File name: | ntshrui.dll.mui |
Size: | 38400 byte |
MD5: | 8bc795a2e67f04070667e1c1d38a5468 |
SHA1: | aedbe248fcd247350ce44ad28be6c28e632c6af1 |
SHA256: | 9acb94938808e3996896356da6876d3f10d3ec03a4d4f41892bb50e8e1100adf |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Uzbek | English |
100 | Could not find message 0x%08lx in the application message file. | Could not find message 0x%08lx in the application message file. |
101 | Could not find message 0x%08lx in the network message file. | Could not find message 0x%08lx in the network message file. |
102 | Could not find network error messages. | Could not find network error messages. |
103 | Umum&iy foydalanish | S&hare with |
104 | U&mumiy foydalanish | S&hared with |
107 | Share | Share |
108 | Windows File Sharing | Windows File Sharing |
109 | %1%2 | %1%2 |
112 | O‘qish | Read |
113 | O‘zgartirmoq | Change |
114 | To‘liq nazorat | Full Control |
117 | Umumiy manbalar uchun ruxsatlar | Share Permissions |
118 | Making this folder private will prevent all of its subfolders from being shared on the network. Are you sure you want to make this folder private? |
Making this folder private will prevent all of its subfolders from being shared on the network. Are you sure you want to make this folder private? |
128 | A share name can't contain any of the following characters: %1 |
A share name can't contain any of the following characters: %1 |
2129 | Alohida elementlar | Individual Items |
2130 | %1 Kutubxona | %1 Library |
3200 | Umumiy foydalanish | Sharing |
3203 | Umumiy emas | Not Shared |
3204 | Fayldan umumiy foydalanish | File Sharing |
3300 | Ushbu harakatni bajarish uchun ruxsat talab qilinadi. | This action requires permission. |
3301 | Tanlangan elementlardan umumiy foydalanishni o‘rnatmoqchimisiz? | Do you want to share the selected items? |
3302 | Ushbu jilddan umumiy foydalanishni o‘rnatmoqchimisiz? | Do you want to share this folder? |
3303 | Ushbu jilddan umumiy foydalanishni to‘xtatmoqchimisiz? | Do you want to stop sharing this folder? |
3320 | Umumiy foydalanish uchun tarmog‘ingizdagi foydalanuvchilardan tanlang | Choose people on your network to share with |
3321 | Umumiy foydalanish uchun foydalanuvchilarni tanlang | Choose people to share with |
3322 | Nomni kiriting va "Qo‘shmoq"ni cherting yoki ma’lum foydalanuvchini tanlash uchun mildan foydalaning. | Type a name and then click Add, or click the arrow to find someone. |
3323 | Marlett | Marlett |
3324 | Nom | Name |
3325 | Ruxsat darajasi | Permission Level |
3326 | Foydalanuvchilarni qidirish... | Find people... |
3327 | Yangi foydalanuvchi yaratmoq... | Create a new user... |
3328 | Windows %1ni topa olmadi | Windows was unable to find %1 |
3329 | Umumiy foydalanish imkoniyatini o‘rnatmoqchi bo‘lgan foydalanuvchilarni qidirish uchun "Topmoq"ni yoki davom ettirish uchun "Ha"ni cherting. | Click Find to search for users to share with or OK to continue. |
3330 | ||
3331 | &Umumiy foydalanish | S&hare |
3332 | Ruxsat: %s | Permission: %s |
3333 | You can share your files and folders with other people who use this computer. Select them below. | You can share your files and folders with other people who use this computer. Select them below. |
3335 | &Topmoq | &Find |
3350 | Boshqa foydalanuvchilar uchun ham ushbu jildni ishlatish imkoniyati taqdim etilsinmi? | Do you want to give other people access to these folders? |
3351 | Fayllardan o‘qish va yozish huquqlari bilan umumiy foydalanish imkonini taqdim etish uchun Windows quyidagi jildlarga bir xil ruxsatlarni berishi zarur. Davom etsangiz, boshqa foydalanuvchilar ushbu jildlarga fayllar qo‘shishi mumkin. | To share your files as Read/Write, Windows must give the folders listed below the same permissions. If you continue, other people will be able to add additional files to them. |
3352 | Umumiy obyektlar: %1 | Items Shared: %1 |
3353 | %1, %2 | %1, %2 |
3361 | Obyektlarni umumiy foydalanishga tayyorlamoqda... | Sharing items... |
3362 | Umumiy erkin foydalanishni bekor qilmoq... | Stop sharing... |
3363 | %1 (%2) | %1 (%2) |
3401 | Fayllingizdan umumiy foydalanish mumkin. | Your file is shared. |
3402 | Sizning jildingiz umumiy foydalanish uchun ochilgan. | Your folder is shared. |
3403 | Your drive is shared. | Your drive is shared. |
3404 | Fayllaringizdan umumiy foydalanish mumkin. | Your files are shared. |
3405 | Sizning jildlaringiz umumiy. | Your folders are shared. |
3410 | Siz ushbu umumiy obyektlar uchun havolalarni boshqa foydalanuvchilarga elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz, yoki keyinchalik boshqa dasturga qo‘yish uchun undan nusxa olishingiz mumkin. | You can e-mail someone links to these shared items, or copy and paste the links into another program. |
