comres.dll.mui COM+ 资源 8b17e9265bd5d27c1c4c27b00177a00f

File info

File name: comres.dll.mui
Size: 222720 byte
MD5: 8b17e9265bd5d27c1c4c27b00177a00f
SHA1: fd7066a2f9797039b163c613924a98b0827d2e7f
SHA256: e5de6ebd3d68b879a9ca524b2d205ba74770f6e5be9e660cb3bfdb4ab2c6b1b5
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
101管理基于组件对象模型 (COM+) 的组件的配置和跟踪。如果停止该服务,则大多数基于 COM+ 的组件将不能正常工作。如果禁用该服务,则任何明确依赖它的服务都将无法启动。 Manages the configuration and tracking of Component Object Model (COM)+-based components. If the service is stopped, most COM+-based components will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
102Administrator Administrator
103Any Application Any Application
104QC Trusted User QC Trusted User
105Reader Reader
106Server Application Server Application
108Activator Activator
111正在升级 COM+ (第 %1 个应用程序,共 %2 个) Upgrading COM+ (%1 of %2 applications)
114允许此角色的成员激活此分区中的组件。 Members of this role are allowed to activate components in this partition.
188状态[%3]: 正在将应用程序 '%1' 导出到 '%2'
STATUS [%3]: Exporting application '%1' to '%2'
190错误[%4]: 导出应用程序 '%2' 时,将文件复制到 '%3' 时出错。错误代码是 %1。
ERROR [%4]: An error occurred copying files to '%3'
while exporting application '%2' . The error code was %1.
Make sure all the component files in this application are accessible.
191错误[%3]: 导出应用程序 '%2' 时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
ERROR [%3]: An unexpected error occurred exporting application '%2'. The error code was %1.
193错误 [%2]: 创建对“%3”的共享时出错。请确认未在其他应用程序中打开此文件夹,包括文件资源管理器。
错误代码是 %1。有关其他消息,请检查该计算机上的事件查看器。
ERROR [%2]: An error occurred creating a share to '%3'. Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the File Explorer.
The error code was %1. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
194错误[%2]: 访问此计算机上的 COM+ 系统应用程序时出错。
COM+ 可能未正确安装。错误代码是 %1。
ERROR [%2] : An error occurred accessing the COM+ System application on this computer.
COM+ may not be installed correctly. The error code was %1.
There may be further messages in the Event Viewer on this computer or on your local computer.
196状态 [%1]: 正在准备从源计算机进行复制。
STATUS [%1]: Preparing to replicate from source computer.
197COM 复制日志 %1


200错误 [%2]: 将导出的应用程序文件从源文件夹复制到目标文件夹时出错。
错误代码是 %1。请确认前一个状态消息中提及的目标文件夹未在其他进程中打开,
ERROR [%2]: An error occurred copying exported application files from the source to the target.
The error code was %1. Make sure the target folder mentioned in the previous status message is not open in another process,
including the File Explorer.
201状态 [%1]: 正在准备复制到目标计算机。
STATUS [%1]: Preparing to replicate to target computer.
202状态[%2]: 正在从 '%1' 安装应用程序。
STATUS [%2]: Installing application from '%1'.
203错误[%3]: 从 '%2' 安装应用程序时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
ERROR [%3] : An unexpected error occurred installing application from '%2'. The error code was %1.
204状态[%1]: 正在删除计算机列表。
STATUS [%1]: Removing the computer list.
205状态[%2]: 正在从 '%1' 复制计算机列表。
STATUS [%2]: Copying computer list from '%1'.
206状态[%2]: 正在从 '%1' 复制本地计算机属性。
STATUS [%2]: Copying local computer properties from '%1'.
207状态[%2]: 正在删除目标计算机上的应用程序 '%1'。
STATUS [%2]: Deleting application '%1' on target computer.
209状态[%2]: 正在将所有已导出的应用程序文件从源计算机复制到目标计算机上的 '%1'。
STATUS [%2]: Copying all exported application files from the source computer to '%1' on the target.
211状态[%1]: 正在删除 '%2' 中的旧副本文件。
STATUS [%1]: Removing old replica files in '%2'.
212错误 [%2]: 删除并重命名副本文件夹时发生错误。错误代码是 %1。
ERROR [%2]: An error occurred removing and renaming replica folders. The error code was %1.
Make sure that none of the folders mentioned in the 3 previous status messages is open in another application,
including the File Explorer. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
213错误[%3]: 删除临时网络共享 '%2' 时出错。错误代码是 %1。详细信息,请检查此计算机上的“事件查看器”。
ERROR [%3]: An error occurred removing the temporary network share '%2'. The error code was %1. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
216错误 [%3]: 检查要安装应用程序的文件夹“%2”时出错。
错误代码是 %1。请确认此文件夹未在其他应用程序中打开,包括文件资源管理器。
ERROR [%3]: An error occurred will examining '%2' for applications to install.
The error code was %1. Make sure this folder is not open in another application, including the File Explorer."
Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the File Explorer.
218错误: 在 '%1' 上的 COM 版本和本地计算机上的 COM 版本不兼容。
ERROR : The COM version on '%1' is not compatible with the version on your local computer.
219状态[%1]: 正在将 '%2' 重命名为 '%3'。
STATUS [%1]: Renaming '%2' to '%3'.
220错误 [%3]: 创建或清空文件夹“%1”时出错。
错误代码是 %2。有关其他消息,请检查该计算机上的事件查看器。
ERROR [%3]: An error occurred creating or emptying the folder '%1'.
Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the File Explorer.
The error code was %2. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
221错误[%1]: 复制 ID 为 '%3' 的应用程序 '%2' 的标识时发生意外错误。
此应用程序标识在目标计算机上可能是无效帐户。此应用程序已被禁用。(错误代码是 %4。)
ERROR [%1]: An unexpected error occurred replicating the identity for the
application '%2' with ID '%3'.
The identity of the application may not be a valid account on the
target computer. The application has been disabled. (The error code
was %4.)
222错误[%2]: 访问计算机属性时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing computer properties. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
223错误[%2]: 访问计算机列表时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing the computer list. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
224错误[%2]: 删除应用程序时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred deleting applications. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
225错误[%2]: 清除计算机列表时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred clearing the computer list. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
226错误[%2]: 访问编录时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing the catalog. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
228错误[%2]: 删除分区时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred deleting partitions. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
230状态[%2]: 正在删除目标计算机上的分区 '%1'。
STATUS [%2]: Deleting partition '%1' on target computer.
232错误[%2]: 添加分区时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %1。
其他调试信息: '%3'。
ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred adding partitions. The error code was %1.
Additional debugging information: '%3'.
234状态[%1]: 正在目标计算机上添加分区 '%2'。
STATUS [%1] : Adding partition '%2' on target computer.
236错误[%1]: 无法在目标计算机上找到标识为 '%3' 的
应用程序 '%2'。
ERROR [%1]: Unable to find the application '%2' with id '%3' on the target
237错误[%1]: 应用程序 '%2' 是一个 NT 服务。
LocalSystem 运行,并已被禁用。
ERROR [%1]: The application '%2' is an NT Service.
Its identity information has not been replicated. The service has
been configured to run as LocalSystem, and has been disabled.
238状态[%1]: 正在设置应用 '%2' 的标识。
STATUS [%1]: Setting identity for app '%2'.
警告: 一个或多个目标计算机不支持 COM+ 分区。
COMREPL 将只能在源计算机和目标计算机之间

请输入 %1 (大写)继续:

WARNING: COM+ Partitions are not supported on one or more target machines.
COMREPL will only be able to replicate applications in the global partition
between the source machine and these target machines.

Please enter %1 (upper case) to continue:
240状态[%1]: 正在复制分区用户。
STATUS [%1] : Replicating Partition Users.
241错误[%1]: 复制分区用户集合时出错。错误
代码是 %2。请确认分区用户集合中的
ERROR [%1] : An error occurred replicating the partition users
collection. The error code was %2. Make sure that
all of the users in the partition users collection exist or are valid
on the target computer.
242错误[%1]: 删除分区用户时发生意外错误。错误代码是 %2。
ERROR [%1] : An unexpected error occurred deleting partition users. The error code was %2.
251发生错误 - 详细信息,请参考日志文件。
Errors occurred - refer to the log file for details.
Replication succeeded.
COMREPL 将一台计算机上的 COM+ 应用程序复制到一台或多台目标计算机上。

COMREPL [/n [/v]]

/n 不发出确认提示
/v 将日志输出回显到控制台

COMREPL replicates one computer's COM+ Applications to a one or more target computers.

COMREPL [/n [/v]]

Specifies the name of the source computer
Specifies the names of the target computers separated with blanks
/n Don't issue confirmation prompts
/v Echo log output to the console

警告: %1 上的整个编录将
被 %2 上的编录替换

请输入 %3 (大写)继续:

WARNING: The entire catalog on %1 will be
replaced with the catalog from %2
Replication is an irreversable action.

Please enter %3 (upper case) to continue:
Replication terminated.
256错误: 无法创建复制服务器对象。错误代码是 %1。 ERROR: Could not create the replication server object. Error code was %1.
已开始复制 - 正在记录到 %1

Replication started - logging to %1
258错误: 源计算机不能位于目标计算机列表中。
ERROR: The source computer cannot be in the target computer list.
259错误: 目标计算机列表中存在重复计算机名。
ERROR: Duplicate computer names in the target list.
260错误: 不支持选项 %1
ERROR: Unsupported option '%1'
261错误: 丢失源和/或目标计算机。
ERROR: Missing source and/or target computer.
262 YES
271错误: 无法启动刷新(COM 库)。
Error: Unable to initiate refresh (COM library).
272错误: 无法创建 COMAdminCatalog 对象。
Error: Unable to create COMAdminCatalog object.
273错误: 刷新失败 - hr = %x。
Error: Refresh failed - hr = %x.
Refresh completed.
%2 (第 %3 行)
错误代码 = 0x%4

%2 (line %3)
Error Code = 0x%4


错误代码 = 0x%2


Error Code = 0x%2

363%1 安装错误 %1 Setup Error
364Microsoft Transaction Server Microsoft Transaction Server
367继续安装 Continuing Installation
377COM+ 安装程序 COM+ Setup
382目前没有此错误信息的帮助。详细信息,请参阅 %systemroot%\comsetup.log。 Currently there is no help for this error message. Please see %systemroot%\comsetup.log for more details.
407在处理 OC_INIT_COMPONENT 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_INIT_COMPONENT setup message.
408在处理 OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS setup message.
409在处理 OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE setup message.
412在处理 OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.
413在处理 OC_QUERY_STATE 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_STATE setup message.
414在处理 OC_QUERY_IMAGE_EX 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_IMAGE_EX setup message.
415在处理OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE setup message.
416在处理 OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE setup message.
417在处理 OC_NEED_MEDIA 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_NEED_MEDIA setup message.
418在处理 OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT setup message.
419在处理 OC_CLEANUP 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_CLEANUP setup message.
420组件 '%1' 安装程序无法将一个下次重新启动计算机时完成的操作加入队列。这很可能是由注册表问题引起的。请确认你具有注册表写入权限,且注册表未损坏。 Component '%1' setup failed to queue an operation for completion on the next computer restart. This is most likely due to a problem with the registry. Please ensure you have registry write permission and the registry is not corrupt.
421安装程序尝试将文件 '%1' 复制到 '%2' 时失败。请确认 '%1' 存在,且 '%2' 未被其他进程使用。 Setup failed while attempting to copy file '%1' to '%2'. Please ensure that '%1' exists and that '%2' is not in use by some other process.
422安装程序尝试将文件 '%1' 移动到 '%2' 时失败。请确认 '%1' 存在,且 '%2' 未被其他进程使用。 Setup failed while attempting to move file '%1' to '%2'. Please ensure that '%1' exists and that '%2' is not in use by some other process.
423安装程序无法设置文件 '%2' 的文件属性 '%1'。 Setup failed to set the file attributes '%1' on the file '%2'.
424无法使用 %3 将文件从 '%1' 移动到 '%2'。 Failed to move file from '%1' to '%2' with %3.
425找不到文件 '%1'。 Failed to find file '%1'.
426无法获得注册表值 '%2','%1'。 Failed to get the registry value '%2', '%1'.
427无法设置注册表值 '%2','%1'。 Failed to set the registry value '%2', '%1'.
428无法加载库 '%1'。 Failed to load the library '%1'.
429无法注册类型库 '%1'。 Failed to register the type library '%1'.
430无法从 '%1' 获得 '%2()' 的函数地址。 Failed to get function address from '%1' for '%2()'.
431无法在 '%2' 中执行函数 '%1()'。 Failed to execute function '%1()' in '%2'.
432安装程序无法打开服务控制管理器。 Setup was unable to open the service control manager.
433安装程序无法获得 '%1' 服务的句柄。 Setup could not obtain a handle to the '%1' service.
434无法查询 '%1' 的服务状态。 Failed to query service status for '%1'.
435无法启动服务 '%1'。 Failed to start service '%1'.
436安装程序等待服务 '%1' 启动时超时。 Setup timed out waiting for service '%1' to start.
437服务控制管理器无法停止 '%1' 服务。 The service control manager was unable to stop the '%1' service.
438安装程序等待服务 '%1' 停止时超时。 Setup timed out waiting for service '%1' to stop.
445由于启动进程的用户没有系统管理权限,安装程序失败。请以管理员身份登录并重试。 Setup failed because the user who launched the process does not have administrative privileges. Please log in as an administrator and try again.
446安装程序无法为 COM+ inf 文件的 '%1' 部分指定的文件计算磁盘空间需求。 Setup failed to calculate the disk space requirements for the files specified section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
447安装程序无法创建 COM+ inf 文件的 '%1' 部分中指定的所有注册表和 INI 项。 Setup failed to create all of the registry and INI entries specified in section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
448安装程序至少无法安装一个在 COM+ inf 文件的 '%1' 部分中指定的服务。 Setup failed to install at least one of the services specified in section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
449安装程序无法将 COM+ inf 文件的 '%1' 部分的文件操作进行排队。 Setup failed to queue the file operations from section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
450安装程序将目录 ID '%1' 与目录 '%2' 相关联。 Setup was associate the directory ID '%1' with the directory '%2'.
454安装程序无法保存对目标文件 '%2' 的链接 '%1'。 Setup was unable to save the link '%1' to the target file '%2'.
455尝试运行 '%1' 时,安装程序失败。请确认可执行文件存在。 Setup failed while trying to run '%1'. Make sure that the executable exists.
458安装程序无法从 coclass '%2' 创建接口 '%1' 的实例 Setup was unable to create an instance of the '%1' interface from the coclass '%2'
459对接口 '%1' 的 QueryInterface 调用失败,返回 '%2' 接口指针 A call to QueryInterface for the interface '%1' failed with a '%2' interface pointer
461安装程序无法获得 '%1' 集合。 Setup was unable to get the '%1' collection.
462安装程序无法获得 '%1' 对象的键值。 Setup was unable to get the key of the '%1' object.
463安装程序无法从 '%1' 集合中获得对象计数。 Set was unable to get an object count from the '%1' collection.
464安装程序无法从 '%2' 集合中获得项目 %1。 Setup was unable to get item %1 from the '%2' collection.
465安装程序无法获得 '%1' 对象的名称。 Setup was unable to get the name of the '%1' object.
466安装程序无法写入 '%1' 集合。 Setup was unable to populate the '%1' collection.
467安装程序无法从 '%2' 集合中移除项目 '%1'。 Setup was unable to remove the item '%1' from the '%2' collection.
468安装程序无法将对象添加到 '%1' 集合。 Setup was unable to add an object to the '%1' collection.
469安装程序无法将更改保存到 '%1' 集合。 Setup was unable to save changes to the '%1' collection.
471安装程序无法从 '%1' 将 COM+ 组件安装到应用程序 '%2' 中。 Setup could not install a COM+ component from '%1' into the application '%2'.
472安装程序无法为 '%3' 对象设置值 '%1 = %2'。 Setup was unable to set the value '%1 = %2' for the '%3' object.
474安装程序无法按名称将 COM+ 组件 '%1' 导入应用程序 '%2'。 Setup could not import the COM+ component '%1' by name into the application '%2'.
477在处理 OC_SET_LANGUAGE 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_SET_LANGUAGE setup message.
478处理 OC_QUERY_SKIP_PAGE 安装消息时,子组件 %1 引起异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_SKIP_PAGE setup message.
480在处理 OC_REQUEST_PAGES 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_REQUEST_PAGES setup message.
482在处理 OC_FILE_BUSY 安装信息时,子组件 %1 引发了一个异常。 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_FILE_BUSY setup message.
483警告: 安装程序无法完全迁移旧版 MTS 编录。可以在安装错误日志中找到有关此特定问题的详细信息。 Warning: Setup was not able to completely migrate the legacy MTS catalog. More information about the specific problems can be found in the setup error log.
484正在安装 COM+ Installing COM+
485正在配置 COM+ Configuring COM+
488CoInitialize 调用失败: 无法在此计算机上初始化 COM。 A call to CoInitialize failed: COM could not be initialized on this computer.
489COM+ 无法将用户 '%1' 添加到角色 '%2' 中。可能是 COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 未正常工作。 COM+ could not add the user '%1' to the role '%2'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
490COM+ 无法设置应用程序 '%2' 中组件 '%1' 的属性。可能是 COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 未正常工作。 COM+ could not set a property of the component '%1' in the application '%2'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
491COM+ 无法将组件 '%1' 导入到应用程序 '%2' 中。可能是 COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 未正常工作。 COM+ could not import the component '%1' into the application '%2'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
492COM+ 无法从 '%1' 将组件安装到应用程序 '%2' 中。可能是 COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 未正常工作。 COM+ could not install the component from '%1' into the application '%2'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
493COM+ 无法设置集合 '%2' 中对象 '%1' 的属性。可能是 COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 未正常工作。 COM+ could not set a property of the object '%1' in the collection '%2'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
494COM+ 无法在集合 '%3' 中创建带有 GUID '%2' 的对象 '%1'。COM+ 管理或 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 可能工作不正常。 COM+ could not create the object '%1' with GUID '%2' in the collection '%3'. The COM+ admin or the Distributed Transaction Coordinator may not be working properly.
497安装程序无法创建 COM+ 编录。没有编录,COM+ 将无法正常运行。如果 Windows 无法正常工作,可以尝试重新安装。如果问题仍然存在,请与 Microsoft 技术支持联系。 Setup could not create the COM+ catalog. COM+ will not operate correctly without the catalog. If Windows does not work properly, you can attempt to reinstall, if the problem still persist, then you could contact Microsoft technical support.
498无法注册 COM+ 事件类。 The COM+ event classes could not be registered.
499安装程序无法从以前的版本升级 COM+ 编录架构。 Setup could not upgrade the COM+ catalog schema from the previous version.
503无法找到 Java 的 trustlib 目录。Java 未正确安装到此计算机上。 The Java trustlib directory could not be found. Java has not been installed properly on this computer.
505正在升级 COM+(%1 应用程序) Upgrading COM+ (%1 applications)
507安装过程中,%1 安装程序捕获到未处理的异常。完成安装后,%2 将不工作。

在地址 %4 处发生未处理的异常 %3。可以在 %5\comsetup.log 文件中找到包括堆栈跟踪在内的详细信息。
%1 setup caught an unhandled exception during installation. %2 will not work when setup completes.

Unhandled exception %3 occurred at address %4. More information, including a stack trace, can be found in the %5\comsetup.log file.
508COM+ COM+
509请与 Microsoft 技术支持联系,寻求对此问题的帮助。 Please contact Microsoft Technical Support for assistance with this problem.
510允许此角色的成员修改此系统上的 COM+ 应用程序和组件的配置。 Members of this role are allowed to modify the configuration of COM+ applications and components on this system.
511允许此角色的成员检查 COM+ 应用程序的配置,并查看与活动对象及其性能有关的信息。 Members of this role are allowed to examine the configuration of COM+ applications and view information related to active objects and their performance.
512信任此角色的成员会忠实地代表其他用户传输队列组件消息。 Members of this role are trusted to faithfully transmit messages for queued components on behalf of other users.
513此角色应包括在系统上运行 COM+ 服务器应用程序的标识。 This role should include the identities under which COM+ server applications run on your system.
514此角色应包括可以在系统上运行所有 COM+ 应用程序(库或服务器)的标识。 This role should include the identities under which any COM+ application (library or server) may run on your system.
515COM+ 事务上下文组件 COM+ Transaction Context Component
516COM+ 扩展事务上下文组件 COM+ Extended Transaction Context Component
517队列组件记录器 Queued Components Recorder
518队列组件播放器 Queued Components Player
519COM+ QC 死信队列侦听启动器 COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener Starter
520COM+ 事件通知服务器 COM+ Event Notification Server
521COM+ 实例跟踪组件 COM+ Instance Tracking Component
522COM+ 活动进程迭代服务器 COM+ Active Process Iteration Server
523调试转储服务器 Debug Dump Server
524COM+ 实用工具应用程序 COM+ Utilities Application
525COM+ QC 死信队列侦听器 COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener
526正在创建 COM+ 对象 Creating COM+ objects
527正在创建 COM+ 分区 Creating COM+ partitions
528正在创建 COM+ 应用程序 Creating COM+ applications
529正在创建 COM+ 系统应用程序服务 Creating COM+ System Application service
530正在创建 COM+ 组件 Creating COM+ components
531正在设置 COM+ 组件描述 Setting COM+ component descriptions
532正在创建 COM+ 自定义激活者 Creating COM+ custom activators
533正在删除旧版 COM+ 角色 Deleting legacy COM+ roles
534正在创建 COM+ 角色 Creating COM+ roles
535正在创建 COM+ 接口 Creating COM+ interfaces
536正在创建 COM+ 方法 Creating COM+ methods
537正在将 COM+ 角色安装到应用程序 Installing COM+ roles to applications
538正在更新 COM+ 角色 Updating COM+ roles
539正在将 COM+ System Application 设置为系统 Setting COM+ System Application as system
540COM+ 资源管理器跟踪事件订阅应用程序 Com+ Explorer Tracking Event Subscription Application
541Base Application Partition\Administrator Base Application Partition\Administrator
545正在升级 COM+ 事件类 Upgrading COM+ Event Classes
546Base Application Partition Base Application Partition
602组件服务 Component Services
604无法启动 COMUID.DLL 服务器! 此文件可能未注册或已损坏。请确认安装是否正确,然后重试。 Unable to start the COMUID.DLL server! This file may have become unregistered or damaged. Please verify installation and try again.
606错误 Error
608组件服务(COM+)管理工具。 Component Services (COM+) management tool.
610常规 General
611分区 Partitions
612用户 Users
615新建分区集(&P)... New &Partition Set...
616新建分区集。 Creates a new partition set.
617配置分区集成员(&M)... Configure Set &Members...
618配置分区集分区(&P)... Configure Set &Partitions...
619在此分区集中添加或移除用户。 Adds or removes users in this partition set.
620在此分区集中添加或移除分区。 Adds or removes partitions in this set.
621COM+ ADS 配置错误 COM+ ADS Configuration Error
622新建分区集 New Partition Set
623新建分区(&P)... New &Partition...
625新建分区 New Partition
626无法更新分区集属性 Unable to update set properties
627无法更新分区属性 Unable to update partition properties
628无法新建分区 Failed to create new partition
629无法设置默认分区 Unable to set default partition
630无法新建分区集 Failed to create new partition set
631无法从分区集中移除分区 Unable to remove partition from partition set
632无法向分区集中添加分区 Unable to add partition to partition set
634无法向分区集中添加用户 Unable to add user to partition set
635无法更新用户属性 Unable to update user properties
636无法检索所有用户属性 Unable to retrieve all user properties
638无法检索所有分区集属性 Unable to retrieve all partition set properties
639无法检索此分区集中的所有分区 Unable to retrieve all partitions in this partition set
640无法检索此分区集中的所有用户 Unable to retrieve all users in this partition set
641无法检索所有可用分区 Unable to retrieve all available partitions
643组织单位 Organizational Units
644选择要添加到此分区集中的组织单位。 Please select an Organizational Unit you would like to add to this Partition Set.
645选取分区集组织单位 Pick Set Organizational Units
646分区名称 Partition Name
647默认 Default
648分区 ID Partition ID
649添加到此分区集的第一个分区已被指定为默认分区。在保存分区集更改之前,请确认此分区是所需的默认分区。 The first partition added to this set has been designated as the default partition. Please ensure this is the desired default partition before saving set changes.
650COM+ 分区配置警告 COM+ Partition Configuration Warning
651无法向分区集中添加组织单位 Unable to add Organizational Unit to set
652无法检索此分区集中的所有组织单位 Unable to retrieve all Organizational Units in this partition set
654输入的名称值太长。请输入一个小于 64 个字符的字符串。 The name value you have entered is too long. Please enter a string less than 64 characters long.
655输入的描述值太长。请输入一个小于 512 个字符的字符串。 The description value you have entered is too long. Please enter a string less than 512 characters long.
656输入的 GUID 格式不正确。请按以下格式输入非空 GUID: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} The GUID entered is not in the proper form. Please enter a non-NULL GUID in the following form: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
658输入的 GUID 已被此容器中的另一个对象使用。 The GUID entered has already been used by another object in this container.
901基于角色的安全策略 Role-based Security Policy
902默认的角色成员策略 Default Role Membership Policy

应用程序 Id: %s
IID: %s
方法 #: %ld

类: %s
接口: %s
方法: %s


Destination of the rejected call:
Application Id: %s
IID: %s
Method #: %ld

Class: %s
Interface: %s
Method: %s

Caller Information:
923Svc/Lvl/Imp = %d/%d/%d, Identity = %s %s
Svc/Lvl/Imp = %d/%d/%d, Identity = %s %s
924(未知) (unknown)
925(直接) (Direct)
926(原始) (Original)
服务器应用程序 ID: %s

Server Application ID: %s
服务器应用程序名: %s

Server Application Name: %s

The serious nature of this error has caused the process to terminate.
错误代码= 0x%08x : %s

Error Code = 0x%08x : %s
COM+ 服务内部信息:
文件: %s, 行: %d

COM+ Services Internals Information:
File: %s, Line: %d
932%s(%d)中的错误: %s Error in %s(%d): %s
933%s(%d)中的错误,hr = %x: %s Error in %s(%d), hr = %x: %s
934%s(%d)中的错误, %s: %s Error in %s(%d), %s: %s
异常: %s

Exception: %s
地址: %s

Address: %s

Call Stack:
组件进程 ID: %s

Component Prog ID: %s
方法名称: %s

Method Name: %s
进程名称: %s

Process Name: %s
Comsvcs.dll 文件版本: %s %s %s

Comsvcs.dll file version: %s %s %s
服务器应用程序实例 ID:

Server Application Instance ID:
946此组件在一个或多个基本应用程序分区之外的应用程序分区中进行了注册。COM+/VB6 调试集成不支持此方案。

This component is registered in one or more Application Partition(s) outside of Base Application Partition. COM+/VB6 Debugging Integration does not support this scenario.

