0x50000002 | Fejl |
Error |
0x50000004 | Oplysninger |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Compatibility-Infrastructure-Debug |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Compatibility-Infrastructure-Debug |
0x90000003 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant/Analytic |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant/Analytic |
0x90000004 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant/Trace |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant/Trace |
0x90000005 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Assistant |
0x90000006 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Telemetry |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Telemetry |
0x90000007 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Inventory |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Inventory |
0x90000008 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Steps-Recorder |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Steps-Recorder |
0x90000009 | Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Troubleshooter |
Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience/Program-Compatibility-Troubleshooter |
0xB0000032 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at opdatere programcachen. |
PCA was requested to refresh the program cache. |
0xB0000033 | PCA blev informeret om, at programcachen blev opdateret. |
PCA was informed that the program cache was refreshed. |
0xB000003C | Svar %2 fra knap i dialogboks til programkompatibilitetsassistenten. |
PCA dialog button response %2. |
0xB0000046 | Et PCA-udløst SIUF-spørgsmål blev stillet. |
PCA triggered SIUF question was asked. |
0xB0000051 | Et PCA-udløst SIUF-spørgsmål blev besvaret. |
PCA triggered SIUF question was answered. |
0xB0000064 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev startet for at afhjælpe et kompatibilitetsproblem. Oplysninger om programmet findes nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nEksekverbar sti: %3%nScenarie-id: %4%nBrugerhandling: %5%nId for brugerhandling: %6%nKompatibilitetslag: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was invoked to correct a compatibility problem. Information about the application is below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nScenario ID: %4%nUser action: %5%nUser action ID: %6%nCompatibility layer: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
0xB0000067 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev ikke aktiveret, fordi programmet allerede er blevet håndteret. Oplysninger om programmet findes nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nProgramsti: %3%nScenarie-id: %4%nBrugerhandling: %5%nKompatibilitetslag: %6 |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was not invoked because the application has been already handled previously. Information about the application is below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nScenario ID: %4%nUser action: %5%nCompatibility layer: %6 |
0xB0000068 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev ikke aktiveret, fordi programmet blev kørt korrekt. Oplysninger om programmet findes nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nProgramsti: %3%nScenarie-id: %4%nBrugerhandling: %5%nKompatibilitetslag: %6 |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was not invoked as the application executed correctly. Information about the application is below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nScenario ID: %4%nUser action: %5%nCompatibility layer: %6 |
0xB0000069 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev startet for at afhjælpe et kompatibilitetsproblem. Oplysninger om programmet findes nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nEksekverbar sti: %3%nScenariekode: %4%nFrarådede komponenter: %5%nId for brugerhandling: %6%nAnbefalede kompatibilitetslag: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was invoked to correct a compatibility problem. Information about the application is below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nScenarios code: %4%nDeprecated Components: %5%nUser action ID: %6%nCompatibility layers recommended: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
0xB00000CF | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet er udeladt i registreringsdatabasen. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application is excluded in the registry. |
0xB00000D0 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen på grund af programmets filtypenavn. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because of the extension of the executable. |
0xB00000D1 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi den eksekverbare fil har et UAC-manifest. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the executable has a UAC manifest. |
0xB00000D2 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi der er anvendt en kompatibilitetsrettelse på programmet. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application has a compatibility fix applied to it. |