3421 | Sizning faylingizdan umumiy foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. | Your file could not be shared. |
3422 | Sizning jildingizdan umumiy foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. | Your folder can't be shared. |
3423 | Your drive can't be shared. | Your drive can't be shared. |
3424 | Your files can't be shared. | Your files can't be shared. |
3425 | Your folders can't be shared. | Your folders can't be shared. |
3431 | More information | More information |
3432 | Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot | More information |
3441 | The selected file is no longer shared. | The selected file is no longer shared. |
3442 | Tanlangan jilddan umumiy foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. | The selected folder is no longer shared. |
3443 | The selected drive is no longer shared. | The selected drive is no longer shared. |
3444 | The selected files are no longer shared. | The selected files are no longer shared. |
3445 | The selected folders are no longer shared. | The selected folders are no longer shared. |
3451 | Windows can't stop sharing the selected file. | Windows can't stop sharing the selected file. |
3452 | Windows tanlangan jilddan umumiy foydalanishni bekor qila olmaydi. | Windows can't stop sharing the selected folder. |
3453 | Windows can't stop sharing the selected drive. | Windows can't stop sharing the selected drive. |
3454 | Windows can't stop sharing the selected files. | Windows can't stop sharing the selected files. |
3455 | Windows can't stop sharing the selected folders. | Windows can't stop sharing the selected folders. |
3462 | qo‘shimcha ma’lumot | More information |
3471 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this file. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this file. |
3472 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this folder. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this folder. |
3473 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this drive. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this drive. |
3474 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these files. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these files. |
3475 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these folders. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these folders. |
3481 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this file. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this file. |
3482 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this folder. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this folder. |
3483 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this drive. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this drive. |
3484 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these files. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these files. |
3485 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these folders. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these folders. |
3486 | Barcha umumiy foydalanilayotgan fayllarni ko‘rsatmoq. | Show me all the files I'm sharing. |
3487 | Ushbu kompyuterda barcha umumiy tarmoq resurslarini ko‘rsatmoq. | Show me all the network shares on this computer. |
3488 | Kompyuter uyqu rejimida bo‘lsa, umumiy obyektlardan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. | Shared items aren't accessible when your computer is asleep. |
3489 | Windows jildni kutubxonaga qo‘shdi, ammo uni umumiy qilib bo‘lmadi. | Windows added the location to your library, but couldn't share the location. |
3490 | Windows jildni kutubxonaga qo‘shdi, ammo bir yoki bir nechta jildlarni umumiy qilib bo‘lmadi. | Windows added the locations to your library, but couldn't share one or more locations. |
3491 | Windows jildni kutubxonadan olib tashladi, ammo jilddan umumiy foydalanishni to‘xtata olmadi. | Windows removed the location from your library, but couldn't stop sharing the location. |
3492 | Windows removed the locations from your library, but couldn't stop sharing one or more locations. | Windows removed the locations from your library, but couldn't stop sharing one or more locations. |
3493 | Windows ne mojet izmenit parametrы obщyego dostupa dlya etoy papki, potomu chto ona naxoditsya na drugom kompyutere. | Windows can't change this folder's sharing settings because it's on another computer. |
3494 | Windows can’t find this folder. | Windows can’t find this folder. |
3501 | Ushbu element sozlamalarini o‘zgartirishni istaysizmi? | Do you want to change settings for these items? |
3502 | Quyida ko‘rsatilgan jildlar avvaldan baham ko‘rilgan. Ularning joriy sozlamalarini, siz hozirgina baham ko‘rgan jild sozlamalariga almashtirishingiz mumkin. | The folders shown below were previously shared. You can replace their current settings with the same setting you just applied to the folder you shared. |