Please debug your component while it is registered ONLY in the Base Application Partition.
947COM+ System Application COM+ System Application
949将收集此进程的小型转储数据。 A mini dump of the process will be taken.
950将收集此进程的完全转储数据。 A full dump of the process will be taken.
951此进程将被终止。 The process will be terminated.
组件: %s

Component: %s
注册表项: %s%s

Registry Key: %s%s
Lar&ge Icon
Large Icon
S&mall Icon
Small Icon
1741Microsoft YaHei UI Verdana
1742120 120
1800启用 JIT 激活要求同步。 Enabling JIT Activation requires synchronization.
1801名称 Name
1802已激活 Activated
18031804 正启动服务器... 1804 Starting server...
1807服务器 Server
1808对象 Objects
1809进程 ID Prog ID
1810应用程序 ID Application ID
1811描述 Description
1812安全 Security
1813身份验证 Authentication
1815 None
1816连接 Connect
1817数据包 Packet
1818调用 Call
1819数据包完整性 Packet Integrity
1820数据包保密性 Packet Privacy
1821启用 Enabled
1822禁用 Disabled
1824我的电脑 My Computer
1825选择要安装的文件 Select files to install
1826组件文件(*.dll;*.tlb)|*.dll;*.tlb|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| Component Files (*.dll;*.tlb)|*.dll;*.tlb|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
1827文件 File
1828组件 Component
1829内容 Contents
1831代理 Proxy
1832属性 Properties
1835未找到 not found
1836已找到 found
1838类型库 typeLib
1839代理/存根 proxy/stub
1840接口 ID InterfaceID
1841线程模型 Threading Model
1842事务 Transaction
1843必需 Required
1844要求新建 Requires new
1845不支持 Not supported
1846支持 Supported
1847将用户和组添加到角色 Add Users and Groups to Role
1849 No
1850调用中 In Call
1851组件安装 Component Install
1852正在应用更改... Applying changes...
1853正在刷新... Refreshing...
1854正在打开 %s... Opening %s...
1855任何单元 Any Apartment
1856自由线程单元 Free Thread Apartment
1857编录错误 Catalog Error
1858你没有执行所需操作的权限。如果在目标计算机的系统应用程序上启用了安全,请确认你包含在相应的角色中。 You do not have permission to perform the requested action. If security is enabled on the System Application of the target computer make sure you are included in the appropriate roles.
1859初始化错误 Initialization Error
1860因为没有正确安装 %1,所以无法启动应用程序。请重新安装此产品。 Unable to start application because %1 is not installed properly. Please re-install this product.
1863因为无法连接 %1 上的 MSDTC 服务,所以无法打开此文件夹。请确认:

Cannot open this folder because connection to the MSDTC service on '%1' failed. Make sure that:

The computer is running.
You have permissions to administer the computer.
The computer name is correct.
1864正在连接 %1 上的 MSDTC 服务。建立连接后,此图标即可启用。 Connecting to the MSDTC service on '%1'. This icon will be enabled when the connection has been established.
1865打开文件夹 Open Folder
1867已启动 Started
1868已停止 Stopped
1869正在启动 Starting
1870正在停止 Stopping
1871正在连接 Connecting
1872连接失败 Connection failed
1874%s 个对象 %s object(s)
1875安装 Install
1876一个或多个文件不包含组件或类型库。无法安装这些文件。 One or more files do not contain components or type libraries. These files cannot be installed.
1882新建应用程序 New Application
1883无法使用名称“%1”,因为它已被使用。请选择另一个名称。 You cannot use the name '%1' because it is already in use. Please choose another name.
1884原因 Reason
1886在编录中未找到对象 The object was not found in the catalog
1887一个或多个对象属性丢失或无效 One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalid
1888对象已被注册 The object is already registered
1889由于下列错误,无法安装某些组件: Some components could not be installed due to the following errors:
1890由于下列错误,无法应用某些更改: Some changes could not be applied due to the following errors:
1891由于下列错误,无法删除某些对象: Some objects could not be deleted due to the following errors:
1892由于下列错误,无法读取某些对象属性: Some object properties could not be read due to the following errors:

The component is already configured on the requested computer.

The component is either installed in a application or configured as a remote component. Before re-installing, you must delete the existing component.
1894在远程计算机 '%1' 上执行最后操作时发生错误。
错误代码 %2
An error occurred while processing the last operation on the remote computer '%1'.
Error code %2
The event log may contain additional troubleshooting information.
错误代码 %1
An error occurred while processing the last operation.
Error code %1
The event log may contain additional troubleshooting information.


Some of the objects properties were missing or damaged.

This can occur if the registry entries associated with the item are changed by some other program.

Damaged items must be deleted and re-created.
1897此项目或其层次结构中的某一父项目已被删除。 The item or one of its parent items in the hierarchy has already been deleted.
1898解释 Explanation
1899输入的文件名或路径无效,或一次选择了太多文件。所有选定文件名的总长度限制是 256 个字符。 You entered an invalid file name or path or selected too many files at once. There is a limit of 256 characters for the combined length of all file names selected.
1900添加文件时发生未知错误。请重试添加文件。 An unknown error occurred while adding files. Please try to add the files again.
1901添加计算机 Add Computer
1902输入的 %1 字符串过长。最大长度是 %2 个字符。 The %1 string you entered is too long. The maximum length is %2 characters.
1904%1 属性不能包含下列任何字符 \ / ~ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) | } { ] [ ' " The %1 property cannot contain any of the following characters \ / ~ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) | } { ] [ ' "
1905无法添加计算机 %1,因为此计算机已存在于你的计算机文件夹中。 You cannot add computer '%1' because it already exists in your Computers folder.
1906将应用程序导出到文件 Export application to File
1907应用程序文件 (*.MSI)|*.MSI|MTS 数据包文件 (*.PAK)|*.PAK|| Application Files (*.MSI)|*.MSI|MTS Package Files (*.PAK)|*.PAK||
1908导出应用程序 Export Application
1909应用程序文件 Application File
1910应用程序名 Application Name
1911选择安装目录: Choose an installation directory:
1912读取应用程序时出错 Error occurred reading the application file
1913无法读取应用程序文件。文件可能不存在、包含无效数据,或访问此文件时发生读取错误。 The application file cannot be read. Either the file does not exist, the file contains invalid data or a read error occurred accessing the file.
1914已经安装了此应用程序。 The application is already installed.
1915具有相同 ID 的应用程序已经存在。请确认你以前没有安装过此应用程序文件。 A application with the same application ID is already installed. Make sure you have not already installed this application file.
1916文件路径无效 The file path is invalid
1917安装路径不存在并无法创建。请检查路径语法。 The installation path does not exist and cannot be created. Check the path syntax.
1918复制文件时出错 An error occurred copying the file
1919将文件复制到目标目录时出错。资源目录下的一些文件可能已经丢失,或你不具有对安装目录的访问权限。 An error occurred copying files to the destination directory. Some files may be missing from the source directory or you may not have access to the install directory.
1920安装下列应用程序时出错: Errors occurred while installing the following applications:
1921一个或多个组件无法安装。 One or more components could not be installed.
1922由于下列组件安装失败,所以无法安装应用程序: The application could not be installed because installation of the following components failed:
1923写入应用程序文件时出错。可能是无法访问此路径,或是无法覆盖现有文件。请确认输入了应用程序定义文件的完整路径。应用程序未被导出。 Error occurred writing to the application file. Either the path cannot be accessed or an existing file cannot be overwritten. Make sure you entered the full path for the application definition file. The application was not exported.
1924无法将组件文件复制到应用程序定义文件目录。写入目录时出错或无法覆盖现有文件。应用程序未被导出。 Unable to copy component files to the application definition file directory. An error occurred writing to the directory or existing files could not be overwritten. The application was not exported.
1925应用程序中的一个或多个对象已损坏。应用程序未被导出。请打开应用程序中的所有组件、接口、角色及角色成员列表来验证应用程序对象的完整性。 One or more objects in the application are damaged. The application was not exported. Open all components, interfaces, roles and role membership lists in the application to verify the integrity of the application objects.
1926从应用程序文件安装 Install from application file
1928一个或多个文件是 COM DLL,但不包含任何组件。这些文件可能是不具有相应类型信息的代理/存根 DLL 或组件 DLL。如果继续,这些文件将自注册。如果这些文件不是代理/存根 DLL,应将它们从列表中移除。确实要继续并安装这些文件吗? One or more files are COM DLLs but do not contain any components. These files could be proxy/stub DLLs or component DLLs with no corresponding type information. These files will be self-registered if you proceed. If these files are not proxy/stub DLLs you should remove them from the list. Do you want to proceed and install these files?
1929编辑属性 Edit Property
1930关闭延迟必须是一个介于 0 和 1440 之间的数字。 The shutdown delay must be a number between 0 and 1440.
1931无法加载 DLL。请确认所有必需的应用程序运行时文件及其他依赖 DLL 都有效地存在于组件 DLL 目录或系统路径中。事件日志可能包含更多信息。 The DLL could not be loaded. Check to make sure all required application runtime files and other dependent DLLs are available in the component DLL's directory or the system path. The event log may contain further information.
1932一个或多个文件在计算机 '%1' 上找不到。在远程计算机上安装组件时,必须输入远程计算机可以访问的文件名。可以输入 UNC 名称或在远程计算机上存在的文件名。 One or more files were not found on computer '%1'. When installing components on a remote computer you must enter file names that the remote computer can access. You can enter a UNC name or a drive:path file name that exits on the remote computer.
1933已安装了同一 DLL 中的组件 A component in the same DLL is already installed
1934无法安装此组件,因为已将同一 DLL中的另一个组件注册为远程。请删除远程组件并尝试重新安装组件。 This component could not be installed because another component in the same DLL is already registered as remote. Delete those remote components and try installing the component again.
1935由于一个或多个用户帐户或组不存在,无法将它们添加到角色中。已安装了应用程序。 One or more user accounts or groups could not be added to roles because they do not exist. The application was installed.
1936应用程序文件中的一个或多个用户无效 One or more users in the application file are not valid
1937必须输入用户账号。 You must enter a user account.
1938密码和确认密码不符。 Password and confirm password do not match.
1939无法为更新请求设置所需的身份验证级别。无法完成请求。 Unable to set required authentication level for update request. The request cannot be completed.
1940设置应用程序标识 Set Application Identity
1941超时值必须介于 1 到 3600 之间。 The timeout value must be between 1 and 3600.
1942输入的用户账号或密码无效。如果输入了域账号,请确认此账号具有域名前缀。 The user account or password entered is invalid. If you entered a domain account, make sure the name is prefixed with the domain name.
1943组件 CLSID 丢失或损坏 The component's CLSID is missing or corrupt
1944组件 CLSID 未被注册。此组件可能已被注销或组件注册信息无效。请确认组件的自注册代码是正确的,并重新安装组件。 The component's CLSID is not registered. The component may have been unregistered, or the component registration information may be invalid. Make sure the component's self-registration code is correct and re-install the component
1945组件 progID 丢失或损坏 The component's progID is missing or corrupt
1946组件 progID 信息无效。组件 progID 信息与组件 CLSID 信息不匹配。progID 或 CLSID 信息可能被错误地进行了更新。请确认组件的自注册代码是正确的,并重新安装组件。 The component's progID information is invalid. The component's progID information does not match the component's CLSID information. The progID or CLSID information may have been incorrectly updated. Make sure that the component's self-registration code is correct and re-install the component.
1947%1 的事务统计数据已显示在其他窗口中。对于指定的服务器,仅能打开一个事务统计数据窗口。 Transaction statistics for '%1' are already displayed in another window. You can only open one transactions statistics window for a given server.
1948%1 的事务列表已显示在其他窗口中。对于指定的服务器,仅能打开一个事务列表窗口。 The transaction list for '%1' is already displayed in another window. You can only open one transaction list window for a given server.
1949输入了本地计算机名。而你的本地计算机已在“我的电脑”下的计算机文件夹中存在。 You entered your local computer name. Your local computer is already in the Computers folder under the name "My Computer"
1950应用程序 CLSID 或 IID 与相应的 DLL 不匹配 Application file CLSIDs or IIDs do not match corresponding DLLs
1951应用程序文件中的组件信息已过期。导出应用程序后,组件 CLSID 或 IID 已被重新生成。必须重新导出应用程序。 The component information in the application file is out of date. A component CLSID or IID has been re-generated since the application was exported. You must re-export the application.
1952帐户 Account
1953超时 Timeout
1954关闭 Shutdown
1955始终运行 Run always
1956接口信息丢失或被更改 Interface information is either missing or changed
1957如果组件是被导入的,则没有接口信息可用。如果组件是被安装的,则安装组件后已重新生成接口信息。请从应用程序中删除组件并重新安装。 If the component was imported, no interface information is available. If the component was installed, the interface information has been regenerated since the component was installed. Delete the component from the application and re-install it.
1958无法加载 typelib The typelib could not be loaded
1959快捷方式菜单 Shortcut Menu
1960没有适用于选定项目的命令。 There are no commands that apply to the selected items.
1961你确定要删除“%1”吗? Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
1962确实要删除这 %1 个项目吗? Are you sure you want to delete these %1 items?
1963确认删除项目 Confirm Item Delete
1964确认多重项目删除 Confirm Multiple Item Delete
1965没有有效的服务器共享文件 No server file share available
1966服务器上没有可见的文件共享位置,无法复制组件文件。客户端计算机上系统应用程序的用户帐户必须对服务器共享位置具有访问权限。可见的共享位置必须可用于访问每个组件的代理/存根 DLL 和类型库。可以使用资源管理器检查为由组件实现的接口注册了哪些代理/存根 DLL 和类型库。 No visible file share point is available on the server to copy component files. The user account set for the System application on the client computer must have read access to a share point on the server. A visible share point must be available to access the proxy/stub DLL and type library for each component. You can use the Explorer to check which proxy/stub DLLs and type libraries are registered for the interfaces implemented by the components.
1967输入了一个将在远程计算机 '%1' 上使用的本地文件名。驱动器及路径将在远程计算机被解释为文件名。确实要安装此文件吗? You entered a local file name for use on the remote computer '%1'. The drive and path will be interpreted as a file name on the remote computer. Are you sure you want to install this file?
1968文件不存在 The file does not exist
1969无法加载 DLL DLL could not be loaded
1970无法加载组件 DLL。请确认所有必需的应用程序运行时文件或其他依赖 DLL 都有效地存在于 DLL 目录或系统路径中。 The component DLL could not be loaded. Make sure that all required application runtime files or other dependent DLLs are available in the DLL's directory or the system path.
1971安装组件时,DllRegisterServer 失败 DllRegisterServer failed on component install
1972组件 DLL 的自注册例程失败。DllRegisterServer 函数失败或例程没有注册组件。 The component DLL's self-registration routine failed. The DllRegisterServer function failed or the routine did not register the component.
1973GetClassObject 在 DLL中失败。可能是由于 DLL 在安装过程中出现异常或 DLL 及其内嵌类型库不同步。请确认所有应用程序运行时文件的版本正确或其他依赖 DLL 都有效地存在于组件 DLL 目录或系统路径中。 GetClassObject failed in the DLL. Either a DLL threw an exception during install processing or the DLL and its embedded type library are out of sync. Ensure that the correct versions of all application runtime files or other dependent DLLs are available in the component DLL's directory or the system path.
1975所输入的应用程序文件名将被解释为远端计算机 '%1' 上的本地计算机名。远端计算机必须对此文件具有访问权限。确实要导出到此文件吗? The application file name you entered will be interpreted as a local file name on the remote computer '%1'. The remote computer must have access to the file. Are you sure you want to export to this file?
1976安装应用程序 Install Application
1977输入了一个或多个将由远程计算机 '%1' 使用的本地文件名。这些文件名将在远程计算机上被解释为本地文件。确实要添加这些文件吗? You entered one or more local file names for use by the remote computer '%1'. These file name will be interpreted as local files on the remote computer. Add these files?
1978安装目录是将由远程计算机 '%1' 使用的本地路径名。此路径将在远程计算机上被解释为本地路径。要继续安装应用程序吗? The install directory is a local path name that will be used by the remote computer '%1'. The path will be interpreted as a local path on the remote computer. Continue with application install?
1979已注册的 typelib ID 无效 The registered typelib ID is not valid
1980已注册的类型库信息无效。库 GUID、版本、区域设置或系统信息可能已损坏。请重新安装相应的组件。 Registered type library information is invalid. The library GUID, version, locale, or platform information may be corrupt. Re-install the corresponding component(s).
1981系统注册表中的 "应用程序目录" 设置丢失或已损坏。 The "Application Directory" setting in your system registry is missing or corrupted.
1982在类型库中指定了一个或多个 CLSID,但它们没有被 DLL 内的任何类厂商识别。无法安装组件 DLL。 One or more CLSIDs were specified in a type library but were not recognized by any class factories in the DLLs. The component DLLs cannot be installed.
1983组件注册者出错 Errors occurred while in the component registrar
1984此组件注册失败。此组件位于一个缺少自注册代码的文件中,但从类似文件中为此文件提供了注册组件用的外部程序。此外部程序注册组件时失败。详细信息,请检查事件日志。 Registration of this component failed. This component resides in a file which lacks self-registration code but for which an external entity for registering components from such files has been provided. This external entity failed to register the component. Check the event log for details.
1985此文件中引用的组件注册者不可用 The component registrar referenced in this file is not available
1986可注册的 Registerable
1987正在运行 Running
1988激活 Activation
1989不能为多个项目设置同一名称。 Same name cannot be set for multiple items.
1990不支持此应用程序文件版本。 This application file version is not supported.
1991不支持此应用程序文件版本。正在尝试将应用程序文件安装到编录中,但编录不支持此应用程序文件版本。 This application file version is not supported. The catalog into which you are attempting to install this application file does not support this application file's version.
1992'%1' 应用程序是由 '%2' 创建的。你确定 '%2' 支持要进行的更改吗? The '%1' application was created by '%2'. Are you certain the changes you are about to make are supported by '%2' ?
1993应用程序由一个或多个外部产品创建。你确定这些产品支持要进行的更改吗? The applications were created by one or more external products. Are you certain the changes you are about to make are supported by these products?
1994不支持此服务器编录版本。编录比此应用程序新或更旧,并且提供彼此通信的公用版本不存在。 The server catalog version is not supported. The catalog is either newer or older than this application and a common version for communication does not exist.
1995已禁止对此对象及其子对象进行更改 Changes to this object and its sub-objects have been disabled
1996无法更改选定项目。此项目当前已被锁定,无法更改。 The selected item cannot be changed. The item is currently locked against changes.
1997已在此对象上禁用了删除函数 The delete function has been disabled for this object
1998无法删除选定项目。此项目当前已被锁定,无法删除。 The selected item cannot be deleted. This item is currently locked against deleting.
2000服务控件错误 Service Control Error
2001无法在目标计算机上启动 MSDTC 服务。错误代码是 "%1"。 Unable to start the MSDTC service on the target computer. Error code was "%1".
2002无法在目标计算机上停止 MSDTC 服务。错误代码是 "%1"。 Unable to stop the MSDTC service on the target computer. Error code was "%1".
2003无法停止 MSDTC 服务。其他依赖 MSDTC 的服务正在运行。 Unable to stop the MSDTC service. There are other running services dependent on MSDTC.
2004 Library
2007一个或多个用户不存在或缺少执行此操作的安全特权 One or more users do not exist or lack security privileges for this operation
2008不再支持“默认”身份验证级别。身份验证级别将更改为“数据包”。 The "Default" authentication level is no longer supported. The authentication level will be changed to "Packet".
2009属性初始化 Property Initialization
2010DTC 错误 DTC Error
2011DTC 已由 SQL server 安装。请重新安装! DTC was installed by the SQL server. Please reinstall!
2012一个或多个组件没有注册。 One or more components are not registered.
2013此应用程序文件引用了原来导入到应用程序中的组件。 在安装应用程序之前,必须手动注册这些组件。这些组件中的一个或多个没有在目标系统上注册。 This application file refers to components that were originally imported into the application. These components must be manually registered before installing the application. One or more of these components is not registered on the target system.
2014此计算机上的系统应用程序目前不可用。请重试此请求。 The System application on this computer is currently not available. Please retry the request.
2015无法连接到名称为 '%1' 的远程计算机。计算机不存在或你不具有访问此计算机的权限。 Unable to connect to the remote computer named '%1'. Either the machine does not exist or you don't have permission to access this machine.
2016计算机(&C) &Computer
2017应用程序(&A) &Application
2018组件(&C) &Component
2019用户(&U) &User
2020角色(&R) &Role
2021添加 Add
2022%d 个项目 %d Items
2024单线程单元 Single Thread Apartment
2025主线程单元 Main Thread Apartment
2026线程中性单元 Thread Neutral Apartment
2027同步处理 Synchronization
2028警告 Warning
2029刚选择的事务级别或实时激活设置与当前所选的同步级别设置不兼容。 同步级别将被更改为可兼容的级别。 The transaction level or just in time activation setting that was just selected is not compatible with the currently selected synchronization level. The synchronization level will be changed to a compatible level.
2030欢迎使用“%s” Welcome to the %s
2031正在生成组件列表... Building component list...
2032COM+ 组件安装向导 COM+ Component Install Wizard
2033此向导将帮助你安装或导入组件。 This wizard will help you to install or import components.
2034向导已获得了运行安装程序所需的所有信息。 The wizard has gathered all necessary information to perform the install.
2035COM+ 应用程序安装向导 COM+ Application Install Wizard
2036此向导将帮助你安装或新建应用程序。 This wizard will help you to install or create new applications.
2038导入或安装组件 Import or install a component
2039安装新组件 Install new components
2040选择要导入的组件 Choose Components to Import
2041创建空应用程序 Create Empty Application
2042安装或新建应用程序 Install or Create a New Application
2043应用程序安装选项 Application Installation Options
2045选择应用程序文件 Select Application Files
...install a new component or import components that are already registered.
2047指定包含要安装的组件的文件。 Please specify the file(s) that contain the components you want to install.
2048选择要导入的组件。 Please choose the components you want to import.
2049指定新建应用程序的名称。 Please specify the name of the new application.
2050选择是否安装预建的应用程序或创建空应用程序。 Please choose whether you want to install a pre-built application or create an empty application.
2051指定安装目录和角色配置。 Please specify the install directory and the role configuration.
2052指定应用程序标识。 Please specify the application identity.
2053指定包含要安装的应用程序的文件。 Please specify the files that contain the application you want to install.
2054感谢你使用“%s” Thank you for using the %s
2055已共用 Pooled
2056调用时间(毫秒) Call Time (ms)
2057“最小池大小”必须小于“最大池大小” Minimum pool size must be less than the maximum pool size
2058服务请求失败,错误代码 %1 Service request failed with error code %1
2059服务未被安装 The service is not installed
2060为应用程序设置的标识或密码无效 The identity or password set on the application is not valid
2061内存不足 Out of memory
2062没有找到你要导出的应用程序。请按“刷新”按钮获取最新的应用程序列表。 The application you are trying to export was not found. Press the refresh button to get the latest list of applications.
2063你要导出的应用程序的接口没有注册。请确认应用程序已被正确安装。 An interface in the application you are trying to export is not registered. Make sure that the application was properly installed.
2064最大池大小不能设置为零 Maximum pool size may not be set to zero
2065模拟 Impersonation
2067匿名 Anonymous
2068标识 Identify
2070委派 Delegate
2072COM+ 应用程序导出向导 COM+ Application Export Wizard
2073此向导将帮助你导出客户端或服务器应用程序。 This wizard will help you to export client or server applications.
2074应用程序已被成功导出。 The application has been successfully exported.
2075应用程序导出信息 Application Export Information
2076输入导出此应用程序所需的信息。 Please enter information required to export this application.
2077可执行文件(*.exe)|*.exe|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
2078如果更改了此应用程序的激活设置,则在保存激活设置之后,某些属性将被重置为它们的默认值。 If you change the activation of this application, certain properties will be reset to their default values once the activation setting has been saved.
2079无法更改系统应用程序的标识。 A system application's identity cannot be changed.
2080服务器应用程序文件(*.MSI)|*.MSI|| Server Application Files (*.MSI)|*.MSI||
2081正在启动应用程序... Starting application(s)...
2082正在关闭应用程序... Shutting down application(s)...
2083为组件、接口或方法分配的角色在应用程序中不存在 A role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the application
2084正在导入组件... Importing components...
2085正在安装组件... Installing components...
2086启用了侦听器后,此应用程序已设置为永久运行。你可能希望转至高级页并修改关闭时间。 This application was set to run forever when the listener was enabled. You may wish to go to the advanced page and modify the shutdown time.
2087如果保存这些更改,且已经导出此队列应用程序,你必须重新导出。否则,客户端将发送会被 QC 侦听器拒绝的未经过身份验证的消息。 If you save these changes and you have already exported this queued application you must export it again. Otherwise, clients will send unauthenticated messages which will get rejected by the QC listener.
2088没有在注册表中找到对象 Object was not found in registry
2089可能需要重新安装此组件,以还原必需的注册表设置。 You may need to reinstall this component to restore the required registry settings.
2090MSMQ 未安装或没有运行,或未将此应用程序设置为以队列应用程序方式运行。 Either MSMQ is not installed or not running, or this application is not set to run as a queued application.
2091发生错误 %08X。 Error %08X occurred.
2092发生未知错误。应检查所有文档以寻求解决方法。如果没有得到详细信息,请与技术支持联系。 An unknown error occurred. You should check all documentation for a solution. If no further information is available, please contact technical support.
2093未指定(都是假设) Not specified (both assumed)
2094应用程序代理文件 (*.MSI)|*.MSI|| Application Proxy Files (*.MSI)|*.MSI||
2095发生 DTC 错误 %08X。 DTC error %08X occurred.
2096与 DTC 服务交互时出错。应确认 DTC 已启动且工作正常。 A problem occurred while interacting with the DTC service. You should verify that DTC is started and working properly.
2097某个被更新的对象不存在 One of the objects being updated does not exist
2098不能在系统应用程序上执行此操作 This operation can not be performed on the system application
2099不能在系统应用程序上执行某些特定操作。请参阅文档获取详细信息。 Certain operations cannot be performed on the system application. Please refer to the documentation for more information.
2100由于选定的事务支持级别,所以需要 JIT 激活和同步。 Due to the selected transaction support level, JIT Activation and synchronization are required.
2101被插入或更新的对象不属于有效的父集合 An object being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collection
2102订阅 ID Subscription ID
2103订阅(&S) &Subscription
2104数据 Data
2105COM+ 新建订阅向导 COM+ New Subscription Wizard
2106此向导将帮助你新建订阅。 This wizard will help you to create a new subscription.
2107向导已获得了创建订阅所需的所有信息。 The wizard has gathered all necessary information to create the subscription.
2108选择事件类 Select Event Class
2109选择实现方法的事件类。 Select the event class that implements the method(s).
2110选择订阅方法。 Select Subscription Method(s).
2112订阅选项 Subscription Options
2113设置订阅属性。 Set the subscription properties.
2114已安装了此应用程序的其他版本。无法继续安装此版本。请使用“控制面板”中的“添加/删除程序”移除现有版本。 Another version of this application is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To remove the existing version, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.
2115已导入此应用程序中的一个或多个组件。而这些组件不包含接口和方法信息。通过导出此应用程序所创建的应用程序可能在其他计算机上无法使用。 One or more of the components in this application were imported. As a result, those components do not contain interface and method information. Exporting this application may create an application which is unusable on other machines.
2116要启动应用程序,你必须已启用应用程序中的组件 You must have enabled components in an application in order to start the application
2117拒绝访问 Access denied
2118由于选择了“使用所有接口”和“使用所有事件类”,所以必须指定发布者 ID。 The publisher ID must be specified because both "use all interfaces" and "use all event classes" were chosen
2119ThreadingModel 值已被修改 ThreadingModel value has changed
2120已在 COM+ 环境外部修改了注册表中的 ThreadingModel 的值,需要重新安装此组件。 The ThreadingModel value found in the registry has been modified outside of the COM+ environment. You will need to reinstall this component.
2121进程转储 Process Dump
The dump of the selected process succeeded.
The image was dumped to the default dump directory.
2123分区(&P) &Partition
2125正在暂停进程... Pausing process(es)...
2126正在继续进程... Resuming process(es)...
2127将应用程序 '%s' 从分区 '%s' 复制到以下分区: Copy the application '%s' from partition '%s' to the partition:
2128将这 %d 个应用程序复制到以下分区: Copy these %d applications to the partition:
2130请输入服务名称。 Please enter a service name.
2131输入的服务名称包含无效字符。“/”和“\”字符在服务名称中无效。 The service name entered has invalid characters. The '/' and '\' characters are not valid in service names.
2132MMC 无法从“服务控制管理器”枚举现有服务。服务依赖项配置列表将不可用。 MMC could not enumerate existing services from the Service Control Manager. The service dependencies configuration list will not be available.
2133此应用程序依赖于一个不存在的服务。此依赖项已被移除。 This application has a dependency on a non-existent service. That dependency has been removed.
2134用于此应用程序的服务已经存在。配置新服务将移除并替换现有的应用程序服务。从此对话框将无法看到现有的服务设置。可使用“服务 MMC 管理单元”更改现有的服务设置。请单击“确定”按钮继续配置新服务。 A service already exists for this application. Configuring a new service will remove and replace the existing application service. Existing service settings will not be visible from this dialog. To change existing service settings use the Services MMC Snapin. Press OK to continue configuring a new service.
2135从“序列化”或“任意”更改事务隔离级别时,要求从此组件调用的所有组件的隔离级别小于或等于此组件的隔离级别设置。 Changing the transaction isolation level from 'Serialized' or 'Any' requires that all components called from this component have an isolation level less than or equal to the isolation level set for this component.
2137可执行文件名 Executable Name
2138暂停 Paused
2139无法停止应用程序 %s,由于下列服务对其具有依赖关系且仍在运行: The application %s cannot be stopped, because the following services depend on it, and are still running:
2141实例 ID Instance ID
2142类型 Type
2143分区集 ID Set ID
2144默认分区 Default Partition
2146信息 Information