0xB00000D3 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet er afhængigt af tjenesten Windows Installer (MSI). |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application depends on the Windows Installer service (MSI). |
0xB00000D4 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi den eksekverbare fil har en aktuel SwitchBack-kontekst. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the executable has a current SwitchBack context. |
0xB00000D5 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten har sat %1 i karantæne. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant has added %1 to quarantine. |
0xB00000D6 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten har fjernet %1 fra karantæne. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant has removed %1 from quarantine. |
0xB000012C | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programkompatibilitetsassistenten er deaktiveret af gruppepolitikken. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the PCA is disabled by group policy. |
0xB000012D | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet allerede findes i et jobobjekt. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application already exists within a job object. |
0xB000012E | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet er et 64-bit program. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application is a 64-bit application. |
0xB000012F | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet er på en netværkssti. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application is on a network path. |
0xB0000130 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi infrastrukturen til programkompatibilitet er deaktiveret. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application compatibility infrastructure is disabled. |
0xB0000131 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi programmet er beskyttet af Windows Ressourcebeskyttelse. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application is protected by Windows Resource Protection. |
0xB0000132 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten blev anmodet om at overvåge %1, men ignorerede anmodningen, fordi Microsoft har udelukket programmet fra programkompatibilitetsassistenten. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant was requested to monitor %1, but ignored the request because the application has been excluded from the PCA by Microsoft. |
0xB0000190 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten forsøgte at oprette forbindelse til en hændelse for proces-id'et %1, men programkompatibilitetassistenten kunne ikke finde processen. |
The Program Compatibility Assistant attempted to connect an event for process ID %1, but the Program Compatibility Assistant service was unable to locate the process. |
0xB00001F4 | Kompatibilitetsrettelse anvendt på %5.%nOplysninger om rettelse: %6, %3, %4. |
Compatibility fix applied to %5.%nFix information: %6, %3, %4. |
0xB00001F6 | Kompatibilitetsrettelsen er anvendt på %7.%nOplysninger om rettelse: %8, %3, %4. |
Compatibility fix applied to %7.%nFix information: %8, %3, %4. |
0xB00001F8 | Programkompatibilitetsassistenten fik besked om, at rettelse %2 er anvendt på processen. |
PCA was informed about fix %2 applied to process. |
0xB0000258 | En forekomst af Trinoptager blev kørt med følgende oplysninger:%n%nStarttid: %1%nStoptid: %2%nAntal handlinger: %3%nAntal manglende handlinger: %4%nPlacering af outputfil: %5 |
An instance of the Steps Recorder ran with the following information:%n%nStartTime: %1%nStopTime: %2%nAction Count: %3%nMissed Action Count: %4%nOutput file location: %5 |
0xB0000259 | En forekomst af Trinoptager blev afbrudt med følgende fejlkode: %1 |
An instance of the Steps Recorder terminated with the following error code: %1 |
0xB00002BC | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) blev afbrudt med følgende fejlkode: %1 |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent terminated with the following error code: %1 |
0xB00002BD | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kører ikke, fordi AIT er deaktiveret. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent is not running because AIT is disabled. |
0xB00002BE | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) stoppes, fordi der allerede kører en anden forekomst. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent is stopping because another instance is already running. |
0xB00002BF | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke parse kommandolinjeparametrene. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to parse the command-line options with error code: %1. |
0xB00002C0 | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke behandle logfilerne. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to process the logs files with error code: %1. |