3503 | &sozlamalarni o‘zgartirmang | &Don't change settings |
3504 | Sozlamalarni o‘&zgartirish | &Change settings |
3599 | &Bajarildi | &Done |
3609 | An unknown error occurred. | An unknown error occurred. |
3610 | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this file. | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this file. |
3611 | This file is outside your user account folder. | This file is outside your user account folder. |
3612 | This file is in a shared folder. | This file is in a shared folder. |
3613 | These items can't be shared. | These items can't be shared. |
3614 | Unable to exclude this item. | Unable to exclude this item. |
3620 | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this folder. | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this folder. |
3621 | This folder is outside your user account folder. | This folder is outside your user account folder. |
3622 | This folder is in a shared folder. | This folder is in a shared folder. |
3630 | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this library. | You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this library. |
3631 | You don't have permission to share this library. | You don't have permission to share this library. |
3632 | Ushbu kutubxona umumiy foydalanayotgan jild ichida joylashgan. | This library is in a shared folder. |
3633 | Can't access library. | Can't access library. |
3634 | The library couldn't be published. | The library couldn't be published. |
3635 | The library couldn't be unpublished. | The library couldn't be unpublished. |
3636 | Your items are shared, but other people might not see them in your library. | Your items are shared, but other people might not see them in your library. |
3741 | Hammualliflik | Contribute |
3742 | O‘qish va yozish | Read/Write |
3743 | Egasi | Owner |
3744 | Aralash | Mixed |
3745 | Maxsus | Custom |
3746 | O‘qish uchun ruxsat foydalanuvchilar fayllarni o‘zgartirishiga emas balki ochishiga ruxsat beradi | Read allows people to open, but not change files |
3747 | Hammualliflik uchun ruxsat foydalanuvchilarga fayllarni yaratishga va o‘zgartirishga, lekin boshqa fayllarni faqat ochishga ruxsat beradi | Contribute allows people to create new files and change them, but only open other files |
3748 | O‘qish va yozish uchun ruxsat foydalanuvchilarga fayllarni ochish, o‘zgartirish va yaratishga ruxsat beradi | Read/Write allows people to open, change and create files |
3749 | Ega foydalanuvchilarga fayllarni ochish, o‘zgartirish va yaratishga ruxsat beradi | Owner allows people to open, change and create files |
3750 | This person has multiple permissions for the selected files | This person has multiple permissions for the selected files |
3751 | The permissions don't match Read, Read/Write or Contribute | The permissions don't match Read, Read/Write or Contribute |
3762 | I've shared a folder with you | I've shared a folder with you |
3764 | Bir nechta fayllardan foydalanishingiz mumkin | I've shared files with you |
3766 | I've shared some of my files or folders with you. To open them, just click the link(s) below. |
I've shared some of my files or folders with you. To open them, just click the link(s) below. |
3768 | %1 (%2)
%1 (%2)
3769 | Uy guruhi | Homegroup |
5101 | Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program | Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program |
5102 | People without a user account and password for this computer can access folders shared with everyone. To change this setting, use the Network and Sharing Center. |
People without a user account and password for this computer can access folders shared with everyone. To change this setting, use the Network and Sharing Center. |
5103 | Odamlar ushbu kompyuterdagi jildlardan erkin foydalanishlari uchun foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomasi va parollari mavjud bo‘lishi kerak Ushbu sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish uchun Tarmoq va Umumiy foydalanish markazi dan foydalaning. |
People must have a user account and password for this computer to access shared folders. To change this setting, use the Network and Sharing Center. |
5104 | Umumiy foydalanishni to‘xtatmoq | Stop sharing |
5105 | Yorliqlar yo‘q | No shortcuts available |
5107 | Muayyan foydalanuvchilar... | Specific people... |
5108 | Tanlangan elementlarni baham ko‘rishni to‘xtatish. | Stop sharing the selected items. |
5109 | Allow all members of your homegroup to view the selected items. | Allow all members of your homegroup to view the selected items. |
5110 | Boshqaruv panelida Windowsning uy guruhini ochish. | Opens Windows HomeGroup in Control Panel. |