There are no local partitions available to add to the set.

The Add Partition to Set dialog will now exit.
2148一个或多个指定用户已经在另一个本地分区集中存在。 One or more of the specified users already exist in another local partition set.
2149由于文件是为不同的处理器类型而编译的,因此无法导入这些文件 The files could not be imported because they were compiled for different processor types
2150由于文件是为不支持的计算机类型而编译的,因此无法导入这些文件 The files could not be imported because they were compiled for an unsupported machine type
2151由于文件是为不同的处理器类型编译的,而不是为应用程序中已安装的组件编译的,因此无法导入这些文件 The files could not be imported because they were compiled for a different processor type than the components already installed in the application
2153{}-1234567890abcdefABCDEF {}-1234567890abcdefABCDEF
2154输入的 CLSID 无效。 The CLSID entered is invalid.
2155输入的 ProgID 无效。ProgID 不能以数字开始。 The ProgID entered is invalid. A ProgID may not begin with a digit.
2156编录服务器产生了异常,无法处理请求。 The catalog server threw an exception and could not process the request.
2157任意 Any
2158未提交的读取 Read Uncommitted
2159已提交的读取 Read Committed
2160可重复的读取 Repeatable Read
2161序列化 Serialized
2162Name Name
2163msCOM-ObjectID msCOM-ObjectID
2164(ObjectClass=msCOM-Partition) (ObjectClass=msCOM-Partition)
2165显示此系统上当前所有可见的目录分区。 All visible directory partitions are currently present on this system.

The following error occurred attempting to browse partitions on the domain

2168用户浏览器 User Browser
2169选择用户: Select user:
2170当前用户不具有浏览域中分区的权限。若要以另一用户身份进行搜索,请输入他们的用户名和密码。 The current user does not have the authority to browse partitions on the domain. To search as another user enter their username and password below.
2171输入浏览域分区时要使用的用户名和密码。 Please enter the username and password to be used when browsing domain partitions.
2172域中当前没有任何分区可以显示 No partitions are currently visible on the domain
2173说明 Description
2175这些 COM 组件被注册为以进程内服务器方式运行。请选择要导入的组件。 These COM components are registered to run as in-process servers. Select the components you want to import.
2176以下是已注册的 COM 组件,在其中选择要导入的组件。 These are the registered COM components. Select the components you want to import.
2177旧版组件(&L) &Legacy Component
2178旧版组件导入向导 Legacy Component Import Wizard
2179此向导将帮助你导入旧版组件。 This wizard will help you import legacy components.
2180选择要为其分配默认分区的用户 Select users to assign default partition
2181正在升级 %s 旧版组件... Promoting %s Legacy Components...
&Configure My Computer
Configure My Computer
2186正在复制组件... Copying component(s)...
2187正在复制应用程序... Copying application(s)...
2188指定的分区 ID 已被 '%1' 使用
请使用另一个分区 ID。
The specified Partition ID is already in use by '%1'
Please use another Partition ID.
2191作为服务运行的应用程序不能使用交互式用户标识。 Applications that run as services cannot use the interactive user identity.
2192库和代理应用程序没有标识。 Library and Proxy applications do not have an identity.
2193\ \
2195CLSID %1、项目 %2 和标题 %3 具有名称值 AppID,但没有被记录在 \\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppId 下。要进行记录吗? The CLSID %1, item %2 and title %3 has the named value AppID, but is not recorded under \\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppId. Do you wish to record it?
2196DCOM 配置警告! DCOM Configuration Warning!
2197在同一分区内不允许有重复的 ProgID。请为被复制的组件分配新的 ProgID。 Duplicate ProgID's are not allowed within the same partition. Please assign a new ProgID for the copied component.
2198在同一分区内不允许有重复的 CLSID。请为被复制的组件分配新的 CLSID。 Duplicate CLSID's are not allowed within the same partition. Please assign a new CLSID for the copied component.
2199CopyOf. CopyOf.
2201COM+ 资源管理器找不到执行请求的操作所需的信息。这可能是由于系统资源(例如,内存)不足造成的。 The COM+ explorer was unable to locate information required to perform the requested action. This may be caused by running out of system resources such as memory.
22022203 指定的服务名称已经存在。请为应用程序服务选择另一个名称。 2203 The specified service name already exists. Please choose another name for the application service.
2204输入超出了范围。请输入一个介于 %1 和 %2 之间的数字。 Input out of range. Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
2205正在移动组件... Moving component(s)...
2206指定的分区不存在,或你没有权限执行请求的操作。请确认你是分区集的成员,而且此分区集包含正试图使用的分区。 The specified partition does not exist or you do not have permission to perform the requested action. Make sure that you are a member of a partition set that includes the partition you are trying to use.
2207请为 %3 输入一个介于 %1 和 %2 之间的数字。 Please enter a number between %1 and %2 for the %3.
2208应用程序池大小 Application Pool Size
2209最大并发播放机数 Maximum Concurrent Players
2210最小目标池大小 Minimum Object Pool Size
2211最大目标池大小 Maximum Object Pool Size
2212对象创建超时 Object Creation Timeout
2213事务超时 Transaction Timeout
2214在应用此更改之前,“应用程序作为 NT 服务运行”选项不可用。 The "Run application as NT Service" option will not be available until this change is applied.
2215确实要停止此服务吗? Do you want to stop this service?
2216你想停止这些服务吗? Do you want to stop these services?
2217无法停止应用程序 %s,由于下列服务对其有依赖关系且仍在运行: The application %s cannot be stopped, because the following service depends on it, and is still running:
2218由于 DTC 未运行,无法执行请求的操作。 The requested action cannot be performed because DTC is not running.
2219全局 Global
2220TCP 之上的面向连接的 Netbios Connection-oriented Netbios over TCP
2221IPX 之上的面向连接的 Netbios Connection-oriented Netbios over IPX
2222面向连接的 NetBEUI Connection-oriented NetBEUI
2223面向连接的 TCP/IP Connection-oriented TCP/IP
2224面向连接的命名管道 Connection-oriented named pipes
2225面向连接的 SPX Connection-oriented SPX
2226面向连接的 DECnet 传输 Connection-oriented DECnet transport
2227AppleTalk DSP AppleTalk DSP
2228面向连接的 Vines SPP 传输 Connection-oriented Vines SPP transport
2229数据报 UDP/IP Datagram UDP/IP
2230数据报 IPX Datagram IPX
2231Windows 计算机名 Windows Machine Name
2232四个八进制 Internet 地址或 DNS 主机名 Four octet Internet address or DNS host name
2233Internet 端口号 Internet Port Number
2234介于 0 至 255 之间的整数。(0 -32 已被保留)。 Integer between 0 and 255. (0 - 32 reserved).
2235Windows Server 名称(可带反斜杠) Windows Server name (backslashes optional)
2236Windows 命名管道 - 以“\\pipe”开始 Windows named pipe - start with "\\pipe"
2237... 默认系统协议 ... ... default system protocols ...
Invalid endpoint format. Expecting
2239介于 0 至 65535 之间的整数 Integer between 0 and 65535
2240IPX Internet 地址或 Windows 服务器名称 IPX Internet address or Windows server name
2241DECnet 区域和节点语法 DECnet area and node syntax
2242DECnet 阶段 IV 对象号码 DECnet phase IV object number
2243Windows 计算机名后可跟有 @ AT 区域 Windows machine name optionally followed by @ AT zone
2244AppleTalk 终结点字符串(最多 22 个字符) AppleTalk endpoint string (max 22 chars)
2245StreetTalk 服务器(item@group@organization) StreetTalk server (item@group@organization)
2246Vines SPP 端口号(250 - 511) Vines SPP port number (250 - 511)
2247隧道 TCP/IP Tunneling TCP/IP
2248选择要添加的 DCOM 网络协议序列。输入终结点的详细信息,并在完成后单击“确定”按钮。 Select the DCOM network protocol sequence that you want to add. Enter the endpoint details and click OK when you have finished.
2249选择 DCOM 协议和终结点 Select DCOM protocol and endpoint
2250如果需要,可以修改终结点的详细信息,并在完成后单击“确定”按钮。 Modify the endpoint details if desired and click OK when you have finished.
2251DCOM 终结点属性 DCOM Endpoint Properties
2252重复协议。 Duplicate protocol.
2253此应用程序中的旧版组件不能以 COM+ 1.0 格式导出。 The legacy components in this application can not be exported in COM+ 1.O format.
2254库应用程序具有其主机进程的回收和池属性。 Library applications have the recycling and pooling properties of their host process.
2255作为服务运行的应用程序不能被共用或回收。 Applications running as a service cannot be pooled or recycled.
2256内存限制 Memory Limit
2257调用限制 Call Limit
2258激活限制 Activation Limit
2259生存时间限制 Lifetime Limit
2260过期超时 Expiration Timeout
2262端口范围格式无效: 请使用单个数字(如 4000)或 xxxx-yyyy 格式的范围(如 4000-4010)。 Invalid port range format: Use a single number such as 4000 or a range in the form xxxx-yyyy such as 4000-4010.
2263默认访问权限 Default Access Permission
2264默认启动权限 Default Launch Permission
2265访问权限 Access Permission
2266启动和激活权限 Launch and Activation Permission
2267更改配置权限 Change Configuration Permission
2268多重选择 Multi Select
2269正在关闭进程... Shutting down process(s)...
2271回收 Recycling
2272当对访问权限进行强制检查时,在呼叫方或默认上下文中不能强制执行激活。 Activation cannot be forced in the caller's or the default context when access checks are enforced.
2273分区 GUID 不是有效的 GUID。 请按以下格式输入 GUID: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} The Partition GUID is not a valid GUID. Please enter a GUID in the following form: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
2274此 DCOM 服务器的客户端可以使用的协议和终结点集。系统默认项表示将使用的、此计算机上的默认 DCOM 协议和终结点集。 The set of protocols and endpoints available for use by clients of this DCOM server. The system defaults entry indicates that the default set of DCOM protocols and endpoints for the machine will be used.
2275事务列表 Transaction List
2276事务统计数据 Transaction Statistics
The name of this application already exists in the service control manager database either
as a service name or as another display name. Please choose another name.
2278找不到已在域上注册的分区。 No partitions were found registered on the Domain.
2279在试图启动此应用程序之前,必须先启用它。 You must enable this application before attempting to start it.
2281LocalServer32 LocalServer32
2282本地服务 Local Service
2283本地服务器 Local Server
2284本地路径: Local Path:
2287浏览文件夹 Browse for folder
2288已安装 Installed
2289已禁止对此分区进行更改。 Changes have been disabled for this partition.
2290已禁止对此应用程序进行更改。 Changes have been disabled for this application.
2291已将基本应用程序分区标记为禁止更改。分区当前不可见。可选择查看菜单中的“查看分区”项使分区可见。 The Base Application Partition has been marked changes disabled. Partitions are not currently visible. Partitions can be made visible by selecting the "View Partitions" item in the view menu.

导入组件不会注册接口和方法信息,而这些信息对基于角色的接口级和方法级安全以及 QC 功能是必需的。如果你的组件要求这些功能,请使用“安装新组件”而不是导入。
The wizard has gathered all necessary information to import the component.

Importing a component does not register interface and method information necessary for correct operation of interface- and method-level Role-based Security and QC features. If your component requires these features, use Component Install instead.

旧版组件不具有访问 COM+ 服务(如对象上下文、事务、同步等)的权限。
The wizard has gathered all necessary information to import the component.

Legacy components do not have access to COM+ services such as object context, transaction, synchronization, etc.
2294回收进程 Recycling Process(es)
2295NT 服务 NT Service
2298...安装新组件或事件类。 ...install new component(s) or event class(es).
2299安装组件 Install a Component
2300找不到此域和用户的帐户。请检查用户在指定域中是否具有有效的用户帐户。 An account for this domain and user could not be found. Check that the user has a valid user account in the specified domain.
2301当前身份验证级别不支持库应用程序。身份验证级别将更改为“默认”。 The current authentication level is not supported for library applications. The authentication level will be changed to "Default".
2302_LocalServer32 _LocalServer32
2303LocalServer LocalServer
2304_LocalServer _LocalServer
2305LocalService LocalService
2306_LocalService _LocalService
2307Appid Appid
2308复制组件 Copy Component(s)
2309要复制的组件: Components to copy:
2310未找到请求操作的有效目标应用程序。 No applications were found that are valid destinations for the requested action.
2311交互式用户 - 当前已登录的用户(&I) &Interactive user - the current logged on user
2312本地服务 - 内置服务帐户(&L)。 &Local Service - Built-in service account.
2313交互式用户/本地服务 - 服务器应用程序将作为“交互式用户”运行,
&Interactive User / Local Service - Server Applications will run as Interactive User,
Services will run as Local Service.
2314已为用户 %1 分配了默认分区。 User %1 has already been assigned a default partition.
2315默认安全 Default Security
2317接口 Interfaces
2318应用程序指令清单文件(&F): Application Manifest &File:
2319应用程序根目录(&D): Application Root &Directory:
2320浏览 Manifest 文件 Browse for Manifest File
2321Manifest 文件(*.dll;*.exe;*.xml)|*.dll;*.exe;*.xml|| Manifest Files (*.dll;*.exe;*.xml)|*.dll;*.exe;*.xml||
2322COM+ 分区安装向导 COM+ Partition Install Wizard
2323此向导将帮助你安装或新建分区。 This wizard will help you to install or create new partitions.
2325安装或新建分区 Install or Create a New Partition
2326选择是否安装以前导出的分区或创建空分区。 Please choose whether you want to install a previously exported partition or create an empty partition.
2327创建空分区 Create Empty Partition
2328指定新分区的名称。 Please specify the name of the new partition.
2329分区安装选项 Partition Installation Options
2330指定安装目录。 Please specify the install directory.
2331选择分区文件 Select Partition Files
2332指定包含要安装的分区的文件。 Please specify the files that contain the partitions you want to install.
2333角色 Role
2334完全控制 Full Control
2335读取 Read
2336查询值 Query Value
2337分区集值 Set Value
2338创建子项 Create Subkey
2339枚举子项 Enumerate Subkeys
2340通知 Notify
2341创建链接 Create Link
2342删除 Delete
2343写入 DAC Write DAC
2344写入所有者 Write Owner
2345读取控制 Read Control
2347注册表值 Registry Value
2348分区文件(*.MSI)|*.MSI|| Partition Files (*.MSI)|*.MSI||
2349分区导出信息 Partition Export Information
2350输入导出此分区所需的信息。 Please enter information required to export this partition.
2351COM+ 分区导出向导 COM+ Partition Export Wizard
2352此向导将帮助你导出分区。 This wizard will help you export a partition.
2353已成功导出分区。 The partition has been successfully exported.
2355服务器应用程序不能在系统服务帐户下运行。 Server applications cannot run under system service accounts.
2356Interactive User Interactive User
2357Network Service Network Service
2358Local Service Local Service
2359Local System Local System
2385配置为作为服务运行和与桌面交互的应用程序必须在“本地系统”下运行。 Applications that are configured to run as a service and interact with the desktop must run under Local System.
2386强制激活上下文时,忽略“上下文”属性。 Context properties are ignored when activation context is forced.
2387任何应用程序 Any Application
2388QC 信任的用户 QC Trusted User
2389阅读人员 Reader
2390服务器应用程序 Server Application
2391激活人员 Activator
2392System Application System Application
2393COM+ Utilities COM+ Utilities
2394COM+ Explorer COM+ Explorer
2395COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener
2396COM+ 分区目前已被禁用。 COM+ partitions are currently disabled.
2397网络服务 - 带有网络访问权限的内置服务帐户(&E) N&etwork Service - Built-in service account with network access
2398请添加应用程序角色。 Please add application roles.
2399添加应用程序角色 Add Application Roles
2400请向角色中添加用户。 Please add users to roles.
2401向角色中添加用户 Add Users to Roles
2411本地访问 Local Access
2412远程访问 Remote Access
2413本地启动 Local Launch
2414远程启动 Remote Launch
2415本地激活 Local Activation
2416远程激活 Remote Activation
2417安全限制 Security Limits
2418在安装下列应用程序时遇到错误: %1 Errors occurred while installing the following applications: %1
2450COM+ Event System COM+ Event System
2451支持系统事件通知服务 (SENS),此服务为订阅的组件对象模型 (COM) 组件提供自动分布事件功能。如果停止此服务,SENS 将关闭,而且不能提供登录和注销通知。如果禁用此服务,显式依赖此服务的其他服务都将无法启动。 Supports System Event Notification Service (SENS), which provides automatic distribution of events to subscribing Component Object Model (COM) components. If the service is stopped, SENS will close and will not be able to provide logon and logoff notifications. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
2453该事件类安全配置不允许每用户订阅中的名字对象。SubscriberMoniker: %1 The event class's security configuration does not allow monikers in per-user subscriptions. SubscriberMoniker: %1
2454订户对象为事件类 The subscriber object is an event class
2455该订户对象已指出,它不支持对事件的订阅 The subscriber object has indicated that it does not support being subscribed to events
2701关于 DAC(&A)... &About DAC...
2702类别 Category
2703当前 Current
2704峰值 Peak
2705平均 Average
2706状态 Status
2707工作 ID 的单位 Unit of Work ID
2708隔离级别 Isolation Level
2709严重性 Severity
2710 Source
2711消息 Message
2713继续 Continue
2714状态: 未知 Status: Unknown
2715状态: 正在启动 Status: Starting
2716状态: 已启动 %1 Status: Started %1
2717状态: 正在停止 Status: Stopping
2718状态: 已停止 Status: Stopped
2719状态: 正在暂停 Status: Pausing
2720状态: 已暂停 Status: Paused
2721状态: 错误 Status: Error
2722最小化(&N) Mi&nimize
2723还原(&R) &Restore
2724MS DTC 管理控制台 MS DTC Admin Console
2725无法初始化 UI 客户端组件。
Could not initialize the UI Client Component.
2726DTC 管理控制台 - 未连接 DTC Admin Console - Not Connected
2727DTC 管理控制台 - 已连接 DTC Admin Console - Connected
2728打开数: Num. Open:
2729提交数: Num. Committed:
2730中止数: Num. Aborted:
2731不确定数: Num. In Doubt:
2732启发数: Num. Heuristic:
2733DTC 管理控制台 - 正在连接 DTC Admin Console - Connecting
2734关闭(&O) Cl&ose
2735常规(&G) &General
2736事务(&T) &Transactions
2737跟踪(&E) Trac&e
2738统计数据(&S) &Statistics
2739高级(&A) &Advanced
2740MSDTC 服务 MSDTC Service
2741Windows 95 Windows 95
2743(处于活动状态) (active)
2745(正在准备) (preparing)
2747(准备完毕) (prepared)
2749(正在提交) (committing)
2751(已提交) (comitted)
2753(正在中止) (aborting)
2755(已中止) (aborted)
2757(不确定) (in doubt)
2759(启发式提交) (heuristic commit)
2761(启发式中止) (heuristic abort)
2763(启发式危险) (heuristic danger)
2765(启发式损坏) (heuristic damage)
2767(强制提交) (forced commit)
2768(强制中止) (forced abort)
2770(仅无法通知) (only failed to notify)
2771207 207
2772143 143
2773父层 / 子层 Parent / Subordinate
2774ID ID
2775重置(&R) &Reset
2776(无法通知提交) (cannot notify commit)
2777(无法通知中止) (cannot notify abort)
2781无效的日志大小。 Invalid log size.
2782输入 1 MB 以上的日志大小。 Please enter a log size of 1 MB or more.
2783未提交的更改 Uncommitted changes

Changes to the configuration have not been applied.