0xB00002C1 | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke starte SQM om programpåvirkning. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to start application impact SQM with error code: %1. |
0xB00002C2 | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke registrere data om programpåvirkning i SQM. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to log application impact data to SQM with error code: %1. |
0xB00002C3 | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke starte systemtelemetri. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to start system telemetry with error code: %1. |
0xB00002C4 | AIT-agenten (Application Impact Telemetry) kunne ikke registrere data om systemtelemetri i SQM. Fejlkode: %1. |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Agent was unable to log system telemetry data to SQM with error code: %1. |
0xB00003EB | Klik på Annuller i installationsprogram er registreret. |
Installer cancel click detected. |
0xB00003EC | InstallerShield er registreret. |
InstallerShield detected. |
0xB00003ED | Fil er installeret. |
File installed. |
0xB00003EE | Ny arp-nøgle. |
New arp key. |
0xB000044C | DirectX-registrering: HighDPIAware. |
DirectX detection: HighDPIAware. |
0xB000044D | DirectX-registrering: MaximizedWindowedMode. |
DirectX detection: MaximizedWindowedMode. |
0xB00007D1 | AIT-værktøjet (Application Impact Telemetry) til statisk analyse er udført med følgende resultater:%n%nStarttidspunkt: %7%nStoptidspunkt: %8%nKørselstidspunkt: %9%nAfslutningskode: %3%nAnalysetype: %4%nAntal analyserede filer: %5%nAntal mislykkede filer: %6%nAnalysekommando: %10%nProgram-id: %11 |
The Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) Static Analysis tool ran with the following results:%n%nStart time: %7%nStop time: %8%nRuntime: %9%nExit code: %3%nType of analysis: %4%nNumber of files analyzed: %5%nNumber of files failed: %6%nAnalysis command: %10%nProgram ID: %11 |
0xB00007D2 | %1 |
%1 |
0xB00007D5 | %3 |
%3 |
0xB0001389 | Fejlfindingsværktøjet Programkompatibilitet blev startet for at rette et kompatibilitetsproblem. Der er oplysninger om programmet nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nEksekverbar sti: %3%nScenarie-id: %4%nResultat: %5%nResultat-id: %6%nKompatibilitetslag: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter was invoked to correct a compatibility problem. Information about the application is below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nScenario ID: %4%nResult: %5%nResult ID: %6%nCompatibility layer: %7%nFileID: %8%nProgramID: %9 |
0xB000138A | Fejlfindingsværktøjet Programkompatibilitet har anmodet onlinetjenesten for kompatibilitet om oplysninger om et program. Resultaterne står nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nEksekverbar sti: %3%nAnbefalet lag: %4%nURL: %5%nKompatibilitetsstatus: %6%nFil-id: %7%nProgram-id: %8 |
The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter queried the Compatibility Online Service for information about an application. Results are below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nRecommended layer: %4%nURL: %5%nCompatibility status: %6%nFileID: %7%nProgramID: %8 |
0xB000138B | Fejlfindingsværktøjet Programkompatibilitet har anmodet programmet genome om oplysninger om et program. Resultaterne står nedenfor.%n%nProgramnavn: %1%nProgramversion: %2%nEksekverbar sti: %3%nAnbefalet lag: %4%nVista+: %5%nFil-id: %6%nProgram-id: %7 |
The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter queried the application genome for information about an application. Results are below.%n%nApplication name: %1%nApplication version: %2%nExecutable path: %3%nRecommended layer: %4%nVista+: %5%nFileID: %6%nProgramID: %7 |
0xB000138C | Fejlfindingshændelse for fejlfindingsværktøjet Programkompatibilitet:%n%1%n%2 |
Program Compatibility Troubleshooter debug event:%n%1%n%2 |
0xB0001F40 | Detector shim: SHORT_RUN_TIME. |
Detector shim: SHORT_RUN_TIME. |
0xB0001F41 | Detector shim: ACCESS_DENIED. |
Detector shim: ACCESS_DENIED. |
0xB0001F42 | Detector shim: BLACK_SCREEN. |
Detector shim: BLACK_SCREEN. |
0xB0001F43 | Detector shim: WIN32_EXCEPTION: %3. |
Detector shim: WIN32_EXCEPTION: %3. |
0xB0001F44 | Detector shim: GLOBAL_OBJECT. |
Detector shim: GLOBAL_OBJECT. |
0xB0001F45 | Detector shim: PRIVILEGE_CHECK. |
Detector shim: PRIVILEGE_CHECK. |
0xB0001F46 | Detector shim: MESSAGE_BOX_VERSION. |
Detector shim: MESSAGE_BOX_VERSION. |
0xB0001F47 | Detector shim: MESSAGE_BOX_PRIVILEGE. |
0xB0001F48 | Detector shim: MESSAGE_BOX_ERROR_ICON. |
Detector shim: MESSAGE_BOX_ERROR_ICON. |
0xB0001F4A | Detector shim: REG_EXPAND_SZ. |
Detector shim: REG_EXPAND_SZ. |
0xB0001F4B | Detector shim: DWM_8AND16_MODE. |
Detector shim: DWM_8AND16_MODE. |
0xB0007FFD | Kæde: %1, Proces: %2, Type: %3%nKomponent: %4%nMeddelelse: %5 |
Chain: %1, Process: %2, Type: %3%nComponent: %4%nMessage: %5 |
0xB0007FFE | Meddelelse: %1 |
Message: %1 |