cannot proceed. Either the PIN you provided is incorrect, or cryptography is improperly configured on your machine. Check your CAPS LOCK key. If problems persist, contact your System Administrator.
240Ta profil storitve namesti povezavo L2TP/IPsec, ki zahteva ključ v vnaprejšnji skupni rabi. Trenutna konfiguracija sistema ne podpira ključev v vnaprejšnji rabi. Če nadaljujete, ta povezava morda ne bo delovala pravilno. Ali želite nadaljevati? This service profile installs an L2TP/IPsec connection that requires a preshared key. Your current system configuration does not support preshared keys. If you choose to continue, this connection might not function properly. Do you want to continue?
241Ta profil storitve namesti povezavo L2TP/IPsec, ki zahteva ključ v vnaprejšnji skupni rabi. Trenutna konfiguracija sistema ne podpira ključev v vnaprejšnji rabi. Če želite dobiti zahtevano programsko opremo, ustrezno vašemu operacijskemu sistemu, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.

Če nadaljujete, ta povezava morda ne bo delovala pravilno. Ali želite nadaljevati?
This service profile installs an L2TP/IPsec connection that requires a preshared key. Your current system configuration does not support preshared keys. Contact your system administrator to obtain the needed software as appropriate for your operating system.

If you choose to continue, this connection might not function properly. Do you want to continue?
242Ta profil je izdelan le za platformo Longhorn in novejše različice. Profila ni mogoče namestiti na trenutno platformo. Če želite pravilno različico, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. This profile is built for Longhorn and greater platforms only. This profile cannot be installed on the current platform. Contact your system administrator for the correct version.
243Bližnjica Shortcut
300Ta profil je izdelan le za operacijski sistem Windows Vista in novejše platforme. Profila ni mogoče namestiti na trenutno platformo. Če želite pravilno različico, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. This profile is built for Windows Vista and greater platforms only. This profile cannot be installed on the current platform. Contact your system administrator for the correct version.
500\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm \Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm
501Application Data Application Data


File Name:cmstp.exe.mui
File Size:17 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16896
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:7.2.15063.0
Product Version Number:7.2.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Namestitveni program za profile Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav
File Version:7.2.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CMSTP
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:CMSTP.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft(R) Upravitelj povezav
Product Version:7.2.15063.0

What is cmstp.exe.mui?

cmstp.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file cmstp.exe (Namestitveni program za profile Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav).

File version info

File Description:Namestitveni program za profile Microsoftovega upravitelja povezav
File Version:7.2.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CMSTP
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:CMSTP.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft(R) Upravitelj povezav
Product Version:7.2.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200