Continue without applying changes?
必须重新安装 MS DTC 服务器以重置协调器。
Cannot set the default coordinator to be this computer.
You have to re-install the MS DTC server to reset the default coordinator setup.
2786无法加载访问注册表函数所需的联系管理器组件。 Could not load the contact manager component needed to access registry functions.
A default transaction coordinator already exists in your local registry.
Replace existing entry ?
2788选定的网络计算机没有安装事务处理协调器。请选择另一台计算机。 The network computer you have selected does not have a transaction coordinator installed. Please try a different computer.
2796时间 %1 - %2 at %1 - %2
2797Distributed Transaction Coordinator Distributed Transaction Coordinator
2798协调跨多个数据库、消息队列、文件系统等资源管理器的事务。如果停止此服务,这些事务将会失败。如果禁用此服务,显式依赖此服务的其他服务将无法启动。 Coordinates transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. If this service is stopped, these transactions will fail. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
2799无效的日志位置。请选择一个本地固定设备作为日志位置。 Invalid log location. Please select a local fixed device for the location of the log.
2800无效的日志位置。日志文件必须位于共享群集设备上。 Invalid log location. The log file must be located on a shared cluster device.
2801无效的日志大小。日志文件大小必须介于 1Mb 和 MaxLogSize (默认值 = 512MB)之间。请将 MaxLogSize 配置为更大的值。 Invalid log size. The log file must be between 1Mb and MaxLogSize (Default = 512MB) in size. Please configure MaxLogSize to a larger value.
2802正在工作... Working...
2803选择计算机 Select Computer
2804无法加载 netapi32.dll Unable to load netapi32.dll
2805无法从 netapi32.dll 中加载系统函数 Unable to load a system function from netapi32.dll
请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系(错误: %d)。
Error opening the key for workgroup in the system registry.
Please contact Microsoft product support (error: %d).
请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系(错误: %d)。
Error reading the value for workgroup in the system registry.
Please contact Microsoft product support (error: %d).
2808无法将 MS DTC 日志文件复制到共享磁盘。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to copy the MS DTC log file to the shared disk. Please contact product support.
2809尝试读取与任何以前安装的 MS DTC 相关的信息时出错。请与产品支持联系。 An error occurred while trying to read information about any previous installations of MS DTC. Please contact product support.
2810尝试读取与任何以前安装的 MS DTC 群集相关的信息时出错。请与产品支持联系。 An error occurred while trying to read information about any previous cluster-aware installations of MS DTC. Please contact product support.
2811无法获取群集中虚拟服务器的列表。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to get a list of the virtual servers in the cluster. Please contact product support.
2812无法获取群集中共享磁盘的列表。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to get a list of the shared disks in the cluster. Please contact product support.
2813安装程序发现当前群集配置中不包含任何可在其中创建 MS DTC 资源的资源组。MS DTC 安装程序要求群集中至少包含一个资源组,并且其中包含网络名称资源和共享磁盘资源。安装程序还要求运行安装程序的群集中的第一个节点拥有此资源组的所有权。请在相应更改群集配置之后重新运行安装程序。 Setup found that the current configuration of the cluster does not contain any resource groups in which the MS DTC resource can be created. Setup of MS DTC requires that the cluster contain at least one resource group that contains both a network name resource and a shared disk resource. Setup also requires that this resource group be owned by the first node in the cluster on which setup is run. Please re-run setup after the appropriate changes to the cluster configuration have been made.
2814安装程序发现此节点不拥有任何网络名称资源的所有权,且这是安装程序第一次在群集中的节点上运行。MS DTC 安装程序要求群集中至少包含一个资源组,并且其中包含网络名称资源和共享磁盘资源。安装程序还要求运行安装程序的群集中的第一个节点拥有此资源组的所有权。请在相应更改群集配置之后重新运行安装程序。 Setup found that none of the network name resources are owned by this node and that this is the first time that setup was run on any node in the cluster. Setup of MS DTC requires that the cluster contain at least one resource group that contains both a network name resource and a shared disk resource. Setup also requires that this resource group be owned by the first node in the cluster on which setup is run. Please re-run setup after the appropriate changes to the cluster configuration have been made.
2815无法创建 MS DTC 日志文件目录。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to create the MS DTC log file's directory. Please contact product support.
2816Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator 安装 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Setup
2817无法在 MS DTC 日志文件上设置属性。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to set the attributes on the MS DTC log file. Please contact product support.
2818无法启动 MS DTC 进程。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to launch the MS DTC process. Please contact product support.
2819无法在群集的主节点上安装 MS DTC。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to install MS DTC on a master node in the cluster. Please contact product support.
2820尝试安装 MS DTC 时发生未知错误。请与产品支持联系。 An unknown error occured while trying to install MS DTC. Please contact product support.
2821无法在群集的次节点上安装 MS DTC。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to install MS DTC on a secondary node in the cluster. Please contact product support.
2822无法在群集上升级 MS DTC。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to upgrade the MS DTC installation on the cluster. Please contact product support.
2823安装程序检测到已安装了一个不兼容的 MS DTC 版本。无法继续安装 MS DTC。 Setup detected an incompatible version of MS DTC installed. Setup cannot continue installing MS DTC.
2824安装程序不允许滚动升级 MS DTC。安装程序正在退出。 Setup does not allow rolling upgrades of MS DTC. Setup is exiting.
2825安装 MS DTC 的第一个节已停止工作。请启动此节点并重新运行安装程序。 The first node on which MS DTC was installed is down. Please start that node and re-run setup.
2826无法安装 MS DTC。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to install MS DTC. Please contact product support.
2827MS DTC 安装程序已成功完成。 The MS DTC Setup completed sucessfully.
2828安装程序已成功写入了允许 MS DTC 在此群集节点上运行的配置信息。继续之前,请在群集中的所有其他节点上运行安装程序。 Setup has sucessfully populated configuration information to allow MS DTC to run on this cluster node. Please run setup on all other nodes in the cluster before continuing.
2829由于无法完全移除所有旧版本的 MS DTC,安装程序失败。请确认已关闭所有使用 MS DTC 的应用程序,并且“控制面板”窗口也已关闭。如果此问题仍然存在,请与产品支持联系。 Setup failed because it was unable to completely remove all older versions of MS DTC. Please make sure that all applications using MS DTC are shut down and that the Control Panel window is closed. If this problem persists please contact product support.
2830安装程序检测到已安装了新版本的 MS DTC。因此,安装程序将退出而不做任何更改。 Setup determined that a newer version of MS DTC is installed, hence setup will exit without performing any changes.
2831由于无法安装 MS DTC 性能计数器扩展,安装程序失败。如果此问题持续存在,请与产品支持联系。 Setup failed because it was unable to install the performance counter extension for MS DTC. If this problem persists please contact product support.
2832无法关闭 MS DTC 进程。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to shutdown the MS DTC process. Please contact product support.
2833日志目录无效。日志位置不是有效的目录名称。 Invalid log directory. The log location is not a valid directory name.
2834日志目录不存在。要新建一个目录吗? Log directory does not exist. Do you wish to create a new directory?
2835MSDTC 服务将被停止并重新启动。所有依赖服务都将停止。使用 MSDTC 的应用程序可能需要重新启动才能使用新的设置。
The MSDTC service will be stopped and restarted. All dependent services will be stopped. Applications using MSDTC may need to be restarted to use the new settings.
Please press yes to proceed.
2836已重新启动 MSDTC 服务 The MSDTC service has been restarted
2837输入一个有效帐户 Please enter a valid account
2838密码不匹配,请再试一次 There is a mismatch between the passwords, please try again
2839无法更新安全属性。详细信息,请检查事件日志。 Failed to update the security attributes. Please examine the eventlog for further details.
2840无法停止 MS DTC 服务。详细信息,请检查事件日志。 Failed to stop the MS DTC service. Please examine the eventlog for further details.
2841无法重新启动 MS DTC 服务。详细信息,请检查事件日志。 Failed to restart the MS DTC service. Please examine the eventlog for further details.
2842MS DTC 服务的状态未知或处于失控状态。请停止 MS DTC 服务,然后重试。 MS DTC service is in an unknown or uncontrollable state. Please try to stop the MS DTC service and try again
2843必须指定远程主机。 A remote host machine must be specified.
2844指定的远程主机不存在。 The specified remote host machine does not exist.
2845MSDTC 服务以及依赖 MSDTC 服务的所有服务都将停止。确实要继续吗? The MSDTC service and all the services that depend on MSDTC service will be stopped.Do you wish to proceed?
2846选定目录中已存在 MS DTC 日志文件。重置现有 MS DTC 日志文件可能会导致数据库与其他事务资源管理器不一致。继续之前,请查阅 MS DTC 管理员手册。确实要重置现有 MS DTC 日志文件吗? An MS DTC log file already exists in the selected directory. Resetting an existing MS DTC log file may cause your databases and other transactional resource managers to become inconsistent. Please review the MS DTC Administrator's Manual before proceeding. Do you wish to reset the existing MS DTC log file?
2847内存不足。 Out of memory.
2848无法初始化 MS DTC 管理控制台常规页 Could not initialize the MS DTC Admin Console General Page
2849无法定位 MS DTC 配置接口。 Could not locate the MS DTC configuration interface.
2850MS DTC 日志大小无效。 The size of the MS DTC log is invalid.
2851找不到 MS DTC 日志磁盘设备。请为 MS DTC 日志文件选择一个新位置。 Could not find the MS DTC log disk device. Please select a new location for the MS DTC log file.
2852MS DTC 日志文件的磁盘空间不足。 Insufficient disk space for the MS DTC log file.
2853无法连接到 MS DTC 统计数据组件。 Could not connect to the MS DTC statistics component.
2854无法连接到 MS DTC 事务列表。 Could not connect to the MS DTC transaction list.
2855无法获取 DTC 日志路径。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to get the DTC log path. Please contact product support.
2856无法获取 DTC 服务名称。请与产品支持联系。 Failed to get the DTC service name. Please contact product support.
2857本地 DTC Local DTC
2858群集 DTC Clustered DTCs
2859试图从先前的错误恢复时发生错误。DTC 可能不能正常工作。 An error occured attempting to recover from a previous error. DTC may not work correctly.
2860日志记录 Logging
2861更改 DTC 帐户时发生错误。请再试一次。 An error occured changing the DTC account. Please try again.
2863所指定的远程主机名过长。 The specified remote host name is too long.
2864选择将包含 DTC 日志文件的文件夹。 Select the folder that will contain the DTC log file.
2865跟踪 Tracing
2866所指定的最大缓冲区数目超出范围。有效值介于 1 到 999 之间。 The specified maximum buffer count is out of range. Valid values are between 1 to 999.
2867处理 MSDTC 的事务列表时出错。该列表可能错误。 An error occured processing the transaction list from MSDTC. The list may not be correct.
2868无法获取远程主机的安全配置。 Failed to get the security configuration for the remote host.
2869所指定的远程主机不允许远程管理。 The specified remote host does not allow remote administration.
2870指定的远程主机名称无效。 The specified remote host name is invalid.
2871无法从该群集节点更改日志设置。请打开此 MSDTC 资源当前的宿主节点上的组件服务,然后重试。 The log settings cannot be changed from this cluster node. Please open Component Services on the node that is currently hosting this MSDTC resource and try again.
2946KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
2947协调分布式事务处理协调器(MSDTC)和内核事务管理器(KTM)之间的事务。如果不需要,建议保持该服务的停止状态。如果需要,MSDTC 和 KTM 将自动启动该服务。如果此服务已禁用,任何与内核资源管理器交互的 MSDTC 事务将失败,并且任何显式依赖它的服务将无法启动。 Coordinates transactions between the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) and the Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM). If it is not needed, it is recommended that this service remain stopped. If it is needed, both MSDTC and KTM will start this service automatically. If this service is disabled, any MSDTC transaction interacting with a Kernel Resource Manager will fail and any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
2948DCOM 计算机范围设置 DCOM Machine wide settings
2949你将要修改计算机范围的 DCOM 设置,这将影响该计算机上的所有应用程序,并且某些应用程序可能因此无法正常工作。是否更新 DCOM 设置? You are about to modify machine wide DCOM settings, which will affect all the applications on the machine, and some applications may not work correctly as a result. Update DCOM settings?
2950DTC MMC 管理单元 DTC MMC Snap-in
2951DTC MMC 属性表扩展 DTC MMC Property-sheet extension
3101分布式事务处理协调器 Distributed Transaction Coordinator
3102Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator 资源 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resource
3200忽略 Ignore
3201一般 Normal
3202严重 Severe
3203非常严重 Critical
3204手动 Manual
3205自动 Automatic
3211Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
3400COM+ 网络访问 COM+ Network Access
3401COM+ 网络访问(DCOM-In) COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In)
3402允许 COM+ 网络访问的 DCOM 通信的入站规则。[TCP 135] Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic for COM+ Network Access. [TCP 135]
3405COM+ 远程管理 COM+ Remote Administration
3406COM+ 远程管理(DCOM-In) COM+ Remote Administration (DCOM-In)
3407允许到 COM+ 系统应用程序的 DCOM 通信以实现远程管理的入站规则。 Inbound rule to allow DCOM traffic to the COM+ System Application for remote administration.
3411管理 COM+ 应用程序、COM 和 DCOM 系统配置,以及分布式事务处理协调器。 Manage COM+ applications, COM and DCOM system configuration, and the Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
70000,Root 0,Root
70200,计算机,0x00000000, 0,Computers,0x00000000,
70221,1,119534,0x00000000,22 1,1,119534,0x00000000,22
70241,11,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,11,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
70258 8
70261,14,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,14,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
70281,300,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,300,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
70301,301,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,301,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
70321,302,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,302,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
71000,COM+ 应用程序,0x00000010, 0,COM+ Applications,0x00000010,
71101,3,124626,0x00000000,60 1,3,124626,0x00000000,60
72000,组件,0x00000000, 0,Components,0x00000000,
72101,4,119538,0x00000000,20 1,4,119538,0x00000000,20
72151,30,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,30,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
72500,接口,0x00000000, 0,Interfaces,0x00000000,
72601,9,119540, 1,9,119540,
72651,31,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,31,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
72700,方法,0x00000000, 0,Methods,0x00000000,
72751,10,119542, 1,10,119542,
72801,32,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,32,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
73000,订阅,0x00000000, 0,Subscriptions,0x00000000,
73101,34,119550, 1,34,119550,
73151,37,0,0xFFFFFFFF, 1,37,0,0xFFFFFFFF,
74000,旧版组件,0x21000000, 0,Legacy Components,0x21000000,
74101,45,0, 1,45,0,
74400,角色,0x00010000, 0,Roles,0x00010000,
74501,7,119546, 1,7,119546,
74600,用户,0x00000000, 0,Users,0x00000000,
74701,8,119548, 1,8,119548,
75200,角色,0x00100000, 0,Roles,0x00100000,
75301,36,119546, 1,36,119546,
80000,COM+ 分区,0x20000001, 0,COM+ Partitions,0x20000001,
80501,40,0, 1,40,0,
81000,COM+ 应用程序,0x00000000, 0,COM+ Applications,0x00000000,
84000,旧版组件,0x01000100, 0,Legacy Components,0x01000100,
86320,角色,0x00000002, 0,Roles,0x00000002,
86341,42,119546, 1,42,119546,
86381,43,119548, 1,43,119548,
87700,COM+ 分区用户,0x20000001, 0,COM+ Partition Users,0x20000001,
87711,41,0, 1,41,0,
88000,DCOM 配置,0x10000000, 0,DCOM Config,0x10000000,
88011,305,0, 1,305,0,
94000,正在运行的进程,0x20000000, 0,Running Processes,0x20000000,
94051,51,0, 1,51,0,
94171,52,0, 1,52,0,
94211,53,0, 1,53,0,
99999 9
13400此功能允许远程激活 COM+ 组件(使用 DCOM) This feature allows remote activation of COM+ components (Uses DCOM)
13405此功能允许远程管理 COM+ 服务器(使用 DCOM) This feature allows remote administration of a COM+ server (Uses DCOM)
Create a new object
Create a new object
0x200%1%0 %1%0
0x10000038经典 Classic
0x40000306mtstocom 启动例程已开始。%1%0 The mtstocom launching routine has started.%1%0
0x40000307mtstocom 启动例程已完成。%1%0 The mtstocom launching routine has completed.%1%0
0x40000308由于第一次尝试失败,MTSTOCOM 迁移实用工具正尝试重新写入数据包集。%1%0 The mtstocom migration utility is attempting to retry populating the packages collection because it failed its first attempt.%1%0
0x40000309应用程序映像转储成功。%1%0 Application image succesfully dumped.%1%0
0x4000030A应用程序映像转储失败。%1%0 Application image dump failed.%1%0
0x4000030BMSMQ 工作组配置不会为已启用安全的 COM+ 应用程序提供发送者标识。此用法可以接受。%1%0 MSMQ Workgroup configuration does not provide sender identity for a COM+ application that has security enabled. The usage is accepted.%1%0
0x4000030C已启用安全的 COM+ 应用程序禁用 MSMQ 消息身份验证。此用法可以接受。%1%0 MSMQ Message Authentication disabled for a COM+ application that has security enabled. The usage is accepted.%1%0
0x4000030DCOM+ 子系统正在取消 %1 秒持续时间内重复的事件日志项。可以通过下列注册表项下名为 %2 的 REG_DWORD 值控制取消超时: HKLM\\%3。 The COM+ sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of %1 seconds. The suppression timeout can be controlled by a REG_DWORD value named %2 under the following registry key: HKLM\\%3.
0x4000030E平均连接时间超过了配置的阈值。%1%0 The average call duration has exceeded the configured threshold.%1%0
0x4000030F平均连接时间超过了 10 分钟。如果这不是预期的表现,请参阅 中的 Microsoft 知识库文章 910904 获取有关如何使用 COM++ AutoDump 功能自动生成转储文件和/或在该问题再次出现时终止该过程的详细信息。%1%0 The average call duration has exceeded 10 minutes. If this is not the expected behavior, please see article 910904 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at for details on how to use the COM+ AutoDump feature to automatically generate dump files and/or terminate the process if the problem occurs again.%1%0
0x40001001MS DTC 以下面的设置启动(OFF = 0 且 ON = 1):%r%r 正在过滤重复的事件 = %7%r 安全性配置:%r 事务的网络管理员 = %1,%r 网络客户端 = %2,%r 使用本机 MSDTC 协议的入站分布式事务 = %3,%r 使用本机 MSDTC 协议的出站分布式事务 = %4,%r 事务 Internet 协议(TIP) = %5,%r XA 事务 = %6%0 MS DTC started with the following settings (OFF = 0 and ON = 1):%r%r Filtering Duplicate events = %7%r Security Configuration:%r Network Administration of Transactions = %1,%r Network Clients = %2,%r Inbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = %3,%r Outbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = %4,%r Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = %5,%r XA Transactions = %6%0
0x40001002无法将 MS DTC 错误代码转换为相应的 MS DTC 错误消息。MS DTC 错误代码是: %1。%0 Unable to translate the MS DTC error code to the appropriate MS DTC error message. The MS DTC error code was: %1.%0
0x40001003你没有在此系统上管理 MS DTC 的权限。MS DTC 管理功能将被禁用。%0 You do not have permissions to manage the MS DTC on this system. MS DTC administrative functionality will be disabled.%0
0x40001004Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC)%0 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC)%0
0x40001008已成功安装 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator 服务。%0 The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator service was successfully installed.%0
0x40001009已成功移除 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator 服务。%0 The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator service was successfully removed.%0
0x4000100C按 Ctrl+C 退出。%0 Press Ctrl+C to exit.%0
0x4000100E清除追踪消息?%0 Clear trace messages?%0
0x4000100F正在停止 MS DTC 服务。%0 The MS DTC service is stopping.%0
0x4000101C已启动MS DTC 日志记录。%0 MS DTC logging has started.%0
0x4000101D已解压缩 MS DTC 日志文件。%0 The MS DTC log file has been decompressed.%0
0x4000101E正在关闭 MS DTC 日志管理器。%0 The MS DTC Log Manager is stopping.%0
0x40001020MS DTC 日志管理器已获取了检测点。%0 The MS DTC Log Manager has taken a checkpoint.%0
0x40001021在执行系统还原操作之后,重置了 MS DTC 日志。%0 The MS DTC log was reset following a system restore operation.%0
0x40001022MSDTC 服务以及依赖 MSDTC 服务的所有服务都将停止。确实要继续吗? %0 The MSDTC service and all the services that depend on MSDTC service will be stopped.Do you wish to proceed?%0
0x40001026选定目录中已经存在 MS DTC 日志文件。重置现有 MS DTC 日志文件可能会导致数据库与其他事务资源管理器不一致。继续之前,请查阅 MS DTC 管理员手册。确实要重置现有 MS DTC 日志文件吗?%0 An MS DTC log file already exists in the selected directory. Resetting an existing MS DTC log file may cause your databases and other transactional resource managers to become inconsistent. Please review the MS DTC Administrator's Manual before proceeding. Do you wish to reset the existing MS DTC log file?%0
0x4000102E日志客户端报告已获取了检测点。%0 A log client has reported taking a checkpoint.%0
0x4000102FMS DTC 检测到自上次启动 MS DTC 服务后发生了 DC 升级。%0 MS DTC has detected that a DC Promotion has happened since the last time the MS DTC service was started.%0
0x40001030MS DTC 检测到自上次启动 MS DTC 服务后发生了 DC 降级。%0 MS DTC has detected that a DC Demotion has happened since the last time the MS DTC service was started.%0
0x4000103C字符串信息: %1.%0 String message: %1.%0
0x4000103D发现并更新了一个以前由 SQL Server 6.5 安装的 MS DTC 版本。%0 A version of MS DTC that was previously installed by SQL Server 6.5 has been found and updated.%0
0x40001146MS DTC 已处理一个系统还原事件。因此,已重置事务日志,且已更改事务管理器的标识。%0 MS DTC has processed a system restore event. As a result the transaction log has been reset and the identity of the transaction manager has been changed.%0
0x4000115F正在离开 MSDTC 日志存储警告限制。%0 Leaving MSDTC log storage warning limits.%0
0x40001211EventSystem 子系统正在取消 %1 秒持续时间内重复的事件日志项。可以通过下列注册表项下名为 %2 的 REG_DWORD 值控制取消超时: HKLM\\%3。 The EventSystem sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of %1 seconds. The suppression timeout can be controlled by a REG_DWORD value named %2 under the following registry key: HKLM\\%3.
0x40001212COM+ Event System 对发布者 %4 和订阅者 %5 的事件类 %3 启动了 %2 方法,但是该订阅者返回了一个错误。订阅的显示名称为“%6”。订阅者返回了 HRESULT %1。%0 The COM+ Event System fired the %2 method on event class %3 for publisher %4 and subscriber %5 but the subscriber returned an error. The display name of the subscription is \"%6\". The subscriber returned HRESULT %1.%0
0x4000D022版权所有 (c) Microsoft。保留所有权利。%0 Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.%0
0x4000D023DTC 安全配置值(OFF = 0 且 ON = 1): 事务的网络管理员 = %1,%r 网络客户端 = %2,%r 使用本机 MSDTC 协议的入站分布式事务 = %3,%r 使用本机 MSDTC 协议的出站分布式事务 = %4,%r 事务 Internet 协议(TIP) = %5,%r XA 事务 = %6%r SNA LU 6.2 事务 = %7%0 DTC Security Configuration values (OFF = 0 and ON = 1): Network Administration of Transactions = %1,%r Network Clients = %2,%r Inbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = %3,%r Outbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = %4,%r Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = %5,%r XA Transactions = %6,%r SNA LU 6.2 Transactions = %7%0
0x4000D024在 MS DTC 安装过程中,删除 dtclog 目录的尝试失败。在将日志目录的位置更改为 msdtc 时,执行此操作。当 dtclog 目录非空时可能发生这种情况。内部信息: %1。%0 During the MS DTC installation, the attempt to delete the dtclog directory failed. This was done since the location of the log directory has been changed to msdtc. This can happen if the dtclog directory is not empty. Internal Information : %1. %0
0x4000D025MS DTC 安装程序发现 MS DTC 的现有群集资源是较新版本。因此,不必进行升级。%1%0 MS DTC setup has determined that the existing cluster resource for MS DTC is of a newer version. Therefore no upgrade of the installation is necessary. %1%0
0x40020303创建了新的 CRM 日志文件。因为应用程序标识是“交互用户”或文件系统不是 NTFS,此 CRM 日志文件是不安全的。%1%0 A new CRM log file was created. This CRM log file is not secure because the application Identity is Interactive User or the file system is not NTFS. %1%0
0x40020304创建了新的 CRM 日志文件。此 CRM 日志文件是安全的。%1%0 A new CRM log file was created. This CRM log file is secure. %1%0
0x40020305为系统应用程序创建了一个新的 CRM 日志文件。%0 A new CRM log file was created for the System Application.%0
0x70000001SVC%0 SVC%0
0x70000002TM%0 TM%0
0x70000003CM%0 CM%0
0x70000004LOG%0 LOG%0
0x70000005XATM%0 XATM%0
0x70000006MTXOCI%0 MTXOCI%0
0x70000007ASC 运行时%0 ASC Runtime%0
0x70000008未知%0 Unknown%0
0x70000009XOleHlp%0 XOleHlp%0
0x7000000AMSDTC 代理%0 MSDTC Proxy%0
0x7000000BTIP 网关%0 TIP Gateway%0
0x7000000CTCP 连接管理器%0 TCP Connection Manager%0
0x7000000D跟踪结构%0 Tracing Infrastructure%0
0x7000000E群集%0 Cluster%0
0x7000000FMSDTC 用户接口%0 MSDTC User Interface%0
0x70000029KTMRM%0 KTMRM%0
0x7000002AMSDTC 安装程序%0 MSDTC Setup%0
0x72000010事件系统%0 Event System%0
0x72000011事件服务%0 Event Service%0
0x72000012触发代理%0 Firing Agent%0
0x73000013配置%0 Configuration%0
0x73000014通知%0 Notification%0
0x73000015执行%0 Executive%0
0x73000016编录%0 Catalog%0
0x73000017SPM%0 SPM%0
0x73000018QC 记录器%0 QC Recorder%0
0x73000019QC 侦听器帮助器%0 QC ListenerHelper%0
0x7300001AQC 播放机%0 QC Player%0
0x7300001BQC 侦听器%0 QC Listener%0
0x7300001CCRM%0 CRM%0
0x7300001D安全%0 Security%0
0x7300001E激活%0 Activation%0
0x7300001FBYOT%0 BYOT%0