5111 | Muayyan foydalanuvchilar va ruxsatlar darajasini tanlash uchun Windows fayllaridan umumiy foydalanish ustasini ishga tushirish. | Opens the Windows File Sharing wizard to choose specific people or permission levels. |
5112 | Tanlangan elementlardan tarmoqdagi boshqa foydalanuvchilarga foydalanish imkoniyatini taqdim etish. | Share the selected items with other people on the network. |
5113 | Kutubxonadan umumiy foydalanish mumkin. | Your library is now shared. |
5114 | Your library couldn't be shared. | Your library couldn't be shared. |
5116 | The selected library is no longer shared. | The selected library is no longer shared. |
5117 | Windows ushbu kutubxonani baham ko‘rishni to‘xtatishga urinayotganda, xato yuz berdi. | Windows encountered an error when trying to stop sharing this library. |
5119 | ushbu kutubxonani baham ko‘rayotganda, %d ta xato yuz berdi. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing this library. |
5120 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this library. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this library. |
5121 | Your libraries are now shared. | Your libraries are now shared. |
5122 | Your libraries couldn't be shared. | Your libraries couldn't be shared. |
5124 | The selected libraries are no longer shared. | The selected libraries are no longer shared. |
5125 | Windows couldn't stop sharing the selected libraries. | Windows couldn't stop sharing the selected libraries. |
5127 | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these libraries. | %d error(s) occurred when sharing these libraries. |
5128 | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these libraries. | %d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these libraries. |
5129 | Uy guruhi yaratish yoki qo‘shilish | Create or join a homegroup |
5130 | Agar uy guruhi bo‘lmasa, yangisini yaratish yoki mavjudiga qo‘shilish. | Create a homegroup if one doesn’t already exist, or join an existing one. |
5131 | Tanlangan elementdan umumiy foydalanish imkonini taqdim etish uchun "Umumiy foydalanishning kengaytirilgan sozlanishi" dialog oynasi ochadi. | Opens the Advanced Sharing dialog to share the selected item. |
5132 | Qo‘shimcha umumiy foydalanish sozlamalari... | Advanced sharing settings... |
5133 | Change your Public folder sharing options. | Change your Public folder sharing options. |
5134 | Fayllardan umumiy foydalanish ustasi diskning tub katalogidan umumiy foydalanish imkonini taqdim eta olmaydi. | The File Sharing wizard can't share the root of a drive. |
5135 | The File Sharing wizard can't share system folders. | The File Sharing wizard can't share system folders. |
5138 | %1 (ko‘rib chiqish) | %1 (view) |
5139 | %1 (ko‘rib chiqish va o‘zgartirish) | %1 (view and edit) |
5140 | Uy guruhi bilan baham ko‘rilmasin | Don’t share with homegroup |
5141 | Allow all members of your homegroup to view and edit the selected items. | Allow all members of your homegroup to view and edit the selected items. |
5142 | Qo‘shimcha umumiy foydalanish... | Advanced sharing... |
5143 | Stop sharing the selected items with your homegroup. | Stop sharing the selected items with your homegroup. |
5144 | Share with a homegroup | Share with a homegroup |
5145 | Share with a person (view and edit) | Share with a person (view and edit) |
5146 | Don't share with anyone | Don't share with anyone |
5147 | Qo‘shimcha xavfsizlik | Advanced security |
5148 | Tanlangan element uchun qo‘shimcha baham ko‘rish sozlamalarini qo‘lda o‘rnating. | Manually set up advanced sharing settings for the selected item. |
5149 | Foydalanish mumkin emas | Not available |
5150 | Tanlangan fayllarni baham ko‘rish uchun ilova tanlang. | Choose an app to share the selected files. |
5152 | %d ta element | %d items |
5153 | Bu element baham ko‘riladi. | This item will be shared. |
5154 | Ushbu elementlar baham ko‘riladi. | These items will be shared. |
0x100 | There are %1!d! user(s) connected to %2. If you stop sharing %2, they will be disconnected. Do you want to continue? | There are %1!d! user(s) connected to %2. If you stop sharing %2, they will be disconnected. Do you want to continue? |
0x101 | There are %1!d! file(s) open by %2!d! user(s) connected to %3. If you stop sharing %3, the files will close, which may cause these users to lose data. Do you want to continue? | There are %1!d! file(s) open by %2!d! user(s) connected to %3. If you stop sharing %3, the files will close, which may cause these users to lose data. Do you want to continue? |
0x102 | You are sharing %1 as %2. Others may be using files in this folder. If you delete the folder, it will no longer be shared. Are you sure you want to delete it? | You are sharing %1 as %2. Others may be using files in this folder. If you delete the folder, it will no longer be shared. Are you sure you want to delete it? |