0x73000020QC 队列管理%0 QC Queue Admin%0
0x73000021队列标记%0 Queue Moniker%0
0x73000022MTS 2.0 迁移%0 MTS 2.0 Migration%0
0x73000023外部%0 External%0
0x73000024事件%0 Events%0
0x73000025QC 封送%0 QC Marshal%0
0x73000026QC MSMQ 运行时%0 QC MSMQ Runtime%0
0x73000027新建标记%0 New Moniker%0
0x73000028进程转储%0 Process Dump%0
0x7300002B%0 %0
0x8000101FMS DTC 日志文件已换行。%0 The MS DTC log file has wrapped.%0
0x8000102A读取日志时达到文件结尾。%0 End of file reached while reading the log.%0
0x8000102B所请求的记录在 MS DTC 日志文件中不存在。%0 The requested record does not exist in the MS DTC log file.%0
0x8000102C已超过最大异步日志写入次数。%0 The maximum number of asynchronous log writes has been exceeded.%0
0x8000102D遇到未知的消息类型。%0 Unknown message type encountered.%0
0x8000102E消息长度不正确。%0 Message length incorrect.%0
0x8000102F不正确的消息值。%0 Bad message value.%0
0x80001031传递 MS DTC 事务 ID \"%3\" 的“提交数”时,从 LU 伙伴 \"%1\" 收到 LU 事务\"%2\" 的启发式中止(RESET)或启发式混合 COMPARE STATE。%0 Heuristic aborting (RESET) or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner \"%1\" for LU Transaction \"%2\" when delivering Committed for MS DTC Transaction Id \"%3\".%0
0x80001032传递 MS DTC 事务 ID \"%3\" 的“中止数”(RESET)时,从 LU 伙伴 \"%1\" 收到 LU 事务 \"%2\" 的启发式提交或启发式混合 COMPARE STATE。%0 Heuristic committed or heuristic mixed COMPARE STATES received from LU Partner \"%1\" for LU Transaction \"%2\" when delivering Aborting (RESET) for MS DTC Transaction Id \"%3\".%0
0x80001033启动 MS DTC 时,MS DTC 检测到群集服务已进行配置但未运行。MS DTC 将继续启动,但不会进行故障转移。此外,如果已启动群集服务,请关闭此 MS DTC 实例,因为它将变为不可用。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC has determined that the cluster service is configured but not running when MS DTC was started. MS DTC will continue to startup but it will not failover. Additionally, if the cluster service is started then please shut down this instance of MS DTC as it will become unusable. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x80001034在此群集节点上的群集服务启动之前,MS DTC 服务已启动。此服务将被停止。如果已将 MSDTC 配置为在群集上运行,则在群集服务启动时,群集服务将使 MS DTC 资源变为联机。错误说明: %1%0 The MS DTC service was started before the cluster service on this cluster node. This service will now be stopped. If MSDTC has been configured to run on a cluster, the MS DTC resource will be brought online by the cluster service when it starts. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x80001035MSDTC 日志文件已从一个磁盘移动到另一个磁盘。因此,MSDTC 资源对存储日志文件的磁盘的依赖项已被移除。错误说明: %1%0 The MSDTC log file was moved from one disk to another. As a result, the dependency of the MSDTC resource on the disk where the log file used to be located has been removed. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x80001036MSDTC 日志文件已从一个磁盘移动到另一个磁盘。因此,已为 MSDTC 资源新添加了对 MSDTC 日志当前所在磁盘的依赖项。错误说明: %1%0 The MSDTC log file has been moved from one disk to another. As a result, a new dependency on the disk where MSDTC log is now located has been added for the MSDTC resource. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x80001037MSDTC TM 无法确定传入连接请求是否来自远程计算机。出于安全考虑,此连接请求将作为远程连接请求处理。如果没有启用 NetworkClient 安全选项,将导致 MSDTC TM 拒绝此连接企图。这会导致应用程序报告 TM 不可用。 错误说明: %1%0 The MSDTC TM could not determine if an incoming connection request is from a remote machine. For security reasons, it will treat this connection request as a remote connection request. If the NetworkClients security option is not enabled, this can cause it to reject this connection attempt. This can cause applications to report that the TM is not available. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x80001038MS DTC 服务启动期间可能会被挂起。如果不能启动,MSDTC 将最终终止。调试上下文如下: %1 %0 The MS DTC Service may be hung during startup. MSDTC will eventually terminate if it cannot startup. Debugging context follows: %1 %0
0x80001102COM+ Event System 无法为发布者 %4 和订阅者 %5 启动事件类 %3 的 %2 方法。订阅的显示名称为 \"%6\"。HRESULT 为 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System failed to fire the %2 method on event class %3 for publisher %4 and subscriber %5. The display name of the subscription is \"%6\". The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x80001103COM+ Event System 无法确定当前用户的名称。对 %3 的调用返回错误代码 %1: \"%2\"%0 The COM+ Event System could not determine the name of the current user. A call to %3 returned error code %1: \"%2\"%0
0x80001104COM+ Event System 无法创建订阅者 %2 的实例。%3 返回 HRESULT %1。%0 The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the subscriber %2. %3 returned HRESULT %1.%0
0x80001105由于查询条件字符串 \"%3\" 中包含错误,COM+ Event System 无法启动订阅 %2 的 EventObjectChange 事件。条件字符串中错误的大概位置位于字符串索引 %4;在此位置上的条件子字符是 \"%5\"。HRESULT 是 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System could not fire an EventObjectChange event to subscription %2 because the query criteria string \"%3\" contained an error. The approximate location of the error in the criteria string is at character index %4; the criteria sub-text at this location is \"%5\". The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x80001106由于筛选时检测到错误的 HRESULT,COM+ Event System 无法启动订阅 %2 的 EventObjectChange 事件。HRESULT 为 %1.%0 The COM+ Event System could not fire an EventObjectChange event to subscription %2 because a bad HRESULT was detected during filtering. The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x80001107无法加载 EventClass %3(\"%4\")中指定的类库 \"%2\",或此类库对此 EventClass 不正确。 HRESULT 为 %1。%0 The type library \"%2\" specified in EventClass %3 (\"%4\") could not be loaded, or is not correct for this EventClass. The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x80001109COM+ Event System 检测到已损坏的 IEventClass 对象。COM+ Event System 已移除对象 ID %2。发布者将不能再创建类的实例。HRESULT 是 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System detected a corrupt IEventClass object. The COM+ Event System has removed object ID %2. The publisher will no longer be able to create an instance of the class. The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x8000110ACOM+ Event System 检测到已损坏的 IEventSubscription 对象。COM+ Event System 已移除对象 ID %1。事件发生时,订阅者将不再接到通知。%0 The COM+ Event System detected a corrupt IEventSubscription object. The COM+ Event System has removed object ID %1. The subscriber will no longer be notified when the event occurs.%0
0x80001151COM+ 组件中发生错误。 %1%0 An error occurred in your COM+ component. %1%0
0x80001152对 COM+ 应用程序中对象的方法调用被拒绝,因为调用者未被正确授权进行此调用。COM+ 应用程序被配置为使用应用程序级和组件级访问权限检查,并且目前已启用了对这些权限的强制检查。此消息的其他部分提供了调用者尝试调用的组件方法以及调用者标识的相关信息。%1%0 A method call to an object in a COM+ application was rejected because the caller is not properly authorized to make this call. The COM+ application is configured to use Application and Component level access checks, and enforcement of these checks is currently enabled. The remainder of this message provides information about the component method that the caller attempted to invoke and the identity of the caller.%1%0
0x80001153对 COM+ 应用程序中对象的方法调用被拒绝,因为调用者未被正确授权进行此调用。COM+ 应用程序被配置为使用应用程序级和组件级访问权限检查,并且目前已启用了对这些权限的强制检查。无法获得调用者尝试调用的组件方法以及调用者标识的相关信息,可能是由于此计算机的内存过低。%0 A method call to an object in a COM+ application was rejected because the caller is not properly authorized to make this call. The COM+ application is configured to use Application and Component level access checks, and enforcement of these checks is currently enabled. Information about the component method that the caller attempted to invoke and about the identity of the caller could not be obtained, probably due to low memory conditions on this computer.%0
0x80001164将 MTS 数据包及程序设置迁移到 COM+ 应用程序和程序设置时失败。详细信息,请参阅 Windows 目录下的 mtstocom.log 文件。%1%0 Failures have occurred during migration of MTS packages and program settings to COM+ applications and program settings. See the mtstocom.log file in the windows directory for more information.%1%0
0x8000116A将以下组件安装到 COM+ 应用程序期间,某个注册表值发生了更改。如果发现此组件存在激活问题,请检查此注册表值的以下键。%1%0 A registry value was changed while installing the following component into a COM+ Application. If you are experiencing activation problems with this component then please check the registry value for the following key.%1%0
0x8000116B此组件的受控注册失败。此组件已被直接注册。如果未使用分区,则可以忽略此警告。如果正在使用分区,则在成功完成此组件的受控注册之前,你可能需要添加支持组件。详细信息请查看相关文档。%1%0 Controlled registration of this component failed. It has been registered directly. If you are not using partitions you can ignore this warning. If you are using partitions you may need to add support components that are required before controlled registration of this component can succeed. Check your documentation for details.%1%0
0x8000116C你已将包含一个或多个专用组件的应用程序安装到了基本分区。基本分区中不支持专用组件。专用组件已变成公用组件。%1%0 You have installed an application which contains one or more private components into the base partition. Private components are not supported in the base partition. The private components have been made public.%1%0
0x80001170在此组件的受控注册期间,组件取消了注册表重定向。这可能引起组件安装问题。详细信息,请参阅相关文档。%1%0 During controlled registration of this component the component cancelled registry redirection. This may cause problems with component installation. Check your documentation for details.%1%0
0x80001171应用程序 %1 中的 %0 组件已试图从当前对象上下文检索 %2 属性,但未找到该属性。这可能是由于下列原因引起的: 已关闭此组件或其创建者的 IISIntrinsics COM+ admin sdk 属性。有关详细信息,请参阅 KBARTICLE。 The %0 component in application %1 has tried to retrieve the %2 property from the current object context, but the property was not found. This may have been caused by the IISIntrinsics COM+ admin sdk property being turned off for this component, or its creator.See KBARTICLE for more details.
0x80001201COM+ 事件系统在进行内部处理期间检测到一个错误的返回代码。HRESULT 是第 %2 行(共 %1 行)中的 %3。如果计算机资源不足,则可能出现此警告。如果计算机资源充足,但这些警告持续出现,则表明 COM+ 事件系统出现问题。%0 The COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. HRESULT was %3 from line %2 of %1. This warning may be expected if the computer is low on resources. If the computer is not low on resources, and these warnings persist, it may indicate a problem in the COM+ Event System.%0
0x80001203COM+ 事件系统在进行内部处理期间在第 %2 行(共 %1 行)中检测到一个意外空指针。如果计算机资源不足,则可能出现此警告。如果计算机资源充足,但这些警告持续出现,则表明 COM+ 事件系统出现问题。%0 The COM+ Event System detected an unexpected null pointer during its internal processing, at line %2 of %1. This warning may be expected if the computer is low on resources. If the computer is not low on resources, and these warnings persist, it may indicate a problem in the COM+ Event System.%0
0x80001205The COM+ 事件系统在第 %2 行(共 %1 行)中的 Win32 API 调用中检测到一个意外错误。对 %3 的调用失败,并返回错误代码 %5:“%4” 如果计算机资源不足,则可能会出现此警告。如果计算机资源充足,但这些警告持续出现,则表明 COM+ 事件系统出现问题。%0 The COM+ Event System detected an unexpected error from a Win32 API call at line %2 of %1. A call to %3 failed with error code %5: \"%4\" This warning may be expected if the computer is low on resources. If the computer is not low on resources, and these warnings persist, it may indicate a problem in the COM+ Event System.%0
0x80001206COM+ 事件系统在其内部状态中检测到不一致情况。第 %2 行(共 %1 行)中的断言“%3”失败。如果计算机资源不足,则可能出现此警告。如果计算机资源充足,但这些警告持续出现,则表明 COM+ 事件系统出现问题。%0 The COM+ Event System detected an inconsistency in its internal state. The assertion \"%3\" failed at line %2 of %1. This warning may be expected if the computer is low on resources. If the computer is not low on resources, and these warnings persist, it may indicate a problem in the COM+ Event System.%0
0x80001213COM+ Event System 在尝试对发布者 %4 和订阅者 %5 的事件类 %3 启动 %2 方法时超时。订阅者未能在 %7 秒内做出响应。订阅的显示名称为“%6”。 HRESULT 为 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System timed out attempting to fire the %2 method on event class %3 for publisher %4 and subscriber %5. The subscriber failed to respond within %7 seconds. The display name of the subscription is \"%6\". The HRESULT was %1.%0
0x80001214COM+ 事件系统服务因以下原因阻止了在分区 %1 中创建对具有 CLSID %0 的事件类的订阅:%2 The COM+ Event System service blocked the creation of a subscription to the event class with CLSID %0 in partition %1 for the following reason:%2
0x80001215COM+ 事件系统没有在发布者 %2 的事件类 %1 上对无效的订户 %3 烧制 %0 方法。订阅的显示名称为“%4”。该订阅因以下原因无效:%5 The COM+ Event System did not fire the %0 method on event class %1 for publisher %2 to the invalid subscriber %3. The display name of the subscription is \"%4\". The subscription is invalid for the following reason:%5
0x8000156DCOM+ 无法为管理 SDK 找到正确的分区。管理 SDK 将使用基本分区。请检查是否已将用户正确配置到分区。详细信息,请参阅相关文档。%1%0 COM+ failed to find the correct partition for the admin SDK. The admin SDK will use the base partition. Check that users are configured into partitions correctly. See your documentation for details.%1%0
0x8000156E在组件注册时无法加载文件 %1。文件不存在。%0 Unable to load file %1 during component registration. File does not exist.%0
0x80001570在组件注册时无法加载 DLL %1。无法验证 DLL 入口点。%0 Unable to load DLL %1 during component registration. Unable to validate DLL entry points.%0
0x8000D004已超过最大异步检测点数。%0 The maximum number of asynchronous checkpoints has been exceeded.%0
0x8000D005已达到正在使用的最大日志缓冲区数。%0 The maximum number of log buffers in use has been reached.%0
0x8000D006无法停止 MS DTC。用户接口未连接到 MS DTC 服务。%0 Cannot stop MS DTC. The user interface is not connected to the MS DTC service.%0
0x8000D007无法启动 MS DTC。用户接口未连接到 MS DTC 服务。%0 Cannot start MS DTC. The user interface is not connected to the MS DTC service.%0
0x8000D008恢复期间,MS DTC 检测到损坏的日志页,目前正在根据其他日志页重建。%0 MS DTC detected dirty log pages on recovery, and is reconstructing state from other pages%0
0x8000D009MS DTC 试图检查计算机是否为域控制器时失败。MS DTC 将继续运行,但使用的安全设置可能不正确。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC's attempt to check if the machine is a Domain Controller failed. MS DTC will continue to function, but may use incorrect security settings. Error Specifics: %1%0
0x8000D013收到未知的连接管理器消息类型: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 Received unknown connection manager message type: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D018MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_rollback 函数。对 xa_rollback 函数的调用失败,意外的返回代码 (%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_rollback function. The call to the xa_rollback function failed with an unexpected return code (%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D01AMS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_commit 函数。对 xa_commit 函数的调用失败,意外的返回代码 (%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_commit function. The call to the xa_commit function failed with an unexpected return code (%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D021MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_open 函数。对 xa_open 函数的调用失败,意外的返回代码: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_open function. The call to the xa_open function failed with an unexpected return code: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D024XA 事务管理器试图加载 XA 资源管理器 DLL。对 XA 资源管理器 DLL 的 LOADLIBRARY 调用失败: DLL=%1,HR=%4,文件=%2 行=%3。%0 The XA Transaction Manager attempted to load the XA resource manager DLL. The call to LOADLIBRARY for the XA resource manager DLL failed: DLL=%1, HR=%4, File=%2 Line=%3.%0
0x8000D025XA 事务管理器试图定位 XA 资源管理器 DLL 中的“GetXaSwitch”函数。XA 资源管理器 DLL 中丢失了“GetXaSwitch”函数: 文件= %1,HR=%3,行= %2。%0 The XA Transaction Manager attempted to locate the \"GetXaSwitch\" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The \"GetXaSwitch\" function is missing from the XA resource manager DLL: File=%1, HR=%3, Line=%2.%0
0x8000D026XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器 DLL 中的“GetXaSwitch”函数。对“GetXaSwitch”函数的调用失败: 文件= %1,HR=%3,, 行= %2。%0 The XA Transaction Manager called the \"GetXaSwitch\" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The call to the \"GetXaSwitch\" function failed: File=%1, HR=%3, Line=%2.%0
0x8000D027意外的 DTC 事务结果。结果是 %3: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 MS DTC transaction outcome is unexpected. Outcome is %3: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D028MS DTC XA 事务管理器无法执行恢复操作: 文件=%1,HR=%3,行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager was unable to perform recovery: File=%1, HR=%3, Line=%2.%0
0x8000D02EHeuristic Damage for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager =%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0 Heuristic Damage for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager =%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0
0x8000D02FHeuristic Commit for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0 Heuristic Commit for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0
0x8000D030Heuristic Rollback for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0 Heuristic Rollback for XID=(TRID,XATM,XARM)%\\ MS DTC Transaction Id \"%1\" %\\ XA Transaction Manager=%2 %\\ XA Resource Manager =%3 %\\ Data Source Name =%4.%0
0x8000D031XA 事务管理器试图使用 XA 资源管理器执行恢复操作。XA 资源管理器报告恢复未成功。DSN=%1。%0 The XA Transaction Manager attempted to perform recovery with the XA resource manager. The XA resource manager reported that recovery was unsuccessful. DSN = %1.%0
0x8000D032MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_open 函数。对 xa_open 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_open function. The call to the xa_open function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D033MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_close 函数。对 xa_close 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_close function. The call to the xa_close function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D034MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_recover 函数。对 xa_recover 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_recover function. The call to the xa_recover function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D035MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_commit 函数。对 xa_commit 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_commit function. The call to the xa_commit function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D036MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_rollback 函数。对 xa_rollback 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_rollback function. The call to the xa_rollback function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D037MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_prepare 函数。对 xa_prepare 函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_prepare function. The call to the xa_prepare function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D038XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器 DLL 中的“GetXaSwitch”函数。对“GetXaSwitch”函数的调用失败,返回的用户异常: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The XA Transaction Manager called the \"GetXaSwitch\" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The call to the \"GetXaSwitch\" function failed with a user exception: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D039MS DTC XA 事务管理器无法使用代表 XA 资源管理器的 MS DTC 事务管理器进行注册。DSN=%1 文件=%2 行=%3。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager could not enroll with the MS DTC Transaction Manager on behalf of the XA resource manager. DSN=%1 File=%2 Line=%3. %0
0x8000D040MS DTC XA 事务管理器在初始化过程中失败。它无法在 ADVAPI32.DLL 文件中定位一个或多个必需的 LSA 函数:文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager failed during initialization. It was unable to locate one or more of the LSA functions it requires from the ADVAPI32.DLL: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D045MS DTC XA 事务管理器调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_prepare 函数。对 xa_prepare 函数的调用失败,意外的返回代码 (%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_prepare function. The call to the xa_prepare function failed with an unexpected return code (%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D046MS DTC XA 事务管理器使用 TMONEPHASE 标志集调用了 XA 资源管理器的 xa_commit 函数。对 xa_commit 函数的调用失败,意外的返回代码 (%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the XA resource manager's xa_commit function with the TMONEPHASE flag set. The call to the xa_commit function failed with an unexpected return code (%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D047XaTmMinWarmRecoveryInterval 的值大于 XaTmMaxWarmRecoveryInterval 的值。MS DTC 将忽略指定的值而改用系统默认值。%1 %0 The value of XaTmMinWarmRecoveryInterval is greater than the value of XaTmMaxWarmRecoveryInterval. MS DTC will ignore the specified values and use the system default values instead. %1 %0
0x8000D048MS DTC 安装过程中,试图保留旧日志文件失败。MS DTC 安装过程将继续,但旧日志文件中的所有信息都将丢失。内部信息: %1。%0 During MS DTC installation, the attempt to preserve the old log file failed. The MS DTC installation will continue, however any information present in the old log file will get lost. Internal Information : %1. %0
0x8000D049MS DTC 接收到无效消息。事件特定信息: %1.%0 MS DTC has received an invalid message. Event specific Information: %1.%0
0x8000D04AMS DTC 组件中的连接管理器接收到无效消息。事件特定信息: %1.%0 The connection manager in a MS DTC component has received an invalid message. Event specific Information: %1.%0
0x8000D04BMS DTC XA 事务管理器试图解密日志记录中的信息时失败。(%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager failed attempting to decrypt information in a log record.(%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D04CMS DTC XA 事务管理器试图加密日志记录中的信息时失败。(%3): 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 The MS DTC XA Transaction Manager failed attempting to encrypt information in a log record.(%3): File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0x8000D04DKtmRm 接收到无效的消息。事件特定的信息: %1。%0 KtmRm has received an invalid message. Event specific Information: %1.%0
0x80021158CRM 日志文件原本是在一台具有不同名称的计算机上创建的。此日志已被更新为当前计算机的名称。如果更改计算机名后出现此警告,则不需要做进一步操作。%1%0 The CRM log file was originally created on a computer with a different name. It has been updated with the name of the current computer. If this warning appears when the computer name has been changed then no further action is required. %1%0
0x80021159CRM 日志文件原本是以不同的应用程序 ID 创建的。此日志已被更新为当前的应用程序 ID。如果重命名 CRM 日志文件后出现此警告,则不需要做进一步操作。%1%0 The CRM log file was originally created with a different application ID. It has been updated with the current application ID. If this warning appears when the CRM log file has been renamed then no further action is required. %1%0
0x8002115A在现有 CRM 日志文件中找不到日志信息记录。已添加日志信息记录。如果在最初创建 CRM 日志文件时出现此警告,则不需要做进一步操作。%1%0 A log information record was not found in the existing CRM log file. It has been added. If this warning appears when the CRM log file is being initially created then no further action is required. %1%0
0x8002115B收到一个意外的方法调用。它已被忽略。方法名称:%1%0 An unexpected method call was received. It has been safely ignored. Method Name: %1%0
0x8002115C检测到一个空的 CRM 日志文件。它已被重新初始化。如果在最初创建 CRM 日志文件时出现此警告,则不需要做进一步操作。%1%0 An empty CRM log file was detected. It has been re-initialized. If this warning appears when the CRM log file is being initially created then no further action is required. %1%0
0x8002115D检测到一个未完全初始化的 CRM 日志文件。它已被重新初始化。如果在最初创建 CRM 日志文件时出现此警告,则不需要做进一步操作。%1%0 An incompletely initialized CRM log file was detected. It has been re-initialized. If this warning appears when the CRM log file is being initially created then no further action is required. %1%0
0x8002115E应用程序尝试使用 CRM,但 CRM 对于此应用程序尚未启用。可以使用“组件服务”管理工具解决此问题。方法是显示应用程序的“属性”,选择“高级”选项卡,然后选中“启用补偿资源管理器”。CRM 仅能用于服务器应用程序。%1%0 The application attempted to use the CRM but the CRM is not enabled for this application. You can correct this problem using the Component Services administrative tool. Display the Properties for your application. Select the Advanced tab and check Enable Compensating Resource Managers. The CRM can only be enabled for server applications. %1%0
0x80021160由于某些事务处于“不确定”状态,无法完成这些事务。CRM 将在下一个恢复操作中尝试完成它们。%1%0 Some transactions could not be completed because they are in-doubt. The CRM will attempt to complete them on its next recovery. %1%0
0x80021161系统调用了 CRM 补偿器自定义组件,但此组件失败并产生了异常。这表示 CRM 补偿器组件出现问题。请将所发生的错误通知 CRM 补偿器组件的开发人员。因为 IgnoreCompensatorErrors 注册表标志已设定,系统将继续,但可能不会进行正确的补偿。%1%0 The system has called the CRM Compensator custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the CRM Compensator component. Notify the developer of the CRM Compensator component that this failure has occurred. The system will continue because the IgnoreCompensatorErrors registry flag is set, but correct compensation might not have occurred. %1%0
0x80021162系统调用了 CRM 补偿器自定义组件,但此组件返回一个错误。这表示 CRM 补偿器组件出现问题。请将所发生的错误通知 CRM 补偿器组件的开发人员。因为 IgnoreCompensatorErrors 注册表标志已设定,所以系统将继续,但可能不会进行正确的补偿。%1%0 The system has called the CRM Compensator custom component and that component has returned an error. This indicates a problem with the CRM Compensator component. Notify the developer of the CRM Compensator component that this failure has occurred. The system will continue because the IgnoreCompensatorErrors registry flag is set, but correct compensation might not have occurred. %1%0
0x80021163此应用程序的 CRM 日志文件所在的磁盘空间偏低。这可能会导致此应用程序失败。请增加此磁盘的可用空间。CRM 日志文件名如下所示。%1%0 The CRM log file for this application is located on a disk which is low on space. This may cause failures of this application. Please increase the space available on this disk. The CRM log file name is shown below.%1%0
0x80021165“CRM 工作器”自定义组件要求一个事务。可以使用“组件服务”管理工具解决此问题。方法是显示“CRM 工作器”组件的“属性”,选择“事务”选项卡,然后选中“要求事务支持”选项按钮。%1%0 CRM Worker custom components require a transaction. You can correct this problem using the Component Services administrative tool. Display the Properties for your CRM Worker component. Select the Transactions tab. Select the Transaction support Required option button.%1%0
0x80021166事件类导致查询接口失败。请检查事件日志获取所有其他 EventSystem 错误。%1%0 Event class failed Query Interface. Please check the event log for any other errors from the EventSystem.%1%0
0x80021167无法创建事件类。请检查事件日志获取所有其他 EventSystem 错误。%1%0 Failed to create event class. Please check the event log for any other errors from the EventSystem.%1%0
0x80021168事件失败。请检查事件日志获取所有其他 EventSystem 错误。%1%0 Event failed. Please check the event log for any other errors from the EventSystem.%1%0
0x80021169此服务器应用程序的上一个实例已被终止。%1%0 A previous instance of this server application has been terminated.%1%0
0x8002116E试图跟踪事件失败,返回 E_OUTOFMEMORY。到目前为止,总共发生了 %1 次。%0 The attempt to trace an event has failed with E_OUTOFMEMORY. This has happened so far a total of %1 times.%0
0x8002116F初始化期间,系统应用程序停止了一个打开的 COM+ 跟踪会话。%0 During initialization, the System Application stopped an open COM+ tracing session. %0
0x800212BCCOM+ 服务无法获得本地 SAM 信息。COM+ 将继续正常操作,但任何本地与远程 COM+ 组件之间的调用都将导致额外开销。返回错误如下所示。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to obtain local SAM information. COM+ will continue to operate normally, but any calls between local and remote COM+ components will incur additional overhead. The error returned is shown below.%1%0
0x800212DBCOM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)导致 ApplicationFree 事件失败。这不是一个正常现象,但可认为是非关键错误。服务 GUID 和 HRESULT 是: %1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed an ApplicationFree event. This is not a normal occurrence, but it is considered a non-critical error. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0x800212DCCOM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)导致 ApplicationShutdown 事件失败。这不是一个正常现象,但可认为是非关键错误。服务 GUID 和 HRESULT 为: %1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed an ApplicationShutdown event. This is not a normal occurrence, but it is considered a non-critical error. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0x800212DECOM+ 已确定计算机上的可用内存过少。为了确保系统正常运行,组件的激活操作将被拒绝。如果此问题持续存在,请安装更多内存或增加页面文件的大小。内存统计数据为: %1%0 COM+ has determined that your machine is running very low on available memory. In order to ensure proper system behavior, the activation of the component has been refused. If this problem continues, either install more memory or increase the size of your paging file. Memory statistics are: %1%0
0x800212DFCOM+ 导致激活失败,因为创建一个上下文属性时返回了 E_OUTOFMEMORY %1%0 COM+ failed an activation because the creation of a context property returned E_OUTOFMEMORY %1%0
0x800212E2因为未知的 ApplId,COM+ 替代的关闭进程失败。这是一个意外错误,但被忽略,因为应用程序正在关闭。%1%0 The shutdown process of COM+ surrogate failed because of an unknown ApplId. This is an unexpected error, but is ignored because the application is in the process of shutting down.%1%0
0x80021502向 COM+ 服务报告了一个外部错误。%1%0 An external error has been reported to COM+ services.%1%0
0x80021503服务器进程失去了与 MS-DTC 的连接。如果 MS-DTC 已停止,或群集上发生了 MS-DTC 故障转移,则会发生此问题。%1%0 The server process has lost its connection with MS-DTC. This is expected if MS-DTC has stopped, or if MS-DTC failover has occurred on a cluster.%1%0
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC Client Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC Client
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-EventSystem Microsoft-Windows-EventSystem
0x93000001Microsoft-Windows-Complus Microsoft-Windows-Complus
0xC0001002无法连接到 MS DTC 服务。%0 Could not connect to the MS DTC service.%0
0xC0001003无法启动 MS DTC 管理组件。你可能没有管理远程 MS DTC 的权限,或 MS DTC 不支持当前国家/地区语言,或 MS DTC 服务可能未运行。%0 The MS DTC administrative component has failed to start. You may not have permissions to manage the remote MS DTC, MS DTC does not support the current national language, or the MS DTC service may not be running.%0
0xC0001004处理服务控制管理器发出的控制请求时发生异常%0 An exception occurred while processing control requests from the Service Control Manager%0
0xC0001005本地 MS DTC 检测到 %1 上的 MS DTC 与本地 MS DTC 具有相同的唯一标识。这意味着两个 MS DTC 不能彼此互相通信。如果使用不支持的克隆工具克隆了其中某个系统,通常会发生此问题。MS DTC 要求使用被支持的克隆工具(例如 SYSPREP)克隆系统。从命令行提示符窗口运行“msdtc -uninstall”,然后运行“msdtc -install”将解决此问题。注意: 运行“msdtc -uninstall”将导致系统丢失所有 MS DTC 配置信息。%0 The local MS DTC detected that the MS DTC on %1 has the same unique identity as the local MS DTC. This means that the two MS DTC will not be able to communicate with each other. This problem typically occurs if one of the systems were cloned using unsupported cloning tools. MS DTC requires that the systems be cloned using supported cloning tools such as SYSPREP. Running 'msdtc -uninstall' and then 'msdtc -install' from the command prompt will fix the problem. Note: Running 'msdtc -uninstall' will result in the system losing all MS DTC configuration information.%0
0xC0001006无法初始化 MS DTC 事务管理器。%0 Could not initialize the MS DTC Transaction Manager.%0
0xC0001007内存不足。%0 Out of memory.%0
0xC000100A无法安装 MS DTC 服务。%0 Could not install the MS DTC service.%0
0xC000100B无法移除 MS DTC 服务。%0 Could not remove the MS DTC service.%0
0xC000100D无法加载或初始化 MS DTC 追踪组件。%0 Could not load or initialize the MS DTC trace component.%0
0xC0001010无法启动 MS DTC 事务管理器。%0 Could not start the MS DTC Transaction Manager.%0
0xC0001011找不到 MS DTC 日志路径。%0 MS DTC log path not found.%0
0xC0001012无法加载 MS DTC 事务管理器对象。%0 Could not load the MS DTC Transaction Manager object.%0
0xC0001013无法加载 MS DTC 名称服务。%0 Could not load the MS DTC name service.%0
0xC0001014无法创建 MS DTC 名称对象。%0 Could not create an MS DTC name object.%0
0xC0001015无法初始化 MS DTC 用户接口服务器对象。%0 Could not initialize the MS DTC user interface server object.%0
0xC0001016无法加载 MS DTC 用户接口服务器对象。%0 Could not load the MS DTC user interface server object.%0
0xC0001017MS DTC 用户接口服务器对象不支持所请求的接口。%0 The MS DTC user interface server object does not support the requested interface.%0
0xC0001018无法加载 MS DTC 用户接口名称对象。%0 Could not load the MS DTC user interface name object.%0
0xC0001019无法加载 MS DTC 日志管理器 DLL(MSDTCLOG.DLL)。%0 Could not load the MS DTC Log Manager DLL (MSDTCLOG.DLL).%0
0xC000101AMS DTC 日志文件已存在。%0 The MS DTC log file already exists.%0
0xC000101B当 MS DTC 服务正在运行时,无法执行操作。%0 This operation cannot be performed while the MS DTC service is running.%0
0xC000101C不能解压缩 MS DTC 日志文件。 请确认在 MS DTC 日志设备上具有足够的磁盘空间。%0 Unable to decompress the MS DTC log file. Please ensure that there is sufficient available disk space on the MS DTC log device.%0
0xC000101DMS DTC 日志文件已满,无法再容纳新的日志记录。%0 The MS DTC log file is full and cannot accept new log records.%0
0xC000101EThe MS DTC 日志属性无效。日志文件一定不能是只读属性。%0 The MS DTC log file attributes are invalid. The log file must not be read only.%0
0xC000101F为 MS DTC 日志文件调用 MapViewOfFile 失败。%0 The call to MapViewOfFile failed for the MS DTC log file.%0
0xC0001021找不到 MS DTC 事务管理器联系对象。%0 Could not locate the MS DTC Transaction Manager contact object.%0
0xC0001022MS DTC 事务管理器联系对象不支持自定义属性。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager contact object does not support custom properties.%0
0xC0001023找不到 MS DTC 用户接口服务器联系对象。%0 Could not locate the MS DTC user interface server contact object.%0
0xC0001024MS DTC 日志大小无效。%0 The size of the MS DTC log is invalid.%0
0xC0001025找不到 MS DTC 日志磁盘设备,请为 MS DTC 日志文件选择一个新位置。%0 Could not find the MS DTC log disk device. Please select a new location for the MS DTC log file.%0
0xC0001027无法创建/重置 MS DTC 日志文件。%0 Failed to create/reset the MS DTC log file.%0
0xC0001028无效的 MS DTC 日志计时器数值。允许值 : [计时器] 5- %\\[检测点 100- %\\[刷新] 5-1000%0 Invalid MS DTC log timer value. Allowed values: [Timer] 5- %\\ [Checkpoint] 100- %\\ [Flush] 5-1000%0
0xC0001029无法强制事务结果。%0 Could not force transaction outcome.%0
0xC000102A所指定的事务网桥 CLSID 不是有效的 GUID。正在启动 MS DTC,但将禁用事务网桥。%0 The specified transaction bridge CLSID is not a valid GUID. MS DTC is being started but the transaction bridge will be disabled.%0
0xC000102B创建事务网桥时发生错误。正在启动 MS DTC,但将禁用事务网桥。%0 An error occured creating the transaction bridge. MS DTC is being started but the transaction bridge will be disabled.%0
0xC000102C初始化事务网桥时发生错误。正在启动 MS DTC,但将禁用事务网桥。%0 An error occured initializing the transaction bridge. MS DTC is being started but the transaction bridge will be disabled.%0
0xC000102D启动事务网桥时发生错误。正在启动 MS DTC,但将禁用事务网桥。%0 An error occured starting the transaction bridge. MS DTC is being started but the transaction bridge will be disabled.%0
0xC000102F无法加载 MS DTC 连接管理器对象。%0 Could not load the MS DTC connection manager object.%0
0xC0001030找不到 MS DTC 配置接口。%0 Could not locate the MS DTC configuration interface.%0
0xC0001031无法初始化 MS DTC 管理控制台常规页。%0 Could not initialize the MS DTC Admin Console General Page%0
0xC0001032无法连接到 MS DTC 统计数据组件。%0 Could not connect to the MS DTC statistics component.%0
0xC0001033无法连接到 MS DTC 事务列表。%0 Could not connect to the MS DTC transaction list.%0
0xC0001034无法连接到 MS DTC 用户接口服务。%0 Could not connect to the MS DTC user interface service.%0
0xC0001035找不到事务。%0 Transaction not found.%0
0xC0001036此事务并非子事务。%0 The transaction is not a child transaction.%0
0xC0001037因为事务的状态为\"不确定\",所以不能被强制中止或提交。%0 The transaction cannot be forced to abort or commit because the transaction's state is not \"In Doubt\".%0
0xC0001038事务未提交,或者资源管理器或子层 MS DTC 事务管理器仍处于连接状态。%0 Either the transaction is not committed or there are resource managers or subordinate MS DTC Transaction Managers still connected.%0
0xC0001039由于发生未知错误而无法解析事务。%0 Could not resolve the transaction due to an unknown error.%0
0xC000103AMS DTC 日志文件不可读。在确认所有由 MS DTC 协调的资源管理器不具有“不确定”状态的事务之后,请运行“msdtc -resetlog”重置日志文件。%0 The MS DTC log file is unreadable. After ensuring that all Resource Managers coordinated by MS DTC have no indoubt transactions, please run \"msdtc -resetlog\" to reset the log file.%0
0xC000103BMS DTC 发生内部错误,正在终止。%0 MS DTC encountered an internal error and is terminating.%0
0xC000103D无法停止 MS DTC 服务或其某个依赖服务。%0 Could not stop the MS DTC service or or one of its dependent services.%0
0xC000103E无法打开 Windows 服务控制管理器。%0 Could not open the Windows Service Control Manager.%0
0xC000103F无法打开 MS DTC 服务。%0 Could not open the MS DTC service.%0
0xC0001040无效的命令行参数。%0 Invalid command line arguments.%0
0xC0001041没有足够的空间供 MS DTC 日志文件使用。%0 Insufficient disk space for the MS DTC log file.%0
0xC0001042MS DTC 日志文件的版本不兼容。%0 The MS DTC log file is an incompatible version.%0
0xC0001043找不到 MS DTC 日志文件。在确认所有由 MS DTC 协调的资源管理器不具有“不确定”状态的事务之后,请运行 msdtc -resetlog 创建日志文件。%0 MS DTC log file not found. After ensuring that all Resource Managers coordinated by MS DTC have no indoubt transactions, please run msdtc -resetlog to create the log file.%0
0xC0001044无法建立连接以解析事务。%0 Could not establish connection to resolve transaction.%0
0xC0001045未选择任何事务。%0 No transaction is selected.%0
0xC0001046超过了 MS DTC 日志文件可以容纳的最大活动事务数。如果要启动更多的并发事务,必须增加 MS DTC 日志文件大小。%0 The maximum number of active transactions that the MS DTC log file can accomodate has been exceeded. You must increase the size of the MS DTC log file if you wish to initiate more concurrrent transactions.%0
0xC0001047无法启动 MS DTC 服务。详细信息,请查看 Windows 事件日志。%0 Cannot start the MS DTC service. Please see the Windows event log for more information.%0
0xC0001048MS DTC 事务管理器的状态不一致,无法继续。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。%1 %0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC000104BMS DTC 事务管理器日志写入失败,返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager log write failed with error %1.%0
0xC000104CMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogMgr 上的 GetClassObject 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. GetClassObject on LogMgr returned error %1.%0
0xC000104DMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。GetCurrentLogRecord 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. GetCurrentLogRecord returned error %1.%0
0xC000104EMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。GetCheckpoint 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. GetCheckpoint returned error %1.%0
0xC000104FMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogRead 上的 Init 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Init on LogRead returned error %1.%0
0xC0001050MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogRead 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. LogRead returned error %1.%0
0xC0001051MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogFlush 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. LogFlush returned error %1.%0
0xC0001052MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogWrite 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. LogWrite returned error %1.%0
0xC0001053MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。读取时 OpenLogStream 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. OpenLogStream for Read returned error %1.%0
0xC0001054MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。写入时 OpenLogStream 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. OpenLogStream for Write returned error %1.%0
0xC0001055MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogStorage 上的 QueryInterface 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. QueryInterface on LogStorage returned error %1.%0
0xC0001056MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogRecordPointer 上的 QueryInterface 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. QueryInterface on LogRecordPointer returned error %1.%0
0xC0001057MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。TransactionTrackerFactory 上的 QueryInterface 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. QueryInterface on TransactionTrackerFactory returned error %1.%0
0xC0001058MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。SetCheckpoint 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. SetCheckpoint returned error %1.%0
0xC0001059MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogInit 返回错误 %1。如果已还原了相关卷,则会发生此问题(搜索与此问题相关的 KB 文章)。对于所有其他情况,请与产品支持部门联系。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. LogInit returned error %1. This is expected if the corresponding volume has been restored (search for kb article regarding the issue). In all other cases, contact product support. %0
0xC000105AMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogWriteAsynch 上的 QueryInterface 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. QueryInterface on LogWriteAsynch returned error %1.%0
0xC000105BMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。LogWriteAsynch 上的 Init 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Init on LogWriteAsynch returned error %1.%0
0xC000105CMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。内存不足。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Out of memory.%0
0xC000105DMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。日志记录太小。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Log record too small.%0
0xC000105EMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。未知的日志记录类型。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Log record type unknown.%0
0xC000105FMS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。无法解包名称对象,错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. Unable to unpack name object, error %1.%0
0xC0001060MS DTC 启动失败。找不到 MS DTC 资源 dll。%0 MS DTC start failed. Unable to find the MS DTC resource dll.%0
0xC0001061资源管理器执行了恢复操作并调用了 ReenlistmentComplete,说明恢复过程已完成。但至少一个通过资源管理器登记的事务的状态仍然是“不确定”%0 A resource manager performed recovery and called ReenlistmentComplete indicating that recovery was complete. However, there is at least one transaction that was enlisted with the resource manager whose state is still \"In Doubt\"%0
0xC0001062MS DTC 事务管理器无法创建 MS DTC XA 事务管理器对象。正在启动 MS DTC,但 XA 事务管理器功能将被禁用。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager could not create the MS DTC XA Transaction Manager object. MS DTC is being started but the XA Transaction Manager feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001063无法初始化 MS DTC XA 事务管理器。正在启动 MS DTC,但 XA 事务管理器功能将被禁用。%0 Could not initialize the MS DTC XA Transaction Manager. MS DTC is being started but the XA Transaction Manager feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001064无法启动 MS DTC XA 事务管理器。正在启动 MS DTC,但 XA 事务管理器功能将被禁用。%0 Could not start the MS DTC XA Transaction Manager. MS DTC is being started but the XA Transaction Manager feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001065无法定位 MS DTC XA 事务管理器联系对象。%0 Could not locate the MS DTC XA Transaction Manager contact object.%0
0xC0001066无法定位 MS DTC TIP 网关联系对象。%0 Could not locate the MS DTC TIP Gateway contact object.%0
0xC0001067无法创建 MS DTC TIP 网关初始化对象。正在启动 MS DTC,但 TIP 功能将被禁用。%0 Could not create the MS DTC TIP Gateway initialization object. MS DTC is being started but the TIP feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001068无法初始化 MS DTC TIP 网关。正在启动 MS DTC,但 TIP 功能将被禁用。%0 Failed to initialize the MS DTC TIP Gateway. MS DTC is being started but the TIP feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001069无法启动 MS DTC TIP 网关。正在启动 MS DTC,但 TIP 功能将被禁用。%0 Failed to start the MS DTC TIP Gateway. MS DTC is being started but the TIP feature will be disabled.%0
0xC0001070启动 MS DTC 时,无法初始化 COM。%0 Failed to initialize COM while trying to start MS DTC.%0
0xC0001071在 MS DTC 组件中发生了一个关键错误,进程因此而终止。类别字段标识出出错的组件。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 A critical error occurred in an MS DTC component therefore the process is terminating. The category field identifies the component that encountered the error. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001072在“异步系列组件运行时”中,无法定位线程本地存储。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to allocate thread local storage in the Asynchronous-Serial Component Runtime. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001073无法将调用者提供的 TIP 事务 URL 转换为一个有效的 MS DTC 事务 ID。这是意外错误,因为 TIP 事务 URL 表示在此系统上产生的事务。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to convert the caller provided TIP Transaction URL into a valid MS DTC Transaction Id. This error is unexpected because the TIP Transaction URL indicates that the transaction originated on this system. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001074无法获得 OLE 事务代理 DLL 的文件名。错误说明: %1%0 Unable to get the file name for the OLE Transactions Proxy DLL. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001075无法动态加载 OLE 事务代理 DLL。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to dynamically load the OLE Transactions Proxy DLL. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001076OLE 事务代理 DLL 丢失“DllGetTransactionManagerCore”函数。错误说明: %1%0 The \"DllGetTransactionManagerCore\" function is missing from the OLE Transactions Proxy DLL. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001077无法连接到远程 MS DTC 事务管理器系统上的注册表。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to connection to the registry on the remote MS DTC Transaction Manager's system. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001078无法打开包含事务管理器列表的注册表项。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to open the registry key containing the list of transaction managers. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001079无法从注册表中读取默认的事务管理器名称。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to read the name of the default transaction manager from the registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001080无法打开包含 OLE 事务代理 DLL 名称的注册表项。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to open the registry key containing the name of the OLE Transactions Proxy DLL. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001081无法从注册表中读取 OLE 事务代理 DLL 名称。 错误说明: %1%0 Failed to read the name of the OLE Transactions Proxy DLL from the registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001082无法通过 MS DTC 代理 DLL 启动 MS DTC。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to start MS DTC via the MS DTC Proxy DLL. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001083由于群集支持初始化失败,无法启动 MS DTC。%0 Unable to start MS DTC because initialization of cluster support failed.%0
0xC0001084MS DTC TIP 网关内部错误。%1 %0 MS DTC TIP Gateway internal error. %1 %0
0xC0001085MS DTC TIP 网关非法转换。 %1 %0 MS DTC TIP Gateway illegal transition. %1 %0
0xC0001086MS DTC TIP 网关状态无效。%1 %0 MS DTC TIP Gateway invalid value. %1 %0
0xC0001087MS DTC TIP 网关在类 ID \"%2\" %3、接口 \"%4\" %5 上调用 CoCreateInstance 时发生错误 %1%0 MS DTC TIP Gateway encountered error %1 calling CoCreateInstance on class id \"%2\" %3, interface \"%4\" %5%0
0xC0001088MS DTC TIP 网关在类 ID \"%2\" %3、接口 \"%4\" %5上调用 CoGetClassObject 时发生错误 %1%0 MS DTC TIP Gateway encountered error %1 calling CoGetClassObject on class id \"%2\" %3, interface \"%4\" %5%0