0x103 | You are sharing %1 as %2. The folder will not be shared after you move or rename it. Are you sure you want to continue? | You are sharing %1 as %2. The folder will not be shared after you move or rename it. Are you sure you want to continue? |
0x104 | You are already sharing %1 using the name %2. Do you want to share %3 using the name %2 instead? | You are already sharing %1 using the name %2. Do you want to share %3 using the name %2 instead? |
0x105 | This folder is shared more than once. Are you sure you wish to remove all these shares? | This folder is shared more than once. Are you sure you wish to remove all these shares? |
0x106 | If the share name is longer than 12 characters, this folder cannot be accessed by computers running Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, or earlier operating systems. To make the folder fully accessible, name it using 12 characters or fewer.Do you want to use the share name \"%1\" anyway? | If the share name is longer than 12 characters, this folder cannot be accessed by computers running Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, or earlier operating systems. To make the folder fully accessible, name it using 12 characters or fewer.Do you want to use the share name \"%1\" anyway? |
0x114 | This share is required for the machine to act properly as a domain controller. Removing it will cause a loss of functionality on all clients that this domain controller serves. Are you sure you wish to stop sharing %1? | This share is required for the machine to act properly as a domain controller. Removing it will cause a loss of functionality on all clients that this domain controller serves. Are you sure you wish to stop sharing %1? |
0x115 | This share was created for administrative purposes only. The share will reappear when the Server service is stopped and restarted or the computer is rebooted. Are you sure you wish to stop sharing %1? | This share was created for administrative purposes only. The share will reappear when the Server service is stopped and restarted or the computer is rebooted. Are you sure you wish to stop sharing %1? |
0x10000031 | Response Time | Response Time |
0x30000001 | Start | Start |
0x30000002 | Stop | Stop |
0x50000004 | Information | Information |
0x80000107 | Unknown error 0x%1!08lx!. | Unknown error 0x%1!08lx!. |
0x80000108 | An error occurred while trying to share %1. %2The shared resource was not created at this time. | An error occurred while trying to share %1. %2The shared resource was not created at this time. |
0x80000109 | An error occurred while trying to modify share %1. %2 | An error occurred while trying to modify share %1. %2 |
0x8000010A | An error occurred while trying to delete share %1. %2 | An error occurred while trying to delete share %1. %2 |
0x8000010B | Error invoking the security editor. | Error invoking the security editor. |
0x8000010C | You must type a share name for this resource. | You must type a share name for this resource. |
0x8000010D | The share name contains invalid characters. | The share name contains invalid characters. |
0x8000010E | The share name %1 is not accessible from some MS-DOS workstations. Are you sure you want to use the share name? | The share name %1 is not accessible from some MS-DOS workstations. Are you sure you want to use the share name? |
0x8000010F | The share name %1 already exists for this resource. Please choose another share name. | The share name %1 already exists for this resource. Please choose another share name. |
0x80000110 | This has been shared for administrative purposes. The permissions cannot be set. | This has been shared for administrative purposes. The permissions cannot be set. |
0x80000111 | The share names ADMIN$ and IPC$ are reserved and may not be used. | The share names ADMIN$ and IPC$ are reserved and may not be used. |
0x80000112 | Windows cannot enable recycling for this share. Make sure you have write permissions on this folder. | Windows cannot enable recycling for this share. Make sure you have write permissions on this folder. |
0x80000113 | Windows cannot turn off recycling for this share. Make sure you have delete permissions on this folder | Windows cannot turn off recycling for this share. Make sure you have delete permissions on this folder |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Sharing-Ntshrui | Microsoft-Windows-Sharing-Ntshrui |
File Description: | Manbalarga ruxsat beruvchi qobiqning kengayishi |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | ntshrui |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. |
Original Filename: | ntshrui.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x443, 1200 |