0xC0001089MS DTC 组件无法为一个重要的操作分配内存。组件正在终止。类别字段标识失败的组件。如果 MS DTC 未自动重新启动,请重新启动它。错误说明: %1%0 An MS DTC component was unable to allocate memory for a critical operation. That component is terminating. The category field identifies the component that failed. Please restart MS DTC if it does not restart automatically. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001090MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP “ABORT COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到 TIP “ERROR COMMAND”响应。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%1\";外部事务 URL \"%2\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"ABORT COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" in response. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%1\"; External Transaction URL \"%2\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001091MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“ABORT COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)响应。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%2\";外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"ABORT COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) in response. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%2\"; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001092MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PUSH COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%1\";外部事务 URL %2;MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PUSH COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%1\"; External Transaction URL %2; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001093MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PUSH COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID %2;外部事务URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PUSH COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id %2; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001094MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PREPARE COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”响应。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部 TM ID %1;外部事务 URL \"%2\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PREPARE COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" in response. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External TM ID %1; External Transaction URL \"%2\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001095MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PREPARE COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)响应。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%2\";外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PREPARE COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) in response. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%2\"; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001096MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“COMMIT、QUERY 或 RECONNECT COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID %2;外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"COMMIT, QUERY, or RECONNECT COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id %2; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001097MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“COMMIT、QUERY 或 RECONNECT COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%2\";外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"COMMIT, QUERY, or RECONNECT COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%2\"; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001098MS DTC 事务管理器接收到一个正由其他事务管理器协调的活动事务的 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%1\";外部事务 URL \"%2\";MS DTC TIP 事务 \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" for an Active transaction that is being coordinated by another transaction manager. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%1\"; External Transaction URL \"%2\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001099MS DTC 事务管理器接收到一个正由其他事务管理器协调的活动事务的未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%2\";外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) for an Active transaction that is being coordinated by another transaction manager. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%2\"; External Transaction Id \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001100MS DTC 事务管理器接收到一个正由其他事务管理器协调的“Prepared”事务的 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%1\";外部事务 URL \"%2\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" for a \"Prepared\" transaction that is being coordinated by another transaction manager. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%1\"; External Transaction URL \"%2\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001101MS DTC 事务管理器接收到一个正由其他事务管理器协调的“Prepared”事务的未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)。事务说明: 外部 TM ID %2;外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) for a \"Prepared\" transaction that is being coordinated by another transaction manager. Transaction specifics: External TM ID %2; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001102无法初始化 Winsock。MS DTC 正在启动,但某些 MS DTC 功能将被禁用。%0 Unable to initialize Winsock. MS DTC is being started but some MS DTC features will be disabled.%0
0xC0001103MS DTC 组件产生了一个异常。错误详细信息: %1%0 An MS DTC component has generated an exception. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001104无法初始化 MS DTC 通信管理器。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to initialize the MS DTC Communication Manager. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001105MS DTC 无法与远程系统上的 MS DTC 通信。两个系统之间没有公用 RPC 协议。请确认两个系统上存在下列一个或多个公用 RPC 协议: TCP/IP、SPX 或 NetBEUI。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC is unable to communicate with MS DTC on a remote system. No common RPC protocol is supported between the two systems. Please ensure that one or more of the following RPC protocols are common to both systems: TCP/IP, SPX, or NetBEUI. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001106MS DTC 连接管理器无法通过 RPC 进行注册以使用 LRPC、TCP/IP 或 UDP/IP。请确保 RPC 已正确配置。如果 \"ServerTcpPort\" 注册表已配置(DWORD 值位于本地 DTC 实例的 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC 下,或群集 DTC 实例的群集配置单元下),请验证配置的端口是否有效以及端口是否在被其他组件使用。错误说明: %1%0 The MS DTC Connection Manager is unable to register with RPC to use one of LRPC, TCP/IP, or UDP/IP. Please ensure that RPC is configured properly. If \"ServerTcpPort\" registry key is configured(DWORD value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC for local DTC instance or under cluster hive for clustered DTC instance), please verify if the configured port is valid and the port is not already in use by a different component. Error Specifics:%1%0
0xC0001107MS DTC 无法与远程系统上的 MS DTC 通信。主系统上的 MS DTC 与次系统上的 MS DTC 建立了 RPC 绑定。但是,次系统在超时期限之前,没有创建与主 MS DTC 系统的反向 RPC 绑定。请确认两系统之间的网络连接是否正常。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC is unable to communicate with MS DTC on a remote system. MS DTC on the primary system established an RPC binding with MS DTC on the secondary system. However, the secondary system did not create the reverse RPC binding to the primary MS DTC system before the timeout period expired. Please ensure that there is network connectivity between the two systems. Error Specifics:%1%0
0xC0001108MS DTC 无法分配控制台。 MS DTC was not able to allocate a console.
0xC0001109检测到未完全初始化的 MS DTC 日志文件。在确认所有由 MS DTC 协调的资源管理器不具有“不确定”状态的事务之后,请运行 msdtc-resetlog 重置日志文件。%0 An incompletely initialized MS DTC log file was detected. After ensuring that all Resource Managers coordinated by MS DTC have no indoubt transactions, please run msdtc -resetlog to reset the log file.%0
0xC000110A非法转换导致了严重错误 : 事件 =%1 文件 =%2 行 =%3。%0 Illegal transition caused fatal error: Event=%1 File=%2 Line=%3.%0
0xC000110B内存不足导致了严重错误 : 对象 =%1 文件 =%2 行 =%3。%0 Out of memory caused fatal error: Object=%1 File=%2 Line=%3.%0
0xC000110F同步对象上发生了意外事件 : 文件 =%1 行 =%2。%0 Unexpected event occurred on synchronization object: File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0xC0001110在 MS DTC XA 事务管理器中发生了意外错误: 文件=%1 行=%2。%0 Unexpected error occured in the MS DTC XA Transaction Manager : File=%1 Line=%2.%0
0xC0001112MS DTC 无法绑定到 TIP 套接字。在其他应用程序使用 TIP 套接字时,可能会发生这种错误。MS DTC 将继续启动,但 TIP 功能将被禁用。如果需要 TIP,请启用套接字并重新启动 MS DTC。%0 MS DTC was unable to bind to the TIP socket. This failure may have occurred because some other application is using the TIP socket. MS DTC will continue to start but TIP features will be unavailable. If you require TIP, please make the socket available and restart MS DTC.%0
0xC0001113MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PULL COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID \"%1\";外部事务 URL %2;MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%3\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PULL COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%1\"; External Transaction URL %2; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001114MS DTC 事务管理器将 TIP“PULL COMMAND”发送到另一个事务管理器,并接收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1)响应。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 ID %2;外部事务 URL \"%3\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%4\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager sent a TIP \"PULL COMMAND\" to another transaction manager and received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) in response. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id %2; External Transaction URL \"%3\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%4\".%0
0xC0001115MS DTC 在 64 位平台上目前不支持 TIP 和 XA。MS DTC 将继续启动,但 TIP 和 XA 功能将被禁用。%0 MS DTC does not currently support either TIP or XA on 64 bit platforms. MS DTC will continue to start but TIP and XA features will be unavailable.%0
0xC0001116MS DTC 事务管理器接收到一个使用“BEGIN COMMAND”创建、并被其他事务管理器控制的活动事务的 TIP“ERROR COMMAND”。事务已经中止。事务说明: 外部事务管理器 URL \"%1\";MS DTC TIP 事务 URL \"%2\"。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received a TIP \"ERROR COMMAND\" for an Active transaction that was created with the \"BEGIN COMMAND\" and is being controlled by another transaction manager. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager URL \"%1\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%2\".%0
0xC0001117MS DTC 事务管理器收到未知或意外的 TIP 命令(%1),该命令针对使用“BEGIN COMMAND”创建并由其他事务管理器控制的活动事务。事务已经中止。事务详细信息: 外部事务管理器 ID“%2”;MS DTC TIP 事务 URL“%3”。%0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager received an unknown or unexpected TIP command (%1) for an Active transaction that was created with the \"BEGIN COMMAND\" and is being controlled by another transaction manager. The transaction has been aborted. Transaction specifics: External Transaction Manager Id \"%2\"; MS DTC TIP Transaction URL \"%3\".%0
0xC0001118由于权限不足,应用程序无法连接到 MSDTC。请确认应用程序正在其下运行的标识具有访问群集的权限。请参阅 MSCS 文档了解如何获取权限。错误说明: %1%0 The application could not connect to MSDTC because of insufficient permissions. Please make sure that the identity under which the application is running has permission to access the cluster. Please refer to MSCS documentation on how to grant permissions. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001119不再支持运行“msdtc -remove”。若要卸载 MSDTC,请与产品支持联系。若要配置此系统将远程 MSDTC 作为协调器,请使用“组件服务管理器”。%0 Running \"msdtc -remove\" is no longer supported. To un-install MSDTC please contact product support. To configure this system to use a remote MSDTC as the coordinator please use the Component Services Explorer.%0
0xC000111AMS DTC 安装程序检测到现有 MS DTC 群集资源未被正确配置。安装程序无法继续进行升级。请与产品支持联系或删除现有的 MS DTC 资源,并通过 comclust.exe 重新运行安装程序。 错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup has determined that the existing cluster resource for MS DTC is not configured correctly. Setup cannot continue to upgrade the installation. Please contact product support or delete the existing MS DTC resource and re-run setup via comclust.exe. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000111BMS DTC 安装程序检测到现有的 MS DTC 群集资源是一个更新的版本。安装程序无法继续进行升级。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup has determined that the existing cluster resource for MS DTC is of a newer version. Setup cannot continue to upgrade the installation. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000111CMS DTC 安装程序检测到安装在此节点上的 MS DTC 曾是群集的一部分,并且群集上安装了更新版本的 MS DTC。安装程序无法继续进行升级。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup has determined that the installation of MS DTC on this node used to be a part of cluster that had a newer version of MS DTC installed. Setup cannot continue to upgrade the installation. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000111DMS DTC 安装程序无法确定与本地注册表中的群集支持相关联的数据版本。MS DTC 无法继续启动。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to determine the version of the data associated with cluster support in the local registry. MS DTC cannot continue to startup. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000111EMS DTC 安装程序无法确定与 MS DTC 群集资源相关联的数据版本。MS DTC 无法继续启动。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to determine the version of the data associated with MS DTC cluster resource. MS DTC cannot continue to startup. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000111FMS DTC 安装程序无法确定此计算机的群集服务状态。MS DTC 无法继续启动。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to determine the state of the cluster service on this machine. MS DTC cannot continue to startup. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001120由于未将 MS DTC 配置为在群集上运行,MS DTC 无法启动。请通过群集管理员创建 MS DTC 资源。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to start because the installation was not configured to run on a cluster. Please create a MS DTC resource through cluster administrator. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001121由于群集中的另一个节点目前拥有 MS DTC 资源,MS DTC 无法在此群集节点上启动。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC cannot start on this cluster node because the MS DTC resource is currently owned by another node in the cluster. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001122由于在安装群集之后,MS DTC 无法在第一次使用日志文件时将其初始化,MS DTC 无法启动。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC cannot start because it failed to initialize the log file for its first usage after a cluster install. Please try to restart MS DTC. If the problem persists please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001123等待 MS DTC 安装程序的另一个副本完成对共享群集注册表的写入操作时,MS DTC 安装程序超时。在其他安装程序完成后,请重新在此节点上运行 comclus.exe。若没有运行其他 MS DTC 安装程序,请删除 MS DTC 群集资源,并重新运行 comclust.exe。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup timed out while waiting for another copy of MS DTC setup to finish populating the shared cluster registry. Please re-run comclus.exe on this node when the other setup completes. If there is not other MS DTC setup running then please delete the MS DTC cluster resource and re-run comclust.exe. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001124由于日志文件位于属于其他节点的共享磁盘上,“msdtc -resetlog”未成功。%0 \"msdtc -resetlog\" did not succeed because the log file is located on a shared disk owned by another node.%0
0xC0001125MS DTC 安装程序无法写入共享群集注册表。DTC 资源将无法联机。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup failed to populate the shared cluster registry. The DTC resource will not be able to come online.Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001126MS DTC 安装程序无法向共享群集注册表写入有关 MSDTC 日志的信息。DTC 资源将无法联机。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup failed to populate the shared cluster registry with information about MSDTC's log.The DTC resource will not be able to come online.Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001127MS DTC 安装程序无法向本地注册表写入共享群集注册表中的信息。此错误导致使用 MSDTC 的应用程序无法正常工作。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup failed to populate the local registry with information from the shared cluster registry. Applications that use MSDTC may not work correctly as a result of this error. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001128MS DTC 安装程序无法关闭 MSDTC 服务的自动启动功能。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC setup was unable to turn off auto start for the MSDTC service. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001129在共享群集注册表中已正确配置了有关 MSDTC 资源的信息。错误说明: %1%0 Information about the MSDTC resource has not been configured correctly in the shared cluster registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112A在共享群集注册表中已正确配置了 MS DTC 的日志信息。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC's log information has not been configured correctly in the shared cluster registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112BMSDTC 检测到本地注册表中的 MSDTC 相关信息与共享群集注册表中的不同。错误说明: %1%0 MSDTC detected that MSDTC related information in the local registry is different from that in the shared cluster registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112CMSDTC 资源不具有必需的、对“网络名称”类型资源的依赖项。错误说明: %1%0 The MSDTC resource does not have the required dependency on a resource of type Network Name. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112DMSDTC 资源不具有必需的、对“物理磁盘”类型资源的依赖项。错误说明: %1%0 The MSDTC resource does not have the required dependency on a resource of type Physical Disk. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112EMS DTC 群集资源 dll 试图等待一个内部事件。等待失败。由于此错误,MS DTC 资源将无法联机。如果问题持续存在,请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC's cluster resource dll attempted to wait on an internal event. This wait failed. The MS DTC resource will not be able to come online because of this error. If the problem persists please contact Microsoft Product Support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000112F无法建立连接来跟踪事务。%0 Could not establish connection to trace transaction.%0
0xC0001132事务管理器的版本与此功能不兼容。%0 The version of the transaction manager is not compatible for this feature.%0
0xC0001133将事务转储到跟踪文件的尝试失败。%0 The attempt to dump the transaction to a trace file failed.%0
0xC0001134MS DTC 跟踪结构: 跟踪结构的初始化失败。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the initialization of the tracing infrastructure failed. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001135MS DTC 跟踪结构: 新建跟踪会话的尝试失败。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to create a new trace session failed. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001136MS DTC 跟踪结构: 停止现有跟踪会话的尝试失败。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to stop the existing trace session failed. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001137MS DTC 跟踪结构: 刷新现有跟踪数据的尝试失败。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to flush the existing trace data failed. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001138MS DTC 跟踪结构: 更新现有跟踪会话的最大缓冲区计数的尝试失败。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to update the maximum buffer count of the existing trace session failed. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001139MS DTC 跟踪结构: 结构报告截至目前为止已丢失的跟踪事件数目等于 %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the infrastructure has reported that the number of trace events that have been lost until now is equal to %1.%0
0xC000113AMS DTC 跟踪结构: 启动线程以更新跟踪设置失败。任何使用“跟踪选项”对话框对跟踪设置所做的更改可能不会达到预期效果。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the thread launched to update the trace settings has failed. Any changes to the trace settings made using the \"Tracing Options\" dialog box might not take the desired effect. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC000113BMS DTC 跟踪结构: 设置跟踪特定的注册表设置的尝试失败。任何跟踪特定的功能都将禁用。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to set the trace specific registry settings failed. Any tracing specific functionality will be disabled. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC000113C无法新建跟踪会话。%0 Failed to create a new trace session.%0
0xC000113D无法停止现有的跟踪会话。%0 Failed to stop the existing trace session.%0
0xC000113E无法刷新现有的跟踪数据。%0 Failed to flush the existing trace data.%0
0xC000113F无法更新现有跟踪会话的最大缓冲区计数。%0 Failed to update the maximum buffer count of the existing trace session.%0
0xC0001140无法更新注册表中的所有跟踪设置。%0 Failed to update all the trace settings in the registry.%0
0xC0001141无法从注册表中加载所有跟踪设置。%0 Failed to load all the trace settings from the registry.%0
0xC0001142MS DTC 事务管理器启动失败。GetSecurityConfiguration 返回错误 %1。%0 MS DTC Transaction Manager start failed. GetSecurityConfiguration returned error %1.%0
0xC0001143MS DTC 无法加载系统还原信息。因此服务正在退出。请尝试重新启动服务,如果无法启动服务,请与产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC failed to load the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001144MS DTC 无法处理系统还原事件。因此服务正在退出。请尝试重新启动服务,如果无法启动服务,请与产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC failed to process a system restore event. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001145MS DTC 无法保存系统还原信息。因此服务正在退出。请尝试重新启动服务。如果无法启动服务,请与产品支持联系。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC failed to save the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001148MS DTC 跟踪结构: 创建跟踪目录的尝试失败。任何跟踪特定的功能都将被禁用。内部信息: %1。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the attempt to create the trace directory failed. Any tracing specific functionality will be disabled. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001149MS DTC 跟踪结构: 结构报告由于缺少足够的缓冲区空间,跟踪事件的尝试失败。跟踪结构将重试跟踪此事件。截至目前为止,已总共发生了 %1 次。增加最大内存缓冲区数量可能会改善这种状况。%0 MS DTC Tracing infrastructure : the infrastructure has reported that an attempt to trace an event has failed cause of lack of enough buffer space. The tracing infrastructure will retry tracing this event. The total number of times this has happened so far is equal to %1. Increasing the max number of memory buffers might rectify the situation.%0
0xC000114A无法从注册表中读取所需的名称对象。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to read the needed name objects from the registry. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000114B无法初始化所需的名称对象。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to initialize the needed name objects. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000114C无法停止 MSDTC 服务或其某个依赖服务。错误说明: %1%0 Failed to stop MSDTC service or one of its dependent services. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000114D无法在 MS DTC 服务上设置安全属性。内部信息: %1。%0 Failed to set the security attributes on the MS DTC service. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC000114F无法停止 MS DTC 服务。内部信息: %1。%0 Failed to stop the MS DTC service. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001150无法重新启动 MS DTC 服务。内部信息: %1。%0 Failed to restart the MS DTC service. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001151MS DTC 事务管理器处于不一致状态,无法继续。收到了未知的消息类型。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。%1 %0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. An unknown message type was received. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC0001152MS DTC 事务管理器处于不一致状态,无法继续。收到了错误的消息长度。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。%1 %0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. An incorrect message length was received. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC0001153MS DTC 事务管理器处于不一致状态,无法继续。收到了无效的消息值。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。%1 %0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. A bad message value was received. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC0001154MS DTC 事务管理器处于不一致状态,无法继续。收到了意外的消息类型。请与 Microsoft 产品支持联系。%1 %0 The MS DTC Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. An unexpected message type was received. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC0001155正在其下运行 MS DTC 服务的帐户无效。如果使用 Microsoft 管理控制台(MMC)中的“服务”管理单元更改了服务帐户信息,可能会发生这种情况。MS DTC 服务将继续启动。请确保使用“组件服务管理器”更新了 MS DTC 服务帐户信息。%0 The account that the MS DTC service is running under is invalid. This can happen if the service account information has been changed using the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC). MS DTC service will continue to start. Please make sure that the MS DTC service account information is updated using the Component Services Explorer. %0
0xC0001156无法在注册表中设置 MS DTC 服务帐户信息。内部信息: %1。%0 Failed to set the MS DTC service account information in the registry. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001157无法验证 MS DTC 服务帐户信息。内部信息: %1。%0 Failed to verify MS DTC service account information. Internal Information : %1.%0
0xC0001158由于 MS DTC 服务未及时启动,其正在终止。这可能是因为 MS DTC 花费了太长时间恢复其日志文件。尝试在 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC 注册表项下指定更大的“MaxRecoveryTimePerMbInMinutes”DWORD 值来增加启动超时时间。默认值为 3(分钟)。调试上下文如下: %1 %0 The MS DTC Service is terminating because it didnt startup in a timely manner. This may be because MS DTC took too long to recover its log file. Try increasing the startup timeout by specifying a larger \"MaxRecoveryTimePerMbInMinutes\" DWORD value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC registry key. The default for this value is 3 (minutes). Debugging context follows: %1 %0
0xC0001159MS DTC 组件遇到一个内部错误。进程正被终止。错误说明: %1 %0 A MS DTC component has encountered an internal error. The process is being terminated. Error Specifics: %1 %0
0xC000115A由于此版本的 DTC 低于群集数据库中指定的、允许的最低有效版本,MS DTC 无法启动。如果在群集的另一节点上安装了不兼容的、更高版本的 MS DTC,就可能会发生这种情况。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to start because this version of dtc is less than the least valid version allowable specified in the cluster database. This can happen if a higher incompatible version of MS DTC was installed on another node of the cluster. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000115B由于此版本的 DTC 与群集另一节点上安装的 MS DTC 版本不兼容,MS DTC 无法启动。如果在群集的另一节点上安装了不兼容的 MS DTC 版本,就可能会发生这种情况。错误说明: %1%0 MS DTC was unable to start because this version of dtc is not compatible with the version of MS DTC installed on another node of the cluster. This can happen if an incompatible version of MS DTC was installed on another node of the cluster. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC000115CXA 事务管理器处于不一致状态,无法继续。XA 事务将不会发生。请与 Microsoft 产品支持部门联系。%1 %0 The XA Transaction Manager is in an inconsistent state and cannot proceed. XA transactions will not take place. Please contact Microsoft Product Support. %1 %0
0xC000115D由于 XA 事务管理器加载 XA Dll (%1) 的操作需要一个注册表项,因此无法加载请求的 XA Dll。请在注册表中 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC\\XADLL 的下面创建一个字符串值,此处的值名称是格式为 dllname.dll 的 Dll 名称,值是该 Dll 的完整路径名。如果无法确定你的 XA Dll 的名称或路径,请查看你的 XA 提供商的文档。如果此计算机是某个群集的一部分,请注意需要为该群集中的每个节点都设置该注册表项。%2 %0 The XA Transaction Manager cannot load the requested XA Dll (%1) since a registry entry is required for this operation. Please create a string value in the registry under HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSDTC\\XADLL where the value name is the name of the dll in the format dllname.dll and the value is the full path of the Dll. If you are not sure about the name or path of your XA Dll then please check the documentation for your XA provider. If this machine is part of a cluster please note that this registry entry needs to be made for each node in the cluster. %2 %0
0xC000115E正在进入 MSDTC 日志存储警告限制。%0 Entering MSDTC log storage warning limits.%0
0xC0001160KTMRM 服务无法加载系统还原信息。因此,该服务正在退出。请尝试重新启动该服务,如果该服务无法启动,请与产品支持联系。错误详细信息: %1%0 KTMRM service failed to load the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001161KTMRM 服务无法处理系统还原。因此,该服务正在退出。请尝试重新启动该服务,如果该服务无法启动,请与产品支持联系。错误详细信息: %1%0 KTMRM service failed to process a system restore. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001164试图冻结事务管理器失败。错误详细信息: %1%0 Attempt to freeze the transaction manager failed. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001165试图解冻事务管理器失败。错误详细信息: %1%0 Attempt to thaw the transaction manager failed. Error Specifics: %1%0
0xC0001166无法准备 MSDTC 进行图像处理。Sysprep 阶段:“%1”失败,错误为: %2%0 Failed to prepare MSDTC for imaging. Sysprep phase: \"%1\" failed with error: %2%0
0xC0001167连接到核心事务管理器时出现意外错误(%1)。%0 Unexpected error (%1) when connecting to the Kernel Transaction Manager. %0
0xC0001168无法创建到核心事务管理器的信道。尝试失败,错误: %1。%0 Unable to create a communication channel to the Kernel Transaction Manager. The attempt failed with error: %1.%0
0xC0001169Windows 升级期间 MSDTC 无法迁移其日志。尝试失败,错误为: %1。%0 MSDTC was unable to migrate its log during Windows upgrade. The attempt failed with error: %1.%0
0xC000116A迁移联系人标识符期间 MSDTC 出现错误。尝试失败,错误为: %1。%0 MSDTC encountered an error during migration of contact identifiers. The attempt failed with error: %1.%0
0xC000116BWindows 升级期间 MSDTC 出现错误。错误说明: %1。%0 MSDTC encountered an error during Windows upgrade. Error specifics: %1.%0
0xC000116CKtmRm 服务遇到内部错误。正在关闭该服务。错误说明: %1 %0 The KtmRm service has encountered an internal error. The service is being shutdown. Error Specifics: %1 %0
0xC000116DMSDTC 服务无法启动,原因是其联系标识符丢失、无法访问或已损坏。在命令提示符下依次运行 msdtc -uninstall 和 msdtc -install 可以解决该问题。注意: 运行 msdtc -uninstall 将导致系统丢失所有 MSDTC 配置信息。错误说明: %1 %0 The MSDTC service cannot start because its contact identifiers are either missing, inaccessible, or corrupt. Running 'msdtc -uninstall' and then 'msdtc -install' from the command prompt will fix the problem. Note: Running 'msdtc -uninstall' will result in the system losing all MSDTC configuration information. Error Specifics: %1 %0
0xC0001202在内部处理过程中,COM+ Event System 检测到无效返回代码。HRESULT 是 %3(从 %1 的行 %2 得到)。这可能说明 COM+ Event System 安装不正确。请重新安装 COM+ Event System。%0 The COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. HRESULT was %3 from line %2 of %1. This may indicate that the COM+ Event System is not properly installed. Please try reinstalling the COM+ Event System.%0
0xC0001204在内部处理过程中,COM+ Event System 内存不足,位置是 %1 的行 %2。%0 The COM+ Event System ran out of memory during its internal processing, at line %2 of %1.%0
0xC0001207COM+ Event System 捕获到异常 %1,位置是接口 %4 的方法 %3 中的地址 %2。%5%0 The COM+ Event System caught an exception %1 at address %2 within method %3 of interface %4.%5%0
0xC0001208COM+ Event System 捕获到访问冲突,位置是接口 %4 的方法 %3 中的地址 %1。此方法尝试访问地址 %2。%5%0 The COM+ Event System caught an access violation at address %1 within method %3 of interface %4. The method attempted to access address %2.%5%0
0xC000120B由于无法打开注册表项 HKEY_USERS\\%3,COM+ Event System 无法存储每用户订阅 %2。HRESULT 是 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System could not store the per-user subscription %2 because the registry key HKEY_USERS\\%3 could not be opened. The HRESULT was %1.%0
0xC000120C由于条件字符串 \"%2\" 中包含错误,COM+ Event System 试图查询 %1 对象时检测到错误。此错误的大概位置位于字符串索引 %3;在此位置上的条件子字符是 \"%4\"。%0 The COM+ Event System detected an error trying to query an %1 object because the criteria string \"%2\" contained an error. The approximate location of the error is at character index %3; the criteria sub-text at this location is \"%4\".%0
0xC000120DCOM+ Event System 无法删除 %2 对象 %3。%r对象名称: %4%r对象描述: %5%rHRESULT 是 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System could not remove the %2 object %3.%rObject name: %4%rObject description: %5%rThe HRESULT was %1.%0
0xC000120ECOM+ Event System 无法封送处理订阅 %2 的订阅者。HRESULT 为 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System could not marshal the subscriber for subscription %2. The HRESULT was %1.%0
0xC000120FCOM+ Event System 无法创建定义在事件类 %3 中的 MultiInterfacePublisherFilter %2 的实例。%4 返回 HRESULT %1。%0 The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the MultiInterfacePublisherFilter %2 defined in event class %3. %4 returned HRESULT %1.%0
0xC0001210由于条件字符串 \"%3\" 中包含错误,COM+ Event System 无法对显示名称为 \"%6\" 的订阅 %2 应用筛选器条件。此错误的大概位置位于字符串索引 %4;在此位置上的条件子字符是 \"%5\"。HRESULT 是 %1。%0 The COM+ Event System could not apply the filter criteria to subscription %2 with display name \"%6\" because the criteria string \"%3\" contained an error. The approximate location of the error is at character index %4; the criteria sub-text at this location is \"%5\". The HRESULT was %1.%0
0xC00012B8当前的注册数据库已损坏。COM+ 编录已恢复为以前的数据库版本。%1%0 The current registration database is corrupt. COM+ catalog has reverted to a previous version of the database. %1%0
0xC00012D3创建安全描述符时出错。%0 Error creating security descriptor. %0
0xC00012D4无法初始化注册数据库服务器。%0 Failed to initialize registration database server. %0
0xC00012D5无法初始化注册数据库 API。%0 Failed to initialize registration database API. %0
0xC00012D7COM 复制: 发生了意外错误。下面列出了失败的函数。%1%0 COM Replication: An unexpected error occurred. The failing function is listed below. %1%0
0xC0001300试图将包含一个或多个导入组件的应用程序安装到非基本分区。仅在基本分区中支持导入组件。%1%0 You have attempted to install an application which contains one or more imported components into a non-base partition. Imported components are only supported in the base partition.%1%0
0xC000D112XACT_E_LRMRECOVERYALREADYDONE: 在调用 ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone 后,调用了 ILastResourceManager::TransactionOutcome,或 ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone API %0 XACT_E_LRMRECOVERYALREADYDONE : Either the ILastResourceManager::TransactionOutcome or ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone API was called after calling ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone%0
0xC000D113XACT_E_NOLASTRESOURCEINTERFACE: 资源管理器调用带有 hres 的 PrepareRequestDone 作为 XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER,但 IID_ITransactionLastResourceAsync 的 QI 失败。%0 XACT_E_NOLASTRESOURCEINTERFACE : Resource Manager called PrepareRequestDone with hres as XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER, but the QI for IID_ITransactionLastResourceAsync failed%0
0xC0021251运行时环境检测到其内部状态存在不一致。这说明进程中存在潜在的不稳定性,可能是由于 COM+ 应用程序中运行自定义组件、COM+ 应用程序使用的组件或其他因素引起的。%1%0 The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. %1%0
0xC0021252运行时环境检测到缺少关键资源并导致其驻留进程终止。%1%0 The run-time environment has detected the absence of a critical resource and has caused the process that hosted it to terminate. %1%0
0xC0021253运行时环境无法初始化支持事务处理组件所需的事务。请确认 MS-DTC 正在运行。%1%0 The run-time environment was unable to initialize for transactions required to support transactional components. Make sure that MS-DTC is running. %1%0
0xC0021259无法获得指定接口的代理/存根类工厂。代理/存根未正确注册。%1%0 Could not obtain a proxy/stub class factory for given interface. Proxy/stub is not registered correctly. %1%0
0xC002125A无法为指定的接口创建存根对象。%1%0 Failed to create a stub object for given interface. %1%0
0xC0021274复制: 为 %1 提供了无效计算机名。%0 Replication: Invalid machine name supplied for %1.%0
0xC0021279运行时环境无法新建 UUID。 %1%0 The run-time environment was unable to create a new UUID. %1%0
0xC0021285试图通过未 JIT 激活的对象或在其他属性组上锁定的对象,以 LockMethod 模式访问 SPM 属性组。%1%0 An attempt was made to access a SPM Property Group in LockMethod mode, by an object without JIT Activation, or by an object with a lock on another Property Group. %1%0
0xC002129F此接口的代理存根 DLL 的类 ID 不可用,或无法加载代理存根 DLL,或无法创建代理。%0 The class ID of the proxy stub DLL for the interface is not available, or failed to load the proxy stub DLL, or failed to create a proxy.%0
0xC00212A1发生了意外错误。下面列出了失败的函数。数据部分可能包含附加信息。%1%0 An unexpected error occurred. The failing function is listed below. The data section may have additional information.%1%0
0xC00212A3COM+ 队列组件无法从编录中获得所需信息。%1%0 COM+ Queued Components failed to obtain necessary information from the catalog.%1%0
0xC00212A4COM+ 队列组件播放器无法创建队列组件的实例。%1%0 The COM+ Queued Components Player was unable to create an instance of a Queued Component. %1%0
0xC00212A5应用程序接收到未经过身份验证的消息,但此应用程序只接受已经过身份验证的消息。 %1%0 An unauthenticated message was received by an application that accepts only authenticated messages.%1%0
0xC00212B2系统调用了一个自定义组件,此组件已失败并产生了一个异常。这说明自定义组件有问题。请通知此组件的开发人员并提供他们下列信息。%1%0 The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component. Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred and provide them with the information below.%1%0
0xC00212B4当检查队列信息是否由一个受信任伙伴发送时出错。进程没有足够的权限调用 GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl。此调用的 HRESULT 为 %1%0 An error occurred while checking to see if a queued message was sent by a trusted partner. The process may have insufficient privileges to call GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl. The HRESULT from this call is %1%0
0xC00212B5由于缺少可用内存,服务器无法确定队列信息是否是由受信任伙伴发送的。发送者被假设为不受信任。%1%0 The server was unable to determine if a queued message was sent by a trusted partner due to a lack of available memory. The sender is assumed to be untrusted. %1%0
0xC00212B6由于 Windows API 调用中发生意外错误,服务器无法确定队列消息是否是由可信任伙伴发送的。发送者被假设为不受信任。失败的 API 及其相应的错误代码如下所示。%1%0 The server was unable to determine if a queued message was sent by a trusted partner due to an unexpected failure in a Windows API call. The sender is assumed to be untrusted. The failed API and corresponding error code are shown below. %1%0
0xC00212B7由于分配线程本地存储失败,无法加载 COM+ 服务 DLL (comsvcs.dll)。%1%0 The COM+ Services DLL (comsvcs.dll) was unable to load because allocation of thread local storage failed. %1%0
0xC00212BACOM+ 服务无法加载所需的字符串资源。没有找到字符串资源标识符。这是由于此产品本地化过程中发生了错误。请将此问题报告 Microsoft 客户支持。此事件的二进制数据包含无法加载的资源识别符。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to load a required string resource. The string resource identifier was not found. This results from an error in the localization process for this product and should be reported to Microsoft customer support. The binary data for this event contains the resource identifier that failed to load. %1%0
0xC00212BD由于在下列系统 API 中发生错误,COM+ 服务无法初始化。通常是由本地计算机的系统资源存储问题引起的。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to initialize due to a failure in the system API shown below. This is often caused by a shortage of system resources on the local machine.%1%0
0xC00212BE系统调用了 CRM 补偿器自定义组件,但此组件失败并产生了异常。这表示 CRM 补偿器组件出现问题。请将所发生的错误通知 CRM 补偿器组件的开发人员。%1%0 The system has called the CRM Compensator custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the CRM Compensator component. Notify the developer of the CRM Compensator component that this failure has occurred. %1%0
0xC00212BF由于 CRM 日志文件正被另一进程使用,应用程序无法访问日志文件。可能是因为同一应用程序的另一个服务器进程正在运行。请确认此应用程序没有其他服务器进程正在运行,然后重试。%1%0 The application cannot access the CRM log file because it is being used by another process, probably because another server process is running for the same application. Please verify that no other server processes are running for this application and try again. %1%0
0xC00212C0因为发生意外错误,COM+ 服务无法对传入调用进行授权。传入调用被拒绝,向调用者返回了\"拒绝权限\"错误。意外错误代码如下所示。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to authorize the incoming call due to an unexpected failure. The incoming call was denied and a \"permission denied\" error was returned to the caller. The unexpected error code is shown below.%1%0
0xC00212C1因为发生意外错误,COM+ 服务无法确定调用者标识。这可能是由于本地计算机的系统资源不足。调用者将被视为匿名访问,这可能导致访问失败或其他错误。出现错误的 API 名称及其返回的错误代码如下所示。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to determine the caller's identity because of an unexpected error. This may be caused by a shortage of system resources on the local machine. The caller will be treated as anonymous which may result in access failures or other errors. The name of the failed API and the error code that it returned are shown below.%1%0
0xC00212C2因为发生意外错误,COM+ 服务无法处理对 IsCallerInRole 的组件调用。返回到调用者的意外错误代码如下所示。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to process a component's call to IsCallerInRole due to an unexpected failure. The unexpected error code (shown below) was returned to the caller.%1%0
0xC00212C3系统调用了 CRM 补偿器自定义组件,但此组件返回一个错误。这表示 CRM 补偿器组件出现问题。请将所发生的错误通知 CRM 补偿器组件的开发人员。%1%0 The system has called the CRM Compensator custom component and that component has returned an error. This indicates a problem with the CRM Compensator component. Notify the developer of the CRM Compensator component that this failure has occurred. %1%0
0xC00212C4系统无法创建 CRM 补偿器自定义组件。%1%0 The system failed to create the CRM Compensator custom component. %1%0
0xC00212C5内存不足,系统无法创建 CRM 补偿器。%1%0 The system failed to create the CRM Compensator because the system is out of memory. %1%0
0xC00212C6队列组件侦听器接收到一个格式不正确的消息。%1%0 The Queued Components Listener received an improperly formatted message.%1%0
0xC00212C8消息队列 API 返回一个意外错误。%1%0 An unexpected error was returned by the Message Queuing API %1%0
0xC00212CA由于 COM+ 编录组件发生意外错误,服务器无法确定队列消息是否由受信任伙伴发送。发送者被假设为不受信任。发生错误的编录 API 及其相应的错误代码如下所示。%1%0 The server was unable to determine if a queued message was sent by a trusted partner due to an unexpected failure in a COM+ catalog component. The sender is assumed to be untrusted. The failed catalog API and corresponding error code are shown below.%1%0
0xC00212CB指定的消息队列 API 返回一个意外错误。无法检索相关的错误消息文本。在 Platform SDK 文件 MQ.H 中定义了消息队列 API 的返回值。%1%0 An unexpected error was returned by Message Queuing API indicated. Unable to retrieve the associated error message text. Message Queuing API return values are defined in Platform SDK file MQ.H.%1%0
0xC00212D0事务属性需要同步属性。对象无法激活: %1%0 The Synchronization property is required for the Transaction property. Activation failed for object: %1%0
0xC00212D1JIT 属性需要同步属性。对象无法激活: %1%0 The Synchronization property is required for the JIT property. Activation failed for object: %1%0
0xC00212D2下列组件被配置为结构, IObjectConstruct::Construct() 方法失败, 或组件不支持 IObjectConstruct。对象的激活失败: %1%0 The following component is configured for Construction, and either the IObjectConstruct::Construct() method failed, or the component does not support IObjectConstruct. Activation failed for object: %1%0
0xC00212D6出现某种状态,表示此 COM+ 应用程序处于不稳定状态或运行不正常。声明失败: %1%0 A condition has occurred that indicates this COM+ application is in an unstable state or is not functioning correctly. Assertion Failure: %1%0
0xC00212D9队列方法不支持输出参数。数据部分包含 IID 和方法号。%1%0 Output arguments are not supported by queued methods. The data section contains the IID and method number.%1%0
0xC00212DACOM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)导致 ApplicationLaunch 事件失败。如果此问题持续存在,请在应用程序上尝试禁用 CRM 和/或 QC。如果正在使用 QC,请确认已安装消息队列。服务的 GUID 和 HRESULT 是: %1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed an ApplicationLaunch event. If this problem continues, try disabling CRM and/or QC on your application. If you are using QC, make sure that Message Queuing is installed. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0xC00212DDCOM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)无法启动。服务的 GUID 和 HRESULT 是: %1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed to start. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0xC00212E0MTA 线程上的回呼请求失败。只有在系统处在极端不稳定状态时,才会发生这种情况。可能是由于在此 COM+ 应用程序中运行的自定义组件导致系统不稳定,因而导致此故障。%1%0 A request for a callback on a MTA thread failed. This should happen only if the system is in an extremely unstable state. It is possible that custom components running in this COM+ application caused the instability that led to this failure. %1%0
0xC00212E1COM+ 代理初始化失败 -- CApplication 对象无法初始化。%1%0 The initialization of the COM+ surrogate failed -- the CApplication object failed to initialize.%1%0
0xC00212E3Byot 网关无法使用 TIP 导入事务。请确认所安装的 MS-DTC 支持 TIP 协议。 %1%0 The BYOT Gateway failed to import the transaction using TIP. Make sure that the installed MS-DTC supports the TIP protocol. %1%0
0xC00212E4Byot 网关无法创建组件。%1%0 The BYOT Gateway failed to create the component.%1%0
0xC00212E5Byot 网关无法在新对象上下文中设置事务属性。%1%0 The BYOT Gateway could not set transactional property in new object context.%1%0
0xC00212E6Byot 网关无法委派激活操作。正创建的组件可能配置不正确。 %1%0 The BYOT Gateway could not delegate the activation. The component being created may be incorrectly configured. %1%0
0xC00212E7Byot 网关组件配置不正确。%1%0 The BYOT Gateway component is incorrectly configured. %1%0
0xC00212E8IObjectControl::Activate() 方法失败。对象的 CLSID 为: %1%0 The IObjectControl::Activate() method failed. The CLSID of the object is: %1%0
0xC00212E9队列组件检测到无效的拆收处理的对象。%1%0 Queued Components has detected an invalid Marshaled object.%1%0
0xC00212EA作为方法参数传递给队列组件的对象引用未实现 IPersistStrea。%1%0 Object reference passed as a method parameter to a Queued Component does not implement IPersistStream.%1%0
0xC00212EBCRM 失去了与 MS-DTC 的连接。如果停止了 MS-DTC,或群集上发生了 MS-DTC 故障转移,则会出现这种情况。%1%0 The CRM has lost its connection with MS-DTC. This is expected if MS-DTC has stopped, or if MS-DTC failover has occurred on a cluster.%1%0
0xC00212EC由于下面的系统 API 中的失败,COM+ 服务无法初始化安全结构。这通常是由于在本地计算机上缺乏系统资源所致。在此进程中将不创建需要安全结构服务的组件。%1%0 COM+ Services was unable to initialize security infrastructure due to a failure in the system API shown below. This is often caused by a shortage of system resources on the local machine. No components requiring security infrastructure services will be created in this process. %1%0
0xC00212F0无法删除非空队列。请清除消息并重试。%1%0 A non-empty queue could not be deleted. Purge messages and try again.%1%0
0xC00212F1队列应用程序具有一个无效编录项。请撤消选中并检查应用程序的队列属性。%1%0 Queued Application has an invalid catalog entry. Uncheck and check the Application's Queue property.%1%0
0xC00212F3队列组件要求消息队列,而消息队列没有安装。%1%0 Queued Components requires Message Queuing. Message Queuing is not installed.%1%0
0xC00212F4消息队列 API 的 GetProcAddress 失败。消息队列可能没有正确安装。%1%0 GetProcAddress for a Message Queuing API failed. Message Queuing may not be installed correctly.%1%0
0xC00212F5未知的事件 ID。请检查事件日志获取所有其他 EventSystem 错误。%1%0 Unknown event ID. Please check the event log for any other errors from the EventSystem.%1%0
0xC00212F6无法实例化异常类。%1%0 Unable to instantiate Exception Class.%1%0
0xC00212F7COM+ 要求在计算机上安装 ODBC 2.0 或更高版本。与 Windows 2000 一起发行的 ODBC 版本足够高。请从安装介质中重新安装 ODBC。%1%0 COM+ requires that ODBC version 2.0 or greater be installed on your machine. The version of ODBC that ships with Windows 2000 is sufficient. Please reinstall ODBC from your distribution media.%1%0
0xC00212F8COM+ 无法设定 ODBC 共享环境,这意味着自动事务登记将无法工作。%1%0 COM+ was unable to set up the ODBC shared environment, which means that automatic transaction enlistment will not work.%1%0
0xC00212F9CRM 检查点失败。很可能是由于此应用程序没有针对在群集上使用而进行正确配置。关于如何解决此问题的详细信息,请参阅 COM+ 补偿资源管理器(CRM)文档。%1%0 A CRM checkpoint has failed. Most likely this application is not configured correctly for use on the cluster. See the COM+ Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) documentation for details on how to fix this problem.%1%0
0xC00212FA在注册表中指定的组件线程模型与注册数据库中的不一致。发生错误的组件是: %1%0 The threading model of the component specified in the registry is inconsistent with the registration database. The faulty component is: %1%0
0xC00212FB由于 MS-DTC 认为此应用程序的前一个实例仍处于连接状态,CRM 恢复失败。这是一种暂时状态,系统太忙时可能会发生。请重新启动此应用程序,然后重试 CRM 恢复。%1%0 CRM recovery has failed because MS-DTC thinks that the previous instance of this application is still connected. This is a temporary condition that can occur if the system is too busy. Please attempt the CRM recovery again by restarting this application.%1%0
0xC00212FC等待 CRM 工作器自定义组件完成时,CRM 补偿器自定义组件已超时。关于此错误的进一步解释,请参阅 COM+ 补偿资源管理器(CRM)文档。%1%0 The CRM Compensator custom component has timed out out waiting for the CRM Worker custom component to complete. See the COM+ Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) documentation for further explanation of this error.%1%0
0xC00212FD由于设备未就绪,CRM 恢复失败。这是一个暂时状态,可能在群集故障转移期间发生。请重新启动此应用程序,然后重试 CRM 恢复。%1%0 CRM recovery has failed because the device is not ready. This is a temporary condition which can occur during cluster failover. Please attempt the CRM recovery again by restarting this application.%1%0
0xC00212FE试图使用“COM+ 对话”支持,而访问数据库时发生错误。必须在 COMSvcs.Conversation 组件的构造字符串中指定一个有效的 DSN。关于有效 DSN 的详细信息,请参阅 MSDN 或 Platform SDK 中的 SQLDriverConnect API 文档。\"DSN=Conversation\" 是一个有效的 DSN 示例。%0 You have attempted to use COM+ Conversation support, and an error was generated accessing the database. You must specify a valid DSN in the construct string of the COMSvcs.Conversation component. For information on what a valid DSN is, see the documentation for the SQLDriverConnect API in MSDN or the Platform SDK. An example of a valid DSN is \"DSN=Conversation\".%0
0xC00212FFTransactionManager-GetWhereabouts 失败。如果将 Distributed Transaction Coordinator 配置为使用远程主机来协调事务,则可能是由于无法与远程主机取得联系。可以通过在组件服务 MMC 管理单元中单击 MSDTC 工具栏按钮,将 MSDTC 配置为使用本地协调器。由于此刻无法继续执行,服务器进程终止。%1%0 TransactionManager-GetWhereabouts failed. If Distributed Transaction Coordinator is configured to use remote host to coordinate transactions, it is likely that remote host cannot be contacted. You can configure MSDTC to use local coordinator by clicking MSDTC toolbar button in Component Services MMC snap-in. Since further execution is impossible at this time, server process has been terminated.%1%0
0xC0021301COM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)在其 PauseProcess 方法中失败。服务的 GUID 和 HRESULT 是: %1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed in its PauseProcess method. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0xC0021302COM+ 服务(如队列组件或补偿资源管理器)在其 ResumeProcess 方法中失败。服务的 GUID 和 HRESULT 是:%1%0 A COM+ service (such as Queued Components or Compensating Resource Manager) failed in its ResumeProcess method. The service GUID and HRESULT are: %1%0
0xC0021303无法注册 COM+ 跟踪 GUID。跟踪将被禁用。%1%0 The COM+ tracing GUIDs couldn't be registered. Tracing will be disabled.%1%0
0xC0021304COM+ 跟踪会话无法初始化。%1%0 The COM+ tracing session failed to initialize. %1%0
0xC0021305COM+ 事件筛选器遇到了意外错误。将不会激发系统事件。%1%0 The COM+ event filter encountered an unexpected error. The system event will not be fired. %1%0
0xC0021500这是此文件中的第一个外部错误消息。它只是个标记,不会被发布。%1%0 This is the first external error message in this file. It is a marker only, never issued.%1%0
0xC0021504由于内存太少,COM+ 无法新建线程。%1%0 COM+ could not create a new thread due to a low memory situation.%1%0
0xC0021505这是此文件中的最后一个外部错误消息。它只是一个标记,不会被发布。%1%0 This is the last external error message in this file. It is a marker only, never issued.%1%0


File Name:comres.dll.mui
File Size:218 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:2001.12.10941.16384
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:COM+ 资源
File Version:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:COMRES.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:COMRES.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is comres.dll.mui?

comres.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file comres.dll (COM+ 资源).

File version info

File Description:COM+ 资源
File Version:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:COMRES.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:COMRES.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200